COVER FRONT 36th Session of the CSI - Inauguration 2 January 2020 Editor’s Desk

Adv. C. Fernandas Rathina Raja, General Secretary CSI & Honorary Secretary CSITA

united and uniting church in the by these new laws. The Church has world, while I am entrusted with the a role to play in this crucial juncture task of being the General Secretary and that role should be based on for the triennium 2020- 2023. The biblical justice. Standing with the Church of South made an afflicted and standing for truth and impact in the global Christian history, justice are obviously the call the new he Church of is being one of the earliest united leadership of the Church of South entering to the 73rd year of the churches, and continue to be open India has. Dr Walter Brueggemann Tformation with the great vision for further discussions towards the says, “love of God gets translated into and motto of ‘that they all may be concept of ‘borderless church’. The CSI a love of vulnerable neighbours. And one’. The 36th session of the Synod Synod, with its active departments, the doing of justice is the prophetic of the , which intervenes, identifies, and encourages invitation to do what needs to be was held at the Heber College the progression of the lives of the done to enable the poor and the in Trichy from in January 2020 people of the church. I am aware of the disadvantaged and the neglected to hosted by the Trichy Tanjore given task of carrying forward the great participate in the resources and wealth aptly chose the theme “Towards a vision and mission of this great church of the community.” The church should Koinonia of Love and Justice”, which and add more momentum to it. be doing this, and I humbly submit is an explanation of the motto of myself to the fact that the primary the church. The church, being the The church is not existing in the onus is upon the leadership of the embodiment of koinonia should be vacuum. The Church has an active Church. implementing the greater fellowship presence and role in Indian society. that surpasses boundaries and Our church has a rich I cannot finish writing this editorial sharing the love that binds people legacy which paved the way for without mentioning the great work together irrespective of gender, caste, education and health care for all. with vision, enthusiam, dedication, financial status, hierarchy, language, The marginalised communities, transparency and accountability by region and religion. The Synod session the untouchables, were able to be Most Rev. Thomas K. Oommen; the was a pointer to the strength and educated and thus enjoyed freedom Moderator, Rt. Rev. V. Prasada Rao; weaknesses of the structure of the and self- esteem and were able to the Deputy Moderator, Rev. Dr. Daniel church, the leadership, and the people make a drastic social change. Hence, Rathnakara Sadananda; the General for being in koinonia and sharing the Church cannot be away from the Secretary, and Adv. Robert Bruce, the love. This self-critical approach social realities and from the fact that during the past two triennium. On is essential for the church to grow the Church is called to be the salt in behalf of the 4.5 million members and achieve the goal of ‘expressing society. The church cannot be the of the CSI, I would like to mark the solidarity with the broken communities friend of those who is doing injustice appreciation and gratitude these for a new hope to face the challenges and divisive activities, instead, the former officers of the Synod. of life and striving towards Unity, church should be doing its prophetic Peace and Reconciliation as a vibrant role in the society. I hope and pray that this triennium Channel of God’, as the much- will be a blessing for all of us. Let appreciated mission statement of the India is witnessing an unprecedented us together work for changes that CSI, proclaims. situation of unrest, divisions, and God will be pleased. Let us together bigotry of a certain group of people. thrive for justice, love and unity. Let I would like to thanks all the The citizens of India, especially the us be prouder of our church’s legacy who helped the process of mission aboriginal communities of India such and instil that feeling in the new council meeting in various ways to as the and Adivasis face the generation. make it a success. My thanks go to danger of losing citizenship and the the representatives of the partner detention centres are staring at them. I need your sincere prayers and organisations who attended the Synod An unbiased view on CAA and NRC support. in Trichy. will reveal that the basic principle of the great Indian constitution prepared May God bless you all! It is my responsibility to humble by Dr Ambedkar, equality of all and myself before God and the people of the non- discrimination based on this great church, which is the biggest religion or caste, has been violated January 2020 3 Greeting From Moderator

The Most. Rev. A. Dharmaraj Rasalam, Moderator, CSI & Bishop in South

greet you all in the precious will be strengthened as empowered. name of our Lord Christ. IIt gives me immense pleasure I am delighted to observe that though to address you as Moderator of the there were systematic programmes Church of South India, which is an designed and implemented by the exceptional example of united and previous officers of the Synod, there uniting churches across the globe. are many locations of ministry open XXXVI Synod meeting of the Church for the people of all sections of the of South India, held in Trichy in society. it should help us to develop January 2020, bestowed upon me a missiological understanding with this responsibility to serve this great the liberative capability of the Gospel. ecumenical union of distinctive In our context, it is significant to be Churches and legacies. I am sure aware of the shifts in the mission and God’s wisdom and guidance will ministry of the church to represent facilitate me to journey with you as God’s love in local congregations. the Moderator of the Church. As the It may be a radical act to promote Moderator of the Church of South a missional Church to address the India, I would like to be a pastor for cultural hybridity of the society. Ruth all bishops primarily and bequeath Mathews while addressing the issue leadership to the church with the of ministry states: “the realization co-operation of all God’s people. I of solidarity seems to be about the sincerely thank all who prayed for ’s representative function. the harmony and partnership of the This is part of the ministry of all Church based on the Love of Christ. Christians”. I request all of you to pray for us. “Brother and Sisters pray In the context of contemporary for us” (I Thess. 5: 25). challenges in doing ministry, there is an inevitable need for a course May the Lord Almighty facilitate us to of action of self-assessment and carry on the Ministry of the Church. repentance. It is remarkable that Archbishop Justin Welby recently Amen. made a number of invitations in terms of enabling the people God to repent and come into contact with the values of the Gospel. He states, “Remembering the should also lead us to repentance of our part in perpetuity division. Such repentance needs to be linked to action aimed at reaching out to other churches and strengthening the relationship with them.” As the Synod reflected on the theme “Towards the koinonia of love and reconciliation,” it is important for us to endow the local congregations in tune with appeasement of Christ. In today’s context, reconciliation demands justice-oriented radical reconciliation through which the poor and the marginalized in our society 4 January 2020 Greeting From Deputy Moderator

The Rt. Rev. Dr. K. Reuben Mark, Deputy Moderator & Bishop in

his is the LORD’s doing; the General Secretary and Prof. Dr it is marvellous in our Vimal Sukumar for being chosen as eyes.” Psalm 118:23 the Hon. Treasurer. As one among the team as the Deputy Moderator, I “TI take pleasure to greet strongly believe that God has chosen my dear brothers and sisters as the these four to lead this mighty Church Deputy Moderator of the Church of to greater heights in all dimensions. South India. I firmly believe that under the leadership of Most Rev. Dharmaraj My immense thanks to Jesus who Rasalam the Church will surely blessed me as the Deputy Moderator experience wonders and yield good of the Church of South India. As I fruits. strongly believe that this is Lord’s doing, and hence my desire is to do The Church of South India is “something” that pleases the Lord considered as a role model to the Jesus and the Church at large to churches in this world because this keep it growing and glowing. I can do Church is not only a “United Church” this “something” only through God’s but it is a “Uniting Church”. As this grace and prayer support. is a “Uniting Church” CSI is looked as a borderless Church. The various I want to thank my dear brother ministries carried out by various Bishops and sister Bishop, and the departments of CSI has made the Synod delegates for the way you whole world know that this church is all allowed us to be used as God’s translating thoughts and words into instruments in blessing me as the actions. Deputy Moderator. My humble plea to the entire CSI The 36th Session of the Church family is to uphold us at the feet of South India Synod hosted by at of our Lord in prayers because we Trichy-Tanjore Diocese in Trichy four are chosen as an answer to the was a milestone in the journey of prayers of many people. By the grace this biggest Protestant Church in of God and your prayer support we India. The innovative worships can fulfil God’s purpose and can rise incorporating the local cultural and to the expectations of humble people. traditional aesthetics enabled every worshipper to have experiential worship. The Bible Studies by eminent God’s chosen Children laid a strong foundation for the Church to travel in the direction where God’s name can be lifted high and the Church to continue to be on the side of the oppressed communities. The hospitality was cherished by everyone to the heart content.

I would like to congratulate Most Rev. Dharmaraj Rasalam for being elevated as the Moderator of Church of South India, Advocate Fernandas Rathina Raja for being elected as January 2020 5 Greeting from Hon. Treasurer

Prof. Dr B. Vimal Sukumar, Hon. Treasurer CSI & CSITA

he legacy and the journey the church as the Hon. Treasurer of the Church of South of this great church by keeping TIndia continues, with an transparency and accountability as ever-rejuvenating vision and the basic feature of my service in the mission approach. The Church, coming triennium. which reiterates the greatest ever revolutionary command in the world The response of the church towards by Jesus Christ that “love your the societal needs, issues, problems, neighbour as yourself”, look forward and challenges is also the need of to a renewed world in which ‘they all the hour. Around us, we see the may be one’. The pilgrimage of the incidents, conspiracies, political church is actually aiming at this goal. crookedness, communal tensions When we look deep inside through which are exactly opposite to the the technicalities, constitutional call of Jesus Christ to be united in clarities and confusions, practical fellowship and love. The Church implications, the ultimate picture should be taking a proactive and that becomes lucid should be the prophetic role in condemning the vision of fellowship, justice, equality, divisive forces and acts from any peace, and above all love. corner, fearlessly stand for justice and advocate peace and harmony. I would humble myself to the fact that the responsibility I am given Our journey continues and the to be the Honorary treasurer of the change of leadership is a part of the Church of South India, the second journey to make the pace increased, biggest Church in India, is not only a not to disturb the progression. The result of an election process but also new leadership of the Church of part of a greater plan by our God. South India is open and willing to This responsibility is something that hear everybody and learn from the should not be taken lightly, but the well-wishers of the church. And I spiritual and constitutional aspects humbly request your prayers for the imbibed by this responsibility should needed blessing of strength to be part be seen and understood as divine of the leadership of this great Church in nature. Hence, I should be seeing in South India. this responsibility as a work of God for God’s people. This awareness Thank you very much! makes me humbled.

The Church of South India stands tall in its democratic tenets and the transparency and accountability clubbed with it. The primary responsibility of any church leader is to maintain the high dignity of the Church in the society by taking extraordinary care on the qualities of the transparency and accountability in all the activities, primarily in the financial matters. I understand and submit myself to this important point and assure you that by the grace of God, I will uphold the dignity of 6 January 2020 Keynote Address

Towards a koinonia of Love and Equality (Bishop Hollis memorial lecture 13 January 2020)

1. Introduction knotty issues but fought for and created a genuinely organic union, is an immense privilege for in obedience to Christ’s command me to be standing here and ‘that they might be one’ against the ItI would like to express my sceptics and the naysayers. They profound gratitude to the General brought their gifts to that work of Secretary of the Church of South the spirit, but the strength and India for the kind invitation. USPG commitment and resolve of each is deeply honoured to be in a involved would all have been for partnership with the CSI and we nought without the establishment of thank God for the blessings of this a deep mutual respect, an abiding in relationship today and for our shared the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. history in the Gospel. I must also say it is a great pleasure to be here I said ‘to whom we are all indebted’ with you, at this gathering of the CSI quite deliberately: For, the movement at this historic moment in your life of the Spirit in the formation of the together – as you seek to discern the Church of South India - is one all Spirit calling you forward in mission, serious students of witnessing to Christ’s love. should attend to. But even more than that, sisters and brothers in The lecture is named for an Christ across the world have been Englishman – Bishop deeply shaped in their worship – but in appreciating his ministry and community life, in the ‘mind of in South India, his wisdom and Christ’, by the pioneering spirit of humility, and his valued service and the CSI, not least through the huge key role as the first Moderator of the influence of the Lord’s Supper, your CSI, let me also express my deep eucharistic liturgy, and its many admiration and appreciation of all innovations, including of course, those men and women to whom we that wonderful act of the sharing are all indebted for the remarkable of the peace. A simple but powerful act of God in Christ through his expression of koinonia which has Spirit that is the Church of South even managed to find its way into India. For all those, who from that the traditional villages of the rather auspicious meeting in Tranquebar straight-backed and stiff-limbed in 1919 convened by Bishop inhabitants of a particular island Rev. Duncan Dormor, Vedanayagam Azariah, laboured to in the north of Europe. Today that an Anglican , bring to birth in 1947 one of the most peace is expressed in a wide variety published author, teacher remarkable developments in modern of forms reflecting the radically and public speaker, is Christianity. The significance and different cultures and contexts, from the General Secretary of witness of which continues to grow. the full-on bear hug of the Brazilian United Society Partners church to the dignified bows of the in the Gospel (USPG). He In this lecture I want to offer a few Japanese Church to those thoughtful also serves as a member reflections on the ‘Spirit of koinonia’ exchanges where it is the eyes do of Churches Together in the life and mission of the Church, more of the work of conveying the in Britain and Ireland’s of which the foundation of the CSI is sense of recognition of a shared Mission and Theological a powerful example. For your faithful participation with God that is love. Advisory Group. Christian founders did not duck the January 2020 7 2. The ‘Spirit of koinonia’ of living together, of mingling for unity and order within the and encounter, of embracing and Fellowship. As one New Testament scholar has supporting one another’.2 recently commented – the coin of It entails a deeply practical and koinonia has become a little too Indeed I would go further for none pastoral theology concerned with smooth, losing its distinctiveness; its of these words is really adequate to the lived reality, with the grounding edge.1 That is, over recent decades capture the depth of mystery of our of the life of the church in how its its use in official documents and life together, the depth of koinonia, members act towards each other and texts and statements of churches which goes beyond these mere in their reaching out to the world. and church bodies has robbed the descriptions; rather, I would like word of much of the power that to suggest its spirit is understood Koinonia involves an acceptance it possesses in the Scriptures, more fully in the tacit knowledge of of the other and the realisation especially within the letters of our lives and encounters with each of a barrier broken, a border Paul - and I would suggest within other; in those moments in our lives crossed; it reconciles, and whether the very texture of John’s gospel and in which love in its many forms is through words or action, there is a the Johannine writings, which speak intuited and experienced: the look of sacramental connectivity involved. so poetically and powerfully of what delight when a dear friend pays an Brought to birth by the Spirit of koinonia really means. unexpected visit, the gentle squeeze Christ it creates a distinctive type of of the hand at the bed of loved one space between persons, a solidarity – Official church usage has rendered who is dying. It is also conjured in generous, imaginative, enlarged – the koinonia, a little blandly as the moment’s glance and the sense sort of solidarity that takes us to ‘communion’. Congregations would of flow between well-rehearsed full stretch as human persons, that of course recognise ‘koinonia’ as dancers or singers of musicians as renders us vulnerable, that involves ‘fellowship’ identifying it most closely they step, inhale or strike the drum. risk and discomfort and sacrifice. from our frequent repetition of the More powerfully yet, it is also the Grace: ‘The grace of our Lord Jesus moment when barriers dissolve, So, I would like to suggest that the Christ, and the love of God ‘..and when recognition dawns, when idea of koinonia brings: the fellowship [koinonia] of the Holy reconciliation beckons; when the stranger feels accepted for who they - a richness and a depth dimension are. to our understanding and life of the “The spirit of koinonia enlivens church; In terms of our life together in and fills out with real humanity Christ: If ‘the People of God’ speaks - it challenges us through our shared what it means to be the People of a pilgrim church, of a forward participation in Christ to a much of God, the Body of Christ; it is movement, of the story of salvation more personal identification with that which makes these things coming to fulfilment; and the others; real, which grounds them, which ‘Body of Christ’ of sacrament and radical unity in the face of it witnesses to a radically different binds them together.” difference and potential division, kind of human solidarity from that then the spirit of koinonia speaks of which we see in the world; and, fellowship, of a deeper participation Spirit, be with us all evermore’ (2 in the Incarnation, of a deepening - it also deepens our commitment Corinthians 13:13 ). But even here, dimension to the life of the Church. It to mission – in prophetic action, fellowship can at times seem to lack speaks of partnership, of sharing, of in partnership and solidarity with weight or depth of meaning. a mutual abiding.3 others, in mission.

