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S ay, Friday, inney n! Vol. 33 Vol. | No. 51 | 3 Sections | 32 Pages A ews ecember N -/. &2)! E. K

Seacoast : : 995 cott Client: Gary Blake Motorcars File Name: GaryMC3.3x3AN_120707 Paper: Atlantic News Size: 3.3 x 3 Run Date: 12/07/07 Artist: ep Proof: 1 Color: 4 color Sent: Confirmation: HAMPTON HAMPTON | A local business is leading Foss Manufacturing Company of Hampton MRSA is a type of Staphylococcus aureus , portsmouth 866-838-3377 51 | D 51 | S tlantic garyblakemotorcars y o antibiotics including methicillin and more com more and methicillin including antibiotics the way in fighting bacterial infections such as the much-publicized MRSA bacteria as well as leading the way in the use of ucts. recycled prod is the first company to successfully natural embed balance of silver a and copper into fiber, and announced at the end of October that Fosshield its patented technology is cent effective in killing the methicillin-resistant 99.99 per MRSA bacteria to below the level of detection within one hour. (staph) that has proven resistant to certain B A 84 7 hours 2003 Chevy s10 69K A/C, Auto, miles! Cle #X1498P $ 33, N ol V - - “I didn’t know anything During his campaign in MCCAIN Continued on 24A• didn’t know much global warming. about that “Since said. he it,” about time I’ve done work my and home I’ve learned that climate change is real. There is overwhelming scientific evidence.” how businesses tinue can to be successful while con also being environmentally friendly. 2000, McCain admitted he

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cott McCain took the time to McCain pointed to Tim STRATHAM STRATHAM | US Sen. S tlantic y ing a weeklong the southern trip throughout campaign portion of the state. employ Timberland to speak ees about the environment, Medicare and Security Social and the ongoing war in Iraq. berland as an example of John McCain (R-AZ), made the Timberland factory his first stop on Thursday dur B A — Atlantic News Photo by Scott E. Kinney

— US Sen. John McCain addresses the

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McCain campaigns at Timberland Foss fabric fends off super bug issues during a campaign stop at Timberland in Stratham. ON THE TRAIL tlantic A .

om .C ews N AS tlantic /&& M ES  BI 0AJA A "A  KEND WEE WEEKEND  Holidays  THIS FORANEXTRA/&& : INSIDE  YOUR SOMERESTRICTIONSAPPLY S )2,3 3TOCKING3TUFFERS .IGHT'OWNS "UNDLE-EFOR E • Sunday, December 16, 1:00 p.m., Jets, vs. home New game. York • Friday, December 14, vs 7:30 Milwakee, home p.m. game. December Sunday, 16, 1:00 p.m. at Toronto. December Wednesday, 19, 7:00 p.m. vs Detroit, home game. • Friday, Decembervs 14, Devils, December 7 home 16, 7 p.m., p.m. game. vs. home Panthers, game. Sunday, Wednesday, December 19, 7:30 p.m,. vs. game. Senators, away • Friday, December 14, vs. 7:05 Portland, home p.m., game. Saturday, December 15, 7:00 p.m., vs Hartford, away game. Sunday, December 16, game. home Worcester, vs. p.m., 4:05 Monday, December 18, vs. Portland, away game. 07-08 Women’s Hockey vs. HARVARD 07-08 Women’s Whittemore Center Basketbal 2007-08 Women’s vs. Northeastern, Boston, Mass. Basketball 2007-08 vs. Men’s Iona Lundholm Gymnasium Hockey 07-08 vs. Men’s MAINE* Whittemore Center    , DECEMBER 15 0ORTSMOUTH!VE 3TRATHAM0LAZA , December 16 UPTO See full sports listings on page 25. ACROSSFROMTHE"-7DEALERSHIP SPORTS ' RTCHA FT#ERTIlCAT turday /93 ENTIONTHISAD (OLIDAY&ASHIONS 7INTER#OATS 3WEATERS 'I 0ANTS*EANS Ê Ê Ê Ê Seacoast !6% • Warm • Christmas Warm wishes in stitches, page 9 • Holiday fundraiser helps endangered rhinos, pg 10 "      0ETS4RADING#ARDS • Highlighting healthcare, page 4 • No toy troubles at local shops, page 6 meetings, page • 26 Town FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14 FRIDAY, 7:00 PM Sa 12:00 PM 3:00 PM Monday 4:00 PM 7%"+).: - 3


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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . - - A age | P ews N tlantic Last year marked the the headstones of Vet erans. 15th year of the annual proj ect, as well as a America,” Across the “Wreaths start of campaign designed to honor deceased Veterans in each and every state and national cemetery across the country. For more about the wreath project visit www.wreaths- 603-926-6762 - Hampton, NH 03842 295 Ocean Boulevard 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 ecember 51 | D 51 | o In issuing last week’s A supplier to LL Bean, at the at “Call to Salute” forthe wreaths passed when through town, Fatello said, wreaths “These are a memorial to the Veterans whose grave it is placed on, honoring them for their sacrifice. Let’s part of this historical event.” be has donat Wreath Worcester ed more than 5000 wreaths adorn to 1992 since year each 33, N ol V - - Gift Certificates are for Christmas… Ashworth by the SeaAshworth by buffet with Santa Claus! 8:00am-11:30am Main Dining Room Bring the whole family! Sunday, Dec. 9 & 16, 2007 Tell Santa what you want Tell Enjoy a festive holiday breakfast Enjoy a festive holiday breakfast Reservations suggested. are reservations. call 603-926-6762 for Please pick up a here are you While someone that gift for holiday special! Desk. the Front at available Fatello added, “May the Breakfast with Santa ing in Arlington with these wreaths, guide you on a safe God bless you." journey. them, “On behalf of Post #35, Post of behalf “On them, the Hampton Fire Depart ment, the High School ROTC and the Winnacunnet entire Seacoast community, we thank you for this truly wonderful deed.” and men brave those of spirit women, who you are honor

 ews - - N — Atlantic News Courtesy Photos — Truckloads of Christmas wreaths bound for The entourage paused ily, whose company supplies ily, the wreaths each Com year, mander Ralph Fatello told way. way. Many lining Lafayette Road waved flags and held signs to show their support America for and her troops. in downtown the trucks emblazoned with Hampton, “Remember, Honor Teach.” Speaking directly to and the Morrill Worcester fam Arlington National Cemetery were given a public salute while salute public a given were Cemetery National Arlington passing through downtown Hampton. (Clockwise from left) Square; Marelli at crowd the Healy; Natalie Mother Star Gold Post #35 Commander Ralph Fatello with and Chief Hampton Sgt. Steve Henderson, Deputy Chief Rich Sawyer, Police Jamie Sullivan; and two vehicles from the convoy. ROLLING - - Seacoast Seacoast answers ‘Call to Salute’ Legion Chaplain John saluting the convoy, which is currently traveling south on Route 1 from Worcester in Harrington, ME. Wreath Holman estimatedapproximately 60 or so peo ple that were in attendanceMonday’s salute, with other at stops scheduled along the what icy conditions, mem American Hampton’s of bers Legion Post #35 took part in - - - - riter W

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Braving the day’s chilly, HAMPTON | Seacoast


tlantic tlantic y inclement weather and some and weather inclement be placed on the graves America’s of fallen. wreaths wreaths heading to Arling ton National Cemetery to noon to salute truckloads of ians gathered in downtown Hampton Monday after area Veterans and civil

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om .C ews N tlantic A To To find out more about It is their mission to For Gary and Joyce the healththis into so are “We health care voters,newhampshireforhealth www. health care they need,” she said.“They lose their homes or have to cut There are theirpeople who pills.have togo back to work the cover their expenses or they’re trying to because gain health care coverage.” ensure that no matter who the candidate, healthcare is at the top of priorities. their list of issue of become health a mission to inform care the has candidates, and who those are voting on for the growing them, health care problem. careissue,” Gary said. “Any chance we get to raise Cane about health care costs, we go. This has had effects on negativeour marriage and our finances. I’m just hop ing over the next couple of weeks I get a job.” - - - il . 31! — Hampton Falls resident Gary Dozier C NT u — Atlantic News Photo by Scott E. Kinney De E-mail: 603-772-3639 • We Repair We Unlimited (603) 292-3647 House Calls House 14 Lafayette Road 14 Lafayette New-Antique CLOCKS North Hampton, NH North Hampton, Buy-Sell-Repair Clocks of All Kinds Clocks New Clocks from New Clocks from [email protected] Prices on All Clocks! Prices on Top Manufacturers Top 159 Portsmouth Ave. • Route 33 • Stratham, NH 03885 NH 03885 • Route 33 • Stratham, Ave. 159 Portsmouth Decorative • Distinctive • Affordable Already Low Discounted Already Low Open Wednesdays 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. or by appointment 20% OFF The debt incurred has The story is one that sev “A lot of people who are Largest selectionLargest in NH! shares his health care story with members of New Hampshire Hampshire New of members with story care health his shares for Health Care, a group committed to making health care a top concern for presidential and local candidates alike. HEALTHCARE HELP HEALTHCARE HOLIDAY HOLIDAY SALE! staggering financial hit. 61-year-old Gary out of retirement coming and look ing for a job to help their medical cover expenses. eral voters can said relate too, New HampshireHealth for Care Communications Director Zandra Rice Hawkins. working hard can’t get the - - - th nh But that same evening “She said, ‘My shoulder Joyce explained it away “I thought, ‘No, I don’t A return trip to the hos In addition to the medi Each time they take a Eighteen months later, Joyce complained of pain in her shoulder. hurts,’” said Gary. as part of the fall. think so,” Gary said. Joycepitalwouldthatreveal would again be diagnosed withpulmonary embolisms. A stay in intensive care and a 50 percent mortality rate had Gary worried sick. cal crises the Doziers have gone through there is their also daily Joyce is maintenance: on medication her for epilepsy, while Gary is also on five Just medications. recently, Gary had have gall bladder to surgery. for more than $15,000. aroundThanksgiving of last year, Joyce took outside the and dogs fell and broke her other leg. This leadanother trip to to the hospital and a relatively small medi cal bill for a cast.

 ews - N STARTS S NEXT CLASS CLASS NEXT • Cosmetology Cosmetology • Excellence! Education Accredited Fully • Aid Financial • qualified to available applicants JANUARY 28 JANUARY It was then that Joyce’s They said, ‘Get her here Tests at the hospital The break was so bad eauty to more than $14,000,the worst but was yet to comedays later. other leg became A swollen. brief call to the only hospitalfortified what Gary ini tially thought. Joyce had to go back to the hospital. might you fact, In away. right wantcalltoambulance,’”an Gary recalled. “A an rideambulance is more in than $700 and I figured I get couldher there just as well. If they had told me what they thoughtI would have called the ambulance.” cementedthe doctor’s fears. Joyce had blood clots in her uninjured leg and, yet,they had traveled to her worse lungs. Another week’s stay in the hospital, another bill phone,” said Gary. “An hour“An phone,”Gary. said and a half later I home returned to find her lying the bathroom floor.” on that it called for emergency surgery and another stay in the hospital. This time medical the bills would equate B - - - 51 o Highlighting Highlighting healthcare 33, N ol t. Downtown Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Downtown t. s “She couldn’t get to the “We “We have catastrophic According to Gary the Fast forward to the Fall Unlike the roughly 47 Joyce underwent a 14, 2007 | V 14, 2007 PORTSMOUTH BEAUTY PORTSMOUTH ing his own doctor his wife, who is an epileptic, suffers a seizure while in the bath room and breaks her foot. health insurance,sends you off which into clysmic fit,” a Gary said. cata couple must first$3,500 in expend a year before coverage the kicks in. When the insurance does contributeit only covers 80 percent of thecost, leaving the Doziers to foot the remainder. of 2005. While Gary is visit hysterectomy in eliminate order the to cancer her from body. The surgery and ensuing hospital stay the Dozier’s cost a total of more than $15,000. don’tAmericansthat million have any kind care coverage, of the Dozier’s health do have health whatis called insurance,“Catastrophic Health Insurance.” bewith hisailing wife inthe hospital. ortsmouth Walk-ins or appointments welcomed. Walk-ins SCHOOL of HAIR DESIGN HAIR of SCHOOL ecember - - - - - r |D e rit ews W

N ff 140 Congress Congress 140 y a e t All work performed by students under licensed instructor supervision. by performed All work S

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Apprentice salon open to the public for services at reduced prices. services at reduced open to the public for salon Apprentice 603-436-7775 ntic A | A cott In addition, Gary was “Now she’s in a house The couple’s story is Among them are Hamp InNewHampshire alone They wear purple T- HAMPTON FALLS | If a S tl y age traveling to Maine daily to trying to keep track of all of those things.” with four Collies, three cats, three birds and one husband,” said “I Gary. was crazy 2003, when Joyce was diag nosed with stage 1 uterine cancer. one that may to be many: Their familiar health care worries began in the fall of tonFalls resident Gary Doz ier and his wife, Joyce. strong. They are all part of New Hampshire for Health Care. Voter.” they are more than 70,000 shirts and carry signs stat ing “I’m a Health Care of the numerous events political throughout the Sea coast you’ve no doubt seen them. you’ve participated in any A B P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black from at See you in 2008 Merry Christmas Merry 28 Depot Square (In the Park) Hampton, NH 03842 Hampton, 28 Depot (In Square the Park) 603.926.2722 Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . ------A age | P ews N tlantic We We just wanted to send The Holiday Tree Light Many thanks go out to Thanks goes out to Thank you to Lloyd and LETTERS Continued on 30A• out out a sincere thanks to a lot of individual peopleorganizations for their and help this weekend at the Holiday Lighting and Ceremony Tree the new Holiday Street Fair. ing was fun and this year as the weather was fantastic crisp but just right to the holiday season. First start and foremost I have to thank Jim Parsons and his crew at Par sons Electric for helping us put up to get the decorations in the downtown area and for coming out ing and sure that all mak the electric worked for both days. None of the fun could have gone on without those guys! Dennis Donovan from thePartridge House at Reed Marie Donna Haven Capt. and the for Army Salvation the of goodies that their organiza tions supplied. Also thanks to Sally Gray for putting on Silpada Jewelry fundraisers for the repair of the tennis/ basketball courts. Hamp the and Green Rachel ton Community Chorale for providing the music for the festivities and the song Atlantic the supplying for News books again Thank this year. you also to the Lions Club for spreading holiday cheer with candy canes, ton Hamp Firefighters for provid ing popcorn and Hampton every sure making for Police one was safe on Route 1. Joan Perkins for saving the day and providing drawn rides this year at horse the last minute when I thought that we were just not going to be able to have them this ------s 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 k n Hampton ha t running ecember

n a Richard Goodman Richard m rmest d 51 | D 51 | a ichard Goodman o R oo W To the Editor: To With the news of the res A resident of Hamp If elected, I will do every the Editor: To today you to writing am I G of of Commerce. ignation ignation of Rep. Jane Kelley, I have decided to election to fill her unexpired run for term. ton since 1976 and Hampshire a native, I am cur New rently on the Winnacunnet School Board. A graduate of Dartmouth College with the doctorate in school admin istration from Harvard Uni versity, I was on at the the staff University Hampshire for of 20 years and New have 50 years of experience in education. As a Senior retired Citizen, I time have to the devote to the legislature. state thing in my power to repre Hampton. of citizens the sent New Hampshire is a great state, and wel I community. Hampton wonderful is a come ideas from Hampton citizens, and look to forward serving our town. from my desk at the Hamp ton Recreation and Department and I Parks am writ ing on behalf of myself and the Hampton Area Chamber 33, N ol V ------etters L Stratham Hampton n intense Larry Larry Stuker olunteers Pat Sapienza v

y calls 24/7 to to

s k n Many residents of our These dedicated volun Besides their donation These dedicated individ While there are many the To Editor: I have recently been In In addition, he brought ha T town are unaware timeand effort expended by of the these volunteer EMTs and fire fighters. I valuable want these members community of our to know are they appreciated taken for granted. and not teers gave up days in whicha row, ideally three long could have been spent with family in this busy holiday season. In some cases, both parents of the same family participated. of time to completerequired courses, these they pay their own travel expenses. Virtually all have full time jobs and still respond when ever possible at of any the hour day or summoned. night when uals and other fire depart ment members spend time to attend regular sessions training and meetingsthe Stratham Volunteer Fire of Department,and to respond to emergenc protect the community which they live. in at at the University of . fine candidates on the New Pres Democratic Hampshire idential ballot, please Barak me with in supporting join Obama for president. made aware of a three-dayweekend spent by close to a dozen Volunteer Stratham Fire Department Emergency Medical Techni cians (EMTs and EMTIs) in order to maintain their cer tifications. They do this for theprivilege ofbeing autho rized to treat the people of our community and others who need emergency atten tion and transportation area hospitals. to His His efforts led to the tough est campaign finance reform in Illinois history. Obama’s Welfare Reform when led enacted, the nation package, in the biggest reduction in caseloads. welfare about an expansion of Illinois the Children’s Insurance Health children include 70,000 more Program — and all this while he was to teaching Constitutional Law

 ------te ’ da i Staff d ish n Carla Scott Foundation Manchester a c Make-A-Wish Make-A-Wish ‘W

s ’ a fect of New Hampshire er P meric Obama Obama went to the Illi Yet, Yet, for all of his rhe Anxious to share a story Here’s someone who We We are deeply grateful the Editor: To When Jane Kelley intro To the Editor: To Please know how much Atlantic News A Street. But chose Barak to Obama becomemunity organizer where a he com built successful coalitions in Chicago to get things done for the people. nois legislature There, he in led the 1996. Campaign way Finance Reform. on the Beatles in There early was 1964. a rock feeling star-like of anticipation and electricity. torical skills on the stump, Barak Obama is more Will Rogers than Elvis At Presley. least that’s I the got when feeling I had ato chance shake hands and with him watch with local Democrats himin the interactfaculty lounge just showtime. before and listen concerns, Obama to has genu everyone’s ine concern and compassion for all Americans. He’s not the black candidate.America’s He’s candidate. was elected to He the US Sen ate from a state with a black population of 12 percent. could have worked for Wall Street and lived on Easy and understanding. captured Scott the wonderment a magic wish brings and a child, and the outpouring of love and friendship family the receives from neighbors and community. their for your coverage and to the Wood family for so openly sharing Melissa’s dream and courage. It truly is a perfect holiday story! duced Barak Obama to the at Marston school crowd last summer, the had the gymnasiumatmospherics of Ed Sullivan’s introduction of the Make-A-Wish Founda tion of appreciated New the article enti Hampshire tled “Christmas Wish,” December 7, 2007 the Friday, in issue. Scott Writer, E. Kinney, con veyed Wish Child Melissa’s journey with compassion EWS — Michael P. Connelly N Gary Patton To Contact Us John Holman Aubry Bracco Jerry McConnell [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] the Atlantic News $POUSJCVUJOH8SJUFST

Sales • Sheri Burgoon [email protected] [email protected] Sales • Tony Costanzo [email protected] Tell them you saw it in them Tell om Staff Writer • Mark Chag Jr. Stories: [email protected]

Please Support 893 Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH Staff Writer • Scott E. Kinney Staff Writer • Scott .C Our Advertisers Inside Sales • Kathie D’Orlando Inside Sales • Kathie (603) 926-4557 | Fax: (603) 926-4531 and help keep the ews Published By Connelly Communications LLC

TLANTIC TLANTIC Atlantic News Free! General Manager • Elizabeth McClean General Manager N Office Hours: Mon. - Fri.; 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Office Hours: Mon. - Fri.; 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 Production/Graphic Artist • Jen Morton Advertisements: [email protected] Publisher & Editor • Michael P. Connelly & Editor • Michael Publisher Sales & Marketing • Michelle M. Connelly Sales & Marketing

-PDBMMZ0XOFE0QFSBUFEGPS0WFS:FBST Your Local Source For Community News Your Local Source For Community Mailing Address: PO Box 592, Hampton, NH 03843 Mailing Address: PO Box 592, Hampton, Community Editor & Staff Writer • Liz Premo Community Editor etters to the editor, Calendar Notes and Public Notices are due by noon freedom of speech, or of the press; or peaceably of the to people assemble, and to petition the redress of grievance.” Government for a THE FIRST AMENDMENT: “Congress shall make no law the respectingabridging or thereof; exercise free an the prohibiting or establishmentreligion, of reject any advertisement. Connelly Communications publications, please contact General Manager Betty McClean at (603) 926-4557 Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Atlantic News assumes no responsibility for any typographical errors in an advertisement. The Atlantic News reserves the right to STORE RACKS: Business owners who wish to display the Atlantic News, or other All letters submitted for publication on these pages must contain a name and telephone number of the author for verification prior to publishing. Unnamed letters will not be published. The opinions expressed by our readers are not necessarily those of the publishers of The Atlantic News or Connelly Communications LLC. Digital or scanned photos may be e-mailed to the Atlantic News in JPEG format to: [email protected]. NOTICE TO OUR READERS: special stories as well as photography submissions and requests. Call us at (603) 926-4557 if you have questions. PHOTOS: L on Fridays. Letters received after noontime on a Friday will be held for the following week. The Atlantic News welcomes ideas for articles, community news and (603) 926-4531, or call and leave a message during or after business hours at (603) 926-4557. DEADLINES: Connelly Communications LLC is a family owned, local community Connelly Communications LLC is a family owned, local newspaper, printed and distributed each Thursday. please call, To advertise or to schedule an advertising presentation, e-mail or fax Publisher Michael P. Connelly at (603) 926-4557/office or (603) 866-0883 cell or e-mail [email protected], or fax to TO ADVERTISE:

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dinances — Atlantic News Photo by Liz Premo reschool or

P ocal Town of Hampton Town SWEET FUNDRAISER inter Board of Selectmen L W illage V Notice of Public Hearing HAMPTON HAMPTON | Village Preschool, a preschool program “If someone has a please copier, contact Preschool Village Village Preschool provides preschool and extended care NORTH HAMPTON | The North Hampton police During this time, vehicles are not permitted to be parked located in Hampton, is in desperate need of a works copier that correctly. According to Russell, the copier currently in use is a 15-year-old unit. Director, Virginia Bridle 501(c)(3) a are “We says. she Hampton,” Street, High 200 [at] so your donation is tax deductible.” programs to children in the Hampton community, as well as scholarship assistance to some of the families. For more information, call (603) 929-7349. holiday fundraiser on Friday and on both Saturday, levels of December the library. Pictured here with 7-8 just some of the goodies offered upstairs at the bake sale are Gloria members Goudreau (president), Pat Weichart, Lynn and Goodman Mary Withka. The two-day event also included the sale of doll clothes and the 2008 Entertainment Books, as well as note cards featuring the artwork of the late Ruth Stimson. In addition, a Santa sleigh centerpiece and two festive wreaths were awarded to lucky winners participating in the raffle. department reminds residents and visitors that parking ban is now and in will effect, April be in place until a winter 15, 2008. on roads or any municipal lots between 7 the hours a.m., of or 12- during any snowstorm parked in violation day of the ban or are subject to night. being ticketed Vehicles and towed. For more information, call (603) 964-8621. The Town The of Town Hampton Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 7, 2008 at 7 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting the of purpose The Road. Winnacunnet 100 Hall, Room Town at the Hampton public hearing is to hear and receive testimony on the question of appropriating funding in the total amount of $7,091,600 through bonding for the construction of accor in Hampton of Town the for stations fire new two dance with the provisions of RSA33:8-a. You may be present or send written testimony that will be included in the record of this hearing. The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library held their annual - “These are toys not neces not toys are “These While the recall has been to tell,” he said. “It’s hard makes craft kits for kids. sarily to be found at Toys R he Us said. or Wal-Mart,” on the of Pendexter’s much is it said he customers, more difficult to know if it has positively affected own business. his “I think it’s helped a bit.” little

