Recently died Contacts

Please keep the deceased and their families The Priory 67 Talbot St. Canton, Cardiff & St Mary of the Angels tel: (029) 20 230 492 in your prayers at this particularly distressing Parishes of St. Mary’s and Holy Family Keyston Rd, Fairwater CF5 3NP Kings Rd, Canton CF11 9BX time. new email address is: [email protected] Miss Patricia Russell: The funeral will be held Canon Peter Collins 30th August-6th September 2020 22nd Sunday of the Year Cycle A e-mail: [email protected] on Tuesday 1st September at 11.45am Fr Nick Williams Holy Family Masses Mr Glyn Jones: The funeral will be held on e-mail: [email protected]

Deacon Professor Maurice Scanlon THE SUNDAY READINGS ARE OF TODAY’S FEAST. Thursday 3rd September at 12pm e-mail: [email protected] Sunday: 22nd Sunday of the Year (30th August) tel (029) 2021 2651 Jeremiah 20:7-9. Mrs Jheremay Dalet: The funeral will be held Website: On more than one occasion, Jeremiah frankly expresses his re- 6pm Vigil Mass For the Parishioners of Holy Family on Friday 4th September at 10.15am 11am Welfare of Merwyn Clifford’s Family Bank details for standing orders, which are directly linked luctance and frustration in the face of what the Lord God is ask- Mrs Stella Beaverstock: The funeral will be ing him to undertake. There is a refreshing honesty displayed to the respective parish accounts are as follows: when the prophet declares that the Lord had ‘seduced’ or Sunday: 23rd Sunday of the Year (6th September) held at 1pm on Friday 4th September ‘overpowered’ him. Jeremiah highlights the cost of his ministry Account name: Archdiocese of Cardiff in service to the Lord. Whenever he speaks in accordance with 6pm Vigil Mass Brian, Michael & Sandra Parsons Mr William Huntley: The funeral will be held Sort code: 20-18-23 (for both) the Lord’s command, there is nothing but ‘violence and ruin’. 11am Monica & Eddie Brown on Monday 7th September at 2pm St Mary’s Acc No: 03285375 Jeremiah then says that he will neither think about the Lord nor Holy Family Acc No: 63656861 will he speak in his name any more. Despite this declaration, the Mrs Jane O’Keefe: The funeral will be held on prophet then reveals that the Lord has embedded a ‘fire burning St Mary’s Masses St Mary’s SVP contact number 07731847622. in the heart’ that impels his service and ministry. Our engage- Sunday: 22nd Sunday of the Year (30th August) Wednesday 9th September, exact time TBA ment with the Lord God is never straightforward. We all display Mr Edward Brown: Funeral details to follow Parish Safeguarding Reps a certain reluctance to follow where the Lord is leading us. How- 10am People of the Parish Mrs Ellery Hennessy (Holy Family) ever, the Lord is persistent and insistent. He demands that we 12pm Sister Marietta RIP Mr Jack Meggett (St Mary of the Angels) confront our own rebellion. The tensions of our life are built 6pm John Y.K. Chau Eternal rest grant unto them Primary Headteachers: upon a resistance to the will of God. In the company of Jeremi- Monday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time (31st August) ah, let us be honest with ourselves and learn how to resist the O Lord and let perpetual Holy Family temptations to isolate ourselves within a denial of our responsi- 9.30am Kevin O’Sullivan light shine upon them. May Mrs Louise Mills Tel: 20565354 bilities. 12.15pm Marjorie Belt they rest in peace St. Mary’s Tuesday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time (1st Sept.) Romans 12:1-2. Miss Claire Russell Tel: 2022 5680 9.30am Dominic O’Keefe Secondary Headteachers: “Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around 12.15pm Godfrey & Currie Families Corpus Christi you.” This Pauline declaration does not constitute a denial of the 7-8pm Adoration & Benediction fact that atheists or humanists can be good people. However, Wednesday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time (2nd Sept.) Mr Patrick Brunnock Tel: 20761893 even though an atheistic or humanistic ethical system can seem Mary Immaculate comprehensive, such systems will always lack a secure anchor. 