Today I would like to simply speak The spirit of koinonia enlivens and Like the Holy Spirit itself, the scope for an enlarged sense of koinonia: fills out with real humanity what of koinonia ranges widely. This is Communion, fellowship, yes, but it means to be the People of God, especially clear in the writings of Paul more expansively: it is participation, the Body of Christ; it is that which where it is applied to participation it is partnership; it is a mutual makes these things real, which in Christ and his sufferings, to the belonging, it is an in-dwelling, it grounds them, which binds them relationship between Christ and is a sharing; it is a participational together. In the language of koinonia the community, and Paul’s own knowledge. It is the embrace and the – it is the personal, the face-to-face, relationship to various churches: recognition and the intimacy of being the deeply human dimension of being together in the love of Christ or in the in Christ that is to the fore – rather But, it is also there at the heart of words of Pope Francis the ‘mystique than the salvation story or a concern a deeply personal appeal: In his 8 January 2020 carefully crafted pastoral letter to the in prison, where Paul at his most Here is Paul’s radical and breath- slave-owning Philemon, arguing that profound, reaches into the depths of taking answer: the now runaway slave, Onesimus, his own understanding: ‘if there is be received by his former owner, not any encouragement in Christ, any This is who he is: The one who just as blessed brother, but indeed as consolation from love, any sharing humbles himself, empties himself, Paul himself: ‘So if you consider me (koinonia) in the Spirit’ – then he drains himself of all authority and your partner (koinonon), receive him says, if these things – then, ‘bring me power; who assumes the lowliest as you would receive me (Philemon v to the fullness of joy’ doing ‘nothing position identifying himself with the 17): The apostle as Slave. from selfishness or conceit’, but in slave – that human person whose humility ‘counting others better than dignity and agency and autonomy is It is there also at the other end of yourselves’ – look to the ‘interest denied; who fully identifies himself the scale in the transnational - in of others’ and ‘put on the mind of with the crushed and broken of the the references to the collection Christ’. (Philippians 2:1-5) world, with the and all who are for the poor in Jerusalem in the brutalised and marginalised and cast correspondence with the churches of It is so easy to domesticate the words aside by the dynamics and orderings Rome and Corinth. of Scripture, to skate lightly over of human power. The one who the weight and significance of this endures death on a cross, the routine Yet, throughout there is strong appeal. That is true of these truly punishment for the runaway slave, ‘family resemblance’ – for what is extraordinary, powerful words. But yet the one has moved purposively implied is a relationship and trust what follows is pure gift: the most towards this identification with of depth, a shared participation in extraordinary description of our the very wretched of the earth: a vision of love and equality that Saviour, Jesus Christ: Executed by state power, outside brings substantial obligations and the city walls in the place of curse, commitments. Deeply rooted in the ‘Who, though in God’s form, did not beyond all possibility of human very life of God through participation Regard his equality with God redemption - and thereby through in Christ: in the sufferings of Christ, A something he ought to exploit this identification, the source of in the gospel of Christ. In this it hope, through Resurrection, of all echoes John’s beautiful and intimate Instead he emptied himself, people. In the Christ-event all people description of the vine, in which we And received the form of a slave, are rendered – holy and blessed and all, as the branches, draw on the life Being born in the likeness of humans beautiful and precious - with no of Christ – together with others in an regard for the world’s judgements organic unity of purpose and identity. And then, having human appearance or distinctions, ideas of worth or of He humbled himself, and became purity. 3. ‘He emptied himself…’: Obedient even to death, Identification and solidarity Yes, even to the death of the cross.’ This vision of a radical and inclusive (Philippians 2:6-8) equality before the Cross at the Nowhere is the Christological root of heart of our never ceases to koinonia more powerfully expressed ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Asks amaze me. It is the golden thread of than at the heart of Paul’s writing, in Jesus of his closest followers. Scripture: It is there in the promise his letter to the Philippians, penned of the prophet Isaiah to the despised January 2020 9 eunuch (Isaiah 56:4-5), unable to solidarity and community, which For Paul, putting on Christ means fulfil the God’s commandment of needs refreshing and renewing daily setting aside his personal history and Genesis, ‘go forth and multiply’ in our lives. But it is also a deeply heritage as a ‘Hebrew of Hebrews’, a and thus excluded from the Mosaic challenging vision wrought in the Pharisee, of the tribe of Benjamin: As covenant. It is there in the deeply face of immensely powerful forces privileged and sanctified an identity subversive and disruptive parables that would consolidate very different (‘as to righteousness blameless and the transformative ministry of forms of solidarity. under the law’) as could perhaps be Jesus transgressing the boundaries, imagined – exclusive and excluding, swerving across the cultural and These dominant shapes of human set well apart - ‘not being as others social borders of his day to hear the solidarity surround us and have are’. Indeed, so special it gives him voices and heal the hearts of those on always surrounded us in the world. the confidence to persecute and meet the edge, those outside the privileged They enlist powerful feelings of out violence. And yet all of this Paul and acceptable circles of human identity grounded in ethnicity and come to count as loss. status and distinction. It is there in family, in history and language, in the deeply practical but crystal-clear mythology and story and song, in Following in the path of the instructions of the Epistle of James class and caste binding together ‘self-emptying love’ of Christ, Paul about the treatment of rich and people in similar circumstances casts off all privilege; he does poor are seated in the congregation. with common interests, to control seek to exploit his advantage, (James 2:1-7) This is our God: He resources – social, economic and but rather empties himself. And acts with utmost partiality: he is ‘no symbolic – to generate a powerful indeed elsewhere he writes of his respecter’ of human distinctions – for sense of us. And through labelling commitment to being all things all are made in His image of God. and stereotyping they generate to all people; Paul’s commitment an equally power ‘them’ ripe for to the other here is really quite discrimination and the many extraordinary in its depth – it processes of dehumanisation. involves not simply casting off the prestige and privilege of his inherited “Following in the path of the The common ground upon which and achieved identity, but also taking such groups are built, the particular on the obligations of the Other. ‘self-emptying love’ of Christ, weave of the fabric of religious, Paul casts off all privilege;” economic, political, territorial, This mystical sharing, this call to linguistic varies with history and a deepening identification with one geography and circumstance, with another in Christ and in solidarity ethnicity, class, occupation, caste; with others is a lifelong journey but the garment plays the same demanding of each one of us a Yet we can still struggle to grasp role – in wraps and clothes some with journey of vulnerability walked with the depth of our identification with comfort and security and acts as a humility. others. It may even need teasing out barrier to others. This, the everyday, of the second part of the greatest the normal pattern of human But, what does this look like for our commandment: Love your neighbour distinction and discrimination is corporate life, for us as Church? as yourself. deeply written and inscribed within the structures of our societies; 4. The spirit of koinonia in the life For how often do we hear ‘love you stubbornly and brutally rooted in all of the Church neighbour as much as yourself’ our histories, they are of astonishing rather than ‘as yourself’; ‘As much resilience. As we all know – well. Like others, I have drawn inspiration as’ takes us swiftly to comparison in recent years from Pope Francis with others and ironically draws us Paul has himself, drunk deeply and, in particular, from the back to our self, the real challenge at the competing wells of both of language he employs in his Apostolic is to see our neighbour as our self these sources of solidarity: He was Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The and indeed our self as a neighbour. no stranger to the power of group Joy of the Gospel). It is not refined This radical identification lies at the identity and a privileged social language, but it is the language heart of the mystical understanding solidarity. Yet he knows that to of lived reality. He expresses his of koinoia. This is participation in truly ‘put on the mind of Christ’ approach shaped by his ministry in Christ, this is the deep sharing to (Philippians 2: 5), he needs to step Buenos Aires as follows: which we are called. away from the security and sense of privilege that belonging to a ‘I prefer a church which is bruised, This mystical identification provides particular human community can hurting and dirty because it has a powerful, inspiring vision of human bring. been out on the streets, rather than 10 January 2020 a church which is unhealthy from to be recognised by me as a child place of hospitality, a space where being confined and from clinging to of God like me? Is there a mutual the true face of each is recognised, its own security’.4 recognition in love and equality? revealed and restored. It is concerned with a deepening in the life of the Above all this is the language of The Spirit of koinonia calls us to church as a space where the inner encounter; the language of life as an identification that involves what life of people can grow – where she is lived; of the messy, untidy in pastoral terms might be called human beings can be nurtured into and complex business of living out deep listening: The sort of listening the likeness of Christ through the the pastoral and the prophetic in in which the trials and sorrows intimacy and life-giving nature of the chaos and mess of the world. of the individual person or local fellowship, through recognition and In a further image he describes the community opens a window upon acceptance. church as a battlefield hospital – the injustices associated with the messy; hands-on; in the moment; broader context and circumstance. B. The Global Church: reaching out to heal. And of those Such a deep listening takes us, as Interculturality and called to be ministers, he speaks of and pastors from the plight their willing to take on the ‘smell of of a sister or brother in Christ to The Spirit of koinonia also gives the sheep’, to wander where they the unjust systems and structures, life to the movement outwards, wander, to be as they are; that is from compassion to justice, from towards the embrace of others. It those who are fully immersed in the pastoral to the prophetic. This blesses and enriches the work of the living and caring. He has been is the challenge that faces Paul with establishing and building ecumenical scathing in his critique of those his beloved Onesimus – the slave partnerships – across the barriers clergy whose concerns have been for Onesimus – deeply loved, but deeply that divide denominations, cultures power and status and comfort. embedded in a system of profound and contexts. Those barriers are subjugation within which his dignity of many kinds, but there is always Having painted a picture, let be draw and autonomy is completely denied. the personal dimension where the out three themes: And we simply don’t know whether success or failure of a venture of his former owner, Philemon, received the Spirit depends on the approach A. The Church: Identification and him in love and equality but we do of particular individuals, on their deep listening. that whatever the outcome Paul is implicated though his identification. To renew the spirit of koinonia in the “The spirit of koinonia inspires life of the church is to be concerned A richer and more resilient vision for us to make the community of with lived Christianity, it is if you koinonia – is one that takes risks – worship a place of hospitality, wish, ethnographic in orientation,5 risks with conventions and borders concerned as Jesus himself was - not just in the urban centres but also a space where the true face of with open-ended encounter, deep in the rural heartlands of tradition; each is recognised, revealed and listening and generous hospitality. and goes beyond the real borders of restored.” The incarnation teaches us that our world – those of the mind. God’s love stretches to the fullness and extremity of humanity. It is to It has been said that ‘Jesus got imagination, openness and trust, be profoundly permeable to the mess himself crucified by the way he ate’. frequently patience, often courage, and untidiness of interdependent And hospitality remains a central but above all their receptivity to the lives, to find Jesus in the face of all Christian practice with deeply movement of the Spirit. others, in their voices, in their pleas. subversive possibilities rooted in the Incarnation. Eating together has Such an outward movement That starts with a Christ-like a profoundly egalitarian impact: It demands that we take interculturality identification with the most humbled, involves attentiveness to others; it seriously. That we expect to find - as the most marginalised. The question encourages a spaciousness where Jesus found in his encounter with – who do you say that I am? The change can begin to happen; its the Syro-Phoenician woman and the question of recognising Jesus is risk-taking challenges existing Roman Centurion - our vision of God asked most profoundly here. For in power structures. Experiments in expanded and ourselves changed that question and in Paul’s answering intentional hospitality lie at the and transformed by the encounter: hymn of Christ’s self-emptying love heart of a deepened and reimagined That as we enter into friendship we find that challenging echo in each koinonia. with our sisters and brothers from person: And who do you say I am? different cultures, share in their joys Do you fully recognise me as a child? The spirit of koinonia inspires us to and sorrows, our journey of faith will As challenging: are you prepared make the community of worship a be deepened and we will be set free January 2020 11 into an enlarged understanding of The World: Reaching out in Prophetic through among other activities, what it means to be in Christ. That action including its Green Schools. our vision of what it means to be a disciple is enriched and transformed Across our globe we are witnessing But as Christians we are also called by seeing Christ in another culture, a resurgence of populist and to speak into the situation. We are in another church. nativist leaders, of ‘big men’ evoking called to dialogue and we are called nationalistic myths, stroking and to prophecy. We are also called to Interculturality is not easy. In 1962 stoking fears and anxieties to make that discernment of when to Michael Hollis published a book on build exclusive forms of identity speak up and to speak out and when Paternalism in the Church,6 in part to consolidate their power; in to hold our counsel and our tongue. a robust critique of many British Europe we are witnessing the rise There are many issues that call for and of their attitudes of of the Far Right and xenophobia such discernment, and discerning cultural superiority and arrogance. and the scapegoating of migrants, the Spirit is a central and demanding I am ashamed to say as an English blamed for a host of society’s ills; task for the Body of Christ. Above person that I still witness the increasingly, across the globe we all, it is the quality and depth of rehearsing of national and cultural see religion invoked as a source fellowship in the Spirit that is myths that feed such arrogance of social solidarity, of ethnic and essential to that discernment. and presumption within my own territorial identity; of a ‘domino’ culture, even at times within the effect of religious fundamentalism; In reaching out to address injustice church of which I am a part. But if of solidarity built of renewed racist in word and action, the Church, though a deepening of the koinonia rhetoric – of a search for security can sometimes find an especially of the Spirit we are able to nurture in the old solidarities of family resonant voice that captures and a trust that allows for the honest and tribe and language and soil. expresses the vision and values of self-criticism that Hollis exemplified, With boundaries manipulated, the God’s coming reign with beautiful be open to correction and are willing meaning of words shuffled as the clarity. It is there in Martin Luther both to receive and to offer wisdom underlying dynamics of power and King’s articulation of what we then our life and mission together in violence work to create ‘non-persons’. called the ‘Beloved community’, Christ across national boundaries which undergirded his Civil Rights will be profoundly blessed. The church is tasked with building activism; it is there in the prophetic communities of resistance and and reconciling ministry of Desmond At a national and transnational level, hope and courage to speak of the Tutu within his idea of the ‘Rainbow many of us in the global church are very different sort of solidarity that People of God’. In a world of called to imitate and drink deeply of Christ calls us to – which is generous increasingly hard-edged borders, my the spirit of the CSI’s founders. That in its inclusivity, which embraces prayer is that this ‘borderless church’ example is before us as a challenge difference and crucially stands speaks to such a vision. to our complacency and a source of alongside others, irrespective of creed inspiration – as it is before you as or ethnicity. And in many parts of part of a foundational wellspring – the world we witness the Church from which to draw and reach out standing in solidarity with indigenous in partnership and commitment, in peoples and the landless – and with sharing with other Christians here those most threatened by the terrible in India, with the United churches of effects of climate change. So let me the region and with global partners. strike a note of admiration for the deep and long-term commitment Mutual interculturality requires the CSI has to its theology of and openness and self-confidence and solidarity with creation and to vulnerability and courage. implementing this in practice,