 - - - — Hand-crafted wooden toys, like 603-431-2334 550 Peverly Hill Road 550 Peverly Portsmouth, NH 03801 Portsmouth, — Atlantic News Photo by Scott E. Kinney that support your spirit, mind, and body. and mind, spirit, your support that Seacoast Family YMCA Schedule your complimentary Getting Started The Seacoast Family YMCA can give you the help and and help the you give can YMCA Family Seacoast The are here to encourage you through positive relationships relationships positive through you encourage to here are appointment now and experience the YMCA difference. appointment now and experience the YMCA support you need to be successful. Caring staff and members members and staff Caring successful. be to need you support [email protected] Instead Whirlygigs car this plane, are among the countless lead-free toys to be found be to toys lead-free countless the among are plane, this at your local toyshop. READY FOR TAKE-OFF the nation’s largest toy pro ducers and hardest hit the by recalls). We deal smaller with companies who vigi more in be to able are turn lant.” ries toys by names such as Playmobil made in and Malta Quercetti Italy. There is made even a Hampshire-based New company, in Harrisville Designs, which ews - - - 51 o N 33, N ol “We “We had one recall in Owner Jeff Pendexter this issue big pretty a “It’s Massive toy recalls that 14, 2007 | V 14, 2007 toys Whirlygigs carries, said Pendexter, are made in the US and Europe. the spring,” he don’t said. carry “We Mattel (one of years. said at least one customer in concern voiced has five every over the recent toy recall. year,” he said. “People like to feel reassured about what they’re buying.” have affected many of larger the retails left stores Pendexter’s store have virtu ally untouched. Many of the appease their child this holi day season with an alterna tive, as they have for several ecember - - - DEC 24TH! |D riter ews W N

One size fits all. for a facial OPEN TILL NOON TILL OPEN taff (for gift certificates only) 603.929.SKIN ~ 83 Lafayette Rd ~ Hampton Falls, NH 603.929.SKIN ~ 83 Lafayette Rd ~ Hampton Falls, No No toy troubles at local shops S inney tlantic Beautifully packaged.

or body massage A Gift Certificate ews N E. K

A | A cott Toy stores such as Whirly as such stores Toy Some local residents may Toys Toys by the millions, EXETER | It’s the holi Holiday Shopping Made Easy... Holiday Shopping Made S tlantic y age are are looking for something to death. gigs in downtown Exeter are offering toy shoppers who toyshops to find items that are both fun and risk of long-lasting lack injury or the and have been store shelves. pulled off be turning to their local play with (either due to the usage of lead paint or mag nets that can be swallowed) manufactured manufactured in China, are unsafe for their children to days and what is a concerned a is what and days parent to do? A B P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . A age | P ews + N  7OLFEBORO ÕLÊx™ œÀÀˆÃÃiÞ½ÃÊÀœ˜ÌÊ*œÀV -!).% %LIOT Õ``ÞÊ,ˆÛiÀÊ >ÀŽiÌ«>Vi +ITTERY œL½ÃÊ >“ÊÕÌ ,œLiÀ̽ÃÊ >ˆ˜iÊÀˆ +ITTERY0OINT >«½˜Ê-ˆ“iœ˜½ÃÊ>iÞ /GUNQUIT Ài>`ÊEÊ,œÃiÃÊ >ŽiÀÞ 3OUTH"ERWICK >}>ÀÌÞ½ÃÊ>“ˆÞÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>˜Ì 9ORK(ARBOR œLÃÌiÀÊ œÛi tlantic " - 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007

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 - tion duca ,-.+'-, E + “It is a terrific way for “Upon returning to their Students aren’t the only the teachers to get teaching time with another class children,” of says Street. “The staff looks forward to activity thiseach year.” home classroom, a circle is formed to share what learned was from try just the visited,” Street. coun explains ones who enjoy cruising the continents. (% ------U M B 4  % E M 0  F I 5 Cruising Cruising the Continents fulfills many

(+-2 The adventures don’t end adventuresdon’tThe With a definitive nod In short, “Cruising the “The children complete the expected grade level

and traditions are covered in each Andcountry.” prob ably most important of all, the “Cruising the Conti expectation (GLEs) in both grade levels,” says Street. when the stories are the crafts are completed read, and the passports are stamped. ly enjoy theeach visits craft [and]teacher Kathie activity,”Street, whose says Canada-centered ties include activi tery, making hand-cut glit snowflakesand coloring the white red-and- Canadian flag its with famously maple recognizable leaf. to this time of year, says, Street “holiday celebrations paper candles and lish embel them with gold glitter in Ireland (Kathe Halloran’s room), and Chinese ribbon dancing and handmade lan terns bring China to Chris tin Shaw Ryan’s room. Continents” provides exciting an trip world that takes place in 45- around the minute time blocks over the course of three days. ance of Cindy Children color Arlington. and cut-out nents unit of ------r e rit W

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Centre Centre students take a ‘bon voyage’ ntic iz

A A traditional St. Lucia’s The old Italian folk tale Over in Karin Jacobson’s With “suitcases” and Various arts-and-crafts Andoncetheword“kan The term is certainly Explaininghowthey will HAMPTON | It’s Friday, a


tl tlantic y paperplatesunder guidthe dles” and Sweden “holly”) is from crafted out of crown (complete with “can Soboczinski’s class. a “museum” of items are on display in Sally Japanese eyes represent Japan, where rainbow of colored paper tissue scales and big gold includesstar-makinga craft, while paper carp with a of La Befana told in Jennifer Follansbee’s classroom paintand yellow cellophane for candlelight. making their own luminar ies using small paper bags, real plant nearby) before students hear the “Legend of the Poinsettia” (with a classroom (Mexico), visiting addition toAustralia. Italy, Sweden,Japan, China and Ireland, in Mexico, classes each) engage cultural in taste a of Canada, teams of first graders (four “passports” in hand, two the project, which officially began November 30). ductingtheirown version of Continents (with four second grade classrooms con the seven other first grade classes for Cruising the scenarios are repeated in background. tal sound of an Australiandidgeridoo playing in the ing, with the instrumen garoo” has been uttered, the students begin their paint ing the Continents” project. as a stop Australiain for the first grade’s annual “Cruis room has been designated appropriate, as her class do anything yet, until I say ‘kangaroo.’” tells the students, “Don’t drawn on a piece of brown construction paper, Claus paintaseries of white, black and brown dots along lines be using cotton swabs to painting. class of first graders in cre ating an Aboriginal desert is preparing to instruct a December 7, School and teacher Centre Ann Claus

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ROLL CALL Continued on 26A• FINE ART SUPPLIES ouse H all C oll R , , via a database. computer 18 Lafayette Rd. North Hampton NH Granite News Service is the only news organization Based on its computer analysis, GNS can tell Atlantic On the average, House lawmakers missed 15 percent of To be fair, legislators receive only a $100 a year stipend The chart in this issue of the Atlantic News shows the V%: The percentage of votes in 2007. The average was 85 NE%: Percentage of missed votes that were not excused. C%: of Percentage missed votes due to conflict of interest. PR%: Percentage of missed votes because the legislator Rk: The ranking column includes the top and bottom in the that means that number, a with out starts ranking the If to to track every roll call last 11 vote years, in GNS has the reported on state all newspapers house. contested throughout votes For in the the state, News including the News readers a few session, including where they stand on things the issues and how about their often they voted. legislators last their votes in 2007. That was three percent doesn’t lower vote, a missed than representative a last because just But year. arrived have could lawmaker A there. wasn’t she or he mean negotiating hearing, a attending been early, leave to had late, on another vote in the grabbing a hallway, cup of coffee or not simply attention. paying plus mileage another be can for weather bad in commutes their Long commitments. time. Many work or factor. Illness or have family emergencies also account other for some missed votes. And on rare occasions, refrained from the voting because of representatives a conflict of interest. But any legislator can call in and be excused from attending a Some bother. didn't session. out voted 154 of unless votes possible legislators percentage so noted in the ranking column. that were not excused, that were votes of missed percentage It will also give a total not taken because of a conflict of was presiding. representative interest, or because the didn’t One record. perfect a had lawmakers 24 Some percent. vote at all. The average was 6 percent. The highest (worst) percentage was 97 percent. was 1 percent. The percentage highest does customarily Norelli) was The presiding. Speaker (Terri not vote except to break a tie, or when she is not presiding. Yet she may step down from the chair and vote whenever she also Linda votes when Foster missed presiding. wishes. various categories. V1+ means the best voting percentage. V1- means the worst. V2- means means the most votes the missed that second were not excused. worst. Most N1- not are ranked. legislators times of number certain a vote to eligible only was lawmaker because of death (D), resignation (R), or was term elected (E). mid For instance, 99:D means the representative was only eligible to vote in 99 votes, as opposed to 193, because he died in the middle of the session. Those who were eligible for not the three-quarters of the votes (145 votes) were not ranked. No percentages are given for those who were for of less eligible than the ten votes (15 percent or less). Special Orders & Discounts Available - - - - - Editor / Publisher - Michael P. Connelly - Michael P. They are purposely To my faithful readers I Shopping boycotts But apparently some in order to “not as they offend” state, familiar them. electronic One er’s retail current flyer “Happy showed Hanukkah”times; “Merry Christmas” 10appeared exactlytimes. ZERO blind to the large numbers of Americans offendbydoing so. But they that are, theyI am sure, delighted to rake in the profits from this unquestionably Christian event original — none of which will come from me, I assure you. MerryChristmaswishayou and a Happy New Year. faith and recognize Christ mas for the is, holy they are day added wealth spurning they itcould be the reaping. against some commercial vendors very during large thosebytwo oryearpast the Christians who were aware of the stores’activities had misguided the effect changing of their advertising for this coming Christmasseason of 2007 by recogniz ing the real meaning of the Oneday. of the (if not THE) largestof these vendors will be more actively promoting the word Christmas in their advertising,and store greet ings this year. still have the death wish of catering to the very minority small not of of the Americans Christian faith ignorance of the truth. They don’tseem torealize that by refusing to join the 85 per cent of American who citizens practice the Christian

 ------Atlantic News Atlantic The views expressed on this on expressed views The Readers may send their While it’s still a bit early At the risk of further So, even though out page do not necessarily reflect necessarily not do page the of views the welcome We advertisers. its or alternative views and consider guest commentaries will for publication. comments and rebuttals [email protected]. to From the Publisher: iew of fresh air andfreedom from hope the attempts for at tyranny by the American Civil Liberties Union, while stale breath and odor a sordid emanated other fromtwo. And I thank the the gentleman for his offering. for the Christmas grinches appearannualtheirmake to ances around the the time recognition of of the holy day of Christ’s sure birth, the usual I’m greedy uncaring and businesses refuse to that acknowledge the true reason why they make more money this year than time at any of other will soon be engaged in their with the same filthy brush. angering theACLU, I thank God that there was one let ter of support for my views which unlike two, did the cite examplesthe otherACLU's of anti-God, anti- Christian and un-American values.gentlemanThiscited actual excerpts ACLU’s from Policy the Book spelled out that their unsavory goals such as the defense of all pornography including child porn, defending it, if you can believe it, as “free speech.” It is not in the lexi con of most and clear unsullied headed minded citi zens of this country. numbered two to one, cleanly the shining forth light on the subject put by theanti-ACLU gentleman’s let ter was received as a breath who praise the ACLU and condemn only those would who speak outsuch against vulgar guess behavior. they are I all tarred V ------2 9 8 7 1 6 5 3 4 51 y

o 1 6 3 5 2 4 8 9 7

M 33, N 4 7 9 3 5 2 6 8 1 and ACLU the

ol 5 2 4 3 6 1 7 9 8

3 1 7 8 9 5 2 4 6

Acrimony, audacity Acrimony, 6 8 4 7 9 1 3 5 2

I frankly am not sure Can you imagine any 14, 2007 | V 14, 2007 8 5 6 2 4 7 9 3 1

who wish to country serve and their communities by doing good deeds while in scouting; or the mentally disadvantaged advocates here: The warped mindedindividuals that young prey boys on and "lead" wish them; or to the that sickos form an organizationbased on verted the preying and actively same engage per the young innocent boys in sadistic sexual acts of degeneration;greedy legalists, or uncaringabout the the damagesto fine, decent done young boys version — wants the Scouts to be just as poisoned depravedand as one favorite darlings of of deprav their ity, namely,which openly and brazenly entices NAMBLA young boys to par ticipate in the lecherous lit any of unspeakable acts of sexuality with grown men (physically, but ably question mentally). who is the most deranged charge of the young boys. one finding fault with Scouts' the decision? bad enough Isn'tthat the ACLU it sides with who the are predators instigators in low-life the NAMBLA (NorthAmerican Man-Boy Association)? Love The — in its ACLUown brand of per 9 4 2 1 8 3 6 7 5

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uting News b Atlantic rry ntic Puzzle A | A A | It In The ou Solved Tell Them Tell e Nowhere in either let I guess the truth really In the November 16, 926-4557 a Advertise, Y J tl ontri y Solutions Page 28A age to allow the foxcharge of the to hen house, beor in in this case, the predator in als to act as scoutmasters.In other words, the Scouts and their leadership refuse lovely organizationtheir minds) which is suing the (in Boy Scouts of America for not allowing homosexu ters were just that complaints I had the say audacity what to I did about that ter were the which facts I wrote about or challenged corrections offered. The main premise of both let als to skirt and avoid the otherwisetruth. thoseindividuals seemed in great pain over my words. But it is typical for liber tianity in their dailyand pursuits. lives does hurt because both of its constant attacks people on all and organizationsthat use the word of Chris tion to an I earlier had column written ACLU to the takingwoodshed for the by apparent ing, possibly anti-Christian ACLU-lov people, one man woman, and one wrote in opposi 2007 edition of the Atlantic News two letters penned B A C P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . - - A age . This is | P ews N National Lampoon’s tlantic MOVIES Continued on 12A• 9. who happens to have a rare copytheVHSversionof and a player to play it worth the viewing. on, it’s Christmas Vacation an example of what we fre quently refer to as a “mod - - - — Atlantic News Photo by Liz Premo 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 — Hampton Seniors Diana LaMontagne, 3ILVER ecember  2EPAIRS  51 | D 51 | 'OLD o parkle....  Nevertheless, if this dia Mary Toohil and Florence Smith, Mary pictured here with Toohil Hampton Professional Firefighters Local 2664 President Jim Squires, made the majority of these knitted hats, scarves and mittens, which will be distributed Bank through the drive. annual Toy STITCH IN TIME film is no longer inany format. It also available doesn’t seem to show up on television’s cable relentless holi day movie marathons. mond in the rough covered is dis on television night,or if you have afriend one 33, N S ol V - - - -  'EMSTONES  !CCENT*EWELRY  Holiday 0EARLS -!2+%4342%%4\0/243-/54( .( $IAMONDS Despite winning an Emmy an winning Despite According to Rusty Bri Toy Bank donations are  Holidays Award Award for best prime-time special, history has not been kind to this gem. Although once available on VHS, the dle,Seacoastthe Firefighters Toy Bank is all-encompass ing,” going beyondservicethetoyounger setby their accommodating the area’s Senior Citizens who also have may a need for holiday warmth some and cheer. still being acceptedthe public. from Items, ing includ new, unwrapped as toys well as monetary dona tions, may be Seacoast brought area to fire stations.For additional information, call Cassie Bridle 926-3316 at or (603) visit www.toy- ing original musical by score composer — it John will stay in your mind Barry throughout the season. woolens for their children. In some cases, the will parents let the kids make their own selections.

 ------The result is a “Gather While watching the “That’s a lot of work, “They do wonderful All those hats, scarves Adam discovers in the has less than six months to live. Realizing that he won’t live to see another mas Christ season, he sets reconcile off with Kate to and his five children and grandchil dren whom he has become estranged. ing of the Thorntons,” one last for Christmas together, thoughAdam only and Kate know that his days numare bered. movie, keep an careful ear tuned in to hear the cal magi and hauntingly charm Florence Smith. isn’t it? Aren’t they tiful?” beau Seniors asked member Mona Otis, Hamptoncheckingknitpiletheoutof ted accessories. Spotting number a of whimsical dolls knit added to tion, the she observed, “They’re collec very clever.” work for us,” noted Cassie Bridle of the Hampton Fire Department. and mittens will be on dis play during the Toy party, during which Bank parents will be invited to choose the his wife, Kate. opening sequence month that, before Christmas, he a majority of the items were crafted on knitting needles utilized by Diana tagne, LaMon Mary Toohil and ------The . has pro was originally The Gathering Atlantic News 10. With limited hours to Afterward, firefighters This year’s colorful col Hampton firefighters, der a bit of down time this 10,Numbersseason. holiday 9, 8, 7 and 6 are featured in the countdown this the week; top five will be listed in next week’s issue. Gathering released as a made-for-tele vision film in 1977. It starred AdamAsnerThornton as Ed and Maureen Stapelton, as hilarious, the vasttion of films reserved for the collec spirit of the season deserve our attention at least a year. once park and watch, the staff at the vided a guide of their top 10 films and features to squan called out the numbers and of multipleroundsforletters Bingo (both the club and the weekly Bingo sessions offered are to Seniors through Hampton Rec). lection of warmexceeded last woolens year’s bers, num with almost 200 items lovingly hand-knitted participating by Seniors. The Dorothy Little Room at the Lane Memorial Library Hampton. in including Hampton fessional Firefighters Pro Local 2664 President Jim Squires, were on hand to serve slices of pizza and dessert to the large group helpingsof of Seniors in attendance. Keeping an eye on the best holiday film fare ------r r e e rit rit W W

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Warm Christmas Warm wishes in stitches a ntic ntic iz

Heartwarming, cheery, It can be a rewarding Sometimes the best way SEACOAST | Let’s face These items were put on Commissioned once HAMPTON | Members

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y Seacoast inspiring, and even at times anyhow. anyhow. Why not make the most of it? Christmas movies for about year entire the of outdays 30 face it: really We only watch special someone, or with the entire evenfamily. Let’s experience alone, with that film. nog is not an option — is to sit back and enjoy a holiday to unwind during the bustle of the season — when egg it, the holidays can be hec tic. session held last week in the tion pizza luncheon/ Bingo display during a combina at the upcoming Toy Bank party. tributed to families in need year knitting hats, scarves, and mittens that will be dis Fire Captain Rusty Bridle,the Seniors spent the past again by retired Hampton coast Firefighters Bank.Toy hats and donating them to charity — namely the Sea Gilmore, of knitting winter holiday tradition, years ago by startedthe late Helen of the Hampton Senior Citi zens Club stayed true to a B

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A j Fee j Haven’t got the stom There are other rhino- The rhino poop auc So get yourself online, A ach ach to send poop to a loved one? friendly holiday gift Adopt-a-Rhino the including ideas Program that is at accessible This program allows individu als to make donations that will support rhino a of Sumatran their $30, donors choice. can support the For care and feeding of Andalas, rhinos Bina, Ratu Torgamba, or Rosa for two days; $60 will double the time to four days. The donation also ensures veterinary care for your rhino. tion began Thursday, Nov. 29, and can be accessed by searching for “rhino poop” at or by vis iting ces.or start bidding and show that person who has everything that you really umm give … poop. Happy Holi a … days. we’re all about we’re Come see what see what Come ook, NH

$0 R r December 15th ------H B M p ees! -5 F RL ele AM G 7 er 15t • • Sumatran Rhino: The • Indian Rhino: The Indi 15 • 8:30 - 10:30 AM l Group Fitness decreased decreased 96 percent. How ever, since 1996, the intense anti-poaching efforts have had encouragingpoach of threat the although results ing remains great. Currently, 3,725 left. are approximately Sumatran, a.k.a. the rhino, hairy is probably the most endangered of all eros species. Numbers rhinoc have due over 50 declined percent to poaching over 15 the years. It is last only through ongoing protection that the situation is stabilizing; how less than 275 remain. ever, an Rhino (also known as the Greater One Horned Rhino) suc greatest two the of one is cess stories in rhino conser vation (the other one being the Southern White Rhino in South ). However, poaching has remained high and the success is ous precari without continued and increased support for con and India in efforts servation Nepal. Only 2,619 Rhinos remain. Indian ss www.wo 603-474-8200 A er ------A o joinin MB n e Refreshments and food after classes! and food Refreshments p MB DAY C DAY e Route 1, 920 Lafayette Rd • Seab C ree Annu C NO BINDING CONTRACTS! CALL FOR DETAILS! DETAILS! CALL FOR NO BINDING CONTRACTS! AY e $$$$ e D oli F Yoga, Cardio Blast, and Kickboxing between 8:30 to 10:30 am. 8:30 to and Kickboxing between Blast, Cardio Yoga, Meet our fitness instructors and join a sampling of Spin, Pilates, MeetPilates, our fitness instructors Spin, and join a sampling of AV De Four separate pieces of White The Rhino: White • • Black Rhino: The Black “Everyone “Everyone knows about ys olida s *EFT program only *EFT program H by by the rhino poop will auction benefit programs, raise conservation awareness, and help us to save rhinos.” rhino dung, the representing four species of will US, the in Rhino residing rently cur be up for auction. rough the with along Rhino, ly equal-sized Indian Rhino, is the largest species of land mammal after the elephant. Rhino White the species, a As is the least endangered living of rhinos with approxi mately 14,500 left. Rhino has suffered the most drastic decline in total num bers of all Between 1970 and rhino 1992, the species. population of this species Yule.” rhinos, but knows not that they everyone are says disap Earth,” the from pearing International Rhino Founda tion Executive Director Dr. Susie Ellis. “It might sound silly, but the money raised D

H 0 1 - - - ast eaco S That’s That’s right, just in time lar lar online auction site eBay to bring you the chance bid to on some “Stool for the ever, the organization is ever, auc tioning rhino endangered off feces as part of an effort to save the Earth’s most recog nizable and most threatened wild animals. for the holidays the IRF has joined forces with the popu

51 - o Calendar of Events: 33, N 603-772-4923 December 20: Last Minute Shopping ol 14, 2007 | V 14, 2007

The International Rhino time first the for year, This up up with one more creative answer to the ever-present question. present Foundation (IRF) may have one of dol holiday your for theoptions more uniquelar. all all the other things going on in our busy lives it doesn’t seem plausible to come ecember

|D r (& he loves free gift too!) free wrapping, (& he loves e ews 107 Water St., Exeter, NH St., Exeter, 107 Water rit N


Santa’s favorite place to shop! to place favorite Santa’s for the holidays ff y a e t tlantic

S inn s w e Unique Unique holiday fundraiser helps endangered rhinos N E. K

Shop downtown Exeter Shop downtown Exeter 10A | A 10A ntic cott And And quite frankly, with You You know, that guy or SEACOAST | During this this During | SEACOAST a S tl y age to buy for — because most they already likely have everything. certain certain someone on our list of gift giving. gal who is just impossible time time of year we all have that A B P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . 11A age need with | P ews

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Wrapping! tlantic certified nursing specialists? munity munity outreach, especially those whose families live far away, and especially during the holiday season.” Pillows WallArt 603-772-5491 - Unique Gifts — Hampton Garden Club members Ann members Club Garden Hampton — 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 Ask for us by name... us by for Ask • Sun 12:00-4:00 • Closed Tuesdays Closed • 12:00-4:00 Sun • ecember It’s your choice... your It’s latest technology available? 51 | D 51 | Is the agency a community-based, non-profit Is the agency a community-based, non-profit agency? home care Does the agency have 100% patient satisfaction? Does the agency have nationally Does the agency have over 35 years of providing services? home care the clinical services you Does the agency provide the a “peace of mind”? Does the agency provide o “Their generosity and Walker Walker (above) and Carol Keating (below) deliver handmade Christmas trees to residents Hampton. at — Atlantic News Photos by Liz Premo Haven Health Center in CHRISTMAS CRAFT CHRISTMAS With This Ad* With kindness are overwhelming,” overwhelming,” are kindness said Folkins. “The residents are appreciative of the com 33, N Specializing In… ol - - - - V *Excluding Special Orders • Expires 12-24-2007 *Excluding 20% Off Entire Purchase Purchase Entire 20% Off Located Behind The Stratham Country Store Lamps Jewelry 157 Portsmouth Ave. 157 Stratham Portsmouth NH Ave. ~ Beautiful Custom Gift Baskets 29 Lafayette Road, North Hampton, NH 03862 • 603.926.2066 • 603.430.7656 North Hampton, Road, 29 Lafayette Dried Flowers “We “We have a lot of meet The Hampton Garden Taube Taube credited her hus This labor of love was ys olida Mon,Wed-Fri 10:30 - 6:00 • Sat 12:00-5:00 Sat • 6:00 - 10:30 Mon,Wed-Fri When you, a family member, or friend need home health care services ask? what questions do you need home health care or friend a family member, you, When much much more than a holiday craft project. It offered club members an opportunity to create a lasting of expression warmth and cheer for a spe cial segment of their town’s population. ings where we for do ourselves,” things commented Power, “so it’s nice to have one where we do something for the community,” espe cially with Christmas than two weeks away. less Club’s timely efforts lauded were by Kerry recreation director at Haven Folkins, Health Center. and the little in.” pots they’re band, Kevin, with all the cutting wooden dowels, and they painted the miniature pots and put in the in inserts preparation for the actual decorating.

