Cows' Status for Haplotypes Impacting Fertility on the Records of Holstein

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Cows' Status for Haplotypes Impacting Fertility on the Records of Holstein Cows' status for haplotypes impacting fertility on the records of 1 Holstein Association USA, Inc. as of 07/17/2015 (Blank=Tested-Free, C=Carrier) Use CTRL-F to search Name Registration HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 B LAURIN SONIA-ET NLD 492674545 B LAURIN SYENNA-ET NLD 492474572 B&BGENETICS KRNCH RAQUEL-ET USA 73110726 B&BGENETICS KRNCH REAGAN-ET USA 73110725 B&BGENETICS SYM OLIVIA P-ET USA 73110731 C B&BGENETICS SYMP OLIVE P-ET USA 73110730 B&L DUNDEE SAMANTHA USA 61615005 B&L SHOTTLE DAINTY-ET 840003001492714 B&Z BOOKEM 8133 840003009132062 B&Z CHIP OMARION 7510-ET 840003008328908 B&Z CHIP ORACLE 7509-ET 840003008328907 B&Z CHIP ORPHEOUS 7502-ET 840003008328900 B&Z GOLD CHIP 8122 840003009132051 B&Z GOLDEN PP 12317 840003125140061 B&Z GRAFEETI OLLY 7577-ET 840003008897590 B&Z GRAFEETI ONYX 7585-ET 840003008897598 B&Z LATIMER 8915-ET 840003012563637 B&Z LATIMER 8922-ET 840003012563644 B&Z LATIMER 8932-ET 840003012563654 B&Z MASSEY 12006 840003013773184 B&Z MASSEY 9032 840003013138520 B&Z OMAN 5796 USA 63139637 B&Z PLANET 7807 HALLE-ET 840003008245415 B&Z PLANET 7815-ET 840003008245423 B&Z SSI BRTN ORANGES7541-ET 840003008328939 B&Z SSI COLT OASIS 7391-ET 840003008328789 B&Z SSI JARV ORLEANS7520-ET 840003008328918 B&Z SSI JRV OAKLEY 7522-ET 840003008328920 B&Z SSI S-ROCK OCEAN7381-ET 840003008328779 B&Z SSI S-ROCK ODELE7366-ET 840003008328764 B-A-M BABS-ET USA 65226206 B-A-M BAMBI-ET USA 65226208 B-A-M BEYONCE-ET USA 65226207 B-A-M JEEVES BLIZZARD-ET USA 68610854 B-A-M MAC BANJO-ET USA 65226167 B-A-M MILLION BRIDGET-ET USA 68610870 C B-A-M TOYSTORY BLISS USA 65226151 B-BAR-G DURHAM NALLELY USA 60573987 B-BAR-W FINLEY CETAVIA USA 60574001 B-BROOKSIDE KONYAT JAIME-ET USA 137003170 B-BUCKY STORMATIC SKITTLES USA 61740287 B-CHRIS CASHCOIN DIAMOND USA 72619718 B-CHRIS CASHCOIN WILLOW-ET USA 72619688 B-CHRIS JABIR DALLOR-ET 840003014334823 B-CHRIS JACEY VANNA-ET USA 72619726 Cows' status for haplotypes impacting fertility on the records of 2 Holstein Association USA, Inc. as of 07/17/2015 (Blank=Tested-Free, C=Carrier) Use CTRL-F to search Name Registration HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 B-CHRIS MACK GAZELLA-ET USA 72619745 B-CHRIS MOGUL RANITA USA 72619708 B-CHRIS OAK SNOWBUNNY-ET 840003013923901 B-CHRIS OAK SNOWFALL-ET 840003013923898 B-CHRIS OAK SNOWFLAKE-ET 840003013923902 B-CHRIS PLAN LANEO USA 72619715 B-CHRIS SUPERSIRE ROHANA USA 72619793 B-CHRIS SYMPATICO RASI-ET