Ls Dh1iff:Diid'sl'ifr#Ll : E =T Ments That Matters." =E

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Ls Dh1iff:Diid'sl'ifr#Ll : E =T Ments That Matters. FOCUS "It is atways others who are surptus" The referendumwith probably the most far-reaching consequences of the past two decades is currently keeping Swiss potiticians very busy - the Yes vote to the initiative on mass immigration is jeopardising the minimum consensus that currently exists in domestic politics regarding policy towards Europe. And an even more radical initiative on immigra- tion is already casting its shadow. By Jtirg Miittet elements "The bear cannot bewashedwithout getting National Council debate in March: "If I must terminate the detrimental of r and that is, the its fur wet." Adrian Amstutz, the Swiss Peo could choose between the continuation of the bilateral agreements z ple's Party (SVP) parliamentary group the excessive immigration which is destroy free movement ofpersons and Schengen/ 'ElJ leader, quoted this old proverb in March ing this country and the bilateral agree- Dublin in particular as they are acces- accelerants' zor4 during the National Council debate on ments, I would choose the protection ofthe sion accelerants' , or eten'fire , just the implementation of the initiative on mass nation, full stop." and are damaging not direct democracy immigration. \[ith these words, Amstutz According to a Vox Analysis scientific but also our econom\'." This is the message neatly summed up the current situation and study on the referendum, most of those who from AUNS President and SVP National his organ- indirectly conceded that Switzerland non' supported the SVP initiatit'e v'ere well Councillor Pirmin Schn'ander on Gartenmann faces enormous challenges in domestic pol- aware that the adoption of the popular ini- isation's homepage. V/erner itics and over policy on Europe since the tiative might jeopardise the bilateral agree- (SV P), r he organ isation's executir e di rector. on the launch adoption ofthe new constitutional provision ments. The Yes voters therefore attached confirmed that itwasu.orking to autonomous control ofa popular initiative for a purelyfree trade on 9 February. At stake is nothing less than greater importance Switzerland's relationship with the Euro- of immigration than to good relations with agreement; the exact wording is currently firmlybelieves pean Union as a whole, irrespective of the the EU. This suggests that the bilateral ap- being tweaked. Gartenmann specific structure of Switzerland's future proach, whichwas supported in allprevious that 9 February marked the definitive start immigration policy. referenda, is no longer an undisputed issue of a fundamental debate or-er the EU. This The minimum consensus otrr the bilat among the Sii'iss pcople either. is also the lies oithe parties at the other end eral approach that has existed to date be The Campaign tbr an independent and of the px-rlidc.r, sp*,ctrum. the Sri rss Social tween practically all political parties in Neutral Switzerland (AUNS) group is lining Democratic Parn tSP) and the Greens. Switzerland is crumbling. The bilateral ap- up for a frontal attack. It is seeking to rescind Both are more commilted than er-er before proach has been regarded as the ideal solu the bilateral agreements and to simply gor' to closer relations itith the EU and no longer tion for Swiss policy on Europe since the ern relations with the EU by means of free rule out the possibilitv of EU accession. electorate rejected the European Economic trade agreements: "Both packages, 'bilater- Area (EEA) inrygz.Even the Swiss People's als r' and'bilaterals z', need to be replacedb,v Centrifugal forces are becoming stronger Party (SVP), which has traditionallyviewed an improved free trade agreement.'We do The Social Democrats v'rote in their zoro "the any further intelration of Switzerland into not want any further bilateral agreements manifesto that they sought rapid intro- the EU with great scepticism, essentially that are not in our nation's interests. And we duction of accession negotiations with the supported this policy. It did not question the principle ofthe bilateral agreements even A word cloud P E it.*-iiti.r? Eo won"eismw- ! during the referendum campaign on the Ehrndesvffimluns - popular initia- E .f; Referendum F mass immigration initiative, and officially it -*-y:** tives .Volk L""dT;,1?ffi"ffi j g SVP General =:fi'Jffi1"" has not changed its position. fi e",r,*r. Bundesrab ga;il!;i;-u", SChlUbSTll-:,HT'g Secretary Martin Baltisser says: "\[e have to govern relations with the EU bilaterally, but it is the specific content of the agree- fff;ls_dh1iff:diid'sl'ifr#Ll : E =t ments that matters." =E A pincer attack on the ":::-ffiEE bilateral agreements It is nevertheless obvious that the SVP no lflliij?rlry Qlei longer sees the bilateral approach as a top '?fiiiilJapl:6 ff,AIti ElzffiI priority. Those on the right are seeking to seize the moment and steer the course of policy on