Present: Parish Cllr Robin Treacher Parish Cllr Martin Twyman Parish Cllr Faith Wright Parish Cllr Darren Howe Parish Cllr Peter Collinson Parish Cllr Catherine Holland Parish Cllr Caroline Rees

City Cllr Louise Jones-Roberts, CCC ( City Council) (from 8.39pm)

Mrs Chenice Howard-Sparkes, Clerk to the Council

3 Members of the Public

1. CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from County Councillor Michael Northey (Other Commitments) and apologies for lateness were received and accepted from City Councillor Louise Jones-Roberts (Work Commitments).

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Wright declared an interest in tree work application CA/20/0840 as owner of the property.

3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 17 NOVEMBER 2020 All councillors voted in favour that the Minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting.

4. INFORMATION FROM MATTERS ARISING 4(8) – Cllr Treacher reported that the Manston Airport Judicial Review hearing set for 16-17 February 2021 will now not take place after the Department for Transport confirmed it will not contest the case. The Department for Transport has acknowledged that the original decision approval letter issued from the Secretary of State did not contain enough detail about why approval was given against the advice of the Planning Inspectorate. The approval has therefore been quashed and a new decision will need to be issued in due course after a re-examination of the Planning Inspectorate evidence, with an opportunity for further representations to be submitted from both sides. 5 – Cllr Wright reported that she has not received confirmation of the criteria for what constitutes “public interest beyond local objection” with regards to the change in planning call-in rights. The Clerk reported that Simon Thomas at the CCC Engagement meeting on 14 December 2020 could not provide a precise description of what constitutes “wider public benefit” as each planning application is different, however he suggested calling in applications where the case officer has made a decision “on balance”. These decisions are not clear cut in planning law and are therefore more open to interpretation, which could be beneficial to have the Planning Committee review and decide. Cllr Jones-Roberts agreed to chase for further clarification. 6(ii) – The Clerk reported that further to the Conservation Society contacting KCC regarding the size of the 30mph repeater signs on the village green, KCC has confirmed that the signs currently installed are incorrect. The signs should have been installed with 300mm signs, not 600mm signs, and KCC has raised a works order to get the signs replaced. KCC will not charge for the signs to be replaced. 7 – Cllr Jones-Roberts reported that she spoke with a lead advisor at Natural today and confirmed that no mitigation measures suggested to date have been considered acceptable by Natural England. Although sewage treatment works are believed to be the main cause of the high nitrogen levels, Southern Water has until 2030 to carry out any remedial works identified as part of a current study. Cllr Louise-Jones Roberts agreed to send contact details for the representative at Natural England to the Clerk to make further enquiries regarding having an extraordinary meeting to receive a briefing on the current situation. ~ 1 ~

Cllr Treacher reported that approximately 50,000 homes have been delayed across the county and the government may have to intervene to reach an agreement. Cllr Jones-Roberts confirmed it is not only planning applications for large housing developments that are being affected but also minor applications that propose an increase in overnight occupation. 14(i) – Cllr Collinson reported that the pot hole on The Street on the junction with The List was repaired by KCC within a week of reporting.

5. REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND CITY COUNCILLORS County Cllr Michael Northey County Cllr Michael Northey sent a Covid-19 update to the Clerk prior to the meeting which was circulated to all councillors. Residents are encouraged to visit KCC’s website ( for up to date service information, support available, vaccination information, links to government guidance and the latest number of cases for the county.

6. HIGHWAYS (i) Highways Improvement Plan Cllr Treacher reported that KCC has accepted renewing the existing footpath in principle on Wickham Road but extending the footpath to the white bridge is complicated by BT manhole covers. Cllr Treacher proposed earmarking £5,000 for the improvement works, subject to final confirmation from KCC. This was unanimously agreed.

The Clerk reported that the Conservation Society suggest relocating the repeater sign on the village green facing The Street to become back-to-back with the school sign outside Bell House. The Conservation Society consider this to be a “neater” solution as it would remove signage from the green. Although it is not normal practice to have signs of different sizes back- to-back, especially the size difference being proposed, it is possible to achieve.

As the Parish Council is the ‘Client’ for the project, the decision is the Parish Council’s to make. Although there is the conservation argument to move the sign, there is also the argument that by doing so it makes the signs less prominent to vehicles travelling in that direction as a reminder of the change in speed limit.

