TOMATOES Russia Protests U. S. Plane Over Siberia NEW 1951

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TOMATOES Russia Protests U. S. Plane Over Siberia NEW 1951 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1961 > lE ttr n tu g Average Daily Net Preea Run The Weather r e r tlM W eak BedlBg r e wpti at D. ■> WaadMU HeveeChw 12 About Town Mrs. Skinner Liquor Hours CUaeijr, t i e lkiu ii eUM Herald Will Not Be WE WISH A LL OUR 10,393 OoeOaUeel role tMlgkC < Kiac David Lodgt No. St, Runs Contest W e d d in g s Hearing Set mikor o l thh AedH role, eeUkir. 1 0 .0 .r ., will m(ot Friday vwninit Printed Tomorrow leee at dtreMetie* Manche$ter— A City of Villago, Charm at 7:30 at Odd FeUowa Hail. The PATRONS AND FRIENDS Initiatory degTee will be con* fe n ^ on a claaii of candidate*. The HeraM will not puh- MHS Drama Head Is Rubinow I..abeli4 Pro|»oR- Mnitlen-Farrand (OtaatUM AdvarUatag ao Pega 1C) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1951 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS RefreahmenU and a ooclal hour liah tomorrow, Thnnkagiv- Appointed Direetor of MiM Donna Ra« Farrand. al Retiuh of ^Dispute,' VOL LXXI, NO. 46 aill fallow the degrea work. inR Day. A VERY HAPPY. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Attempt at Coercion Delta Chapter. No. .M. Royal Playwright's Festival I. Farrand of 130 WoodbHdge Arch Mason*, will confer the Jloy- •treet, and Corporal Darrel D. Mrs. Helen P. Skinner, head of The Roaril of Directors last THANKSGIVING at Arch desrree at lU atated con­ Maitlen, Jr., eon of Mr. and Mra. vocation this eveninf at 7:30 Miaa Thelma. M. Dowling, the drama department at Man­ nlffbt voted to hold a public hear­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Darrel D. Maitlen of Portland. In­ ing on Dec. .1 to determine public o'clock in the Masonic Temple. chester High School, has been ap­ opinion on a proposed ordinance The degree will be followed by the R. Dowling of 19 Academy street, diana, were married Saturday in hsa been elected a member of Phi pointed director of the second limiting the hours of buiines* of Russia Protests U. S. Plane Over Siberia usual hour of sociability and re­ the' Second' Congregational Manchester package store*. The freshment*. .Sigma Iota, honorary language annual Pla.vwrlght'a Featiyal Decf's Drive-In society, at Bates College, Lewis­ Church. The double-ring laervlre action WRR taken at the board's 462 CENTER STREH sponsored by Connecticut Theatre, waa performed by candlelight by meeting in the Municipal Building. The Club will ton, Maine. MiM Dowling, a mem­ Inc. The festival la a contest for hold a set bark party at the club ber of the Junior claas, la major­ the minister. Rev. Leland O. Hunt. Attorney Harold W. Oarrity, tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. ing In French. Active In the hand a prize of $200 and la open to The traditioiinl bridal music was representing the Manchester D a y All member.* are requested to at­ and orchestra, she la a Dean’s Uat pla.vwrighta residing In CTonnecti- played by Organist Warren D. Package Store Association which CLOSED ALL DAY TOMORROW Thanksgiving Train Wreck in New York Wood. He accompanied the soloist, tend. Prizes will be awarded. student and a 1949 graduate of ciit who submit a full-length advocates the ordinance reducing Manchester High School. George Vince, tenor, whose num­ from 90 to 76 the maximum num> Truce by Christmas original play. bers were “Because” and the Moscow Hints 1<nr of hii-sinesa hours for package Mr. and Mrs. Gualaf A. Rengt- Mrs. Skinner, who lives at 110 “Lord’s Prayer” Palms, white stores, told the board that of 20 24 Hour Tanner atreet, wil! be in charge ^)ompons and whit#* chrysanthe­ outlet.* in Manchester, 13 are aaso- aon of 241 Gardner afreet will cele­ mums composed the decorations. brate their golden wedding anni­ of the many detaila of the Con- clation membera. He pointed out Ambulance versary tomorrow. Natives of leal. including the naming of the Given in marriage by her fath­ that 10 Connecticut municipalities screening rommlttee and Judges. er. the bride was attended hy her have adopted or are cnnaldering Indicated in Korea Sweden, they w'ere married in Craft Downed Tile, screening committee will he sister. Mrs. Bernard A. Dion of similar ordinances. Service Manchester st the Kmaniiel Lu­ Willimgntic. Vincent J. Farrand. theran Church and have lived in composed of prominent educators Attorney Jay E. Rubinow. rep- FANCY NATIVE and will J.idge the plays gub- brother of the bride, was best man re.senling Anthony George and Munsan, Korea. Nov. 2.3—(/P)—Truce negotiator* reached agreement on a buffer zone WaahiitKlon, Nov. 211—(A’)—RuBaia has protested to the town all their married life. They and the bridesmaids were Mr.s Mrs. Darrel D. Mnillen, Jr. clause today, opening the way for a possible armistice in Korea by Christmas. ‘‘V^e have have no special plans for cclehrnt- milted to Mrs. Skinner. Frank J. Giiinipero, package store United State* that an American plane violated the Siberian Ing tomorrow, but their six chil­ Mrs. Skinner will also contact Robert H. Farrand. Mr.s Roller! operators, said hl.s clients were reached a^eement in ro far aa the wording is concerned,” Rear Adm. Arleijrh A. Burke, border. A note from Mo*cow aaid the plane waa fired on by colleges and iiniveraitlea to ex­ Frey. Jr,, of VWat Hartford; Miss leception in the church parlors "emphatically opposed" to thr UN command aubcommitleeman told correapondenta. **The only thing left now la for the dren and their families