'•Cotton is kintf — an.I woo! is " the startled wo· and in the accoanta were hand She motioned them to be si- kinky.'* FLOWERS FOR THE BRAVE. had taken pride in her work ; what would ! Sure enough, when discrepancies lamp. ' looked from ferreted and now both the and lient as she and noiseless- htve been routine to some, she men and frightened children out, Major etepped swiftly It's hard to bclievo Miw Whittier wiu DKCOttATIUX DAT, ISM perform- I ] wore faces and the stairs to the above. Here same the the southern was red Ci ly up entry cured of such terrible sores by Hood's Sar- (tbrdWorïrJlfiwtralJ ed with ; had the kindlj windows, sky young ray haggard η pleasure the Here anil of a not walked with uncertain But nei- she crouched down upon the tioor, eaparilla, but reliable people prove it. bring your purple gold, measures for old or young, rich or poor, with the light conflagration steps. TlÛSDA Y «jilorv of color anil scent! ther was declar- beside her, and fixed her £Υ£ΒΪ and hid come to seem and many miles off. arrested, Major Wynne lamp glitter- Kits to whis- plBLLSHED -^arlet of tulip· fcold, part parcel prefer strychnine Chicago •r be with almost cat-like It's mm Iv a matter of taste—the ef- Hud· blue a· the llruAineitt. somewhat and un- "It's Unionville," said the mother of ing that the matter would eventually ing eyes intensity key. of the otherwise dingy fect I· the same. had found her voice ; cleared and that he believed Allen upon the two men below her upon the QEO. M. WATKIXS, Hushed to the soond of the lite attractive post office. Zach, when she up : Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer Is the w>d And the bogle piping clear sank was the of honor. stairs. KJItor Proprietor, She walked over the uneven "the hull town's and she Gray soul The τ It ill an J delicate life slowly going," marvel of the age for all Nerve Diseases. chair while So the bondsmen took the of- Mr. Marsh could scarcely withdraw All ilt« free. Send to Ml Arch In the soul of the year. her cast down, back in her helplessly, Kitty Major's stopped ·*«3·<Χ> v*r Ye»*r. youtfctal plank sidewalk, eyes Term* re- his from her. ('ould this be the Street, I'itilu. Pa. et» nor She trembled with a new born terror. If the fice under their immediate charge, gaze in a-i tance. a icductmn ol Bft> We brin* to the quiet dead, neither to the left. 1 »sn<-tir looking right Miii wftbia ait BOKb·, · Marble whom l.e t*Hi With a gentle ami tempered grief: a was what would become It 1- wrong to poirh chick· us, but per- w!l rente will be tojk no notice of those she met, until town burned up taining young Gray, though sorely against bright, happy Kitty of taeety-ύ*· So see deJuct-on end ol th« O'er the mounds so mute we shed ? Hut a fectly proper to poach eggs. yon If not iiaut tUI tbe the with his him that it would be had known since her infancy »λ.:> man raised his hat and of her school in Tillage will, telling a tweedledum ami two doïlar· will b· charged. The beauty of blossom and loai. young spoke promised there Is difference 'twixt year matter was thor- noise in the office warned him that hie < ·*· »·■(·. she looked on. its attendant better to remain till the tweedledue. <Ι»(Ι· apt·· The flashing swords that were diawu, pleasantly to her. Then happiness. The detective re- services as a wore needed. The de- No rnst shall their fame destroy! Λ fair man, a or so Nearly the whole night long they roughly investigated. spy Κ ( IBS avd Br«i«. of Adrvrtiaini, tall, young only year rosy as rifts of dawn. to wall and lie F»i« s. roaches. ants, rat* and Itonghs mass of flame turned to and tective seemed the bed-hut;·*, uniiL xorcu. her stood before her. watched the bright- Washington, Major Wynne glued Like the blush ou the cheek of Joy, seenior, smilingly huge inier, chipmunks, gopher*, cleared out by week. tl.t* his own to the hole " " ach of «pace owe re- ened smoke roll and to walked about the streets, smiling applied eye gimlet on its 13c. Fer ooe » real». "How do do, Mr. she up surge away village R iugh It Karh ■"lHeesaea* wwi, Rich Hi e* of the garden» and raoada, you Gray?" o··!. additloaal. was a before him. He could t** these hearts above I for a west wind that he had gained hardly suppress Specis. N.-r» estea- her. swept away, the tire nothing Gray failing a.ao, lor lùoae occupying beside raging attention to. It is both for Internal ηηΊ «■fit ot ac. to and he seemed was to ita health and and ofttimes his throat suffocating. i;re apace. It U so world o'er first was to him an left upon which fury, spirits, Kitty, external use and Is worth more to a la tbe l>**OC*A wide, this great vaulted Her thought give expend family H»r a le*rt'*iee taken a blue white shore to shore. hare whose school was not in session at that had actually up thau a whole medicine chest. M Um tt>4k>«ui( well e*ufrUaùcd By the sky clasping answer. will tell thw an wind would Major Wynne B»v be œad« evuive "1 you though easterly t And It Is not wide enough for me! the en- " i# »'·# yet town. was called in to assist or take the letter and deliberately opened What disease is most fre- w«i' * Co W»pr«c· St., M«w York; wishes more the entire time, Clara asks, uev P. Κ I love you so—It cannot hoid my love. truth, Mr. Wynne respon- swept nearly Ku.too St.. Ne· ^ork; J. Η Λ wis.· a» 1 to., HI the and it into one and quently transmitted by klaslnz?" l>®t, Tort; S. M. Pritenfll] There is not in earth or above a It was a of weeks before of young clerk, velope, putting pocket ·' .; t'« k R · New space hc^vcu sible in fact, wishes gentleman Kitty place dispirited of tha Μ Horace Λ> Μ. J·»» W:»«hia«t TO-DAT. not a act was followed a similar goal· a. Ha»··; "I ionville and looked the blackened to render assistance. And quickly by Wheat Bitters will cure Malaria; Wheat N. «. .uet Λ sot, i'niladeiii.ie, The man whistled softly. upon upon itw.. e H>u.. It. oVr young one. Λ Co.. C*ica*o, III.; 9. Nile·, It to so wide this great world vaulted the Bitters will cure Wheat Bitters r». C A Cook wore ruins of what had once been few had come to hint that Dyspepsia; Mm. it t was to understand that imposing people all ; Wheat are freaoetM. KwWo. y the sad sky clasping dark shore shore. given you Honest Knoch Marsh had never in Will cure Sleeplessness BtttMS It Is too wide—It Is too wide for tue! walls and for the cause of Allen and the best in the known world for Female mn'tiim of own accord, not of clapboards shingles, Gray's disquietufle a auiebcd leaving your though his lifetime before witnessed transgres- run J.a* .be colored ai.p W«πιlil tio«l that It wers narrowed t«> a »tra»e con- Price $1 per bottle. Sold •t» tell, bo was built most of wood. health were due to a load of Complaints. by IM Axount due, an·- U>o»e wi»h- in the name he returned, "or 1 village wholly failing to .r J»*r», And 1 .luiet, naught hW with me save words," sion of the law of and to all of tbe advanced »l*i>t any magnitude, Druggists. *»* iiietn«e!Tes payment·. i| ;e or art·· I The love that w ta too too me. The office had found other scious hr ma:!, or baad to I be a^rat. gr«at— grt*kfot should not have the majcr's post quarters, guilt. with mihi accepted be thus into close a of note that lui au· t-c 1 aj>vt .· j a.d brought proximity It Is circumstance worthy t va tbe al.p. IIavO1· lloi-esox !ta t>«TT. with detective had in Vi 1. the lock boxes, the boxes The government put other :-a: data. offer." though so heinous a crime as a man left New York for Kurope the or w ahoaM be uken to Prom the Century for June. downright robbery *a«nn>'o*v » »eni,r:irc thn the another and clos- with $1,000,000, and still was not a il tbe U nol -redlWxj un- ela w· «uouiu be auwiaed one of deprived e.Jt.n lotti ·η THK MAJOR'S νίνΠΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ. window», diawer*, all so dear to Kitty eted in the evening with Major natural. "You are not at all to blame ; A cold broke out upon him inspiration blood is the cause of more mis- association, were wanted bondsmen,—the Post- Impure and I am confi- from long sadly Wynne's acting his 1 you will succeed, as he drew back and turned ghastly ery th in any other source of disease, but à c. to hoqe some one Professional Cards, ".Mt*s Marble i wish with as the into the unfamiliar master—when rapped sharply this fact is oft.-n overlooked. speak dent will satisfaction." With girl stepped face toward the watchful you give quiet, girl only new blood a moment before on the door. Mr. Marsh, the bondsman, Pill» will make rich .VAUl» S >ΓΚΑίΜ, you you go. Purgatirr these few wonis she left him, tripped place. a few feet His back and will the blood In the entire to away. eyes glared change Katherine Marble—or, rather "Was the ?" the door, and stood face face one each Kitty, a all property destroyed opened none In three months, taken lightly up a path tu door and vanished at her bright orbs, which had lost system Aîiornev and Counselor at Law, as every one hail called her for the la>t she asked of Allan who was alone with Kitty Marble. Her eyes wore a night. while Allan Gray mused to himself: "I Gray, of their but she shook her head KL. a vivid color intensity, a Colora i'» WATtRIttlIU, 20 j cars, the term of her existence— in the office, his unusual fair strange, intense look, and Mark Twain is the uame of don't understand this matter. She is impromptu and once more he in up- 44 frowned, peered mine. Can t be because they have to dig as was in the act of ever seen, burned in her cheeks. I A HKKRtCK, she leaving white face whiter than she had beg your par- to >TKR paused more than I am, fui- j on the while the officer never over a good deal of rubbish get any certainly competent she said in culprit, the office, of which she was sole and wearing a haggard and Jon for intruding upon you," metal out of it can it? post understands the work and will work strangely moved a muscle. at ly 44 Attorneys Law, and turned toward her su- a even tone. Mrs. Marsh told Hkituu,. Mb. clerical force, careworn look. quiet Ha*s' Friend.—" Mine rife vas so lame for $100 a year less than the salary he Several times he saw the man whom * and ai>uiso> fc. Iluuci. to meet smile which was safe me that were but I made mit Rheumatism she coot not set up, f>«< t'uarsB. perior officer the "Everything but what in the you engaged, with has offered tee." the would have trusted l vas told of a frieud whose name vas Re- the same. I community made attractive the face of and «hat is worse of all, a number of bold to call uj>on you just Γ von and rub It 1t. ai ΤΧΗΙΛο, always For the next month Marble and their lives, abstract money from letters, lief Liniment. got pottle ^ Kitty slt.s and no ij* when he to any one, hundred dollars and a lot of stamps want a favor." on my vlfe, she rieht up Major Wynne spoke Allan labored sorting lot- of them as he had the first, Vas a friend, vas and at Gray together while disposing more rheumatism. goot Countdlor Law, friend or foe, in truth the latter which 1 was I in the safe The detective eyed her keenly, Attorney though fer* and filling mail bags and positive put and then the detective turned and whis- Belief Liniment." RmpoKi). Mb. papers, Miss were few. could not be and must have burn- Mr. Marsh answered : "Certainly, the crowd who came found, season of the when the U riuss. waiting upon rough pered : Now Is the year a had books also I will with any to blow The Iurnette, ed with the Some Marble, grant pleasure " Ohio River steamboats be· g of the former incumbent, a man well some letters through 'K^ find look on Allan face as he ceased decoy no remonstrance and with the most satisfar- And Kitty, failing to anything tïray's in upon him. He made editor, always ΡΚΙΚΜΓΜ, Ml. who had fice with in them, and then I want burdened with years, presided the school in that causcd to ask money his head tory results." tor New Hanip^tnre. more speaking Kitty quiet- being searched, shaking " J. li. IIopi'kk. Commiuiamir promising, accepted and this to watch Mr. against Hicv. over the distribution of letters and papers you gentleman " " district No. 8, and strove with commend- !?· and moaning, My poor babies, my poor St. John, Ν. B." for two score assort the mail to-morrow evening. C. DAMS, nearly year». some enthusiasm into of Gray able zeal to instill "They did not accuse you taking babies." Tony Pa«tor has Just paid ψίΗ,ΟΟΟ 00 for J£ It can be done from a of The noontide shadows bad crept up over easily flight a residence in New York. But very few the thick heads of the stolid crowd It was the shock l*nionville or—" greatest a AT LA Π. beside the as if to stairs which run at the rear of the pastors can afl'ord so expensive luxury, ATTORNEY cJoaely buildings " up came in which she was installed ruler. «λ >,«, intorrnnfA<1 Hastilv. hlS had ever received, and hundreds but, then, few pastors have so large a Ογπγε. summer back office. The is of At Pkobats avoid the heat of the bright day, partition merely brok- dock. house was but four miles with color αη<1 hi* sensitive the morning to see the pitiful, » ΜΛΙΝΚ The school fair face tinged that early I'AUIsJ, as a and I will —· » * 1 turned with look. boards, arrange loop- in Kitty questioning man in hi* narrow V,. ... r.. from the and during the fall term for an instant; "Major en-down quarters ÎTO1/JI.UI..U Λ. K1MBUX. as village, lip Mr. will be Wynne's smile was as bland quivered holes shall be made. Gr.iy gard t· Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is con- Major or times a me better the His wife eat with face J JOLT she visited home two three could not hare treated jail. pallid tinued spea- an uncertain Wynne in the office alone. Here are some let- by clergymen, lawyers, public ever, but his voice had l>est at Law, a warm the beside bim, and his three little children kers aud actors. All say It Is the Attorneys week, meeting always greeting if 1 had been his own eon. He says she sound as he continued a trifle ters with money in them," and pro- that can be for all af- depre- who to hii their remedy procured from the business men and others caused the fire will have to clung knees, scarcely realizing vocal throat auck. ciatingly face and cheerful act of father's misfortune, though vague, Oftk· remembered her bright be allowed by Congress. to out lungs. "The fact is, Miss I feel com- special in various of writing parties A. ft. Kimhall. Marble, styles look in 'heir little faces. A C Κ Holt. so welt. And the gossips Hut what troubles me is the fact that I frightened Now that Arthur Sulils an is knighted, duties ways village of the State, the fact that contained to state that the increasing they was for we shall uo more musical works pelled the fact so of the deal of expect IVES ·. WHUHT. noticed and commented upon remember distinctly seeing great sympathy expressed us that of this office that I should money being apparent to an experienced from him, for the good book tells J require employ seen safe." the and his children, the cm that Allan Gray was frequently money and other valuables in the Major though when the knight cometh, no man not more efficient for that"—and his and hand. & Counselor at Law. help, eye shared it in less measure, for to work. Attorney Wynne's spirited colt, He turned wearily away to wait upon mother more bland if driving Major Mr. Marsh her in •mile grew possible—"would gazed upon speech- the Pearl's White unlike the infe- Parût, Maine. with Marble seated in the buggy an after which he resumed his her well known extravagance Major's Glycerine to some one who Kitty applicant, less while the of the the .skin, be rind, but astonishment, eyes noon rior, cheap glycerine, penetrates τ«η w rrobaie liai At h aud împutoitie well wai Toward ■•pec ai aUeatl)· à for the seemed to who had stood 44 downfall attributed. it soft and and beside him, major story Kitty, silently : Do as the leaving smooth, pliable, Coltaetiac- could assume the of the officer twinkled as he said responsibility was and a local officer, armed otin be to the skin any tiin·· with- with his new assistant, and meantime ; "I wanted to resign my clerk- the detective applied pleased there is no harm in inconvenience, as it has * office to an extent within the young lady wishes; out causing any UfcteKT. hardly listen to it. with a search-warrant, visited the Ma- to favor him in all ways possi- but the Major wouldn't I will not the sticky <[uallties of all other glyc- J^lSBKh a disposed ship, it, and there may be much good. province of lady assistant." a conference with erines. Counsellors at ble. He said it was only a mistake and they jor's house, holding Law, smile almost im- take the at the north in the morn- Wynne's grew stage afterward. worn Mf. Major occur if all Marble shortly Rangs ami crimps are now farther Buekfloid, Hut when the bleak New England would possible precautions and will mail the letters. I will re- Kitty as he met the amazed look ing, from says a fashion writer. Notait Pvblic for Oiro*i> Cocjttt. perceptable in at That afternoon an out of town friend tho»eyebrows," came and the snow were taken. I insisted upon leaving we trim that Ο. H hiw;. of the winter lay piled turn on the at and off This Is encouraging, ami Geo. p. B:«sr β. which flashed from the black eyes stage night, get «till in a I was so that I had Allan home, ignor- will be worn not nearer then 10 Irish had lonesome first, pssitive put a brought Gray they C. WALKcY* before her red deep drifts, poor Kitty out of the village ways." girl him, though ripe, lip» he said some ance of the of the night miles. had the in the but 44 developments p time for somehow the major things safe, no to but no round. indeed, I have objections trying it, Dr. Grave*' uttered so and feeble For all diseases of the heart and Counsellor at Lav, and cast of wrong doing up· before. He looked pale Attorney toward Allan Gray might suspicion Miss Marble, are you so in- Heart Keenlator is peculiarly adapted, and "I know this comes rather changed slightly really. why news LOYKLL MA1SK. unexpect- so that his mother feared to break the will show _ use of the on me if 1 and I staid." a test of its remedial properties no tendered him the did, terested in this matter ?" asked Mr. he continued, finding that «he longer when immediate results. The druggists every- edly," as made no comments. She learn- to him, and she looked relieved nor him so many holidays Kitty where sell It for 81 bottle. Frank K. W. Davis. made no ''and me in a very colt, gave Marsh. per J. reply, places taken the safe Marble came the steps is sole the man could ed that Major Wynne had " I have Kitty lightly up Ingalls, of Concord. Ν. I!., agent as though young The Hushed and The office, you formerly, girl paled. Her for it and will answer correspondents and disagreeable position. ill to his house as soon as it could be cooled and greeted Allan, warmly. eyes not that Wynne or connection with the desired. SURGEOJt DEXTISl, will admit but one aasistant. and really say Major bad more less send circulars when know, but the fact that he sparkled and her cheeks glowed as she - - treated him in the slightest degree. sufficiently beyond and I know that letters have ears So. Par s Maiae. there are various other things you could business, An Illinois man boxed his wife's was two that no or said : 'TOcï Ovrm $atiikm Bank. winter term of school had declared money stamps is two dollars In a lottery tick- You The been lost and if Mr. Gray for Investing ι.αταα l<*d do remunerative. might recently, is solved and father's home, an I All work ««rraniat*. aatiofaction * equally were found it, she could "Oh, Allan ! the mystery et. She went to her thirds over and in another month Kitty upon opening j the I think he will be de- teach school the coming fall, and winter guilty party her ticket soou after drew live thousand HflOUBI KI A. The commit- learn She finished her school you are free from all suspicion. Major would be at home again. nothing. this means, if so, I believe dollars. J :n District No. if wish. tected by and, jORlTIO 8, you a and was the thief." more in district No. 8, rested few weeks, Wynne to their Λ* tee had her, as she thought, he will make a full confession, which un- ·.·" In choosing allies, look pow- Physician Surgeon. The shivered, of the praised at once. Her girl fairly spite duties in a His er as well as to their will to aid you." In OFFICE omnom deserved and one of the village took up her again village be due to eyes brightened on the bleak than she der the circumstances, would " for liver and aadnlibt. school house was Rut the choosing a remedy bowel, 0*J friwrti »jck. Ο,*· lny dingy perched room to teach the term. cheerfulness contagious. been offered her, and the school spring and and you schools had Mr. in to himself " kidney diseases, try Kidney-Wort, So. Pint. ; hill, of the rows of tow headed urchins Wynne, justice he I to an·! almost somber, money and the faltered, will never regret it. If you are subject Refer* htr μγτιιι··! ·ο t> Π'*. I. Τ Dm», of once more a daily ren- A strangely sober, stamps," and voiced, thought being must be sure to your liver >1 h· u H. Work·.of t'wrUaad unmanageable girls, sharp Her in- family." was sure I them in the safe." And ague you keep to of a mood had fallen upon Kitty. put In free con- coun- dent of Uniontown, say nothing 14 ?" and bowels and kidneys good, critical parents and the dull life ol" Where is Mr. Gray going queried seemed from her to flirtation or embryo courtship with his sudden cheerfulness fading dition. When so, you will be safe FRANK Ε ÎILTCS. M. farm with her largely increased salary, helped cipient Marsh. D., try houses compared busy, at a Mr. all attacks. her life. Allan was to all appearances away. bear the munotonv of present Gray 44 town a dozen and ! life in the and her face He is out of only : were Physician Surgeon, pleasant village, The did not going "And so did," she cried impulsive- Castle Garden aristocracy They *lnlnr. sat with the woman of the •tand still. young couple you ^ornny. She talking on southern and " about "My forefath- mirrored her thoughts as she at length miles or so the stage, his thin and that boasting ancestry. af- avoid each other, there was a certain clasping hand, "came over from Kngland KeeHe·»*, Couac- Street, aear house where she boarded the evening yet ly, ers," said John, S# < »«<■* atvl answered : to be back at 6 in the afternoon," m. to Ζ ui. aiul to expects stole them out, and on the "Ami my ancistry," Boai'a U «r.. Odke Hour», 14 p. been reserve in their conduct not calculated horrid Major Wynne Mayflower." ter the welcome news had impart- to take her on to S· p. a». "Of course, Mr. Wynne, I can find answered the girl, rising found the books said Pat, "kim over from ljuanestown and hei into a warmer then lied about it. They I be- ed to her. Her heart was light ripen friendship feeling. the Sunflower. It's esthetic, am, B. HOLPKN, X U., no fault with desire for other assis- leave. in the your not and of the stamps hidden was thrilled with The office had been consigned part gorra." p 1 whole being happi- post even- tance than mine, and it is quite recesearj A few minutes after 8 the next this forenoon," and she went on suffer from heart- to nor would it be house When you dyspepsia, ness. permanent quarters, disease, Physician 4* Surgeon, for me to earn a living at something. I Mr. Marsh and the detective ad- rather to tell him of her part burn, malarial afl'ections. kidney r a ma. mai* κ. or ing, incoherently •o< th j whose hue- till the late summer early fall, though liver and other wasting dis- tow- said the woman, the in the thief, Mrs. complaint, »·<· of tfe« cm est A -pecialty. shall be tbankfjl for any kindness "Well," mitted themselves into a back hall of the in capturing eniich the blood ««-Ι·(Μ commodious had plot eases; when yon wish to Uftre at U· idea's l'ru* More. in the lumber woods, apartments sufficiently the room. ards me to band was away a been Gray leaving aud purify the system geucrally ; when you enabling help myself. the summer. post-office building, key having she was all been secured for When had finished wish to remove all feeling of weakness, X U.AKK, even tone was "I'm for your sake, though Kitty T\L mi» Her measured, totallj mighty glad the former in a of reached their furnished by Kitty early of a tremble, for a strange l knows what room was tenantless. ter?" ber what dreadfully poor meat is a smart, capable fellow, only and became ing table, but the W. ■. D., S«pertB(«mdlac P*T woman amile< [ Allan Major Wynne and with during the siege?"' "True," P. SHATTUCK. am ver f unlettered Gray Their met. The black eyes put up metma ab'1 -vireeoa. irAl! Inureoto)] his beet to the I The rude, 441 like this business," mutter- eye» then must re- opérât ay please public. of much to at hardly replied the doctor, but you Will plwM aesd tor Circular. half ι objects cursosity persons the blue eyes asked and answered ques- it." her awkward, growi made no an- there was very little of sorry that proudly upon ed Marsh, but the detective member, CARFfcilTKB.