9.30am Holy Souls Mr Huw Powell Tel: 2059 3465 Without reference to God, all human systems will be subject to 12.15pm Mary Y.L.Cheung REMEMBRANCE OF OUR PARISHION- the relativism of circumstance. Truth is gradually yet inexorably Thursday: St Gregory the Great, and Doctor of ERS WHO ARE MOST ISOLATED AND St David’s 6th Form College Mr Mark Leighfield Tel: 20498555 diminished. ‘Thinking beings’ are called to embrace what is per- the Church (3rd September) VULNERABLE fect, nothing less will do. The Christian faith, with its ethical im- 9.30am Julia Butler plications, is the unique ingredient in human experience that 12.15pm Bernard Belt enables us to embrace, without calculation, a confident and sta- I ask all parishioners to keep contact with those 7-8pm Adoration & Benediction you know to be on their own during this peri- ble selflessness. Did you know we have a c h a n - Friday: St Cuthbert, (4th September) od. If you know of anyone who is in any kind nel; St Mary of the Angels & Holy Family, Matthew 16:21-27. 9.30am Intention of the Holy Father of need then please contact the Priory directly. Cardiff on which we regularly post videos Last Sunday we heard Peter’s acknowledgement of Jesus’ identi- 12.15pm In Thanksgiving (Lee) Let us help one another to stay safe and well. explaining points from the catechism, tours ty as Son of God and his role as Messiah. As Messiah, Jesus now Saturday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time (5th Sept.) of the church or discuss ’ feast days? makes clear that he will suffer grievously, be put to death and 12.15pm Holy Souls only then be raised up on the third day. Having previously been inspired by God the Father to offer his proclamation of faith, Sunday: 23rd Sunday of the Year (6th September) Peter so very quickly falls victim to the influence of Satan. In 10am Michael Maher Pray for the Sick remonstrating against Jesus’ prophecy concerning suffering and 12pm Philip Capel sacrifice, Peter reveals his own future denials and represents the 6pm People of the Parish Holy Family: David Rogers, Catherine Driscoll, Kay & Paul Parris, Sheila Ferriter, Collette denial of all humanity. Too easily and repeatedly do we strive to Griffin, Bernard Perry, Vivian Miller, Valentine, Henry & Tony Fernandez, Gary Sutton, Mary Bodman, Brian manipulate God. We are inclined to resist the teaching of Jesus The Angelus and Prayer During the Day live- Webster, Martin, Susanna, Chris Collins, Hanna Marenghi, Louise Macpherson. when he says, “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him streamed at 12pm daily. renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Honesty St. Mary’s: Fr Christopher Delaney, Bethan Williams, Jean Allen, Madison Lane, John & Marian Lamb, Jean Evening Prayer live-streamed at 7pm daily except demands that we acknowledge how challenging it is to accept Sundays. Hayman, Will Johnson, Laurence Tobin, Nadasiri Ifada, Cecily Hughes, James Church, Margaret Griffiths, this teaching. What will we gain if we win the whole world and Tuesday & Thursday 7-8pm Adoration & Benedic- Anthony Jackson, Tom Hopkins, Joanne Coakley, Helen Ward, Doreen Utley, Maria Sullivan, Carina Foster, ruin our very life? tion (including Evening Prayer) Thomas Hyde (now living in Canada), Ivan Sadka, Mary D’Alp A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff, registered charity No 242380 FEASTS OF THE WEEK MY FIRST ANNIVERSARY AS PARISH

It was on Saturday 31st August 2019 that I took up residence at the Priory and assumed my responsibil- Thursday 3rd September – Memoria of St.Gregory the Great, Pope and . ities as Parish Priest of St.Mary of the Angels and Holy Family. Who could have predicted the course