Endnotes: 1. Tom Wright, 2017, Paul the Apostle, SPCK, p. 190-191 2. Pope Francis, 2013, Evangelii Gaudium, para. 87. 3. A. Katherine Grieb, 2005, ‘People of God, Body of Christ, Koinonia of the Spirit: The Role of Ethical Ecclesiology in Paul’s “Trinitari- an” language’ Anglican Theological Review, 87:2 225-252. 4. Pope Francis, para 49. 5. See, Anderson Jeremiah, 2013, Community and Worldview among Paraiyars of South India, Bloomsbury. 6. Michael Hollis, 1962, Paternalism in the Church, OUP. 12 January 2020 Bible Study

Towards a koinonia of Love and Equality (A Bible study on Acts 10, 34-36 during the 36th Session of the Synod of the Church of South India)

he theme you have chosen comes to the peaceful coexistence for the 36th Session of the of the different social groups, the TSynod of the Church of South different cultures of this country India “Towards A Koinonia of Love with the very different languages, and Equality” is a very prophetic the different religions and casts. And and visionary one and a challenging this struggle, this quarrelling, when theme especially in these days. it is about peace, about justice in a comprehensive sense and about When we look into this world and the integrity of creation reaches into our own societies in Europe, in all the way into our own Christian Germany or here in India, we are communities. far away from communities that are oriented towards love and equality. When I look at the denominational fragmentation in our own Christian In Europe and in Germany we are community in Germany but also arguing about the right way to worldwide, I feel that we are far deal with refugees - even though away from a koinonia of Love and we know that God’s kindness to Equality. In Germany alone - the humanity is also meant for them, land of the Reformation - it took people who mostly flee out of until 1973 for a church fellowship desperation and fear for their lives. to become possible between the Although climate researchers call Lutheran, Reformed and the us that it is the eleventh hour, the United Churches that emerged absolute last moment. But we are from them, as well as the related still struggling for the right way to pre-Reformation churches save this globe, the inhabited earth of the Waldensians and the of God, from a climate catastrophe BohemianBrethren! Only since and to leave something of it for that time we in Protestant Europe our grandchildren to survive. In have pulpit and altar fellowship. Europe, we argue whether we We make a lot of efforts in as a community are going into a interdenominational cooperation common future or whether we follow with one another and in everyday nationalistic arguments “my nation, life, but when it comes to local Rev. Detlev Knoche my community first”. And also in community in the congregations is the director of the Germany we are far from the fact or ecumenical projects such as the Ecumenical Centre of that all people - young and old, rich Ecumenical Church Convention the Protestant Church in and poor, women and men, people 2021 (Ökumenischer Kirchentag) Hesse and Nassau and of with disabilities, people of different in Frankfurt, we realize how far we the Evangelical Church of orientations - have the same are from a Community of Love and Kurhessen-Waldeck. He Equality. So, with the theme of the is one of the Chairpersons participation in the community and 36th Session of the Synod of the of the Mission Council of “might have life in abundance” (John Church of South India you have the Evangelical Mission in 10:10). And here in India you have named the core of the challenges of Solidarity (EMS), Stuttgart, your very own challenges when it our time! Germany. January 2020 13 The Greek word Koinonia at the violent end of Jesus. Peter One such sympathizer was Centurion (κοινωνία) - the Latin equivalent is was one of the first witnesses of the Cornelius. One day Cornelius had Communio - means “community resurrection; he was considered a an apparition in the afternoon. An through participation”. The word is pillar of the post- community angel entered his room. He addressed regularly used in the New Testament that developed towards Christianity. him by name and explained that God to describe both being one in Even the apostle Paul deliberately had heard his prayers. Cornelius Jesus Christ through and coordinated his mission with was initially frightened, as is the rule the Lord’s Supper, as well as to Peter, because his judgment had when meeting angels. But the angel describe the relationships within great weight in the congregation in placated him. He asked Cornelius the church determined by this. And Jerusalem. to send people to the town of Joppe. this community has no barriers: There was a man named Simon no cultural, no national, no social The other man was called Cornelius. Peter, who he should send for him. barriers, and no barriers of gender or He was a Roman centurion stationed Cornelius may have been perplexed caste! One of the key New Testament in Caesarea with his hundred by the miraculous instruction, but texts on this subject can be found in men. Caesarea is located at the he followed the suggestion and sent chapter 10 of Acts. It is the story of Mediterranean Sea, at times the three men to Peter. the Roman centurion Cornelius and city had up to 120.000 inhabitants. his baptism by Peter. At the time of Peter and Cornelius At the same time Peter was in the it was the residence of the Roman city of Joppe. The delegation of In this story two men from completely procurator. Cornelius, it is reported, Cornelius was still at the gates of the different cultural contexts meet each had contact with the Jewish city when Peter went up to the roof other. Their path has brought them community in Caesarea. He belonged of the house at noon to say his noon together in a miraculous way. What to the so-called God-fearers. They prayer. After the prayer he wanted happened to them changed not only were in sympathy with the Jewish to eat, but this did not happen at their lives, it changed not only their religion because they were impressed first, because Peter had a vision. He faith, it changed world history. We by the age, the high ethos and the saw heaven open and something are witnessing the emergence of monotheism of Judaism. However, like a big tablecloth came down Christianity as a global religion. they shied away from the complete from heaven. It sank to the ground conversion to Judaism; we do not in front of him. The tablecloth was The one man was Peter. We know really know the reasons for that. But teeming with animals, and he was him as a fisherman from the Sea of even without complete conversion disgusted by them. According to the Galilee and disciple of Jesus. Peter they worshipped the God whom the rules of the Jewish religion, they are was one of the twelve apostles who Jews also worshipped as the one God unclean, inedible and not approved by walked with Jesus through Galilee. who created heaven and earth. They God for human consumption. From He had a special relationship of trust kept the Ten Commandments and childhood, Peter had learned to keep with Jesus, and he was also present gave alms to needy people. away from such animals and to detest 14 January 2020 sermon of Peter, from Acts: “I truly understand that God shows no partiality!” That means: God does not practice favoritism; he does not favor! God judges without prejudice! By people - in the original Greek “ethnos” - we mean in the modern sense of the word the belonging to an ethnic group or what is considered to be an ethnic group, such as the Jews or Samaritans. God therefore looks at the individual, regardless of ethnic group or status or even wealth.

God is therefore impartial. He does not judge by appearance. He is not fooled by appearances. He looks at the heart with 1 Samuel 16 - that is, in the Old Testament, the place of understanding and decision. He applies two standards: fear of God them. He was hungry and in front of expecting Peter and wanted to hear and justice, which are inseparable. him was a cloth with noisy animals, what he had to say. Peter’s central which were forbidden for him. But statements, the author of the book In Luke, as in the Old Testament, it got worse: From heaven the divine of Acts Luke describes it this way faith and justice are two sides of the voice resounded and urged Peter (Revised Standard Version): same coin. This can be seen in the three times to eat from the animals. work and speech of Jesus, through Peter steadfastly refused! The vision [34] Then Peter began to speak to whom we see the Father, whose culminated in the statement: “What them: “I truly understand that God identity we recognize through Jesus. God has made pure, call it not shows no partiality, forbidden.” With this the vision ended When Luke reports further “he sent and the cloth disappeared again into [35] but in every nation anyone who the message to the people of Israel, heaven. Peter remained confused and fears him and does what is right is preaching peace by Jesus Christ—he puzzled as to what the vision was acceptable to him. is Lord of all”, then Jesus Christ supposed to mean. becomes the medium, but he is Lord [36] You know the message he sent to overall. The consequences of this At that moment the delegation of the people of Israel, preaching peace Cornelius stood at the door and by Jesus Christ—he is Lord of all. asked if Simon Peter was a guest here. Peter was still confused and did But this is not enough. Luke further God does not practice favor- not know what to do. Then the Holy reports how in the house of the Spirit helped again and explained to Roman Cornelius a second itism; he does not favor! God Peter that he had sent the delegation miracle took place and the Holy judges without prejudice! and that Peter should receive them. Spirit was poured out on all those Then the invitation to come to present and made them speak in Caesarea to the house of Cornelius tongues. Despite the horror of the was extended. Jewish Christians who had traveled section of the Bible are radical: God with Peter, Peter then baptized is basically the same for all people. Although Peter, as a Jew, was Cornelius and his friends and Christianity is not only good news for forbidden to associate with relatives. At the following apostles’ members of the Jewish community, unbelievers like the Romans, he council in Jerusalem, Peter had to but for all people. followed the messengers that justify himself. But after his report he Cornelius had sent. Of course, only finally found agreement to carry the It is this event that establishes after God had urgently instructed message of Jesus to all nations. a Christian universalism, even if him to go along. Meanwhile, it is already laid down in the Old Cornelius had invited his Roman Once again back to the key passage, Testament. Without this event there relatives and friends, who were the beginning of the so-called would be no pagan Christians. We January 2020 15 as Christians would not exist in Germany and you as Christians would not exist here in India. With a quotation from the Protestant theologian Christoph Dinkel, he said: “We are witnessing the emergence of Christianity as a global religion”. In short: It is God’s anti-discrimination law.

This fundamental equality of all people before God is central to our faith. The equal dignity of all people as God’s image from the Old Testament, this essential of the Christian image of man, is realized here in church history. It is the desire for this same dignity, for human rights, which again and again urges Christians to interfere.

This is only possible by constantly way and can be further developed in descendants of the gypsies. They crossing and overcoming borders three levels of action: speak their own dialect, earn their - cultural, religious and national living as carny (showmen) and travel borders. In the light of Jesus’ Towards A Koinonia of Love and from fair to fair in the area. Many of message, the first Christian Equality them are very pious people and are community in Jerusalem dared to members of the congregation. The cross such borders and opened itself • in our own community as a prejudices they are exposed to in to people who had been pagans church; society are also encountered in the until then. The story of Peter and • in a community of churches of congregation. At that time, it was Cornelius tells that this was not different confessions; not easy to open the kindergarten an easy step, but on the contrary a • in our multicultural and of the congregation and the weekly very difficult and controversial path. multireligious societies and in offers of the congregation also for The story of Peter and Cornelius this world. these people. The everyday life of the documents this difficult process of church often reminded me more overcoming borders. Towards A Koinonia of Love and Equality in our own community as of the experience described by the a church Apostle Paul in his letters to the congregation in the city of Corinth. I still remember very well my first Very different groups with different “, as parish after my ordination as cultural and social backgrounds had You, Father, are in Me, and I in pastor of the Protestant Church formed in Corinth and were arguing You. May they also be one in Us, in Hesse and Nassau. It was a and fighting about the right way. parish on the outskirts of the city They separated from each other and that the world may believe that of Giessen. Giessen had about even at the Lord’s Table they seemed You have sent Me.” 70,000 inhabitants at that time to follow different paths. There were and is located about 60 km north group formations and arguments of Frankfurt. The congregation between the rather rich and the includes people of very different rather poor church members. social backgrounds and with very The authority of Paul was also “I truly understand that God shows different income levels: Teachers, questioned. no partiality!” On this background of judges, city officials, craftsmen, Peter’s experience and on the basis of people with a migration background, Paul had learned from Peter and the central insight of faith connected but also people with very little made clear in his letters and visits: with it: the topic of this synod income. A special group lives in a the fundamental equality of all people “Towards A Koinonia of Love and small quarter of the district: we call before God - despite all the diversity. Equality” opens up in a fundamental them the travelling people. They are Paul called for mutual consideration 16 January 2020 and sketched the image of one body You, Father, are in Me, and I in You. This was an important step in Christ with the different members. May they also be one in Us, that the towards a more credible witness Each member has its own strengths world may believe that You have sent as Protestant Christian churches and weaknesses, its own tasks. And Me.” That they all may be one is part on our way towards a Koinonia of when one member suffers, all the of your CSI Logo and your motto till Love and Equality. Helpful was an others sufferwith it. This picture of today! understanding of church fellowship a body with many different parts that expressed the character of makes clear what it means to be on I had already mentioned it at the “reconciled diversity”. Reconciled the way to a Community of Love and beginning of my Bible study: as diversity - that means to keep the Equality. This community does not Lutheran, Reformed and United balance between reconciliation, come about by itself. In the daily Protestant Churches in Europe, which frees us not to see our life of the congregation it is always it took us until 1973 to come to a Christian brothers and sisters with endangered. You certainly experience church communion. From 12-16 their different coinages, tendencies this in the congregations of your March 1973 the final text of the , and you know how difficult Concord of Reformed Churches it is to overcome social, cultural in Europe (Leuenberg Agreement) and caste differences. But it is the was worked out at the Leuenberg mission that we must not lose sight near Basel and handed over to the “We are aware of our of if our congregations are to become participating churches. It ended the theological, spiritual and cultur- a place where this Koinonia of Love schism between the Reformed and and Equality can be experienced. Lutheran churches and established al differences but they are not church communion among us separating us.” In my following passage I will now in Europe. In the Leuenberg look beyond congregations and our Agreement the participating churches own inner-church togetherness. Our found a fundamentally common ecumenical cooperation with one understanding of baptism, the Lord’s another is also under the vision and Supper and the gospel and declared and convictions as opponents. And claim: Towards A Koinonia of Love the mutual condemnations of the on the other hand, diversity that does and Equality. Reformation to be no longer valid not level and does not confuse unity today. They mutually recognized the with uniformity. Towards A Koinonia of Love ordinations, declared pulpit and altar and Equality in a community of fellowship and committed themselves Reconciled diversity: this gift of churches of different confessions to the realization of church fellowship God could be a model that helps to in witness and service. explore the depth of the common On 27th of September 1947 – one year before the World Council of Churches in Amsterdam was founded – the whole Ecumenical Movement looked with great expectations to India following the union ceremony of your Church at St. George’s Cathedral in Madras | . It was a month after India achieved its independence from the . As Congregational Presbyterians, Reformed, Anglicans and Methodists you joined as one church – the Church of South India! For all the people in the ecumenical movement it was, and it still is a landmark in the ecumenical movement. I am convinced that the inspiration for your Church at that time was born from ecumenism and inspired by the words of Jesus Christ as recorded in the (17.21): “That they all may be one, as January 2020 17 ground between the Churches and worldwide. We are inspired and with foreign cultures and world denominations. And at the same time bound together by faith in Jesus views. The opportunity and the right to hope for the spirit of reconciliation Christ and set our hopes on the of all people to dignity are based which binds us together across all kingdom of God. We meet people on equal access to global common denominational boundaries for the different from ourselves in a spirit goods, which have been given to us service to and in the world. of openness and respect. Together and cannot be multiplied by human we are committed to the right performance. In 2021 we - the Protestant to life and, in particular, to the Church in Hesse and Nassau and rights of those who are vulnerable, Since God’s good creation belongs the Catholic Diocese of Limburg poor and excluded. We are aware to all people equally, no one has the - invite the German Ecumenical of our theological, spiritual and right to appropriate more of it than Church Convention (Kirchentag) to cultural differences but they are not his own equal share. It is certainly Frankfurt. We have been preparing separating us. Instead we promote not compatible with a Christian this together, both Catholic and a respectful encounter over all universalism of equal dignity that Protestant, for a year now. We these borders. We learn from each the privileged should also harm the experience again and again how other and with each other, we take weaker ones. For from a Christian different we are to each other; we decisions in common and try to share point of view there is no right of a learn to deal with these differences our resources. Our aim is to live a part of human beings to put their respectfully and we have the goal of vivid and solidary partnership as a dignity above that of our neighbors. presenting ourselves with common witness to our respected societies programs and projects and to and the world. All this must be taken into overcome the differences. This also consideration when we bring our includes the question if it could be It was a difficult and long way to Christian hope of a Koinonia of Love possible to share holy communion. overcome the former separation into and Equality into this world. Our A top-class and interdenominational partner and member churches. Only life in the congregations and our theological working group published in 2012 a new constitution for the cooperation as churches can become the document “Together at the Lord’s EMS has succeeded and now we are a model in this respect. With the Table” a few weeks ago. The working an association only of members with baptism of Cornelius, Peter crossed group concludes: “Experience equal rights. “Internationalization” a decisive boundary and opened the suggests that the experience of is still one of our main objectives for way of Christianity to a universal Eucharistic communion in the the future. It is still a hard way to go. religion. Today we bring this vision celebration of Holy Communion is Therefore, the theme of your Synod of a Koinonia of Love and Equality also a source of hope on the way is challenging us as EMS Community into our respective societies. We are to the goal desired by God: the full and is reminding us to take up the aware of our own limitations and how visible unity of the Church in the necessary steps towards a koinonia difficult it is in everyday life to live presence of the Kingdom of God. In of Love and Equality. up to this vision. But the message of the further preparations we will now Jesus Christ strengthens us to stand examine how this can be made visible Towards A Koinonia of Love and up for it again and again. For where during the Ecumenical Kirchentag Equality in our multicultural and we treat people as creatures of equal and how the mutual invitation to multireligious societies and in this dignity, there is God. the Eucharistic celebration of the world respective other denomination is For this purpose, the Spirit of God possible. If we recognize Christian strengthens and accompanies you universalism as it is laid out in the here in the Church of South India, Overcoming borders and giving encounter of Peter and Cornelius us in the Protestant Church in Hesse the fellowship of churches a visible and the fundamental equality and Nassau, and us together in expression also internationally is of all people before God as a the International Fellowship of the what we are trying to do together fundamental standard for our acting Evangelical Mission in Solidarity as the Church of South India and as congregation and as church, (EMS). the Protestant Church in Hesse and then this has relevance beyond us Nassau together with 23 churches as Christian communities. It has an Amen! and five mission societies in Asia, impact in our respective societies and Africa, the Middle East and Europe in the world. It affects our economic as EMS – Evangelical Mission in activity, our consumption and Solidarity. Together we build a production. It affects our dealings Christian community and work with people of other or other to enhance the living conditions social origins as well as our dealings 18 January 2020 Bible Study

