Recently died Parish Contacts Please keep the deceased and their families The Priory 67 Talbot St. Canton, Cardiff Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels tel: (029) 20 230 492 in your prayers at this particularly distressing Parishes of St. Mary’s and Holy Family Keyston Rd, Fairwater CF5 3NP Kings Rd, Canton CF11 9BX time. new email address is:
[email protected] Miss Patricia Russell: The funeral will be held Canon Peter Collins 30th August-6th September 2020 22nd Sunday of the Year Cycle A e-mail:
[email protected] on Tuesday 1st September at 11.45am Fr Nick Williams Holy Family Masses Mr Glyn Jones: The funeral will be held on e-mail:
[email protected] Deacon Professor Maurice Scanlon THE SUNDAY READINGS ARE OF TODAY’S FEAST. Thursday 3rd September at 12pm e-mail:
[email protected] Sunday: 22nd Sunday of the Year (30th August) tel (029) 2021 2651 Jeremiah 20:7-9. Mrs Jheremay Dalet: The funeral will be held Website: On more than one occasion, Jeremiah frankly expresses his re- 6pm Vigil Mass For the Parishioners of Holy Family on Friday 4th September at 10.15am 11am Welfare of Merwyn Clifford’s Family Bank details for standing orders, which are directly linked luctance and frustration in the face of what the Lord God is ask- Mrs Stella Beaverstock: The funeral will be ing him to undertake. There is a refreshing honesty displayed to the respective parish accounts are as follows: when the prophet declares that the Lord had ‘seduced’ or Sunday: 23rd Sunday of the Year (6th September) held at 1pm on Friday 4th September ‘overpowered’ him.