1962 the Witness, Vol. 47, No. 32
Tte WITN OCTOBER 4, 1962 publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, NEW YORK RECTOR HUGH McCANDLESS begins in this issue a series of three articles on a method of evangelization used in this parish. The drawing is by a parishioner, Richard Stark, M.D. SOME TEMPTATIONS OF THE CAMPUS SERVICES The Witness SERVICES In Leading Churches For Christ and His Church In Leading Churches THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE EDITORIAL BOARD Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9, 10; CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Morn ing Prayer, Holv Communion W. NORMAN PITTENGER, Chairman and Sermon, 11; Evensong and W. B. SPOFFORD SR., Managing Editor The Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector sermon, 4. CHARLES J. ADAMEK; O. SYDNEY BARR; LEE Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:30 and Morning Prayer and Holy Communion BELFORD; KENNETH R. FORBES; ROSCOE T. 11:15 a.m. Wed. and Holy Days: 7:15 (and 10 Wed.); Evensong, 5. FOUST; GORDON C. GRAHAM; ROBERT HAMP- 8:00 and 12:10 p.m. SHIRE; DAVID JOHNSON; CHARLES D. KEAN; THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK GF-ORGE MACMURRAY; CHARLES MARTIN; CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT 5th Avenue at 90th Street ROBERT F. MCGREGOR; BENJAMIN MINIFLE; SUNDAYS: Family Eucharist 9:00 a.m. J. EDWARD MOHR; CHARLES F. PENNIMAN; 976 East Jefferson Avenue Morning Praver and Sermon 11:00 •i m. (Choral Eucharist, first Sun- WILLIAM STRINGFELLOW; JOSEPH F. TITUS- The Rev. William B. Sperry, Rector 8 and 9 a.m. Holy Communion WEEKDAYS: Wednesdays: Holv Com- munion 7:30 a.m.; Thursdavs, Holy (breakfast served following 9 a.m.
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