Towards a koinonia of Love and Equality

he theme for today is to build a our biblical text who refuses to be koinonia of love and equality. In complicit in the sin of silence and Ta world reeling under the wrath decides to defy power. The person of violent and virulent patterns of that I would like to focus on today discrimination, we are gathered here is Pharaoh’s daughter who rescues as inheritors of broken dreams. Martin Moses from genocide defying the Luther King Jr’s 1963 dream, that his decree of her own father, Pharaoh the children will one day live in a world ruler of Egypt. where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin - (probably we can As is the pattern in many stories replace colour of their skin with caste, of women in the Bible our main gender, religion and ethnicity) - but by character too is someone who the content of their character, seems remains unnamed in the narrative. all the more distant as we witness day She is only known as the daughter after day casteism, racism, patriarchy, of Pharaoh. However, the biblical populist nationalisms and other forms passage gives a different set of of xenophobia being unleashed. How indicators for the identity of the three then can we build a koinonia of love main characters – their ethnicity. We and equality? find mentioned a man who is “from the house of Levi”, who is married Today I want to focus on one of to a woman who is identified as a the most shameful and tragic “daughter of Levi”. Also mentioned is impediments for building a koinonia the “daughter of Pharaoh” who saves of love and equality – namely the ‘sin Moses. This emphasis on lineage to of silence’, in the face of injustice identify the characters accentuates and inequality. I want to focus the point that the one responsible especially on those who, despite for nurturing the future leader of having power and influence to foster the Hebrews is not from the priestly change, have chosen the easy path lineage of Levi, but is the daughter of silent complicity with systems of Pharaoh. This is a story where and structures of oppression which through compassion and courage are divisive, discriminatory and strict and significant boundaries are death-dealing. Our complicity often breached. emerges from a refusal to confront Rev. Dr Peniel Jesudason the truth that we are beneficiaries of Though our biblical text itself does Rufus Rajkumar is an these sinful systems. Therefore, it is not name Pharaoh’s daughter, some ordained Presbyter of the not surprising that our politicians, scriptural traditions have given Church of South India, our media and even our judiciary her a name. We find mention of a currently serves as the have become conduits of injustice by daughter of Pharaoh named Bitya Programme Executive for remaining silent and apathetic in the in the first Book of Chronicles Interreligious Dialogue face of rampant injustice, and have (4:18). Many Jewish teachers have and Cooperation with the peddled half-truths and fake news identified this Bitya as the woman World Council of Churches, while repressing any story in which who saved Moses. The name Bitya Geneva. His focus is on the truth stares back. (sometimes rendered as Batya) building relations of trust means “the daughter of God.” In and respect with followers The (S)hero of our Bible Story: one of the Jewish texts known as of Eastern religious Leviticus Rabbah we find a beautiful traditions, primarily It is at this point I want to introduce interpretation of this name. Here we Hinduism and Buddhism. you to one of the characters in see none other than God – giving January 2020 19 Bitya her name in recognition for what she did to Moses. In this text God says to Bitya: ‘Moses was not your son, yet you called him your son. You are not my daughter, but I shall call you my daughter.’ Though a ‘gentile’ she finds a special place in God’s sight - as God’s own daughter – for what she did.

Bitya – Her Context and Contributions:

Before we stray too far, we may need to pause and reflect on the context in which Bitya carried out her decisive action of saving Moses. If we look at the first chapter of Exodus we are introduced to a political context where Bitya’s father Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, has successfully sold the potent weapon of fascists – ‘fear to understand the complex ways in ‘weaponise’ history – where history which mechanisms of hate work. The becomes a weapon to demonise the whole ‘xenophobia industry’ seems other. The rise of the black and Dalit to be at work in the mobilization of history months across the world is “A truthful retelling of histories hatred against the ‘other’ in the story. an attempt to reverse this distortion of history – a distortion which is important to build a koinonia a) It Starts with the Distortion selectively renders a few invisible. of love and equality and can of History: If we read the biblical Majoritarianism and supremacist both feed, as well as free, our passage it says that the new ruler did tendencies thrive not only by imaginations into a future of not know Joseph. It seems strange rendering the bodies of some people shared hope.” that the new Pharaoh did not know untouchable – but also by rendering Joseph – on whose achievements his their histories and their wisdom whole empire was probably built. untouchable. A truthful retelling Joseph was perhaps the ‘model of histories is important to build a migrant’ who did his best to build koinonia of love and equality and of the other’ - to his people. A new up the economy of Egypt. In Exodus can both feed, as well as free, our narrative of fear is introduced. The 47:21 we read that it was because imaginations into a future of shared language of security and safety is of his hard work and shrewdness hope. invoked to justify the oppression and that the empire of Egypt was built. ethnic cleansing of a section of the And now we have a ruler who does b) A New Narrative of Fear is people. He says “Look, the Israelite not know about him. How was Introduced: As we learnt earlier a people are more numerous and more Joseph blotted out from history new narrative of ‘fear of the other’ is powerful than we. 10 Come, let us so successfully, that in the space introduced. We have resonances of deal shrewdly with them, or they will of a few generations he is almost this with the nationalisms of today. increase and, in the event of war, join rendered invisible and irrelevant? The nationalisms of today are no our enemies and fight against us.” longer solely about geo-political (Exodus 1:9-10) Therefore, a process Looking at the processes of selective landscapes. They are also about of systematic oppression begins omissions of the contributions of landscapes of the mind whose starting with economic exploitation those with the wrong identity in borders are today being drawn and and culminates in a full-fledged, contemporary contexts, we can redrawn with hostility and fear to state-sponsored genocide, which assume that this may not have been suit vested political agendas. In orders the death of newborn Hebrew an innocent omission. The blotting such a context of deep polarisation. boys. out of certain groups from history politicians see the ‘fear of the other’ is an attempt to re-write history. In as being the magical silver bullet If we pause for a while and analyse the populist regimes of today such which can enhance their electoral the story, in some ways it helps us wilful forgetting is an attempt to fortunes. The natural human 20 January 2020 tendency to “fear” is subverted in a Nationalism has long been part of b) the Hebrew midwives, who, in toxic manner to become an insidious the corporate global project. The contradiction of their role of being ally of violence. freer global capital becomes, the protectors of life, were asked to harder national borders become. become agents of death and execute c) Economics Becomes an Ally Colonialism needed to move large the Hebrew children. This is again a of Xenophobia: We also see in the populations of people—slaves and telling reminder of the way in which text that the economy becomes a indentured labor—to work in mines power works by turning groups of means of oppression. The slaves and on plantations. Now the new people against each other. are used to build supply cities. The dispensation needs to keep people in fact that economic exploitation and place and move the money—so the But There is Hope: A Koinonia of xenophobia are inextricably linked new formula is free capital, caged Life and Love in the Context of is something that our long histories labor. How else are you going to Death: of discrimination attest to. This is drive down wages and increase profit captured well in the ‘The Arusha Call margins? Profit is the only constant. In this context there is a silent to Discipleship’ which was issued by And it has worked to a point. But fellowship that actively resists and participants of the last Conference now capitalism’s wars for resources reverses the scheme of the empire on World Mission and Evangelism and strategic power (otherwise in subversive ways. We see how organised by the World Council of known as “just wars”) have destroyed the Hebrew midwives disobey the Churches in Arusha, Tanzania: The whole countries and created huge Pharaoh’s order (in fact we will need Arusha call says: populations of war refugees who are an entire bible study to focus on breaching borders. The specter of an their actions, so I will not delve into We observed the shocking endless flow of unwanted immigrants that). We also see how Jacobed, accumulation of wealth due to with the wrong skin color or the Moses’s own mother takes a risk one global financial system, which wrong religion is now being used to to save her child from death. Her enriches few and impoverishes many rally fascists and ethno-nationalists way of risk taking involves holding across the world. That candle is the perpetrators of hatred morally burning at both ends and down the accountable using a ‘weapon of middle, too.”1 the weak’ - a vulnerable child. She risks trusting in the humanity of the Today as we seek to build a koinonia oppressor thinking that the sight of a “We should not miss the link of love and equality it is important wailing baby may change hearts. between global capitalism and to recognise how the economy and populist nationalisms today.” xenophobia intersect and interact Contemporary song writer Carolyn in deeply nefarious ways. We need Winfrey Gillette, helps us to capture to look ‘below the surface’ for those the theological significance of this elements which offer legitimacy to act of Moses’s mother giving up her the sin and scourge of xenophobia in son in a profound and poignant song insidious ways. entitled, ‘Long Ago, When Pharaoh’s (Isaiah 5:8) ... This global imperial Daughter’. The first quartet of the system has made the financial d) A Context Where Ploughshares esong goes like this: market one of the idols of our time. Were Beaten into Swords: When we It has also strengthened cultures of analyse the biblical text we see that Long ago, when Pharaoh’s daughter domination and discrimination that it is a context where sources of life, walked along the riverside, continue to marginalize and exclude which were meant for the common In a basket in the water was a baby, millions, forcing some among us flourishing of life, are converted into snug and dry. into conditions of vulnerability and weapons of death and destruction. Tiny baby! Did his mother give him exploitation. Two obvious examples are: up so he might live? Love that gives to save another is a We should not miss the link between a) the river Nile, the source of ritual mighty love to give.2 global capitalism and populist purification as well as flourishing nationalisms today. As the Indian of life, which was converted into an On a more global level, when we look Pulitzer Prize winning author and instrument of death – a weapon to at this example of Moses’s mother in activist Arundhati Roy writes: kill Hebrew children, and the light of the current refugee crisis