KCC advised there will be additional costs associated with moving the sign, potentially up to £500.00, which the Parish Council will be responsible for meeting. The existing pole will need to be assessed to ensure it is in good condition to have another sign (a change in weight difference, however small, can have an impact on the integrity of the pole as designed) so a new pole may need to be purchased and installed as well as the new sign.

After some discussion, it was unanimously agreed to keep the sign in its current position. Councillors did not feel it necessary to move the sign and were content with the current arrangement, providing the signs are replaced with the 300mm version as outlined under Item 04 above. The Parish Council may revisit the suggestion at a later date once the impact of the smaller sign in its current location has been assessed.

(ii) A257 Update Cllr Twyman reported that a virtual meeting was held on 16 January 2021 attended by 5-6 attendees. The A257 group is chasing KCC for an update on the relevant surveys required in relation to reducing speed limits. Cllr Twyman also reported that the group is concerned at the potential traffic impact of a planning application for a large housing development anticipated to be submitted in . Should the application be submitted, Littlebourne Parish Council will contact residents to establish opinions before making its representation.

General Highways Matters  Cllr Twyman reported that a sign for the Duke William Public House on Drill Lane has been removed but the metal pole has been left in-situ. Councillors agreed that the sign either needs to be replaced or the pole removed. It is unclear whether this was an official highways sign and Cllr Treacher agreed to raise this with KCC. ~ 2 ~

 Cllr Holland reported that Land & Water Services Ltd accidently demolished a finger post sign in . Cllr Twyman reported that he has reported the sign to Michelle Weston at KCC and Cllr Holland agreed to contact Ms Weston to request that the replacement sign be timber rather than metal to be more in keeping with the Conservation Area.

7. PLANNING CA/20/02862/FUL – White Cottage, The Street The Parish Council has no objections to the proposed installation of an external air conditioning unit.

CA/20/02922/LB – Wickham Court, The Green The owners of the property addressed the Parish Council to confirm their long term ambition to restore the property to how it looked in the early 1900s, based on historic photographs of the property from that time. This will include the reinstatement of the window shutters, rebuilding the portico, repointing, and reinstating the railings and gates which were presumably removed as part of the war effort. The trees to the front of the property will be pruned and one yew tree felled to enable the reinstatement of the railings and open up views of the property. The owners offered a site visit to all councillors once restrictions allow or a virtual site visit if preferred.

The owners confirmed that the design of the en-suite ventilation has been careful considered to blend into the slate roof and not detract from the frontage. Cllr Wright enquired whether the owners had considered enlarging the windows as an alternative to rooflights. The owners responded that they do not wish to disturb the historic fabric of the house any more than necessary and considered rooflights to be a more sensitive option. The owners clarified that the outbuildings to the rear of the site that formed part of the historic farmyard remain under separate ownership.

The Parish Council has no objections to the proposed internal/external alterations including en- suite bathroom and dressing room to second floor and conversion of attached storage to residential use, alterations to soil pipes, cast iron ventilation grills and balanced flue to relocated boiler.

CA/20/02432/FUL – White Cottage, The Street CCC has granted permission for the installation of 1no rooflight to rear elevation.

CA/20/02432/FUL – The Mill Yard, 2 The Green, Wickham Road CCC has granted permission for a dormer window to the front and rooflights to the rear of the property.

CA/19/10054 – Land West of the Old Forge House, The Street The appeal for change of use from workshop and storage to shop has been dismissed on the grounds of highway safety, contrary to polices T9 and DBE3 of the Canterbury District Local Plan 2017.

8. CLERK APPRAISAL UPDATE Cllr Treacher reported that a 360 degree appraisal of the Clerk was undertaken on 03 December 2020. As part of this process, all councillors were approached for comment and the Clerk completed a self-appraisal. The areas of strength and areas the Clerk outlined for potential improvement in the self-appraisal concurred with points raised by councillors. A number of objectives for 2021 have been agreed and will be assessed in the next annual appraisal.

