The Republic of the Union of Myanmar -..::Asean COE Network

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The Republic of the Union of Myanmar -..::Asean COE Network Country’s Report on Enhancing Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Crowdsourcing Digital Content Development for ASEAN Branding by The Republic of The Union of Myanmar Country Profile Area - 676, 577 Square Kilometers Population - 51, 419, 420 14 States and Regions Total of 330 Townships Urban & Rural ratio - 30:70 Capital - Nay Pyi Taw Land borders - Bangladesh, China , India , Thailand Thailand and Laos Myanma Radio And Television In Myanmar, media activities are being carried out under Ministry of Information. Under the Ministry, Myanma Radio and Television (MRTV) was formed in order to carry out the broadcasting activities and business. But, commercially, the joint ventures with private sectors are also considering to open the broadcasting industry for private investment. Situation of Broadcasting . TV Broadcasting (MRTV (Myanma Radio and Television); State owned Station , under the Ministry Of Information as National Broadcaster. MITV (Myanmar International Television) targeting overseas audience, is JV Operation with MRTV and Shwe Than Lwin Media Co,.Ltd. MRTV-4 ; joint ventured with MRTV and Forever Group. MWD (Myawaddy Television); under the Ministry of Defence. Digital Video Broadcasting Broadcast infrastructure is still being kept control and being run by States Institutions and Ministries. But, commercially, joint ventured with private sectors by considering to open the broadcasting industry for private investment. MRTV joint-ventured with private company (Forever Group) to establish the pay-TV platform by terrestrial DVB-T. MRTV also joint-ventured with private company (Shwe Than Lwin Media Co., Ltd) to establish the Satellite DTH Service, mainly based on pay platform. Myanmar National Digital Broadcasting Committee Myanmar National Digital Broadcasting Committee (MNDBC) was formed on 11th June 2005 to supervise in setting up the framework for nation-wide digital broadcasting services and to lay out some of the details of the legislative provisions applying to the transition of digital broadcasting in Myanmar. MNDBC has a number of working groups to oversee the technical planning process, including legalization, transmission standards and compatibility requirements in the transition to Digital Broadcasting for the whole country. MNDBC encourage to collaborate at the initiative activities with ASEAN Digital Broadcasting corporations in ASEAN region. Digital Transition Plan for MRTV Test & Simulcast Project Phase Fiscal Year ASO Date Transmission Period First Phase 2012 - 2013 2013, Dec 2014 - 2015 2015, Dec (3 ) Nos. Second Phase 2013 - 2014 2014, Dec 2015 - 2016 2016, Dec (21 ) Nos. Third Phase 2014-2015 2015, Dec 2016-2017 2017, Dec (110) Nos. Fourth Phase 2015-2016 2016, Dec 2017-2018 2018, Dec (117) Nos. According to the technical changes and referring to the ITU guide line, MRTV has planned to change the digital transmission. For the digital standard, DVB-T was adopted as a national standard since 2008 DVB-T is also the ASEAN Standard. Now we are transforming to the DVB-T2. For first phase as a pilot project, 3 major cities; Yangon, Nay Pyi Taw and Mandalay have been implemented the digital transmitter. For second phase, 21 TV stations have been installed in 2014. Our tentative Analog Switch Off (ASO) date is 2020, the end of December. Multi-Stakeholders’ participation in crowdsourcing digital content of broadcasting sector 27th Southeast Asia (SEA) Games was hold in 2013 ASEAN Chairmanship for 2014 ABU Programmes . Offers Nature-based ecotourism, culture and adventure tours. Tourism workshop in Kayah State with the help of Netherlands Trust Fund. Focused on capacity-building to promote the improvement of the culture, foods and traditions in Myanmar. Build the platforms like website, blog, mobile app, etc. Publish all content on it and then invite the advertisers on platform in terms of display advertising, video advertising and content advertising. Online children educative and health programs for ASEAN awareness. Upload contents on a website or for mobile applications. ASEAN exchange program Challenges Switchover date & investments required Social need for free to air channels Consumer awareness - cost effective to consumers STB (Set -top Box) availability and affordability New content : where will this come from Any financial support required Due to technological changes happening many standards being confused, STB and TV receiver specifications as National Standard required to be adopted urgently. Opportunities Due to the age of current Analogue TV Transmitter Network and its shortage of spare parts availability unable to maintain any longer, required to undertake Digital Network urgently. More and more information, news and entertainment demanded by consumer required to provide multi channel network, multi platform services. Technological advancement of Consumer products price affordability, technological convergence among broadcast, telecom & internet provide multiple services by one device for accessing, realizing to develop new networks & new platforms. Future Plan Free-To-Air Nationwide Television Broadcasting Network Free-To-Air broadcasting network will extend to 100% nationwide coverage. DVB-T 2 Pay-TV Broadcasting Network Going to be installed at economically viable area (big cities) all over the country. Mobile TV Broadcasting Network Technology for mobile TV broadcasting not yet approved. Suggession A branding drive in Asia is emerging and changing the global landscape in the next few decades, if it is taken seriously by boards and managed properly throughout the entire organization. More ASEAN countries open their doors to global companies and attract foreign investment, building strong brands becomes not only an important strategy but also a matter of survival for many ASEAN companies. ASEAN countries and their governments need to realize the criticality of the branding of their countries and must extend full involvement and support for branding initiatives. As it is a digital content, you must have a website. If the content is articles, you must have a blog at least. The crowdsourcing is new for our country and we are just trying study to well-understand and how to apply. The challenges in Myanmar is content business as it is not yet developing too much. It is a win-win situation for both the media and private institution as we are all working towards the ASEAN community. By proper way of approaching and seeking cooperation from multi-stakeholders, it has one way proved that their participation can be enhanced in crowdsourcing digital content development for ASEAN branding. We are looking forward the sharing and learning from our other ASEAN members states in this regard. CONCLUSION Trying to develop the country’s status of digital content Promote the telecommunication products within the country Trying to narrow digital divide among the regions as well as ASEAN Attract local and foreign investments for the infrastructure development Nurture the qualified ICT Human Resources Coordinating and cooperating with the international organizations .
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