AUG–Mid- Prepared by the European Jewish Congress, the Secretariat of the European Parliament Working Group on . OCT 2015


AUSTRIA ...... 3 Racist epithets daubed on gravestones at Jewish and Muslim cemeteries ...... 3 Austrian man jailed for antisemitic post ...... 3 BELGIUM ...... 3 REPORT: Antisemitism in Belgium “non-existent” ...... 3 Nazi chants at Belgian football game ...... 4 CZECH REPUBLIC ...... 4 Gravestones toppled at a Jewish cemetery ...... 4 FRANCE ...... 4 Man with knife attacks three Jews in Marseille ...... 4 Assault on French Jewish academic follows antisemitic threats ...... 4 French school makes Jewish and Muslim pupils wear red and yellow discs ...... 5 Man threatens soldiers guarding Jewish school in France ...... 5 Memorial plaque to Holocaust victims defaced in French town ...... 6 GERMANY ...... 6 REPORT: Attacks on German Jews at five-year high ...... 6 Four arrested over at refugee home in Germany ...... 7 Antisemitic slogans scrawled on Berlin Wall remnant ...... 7 GREECE ...... 8 Athens Jewish cemetery vandalized ...... 8 Greek official blames Germans and Jews for prescription drug woes ...... 8 ITALY ...... 9 Rome incurs the wrath of Jewish rosary bead sellers ...... 9 IRELAND ...... 9 Irish Jews slam property developer's Nazi reference ...... 9 ROMANIA ...... 10 POLL: 11% of Romanians hold negative views about Jews ...... 10 SPAIN ...... 10 Spanish public radio programme links Jews and ...... 10 SWEDEN ...... Protesters in Malmo chant Death to the Jews...... 11 THE NETHERLANDS ...... 11 Johan Cruyff subjected to antisemitic abuse at Dutch football match ...... 11 Elderly Dutch Jewish couple assaulted ...... 12

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UNITED KINGDOM ...... 12 REPORT: Hate crimes against Jews and Muslims soar in London ...... 12 REPORT: Jews have lowest rate of unemployment in Britain...... 13 Protesters harass Jews with antisemitic abuse outside British party conference ...... 13 Teenager seriously injured in antisemitic attack in Manchester...... 13 UK TV reality show removes star who praised Hitler ...... 13 Vandals drape raw meat on London Jewish war memorial ...... 14 Irish MP's expense claim leads to Antisemitism ...... 14 Edinburgh fringe artist performs quenelle ...... 15 Swastika and antisemitic graffiti daubed on London Jewish school ...... 15 MP who challenged system receives antisemitic abuse ...... 16 Times editor apologises for antisemitic comments ...... 16 Scottish man receives jail sentence for sending Jewish mother Nazi flag photo ...... 16

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Racist epithets daubed on gravestones at Jewish and Muslim cemeteries Thursday, October 22, 2015 - Jewish and Muslim cemeteries in the Austrian Alps were defaced with Nazi insignia and xenophobic slogans. The incidents occurred at the Jewish cemetery in Hohenems and at the Muslim cemetery in Altach, near the country’s border with Switzerland. Gravestones and buildings at the two sites were defaced. Click here to read the full article in St. Galle Tagblatt * * *

Austrian man jailed for antisemitic Facebook post Friday, August 28, 2015 - A 28-year-old Austrian man called for Jews to be gassed in a Facebook post. He is said to have written: “Death to the Jews, I would gas them”, “Hitler showed the world that he was right, Sieg Heil!” A second defendant, a 26-year-old man commented on the post with the words “Sieg Heil! ”. Click here to read the full article in The Local


REPORT: Antisemitism in Belgium “non-existent” Monday, August 31, 2015 - Belgium’s Movement Against , Antisemitism and (MRAX) has noted a large rise in anti-Arab and Islamophobic attacks in 2014 and 2015 according to a report in the Le Soir daily. MRAX also noted a rise in “anti-white, anti-Roma and anti- Belgian” incidents. In a year where the Belgian Jewish community recorded a sharp increase in antisemitic incidents, this fact seemed to have totally missed the MRAX radar. Click here to read the full article in the RTL

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Nazi chants at Belgian football game Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - A group of supporters from leading Belgian football club KRC Genk chanted Nazi slogans during a match against Anderlecht in Brussels. The chants made reference to the SS, Jews and gas chambers. Click here to read the full article in


