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(19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub US 20140013555A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0013555 A1 Xu (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 16, 2014 (54) METHOD OF MANUFACTURING VELVET (57) ABSTRACT PLUSH AND ARTICLE THEREOF (76) Inventor: Michael Xu, City of Industry, CA (U S) A method of manufacturing a velvet plush article includes the steps of: Weaving a greige cloth by interweaving face yarns _ and backing yarns, Wherein the face yarns are selected from (21) Appl' NO" 13/507’616 single-ply bright trilobal yarns and tWo-ply yarns and the backing yarns are selected from FDY or DTY yam; pre (22) Filed; J u], 12, 2012 processing the greige cloth by brushing, ?rst setting, singeing and second setting the greige cloth sequentially; dyeing and/ or printing the greige cloth; and ?nishing the greige cloth by Publication Classi?cation softening, drying, brushing, stentering, heat-setting, singe ing, shearing and ?nal heat-setting the greige cloth. Accord (51) IIlt- Cl- ingly, a velvet plush article having superior smoothness and D06C 29/00 (2006-01) softness for providing a superior touch and feel comfort is (52) US. Cl. achieved. The velvet plush article may be a velvet plush throW USPC .......................................................... .. 28/163 or blanket, or a velvet plush cloth for further processing. Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 1 0f 4 US 2014/0013555 A1 FIG.1 Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 2014/0013555 A1 121 1211 N 10 1212 ‘ 122 'lllHHIHIHIIIIIHIVIIHH\IH1IHIIHIIHIHIHIHIIYIIHIHIIH\HIHHHHIlllilllllllllllll F|G.2 j\1221 IIHIHIHIIIIHIHIHIHIIImum||||||m||m| ,llllll Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 3 0f 4 US 2014/0013555 A1 weaving a greige cloth synthetic yarn materials such as polyester V pre-processing the greige cloth V Dyeing to provide a color 12 Printing to provide a pattern 16 a a l _v_ . Final velvet plush article such Flnishlng as a throw or a blanket having at least one pile layer comprising a plurality of pile hair which is highly smooth and soft to provide a superior soft and smooth touch and feel effect FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 2014/0013555 A1 weaving a greige cloth by synthetic yarn materials interweaving face yarns and backing such as polyester yarns, wherein the face yarns are single-ply bright trilobal yarns or two- the Sing|e_p|y bright triloba' ply yarns and the backing yarns are yarns are yams with FDY or DTY Yams 75D/144F, 90D/144F, ' 1OOD/144F or 15OD/288F, the pre-processing by brushing, first two'ply yams are yams with setting, singeing and second setting 12°P/288F~3°°D/574F| the process sequentially backing yarns are FDY 68D 100D or DTY 100D-15OD yarn V Dyeing: Bathing (i) brushing along a frontward & a backward and Rinsing direction; (ii) first setting under 130-120°C at 25m/min; (iii) singeing with sequential rolling: frontward, backward, backward, frontward, backward and backward direction; (iv) second setting under 170-180°C at 25m/min ,w Printing to provide a finishing by softening, Pattern 16 drying, brushing, stentering, heat-setting, singeing, 8533225022: 22122;"), Final velvet plush article such as a throw or a blanket havlng at least one pile layer comprising a plurality of pile hair which is highly smooth and soft to provide a superior soft and smooth touch and feel effect FIG. 4 US 2014/0013555 A1 Jan. 16, 2014 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING VELVET [0014] According to the present invention, the foregoing PLUSH AND ARTICLE THEREOF and other objects and advantages are attained by a method of manufacturing a velvet plush article, comprising the steps of: BACKGROUND OF THE PRESENT INVENTION [0015] (a.1) Weaving a greige cloth by interWeaving face yarns and backing yarns, Wherein the face yarns are selected [0001] 1. Field of Invention from a group consisting of single-ply bright trilobal yarns [0002] The present invention relates to velvet plush, and With 75D/144F, 90D/144F, 100D/144F or 150D/288F and more particularly to a method of manufacturing velvet plush throW Which utiliZes synthetic ?ber to produce a particularly tWo-ply yarns With 120D/288F-300D/574F, Wherein the backing yarns are selected from FDY 68D-100D or DTY soft and smooth velvet plush throW. 