H 11 - - ast eaco S “We “We had many hours of It was certainly a creative what contributed all “We “This “This was the brainchild According to who Taube, found found the idea on the Inter net, the club assembled the trees during a project night held at the Museum Tuck in mid-November. Most of the members took part, hot using glue to attach the trimmings. painstakingly getting burned with guns,” laughed Power. “But glue a had really we and it did we good time doing it.” group effort from tree to top bottom as well to beginning end. as from ever we could,” said Power. “The club bought the foam beads, beads, garlands of miniature “lights,” tiny candy canes, imitation pearls and materials other gave each tree touch. creative personally a Power. said Taube,” Sandy of had “We one whole night of putting them together.” - - Open 7 Days Massage • Nails • Waxing Let us show you Men & Women’s Hair Care • Braids Men & Women’s Color Highlights • Permanent Waves Color Highlights • Permanent Waves 529 Ocean Blvd Hampton, NH (603) 926-5855 how beautiful you really are! Particularly Particularly festive were “I “I like to see their faces “I think it [brings] Simple yet ornate, the ported on wooden dowels and tucked into miniature hand-painted A garden pots. small length of around wrapped green was garland pine the base of each dowel, and a with topped was tree every small star. glittery the colorful decorations the garden club members used to embellish the trees. Rib bon, fabric trim, sequins, handmade handmade snow globes and floral arrangements to residents the at Haven Health during the holiday season. light up,” smiled Taube. the Spirit Carol member club observed of Christmas,” Keating after the final was tree delivered. trees were constructed sup cones, foam floral green of tion tion did not go unnoticed by garden club members, who in past years have brought ------r e rit W

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Garden Garden club makes Christmas delivery ntic iz

That heartfelt apprecia Indeed, Indeed, the visit brought “There are 106 total,” A A half-dozen or so mem HAMPTON | The Hamp The | HAMPTON a


Eccentric Hair tl tlantic y ciate ciate all of you.” grateful appre certainly resident “I said, Edith named the the community connection. Upon receiving her tree, a who seemed pleased with smiles to the recipients, “We made one for every resi every for one made “We dent here.” after box of the finished trees. trees. finished the of box after bers bers gathered in the foyer at Haven Health to deliver box said said Jean Power as the mem day day morning. more than 100 Christmas last trees Wednes miniature bers bers of the club went room to room as they distributed to the residents Health Center. of Haven made a special holiday deliv holiday special a made ery to bring Christmas cheer ton Garden Club recently

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om .C ews N tlantic A It took more than 20 A Christmas Story didn’t (Check out next week’s Back in the days before Since then, however, the Anyone who has man More than just a Christ In addition to “you’ll gave gave us, “double-dog dare you,” “fragee-lee — be Italian,” must and “Oh, fudge, only I didn’t say fudge.” years, but the film’s famous “leg-lamp” has now become a fixture in across bay the and country, even windows six-foot inflatable versions for the front lawn are avail able today — check display out of a them at the Run Mall in Newington. Fox set out to become a classic, but it has over been embraced the years more more frequently as and one the of most popular must-see movies of the season. Atlantic News for the top five holiday films and features.) sic overnight. The film but bombed all out of the the aters when it was originally released in 1983. everyone had VHS players at home, the film was resus citated the following day season, holi and managed to muster — over the course of mil $19 paltry a — years two lion in the theaters. movie has into propelled the who folks countless of hearts can’t go the season without a viewing or two. In fact, it’s the only holiday movie now that enjoys non-stop 24-hour runnings on cable television each season. Christmas aged to not see this film by now probably lost his eyes to a Red Ryder BB-gun mis hap. mas film, the captures the movie true essence of also middle-class life during the post-war 1940s era. Young “Ralphie,” played by Peter desperately longs Billingsley, for a “Red Ryder action carbine- BB gun,” up high but as from — told being keeps as Santa — that he’ll shoot his eye out if he gets one. shoot your eye movie is out,” packed-filled with the quotes that other memorable have become part of main stream dialogue. The film

------This story A A Christmas Story. Home Alone. Home Alone scored the 6. The film introduced to 7. It’s also the biggest Sure, it’s ridiculous and But watch closely, before the mayhem of sequence begins, and the you’ll final find the true spirit of Christ the into carefully woven mas film.Kevin,Whenplayedby Macaulay Culkin, spends a few minutes chatting in the church with old-man Mar ley, played by Roberts Blos som, while “O Holy Night” plays in the background, try tohold back thetears. Ifsuc cessful, they may just flow in the final seconds of film when the Kevin sees Mar ley in the final frames. big bucks at the box office, and for good reason. It’s must-see a holiday film. The best of day classics, the “A modern- Christmas Story” didn’t become a clas spirit of giving and how to change from bad with to good the song number, and “Put One dance Foot Front of in the Other.” pop culture a things, number of including “magic Santa’s crystal and snowball,” the evil ter “Burgermeis Meisterburger,” whichkeeps the program special and enduring to this day. is about as far-fetched from reality as the Grinch, but it’s still truly another modern- day-classic. money-making Christmas film a With inminor history. budget of only $15 million, it unexpectedly raked in $17 millionopeningonweekend alone when it was released in December, 1990. It went on to make $285 in the and US nearly worldwide, double and holds currently the spot as the that #32 all- time box-office haul. trite, but that’s ment. It’s a entertainfine example of smart,grown-upsbeingkids being stupid, and raucousslapstick violence being fun. After all, just how could an 8-year-old kid clean up that mess that he created demol ishing the entire interior of his house fending burglars? off the - - - - . There were a lot Santa Claus is Coming 8. Originally broadcast in It wasn’t the first such Perhaps what makes this 7ORKSHOP 6ISIT3ANTAS addition to the title theme. The most moving moment comes when a young Chris Kringle teaches the “mean- old Winter Warlock” the to Town of “stop-motion animation” 1960s the from made specials into the early 1970s; most of them missed their mark. But Santa Claus is Town Coming has to become a classic of the genre. 1970, the hour-long special was magically touched with the vocal talents of wood Holly legends Fred Astaire and Mickey Rooney. stop-motion special,ranksamong the best — tell but ing the story of Santa Claus, his origins, and his upbring ing, and how he came to be the jolly old elf we all know him as today. special so enduring is score, the which includes sev eral memorable songs in for someone something who to laugh needs in between about shopping binges this holiday season.

12 ------ge 9a pa FOR#HRISTMAS d from DABLE FFOR ! 0INE#ONE $ECORATIONS !&AMILY/WNED"USINESS&OR9EARS i /0%.3%6%.$!93^ #USTOM7ORK &IRS3PRUCE 7EWILT PROOF )NDOOR/UTDOOR "OXWOOD4REES 0REMIUM#UT 7REATHS4ABLE 'REENS2OPING 7REATHS4REES ˆÛiÊ/Àiià Truly, Truly, it may not be for The uncut version earns No other holiday movie Released in 1989, the >˜}½ÃÊ>˜`ÃV>«iÊ-iÀۈVi movies 0ORTSMOUTH!VE 2TE^'REENLAND .( "EAUTIFULFULL"ALSAMS œVŽi`Ê/Àiià everyone, but this film is so dead-on slapstick hilarious, it earns a deserved spot on this list as the best escape continues to hem make out of may everything encounters. he every minute of its rating, with some sharp lan PG-13 guage and innuendo rarely found in Christmas movies. family-fun-fare Versions shown on heavily television edited for are content, and safer for the little ones — albeit, less hysterical. has ever combined a swim ming pool sequence to the tune of “Mele Kalikimaka” and a disaster lighting-fast down the a side sled mountain. of No other such film makes lines “Where’s such the as, Tylenol,” side-splitting, so or get with away excusing the season holiday stress away with “a lot of help from Jack iels.” Dan ern day classic.” This was the third in film four movies made as part of the “Vaca tion” franchise, but how some stands its perfectly own in the holiday on film market. film features Chevy Chase as Clark W. Griswold, inept the father of two with his eye-rolling wife, D’Angelo, Beverly as looks Ellen, on in who awe as Clark

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menti ride a week until until week a Certified by Gem School of America DAYS 7 The library is located off Centennial Street in Seabrook. The reading will be followed by seasonal songs and hot SEABROOK SEABROOK | All aboard! It’s time to take a help get To everyone in magical the holiday spirit, the library will 12A | A 12A “

Located on U.S. Route 1 in North Hampton, just 1.5miles north of the Route 111 intersection Route 111 Located on U.S. Route 1 in North Hampton, just 1.5miles north of the

of the historic barns with 15 rooms full of book and art. of the historic barns with 15 rooms full programs, programs, call (603) 474-2044. jammies to the library for this wonderful holiday event. For more information about this event or other library host a reading of the book “The Polar Express” on Monday, December 17 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. cocoa. Children of all ages are encouraged to wear their journey to the North Pole via the Seabrook Library. Located on U.S. Route 1 in North Hampton, NH, just 1.5 miles north of the Route 111 intersection. Located on U.S. Route 1 in North Hampton, NH, just 1.5 miles north Please Call (603) 496-1811 or (603) 934-5545 Buying Estate and Contemporary Jewelry, Diamond Rings, Brooches, Brooches, Diamond Rings, Buying Estate and Contemporary Jewelry, All Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry. Charm Bracelets, Cameos, Watches, All Antiques, Antique Furniture, Oriental Rugs, Paintings, Glass, China, Glass, Paintings, Oriental Rugs, Antique Furniture, All Antiques, Antique Dolls & Toys, Lamps, Old Clocks, Pottery, Old Weathervanes, Books & Old Photography. Old Prints, Coins, Duck Decoys, Swords, Guns, age OPEN P

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Listings “’The Primary Pri Remember: “The The non-profit Scheduled to run for

Page 2 SEA show to see. mary!” is part Capitol Steps and Town,’ part with a ‘Our healthy dose of Mark C-Span and Russell,” sure “It’s Hundertmark. says to get people talking.” dedicated and talent ed eye of Aichele, NHTP’s Genevieve artis tic director. NHTP is described as being “committed innovative to and educa tional theatre program ming that serves as catalyst a for community dialogue and personal transformation.” And “The in Prima January, ry Primary!” will join of list organization’s the fine local productions. three weekends Janu ary 4-20 — actual New with Hampshire the Primary taking somewhere place in between — showtimes for “The Primary Primary!” are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 And for those p.m. who like their politics to be entertaining in a funny sort of way, this is the tlantic nation’s fate is in the Granite State!” so don’t just get out and vote — get tickets to see “The Primary Primary!” pre sented at NHTP’s black box Street Islington 959 at theatre in Portsmouth. Tickets are $22 for general admission, and $15 for Seniors. studentsReservations can be and made by calling (603) 6644, 431- ext. 5. For al addition information visit www. Hampshire Hampshire Theatre Project. The timely such musical memorable joins offeringsas “Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me,” “The Odyssey,” “Mitty!” and “The Elephant Man,” presented under the - - - - - 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 ecember 51 | D 51 | o “The Primary Primary!” On top of all this, “The ing “It’s Time to Go to New Hampshire,” “Anything for a Vote,” “The Tough Ques tion Sidestep,” and “Get Off Your Sorry A-- and Those Vote!” political junkies who consistently follow the pro cess (as well as those casual bystanders) are sure to find the lyrics most relevant and entertaining. is just one of many profes sional productions present ed over the years by New access to every candidate for something — end on months unheard of in about 48 other states.” Primary Primary!”includ songs original 14 with comes 33, N — Atlantic News Photo by Sofia Piel ol - V “The local characters composites of many of the current and past candidates that have paraded through New Hampshire,” explains Hundertmark. importantly, the play helps us appreciate “More our and unique, tenuous, hold first on in the the nation and primary the spotlight it puts on New Hampshire. We have a vote.” are recognizable presidential and candidates the are mary!” features a cast of 20 region by (played characters al actors) that range “a ‘typical’ New Hampshire from dairy farm family widely-varying to candidates the who will do anything to win

13 - - - - - December 14, Atlantic 2007 News | | Page 1 SEA Presented Presented as a full-length “When Robert contacted in-the-nation states — jumped at the we chance,” says Hundertmark. “Robert John Ford is a wonderfully witty lyr clever whose playwright ics made me actually laugh out loud during the first five minutes of my initial through.” read musical, “The Primary Pri us about this — opportunity doing simultaneous per formances at the two first- cally incorrect,” the “takes show a satirical celebratorylook at the NH pri and New small a how and maries England state plays an over sized role in the presidential nominations process.” ------Funny business Funny at NHTP — It’s all about presidential politics for the cast of “The Primary Primary!” presented January 4-20 by New Hampshire Theatre Described by NHTP as Appropriately entitled their own presidential cau cus. “hilarious and often politi Project Project (NHTP). Written by playwright/ lyricist composer/ Robert and John directed by Ford Blair Hun dertmark, this timely irreverent look and at the Gran ite State’s own presidential primary was adapted from Musi The “CAUCUS! Ford’s simultaneously running cal,” in that Midwest state during production will be presented presented be will production by New Hampshire Theatre making, just in time for the first-in-the-nation NH Presi dential Primary in January. “The Primary Primary!” the Project. - VOTE FOR ME! ------riter W

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There There are no doubt many And let’s not forget folks Then there’s acts Historically, poli

PORTSMOUTH | Politics | PORTSMOUTH Politics:


tlantic tlantic y hilarious musical is in the here here in the New Hampshire Seacoast an original and more more political comedies and comedians to consider, but kept audiences in stitches for stitches in audiences kept three decades or more. PBS-TV appearances in front of his piano keyboard have star-spangled network and like Mark Russell, the “Mas ter of Political Satire” whose political forefront. ity and humor to the the Capitol Steps con sistently bring hilar works and NationalPublic Radio stations) on television net stage productions (as well as appearances After more thanalbums and 25 countless that employed them.” set out to satirize the places and people very a troupe staff of members Senate “who like the Capitol Steps, htm cartoon/cartoons. ence check out some pretty cool cari catures too; for refer with humor as well as irony and satire (and decades, bringing forth bringing decades, the issues of the day cal cartoons across the est in people. Witness many of the old politi tics can bring out the best, worst and funni can take on a new meaning. whole ite State in particular — the word “funny” al — and in the Gran Primary Time in theUnited States in gener funnier, depending the moment. And upon when it’s and politicians can be even can be a very funny thing, B A A .. .

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Maga The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Jim Henson’s Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story 7 PM Cobra 14 14 ›› essa An Redgrave. executive learns he is the fairy-tale thief’s descendant. Seinfeld (CC) Celtics Lou Dobbs Tonight Kudlow & Company Fox Report Hardball Curtis Inside the NFL › Emeril Live My Great Cruises CSI: Miami Survivorman Modern Marvels Fashionably Late Model Next Top Raymond ››› E! News Law & Order Still Stnd The In sider Inside Edition 207 zine. Access H’wood Amo a Juan Yo Que rendón Entertain ment Beat the Press Business Rpt. Two/Half Men Wheel of Fortune Frasier Montana Cat-Hat Zoey 101 Jimmy Griffith Shootaround NBA NFL Live Am. Gladiators iTV. iTV. 1994), Nicolas Cage ’ ( ’ (CC) (2006) (CC) (CC) (CC) 6:30 “Flaw” Amen Malcolm- Mid. Sports College Hockey: Business Legend Minute If Walls Made Generatn Flip Raymond Chelsea Reba Evening News ABC Wld News NBC News NBC News Noticiero Univisión ABC Wld News Family Guy King of Feud Suite Life 8 Rules Drake Foster Lucy (N) (N) ’ ’ ’ (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) ) (CC) ’ (N) Guarding Tess 6 PM Kettle of Fish Amen TMZ (CC) Tailgate Weekly Mad Money Special Report Tucker Right › Minute Extreme Disney Cruise Line Cold Case Files Made Flip ›› Model Next Top Friends Law & Order Holiday Law Order: CI Reba News (CC) News (CC) News News (CC) Noticias Univisión News (CC) The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer Family Guy King of Queens Cross Suite Life 8 Rules Drake Camp Lucy SportsCenter (2003 ’ ’ - 2000 Citrus Bowl ’ NCAA Cup NCAA Semifinal (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) ’ 5:30 (HD) Jane- Dragon News (CC) Foot Now Football Save Cash Seinfeld Still Stnd News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) Fetch! With Curious George Accord ing-Jim That ’70s Show Tempt Montana Sponge Courage Good Interrupt (HD) (HD) ’ (CC) (CC) Mystic River (CC)

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comb — Committee Members have been doing it for you for it for you doing been have tlantic honored ood

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more than 30 years. more than We Why with 2 14A | A| A 14A 14A Umile, a five-time Hockey East Coach of “I’ve learned you can have a lot of fun “I’ve had more adventures in my 15 A A reception was held on Monday, The Good Scout Award recognizes an SEACOAST | The Daniel Webster Coun Webster Daniel The | SEACOAST Men’s Men’s Hockey Coach Dick Umile (in hat and kerchief) with the Good Scout Award during a ceremony held at the Ashworth. Scout Samuel Goodman and Boy Scout Frank Duran of Webster Hampton, and Council Daniel Michael Executive Kaufman in Director presenting UNH Cliff Taylor and Bob Cliff Taylor Shaines joined Troop 177 Scoutmaster Doug Aykroyd, Cub SO HONORED age ageage has transformed UNH hockey into one of the Year, recently entered his 18th season as the Year, Umile the head coach of the UNH Wildcats. lives thanks to Scouting,” said Duran, 15. you and campfire the around skis doing just said don’t Goodman, even 10. need a TV,” about what Scouting means to them. years than some people have in their whole Hampton Beach. Frank Duran, a Boy Scout from Troop 177 and a Cub Samuel Scout from Goodman, Pack spoke both and award the present to helped 177 in Hampton character development. December 10 Ashworth at by the the Sea on Through Through the event, proceeds are further used to the ideals through of citizenship, Scouting personal fitness, in and youth Award. individual, company or civic exemplifies group Scouting that in the community. Dick Umile, coach for New the Hampshire University Wildcats of Hockey with the 2007 Area Portsmouth Good Scout Team cil, Boy America Scouts honored proudly of PP P

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. at g 7, 2007 | A 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 | A | A 14, 2007 21, 2007 “We may “We not be as visible as some other The Daniel Webster Council has served In 2006 the Daniel Webster Council NORTH HAMPTON | The North Hamp North The | HAMPTON NORTH difficult a is season holiday the many, For “For young people it’s all about choices An outstanding player at UNH, Umile scout He served as seasons 10 for School the High (MA) Watertown head hockey coach and scouted at for the St. Louis Blues in New England for two years. not-for-profits, but Scouting church the in might neighbor’sden, door next your be in basement or at the local firehouse. ing is everywhere,” Scout said Michael Kaufman, executive director, Daniel Webster Council, BSA. thousands of young people in New Hamp shiresince 1929. It is committed to building character, citizenship, and personal fitness qualities among youth by focusing on vig orous programs of outdoor activities. served more than 19,000 youth throughout the state of New Hampshire with over 670 chartered Packs, Troops, Exploring Teams, Posts Crews, and For outreach more information programs. visit ing.or ton United Church of Christ has planned a holiday this for events Christmas of number season. An Advent Vesper will be held on December Thursday, 20 from 6-6:30 p.m. in an evening prayer service at the Little River Church, located at 95 Atlantic North Hampton. Avenue in one. Experiences of grief, loss, and depres sion often loom large. Come for conversa tion, support, and prayer of experiencing with a new the birth of the hope Jesus of healing, hope and peace at a Blue Christmas service on Tuesday, December 18 from 8:30 p.m. 7- The church will hold a Christmas the during 16 December Sunday, on Pageant services Eve Christmas and service, worship will December be 24 conducted on Monday, at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., with musical preludes respec p.m., 7:30 and p.m. 5:30 at beginning tively. For more information Christmas events, about call Joan Cuetara at (603) these 964-8343. the top programs in all of Division I hockey, guiding the Wildcats to four 13 appearances, Frozen Four ances and 17 Hockey tournament East showings in championship his 17-year career in Durham. these days and you learn a lot from experi ences and from your parents and Scoutmas ters,” said Umile. captained the 1971-72 team. After graduat ing from UNH in 1972, coaching career in the Massachusetts Umile public began his school system in Wakefield and Melrose. ecember ecember ecember - eptember D - - The Atlantic News - - To Advertise Call (603) To . Re (HD) (HD) ’ ’ 50 | D 12:30 o ) (HD) Soup Flip Run Chris Mat thews (:35) Genesis Accord ing-Jim Whacked Out Paid Suite Life Home Im Blood 3’s Co. Fast Paid Deserv 51 | D 51 | S 39 | “Factory N (CC) o ’ o - ’ - Die Hard 1992 - (CC) ( ’ 33, (CC) ’ (CC) ol 33, N 12 AM 12 33, N Soup First Wives The Plague Flip Run My Best Friend’s Housewives (12:05) 48 Hours Mystery Cómodas Mensuali dades Accord ing-Jim Cold Case Girls” Morris Cerullo Helpline Spike Fe resten Paid Suite Life Home Im Death 3’s Co. Series of Poker Poker Superstars II NHL Hockey Larry King Live Suze Orman Geraldo at Large Lockup: Holman Evening (12:10) Bikini Chain Gang Frce Peng Dinner: Impossible Sell To Colorado: River Flip This House History-Freemasons (2004) Vin Diesel ol V - ol ... V ’ V NCAA Cup NCAA Semifinal (N) Law & Order: All-Ac Patriots . How do you (CC) . 11:30 (CC) The Soup The Buzz Beltway Sports Morgan Coed Get It News (CC) (:35) Special Victims Unit (:29) Saturday Night Live (CC) (:29) Saturday Night Live (CC) Noticiero Univisión (:35) cess Elvis Lives: The Anniver 25th sary Concert Every- Raymond Comics Un. Paid Pro gram Auditions Suite Life Fresh Pr. Boon SportsCenter ’ ’ ’ ogram. (HD) (2000) Sandra Bullock. (CC) “Holiday ’ (CC) tsmouth, NH tsmouth location. (N) (N) (N) (N) ’ Lifetime Guarantee! (Live) (CC) 11 PM 11 Chelsea Law Order: CI Football Prev. SportsD Investigations Billionr Trump Journal MSNBC Report Sports Dexter Iron America Chef Color Yellowstone Flip This House Ant Wars Little People Tila Tequila Anatomy Grey’s News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) Noticias P.R. News (CC) Viewer Favorites Family Guy Comics Un. Time Life Music Mad TV Show ’06” Cheaters Suite Life Fresh Pr. Futurama Extreme-Home College Soccer: Series of Poker (CC) - Christina Milian The Chronicles of Riddick ) (HD) ’ ›› Miss Congeniality 2007 (2005) Nicole Kidman. (CC) 10:30 (CC) ( (HD) ’ Final Biscuit Jay Carr Flay Find ›› Eve Live (:45) Unscene Hindi. Suite Life Lopez Dragon-Z Lucy (CC) (CC) (CC) ’ ’ ’ (CC) (2006) Ed Speleers. ogram quit in just one hour Sketches Sketches e back it up with a Premiere. ) ee Hypnotherapy (HD) (HD) ve. • Building A Por (N) (N) (N) ’ ’ (N) (2006) (CC) Hypnosis Makes It Easy Eragon Bewitched 2007 ( 10 PM

