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[email protected] Comments on The Mystery of the Shemitah by Floyd R. Cox (revised 1-23-2016) RELATED TOPICS: Googling for “the Harbinger review” gives 6,360,000 hits. There’s Mystery of Shemitah much interest in speculating on America’s future. If Babylon fell during Date of Creation a sabbatical year, perhaps this is a key to Revelation, that Babylon the Great will fall in a sabbatical or jubilee year, at the end of the last 3½ Jewish Code 49 years, 42 months or 1260 days. But do we count down from Creation or Adventist Code 50 count down from when Joshua crossed the Jordan river into the promised land, after the Exodus? Missing Dimension of Hebrew Calendar The Harbinger, Economic Corruption, Secret of America’s Future Jubilee of 2022 AD The author of The Harbinger, Jonathan Cahn, says that nations, like Israel and America, which were founded upon God, will eventually become corrupt and will be given a series of The Last Jubilee warnings, or interventions, which he calls “Harbingers” of things to come… such as: Age of the Universe 1. Market crashes on the very same day, seven years apart, on the day before the sabbatical… 6,000-Year or is it the last day of the sabbatical? Jubilee Calendar 2. The day before the sabbatical is the day when all debts were to be forgiven… or is it the last Accurate Lunar day of the sabbatical? Solar Calendar 3.