St.Gregory was born at around 540, the son of a wealthy senator. In his adulthood, he would of events? The first six months proceeded as predicted, with the inevitable issues of transition and the first enter the service of the state but in 573 he renounced his not insignificant fortune and founded struggle to familiarise oneself with names and practicalities. There was the progress towards Christmas six monasteries in Sicily with a seventh in Rome. The Roman monastery was dedicated to An- and then preparations for Lent and Easter. The events of March brought us all to an abrupt halt. The drew. Gregory entered the monastic life at Saint Andrew’s. He soon embraced a severe austerity speculation and tension built up over the first two weeks of the month and then we entered the long which would leave a lasting mark on his health. Pope Benedict I called Gregory to leave the confines silence. of the monastery to become one of the seven of Rome. Benedict’s successor, Pelagius II, appointed Gregory as his ambassador to Byzantium. Six years later, Gregory returned to Rome to be- Our capacity to live-stream our celebrations at St.Mary’s proved to be a great blessing. I arrived with a come of his former monastery. Gregory had been impressed by the bearing and behaviour of certain amount of scepticism regarding the prospect of being constantly live-streamed, however, some Anglo-Saxon slaves he had encountered in Rome and had hoped to lead a delegation of mis- Fr.Nicholas and myself soon adapted to celebrating without a congregation being physically present. sionaries to bring the to the Anglo-Saxons. This project would be addressed but not in the Our own parishioners were being joined by viewers from across the country and beyond. The on-line expected way. When Pope Pelagius died, it was with unanimous support that Gregory was elected connectivity provided a compensation for absence but could never be a replacement for actual pres- Pope. His Papacy was immediately confronted with a series of problems. The plague threatened, the ence. were invading, political interference from Byzantium was growing and there was the im- perative to spread the gospel amongst the pagan nations. Pope Gregory successfully addressed all The ‘long fast’ was endured for four months before our churches could open, first for private prayer these issues, combining spiritual zeal with intelligent political awareness. Although himself unable to and then for limited access to the celebration of Mass. We are still taking tentative steps but at least we directly undertake the task, Pope Gregory appointed from his former monastery to embrace have begun the journey back to normality. True normality will not be restored until a vaccine is availa- the mission of converting the Anglo-Saxons. Gregory appointed the future ble and distributed, a process that will take us well into the coming year. Saint Augustine of Canterbury to lead the expedition. Whilst Augustine is of- ten termed the ‘Apostle of the English’, it would be true to say that Pope Those who have been shielding at home have endured the greatest hardship. Their experience of isola- Gregory has claim to that title. Saint Gregory is rightly called ‘Great’ for the tion has been profound. We are conscious of those we have lost during the past months, many dear pa- quality of his pastoral care, for the insight demonstrated through his theologi- rishioners who will be greatly missed. Even though we are making progress, our frustrations are palpa- cal writings, for his missionary fervour and for his enrichment of the Sacred ble. Liturgy. His Papacy truly touched every part of the universal Church. Despite The threat to our health has inscribed an inevitable mark of fear and uncertainty. The economic and ill-health, Gregory maintained an enormous workload throughout his life. He spent his life in service of the Master and was truly ‘Servant of the Servants financial damage has been enormous and we are only now seeing the full implications of the impact on of God’. He died in 604. households. The spiritual impact resulting from our deprivations over the past months will be greater than we perhaps realise. Some will have drifted away from us never to return. Friday 4th September – Memoria of St.Cuthbert, Bishop. Let us pray earnestly for the wellbeing our two parishes and for the wellbeing of the Church across our Archdiocese and beyond. As Parish Priest, I look forward to the day when I fully and directly engage Cuthbert was born into a wealthy Anglo-Saxon family around 634. In 651 he be- with our communities at large once again. came a of Melrose Abbey. He spent some time at Ripon, contributing his efforts to the foundation of a monastery there. In 661 he became of Mel- SETTING UP A STANDING ORDER rose. He was engaged in many visitations and missions. Following the Synod of Whitby, he