~~ believed he would b< ι all tainted with gossipy propensities, tions with lightning-like rapidity. more on as she " " "Please say no this subject,' boy though swer. I could not see you die," Akk tiie Kiuxkys Vitai. Oboasd?" r could be learned definitely ; whispered' a before man; Nothing Without them life Is "When doe ι at least college professor the owner of the black eyes, and he ο Decidedly, yes. AUCTIONEER, she interrupted hastily. was laid at A fell the step of 1 that a heavy deficiency footstep softly upon " and appear to be pecul- v' had while Zach grinne< only the blue answered, softly : You hav< impossible; they Kim bo It Η til, Bonanza District, term of office expire jeare elapsed, the rear door, a turned in the lock, to severe and fatal de- my to hide hi ι the door of the Unionville post-office, key must watch ovei iarly susceptible i and turned away saved ray life and you are, moreover, ex- BiTUEL, MS. I a month's notic bashfully and the men on the stair rangements. They "Well, thought declared could not the door events sh< 1 lad walked over to ι i which Major Wynne opened, it," which subsequent proved ceedly difficult to treat, and the ailments P. O. Box l«t, Lock* a Mills. will com i confusion. The time #ould be sufficient. Mr. Gray the fire of the saw a female into the dark was to do. them are liable to end at any he s tart be accounted for by pre- figure glide willing affecting and looked out. Then In our and tha : window then a match received the in Bright's Disease. opinion, into the office immediately, by matters since that hall, the door closed, Allan Gray postmastershq of Paris Hotel traces of 1 vious winter, though formed upon the conclusions many West th ! ed back all gratifie that the reason the AMD time will have become familiar with quickly scratched on the wall, a wierd, blue and declared Majo: Hunt's Remedy, the face. date did not appear satisfactory to the skilled physicians, LITER!' «TABLE gone from his freckled dismissed Kitty—now Mrs. Gray—was t< and liver medicine, is the details of the work." vanity sent to flashed and for a moment great kidney a official investigate the light sputtered so that be for bladder, β. J. CALDWKTiL, Proprietor, marm ! teach er ! there's terri government be rid of her sharp eyes mighi best ever administered kidney, scarce "Oh, of " ■ It cures like She went cmt into the sunihine sumt and then the features Kitty Marble of office."— liver and diseases. ^ Wbt Pau·. Ms. out an ] affairs. Letters containing small the better the spoils urinary die ble fire so m'era he gasped ; look enjoy m»T hr found on ft le at Ora, its for this visible as she a small' magic spell. Villa p IPPD ly heeding brightness, were claimed to have been became lighted , Springfield Republican. 1JUO ΓΑΓΑΛ y. k. v»«41 * Co"» .ν·»»ρ»ι*τ of money lost, i see !" AdvertMaf taraau to Spruce St Λ wher* adTertUlrj missal was a severe blow to her. Sh au bo ■>«}« f>f u |* SEW Y OKA. "S™"·™·-■■ OXFORD COUNTY LOCALS. "Kentucky Belle," Grace £. Ames ; Piano MARRIED. ΤΗ* Babeerlbor hereby |ln( publie aode· thai NEWS OP THE WEEK. ihe bM been duly appointed by the Hoi Judge et In This State Fantasia, "Lee Huguenots," Alice L. Bill- Probate iter the Coaaty of Oxford, and aaromnrt I» Hebron, May 19, toy K*v. 8. D. Kichardaoa. the trust of of the estate of * "Curse of Executrix : Twelve of νBemecrat. Sloan ings: Declamation, Rugoloe," *r H. Of PlantaUoa. Monday lichee snow fcQ u Albaxy, May Oigood, Hartford, aad Mtaa ALVIN WILSON, tatefof Lincoln In central 17.—Mr.^Alexander Mary of ma. many poinU Ohio At Edmund "Mice at C.Brtdghara, Hebron. I· Mid bosd M the for A· «uwestef a reliable a and his wife who from Marl- Clark; Recitation, County, deoaaaad, by prtaf l«C relief. race lo one of £. PARIS. MAINE. MAV 18» emigrated JL· mm law dlroeU : ehe therefore reqnest* all pereea· ta cycle Chicago, the contât », Thalia uki bore or years Play" Goddard; Declamation, to the eatate of «ÎM deceased to eat· made 144 l-t miles Id twelve vicinity forty ago, haviog DIED. hare do- hoari Immediate payment; aad thoae who any : a farm "Events Great, Because of their Results," j Over Tuesday The Cxar made hi· atate cleared the forest and made good m kadi thereon to exhibit the aaae to Eighty-fire €Dlrr SIX PAGES. Chas. A. Mason. so excel· tiABAH 8. BENNETT. Into Moscow la a brilliant and and reared a many of whom Among many In Parti, May 90th, Ruai· I., wife of Jmb*» Col A CftrMto· m*a. well triumphant large family, », 1883. (f>o4 m*·lfcr0a*5^î wboee manner ; the festivities will lent it wonld be difficult In- born, aged 36 years, 7 monta» and tt daya. May owluu for il· |M wrki A last a week had returned to the old home of the par- renderings, ®°· Paru, Mrs. eaaaot be I hevsiu feted : May 16, Nancy Ilathawaw. O.TTJBD, a·:—At a Coart ol Probate held at •tttommi· Impeached, Wednesday Arbnckle, the famous Decisions. deed to select as the best. All did a*ed 74 Um «ad wm at cor. Newspaper left home last fall and the win- any years. Pari·, within aad (or the of Oxford, on with Liver U4 Kidney complaiat net died. 52,000 ents, spent Coaity times blliou·. player, tbe third of ▲. D. 1883. very Sunday-achool 1. A·? person who take* a paper regularly and themselves and their teacher credit, Tueeday May children were In procession at ter very with their children great ON the of Baker GuardUa of Brooklyn rrom the ofhce— whether JireeuM lo hit ntiut or pleasantly Have i'skd "Grrat Amrrican Specific" petition Phillip·, "strike" was and showed that the Elocution heir of Leonard K. ▲ serions In &BOlher'«. or whether he lut »ub»«Ttbed or not to other friends In their "native" Mr. department Harry B. Phillip·, minor progrès\t place. In my family for eleven years. It U the late of Hebron, ta «aid County, deceas- Thousand Bottles llarblehead, and the retpontible tor the of the school is as as Phillip·, Mass., police wer* pavmeat. he cut oak fully important any most wonderful ever iaw. for licence to cell and eonvev eertain 3. Il m person order· his paper discontii ue»l he S. says where formerly timber, remedy I I ed, praj lag wife ha· alao suffered for mra wrtfe lb· called oat. hi· on Die in the Mr mu»t pay all arrearage*, or the mar other, and that in this school at least would not house without it.—miliar* real eetate described In petition pabli*h.-r he fourni large and flourishing villages. keep τ an ■am· trouble aad of the heart, alao Tharsdaf : The coaunne to tend ic until pavmem I· math, lrith and 17th. Graas is look- everyone far coughs, colds, and all sorts of head, person· by canalng REV. JOHN SPINNEY, Stark·. Me. numben of subscribers fur Mr. of heii with till· order tliereoa, to Blaine» account. Its President is rest should themselves. Thus clos- throat and troubles. petition book. There are two volumes Alva Shurtleff, ing well though short—trees "put out enjoy lung be published three week· •uccessirely in TRIAL BOTTLES 9ft GTS. in the work the Oxford Democrat at Paris that they be one esq., and its Treasurer, Geo. A. Wilson. L. ed one of the most prosperous years which printed which will la historic value CARD. at a Probate to be held at Paris far slowly. may appear Court MEDICINES 1 above the Of Its or considera- the has seen for some time. The in said on the third Taeaday of June next, average subscription book. deposits. #131.545.65, 24.—The aunual Academy The readers of this should not county That are recommended by reliable peo- Bktiikl, May meeting paper at 9 o'eloek In tbe forenoon and «bow eause if any highly oTer half, are loaned on same teachers are next anil ple la our atata. for Ο on»ump«loa, Dyapepila, Pe· bly real estate. expected year, same ahould not be Illustrations In * of the Bethel Association met the fail to vlsft the store of Chandler 4 Kstcs, they have, why tbe granted male dlaeeeee, and Llrer trouble. Tua //erpor for Library B. A. Kidaer.l.nng W. Straw, Treasurer; Dr. X. T. True, l>r. home of the Bride, Joseph Chandler, esq., laneous and Blank Books, Photograph, Au- eaid county, deceaaed. having presented his ac- Bheeaetlea, Aehee amd Niai, 358.71. Of this sura 9«*»4.."S7.4'.» are loaned of of the estate of aaid de- B. F. A. K. Miss. M Dr. Orlando W. Charles and Miss Lizzie and Card count administration THE Tuell, Herrlck, esq.. tograph, Albums, Pictures, ceased for allowance : BELIEF LINIMENT. Mr. Lmtra Ot'Kxtr of Hebron, one of on real estate, while #79,771.23 are in- G. Mi>s Cora Burnham. Trus- M. Chanlder of The marriage Frames ami Statuary, Stereoscopes and Okhkkkp, that the said Adinlnlstratorglre notice W Tbeae modlclaea are from the the most successful Chapman, Fryeburg. ot this compounded orchardlsts In this vested iu various securities—some $♦»;.- to all partons interested by causing a eopy pure oUa of root* and herb·, aad *old by all deal- seems to be was Rev. Dr. Ma- Gold ia u< tees. The Secretary's report ceremony performed by Views, Writing l)esk9. Ink-stands, order to i»e published three wseks raneee»lvely er·. JOHN W. PERKINS A CO., Portland, Me- section, told last week that he had aet 100.00 in stock of various National the Oxford Democrat, st Paris tliat they I BOWD1TOH. A being all that is to tell of the officers son. who of Fens and Pencils, Pocket-knives, printed WEBSTER, CO., AuxuaU, Me., over necessary incorporated.the presentation Jewelry, a Probate Court to bo holdea at live hundred scions this Bank> of Maine. market value of trniy appes at Wholesale Dealer·. spring. Mr. The the bridal brief service Shears aud Bill oo .e at nine or the pa»t year. ring iuto his usual Scissors, Books, Wallots, Paris t third Tueeday of June next Gurney hss the best of fruit, and he this stock is or 913.78* above o'eloek in the forenoon, and show eanse it any maket #ό9Α»4.00 annual of the Asso- with taste and and Hand Warranted the business of ••The fourth meeting appropriate significance.— Shopping Bags Purses, Mirrors, Uiey have why the same should not be allowed. orcharding pay him well, par. All the other securities $2.- except ciation was held at the Library lloom. Miss Chandler, now Mrs. Charles, has Brushes aud Combs, Croquet, Base Balle Β. A. PBYE. Judge. too. OoO.OO in Macon Mo., are at or at which time the office» A true DAVI8. Begiater. CLOVER BITTERS 1 Co.. bonds, May 1st. 1 been one copy—Attest:—II.C. of the most distinguished teach- and Bats, etc., etc., a'! at low Valaable Life Ton le. Cureo Caaeer- IL F. MoRTOX, R*J.. Agent of ParU IXI11 called for the coastitution were elect· prices. completely above par. The hank has a surplus of $9,* by Notice. oaaBrrofu la Humor. Bilioaan···, Bluod, L'rtaa- ers of and is a of much cul- nriwnier'· Manufacturing Co., has a calf seven we?Li I ed President, Vice President, Fryeburg lady or vies or rim SHKSirr or oxronu Coujrrr ry and Skin Ulaeaaee. All aad I>eal- 1^1.91 above lis liabilities of 9148.121.71. Secretary, HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. Drugglau Trea»urer and Trustees consisting of flvï ture and talent. Her husband, Dr. Charles, STATE OP MAINE. •ell If. old which weighs three hundred poonrtj. The Bethel Bank has not been busi- j M Paris, May il. A. D. 1W. PRICE ONLY V) CENTS. in members and as far as your .Secretary can is a started in a OXPOBD. It Is a wonder of the ! young physician, good Is to Notice, that on tl>« ZSd day of! neighborhood. The a aside from five 1 nés» s") as the other two ascertain all have discharged their duties In Pour» Cou» W.vtttt, a In Insol- calf la from his long county practice in Pembroke, Mass., whither they THISMay, Α. υ. IMS, Warrant Uolstein cow which he end- was out of the Court of Insolvency banks, and has not to do a ι promptly. The yearlv membership the necc^ry thicknes f<>r engraving and veney iasued THE HEW PATENT porchssed of Judge Burbank at his sought lar^e have to make their home. He is a or Oxford, the islate of White mi; Oct. 1st, I >->·_' was met by the members gone for said County against Mountain Stock business. Its offlceis are Mason. a of metal ia I.I of Paria, ia the of Farm, Shelburue, Ν. II. Oliver H. man of na- polbliin;', l;.r,v proportion Amos P. «pan mi County with hand aud purse to renew their promise, and they leave their on ready llie Oxford, to be an Insolvent Debtor, ee»|.. President. and Hon. Enoch Foster, a ne· led to ktii.cn und 1κ>Μ cngrav- adjudged waa on membership and have manifested desire tive town with the best wishes of all Its o«d.» petition of said Debtor, which petition Hied DUST-PROOF Thr flue stallion, Bonner Spirit of 76, same i:> the let h of a. d. 1Af this Jii-nc.i lioiJ r C J'l 11'i/cA Cuve this Parts. This Is one of retary could report but 56, and we trust Jane W. Frye, both relatives of th« bride, Itelonglng to «aid debtor, to him or for his MANUFACTURED BY TBI the finest stock h>lidity tranafer of anv sum #30,000.00 are in Public Funds of more names be the waste i« navc-l, and and use, and the and prop- horsea In this many may placed upon acted as bridesman and bridesmaid. delivery meet section; jet black in erty by hire are forbidden by Isw : That a of color, and are in cash. The list before Oct. 1st. Since the last annual m'Ri:n»»th infronsed a their of fine and He ban some Maine, 9,397.42 Mr. Robert has the |>y simple procès^ >f the Creditor's of said Debtor, to prove American Watch Oo. style speed. splen- have been 103 bound Wiley purchased Hebts and chouse one or more Assirneee of hie did colts. bank has a of 9*. *82.74 above lia- meeting there neatly at one-half the cost. A plate of totJD surplus house built and owned J. P. Weeks, on relaie, w ill l>e held at a Coorl of Insol to be I volumes placed upou the shelves makiug by veney, WALTHANV, ΒΙΑ§8. bilities. which are #92,758.65. The Goi.1) is sol Icred on each side of a ρ lato bolden at Probate Court Room tn Paris, In said Dm per- a now lu Tow le St. poetical Rev. Win. total of 316 volumes registered on the iOth of June, α. υ. 1ϊ*κ3, at contributor, and the Jountv, dsy Thi* cane le formed in on ο solid with- centage of is in this bank, of hard niokcl metal, in piece surplus largest the catalogue, and the amount of money Mr. and Mrs. George Ballard left town composition aine oVIock the forenoon, Bruntoa of Brighton, Mass preacheetwccn polished Oiven mf the to visit their children iu River passed rn. P. STEARNS, sheriff, Second Parish, Portland, transient members, β:'"· 17 when during Monday, AUSTIN Deputy avoiding the uaunl Cap, and securing great* Sunday, May ancial condition. sti-el rollers. From this the rases, is of the Court of lor said Wis. l>ack% Messenger Insolvency, strength and 20. He writes us that he was the year ending 1883, there was but Falls, ol durability. greatly May are cut Jounty oxjord. centers, Ivxels, ct<\, and These Wale bee an: all ope* The ?··..*·" collected, making an advance of Dr. Mason le to be away for a few shaped by ri». bezel. pleased with his visit to that city. We Th* Lew is ton Journal's Liverraore cor- di < and formers. The is thick nfMrnirr'i Notice. Into which an extra la fitted $13.67 OB last ye#r. aud $11.50 collected 1 weeks. He is to uext Sabbath, at gold atrong crystal advise him to It In June or preach, imci or Tiix easairr or Oxroau Couxtt Willi mi try again, July made a mistake in here an advance to admit nil kinds of especially prepared water-proof oe respondent strange for membership making enough of chaaing, STATE OP MAINE. when are Lebanon Ν. V. He will also visit Is the trees In full leaf. Thi n he a total of in· Springs, a.o. IiM. ment, attached to the rase screwing It that the Fac Simile Co. of Canton of $7.50, gaining $64.67 paid on Thcao 3XFOBD, a·May 23, by stating graving and engine turning. will Portland one to the this without the aid his daughter, who is teaching at Stephens- is to ttve notice, that on the 33d thereon, nnd tbu· form· an air-tight Junction pronounce of the nv>st altered a die Treasury year for coining half dollars, by (-ι.-· s have I wen w< rn smooth of May a. t». Ifvtl.a warrant In Insol· with of entertainments of aur kind. These ι town, Ν. V. There will be ser- perfectly by THISday the body of the case, which la proof beautiful of American cities. ·' probably rency was issued out of the Court of Insolvency adding United States of America." The that all set- tiso withoO the This is against duet and moisture. minutes have been given may vices and S. S. at the Cong'l church during removing gold. 'or said County of Oxford, against tbe estate of half dollar contains no such legend. It is that the Association has been more pros- t\r case mnlf ηχΊτ this Fueh Jharle· 11. Coffin of Woodstock, in said Coua- To railroad men, traveler·, miner·, lumber- Τηκ Maivk Centrai Κ. H. has jast Is- his absence. only j-rocf*t. to be on ever before, and without ly. lusolvent Debtor, petition men anil other· who arc almost a small sided coin, a head perous than any -■ adjudged constantly ex· sued a neat little entitled eight bearing tti is *ri/h u valid >f said debtor whir η petition was Hied on the Ittli pamphlet, "The been but we A. H. Walker of was in aecotnpanisd guarantee and who have special effort, having made, Judge Brldgton lay of a. D. IM, to which laat named poeed to make frequent reference Maine surrounded by stars on one side, and 1-i' t the, it to May, Central—Its Attrictions for sum- must uot forget that kind friends are town this week, to attend the meeting of l,y mam/acturtrs trarrantiixj late interest on claims Is to be computed : that the to the watch, them; qualities are of the ntinoet over the word within a on debts anil the deliver? and transfer mer Tourists and Plea* 11 ri Seekers. Nat- dollar, wreath, of us, L. T. Grover, and Ο. H. ν ear 20 wart. of thfet year, unable ascertain from \ '. nr lebts and choose one or morn Assignee· of said Ηerr· Resorts." It a of this these encourage the members to the children of the town it will come Etabli Jewéhc gives description gifts may I by ; ;*latc, will be held at a Court of to be "Valihuta, (.kobgia, July 20. IMS. or the Britannica. the of f..»i A ».v. rt· ♦! .rt ti\ wiwtain t νΛ»» line of Appleton origin InsolvencyIn Railroad, of the territory off in two or three weeks. GILMORE'S AROMATIC WINE iioldrn at the Probate ooart room, Paris la said "I sold one of your Patent I Hist Proof ( aeea through the half dollar it tion and that in time its volume* tnav be ol Oxford, on tbe iith day ol June, which it and gold piece. Presumably MAKER ..'ounty about ten month· ago, and the other It catno runs, of the many Improve- It is that Mr. Eben ι. at nine o'clock In tbe forenoon. day ouutcd the thousands. Since the above understood Weeks υ. ISM, Is of California The iu our under hand the date Ilrst above back to me with the reqneat to make It wind ments and carried out tie origin. piece is Oiven my written. projected by rt was made the Litcrararv club has to open the Frreburg House for summer JAMES M easier. On possesion was sent from that State a port DAY, Deputy Sheriff, exumlnation 1 found that the stem present management. by with .1.32." is of the Court of for said presented the Association f travel in June—under the management of NEW, RICH BLOOD, Messenger Insolvency wan maty, and I Inquired Into the cauee of It. subscriber to pay for the Democrat, and Anil will complet«♦!>· change the blood In the County of Oxford Mis.» Annie M. Fktk, Sec. The gentleman stated to me that be waa «tart -inewxrcmn Mr. W. L. MaHsilekl. entire system In three month*. It* specialty UKMOCRAT puDlisrie* two bears date 1871. It wa> their cure of certain forms of some accompanied by I iw M. K. Sabbath School elected Mr. B. Walker McKeen of and Is the disease that la- Messenger's Notice. Ing saw-log· that hod lodged In the bend map* of the street· la the lower pirt of Fryeburg tile» tire subject to. It* relief Is |>o«ltive and gold quarter». officers last Sabbath for the year : >mcE or the SuKKur or oximrd Couxrr of the river, when his chain caught In a buab New York city, designating the location ensuing Miss Jennie of Ν*. grateful. lis cure is rapid, raes the Superentendent. Rev. Hooper; were married at you MCFOHD, ββ—Ma} 23, Α. Ρ 1HKJ. 12. Walker, or aw tJilmoreV Wine. M.u.11» k»w IK'UI· In another column we an ex- Brldgton. May weak languid, Aromatic U to k'»c notice. that on the ·ΙΙ1ΙΙΙΙ·Κ 11. Democrat thlsk the Be*ru cannot And the publish tant S. K. Estes, Librarian, Miss If are use Gilmore's Aromatic r|MIIS twenty-third Supt. you deserve to be serenaded. I NO. you dyspeptic, of Α. I». 1Λ3, a Warrrnt In In Win·» he got tt out It wait and be without a Let them alone for tract from the arc A day May, running placée map? Lewistou·/ urnal, in regard Wine. If you troubled with Indigestion, use nut M. Secretary and Treasurer. lolvcncv wn* l-«oe'l of the Coert of lo*olven< thought all In about Hastings. tiilmore's Aromatic Wine. If you are troubled right. three month* he that.—Aryru. to the of Chief Justice. If :y for Mid County of Oxford, the estate appointment 18.—The weather this with use Gilmore's sgaln»t luun l that the «torn «χι barf Rufuo II. I'otter, of Usrtf.ird. adjudged to be to turn and nent No. We only intended to show the Ar- Wine. If live in u Malarial district, use Justice Appleton is to retire, a* would has been cold and backward you in irsolvent Debtor, on petition of «aid debtor It to mr. drews. The average pupils in atteudance spring very oil more'·" Aromatic Wine, υ you are weak gue how spotted a map of Portland would • hlch petition wa* filed on ihe K!h day of May. I can that the seem fit. on account of his extreme after confinement, use Gilmore's Aromatic any watcli 1* all that the com- age, the in attendance, up to today, which has been very warm, k. D. Inc., to which last named date Interest on look la case Its of pa.-t year 70, largest Wine. If troubled from nervous pany claim·· for It and recommend It theory liquor legislation there is no reason custom and fitness exhaustion, ■lams is to be eomputed That the payment of any to all why and seems to take new life. use tiilmore's Aromatic Wine. If troubled should •Ί Smallest 31; number clases in school everything Icbts and the delivery and tranaler o( any prop- railroad unit mill men. prevail. with lack of use (ilttnore's Aromatic should be set aside by the appointment of The farmers are well with their energy, erty brloiiKtne to *tld debtor, to hitn or for hi* B. W. BEVTLr." number teachers 10. aloug \\ I ·)>■ 1:'' trouble I » it ii Ν rural tela of the -»t« III 10; i»e, and the delivery and transfer of any proper· a junior to the vacant ach or lung*, use Gilmore's Aromatic Wine. I f —The Blddeford Tim*» Robert Judge place. Judge last the Hanovarian farming although a little late. Grass has y by him are forbidden bv h»; That a meetihg propose* Tuesday evening, wish to the roses to cheeks T. of Walton is as able as any man on the bench, you bring your >f tûe Creditor* of »aid Debtor, to prove their ••Cuhtow. Iowa, Ai-kil 29, l«l. Lincoln Illinois, and Kugene Hale of t made their at I'attee's started nicely with uo of winter kill- ami the sparkle to your eyes, then use amiiy appearance signs again, lebt* and choose one or more Assignee* of hi» I wi«h you would β«·η<1 «ne a for the Maine, as the candidates for and the senior should be Ο il more's Aromatic Wine This Is the «prïug Republican being Judge, aj>- entertainment consisted of Heli- a number of acres of sweet only inUte. will tx' held at a Court of insolvency, to be VViu. Hail, the ing. Quite Iron and Hark preparation that will not black- Kllery Watch By the way thi* President and Vice President Ια IIM.