Courier Gazette : February 21, 1893
T he Co ijrier-Gazette. V olume 48. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1893 N um ber 7 LOCAL LACONICS. PERSONAL POINTS THE “BROKEN PINION.” FOR THE LADIES. stead a handsom e doiley under , very UNIVERSITY eXTEssoN. OUTLOOK, plate, dish, nr glass, upon Ihe table Regarding P op’e More or Less Well Tiie following artieie has been mailed Advance Hints and Suggestions from The Csp ure of the Bssiile Proves In ! Tim southern paper which spoke of a Things Trivial and Otherwise Gathered Lem otes's Mag.,zine This, of course, riq’iires Innunn ruble Up by Our Keporieis. Known in Our Couniy. ns lor publicat'on: tensely Interesting. j recent faeliunnl light in Tennessee didn’t sets; and, as if these were not enough One dav a convict in Joliet prison I , , . , . , . make min Ii ol a mistake when it called A happy tesult of the present s'yles is to distract the busy hou-ewife emiilou- The second lecture by Prof. Sbniler Will Fuller of Lynn, fotuierly ol this picked up a scrap of p iper from the o ir- , . .. , it a "family fewtd.” OW sm all Ini’ been ' ' ' , 'bat the hourglass waist wnti its de "I keeping up with her sisters. there are M athews ol c dby U Hie U ni the dealh record city, is visiting in tow n. ridor, on which were these lira s: , , , , , • , , , still Olliers, for alter-dinnor c If,,', vases versity Ex ensloiiG urs, ,was given in Hie i forming length—(or which absurd dis Hereafter he will bi known ns “ Fac Ibis Winter mid lorlion ol nature we have to thank the at.
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