USA 72619714 C B-DARLYN CANCUN PEONY USA 70993726 B-DARLYN KINGBOY MOLLY-ET USA 74315711 B-DARLYN ROBUST MARLEE-ET USA 70993708 B-DARLYN ROBUST MARTY-ET USA 70993700 B-DARLYN UNO POPPY USA 70993729 B-ENTERPRISE ARM LOUISE-ET USA 71073149 B-ENTERPRISE ATWOOD LAUD-ET USA 71073154 B-ENTERPRISE B RHONDA-ET USA 70524616 B-ENTERPRISE BEAU AL-ET USA 71073156 B-ENTERPRISE BEAU ALICE-ET 840003123620219 B-ENTERPRISE BEAU ALICIA-ET USA 71700616 B-ENTERPRISE BS MACI-RED-ET USA 71356471 B-ENTERPRISE BSD MAE-RED-ET USA 71356473 B-ENTERPRISE BSD MAY-RED-ET USA 71356469 B-ENTERPRISE D LILAC-ET 840003126025796 B-ENTERPRISE GRAFEETI EL-ET USA 71073158 C B-ENTERPRISE JACEY 2299-ET USA 73482392 B-ENTERPRISE JACEY 7327-ET USA 73450793 B-ENTERPRISE JACEY 7328-ET USA 73450794 B-ENTERPRISE JC BELLA-ET 840003123738265 B-ENTERPRISE M AMORILLO USA 72086419 B-ENTERPRISE M GIGI USA 72225626 B-ENTERPRISE MACK 7324-ET USA 72086423 B-ENTERPRISE MACK 7326-ET USA 73450792 B-ENTERPRISE MACK 7329-ET USA 73450795 B-ENTERPRISE MACK LOU-ET USA 72086421 B-ENTERPRISE P RHONDA-ET USA 71073162 B-ENTERPRISE PLATNM LAUD-ET USA 73450791 C C B-ENTERPRISE PRE ELETTA-ET USA 72086410 B-ENTERPRISE PUNCH RHONA-ET USA 72086406 B-ENTERPRISE RBURST AMOR-ET USA 72086407 B-ENTERPRISE SH MACK LEE-ET USA 73059938 B-ENTERPRISE SHOUT 7287 USA 71073148 B-ENTERPRISE SUCCESS 7317 USA 72086416 B-ENTERPRISE SUPR GOBBLE-ET USA 69926591 B-H OUTSIDE AVA 3881 USA 60702560 B-H-D PLANET 2753 USA 70616660 Cows' status for haplotypes impacting fertility on the records of 3 Holstein Association USA, Inc. as of 07/17/2015 (Blank=Tested-Free, C=Carrier) Use CTRL-F to search Name Registration HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 B-H-D POTTER 1427-ET USA 62590925 B-HIDDENHILLS ABRAM 1984 840003011729882 B-HIDDENHILLS AIRNET 1898 840003011200693 B-HIDDENHILLS AIRNET 1978 840003011729876 C C B-HIDDENHILLS AKRAM 1830-ET 840003010469684 B-HIDDENHILLS ALCHE 1959-ET 840003011729857 B-HIDDENHILLS ALCHE 1962-ET 840003011729860 B-HIDDENHILLS ALCHEMY 2093 840003012644437 B-HIDDENHILLS ARMIT 1728-ET 840003009549282 B-HIDDENHILLS ARMIT 1761-ET 840003010469615 B-HIDDENHILLS ARMITAGE 1731 840003009549285 B-HIDDENHILLS AVERY 1637-ET 840003008827406 C B-HIDDENHILLS B 1886-RED-ET 840003011200681 B-HIDDENHILLS BEACN 1298-ET 840003007443281 B-HIDDENHILLS BR KALEIGH-ET USA 71259134 B-HIDDENHILLS BRAD LEXIE-ET USA 71259132 B-HIDDENHILLS BRADN AMIE-ET USA 71259138 B-HIDDENHILLS BRN AMANDA-ET USA 71259135 B-HIDDENHILLS BUTLR 2339-ET 840003124761810 B-HIDDENHILLS CENA 1786-ET 840003010469640 B-HIDDENHILLS CENA 1823-ET 840003010469677 C B-HIDDENHILLS CENA 1824-ET 840003010469678 C B-HIDDENHILLS