- to this No doubt the lolden at Pari*, in iatd County, on the 30th day Kllery pointed place. peo- corn for the Bethel will be en the teeth or give headache. It has saved is a watch I In w JCr. con Band ; Cornet Band; Slide Trombone factory planted if May, a. d. IMSJ, at nine o'clock in the fbre sold your Sen· Bezel t âne to a hundreds from the It Is of Eastern Maine would be to con- consumptive's grave. ιοοη. farmer lut fall. The first of We don't believe in ou the ple glad ; and the farmers are an amount January he lo«t trading repu- Quartette; Saxophone Sextette Bell King- uloes md excite laughter in the soberest of mor- I very Ing, Itching Falling, Ulcerated. Also for he .i»ili day of June, a. d. ism, ate o'clock it gold «Ilver, Dr. Orlando W. Charles and Miss Lizzie Vistula aud all diseases of the Anus and {tec- iml a* a not *how bow uft*n care le·· c riue» are theui- farm to a be forenoon. You will govern yourselves accord Perfectly Dut-Praef MmiWM· M. *ls. Their and would be high, help ranges from $-'0 #20 one Chandler were maarled Rev. J. K. ae.ve·.— Portland Advertiser. singing acting tum. No will suffer five minutes after ap- by leg w»uh Cm·, lkallM(t Ik· W»rU U for mis- month, which indicates that times are tUi· lie Relief la Rapid Its Given under my hand anil the order of Mason at the house of the bride. There Nor does it show who careless critics good panacea hypochondriacs, plying Specific. Court Pr*4«M Ha J I tire is Certain, Had leal aud Permanent, Ev- hi* ah of a. d. ISM. Eqaal. was a arc when are not themselves. and finds to do day May, very pleasant party of relatives ami they and The youngest good every body enough ery box 1· Warranted to do what wo claim for IIΚ H KICK c. HA uithropics bigots. VIS, Keg »u* of the Court of Κοκ sale my all Fimt-Clam Jkwkleks. a few special frleudsof the It or the money will be refunded. for taid couple present. What's all this row 1' Jour of deserves at B. DtoJveiicy County of Oxford. Miss about The sen- laughter years age high good prices. Gilmore's Magnetic Kllxir, or, Cure for Con- Chandler has been one of the most is a thai aucc tence was ommendation. The entertainment cave ■umpt.li n, preparation is the lesult of lotie· of Boeomd Μ·«ιΙη( of Creditor· I· s.-fjl teachers In the town, and goes carefully, deliberately, purpose- of It la an almost Oxford, May 19.—RufusBowker reports years experiment. lulalla laMlvaaey. to Pembroke, Mass., for her future home, written as it satisfaction, and should the same ole for ( oughs. Colds, sore ly originally appeared. It is ;reat remedy Influenza, where the livery business unusually good at Throat, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Ilronchi· Ο the creditor· of David A. Jordan of Albany her husband a promising youoi; all If these sometimes critics could >erformers appear uext week, the In the of Oxford, and State of THE TESTS OF right. again tie, and all kindred diseases of the air pas- Γ County Maine, physician, Is started In a Welchville. He Is running four horses and îaolveni debtor:—Yo· are That already good louse would be filled to sages. hereby notified, only see the point. overflowing. nth the of the of the practice.—/V*·. will soon add several more. Agents for Oxford County, A. M. Gekht, So. approval Judge Court f Insolvency for aald of Decoration day will be observed at Ever- Paris, John C. Gkukt, Fryebnrg. County Oxford, the Miss Chandler is well known to our G. U. Jones, with his usual enterprise, pcond meeting of the creditor* of aaid Insol- Nkw AI'vkrtiskmexts.—J. F. next 1 r. il. ent 1· to bo held at 40YEARS readefs aa Hunting- Cemetry Wednesday, the freen is Freedom Notice. appointed Probate Court "Betsey Trotwood," whose in putting out, for gratuitous distribution, oom, In Pari· in «aid of on ton 4 Co. of Norway have to The graves of deceased soldiers will be ; County Oxford, teres something This is to that 1 have the twentieth of A. ting articles have, from time, No. 11 of his Illustrated a maga- certify thia day given my fednesday, day June, D. appear- to firm has a and In ί Monthly, ■on. Carr. his time at nine In the say clothing buyers. This lecorated, singing speaking. the Klbi'idge during the remainder A3, o'clock forenoon. You will PROVE BEYOND DOUBT ed in the Democbat. She will to zine of 32 octavo pages. ol hi* minority, to trade and act lor that orern carry store in the uew and car- an oration will be delivered in himself; yourselves accordingly. splendid block, îvening I «hall claim none of hi· nor Given tar band and the her new home wishes j Hon. J. J. Is in town. earnings, pay any unûer order of Court THAT many for her future ries a stock commence at Perry debts ot lit· contracting after this date. lie leth day ol May, α. l>.'18SS. heavy Some prices given in ?ongregatioual church to 7 happiness, from those who have been en- Fish Commissioner Stanley stopped at Ilia HEIUMCK C. DAVIS. Kegi«teroi the their new ad. are rery low. ! > clock by Hon. Enoch Foster, jr. It is OSGOOD X CARS, ourt of Insolvency for said County of Oxford. tertained by her, in Oxford the Lake House, a few days ago. He felt mark. County. Gilmores Aromatic Wine—a will be lliled to hear medicine, xpected the church Witness—G. C. POOB. XKOKD. a·:—At a Court of Probate b«Id at real just because he had a —The of a not a s big got 15-pound Pan», within and for the of question succnwr to Chief Jut drink—Gilmore Specific for Piles ; ; fir. Foster. c# County Oxford PeiryDavissPaiiiKiller lie· trout. NOTICE. on the third Tuesday of May A. D. 1M3. IS Appleton, who*· term of office will eiplre s — next Gilmore Magnetic Elixir; for sale A. -4 th. Gould's clos- On the of H. of September, and who, on account of bu by May Academy The Selectmen of Paris will be in session the petition George Brown, Bethel, Thos. Baker has the »a*d that F. advance·I age, will wish to rettm M. So. Paris John just opened largest flr«t of earh at the County, praying Samuel Gibson. : THE GREAT HEALTH KEEPER probably Gerry. ; C. Gerry. Frye- ed its spring term last week. The Tueuday month, town home, from the bench that he baa at 2 Γ Bethel, be appointed Administrator on lb· honor**! for to lot of 5c. and 10c. and of glassware o'clock in the afternoon, to transact any busi- is bur» The agent is now is now in Oxford exercise consisted of the goods itate of David P. late ol la said THE many year·, consider* j iomiaencement ness tba. may properly come lie fore the board. Brown, Bethel, RELIEVER OF DISTRESS ι ble already receiving he ever had—lots of deceased : attention from the leg*· of tli* with big bargains. WM. E. CURTIS, Chairman. ounty, stale. fraternity County, arranging other druggists Innual Sermon deliveretl on the lJth. by Ordered, That the (aid petitioner gtv· notice THE COMFORTER FOR Among those prominently name·! for moves Paris, Maine, May 25th, IMC!. PAIN the Ben. Flood into rent, formerly all person* Interested a position Is Justice Peters.—Aroostook Re- for sale of these goods. >fof· Henry L. Chapman of Bowdoin Col- by canting copy publican. store. ! this ordertobepublUbed three week· snocesdve· Jos. French's Geo. Kavanaugh is If Freedom Notice of Elbridge Carr. ege ; a public examination Thursday tnorn- Inths Oxford Democrat printed at Pari*.that THE ENEMY OF DISEASE Chief Justice Appleton shall retire, it for Purrell i Hawkes, who ev may at a Probate Court to be held at as our Notice of H. \ s. clerking ap- appear Aroostook foreclosure—Orin Guptll n^, and exhibition at the Congregational arie.ln «aid on the Mird of June contemporary suggest* ) to be an unusual trade. Coanty Tuesday AND A FRIEND OF he we should Edwin W. pear having good ixt,at nine o'eloek m the forenoon and abow cause THE will, suppose, Inasmuch as Lawrence. I "hurch in the evening. All the exercises ill the Tue fullest we ever .have why the same should loi be members of t*ie bench are admira- in stage, Monday, Change Maine Steamship Co line be- Vere largely attended by the Iriends and anj^they FAMILY, WHICH SHOULD bly qualified for the position of Chief Jus* eaw. The Hatch family exhibited here RICHARD A. KKYE. Judge. tween Portland and New York. •atrons of the and the students lice, no one over the 1 Academy, A true copy, attest:—H. C. Davis, Register. having advantage here, the 19th. A good turn out to a show ALWAYS BE AT HAND. Dther In the direction of Caution Fred R. Barrett of North ι nade an which must have been fitness, except in by appearance — which gave satisfaction. Itperlence,—that that would be s<· Buckfleld. to their teachers and general judge rery gratifying ected for the Chief Justice j1 A. Ward, Jr. EVERY DRUGGIST keeps who is the Lasters Wanted by Massachusetts Shoe 11 Heads. >ldest in point of service. Walton Paris.—There will be " Ex- Judge Firms. The exhibition Thursday evening filled Longfellow is* served sines 1863, Judge Barrows since ercises" In Miss Giles's of onr 1863, Danforth Messrs. A. P. Ordway & Co. advertise 1 he house, and was a decided success. department Judge since 1864, Judge next com- since and in a manner village school, Friday afternoon, ITlrgin 1872, Judge Peters did Sulphur Bitters. This Is the fourth year The selections were rendered lot at 2:30 o'clock. Parents and the go upon the bench till 1872. If a new we have contracted with Messrs. l o the most There were mencing Ordway please exacting. ?hlef Justice Is to be there are invited to appointed 4 Co. The firm shows confidence in the ι io this and to public generally cordially be rould seem to be graduates year, according OP ΒΠΤΚΒβ ARK THK good reason why Judge Ρΐ'ΚΚβΤ AND Βκβτ the Dkmocrat by sending check in advance for I he present course of study, there will present. Brrraa ifalton, oldest associate Justice la Evkb Mad*. Mint of The Paris Hill and West Paris Base Ball Ladle· In delicate are service, and certainly second to the fall Tear's work, and has ex- | be few if any next year, hence They compounded from always >robably tieal'.h, who are all Hope, Malt, to justice on the bench in and Clubs a game on the Common, Sat- ichu, Mandrake and ability pressed satisfaction with the result of its l here were no essays or orations played rundown, should use Dandelion,—the old· peclal should be original 3cu*hcb t, and moet fitness, promoted to the p. m., in a victory for the Biztu, best, valuable medicine· In •osltlon. Investment. m the programme. The selections were urday resulting • Indeed, the expressions that we world, and contain all the best and " home club 16 scores. will be I isve heard from Statement of Fire Association of Phila.. is follow* Piano La by $1,000 paid >et curative members of the bar in Duo, Baladine," The a properties of all rem· Giant Dyspep ter case where scl- I other he Western of the W. J. So. I'hilbrook and Rec- Is cured r&us Brmsi will I lea, the part State, generally Wheeler, Agent. Paris. Hisses Billings; No. Ri-mford, May 17.—The mountains byusinj being greateat Blood Purifier, tvor or 44 Sclfbtb Bitters. assist cure. lt| ver Judge Walton's promotion to the I>r. Morse on treatment of Throat and i The Ballad of Ronald Clare," were white with fkllen Tues- Isia Regulator, and Life tad Health Ra- tation, j newly snow, ver fails.' !hlef In case of a who are bt iting Agent on earth. Mo dlaeaee or Justiceship vacancy, Diseases, Inhalation. See notice I ilia B. Declammation "Union a. m. Operatives ΓΗΕ NOYES PORTABLE ill ot on Lung by Fames; day confined In BOOK-CASE •1th can only account of the fact that he has Cleanse the Tit poaaiblj long exlat where theaa erved elsewhere. ι Λύ A. Recita- Mr. his a the mill· and work see Ida not M ttere longest on the but also be· Liberty," Edgar Widber; G. S. Silver has given house -fbloodwhen you only to 50 ordinary voltnnea, bat tka are need, eo varied aad are bench, shops; Clerks, lrl oats Lie· bunt· abbidokd Prcno»AST as the latter perfect anse of bis conceded Maurice Baker Co.'s Great American I and the Eva new coat of imparl well, either sir ability and ion, The Knight Lady," paint, both inside and out, this do not procure suf-'-bag through the ikin in or as desired has operation·. special ekiaed, ; ATTALBaiJia (not tnesa for the Jour- ficient exercise, anddftn iwn in for new life and position.—Ltwittim Specific and King of All Remedies. ] iarker : Declamation. "The Roman Senti- spring. Pimpki, Blotches, cut) holding labob atlabo, maga- rhey give vigor to the aged all whoere conflnedlanid Sores. Seiy on es and newspapers; also a book idt fox bkad· AO 1 infirm. To all whoae employment· Five Probate Notices. ι iel," Ernest M. Walker; Overture to Mr. who is Town- in doors, should Brrrras, which can be to ca Henry Adams, running Ilosely adjusted any height aad any ise of the bowel· or irregularity Sclfhcs Bit d health wUl fol- |W and all offered at nalv τη rxtcx of βοοΜ- urinary Five Notices. William Tell," Edith A. Philbrook; send's saw mill this season, to will not thei α on ΟΓ| put·, or who aa Hebron Academy.— In Insolvency expects They library table. Being eaaten, it i· practteaDy require Appetizer, Tonic connection with be weak and XVOLVIXO BOOX-CAAB sa an— i mild The Selectmen of Paris announce that 1 tecitation, up Mattie finish this week. sickly. 88 Vail a DICTtOXAXT I etlmnlant, Bitter· are le commencement "Taking Carpets," sawiug Bclfhur -DXX. Hop Inval· exercises which occur ! Many Lawyers, Miabten. Doctor* aad >le, being highly tooifl and will be t· session on the first L Gibson; Recitation. "Ride of Jennie V. olars curative, atlmu α l· they Tuesday Miss Hannah Abbott of this place has rill cure Liver Com· I have round that it fills "the loag-Mt '■! Ing, without intoxicating. riday Jane 29, a reunion of the former Don't it,"aad auay other* who have fewer ! ο matter what of each month, at the town house, to trans- ) >1 Neal, Alice B. been to teach the summer school Jplaint. bedis-j booka tad your or «dents and Brycnt; Declamation,' engaged ; it will cure I η ample book-case. All who see it », what symptom· feeling· teacher· will be held. A )unged praiMit, and the disease or ailment 1· uae act come 'Green F. 44 on M wbo bar· need it BU ten. Hop any business which may legally Apples," Tom Hastings; Reci-' on the East Side." The school the longest praise it aiiL It Dont wait until you are amber of the are lj lb·., aad la slek, bot U [ distinguished graduates 14 ghs elegantly finished ia dark Τ01 only feel bad or miserable, uie before them. t ation. Aunt Jemima's Ger-' now in or black Bit- ! ι Courtship," West Side" is session, under the 8ULTHUB lii riiutei rry walnut. He manufactura of this ■ atonoe. It may save Hop pec ted to be present to The it J«r yoar lift. speak. Doa't be without «■will build and comprehensive article ta the ia vector ha' re been saved so Hundreds The Portable Book Case D. W. t rude E. Chapman; Declamation, "The instruction of Miss Lizzie from An- joaup J original by doing. $000 will will soon Xoyes by Yonng manufacturer of Dictionary Holder» d for a ease be rogramme be announced, and Try it; yc ; make* P*j they will not core or This is a most valuable ( Israel W. Mason ; I will not Wire Dictionary holder, the Improved aad Per· Ε ο not snffer or let halp. Noyes. Chicago. lladiator," Recitation, droscoggin Co. rendit. KS5?"*~,eil your friends bat vltatlons sent as far addresses can be ly Adjustable Book-Holder aad bvbbitmm oat and urge them to use suffer, as the Bird's Neet?" Mabel τ Bl* UN*. Invention and promises well as the Die- Who Stole Ha*! Parties from New York have recently ca* ax pxautKD In this line. Scad for Ε Hop arned. In the meantime addresses of circulai* emember, Hop Bitters Is no vile, price· to or trunk en drugged tionary Holder mannfartnred hy the «urne t Declamation, "The Bewitched aeen the mica veins near this noatrnm, bat tbe Purest and ose whose of ings; examining Bitter». LA VEBNE ® Heine ever Best I place residence is not Sulphur W. NOTES, ?f made; the "Invalid·· friend and I < >rk," Πι as. E. Valentine; Recitation I *· [>e,n and no to be known to psr'y place. M W. Monroe 8L, Cxjca·» person or tamlly should be with- Wly the Committee m«y out them. Try the Bitten to-day. sent to W. W. Mayo, Hebron, Maine. Woodstock 1 From Lapham'a 11 le tory of be near at hand, Mrs. Jackson at become anxious as to her wherea- Dr. Π L. Battle, Jr., danger very " Wadlejr, Georgia, eays : Brown'» Iron Hitters are very and Goods INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. once closed the door, and the bouts, the door. When he saw Dry Fancy and Summei adjusted opened popular in this section and give entire sat- Spring bar which answered the her in the of the actor he start- isfaction." strong purpose company C1IASKD BY Α ΓΑΧΤ1ΙΕΒ. Mail. a ! of bolt. had she done this ed back in astonishment. "Mr. Blank," a By AT THF. STOKE OF Hardly There Is marked différence between tnc**a* wish Tl«w of the very flatterie* The truth of the is m with the lark ari* Ittrinf your daughter are for it ai Tiut lïrsnAXi» or Ml sr. strong grounds believing But it was his attacks, very foolish, but she has never OF TOWN WEST PARIS, ME. proof against promised Is three times the man h·: w:i.s before he OXJT 1· order to meet tne want* ot our la It occurred a hundrt " constantly thentic. nearly around in the the to do so and I would advise began using Wells' Health Ilenewer." 91. THROUGH CH. R ormaiac trade, we h >ro on hand a larger stock 01 and, prowling vicinity again, you for thi· reason's trade than ever the first se Druggists. coodi before yeare ago—and long before remainder of the night, at daylight he to take better care of her." With these and Mail Order All bought tor Tt Sample Department, tier built his cabin in this town. vanished into the forest. words he turned and left. That When a young la4 We would a descendants of the ,.t. ibrtr call attention to fe* lead Ing arti leading fharacter girl is a wife and mother now, but more about her accent. cle· We tuaks a of happy particular speciality the adventure that the has conn BY say story MAINE CENSUS STATISTICS. never tires of telling the lesson she re- ORDER MAIL, cloaks. and «ai·* b.*eeer vd wM·, i»r te fl FOR PAIN. details, as related them, ai TlIK AGBICUITtTHAI. AND KlSIUNO IN- with th- Diim >ud Fashlon.ibl·' od- rtricUy Alan e*»fctn· res ta litrnet. t ard r.al. Oz blood CURES principal by I)yes. THEY ALSO WORK IN EUROPE. ors. λ οι Only 10c. kc We have few piece· Black Momie cloth Rheumatism. here given. TERESTS of tue State—Investment, PRICE SYSTEM, which we w>*h to close and «·<Γτ them at (oc. Neuralgia, Sciatica, ONE |pci Lumbago. Backache. Ht attache. Toothache. better be careful I» wlU be fonte a· rrvrth $1 Distinguished people When the man iu the dock fumbles in and an oar (too yd.. 1er» Throat. Swelling·. Sprain·. llriiUet One of the first settlers in Paris w« etc. W· have received some new »tv!iw In Profits, Hum·. Sralil·. In»l Hit,··. about giving their to strang- his po kct for the "one dollar and costs," Our Goods »W> *Lt oTtt Ι Κ H'il»11 I rtlll Mi Wilts. autographs of any of I^emuel Jackson, of Middleboro, Masj i> it a case nf Mm·· Samples ScJ4 bt I>n(|iatt ab IHilin f»rrr«b«r». I'lhy Otu Uitl< ers. The is told of I^eon feeling? wi.b elr ular ooeuiatog verr (m;-ortan; | LADIES 1>ιτ·νιΙ<«· ta It I «T.cua***. following story u^Mlter SACKINGS, Paris were settled nearl The of the tenth census re<*l ιν· to and can chow a line of these ffl Ί HI < II Mil Λ. > OkI I.I K ( U. Rumford and itici-aitUu g>>od (rood*, »:<« compendium the famous French statesman and f "Our readers will uotice a new ad· have a food liae <>f Ι* Α. V JUUXft à 0» ) hilt·..». ·4.. I M Say, at the same time, when the In contains the statements in re- vertisem-iit, Clovt-r Bitters. This mi lies· and Wool Dress Voluntary Tribute· lie re- dian raid was made into Bethel in 1781 to the interests of this •en: aay Cotton Goods, gard agricultural M. feared that his the is from the red and white mhI oar η ncm' »tock of fit* Received. Say nephew, compounded the settlers in Rumford went away an State: Whole numberof farms, 64,309, clover. It contains gr«"»t virtue for Comte de Monte would his «prim: 4 resign and blood disease» and ail who are ΒΒ3ΤΗΕΪ3 BBANCEOFT, — pello, ailir.g EASTM4N j DRY 4 FANCY Dr.AR St», Please allow nie tho privilege of did not return for over a year. Unti of which number 25,035 contained over GOODS, as ambassador to and at should call ou their druggist* for it. 494 St. W|i never In better ro. dit ion. giving my testimony regarding tho wonderful post Belgium 492 A Congress the road was built WoodJtoc1 100 and less than 500 acres, 378 over curative properties of your invaluable medicine, through once hastened to Brussels to dissuade Hunt's or seven Dross-makers ought to make good rail- WOOLENS Remedy. I>urtng the p.v>t sis in 179G, there was no communicatio: 500 and less than 1,000 acres and only Maine., for men'· ar.d b >ys' «orne of which are re the road eon iurtors, are so accustomed Portland, wear, year* 1 have heen a great (offerer from Kidney him from such action. During jcur- they e· veil directly from the manufactories of Rea !■ two 116 over acres. The total land to trains. and a great of the time between the settlements, excep 1,000 making up lo.ig deld and ivi'er, and cut tree vf charge when disease, during part my ney thither he entered into conversation purchased o' u*. In r l.iunlry and we have made aeveral valuable adllcoos, sc. of all weak- census was juat pains kind», accompanied by great Jack taken, leaving 3,067,670 so leeted from the houses of Fortlaa I anil It is said that in the Mr. ing in most enthusiastic terms. Flat- kitchen purposes. An article popular largest ness and nervous prostration, loss of force and spring, Say Boston. acres or 46.8 cent to the and widely circulated, must possess mer- attend it. I had all short of for seed unimproved, per Buckboards, In mea'a wear we keep Han'· Hand Sewed ambition which invariably son, being potatoes tered by the compliment, and thinking its that commend it to the favor of house- nre e to custom a these and waa in such a bad of Boot·, whicn jeal made, alao troubles intensified, alone th< total land in farms. The average size of made the through to the with his keeper.' variety cheaper grade·. condition that I could uot get up out of my chair journey impress stranger great- Concord Wagons, In !a*iiea wear we have eue h goxls a* II.inlet'a the farms was 102 acres, an increase of hands on and woods to New I'ennacook fo ASD Λ Smith'» a d the Hawkina Boot wc have In I except by putting my my knees, Rumford) ness, M. Say revealed his identity. The Mrs. Parvenue says she would like to wh eh tor ease and la almost out before 1 could their total valuation width·, style, durability rolling straighten up. some from the set· four acres, and die of apoplexy, because it Is so fashion- not excelled. and kiuoor shape, seeking they To all who are from the errors NÎ Mtitlacuoi thi· ia the season I r thi e go:4s. an,I w* would of and suftering relief attention was directed a friend to over on the farming implements machinery jfO rsf« oteUj mrit the attention of the t a le to this for my by noon, intending stop night vited him to dine with him. The Vi- and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak- Our good* of thi· kin 1 haxe ju»l to the remarkable cures of was an increase of £138,- I loss of I 'Irpartmert Kidney diseases, etc., was not an uncommon $4,948,048, a* ness, early decay, manhood, etc., been received and rail and ex- way. It thinj comte de he called himself, did opentd- Fiea»o which were being accomplished by Hunt's Kern- Se^ur, will send a that will cure kukk BUGGIES. ta:i« them. 035. In these values, how- recipe you, TOP ed I was induced to it. and to take for the settlers, when visiting neigh- estimating distin- »Ve have thi· 'lav plawl an order for a full as- y try began early so, and, on taking leave of his ok ciiakok. This great remedy was dis- of the 'ateit ttvlea, " that sortment of the celebrated It. and very soon limbered up as it were ; my in ever, it should be borne in mind covered a in South America. boring settlements, to spend the ni^ht the favor of his au- by missionary severe and the intense I had guished host, begged to backache, pains was at an Send a self-addressed envelope the Rev. the woods. Near the brook which gold in 1870 average premium Averill Mixed Paint, suffered so long speedily disap|>earcd, notwith- passes tograph in an album already containing Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Ν*. V. City. PHAETONS for ia»Me and out-idc work Theae g< ο·1» hare I cent. The total in — AN IX— standing had been bothered with this complaint at the time of which of 25..'J per prodct »v au| < ri.