Gravestones toppled at a Jewish cemetery Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - 20 tombstones were knocked over at a Jewish cemetery in a southern Czech town. The vandalism discovered occurred in Safov, about 120 miles southeast of Prague, the local media reported. Click here to read the full article in Times of Israel


Man with knife attacks three Jews in Marseille Monday, October 26, 2015 - A rabbi and two Jewish worshipers were attacked by a man armed with a knife near a synagogue in Marseille, in southern France. One of those attacked was seriously wounded after being stabbed in the stomach. Local police arrested the attacker, who was drunk at the time. He was heard to shout antisemitic statements during the attack. The three men were walking to the morning's prayer service when a man attacked them with a knife, all the while yelling antisemitic remarks. A second congregant rushed to intervene and was stabbed in the process. The first two are believed to have avoided any physical harm. The wounded victim is a woman in her fifties. She was stabbed twice in the stomach and badly wounded, but doctors said that her injuries were not life-threatening. Click here to read the full article in Le Parisien

* * * Assault on French Jewish academic follows antisemitic threats Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - A French-Jewish university director, who has been the subject of an antisemitic campaign of intimidation, was assaulted outside his home near Paris. An unidentified individual attacked Samuel Mayol, the director of the Technical University

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Institution, or IUT, while Mayol was walking his dog in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Denis, the Tribune Juive weekly reported. The assailant bashed Mayol’s head three times against a wall, causing him concussion and multiple lacerations. The assailant fled the scene after the attack. Mayol, who was speaking to a friend on his cellphone when the attack occurred, sustained minor injuries. His attacker told him: “We are going to bump you,” which in French slang also means to kill. Mayol filed a criminal complaint for assault with police, who are investigating the attack as a possible hate crime. According to the French daily Le Figaro, the antisemitic intimidation against Mayol began at his workplace in February, when he received anonymous threats on his life. In May, a Star of David was painted on the doors of the office of a member of the IUT faculty, and five of Mayol’s colleagues received text massages reading: “You too will fall. You work for Jews.” Click here to read the full article in Ha’aretz

* * * French school makes Jewish and Muslim pupils wear red and yellow discs Wednesday, October 07, 2015 - A French School has sparked outrage after making Jewish and Muslim pupils wear red and yellow discs around their necks at meal times. Children at Piedalloues primary school in Auxerre, Burgundy, who did not eat pork were ordered to wear red discs and those who did not eat meat to wear yellow discs. Parents have now removed their children from the school, furiously branding the practice reminiscent of the yellow stars Jews were forced to wear under the Nazi occupation. Local councilor Malika Ounes said: 'It's revolting. It reminds you of the darkest times. Practices like this are not acceptable. 'No one has to impose this on children.' Click here to read the full article in Daily Mail

* * * Man threatens soldiers guarding Jewish school in France Tuesday, September 01, 2015 - A 35 year-old man was arrested after threatening soldiers guarding a Jewish school in the city of Grenoble in eastern France. The man criticised the soldiers for protecting the school and said he would return “with a Kalechnikov”. He was later arrested and placed in custody. Click here to read the full article in Le Dauphine

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* * * Memorial plaque to Holocaust victims defaced in French town Thursday, August 20, 2015 - A plaque dedicated to the memory of Jews who were deported by the Nazis from a town on France’s Atlantic coast has been defaced. In April 2015, a plaque in memory of 22 Jews from Pouliguen was placed on the town’s cenotaph near the beachfront. The plaque was found covered in black paint and its text left completely unreadable. Click here to read the full article in L’Echo de la Presqu’ile

GERMANY REPORT: Attacks on German Jews at five-year high Wednesday, October 07, 2015 - Antisemitic crimes have risen to a five-year high in Germany, according to a new report which finds it is recording more incidents than any country in Europe. There were 1,596 recorded hate crimes against Jewish people in 2014 in the country, the highest level since 2009 and a greater level than recorded in any other EU state. It was an increase from 1,275 in 20013, and it reverses a long-term trend of declining incidents. Jewish leaders have warned of hundreds of thousands of Jews are preparing to emigrate from Europe in the face of resurgent Antisemitism. EU officials warned against “singling out” Germany, with the official report by the bloc’s Agency for Fundamental Rights cautioning that data collection is patchy with some countries refusing to count antisemitic attacks at all, while others are more scrupulous. The German figures suggest that the country’s far-Right still poses a greater threat to Jewish communities than jihadism. Some 1,342 of the perpetrators were classed as “right wing”, seven were “left wing” and 176 were motivated by “foreign ideology”. However, there was a significant jump in attacks by the latter category – up from 31 in 2013. Click here to read the full article in Daily Telegraph