9. IMPROVING BROADBAND PROVISION IN THE PARISH Cllr Holland reported that the project has had to be put on hold following KCC withdrawing funding for this financial year. KCC has advised it hopes to have funding available in April 2021 but cannot commit at this stage. Cllr Holland reported she is chasing Openreach for an update whether local contractors could be used to reduce costs of the project. ~ 3 ~

Cllr Howe reported that the government has recently reduced its commitment to provide superfast broadband to all homes across the UK to “a minimum of 85%” and reduced funding from £5 billion to £1.2 billion in the recent spending review. This may have impacted on KCC’s ability to provide funding in this financial year. Cllr Treacher thanked Cllr Holland for her efforts to date.

10. KALC COMMUNITY AWARD SCHEME The KALC Community Award Scheme is an award to acknowledge and give recognition for those in the parish who have made a significant contribution to their local community. There is no set criteria for what a “significant contribution” might be but this might include long or sustained service to the community, achievements or actions of an inspiring nature, or other activities which have brought benefits to the parish.

The Parish Council unanimously agreed to adopt the KALC Community Award Scheme for 2021 and a recipient of the award was agreed.

11. CLLRS’ REPORTS School Report Patrick Duffy sent a report on behalf of the School prior to the meeting which was circulated to all councillors. Mr Duffy advised that the School receives 40 children daily from parents of key workers during the current lockdown restrictions. Cllr Treacher confirmed that the village hall is closed to all hirers except the School in line with current restrictions and is cleaned on a weekly basis.

Mr Duffy also reported that 69% of Year 6 children this year have secured grammar school places and the head teacher position has been advertised (closing date for applications was 11 January 2021).

The School wished to thank residents for their generosity as part of the recent free school meal donation initiative, in particular Peter Terrill for proposing and Cllr Rees for organising the collections.

Cllr Wright proposed sending a letter to the School to thank them for providing a valuable service to parents of children who are key workers during the pandemic, which was unanimously agreed. The Clerk agreed to send the letter on behalf of the Parish Council.

School Liaison Cllr Treacher reported that a draft village hall hire agreement was sent to the School in November 2020, which was subsequently forwarded to KCC as the responsible body for negotiations and signing. KCC responded with a number of suggested changes and comments, all of which have been agreed, and a revised draft has been sent back for approval with a copy of the premises licence.

Tree Report Cllr Wright reported that two tree notifications have been received since the last meeting:  CA/21/000527 – 4 Mill Close – Reduce TPO Silver Birch located in rear garden by 30%  CA/20/02840 – The Old Rectory, The List – Fell multi-stemmed Hazel tree located in the southern corner of the garden

The Parish Council has no objections to the notifications. Cllr Wright did not participate in the discussions or the vote for CA/20/02840.

CCC also determined “no objection” to a tree notification at Nether Quaives, Grove Road in the interim period which proposed to fell two Conifers on the driveway, fell a further three Conifers and two storm damaged Conifers in the garden bordering The List, and lift the canopy of a large Oak to 4.5m and thin by 20%.

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A notification has also been submitted to remove three dead Alders from the rear garden of Cornerways on Stodmarsh Road, which is exempt from requiring permission as the trees are dead.

Cllr Wright also reported that CCC determined “no objections” to the Parish Council’s tree notifications for the following:  CA/20/02528 – Little Green, Wickham Road – Remove low growth of Red Oak to a height of 3m  CA/20/02535 – Stodmarsh Green – Remove vigorous vertical shoots of Hawthorn (at height of 0-1.5m) at their origin in the lower crown to improve the form of the tree.

The Parish Council will look to complete the works, as recommended in the recent tree survey report, before the end of the financial year.

Cllr Twyman expressed concern at a Leylandii hedge overhanging the highway on the corner of The Street and The List, which is limiting visibility for vehicles. Cllr Wright confirmed that the owners of the Leylandii cut back the hedge on two occasions last year and would likely be amenable to cutting back again. It was acknowledged that January may not be an appropriate time of year to cut back due to the potential for frost damage. The Clerk was asked to write to the owners to thank them for cutting back the hedge last year and to request the hedge be cut back as far as possible at the earliest opportunity.

Law and Order The Clerk circulated a Neighbourhood Watch report to all councillors prior to the meeting. Reports of damage to cars, both in an attempt to steal items and as pure vandalism, continue to be received including seven vehicles in Canterbury which had one or more windows smashed overnight in early January. A car was also broken into whilst parked on the owner’s driveway in Ickham. Reports of robberies from garages, sheds, cars and vans (including number plates) also continue to be received.