>r t-r uou«ri a; nting aaw bon^nt Patent Medicine·. Salt, I suffered also from loss of appetite. Ever since corn, 060,633 ; oats, 2,265,575 ; rye, •1·* where Cloth, an I Cotton an 1 Wool Carpeting* Ac. and which was built after the rude man- him if the francs Ox Tmarv.Days' Trial. if ar< m bave been takiug the Remedy, however, my Im- cierge asking 2,000 P:«a*e call aeJ examine ti»em you : Tiik V01.TAIC Bklt Mirahull, Mi· most ; wheat, 66 »,714 Irish Co., I»., «ut οι a T»hirlf ot mi kin Λ provement has been marked ; my former Jackson arrived at 26,308 potatoes, ner of those days. that had been to M. de Segur were will send Dr. celebrated Electro- ANDREWS & CURTIS. ach< «, etc.. have paid Dyes's Complaints, pains, di»ap|«'ared, 7,999,625; wool, 2,776,407 pounds; on W ttt April ii, !.v%3 this about dark, and decided to on as he much needed the Voltaic Belts and Klcctric Appliances FarU. and I now feel like my former self, hale, hearty, camp their way, J. C. BILLINGS, 1,107,788 tons; 48,214 trial for thirty days to men young or old) and sound in health. 1 shall always keep Hunt's the here and his hay, hops, back for an ex- spend night pursue money. Telegraphing who are afflicted with nervous debility, BETHEL, MAINE, Kemedy with me, and would most earnestly rec- ; tobacco, 250 butter, homeward in the His pounds pounds; M. learned that a lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaran- ommend all thixie who are «utfeyrs from Kidney journey morning. planation Say gentle- 14,103,966 ; cheese, 1,167,730 teeing speedy and complete restoration of or 1.1 ver diseases, or disease· of the Itladder or of was in the pounds at in Paris and THE BEST IN USE. bag potatoes deposited man had called his house health and manly vigor. Address as above. ! Crinary Organs to use Hunt's Keuiedv, and toko The estimated value of all farm HAIR as WORK a and he was for fire, pounds. to his a note written Ν'. II—No risk is Incurred, thirty days' oo other. camp, arranging concierge consumed or on hand) presented trial is allowed. ad· β 1 several m >re was a scream productions (sold, THE AMERICAN Having Yours very truly, when he startled by savage in these words : "Please hand over to EVAPORATOR., HKNRY H. SHELDON. for 1879 was $21,945,489. The num- If a wants to auction off his which almost froze hie blood. He hail M. de the sum of 3,U00 francs. ship-owner and Growers No. SO Westminster Κ. I. Segur vessel he should not to sea in a storm. Farmers Fruit I EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, St., Provideace, ber of horses owned was 87,848 ; mules put do a and knew to rn\ tore* of eir>, lo>ee-, I au: prepared to heard similar sound before, I will remit next it was He might lose the sail. be aurc taU one tbia aeaaon Kor C*UJeg*' you by post." buy 111 kladVof and asses, 298 ; working oxen, 43,049 ; aa-1 ail nfomntlw aU>u: Uwui a-iJr··· that it was made the most dangerous "I/eon and that statesman '· by signed Say," Wiiy Tiiey Cam. Him "Old Man." In the lexicon of youth, etc., there Is no such milch cows, other cattle, 1 10,- the dread- 150,845; as said " animal of the northern woods, the the "Yes, that's sally so," Jenkins, word as fail." That lexicon" is now found in quickly recogni/ed autograph " HAIR WORK 527: 565,918; swine 71,369. my hair Is turning gray and falling out F. ed American He also knew sheep, one he had in the al- A. MASON, the laboratory "f Hunt's ltemody. U knows uo panther. penned stranger's before its time, l'se something? I would, —IS ΤΠΚ- The value of all the live stock amounted •Be h Word as —Kit!. that if he remained wher* he was, he bum." but most hair restorers are dangerous." North Maine. to 916,499,376, a decrease of £6,857,- " True," answered his friend, " but Par- Buckfield, would soon be attacked, and that the BRIEF INFORMATION. ker's Hair Balsam is as harmless as It is Co's. From the Port'aml I»ally Advertiser. 753 since 1870. for Oxford and Androsco£ff"> old and constructed would effective. I've tried it and know. Give Ag*nt ~ ruddy camp the Balsam a show and the will stop afford him no His MANUFACTURES. SOME FACTS WOKTH KNOWING. boys 1 ΛΛΠ Dkklo rinnr MOST EXPEDITIOUS MANNER. protectien. only hope Man Jenkins."' it never ι ιν/ui calling you 'Old ιυυυιο. , a Λ1Ι Hie .Al**91 --J4C· VI and under the circumstances, The number of establishments for the fails to restore the original eolor to gray that, and best That salt fish are quickest or faded hair. Hichly perfumed, au ele folorn one, wu in flight, and this be at manufacture of agricultural implements and Capillaris! freshened in sour milk. gaut dressiug. Michigan's, Waves, by soaking I Langtry Saratoga once on. his of was a of 1 PEKnOSs to fill on me, that arc resolved Seizing bag 28, with 8726,300, Hir- \ capital water and will has been arrested Holler, I» «1 lofifu· t!> :r hair. troubled That cold rain soap A New York girl Michigan .Made to Order. 1Λ.Μ "1/ for these were too to to 4 48 hands, who re- with an I w:ll eurc them with remove machine grease St. Louis. abl« tfet cure·!,, him to them without an etfurt to ceived in the $174,- old woman disguised as a «irl is still at ca|lllari* lor 11*·· dolln** or nothing. jîo give up wages during year 1 t.ntil all of th·· above cure* fabrics. large. St. Louis Hollers. I'ay require save he bounded οίΓ the and 9661,445 worth of Switches, are ira le. 1 ehallennr int J»er*'>n in the city them, through 075, producing That fish be scaled much easier are a or a resident of a Coquetts, of Portland, to produce a ••a·"· that I can- may If you frequenter woods at a rate. He struck the manufactures. Establishments for the St. Lot/is Patent. not unlet* ihe rojts ire cnt.relv ilend. rapid district, barricade cure, first them into boiling water miasmatic your system wb'cli i· not the ca««· in tkjiv than one r.i«.· In ten Little at the foot of manufacture of cheese and butter, 41 ; by dipping the scourge of all new countries- Minnesotta Patent, anl vet have been bald for * ear*. Any Androscoggin Bry- against | Toupees, I they may for a minute. bilious anil intermittent Wigs, cannot t.e fevers—by 1 ooe butin* "< »prlll*ri·" tumtMiif*«Ί, he had em- ague, —AND 1 ant's Pond ; up to this time, invested, $82,512; hands Ibctadtajr th« Celebrated, a* it bat do equal fora hair lire ->tr>ir and ι· «r> >rtli capital That fresh meat to sour, the use of Hop Bitters. the olit for that « Two or thr«* beginning j pruw purpj heard more of the beast, and a 58 ; wages for the year, Ludixoto.v, Mini., Feb. J, 1*80. all th« above rorii. Se Ter- nothing ployed, paid FRONT PIECES, I bottle* will mtke of will sweeten if out of doors in the I have sold Bitters for four years Mvle of wv ai incredulous placed Hop "PILLSBURY'S BEST," coo-ltaUy on han.l. Every tbeltss. thiok «kc|iU< and per· of entered his heart that he $8,213 ; of milk used, 7,637,- < glimmer hope quantity is no medicine that : son», that arc are*! of ail the abovedisease*, and cool air over night. and there surpasses C«e*i Jerri Uk béai flour ! Uieir hair re-tored, ought to Oc » .llin» to pay *.'· was not but as he 901 ; cheese made, 777,365 them for bilious attacks, kidney com- the ic»ult ami···) at l« pursued, proceeded pounds be HAIR JEWELRY alter ac4-oi»pll«hrunds or rendered fit for use to this malarial climate. Mads in the Worli but- sweetened, again, I Portland, Me Oct. inn. In»;. pelled by the loud cry of the animal, 852; value of products, £73,942 ; II. Τ. Αι.εχλνρκκ. Ali the »!>.>» were bought direct from the ml.'N SOLID GOLD. 1'rlre ηΛ rte. (ΊΓι·κ«Ι.<·). R>- mall, 73 stirring in a little soda. in 1 1 Thrvc tinttlca ·*. now near. He now ter ; buttermilk and by AM work warranted prie·» wlKliClorf. rte·, prepaid. which seemed quite made, 6,000 pounds " to n.* .«ale» is much What is the simplest way keep jelljr loi doing a>or* w>rk nnUt<». tioo C. I»·, (•h « a I'tw, felt the necessity every skimmed sold, ; from moulding top?" orders putting of or salt, or both, with tjexamiue Stud in yo.ir by the addition sperm house I'ut it on the table once in -AT— privilege CWIU.AU* Ct'RSK ME and to this end he threw his §840 ; value of 81,650. keeper. I". OP. « to M. effort, away terials, products, Of dandruff ao.. or a little gum arabic, dissolved. a while. It cure«η·Ιr-niggi»t·. boiled your our lives to Shiloh's Cure." ll ia ttriDitiuK oat a itoo.1 growth ot hair where heard more of the for over the amount for wages Consumption nothing panther 819,687 paid Cure MAINE. I v\a- bald. C- A. PAKsuNs, Druggist ) GLO. C. to the will you cough when Shiloh's We al*0 h«ve on hiaJ thus a greatly whitening process. Why PARIS, Rt.AUàK, F. H. H *MLIN. G AKDlNfcR M.PAK some time, the animal probably having and the value of materials, giving will give immediate relief. Price 10c., ôoc. KKR, J. Ν LASPF.U. That kerosene will soften boots and on the iil·I 1 know of 1U ei.rins twelve of m ν customers of found the of and, of about 24 per cent capital $1. | bag potatoes, impelled profit hardened Indigestion, SEE OUR j bale·lake p'ea*ure in* pelled by capital water the Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy positive Pure Bone Meal, KOGKttS. HELEN l>. 11 lut. IN S and many other* tea stains. Pour the through nearer than at ; cure for Catarrh, and Canker Bradley's ( bave used hair think it ha* all beast, which now seemed 339,396 ; hands 6,663 wages Diphtheria your dreeing, employed, thus its the merit* tou claim for it on your circulars, scain, and prevent spreading Mouth. The case was now value of materials " JOBS C. PROCTER, E>Q. any time before. paid, 81,161,142; Haokmetack," a lasting and fragrant j over the fabric. Braficy'j Pure te Meal fur Cattle. ter- of Price 25c. and 50c. Decorated Crockery. desperate, and Jackson felt that the used 84,951,957 ; value products, perfume. That salt will curdle new milk, hence, Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve a of about 29 •SAVE YOUR MONEY rible beast might spring down upon him 87,933,868 ; giving pront and Bronchitis. in milk gravies, etc., Croup, Whooping Cough Cracked Hone WE CAN SELL AKI> PLACE IT IN seemed preparing porridge, For and Liver Complaint, you Bradley's SOMETHING from any of the dark trees which per cent on the capital invested. Dyspepsia etc., the salt should not be added until ha\e a guarantee on every bottle In this State em- printed Ft)κ Fowls. to frown above his head. running, The fisheries of give It never fails to cure. the dish is of Shiloh's Vitalizer. IN LOTS TO SXJXT, on whom prepared. free with each bottle An Endowmet Policy his hat was knocked off and he sped to 11,071 persons, of A Nasal Injector *ea« >n ployment tea *« aùall keep on hand through the That kerosene will make your ket- of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price "s) cLs. that the are fisherman and shoremen. -AT A- without it. It is probable pan- 8,110 2,961 J. II. Kawson, Paris Hill, tle as bright as new. Saturate a woolen For sale by ther again to examine the hat, The invested amounted to 83,. and A. M. Gerry. South Pa-Is. GROUND OURSELVES HOME COMPANY. stopped capital and rub with it. It will also remove PIASTER was invest- rag and this gave the fugitive another short 375,994, of which 8633,542 all stains from the clean varnished furn- ■ ■■■■ α η WILL convince you or Krcia the be·! Moderate Price, hi? 606 with a tonnage of 1,- UNION MUTUAL respite. He rushed on, tearing ed in vessels, UU U ft I the wonderful curative iture. in AND WHICH WE CAN clothes and his face in 5,920 boats, and WW ilI properties combined scratching against 763,265 ; 8245,624 That blue ointment and kerosene, in Life Insurance S*rsaparilla, if the remarkable Company he not see, and in minor and out- IIood's Nova Scotia Rock, la now in its the brush which could $934,593 apparatus mixed and to been cflecteJ by its use (all Of Poktia.vu, Maink, Thirty equal proportions applied curi s tliat liave for Customers at time. Fifth Year, and at no time ba* It been more of the on the fits. The value of the amount- mind this repeatedly Duplicate any results last the sound rapids products an to impress upon your more >u> ce»«iul. It* guided by bedsteads, is unfailing bug remedy, it, and prosperous In- was fact? Thousands are using At 100 Pounds. year was A LABoELY Increased buslues.-. which his course to of which 837,500 proven 40 Cents per lnorc»*cd Increased river, along lay. Again ei 83,614,178 a of whitewash is ditto for is a medi- creased Asset», Hurplus, and that coat all declare that «If II I Dividends to policy holders, and all secured at his and the balance ing all and ih»t u«ed 1 ffer*m kie«l« ol plaster ! he he might escape pursuer, from the oyster fishery cine possess- 1WII I Thoae have a decreased expenditure. hoped a house. are avare tu log ■■ 11·· we claim for at ASSETS and the dreadful cry reached him, from the fisheries. even more than OF again general beeswax and salt will make or In that con- A NEW LINE That your It. My friend. If you are sick the beast was still on hie call either showing that as clean and as smooth dition that you cannot yourself OF rusty flat-irons of Hood's OVER SU MILLIONS DOLLARS abouf A GOOD ACT BY A GOOD ACTOR. elck or well, go and get a bottle track. the hesitated wax a GROUND HOLDER· Why panther as Tie a of in rag how FRESH PAID TO POLICY in New York of glass. lump Sabs a tabula, and realize yourself him is hard to be understood. A pretty story is told bee· We Curtains attacking and and it for that When «h.oh haa kepi Band purpose. la »up«rtor tJ that Over Millions of Dollars· While he was keep beat of Fancy It however, that, b) Kdwin Booth. playing lha Kr»te* Eighteen a be, governed the keep «3-<>ar new business thus far In 1Î83, sbow· may the irons are hot rub them first with a miss fell large increase over 188i- he was witt at Winter Garden, young his cat-like nature, playing scour them with a 5SEC0NVINCEof into working wax then paper all the machinery your body with him. She was rag, it in his to in love order. Just Received. BUSINESS IN MAINE. him, feeling power accomplis!: desperately or cloth with salt. of sprinkled 1ΘΘ1 1ΘΘ2 at time. the only daughter wealthy parente, Middlesex his purpose any should not From the Registrar of Deeds for I she would make Wmhiko Horses.—Water But Jackson on, and now th( and night after night County, Northern District. sped on horses'limbs when tbeir blood is Cotton Seed Meal, I $366,000 home anu to the be used Lowfli.. Mass. to leave — $246,000 twelve miles from the old camp ar< some excuse go Gentlemen long horse with Mfssrs. C. I. Hood & Co.: N. 0. BOLSTER, She Booth with love heated. After cleaning your It affords me much pleasure to reconnu·'!.<1 Wa*tr* Everywhere, ; his appeari theatre. deluged has Agents nearly accomplished clearing it and Hook's Saksai'auii.la. My health MEAL. BRAN. to her a brush, wet a and wring some 1 lia»·; CORN South Paris. must b< f and he wrote telling sponge been such tliat for years past in view, but the river, which letters, finally a tonic of some kind In In this it would been obliged to take FREELAND at the door at the the limbs. way the and have never found EOWETAgent, runs between him and his cabin her to meet him stage wipe spring, anything forded, that hit wants as If FREE KOBWAY. MAINE as neatness is health but my your Sarsaparilla twrett*. AT on a certain eve- be beneficial, my blooe. iSTOPPEDMtrrrk-uj ψ into the water, and the pan- end of the performance tones up my system, purifies Meal, Middlings, |n«anî Rwtorw," He rushed my and seems to mako Rye Cioans'd or too much water is Wind sharpens appetite, 8GREAT FukwakI) And bavetbein anc was there to ap- weaking. puffs me over. yours, D&.KLDtE come into the clearing, ning. She according Respectfully —AHi>— I>reJ an'1 Pre"eisa*Pi8. tbily rurt • handed her into his by 'wroi. B*«ti A in γηιιρ niULU η a τ race in th< Booth TUUn uR prf>«mks with the instinct of his taking pointment. business men said t> t*r%Jbr PÎU, Mpdrpn ami Strr· Afictums. the skin with warm water One o( our prominent direct· ·!. Λ"> A-'J aftrr some in- Softening iNrtiiltic If t .ken and fearful of his in- and gave whimpered ns the other "In the spring tuywito ii Trtati** and »3 trial bottteOveto situation, losing carriage day: I if ténjr*i ^ FOSTER'S more the ·» .·, r. **.-e. Mnd ■.·■·. CLOTHES horses strain upon ligaments, run down and could not eat Seed. It : ; il..·»:», τ; Jack- to the driver. The brings got all anything; Grass ad '·*-■» te Da. KlIMLKU in after him. structions IP. ft. and tended prey, leaped ous. store I saw a of Hood"· j'a. >*.· m::cÙK.i~rvj-jx*U. which is considered passing your pile neai and in a few mo- injuri which will be soM at bottom price·. Br a little in the water, and were driven rapidly In the and I a AU of Kxpr—ρίΓί5| B|f gyu 0OEe> eon gained Sarsapahilla window, got —AND— found herself in —Cleanliness is next to godliness for bottle. After she had been taking it a week 13 Preble St. the bank stood his cabin. Call- ments the young girl opposite a It did lier but for milch cows it is she had rousing appetite, and Please Call and See Us, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, LACES, FEATHERS, of his hi front of her own home. The carriage the human r&ce, She took three bottles, ami it Portland, Wain·, to his wife at the top voice, everything. ing was the best three dollars 1 ever invested." his wife heard and and Booth assisted her to alight, the virtue that leads all others. Stalled And be convinced. Kid Gloves, &c., Ketablished 1θ4«. rushed up the bank ; stopped PAINT AID WHITEWASH BRUSHES, with cows cannot be from all bad odors, ι her arm in his he walked kept Hood's in New wide the door, through whicl Taking Sarsaparilla. By Mail, Largest England. opened Price a the and rang the bell. It but the stables should be cleaned and Sold by all druggists. tj bottle, dorte like new by Machin- and fell her up steps or six for M. C. I. HOOD & CO.. PAINTERS* SVPPLIBM, Lace Curtains up Jackson rushed headlong pron< bottles C.W. & Co., a who had litered at time. Umell, Mass. DUNHAM or Dying Piano Cover· Speeialy there mus was late and the father, i freshly milking Apothecaries, ery. Cleansing on the floor. Realizing that girl's S« ; » >it West Paris, Me Noyes' Drug Store, Norway, Maine/ STATEMENT THREE NEW BOOKS. OXFORD COUNTY LOCALS. Or THE STANDING AMD CONDITION OF THE » GOODS S. C. Grise» * Co., Publishers, Chicago, Vegetine. SPRING AND SUMMER ; " Deferred trom 1»-Ht week.] send us Hobkkt's Rile* or Orkdr. on.». to Medicine. SOUTH PARIS SAVINGS BANK, -AT- It is a handy reference book for any M., Superior any Family aPer- de- new house is up rapidly. son who is ever called to preside over going 1883. Hinds has a monster Purifies the Blood, Benovatee and Invigor- South Paris, 8th, liberative The work of just caught May body. ALVA SHURTLEFF, Pbmidfkt. GEO. A. WILSON, TlUlûIII 2 lbs. and 13 3-4 or- ates the whole officers would also be greatly simpP™*ldinf ι weighing p£«* system, LIABILITIES. could wsrsb»« occurred .round m mcuicuuL rRortitms are $b«,usm all having a vote to cast, stui. rtopottU. 4,000 00 DRUG sl Reserved GERRY'S STORE, note- tbs"je Fund, 3.«7 00 the rules given therein. Specially Solvent and Profile, is a Uble of rules relaUug to Alterative, Tonic, worthy *"· trout motions, which shows, at which Pari- recently e.ught Diuretic. SOUTH PARIS. out or ... oxrora l-roo».—-B« RESOURCES. motion is entitled to precedence,afiance, which i. itL·. Kttimaitd Vkuktixk is made exclusively from the Juice· aura* which shuts off debate, and berb·, and debatable, of carefully selected bark·, roota and Valut, Mark* Valu». ΦΗ Book». •o concentrated thai it will effectually many other particulars. It is a manual, stronglr eradicate from ihe *y*tem every taint of SCRort·· Public Fund* Ourntd, which I shall sell at very low is CAN- **·**<" I have in a full line of so condensed, and so that it r^tcu I""1» ι A,SOOFTTLOua Humor. Tr mors, CANCER. ITaited Stole· Bond*, 4*. Coupon, 1007, $i,2tw IMisoo just put goode, yet plain, 3Υ'Γ· 5i)0 5ϋ Ου 500 00 the Is In CEROUS lltMOK. KB) ftll'ELA·/SALT KlIKt M, [•it* of Portland. β·, 1KS7, Call and see them. to the of mort' elabor- Loveiov Bartlett, jeweller,,™"u THE 00 ifiOO 00 likely supply place UIL1TIC DlSRAfES. CAN KKR, KAIWTNEttS AT L'tty of Fort Madtaofl, I»., 5· 190-J, 5,000 9,290 prices. from on the same Sheriff rt-lbourue.n. Stomach, >nod. Sciatica. Infi iwmatokv Andro*coggin end Kenneliec, flu, 1890, β,000 ve Trial Justice Edwards rode l 1,500 00 subiect. Sent by mail for scventy-i KiiFt'«A'ii«M, Nkikaluia. UoiT and Sim na Maine Cential, «·, Extension, 1800, 1,500 Ι,βτΟΟΟ has so d can be effectually on red Maine 1913, 5,000 e^uOOO β,οοοοο schools and Hill Tuesday. Kufua Cushman Comi-laintr. only Central, 7a, Conaol, I HAMMOCKS, cents. All debating clubs, the blood. FISHING TACKLE, through of a for refer- Kor Ilcehs and Eriftive Diseases the Total Railroad Bon.la gf Maine, f 12.500 lyceums should purchase copy Ben SETS, SKIN, POKTl'LU, Pi MI LKS, BLOTCH**, La, Bond» turned. CROQUET U.sJ or smelts. -*»■ »«» "« sttrurf Corporation 00 00 I * TETTER. 8CALPHRAD, and KlNuWoRM, VF.OETINE Sew England Car Trent. ·>» 1887, lflO, *,000 S,000 3,000 R00Si " rare. 00 3,000 00 °Lee ά Shepard, Boston, send us Mary E. out with kU ue.ly.^ut^tlu-pedil'r ha* never failed to «-fleet a permanent Kail road Kquipment Co., 'in. lfK), 3,000 3,000 BATS, Kor Pains in tiie Back. Kii*ey Compluowel·. Shoe Λ Leather National Bank. Auburn. 1O.UU0 FLIES, books of travel. It is full of JohnFiU, Norway, 7 V K- 00 7,400 00 poetical down_e« Kor · VTAKKH. DYSPEPSIA, H A BITt'A I. COSTI Norway National Bank, Norway, 7.400 7,soi John 5C0 7» 00 500 00 tences. and is channin*ly entertaining to with his fancy groceries. HBSfl, PAUTTATtOM or YlIB IIEAKT, llEAPAlUR, Bath National Bank. Bath, Piles. Nkkvoi «mm, and General Prostra· First National Bank, Bath, 1 WO 1.ΜΟΟΟ i,coouo the Most of the blow his sensual this ha* 00 close. chapters appeared bugle tion or tiie NuvuOl System, no medicine Kirat National Bank, l^>wiaton, 1.0.J0 l.tiSOOO 1,(Ml ai 00 ου bss built · new ever given such satisfaction the Manufacturei· National Bank, Kcwlston, 1,000 1,190 Ι,οοο m letters In the Boston Journal. where —Thos. Bsker, esq., S0°"?5J* perfect all of Vjsoktink. It purifies the blood, cleanse· oy- attracted so wide attention tha. the ,ua the and possesses a controlling power Total Bank Slock of Maine, $25,480 they ;t>oc, organ·. 90 A. NI. er the nervous Premium Acoount, 4,442 GERRY, them ;u system. author was constrained to issue cure· Veoeiine 107 78 Druggist, m.Jej^er The remaikable effected by Insurance Account, 810 book bound BecWeW- have induced many physician* and apothecaries Account, book form. The |is elegantly Expense 50® CO 500 00 ^VwestyW-Mrouor whom we know, to prescribe and use it In Uielr Rate, mail one carrv oo his farm this summer. Joscp Paris. in brown and «old. Price by own families. Loan» cm JHMic Fund--. Odd Fellows Block, So. \ E'.i timk Is the t*st remedy 00 Kobmsou is hb man, In tart yetdiscov- CU» of Kvannvllle, Ind., Bond*, 3,000 00 2.000 painting above aad is the only reli- ered for tbe di**a*ca, Loam on Bank Stock. A 10 and 12 l>ey St., N. Is ΡΓΚ1Κ1ΕΚ before the 00 d°y"k Wagnalls, James W. Downing coming ^ou.