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* * * Four arrested over Nazi salute at refugee home in Germany

Monday, August 24, 2015 - Four men were arrested in Berlin after they showed the Nazi salute in front of an under- construction refugee home. The men approached the area in the Falkenberg suburb east of the city centre where an accommodation facility is being built out of shipping containers. Two security guards on duty at the site reported that the men started hurling racist insults at them before one of the men raised his arm in the gesture, which is forbidden under German law. Once the men had left, the guards reported the incident to the police, and the four men were picked up by a patrol car soon afterwards. The police released them after checking their identities and are investigating them for incitement to hatred. Click here to read the full article in The Local

* * * Antisemitic slogans scrawled on Berlin Wall remnant Monday, August 03, 2015 - Antisemitic slogans were found scrawled on a section of the former Berlin Wall as the city hosts thousands of Jewish athletes taking part in the Maccabi Games, German police said. The hate speech was written on the city's iconic East Side Gallery on a mural that depicted a painting of the Israeli flag superimposed over a German flag. Police said the incident is being investigated and that the mural has been temporarily covered until the graffiti can be removed. No details were given on the slogans. A group of Jewish teenagers wearing skullcaps were also harassed with antisemitic remarks in the German capital, police said.

Click here to read the full article in Ha'aretz

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Athens Jewish cemetery vandalized Friday, October 23, 2015 - The main Jewish cemetery in Athens was vandalised with swastikas and anti-Jewish graffiti. “F**k Jews” and a Nazi swastika were sprayed on one of the cemetery walls. A swastika and the German word “Raus,” meaning “get out,” along with the tag C-18 was sprayed on the cemetery gate pillar. C-18 refers to Hellas, a small neo-Nazi group operating in Greece. The group posted pictures on its website and claimed responsibility for what it called the “beautiful artistic intervention at the Jewish cemetery.” The Jewish community of Athens in a Greek-language statement condemned the vandalism perpetrated by “cowardly Nazis” and called on Greek authorities to find and prosecute the perpetrators. Greek society must condemn the attack, the statement said, because “tolerance of these phenomena affects the whole society.” The cemetery, in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Athens, serves the current Jewish community. Click here to read the full article in Times of Israel

* * * Greek official blames Germans and Jews for prescription drug woes Friday, October 16, 2015 - A Greek official has warned the country’s parliament that a pending bill to open up the Greek drug market to cheap generic drugs was the result of a conspiracy between Germany and Jewish groups. Dimitris Giannakopoulos, the president of the Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies, said 11,000 Greek jobs would be lost, while blaming the measure on pressure from Jewish groups in order to benefit Israeli generic drug makers. “Five years ago we said that Israeli companies are hiding behind all this. Whoever is familiar with the sector of medicines and has not yet understood that they are trying to favour the Israeli companies is either stupid or irrelevant, or manipulated,” said Giannakopoulos. Click here to read the full article in The Forward

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Rome incurs the wrath of Jewish rosary bead sellers Friday, October 16, 2015 - Hundreds of Jewish rosary bead sellers who were given their licences to sell Catholic souvenirs in Rome by the Vatican two centuries ago, are rising up in revolt over new restrictions on their trade. The street vendors, who offer images of Christ and saints, as well as Roman souvenirs, are furious at being banned from selling near the Colosseum after the city decided to clear out hawkers. “The Jewish rosary bead sellers are a Roman tradition which risks being destroyed,” said Fabio Perugia, a spokesman for Rome’s Jewish community. Jews were first given licences by the Vatican to sell religious paraphernalia at St Peter’s in the early 19th century, allegedly to spare Christians the sinful job of making a profit from images of Jesus and God. “Another possible reason is that the Vatican simply wanted to humiliate Rome’s Jews,” said Mr Perugia. Click here to read the full article in The Times


Irish Jews slam property developer's Nazi reference Wednesday, October 07, 2015 - The Jewish Representative Council of Ireland (JRCI), the country’s EJC affiliate, has said it is greatly disquieted by the reference to Auschwitz at the end of property developer Johnny Ronan’s statement of evidence to the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry. “That such a discredited phrase would be used and then translated into Irish is beyond comprehension,” said Maurice Cohen, chairman of the JRCI. At the end of his statement to the banking inquiry, in which he claimed the National Asset Management Agency (Nama) destroyed his business, Johnny Ronan wrote: “‘Arbeit macht frei’ nó, i nGaeilge, ‘Tugann saothar saoirse’.” (The German phrase, followed by the comment, in Gaelic, “in English, ‘Work sets you free’.) The phrase, which translates as “work sets you free”, was written over the entrance to Nazi concentration camps in Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen and Dachau, amongst others. Cohen said: “We can only surmise that it was inserted into the document in complete ignorance of its usage and its connotations that are associated with the darkest period in European history. “There must have been no realisation of the offence that it would cause, and indeed is causing, to Irish Jewish people and to anyone who lost family at Auschwitz and other death camps during the Holocaust.” Click here to read the full article in Irish Times

