The Burkholderia genus: between mutualism and pathogenicity El género Burkholderia: entre el mutualismo y la patogenicidad David Espinosa-Victoria*, Laboratorio Interacción Molecular Planta-Microorganismo, 1Programa de Edafo- logía Colegio de Postgraduados, Carretera México-Texcoco Km 36.5, Montecillo Estado de México, México, 56230; Lucía López-Reyes, Moisés Graciano Carcaño-Montiel, Laboratorio Microbiología de Suelos, Bene- mérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Avenida San Claudio s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, La Hacienda, Puebla, Puebla, 72592; 1María Serret-López. *Autor para correspondencia:
[email protected] Recibido: 28 de Abril, 2020. Aceptado: 04 de Junio, 2020. Espinosa-Victoria D, López-Reyes L, Carcaño-Montiel Abstract. Burkholderia is an ambivalent genus MG and Serret-López M. 2020. The Burkholderia ge- because some of its species establish symbiotic- nus: between mutualism and pathogenicity. Mexican Jo- mutualistic relationships with plants, and urnal of Phytopathology 38(3): 337-359. symbiotic-pathogenic relationships with plants, DOI: 10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.2004-5 animals, and humans. Since the phytopathogenic bacterium B. cepacia was reported as a nosocomial Primera publicación DOI: 17 de Junio, 2020. opportunist, associated with cystic fibrosis, the First DOI publication: June 17, 2020. concern about possible infections in humans arose. The objective of this contribution was to make an analysis of Burkholderia’s functional versatility Resumen. Burkholderia es un género ambivalen- and its effect on human health. Burkholderia te debido a que algunas de sus especies establecen harbored about 100 species and the B. cepacia relaciones simbiótico-mutualistas con las plantas, y complex (BCC) consisting of 22 species. At the simbiótico-patogénicas con plantas, animales y hu- beginning, the existence of two lineages within manos.