— able ULOOD yet placed Fir*t National Bank, Portland, 1,000 00 1,000 send us ♦ Flotsam anpJctsam, has publie. Loam on Bank Book». Y„ by live. Dan. Whitchouse gout Sating! 00 So. Parie Saving· Bauk, 1,60000 1/50 Bowles. This is No. M l*ar was uo Thomas Gibson » The big A'eo'otine Portland Saving* Bank, 1ft'ou loo Greatest and Grandest of the Standard Library. Tru e Ijocliu on Corporation Stock. Opening publishers here this week.—->ewcuu.w, 400 N"W;> "^om^fBriagtou. Is THE BEST International ^teamabip Co Port Ian J, 400 00 0Û __ 00 βοο 00 -OF- •23 cento in paper. The work te a series Is in town with a lot of new carriages. I'nion Wharf Co MM Mount Mica Building Ai»ociatlon, Paria «100$ βιο») of short or criticisms on men ami received » lotof 18 18 essays S. 1>. Edwards has just Loam on other Collateral·, 22,042 21,(Hi SPRING MEDICINE. '.♦7 00 0710 thines-in fact, on everything. It us a very Westlake oil stoves. The, arc a good Loan» on naine» alone, W'm Own» a WAOON Wsnt· loam» to <\rrp°ratt,>n*. work. The author, as Is common the■ vyrii Y ON'K. 5 000 HO 5,000 00 stove and are sold "■ Pari· Hill M'f g Co., English cheap.-On 1 11 ι.itr.H I* ν» roi.niNOr.».··■« :.a Pari· I.HiO 00 I.MXIOJ a ir-·- -tΛ " hunt Ι ( \ Ν!)|·\ TOI·. F'klsup So. Builaing Asuoclation, w.th critic;», condemn· of the went:forthto ο f,". «Il large part, boy, I -1. .■ an umbrella. Wnfli So. Parle Village Corporation. OU ·Μ5 «5 131.54* «5 h;s own work. On the third page of his t in I'J lb·. Can be Loan* on MorUage* of Heal Kstaie 1.11 down the untamed sucker (J il fiery, Ll n .- Ht In :i niln- with J. B. Brown A at cent. ••MAI '.«50 III Made Cash Son·, per ; Mailo in un to fit deposited 28 wilds of Otbficld. came back In La*h « itli National Bank, 2,105 28 2,106 They .■In ν jfmii, pleasure iiepo»it«'d Norway t4 —EVER ΙΝ- ou li.in· 5MM ι» 5 ,ΟΟβ Clothing rffi-BSi. an I l'Ukit<-« 8. nd C&«h I, Ready ,.r„ on.ot them tlons—returned in man, £ U iT.»t. I lYrrular nnd .«η·: if it a war. Allen Rl o· I \ -nit* w.mt«-d lKHD said there had been ^ topor -.rrvwber*. Stat··«Vrvfi l'npaid accrued intere«t, 2,820 47 I ardsou and wife, of Hanover, who are .« ihl< l>. t;. ItKKK* Λ; CO„ Γ ■ '"" ii·: M Baed> ll<» k.l'oun. f BS two pages page 1" and the author Ik-ol at work here the Pa>i wiuter Due depositor· and Inrlndtng other liabilltle·, himself proceeds to discuss that "unimpor- returned home; they will go ha^ IS ALWAYS Α Chance to all liabilltic*. ,87.1 i'J Buy tant" the weather used 'INTERESTING. Surplus above subject, Blsuall. The building formerly^kjor SUN Kale of intern: on per cent. THE week to charged loaiM,<4 ^ ^ Krom tr.orc:njt ίο uiorniag and Iron I Annual EM week ΊΙ1Κ print* a'continued stiry of tbe expenses, $H5o. Securitiea In Sale Vault. Portland. if " ι*919 lo lire* οι real men and women, and ol' their dee du. kept Deposit Λ t%.T win.l, just enough a house. There HIED Κ. Kit IIAKl>-«, Bank Examiner. * * * over into dwelliug hat··* and trouble*. TbM «tory i· to your port' ivTos.Krench^astore.isbeingch^ plan» Doves. several empty rents here just now.— more interesting than any romance Hut ever wa* and Gents' Goods, Acain. on the next leaf p^i0 •lotis.·.! bvbMriBUOB : DaIL) (4 pages), by Hats, Caps Furnishing a smart man van -Why -WuM it blow half This illustratee how mail, ft.lc. a month, or $β.Λθ a year, Sinpay ar* waiti h AO Weekly H OF THE STANDING AND CONDITION r:-:ht <>n the shore whinwr you °ia7t|S* a low was w pace-). 91 per year, pages), STATEMENT GOING TO LEWISTON. * * * rise from position, WITHOUT your Uil«" $1 per vrar. OF THE Farrls, the boss weaver, >aid as he g I. v*. ENGLAND, Publisher. N» w York City. Ono of tho largest Clothing Houses iu New England has nj>enod a Clothing "xS.Îv'thc weather »« »> tar in .lUr his dog ran between hb Bethel Bethel, 7th, 1883. IIouso in the Store just viwated by Jackson Clark, in Ileal'* Block, n«»xt to S. Fuller has take, Bank, May as η in hi through I rtipped" him.—A. ^ Savings KOSTKK. TwueiEKK Beal s Hotel, whero will find stock, every respect, VtCnvea».^'V:.ôt9 lega^ s O. H. MASON, Pkesidkvt. ENOCH you just good * the ob to do the stone work on the can be found in any retail House in Maine. *. every few pages, dis- LIABILITIES. TndS hegôes leather-board mill at llackett s Mills.—ne^ cussing the weather, when he has star.ei m L· t Deposit*, : set a hen ■' l!i »rrv«| Fund V smart heu Robert Wardwell Cure* Tvr..rme«l 1. « a out with a rather criticism of a IIK. MA** brusque iM>1*1 -w, Whl<<- -s* Profit·. out fifteen ρ Boys' Clothing Specialty. OU lve eggs and she hatched Curjatar*·, Premium who made a twelveegfc». anlflu' .· t.w::h..ut ut· -s 1 Aeeonnt, stranger inadvertently single ca«c suo.-r«-f..l «'· τ-. Ν a smart chicks. School fn. n^nt. Evi rj are to be as low as those of House in Lewiston. began. Monday, ··* Our guaranteed any assertion on the as a matter or cour- VD \V. 41 ft M r? >'·«!·> .'*.v· prices topic, » Ν. \ c*i 11»1 or refunded. j at Welchvllle; Miss Alice Webber teacher. fver)" WtdlMtJfty oyricu* Γ) RKSOl'RCES. Everything as represented, money t^v while a to a λΊ II mated offering light several mtv ** Wool Undershirts and Drawers, 25 cte. ea«'h. Three " Miss Webber has /•or and C Xargdd All Pants, $1.75. the stranγτ. taught The author has a yacht, Billy Baby. I'ulur. Market Valu*. cm Itookt. in isfaetory schools in this vicin ,· Boxes lintn faced Collars, 25 ct«. Other goods comparison. and has had a ladv love, who evident- /■*/·/·«· Fundi Otenfd Co.. at Hac 0) Mousam Manufacturing FITS, EPILEPSY, I itv of I.ewiaton Ron Ι», β#. optional. ISOJ-I.'IS, »l.iO0 •J.TUOOÛ •2.100 00 ly—to use his own choice language of Portland Ban li.'U, It. It 1Λ7, lu,0>0 ufièoe)* 10.003 Will be ISS 1.5153 1.Î feet two "ity 12. Town of ISM, 5,110 S 000 00 S.OuOOO jilted him. He judges both the yacht FALLING FITS. Bethel,fin, Bridge, ries high with several large se- Λ η·. ar and dear one. a* well a« many of my and the the ?ame standard, snd tre- in Public Κιιη·Ι* of Maine, Ι'.Ό,ΟΟυ & lady have he n trtated co *uoe«*fully and Tot.il BICKNELL is frionl*. Newton Llttlewood out-building^emar^iUf, it a Railroad Bond) Owned. NEAL, manner, I consider public the of his craft *uch a r> markabi'· l.iWO (0 ι .uo m qoently compares capers information and Kenncbcc, Λ«, 1?90, !,*►) House. well at to all Andro-coigm — Branch of Lewiston cellar, and other improvements. iluly, a-· plea*ure. pvc Κ 00 Norway making <>n Portland and Kennehee, Iriuft, l.UOU 1,1 to the doings of women. After reading ri'iutetcd. V ! Ire*.- or call (A, Η Ο. Blake and his -man ïrlda, MIS··» 8. II., Uox' tt, Montpelier, Vt. ttle 2··ΐ pages of criticism, we commend ToUl Railroad Itm-t» owned, ··.' 500 trees on Lake 44 >,,ve set out a lot of shade floruit the ;n him. He | Corporation Otcntd, NORWAY, MAINE. lady's judgment jilting J BUYERS St* Kn«land far Tru»t Company,Cj. 1*5'.'. 3,0(0 3,0(0 00 ti. H. Jones is in Boston, buy- Wawtci> In command- StMrt. iwy Hani Stori IHrent would have been too exacting, ! V w KncliD l. ο < 1. H4 ro 00 ng Louie Edwards, Μ. Sew Y·»! «ni Vorway National (tank, Norway. Ι,ΐΟΟ 1,*0 for doiaeetic are. goodj·· (.0 in··, in fact domineering "· l< 11All Real Kotate Kon^Ionuri·, 3 »3 "3 3,«S has diminished the animals <"·-!> furt;t«h*i to and >hc to hav·.· him. C Mr-bearing 'loant on Sortngt Jlani Hook ι, lie is better off to be. ci ho r*n :o a Λ 00 tune of 9 and- ·«! Bethel Saving* Bank, 44 of America to the ioxes i«f»rturr 500 00 :oooo a lone bachelor. In his Billy r»iAfC*ty that l.uan* on Name* alone, floating, Ta.se 5» 12:r/i 50 " •niskrats. He has chained up I.<«dh on I'eraonal Property, 1Ï.T.Ô Na ν *.αγ·ι ·* ■ ai« Babv," and on board the Lively >, !«-rr· a Ν·»τ· »tlro»A η ί*·| I.«an* to th» Town* of Rettjel. ι.-afion an I Maeon, 2.475 OS s i;v« and -««a » A litre— Γ. η ΓΑ<·Κ.î ΙΙτο· of Harm Ϊ·α. > Γα»·. IlU1 Λ, per1 petition W.U. Υτ., Real 4J ν.'ΛΙ" 41 the > I* 1 W * >4.ι>· it b'.AtH or l.oan* oo Mortgage* of Kttate, 42r'37 from to reading .. I. t'mUi S3 port port. Perhaps ·■ in at cent fi.JUft Ni 6.206 als. a. Ward, Jn. CaîaJA. L··.'· -s >. a..» \^;xuDl lUok. t'aah ilepoaitrd Kir.-t National Hank, Portland, il |*r public is al^o better off, for they would wli on band, 3.1». ftt» ί,Ι/JW PARSONSSPILLS )ΙΛΕ£} WEJW'HICH BLOOD, b«en IVOlit'Ki-N» publicity ; re* ident* of an> not. in a'l have given tJ in three probability and So. Paris stale Ueaertkn.Noc-9upport. Advleeaed $101/41 And will completely chui· the blood In the entire ay»teni month·. Any p»r- Kr.vMNG Ra« k.—Norway D 9i 758 «J this volume, if the course of tarai VV. ll.LEE. Att'y.»a»| Due depositor· au I including other liabilitiea, •on who will Ukf 1 1*111 rarh from 1 to 1*4 wrrk», πι»τ be restored to mh»1 entertaining were to a fine night horsemen treated running Χ. Y. It is an en- 15'Way, 74 health. If mich > t hlnjt h» poMlhlr. I'or raring FtomIc Complaint· t h<-w Fill· hj»ve no love had run smoothly. really race. Saturday afternoon, between the two Surplua above al) Itabiliti·». •9,881 on ·> cent. u»r them In their Sold or >ent mall for book, and taauv of the author s Doctor and Lady Nor- Rate of interest ehirtrisl loana, per equal. FhjrikUni practice. everywhere, by tertaining thnrmgli limb, A MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY, Annual $:». Send for circular. 1. S. JOHNSON A ΜΑΜΗ. was half mile dash, «if lho«l of In Kail Kxpen«e», eight Irttrr-slainp·. CO.. BOSTON, are well worth wood. The purse dôc», The be#t and »atc»t dealing in saie Vault, Portland strav thoughts reaiiiug I'lau ïecuritie* kept Deposit bot two out of three. The horses came roa I Mock». lion the Cooperative FRED K. RICHARD·*. Rank Kxamlner. -· » » ■-· >- 1- «.I. asthma, bronchitis. ai. IVUt VMwn, ...... Shi»r«»« $?1.00 Kacl»· ni η ■ Fviir nu"croup, Uj' ■ ■■■■■M I IIL III Β JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT »U1 laatan- l>eet to obtain 275 pages, of such clearly tiou. Doctor evileutly the.U'st off. After Λίβο dealer· in mariiua on t.raiu, Petroleum, I I I w9 Bfl I ■■ H Ηκ I H tancoutl» frllere the·· terrible iIuum. and «Kl poatfτ»Ιγ carc nfcie run oat of t»n InfrmalJofi tit at will u»« were an 1 Pork, Large Prouu realized. Sll !I If λ ■ ϊ Η 1 Π I U matter on sue-h Une paper for the a >jort canter, drawn.Lady U»n aent · nx/manL printed {«options Co 0|xratlTe account.-* made uj> weekly. Send 1883. II Ι Β I fl I I 1 I III many ft···* hy mall. iMi't J«Uy Norwood at the pole. The riders mistak- 1883. W0 II 11 I 111H ■ m 11 ■ preiwitfeu It tetter than cur·. money and uur reaJers will ;lnd -'ôc. well lor Circular·. ing their word, gave the horses their tlrst 1 LKW1> A CU.. Brokerage A < omraiMioo OF in a O. llo* Bo»ton, Man*. I HAVE -A- PULL LINE invested copy. heat without time, starting about a rod P. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT ftiS?T8& Neuralgia, Influenza. Η<ιΐτ Lung*. Hirevlin» >t the ΐΛηρ.ιΤιτοο* H«>ar»*nea«.IDrkln*C(,ueh. Whnopinf Crajfh, an ! the same relative » Chronic » hotar· M-rbu». Kklaer TroeM··. Ih.eaaee ni th· —A store of thiols are contiuued •pnrt. holding posi· hr.nle liheumatiin, fhrmilcTtUrrhv·. I»Taent«fy, good At the secoud heat, Hpme and Urne Kark. SoW «vrrywherr Send tor panjphkt to I. S. Jmuaoa * Co.. Κο·το·. Ma»*. in the June sum!»erof the.4'< .V lions throughout. NEW a close start, neck and and ami t "hernial. the horses Goods, An >ui*euii M M I If ■ ■ and it does credit, a? usual, to Mr. Aid- got Patent Medicines, Toilet F.ngli.f, Veterinary Ι|·Β||% Λ \M »ar« fl· MM a common hor>e blankft cor- Fancy |r» travelinf in thia rountr». that mn*t fl 111 and n«'ck, easily JK rich's taste in seleeiit#n. The third of thr llur«·' ai trilrr» >«14 '«re RM IV II r IV m I M» V both of them the entire heat, but last act of Jaine's clever dramatiza- r^u;' •re «,*110».. lr»h. He .«τ. that SherUan . |ψ| k llhll V I·#! I H«nry and oncl rt«»ii ar* aW>luf*lr atul *\ iu it. with the nmst vigorous use of whip TOBACCO AND CIGARS, ftiWifrrs pur» tion of Sli'.ler" is contained luiru»·',jtfjr \aluuMr. arah spur, PAPERS, lUtul food. SuU 6> itAiapi· Co-% and als* the conclu.-:on of Miss in a μιια averywb·*·, t r making And all of the Goods kept t'rne Jewett's story. "A Landless Farm jM»itiou remaining unchanged, Staple usually a dead beat in 1.0ό. The third run ira* er." a contribution in her pleas an test vein. FOR 1ΘΘ3, Doctor about half the most noticeable in the equally close. getting Perhaps things he CLASS PRITG STORE. a head at the semi-oil", which PISSI number are a poem by Whit tier, "How advantage in the least ; time the Women went from Dover." a stirring could not lengthen Stock ilian Ever Befoie, HAVE NOW HAND a ON run I > the fourth Larter ballad of the old days of Quaker per- l.< 1-4. At splendid start was a^ain obtained with Doctor at of secution in New England, and a paper en- Coneietlng PERFECTLY PURE. Λ Ν UNUSUAL LARGE STOCK OF were until PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED titled " Mr. Emerson in the Lectare tue pole ; these positions kept when the mare sud Koorn." reminlsencts of the great thinker's near the quarter pole, a full from BROWNS, lectures delivered at Harvard College in denlv spurting, jumped length iroin 9 to a. 1 to and 7 to p. m. took the and a gap Store open Sunday's 10, m., 2, 8, 1S70. Charles Dudley Warne r kas a travel Doctor, pole, opeued two which he was unable BUFFS, «ketch on Monserrat. written in his us- of about lengths, close: time LM. While the horse* FOR SPRING TRADE, ual happy manner. Mr. Rldttd Grant to WHITES, w re a few moments, for the next White contributes the tirst part of an in- resting SOUTH ME. run. the were treated to PARIS, ternational paper, "Mr. Washington Ad- spectators quite FLATS, an exhibition of the due young Which will be Sold at Reduced ams in England.' ie which he will succeed speed by Prices, of Mr. Al. in setting off the peculiarities of our com- stallion "Bonner, Spirit 7ti," SATINS, CONSISTING OF Buck's mare, and the two fine IRON AGE as they appear abroad, as well as light bay THE patriots owned Messrs. Holmes and GILTS, making some clever hits at our British pacers by ia.Ht run was soon cousins. Bridge't's Story." by L. C. Home. Th< Utth and With Borders to Match. Cultivator and Horse Hoe. Walnut, Ash & Pine Chamber Suits, with the mare at the Doctor Wymar. "The biography of Two Famous called, pole. 56 the at the start, took the The most and Cultivator in use. Weight only pounds. Songs." 'y Amelia Barr. a gossiping and got advantage complete perfect ■- .m. ■* ■* .«»■« eeB*J*TL-i*e# near the tirst turn, and after a tine CURTAINS, attractive article on "Table Talk.'" oy F. pole in the tluish in 1.05 with a in all Styles and Trice·, C. Baylor, anl "Life in old Siena," by E. run brought >n 1 of some ten feet. Considering the and D. K. Bianciardi, add to the variety and The Cultivator and Hiller. Patent Rocker, Willow Easy Chairs, track was au J not iu repair for Plain, and Hollands, general brightness ol the coutents. while spongy yet Opaque Wright the *ea>on. and the horses not in in all color*, by the yard, with The Hiller fits any Cultivator. timely and thoughtful essays on "Morality perfect Wright condition, the race was fast. and. all in all, Tables, Spring Beds, Mirrors, &c„ in the 1'itbiic Schools" "Authorship in < Lounges, ever held here. to Match. America." form the piects de resistance one of the most excitiug Cord, Tassels, etc., Which wo will deliver free from extra charge, within 40 miles of Norway, Journal Balance and Common Fixtures. Corn and Potato Manures, of the number. A poem >r two, together Spring Stockbridge's on line of Grand Trunk R. R. Will sell w.th th« excellent critiques on recent PAPERS TRIMMED FREE AS USUAL. STANDARD SUPERPHOSPHATES, Per 100, $2.00. Pine Chamber Sets, with Bureau, 9 full set, $18.00 books, and the well-known Contributors' Weddixu.—Sudrick and pieces, (ioi.DEN Lucy " 44 44 9 23.00 Club, a feature of steadily increasing pop- of celebrated the ilftieth Dressing Case, large be»!, pieces demons lliram, · Socket 35 Gents. a very noticeable num- of their 1st. Hoes, Warranted, Parlor Suits in Black Hair Walnut 7 with ularity. complete anniversary marriage May S. L. ______Cloth, Frames, pieces, Mifflin a Co., Boston. CROCKETT, ber. Houghton, They were married in Hiram. April 18th, Patent Rocker, 35.00 Full stock of all Tools at Bed Rock Prices. Call and see us. An Impoktaxt Bex-h..—Houghton, Mifflin 1833, by Rev. I>auiel Brackett. Their Registered Apothecary, Parlor Suits in Black Hair Cloth, Walnut frames, 7 was from pieces, piped a Co.. of Boston, will shortly publish the uolden wedding postponed April NOKWÂY, 1*IE. back, Gent's Patent Rocker, Double Buck Sofa, 40.00 l*th to on account of the bad Largo "Autobiography of Thurlow Weed." which May 1st, 00 of the roads at that time. «rlUTHiviT's New block. MASON French Bedsteads, 4 must touch innumerable poiuts of interest condition May BROS., 2.50 in the inner political history of New York day was fair and pleasant, and thirty-six Me. Cottage Bedsteads, and of the I'uiteel States. Mr. Weed's re- jK-rsons, relatives and friends of this ven- Norway Block, Norway, at their home and lations with state and national officials erable couple gathered Other Goods in Low Prices. one Corresponding were so intimate and intluential. aud he made the occasion of much enjoyment. of friends the «00D8 WABKAXY1» A8 B*PKK8BKT1D. was personiy so wiuning a man. that the The meeting long separated, of a circle unbroken Nimble is Better than a Slow story of his life will be excedingly inter- greetings family by BABY CARRIAGES, "A Shilling," JWSend for of not of the Sixpence prices goods given. esting. General Wiutield Scott, in a letter death, the joyous merriment great the excellent to Mr. Weed, speaking of his Letters from graud childreu, and diuner, Doll Children's it au event never to Carriages, Carts, Europe, said "Two paragraphs near the all combiued to make received in chxe of the booh, describing your first en- be forgotten. They money S. and and C. trance into Sew York, reminds me of and other valuable presents H0.Ô7, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, CUMMINCS, Franklin's entrance iuto Philadelphia, aud they wish to return their thanks to all NORWAY, ME. Mr. Cleinons will be 77 of tscil* {At h>0 on AT LOWEST PRICES AT Mr. now occu- lished by subscription, and we doabt not the larm of which demons the remainder of it is owned ageuts will tlnd it a book that sells itself. pies a part ; CROCKETT'S DRUB STORE, Col. Aldrich M. Clemons, being one of by MAINE. — two farms in Hiram that have de- NORWAY, or Ax Old Saw Dilled. The old adage the only Silk, Worsted, Print son in unbroken suc- about the of breeding scended from sire to Gingham certainty political LOOK -A.T THIS ElSTO-nSTE, one continu- cession for 100 years. In October 1880, You can the latest at corruption by keeping party BuiU in a Manner, and get styles City prices, by the demons celebrated their cen- Portable, Self'Contained, Superior ftUly ouslv in power is not carried out by the family from the census rolls Just the Stave Mille and other experience of Kansas. The Republicans tennial. It appeared Warranted. Engine for that one hundred aud citizens of I have had possession of the State Govern- Ally-two JUST RECEIVED work where light power te required. Hiram were to the said John dem- TEN POUND ment for aud yet the related to 60 Also or to us for twenty-two years, I am new fitted up for building engines up horse power. Yatch Boat can And no ir- ons. who was about the first settler of Sending flrst Democratic Governor size or Samples. igines with reversible link motion. Boilers of any stjle tarnished from the Hiram. It is a remarkable fact that there the beet stocke in Maine. We will send for a short time, regularities out of which to manufacture set manufacturers in the country at short notice and at lowest possible prices. 8team We have one*of in have been but six deaths In the demons party eapital. There is over 8600,000 Coin Silver and all other kinds of Steam Fittings, Boiler Pumps, 4c., Ac. to the readers of this paper, oar Gold Dollar Shirt, for 85c., in this town, for some | ipe postage paid. the the taxes for last year have family, forty years. Spoons, I in a Thousand Dollar Lathe and can now tarnish shaft· "treaury, for have Shafting best Gent's Shirt in and retails for No Two occurred accident, two infants Made to order and will exchange recently put This is the Portland, always $1.00. not yet been spent and the State debt is so by of the best in or short lengths and of any size, at abort notice, ind two men, 85 and 87 old. ig very quality long article. small that a tax of four-tenths of a mill on aged years ; a as low as can be of responsible parties. No occasion cheap is noted for ·' price bought anywhere meets the interest. The I"he family industry, frugality the dollar perma- Mutilated Silver jw for going out of the "Dtrigo" State for Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Qeedig, Ac., is aud the in- in 1 a habit of attending to their Coin, nent school fund growing perse\ering hen yon can obtain it everyway just as well at home. Correspondence solicited and 1 >wn business. Mr. Sudrick demons and GEO. A. GAY & 499 Street, come from it meets all the expenses for OR GREENBACKS. answered. CO., Congress lis wife have ever been ; romptly school purposes. Govenor Glick hael peacable, obliging ι» kind and and ME. nothing to flnei |fault with and so had to ighbors, indulgent parente, ; HORACE COLE, J. w. PENNEY, Mechanic Falls. PORTLAND. and will of all content himself with growling about th· ] lave won the respect good 1883. and < >ur citizens.— NORWAY, MAINE, January, Dealers in Goods. Cloaks Carpeting*. prohibitory amendment. Arç*>. Dry tTN public notice tha BOLD OUTRAGE. toss* JsaffKu.he Ho·— Jadroo \\ W ^Tr the C«U»■«> b? «·"■« BUCKF1ELD. ,a tar therefore raqueaU all |er»on»la»ecra«ed to >»ake i«a«ediaU t»· e».-» w w(M heTe xay dcmAad* tbeit THE ΓΒΟΡΒΙΕΤΟΒ AND HI» WU'K CHUÏ- J. F. & Co., Block ·*»♦w Sarsaparilla **r£ErZ KOrORMKD AND RORBK.D OF Huntington ABOCT Norway n»l»eieew OLIVER AI.LKN. cur·»· Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Klieumutic and Small Profits. μιιΊ w»t tt.»»· S5.000. Large Stock, Quick Sales, (tout, Otnfral I>ehlllty, C'elerrh, all THK.ub.c'rtber *?ΤΓ public natter thai LOOK AT THE PRICES. disorders caused by a thin anil Impoverished, bT ,h* H**· ·'·**· or condition of the J. titn date appointed SO an TO THE FOR THE LADIES. corrupted, blood; κι«·1111·^ V Couaty of Oxford, ai.d « ROBBKKS—ORKAT KXCITK· "* «ha Men's Suits, $5.00. Men's Suits, $9.00 & $13.00 th<· blood-poisons from the system, enriching ^ ÎlES k»i Kxecuter of the otatc ol ΜΒίΓΓ IX THE COMMUNITY. \Ιί ^Γ u»"t * Blue. and the and its ν ital '"ϋντη,. MCLELLAN. la»e oi BrowufleUL Good serviceable suit. Indigo renewing blood, restoring Γ*«»Ι *>«*> m «" Men's Men's Suits, $1.1? to $15. iiing power. lB *U l*· 1 Special dispatch to th« I'rvM ) Suits, $7.00. « ~,-t« 5# therefore ν^μ* J*'r»on« Goods. a 44 Black Dress of n-.-ful- I>uring long period unparalleled «»"*» 01 ""kr 32. Dark Colored Cassimere. C'assimore W the dcv*V a,10 Bvcktrld, May Nobby Fancy ne**, A vfk'c Sarsapariu. t ha* its "·<"'· ·"'» *ho haT* M? Mena to proven l^eiaj Ntthe «m- «o The residence of Alfred of Men's Suits, $10.00. Suits, $15 $20. to the cure of all dis. a*·» tùcf* to«*h Cole, esq., perfect adaptation 3,»^■^tWrioii joMPHMcLKLUS I this village, was enteral this morntng at Good Assortment in light and dark colors. Fino Dress Suit. originating in poor blood and a weakened vliHlil \. Hit U. !*'■ I an early hoar by a part? or pehles un- Good Business Suit, It U a highly roin»nlr»tnl extra* t «if *μγ»μ- »othv thaï M. M. PHINNEY «ui »ub«erlbar herebv »»*ea pubftr ( known, who proceeded to his sleeping room parllla and other blood-purify ίιικ root·, ΙΗ1·"1"T™ ...,_ „„.ηηΐμ| h» thrt huiiorable dato appointed by »b« honorable on the second floor Cole with hie wife PANTS! PANTS! PANTS! In now a boantifnl lino of Black rombluni with Iodide of ΓοΙμμηΙιιπι xinl of j (Mr. opening |»H,b..tf for /♦«ft'rd.jnd were the of the housed and of Nuns Veil- Iron, and is the safest, moot reliable, and nu m *j£0fjadgcol Ira4t of ttv^\'min:»l>o( County^ iho I.