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ROMANIA POLL: 11% of Romanians hold negative views about Jews Monday, August 03, 2015 - The Elie Wiesel National Institute for Holocaust Studies in Romania (INSH-EW) released a poll according to which 11% of Romanians believe the Jews are a problem for Romania, while 22 % would like to receive them only as tourists. The research was conducted by the Centre for Opinion and Market Studies (CSOP) on a commission by the Elie Wiesel Institute, with 1,000 persons interviewed. It was aimed at revealing the way Romanian citizens relate to minorities and to the Romanian Holocaust, their opinion as regards Marshal Ion Antonescu (military dictator from 1940 to 1944) and the far-right interwar and World War II Legionnaire Movement, as well as attitudes towards the State of Israel. The research says 73 % of respondents declared they had heard about the topic, and among those, 34 % admit it had happened in Romania, too. Its main responsibility is attributed to Nazi Germany, followed at great distance by Antonescu's Government. Click here to read the full article


Spanish public radio programme links Jews and Satanism Friday, August 28, 2015 - Spain’s public radio RNE said on it had removed an episode of a programme that linked Jews to Satanism from its website after receiving complaints from Jewish groups. "The director of Spanish National Radio (RNE), given the controversy and annoyance caused be the programme, has removed this episode from the Internet," a spokesman for the broadcaster, Carlos Garrido, told AFP. The management of the station also apologised to the former spokesman for Israel`s foreign ministry, Yigal Palmor, who "raised the problem" in an article in the Jerusalem Post, he added. The spokesman stressed that the programme was "radio fiction and in no way was a news segment." The half-hour programme "From the Inferno", which has been broadcast since 2009 in the early hours of Saturday, deals with myths about the devil throughout the ages. The episode which sparked the controversy, called "The Jewish People: Propagator of the Satan Cult", was broadcast on July 25, 2015. Click here to read the full article in Zeenews

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REPORT: Record increase in Swedish hate crimes Friday, August 07, 2015 - Hate crimes are on the rise in Sweden. More incidents than ever before were reported in 2014, according to fresh figures from a Swedish crime statistics agency. According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet – Brå), a government body which produces crime data, a total of 6,270 hate crimes were reported to Swedish police in 2014 – up by 14% from the previous year. “It's the biggest increase so far, ever since we started keeping statistics on hate crimes,” Sara Westerberg, a researcher for the agency, told the TT newswire. Racist or xenophobic motives are believed to be behind around seven of ten cases. Others include sexual orientation, , Antisemitism or various other religious faiths. Crimes with Islamophobic or antisemitic motives have increased rapidly. Click here to read the full article in The Local

* * * Protesters in Malmo chant Death to the Jews Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - Hundreds of protesters in the Swedish city of Malmo were filmed chanting in Arabic about slaughtering Jews and stabbing soldiers. Pro-Palestinian groups organised a rally in the city centre against what they consider Israeli violence and to show solidarity with Palestinians amid deadly measures taken by Israeli authorities to stop the recent spate of attacks on Jews in Israel and the West Bank. Isaac Bachman, Israel’s ambassador to Sweden, posted on his Facebook account a video taken at the rally showing hundreds chanting “’slaughter the Jews, stab soldiers.” In other slogans, the chanters encouraged “heroes to carry out attack after attack” and to “start a third intifada.” "These are extremely troubling instances of a grotesque but nevertheless very real – and murderous – incitement which must be dealt with by the full force of the law,” Bachman wrote. Click here to read the full article in Jerusalem Post


Johan Cruyff subjected to antisemitic abuse at Dutch football match Friday, October 30, 2015 - An investigation is underway after legendary Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff was subjected to antisemitic abuse during a match between Vitesse and Ajax. Cruyff recently announced he had been diagnosed with lung cancer and thanked fans across the world