Saturday Night Live Law & Order: SVU Final SportsD Newsroom Deal or No Deal Red Eye Gladiator Days News Universal Soldier: The Return ›› Cakes Dime Natrl Wonders Flip This House Killer Squid Secrets Vampire Real Estate Kaya ›› Women’s Women’s Murder Club Women’s Murder Club Bob Dylan: Live in Newport 1963-1965 News Pats This Week News CSI: Miami Suite Life Snowglobe Lopez One Lucy SportsCenter Guaranteed! QUIT SMOKING 1-877-574-6178 ’ - - 15 15 Two young Texas Rang young Texas Two (N) (2004, Romance) Ryan A Gosling. 9:30 (CC) . (CC) Call today for the exciting details of this pr Bruins News Divine Flip Saturday Night Live feature Chris Farley. Saturday Night Live feature Chris Farley. Friends (CC) Suite Life Drake Naruto Griffith ’ Smoke Fr ’ 118 Maplewood A Wrangler National Finals Championship. (N) Individual sessions by appointment at our Por Stop Smoking In 1 Hour Madea’s Family Reunion The Notebook know it will work for you? W 9 PM 95% of smokers who use our pr (2004) (HD) Af Ben Law & Order: SVU Celebrity Larry King Live Suze Orman Special Prog. Lockup: Holman News ›› Dinner: Impossible Color Natrl Wonders Flip This House History-Freemasons Flip Model Next Top Christmas in Paradise ›› man tells a story to a woman about two lovers. 30 Rock (CC) 30 Rock (CC) Friends Dead Man’s Walk ers forge a lifelong friendship. America’s Most Back Wanted-Fights Suite Life School Naruto Rodeo Women’s College Volleyball SportsCenter (2004) (HD) Af Ben ’ No Gimmicks, Gums, Patches or Lasers... (2002) (HD) Elijah Wood. (2000) Sandra Bullock. (CC) (1993, Arnold Fantasy) Christina Milian (2005) Jennifer Lopez. - ) (CC) (CC) (CC) (N) ’ ’ (HD) (HD) ’ ’ (2006) Jamie Foxx. (CC) 8:30 (CC) 2007 ) ( Recipes. (HD) Evening Deserv Cops Suite Life Jordan Goos (2004) Vincent Spano. (CC) (2006) Jay Chandrasekhar. ’ ’ (CC) ’ “Pilot” “Pilot” (CC) ’ , Drama $ $ (CC) Dreamgirls Beerfest Miss Congeniality Monster-in-Law Last Action Last Hero 8 PM Surviving Christmas Surviving Christmas 50 Most Outrageous TV Moments Law & Order: SVU Fight League Investigations Billionr Trump Geraldo at Large MSNBC Report Evening ››› ›› Dexter Emeril Live Sell To Colorado: River Flip This House History-Freemasons The Plague Little People ›› Model Next Top ›› Holiday at Pops › fleck. Premiere. Chuck (CC) Chuck (CC) Sábado Gigante › fleck. Premiere. Viewer Favorites My Music: Doo Wop Love Songs American Idol Re wind ›› Austin O’Brien. Schwarzenegger, COPS (CC) Landslide Suite Life Snowglobe iCarly Goos 2006 ( - Memphis at MTSU - - - ’ Maga Blue Jackets at Bruins (Live) (HD) (1987, Drama) Michael Douglas. 7:30 House Raymond Suite Life Drake Goos SportsCenter Special La Paro dia Two/Half Men Jeopardy! Simpsons Paid Pro gram 207 zine. (CC) (CC) Put your ad here. Put your ’ ’ -

(CC) (HD) (N) ) (1985) (CC) The Lord of the Rings: Towers The Two Wall Street Wall rtsrts (2005) (CC) (2006) Jet Li. Mercy Mission: The Rescue of Flight 771 7 PM › 1993, Drama) Robert Loggia. 2007 AA A Dad A for Christmas E! News Weekend Monk Iron America Chef My Yellowstone Flip This House Mystery King Tut’s Modern Marvels Property Ladder Model Next Top Raymond ›› Suite Life Drake Goos ››› SportsCenter College Basketball: Boxing Poker Superstars II NHL Hockey: This Week at War Deal or No Deal Fox Report Predator Raw TV Diner Familia de Diez Entertainment To night Paul McCartney: Space Two/Half Men Wheel of Fortune ›› ( Seinfeld (CC) UFC Wired Paid Pro gram All-Access Patriots Green’s Maine Access Hollywood (N) ( - & & (2006) Dorian Missick. (Live) 6:30 (CC) ) (CC) 24 Hour Flip Sex & Suite Life Sponge Bruins Paid Evening Noticiero Univisión Wrld News Sat Every- Raymond King of Queens 70s CBS News Wrld News Sat NBC News NBC News ’ ’ (CC) “The Spirit ’ ’ Jet Li’s Fearless - Premium Just Like Heaven (HD) (CC) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) ››› ›› ›› WITH COUPON ’ (N) (2001) (CC) , Drama inmentinment ntertanterta Santa Claus: The Movie limousine 6 PM (HD) Nicole Kidman Psych (:15) (:15) Challenge Get It Seven Wonders Flip This House Great Pyramid Flip ›› Model Next Top Sex & Suite Life Sponge Grandma-Run Great Quotes Football Prev. The Buzz Lou Dobbs Paid Tim Russert Evening (:15) Que Lo cura News (CC) Family Guy King of Queens Kung Fu Helper” TMZ Auditions News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) EE 2006 (CC) ( ’ - - - Ohio at Kansas. - NCAA Division NCAA III Final ’ (N) Tar Tar

(CC) BEAUCHAMP’S BEAUCHAMP’S 5:30 tt eacoaseacoas (N) King Remix Angel Flip News Cruisin Paid gram Real Es tate Suite Life Sponge Celtic Woman: A Christmas Celtic A Cel Woman: ebration Will & Grace Paid Pro SS (CC) DAVIS LIMOUSINE DAVIS - - Christmas

Love Stinks | |

The Break-Up › ›› ’ (N) 10% DISCOUNT10% (CC) ’ omom omom CAR & LIMOUSINE SERVICE Lara Croft: Tomb Lara Raider Croft: Tomb

5 PM 603-944-3242 603-300-3937 .C.C .C.C Angelina Jolie The Bone Collector Under the Mistletoe King ›› Color Seven Wonders Angel Egypt’s Lost Queen 1968 Brokaw With Tom Flip Christmas A Carol Model Next Top Fox News Live Death-Dentist News Sand and Sorrow (4:30) (4:35) Holiday Spirit Great Quotes College Football: College Basketball Ringside College Basketball Red Sox Newsroom Paid gram Paid Pro gram 24 Suite Life Christmas in Boston Sponge Casper’s-Christmas Andre Rieu Will & Grace (4:00) Carol: The Movie Paid Pro PGA Tour Golf: Tour PGA get World Challenge Golf: Tour PGA get World Challenge Primer Impacto: Fin de Semana Manning, Brady, Favre Viewer Favorites College Basketball: Wooden Tradition Manning, Brady, Favre SEDAN 10, 14, 22 PASSENGER AVAILABLE NIGHTS OUT • PROMS • AIRPORT Establish your place in the community. place your Establish ewsews ewsews

$ $ NN NN (CW) (IND) (UNI) (PAX) (FOX) (PBS) (PBS) (CBS) (ABC) (NBC) (ABC) (NBC) WBZ-4






- ’ - om om ’ ’ ’ ) .C La .C ’ ’ (HD) 12:30 (HD) RealWrld Snoop Lyons & Lyons Bailes Law/Ord SVU Extra (CC) M. The atre Sex and the City Paid Pro gram Paid Suite Life Feed Home Im Venture Griffith SportsCtr Blame Paid Paid Coed MoNique Christ 2002 ( ews ews (CC) N N - (HD) ) Forrest Gump Enough › 12 AM 12 › › (CC) › Little People The Blue Lagoon The Hills › Tim Tim Mc Carver Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Whacked Out Sports Extra la Tras Verdad Virgen Morena. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Best of NHPTV Sex and the City Without a Trace “Doppelganger” Feed the Children Atlantis Stargate Wraith prisoners. Paid Suite Life J. Osteen Rose Xavier Griffith Bronx-Burning Sport Science Paid Larry King Live Big Brother America Hannity’s Evening Atlantic City Iron America Chef Sell To Odyssey Tribal The First 48 Planet Earth Girls Law & Order: SVU Diva’s Cmas tlantic . 2002 ’ ’ tlantic ( ’ - ’ . (N) (N) . (Live) (HD) (HD) 11:30 A (CC) (HD) A Run Sports Final Ebert & Roeper News (CC) News (CC) Noticiero Univisión Ebert & Roeper Two/Half Men Seinfeld (CC) Paid Suite Life Cosby Chicken Jeffer Mind SportsD Sports Coed Confidential Diners Living Ed Para Chelsea ) (CC) ’ (CC) ’ Reign of Fire 2006 › (N) (N) (N) ( (CC) › Matthew Modine ) ) Jennifer Lopez ) 11 PM 11 Shockwave Little People Run News (CC) News (CC) Noticias P.R. News (CC) Barry Manilow: Songs From the Seventies Two/Half Men Without a Trace Live From Liberty News (CC) Simp Suite Life Fresh Pr. Fam. Guy Jeffer SportsCenter Bronx-Burning Mind The Buzz Investigations Buffett Warren Geraldo at Large The Confessions of a Serial Killer Sports Cakes What Get Odyssey Tribal Para Planet Earth (:15) The Soup Law & Order: SVU Medium “Legacy” Urban Legends: Bloody Mary 2006 1985 ( Michael Douglas ( - ) - - - Viewer’s favorite pro orth? ’ 2005 ( From Giants From Giants “Re (N) 2003 ( , Holly Hunter . ® An en ) Deck the Halls 10:30 (CC) Frasier (CC) Suite Life Fresh Pr. Futurama Sanford Final Red Sox Screen › First Snoop “Rush” (CC) ’ W 03801 2004 ’ (CC) ( . Vision Vision Quest (CC) (CC) › (N) (N) (CC) (N) . Brothers & Sis › “Home Front” “Home Front” (2000) (CC) Premiere. . Jim Carrey The In-Laws Monster-in-Law Snakes on a Plane ) (CC) (CC) 10 PM › › › Little People › Tila Tequila › Survivor: China union Show” (CC) (:01) Brothers & Sis ters (:01) ters The Best of NHPTV grams. News Frasier (CC) News CSI: Miami Suite Life Lopez Futurama Sanford Football Live Bronx-Burning (:15) Final Newsroom Ultimate Fighting The Line-Up Mind-Manson News › Holiday Dishes Property Tribal-Namal The First 48 Fearless Planet Girls Dexter “Prime Suspect: The - 2003 ( . ’ - - (N) . Elijah Wood (N) REALTOR The Incredibles 9:30 , Robin Wright ® (HD) › (HD) (Live) (HD) (Live) (HD) › (Part 1 of 2) (HD) ’ ’ That ’70s Show American Dad Suite Life › Lopez Courage M*A*S*H News On Set Snoop “Pilot” ’ ) Round ) (N) (CC) . (N) (CC) ’ 2003 (CC) (CC) (N) ( (CC) 2001 Jennifer Lopez ( Bruce Almighty Bruce 9 PM ) SRES Tom Hanks Tom › ) Little People Tila Tequila Desperate House wives Desperate House wives Masterpiece Theatre Act” Final Crowned-Pageants That ’70s Show Family Guy The Shield Suite Life Home Im Jimmy M*A*S*H Bronx-Burning Fight League Nation Reward Larry King Live Business Nation America Hannity’s News Extras Iron America Chef Hol. Windows Tribal-Namal The First 48 Planet Earth Girls › Diva’s A Christmas Carol Dexter RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Matthew Modine ) (CC) ’ Viewer’s favorite pro 2005 May through September (Call for post times) ( Redskins Washington Giants. at New York Redskins Washington Giants. at New York ’ ’ ’ 1994 ( - ’ 1985 Ed Speleers “A Slippery “A Little Sucker” (N) ( ) ) . (N) (N) , Jessalyn Courtenay Gilsig, Tom 8:30 (CC) (HD) (HD) Outdoors Net Evening Christ King of the Hill Suite Life Jimmy M*A*S*H “Rush” 2006 2006 ( ( (CC) (CC) Earn a point live for or every simulcast! dollar you wager, ) ’ NFL NFL Football NFL Football (2004) (CC) Racing Premiere. Forrest Gump 1977 Eragon The Wedding Planner Monster-in-Law Vision Vision Quest ) 8 PM ( › (CC) › › › › › Adam Sandler Outdoors Investigations Beyond Geraldo at Large The Confessions of a Serial Killer Evening › Challenge Sell To Odyssey Tribal The First 48 Planet Earth › Little People › Tila Tequila Survivor: China (Season Finale) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (:15) Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. (:15) Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. Bailando por un Sueno: Campeonato Internacional de Baile Parejas compiten para ganar el premio más grande. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Secret Law At of traction The Best of NHPTV grams. America’s Next Top Model CSI: Miami ’ Simpsons Without a Trace Suite Life Unfabulous Chowder M*A*S*H College Basketball Bronx-Burning › › Nicole Kidman ) Robert Carlyle ) 2004 - Incorporated. - ( PAM BAILEY, PAM ’ ’ ’ 2004 ( 603-334-1900 x 1916 603-770-0369 [email protected] 25 Maplewood Ave, Portsmouth, NH Owned and operated by NRT (CC) Open Open Year (N) (N) (CC) 7:30 (CC) (HD) . (CC) , Drama ’ Red Sox St Wall Evening House The OT (CC) Auditions Suite Life iCarly Chowder Griffith “Blood s Reward Mission: Impossible III (CC) (CC) › 2007 › ( › (CC) ’ (CC) ) (CC) ’

. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Incredibles 50 First Dates 7 PM › › › › › 60 Minutes Women’s Women’s College Basketball Miracle Newsroom Diabetes Fox Report Attraction Fatal Drm (6:50) Winter Treats My Odyssey Tribal Cold Case Files Planet Earth History Rocks Little People Tila Tequila › E! News Weekend › Christmas at Edge Water’s America’s Funniest Home Videos Football Night in America Football Night in America La Hora Pico America’s Funniest Home Videos CW Now (N) CSI: Miami line” Flood gineer must save London from a flood. 70s Suite Life › Jordan Foster Griffith SportsCenter Bronx-Burning 16 2005 ( Viewer’s favorite pro Nicole Kidman Star Wars IV: A New A Hope Star IV: Wars ) › › › (N) › Live yhound Gre 2004 ALCS 2004 Thoroughbred, Harness Thoroughbred, and Greyhound Racing from tracks around the country 7 Days and 7 Nights a week 2005 6:30 ( (HD) k Seabroo Kate Hudson News (CC) Running J. Osteen Evening (:45) Property ABC News NBC News NBC News Noticiero Univisión ABC News Paid Suite Life Naked Griffith Soup (CC) ) “Daniela” . ’ “Dateline: (CC) - ) PRICE $409,900 $449,000 $525,000 $289,900 $479,000 $10,999 2004 Wager Wager by phone on races at Seabrook and Thoroughbred other and top Harness Greyhound, tracks (Call for details) (N) (N) (N) (N) (

(HD) (CC) 1996 ( Bewitched 6 PM (CC) › (CC) Evening News Biscuit Lou Dobbs Paid Fox News Sunday Meet the Press Evening Disney World Weekend Odyssey Tribal Cold Case Files Planet Earth Spaces Trading Tila Tequila › News (CC) News News (CC) Que Lo cura News (CC) Viewer Favorites The Best of NHPTV grams. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer Cold Case ’ ION Life Surviving Cancer” Paid Suite Life Santa Claus School Class of 3000 Griffith Bronx-Burning MLB Baseball: Snoop - Philadelphia Eagles at - - ’ ’ (N) Robin Williams (2004) Elisa Donovan. - Tar Tar ) 5:30 Raising Helen (HD) › (N) 1995 Paid News › The Game Paid Pro gram Suite Life iCarly Girls (CC) ( hat your hat house is (CC) (CC) ’ ’ sting Simulca - Walk the Walk Line Phonebet Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire › › ’ Deer Valley › › ’ › (N) ) (N) (N) ›

- (CC) ’ The First Wives Club Jumanji 5 PM › W › › 51 Women’s Women’s College Basketball NHL Hockey Newsroom Paid Big Story Weekend City in Fear News (4:00) (:15) › Paula’s Party Decked Out Hunt Treasure Cold Case Files Planet Earth How the Earth Made Was Spaces Trading Shes Tila Tequila My Best Friend’s The Lord of the Rings: Towers The Two Skiing Celebrity Skifest. Holiday With the Stars Golf: Tour PGA get World Challenge Golf: Tour PGA get World Challenge Primer Impacto: Fin de Semana Holiday With the Stars (4:00) Viewer Fa vorites (4:00) The Best of NHPTV Girl friends (4:00) Black Widower (2006 Paid Pro gram (4:00) NFL Football Cowboys. Stadium From in Texas Irving, Texas. 24 Suite Life Without Santa iCarly Save Christmas Gunsmoke The Contender Bronx-Burning MLB Baseball Girls › Eve’s Christmas o (CW) (UNI) (IND) (PAX) (FOX) (PBS) (PBS) (CBS) (ABC) (ABC) (NBC) (NBC) 33, N WBZ-4







------14, 2007 14, 2007 | V 14, 2007 concert

concert ecember

ecember | D pops |D

304 Cabot St, #3 Portsmouth 304 Cabot St, Exeter Rd, Tuck 315 Friar 15 Kimberly Drive, North Hampton 15 Kimberly Drive, Hampton Ave, 2 Dumas Hampton 25 Playhouse Circle, #10 Hampton 989 Ocean Blvd, ews ews N

holiday N (Schedule subject to change) holiday tlantic

tlantic Wondering ntertainment presents hosts Call me for a complimentary pricing opinion! SEA | A On Route 107 off I-95 at Exit 1 in Seabrook, NH E MLS 2663135 MLS 2672749 MLS 2672749 MLS 2676501 MLS 2657617 MLS 2669819 MLS ADDRESS 4 16A | A 16A The public is invited to attend this free The program include selections per HAMPTON | Band and chorus students chorus and Band | HAMPTON General admission for this holiday event holiday this for admission General The 55-member SWS ensemble rehearses rehearses ensemble SWS 55-member The The Strafford Wind Symphony (SWS) The concert will be held on Thursday, ROCHESTER | In the spirit of giving WHS 603-474-3065 age age ROH holiday event. For more information, WHS call at (603) 926-3395. formed by the Cham the Ride”), “Sleigh Anderson’s Concert Leroy Band (including ber Singers, Jazz Bands and Chorus. December 17 at 7 p.m. in the Winnacunnet Auditorium. Community at Winnacunnet High School will present their annual Holiday Concert on Monday, or at the door the evening mance. of the perfor for students and Seniors are $10, and $5 for children age 12 and under. Tickets may be purchased by calling (603) 335-1992; online at; annually in a variety of settings. at the Rochester Opera House is $15; tickets music educators, the the ensemble majority from other come professions. The ensemble performs nearly to a dozen concerts cert will close with a holiday sing-along. weekly at the Rochester While Middle many School. members are professional classic seasonal music, specifically written for resonating wind throughout symphony, the hall in the spirit of the season. The con version of Tchaikovsky’s “Dance of the Jest version of Tchaikovsky’s ers” composed as for “The Snow Maidens” ballet. The audience will also be treated to Rochester-based Rochester-based Homeless Center for Straf ford County. will open the concert with a very spirited December 20, at 7 p.m. proceeds Half raised the concert will be donated to the Holiday Pops Concert with a special formance the per of Night “Twas Before Christ mas” set to music and narrated by WTSN’s Mike Pomp. News Director, and celebration, the Rochester Opera House Opera Rochester the celebration, and presents the Strafford Wind Symphony’s P P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . - - - - SEA 17A 5

age ’ age concert

| P | P . arol ews g ews C presents



ing R tlantic tlantic ’ hristmas C presents

ntertainment layers ‘A P E www.playersring.or 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 HAMPTON HAMPTON | The Hampton Commu Admission is by donation at the door. For more information, contact David PORTSMOUTH | The Players’ Ring, a With stellar cast under the direction of Dan, a recent graduate of the Univer horale and 7 p.m. Tickets for general are $10 for members, $12 for non-members. admission Student and Senior tickets are $8 for mem bers, $10 for non are members. suggested and Reservations can be made by calling (603) 436-8123. For more information about Christmas “A Carol” and the Players’ Ring, visit nity Chorale will present its annual Holiday annual its present will Chorale nity Concert on Saturday, December p.m. at 15the First Congregational Church at of Road. Winnacunnet 127 3 at located Hampton, Under the direction of David Morochnick, assistant Wilson, Lee and director, founding director, the chorale will present a variety of holiday music, from popular traditional holiday songs to classical pieces. In short, there will be something for everyone. Great music, refreshments, door prizes and drawings will make a fun community expe rience not to be missed. And, rumor has it that Santa might even make an appearance. Sides at (603) 490-7378 or Katie Ells at (603) 926-5520. located at 105 Marcy Street in Portsmouth, continues its annual holiday tradition with their production of “A Christmas adapted Carol,” by founder F. Gary Newton from the classic novel by Charles Dickens. year’s this Carol” Beaulieu, “Christmas Dan at the Ring promises experience that brings some surprising new to be an vision to Newton’s well known script. exciting sity of New Hampshire with a Theater degree and in Dance, brings an list of director impressive credits, including his award- winning direction of “The Diary of Adam & Eve.” “A Christmas Carol” runs at Players’ the Ring from now through December Saturday p.m., 8 at Friday on shows with 23 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 3 p.m. C ecember ecember D - - - for as little as ’ $65 per month! Find it in Atlantic News & Find it in Atlantic ’ Portsmouth Atlantic News (N) 51 | D 51 | (CC) . 12:30 (CC) (CC) o Special Frasier Half & Half Paid Pro gram King of the Hill Paid Kim Whose? Home Im Shin Griffith Con 50 Top Paid PsychoIII 8 Heads Over Food Late Late Show Late Night Late Night Greater Boston Every- Raymond (CC) (CC) ’ ’ - ’ - Jimmy Kim Jimmy Kim Alpha Dog ’ ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) 33, N (Live) (HD) (N) The Wood (CC) 12 AM 12 › Final Paid Larry King Live Ultimate Fighting Hannity & Colmes Countdown News (12:15) Holly Holiday Cookie Sell To Feasty Intervention Ark Noah’s Modern Marvels Jon & Kate Plus 8 Tila Tequila › Without a Trace Daily 10 Law Order: CI Frasier (12:06) mel Live La Hora de la Risa (12:06) mel Live Austin City Limits “John Mayer” Friends Comics Un. Paid Pro gram Simpsons Paid Replace Whose? Fresh Pr. Stroker Griffith Fast Sweet Science ) ol ’ V Pierce Brosnan ) , Horror (CC) (N) PRCA 11:30 “KT Outdoors LateNight Holly Unwrap First Food Angel Little Sex & Chelsea Will South Park Seinfeld (CC) Cheaters Montana Home Im Boon M*A*S*H SportsCenter Late Show With Da vid Letterman (:35) Nightline Show The Tonight With Jay Leno Show The Tonight With Jay Leno Noticiero Univisión (:35) Nightline Charlie Rose (CC) Every- Raymond (HD) (CC) ’ (CC) , Action , ’ ’ 2006 ( ’ . (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) 1997 (CC) ( Hostel 11 PM 11 › (CC) Best Damn 50 SportsD Mad Money The O’Reilly Factor Documentary LateNight Attell Dave › Good House Fest Angel Announced Be To Little Tila Tequila Sex & Cold Case E! News Law & Order: SVU Will (CC) Firebrand News Reno 911 Suite Life The 700 Club Rose Fam. Guy M*A*S*H Bull Riding: News (CC) News (CC) News News (CC) Noticias Univisión News (CC) Soundstage Tunstall” Sex and the City Cheers (HD) Topeka, Kan. Topeka, - ’ (HD) ’ ’ ’ ’ Ed Speleers (N) ) (CC) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) Dante’s Peak “The “The 10:30 (CC) › Sports Hot Secret Buy Me Para › Fam. Guy The Soup Outdoors Life De Lopez Naruto Design Dog Show Frasier (CC) “Miami (CC) (CC) 2006 (CC) (CC) ’ ’ ( (CC) (CC) Soñando ’ (CC) (N) (N) (N) (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) (Live) (N) ’