Flytipping has continued despite lockdown and last week two men were fined over £6,000 after being caught dumping waste at Denton. Residents are reminded to be mindful of scams, in particular with regards to the Covid-19 vaccine. The NHS will never ask for payment (the vaccine is free), never ask for your bank details, never arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine or ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of personal documents such as your passport.

KALC The KALC Area Committee AGM (Annual General Meeting) was held on 14 January 2021 and Cllr Treacher was re-elected as Chairman and the Clerk re-elected as Secretary by members. The main items for discussion were the redrafting of the Parish Charter and the draft Terms of Reference for the CCC Engagement meetings. The KALC Area Committee Working Group will enter into joint discussions with CCC on both documents.

Cllr Treacher reported that in his role as Chairman on the KALC Area Committee, he has been invited to join the Canterbury Brexit Engagement Group to represent rural parishes. The group currently meets on a fortnightly basis to discuss the impact of Brexit on the Canterbury District, such as lorry parking in inappropriate places, and all parishes have been encouraged to report incidents to Cllr Treacher to report back to the Engagement Group.

Village Hall Committee Cllr Treacher reported that the Village Hall Committee has not met since 11 November 2020 as the hall is only in use by the School due to Covid-19 restrictions. Now that CCC has confirmed planning permission is not required, the Committee is in the process of ensuring all the quotations are to the required standard to submit to Viridor for funding. The Parish Council will be asked to meet the 10% funding from a third party requirement, which will amount to £900.00.

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Cllr Twyman enquired whether the Village Hall Committee still require six large tables being stored on his premises. The tables are heavy and have not been used for a number of years since more lightweight tables were purchased. Councillors had no objections to the tables being disposed of and Cllr Treacher agreed to speak with the Village Hall Committee for confirmation.

Playing Field Committee Cllr Rees reported that one quotation has been received for resurfacing the entrance to the playing field, which becomes boggy following heavy rainfall, and the Clerk is in the process of obtaining two further quotations for consideration. Cllr Rees also reported that a Bag to School collection has been arranged for 03 March 2021 and the Classic Car Show has been postponed until 2022. The Playing Field Committee bank balance is £2,621.82, not including recent donations that need to be paid in.

Village Greens Cllr Howe confirmed that the Christmas trees in Wickhambreaux and Stodmarsh have now been removed and more lights will need to be purchased for the tree in Wickhambreaux for this year.

Cllr Howe also reported that Inside Out Services will be undertaking the remedial works previously agreed on the greens once they’ve dried out. The recent damage to the large green by a delivery vehicle appears to be superficial but will be monitored and any necessary remedial works recommended in due course.

Flood Protection Cllr Twyman reported that the Secretary of the and Nailbourne Management Group, Jill Thomas, unfortunately passed away suddenly on 24 December 2020. Jill was the secretary for the group for 20 years and will be missed by all who knew her. The Group is looking for someone to take on the role of secretary and anyone interested in the position is encouraged to contact Cllr Twyman.

Cllr Twyman also reported that the Nailbourne is now flowing through a number of rural villages up to , with South Barham Road and The Causeway already closed. The levels of the aquifer continue to rise, a number of small springs have appeared and the land is very wet. Cllr Twyman confirmed there is a chance of flooding and reported that sandbags will be issued to residents upon request from Littlebourne Court should they be required.

Cllr Treacher reported that the Mill sluices are under control at this present time and Cllr Twyman reported that the Black Hole Dyke is being monitored for debris to ensure water remains free flowing. Cllr Twyman also reported that stakeholders are aware of the threat to flooding to rural villages along the Nailbourne and regular virtual meetings will be held to monitor the threat levels and take action accordingly.

The Little Stour and Nailbourne Management Group is pushing for the Environment Agency (EA) to undertake urgent maintenance work on the Great Stour from to Sandwich. The EA has confirmed work will be carried out but Covid-19 restrictions, impact on staff levels and lack of funding are causing delays.

Footpaths Cllr Wright reported that the replacement timber footpath signs have now been installed however, one of the signs on the small green has been installed in the wrong place and Cllr Wright agreed to liaise with KCC to have this rectified. Cllr Wright also reported that there is a damaged footpath sign on Seaton Road and agreed to report this to KCC PROW (Public Rights of Way). Cllr Wright reported she has contacted the EA with regards to the raised plastic capping on the riverbank by The Mill but has not received a response.