Page 11 of 16 for their "emotional and heart-warming" tributes. At football grounds across his native Netherlands, where Cruyff is widely considered to be the greatest player the country has ever produced, a standing ovation was staged in the 14th minute in tribute to the famous number 14 shirt he wore for Holland. However, during the Eredivisie game between Vitesse and Ajax, a banner was unfurled at the GelreDome with the inscription JHK, meaning Joden Hebben Kanker with English translation: the Jews have cancer. Vitesse are said to be horrified at the antisemitic banner and have promised to find those responsible. A statement on the club's website stated: "We will do our utmost to identify the perpetrators of this banner. We call on other supporters to help us identify that person because such behaviour is not appropriate for a club like Vitesse. "Fortunately, the impressive ovation from the entire stadium in the 14th minute will not harm the support we want to bring to Johan Cruyff. The 21,000 fans must prevail over one individual author of a wrong message." Click here to read the full article in International Business Times

* * * Elderly Dutch Jewish couple assaulted Monday, September 07, 2015 - Two Holocaust survivors were brutally attacked in their Amsterdam apartment and police are investigating whether the attack was motivated by Antisemitism. The married couple has been in a rehabilitation centre since the attack. Both are now confined to wheelchairs, after being completely independent before the robbery. Click here to read the full article in Ynetnews


REPORT: Hate crimes against Jews and Muslims soar in London Tuesday, September 08, 2015 - Official figures show that antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crimes in London rose dramatically in 2015. London's Metropolitan Police said "world events" may have contributed to the increase, while there was also a rise in incidents on holy days when Muslim and Jewish communities were more "visible," according to the Guardian. Police recorded 499 antisemitic incidents in the 12 months leading up to July, 2015. This was an increase of 93 % above the 258 incidents in 2014. During the same period, there were 816 anti-Muslim incidents, creating a 70 % surge. Click here to read the full article in Digitaljournal

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REPORT: Jews have lowest rate of unemployment in Britain Friday, October 30, 2015 - British Jews suffered a bigger drop in their employment rate than any religious group between 2008 from 2013 but still have the lowest rate of unemployment, according to a new report. Employment rates among Jews fell by over 7% to 68.8 % in 2013, according to a new report, Is Britain Fairer? The state of equality and human rights 2015 published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. But only 3.2% of Jews were unemployed - compared to an average unemployment rate of 11.6 for religious minorities. Click here to read the full article in Jewish Chronicle

* * * Protesters harass Jews with antisemitic abuse outside British party conference Monday, October 12, 2015 - Police did nothing as a protester shouted "Get back to Auschwitz" at two men wearing kippahs as they left the governing Conservative party’s annual conference in Manchester. Greater Manchester Police have been under increasing pressure over their handling of protesters at this year's conference, some of whom spat at and abused those entering and leaving the venue. Stephen Woods, chairman of Wythenshawe and Sale Conservative Association, said he witnessed "disgusting" antisemitic abuse directed at two men he had met the previous night at Conservative Friends of Israel meeting.” Click here to read the full article in The Times

* * * Teenager seriously injured in antisemitic attack in Manchester Tuesday, September 08, 2015 - A teenage boy was battered unconscious and three young men were also assaulted during an antisemitic attack at a tram stop in Manchester, home to Britain’s second largest Jewish community. The four victims were injured by three thugs at Bowker Vale Metrolink station in north Manchester. Police officers are treating the incident as a hate crime. The worst affected was a 17-year-old, who lost consciousness during the attack and remains in hospital suffering from a suspected bleed to the brain. He has since regained consciousness. Police are treating the serious assault as grievous bodily harm with intent. Three others, aged 18, 18, and 20, were also attacked during the incident. Click here to read the full article in Manchestereveningnews

* * * UK TV reality show removes star who praised Hitler Monday, August 31, 2015 - An US glamour model has been removed from the Big Brother house after posting “totally unacceptable” views on social media, the British Channel 5 said. The broadcaster said it had been unaware of the views and attitudes Tila Tequila had

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* * * Vandals drape raw meat on London Jewish war memorial Monday, August 24, 2015 - Vandals have desecrated a Jewish war memorial with raw meat. Raw chicken and slabs of red meat were found covering the drinking fountain in Whitechapel, east London. The memorial was paid for by Jewish residents to honour King Edward VII after the war. The inscription on the sculpture reads: “In grateful and loyal memory of Edward VII, Rex et Imperator, Erected by subscriptions raised by Jewish inhabitants of East London, 1911.” A woman who spotted it on the way to work took pictures and posted them on to alert the council to the incident on Thursday morning. The local Tower Hamlets Council said it would

Photo: Twitter/@itsme_lauren arrange for the memorial to be cleaned.