Eragon 10 PM › Sports SportsD Anderson Cooper 360 The Big Idea On the Record Documentary News › Dexter Diners House Anthony Bourdain Para Man vs. Wild History Rocks Quint-essential Fam. Guy Saving Grace Soup CSI: Miami Confidential” October Road (HD) Journeyman Hanged Man” Journeyman Hanged Man” Cristina Contigo. October Road (HD) Sol-Fa Christ Tonic mas News Frasier (CC) 48 Hours News 70s So Raven Jack Frost Lopez Ed, Edd Design Who’s Number 1? 17 A new A production of “The Rise - - - Little Miss Sunshine 9:30 (CC) (CC) (N) › ) › Red Sox › Potential Fam. Guy Engage ment Under belly Under belly Holiday Train The Game Jeopardy! Who’s Boss? Home Im Grim Design (HD) Oklahoma City. (HD) (CC) each month Lauren Conrad’s reflections. First Friday of First Friday of 2003 Along” “Ride ( (N) (N) (CC) , Sinbad ) (HD) ’ ) - ’ Chicago Bears at Minnesota Vikings. 9 PM The Hills Best Damn 50 Larry King Live Ultimate Fighting Hannity & Colmes Abrams Dan News Holiday Cookie Color Hamburger Intervention Da Vinci Code Gangland Jon & Kate Plus 8 Fam. Guy The Closer The Soup Presents WWE Monday Night Raw Lost Holiday: Jim & Suzanne Two/Half Two/Half Men Samantha Who? Pasión Samantha Who? Great Performances and Fall of the City of Mahagonny.” Girl friends News Who’s Boss? K-Ville (N) Christmas Home Im Foster Design Dog Show Boxing 2006 1996 ( ( (HD) (CC) ) ) Musicians nurture Musicians nurture (N) - - (N) 2006 2007 ( ( ’ 8:30 (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) CEO Secret Over Food Little Friends Reba Mama’s Family Full Hse. M*A*S*H NFL Football Big Bang Theory Aliens in America ’ ’ Advertise monthly... (CC) ’ “Babies & (N) (N) (Series Pre (Series Pre Contact your local sales representative forinformation more about advertising. 603-926-4557 Happy Feet Cocaine Cowboys Lara Croft Tomb Lara Raider: Croft The Tomb Cradle of Life The Lizzie McGuire Movie All Jingle the Way 8 PM › › › › › › › Tila Tila Tequila Best Damn 50 Nation Reward Out in the Open Fast Money The O’Reilly Factor Countdown NewsNg Hard as Nails › › Good Sell To Feasty Intervention Ark Noah’s Modern Marvels Little › Friends Law & Order E! Special Law & Order: SVU Reba Mama’s Family House Bathwater” Olive-Reindeer › › Barnyard Looney Tunes M*A*S*H Boxing How I Met Duel miere) Clash of the Choirs hometown talent in a choral competition. Clash of the Choirs hometown talent in a choral competition. Amar sin Límites Duel miere) Antiques Roadshow “Oklahoma City” The Nutcracker With Mikhail Baryshnikov Hates Chris Phil Dr. ’ - - Albany (N.Y.) at Duke. Albany (N.Y.) - - ’ (N) (CC) . (CC) 7:30 (HD) (CC) Exposed Still Stnd House Raymond Daily 10 Suite Life School Foster Griffith Golf Hot TV Diner Chronicle Chroni cles NH Out look Two/Half Men Jeopardy! (N) Alice Simpsons Frasier Entertain ment Chronicle (CC) Inside Edition Extra (CC) (CC) - - ’ (CC) ) (N)

’ - ’ (N) Maga rts 2001 ( Bruce Willis 7 PM ) (HD) A ) Still Stnd Emeril Live My Food Heavens CSI: Miami Survivorman Modern Marvels Little People Raymond Law & Order E! News Law Order: CI Montana PinocchioC’mas Zoey 101 Lazlo Griffith Monday Night Countdown College Basketball Am. Gladiators Sports Lou Dobbs Tonight Kudlow & Company Fox Report Hardball Curtis Alice Seinfeld (CC) Frasier Yo Amo a Juan Yo Que rendón Entertain ment Greater Boston Business Rpt. Two/Half Men Wheel of Fortune The In sider Inside Edition 207 zine. Access H’wood 2006 & ( 1983 ’ ’ ( ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) 6:30 Meet Applegates the › Made Reba › If Walls Made Little Raymond Suite Life 8 Rules Drake Scooby Lucy Schwab Sports Business Amen Malcolm- Mid. Feud Noticiero Univisión ABC Wld News Family Guy King of Queens Evening News ABC Wld News NBC News NBC News (N) (N) ’ ’ 16 Blocks Psycho II ’ › › › (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) › › ’ (N) A Wave of Savings $$$ inment nterta The Wedding Planner 6 PM › E Reba (:15) (:05) Holiday Feast Offbeat Food Heavens Cold Case Files Made Little › Friends Law & Order E! Special Law & Order: SVU Suite Life 8 Rules Drake Scooby Lucy SportsCenter Football Live Schwab Score Faith Rewarded Mad Money Special Report Tucker Right Amen TMZ (CC) Cross Noticias Univisión News (CC) The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer Family Guy King of Queens News (CC) News (CC) News News (CC) ’ ’ - - ’ ’ ’ (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (CC) ’ 5:30 t eacoas (HD) Made Seinfeld Still Stnd Save Cash Cooking Good Interrupt Paintball Hot gram News (CC) Tempt Life De Sponge Courage Paid Pro Fetch! With Curious George Accord ing-Jim That ’70s Show News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) S ’ (CC) (CC) section! - (CC) Eragon |

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) - - - - ’ ’ om omom ’ 2007 (CC) © ( ) .C (CC) .C.C 12:30 (HD) (CC) Tila Down Special Frasier Half & Half Paid Pro gram King of the Hill Paid Kim Whose? Home Im Shin Griffith Fast 50 Top Paid Sand Flay Kitchen Late Late Show Late Night Late Night Tavis Smiley Every- Raymond (CC) (CC) (CC) “RV” ews 2005 ’ ’ ewsews - ( ’ - Jimmy Kim Jimmy Kim Globe Trek N NN ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (DVS) Saw II 12 AM 12 › Modern Marvels London Ink Affair-Rememb. Sex & Saving Grace Daily 10 Law & Order: SVU Frasier Comics Un. Paid Pro gram Simpsons Paid Replace Whose? Home Im Chicken Griffith NFL Live The Contender Duke It Out Final Paid Larry King Live Deal or No Deal Hannity & Colmes Countdown News Morgan Busty Models › Flay Sell To Luxe Life CSI: Miami Dirty Jobs: Bite (12:06) mel Live La Hora de la Risa (12:06) mel Live Greater Boston (12:02) ker Friends tlantic ’ tlantictlantic ’ The (N) (CC) (CC) ) (CC) (CC) (N) PRCA 11:30 A Tila Tila Tequila Sex & Chelsea Will South Park Seinfeld (CC) Cheaters Montana Fresh Pr. Fam. Guy M*A*S*H Football Hot Patriots Love Unwrap Potential Late Show With Da vid Letterman (:35) Nightline Show The Tonight With Jay Leno Show The Tonight With Jay Leno Noticiero Univisión (:35) Nightline (:31) Office Every- Raymond (CC) A A (CC) ’ ’ ) (HD) ’ (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) The (CC) 2006 (CC) ( , Fantasy ) 11 PM 11 (CC) Miami Ink Shot Frank TV Saving Grace E! News Law & Order: SVU Will (CC) Firebrand News Reno 911 Suite Life The 700 Club Rose Futurama M*A*S*H SportsCenter Varsity Bull Riding: Best Damn 50 SportsD Mad Money The O’Reilly Factor Documentary Patriots Good My Holiday Magic CSI: Miami After the Climb News (CC) News (CC) News News (CC) Noticias Univisión News (CC) Charlie Rose (CC) (:01) Office Sex and the City Cheers (HD) 1984 1999 ( ( - ’ Su ) ’ (Live) (Live) (N) “Green “Green ’ ’ . 10:30 Office Girls My Ink Life De Nestor Lopez Naruto Griffith Varsity Sports The Secrets (:31) pernova Frasier (CC) (CC) (HD) (CC) 1997 ’ ’ (HD) ( (CC) (CC) Cynthia - ’ ) Final Destination 3 (N) › (N) (N) (N) “Open and › Su American Beauty A Christmas A Carol › › 10 PM › › Miami Ink › Tila Tequila Office Saving Grace Girls Law & Order: SVU News 70s So Raven Night Lopez Ed, Edd Griffith Varsity Auction Car Sports SportsD Anderson Cooper 360 American Levi On the Record Documentary News (:15) › Paul Mooney: Jesus Is Black The Secret Life Of... House Christmas Ext. CSI: Miami Everest: Limit Cane Shut” Boston Legal Christmas” Para Ver Creer Boston Legal Christmas” (:01) pernova News Frasier (CC) , Drama - Kentucky at . ’ (Season Finale) (Season Finale) - “An Unreasonable Man” 2002 ( ’ (CC) . (N) 9:30 (CC) . (N) Fam. Guy So Raven Home Im Grim Griffith Golf Dest Flay 24 Hour Treas Accord ing-Jim Min Yes, ister Jeopardy! (CC) (CC) . ) (CC) Angle “Side - “All Mine” (CC) “Act Your “Act Your (HDTV PA) ’ (N) (N) (N) 1985 , John Schneider, , Jenna John Boyd Schneider, (CC) (CC) ( ’ On the 2nd Day of Christmas 9 PM › The Universe London Ink Tila Tequila Fam. Guy Law & Order E! Special Law & Order: SVU › Mary Christmas Gibb House Age” Christmas Glory Home Im Grinch Griffith College Basketball Coast-to-Coast NBA Boxing Best Damn 50 Golf Dest Larry King Live Deal or No Deal Hannity & Colmes Abrams Dan News Dexter Flay Decorat Treas CSI: Miami Dirty Jobs: Bite The Unit Side” Conversations With Carlos Watson The Biggest Loser (CC) The Biggest Loser (CC) Pasión Accord ing-Jim Independent Lens (N) As Time Goes By Reaper (HD) News Wesley Snipes ’ ’ Jamie Foxx ) ) ’ Christina Milian ) (N) 1995 (N) ’ 2006 ( e competition (N) ( 8:30 2007 ( (CC) Business Kitchen Fam. Guy Reba Mama’s Family Full Hse. M*A*S*H Keeping Up (CC) (N) (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) “RV” ’ ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ) “The Body in (HD) H (CC) (CC) “Missing in “Tribes” (N) (N) (CC) 2006 Dreamgirls Santa Claus: The Movie ( 8 PM Money Train › › › Sport Science Out in the Open Fast Money The O’Reilly Factor Countdown NewsNg › › Christmas-NY Sell To Luxe Life CSI: Miami Dirty Jobs: Bite Modern Marvels Ink LA › Tila Tequila Fam. Guy Law & Order E! Special Law & Order: SVU Reba Mama’s Family Bones the Book” Christmas at Nightmare-Christmas Snowglobe Drake Grandma-Run M*A*S*H Boxing NCIS (HD) Duel Clash of the Choirs (Live) Clash of the Choirs (Live) Amar sin Límites Duel Nova Alley” MiG Being Served Crowned-Pageants Phil Dr. t ’ - - - ’ (N) (CC) ) (CC) 7:30 Celtics TV Diner House Raymond Daily 10 Still Stnd Alice Simpsons Frasier Suite Life School Foster Griffith NFL’s Greatest Game Entertain ment Chronicle (CC) Inside Edition Extra (CC) Chronicle One on One NH Out look Two/Half Men Jeopardy! (N) (CC) H - - 2006 ’ (CC) ( (N) - ’ (CC) . (N) Maga

Akeelah and the Bee 7 PM › › Sports Mohegan AKC Sun Challenge Dog Show Lou Dobbs Tonight Kudlow & Company Fox Report Hardball Curtis › Emeril Live My Super Yachts CSI: Miami Man vs. Wild Modern Marvels Cmas Lights Tila Tequila Raymond Law & Order E! News Law Order: CI Still Stnd Alice Seinfeld (CC) Frasier Montana Shiny Year Zoey 101 Lazlo Griffith College Basketball NFL Live Am. Gladiators The In sider Inside Edition 207 zine. Access H’wood Amo a Juan Yo Que rendón Entertain ment Greater Boston Business Rpt. Two/Half Men Wheel of Fortune 18 18 ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) Tom Skerritt Tom ) (CC) 6:30 (CC) . Sports Red Sox Business Minute If Walls Made Flip That Raymond Reba Amen Malcolm- Mid. Feud Cory 8 Rules Drake Scooby Lucy Football Schwab Evening News ABC Wld News NBC News NBC News Noticiero Univisión ABC Wld News Family Guy King of Queens (N) (N) (CC) ’ 1979 ’ ( X-Men: The Last Stand › (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) › ’ (N) Alien 6 PM › › Score The Mad Money Special Report Tucker Right (:15) › Minute Small Houseboats Cold Case Files Made High Hitler Flip Tila Tequila Friends Law & Order E! Special Law & Order: SVU Reba News (CC) News (CC) News News (CC) Noticias Univisión News (CC) The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer Family Guy King of Queens Amen TMZ (CC) Cross Cory 8 Rules Drake Scooby Lucy SportsCenter Schwab Paul Walker ’ ’ ) - - ’ ’ (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) 2005 (N) ( ’ 5:30 Lara Croft Tomb Lara Raider: Croft The Tomb Cradle of Life (HD) › The Cooking Save Cash › Seinfeld Still Stnd Paid Pro gram News (CC) Tempt Montana Sponge Courage Good Interrupt On the Block News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) Fetch! With Curious George Accord ing-Jim That ’70s Show (HD) ’ (CC) (CC) - (CC) The Situation Room ’ ’

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tlantictlantic www.seacoastrep.or

SEE — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo hristmas oliday C SEA | A H 6 ‘A 18A | A 18A | A Based on the hilarious and touching PORTSMOUTH | Christmas has official has Christmas | PORTSMOUTH more more information visit http://lighthouse. cc/portsmouth. — Atlantic News Photo been decorating the lighthouse in Castle for New the past few holiday seasons. The group holds public open houses at the lighthouse during the summer. For Harbor Lighthouse, a American Lighthouse chapter Foundation, of have the The volunteers of Friends of Portsmouth age in the Rep’s production of Story,” “A playing on Christmas the mainstage through December 30. For tickets call 4472 or visit (603) 433- Michael Rothstein and Ed Batchelder star ageage HANDLE WITH CARE for more information, call (603) 433-4472 or visit and Saturdays, with matinees on Saturdays at and 3 Sundays. Tickets p.m. $24-$28. The Rep is located at 125 Bow range from Street in Portsmouth. To reserve tickets or the whole family and fill everyone with the spirit of the season. Showtimes are Thurs days at 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Fridays wish, "You'll shoot your wish, eye "You'll out!" film that has become a modern day holiday tradition, “A Christmas Story” will delight mom, teacher and even the Santa Claus toil Claus Santa the even and teacher mom, ing away at Goldblatt's Department Store, share the same reaction to his Christmas Ryder 200 Shot Model Air Rifle. No self-respecting cowboy Carbine Action would be Range without one. Unfortunately, his December 30. Christmas is a time of great expectations, especially through the of a child. For nine-year-old eyes Ralphie Parker that great expectation is a genuine Red ly arrived at the Seacoast Repertory Theatre (The Rep) with their holiday production of “A Christmas playing Story,” now through PP P

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he irehouse www.firehouse.or s F ‘T ainment ntert N , 2007 | A E 14 14, 2007 | A | A 14, 2007 21, 2007 NEWBURYPORT NEWBURYPORT | The Firehouse Cen Performances are the weekend of Directed by Bonnie Jean Wilbur, this Featured in the show are Missy Chabot With colorful costumes and imaginative old alike. Tickets old are $15 alike. for Tickets adults, and $12 for students, Seniors, and Firehouse mem bers. There will be Open a complimentary, 14 December Friday, on Reception Night ing following the performance. order tickets To for any performance, or for more informa tion visit 462-7336. ter for Arts the welcomes the return of The ater in the Open with an original production of the Hans holiday Anderson Christian fairytale, “The Snow Queen.” December 14-16 and 21-23, with performances at evening 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Friday and and matinee performances at p.m. on 3 Saturday and Sunday. production was adapted from Theresa Lin nihan's original adaptation of European tale. The heroine — the the irrepress classic — journeys in and ible out of Gerda dreams to save her best friend Kay from clutches the of the Snow cold Queen. The Devil and his hilariously bumbling assistants lurk at the edges of this classic fairy tale, plotting and scheming all sorts of mischief. as the Snow Gerda; Queen; Matt Kiely as Shelby her friend Kay; Steeves Beth Randall as Rhonda; Jessica Rybicki asas Fern; Madison Moran as Mistake; Rachel Ameen as the Devil; and Princess. Members of Molly the ensemble include Welsh as Fairy Larson, Peter Jeff Sheridan, James Sheridan, Rachel Hawkes, Camilly Connolly, Jenni fer Dow, Avery Hines, Marisa, Emma Michaud, Nicholls, Lydia Schwalkwyk, and Hannah Van Peacock,Zwickerhill. Chelsea staging, Theater in the Open's "The Snow Queen" is sure to be a hit with young and pto ecember M ecember eptember D - - - a ’ ’ (CC) h (CC) . ’ 12:30 51 | D 51 | Half & Half Paid Pro gram Late Late Show Late Night Late Night Tavis Smiley Every- Raymond King of the Hill Paid Kim Whose? Home Im Shin Griffith Paid Mr Warm Cable Special Frasier Art Get Sold 10 S 39 | (CC) (CC) E (CC) (CC) o . o ’ ’ - ’ - Jimmy Kim Jimmy Kim ’ 926-4557 (N) “Master of the (CC) (CC) 33, N th 33, N 12 AM 12 (CC) Top 50 Plays Top Paid Larry King Live Announced Be To Hannity & Colmes Countdown News (12:06) mel Live La Hora de la Risa (12:06) mel Live Greater Boston Nova Ants” Killer Friends Comics Un. Paid Pro gram Simpsons Paid Replace Whose? Home Im Venture Griffith SportsCenter The Contender Ali Muhammad Sandra Lee Sell To 10 CSI: Miami Video Game Modern Marvels Med. Examiner Tila Tequila Frank TV Daily 10 Law & Order: SVU Frasier ) ol ’ ol - Tom Hanks Tom R ) Patrick Swayze ) V V ’ 2006 ( Anonymity • Rewards 2000 929-1222 ( 1984 (CC) (CC) (N) ( fo [email protected] 11:30 South Park Final Outdoors LateNight Late Show With Da vid Letterman (:35) Nightline Show The Tonight With Jay Leno Show The Tonight With Jay Leno Noticiero Univisión (:35) Nightline Every- Raymond Seinfeld (CC) Cheaters Montana Cosby Fam. Guy M*A*S*H Sin City Diaries: Neon Nights Whats TBA Newport Sex & Chelsea Will ’ ’

CRIMELINE “Putting a Pinch on Crime” ’ . (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) Cast Away Cast Red Dawn Deck the Halls › 11 PM 11 › › (CC) Firebrand News Sports SportsD Mad Money The O’Reilly Factor Documentary LateNight › News (CC) News (CC) News News (CC) Noticias Univisión News (CC) Charlie Rose (CC) Sex and the City Cheers (CC) Reno 911 Suite Life The 700 Club Rose Futurama M*A*S*H SportsCenter Bull Riding The Boys of 2nd Street Park Challenge Bought Anthony Bourdain Video Game Christmas Unw. Incredibly Small › Sex & › Law & Order: SVU Will RealWrld E! News (HD) (CC) (CC) - ’ - - ’ Ed Speleers (HD) ) ’ (N) (N) “Per “Per To Advertise Call (603) To The Atlantic News 10:30 Celtics The Dinner My Payne Frasier (CC) Restaur Life De Seuss Lopez Naruto Sanford Newport Snoop . 2006 (CC) (HD) (HD) ’ ( ’ ’ (2005) “Happily ’ (CC) Playwright Tony Kushner Playwright won Tony a Pu (N) (CC) (N) (N) (CC) (CC) (N) (N) . Phoenix Suns at Dallas Mavericks. Eragon

10 PM › Sports SportsD Anderson Cooper 360 The Big Idea On the Record Documentary News Inside the NFL CSI: NY After” Never (N) Holiday Celebration Journeyman fidia” Journeyman fidia” Don Francisco Pre senta Holiday Celebration Christmas at St. Olaf: Where Peace P.O.V. litzer Prize for “Angels America.” in (N) News Frasier (CC) Diagnosis Murder “Jake’s Women” News 70s So Raven Lopez Ed, Edd Sanford Strongest Man Who’s Number 1? › Dexter Dinner House The Sopranos Fearless Planet MonsterQuest Smallest Kids Payne Law & Order: SVU RealWrld Snoop 19 19 (CC) , Freddie Jones ’ ’ “3rd ’ . , Helen Hunt (CC) 9:30 (HD) “Roman Celtics Jeopardy! Who’s Boss? Home Im Grim Sanford Basketball NBA Strongest Dime Payne (CC) (HD) ’ (CC) (N) (N) (CC) (N) Allen Tim ’ (CC) (CC) ) Tom Hanks Tom (CC) 9 PM Clint Eastwood (CC) (CC) ) TBA Kitchen Nightmares “Mixing Bowl” Larry King Live Announced Be To Hannity & Colmes Abrams Dan News Criminal Minds Life” Private Practice (HD) Pasión Private Practice (HD) Christmas With the Mormon Tabernacle WZID Christmas Show Holiday” (N) (CC) News Rudolph-Island of Misfit Toys Home Im Ed Edd Sanford Strongest Boxing Sandra Lee Deserv World Poker Tour CSI: Miami MythBusters Med. Examiner Tila Tequila Payne E! Special Law & Order: SVU Recipe for a Perfect Christmas 1994 ( (HD) One choir leaves; One choir leaves; ) (HD) ’ ’ Failure to Launch (N) (Live) (Live) › ’ ’ › “Walt Disney “Walt World” , Action , (N) 2000 your ( 8:30 (CC) ’ Mama’s Family ’Til Death (CC) Business Extras (:25) Get Sold 10 Fam. Guy Reba Frosty Returns Roadside Stories Full Hse. M*A*S*H (CC) . 1982 ( (CC) (CC) ’ ’ (CC) ’ . service (N) (N) (CC) (CC) The Santa Clause Cast Away Cast Firefox advertise 8 PM › › › › › Al Pacino Red Sox Classics Out in the Open Fast Money The O’Reilly Factor Countdown NewsNg Charlie Frosty- Snowmn Duel Clash of the Choirs choirs perform. Clash of the Choirs choirs perform. Amar sin Límites Duel Wired Science (HD) Granite- Chall. Crowned-Pageants Phil Dr. Mama’s Family Back to You 2007 World Awards Music › Without Santa Drake & Jerry Tom M*A*S*H Boxing Rachael Ray Sell To 10 CSI: Miami Video Game Modern Marvels Incredibly Small › Fam. Guy › Law & Order: SVU Reba Tila Tila Tequila E! Special 8 3 ’ - o - N (HD) ’ ) (N) Detroit Pistons at Boston Celtics. Detroit Pistons at Boston Celtics. French Stewart ) 7:30 (CC) ) 1983 33, ( Alice Simpsons Suite Life School Foster Griffith The TV Diner Chronicle Ask This Old Granite- Chall. Two/Half Men Jeopardy! (N) Frasier Entertain ment Chronicle (CC) Inside Edition Extra (CC) Still Stnd House Made Raymond Sweet 16 Daily 10 to (CC) - (CC) - ol . ’ Business 1999 (CC)