Europe according to their own agenda. They are more than willing to ac $tBH$,.e*jl#rg€il';il wirksamen lrr€s g 'F cept further damage in relations with the I f; FE 3 EE sl i rnibiabiveArjerve,,$*"9 * g EU SVP parliamentary group leader Am- E < E ilE?B" : E E = E stutz made this perfectly clear during the € 7 L -= A spanner in tlte worfrs of the polhical sjtstewt In no other state do citizens have more co-determination rights than in Switzerland. Direct democracy is a successful modet. The change in the purpose and importance of popular initiatives nevertheless shows that Switzertand's politicat system is working less effectively than in the past. PopuLar initiatives are a "growth market" in politics, and business is very brisk at EU". But they never really pursued this ob the moment. The figures speak for themseLves: 423 initiatives have been iaunched jective forcefully, not least in light ofthe scep- since the introduction of the popular initiative system in 1891. Signatures are cur- tical mood among the Swiss people. This is rently being collected for 9 initiatives, and 20 are either being considered by the how SP parliamentary group leader Andi' Federal Council and Parliament 0r are waiting to be put to the vote at referendum. Tschiimperlin expressed the position of the have made referendum stage since 1891, but only 21 have been party leadership: the primary objective must 189 bitts it to the be to implement the initiative on mass immi- adopted by the peopte. And here are the most interesting figures: 0nly 9 initiatives gration without jeopardising the existing bi- secured a majority of Yes votes in the first 100 years between 1891 and 1990, lateral agreements and their further develop whereas 13 have been approved since 1990. ment. If this cannot be achieved, "the Su'iss Popular initiatives have therefore had a significantly better chance of being sup- peoplc must bc gir en the opportunity to r ote on the future of relations s ith Europe". The ported by the people over the past 25 years than before that time. There is no clear, "all SP is demanding that options on polio- undisputed explanation for this. Silja Hdusermann, a professor of political science on Europe Lte eramined-. Trchirmperlin is at the Universiiy of Zurich, points out that until the early 1990s popular initiatives calling tbr the Federal Councii trr .|utiint -the -,,;ere mainly an instrument of the left used to take a position as a minority against possible cons€quences of EU accession and the continuadon ofbilateraiism rrith or n'ith the then practicaLLy closed conservative alliance. This tool was usually not enough out a new institutional solution" in a compar to secure majority support but it was a means of introducing new ideas into poli ative anrlysis. tics. Even unsuccessful initiatives triggered debates in many cases and sometimes The centrifugal forces within the govern- also reform processes that achieved their objective after several attempts. ing parties have therefore become much stronger. The SVP is distancing itself from Initiatives are today no longerjust used by the left and Greens but also by con- the EU more clearly than in the past and the servative and right-wing parties and institutions - in particular by the Swiss Peo- SP is no longer ruling out EU accession, while ple's Party (SVP) and the organisations associated with it. Initiatives are also often most of the other parties are al tempt ing to cLearly used as a marketing instrument for election campaigns and as a vehicle to f}'the tattered flag of bilateralism. This rep- resents a highly uncomfortable starting generate public outrage or to assert vested interests. position for the government. The new A paradox of the system Popular initiatives are also often difficult to implement, especia[y when they are i $- o incompatible with other constitutional principles or international law. This then Ef E 5*00"*o causes indignation among the initiators: The SVP. in particular, exerts pressure -ffi* using enforcement also hiahl'H initiatives - it is threatening to use this tool in the case of the "initiative on mass immigration". The insistence on Literal implementation ffib6,H fr.r: 6 - .ipderb destroys the proven politicai culture of equilibrium and compromise of which F.t=p€Er Switzerland is so ilroud. "It is a of paradox," explains Hdusermann: "The s[#EBEs-EEE;fiq$#*"r,uinn,-,s kind Silja increasingly frequent D"".k"b'd I 3lJ-E use of the instruments is , Krankenversiche?unq of direct democracy an indication that Switzerland's r*rasserpramien \flfgfifunq - potiticat system is working less effectively." Swiss democracy is after all geared )h.bp Bh6hungo*eine " towards consensus. The rights of the people were initially intended to have a efs.dl€rum wirbschafb- "preventative effect": The potiticat'players were to reach viable compromises so dtrm **L*".#?lfi3gH"XtE, Enw-andenrng '*** that referenda and initiatives did not have to be deployed.
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