became Prior of Lindisfarne. It was during this period that his exam- If you decide to set up a standing order so that your offerings go directly into the parish bank ple of holiness gained fame across the country. King Egfrith of Northumbria account, we can only claim the Gift Aid if you complete the appropriate form. If this is more and Theodore appointed Cuthbert as Bishop of Hexham, though he convenient for you than a weekly envelope and you are a tax payer, please ask after Mass or at soon transferred to become Bishop of Lindisfarne. He died on Inner Farne on the Priory for a Gift Aid form. As you know, Gift Aid provides a very significant amount of 20th March 687. In 1104 the relics of St.Cuthbert were translated from Lindis- money each year to both parishes but does not cost you anything as an individual. If you are farne to the newly erected Durham Cathedral. The relics were endangered during not attending Mass at present, please phone the Priory and we will post you the relevant form. the when the King’s Commissioners asked for specific instructions Many thanks as always for your tremendous generosity. as to what they should do with the shrine. The relics were buried on the spot and can be visited today Account name: Archdiocese of Cardiff at the great Norman Cathedral. Sort code: 20-18-23 (for both) St Mary’s Acc No: 03285375 Holy Family Acc No: 63656861 Increased capacity for Mass in St Mary’s ACTS OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION I would like to thank Fr Nicholas for purchasing some additional plastic chairs, thus enabling us to A Prayer by St.Alphonsus Liguori. accommodate a further 13 individuals at Mass in St Mary’s. This is particularly helpful as we were approaching capacity. As you can imagine, Fr Nicholas had to look carefully at the layout of the seat- My Jesus, I believe that You are truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, ing in order to ensure that we continue to work within social distancing restrictions. We will also look and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, closely at Holy Family to see if capacity can also be increased for those Masses. come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as being already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen. RESUMPTION OF SCHEDULED CONFESSIONS A Prayer by St.. Give me, good Lord, a longing to be with You … give me warmth, delight and quickness in thinking Although individual socially-distanced confessions have already been available outside the church on upon You. And give me Your grace to long for Your holy sacraments, and specially to rejoice in the appointment in accordance with government regulations, we are now pleased to announce the presence of Your blessed Body, Sweet Saviour Christ, in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar. return to a regular Saturday morning slot at 10-11am at St Mary of the Angels only. However, it is clear that the standard confessionals at both churches are an obvious high risk area for virus trans- mission; they lack adequate ventilation and offer an abundance of surfaces for contamination, so it follows as a matter of common sense risk management, we will not be using these. PRAYER OF SORROW / ACT OF CONTRITION With the limitations of cleanliness standards in mind, we have turned the “liturgy room” into a Wash me from my guilt and cleanse me of my sin. I acknowledge my offence; my sin is before me al- makeshift confessional, accessible from the front-right side gate on Kings road, which in turn gives ways. Psalm 50:4-5. access to the South side-door of the church. There will be a screen between the priest and penitent for the sake of anonymity but we do ask that you enter and exit by the same door and gateway. We Father, I have sinned against you and am not worthy to be called your son. Be merciful to me, a sinner. do also ask that you sanitise your hands before you enter and respect the social distancing of others Luke 15:18; 18:13. as you enter and exit through this route. The priest will then sanitise the chair and door handles after My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I you leave. Please respect the space of the confessional– if the door is closed, it is closed for a rea- have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do pen- son and kindly give enough time for the priest to complete his brief cleaning activities before at- ance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died tempting to enter. for us. In his name, my God, have mercy. South door into O my God, because you are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you, and with the help the liturgy room of your grace I will not sin again. LET US DAILY OPEN OUR HEARTS IN CONTRITION TO ALMIGHTY GOD AND REMIND OURSELVES HOW ESSENTIAL IT IS TO GRANT MERCY IF WE EVER EXPECT TO RECEIVE MERCY.