«UU «I only occupants $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50. $4 00, $4.50, $5.00. French Suitings. Consisting Uftfl economical and blood-f'»>d that •"eïtvi amin skvkish »ι> «i ><*aden robbed him of between $4,000 and #5,000 in ami Satin I'ekins, Ma- blood-puriflcr >tcoea*cd b> *lT)Ufboad a« the In and that he had re- Good assortment of Children's Suits in Short and Long Iiegs. ings, plain stripe, sai. 1*3 used. '■10 Mfcj_S l0Mtv. currency money hctheref >* who h»"· *■>> d· agents for collections delivery of fruit wo in·· ,dn·. p*»«aenl. \V<· oarrv a lanro lino of lino woolen· rtrorn which will m:iko garment* to onlor. Worl cheapest AYER'* SaksaPARII.I.A ha» cured «.f the «· IU» ΜβΓ tu etc. Mr. Cole arrived home from I have ;iuad.'■*^wôT Jur*oa »Ô'« xâlbll trees^ anil fits warrante*!. owned, from 33c. to $1.00 per Inflammatory Rheumatism. with which ALBION KEVEB». costing yard. ■uttered for \V. H. MuOKK." Boston afternoon last, In compa- wish I have some bar- many year». Saturday GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. I «imply to say l»ig Durham, la., March J, 16*?. Mit IJ.,Ni3 ny with his wife who met hltn in Portland. notice that Th<< boat stock of Neck Wear, Hosiery, Collars, CuflTw, IMkfs, Gloves, Ac., to bo fourni In Ox in Black Dress and liv Ser*bv *lTe«rabfc He hits had at the gains Goods, people " I had an attack of Bheunia· "τπί S·ï»«criber« the headquarters vjuincy ton! Kight year*ago bev» br lie·. Jnd«e County. can savo .U, n»TC luleappohiiad at a distanco will find 11 β nt so severe that I could not move fromtUe !«·.!, Coeatr of Oxford an ο aaauiaad llonse, Boston, during the last few weeks. ing they pfvNU· ft* Ut· HATS AND CAPS. or dress, without help. I tried Mineral remedl·— of theeatate nf The hoase ww eutered from a window to to \ ·►» tn»»t >( KxKiitvrt A nice of Woods. money by coming Norway purchase without much if any relief, until I took A >.κ ·* A Inrgc stock in all the late anil nobby Stylos. line Straw JOHN UOI.HES.IateofOxfon». on the back The lower of the Sarsaparii.ua, the us.· of two bottle· of bo»J a* the 1·« piazza. part their Dross Goods. Remember tho by t »ur > d*e**»«'n· signs thorough troubled with the Kbeutnitlisui since. Have sold λ.,^*h. der»a«e ! to mtf la Λ was taken from the .u tHe «aid lag. napkin dining- J. F. &. large of your SamaFAHII.La, and if .mdtbt,.. !«·π»*η4» | Co., Block, Norway ijuantitlcs tho»e who ha*e Huntington Norway pav T»*nt aa v\**H A HOLMES. Ing having vince nie that it I· the beat blood medicine ever It. vest of m»n- M \R^ F !!<»! MKS The in which the package Wherc.is Kilwhi W. Lawrence, of Albany, li offered to the public. Κ. K. KASKII was M had been on the County ol Oxford anil NI. ΫX ey found the lower floor ; >Ult) of Main». by hi PHINNEY, Kiver 8t., Kuckland, Man., May U, lw:. Mi» 13 Lasters Wanted. moriciiC deed, dated ihe »1* tti of A near the window. «Jay Merci), ·- — A: a « >mrt of Pr>>b«M btl4 M open " \. κ: l>. lK*2.and rrcon'.i-d iu ιΐιυ Oxford Κ-κ-ΐι. ο l.ast March I was so weak from general d·· a»-l f »r th# county <->f Oxf The whole affair Is Involved in a 1!W laatera can tiu.l employment at Mar· y%r·.' wt:ïiin profouiid good dtcil'i book WT. P.i»re Jtut, conveyed t<> me, tti VUI that I could not walk WlthOBt Col- <4 \ί%τ, Α. I».. 1·«β blehea.1. Ma*·., on mi««e·' and children'· kid, billty help. tMthir ! ï*c«4a? There is no clue and underaiirned, a certain I <>t real «»UU\ mi Norway aye. the advice of a friend. I commence,) ^ n*nw *rh τι, lata of Mr. Cole Is one of our most re- e.l. may t.e mid·· or comtiiuelca W aad Tnim*'1 burglars. Application· Α. Γ». 1M. ami the eame larm deeded bv inc, 01 I have been at work now for two month* .in·) > de»t *^d, lia* la« prc»cuî tioot »α·ΐΓ(.'»Μχ1 U> K. W. & 1 M. Ml'NKOK, *·'■ H fia. a mkî >uaty spectable citizens, Is a Justice of the Peace thai afcld day of Mar<-ti. to «aid Kdwin W I. κ «ι think your Sarsaparilua the greatest »... ··.! >r : l.inc jln it., or J. M. CSOPLKV, 1» Summer at.. λ) tfcc >an« f Pn'bate and is In is rencu. by M of wr.irran'y ; and wlt.-rca· the cor medicine In the world. ·!α*γ« Maymari·." «aid Executor aotl<*« to poor health. The lose to him Β ••ton. Ma*·. That th» *ιτ* dition of «aid ha* been broken, uot 680 West 4Λ1 New In·.'. f ihi· a serious a. mortnaicc St., York, .July 1«, lBtrr*»tcd by cau«tO|| ropy calamity. therefore, bν lb·· rea«on breach of rot jji p*r*'U« «accettlTelT la o< the thr»« week· Avkr'B S a ra α γ a Rt ι.γ.α cure· „P,vr to be :«tibli«bc4 ShOOND Dl^TATCll. dition thareof, 1 claim a Ore·' iosure of ial< Scrofula and aoarat at Part» that tbey t>\· rd I»e prtated all Scrofulotia I <·. tû,· Oiit le k# W< il Part· The whole is excited over mortgage. Complaint·, Ef>«lpel»·, «r « Cwlnl» village terribly FIRE ASSOCIATION ORIN II. M, ι,, UUI'TILL. nma, Blotche·, ou Ac Uiird Tuewlay of J t. ο· next the at Mr. Cole's. It seems Ringworm, Sore·, Roll·. m»a>H aai ·*, daring burglary Of PHILADELPHIA. May 2.', 1*1. It tk» t(4 ·!«*« MWtlf aaj ——— Tumor·, and Kruptlona of the Sltin. Itchir* »; 1 that Mr. Cole when he arrived here Satur- JANriKV lit, Uke »*«J ,a»tr v.ax t.i tboald not bé UTtTESIEST 1NNU.I the blood of all aid· -·. mu urj lu** *by to impurities, digestion, -O.l all i Will and day night with his wife, did not go his ts-!i #t JS ■·: I I approve I Auto, lates the action of the bowel*, ami thus rent. r. a ol aaU Jeeea^si. ! own house but weut to his brother's— I.UII1LI riKS. T. «uni FRTR. « SJ3 41 Maine Co vitality and strengthens th whole systcitfc R A. Jad^e. Mr. Pike*»—where he remained nntll yes- Unpaid !,')··«■, Steamship Oati Kcf' ter. K' Insurance Fund, 2 7Ut ». a l'r«i>aie h<-U at Semi-Weekly Line to New Yorl ιΛ>. ·ΐ;-Αΐ Cour; of home. Their house Is a large, comfortable g\TÏ anl tor ih« cour iv ot V/xtord. Dp. J. C. & Mass. I', ». witlua and a half residence situated on Main Stirplu», Ayer Co., Lowell, 1 uca>Uv 9l λ. o. »■*'·. story Bold all si a ou i.i# U< "1 Mxy. W.J. WHKELR Agi nt, So. Γαπ», Mo. by Druggist·; price ft, tattles, (.'. H Il9(! uaed f^trcar-n tn a orr Street, not forty rods from the ceutre of i! λΚΛ .*»t Will eut βί k> b* :be the on not a hundred tarn 1. .nu Ι'βΓγοΠ village, either side, eioi .lu.lu- A. Kiog. late o< l'aria, MdT< ^»r». tha feet away, are neighbors, another resides ('< «utf, i:.v*a«<«l, bavu c preaautvO DR. laud just across the street. The street Is the MORSE, Kid AUCTION. f r Irv&i.o The "Globe" Glove, an Exe«".itTix pire notice τη» Tbcatvkxt »»r Tnn;>AT a*i> I.cxo »nd «fter Satard»τ the «reond of June Otdcred. That l!ie *aid direct thoroughfare from BuckfleKl to So. Ox /\n day The undersigned, Administratrix on the „rood can>iDK a copy of D|]£a»K« ΠΤ MF.l'lCATBl» ISHALATK». \ t next, the »team«T· KI.KANOKA and KUAN prwni tatcrea(irar at a iV bate Ο. ChA*e 1 Co.. In the business, atpttlnc drawing Γ Μ. and leave Pier Si Ea»t River. New York ai fin· that t!»ey nursery SOFT, ELASTIC SKIN. o'clock A.M., the following described property, Ί at !*«"«. In «aid C« nty on Utc I In medical usage U xeari· a mode of a lmini»te." WEDNESDAY and *A1 Ι'ΚΠΛΥ, at 4 ρ m : Coa't to b he bat of late years had done business on his every vU A parcel of IW1 Estate situated in Albxny J.ioe. Deal at * o'clock A. M au.I the breath the euiT.mer m- nthe the»e steamer a :»ι· Taewl«y ol was ing medicine· through the medium of Paring and known as the Kdgccomb place, «null part IM mi4 lu»tru. own account. It customary for him ! U*ven on their BEAUTIFULLY TINTED, aa> kite, why " will touchât Vineyard pa* of the ι^4 csaae li Ike; Thii· we aar I tt.hale a medicine." »· we woold Ml real estate situated in Woodstock, and aad al- to visit Boston make his head- ; «·. '*·"> und from New York. xrat «liwald a t M proved, approved every May, Price, including Jesse Andrews s»w mill and privilege In «aid \V aad l'eaUmcat of aaHl U«- take a medicine." The difference being State ivv.: ALSO BLACK. j«wt a· Ac ia.-t 1.1 quarters at the yutncy House, and there •ay,·*! », #5.i«. Woodstock. Also one »hsre in the W et Ptr/s while Thcae «learner* are fitted up with fine arcom receive from his agents the orders ! Doe I· Inhaled, or breathed Into the lung*, Steam Mill, Λ shares Cnion Mining Company of &. A I liVK. Judfe. they modation* for paa*enger», making tin» aven lot of notes, acconn u Lh· other ia swallowed or taken into the itomach EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. Woodstock, a promissory H wure to All and for the same. He route for traveller· between New Yorl A ·« eeopy—atte·' .C. Davia. KefUUrr. money [ ue»irable and demands, belonging to said estate; | hnrso meant Mcdieate 1 Inhala or for ion to take would then return home, on the way de- ThU, then, h whit is by and Maine, part .ι»·:πηκ A PAIR 7 years old, 1 covered carriage, 1 express wagon, t-eid at t>i*a*ure excursion iu the summer month· t· NEW GIVEN UlFORI* »· ■—At a Coon of Probate his In the Canal lion. 1 harness, t sleigh, I stove, and many other artl of Oxford positing money Haven. that Pi within aad torthe County National} inhaled Vineyard For those c le· υί personal property, consisting of larmiog Bank in Portland, where he his The reader will olxeree that all medicine· lhi« lin» de«t.nnl ta!b«tlilrdTiM«il.ii ol If .it. A. l>. MB. deposited Wood* >hipiied by beyood loots, furnituie, A·· liurliil of was made him on into the are not alik·. any more than tho*c Portland or New York will be a', on,·.· torwar.icl x. (·> i£r pciitlon ot rank li. lice·!, fbnds. Λ request by long» ADA M. ANDREWS, Adtn (.οι A to de-ttnaiion ou arrival. Tear or Strain in first on. η Η. I> -tla. Itim. bei- ol eiia a to some Laken Into (lie sioniach. and hence the benedts to II. O. Tt'ELL, Auctioneer. kdw Monday morning to fritud carry f j Rip. trying x' la «ablCoanty iroraacd Ticket* an I State room can bo obtained at '.'J 1H&1. l'or* a Ut "I R' un. l* derived from inhalation mint depend West Pari*. May 13, rertan real to Portland to bank for him, and alwaya Kxccai.-o ..τ *ι- to h". aa4 aoti\ey money strv'cl ρτ ni :·. BY MAIL ANYWHERE. a dl« ia ib* Pro the at once consented, but later, Mr upon the experience an I «kill of the pbydclao WM. U-1» \ Director. SENT! wtD friend | VIS, Mimgin* Administrator*' *nlr. and. ivvl < to Hannah I». Ko-1 a: an aiUaniag- came to who for them. Portl Miy l·1, Mte "hoe. Cole him and said he had decided : prescrit··· POSTAGE FfiEE. Porsaant to » license from the Hon. Julge of of hundred 4>>llar*. for tba uac *>c· Ser eifkl to carry the money himself the uext day, Th's explanation might haee ae»tned tinnece·· Prohste, for the County of Oxford, I «hall sell at la : κ la .a II. l>i;r<:j: acd NriSi of CAUTION. on the illth day of June, A. D. «r:Te notice a* It would then be for him to ary hut tor me fa-J tba'. aouie hate received the $1.00. public auction, t"i-ier*. Bella Κ ItirroU haï I 'ft in y PRICE, ten o'clock in the on the ol ( IXK1. at forenoon, premis- rr«.>a» loUre-icd bv cautiat an abilract visit the friend came to Portland I prropeou· that iuha i»t on, in «tea. I o· w rau«e, 1 to all. city. The iupremioo lied an ! board, ithout jtmllalile hereby es, all the right, title and Interest, which Thomas wi.h thi» onler tbervna I» be pab- or t r n at t η kt· prtit^oo without it. a mole of j« »<>tne remrdv aution all peraon* ag»iua mo·: heron inv account, m I «hall no mil* of her A. The effect of the chloro form administered >r Boatrum al ke applicable oppsiiUi pay ceased, had in an l to the following described reftl o at Itat tbrv may ap;>«ar > Uvuio· rai j riai. Part*.1 to entra· after tin* date. HORATIO • j lorms of uii!mouarv di»e.i*·' ThU wore de- tin* STAPLES, vU: Said real estate one-half in *a»d state, being t l'r\>bate Coart to be btlo«e· of The North Buck de Id. May 21. t«*t. common and undivided of the farm known as the Jaa-f neat, al y crade ijuackery. vouatv oa the third l ae».i»» of the » > KKP U. BAKRKTT. Cole came out of her stupor late in l>nw«—f of mhtlinc U ·· ra: le M the act Of 246 Middle James M Bean, homestead farm, in -aid llrown ;a '.he loreaooo aad ah.>w eux if aay they | St., o'clock but Mr. Cole did not come to till Dreatbini.'itoelf. an 1 m ly be attended to hy the Witness—l.tTUKR Tt'RMER- lleld. excepting the dwelling house, work shop- tint' aho«i>i aot be morning kav« ahv Umc fraatod. | mon delicate and feeble lout rxerti ·η or fa- and shed >ining the btrn. also «ere of land R. A. a time after. Neither of them have »dj J FUYE.JadC. long | tigue. Anv change that may be In the < ii which the dwelling h >u»e and work shop .Laud, H C Dati* Kedater, required Λί-aejop»-^i;e«t any idea of ho*», or by whom the robliery treatment ι· affected by rapt y vaiying th·· me« PORTLAND, ME. the boundaries ol'said firm being as follows, viz: ■ bv was committed. Mr. Cole Is one of the! η* <·*·ιηικ>« ng the inhalent. Ti n» it inav be Hounded on the North by land owned Joseph «» a Court of Probate held at rendered rtimu.anl ranvile Cotton and Thomas Cotton, on UXM'Rl». -vf^. most citizen* In the and tsyrctorant. the of Oatorl oa inspected village, titr ra re. ABd iu this uitn· ffamsBgraeflftS west bv now owned bv Mrs. Jante· M Par «. w.thl »id f"r Coaaty croitriaynf.iii the land luxt and the U· thir>l ra««dav ot Mar. A. It of excellent character, only theory I ner every action or change ci-cc»»ar) to be rfe lnl Bean, formerly by Abel Swan, on thesouth by 'and Swaaev. Ada inlftra and « S th· peUi>a oi John Γ is that p.irtles knew of his practice of col- up >n the lung· rati be tiought about much more ol Thomas Cotton. William Mill. Kli It Bean L. tJoff. ··.- ...» VI I!..»«·,, V ,.ill».l on tl„. e»·: te: le bon.a eon of the f·:»'.·■ of Maria j •prod I ly and « :tii ten foi greater certainty ol tit tbe remotest air Dated at Broun tie Id, thia JUt 'lay of May, A. DUIIUI-Ullviiai. any uMbwrlbCT es.— At a ourt of Probate held » '·»» < P3tr PI «HtfTC relis in tbe lung· are brought in reach of mediea THE •XFORI), D. 1*U. to so as from or to I in. within nit·! for the count» of Oxlort l»rdrf*.|, That the aaM Pitttloner fir* MiN !at*e long Friday Saturday tl»n -8uch. Mien ·· my plan of treatment in thi· King Ju'l(·· Ρ«rla, KM Β. BKAN, Admin'r. aS-lrait ol on the thirl ol A. D. 1 "*■(· ν [>*-->·· lute; by caa»lr.f an aud not be observed. In tu ο » t branch of medical practice, and Tuesday May. Monday night important ο trier**·» to te w d·· the tru»t of ON t he o| Annie A Widow I diTi loMiir. ii· peu-· »b *hh tti.· orûrr pab such a a.·» this ev« Is a ith an experience of ui >re than twenty year· |>etiiion Crosby, Kolicf <»!' thr (Uiord place ry stranger I-OBKEN ,, Uu. ol canton. .1 eretnlah 8 ( rosbv, late of Penn Ur I three wi < k- -ucwlrrl» to to the t*«atmamae I o. («rover, of \ l any in the J .»l I'uli, In -aid marked from the air am enabled to m .aid County. «»'·"« er«a>«d. praying tha' her Dower tnav be set ou r»t, :i em»paprr μ Mate and disease· ol be pa»»-.gea, 1 ^,nt m ami ol Maint», (lie ( ourt, seeu j law diree·.· d^^Vbyin^o* t herlrom t e Real Kstate of said deceased, li county of Oxiur I, Ml»'"' by Ihat the\ Ml a I'robate There was a stranger. It is reported, •peak wuh ln< re .·»·■* mH· nr.· οι the i-uperioi i«. ol C'oar.ty. appear debits) ««> «»>' «■'»«· οί "*C > »o ■"«''o t ne Countv h Oxford. mort/agedeed, dated the tenth day May, A. jo thf thir : ot Jane ο; con·· me remédie- t > the '"ν^ΤΛΓΓίΤ""" 10 b* Ά *l l'art» Tuesday her* on He coqtd not remain iu Ivaulage· directly , ,1>¥C ,nV de an in llto Oxford 01 .tad ·!»..« Friday. Thi mediate pas ment. eodtbo*·••J·1 who Thlt the said petitioner jrlve notiei It IrtTÎ*. I record»·! Itrfiitty seal tin κ u't- •■■à le IV I >Γτ-η·>οβ. reat of the dleea-w by nftlicu/nf /nknlatwn, Ordered, t<> Hnueri not the Tillage nnl·*-» he «>» secreted. He mand. thereon to J>* t î all per»on« Interested by causing a ropy of thl< I>feds, Hook l-ci, l'ait.· 3·.<7, conveyed a*a«r if tun «h; in* «ji*· »h.»u.d meat inveterate ra»·» ol chronic e«i»rrfc. boaiar « now any '.hey ·*™κκΚχ wool). fl rdrrto be I hrct- week· In tin Λ. laie of Bot h I in MM ootv, he may, however. have gone to Mechauic in·»·, loa· of ve and other affection· of tht «^IW^he published successively CtopniM, frante·! 1**»· ixford at Pari*, that •tcocascd ,.( certain I of real rotate «misted A FlO K, ju ice. lung· and throat hare been lound to moat MaylS. Democrat printed thermal par.·· KICII.VKI> Falli*. Monday night, but If so, how could yield in said b<Τι. ζ the n irtbci ly half <>f lot un a-urc· 0Γ AU REMEDIES ppeur at a Probata Court to be held at Pari* Albanv, tree U O Daeta. IU(Mn to tlieoe direct and timpie —7—|« A ropy—Atte*t he have known when Mr. and Mrs. Cole effectually «aid on the ruesdavof June nest numbered one in HM linh range ol lo'« m «an! AI And in the cue··· Ol lou. M here County third wor·! C'otitumpt tu deed were hack to their own house. It νrr to r> lie»· t 9 o'clock in the forenoon and «how rau*e If bany, and ihe «atnc premises «lescribed going tnete ι· no hope of cure, it η·■ laila (or the a..u«ned an] Probité County t have. the same should not be fiom Solo· Moore to iiewtou C. MOOT·, ditld is naul that two suspicious persons were ihe mo»t ur^mt ·> m»·!. u» and affurd the great- bey why (ranted. Valuable Lost. lrwnot ofOxford^ R. A FRYE. Judge. Jao. 10. l'ut.;, h ο, ι record'·! in ssld Regi-trv of Dog «een on the Buck field Road this morning, CURES!! Ml. l'âge an·! also a e.rtaln < A true If. C Davis, |to·* iî», n Fr 1* m « d ι-lane* ran Im t ruled bv letter. Ih·. Sciatica. I.amebark AJJSVS?WIS"ΐΛ^άδ-ι. k , W copy—atteat K'fUtrr, Deed·, t· :·Η fin inr K>ane| day, May Person· matUna,Neuralgia, In «aid d ece a ·ed In ««Id ind that look the Grand Trunk for ai ··· ·*' ne ti'r will t>I--aae fee·» Portland. Phjraici.g 1er lit (HHP, to the e.tate 0 m&k,. ,m within and for the p·) Trouble», Sait Κ he Indebted Pari*, County of Oxford dat·*·' April 15. 1Μ·6, rte-rded in ->;tld « ore* anl 1 «ill t··* all eai>« a···. 130 hue it., IVrk.and, Mr. Throat an I I„un«( urn. Moore, aa : rite me at raed'ate payment and those who W««I»have any demand* on the thirl Tuesday of Mav. A. D. l»tl. It ><>k IT·'. Paire 57. ml «her··- M \JOK LO\ Κ-/.Λ Burn·, Pile· and ΡΛΙΧΝ of every description. Reglatrjr of Dced«. iheroa to exhibit the ΚIIK.N K. named Kxr< UtOr in ;» eertait ni r|h| bar ix.cn broken Fat*i Accident.— Mr. Loti B. Kawson, It la » Valuable for external and RAHD, a· meconditton mortgage Reth»l, X>u«, U \y 11». 1*1. Préparation λ v r.GODWIV. I nxtrummt to be the last Will in "I breach of the mad·· to the formula of ptiritorting •OW therefor·.*, Vf NUM the and Internal oae, according Y«tstiu-nt of James A. Harmon, let of Bethel a known nt of this town > Msv 15. MW· len C. Alrniu well residi a ïK'lcu vjvnn.in n» ■»- uu, uu condition thereof I. C11 Chapman. BLESSING IN OlSGUISf." -, Ί η «aid Connty, deceased, having presnted the estate of -aid Rooert A. - ou received "A Bitd for «ver ·0 year·. i»irator of tho Norway, Saturday momies «me lor Probate: ;r··01 mortifie.·. «•*4 Ai>u.nu St.. Hk*ν>ki.ix, Ν* Y.. to Cur· waa never known. man, claim α for^elo» -aid ( A Failure That the said Executor at s saw 80. ctii) » if doubts!. Ordered, give notle< < I'M.FN t t'H VIM AS. injuries Billing- mill, Paris, Mar 1·%»!. Send 1 cent stamp fur U-*tim ntals. "n > all persons Interested. « copy or thii A >τ of the estate ot Rjbett A. Chap- W. A Co., tten'l Portland, Me. U oft by causing lmmlrtrat The ΑΙΧΟμ,'Κ « Ροκ- W. Whipple Aft·., \\ Al.no 1 JttktTTl·.· VV; u'idminUtrM'V rd«r to be published three week* ill which resulted fatally. particulars, No family slould 1>« «Ithont Ktweutor on tho ; *aece«*|rely man. 1M Torn i>Ktr«.ui»T fob it. t li" ii\l >rd Democrat, jointed at Paris. that thei these 911 their Ιιβ4ΐΙι>κ art< «on May '.·, ItiKl. BROWN'S^ so far a> we cau learn, are briefly PuSTKUi |»ι*ιτι at a Probate Court to he held at Pari» nay appear lor fui and their tfti'-aey tar reaching ίο.I lasting, it «nid on the third of Junt ISAt a Court ol rrobate held at He wis in the uiill and vol- .*.«1 de- : County, Tuesday OXFORD, standing yard, InUtmtion of the K.tateof at the of Oxford, on h or car» t I bave Mon and known them to Dr.MACALASTERS 2.WÎ ext, nine o'clock in the forenoon, and «how Paris, within and for County y pae Γoothaclie I· th-children's lrien.i and M >llnr· "ïnWJï· : unteered to render eonie assistance in roll- <-.a*ed 1juautity logs ng rjifi of rheumatism, kidner complaint, » Mowed as the last Will and Testament of sak the «•«rate of Cyrus llutchin·, late ol *11 ton. iu hi* ac- IRON side of the sud- ne-tira lumbago, inllam man >n of îu^ï.Ue.r'ln IJ eceased. •aid 1 ounty, deceased, baring ing on the under pile, they :m>ncliitU, gia, j *»^ B^bk?.S? presented R. A. FRYE. Judge. count of idmlnlatratlon of thi Mlate of «aid de· over him, car- ;he lung· and throat, paralysi·, asthma, apinal denly gave way and rolled A true copy—attest:—II. C. DAVIS, Uefister. <-ea«ed for allowance: ■eakneas, and ant allowed. three weeks «iicce*»ively in :t was found both legs were broken, u.., Pari*, within and for the of on der to be published BITTERS. up relief. friends consider th m to County Oxford, at tl. it permanent My Paris, they ·»«κ;τκ,Ε the third Tueadav of May, a. d. IKKl. tbe O'lord I'emocrat. printed BEST TONIC. also serious internal nraolv for all kind· of Π- C- court of I'rohate to 'κ· held at ΤΗΣ one in two places, Invaluable and rpτ*ρ»ρ·ι*. was icbe# and are a blosing in dis- " i-nnrl of J'robate held a. uvId W. Davis, late of Bethel. In said Pari·, in «aid county, Cures Completely were sustained. It thought pain· They County in the and iujuries his aecount ol June next at nine o'c|«x k forenoon, I n il m ·-*! I.»n lalitr la. I.Iter nnd IU.m! and no wife or mother ahoul I be withi'ut I anlforVhe° County ecessed, having presented admin but he became con- °^:.Κϋ' etuse hate, the «am·· should ( nnignut» he wit dead at tlrst. on thin» itration ol the estate of «aid defeated lor allow- nhow if any they why fcHiiM aaplalaU. if che value» her and comfort an 1 the ofO^ord tlum |N'ace admlni"traU)r on the 1 a nee not be allowed. • u«l Pb>«lrUn« rnilnrw II. scious and medical aid was soon at hand. ,SKaKL o. 1° vin irom nervous and ether ail That the »ald notic R. A. FRYE, Judge. «n γ » lr-n p,itm lui!» Γι cod eiUAUMion ect.itn ot ^Η(<| Ordered, Executor give I «« I Bn-we liy KlMBAM^wmi ( I· A Vis, rj»»ed wis but in a hl« act-ounl t ■> all persons Interested causing a of thll A true copy—attest H Register. I urti limitai to. ktlua.^. I Amputation resolved upon, ue three w eelt In thi rr .-«a «ad on or K,tate published «successively traJcau.-k wrapper to weak rea- aches an i weakne«»e«. hare no e<|ttal. I lldra inisUatl^n short time he began grow by they for all iwance: xford Demoerat printed :tt Paris, that they ma; CoinmsMonrro' ^ after have never fonud a plaster so eilicacious and (Ή..ΕΚΕ1., ilmin'r κιτ,ί notice a ppear at a Probate Court to be held at Paris, it l>een bv the son of the interna! injuries, and soon yet The unlersl»n»d liavlne appointed ofthU , tld on the third Tuesday of June next lor of stimulating, or to give so much general salisf> 0- to all person. I £py». ; County Hon. Judge of Probité tbe Count? <)xford. noon he died. He wis a brother of S. it. order to be 3 wee*· .ucc ^ > t 9 o'clock in the forenoon a> d (how cause if an) to receive and examine the claiina lion. I'sed in connection with RkindkI'TH's publi.hedInUmt^ b^c*a<»n^ Commissioners ^ ^py aAy ,, ley have, why the same should not be allowed. of creditors against tbe estate ol John II. Douglass and Chandler Kawson of Paris Hill. to A. universal life giving and life-healing Ρ ills, RICHARD FRYE, Judge. late of Upt >n, in sail County, decease.1, rep- after thu above accident occurred, Atruecopy —Attest: H-C. Davis. notice that alx Soon une ce cd den pair ol a •(reedy restoration to good Register. resented Insolvent, hereby (tiro of the mill, the date of «aid are Mr. L. Billings, proprietor 3d 1(8. E. TOM 1"Κ INS. in >ath« from appointment sound heal th. « IXFORD,»»:—At a t'ourt ot Pro hate hell in whicfc to in an obstruction PHOTO. PRICE LIST. allowed to said creditors p-eacnt while engaged removing Paris, within and for the of Oxfor< and that will be in Best Cabinets, &5..V.