PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. — «ΑΜΜΠΡ JUNE 18SS. T«L. 23, 12. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY A*VTM ™ ΜΟΒΝΙΝΟ. MARCH 12, 1873. ΓΓτπιπ Tft tm pfp advance. THF. PORTLAND DAILY PBESS FOUND. TO LEI. WANTS, LOST, REAL ESTATE. A Daiibury young man oui of employment Published the 1-8.7-3. MISCELLANEOUS. THE every day (Sundays excepted) by PRESS. and health, desires to act »» substitute for of the war of lt>12. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Board. Lost. some pensioner Ko ob- Geo. & Co's REPORT OF THE CONDITION WEDNESDAY the FEW can be accommodated at R. Davis MORNING, MAR. >Ï3. to into country. GENTLEMEN tills city on Thursday last, on Brackett 12, jection going At 100 Exchange St, Portland. at 1Π o( Cumberland. street, OP THE A Myrtle street, corner between Carlton anil a of he has read of Ieb23 lm IN Vaughan, pair heavy A Dauburv man beg- Also table boarders, bowed SPECTACLES. The finder will be suit- BULLETIN/ nap Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance gold (Ji>sih> and gars with stockings full of silver, but ably rewarded by leaving them at the office, MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, («loaning:*. dying To Let. Argus the lie ever saw had real estât· mclill dot monrr iu «uni» only beggars τπΕ Wr arc prepared lo loan OF POR'iXANDi 9IK. in μαινεΊϊτατε tress connected furnished rooms with board at 119 on i*»l theirs. from 910Φ to any auonul dc*ircdt The Maine State At Very pale grey paper, with cross lin of Cumberlaud cor. of Franklin Sts. first-class canvassers Press close of business February* 23, 1873. ngs la Thursday TWO Wanted, for Abbott's L\fe Cape Eliza· A often wiuters like piblislied every Morning at $2 00 a febïl tf clan» mortuIfcn iu Ponland gold, is the latest novelty for billets-dour. Danbury boy (not year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a of Napoleon III. New Edition, with accounts of the Parti»· dc- this a harmonica f year. belli, West brook, or Deering. BESOUBCES. one, however,) ttole riday Prussian and the last hours of to Board, War, the Emperor; nloo be accommoda 63 evening sereuade his and w»» Rvtes ok Advertising : One inch ot in Quiet •irouaor baildiuffcnn Over 025,906 girl with, space, making an elegant octavo of 700 The times Drafts ; 'm 48 Roehefort is reported to have utilized his im- sending thunder leng.h of constitutes a GENTLEMAN and a home pages. with loniw. and through it column, "square-" Lady wishing quiet ted U.S. Bonds to secure when lightning 50 can lind Hunt rooms and the theme renders it the most work of circulation 300,000 in a novel. overhauled $. per square daily first week ; 75 cents per A pie with board at No. 4 popular CEO. K. DAVIS & CO,, * prisonment writing by his father and the owner, — « <t depoeits 100,000 lie w e!v after ; three or SI 00 continu- Cotton etreet, second door from Free street. One or the Exclusive no S 18 THE on says there are insertions, less, ; day. territory with competition. Real Eotate and Mortgage Broker·· hand 19 700 places where a ]H>ultiee ug every other after lirst 50 cents. two single gentlemen can be acoommodated also. won t take hold day week, Β. B. Russell, Mass. tf 03 worth a cent. Half three insertions or 75 cents one jan7 Publisher, Boston, sei'24 DmfroÎîuSiBond8an'1 Mortgagee.''.! 22|β13 the is the square, less, ; Mrs. Lander tragedian, spending A parent writes week. Si 00 ; 50 cents week after. mchlO dlw&w3wll Rrnmball Duo from A«'U I» to us that he per MtE.-Home No. 16 SS?Î^Llie8erï0 T!'^ in Rome. and is annoyed Special one third additional. A Few Good Bents in " winter pained by his son Notices, Street, aeren room·, parlor finished 'm W atks staying out and Uudcr head of "Amusmements," $2 00 per square FOR Roll Estate81*.10 usit we can nights, applied for at once. Wanted. blnck walnut, marble mantel· Parlor present a for per week ; three insertions or less $1 50. House heated fur- Current Expenses has ten remedy this IF MATTOCKS & ono that has had and ball freacoed. by 25'?ifl u4 Meissonier ave:aged pictures per rapidly growing evil. There Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State FOX, APOTHECARY CLERIC, BEST WEEKLY PAPER Checks and Cash Items are «-vera! rem- nov5dtf 88 Middle street. Address nace. Good cellar. IValcr aid ιαι. Lot in ίίΐ 14il edies. The » Press" Las a large circulation in every Antwo or three vears experience. Apoth- Bills of National Banks annum for boy spine can be (wh'.cli part marlO^w 50xti4. to E. «. PATTERSON on Vjct thirty-'.wo years. an or broken with of the for SI 00 per lor first P. O. Bex 1787 Portland. Apply Fractional and axe, he cau be nailed to State) square insertion, ecary, She >r to CEO. R. DAVIS Ar CO. Currency Nickelsι gjj 40 the floor and 50 cents square for each inser- premise*, a red hot railroad with per subsequent STORE TO LET. r Specie 1*^41 no spice, driven Partner, mu 7 ec*12w through hli tion. Wanted—A Legal Tender Notes A in Philadelphia has in- abdomen, but the most Address all communications to of the sell- «Ιοοο philanthropist effectual li large brick store in the Rackleff Block, corner a small capital, to take charge lor him to way to PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. FOR SALE—A $10,000 Farm vented a new of fence for local compel wear patched A of Middle and Ce arch streets—basement and WITHing department of an Agricultural Implement <1,131,186 32 style politi- clothing. first and toundrv all IN floor, elegant h finished and adapte 1 to jobbing Manufactory. Work shop, patterns, $500011 Situated in Cumberland MAINE: LIABILITIES. cians to sit oti. or other similar trade. dry goods Capital Stock, In 300,000 BUSINESS CARDS. to ALLEN HAINES. REED. Real Estate Agent, Co., on line of both Grand Trunk paid Mulitndinou» Apply "inquire ofrjoSEPH Fund 60,000 Matiimonv. septlldtf 6 Brown's cor. Congress and Brown Sts. an ■ Central Railroads. Surplus to ''save No. Block, Maine Profit and Loss 62,341 05 Philadelphia ladies are beginning mai 7 coJlw* return stamp, Discount 25 STROVT & HOLMES, Address, enclosing 10,212 up," so as to make a stunning appearance how it woims rs ctau—a To the Honorable Charles W. GEO. R. DAVIS & CO., Portland, 132,513 30 rLtuuos Walton, Bccause it the WIFE NAUKATES HEB one of the Jniiticre of the Supreme Ju- Girl Wanted. Me. gives more reading Circulation 270,000 during Centennial celebration. EXPERIENCE. and Counsellors at Law, dicial Attorneys Court ol the State of iTIaine. 10 do house-work In a small family. No. 2 Cor- fel)20 4w State Circulation 4,M6 matter than Dividends 17 undersigned, Nathan Webb, Attorney ot the Τ ner Cumberland an'l Pearl. any other; unpaid 1,529 BANK BUILDING, 19 Little with and Some facts CANAL THEUnited States of America tor the District of mar7tf E. LORD. Individual Deposits 381,921 ebony barrels, gold hoops interesting about the lunar Sale. U.S. 22 of the Maine, a duly authorized agem of said United States Real Estate for Because it is a NEWS Deposits 10,276 silver are the latest in chate- workings peculiar institution of PORTLAND, ME. thoroughly U. S. 31 hunting horns, Utah for this purpose, respectiully represents that the Wanted Disbursing Officers deposits 32,849 came out in a recent lecture 13 laine by Mrs. Stea- United States aforesaid are desirous of purchasing Due to National Banks 507 vinaigrettes. A. A. 8TBOCT. GEO. Γ. HOLMES. class custom coat and pants PAPER; house—an intellectual and ou the for the erection of a furt and a certain tract whole a battery at who found herself fjb3 d3in of land situated in the town of Cane Elizabeth, in FirstMakers, AND LOT NO. 76 STATE ST., 81,134,186 32 lovely woman, duplicated A. S. Merchant HOUSE Because it has a Drunkard to a admit the Countv of Cumberland, within tiie limits of the FERNALD'S, Tailor, larger Editorial policeman—"I you and triplicated through the religious zeal of State of Maine, bounded and described marCdlw (Up stairs.) ill Middle Street. her SCRIBNER k JORDAN. particularly Lot contains 34,000 feet of land, with fine fruit gar- force I, Charles Paysun, Cashier of the Merchants Na- arc physically the stronger ; but in au intel- husband. The lecturer was proud to as follows:— at a bolt in a rock on than any other in (ay Beginning copper etc. to paper tional of do the that the Mormon women did not side of tne road den, cold, grapery, Apply Bank, Portland, solemnly swear,that lectual I am ac- the southerly leading from the coun- WASTED. W· H. FESSENDEN, above statement is true to the best of contest, your superior." willingly Attornevs and. Solicitors road to he Portland Head my knowledge cept polygamy. They were into ty Light House, said cop- marCtf 215 Commercial Street. Maine; and belief. CHAS. PAYSON, Cashier. betrayed ΟΓ pei bolt being about eleven hundred feet distant a revelation which waj «aid to com· Cumberland Couxty : obeying from the county road known as the shore rond, thence Bccausc β». Thurlow it is or first of a of two Administrator's Sale of Real Estate its Market, Con .Weed, said, reads Dickens from God, which made it necessary for their American and southerly at light angles with said Light House April May, by family persons Marine, Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 8th day of Foreign Patents, in the town of a Protestant woman who at sale in the town of March.
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