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Website Cllr Collinson reported that to date 42 people have subscribed to the new website and the opening of updates remains high. Cllr Treacher commented that it is important to keep the website up to date and asked Cllr Collinson and the Clerk to liaise to agree a strategy for who posts what and when. Cllr Collinson also reported that he continues to attend the Covid-19 Community Champion meetings and uploads relevant information to the website.

Cllr Treacher reported that staff levels at Serco have been severely impacted by Covid-19 and although the collection of refuse is being prioritized, there will likely be delays to recycling and the Christmas tree collection service has been delayed indefinitely. Cllr Treacher suggested that if Serco cancel the collection of Christmas trees that the Parish Council consider providing a disposal service. It was agreed to discuss this proposal at a later date once Serco has confirmed whether the collection will be undertaken.

12. FINANCE The expenditure totalling £3,697.71 was authorised, made up of:  Polo Contractors – Supply and installation of 2no concrete spires to noticeboard supports - £220.00  KALC – Honorarium payment to KALC Area Committee Secretary - £30.00  KCC – Traffic Survey undertaken in Stodmarsh - £310.00  KCC – Change in speed limit signs for Wickhambreaux and Stodmarsh - £2732.66  Chenice Howard-Sparkes – Clerk salary January 2021  Lyssi Varghese – Village Hall Cleaner Salary January 2021  HMRC – Employee and PAYE January 2021

It was agreed not to settle the KCC invoice for £2732.66 until the 30mph repeater signs have been changed for the correct size.

In the interim period, the following cheques were signed: December 2020 Interim Payments:  KALC – Introduction to Planning Training (Peter Collinson) - £60.00  Wickhambreaux Parochial Church Council – Annual burial maintenance - £500.00  Stodmarsh Parochial Church Council – Annual burial maintenance - £60.00  Ewart J. Clough – Provision of 2no Christmas trees - £216.00  Cllr Darren Howe – Reimbursement for cable protector for Stodmarsh Christmas tree - £40.32  KOMPAN – Quarterly maintenance playing field inspection - £96.00  Chenice Howard-Sparkes – Clerk salary December 2020  Lyssi Varghese – Village Hall Cleaner Salary December 2020  HMRC – Employee and PAYE December 2020

The Clerk reported that although the Parish Council agreed on 17 November 2020 not to increase the Precept, the amount each household pays is dependent on the number of Band D properties paying council tax. The tax base for Band D properties for 2021-2022 has since been confirmed as a decrease for the majority of parish councils which will result in a slight increase on the council tax bill. For Wickhambreaux, there will be a 2% increase which equates to an additional £1.11 per property.

13. CLERK REPORT AND CORRESPONDENCE (i) CCC is consulting on its draft Corporate Plan 2021-2024 and its draft Climate Change Action Plan 2021-2030. Deadline for comments is 01 April and 04 March 2021 respectively. Cllr Treacher agreed to take the lead on the consultations and report back at the next Parish Council meeting. (ii) CCC is consulting on its proposal to extend its current Dog Control Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). Deadline for comments is 28 February 2021. Cllr Rees

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agreed to take the lead on the consultation and report back at the next Parish Council meeting. (iii) A concerned member of the public contacted the Clerk regarding inconsiderate parking on the road outside the Grove Ferry Public House and picnic area over the summer season, which was compounded by Covid-19. The member of the public has already reported his concerns to , who put out signage last year, and KCC who has referred the member of the public to the Parish Council. The Clerk agreed to contact CCC Enforcement.

14. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (i) Cllr Rees reported that an anonymous donor gifted approximately £750.00 worth of Christmas hampers. Cllr Rees liaised with St Andrew’s Church and the School to nominate members of the community for hampers. Approximately 30 hampers were delivered on Christmas Eve within the five villages – some as a thank you, some to people living alone and some to those struggling during Covid-19. All the hampers were gratefully received. Cllr Rees proposed sending a letter of thanks to the anonymous donor, which was unanimously agreed. Cllr Treacher wished to thank Cllr Rees for acting as facilitator between all parties involved and for delivering the hampers.

The meeting closed at 10.11pm

Signed………………………...... (Chairman)


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