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Maga 7 PM (1992) Christian (CC) Slater. 0 0 2 2 Sports NHL Hockey Lou Dobbs Tonight Kudlow & Company Fox Report Hardball Curtis The In sider Inside Edition 207 zine. Access H’wood Amo a Juan Yo Que rendón Entertain ment Greater Boston Business Rpt. Two-Half Men Wheel of Fortune Alice Seinfeld (CC) Frasier Montana Cat-Hat Zoey 101 Lazlo Griffith College Basketball: College Basketball Am. Gladiators Emeril Live My Wonders West CSI: Miami Man vs. Wild Modern Marvels Car SEMA Show Life True Raymond Law & Order E! News Law Order: CI Still Stnd Kuffs Kettle of Fish ›› › ’ (CC) (CC) 6:30 Amen Malcolm- Mid. Sports Bruins Business (:35) (:45) Evening News ABC Wld News NBC News NBC News Noticiero Univisión ABC Wld News Family Guy King of Queens Feud Montana 8 Rules Drake Scooby Lucy Football Schwab Minute If Walls Made Flip Newport Raymond Reba (N) (CC) (N) (CC) ’ ’ (2005) Meryl Streep. (CC) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) ’ (N) Prime 6 PM Amen TMZ (CC) Score The Mad Money Special Report Tucker Right ›› News (CC) News (CC) News News (CC) Noticias Univisión News (CC) The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer Family Guy King of Queens Cross Montana 8 Rules Drake Scooby Lucy SportsCenter Schwab Minute Small Colorado: River Cold Case Files Made Mega Disasters Flip RealWrld Friends Law & Order E! Special Law Order: CI Reba (N) ’ ’ - - ’ ’ (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) ’ 5:30 (HD) Paid Pro gram News (CC) The Cooking Save Cash Run Seinfeld Still Stnd News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) News (CC) Fetch! With Curious George Accord ing-Jim That ’70s Show Tempt Cory Sponge Courage Good Interrupt X-Fighters (HD) ’ (CC) Action) (1982, Clint Eastwood, Freddie Jones. - (CC) Night at the Museum Yours, Mine & Yours, Ours ›

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20A | A| A 20A 20A Langford, Langford, a founding member of the She regularly plays English, Scottish, and and Scottish, English, plays regularly She Schwab Schwab is a folk and classical impro Jacqueline Jacqueline Schwab and Dave Langford EXETER | Great music, a few good ‘C age ageage church, church, which is is handicapped-accessible, more For in Exeter. Street at 21 Front located 772-4216. (603) call information feehouse feehouse are available in advance the and door at for a suggested donation for adults and $10 of for Seniors and students; $12 under children age 8 are admitted free. The woods, woods, Buffalo Gap, Ogontz, Augusta, as well as dozens of weekend events around the country. Tickets for this Solstice Cof public public events and late night sessions, Dave combines multiple styles of fiddling fierce energy and with drive. He has been a staff at Pine weeks dance and music for member an an experienced and versatile and guitarist fiddle teacher from the fiddler Boston and area. A veteran of 20 years of playing for popular popular band The Latter Day Lizards, also performs with the band Barley Moon and the mega-fiddle band Childsplay. Dave is Boston Boston and and Cambridge, is a member of the English band, Bare Necessities, Langford. which Dave includes 2000 for its exhibition on the Presidency. the on exhibition its for 2000 American country dance music, Irish and Celtic music, and improvisational jazz in White White House for President Clinton in 1997, and to celebrate Burns' “Lewis and Clark” in Smithsonian the at also and 2002, in series public public television documentaries, Jacqueline “Civil for on soundtracks the performed has “World and Twain” “Mark “Baseball,” War,” at the performed She others. among II,” War visational visational pianist who plays spare "gorgeously piano.” Chosen for playing by the Ken renowned Burns for her his expressive inspiring music than in spe for than this the past music inspiring presented Light,” Winter of “Celebration cial season. the of spirit the in Church in Exeter. in Church and rousing their of more much provide will Christmas Christmas treats will be offered for all ages in a Concert Coffeehouse celebration of the from 16 December Sunday on Solstice Winter 4-6 p.m. in of the the Vestry Congregational winter winter tales, fine coffee, tea, hot cider and PP P

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om .C ews N ) or by calling g tlantic (603) 431-7272 . 615 Ave. Portsmouth CHRISTMAS’ A Greenland, NH 03840 The Blue Ocean Society www Ocean Society and the orga nization’s winter activities. Visitors can learn about the Society’s program, Adopt-a-Beach how identify and track individu scientists al whales, gain information on the pet waste projects outreach for local and beaches, learn more aboutorganization’s the educational programs and opportunities. volunteer for Marine Conservation is a Portsmouth-based profit non- organizationwas established in fall 2000. that Their mission is to promote marine awareness and con servationthrough education and research in New land. Eng For more information visit www.blueoceansociety. org or call (603) 431-0260. OF yellow flowers yellow GALLERY. — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo - - www.leddycenter.or , 78” Caldwell Sofa $1099 STORY ROWE ‘A plays now through December 16 at Leddy Center, located on Main Street in Epping. rich Enhanced with chorale music, rush the in who, kids two and dad mom, the present-day play tells a experience shopping, Eve Christmas last-minute the of tale of Christmas why exploring them a leaves that meltdown is celebrated. Through the words of the parents and a narrator, the audience is transported back to the time shortly before the birth of Baby Jesus, where they meet Zacharias, Elisabeth, Mary and Joseph. Performances are Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $14-$16 and may be reserved at (603) 679-2781. Ellen M. Gregg’s original “A Story of Christmas” SPECIAL SALE Affordable gifts include The open house will also Y ys olida one one or the one with the learn about life as a marine scientist. Everyone can enjoy holiday shopping wide from selection a of themed gifts, marine- with proceeds benefiting the Blue Society’s Ocean local marine edu cation and efforts. conservation stocking stuffers; an adop choiceof apackage withtion a local whale, basking shark or ocean sunfish (this is the gift to give the person with everything); whale-dolphin-shaped dog cookies and from Barkin’ Biscuit; unique Phragwrites from pens invasive plant species; made whalewatchgift certificates; and much more. give the public a chance to find out more about Blue H - - - green Hamilton Sofa $1039 Seabrook, NH : U.S. Route 1 1 Route U.S. : NH Seabrook, 603-474-2323 Road Point Dover : NH Dover, 603-749-0808 8” 8 one, one, the ast eaco blue S PICK ANY YOU ROWE LOVE. FABRIC Following the cleanup, Kids will get to see real In conjunction with the AND DURING THIS VER drive to support the Seacoast the support to drive Firefighter’s Toy Bank. Vol unteers are asked to bring a toy or gift card to contribute to the efforts, and help two great causes at once. an holding be will Society the in Open House at their office the historic Governor Lang don House at 143 Pleasant Street in Portsmouth, from 1-3 p.m. The public is wel come to stop by and enjoy hot drinks, snacks, and free gift wrapping. whale bones and baleen and is invited to participate keeping in a local beach clean and helping the Society with a long-term study on marine pollution. cleanup, there will be a toy

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Blue Blue Ocean Society hosts PICK THE ROWE STYLE YOU LIKE IN OUR STUDIO 91” Cooper Sofa $819 tlantic A the


On the contrary: Those That fact is illustrated by At 10:30 a.m., the Society RYE | “What do you guys you do “What | RYE pecial during the busymonths. summer think to prefer members staff that “It’s Always Summer at Blue Ocean Society” due to the busy schedule the non- profit organization’s keep scientists and educators staff all year. the busy day the Society has planned for this December 15. Saturday, will begin its 79th consecu tive monthly cleanup at Jen public The Rye. in Beach ness do during the winter — just sit around?” This is a com mon question staff members for Blue Ocean Society Marine for Conservation get S

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— Atlantic News Courtesy Photo Garden Accents! Garden 0'' [email protected] A AND |D  ews N SANT y olida Stocking Suffers are Available for: Available are Suffers Stocking Memberships • Lessons Swim • Sessions Training Personal • Classes Specialty • Bands Exercise • Camp • Visits Guest • Help create experiences that last a lifetime. Offer Offer expires 12/24/07 ht andlelig

tlantic C  H Seacoast Family YMCA &OUJSF1VSDIBTF With With this ad at time of purchase. 603-431-2334 603-431-2334 550 Peverly Hill Road • Portsmouth, NH 03801 Hill Road • Portsmouth, 550 Peverly

A A member of the United Church of Christ, Stratham STRATHAM STRATHAM | Stratham Community Church invites the

22A | A 22A Fine Home & Fine Home hall on Atlantic Avenue. Hosted by North Hampton police and and police Hampton North by Hosted Avenue. Atlantic on hall the town’s recreation department, the event included visits with Santa (pictured here with chance Nora), to decorate gingerbread cookies. refreshments, and a many in the North Hampton town old community the at 8 December who Saturday, on Santa” with Evening attended “An For information regarding regular upcoming events, call the church weekly office at (603) 772-3389 or services and visit is welcome to attend. 6 Emery Lane in Stratham. is located at Community Church public to join their annual Christmas Candlelight Services on Christmas Eve, December 24 at 4 p.m. p.m., The 4 p.m. service and is everyone 8 centered on family, p.m. and 11 Nora Hickey, daughter of Seth and Alena Hickey was one of 96 Lafayette Road, Falls, Hampton NH (603) 929-4959 age P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . - - - - . 23A m age | P ood ood ews F N call call ank! in Need! in B For more more For The utilization of the two “It’s the most exciting For more information on at any at tlantic information ocal ocal quality polyester from 100 created percent post con sumer plastic bottles. That water bottle you’re ing drink from right now can combined be with 16 more to create a sweatshirt. A total of 48 bottles and you’ve got yourself a 6’x8’ area rug. processes can also combine to create a fabric that is both good for the environment as well as good for the health of all. part of our business,” said Magruder. “We’re not just a commodity product any more.” the products of Foss Manu facturing visit their site Web at usinesses! L upport your upport (603) 926-5150 (603) Holiday for Someone Someone for Holiday S Help Make a Brighter a Make Help B participating participating - - - 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 ecember ours are ready to go! Non-Perishables Non-Perishables 2 Stonewall Lane, York, ME • 207.351.2712 2 Stonewall Lane, York, 51 | D 51 | 7 Amarosa Dr., Rochester, NH • 603.994.1110 Rochester, 7 Amarosa Dr., o 10 Pleasant St., Portsmouth, NH • 603.422.7303 Please Drop Off Your Your Off Drop Please In a jam for last minute gifts, In addition to combating Magruder said Hanes Foss Manufacturing has MRSA, the weave has been proven to kill Streptococcus pyogenes (strep), Legionella pneumonphila (more com monly known as “Legion naires disease), Haemphilus influenzae (flu) and Tuber culosis. Test results indicate a consistent and significant reduction in bacteria one hour. after has already come on board with weaving Fosshield into its underwear. Several more companies are currently in negotiations with Foss utilize to their also product. said to expect He a major announcement within sometime industry carpeting the during early next year. high- a Ecospun, created also 33, N ol ------V I I I F T T F T E E A S R C C G Magruder Magruder said the new The true beauty of the The material has already “Once you touch an According to Dr. Gerba, approval approval here in the states, and approval for usagethe in sought being currently is European Union, Australia and Japan. part environmental counter- strategies in the fight against antibiotic-resistant infection. technology can be utilized in 60 to 65 areas found percent to harbor bacte of the ria in hospitals. That doesn’t include the areas life. of daily product is that it can be uti lized in any fabric, to create against safe is that material a bacteria and virus. been used to create a medi cal mask, the SpectraShield 9900, which is believed be the only to face mask today that is approved to provide “dual-action,” broad spec trum protection, which may be critical in the event of a major public health The mask, already being uti crisis. lized in Canada, awaits FDA claiming that just washing your hands was enough to avoid infection. object and then touch your clothes it’s on there,” Magruder. said MRSA survives longer fabric on than other As surfaces. a result, Fossheild tech nology has become part of the long-term solutionthis crisis to and an integral

23 ------20% off ge 1A pa Receive any service or products any service or products 603-431-3333 Treat your family and friends! your Treat from I I Formerly of Newbury Street, Boston Formerly of Newbury Street, L L Y E A A S P D C H O Magruder said with Principal owner Jim He said an extensive value the understood “We “Results from our inde Foss 90 Fleet Street, Portsmouth, NH Portsmouth, Street, Fleet 90 it,” said Magruder. making MRSA big news, the mainstream media was con fusing the general public by of bacteria capable of trans mission by contact, to levels below detection within one hour and in some instances also and minutes, 10 than less exhibits anti-viral activity,” Gerba, said Ph.D., Charles P. Professor of Environmental of Department Microbiology, Environmen and Water Soil, tal Science at the University . of Magruder said the process had been 2004, patented but it since was May 2006, not shortly until after the business was that the purchased, process had truly researched. been research and development program was created in the face of the fear of a bird flu pandemic. of the product when we saw mon antibiotics such as oxa cillin, penicillin, cephalexin recent, of As amoxicillin. and MRSA incidences have been on the rise in it the US has and now become nized recog as a major nity-acquired pathogen commu and growing crisis. pendent laboratory studies have shown that the MRSA, kills technology hield Foss as well as a broad spectrum

lix F supper riday

F otes N hosts

TIME spaghetti

— Atlantic News Courtesy Photo ibrary TOY serve L

y olida om couts H .C S eabrook ews S N Check out Friday Flix at the Seabrook Library, located For the New Year, it’s “Harry Potter 5: The Order of The library will present “Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At “Christmas with the Kranks” (2004, PG, one hour and 40 “Batman Begins” (2005, PG13, two hours and 20 minutes) The movies are free and a snack is provided. Unless SEABROOK | Teens in grades 6 and up are invited to start to invited are up and 6 grades in Teens | SEABROOK HAMPTON HAMPTON | Boy Scout Troop 176 of Hampton will be (603) 474-2044 or email [email protected]. at 25 Liberty Lane in Seabrook. For more information, call Harry forms ‘Dumbledore’s Army’ to prepare the wizards for the battle ahead. young unprepared unprepared to defend themselves against the Dark Arts. on January 4. In Harry’s fifth year of the study at new Hogwarts, course in defensive magic leaves the students the Phoenix” (2007, PG13, two hours and 20 minutes) beyond the ends of the Earth, the loving future pirate way hangs in the balance. of the freedom- Jack Sparrow from his trap in Davy Jones’ locker. Headed December 28 at 3 p.m. Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann join Swann Elizabeth and Turner Will p.m. 3 at 28 December with Captain Barbossa in a desperate quest to free Captain World’s World’s End” (2007, PG13, two hours and 45 minutes) on they be able to pull together a perfect Christmas, or will she discover their plan to skip it? When their daughter decides to come home after all, will minutes) plays on December 21. With their daughter away, the Kranks decide to skip Christmas and go on a cruise. Bruce Wayne’s training, transformation, Bruce and Wayne’s triumph. Gotham City’s Dark Knight, from a boy’s family tragedy to a guilt-clouded manhood and a fateful encounter that spurs will be presented on December 14. This is the untold story of story untold the is This 14. December on presented be will room of the Seabrook Library. room of the Seabrook Library. otherwise noted, the movies start at 3:15 p.m. in the meeting the in p.m. 3:15 at start movies the noted, otherwise Friday afternoon. patrons Younger are welcome if they are accompanied by a guardian. their weekend with a movie at the Seabrook Library every The public is invited to attend. in Hampton. Dinner will be served from 4-6 p.m.; age. the of years cost 8 under children for $4 and adults for $7 be will the United Methodist Church, located at 525 Lafayette Road Lafayette 525 at located Church, Methodist United the serving a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, December 15th at Bank program. than 10 years, and donates more than 300 presents to the Toy Toy the to presents 300 than more donates and years, 10 than gather the presents for delivery to Seacoast area children in need. SHS has been participating in the program for more to give him some “high-fives,” the students helped firefighters firefighters helped students the “high-fives,” some him give to carols as carols they waited for Santa Claus to arrive on a Hampton fire truck. After spending some time with Santa and pausing gymnasium as Father Don Miraculous Clinton Medal Church blessed from the gifts. Our They then sang Lady of the drive, held in conjunction with the Hampton Department. Fire Last week, students in grades K-8 gathered in the school's Sacred Sacred Heart School recently conducted its annual Bank Toy tlantic A . - - -

om . .C m ews N tlantic TS MMMM A "For me, the program is For more information, a really magical program for so many reasons. We’re try ing to inspire the parents to make music at home their with children. A lot of par ents come musicalthey’renotafter and here thinking a year, they find their sing ing voices," said.Taylor "It’s abut brining music together in a community way and it just brings so much joy." visit from all of us! of all from THREA - - - New Years Eve Years New (603) 474-3200 Major credit cards accepted cards Major credit (East of Greyhound track) 213 Rt 107 off Rt 95 exit 1 213 Rt 107 off TRIPLE RATED Holiday Platters Available! Holiday Platters weekend specials! weekend Taylor, a mother Taylor, of three, along with Associate Director, Robyne from Canada Montreal, in Convention Dance Threat Triple the Lundgren attended November 17-20. The students participated in two days intensive dance of workshops with Disney MTV, and Broadway choreographers. Classes included Hip Hop, Lyrical, Musical Theater, Tap and Street Dance. Pictured here are (from left) Tasha Lundgren; Jessica Veilleux; Marissa Henry; Hip teacher Hop Jayson Wright; Jennifer Fisher; and Caitlin Johnson. Michelle — Atlantic News Sepanski Courtesy Photo Six senior members of the Seacoast Civic Dance Company, curriculum that emphasizes strongly and facilitates adult involvement. then, it Since has spread to loca tions around the leaving country, a lastingsion on all impres who experience a class. embraces the Music Togeth er philosophy with her own children and it attending was a class after with of one them that she decided to start the Exeter program. all about our our about all C & Brick Oven Pizza - - - - Italian Cuisine Since 1998 ommunity C SAL & ANTHONY’S & SAL Join us at our new location. Enjoy all your Italian favorites. favorites. Italian your all Enjoy location. new our at us Join “Let us do the cooking!” Music from different "In a small but really When Music Together The combination and • Full Service Lounge Wines • Fine • Friendly Service • Family Dining Takeout • Quality Ample Parking • was first offered to the pub lic in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropri ate early childhood music and rhythm competence. In addition, activities from evolve the child’s world and include vocal play, rhythm animalplay, sounds, and, of course fun. counties and integrated cultures into the classes, is which begin with a African North greeting song and can also American Chants, a include Yiddish Native Circle Dance and called a "May song all dren" which the was dedicated Chil to peace after the September terrorist11 attacks. important we way, are shar ing a message a peace with "A says. Taylor children," our recognition that we all love our children and that music is a universal language that celebrates that love." minuteslong and include an artistically conceived flow of songs, nursery instrumental rhymes, jam sessions, finger plays, and movement activities. types of research-based and support activitieschildren in developing tonal are

24 ------s w e N

ntic a tl A he t Music Together seeks new Music home Together


l a The ideal space would Music Together classes EXETER | Music Togeth The potential sale of the ci e p has Music Together Direc tor sendingTaylor Terry out a plea to churches, area businesses, libraries or zens with ideas citi to help find the program a new home in time for the new year. be about 25 feet square and easily accessible by ers moth with strollers and other baby gear. Martial arts stu dios, dance studios, libraries or churches are often perfect partners for a Music Togeth er Program. The space program also needs access parking. to are held in and the most mornings classes children have 10 anywhere infants through from Kindergar ten age. The classes are 45 er of Exeter, tionally an recognized interna childhood early music program, is searching for a new space to call home in area. the Exeter program’s current space S

51 ------o Now Open Sundays 33, N ol Design Center 14, 2007 | V 14, 2007 “It’s been said and frus On the war in Iraq, “I stand before you cult. None of us are divided in our support for the brave young men and women of our military.” there there is still much progress to be had before the troops can leave. trating,” said McCain. “For four years it was aged misman by Donald Rumsfeld. There are still many lenged we face chal in Iraq. Suc cess in Iraq is Iraqi military taking over our responsibili ties. Elections are easy. It’s the rule of law that is diffi still not passed this [Wound Right legislation. Warrior] ed now our are Vets not receiv ing the treatment that they deserve. As president I will work on increasing funding for our VA hospitals. And I will provide each with Vet a plastic card that will ensure they get the care that need.” they been have there said McCain marked improvements, but the incident at Reed the Army Medical Walter Center and vowed that under presidency, his Veterans would receive better treatment. embarrassed to say we have We Will Not Be Undersold!Will We ecember ------|D ews N Installing Custom Granite Counter Tops For Over 20 Years Years 20 For Over Tops Installing Custom Granite Counter

from 1A


Ask about our lowest price guarantee Ask about our

Tile • Tile Stone Floors • • Wood Carpet • Stone Fabrication Route 1, Hampton NH • 603.926.8733 • Eno’s 24A | A 24A McCain also pointed to “We “We need a Social Secu On the subject of health “I’m not asking you to He also pointed to busi “Suppose it’s wrong and McCain also had a more Designing & mccain age their money.” fix Social Security and we’ve future for Medicare fix to got generations, so that we can say that we’re stewards of “We “We went on spree a and we’ve got to spending stop the spending. We’ve got to rity and Medicare that is via is that Medicare and rity ble for the future,” he said. care, care, McCain said revitaliz ing such services as Security Social and Medicare were among his top priorities. need to make it the priority that it deserves.” “The technology is out there. there. out is technology “The All we have to do is press it we and there It’s it. push and tric that elect to go “green” and continue to profit. shiver in the dark,” he said. ing.” nesses such as General Elec ogy. We just handed our kids our handed just We ogy. a cleaner planet,” he “Then suppose said. the research is right, and we do noth mate change. we develop ‘green’ technol pragmatic approach to cli P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . 25A . age APY* % hurch | P C