> per I)oz. avtaffixgssiib%" County ami prove their claims, thajr on his from a saw arbor, had three ringers ou the third Tuesday of May, A. D., IHf3. session at the law office ol It. A Frie in Bethel Card I'hoto, 2.10 for 18. the of W. II. li hand sawn off. Com. ON petition Dyer, of Canton, on the last Saturday of April, the flkt Saiarday right ONE TRIAL. or ο last 8x10 Photos, fom life, copy, $150. aid County, praying that John P. Swasey. liefore the third Tue»day of June, an I the Iudia Ink or at.t .π. be appointed Administrator on the estau before the third Tnewlay of August, at be- If yon have l>een u-ing other Planter* one trial Nicely finished in color, Saturday —The Tribune savs: The alliance if John Morrisey, late ol Canton, in said County ten o'clock in the lorenoon, for the purpose of ol ALLCOck'8 Pohois will convince you of their 50 cents more. tween the and the liquor inter- leceaSed: receiving an I examining said claims. Democracy in — wonderful Take no other ·ο called My work can not be excelled Maine; Ordered, That the said Petitioner glr« at the nth day of Mareh, 1&-3, est is receiving som·· striking proofs dur- »uperiority. Dated ltethel, in case of dissatisfaction I will make lotlee to all persons interested by cau«lnf AI.VAN B. GODWIN. of the Illinois porous pUuter· that claim to be better, they ate aud Si "·«·»"' *· ing the present session Leg- copy of this order to be GIDEON A. HASTINGS. on a second lot free. ta'e of said decease»». publish members have all fraud· gotten up t-> aell tbe worldwide d three weeks successively in the Oxford Demo islature. The Democratic Ordered. That the .a.d ..Mitioner *ιτ·»ive notice t he article. prtitioBer rat at Paris, that may appear at Mnlr. to means in their power to reputation of genuine all #|||ι|β printed they Adinint*traior'« resorted every to 'robate Court to beheld at Paris Γη said Count] a license law K. erderto be thre inthe to a licence from the Hon. Judge of prevent the passage of high J. CHASE, Artist, P"«n*'XVthreeieeki.uMeMitel)published η the third Tuesday of June next at nine o'elocl Pt USNAJfT. Oxford parj. that they ma ν Probate for the ol Oxford, dated the third that And when the meas- ti the forenoon and shew cause H any they havi Coanty through body. a Probate coertCour to be held at Pari. of λ ι> Ι·»-; I «ball sell at appear at^^^e the same should not be Tu-'«day December ure was in the lower House by the MAINE. on the th.rd junenext ihy granted. of at -ales adopted Never OXFORD, in .aidCounty R. A. public auction unless disposed private ^ ^^ FKYE,Judge. on Jutb of March aid of a few decent Democrats, the party Songs Sung. at β ο clock Tue.oay^ on the iu Hartford, the A : U.C. premise* doe· that verse run? Something like II. Ε »aœ hooW not ^ granted, trueeopy—attest Davi·.,Register all rea aud tried to "How JUNKS, they ha*e. whylatjiefore the next, atone o'clock in the afiernoon the turued un the latter revenge of tiiu. Isn't it? FKYK. Judge. including the revcr*lon the widow', in So. )XFORD, sg:—At a Court ol Probate held a estate, Health is Wealth ! itself by defeating every appropriation I Formerly of Bath, Me., has removnd to A tree tv dower therein, which Samuel H McKeaner lat "There are who touch the string. Paris, within and for the of Oxford ot magic «here ho will Medicine anlSnr -— CCT-._U~.J-B. DAVIS._«.,I.«_ County of. their constituents were interested. Parle, practice -—-, k ψ ol Hartford, died, .«iicd iiiIjiom«»«.| wLich And fame is to win them ; m court of I'fObatc ηβία at j the third Tuesdav of May. A. D. 18K1. noisy proud ger y. Office aud reaidcace on High St.. near ° GII.BKRT Β V BRETT, AdminIstrator. even in their blind rage, who n»vet Mng, and the N.JOHNSON CL'SHMAN, Executor on the cs They attempted, Ala·' for tho*e Hill road. Office hoors from 1 to 3 and 7 to "within County l>'>, l!»l. die with all their mu»io Γη them. parie fyr ste ol Edwin E. Uray, late of Paris, in *ai< BlltlMi VMrmry to the educational Institutions. Hut κ r. M. All call* day or night promptly answered. ^Oxford cripple »certain In- < deceased, his accounl showed their purpose to have Ye·, that'· beautiful, uatheti? and tree," said bounty, having presented They plainly ^S^WaTKERpSE'nU Γ administration of the Estate of aakl deceaaei in the State was repre*entative. "The poet allude· to people I free rum if every school your or allowance: who are «omehow iiipre-se,l, and never get their WANTED^ action of the Illinois Democ- the ..me OHiiKitKu.tbat the said Executor noticc m H closed. This full allowance of joy and air. Which reminds me dieaaed, hating prenne,, give A Rkmaulk am> ErriciKsr Attune girl ο bv a of thii of the course me tbe other Hixcox A Pasturing. | all persons Interested causing copy in a nuall family, (iood Ss but a party's of a letter ehown day by do general housework racy sample Pasturing for oxen, voting cattle and eolta. In- irder to be three weeks In the Hum aud ( New Tork. signed by Mr. K. C. William*, published successively wages and a permanent situation to right per· in Southern State. iguor- o.,of of W W. MAXIM, near Mt. Mica, or of 8. he Democrat, at Parts that the\ letter to every Co Pa., a busi- quire notice to all P"eon ! Oxford printed sou. References Apply by of Chapmaa, Snyder prominent S). Me. ί0Γ0ΡΛ^ required. ance are the levers with which it to P. MAXIM, Tari», ^Von^nte^r-.inï"d r t0 t>e 11 nay at a Probate Court to be held at Parii Publisher. icb. M.s* hopes ness man of that place, lie write·: » °°vy publUMd appear I. J POTTKR. Ip-w Oxford Demo- I α saiu on the third of Juni Twit lift into "I bave suffered with a«tbma for over forty vianil..1 °ely in the County, Tuesday Ι»κ Kc. Wtjrr'e Nr.m c axo R*ain itself power. » 1 icxt in the and show cause in at Pari » thit they may apt ear at at 'J o'clock lorenoon, Xi-M". apccific f»r Hyaterta. Dill years. and had a terrible attack December and oratthree«rV/USSu printed fuaraatred bardlv know what NOTICET to Parie, in .aid Coun·! I f any they have, why the same should not b< ft ». NereoiM Neuralgia. Jaouarv. 1*>- 1 prompted Probate Court FOR SALE· Be*·. ntuhi'H Fit*. Ν. E. Fair.—The third annual exhibi- now over un aixi .atio'ciock .Mowed. »dj«I bf the me m tâke Park Kit's Toxic. I di t so, and the I have five hundred dol- Uj J lot, w ith frnit trees, also H.» lenw Pro· train·ti R. A. FRYE, Judge. A bouse and garden Μ α ta I of the New Manufacturers' I took four dose*. The effect sstonlshed with a and line set of tools, •*e f a -h >h<>l or tofcanc >. Mr»kefOluea·, tion England llrst day lars on books, due for Probate ίί·,ΐ·. C. blacksmith ftjp, large ia held in I an if nothing wa· tbe my 'ώ". Atruecopy—attest;—H. DAVIS, Register. desirable. Oep'f*»1or. Softening »i the Brain re*n!t »it and Mechanics' Institute will be me. That night slept s:îd"si "3: (corner lot.) Locality pleasant and have ever siaoe. 1 have bad These be » ·"· '*·· "•J T"u the leaac;:» an ! Vadicg u> mlaerr. iectr anil death, 3th to Nov. matter with me.and &c. bills must Formerly owned by J. I.. Dillawav All Boston, Mass., from Sept. 3d, ia now advertising of aaid deceaw»»· f**» mature oil Weikneu in cold· »lnce but no asthma. My breaking ment ss :—At a Court of Probate at tools formerly to Mr. D. Age, Irnpot?aov. and no as are scattered * >XFORD held blacksmith's belonging 1883. No fee is demanded a· 1 nad never known tbat dl-ease. ^ ^ FRYK, Judge. either tri. Involuntary l."aaee and suerinawrrh entry aa perfect if paid promptly, they Paris, within and for the Counts of Oxford, οι will also lie sold separately if desired. For furth- ja of the brain. aelf for For If rou know of any oo- who baa a.thma tell him over ft trnB.-rT-.tt«at;H.C.PA™.RerinU.r· cau«»j by orer eiertioo charge made space. application in small amounts all the the third Tuesday of May, A- D. l&tf. er address P. BL'RNH AM, roataiaa name tbat Parkhr's Tonic will curc it County. particulars ac.u.* or over ιβ·ί jijcva.» K».o box or address John F. in of MOSES ALLEY, Executor on the eatate ο Bethel Hill. Me. aix boxea blanks, particulars, «fter vear·.' There wa· a man who All bills for Probate eae raoath » treatment. $1 a box.Or street, Bos- —even ft»rty advertising ilargaret Bryant, late of Hartford, In *ald Coon Ot -Vood, treasurer, 38 Hawley tbe fate of tboee whom the poet lament·. for #Λ. wot bv Bail μ re par" oa receipt escaped if not in ad- on the deceased, having lite account of ad prie * wbicu baa heretofore been should bo paid promptly third y. presented Send for Illustrated of W# κ araatee β boxe· to car» an* caae. With ton. Tb preparation, tx^utor on the c "tale ninistralion ol the Estate of Mid deceased for al- Catalogue le*l wi'h a· Pa κκ tit's Gikuer Tone, will hereaf- vance. •ae·: lt 1er ie*-' lT»-il boaea aocoupaa known iaw «· o wan ce : John fc. Bearie. ., our be advertised and sold under the name of S4SfWES" A- w. »i!l -*nd the pareba.*»-r written futr WHAT S IN A NAME? ter dec* aaed ^gggiC'TiV 0f ad- Ordered, That the said Execator give actift Toxic. laasmsch a· ia reallv Mav 19, 1883. hav.n* BICYCLES aotee to refund the money if the treatment Joe« Pakkek's ginger Paris, of the estate 01 j^a^l for aI- ο all persons Interested by causing a copy of thii delivered free to all office* Portland Advertiser]. and unprincipled miniatratioB Machines express aot tffeet a ear*. J. C. W»r A Co.. Proprietor*, an unimportant ingredient, H. C. lowanee : « >rder to be published three weeks li II.,) "What is a Democrat, anyway?" asks deriving their customers DAVIS, successively In Ox ford, Cumberland, and Carroll (Ν. laaue arant-ea throaxh H H. IUV A CO dealer· are constantly that aaid Extcutoriv*..cutor five noticeto all ί | he Oxford Democrat at Pari·, that of that name. A Dem- Inferior preparations under tbe Probate. Onu**», printed the; counties. I'Hi**i§te. omjy agent*. Portland. Mr.. metioa the Oxford paper by substituting Register intere.te>l eau»tnf » 1J tb|( ordcr ( oay at a Probate Court to be held at Pari! we tbe word. peraons by appear anil Free §û. week- name of ginger, arop misleading h . on Mi ly tion itself, and ail bottles remaining Probate Court to be hare whv the same should not be allowed under tbe name of Parker'* Probate for the County «»* Oxford, and aeeumed hey FBYBBUBGÏME. struction of Oxford county Republicans. of dealer·, wrapped »aia w R. ▲. FRYE, the medicine if the tniet ol administratrix ofthe estate of beld at ParU. tn Judge. Democrat had as a right to «.iKiikK Toxic contain geunlae m the forenoon A true B.C. Davis, OF ANOTHER AGE. ; And this good Co. is at the BARNAUL) L. MAKULE, late of Diadeld, ,cJlock eopy—attest: Register. · Batter Arti- the Lac simile signature of Hiscox A Uradaatlf lapplaalid by as Beu Butler, or John Kelley. deeeaaed, bind aa the STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURF I the name bottom o( tbe outside wrapper. iaaa'dCounty, by giving £«JS!iSS;.S«yJ£ THE MECHANIC ARTS cle. Cirtala Old Thlaga are Dona Away. law directe; ahe therefore requests all person g 1» should not be allowed. tXFORD. ββ 5—At a Coart of Probate held a «AND ^ Priciical. C >urees.in Agricultuie, of said dee -aaed to make Im ^ FRYB» Jadg·. within and lor the of οι Pcientillc'and In th* ««senti r«c«ptiu· room of tbe Western dfbted to the estate Paris, County Oxford, engineering, cheic ΤII* Co\lMA.Nl>*R-IN-ClUKK mediate and thoiw who have de A true the third of May, A. D. 1«83. Civil engineering.Mechanical aa oa New payment, any Tuesday and Literature. Expense* moder- 1'ii Te.tjrraph tuikttnx Broadway. a is try .Science of the Graud of the Republic, Major mandn thereon to exhibit the same to ROSELLA K. SEVERY presents eertain In so fork.arc cah .'· Uil the foarar.craJ«* aad cluaay Army SPIRIT OF ^-AtierttH.C.PATil.RegW>^ ate. Terms arranged that atudenti can teach are bet- BONNER, '76, 10, im. LUCY T. MABBLK. i" 00 itrument to be the last Will and Te »a*tram«at> ol tb< .niaacy oftb·· U'le^raph Thry S. Merriil. Few remedies will stand for aervlee, during the season, ending May °"art?withU^> purporting in tbe winter and work out dnridg. the baying George ament of Alden B. Severy, late of Dlafleld, h ara only relica au*. More perltct machinery ha- vicinity than Sulphur 1888. at Soath Pari·, in charge of Rd. tho third Tueaday of seaaon. The liret term of tbe next^college year ter known in this Aug. 19, A NOTABLE BOOK. -f EJljie 8 aid County, deceaaed, baring presented the sami aup«ra*«led tb« m Bonner la a bright chestnut stallion, ΜΑ^Α^υ·ο^ begins August 7,18«3. Examination for admise 1 Bitters, thair sale has been very general Thayer. hatlog pre-ent· or Probate and that she may be appointed ad or far. Tear* α«o vtiat U u rn stjlad the old fa»htone· w ith blai·. and white hind ankle·, foaled In 1870; M, .ateofBethel June m and August 7. For Catalogne and the number Bar® nlnistrutrix with the Will annexed: ion, poroua plaater dnl aonie t <».l tervlre. There throughout this section, stand· 194 bands, weighs about 1,100 lbs. Weed's decea^i ther Information, address rising: Thurlow Ordered, That the said Petitioner aotie· Me. «a« hen nothto£ lie.ter vt the kia-1. Now all of well attested cases of beneficial results Robert Bonner, Jr ; by Robert Bonner, 2Ϊ0; by Autobiography. gire M. C. FhRX ALD, President, Orooo. ! By are wanted in all of the · ο all persons interested a of tfcl that .a cbiDfed. S>'iea rrU of Metlleine and recovery by large a ebeanut mare, a to canvass for the forthcoming Al'Tubiookai to all person» copy published suecessiruly pro-iti»·-·! ter. Dam, Old Kaie, large Democrat ok Tui'iiLow Weep. Till· i«? a ooit VP.jgS&fciJ week. sueee.sWely In he Oxford printed at Parts, that the: BESHOV* CAPtlNK POBOLS KLASTtR. dispute. roa later. by O'ray Ragle ; by hanter Horse; interesting yond great numerous anecdotes of Mr nay at a Probate Court to be held at Pari whieh em^2d:ea mil the exeei.eaciea tbua far pu· bosh Messenger; by Winthrop Messenger; by wora. embracing appear by »ïs n said Count the third of June next horses. >o uld laan-ra Weed % lue, and, later, many curious v,on Tuesday "livery alkie *a »a'ert.al Tb« the fountain head of trot- early giving remedy. Cur* YorRsuj.. Messeogcr, 1962, «1Β&«ώ: or Ilorse», lap. 9 o'clock In the and shew oause If in 30 good young Livery war. alow --the is : were un- facts r> 'he inner political history of the X forenoon an] Wanted, C'»r<*tae rapl'l they bills. best ters. Grsn dam a large ba. tuare by Qiickailver. tpecling G ev or White. Would exchange Don't pay large doctor's The the half century when his Influ- hey have why the said Instrument should not Iw not any of tbem eart»;n—tbe « apnae I* »ure. Cheaper articlea to 25 mare·. Send for eard giving term», country <'uring 7 100 ele- Limited An Immense sale is ex· rasSsfcs&h st!sjlj=î"» ·—"">,,ω ι and allowed as the last Wtl a Canada horse, years oil, weigh lug baai ·ιαι.ί*τ nam·-. Ua careial, therefore, Jtat Medical book published. pages, and extendel pedigree to ence was so powerfd. iroved, approved Urcy further description, circulars aud tenus tu ^•Asssyws·!»*' ι ,n«J Testament of «aid deceased. 1000 lbs. and a four year old colt, for good l.lvery aoa»^ iioea not deeeiTe *«ie. In colored will be sent on Me., or to ^Dected. Stndfor agent* not be granted. thrifty dmgxiat ant plates receipt Rd. Thayer. So. Paris, R. J. M. CLM MI NOS. the ceater of um la c<*t the woril t Vf. llOL'UHTOX, M1KK1.IN à CO. Ε. A. KRYK, Judge. A. Judge, Horses. geauine f two 3 cent stamps to pay postage. Ad- S. K. IICCIIINS, | FRYE, CLNK. l*rtce i5 'full. Me. 4 Park street, Boston, Mass. Atrieeopj—attwt: H.Ç· Davi», A traecopyattest:— H. CDatis, Register. 9«. faria, May 5,1*9, & Mass. Kumfotd, Segwer Ikahury an·! .lohaaon, ChenlaU, New York. ress A. P. Ordway Co., Boston, Hoe ton Herald. TERRIBLE SUFFERING. ON OUK PUZZLE CORNER. PLACING A PIE THE RETIRED A REMARKABLE FAMILY. diamond LIST. Kldmcy ι·1 Bladder Complaint a tif Many WASH Β CRN TREE ! " Ι.ΙΜΠΛ OF ΤΠΚ OI.D Υμπ lhiralUa-ΠΙι Word ·· ef laiiMior Fr··. DYES. sent the e.itor, ff. 11. Eastman, Baby Cltjr ner, Me.l $5000 60LD, SPECIAL NOTICE, "Not another word," said the cl· (iernard, »« •anawer l(„ xirK l.-CllARADh. of Counterfeits an«l Imitation·. person ^0v°" New for 1883, a man from Lnwall. M···. v Tbe high reputation mined by ADAMSON'S thus a handsome man, in Styles Seventy-three years ago ?55t Erer Mail To their fierce thirst BKWAKK BALSAM for tbe ture of addressed, tall, of DfW quench BOTANIC COUGH -AND- Raynham went down into the District WOOL, OK COTTON"."«j.» Men drink at my first ; whose brown hair a of a God- "Ill· word la m a* a baok note EG?· FOR ΒΠ S. deep tinge gray Maine, which was then considered good at *ny COATi;. SCARFS, HOODS, second denotes to exist ; Lower Price* than ever Before* himself bank Ια Lowell,and I know It," was the DRES5E3, My was forsaken country, and established opini* cATPET RACS, a to show. "You know, YARN. STOCKrV.S, third's straight stick— just beginning as it is now •f a well known citixen In of ·' tfcbria cr My In business at Richmond, «peaking City At. ri030NS, Fc.A !-■ Don't me too "that roïoperf te guess quick— my child," he continued, nothing has sine»» been a place ■««•or FraacU uomard. Your reporter j- ι! ι. rtîy βη.γ THIEF. Store, called. That great fouad fancy art;--:. can have a OF THE Noyes' Drug With ray whole you great COl'ttlie, COI.1W, BLKRHINU Lt'Nti·, this man at bla «'■ : "·<··.·. Crw», Hlar, to me more than for bnt Raynham Mr. Oomard pleaaant home, which, with R. κ· *· AvrtMA AM) Cuxerxi-Tiox haa Riven rite could give refusing ship-bnlldlng, ·»«·. Brvna, MU\o feast. pais ME. there. He to ο there adorn· Summer Street and € «rJ.ur1 .··'.>» The genuine. NORWAY, built the first vessel began man? CroBU c::.iT beat ouloti. spuriow confound», wish of and that I am never twn, iirrt in ."-"-J !.J any youre, bnt it wae in the embargo the of South Coroman. Mr. II.—DOUBLE DIAGONAL. T. HILL MANSFIELD'S build another, charming park (j<>. Wia*'i:>'ira:«".> ■■:·. Γ>ι.\^οΙυ«ο«ι:ΐ Balsam was allowed Adamsor's Botanic Cough so and from care as when tlmee and the second vessel maid ta U! : "I had been, aa many of 07 ο. li lvave r«v· r free friend» c lor en.· to ft ar I be. (wd yoa 1. A bird. FRANK W. KINSMAN A happy la only by on stocks. Then he moved ■ know, from u bi* prepared - - - to rot the I/)well agmtraferer u,d ·. »·. To A sealskin with fur trim- Application Scalp. auffered V< ELL·*, Κ1ΓΜ t'U.. ■■■ttil«U groove. grant. sacque HI* of the Massachusetts ani- In evidently miking many wonderful cure·. He was a member terrlblr, asd altboagb my doctor'· treatment tvl The name a bird and an that he became a State, diagonals brave- ad. in another oolumn la convincing proof before Maine been the beet wbleh thl· Gipsy. mings. By my halidom, you jest diff Legislature city afforded. | (0t 00 mal. ha· a compound of remarkable merit. The citizen, but his crown S LVER PAINT. $5000 Au· like he was a respected betUr. I aaid Anally. Doctor, It'· ao u«e. SOlD anJ name of F. W. ΚΙΜΛΧΑ». DlUffiit, ! and Dunstan erent Barlier Saloon* )n Portland, evidently he reared y0o ly turning hastily away, en- come from the fact that Pnînt. Artists' Black. Bu»U. in blown in the jrlaen of tue bottle. lr. say, aa a hair dre»siag ta of glory have done all that It la In your power to Bronze III.—TRANSPOSITION. Me., They Capillar!··, a more re- do, 1 s, V m *, I amp reward of gold i« offered for a better ar Perkins to the sideboard and took liven and the hair, keep the clean a of ten children, and J'.: A $30OO stepped beautify scalp family know that ; bet I mint get help from «orne > wuri.· Won sincoeoaa cheat wen a reward of ten thousand the hair dress older Cbir erv r.· à uiituiii ?f oraasitutal suited, t'cle. Wealeo offer white and free from ilandrud, make the annals of this country w* markable family aoaree or I wu to χ hiand enl.- the of noy remedy tthowlng a drink. For an instant Lilian stood in and in it la unsurpassed, and dierinelly Indaeed try |»r. I Mite karaes tenican godo huntcou; dollar» to proprietor well stay plane, Six ago, ont of the of cur·· of Aathaa. never seen or une* to It cannot show. years ■> -,κ» moi» testimonial* genuine have anything equal Keened»'» >AVORITE a roedi. J'Y 1 1 t." pOi" {ΚωΙΰν.4 Yeth smut lilts dan norwad \his REMEDY, Ine parduw OifC.i-e same length of time. the down F. μ Arnold. Π W. Γνι>κκ· sons and three of 'C "ΛΒΡΜΙΛΛ 1U.. HarilacK»·. t and Lung injthc conservatory looking steadily JOhn M. Hover, seven daughters beea recommended V. : l.-s How clwoul barseat fo hurtt. s. John C. which bad very highly for peek wood, j. η. B. Morrill, R. goMKft, modern all bat two of them were SviCCKi ITE. at the velvet in which her Jo.vks, John P. Welch, E. FKolun·, 11. N. patriarch, kidney dkaeaae·. I rteeired help at onre. It bu heavy carpet, alive. Haley, II. T. Ficekrtt ,J. N. .Lander. acted like a charm with me. Wbyao? Dr. Ken- feet sunk but noon, in Philadelphia, there ENIGMA. shapely deeply, presently Saturday FAVORITE REMEDY f« an IV.—CROSS-W·>RP sons— Ex-Gov. nedy'» hooxat prepi. REWARD!BALAAM died suddenly one of the In ADAMKOX'S BOTANIC COIUII the of desolate lonelinese seemed ration, and I know it. I dlla't think help, but not in hinder; «ad OooUrr spirit of Maine. Before anvthinf ÏE CURE la for «ale by all Dra(RlU· BUY YOUR Israel Washburn, jr., woeld help me. l>ul lhl« ha« (fiver, mc bettar Iu coal, but uot in cinder; 10 33 riutt and 75 centa pea to and into an us look at bis medicine ever i for ail cîisonars of the Kidney» and at cent·, leave her, going quietly we speak of him, let family. health thaa any preterit* 1 for m», In many, not in few; bottle. the of this I hare recommended U to ever ao rax η 7 οι room she First comes Israel, jr., subject my In water, not in dew ; adjoining began eating pie. Blinds frienda in the city of f-offell, and with the ■ LIVER Doors, Windows, article, who was Maine's Representative re»nlt. Ther think there U : oar- 1.· jcuoaca Uu .ucat in·.portant In but not iu lead nothin* like Dr. Ken gold, ; In a few momenta her father came from 1851 to I860, snd then " .c-. : f Uiiew cu tcrpidity a^i in Congress nedi'a FAVOH1TK REMEDY In marry, not iu wed; " we In the first what Mr. Ontnard ran bu deoeaded «t·· n. ·.· thohealtiiy Mcrtt.oncf the I was MOULDINGS, War Governor," as say, aiya upon, In but not in into apartment. "Perhaps Kllhu aa any one acquainted writh the geailemao ... ar.! 'τ tss boTi. In tree rich, poor; His brother kuosa t years ot the rebellion. .-.m. eS-"t. n '» rtv oruuciarev. Iu seeming, not in sure; he for rather harsh with you, Lilian," began. H., member of Congress /torn Illinois λγτ mm fïotn TTTALTIR r. ROBINSON, 7 Η ·* Iu clodhopper, not in boor; Stair Balusters, Newels State and Minister SlVitiU· ιΛ» ,rt*.K3·.·.· tie cV.'.la, But the him. "Don't Rail, lit years, Secretary of -■ Whole the dictionaries teach girl interrupted ASII AND PINE SHEATHING, when the -·.· «:ye-«. >τΛί®ϋ Kidney to France at the critical time Mtuvu*. again, Qermans overrun her, V.e ! rv" r t i« ii»5.7«e"«. «veiy i.itJ CArvnû. I IV;»./»* and speak papa," V ο SqtOGITE. icanteiil, 3.T.8 t no WINDOW and DOOR Presidential Elector ■ FOB "because I know that have FRAMES, Charles A., politician, East · » CCTALCABLB you really Sumner, Maine. sr! o ty rRU.^cr^Tsi. p-ic· ι. to Next Cadwal- i CHAT· and Minister Paraguay. Having a new Sarvryora v.—DECAPITATIONS. 7 DiARJlHCEA, to While I was BRACKETS, PICKETS, AC. a ι purchaae.l Tram I money spare. mending lader who was in Congress 12 years, am to do all kinda of a C., prepared «urTayin^ rite- 1. Behead a wall ornament, and leave .S. ΡΤΙΝΑβ OF INSECTS. PILES, the tracing old line* a overcoat last I saw that —or— Major General of Volunteers during , ipecialty. ..jzssm- lui; eyes, soee feet, your evening Wiscon- " rebellion, and also Governor of Behead to try. and leave to wander. etc., etc. note from and I would not from Daisy,' sin. Also William D., Congressman ISAAC Behead to grasp, and leave to sevei S. p. MAXIM & SON. who "You saw the note" asks Mr. Perkins, Minnesota, recently; and Samuel B., BAGNALL, stitches. , and A. -Ï JER OF HEALING! served in the navy during the war ; Woolen a SOUTH MAINE ManufacturerΓ HE ART" TROUBLES· 4. Be heed a crevice, and leave frame. ~î:. tîllnil, fllrfdin^erltch· in hoarse, tones. PARIS, the bank- Manafrctnree Τ agonized S who has confined himself to Ciinmii. 