100D-150D; [0003] 2. Description of Related Arts [0016] (b.1) pre-processing the greige cloth obtained from [0004] Velvet plush has a generally soft and smooth texture step (a) by brushing, ?rst setting, singeing and second setting and is a very popular materials used in textiles. Recently, the greige cloth sequentially; velvet plush throW, blanket or the like is very popular in [0017] (c. 1) dyeing the greige cloth after step (b. 1) to form regular household use because its softness and smoothness a colored greige cloth; and provides a very great feel and touch sensation to a user. [0018] (e. 1) ?nishing the colored greige cloth by softening, HoWever, in order to manufacture a velvet plush throW, blan drying, brushing, stentering, heat-setting, singeing, shearing ket or the like With superior feel and touch sensation, the cost and ?nal heat-setting the colored greige cloth. of manufacture is very high. On the contrary, in order to manufacture a velvet plush throW and blanket With reasonable [0019] Altemately, after the step (b.1) or (c.l), the method manufacture cost, the quality of the velvet plush throW is loW. of manufacturing a velvet plush article further comprises the There is no Way to manufacture a high quality velvet plush steps of: throW With a cost-effective method. [0020] (d. 1) printing the greige cloth obtained from the step [0005] For example, silk is the traditional material Which (b.1) or printing the colored greige cloth obtained from the provides superior softness and smoothness. HoWever, silk is step (c.l) to form a printed greige cloth; and also a very expensive raW material and therefore it is not an [0021] (e. 1) ?nishing the colored greige cloth or the printed option When manufacturing cost is a concern. greige cloth by softening, drying, brushing, stentering, heat [0006] On the other hand, synthetic materials such as poly setting, singeing, shearing and ?nal heat-setting the colored ester and nylon are more reasonable in price. HoWever, the or printed greige cloth sequentially. quality of a velvet plush cloth made in polyester or nylon is [0022] Preferably, in step (a1), a ?rst and a second ?la relatively loW. ments are provided and a ratio of the ?rst ?lament to the second ?lament is 4: 1, Wherein the ?rst ?lament is a backing [0007] Conventional method for manufacturing a tufted surface involves needling and adding the tufted pile onto a ?lament. backing, Which is also incapable of providing a smooth and [0023] Preferably and in particular, in step (b1), the brush soft tufted surface of high quality With evenly distributed pile ing involves brushing along a frontWard direction as Well as layer. brushing at a backWard direction; the ?rst setting involves heat-setting at 130-1200 C. at a rolling speed of 25 m/min; the SUMMARY OF THE PRESENT INVENTION singeing involves a sequential rolling for six times at a front Ward, backWard, backWard, frontWard, backWard and back [0008] The invention is advantageous in that it provides a Ward directions; the second setting involves heat-setting at method of manufacturing velvet plush Which can utiliZe syn 170-1800 C. at a rolling speed of 25 m/min. thetic materials to produce a high quality velvet plush article. [0024] In particular, in the step (c.l), dyeing the greige [0009] Another advantage of the invention is to provide a cloth includes bathing in dye ?uid and rinsing by Water. method of manufacturing velvet plush Which can utiliZe syn Preferably, an additional dyeing time is required for bathing thetic materials to produce a velvet plush article having supe and a pH of the Water for rinsing is neutral or has a loWest rior smoothness and softness so as to provide a superior touch acidity for providing a smooth and bright surface. The addi and feel comfort. tional dyeing time for bathing is 20 minutes. [0010] Another advantage of the invention is to provide a [0025] In particular, in the step (d.1), printing includes the method of manufacturing velvet plush Which can utiliZe syn steps of brushing at a frontWard direction, setting at 150° C. at thetic materials to produce a velvet plush article through an a rolling speed of 25 m/min, and printing a preset pattern. automated process With loWered cost and higher quality. [0026] Preferably, in the step (e. 1), softening includes [0011] Another advantage of the invention is to provide a Washing to add acidity until the greige cloth is soft and then velvet plush article through a method of manufacture thereof neutraliZing the greige cloth until a pH of the greige cloth is so as to provide a velvet plush article having superior smooth neutral. It is Worth mentioning if the pH is smaller than 7, then ness and softness While providing ?exibilities in dyeing and hair loss Will occur. If the pH is greater than 7, the greige cloth printing. Will be hardened; drying includes drying under 190° C. at a [0012] Another advantage of the invention is to provide a rolling speed of 20 m/min With an upper drying channel velvet plush article through a method of manufacture thereof operated at 300rpm and a loWer drying channel operated at so as to provide a velvet plush article having superior smooth 1200 rpm; brushing includes brushing for tWo times; stenter ness and softness so as to provide a superior touch and feel ing includes stentering at a frontWard direction and a back comfort.
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