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14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 irst The CD rates you’ve been the looking for, service you deserve. Certificates of deposit at competitiv personal- and Exemplary what That’s service. ized all about. we’re office our at Diane Visit inv to today rate. CD competitive F 4.50 ocal at fective 12/3/07. Rate subject to change without notice. L

ecember ervices 51 | D 51 | S o HAMPTON | The First Congregational Church of Hampton, located at 127 Winnacunnet Road in Hampton, December will hold a worship service at 10 a.m. on Sunday, 16. The Rev. Deborah Knowlton will deliver the message In morning entitled addition, “Dare to the church Wait. will hold a “Blue Christmas” candlelight service December 17 at 7 p.m. on for those who may have lost a Monday, loved one in 2007, or for anyone who is feeling sad this season. holiday The church is handicapped-accessible and hearing devices are available for those who need them. Fellowship and coffee will follow the Sunday service, and childcare is available. For more information, call the Deb (603) at 926-2837 (603) church or 926-8727. Rev. office at 33, N ol - - - V ield. Minimum deposit of $1,000. Rate ef Better Service 80 Main Street, NH Exeter, • (603) 772-7000 centage Y 5-month CD Penalties for early withdrawals will be imposed. Full account disclosures are available from our Personal Bankers. *Annual Per It’s what being a true It’s community bank is all about. Even Rotary is a worldwide Great CD Rates clubs in 168 countries. organization of organization business and pro that leaders professional vides humanitarian service, stan ethical high encourages dards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill peace in Approxi the world. and mately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000

25 - - - - - The Rotary Club of morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Ashworth by the Sea Hotel, located at 295 Ocean Boule at vard Hampton Beach. The club serves the communities of Hampton, Hampton Falls, North Hampton and brook and is always Sealooking for new members that want com local the to back give to munity and have fun doing it. For more information on becoming a member, Dan Dolan President at (603) call 926-1514. Hospice, the Salvation Army, Army, Salvation the Hospice, the Visiting Nurse Associa tion, Cross Roads New Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy House, Generations, Seacoast Head Start and Meals on Wheels, to name a few. Hampton holds its fast break meetings each Tuesday - - — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo ommunity C IT ALL

WON The Rotary Club of Hamp of Club Rotary The According to Hampton SHE a Rotarian and a member of the local community. ton annually gives in excess of $30,000 to local charitable include: These organizations. The Hampton Soup Kitchen, Special Olympics, Seacoast Rotary Club President, Dan Dolan, the club assisting has been the program with Head weekly story Start hour readers andsnow suit annual denotations the last for five plus years. He said that giving back to the community is one of the best things that the Rotary Club does, noting that donations such as the snowsuits to the Hampton Head Start dren makes chilhim proud to be on their new snowsuits and boots. - - - ews N

— Hampton Head Start students model the new snowsuits provided by the

om tlantic

.C A

the ews

N to

Snowsuits Snowsuits bring smiles to students

Club organizers Judy HAMPTON | The Rotary The | HAMPTON contact the Exeter Chamber at (603) 772-2411. been enhanced with the addition of round trip tickets on the Downeaster train to for the Bruins and North Celtics games. For more Station information or to purchase tickets for the 2008 raffle, Limousine Service) to Fenway Park and Gillette Stadium, where she watched the Pats defeat the has package winner’s Raffle Ticket Sports Ultimate the year, This 25. November on 31-28 Eagles, Raffle, took Raffle, a chance last year tickets “premium” and to she see won the it Patriots, all: Red Two Feliciano by (provided rides limousine roundtrip plus Hockey, Men’s UNH and Bruins Celtics, Sox, Rotary Club of Hampton. Eve Eaton (pictured), the winner of the Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce’s Ultimate Sports Ticket Sports Ultimate Commerce’s of Chamber Area Exeter the of winner the (pictured), Eaton Eve NICE AND WARM

tlantic pecial wrapped packages and try faces when they open the this such a fun event are the children’s the on smiles wide grateful when they get them. get they when grateful makes what that said Haskell suits and that they are so the children are not aware that they are getting snow said that this is their favorite Rotary event each year, as Haskell and Joanne Nadeau nacunnet Road in Hampton. the students at the First Con First the at students the gregational Church on Win the snowsuits and boots to program. Five were on hand Rotarians to distribute boots to children in enrolled the Hampton Head Start Club of Hampton recently donated snowsuits and S A .

om .C ews N Assistant tlantic 964-8087 926 -4618 Administrator Manager Administrator Manager Administrator Manager A 926-6766 Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator eetings Tuesday, Jan. Tuesday, 8, at 7p.m. Tuesday, Jan. Tuesday, 8, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. Tuesday, 8, at 7 p.m. Jan. Tuesday, 8, at 7 p.m. 964-6777 (603) (603) 394-7696 Administrator Tuesday, Jan. Tuesday, 22, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 3, at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24, at 7p.m. (603) Thursday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. Tuesday, 17, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. Tuesday, 18, at 7 p.m. (603) 642-8406 Monday, Dec. 20, at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24, at 7 p.m. Wed., Wed., Dec. 19, at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m. Administrative Monday, Jan. 7, at 6:30 p.m. (603) 642-6400 M (603) 772-5423 (603) 431-7111 Monday, Jan. 14, at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 14, at 5:30 p.m. (603) 772-5070 (603) 474-3311 (603) 772-4741 (603) Tuesday, Dec. Tuesday, 18, at 6:30 p.m.

Monday, Dec. 17, at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24, at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 26, at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Wednesday, Jan. 9, at 6:30 p.m. (603) 778-0591 .. alls ...... (603) Wednesday, Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 7:30 p.m. F ampton ampton ye ingston R. Fournier –Town ...... R xeter H H Anderson – Town ...... K ...... ampton . . E ewfields Scott Dunn – Town Fred Welch – Town tratham eabrook reenland Russell Dean – Town own ensington rentwood H Eric Small – Town S S N Larry Baker – Town G Alan Gould – Town K B ast T Julie Stevens – Town ampton orth outh E Deborah Gallant – Town Karen H Co-op S N Stephen Denise Gregson – R. Deschaine – Town School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Paul Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Jan. Tuesday, 8, at 7 p.m. Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Winnacunnet Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board School Board Board of Selectmen Planning Board Co-op School Board Exeter k P% R V1+ 0 0.60 0 r:97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NE% % c rK 0 0 0 60 NE% c% 1 5 2 4 5 54 3 3 12 2 1 11 1 17 1 0 54 1 0 10 3 3 2 1 5 3 V% 13 100 99 99.4 V% 99.4 77 88 90 93 22 86 88 88 95 91 79 99 82 99 2 46 86 30 90 97 42 95 93 95 81

RES4/28 Castle ye Seabrook HOME Hampton Hampton Hampton Hampton Hampton Portsmouth N. Hampton Portsmouth Stratham Portsmouth Hampton Portsmouth Kensington Seabrook e:1 Portsmouth Seabrook Portsmouth Portsmouth Greenland New Exeter

enate 26 HOME P d exeter Tilton Portsmouth d d exeter d d exeter d r exeter d r exeter r r+d d d d d d d d d r d r d d d d d d r S $694,239 P DS 13 d d xeter e d 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 16 13 16 13 16 14 16 14 14 16 14 16 14 16 17 18 18 This home features: home This Exclusively Marketed by: Marketed Exclusively Second Floor Laundry Floor Second Suite BR Master Extensive Landscaping/Irrigation Landscaping/Irrigation Extensive feet square +/- 3,700 LL Walk-Out Counters w/Granite kitchen Cherry ft. sq +/-) (650 Level 3rd Finished 04 DS COU 23 24 4 BR’s -2.5 BA -2.5 BR’s 4 Garage Car 3 Pantry Butler’s Air Central Nantucket IV Nantucket • • • • • sink & • cooler w/wine complete • System • • • • • Immediate closing Possible! closing Immediate a rock from 8A c rock e rock e rock c rock e rock a rock r rock a rock r rock Martha e rock Carl G ock r Eileen call Marshall Matthew J rock Mark F ock r Margaret W Everett Michael G rock Christopher W rock Clark, Only a few Senators missed many of their 180 roll call percentages; voting official the are column this in Included NAME Sgambati, Kathleen G NAME Flockhart, Hassan, Fuller Kelley, Jane P rock Henson, John W rock Kepner, Susan Kepner, Kennedy, James McGuirk, Thomas r ock Quandt, Moore, Bennett F rock Quandt, Stiles, Nancy F ock r Robertson, Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Day, Judith McEachern, Paul r ock Russell, Trinka rock Norelli, Terie rock Preston, Pantelakos, Laura Webber, James Webber, Moore, Benjamin rock Powers, James F rock Weare, Serlin, O'Keefe, Peter J rock Splaine, James Marsh, Borden, David Grote, Otto F rock votes in 2007. Nearly all missed votes were excused or due to a conflict of interest. 18 of the 24 had a perfect with record, the lowest being 92.8 percent. The highest conflict of interest was 5.6 percent and President Senate percent. 1.4 was rate unexcused highest the Sylvia Larson, as presiding officer, had the vote, but option hasn’t missed a vote. not to roll

51 o Make it your next home 33, N ol visit


14, 2007 | V 14, 2007 otes plans N

Lots Remain Lots

ecember 6 |D ews author

N s ’ ocal L Route 101 to Exit 11. North on Rte 108. Travel to to Travel 108. Rte on North 11. Exit to 101 Route For a Virtual Tour Visit Visit Tour Virtual a For tlantic Only Only in this beautiful subdivision

hildren C

603-772-2444 KENSINGTON | Kensington Public Library will welcome welcome will Library Public Kensington | KENSINGTON 26A | A 26A Amesbury Road in Kensington. For more information, call (603) 772-5022 or visit interactive program with plenty of audience participation, props and costumes (as well as Junior Mints). In addition, Maren will autograph copies of her which is percent from each located sale book at to 126 the library, and donate 20 Maren will tell the story of what happens when two children children two when happens what of story the tell will Maren (Matt and Maria) go behind the scenes at Boston’s historic Colonial Theater where “Peter Pan” is playing. This is an local children’s author Maren Tirabassi when she visit pays on a Tuesday, December 18 at the 6:30 release of p.m. her latest book To “Footlights celebrate and Fairy Dust,” Unique and Refreshing and Unique Stratham Circle, take a right onto Rte. 33. Entrance less than 1 mile mile 1 than less Entrance 33. Rte. onto right a take Circle, Stratham left. on home first is office Sales Drive. Farm left-Chisholm the on Directions: at or by appt. 11-4pm Model Home Open: Tues-Sun. CALL Mimi Simmons today CALL age P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . - - - 27A T age | P EAF ews E N Ev S The general public is tlantic will take ments place. will be Refresh sold, big and 50/50 a drawing will held. be This annual event holiday is sponsored by Alumni Association the to ben efit its senior scholarship awards and program June’s Last $2500 was awarded to Brenda scholarship Jan Shepard of Hampton, who is attending George Mason was It Virginia. in University given in honor of the associ ation’s centennial. invited to the doubleheader. Admission is $3 for adults and $1 Senior Citizens and for students through grade 12. Alum players are asked to sign up by calling Ann at (603) 926-9604 during school hours. tma S 603-474-7744 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. OLD * - - - TOBACCONIS offering professional Extended holiday hours personalized service... Gift certificates available ews A specialty tobacco shop N 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007

n Chri GL E 255 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, NH make great presents! 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Op tlantic ecember A Entertainment in Our Lounge Sunday Brunch the Gift Certificates...

Fridays 7 pm-10 pm • Sundays 2 pm-5 pm Sign Sign up Alumni for December 16th to Christmas Caroling 51 | D 51 |

o HAMPTON HAMPTON | The 66th Girls’ Head Coach Ed Basketball Basketball reunion game Spectacular Ocean View pecial Now taking reservations for New Year’s Eve annual Alumni BasketballReunion Doubleheader will be played on of the Sunday, December evening 30 at 6 p.m. in the new sium at gymna Winnacunnet High School, located on Alumni Drive in Hampton. Alumni, recent grads and “old-tim ers” will suit up only games for of the their year and try to upset this year’s girls and boys varsity teams. Beattie is beginning his 27th season, while Boys’ Coach Head Jay McKenna (class of ’93) begins his third. addition, In the special ner-raising ban ceremony the 2006-07 State for Class “L” Championship girls team S 33, N ol V ports S BELTS

27 — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo BLACK NEW Great gifts for the cigar and pipe connoisseur! ceremony ceremony held recently Academy in at Pictured Exeter. here are John Wallaga, age 17; New Hampshire 53; Kevin Wallaga, 45; Tony Ryan Rivers, 13; Steven Crocker, Martial Arts Wilson, 20; Joe Doccola, Sargeant, 52; 41; Maren Forsyth, Dylan 12; Sean Michaud, DiGregorio, 13; Center 12; Master Vikki Instructor Christina Hardy; Mikey Sales, 13; Katelyn Manley, 15; Christina Leonatti, 39; John Richard Forsyth, 11. Douglass, 12 and Fifteen students were awarded Black Belts at a special com . rotary .com egun! WHS

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108/33 . otes twicealady . rt N 603-778-4790 27 Portsmouth Ave. Portsmouth 27 parents

@ 1 Stratham, NH 03885 NH Stratham,

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WineChiropractic tion duca Dr. Douglas Wine specializes Douglas Wine Dr. at Twice the Savings! the Twice at .C Applied Kineseology to a healthier, happier life today. happier to a healthier, ducating

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www. Ionic detox body cleansing 58 Winnacunnet Rd, Hampton, NH Hampton, Rd, Winnacunnet 58 C SEABROOK | Take a break this holiday season and In addition, new courses are needed for the ComEd spring spring ComEd the for needed are courses new addition, In Those individuals who are interested in teaching either an interested Those individuals who are Instructors for the ADP must be The certified; ADP spring however, session runs from January 28 through HAMPTON | Instructors are being sought to teach information or to reserve a spot for childcare, call Families First at (603) 422-8208, ext. 2. are are needed for free childcare. Seabrook Rec participate for free; there is a $2.50 charge for all others. pass For holders ornaments, beading (jewelry), andmaterials and Advance are included. refreshments sign-ups cookies. Child care, activities and recharge their parenting batteries. December’sbatteries. parenting their recharge and activities groups is focusing on homemade holiday gifts, including gives parents a chance to kick back, get involved in relaxing a chance to kick back, get involved in relaxing gives parents on Lafayette Road in Seabrook. Coordinated Families First and Health and Support led Center, Parent Recharge by Recharge,” Recharge,” held every Tuesday from 9:30-11 a.m. located Center, Community Seabrook the at Day) Christmas (except enjoy the peace provided by free childcare at “Parent office office at the numbers above. session. Anyone who has special interests, skills or hobbies to that others may may be call the of WHS interest activities ADP ADP or ComEd course can call Janice Petrou at (603) 758- 9233 or Debbie Krapf at (603) 758-9231, as soon as possible. Community Education Spring Session begins in March. May 21; the deadline for applicants is January 8. The certification is not for required teaching a ComEd course. Adult Diploma Program (ADP). educational educational programs offered through High School the Community Education (ComEd) program and Winnacunnet

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A “Today we assemble “This is one of the most “Eighty-two years ago HISTORY Continued on HISTORY 29A• 2 1

9 the first spike Charles was M. Judge addressed he occasion which Lamprey, on the assembled crowd of the two towns of Hampton, and Exeter said in and sub stance: important events in the his tory of Hampton. One hun dred years ago this present week, the people of Hamp ton assembled on the where now spot stands the Town Hall for the town erection church.(Ed.: This of was a later house, meeting fifth the which Hall Town the became burned on March 19, 1949 and was never rebuilt.) this month, the people again assembled at this noted cor ner, which had been a way side inn for over 100 years, for the raising of the present hotel. (Ed.: He was referring built in to the Hotel Whittier, 1817 and burned January 12, match and “rats cause: 1917; es.”) Fifty-four years ago the present month, on the spot where the present Congre gational Church stands, the church was raised oldest for Congregational Soci the ety in New Hampshire. appenings

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The Trolley Era of The Trolley

3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Answers on 8A ohn Hampton 1897-1926 It was May 19, 1897 at The trolley line, at first This line gave “the inhab The laying of the first rail J ontributing 3 5 1 7

y C Fill in the puzzle grid so that every every column, row, and every just easterly of Hatch the Galley Restaurant. Driving 10:30 in Hampton, the when morning spike the in was first driven Electric Railway for which was the to be in years operation before complete aban for 29 donment in 1926. called the Exeter Street Rail way, later to become solidated con into Street Amesbury & Hampton the Exeter, (common Company Railway to as the “EH&A” ly referred at the time), connected towns the of Exeter and Hamp ton with the famous Hamp ton Beach. It was completed on July 3, 1897. itants of these and the sur rounding towns, as well as pleasant and quick a visitors, access by well-built, and open closed cars, to the one most of beautiful resorts seaside on the entire Atlan tic coast, at a ate very cost.” moder (-- The Hamptons Union -- 1899) and spike took place on May 19, 1897, on Road at Winnacunnet “Whittier Junction” B


d J NI TR NO MS ET RU T SATELLITE SHOWERS SLEET SPRINKLE TEMPERATURE THUNDER WATCH WIND Service” “The 40 Six Million __ Man” 42 Bert or Rosa 44 Gilpin “Frasier” of “__ 45 Stevens” “The 46 __ MTV series, World” 47 Moore “Ghost” of 49 Ricki of talk shows “__ 50 Brockovich” Anna 51 Sten movie 54 Figure of speech 21 Chow down The 23 Johnny __ Singers “The the 25 Good, __ and the Ugly” 26 Meyers “Kate of Allie” & “Mystic star 27 River” 28 Old card game 29 “A Petty of League of Their Own” 31 Quayle or Marino “The 32 Streets of __ Francisco” 35 Steve or Jerry of golf “__ 38 Old game show, IO WA IO UD SO AXE HT EEY EG LA C EET T HNNS YEBS AST RRNO EG UDI words



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51 o ------www. www.  33, N ol  .  -SOL m YOGA    cwdoula@earthlink. AL LEDDY 14, 2007 | V 14, 2007 concentration, mental T T   ecember  Learn MIND-BODY |D and by e-mailing YOGA A , or call (603) 679-2781 between the ews m A N Y Live .   m   VIJA tlantic DIPLOMA ADULT PROGRAM YOGA FOR   DOULA-LED RENA P   28A | A Expectant parents can prepare for their baby’s birth Exeter’s Mind Body Sol Center is the place to go for yoga The Exeter Adult Diploma program is currently register Leddy Center School for the Performing Arts announces , or by calling (603) 427-0933. t    age day evenings 6:15-7:45 from p.m. beginning January 10. Ses are encouraged to attend, and partners pay half price. Prereg price. half pay partners and attend, to encouraged are istration is required and may be completed online at ne trust trust the body and to trust birth. Session 2 is at Wednesdays workshop The 13. February through 9 January from p.m. 7:30 costs $75; payments can be made at the first class. Couples the expertise of a doula. Participants will learn specific poses to comfort during labor; how to use contractions; breathing and to manage deep relaxation and stress reduction to with certified Birth Doula, Carol DeStefano, Conducted CD at the (DONA). Prasada Yoga Center in North Hampton, the workshop will combine the fitness benefits of yoga with ($12 to drop in) or $96 for a 90-minute class ($15 to drop in). For more information call (603) 778-6850; drop by the Blue Moon Market at 8 Clifford Street in Exeter; or visit Classes are ongoing, and drop-ins are session welcome. runs from January The Wednesday, 2 next through Saturday, March 1. Newcomers can take their first session free at any An yoga eight-week class. session is $80 for a one-hour class and flexibility; and Julie Rost, whose Classical ing Yoga train emphasizes harmonious and understanding and orderly practice living of through Yoga’s ancient principles. lessons taught by instructors deeply experienced in a range of styles. These instructors teaching include Kripalu’s gentle form; Jeanie Ryan, who focuses Maddy on Botari Eaton, vigorous hatha yoga, emphasizing empowerment, strength program program should call the Adult Education office at (603) 775- about information more For appointment. an arrange to 8457 the program, visit similar to those taken by high Tuck the school at evenings Thursday students. and Courses are Tuesday, Monday, offered #24, Door School), High Exeter former (the Campus Learning 30 Linden Street in Exeter. Those who are interested in this the week of January 28, 2008. This program is designed for students who did not complete high school but who would like to earn a diploma by taking courses in the evening ing students for winter/ spring semester courses that begin information and/or to register, visit hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. calmness and physical relaxation, are priceless. For more Yoga Teacher, Yoga Vijaya Teacher, Yoga classes are available on Tuesday evenings from 6-7:30 p.m. beginning January 8 or on Thurs sions are one class per week for six weeks. The tuition is just $72. The benefits, which include increased strength energy, and flexibility, improved wellness, its next Vijaya Yoga sessions, set to Pathways Certified a Hall, Stewart begin Phillis by the Taught first January. week of P

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tlantic the Exeter Street officials, Railway to drive spike the on this first road, which I do, wishing more prosper ity than ever for Exeter and Hampton, which the steel rails will soon connect.” trolley rail and spikes are on permanent display at Tuck Memorial the Museum at 40 Park Avenue, Hampton, Trol “The called, section a in ley Era of Hampton -- 1897 - 1926.” Many other from the trolley era are relics also on display in the museum. for braiding practice.603-770-3349. Call tlantic - 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 d 30 Days 30 Days e from 28A ecember — Shoulder nt 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007 Cash - Check - Visa - Mastercard Cash - Check - Visa a

PO Box 592 • Hampton, NH 03843 25¢ for each additional word. Phone 603.926.4557 Fax 603.926.4531 both the Atlantic News and the both the Atlantic w Take out a classified ad to run in out Take NEW Portsmouth Atlantic News. NEW Portsmouth 51 | D 51 | 30 Words | $50! Words 30 Ad deadline is 5 p.m. Monday o ecember Please return with payment to: Atlantic News “Hampton was settled by “It now becomes my history D Name: Address: Town/State/Zip: Phone: Dates to run:

again to celebrate the most important of all events the town’s in history, the com mencement of this connection town’s with Exeter, the shire town of the county. and 1638, in Bachiler Stephen Wheelwright John by Exeter in the same time, year. the only way between At that Exeter and Hampton the was Indian trail, the route that same this road of steel now passes. pleasure, at the request of Hair model length or non-layered longer, 33, N ol

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Kind hearted hearted Kind Attention ice —Have your v $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s fie d ssi la er usiness— s Call Greg at Call Greg B (603) (603) 670-3771. most most junk cars! We pay cash for We 23 Hour. Service 23 Hour. —I work on mens, Will’s Towing & - Plowing Towing Will’s C Dump Dump truck and (603) 929-8090 hire. driver for Experienced professional tailor womens clothing from expert andtailoring Reasonably repairs. general to childrens priced. References 603-433-2608. given. Deborah A. Law. Clean-outs, attics, ments, yards. base- hauling. Trees groomed Demolition, and pruned. Dependable service. Collect Collect your Judgement for you. No Results, No fee. Our firm specialized in coverting judgements into cash! 800-773-9216. Call Justice Of Short The legal Peace— ceremonies my home office, $65. Choice at of vows, certificate and final license filing included. Short notice/elopements welcome. Portsmouth. 603-436-7319. State your information. Chair & Furniture and Gluing Repair furniture re-glued, repaired, and polished before your holiday company if arrives. needed Chairs Croston call Please specialty! are at Upholstery 603-964-5109. our Trash & tree removal Fishy maintenance. aquarium of gift Making fish happy years. for Call 20 Email 603-926-7914. [email protected]. elderly— the For your in you for care will person home. Available for evening hours or overnight. Personal care, light housework or just Call 603- keep you company. 679-2166. JUDGEMENT NO MONEY?Judgement Holders, we can Call Call 603-679-5403 for more information. reasonably priced in lessons Brentwood and location a in new Conservatory Hampton. graduate. NE All levels and ages. Ask about Kinder-Keys, classesyoung children for Gift ages 4-6. certificates available.