1. ‘How to Think About Empire’ interview with Arundhati Roy in the Boston Review by Avni Sejpal, ture-culture-global-justice/arundhati-roy-avni-sejpal-challenging-%E2%80%9Cpost-%E2%80%9D-postcolonialism 2. Copyright Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, 2009, sung to the tune of “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”. January 2020 21 this scene for me also resonates with Very often in contexts of systematic “This is the reward for those who do the experiences of many immigrants injustice, the burden of seeking kindness. Although Moses had many who risk their lives and the lives of justice and equality is placed on names, the only one by which he their children for the sake of a safe the shoulders of those victimised by is known in the whole Torah is the and secure future. I was particularly the system. It is those affected by one given to him by the daughter of reminded of the poem by the British injustice who are expected to bend Pharaoh. Even the Holy One, blessed Somali poet Warshan Shire, who the long arc of the moral universe be He, did not call him by any reflecting on the migration situation towards justice. In this sense what other name.” So Bitya has a special wrote: Jacobed Moses’s mother, Miriam recognition in this narrative as a his sister, the Hebrew wives Siphrah reward for her righteousness. “You have to understand, and Puah did was existential. In the no one puts their children in a face of utter hopelessness, they did As we look at the example of Bitya boat not wait for others to make the first there are also other ways in which we unless the water is safer than the move. They did not wait for hope, can understand her significance for land … they acted amidst hopelessness. us today. It is possible to argue that no one burns their palms she was one who significantly shaped under trains, beneath carriages However, Bitya is different. She Moses’s vision and passion for justice no one spends days and nights in refuses to dehumanise herself by and solidarity with the vulnerable, the stomach of a truck succumbing to the idea that one acts which God later develops in different feeding on newspaper unless the only on issues that affect them and ways. Though this connection is not miles travelled their own. She acts decisively, not for clearly made in the biblical tradition means something more than her own sake but for the sake of the one can glean this from various journey.” ‘other’. Her acts are not a momentary instances. If we pay attention to the outburst of sentimental compassion, book of Exodus Bitya is the only It is important for us to have an idea but strategic and long term. She one who comes across as having of the intermingling of fear, sorrow makes sure that the baby gets the shown compassion to the vulnerable. and hope that characterises the story best care, and when the baby is If we analyse the passages which of women like Jacob’s mother in brought back to her - she does not immediately follow our present contexts of violent xenophobias. abdicate responsibility for him but passage we see that characteristic takes him back as her son and of radical solidarity mirrored in The Significance of Bitya’s ‘With- dedicates her life to him. She owns Moses’ actions. We see Moses Ness’: him by naming him Moses. siding with the vulnerable clearly on three occasions and resisting the It is in the midst of all these factors The significance of the actions of powerful (Exodus 2:11-19) – first that we need to understand the Bitya, the daughter of pharaoh when he sees an Egyptian abusing a actions of Pharaoh’s daughter. In the cannot be underestimated. We see Hebrew slave, second when he sees midst of a narrative that privileges her enduring significance on the life a Hebrew abusing another Hebrew, and protects her own safety, she acts of Moses. In fact she is the one who and third when he stands up for the defiantly for the sake of the ‘other’. gives Moses his name. Naming has daughters of Midian near a well. The She refuses to be part of the power a special significance in the Hebrew only other character in Exodus who games of an oppressive system, tradition. In case of special people undertakes such risk for the sake of epitomised by her own father. She it is God who names them - Isaac, the vulnerable other is Bitya. Moses knows fully well that the child she Jacob, Abraham and Sarah and gives demonstrates the same risk-taking is going to save is Hebrew, but still them identity. But Moses the leader capacity as his mother actively seeks she is determined not to let it die. of the Hebrew people is known by the welfare of the other. As someone who was on the side the name given to him by a foreigner. of power and privilege, Bitya was Most of us probably know that there The challenges of following Bitya entitled to the luxury of silence and were other instances in the bible and standing up and speaking out neutrality. She had nothing to gain when people were given adoptive for the other is strong for the Indian but everything to lose by what she names by foreigners - for example church at this time. In his book Put did by going against the royal decree. Joseph was given the name Tzafenat down your sword: Answering the However, she exercises her power in Pa’neach. But his identity remained gospel call to creative non-violence a way, which overturns the rules of as Joseph. However, this is not the noted peace activist John Dear the powerful. Her model of witness the case with Moses. His identity says we live in the context of ‘anti- is actually what can be called a is shaped by his Egyptian mother. beatitudes’. In the world we live in model of ‘With-Ness’ characterised by That is the enduring influence of the beatitudes are reversed: Here self-giving solidarity. Bitya. One Midrashic tradition says: Blessed are the rich, for the reign of 22 January 2020 the world is theirs, in this world of is not enough for the church just unexpected ways. It teaches us to anti-beatitudes ‘blessed are those to bandage the victims under the cultivate a spirituality of ‘creative who make others mourn’, blessed wheels of injustice, but to put a fidelity’ to the gospel of Christ – are the violent’, blessed are those spoke into the wheel itself – to use “where fidelity involves recognisable who hunger and thirst for injustice’ the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. continuity with our scriptural faith blessed are those who show no May the story of this foreign woman, tradition, and creativity involves mercy, blessed are the war-makers. Bitya inspire us today to put a an openness to the Spirit for the In this world we may be tempted to spoke into the wheels of division and inspiration to interpret and ‘perform’ believe that blessed are those who discrimination. that tradition in ways that are never stand up for justice, who do life-giving”.3 May Bitya’s example not rock the boat – blessed are those Bitya invites us to not just be inspire us to build a koinonia of who are silent to the needs of the spectators of the gospel but what love and equality - steadfast in our poor, those indifferent to other’s the Brazillian theatre practitioner faith, sustained by a common hope troubles, the comfortable, those who Augusto Boal calls ‘Spec-Actors’ and serving each other selflessly keep their distance. We may think we - people do not watch a play as through love. Now may ‘God bless us have made it by ruffling no feathers spectators but participate in the and challenge us, God inspire and and inviting no trouble... but the script – changing it and infusing it provoke us, God befriend us and God bible is clear that we will not possess with new meanings and possibilities. send us, to be signs in this world, of the reign of God. The reign of God How are we going to be part of God’s God’s love for all people.’ belongs to those who strive for God’s script, and become ‘spec-actors’ justice and righteousness and who of the gospel story of building a Amen. communicate compassion. koinonia of love and equality? Bitya’s example opens to us the promise Dear brothers and sisters, in this and possibilities of letting ourselves context of the ‘anti-beatitudes’ it to be pulled by the spirit of God in

3. Stephen C. Barton, “The Epistles and Christian Ethics”, in Robin Gill (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics’, 2nd edn., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), pp.54-64, p.63.



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Salary : Negotiable Free Accomodation will be provided in the AMC Campus January 2020 23 News CSI Synod Dept. of Dalit & Adivasi Concerns ‘Fists’, ‘Fests’ and ‘Freedom’: Dalit and Adivasi Cultural Festival Entices People and Enlighten them

he Festival Arts and Culture his gratitude to the dioceses who Presented “Man kombbu dance”. of the Dalits and Adivasis in have sent the teams to perform in A team of youngsters presented a Tthe Church of South India the festival. Choreography. Sinkari Melam was (CSI), which has been organised performed once again on the stage. by the Dalit and Adivasi Concerns Department of the CSI Synod at Earlier, the officers and the directors CSI LITE Auditorium in Chennai on of the CSI Synod were honoured by the 27th September 2019- the CSI the Madras Diocesan officials. The Formation Day, enticed the audience synod officers and the Director of and encouraged them to rethink the the Department of Dalit & Adivasi popular notion of s of ‘high culture’ Concerns expressed their gratitude and ‘low culture’. The Programme, for hosting the festival at the LITE which was filled with enthusiasm Auditorium. and coloured with percussions and dances, began outside of the Thappattam by the You may get more inputs about the Auditorium with a bang while the Diocese and Silambattam by the concept of the programme below: Officers of the CSI Synod, the Bishop Trichy Tanjore Diocese followed the in Madras Diocese, and the officers Presidential Address. In the Address Dalits and Adivasis are the people in of the Madras Diocese were received of the General Secretary, Rev. Dr. India who have been oppressed and inside by the teams of Parai by the Daniel Rathnakara Sadananda marginalised through the millennia Pastors of the Madras Diocese and reiterated the need of upholding the under the heinous structure of Sinkari Melam from Kerala. cultural traditions and art forms casteism. They were made slaves of the people from the margins and they were freed from slavery The event officially got underway because they have the elements only a century back. Unfortunately, with the opening prayer by the Rt. of the lives of the people. Rev. Dr. Rev. Vadapalli Prasada Rao; Deputy Sadananda release the new App of Moderator, CSI. Karakaattam by the CSI Common Worship Book and the artists from Madras Diocese presented it to the public. There was was a befitting display to begin a dance “Onna Irukka Venum” by the the performances on the stage. In Diocese before the Prize Distribution Scripture Knowledge Exam. After that Baduga Dance was presented by the school children from the Malabar Diocese and Primary Tribal Dance by the Krishna in many parts of India, they have Godavari Diocese. Adv. Robert Bruce; been subjugated by the bonded Hon. Treasurer, CSI, addressed labour even in the 21st century. the gathering and encouraged the These people of the land are put into dioceses to do similar programmes at a similar situation as the Israelites. the local levels. Israelites sing, “By the rivers of the Welcome Speech, Rev. Sunil Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we Raj Philip; Director, CSI Dalit Trichy Tanjore Diocese presented wept, when we remembered Zion. and Adivasi Concerns, told that Jimmulah Melam followed by a There on the poplars we hung our this programme is an eye-opener Banjara Dance by the Dornakal harps” (Psalm 137: 1, 2). In a similar for the CSI Church, which is a Diocese. situation, when the people of the predominantly Dalit and Adivasi land were alienated, subjugated and Church, to take up the social issues Tirunelveli Diocese came up with oppressed within their own land, related with these marginalised another dance “Sami pothuvana sami the Dalits and Adivasis were forced and oppressed communities. In the Dance” followed by an Adivasi Dance to keep their cultural heritage and brief Presidential Address Rt. Rev. by the Malabar Diocese. Madurai artistic skills hidden. The rulers J. George Stephen; Convener, CSI Diocese performed Oyil Attam Trichy proclaimed that their culture is Dalit & Adivasi Concerns, expressed Tanjore Diocese higher and their traditions are (Continued in Page no: 29) 24 January 2020 Moderator’s Message & the report of General Secretary January 2020 25 The Report of the Treasurer & Bishop Heber College Public Meetings 26 January 2020 Reports of the diffrent Department & The Installation Ceremony of the new team of officers. January 2020 27 28 January 2020 Dept. of Dalit & Adivasi Concerns CSI Synod News (Continued from Page no: 24) bigger. But, the Dalits and Adivasis were successful in passing on their cultural traditions, even though these cultures and traditions are looked down upon as ‘little traditions’. By strengthening the oral traditions and creating music, dance and drama from the real-life situations of local customs, , rituals, dialects etc., the Dalit and Adivasi culture and art forms surpassed the oppressions through the centuries. with a specific focus on equality and worship and liturgy. justice. • Consultation on the These forms of music and arts have interconnectedness of Dalit been used as a tool of resistance This celebration of the art and and Adivasi art forms and the to caste-based discrimination and culture of the Dalits and Adivasis resistance of the marginalized oppression too. The oral traditions can be a political statement too communities against casteist of the Dalits and Adivasis are filled against the empire of casteism discriminations. with the stories of the resistance of and inequality. Thus the ‘Fists’ • Setting the agenda for the justice their ancestors and the agony and of resistance, the mood of ‘Fests’ concerns of Dalits and Adivasis (Festival) and ‘Freedom’ envisioned to be noticed by the concerned for the oppressed communities governments. amalgamate in this project.

Aims and Objectives: Rev. Sunil Raj Philip, Director, Dept. of Dalit & Adivasi • Making a progressive socio- Concerns, CSI Synod. political statement by presenting the ‘little traditions’ of the Dalits and Adivasis struggles they had to go through, • Encouraging the art and cultural which give new visions and esteem forms of the South Indian Dalit for the newer generations. Hence, and Adivasis by providing a this tradition of culture and art of larger audience. these oppressed communities are • Exploring the possibilities of the actually tools for them to intervene in better practical amalgamation of the socio-political framework of India Dalit and Adivasi art forms in the “Visions in Frames”: Forming New Theological Narratives on Dalits and Adivasi concerns

ighty young theologians of the Rt. Rev. Dr Vadapalli Prasada Rao, perspectives of the marginalised Church of South India (CSI) the Deputy Moderator of the CSI, communities. Efrom predominantly Dalit and inaugurated the colloquium. Rt. Adivasi background came together Rev. Dr J. George Stephen, the Rev. Dr Manual Titus; Secretary, to present their voices, which are Chairperson of the Dalit and Adivasi CSI Madras Diocese, and Prof. Dr J. the new visions and affirmations of Concerns Department of the CSI, Samuel Cornelius; Treasurer, CSI the 21st-century theologians from presided over the meeting. Rev. Dr Madras Diocese, shared greetings to the marginalised communities, at Daniel Rathnakara Sadananda, the theologians. the CSI LITE Auditorium on the the General Secretary of the CSI 25th September 2019. Twenty- four presented the Keynote Address and Rev. Dr. Praveen Perumalla; the of them presented papers and the encouraged the young theologians to Liaison Officer of CSI- EMS, Rev. others responded to them, which adapt the language of the common James Cecil Victor; Director, Pastoral created a fruitful time of deliberations people to tell them the latest Concerns Department of CSI Synod, and suggestions. theological affirmations from the Rev. Maxcin John; Director, Mission January 2020 29 News CSI Synod Dept. of Dalit & Adivasi Concerns and Evangelism Department of Abidanandhar; Madras Diocese, Rev. CSI Synod, and Rev. Solomon Sabin John Benson; Madhya Kerala Paul; Director, Youth Dept., CSI Diocese, Rev. Belshiya Ruth; Madras Synod moderated the sessions of Diocese, and Rev. Paul Lawrence; presentations of papers. Madras Diocese presented papers.

The papers presented in the colloquium will be published as a book. theologians to voice their concerns You can read the concept of the and add their perspectives to the programme below: Dalit and Adivasi theologies. , which drew inspiration from the liberation Aims and Objectives theology and at the same time rejected its exclusive ‘class-based’ • Encouraging the young Dalit and Rev. Christy; Central analysis of social analysis and Adivasi Theologians to critically Diocese, Rev. Dr. D. Manohar relocated the discourse to the evaluate the Dalit and Adivasi Chandra Prasad; Karnataka intricacies of casteism that Theologies. Central Diocese, Rev. Solomon discriminate different communities • Helping the young Dalit and Raj; Medak Diocese, Rev. Sunil into a heinous hierarchical order, Adivasi Theologians to articulate Varakumar; Rayalaseema Diocese, has its journey for the last three relevant Dalit and Adivasi Rev. Hemalatha; Karnataka Central decades. As any other theology, Theologies for the current times. Diocese, Rev. George E. Mathew, Dalit theology is also not having any • Bringing in a new phase of the Kottarakkara Diocese, Rev. immunity from criticisms. But, the ‘mainstreaming of Dalit and Shibu P. L.; Madhya Kerala Diocese, Dalit Theologians in India are willing Adivasi concerns’ in the other Rev. Dhivya; Diocese; Rev. to accept the criticisms and to have a perspectives of the departments Immanuel Nehemiah; Karnataka self-critical approach. Dalit theology of the CSI Synod. Central Diocese, Rev. Rajan Moses; is criticised in various levels: it is not • Influencing and contributing East Kerala Diocese (KUTS), Rev. willing to continuously reinvent, and to the formation of the mission Jenu John; Madhya Kerala Diocese, more of reciprocity with the current priorities of the Church of South Rev. M. Rajendran; Vellore Diocese, social sciences and theologies are India for the coming decades Rev. Naga Bhushanam Kondapalli; needed are a couple of criticisms. with the Dalit and Adivasi Dornakal Diocese, Rev. Y. L. Babu Another criticism is that many a perspectives. Rao; Madras Diocese, Rev. K. Jason; Dalit Theologian are not either from Medak Diocese, Rev. Dr. Babu the Dalit background or do not face Masilamani; Vellore Diocese, Mr. the real Dalit experiences. Hence, Rev. Sunil Raj Philip, Dhivin Paul; Malabar Diocese, Mr. this programme aims at giving space Director, Dept. of Dalit & Adivasi Sibin Stanly, Malabar Diocese, Rev. for the young Dalit and Adivasi Concerns, CSI Synod. 30 January 2020 Dept. of Youth CSI Synod News Synod Youth Festival - Christa Yuva Jathrothsava.

