Readers are encouraged to forward items which have thus far escaped listing to: Christine Worobec Distinguished Research Professor Emerita Department of History Northern Illinois University
[email protected] Please note that this issue has a separate category for the "Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Periods." It follows the heading "General." All categories listed by Country or Region include items from the modern and contemporary periods (from approximately 1700 to the present). GENERAL Agapkina, Tatiana, and Andrei Toporkov. "The Structure and Genesis of One Type of Magic Spell against Children's Insomnia among Slavic Peoples." In: Folklore 80 (2020): 35-46. Anderson, Elinor. "Women, Power and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Europe." In: Central Europe Yearbook 2 (2020): 3-18. Araz, Yahya, and Irfan Kokdaş. "In Between Market and Charity: Child Domestic Work and Changing Labor Relations in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Istanbul." In: International Labor and Working Class History 97 (Spring 2020): 81-108. Bento, Regina F. "The Rose and the Cactus: The Lived and Unanswered Callings of Manya Sklodowska (Marie Curie) and Mileva Marić (Einstein)." In: Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 20, 6 (2020): 549-64. [About the Polish Marie Curie (1867-1934) and the Serbian Mileva Marić (1875-1948)] Bertogg, Ariane [et al.]. "Gender Discrimination in the Hiring of Skilled Professionals in Two Male-Dominated Occupational Fields: A Factorial Survey." In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 72, supp. 1 (2020): 261-89. [Regarding Bulgaria, Greece, Norway, and Switzerland] Bucur, Maria, Krassimira Daskalova, and Sally R. Munt. "East European Feminisms." Special Issue of Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics 4, 2 (2020).