Present: Parish Cllr Mike Gallagher (Chairman) Parish Cllr Mick Giles Parish Cllr Cate Reid Parish Cllr Peter Farrow Parish Cllr Brian Hurlow Parish Cllr Sylvia Wilson

Mrs Gail Hubbard, Clerk to the Council There were no residents present.

134. THE CHAIRMANS OPENING REMARKS AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were then received from Cllr Shaw (holiday), Cllr Melanie Moore (unwell), City Cllr Michael Northey (holiday), Cllr Stuart Walker (received after the meeting) and Gary Moore Community Warden (sick leave).


136. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 6 FEBRUARY 2019 It was proposed by Cllr Reid and seconded by Cllr Wilson to accept the Minutes. The minutes were duly signed.

137. POLICING AND NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH There was no Police report this month but the PCSO Gavin Dodwell had forwarded a copy of a Day in the life of a PCSO;

As a ward Police Community Support Officer that covers , , , , Bridge, Barham, , , , Ickham, , Brambling and Grove Ferry Parish, my primary role is to be a highly visible and approachable representative for Police within the local community. I have responsibility for many rural wards so I try to achieve this aim in all of those wards.

Each working day I will review any crime and anti-social behaviour that has been reported on my wards and I will aim to visit appropriate victims and be pro-active in providing reassurance and taking positive action on any issues that are happening or emerging.

I work in partnership with many other agencies to be as effective as possible in dealing with issues and these include housing providers, KCC wardens, social services, mental health workers, youth workers, the Local Authority, and Trading Standards. This also gives me the opportunity to create valuable contacts within the community and gather valuable intelligence from them.

The demands in policing are very high and as part of the organisation I also have to assist with dealing with appropriate calls, assisting with local enquiries regarding crime including CCTV and house to house enquiries. I have to help when needed with preservation of a crime scene, helping with road closure at traffic collisions, serving witness summons, and dealing with various other tasks. Unfortunately this can take me away from my daily ward business on occasions but I will always try to be out and about on my wards as much as possible

Community Warden Jack Baker had been into visit the clerk and show presence in Littlebourne while Gary is unwell.


138. ADJOURNMENT There was none.

The matter of the fencing currently lying the in carpark at the WMH was mentioned, the residents of number 58 High Street had been in contact with LPC over this as they assumed a vehicle had hit the fencing causing it to fall down Sunday night. The CCTV footage of Sunday night has been viewed and it shows the fencing falling down at 4am Monday morning, in the wind, with no assistance from vehicles. The carpark was empty and was from early Sunday night. Clerk to respond with this information and ask that the fence is cleared up ASAP as it is impinging on parking.

139. PLANNING/TREES Planning notifications on Appendix 2 were noted – attached at end of minutes

CA//18/02035 - Land off The Hill and Jubilee Road LPC objection withdrawn February 2019. LPC originally raised objection to this application on the back of technical objections from KCC and SW. KCC Drainage and SW have withdrawn their objections to CA//18/02035 (Reserved Matters application) and will deal with their respective issues under CA/18/02442 (Details Application).

Currently this Reserved Matters application was being held up by LPC and without it Leath Park cannot demolish the two properties on The Hill and open up the entrance onto the A257. We were relying on the technical case to be made by KCC and SW, without this we would not have a very robust case to put before the Planning Committee.

LPC will continue to work directly with both KCC and SW to find out how conditions 10,11 and 12 are to be met and put our objections and thoughts directly to them.

140. FINANCE FINANCIAL MATTERS (a) RECEIVED the bank statements for January 2019, and RESOLVED the signature of the Chairman thereon; (b) NOTED £11.99 will be taken from our account by DD on 15th March for our 1x1 website (c) NOTED £69.59 will be taken from our account by DD for March’s employer and employee pension contributions. (d) NOTED the clerk has invoiced the WMH, 4VPO and Rec Club for their ¼ share of the CCTV maintenance contract for 2019, totalling £69.50 each. (e) AGREED the replacement CCTV battery at £36.12 would not be split 4 ways, it would be covered by LPC. (f) NOTED CHQ25 to be cancelled.

AUTHORISATION OF ACCOUNTS There were receipts totalling £25.00 NOTED this month. The expenditure list previously circulated to Cllrs as Appendix 3 totalling £1158.09 was proposed by Cllr Farrow and seconded by Cllr Hurlow together with Appendix 3a presented at the meeting totalling £1877.68 which was proposed by Cllr Reid and seconded by Cllr Hurlow. So it was RESOLVED that the financial matters and accounts, as set out be authorised for payment.

ACCOUNT SIGNATORIES APPROVED the addition of Cllr Farrow and Cllr Hurlow as signatories for the LPC Unity account. Clerk to complete necessary forms.


141. CLERK REPORT CORRESPONDENCE A. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations (2010) (as amended) Publication of the Draft CIL Charging Schedule (Regulation 16) and invitation to make representations (Regulation 17) City Council is inviting representations on a Draft CIL Charging Schedule between 22 February and 5 April 2019.