HRISTA YUVA JATHROTH- not alone and that God our parent is Rev. James Cecil Victor, Rev. Dr. SAVA, A Christian Youth with us. God chooses and sends us Praveen Perumalla, Rev Sunil Raj CPilgrimage and Festival of not because we are able but we are Philip, Rev Maxin John, Rev Jacob the Church of South India Youth small and insignificant and invited Livingstone, Dr. Vedakani, Rev Dr. Department, saw its culmination us to re-present, represent and Rohan Gideon and Rev Rueben at CSI Bishop Heber College of imitate Christ. He provided imageries Manohar were the resource person Trichy-Tanjore Diocese. Around 2500 such as Watchman/Sentinel, Soldier, who led thematic sessions in regional youngsters from the 24 Dioceses Athlete, Farmer, Road worker and languages. belonging to the five southern states Bridge builder, to move towards life. of South India pilgrimed their way He urged the assembly to ‘Be seekers Rally for Solidarity: In the evening, towards trichy with much excitement of truth and Doers of Justice in small a huge massive rally for solidarity and jubilation to mark the beginning ways possible with the values of was organised mainstreaming the of this great Youth Movement accountability and transperency. Campaigns of the Synod, where organised by the Church of South two thousand youngsters came India Synod Youth Department and Regional Sessions: Regional to the streets of Trichy with great hosted by Trichy Tanjore Diocese. sessions were held in the afternoon, jubilation and joy as a sign of where eminent Christian theologians showing solidarity with the weak The day started with the releasing of and pastors came to challenge the and the marginalised. Various the Doves by the officers of the Synod minds of the youngsters. Two themes campaigns of the Church of South and the Bishops as the youngsters namely Seeking truth and Doing India like, Girl Child Campaign, marched in a procession to showcase Justice: Recapturing the mission Youth against addiction and abuse the strength of the Youth and its of Jesus Christ. And Seeking truth campaign, Campaign for Gender vibrancy. Beloved Deputy Moderator, and Doing Justice in the context of Equity, Campaign on Food Security, Rt. Rev. Vadapalli Prasada Rao in his faith and nationalism today. The Campaign on Care for the elderly, Inaugural message called the Youth youth felt that the borders and campaign on Ecology and Disability of CSI to rebuild the broken lives and boundaries that creates divisions accompaniment were mainstreamed the communities. He exhorted them in the church such as Gender, through holding placards and to Choose Life in midst of many life Caste, Pseudo-Spirituality, Status, spreading awareness. This great negating realities and to mobilize Money, Educational qualifications, march shook the streets of Trichy, as and transform their strength towards Denomination, etc. needs to be the youngsters danced and shouted affirming life and Nation Building. broken. At the same time they felt slogans when the entire rally was led The inaugural session graced by the the need for systems and structures by the Synod officers, Bishops and Bishops of CSI witnessed felicitations in place otherwise the church itself the other dignitaries who took part in by them in encouraging the youth to cannot function. They pledged that the rally. The march came to a close recommit their life to the cause of the their measuring rod should be with a cultural extravaganza by the Church. modelled on Jesus and his work folk artists who showcased many who broke the Sabbath rules to heal performances. Rev. Dr. Rathnakara Sadananda, a person since the healing is life General Secretary of CSI, while affirming therefore one doesn’t bother Morning Worships and Bible rendering his key note address, to break the rules. Study: All three days began with pointed out many possibilities of morning worship on the theme: changing oneself and transforming the community through the life and witness of Jesus Christ the Lord. He in his presentation showed various heart-touching video and clippings which inspired the youngsters to become more vision oriented and deeper with commitment in their faith Journey. He emphasized that in this journey towards life, when youth are energetic and daring to break barriers, there are dangers lurking, but be assured that we are January 2020 31 News CSI Synod Dept. of Youth

Seekers of truth: Doers of Justice. After the worship, Bible studies were conducted based on regional languages. Rev. Dr. Alan Pallanna, Rev. Christy Gnanadason, Rev. Dr. T I James and Rev. John were the Bible study leaders who inspired the youngsters to think and reflect biblically on the theme and its implications in the life of youth.

Common session: Rev. Joseph Samuel, who led a common session on the theme said that “Rethinking is also a process of Reclaiming”, he of children and risks and time was allotted in this youth said that we live under constant • Eco-justice and sustainability festival where space was given to the surveillance and the church invites • Disability and its Challenge to youth to come forward and paint the to rethink the circumstances we live the church colours of Love, peace and Justice. in. He then said that ‘Seeking and • Today’s Education: A tool for Youngsters thronged to this place to Doing” is mutually defining the logic transformation becoming a express their faith and their concerns of “Seeking Truth in Doing Justice”. commodity. through creative imaginations using He then concluded saying that rather • Gender Integrated Social audit brushes and paints. If few picturised than looking forward at the youth of tool God’s reign, a few expressed their the “future” who focused much on a • Fourth Industrial revolution and imagination on the immediate next generation context, the youth Artificial Intelligence concerns which had to be addressed. who redefined their “present” course • Human rights Violations: Youth This beautiful art work which was were the ones who were able the response done on a single wall of the old change History. • Disaster Management and auditorium of Bishop Heber College Preparedness: Youth response which will remain as a diversified 16 Parallel Workshops on Themes • Youth as animators of peace in colourful witness for the commitment pertaining the life and ministry of the the context of violence and aspirations of the youth at the Church and response of Youth were • Gender equity and its importance college. conducted on the second day in Nation Building • Youth addressing the concerns of Youth against Addiction and Panel Workshop’s on various themes the elderly Abuse Inter-Diocesan Tug of War were conducted which had 80-100 Tournament: An Inter-diocesan tug youngsters in each workshop. The finding and responses from these of war tournament was organised Various experts in the field of above mentioned workshops were at the ground which created a lot specialization were invited to present documented and collated during the of excitement and noise in the on the themes and the youngsters Mission Priorities 2020-2030 session campus. Youngsters showed their were asked to respond and think in the afternoon. Young people were guts and valour in proving that they about a plan of action regarding challenged to envision a church are the best and the strong Diocese those concerns at their diocesan and which journeys with their aspirations by pulling the tug. After much church levels. The various themes and goals. Many young people boldly excitement the tug of war was won which were discussed are as follows: gave their responses, some conveying by Trichy Tanjore Diocese while the their dreams for a better church and runners-up were Karnataka Central • Inter-religious co-operation for some also being frustrated with the Diocese. The value of saying no to communal harmony religious way the church is at hand. drugs and staying fit and healthy in intolerance showcasing strength was portrayed • Migration and Human trafficking Art for truth and Justice: Enabling through this Youth against Addiction • Moving beyond conflicts and the Young minds to creatively and abuse Tug-of-war tournament building peace with Justice and freely express through art which is one of the prime campaigns • Health and Healing was one of the objectives of the of the Youth Department. • Marginalization of indigenous Youth Department. This was and other vulnerable meted out under the leadership of Cultural Evening: A cultural communities in India Rev. Sunil Raj Philip, Director of evening to celebrate the talents of the • Upholding the dignity and rights Communications, CSI Synod. A place youngsters took place on the evening 32 January 2020 Dept. of Youth CSI Synod News of the second day. Young people systems, attitudes and institutions of CSI. He inspired them to go back showcased their various talents according to the idea of ‘ability’ in to their grass-root communities to for the glory of God while their mind. He spoke that until the last work towards building communities performances were enjoyed by the person with disability is not able to of peace and justice. He urged Synod Officers, Bishops and other have an accessible environment all the youngsters to stand as pillars guests. that the society does in the name of the church and not indulge in of progress is futile. He remarked destructive thinking but constructive Holy Communion Service: a sign that there needs to be an attitudinal orientation to join hands with one of unity in diversity: The final day change in the life of young people another for the sake of the Church. started with the Holy Communion which should be mindful of people Service led by the Chairperson of with disabilities and their challenges. Trophies were given to the winners Synod Youth Department Rt. Rev. and runners-up of the Tug of war Royce Manoj Victor who also shared Ms. Rachana Mudra Boyina, tournament and Rev. Solomon God’s word. He through his message Transgender activist spoke about Paul J, Director of Synod Youth said that God through the “Liberation how she as a gender minority in this Department rendered the vote of Journey” led Moses to deliver the nation struggles to gain dignity and thanks. He thanked the visionary Israelites from their bondage; Moses respect in the society. She spoke leadership of the Officers of the was living a comfortable life but left on the various levels of rejection Synod Most Rev. Thomas K Oommen, everything and obeyed what God and discrimination including abuse Deputy Moderator, Rt. Rev. Vadapalli has asked him to do. He said that which sexual minorities go through Prasada Rao General Secretary the liberation journey was similar to for basic survival; she said that trans Rev. Dr. Rathnakara Sadananda, how the Dalits are marginalized; he genders need the respect only as a and The Treasurer, Advocate. said that there is no reason for God human being and not anything more. Robert C. Bruce, and Bishop Royce to come down and lead the Israelites. Victor, Chairperson of the Youth He then said that God has planned to Dr. Sam Dayala Dev, Scientist Department, without whose positive wipe out the contemporary Pharaohs in Chandrayaan Team, said that interventions this Synod youth of today delivering the people who to reach a certain stage and to festival wouldn’t have happened are suffering and that there will be feel success one must work hard again. He commended Trichy Tanjore a revival in the days to come. He consistently and the rest would fall Diocese, the Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. encouraged them to take up the into place at the right time and the Chandrasekar, the officers of the noble task of building communities right place. Diocese, the Principal of Bishop of hope in the changing scenario Heber College, Dr. Paul Dayabaran of the India context. He provoked Mr. Manuel Frederick, Bronze and the entire team of faculties and pragmatic action in making the Medalist in 1983 Munich Olympics, staff of college for their overwhelming tenets of reformation, education and is an inspiration to all the youth in support, guidance and cooperation in transformation true to the lives of the India, his achievements are proof of making this event a memorable one. youngsters. success and he told the youth that to reach a certain point in life one must The Youth Department recognises For the Youth of CSI taking part in be dedicated to work and must work and acknowledges the contribution this worship service and coming to hard. He concluded saying that one of Mission partners Council for World the Lord’s Table was a historic and must always be “Goal Centered” to Mission (CWM) for sharing the vision a meaningful exercise. Young people move forward in life. of this Youth festival from the time of from karimnagar in the north to its inception and implementation in kanyakumari in the south part of Closing Ceremony: Setting the sharing of resources and partnering CSI had this auspicious opportunity Pilgrim Journey for the Youth of CSI. with the Church of South India to gather round the Lord’s Table Youth Department in making this seeming away their differences and The Closing ceremony began as the Youth Festival a historical reality. committing their lives to the Church young people jumped and God’s reign. in joy and jubilation for the singing and You can make a difference: Voices music in praising God. of Inclusion and Resilience: General Secretary Dr. T.M.N. Deepak (Assistant Rev. Dr. Rathnakara Professor in Loyola, President Sadananda spoke to the December 3 movement), spoke about young people in setting how this society consciously excludes the pilgrim journey people with disabilities by setting forward for the Youth January 2020 33 News CSI Synod Dept. of Mission & Evagelism A Thousand Missionaries from the Five Southern States of India Gather at Dornakal for the CSI Synod Mission Festival

ejuvenate the spirit of Rev. Dr. Daniel Rathnakara Rt. Rev. V. S. Azariah, the first Indian the mission as Christ Sadananda, the General Secretary Anglican Bishop who was a great “Rinstructed us, which of the C.S.I, hoisted the flag missionary with zeal. is rooted in love, compassion and at the Festival venue after the service to the humankind”, was the inaugural rally, marking the official Rev. Maxcin John, the Director of the challenge Rt. Rev. Vadapalli Prasada commencing of the Festival. In Mission and Evangelism Department Rao posed to the missionaries who the keynote address, the General of the C.S.I, welcomed the gathering. are near to thousand in number Secretary vividly compared the Rt. Rev. J. J. Christdoss, the from the five southern states in handful of flour and a little oil chairperson of the Mission and India representing the 24 dioceses of the Zarephath’s widow, to the Evangelism Department of C.S.I and of the Church of South India piece of bread and a jar of water in the Bishop in Tirunelveli, Rt. Rev. M. (C.S.I) attending the C.S.I Synod which God fed Elijah. In both the Joseph; Bishop in Madurai Ramnadu Mission Festival at the Cathedral cases, God shows us the vitality of Diocese, Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder; premises in Dornakal. The Mission missionary. And mission becomes the Bishop in , Festival, which has been organised response to the call “Go and be the Rt. Rev. Royce Manoj Victor; by the Department of Mission witness”. These open ups the hidden Bishop in Malabar, Rt. Rev. and Evangelism, will be held from resources and builds community. Chandrasekaran; Bishop in Trichy, 11th to 13th October 2019, in Rt. Rev. Sharma Nithia-nandam; which speeches on mission from The lighting of the lamp to Bishop in Vellore, Rt. Rev. V. S. different perspectives, rally, cultural inaugurate the function was a novel Francis; Bishop in East Kerala, programmes, and worship services experience because it was done by Rev. Christopher Vijayan; General are included. a group of women- the wives of the Secretary, NMSI, Rev. Dr. Packiam Bishops and the Women’s Fellowship Samuel; Director, Henry Martyn General Secretary- affirming the gender equality and justice. The Festival is organised with a theme ‘BE SMART’, which is an acronym for ‘Sustainable Mission Accompaniment towards Radical Transformation’. Dornakal, the place where the Mission Festival takes place, has the traces of the reminiscences of the late 34 January 2020 Dept. of Mission & Evagelism CSI Synod News

Dr. Praveen Perumalla (CSI- EMS Liaison Officer) and Rev. James Cecil Victor (Director, C.S.I Synod Pastoral Concerns Department). The missionaries, a thousand in number, took an active part in these discussions and shared their views, concerns and suggestions on the mission priorities in India.