COLT 1627-ET 840003008827396 B-HIDDENHILLS COLT 1632-ET 840003008827401 B-HIDDENHILLS COLT 1640-ET 840003008827409 B-HIDDENHILLS COLT 1651-ET 840003009549205 B-HIDDENHILLS COLT 1654-RED 840003009549208 B-HIDDENHILLS COLT 2072-ET 840003012644416 B-HIDDENHILLS DEFENDER 2222 840003013874353 B-HIDDENHILLS DEYJA 2401-ET 840003126025232 B-HIDDENHILLS DEYJA 2407-ET 840003126025238 B-HIDDENHILLS DEYJA 2468-ET 840003128034678 B-HIDDENHILLS DONAT 2026-ET 840003011729924 B-HIDDENHILLS DONATELO 2021 840003011729919 B-HIDDENHILLS DORITO 1938 840003011200733 C B-HIDDENHILLS GABOR 1323-ET 840003007443306 B-HIDDENHILLS GOLD 1060-ET 840003005680204 B-HIDDENHILLS GOLD 1248-ET 840003007443231 B-HIDDENHILLS HAGAR BRIELLA USA 143102001 B-HIDDENHILLS HALOGEN 2254 840003124761725 B-HIDDENHILLS JACK 2220-ET 840003013874351 C B-HIDDENHILLS JACK 2226-ET 840003013874357 B-HIDDENHILLS JIVES 1661-ET 840003009549215 B-HIDDENHILLS JIVES 1671-ET 840003009549225 B-HIDDENHILLS JIVES 8305-ET USA 71280510 Cows' status for haplotypes impacting fertility on the records of 4 Holstein Association USA, Inc. as of 07/17/2015 (Blank=Tested-Free, C=Carrier) Use CTRL-F to search Name Registration HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 B-HIDDENHILLS JIVES 8308-ET USA 71280513 B-HIDDENHILLS KINGBOY 2369 840003126025200 B-HIDDENHILLS KINGBOY 2406 840003126025237 B-HIDDENHILLS LARGE 1825-ET 840003010469679 B-HIDDENHILLS LARGE 1826-ET 840003010469680 B-HIDDENHILLS LEVI 1785-ET 840003010469639 B-HIDDENHILLS LEVI 1789-ET 840003010469643 C B-HIDDENHILLS LEVI 1791-ET 840003010469645 B-HIDDENHILLS LIGHTING 1672 840003009549226 B-HIDDENHILLS LUCID 2136-ET 840003012644480 C B-HIDDENHILLS LUCID 2140-ET 840003012644484 B-HIDDENHILLS M 2011-RED-ET 840003011729909 B-HIDDENHILLS MACK 2148-ET 840003013874279 B-HIDDENHILLS MACK 2164-ET 840003013874295 B-HIDDENHILLS MACK 2203-ET 840003013874334 B-HIDDENHILLS MACK 2224-ET 840003013874355 B-HIDDENHILLS MACK 2358-ET 840003126025189 B-HIDDENHILLS MAYFL 2261-ET 840003124761732 B-HIDDENHILLS MCC TD 1155 840003011539804 B-HIDDENHILLS MCG YVETTE-ET USA 69928470 B-HIDDENHILLS MCGN ROXIE-ET USA 69928471 B-HIDDENHILLS MILES 2241-ET 840003013874372 B-HIDDENHILLS MILSN 2403-ET 840003126025234 B-HIDDENHILLS MILSO 2476-ET 840003128034686 C B-HIDDENHILLS MITCH 1871-ET 840003011200666 C B-HIDDENHILLS MITCH 1873-ET 840003011200668 C B-HIDDENHILLS MITCH 1884 840003011200679 C B-HIDDENHILLS MIZZOU 2411 840003126025242 C B-HIDDENHILLS MOHAK 2333-ET 840003124761804 C B-HIDDENHILLS MOHAK 2336-ET 840003124761807 B-HIDDENHILLS MONTROSS 2343 840003124761814 B-HIDDENHILLS NOMIN 2325-ET 840003124761796 B-HIDDENHILLS O MAN 338-ET USA 61243600 