A Meeting of Womenswold Parish Council was held at the Learning Opportunities Centre, Womenswold on Tuesday 9th July 2019 at 7.00pm

Present: Cllr I HOBSON – Chairman Cllr M MCKENZIE- Vice- Chairman Cllr C BROWN Cllr J PERRINS Mrs. V McWILLIAMS Clerk

There were no members of the public present.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Apologies for Absence There were no apologies.

2. Comments from the public. There were no comments from the public

3. Report from County Cllr Michael Northey Cllr Michael Northey attended the meeting and stated that County Council are introducing a plan to preserve Kent’s bees. As part of the council's "Plan Bee", there will be a review on the use of pesticides, grass-cutting schedules and opportunities to "green" buildings to be more pollinator friendly. KCC will also encourage communities to introduce pollinator habitats and educate people on the importance of these tiny residents. All information is available on the website

On the 24 Jun 2019 - The Kent Biodiversity Strategy consultation was launched which aims to ensure the county’s natural environment regains and retains good health. Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth, in all its forms, and the interactions between them – it is the wide range of living things and the habitats they rely on. Biodiversity does not just concern rare or endangered species and habitats, everything, even the most commonplace, has an important role in the wider ecosystem and the processes they support. The abundance of a species is also crucial in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Kent has a wonderfully rich and varied biodiversity. More information is available on the KCC website

He reported that KCC were receiving messages from the Trading Standards regarding more and more sophisticated scams. KCC are warning councils to be more vigilant and report any new scams to the police by dialing 101

Report from City Cllr Mike Sole Nominations are open for a few more days until 12 July for the Lord Mayor’s Award that recognises and thanks people who work quietly behind the scenes to help others in their community. The nomination forms can be found on the City Council website.

There will be a boost to cycling facilities in the district with the doubling of cycle spaces at West Station coming soon. This will also include a cycle repair 7

stand, pump, lighting and CCTV. This is a joint project between the City Council South Eastern Railways.

Nine, new electric car charging points are live, each one capable of charging two cars. More points are planned for the future.

Some parts of the Nailbourne Ward to seem to have regular problems with their waste collection. Cllr Sole is meeting with Serco to discuss these issues.

4. Declaration of interests by Councillors. There was no notification by members given of any pecuniary or personal interest in items on the Agenda.

5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the 28th May 2019 meeting were approved and signed; proposed by Cllr Brown & seconded by Cllr Perrins

6. Matters arising not otherwise on the agenda.

The defibrillators still have to be signed off by a qualified electrician. Because the volunteers are so busy with work commitments it was agreed to pay someone to finalise the work. Cllr Perrins agreed to look for someone and obtain a quote. The training session on how to use the defibrillators had to be cancelled due to lack of support. It was agreed to try and organise another session after the summer.

There were no further matters arising.

7. Finance Business Saver Account £17,269.22 Barclays Community Account £1,879.09 Expenses Clerks Salary SCP 20 £10.50 per hour 26 hours in June /July £273.00 plus £80.00 Office Management. Toner Cartridge (£25.06 + VAT £5.02) =£30.10 Total 383.10 Fifth Trust Church Yard £104.00 Harmer & Sons Grass Maintenance (£284.00 +VAT £56.80) = £340.80 DJ Cole & Sons Repair Play Equipment (£840.00 +VAT £168.00) + £1,008.00 TOTAL £1,835.90

NB On 11/06/2019 we paid AMS Groundworks (£5,900 + VAT £285) Total £7,710.00 for the erection of the bollards on the illegal layby’s at Womenswold. This cheque had been cleared before the latest bank statement was received.

The Clerk confirmed that she had put in a claim for a VAT refund of £615 to HM Revenue & Customs for 2018/2019.

The Clerk has spoken to Harmer & Sons asking for a quote to cut the grass behind the bollards either side of the layby at Womenswold. They have submitted a quote of £30 for each side once a month. It was agreed by all to accept the quote. The Clerk will let Harmer & Sons know. 8

Agreement to approve payment of the expenses due was proposed by Cllr McKenzie; seconded by Cllr Hobson.

The External Auditor accepted the Certificate of Exemption with no problems. The Clerk stated that she had given £10 cash to Andy Spinx as he had kindly returned the bollards that we had borrowed from . The Council agreed for her to claim it as an expense at the next meeting.

8. Planning/Trees 19/00844/FUL Dormer window to side elevation. Pear Tree Cottage, Road, Woolage Green CT4 6SG. There were no objections raised to the application. The Clerk had written to the Development Team at CCC and it is now waiting for a decision.

9. Highways The Clerk had contacted the police and Highways again with regard to the Shrine on Snowdown Road in Womenswold who reinstated that there was nothing they could do with regard to getting the site cleared. They advised getting in touch with the Family Liaison Officer to see if he could help. The Clerk has now obtained his name and is waiting to hear back from him.

Highways have considered the posts that have been put up outside Stone Cottage and had no issue with them. Cllr Perrins stressed that it seemed unfair as they had refused to insert bollards outside Yew Tree Lodge

10. Environmental Issues The Clerk will put in a request to Cllr Michael Northey for a salt bin to be placed just passed the turning to Nethersole Road off Snowdown Road.

11. Co-option of New Councillor

There has been no success so far in obtaining a candidate to become a new councillor from Ropersole Park. The Council will still try and get someone to volunteer, failing that they will widen the search to the other three hamlets

12. Welcome Pack

Cllr McKenzie presented the revised Welcome Pack which was accepted. The Chairman thanked her for updating it.

13. Councilors’ Portfolios

Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC): Cllr Brown was unable to attend the last meeting. He hopes to attend the next meeting on 30th November 2019

Amenities and Welfare: New swings. We are still waiting to receive the new lease From Hallett & Co (solicitors drafting it.) It is promised for early next week. The Clerk can then proceed with Viridor to complete the grant application. The repairs to the play area have now been completed. 9

The ROSPA annual safety inspection of the play equipment on the Recreation ground is booked for July. They still have to confirm the date and will contact Cllr Perrins who will attend the inspection.

Roads & Services: Nothing further to report.

Communication – Website - Cllr Hobson reported that the website was up to date. The next newsletter is due out shortly. He would be grateful for any material as soon as possible.

Police Liaison: PCSO Gavin Dodwell has left the rural wards. PCSO Emma Coyle & Amy Burningham will now be taking over. They hope to get around to visit all the parishes under their care.

14. General Correspondence Creative Play Clerks & Councils Direct Emails sent to all 30/05: KALC Website Survey 30/05: KCC Public Protection – holiday booking scam 03/06: NALC Chief Executive's Bulletin 05/06: KALC Scams awareness (already forwarded) 06/06: NALC Newsletter 07/06: KALC Updated flyer- Dynamic Councillor courses 08/06: CPRE Campaigns 10/06: NALC Chief Executive's Bulletin 13/06: KALC NATIONAL CSSC Green Message (HMRC Scam) 14/06: NALC Chief Executive's Bulletin 20/06: KCC Public Protection – Doorstep Crime – roofing scam 21/06: KALC News June 2019 21/06: NALC Chief Execut11/06/2019ive's Bulletin

All correspondence has been circulated to the Councillors

15. Any Other Business.

Cllr McKenzie had received a request from the Church Warden asking if we would send an open letter to support their request for heating in the church. The Clerk will do this.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.10pm

16. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 10th September 2019 in The function Room at The Two Sawyers at 7.00pm.