Representations can be made using the Council's consultation portal at where copies of the Draft CIL Charging Schedule and supporting documents are available to view and download. Representations may also be submitted by email to [email protected] by 5pm 5th April 2019

All other correspondence was noted.


LITTER BINS Following the damage caused to the bin on The List, Leath Park have kindly agreed to provide a replacement and this is to be kindly installed by King & Johnston. A replacement grit bin has also been purchased by LPC but will not be put in position until the heavy works on the track have been completed.

IGLOO REPLACEMENT PROJECT Clerk has placed order with HAGS for the chosen item, hopefully for installation in April. Clerk is meeting the Installation Manager next week.

SEESAW REPAIR Repairs arranged for snapped springer on seesaw. Item put out of use by Clerk until works completed.

LPC DIRECTORY 2019 The revised Directory has been published on LPC website and displayed on noticeboard. To now be issued as part of Welcome pack for new residents.

2019 ELECTIONS – THURSDAY 2 MAY Nomination forms available from 1st March, clerks to be sent out a pack to hand out, forms can then be returned to the Clerk who will make an appointment to visit the CCC offices and give in all completed forms. Notice of Election will be posted by the Clerk (provided by CCC) on Friday 15th March.

CAPITAL GRANTS Clerk has signed the funding agreements for the two grants we have been awarded for 2019-20, the gents toilet refurbishment and the play equipment. We have also been asked to supply evidence of expenditure of this year’s grant – the ladies toilet refurbishment. Clerk and Cllr Wilson have provided this evidence to CCC.

ROAD SWEEPING CONTRACT Sarah Randall from CCC has provided information from the contract between CCC and Serco with regard to the specification for street cleansing. Cllr Giles is still not happy with the frequency of sweeping; a Letter is to be written to Cllr Walker on this matter.

Do we complain every two weeks, so the road is swept regularly? 57

KING & JOHNSTON – THE LIST TRACK LPC had composed a letter to be sent to K&J with a note for potential buyers of the new List properties regarding the upkeep of the track itself.

The deterioration of the surface of the track was noted from the heavy lorries accessing the site, the track had also been blocked by large lorries unloading making it unpassable to pedestrians. King & Johnston to be reminded to keep the track clear/safe for pedestrians and to make necessary repairs to the surfacing.

GATING OF LPC FIELD Clerk met with farmer Martin Twyman onsite to gauge his requirements for access into the LPC field. He has given his preference of where the gate should be and requested it be a 12ft gate at the least, but preferably a 14ft one. A combine is 11ft wide. Quotes being sought.

142. APM ARRANGEMENTS Wed 20th March. Doctors to attend and update on the new surgery on Court Hill, they have pictures to show on a projector. WMH does not have a projector or large screen, clerk to check if they can supply their own. Refreshments to be served from 7pm as usual. Cllr Giles to ask Wendy if she would run the refreshments. Charity reports, media and communications. Separate report on the Village Surveys from Cllr Moore.

143. EMERGENCY PLAN The KFR Parish Partner Plan - Preparing for Emergencies in Kent has been updated to include Brexit. The matter was discussed at the Canterbury Area KALC meeting last night it is very unclear exactly what will happen and what is expected of PC’s. Main advice is to update Emergency Plans. Cllr Giles mentioned the need for an easy access contact sheet at the front of our Emergency Plan document.

144. TWINNING WALK Sat 6th April – approx. 15 arriving from Wimille Walk now to be centred around Littlebourne, ending at The Evenhill for lunch. The two hour walk will include a visit to The Barn then heading in a Wickhambreaux direction for a circular walk. If you are interested in joining the walk please contact Cllr Wilson. NOTE: This event has now been cancelled by our French visitors following Brexit concerns.

The meeting closed at 9.02pm.

Dates of future meetings: 20 Mar (APM), 3 April, 8 May, 5 June, 3 Jul, 4 Sept, 2 Oct, 6 Nov, 4 Dec 2019.

Signed…………………………………….. (Chairman)




CA/18/02579 Proposed sub division of existing bungalow to Amended plans submitted create 2 no. semi-detached two-storey LPC still have concerns; dwellings and extension to side. Overdevelopment of small site Loss of privacy for bungalows Holmbury, Church Road, Littlebourne CT3 opposite has not been addressed 1UA (study room dimensions have not altered from bedroom. Still a 3rd bedroom) Parking still remains an issue CA//18/02559 Proposed single-storey side extension to Revised Plans now submitted. existing garage to allow the change of use of Councillors to speak again with garage to garden room. neighbours.

57 Nargate Street, Littlebourne, CT3 1UJ

Notifications none

Trees TRE/19/00062 Removal of damaged Robinia Pseudoacacia from the village green.

The Green, Littlebourne, CT3 1UU