B-HIDDENHILLS O-COS 1963-ET 840003011729861 C B-HIDDENHILLS OAK 2147-ET 840003013874278 B-HIDDENHILLS OAK 2221-ET 840003013874352 B-HIDDENHILLS OAK 7000-ET USA 72191080 B-HIDDENHILLS P-K A 4894-ET USA 66260833 B-HIDDENHILLS P-K A 4895-ET USA 66260834 B-HIDDENHILLS P-K A 4919-ET USA 66260858 B-HIDDENHILLS PADDY 1787-ET 840003010469641 B-HIDDENHILLS PADDY 1792-ET 840003010469646 B-HIDDENHILLS PEOTI 1699-ET 840003009549253 B-HIDDENHILLS PEOTI 1701-ET 840003009549255 B-HIDDENHILLS PEOTI 1717-ET 840003009549271 Cows' status for haplotypes impacting fertility on the records of 5 Holstein Association USA, Inc. as of 07/17/2015 (Blank=Tested-Free, C=Carrier) Use CTRL-F to search Name Registration HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 B-HIDDENHILLS PK SP 5OOO-ET USA 66260939 C B-HIDDENHILLS PLAN 1988 840003011729886 B-HIDDENHILLS PLATO 1847 840003011200642 B-HIDDENHILLS REFLT 2340-ET 840003124761811 B-HIDDENHILLS SALVA 2207-ET 840003013874338 B-HIDDENHILLS SHAM 1653-ET 840003009549207 B-HIDDENHILLS SHOT 2068-ET 840003012644412 B-HIDDENHILLS SHOT 2070-ET 840003012644414 B-HIDDENHILLS SPMNT 1196-ET 840003006227852 B-HIDDENHILLS SSI OAK 32-ET 840003013659117 B-HIDDENHILLS SUPER 1975-ET 840003011729873 B-HIDDENHILLS TANGO 2307 840003124761778 B-HIDDENHILLS TATUM 2412-ET 840003126025243 B-HIDDENHILLS TATUM 2433 840003126025264 C B-HIDDENHILLS UNO 1870-ET 840003011200665 B-HIDDENHILLS UNO 1878-ET 840003011200673 B-HIDDENHILLS UNO 1882 840003011200677 B-HOL-E-DAY LEEMAN PEPPER USA 142498095 B-J-GROVE ALEX KAITLYN-ET USA 73377165 B-J-GROVE ALEX KENZIE-ET USA 73377164 B-J-GROVE CHAMPION HOOVER USA 135936179 B-J-GROVE JABIR LADYBUG-ET USA 73377163 B-J-GROVE JABIR LUCKY-ET USA 73377162 B-KLEE FARM SHOTTLE MATILDA USA 62711579 C B-LONG CREAM USA 137183643 B-LONG DANTE CHARM USA 131194746 B-LONG FUSION USA 136887496 B-LONG MFD BLUEBERRY-ET USA 128058266 B-LONG PREDATOR USA 142856952 B-LONG WINTERMINT USA 142874020 C B-LOR-K CLARK 775 USA 70525393 B-LOR-K GOLDCHIP 820 USA 70525438 B-LOR-K LITHIUM 934 USA 72542621 B-LOR-K MAC ROGAN-ET USA 66815903 B-LOR-K MOGUL 870 USA 71918674 B-MY-DANDE G CHIP B-1579-ET USA 72297262 C B-S-D AARON DENISE 21955 USA 69530234 B-S-D AARON EMMARAE 6144 USA 71342313 B-S-D AARON FAITH 21887-RED USA 69530166 B-S-D AIKMAN POPPY 6375-ET USA 72697599 B-S-D AIKMAN SHERL 6379-RED USA 72697603 B-S-D ALCHEMY TASH 6376 USA 72697600 B-S-D ANAHIEM DEDE 6581 USA 72697805 B-S-D ANAHIEM DENNER 6652 840003127327657 B-S-D ARMANI BETHANY 6358 USA 72697582 Cows' status for haplotypes impacting fertility on the records of 6 Holstein Association USA, Inc.
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