8 art* rrra, Corro· ."». Behea«l almo?t. ami leave betimes. t. il is U fcuown remedy. and and all i ,:rratrtt nev- Wool, Wool Flax*kl*. Γε»κ·κιι*»« Bniliw "Yes, papa ; but you know I ing business. «ad Taij··, Ccbto· IN THREE HAVE THEM-· ·:. Behead longing, and leave insane *.· 1.· pi.», ..nlil». |y«aa<», PRICES LOW. when he clot· Dmarwo aad Boll 39ΊΜΙ -η. ;>ping pain " Governor C. C. of Wisconsin, αιοαιβ, Win!· F οΆ'νβ'ΛΓ® at Fiu!t. talk. er W. AndthWtt·»*· ; 1 av.. uianu-r. N. R. description of House Finish fnr died a or two ago. left millions. 7. Behead a and leave a j Every year IIANOVKR, MK. large package, -iorc Fjea.— Icacffect a nlshed at shorl notwe. has millions. Ε. B. ♦HYPERTROPHY, or e '.irgement ofthc f ï...1nu^d!.m! "How much will sealskin sacque 1). of Minneapolis ~ kind of liquor. .υ la t inarveiloua. •f-Planing. Matching, Band Sawing and gen Ventricle·. ; mply has been talked of as a Presidential possi- ν a and leavt erai jobbing attended to. Behead large mound, ·" ·< :· * iidi. i'rioud.— 11! fctullo I cost ?" PERICARDITIS, or Inflammation Of the i bility. Three of these brothers were In ι*■' wrong. ; > IJtjit.m nJrouapuwcr. not a "BRADLEY'S Marte···, as the at the same time. Was It ■« 1 or Ο "Three hundred dollars," and Congres» WATER in t*e heart case. Behead a and leave t'»r k O.I Hor«, pen making ready, ri-mark- VIE ONLY ■ -» ·* J ■> ■· good family? |T [«H l- wrong. ι, t> :nJ 1 these words a baleful pretty «■' girl spoke light who died so Satur- SOFTENING of the Heart. Κ». Behead to saturate, and leave a tree. rlU Israel, unexpectedly >r, Rite* »f In· i shot from her was in the town schools PALPITATION. Gklia Sann. eyes. day. brought up SUPERPHOSPHATE .· » un cured by Postmaater- ANCINA PECTORIS, o· Neuralgia of the :eo. k itAu.17 PAINTS. within a few miles of where "You can have the money tomorrow," RUBBER Heart. General Howe, who died the other day, THE ACKNOWLEDGED Fi Τ* ΙΙ·«Π aevn~ VI.—1IALK svtUAKE. rxTiuiCT. STANDARD Iψ~Α «TtKTLrvo ^orr he and went out of the was raised. Ile never went to college, α j said, slowly A6'TS air tafrrW t In fxtaltty— S, P. MAXIMA SON, ! g%U· il Γ VHTSJCIAXSt but he read law and began its practice FERTILZER Dr. t-rmv··' Scart H^nlnlof l< 4 »T" V Price MÉCOMMMSPMD room. Η OUT FT PARI8. ! When Any irtlrteUI frrtili/i»r, to M both In ► ·Γ Κ m it* P»-«««*» "I would mrrKRiOK αι.ιτικλ of this paint. During the he was old he rtampforriaincatphjiir.ai. ■ fern ir»U my darling papa ^ι thirty-seven years SCflRPHOM'H Α ΓΒ. for in thl- II.·, f ; 1..-Γ· ·. : Si .IΓΤ few thought the tuai», " two over porn HL'NDHED gtllons of it from the Dis- of / w i.V vorrfa POy&S the past year* chosen to Congress Bangor menial prltclple c^oinien-i-ti fertilizer·, the » «j»!.-!" Π.a" ι'.·-, jSf weaken," said the and lifting have been used in Till* VIOWITT, (riving In r.VKKT of their (ι th an.tour pvtur» girl, Stetson, who died a foundation manufacture Ixdii* tbe 4ι·- *■ il Λ» ·?>. I. S H J Λ in ft·!· satlnfartion trict which Charles ?. Γ- IxrtAUA. Ai 1. A consonant. λ<Μ« instance the very be«t of entmry 01 the pro^»aa of maiiiiiarturtc? >ui«r f I »i.: r■·'<■ .1 »·, a· >rru/'pir. ' to of the aud Ilau- t et»—i ΐ Ο fork her the last It I» well known thai the bent It-ad and oil, mix few week.-ι ago, then represented, from bone and r"S«!d.trallt.eaa nu Drji^ ■ >4 lips, pbo«ii iuiiin·; JOXI/iI slowly tiuie It* type. M III Uir ckack. ciialk.kk nil. going wan formed and Inif α m, -rph.upK.ite <-.uiitainln< :HiE:AiR?I P:I;S:E^cS:E! We are awire o! n great prejudice again#· mi*· when that party kiyhyrtuie ptiu ô. I'rated. 1>ιχικ. publicans phorlc arid, ni rnirun. potaah and ail other ηrr 1. vr>- γ\τπ*γτγο»|. OUT OF THE STORE. wr omlMeutlv reommeod this, b« In ed pAint·» bM the old was broken up. e--ary element» of to ·» λ PViJCAT* durable and Whig party |,lant >d, ι»η>/«>τ(ι·Μ· uν' lieving.tto I·» the mo«t Im .intlfltl material! found th<; \i :>. -Al'.Li i-otL"hk. the Lincoln year, be was chosen Governor /torn by practical «·*ρ >rienc« Mr. of was in the economical τ tut in th·· market. An>wkks to Puzzles ok Last Week. Kemper, Illinois, j. aud re-elected of tl year· to be the bett to in -et «he r Kem»mV r thi* U'Mihcr Paint I* compose·! of n< arly 1·ί,ο00 majority, r^uiremeata R ΓΟιΐΓ S EUf.ACT Cc., Sl.CO, SI.75. hy of all crop·. Γ Λ Λ R H [IRECTIONS, mercantile business. He had a great White Lead, Ζ ur, Lln-ced Oil and tndis over the Geuera! Jameson 1.— SAME 1C W ; pure in 1*41 popular In diet onion from "»/>eci«Metli|iai 7-ictCraaa C'i.vrh Cero- Kubbcr, with the be-t coloring pigments tl-at can ra,"adapted 1 aud a Peace Democratic an increased only t·if tpefi.it crop*. tfil» I'h taphatj., contalnl. * Α Κ I 1) -'-.1er 25 ! ileal of work outside of his store, and he be ground in A caret·) examination by obtained, he all the ir.jrredleete of n'ant food, tn 'he f*»t rm 1 on it ha» used will <0B· Worn out his work, MITE nCLm 50c.)· 1.00 ot Imlldiuv wtitcli bee· majority. by η itmt •h the a to rr.en and *njfl t/u-tnlillet i* a I'KRt Κ Γ tKli- '" ! nude it \ inri· the mo· : .»1 or its merits. not run and was the Κ Ι» Ε Ν « > 25 generally point pay kept would again, given TII.I/.Kk lor ail and 1a t> at- r OC who hive n> crvpa njuaiiy wed Syri-f* We retcr to the following parties which he held for uae .· ni Portland Collectorshlp, adapted for with or wiibout m.inure. ϋ.—Bat. î ^'.ikd'citcd 25 that worked for him with goods. On ed 'itir paint vif Pjpcr— a Since he re- Bradley'· I'hofptixt·· lia* »uv>d a loaiter, m >re ■·> *vl .—E'k. roe, cow, < seal, Marble, Ο. A. J. Oanlnts. Paris m »re than dozen years. ami-1, turkey. fir iv ·.·, $1.00. J. C. Maxim, «ancrai «nd «everrr teat than ant other ixrllli ijrr one occasion he had a of wood hi Hill. V.I. uohtnan. North I'uri*. S. K. Ungg-.K· tired from that olllce, ttiz years ago, he fo\. rat. sloth, teal, heron, our pile in the I'ditrd .Vat·», and h.ta eon e out an··* ! ape, monkey, T.adl« < r«-n ! ·» 1 ι .1 unil OA in V K. t aud S. Bill- N. Hall. I). Truc. Merrill, L. business and liter- t.eo » ■» 1κ·ιΐί«. war lias devoted himself to tteentf geari i'h ··. >h lb·* Hra ilvT K.-rtii. viper, adder. Ίι uf wanted cut into stove wood. Calling Paris. A. -V créa;! balm ing', Trull, Vir^ay trer 1 -onipan* now being th* 1 4.—The United States of America. :·:■ ·λ. ir λ, il.. aiuoal(lt rljr In conventions, M Bwd Τ Ε Ν Ο R erings. Sunday-school knot*·· to be up to 1 he r.^.,rad alandard. «t over to the house Danger,be- the "All ; go The aro in of and 5 5AY FEVER ·;-. right you public again «rent danger versaries, temperance meetiugs, Call and get a of r, ic. deceived n rtiMhl of tin· Imitation of bcok.givlnjr the.teatimcny Ιηκ by at which the writer of this has heard many reliable rarncn. the State u cut that and come and * like, throuxhout » î* hr%t scut in to our Fishing for he added after and puzzle response I'll pay you it; hut," eral Unit··· by th·· imitutiou put up in th·· name lieved every word he said. Earnest FOR ΑΛΤ.ΊΠ Ί 1μ·μΙ·-*, mid Mjrne.i otio 'Wood,' uicu ncic. «»« recent offt-r wi·. furnished Hooks* Li dps, Reels, Hods, a will ili:ijn by nonest, IIU (Jeucïeu utucr by "Gipsy.' moment's pause "I suppose you which imitation turn — always proved nearly In or smtU VT of we award and liad failli In the people. Can auyIxxJy give Urge ί l-iatnies.ou Bryant's Pond, Maine, to whom (uVn it rvnf λΓ (Κα utnfi» worthies*. My wife Is subject to catarrh ^ Sink- such wonderful suc- Flies. Spoon Bait, imntiyMS aim uni ιπ< n numerous tucutcinv a t>ctter reason for '..1.ί«β·!*»|. COM the A of reached none ven Israel prize, variety puzzles the "1 would hilt us » constant medicine have «I ras Of a plain man'a children? VERY FAVORABLE Γ t: '1. ε. J. ATV Κ!», "Of course," boy ; much relief a* "L. F." ATWOOD'S Kit u>, ouc or two which were not ers, Baskets, Drinking replied livra·) was a man who came from the TERMS, -λαγ, 1 l'j federal tu includiug Washbarn -BY- store m IKK·» S lie lia* 111.HO I'liliDil uluiost lllllui'lillte as soon take it cut of the was one of the original an 1 could not therefore enter into Scales ΛΥ., juat I benefit iu < onsllputiou an·! I >>S|M-ptiia, In people, people (hi* great 1 Cups, • a oa« For tin· coin * lo<< of lempooiii'ul. Utter idol was ttiat poet of the people—Hubert ί 1 ι· (>*<■"· y y All point·* considered. we not." with the competition. piulnt.i in) (laughter ha* u*e. l·'. Alwiwd'· Hltisr'· were liitnxluee.1 ili«Te, an·I tiseil with marked tower, and also with the neceasa y mod id- Gilt and Painted Band Shades, d: ! th· ;r N.>t for him, but at last gave who said I wasn't? We are Plows. "Well, succès», particularly in lllllou» directions. eations for it without the tower, him up. Lieut. Item is, who Is now a well A. P. HI I.I.MAN. building and store 1 will take the and with but six rooms if desired. In its Opat/ues Hollands, known iu· rc'iant in On» Ma, Ν. V., ven- out of the now, and THE BEST III THE MARKET. This POTENT RKMEDV, tnlltl, liarnilegs, hut most costly form, the outlay is estimated Winn 1*1 And ι »|H.t by tbe yard w .:h tur 1 to dot· him with Pekry Davis's I'ain And Medicated Cotton Premium in Single awl cash." Sl'KK In IU rut ion, the liloutl, re at without the tower it has been In a few the ope purifie· $.'5,000 ; Double Team 11 ο Κπ.ι.γκ days Quartermas- Izilact Rt-l.rf for Toothache· tore* the wanted regulate* all wing Matche* encrglM, for ; and if six rooms are to ter < were he was on said the built ί-',ΛΟΟ only at State Fringes, Cord and Tassels Match. suffering* over, and / Λ few application of Wai.i. St. New».—"Father ilrrangc I functions, anil gives new life anil Fair, 1882. M· Wtfttn the cost be reduced to a.» before. V Ζ .lt.atoHott.'U, vigor to the w hole aysteui. included, may $1,- Warranted to scour la toil and t omnion. duty *' '■> toy to gi*e per- Al! kiri- cf J .\tur(*.£{>: ng and >bt In au man, as he leaned on hi* hoe, are df under, placnl young CAUTION· 700 or 8-,000. Details given mantels, fect satisfaction. achtrif t*v.th, will deaden the nerve and give cornices etc. A hen never has a regular meal; she al- the balance of trade is Person* the *alc of the Imitation are stairs, doors and caslugs, permanent relief. OlluniiT, Medlcatrd Cot- "they say agin aiiUuK AGENTS WANTED. has a dinner. for 85 et·. liable to Imincillate prosecution. Th·.· have found It the most Store. ways plcked-up t η and ln-trument, all eomplete. publishers Manufactured by Noyes' Drug } Di egtateu 1'rau r-In 1'atcal u«." popular plan they have ever issued, and B >i!s. blotches, pimples and all skin dis- ik diet tie «, ana by the Manufai turer, state that It has been adopted In more NORWAY. υ J». Macalastek, 1». L>. à., I.yan, Mam. "They do, eh ?" F. C. tal are q&icke>t cured by cleansing the than live hundred instances within their MERRILL, our reserves are SHORT & HARM0» GEORGE Îood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "And that bank rap- LORING, knowledge. The same firm issue Specifi- South Ue. WISE, cations in blank for frame or Mar. I, IM, Paris, M r.uTi Ki R or —MAN UFACTl' RER9 OF- adapted AM A fall pur»*e and a bottle idly diminishing." brandy rarely brick buildings of any cost; also forms of II I liHH 4P Chromo. IP eta.ι Κι- in the same coat. occupy opposite pockets "Du teU Ρ building contract, and several books on l| Alt MX change, JOc. ; A"> Ulit ICdge, 15c.; AMERICAN MARBLE. " ■■ ■# W ti ITALIAN AND artistic Embossed Slipper· ·>αl> Λ> of "And that railroad extension has modern inexpensive, Cottage plans Mr. William C. Willentt, Portland, PEARL'S AGENTS WANTED. '· which are of value and Me.. I found Brown's Iron Bitters great practical MONUMENTS, say> ;ome to a halt." BLANK BOOKS interested. Agent's Large Sample book aader, "Great enakee ! Well, I charge Window Frames at Prices REMOVtS FIECtUS, Ml*- was a conclusion, though the ease Wholesale irritation, intlammatiou, all Kid- a foregone Cmi··* ylu ΙΛβ ?o« Stinging MTCKES, ΤΑΜ. BIACK-WCRMS lo about feller h one of they say anything stap- was perfectly clear. Kentucky Hard 1*1 a· 1.10 For Biliousness ney aud I'riuary Complaints, enred by and aV. Iapurltl··».(ttklrWtthtaor u;«-n the iklL LAW BOOKS Pulley style, IM»e « to lean on hie hoe to talk when he the United States of America which ap- ι lira·· aad · Faaca Pick·!·. ·» < 81. For CHAP?[J HANDS, ROUGH CR CHAFED Sim It U ling 1 Buchu-paiba. School Books, to be with a barbarous tribe MI.U« par lOOO. nslWe. Try rti..· buttle aU'l jm wtfl never le pear» peopled BARTLETTS TEN CENT FAMILY PILLS Indlij* as well talk and hoc, too ? or in For Sale by A trade called the C -rset is talked t'»e aiso ni^ht just Wall somewhat resembling Arabs Afghans ·» the lead. J our lioae* lor 10 cent*. paper vrtttoct It. Papers, afcr oely With them 0. P. IKAII.il * SON, il «ract gvi theai οι vour ιΐα.,κ >t acod of. It will, no "come to Keuben on his hands and resum- their revengeful dispositions. yen doubt, stay." spit Fancy Goods, H c. .η ~ίΐορ· as 11 wili «end you λ box portage PEARL'S WHITE GLYCERINE SOAP it is shoot first and think afterwards if at SOUTH PARIS. »·· s< an td. ywl. Sky ere Si KTtuiNt;.—For sick headache It mak<·, the «kin ft l Stationery etc all, at every fancied affront. If the Jury- wtlto. hnd pains in the stomach. I have used for had had the grace to bring in even a ver- ΓΚ \ HI « \\ IIITE V DEFENCE OF PONTIUS PILATE. 474 Co.N(iKK<8 St Opr. Pbeulk Hou·· 77. ftJOT BAE.TLETT, as well as for children, "/,. F. ^s4&y· Q dict of manslaughter, excusing Thompson 41"> TVtahlB(lon Street. )I«.«tot>. myself my GL\i'KKI>TOO .If- Γ λ and relief has because he had received ll.'t-rs," speedy Srw llairn. < t. first articles was PORTI AND1 great provocation, IK YOU WANT Si Among my elaborated MAINE. ilways requited. Since suffering severely UuuJ>my< J it would have saved appearances. As it AYER'S from a trial of the imitation, I have ob- defence of Pontius Pilate, who 1 then, is, they justify the act and put an unnec- A (Hood served the trademark " L. F." on the The result Smoke, patented is now, believed to have made earnest essary premium pistol. CALL υ» Mies. David 0. Hamilton. %A MAN Is a mockery of law and justice. Take no- md fearless efforts to rescue our Saviour WHO If U* WlTM Τ HI êêûQR APHV OF Τ Ml# COUN- man is to be Hair ; ACQUAtMTIO tice that iu Kentuckey every TRY THIS MAP THAT TMt A California man has seen a rattlesnake WILL SES BY (XAMIMIMQ a unto in with the Vigorand fr.-shnef law himself, combining himself restores, gloss Tout.., G, H. Porter. So. Pans. l-acts ! Facts ! Facts ! ind that instead of held respon- with two One for each being and executioner. It is a irood faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown co|.>r, r*i"e:ir the ï*o««t Ofii< o. legs. boot, you judge, jury *ee. ible for his crucifixion, he discharged State to stay away from.—Portland Adver- or deep black, aa may be desired. By its u>e ligut IK· a line of INDISPUTABLE. or red hair uiav be darkened, thin hair thick··: ·'. kit) sj'.'endM ,n with reluctance tiser. 1SS0. official duty and Toronto, Sept. 14, Κ very b- ·1ν kn ·>\ν< who h ι» trie>l, nod tbo««* who painful baldness oft· n, tliuuuli not alvaya, cur···!. Biltrrs C». : iuve not should call at oncv au 1 I»· Tobacco, dtc. II·Ι» convinced, ,nd under solemn protest. The evidence It checks (allium of the hair, and sliii>it *i< > Cigars, Pipes, 1 have :■« >kk \>r the six Hi it we ell The Bi.acks Progressim;. — Kx-Post past years. weak and sickly Krowih to vi^or. It §.r··veut- 1 ,nd in of this view of master General of In •utTering from dyspepsia andgeueral weak- argument support Creswell, Maryland, cure- s< urf and ilanilrulT.ai d heals ntsrly ·· the other of th«* of CONFECTIONER Y. )t"n-r !i thi« Money,fff h ;he negroes since their said : He ateofea&nl t'.f 15.Iters, aiul tL- y l ave done wonders for any viinlty. emancipation, Dressing, the Vl<<0R is It ο in the aud iî.-t :u of the transaction. unequalled m Latest style· have sometimes submitted to the CAX.Vll) GOOD1 I am II and able to work, and eat criptural history 'They neither oil nor dye, renders the hnir soft, g!< lomlnatlou of bad have Be·» in ;:iC ûiaiiet, r>n ·,. 1 r.gihe Call, ra.» fruit. ind sleep well. I c; nnot say too much for years afterwards, while leadership, they md silken in appearance, and imparte \ délicat··, Nearly sixty )cen lop Bitters. Simon Bobbins. deceived and used by designing mon agreeable, and and Summer n attendance at the in New hutting |>erfume. Confectionery. Fruit, Xuts, dr., til Clotlii hippidrome ο accomplish personal and discreditable —AND— Mk. C. Γ. BnirnF.R writes from Kirty, Τ Architects may not be but drew >nds in some sections ; but, in the main, I I jut of a:' fctnd- »!**> » Μ band iu luge qaaotitie· a: literary, they fork, where Moody and Sankey I, It)»·.' fail tny h.iir commei d f ire r< 1 for .» tine sta- >ut, and in a 1 tbe ΐ'Γ< per tea «on lur km '■ «ponsi great m:»ny hlnk they have done well and made sub short time I became nearly bald. uns of thousands of 1 listened ised of a bottl* of Vν r.it'a II aik S t· les. hearers, itantiai progress ; and looking now back part I iiave ju*t added a Goods. rhleh »t<>pp--d the falling >>t the lialr, ami an ser- >ver the nineteen since I voted for Furnishing nth much interest to eloquent years inew growth. I have «·>* a full I. FISH MARKET, Him ax Blood.—On the purity aid vital- he thirteenth Constitutional amendment ι trowing Tijj· ronsly, and am convii:,■■·.! that ! :t ιοη from Mr. in which he vin- or the ·· of the blood the and health youth's and Moody, vhlch abolished I do not hesitate use of your preparation I «liould Lave l» my bn«me««. an·) aha!] have cx>l :an: ly on ity depend vigor Men's, Boy's, slavery, bald hand a line ο that I were mtlrely foil of the whole varioue icated the conduct and character of Pi- say if called upon to recon- «ystera. Disease of > Μ ider that vote I should cast it as 1 J. W. Bowkx, proprietor of the Me Arthur kind» is nature is ■J'SLTTHW* did in " FRESH FISH. CLAMS, E'c.4 cften only the sign that the same line and Fn4. I it was to remove the cause. A think the part of wisdom ixcelletit m :t «ait».· .1 I .!!, and Friday· trying disturbing préparation for the hair. I »pe:ik Tatïdaya that I had relied on « well as ι torn owu that gives life and vigor to the tie same Scripture humanity to manumit the col- my experience. lu use promoter the remedy of now blood, eradicates scrofula and other HATS, &c. red man, give him the ballot with all oth· I rrowth hair, and makes it glroay and sit impuri- CAPS, ι the "Auto- rhr Vioor Is also a sure cure my effort·—From r fur _Lc»Ten- my hair began evidenoeof it"' trams Little Karl stood watchiug his mother, Atchiaon. Minneapolis and St. Paul. It — togivesilvery oonnecta In Mors Rktorm. Over $5,000 has been < hange which tinte I iiav·· us<-d 1 Union Depot* with all the principal fteeting proenreth, going west. *ho was a oue with —An from linos 1 LVkJt'· t" filling lamp, morning, GREAT VARIETY, Arkansaw boy writing col- of road between the Atlantle and the Pacitto xpended for food, drink and cigars by ILaik Viuor, and so hatn been aU·· Ooeana. Ita la unrivaled and lain — train» for Lewliton.wlll leave 1 clear oil. Suddenly the little fellow equipment magniil- tain an < >f a m ·>«· Kxpre»» Portland ery oent, being composed of Moat Comfortable he Boston Council since Jan. appearance yonthfulne»s « " in to his father's letter, said : and City 1, J sr of to minlst· at 7 a.m.» 1:15 p. ,4:14p.·. j .sked : Is that water you are in (ge reply Beautiful Day Magnifleer.t Horton Be- considerable conarqaenoe putting LOWEST PRICES. Coaches, rhlch is an of about two dollars c tu Por S"»ith Par!.··. Norway, Mon.real,Chicago, » ^lining Chair Cars. Pullman*· Prettiest Palaoe average rators, actors, and in fact every one who liver he mamma?" "Why, no, child; So think that I am and the Best * he of ani tt:f West, wHI leave Port Un-! at 7.40 a. m. lamp, you wasting my Sleeping Cars, Line at Dining Car· day for every member. A member of eye· the public." 1 rater burn." In the world. Three Traîna between and Souih Paris at 1<·:10. NorVftT 10 MM- m., and woa't He «jaickly answered, Chicago tie a ball not me in little stories for the local Missouri River Points. Two Traîna between Chi- Council attended long ago Mm. O.A. Prmcott, from If Elm Oortaan; at \i~Ju ι>. α» and from Portland at 1 SO Hot water burns." and Examine writing cago and Minneapolis and 8l via the < writing Please Call Paul, Famous nd took several ladles to supper, TutrltUown. Matt., 14.1M·-». say»: T«" from So. Pail*. S 40. Norway 3 :J7. charg- April rr. and cite Johnson's that "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." whole bill to the ears ago about two-thirds <>f my hair came Mixed tra n· for *onth Pari". Norway and bor- -AT- apers, saying ig the $19. city ; others t one of A New and Dlreot Line, via Sense· and j thinned very rapidly, and I was fast gr"»>"* bam willleave Portland at .3:15 m.. So. Parte Mr. E. D. Palmer of Albanv, the Kanka- are ordered and wine p. ie man who writes for money is kee, has recently bfo opened between Richmond, groceries sent to t aid. On oaing Aveh's Hair Vioor the fallut ijorham tl Λ» π of American writes us : except Ν » p. m., p. S ;reatest sculptors, Norfolk, Newport ewe, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- iHr residences. Who * topped and a new an I ras la, Ν aah ville. Lôu la wouldn't be a re- growth commenced, OOI><4 UIT. For Pond's Extract CLOTHING fool. I shall act Dr. Johnson's ville, Lexington, Cincinnati, bout a month eorere·· thirty-nine years ELLIOTT'S STORE, upon Indiana po lia and and rrmsr ? my head was completely Bx].re#a train· for Portland will leave Lewie Lafayette, Omaha, Minneap- ! 1th short an«l las In favor with the olis and St. Paul and intermediate points. hair. It has continued to grow, on at 7 ."2·1 a. m., 11:10 a. and 1:37 and 4:35 grown steadily peo- m.. and write for Send All Through Passengers Travel on Faat owae as before it fell. I u»ed ile. while hundreds of so called remedies NORWAY, MAINE. lggeation money. Trains. Exprès· good regularly p. m. ] C ne bottle of the bat bow use It occasion- Forsooth Pane, Norwav. Lewi «,οη, Portland J ave risen, fallen and out ie dollars." Tickets for sale at all principal Tloket Ο Am· in —The Vioob, gone of sight, Norway Hall. fifty United Minneapolis Tribune a as a will leave«.or^sm at '.*:*> a. » " «-Oppo-itc th· State· and publishes tly dressing." an·: Bo^'.on tn.,South like a down like the 10i.'a. m.. and at op rocket, stick.' B age age eh*ek«d and bis under the head of "An to tb« Par α Norway ltf:4ad's Extract is the most the winter we feel that we waya aa low a· competitors that offer lorn advan- reaching Poit'aud at perfect preper- —During r's Letter · Bcacy of Am'· Hair Vioor. It needs but a Mixed rra ee 1 »r PouiaLi an. i ewKton will s tiou of the a FURNHAMS detailed shrub; perfection attainable in our own **for information,get the Map· and Pold- 1 1*1 to value. leave «iorfcn* at 8:45 a. u·., ->atb Paris 6:15 hold well as an aver- er· of the "Sur: If convince the moet skeptical of its ( > y long and the labor of ;u pretty the Tribune Intends to » r. J. C. & Mas*· n>. to adorn the wall feel our CABLE, Ε. ET. > Ayer Co., Lowell, j Λ a., »rrlT;c« at Portland *13:1<' p. îginning Tles-frss. M JOHN, the in the ρ ortance to yourselves. ask for Λ Osa't g r, Ura Tit. A Pa··. Aft. deny staltmsnt moet solium Sold l ain» will ion uv Portland time. Always BURNHAM BROS,YORK,PA. by all Druggists, 8 ud see that Poud's Extract. iter OHIOAOO. anner of wlch I am Hll&aOM. Gcaexai Mac a*er. you get OrT. O,.WHITNEY/.Qtrdiiwr. M«. insignificance. capabal."