Click here to read the full article in TheEJC

* * * Irish MP's expense claim leads to Antisemitism Monday, August 24, 2015 - Antisemitic comments on social media and in the wider press have accompanied news that Jewish Irish MP and former justice minister Alan Shatter made an expense claim of 12 euros for passport photographs. Reports have depicted Shatter as financially grasping and inferred that this was because he is Jewish. Shatter has never claimed the daily allowance to which all ministers are entitled for overseas trips and is livid about the recent headlines. He has been depicted, he says, “as a dishonest, money-grabbing politician” and has become “the object of vile antisemitic comment.” “The story fitted neatly into centuries of antisemitic caricature,” Shatter stated on his Facebook page. Click here to read the full article in Irishexaminer

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* * * Edinburgh fringe artist performs quenelle Thursday, August 20, 2015 - An artist performing at the Edinburgh Fringe festival has been criticised for performing a quenelle salute outside Edinburgh Castle. Alison Chabloz, whose solo acoustic show at the festival is called Autumn’s Here, has posted pictures of the inverted Nazi salute in response to Israel supporters. Fringe organisers received complaints after an image of Chabloz making the gesture with Edinburgh Castle in the background appeared on social media. But they said no action would be taken. A Fringe spokesperson said: “The Fringe Society do not select or programme the Festival Fringe, nor do we curate or censor content at the Festival, or censor the behaviour or actions Photo: Twitter of performers. “It is not within our remit or our open access ethos to allow or refuse performers a platform for their work that is within the law.” Click here to read the full article in The EJC

* * * Swastika and antisemitic graffiti daubed on London Jewish school Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - A swastika and an antisemitic slogan have been found on the gates of a Jewish school in north London. The words "Yid shit" were written in black marker alongside the offensive symbol outside Beis Chinuch Lebonos Girls School in Stamford Hill, which takes girls between the ages of two and 16. It comes after the words "F**k the Jews" were scrawled on the gates of nearby Simon Marks Primary School. Anti-Jewish graffiti in Polish appeared on two walls in the same area. Michael Scher from Jewish neighbourhood watch group the Stamford Hill Shomrim said: "Targeting a Jewish school with antisemitic graffiti is very low - nobody should have to face hate crime of any kind, especially young children.”

Click here to read the full article in Standard

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* * * MP who challenged system receives antisemitic abuse Monday, August 17, 2015 - A British MP has claimed that he is being targeted with antisemitic abuse by supporters of a far-left candidate for the leadership of the country’s opposition Labour party. John Mann, who is not Jewish but heads a parliamentary committee on tackling Antisemitism, said he had "serious concerns" about Jeremy Corbyn's backers after he alleged some had described him as a "Zionist scumbag" and "filth". The Labour party said that it had started a formal inquiry into the allegations. Mann, the MP for Bassetlaw, said. "I've received some vicious antisemitic abuse and I'm expecting the Labour party to take action against this. Click here to read the full article in Express

* * * Times editor apologises for antisemitic comments Monday, August 10, 2015 - An editor at British newspaper The Times has apologised for claiming that most “VIPs” accused of being pedophiles were either Jewish or gay and should be identified with symbols used by the Nazis to single out Jews. Dominic Kennedy sparked outrage when he tweeted last week that “So many of the VIPs accused of being pedophiles are Jewish or gay. Maybe we could have a system to identify these people: triangles, stars…” While some Twitter users defended Kennedy, claiming the tweet was supposed to be taken as satirical, Jewish leaders and other social media users sharply criticised the editor. “You should investigate how not to invoke the Holocaust to justify baseless sensationalism,” one Twitter user said. “Or better yet: delete your account.” Jonathan Arkush, President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the country’s EJC affiliate, called Kennedy’s comments “stupid” and “extraordinarily misplaced and offensive.” Click here to read the full article in Algemeiner

* * * Scottish man receives jail sentence for sending Jewish mother Nazi flag photo Monday, August 10, 2015 - A man sent a Jewish mother a photo of himself with a swastika flag two days after the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation. Nicholas Goodwin targeted Elissa Wilson with the image in a Facebook message. The 23-year-old racist sent the picture when Elissa stopped him from contacting her vulnerable son. The image showed Goodwin and his pal Callum Cochrane grinning for the camera as they posed with the Nazi flag. Click here to read the full article in Dailyrecord

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