Institute, Rev. Dr. T. Arul Dhas; C.M.C, Vellore, Ms. Leela Manohari (Vice- President, C.S.I Women’s Fellowship), and Rev. Dr. John Samuel Ponnusamy; Principal, Gurukul Theological College spoke in Ms. Daya Bai, the Renowned the inaugural meeting in the evening. Social Activist, Encourages the Missionaries to Stand for Justice Rev. Packiam T. Samuel spoke on the Ms. Daya Bai, a social activist who theme ‘Practical Engagement in the Malayalam region group discussion has roots in Kerala and works pluri- Faith Context in India’. Rev. with the theme “SMART: Biblical and among the Tribal in North India and Dr. Arul Dhas presented a lecture Theological Perspective” in focus, diligently fights for the justice for on ‘Healing and Reconciliation was led by Rev. Dr. Prinstone Ben the victims from of the Endosulfan Perspective’. (U.B.S) and Rt. Rev. V. S. Francis tragedy in Kerala, was the main (Bishop, East Kerala Diocese), the speaker in the penultimate day of Earlier, a rally started from the Kannada Regional discussion with the Mission Festival organised by the Bishop’s House to the venue, which the theme “SMART: Liturgical and Mission and Evangelism Department was led by the Deputy Moderator, Missiological Perspectives” by Rev. of the Church of South India in Bishops, and the Dornakal Diocesan Solomon Paul J. (Director, Dept. Dornakal. She told that her faith in Officers. Various dances, mainly of Youth), Tamil region with the Christ is the faith in humanity, and Tribal Dances and singing sessions theme “SMART: Empowerment her ideology to stand for the justice added a festive mood to the and Educational Perspectives” by to the marginalised and oppressed programme. Rev. Dr. John Samuel Ponnusamy communities and her spirit to do (Principal, Gurukul Lutheran social protests come from this faith. Theological College, Chennai) and She spoke on the theme ‘Mission Telugu regional discussion was from Margins: Sustainable Mission led by “SMART: Prophetic and Accompaniment with the Grassroots’ Diaconal Perspectives” by Rev. in the Mission Festival. Christian’s

Four regional Meetings Give Space for the Missionaries to Speak Out: On the second day of the Mission Festival at Dornkal, organised by the Mission and Evangelism Department of the Church of South India (C.S.I), group discussions were organised in the regional level (Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu). The January 2020 35 News CSI Synod Dept. of Mission & Evagelism

out that the strategy of the mission great late Bishop Rt. Rev. V. S. S. should be proclaiming against Azariah, a great missionary from the exclusion and caste. And proclaiming Church of South India. Jesus to all. Cultural Night in the Synod The Penultimate Day of the Mission Festival 2019 Offers a Mission Festival Starts with the Space for the Missionaries to Worship Service and Bible Study: Showcase Talents: The cultural The penultimate day of the Mission night on the second day of the Synod mission is to make the society of Festival organised by the Mission Mission Festival held at Dornakal equality and break the barriers and Evangelism Department of the Diocese, which was organised by the existing between the communities. Church of South India Synod started Mission and Evangelism Department The audience was stunned by the off with the Worship Service and of the Church of South India Synod enactment performed by Ms. Daya (CSI) became a platform to showcase Bai to narrate the plight of the the talents of the missionaries and victims of Endosulfan Tragedy. As people from the mission fields. the an activist, this performance opened fact that most of the dances and the eyes of the spectators to realise other cultural forms presented were how the corporate world oppresses and exploit the hapless people with their selfish traits. Lamentation of a mother on losing her child, mentally affected and disabled children are no wonder in Kasaragod of Kerala. Bible Study. “Mission is not people’s A simple woman with remarkable mission whereas it is God’s mission” deeds is the utmost credit of Ms. was the emphasis of the Bible Study Daya Bai. She was able to challenge led by Rev. Dr. Bethel Krupa Victor, a thousand missionaries who are a professor in the United Theological indigenous and from the grassroots, attending the Festival to stand firm College, . A thousand made the event more meaningful. for justice. missionaries who hail from all the The three- day Mission Festival got 24 dioceses of the church of South underway on the 11th October 2019. Rev. Asir Ebenezer, the General India, enthusiastically participated Secretary of National Council of from the morning devotion onwards Churches in India delivered a in the Festival. After the Worship Rev. Maxcin John, message on “SMART-National and service, the participants led by the Director, Dept. of Mission & Ecumenical Perspective”. He pointed bishops of C.S.I paid homage to the Evangelism, CSI Synod. 36 January 2020 CSI SEVA CSI Synod News Child Champs for Love and Equality 2019 CSI Convenes a Mega Gathering of Children in Karnataka Central Diocese

huge gathering of eight regional languages immediately after hundred children and the inaugural worship. their accompaniers from the dioceses of the Church Day 1 began with a procession, the Aof South India was inaugurated on worship altar set up by children, 20th and 21st May at the Bishop’s worship and inaugural led by Cotton Boy’s School in Karnataka children. The worship had children Central Diocese, Bangalore. Children and youth leading lively action songs. sang together, attended workshops An animated video clip on the story on issues relating to child rights, of Joseph being sold by his brothers Storytelling session on Children in deliberated on issues of child led to enactment on contemporary Conflict had children involved in protection, and raise their opinions situations of trafficking. Children various activities like story writing and aspirations about a child-friendly also led to responsive prayers. and making their pledges about church during this event. Children were thus introduced to the how they would take up the issue theme “Child Champs for love and of Children in conflict: in situations The two-fold purpose of Child Equality”. of war, in domestic violence and in Champs 2019, was to empower conflict with the law. children to become champions for The second half of the day deepened issues of children in the community the understanding about issues Story Telling Session on Children at and also introduce salient faced by children in the community Risk covered Street children, migrant components of the draft CSI Child through 3 parallel storytelling children, gender non-conforming protection policy. sessions: Children with disabilities; children, children of CSWs and Children at risk and Children in trafficked children. Children were Conflict. informed about how to champion these causes as well as how to Each session had short inputs by protect themselves if caught in such resource person, activities, puppet situations themselves. shows on the topics, enactment by youth volunteers, story writing On Day 2 had children breaking and ended up with children making into four regional languages: Tamil, commitments and action plans Telugu, Malayalam & Kannada. about how they would become child Children focused on various champs to take these issues of vulnerabilities faced by children The Moderator, Most. Rev. Thomas Children forward. in a community that was enacted K. Oommen, Deputy moderator Rt. by children themselves as skits Rev. Vadapalli Prasada Rao, General A Special session for intellectually and tableaus. Children were then Secretary Rev. Dr. Rathnakara challenged Children with action facilitated to express biblical texts Sadananda, Treasurer Advocate songs, games and activities ran that uplift children in creative Robert C Bruce, Rt. Rev. Prasanna parallel to the three main breaks out ways through charts, songs and Kumar Samuel, Bishop in Karnataka sessions of the Child Champs 2019. enactments. Central Diocese, the host Diocese of child champs, officers of the Storytelling on Children with A plenary then took suggestions and Diocese and senior pastors joined Disabilities: Children listened to ideas from children on the ways the the children who carried the wooden the challenges of children with church can improve a lot of children cross, different coloured clothes disabilities. Experiences were shared both within Church and in society. for the altar and the Diocese flags. by children with hearing and visual The final session had a complaint The CSI leadership, in the person impairment. Puppets livened the and suggestion Box for children to of Synod Officers, and Bishops of session and children worked hard on share suggestions for building a various CSI Dioceses addressed and making action plans. child-friendly church some of which felicitated the children in all the four were then picked out and discussed. January 2020 37 News CSI Synod CSI SEVA

Both days had Cultural performances of the Child Champs 2019 now moves us to become truly child- by children from various dioceses committed to becoming the Circle of friendly in concrete ways and we in the evening in which children Care for children in the community are proud and humbled by the displayed with enthusiasm their who faced various vulnerabilities. leadership of children that teaches us talents and what that had learnt at about the kingdom of God and being Child Champs 2019. Rt. Rev Prasanna Kumar Samuel, champions for the rights of children. Bishop in Karnataka Central Diocese The Closing act of commitment during his concluding message The “Child Champs for love and and commissioning saw child challenged the children to go into the Equality 2019”, the Children’s Synod representatives from each Diocese world as the light to expel darkness. of the CSI, was facilitated by CSI take up the coloured clothes that He encouraged them to go and share SEVA in coordination with other they presented at the opening the learning they have received with departments of the Synod and hosted worship and tying them together to other children of their churches and by Karnataka Central Diocese. form a circle. This Circle signified community to sensitize them. wholeness and that there was no On behalf of the CSI Synod beginning or end, no hierarchy Rev. Dr. Rathnakara Sadananda, leadership and CSI SEVA, a deep between them and they were all General Secretary CSI during his sense of gratitude is recorded to loved by God equally. The children concluding remarks challenged the Karnataka Central Diocese under challenged the adults, elders, children to be responsible champions the able leadership of Bishop Rt. parents, and peers who were their and assured the children that the Rev Prasanna Kumar Samuel for immediate circle of care to rise up to CSI will take into consideration all the warm hospitality and well- the challenge of listening to children their suggestions and voices from coordinated local arrangements in and nurturing them. The coloured this great Children’s gathering. making this event a memorable one. Circle also signified the diversity of Abilities and disabilities among the The Church of South India affirms Rev. Solomon Paul, children and that these children that our journey with the children Director, CSI SEVA.

CSI SEVA- Women Dare Proudly Presents “DARE the devil”

SI SEVA- Women Dare diocese performed parai and the Paul (Director of Youth and CSI- proudly presents “DARE the women entrepreneurs brought their SEVA), Rev. Maxcin John (Director Cdevil” two-day workshop handmade products. Rt. Rev. Henry of Mission dept) and Rev. Sampath on brainstorming ideas of women Sharma Nithiyanadha (Bishop Sathanantham (General Secretary, entrepreneurs on resisting the of Vellore Diocese) welcomed the Vellore Diocese). It was followed empire’s market at St. Mary’s gathering and honored Rev. Dr. by lighting of the lamp by the Church, Ranipet, Vellore, from Rathnakara Sadhananda (General dignitaries. 9 and 10 November, nearly 500 Secretary of CSI Synod), Mrs. Sofia women delegates from 24 dioceses (President of women fellowship, The grand inauguration concluded actively participated. The workshop Vellore Diocese), Mrs. Bindhu with the keynote address by Rev. Dr. started with the procession in (President of Women’s fellowship Rathnakar Sadananda who affirmed which the presbyters of vellore of Malabar Diocese), Rev. Solomon that Daring the devil is the war cry of 38 January 2020 CSI SEVA CSI Synod News

the oppressed against the evil society. were facilitated by World Vision Dr. Jacob Swamy Nathan conducted he vividly compared the miracle of India. The evening witnessed in Tamil and Telugu. He spoke on Elisha and widow’s olive oil with cultural programs by Vellore Diocese the challenges in marketing out the the contemporary stand of women women’s fellowship and other products and gave ideas to enhance against the Empire’s market. He delegates. Women entrepreneurs the market and also to listen to the called the women entrepreneurs to actively participated in singing and customer voices. Person to person look for the empty jars as widow did poetry recitation. Children gave their marketing skills were shared in this and encouraged them to become an colourful performances. session by Skill Factory Directors Dr. integral part of producing for people’s Jacob and Mr. Raghavan. market. He pointed out the works Day 2 started with Sunday worship of Tabitha and Lydia and implored in St. Mary’s Church. Message Rt. Rev. Vadapally Prasada Rao the rural women to join hands and was delivered by Rt. Rev. Sharma (Deputy Moderator, CSI Bishop celebrate. It was followed by the Nithiyanadham, in the ‘Unity in Dornakal) graced the closing group photo of all the delegates. Sunday’ he explicit on ‘Vine and ceremony and encouraged the DARE Branches’, that Jesus is the vine women entrepreneurs. Rev. Asir Mr. R. Nehemiah (Assistant and we are the branches. Inspite Ebenezer with his closing remarks Commissioner of Civil Supplies and of all the diversities, we live one in on what and how women DARE Consumer Protection, Government of Christ. The service in itself was an can achieve. He called the women , Chennai) spoke on the indication of unity in diversity where entrepreneurs to join hands and topic “People’s market v/s Empire bible readings and prayers with promote CSI products. He also market” and “Learning the need in special songs were offered in all the encouraged CSI congregations to peoples market”, He emphasized the languages of South India. become conscious consumers of importance of women in building women DARE products. people’s market and remarked that Rev. Asir Ebenezer (General Secretary without rural women an effective of NCCI) was present on Day 2. Vote of thanks was delivered by economy to sustain a nation cannot He brought greetings from NCCI Rev Solomon Paul. He thanked the be built. which followed the inauguration of Diocese of Vellore, the Bishop and WOMEN DARE stalls and exhibits the officers, Pastor and congregation Day 1 witnessed Mrs. Divya by Mrs. Women entrepreneurs of St Mary’s church Ranipet for all (Block Mission Manager, Mahalir from 20 dioceses exhibited their the support rendered in hosting Thittam) spoke on “Available handmade products such as Cloth this event. Mr. George (Program government schemes in south India bags, handmade soaps, embroidery executive-Women Dare) and Mr. for Dare Women entrepreneurs”, handkerchiefs, silk thread jewellery, Santhosh (Program executive-Women she highlighted ‘Mudhra washing products, Church items, Dare) were duly acknowledged scheme’ provided by the central Eatables, Home decors, scented for the hard work they put in government. She encouraged women candles and handmade clothes making this event a memorable entrepreneurs to rear fisheries, cows, especially products made by one. The ceremony ended with a goats and mini restaurants. parallel intellectually challenged children. word of prayer by Rt. Rev. Sharma sessions on “Fellow sojourners in This sale enabled them to earn from Nithiyanadham and it was followed building people’s economy”, “Lesson each other and learn from each by the benediction by Rt. Rev. from other Similar networks of other. Vadapally Prasada Rao (Deputy production market (Food license, Moderator). Branding and packing), “Forming If you are not willing to change, links with each other”, “Relating Market is not ready to buy your J. George Wesley, their products with the current products, was an open challenge Program Executive, network and production market” given to the women entrepreneurs by (CSI- SEVA Women DARE). Integrating Abilities, DISHA-2019

SI SEVA’s Disability disability. Several programs, differing disabilities continuesto be Intervention in Solidarity workshops, conclaves and seminars a task. Despite the challenges, this Cand Holistic Accompaniment have been conducted. However, integration is felt to be an important (DISHA) has provided the Church keeping in mind, the challenge of aspect to be attempted. Thus, a of South India a new direction on integrating those with disabilities three-day festival on ‘Integrating Inclusion, that of being included and those who are temporarily Abilities’ possibilities of integration into the world of the people with abled and that of bringing together in the realm of disabilities in January 2020 39 News CSI Synod CSI SEVA

different sectors of the Churches’ Act was one of the important life and ministry of Church of South life and witness began today at LITE components dealt today by Mrs India. These sessions were facilitated auditorium, Diocese of Madras. Meenakshi Balasubramanian, by group leaders and Directors of executive officer, Equals, centre for Synodical Departments. The day began with worship and promotion of social Justice. This Bible study led by Rev. Sandeep awareness was important as the The evening concluded with Theophil and Rev Rajendra Church of south India from past celebrating the varied talents which Masilamani. Bishop in Madurai three years has been working on a the participants hold in terms of Ramnad Diocese Rt. Rev. M Joseph child protection policy with a rights- singing and music and came to witnessed this celebration and based approach. an end with a puppet show on felicitated the gathering. understanding disabilities. The regional sessions in the Highlighting the salient features of afternoon dealt with the challenges Team DISHA the Rights of Persons with Disability and possibilities of integration in the CSI Synod International Day of Persons with Disabilities

hurch of South India abled from 21 dioceses of CSI was a prejudice and lack of accessible Celebrates International Day glad occasion to celebrate different facilities, Member States and civil Cof Persons with Disabilities abilities in and through the life and society stakeholders are increasingly during Integrating Abilities event mission of CSI. supporting policy interventions organised by CSI SEVA. that are improving accessibility and Rev. Manuel Titus, the Secretary of availability of sporting opportunities ‘Promoting the participation of Diocese of Madras, on behalf of the for persons with disabilities. persons with disabilities and their Diocesan leadership welcomed the In response to the remarks made leadership’ being the theme of IDPD gathering and the guests. He brought by the guests, General Secretary 2019 gives a clarion call to ‘leave greetings on behalf of the Bishop Dr. Rathnakara Sadananda, spoke no one behind.’ In affirming the and thanked the Synod leadership about how the life and ministry of rights and dignity of people with for organizing this meaningful day at Jesus calls us for integration of disabilities CSI SEVA’s Disability LITE auditorium, a campus that is abilities. He remarked that all are Intervention in Solidarity and Holistic Disable friendly and accessible. disabled without God’s help. He Accompaniment (DISHA) celebrated complimented the Dioceses and this day with 200 participants of Dr. Deepak Nathan, founder and institutions working for the Disabled Integrating Abilities event where President of December 3 Movement for their journey along with DISHA Dioceses and institutions for people graced the day by his presence and and encouraged them to consciously with Disabilities of varied kinds participation. He remarked the way integrate abilities in the life and participated. in which people of disabilities are ministry of CSI. being rejected, excluded and labelled in all realm of lives. Reiterating the The rest of the day marked great IDPD theme he said that it is very celebration through sports and integral to promote the participation games with integrating abilities and of people with disabilities. To this cultural in the evening celebrating end he called the church to carry the abilities of everyone disabled forward the vision of inclusion and and temporarily abled through integration. choreography, skits and lively singing. Dr. Santosh, the General Secretary of The day began with people of Tamil Nadu sports authority for the CSI SEVA’s DISHA, in its different abilities sang, danced and hearing impaired remarked that sport commitment towards inclusion and read the bible together, symbolically has the power to change perceptions, integration marches forward with reminding the church that prejudices and behaviour and is assuring the church with a new Integration of abilities is not just a powerful tool to strengthen social ties direction of ‘leaving no one behind. concept but it’s truly possible. and networks. Though persons with disabilities continue to be excluded Team DISHA This coming together of people with from recreational and sporting CSI Synod disabilities and who are temporarily activities due to misconceptions, 40 January 2020 Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society Invites application for the post of the Director

Responsibilities of the Director: • The Director is the Chief Functionary of the Institute shall have the responsibility for general administration of the Institute. • Director shall be responsible to the Councils and Executive Committee to implement the policies and programmes and execute all such other duties as may be assigned by the Council of the institute. • The Director shall be responsible in mobilization of resources and control on accounts and programme expenditure.