Side gate on King’s road PRAYER FOR WALES O Almighty God, who in your infinite goodness have sent your only-begotten Son into this world to open once more the gates of heaven, and to teach us how to know, love and serve you, have mercy on your people who dwell in Wales. Grant to them the precious gift of faith, and unite them in the founded by your divine Son: that, acknowledging her authority and obeying her voice, they may serve you, love you, and worship you as you desire in this world, and obtain for themselves ever- lasting happiness in the world to come. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for Wales. The new school term is about to begin Saint David, pray for Wales. I am sure that all children, teachers and parents will be looking forward to our schools reopening dur- ing the coming week. Our headteachers and staff have undoubtedly been working furiously to ensure Saint Winefride, pray for Wales. that all is safe for the return. Let us keep our school communities in our prayers as they engage with the challenges. FINANCE & PROPERTY THE RE-OPENING OF OUR CHURCHES Last week’s Offertory Collection at St Mary’s amounted to £467. Last week’s Offertory Collection at Holy Family amounted to £326. OUR RETURN TO THE CELEBRATION OF PUBLIC MASSES

TOTAL DONATIONS TO CAFOD FROM THE LAST TWO WEEKENDS We will maintain our established schedule of Sunday IN SUPPORT OF LEBANON: Masses over the coming weeks. We cannot yet ex-

tend the provision of access to weekdays as we do ST.MARY’S - £ 1,000.00. not have sufficient stewards. We cannot yet provide

for the celebration of or marriages but HOLY FAMILY - £ 364.72. would hope to do so from September. No dates can


POTENTIAL OPENING OF OUR TWO PARISH HALLS. Saturdays - Vigil Mass at 6.00pm in Holy Family. We are STILL awaiting clarification on government guidance relating to the re-opening of our parish Sunday – Mass at 11.00am in Holy Family. halls. A number of our regular users are enquiring as to when they could regain access. We will need to Sunday – Mass at 10.00am, 12.00pm and 6.00pm in St Mary of the Angels. operate a number of procedures in order to facilitate use and we will require users to provide us with assurances regarding their own safety protocols. Both parishes will benefit from a restoration of hire All our policies and procedures are in accordance with Government Guidance on the Safe Re-opening income. of Places of Worship and we also reference the guidance provided by the ’ Conference of England and Wales.

The Bishops’ Conference has made it clear that the Sunday obligation has been suspended for the du- ration of the pandemic. All parishioners should therefore be thinking in terms of attending Mass eve- ry three weeks. Although shielding protocols have been lifted, not all parishioners will yet feel able to attend even though they may wish to do so. Let us display patience as we move forward through this Did you know we have a period of facilitation. demonstration video on our YouTube account as to how we are practising social distancing N.B. MAY I TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY ONCE AGAIN TO THANK THE COHORT OF in our churches? This is intend- ed to give stewards and parish- STEWARDS IN BOTH CHURCHES FOR THEIR STALWART SERVICE. I ALSO WISH TO ioners guidance on how we need EMPHASISE HOW CRUCIAL IT IS FOR ALL PARISHIONERS TO ADHERE TO THE GUID- to operate in advance of enter- ing the church. ANCE PROVIDED BY THE STEWARDS AS THEY STRIVE TO ENSURE THAT ALL SAFETY PROTOCOLS ARE OBSERVED.

Dial-up service for Recorded Sunday Mass I am grateful to Fr.Nicholas for setting up our telephone connection that will enable those who do not pos- sess internet access at home to nonetheless tune into our celebrations of the Sacred Liturgy. The Mass on Sunday will be recorded each week and will then be accessible by dialling our MORE STEWARDS REQUIRED designated number. Fr.Nicholas edits the recording to cut out the inevitable silences. The tele-

In order to facilitate an expansion of church celebrations-baptisms, marriages, funerals-we will need phone charge is a minimal local tariff. Please share the designated number with those you know who would benefit from this connection. to recruit more stewards. There is a particular need to enable funeral services to be celebrated in our

churches during the week. The necessary training can now be undertaken on-line, though we will The number is a local Cardiff number – (20) 098 149. If you are dialling from outside Cardiff or from a mo- provide on-site training for those who cannot access the internet. bile phone you will need to dial 02920 098 149. Call charges will apply depending on your phone contract but please bear in mind that if you don't have inclusive minutes, the BT standard tariff is 20p per minute. Could new volunteers please contact Fr Nicholas or myself for details.