will be Kleanor Nugent of Newington following the ceremony. The der- Soviet fighter craft. Thi.s waa learned today, and may explain with them for Thsnksgiving, plain the contest to prospective proposed law. Charging the pro­ ' ----- ---------------------------- ^lialEnn officeri! who mr* working*' entrants among the faculty and ttshers were Robert H. Farrand orafions were mixed floral ar­ posal 1s the outcome of a "faction­ TOMATOES the Moscow preaa snnoimcemenl of *— ---------------------- ' ' ■ ■ ■■- William F*rey, Jr,, and Raymond rangements. on the map to finlah." the decoration of two .Soviet Navy The Past Grands* Association .student body, according to Her­ al diapiitc" within the Manchester J. Srhors. For a wedriint trip to ('anada Package Store As.sociatlon. Rii- By th« pound or by tho boskot. GrcNiou and siiof to Agreenlent on the buffer zone Mystery Grows flier* for oulatandtng performance FOR YOUR PROTECTION of Ivirig David I..odce No. .11. I O. bert S. Caribcrg. president of Soviet Charges iaaue came at the 29th aubcom- Connectirut Theatre. Inc., who an­ The bride’s gown of ivory fosc- the bride is wearing a red knit Hnow termed It an attempt to of their aenlce duties. Yalu Attack • Fully Equippod O, F. will hold a meeting at 7 polnt lace over satin was fa.shmn* mlttee meeting In Panmunjrgn. The clrcumslancea paiallelled the p. m. on Friday. nounced her appointment today. dress, charcoal gray coat and coerce a segment of the associa­ .suit your noods. A saving for housowives, rostou* • CampUtaly Madam Her work as an Knglish teacher ed with a fitted bodice with stanfi- matching grey accessories. On tion into shorter hours. If the agreement la approved by On Lost Plane award* given Soviet flier* who *hot ing collar, long tjght-fitling U. S. Aid Plan down an American Navy Privateer • Immsdimsly A vllabls Due in the Thanksgiving holi­ anil as a leader and former presi­ their return they wdl make their Riihlnow said if the proposal la ronts and storokoopors. the full truce delegation*, a* ex­ Seen If W ar dent of the New England .Secon­ •sleos’es forming a point over the home in Portland, Indiana. not the result of such a dispute, pected. negotiatora would have 30 plan* early 1**1 year. day the Girl Scout nffire will he hands, and clmilar skiit that ex­ In Balkan Area clo.sed Friday, hut It will be open dary Schools Drama Council The bride, a graduate of the the a.'^soeiatlon can get a petition Aggressive Act day* in which to aolve three other ' Filed Nov. 1 Wm. P.Quish make her well-fitted for this posi­ tended Into a swe^pinc train. Her inift from Manchester High signed by the required .I per rent tough problem*, miperxMaion Of the While I here wa* no official com­ V7i Mam Si on S.atiirda.y afternoon from 2 to veil of Importefi illusion wa.s hoM CALL MANCHESTER M406 ment on the matter, it waa learned .1 o'clork. The Saturday open­ tion. Mr. Carlberg said. School, until rorenlly was em­ of the voters and put the matter armiatice. exchange of war prla- Pace Holds In place by a fitted ran of rose to a referendum. P tril, Nov. 23—l/P' The Soviet onera and recommendation* to the Waahlngton. Nov. 22 — (Al— that Russia filed the protest on CpHONE MANCHESTER 4340J ing Is for this week only. Mr.s. .Skinner Is the director and ployed by the Connecticut General Hie Romanian Foreign Office at point lace and pearls. She cnrrietl Life Iiusurance Company. The Earlier Garrily quoted Police 7A.M.to9P.M. Union filed a formal complaint i belligerent government*. Nov. 7. faculty adviser of .Sock and Bus­ a praver hook with oi'^hid marker Chief Herman O. Schendel as say­ Bucharest has toM the Ameri­ On that date, Hugh Cumming. kin. drama group at the high hi idegroom wn.s graduated from with tht United Nation* today,! War To Conttniie can legation there it has no In­ Washington, Nov.
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    WINTER 2016 Wetlands VOLUME 8 ISSUE 2 Richard Wilhelm Richard WATER Water is essential to sustain all life. It is equally important to humans as the natural landscapes that sustain us. Conservation and protection of water may be one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime We forget that the and of our children and future generations. While the amount of water on the planet today is the same water cycle and the as it was in prehistoric times, the demands for it have increased. ❚ Land and water are inextricably life cycle are one. connected. We must understand and acknowledge their interdependency and relationship as we develop Jacques Cousteau and implement strategies to conserve water. ❚ Wetlands, vital to the health of our environment, support Oceanographer conservation of the land-water connection. Their irreplaceable role is the result of the unique natural characteristics of wetlands. Like kidneys, they absorb, filter and recirculate our water. Which in-turn provides critical fish and wildlife habitat to so many of the iconic species we identify with Oregon. In the face of destructive floods, they serve as natural buffers helping to protect our communities. ❚ With the heightened awareness around limited water resources, wetlands role in cleaning and recharging our water supply has become even more essential. OREGON’S GREATEST WETLANDS Every year in early winter, high tides in Oregon are higher than usual. These extreme high tides, commonly called “King Tides,” occur when the moon is closest to the Earth. King Tides visually demonstrate what an estuary might look like as the sea level rises.
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