Age: The applicant should be between 45 and 55 years of age in June 2018.

Term of Appointment: The term of appointment is for 5 years and renewable for another term based on the appraisal.

Qualifications: • A Postgraduate in Social Sciences or Theology from recognised University. • Experience in Ecumenical Movements with a clear ecumenical vision, preferably having relationship with wider ecumenical organisations. • Experience in administrative and financial management. • Preference will be given to those who published their books and articles . Salary: The existing salary scale is Rs.28, 000 – 840 - 32,200 -1120- 37,800 New fixation of salary is due in April 2020. The other permissible allowances will offered as per the rules.Semi furnished three bedroom flat will be provided in Bangalore. The applicants should send their applications with credentials along with the relevant documents including an endorsement from their churches and institutions of which he/she belongs. The Lost date to receive the application is 31st March 2020. The application should be addressed to: The Most Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh, President, Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, 73, Millers Road, Benson town, Bangalore - 560046. [email protected] January 2020 41 The 36th Session of the Synod Council of the Church of South India: A Report

he 36th session of the Church Rt. Rev. Dr Chandrasekaran, the asked to give the substitute list also of South India (CSI) Synod hosting bishop, the bishops and their with the main list. TCouncil was held at the spouses, fraternal delegates, overseas Bishop Heber College in Trichy, partners and visitors in a very The Directors of the CSI Synod hosted by the CSI Trichy- Tanjore befitting manner that made every one Departments, on behalf of the Diocese. As a curtain-raiser to the of us feel at home. General Secretary, read the list inaugural session, there was a rally of those who had gone to their to the auditorium where the council The roll call was taken, and the eternal rest during the triennium. meeting was held. The procession General Secretary announced that The members observed a minute of was led by Most Rev. Thomas K. sufficient quorum was there, that silence as the mark of respect to the Oommen; the Moderator of CSI, Rt. is 345 delegates out of the 350, and deceased and prayed for the bereaved Rev. Vadapalli Prasada Rao; the hence the synod was constituted families. Deputy Moderator, Rev. Dr Daniel by the Moderator followed by the Rathnakara Sadananda; the General doxology. Recording Secretaries, After the lunch break, Prof. Jayantha Secretary, Adv. Robert Bruce; the Committee of Reference, Tellers, Agarwal; the treasurer of the Church Hon. Treasurer, the bishops of Committee of Resolution, Committee of North India, Dr Susanth Agarwal; various dioceses, the delegates, of highlight and report, and Election the Director of CASA, and Rev. Dr the fraternal delegates, overseas officers were appointed. Santanu Patro; the Registrar of delegates and others. The inaugural the Senate of brought session was led by the moderator The minutes of the 35th session greetings from their respective of CSI. In the inaugural worship, of the synod, which was held church and organisations. The synod Rev. Detlev Knoche (Director of the in , was unanimously honoured the with a shawl and a Ecumenical Centre of the Protestant accepted. memento. Church in Hesse and Nassau and the Evangelical Church of Kurhessen- The General Secretary asked each The Reference Committee suggested Waldeck) took the bible study which Diocese to elect one presbyter, one permitting Mr John G. Kennedy of focused on the theme of the CSI layman and one laywoman to serve the Tirunelveli Diocese, as directed Synod Council, “Towards a Koinonia the synod executive for the next by the honourable court, to attend of Love and Equality”. He focused on triennium from the elected members the 36th session of the CSI Synod. celebrating ‘many-ness’ and ‘one- of the respected diocese and hand The committee also suggested ness’ based on Acts 10:34-36. over the list. Each Diocese was also permitting Ms Mary Vedanayakam 42 January 2020 APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE POST OF DIRECTOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF YOUTH 1. The candidates shall be a graduate / post graduate with BD as in consultation with the General Secretary and the first degree in Theology. Additional post graduate degree in Chairperson of the Department. any theological discipline is desirable. 8. Should have experience of working for Youth Departments / 2. He/She shall have a minimum regular 5 years of pastoral Networks at the Diocesan level preferably. experience in the diocese. 9. Shall be able to relate with the goals, aspirations and 3. He/She shall be below 40 years of age at the time of challenges of young people in Church and Society. appointment. 10. Shall be able to plan, implement and monitor creative 4. He/She shall have a good command in English, knowledge of initiatives for the youth of CSI. any other additional South Indian languages are desirable and also having knowledge in Computer is desirable. 11. He/She shall be directly answerable to the General Secretary of CSI Synod. 5. He/She shall reside in the quarters provided by the Synod in Chennai. 12. He/She must be able to maintain collegiality with the fellow Director and Staff. 6. He/She shall be willing to visit dioceses frequently with the programmes and co-ordinate, assess the needs of the youth in 13. He/She must bear in mind that He/She represents the Church the dioceses. of South India wherever He/She will be sent officially.

7. He/She shall be able to plan and implement the programmes 14. He/She must follow the Service Rules of the CSI Synod.

All the applications shall be sent to the General Secretary with a detailed Bio-data and a recommendation letter from the Bishop to the General Secretary, Church of South India on or before 7th of March 2020.

Rev. Dr Daniel Rathnakara Sadananda; the General Secretary of the Church of South India, presented his comprehensive report, which was well received by the august body.

The Moderator called the election officer Mr Arthur Sadanandam to conduct the election of the office bearers for the triennium 2020- 2023.

The Bishops Council proposed the name of Rt. Rev. Dr Dharamaraj instead of Ms Sheela Wesley from inaugural address. He highlighted Rasalam from the South Kerala Rayalaseema Diocese to attend the the present-day issues on pluralism Diocese as the Moderator of CSI 36th session of the CSI Synod. And and fundamentalism and affirmed by affirmative votes. Rt Rev. Dr K. the floor of the synod accepted the that Koinonia is the need of the Reuben Mark from the Karimnagar suggestions. hour. He urged people to affirm Diocese has been proposed as oneness through diversity. Further, the deputy Moderator as per the The Synod decided to extend the he said that Koinonia is all about constitutional procedures. The administration rule of the Tirunelveli accepting diversified identities. The election officer announced Rt. Rev. Diocese. Moderator’s Address was received by Dr Dharamaraj Rasalam as the the delegates with appreciation and Moderator and Rt Rev. Dr K. Reuben Most Rev. Thomas K. Oommen, applause. Mark as the Deputy Moderator for the Moderator of CSI, delivered the the forthcoming triennium. January 2020 43 The second day began with the Holy Bishop Michael Hollis memorial Guidelines (Mission and Evangelism Communion worship services in the lecture was delivered by Rev. Duncan Department), “Marriage Guidelines”, CSI churches in Trichy where the Dormor (General Secretary of United “Cross: God’s Vision for a Fuller delegates attended, and the church Society Partners in the Gospel Life”, “Pre- Marital Counselling leaders of the CSI gave leadership. (USPG) based on the theme towards Manual”, “management Manual”, The main agenda of the day was the “Koinonia of Love and Equality”. “Re- Imaging People: Encountering election of the general secretary and and Experiencing the Cross” the treasurer. These elections took In the afternoon session Honorary (Pastoral Concerns Department), place as per the procedures based on Treasurer Adv. Robert Bruce “Child Protection Policy”, “More Able constitutional guidelines. presented his report and informed Church- Guideline”, “Gender Policy”, about the achievements the “Lay Preachers’ Curriculum: Modules The convener of the nomination finance department gathered and with a Gender Perspective”, “Modules committee Rt. Rev. Ravikumar he explained in detail the issues on Transforming Masculinity”, Niranjan led the election process. related to the income tax and how “Sermon Outline Modules with a From the proposed names Adv. all the processes are streamlined Gender Perspective”, Social Audit Fernandas Rathina Raja from with the help of the leadership of Tool- GEET Campaigns”, “DISHA Madurai-Ramnadu Diocese was the dioceses. This progress and the Resource Book”, “Lenten material elected as the General Secretary of efforts to maintain transparency and on Human Trafficking”(CSI SEVA), CSI and Prof. Dr. B. Vimal Sukumar accountability very much appreciated Four volumes of “Rethinking from Medak Diocese was elected by the august body of the synod. Ecclesia”, “Youth Guidelines” (Youth as the Honorary Treasurer for the Department), “Green Miracles”, triennium 2020 – 2023. The session Reports from various departments “Climate Emergency”, “Sustainable was closed with the prayer and were presented in video form by the Living”, “Green Stories for Sunday benediction. concerned directors, which made School Children”, “Green Protocol” a great impact on all the delegates (Ecological Concerns Department), The sessions on the third day began and all the delegates appreciated “Casteless Canvasses”, “Palettes with the Holy Communion service the immense and meaningful work of Perspectives”, “Brush, Paint in which Rev. Dr Peniel Jesudason of each department have been and Freedom” (Communication Rufus Rajkumar (Programme doing and the way the reports were Department), “Hushed, Crushed, Executive for Interreligious Dialogue presented. But not Defeated”, “Mainstreaming and Cooperation with the World Main Issues” (Dalit and Adivasi Council of Churches, Geneva) led Every Department of the CSI Synod Concerns Department), “Journeying the Bibles study on “Towards Love; released various books related to the with Christ”, and “Journeying with Celebrating Life” based on Exodus concerns upheld by the concerned Christ: from to Pentecost” 1:22- 2nd Chapter 10th verse. department. “Maithri- Sala: (Books by Rev. Dr Daniel Rathnakara Curriculum Workshop”, Mission Sadananda) are the books released. 44 January 2020 In addition to this, the new N. Natarajan (Minister for Tourism, explaining the vision of Hebron and curriculum for the CSI Sunday Tamilnadu State) and S. Valarmathi the vision of Kaleb into the hearts School was released and the online (Minister for Backward Classes and and minds of the worshippers. resource materials for the curriculum Minorities Welfare Tamilnadu State) were introduced. graced the occasion. There was a solemn closing ceremony which gave vision and hope for Bifurcation of Coimbatore Diocese On the final day, the Holy the new triennium with the theme was taken up and was accepted. Communion Service was held at “Towards a Koinonia of Love and the main conference in which Rev. Equality”. Public Reception for the newly John Samuel Ponnusamy (Principal, elected officers was conducted by the Gurukul Theological College, hosting diocese in which Vellamandi Chennai) conducted the bible study,

Together Let Us Spread Good News! CSI Synod Whatsapp +91 9840 577 404 January 2020 45 BETHEL BIBLE COLLEGE (Affiliated to the Senate of [university]) 4th Lane, Seethamma Colony, Pattabhipuram (Post), GUNTUR - 522006, Andra Pradesh, INDIA, Ph: 0863 226 2832

Bethel Bible College is inviting application from committed and qualified young men and women of any for the following BD (Bachelor of Divinity) Degree course in English under the Senate of Serampore College [University] system, commencing from June 2020.

1. Five Year BD (Bachelor of Divinity) Degree Eligibility: Intermediate/ +2 Pass 2. Four Year BD (Bachelor of Divinity) Degree Eligibility: Graduates from any recognized university 3. B.TH. Upgrading to BD (Bachelor of Divinity) Degree Eligibility: B.TH. Degree of the Senate of Serampore College [University]

Candidates willing to apply for any of the above BD degree course can obtain application & prospectus from the Principal’s office on payment of Rs. 100/(Rupees one hundred only) by MO/ DD/ Cheque could be drawn in favour of “Bathel Bible College”, Payable at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.

The duly filled-in application form with required supportive documents should reach the Principal’s office on/ before 30th April 2020. Website : Email: [email protected] Facebook:


1. The candidates shall be a graduate / post graduate with 6. He/She shall be able to plan and implement the BD as first degree in theology. Additional post graduate programmes in consultation with the General Secretary degree in any theological discipline is desirable. and the Chairman of the Department.

2. He/She shall have a minimum regular 10 years of 7. He/She shall be directly answerable to the General pastoral experience in the diocese. Secretary of CSI Synod.

3. He/She shall have a good command in English, 8. He/She must be able to maintain collegiality with the knowledge of any other additional South Indian fellow Director and Staff. languages are desirable and also having knowledge in Computer will be helpful. 9. He/She must bear in mind that He/She represents the Church of South India wherever He/She will be sent 4. He/She shall reside in the quarters provided by the Synod officially. in Chennai. 10. He/She must follow the Service Rules of the CSI Synod. 5. He/She shall be willing to visit dioceses frequently with the programmes, co-ordinate, assess the pastoral needs of the dioceses.

All the applications should be with a detailed Bio-data and a recommendation letter from the Bishop to the General Secretary, Church of South India on or before 7th of March 2020. 46 January 2020 January 2020 47 CSICSI SYNODSYNOD MISSIONMISSION FESTIVALFESTIVAL -- 20192019 48 January 2020 TRIENNIALTRIENNIAL PASTORSPASTORS CONFERENCECONFERENCE 20192019 January 2020 49 50 January 2020 INTEGRATING ABILITIES January 2020 51 Date of Publication: First week of Every Month. CSI Life Monthly English News Magazine posted at Egmore RMS1/Pathrika Channel Registered with Registrar of Newspaper of India No. TNENG/2001/07245 Postal Registration No: TN/CH(C)/267/2018-2020 Licence to Post: WPP No: TN/PMG(CCR)WPP-452/2018-2020

DAREDARE THETHE DEVILDEVIL 20192019 Edited & Published by Adv. C. Fernandas Rathina Raja, General Secretary, Church of South India Synod from CSI Centre, No. 5, Whites Road, Chennai - 600 014. Ph: 2852 1566 / 4166 Managing Editor: Rev. Sunil Raj Philip, Director, CSI Synod Communications. Printed by: N. Raja Singh 52 January 2020 at Mighty Rock Printers, 52, Nair Varadha Pillai Street, Royapettah, Chennai - 600 014. Mob: 99622 02158. Phone: 2860 2158