29 Beach s e ’ t s a Experienced st ice resort v e 1 1 bedroom apt. l er with an ocean view ailey s This is a gorgeous rea No pets/ smoking. Call each B 603-926-3306 Rte 1 North Hampton 1-888-343-4934 933 Ocean Hampton Blvd, B Year Round/ Year Winter Winter Rentals -North Beach $650/Up -Efficiencies -1 Bedrooms $800/Up -Easy access to Route 101 and I-95 and phone, -Cable, utilities included -No pets -Wireless internet included. Plus rooms kitchens and/full kitchenettes with starting at $175 per WiFi. week. 603-926-2520. Piano Christmas— lessonspiano teacher is offering for Weekly — Room starting Rentals at $180 per All week. utilities included with 2 week a minimum. Call (603) 498-6896. COUNTRY HOUSE RENT: FOR country house that is cozy, quiet, luxurious beautiful beautiful unit, the and Newburyport in area, with a a spacious country-setting, overlooking a pond. It the has ultimate in privacy, off- street parking, picturesque surroundings, andideally located it in quality a neighborhood, is high- is that convenient 978-502-9330. highways. to — RENTALS WINTER major View Inn as low as $150 for per standard week units, utilities 5 5 minutes from Portsmouth. evenings. Call required. Lease 603-834-0908 lease. lease. 705 sq. ft. to 1,600 sq. included. Utilities available. ft. 603-498-9952. For Rent— in Greeland $975 per month. Utilities included. No smoking. pets/ Like new, floors, quiet wood neighborhood, NT Rye, —May D E — Fully E T s EME A a NT Paul 603- OV n ST A R e E P Bring a friend. L L ov —Hampton —Hampton Beach: RM IM

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HO Busy Busy Route 1A location great based service showroom retail or shop space available for It has never to fail. been Publication known must be promised. My prayers have been answered. Thank you St. Jude. For Rent year ro $700. One bedroom, $750. Two bedrooms $800. Lease required. 603-926-9687 603-498-6896. or Commercial Rentals— God. God. St. Judes the sacred Novena heart be of adorned, Jesus glorified, loved the throughout preserved and Sacred forever. and now world heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, the help Jude, St. us. for pray this Say us. for pray hopeless, pray nine times a day, your prayers will be answered. Auto Mechanic also services available. 944-1819. Thank you God. Hail Marys for Say nine days and nine ask for three wishes. business, second and is third First, for the impossible. Have this published on the ninth and day your wishes will true come even though you not believe may in it. Thank you estimates. reliable. Insured No job Call and to small. check us out 603-608-6579, online at www. or Le Services Contractor insured, localgeneral carpentry, additions, company, decks, plowing, masonry, siding, roofs. quality work at quality prices, Top snow 3rd generation business. responsible, responsible, and reliable. Will drive my car, good record driving required. Call 603-431-5001 ASAP. Needed Turnkey SALON FOR RENT. operation. Share the rent. Village Hampton Hair 4029. Saon. 205- Roofing, decks,additions, finish basement, garage, flooring and more. Free afternoons afternoons required. Must be antic tl - —

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perienced parts person A tlantic A Hours/days Hours/days will Sunday vary. Part-time Part-time Personal Driver Local to Greenland needed. 944-7093. potential. potential. Call Lisa at (603) PT/FT PT/FT around your schedule and enjoy unlimited income would would like to be, for you. the Work opportunity we have Help Help Wanted — currently at home or you 603-205-2460, support right Exceptional opportunity, Call candidates. and and success oriented? Will Marketing Marketing associates. you positive, personable On your own time— your resume to jobs@ in person Rd 723 Lafayette Hampton or e-mail to join our sales team Apply Apply team sales our join to looking for a goal orientated orientated goal a for looking ex Robbins Auto Parts is Interviewing by phone. Call Mathew 603-724-2255. home (Not have MLM). computer, will Must train. Need 7 agents. Work from Company Expanding delivery. Call 603-679-8211. delivery. assistance accepted. Free woood for $250. Green $200. $200. Green $250. for woood Quantity discounts and fuel FIREWOOD Firewood, 2 years seasoned surfaces. Please call 929-6233. Hampton, Young, Terry I I repoint and seal masonry steps, steps, walls and walks using brick, stone and concrete. 35 35 years experience building and repairing fireplaces, Expert step restoration. I have have I restoration. step Expert can help. Free estimates. Call Call estimates. Free help. can 603-926-9269. gutters, decks, and additions. sunrooms Call us. We siding, roofing, windows, Hi, we’re Matt & Matt of Hi, we’re K+M Vinyl Siding. We install vinyl 2954. Smaller jobs.experience. Call Years 603-997- of repairs and upgrades. Interior Interior upgrades. and repairs painting/redecorating. electrical and carpentry, H a n d y m a n — Services, LLC Services, 603-760-2282 affordable. insured. Bonded Clearwater Cleaning and House House Cleaning dable, thorough and . ------

om .C ews N tlantic A Government consists Warren Buffet instead Mr. Buffet’sMr. low personal In many states, one can Mr. Buffet’s concern LETTERS Continued on 31A• of bureaucracies and answer to no theyone with enor mous absorptiveity for administrative costs. capac Therefore the government is the last place to transferwealth earned through pro ductivity. can invest his venture millions in capitalwith a funding long ment term and invest a profile low — payback energy research, clean water recovery, the and like. Expanding capital marketfor the futuristic sec tor that requires acceptance of low return on investment (something the government is asked to do) will the government enable spending to way, as he seems to promoteway, allocating the earned capital to the least efficient prise. enter Government prises enter fail to perform to due lack ofprotected from competition. accountability, Soviet Union is example a of that dictum. shining income tax rateily be can corrected by eas ing declar everything as income straight— no claim of shel ters, no claim of dividends and no more and accountants tax loop lawyersholes. When he makes finding charitable which he is known to do, he contributions does not have to claim them against his gross income to preserve his position in the impressive top tax bracket. paymorethan what islegal ly required and he can take advantage of that For feature. example, in Massachu settsyou can pay at ahigher rate as an option although many vocal champions higher of taxes (to everybody else) such as John Kerry had never done so. It is not very hard to pay more in taxes. of cultivating tic a society feudalis due estate to taxes is misplaced. lackIn of this country, we have countless had heirs esses andof many an industrial heir and other tycoons and only in few cases the inheritingoff-springs politics had to grab entered power. a As matter of fact, the enriching government by forcible bequeathing of fortune to it will more than likely push the society towards such an outcome with concentration of governmental power and wealth in the few. hands of a ------

Chair et Stratham ff Pat Elwell u xes B

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rren on a W To the To Editor: The great investment He is also campaigning It is surprising that War The Commission chose The logger will leave The town is receiving a If you have questions Conservation Commission seer from Omaha, Buffet Warren is complaining about taxes being too low in thiscountry. Warren Buffet reportedly is upset about his tax rate of 17 percent while his assistants paid 30 cent. per to bring back estate taxes to the full force, to prevent supposedlyamalgamation of political power and wealth in the hands of a few result ingfeudalisticina society in America. ren Buffet does not the apply same brilliantprocessthatuseshe effecso logical tively at Berkshire Hatha a more nutritious acorn for wildlife. Browsing animals such as deer depend and on rabbits tenderhardwood sprouts for young food year round. The best to create these young shoots way is through the low harvest quality of or trees that unhealthy will continue develop shoots to and sprouts for years to come. becausesite test a as area this we felt it was important to see if logging will our achievegoals before we consid er continuing on with other more frequently used areas of the town forest. And the thinningbenefitsthismayof take several they years are realized. before “slash”called is whatbehind that is logging debris sisting con of treetops,cull logs, and other separate limbs, vegetation remaining after the logging that people will not find attractive but will rapidly decay. does The have benefits in slash help ing to reduce soil erosion in the newly logged area, pro viding small animals new with habitat and improving soil by serving as a of source nutrients. small sum of money the logger from for his work and those funds are being used to cover the cost of the for ester. about this activity, feel please free to contact any member meof the Conser or vation Commission. ------

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a tr S orest f The thinning will also This project was under In order to help maintain The areas to be avoid Residents who use these To the To Editor: The Stratham Conserva Residents need to be too close together or need ed to be removed to allowother trees to Removinggrow. these continue types to of trees will allow for more sunlightpenetratetofor the est and improve the health of those remaining trees. allow the growth of whiteoaktrees that produce more into a work area. It is advis able that an alternate route be taken while this project is ongoing. The logger will not be at the site every day so the trails willwhen he is not working, but be open if you choose to usetrails, these we are recommending extreme caution. taken by the Commission to help improve the health of the forest. choseWe a trian gle of about 20 acres at the far end of the forest and the trails as a test site. The town forest contains a wonderful diversity of hard and wood soft trees and woodland habitats. this diversity, I walked this entire area with a licensedforester and selected together trees that we are eased dis or unhealthy, or are that may continue through the winter, depending weather conditions. on Only a portion of the forest will be affected but it is important for residents to understand why this is being done and to take extra caution when using certain trails. ed are the from trail the that Stratham runs rial Memo School along the power lines and the other trailside ofthe power lines on the near the very back field that of is the used for ing park during Fair. Signs thewill be posted to Stratham notify residents of the activ ity, and when the logger is at the site working, he will close the trails. back trails are take advised caution when to walking their dogs in thisthe dogs area do not so run ahead tion Commission has tracted con with begin a a thinning logger project in the to town forest. The forest town is a woodedthatareaadjacentis portion of the to Stratham Hill Park. aware that this is a project

0 3 ------s k n Hampton Director of Brentwood ha Verne RinesVerne t

Steven Woods Nursing Home Patty McKenzie le p Rockingham County ulti LTC ServicesLTC Director Environmental Services M Annually we are required are Annuallywe A special thanks to No wonder Barack Barack has exactly the the To Editor: We wanted to take this Deputy Fire Raymond Chiefs and Joe Gary Bird for overall drill coordination. day, day, November 29, 2007 at Rockingham County Nurs ing Home. by state safety law to duct“handsa on”drill. conThis year we chose multiple outside to emergency involve services to realistically sim ulate an actual disaster. The drillwas a huge success and multiple resident units were evacuated. Brentwood, Epping, Exeter and Fremont firements for depart participating the in drill. AlsoRockingham thanks to and the AmbulanceRockingham Coun ty Sheriff’s Department. A special thanks to all of hard the working staff facility who atdid an amazing the job securing the units protecting and our residents. A final thanks to Brentwood middleclass fromthe effects of a slowing dealing economy, with the causes and to impacts of climate change. inspires Independents and is the onlywin in Democrat match-ups the to Republicans. against People are ready for change. We it owe to the next generation to come together as we tackle the challenges of our day. kind of judgment to do just that. We experience need Barack and Obama as our next president. opportunity to those thank that all our helped recent Fire us Emergency Evacuation on Drill on Thurs as a conciliator, and legislator thinker means he willanswer our call to end partisan the healthcare bickering and tion reform and that he immigrawill on findtogetherpeople bringto solutions to the problems we immense face — drawing from down ourpresence in Iraq troopwhile refo cusing on the effort to track down al-Qaeda terrorists, to cushioning the beleaguered

51 ------o

l a 33, N Seabrook te ol tion a da i d n orm George McKinney f a c ns a 14, 2007 | V 14, 2007 r Senator Obama's consid To the To Editor: Ready for a little integ Instead of decrying So where is the logic in Northbound making left Finally, Finally, add the human The sensitivity coming crossthe that in add Now Southbound has con T his word. erable talent and experience rity? "politics as usual," consider joining me in the supporting transformational didate who can rejects lobbyist and PAC money and does who not us hesitate what we to need Barack Obama tellhas to the cour hear. age to speak truth to power which means we can trust (if you can get through). this, and when is to it be going fixed? Maybe the cit izens should get and vote that the town must together reimburse the company if there is an insuranceacci dent. ing vehicles, again body every stops and waits, and only one or through. two cars get turn to Pine St. — forget it! is toTraffic the point that no one lets you through. You have to chance it and the take turn on two wheels. Or, you can go and turn up left from the center the street lane and block traffic there one knows this as there are no tell tale lights so or everyone signs sits there. course Of signs cause won’t it doesn’t work happen all the time. factor: When toyou are yield. crossing If theof another car, you path are sup Somedrivers try and be courteouslet you and make the turn, since but no one trusts on com does not. Neither Pine or Railroad St. Ave. have any controlled turns. from Railroad Ave. weak or non-existent is I have so sat for excess of utes five waiting for min the light to change. trafficlights change giving a delayed green to or PineAve St. Railroad is Trouble no on to Railroad Ave. is two lane though not marked, and RailroadI Ave. too well don’t think has any marked lanes. trolledleftturn, northbound ecember ------|D ews Director N Hampton and Parks Director of Dyana Martin from 5A Special Events troubles tlantic HamptonArea

Ginni McNamara ic Hampton Recreation aff r Chamber of Commerce 30A | A 30A T Southbound has two Topic Topic today is the inter To the To Editor: Both events were fun to And last but certainlybutlastAnd not Thank you to Leisure There are more thanks letters age northbound has two lanes and a turn left lane; east is, and here is why: lanesandturninga left lane; section at Route 1 and Rail road Ave. in Seabrook, NH. Confusing and dangerous it puttogether for the commu nity and I hope that all that attended had a great time. Happy Holidays. John Morgenstern, Carmel O’Brien and Gary Martin. Regal, MelanieAmanda McNamara, Nickels, Jerry McConnell, Lee Lowney, least, thank you goes out to the Hampton Chamber staff and Hampton staff Recreation and volunteers Karen for the roasted(yum). chestnuts work that they did for Street Thank Fair. theyou to the Old Salt and Dana Ferland for lighting the tree. Thank you to Hampton ment of Public forWorks all Depart the behind the scenes prep for our event and HamptonBeach,GronLeah to Miss din for helping Santa and Media Group. Time Warehouse for viding pro Santa with a chair born Fine Candies, Allegra Printing and Imaging, and special thanks to Seacoast dayAuction especially Bean Insurance (eventwriter), Lamprey Bros., San under to the sponsors Casassa Ryan, & the Provident Bank, Unitil, all those tributed thatto the HACC Holi con tude go out to Rush Prudential Realty for being Event the Underwriter. Also to go out for the volunteers at the Holiday Street Thank you Fair. and much grati Advisory Council for bring ing the cartoon to characterslife. being open and providing more goodies for the event. And finally the Recreation year. year. Thank you Bistro Amelia’s and Caffe’ Fresco P

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black . ------31A age Portsmouth | P Jeffrey Cooper ews N week

Thenew kid onthe block We in NH have shown All the Democratic can tlantic the same goals and values when compared to any the of Republicans. The ques tion is “Who can deliver?” might look like a great can didate, but westeady need hand of the sional a as profes president. Joe That’s Biden. I urge NH voters to check him out at www. and him go when see he Hampshire. is in New the nation upsets surprises before and and wedo it again. can Our job here is to look at all the candidates, not just the ones the media and the money vote tell for. us to he has proven through hisyears of leadership ability as the chair of Foreign the Senate Relationsmittee. He already has Com the respect of moderate Repub licansfixwillneedthattohe the mess the Bush adminis tration has left us in, and he already has sound relation ships with all the world relevant leaders. He’s the one who can restore our name. good didates have pretty much the ------

a Friend of 14, 2007 | A 14, 2007

female Collie mix. et

site at ecember P

companion and good on a leash.

under the age of six. I am good with

My name is Martha, a seven-year-old

I came to the SPCA as a stray and it’s

Adopt You can see Martha and her friends visitingby the New Hampshire SPCA Web not recommended that I be with children other dogs, but not cats. I am a perfect 51 | D 51 | o I left the session quite You might think from He doesn’t just claim to The clear implication stereotypesagainstThese the back” rhetoric. None of Obama’sadscontained any thing of substance. My con clusion is that if onlyqualification istoloud Obama’s ly proclaim his trustworthi ness, then I don’t trust him. concerned that Obamagaining momentum on is this hollow basis, that he could be the John Kerry of or even 2008, if he wins he brings no meaningful experienceto the table as president. what I’ve written that I am supporting Hillary. Not so. I’m supporting Joe becausehehas long a stand Biden ing record of a pragmatic,problem-solving approach. be able to unite the country; is that Hillary trusted. cannot be More Obama says we flagrantly,should not go back to the divisive days of the 90s, attacking Hillary through her husband, Bill, despite his popularity. The allegation is that the tons Clinare divisive. Hillary are directly from the Rush Limbaugh playbook, and I am troubled to see the rival Democratic candidates quoting right wing “stab in 33, N ol ------V ? er v Hampton eli Art Gopalan d

from 30A n a c

o h For example, Hillary has To the To Editor: Last week I got a call Reduced government Earlier Earlier this year, NAS Atlantic News readers may “The NASCAR Crafts W Letters ary, ary, like the Edwards’ spots do. They did it by subtle implication. a more a theme of “Experience and Change.” Obama counters with “Change Trust,” and the entire thrust You Canof the campaign is charac ter references from average citizens. spending (which off siphons the productivity of citizens) the will ease tax den bur on the people and that turn,in willfurther improve productivity and prosper Warren ity. Buffet can really invigorate our societyusing his wealth in far more by productive ways than cam paigning for more taxes and bigger governments. to attend a politicalgroup for focus $75, and I It went. turned out to be a market test for upcoming political Obama ads. We seven watched of them, werewhat I would call “soft and they negatives.” come They right and attack Hill didn’t be scaled back and limited. of the year in 12 of 13 seasons seasons 13 of 12 in year the of — 2007. including The series continues to attract some of NASCAR's most avid fans because of its intense, side- competition.” by-side CAR's other two series national — the Series and Nextel the Busch Cup Series be they would — announced sponsors title new with going and changing their Sprint season. next beginning names Cup will become the name of the top series, Busch will Series the become and the Series. Nationwide Rac the Hodges/ Gerald contact ing Reporter at hodgesnews@ on on the track during annual events, its he expects to 25 find the right fit with difficulty. little man Truck Series represents some of the best world's rac ing,” Phelps said. “The sea son championship has been determined in the final race

31 ------stories CAR S A raftsman out after ‘08 after out raftsman Steve Steve Phelps, NASCAR's Craftsman, the series NASCAR doesn’t know Members Members of the media Earnhardt's announce Dale Earnhardt Jr. C Top ’07 N ’07 Top orner place place as title sponsor of the series. They said last week that they expect negotiations to begin with soon. candidates viable several chief marketing officer, told that of Menzer Joe because of the popularity of the in and years series recent the close, competitive action Tomorrow at Tomorrow Bristol, 6. Juan the becoming Montoya Pablo first Hispanic driver to win a race in top NASCAR's two series, 7. Clint Bowyer the as win race career first his ning No.12 seed in the Chase for the Nextel Cup, 8. Johnson outdueling Matt Kenseth for the win in laps of the closing The 9. Texas, at 500 Dickies the thrilling finish in NASCAR's first-ever national series race in Canada, 10. Ron Horna day Jr. becoming the second driver in Craftsman Series Truck history to win championships. three sponsor of Truck Series the since its incep NASCAR the as out be will 1995, in tion title sponsor of the series at 2008 upcoming the of end the season. who will take Craftsman's members of the media. the of members ranked the top highlights of the on season 2007 NASCAR A total of 141 votes were cast online between Nov. 26 and 4. Dec. 10 Each received highlight points for a first-place vote, second-place a for points nine vote, for eight points a third- place vote, etc. down to one 10th. for point 64 ments garnered first-place 1,243 with and finished votes points. Jimmie Johnson win ning his second consecutive Nextel Cup Series champi onship earned 16 first-place votes and finished The with 1,028 points. rest of second the top 10: 3. Gordon pass ing Dale Earnhardt on close 4. The list, wins all-time the finishes at Daytona, 5. The introduction of the Car of booth booth in 2008, Wallace. and Punch along with leav was he that announcing the at Inc. Earnhardt Dale ing end of the season and mov ing to Hendrick Motorsports in 2008 was voted NASCAR the story top for 2007 by C

------acing R Petree Petree is scheduled to “We “We thought we had On Oct. 12, 2006, Petree “I “I guess there has been By February 2003, his Cup Cup his 2003, February By “I guess you could say sponsors. have to had “We It It turned out that 2001 Mike Wallace drove the The 2000 season The was 2000 a season lot Still searching for victory ing ing the last half of the 2007 season. racing return to the ABC broadcast and got to the point where we we where point the to got and winning. were things on the but then right we hit a track bump the in road with the economy and able weren't to keep our sponsorships.” signed on with ABC/ ESPN as part of Jerry Punch Dr. team. Petree, their broadcast and Rusty anchored Wallace the dur broadcast network’s Where most teams have mar have teams most Where keting and P/R guys work ing for I them, had to handle taking as well as chores those care of the race team. It got harder. and harder a lot of frustration — the over last few years, anyway. very were few years The first were We build encouraging. ing on something that basi cally started with very little, a corner. a history. was team I had to wear two different kind of a as car was first “The Petree. hats,” one hard really continued the but owner, was dealing with sponsors. Each week more and more of my time was with consumed trying to improve our situation. financial made made one start in 2000, but through. fell deal the would be Petree's best sea son. Hamilton held off Tony Stewart in a thriller at to his ladega give first Petree Tal win. career car for four races However, with in a best 2002. finish 33 No. the Daytona, at 21st of team's glory days were over. Andy Petree was backed in but finished 22nd in points. in 22nd finished but better. Joe Nemechek, who had replaced Schrader, was solid as he won a pole, had 3 top-5s and 9 top-10s. That him enabled to 15th finish in points. in 2001, Petree hired kept and 33 No. the in echek Nem Bobby to Hamilton drive the No. 55. A third driver the as Bodine team Geoffrey with tent. He earned his career best best career his earned He tent. finish of 2nd at New Hamp Speedway, International shire ------s w e N

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a Andy Andy Petree: Been there, done that l

r a a e R

The struggles of add In 1998, Schrader had three three had Schrader 1998, In He moved into team own team into moved He Petree went on to win two two win to on went Petree By By the age of 28, he was “Even “Even though it's been a In In 1977, just as Jarrett And there isn’t a nicer guy guy nicer a isn’t there And Born in Newton, NC, he As a television commenta television a As From From the track to the




tlantic y p he more flashy but also inconsis also but flashy more 1999. Schrader struggled to a struggled 1999. Schrader was Wallace finish. place 15th ing ing a second car of and sponsorship lack showed in lace finished the season in it. in season the finished lace drove it first, but Kenny Wal Kenny but it first, drove in in the season, Petree added a second car. Hut Stricklin top-5s top-5s and 11 top-10s, finished 12th but in points. Late Winston Cup standings. Cup Winston car to a 10th-place in the final final the in 10th-place a to car at the end of the 1997 season, season, of 1997 at end the the and Ken Schrader drove the No. No. 33 car Bandit driv Skoal en by Gant. But Gant retired when when he took control of the ership ership after the 1996 season Series Series and Craftsman Truck races. Series won races with his own team, team, own his with races won and drove in some Busch late Dale Earnhardt. late He Dale Earnhardt. later NASCAR Cup ships as champion a crew chief for the No. 33. No. crew crew chief for Harry Gant, the driver of Leo Jackson’s small race shop in downtown downtown in shop race small Newton.” was was driving a pickup truck and we worked out of our of of Newton,” said Petree. “I seem seem that long ago that we were riding down the streets lot lot of years ago, it doesn't another another friend, Jimmy New some. "A" "A" for Andy and the "J" for (NC) Speedway. The in DAJ stood "D" for Dale, the Racing Racing to run in the limited sportsman class at Hickory career, career, Petree, a high school him helped form DAJ friend, was was trying to start his racing rett. became part owner of the No. No. the of owner part became 32 Busch car with Dale Jar Hickory Motor Speedway, he Speedway, Motor Hickory spending spending many years ing on including local tracks, rac has has been a long-time fixture in NASCAR racing. After in the sport. the in experiences and his experiences style has fans. the with on caught tor tor on ABC and ESPN, he is able to share a lot of racing has come full circle in racing. in circle full come has broadcast booth, Andy Petree Petree Andy booth, broadcast

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\ 2%#)/53 “Can” You Help? ews 0 !-% following participating downtown Hampton businesses: \ 3 N ),6%2 \ !-04/. 3 \

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black