Cardinal O'brien Steps Down

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Cardinal O'brien Steps Down SOUVENIR POPE BENEDICT XVI SECTION INSIDE No 5507 YOUR NATIONAL NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH Friday March 1 2013 | £1 Pope: ʻI will be next to Jesus on the Cross through my prayersʼ ‘THE Pope belongs to all of you,’ was Pope Benedict XVI’s message to the world and his successor at his final public appearance before he resigned yesterday. I In a very personal statement, Pope Pope Benedict XVI accepted Benedict told a crowd of hundreds of thousands in St Peter’s Square on resignation of His Eminence Wednesday that his retirement on Thursday does not mean he is aban- before he himself left office doning the Church, but that he will be serving it in a new way, through prayer and meditation. “I have not abandoned the Cross,” he said. “I will be next to Jesus on the Cross through my prayers. I will remain within St Peter’s and St Benedict will always be my guide.” At his final general audience he said his time as Pope had reaffirmed that the Church ‘is not just a human- itarian organisation but something that is alive.’ Cardinal O’Brien steps down “Everyone speaks about the Church’s decline, but the Church is alive today,” he said. “As, over the By Ian Dunn Gratitude and apology ignation of the Pope, which is unprecedented, and the past few months, as I have felt my Cardinal O’Brien said he was grateful for any oppor- imminence of a conclave to elect a new Pope, I think strength diminish, I have asked for POPE Benedict XVI accepted the resignation tunities to do good he’d had as archbishop and said in these circumstances, to go to Rome under the God’s guidance, because loving the of Cardinal Keith O’Brien as Archbishop of St sorry to anyone he had hurt. cloud of these allegations—even though they, at this Church means being brave enough Andrews and Edinburgh on Monday, effective “Looking back over my years of ministry: For any stage, simply remain that—would not be helpful for to take difficult decisions.” immediately. good I have been able to do, I thank God,” he said. him, it would attract attention,” he said. The Holy Father also said he was Cardinal O’Brien had sent his resignation to the “For any failures, I apologise to all whom I have “It would not be helpful for the Catholic Church.” very thankful for all the support he Vatican last year, due to age and health concerns, offended. I have valued the opportunity of serving Professor Haldane also said that, with this news, a had received from Catholics ahead of the mandatory retirement age of 75 that he the people of Scotland and overseas in various ways ‘blow has fallen upon the Faithful, but maybe it will be throughout his Pontificate. reaches on March 17. The cardinal remains a cardi- since becoming a priest. May God shower His bless- the one to awaken them to the need to serve the Church “I am also deeply grateful for the nal elector until his 80th birthday but he is no longer ings on all the peoples of Scotland especially those I rather than to assume they will be served by it.’ understanding, support and prayers travelling to the Vatican to take part in the conclave was privileged to serve in a special way in the Arch- “Cardinal O’Brien’s resignation will further sap the of so many of you, not only here in to elect the next Pope after Pope Benedict stepped diocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh.” morale of clergy and laity alike, but it could also be a Rome, but also throughout the down yesterday. Auxiliary Bishop Stephen Robson took his place turning point, a time of new beginnings,” he said. “It world,” he said. at a Mass of Thanksgiving for Pope Benedict at St is not fanciful to suppose this, for the people are there “The decision I have made, after Contested allegations Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday, with ‘a heavy heart.’ for the task, who can also encourage and inspire oth- much prayer, is the fruit of a serene Last weekend it emerged that three priests and a for- “As always, in times of need such as this we can- ers to join it.” trust in God’s will and a deep love mer member of the clergy had made allegations of not not be saddened by the events of the last 24 of Christ’s Church.” ‘inappropriate conduct’ against the cardinal to Nun- hours,” he told the congregation. “It is to the Lord Support To ensure a speedy transition, in cio Archbishop Antonio Mennini, and that the Vati- that we turn to now in times of need.” Many Catholics have spoken in defence of Cardinal one of his final acts as Pope, he has can wasinvestigating their claims. Cardinal O’Brien O’Brien after the allegations, and have called on his changed the rules governing the is contesting the allegations and seeking legal advice. Reaction accusers to make their identities known. election of his successor, meaning In a dignified statement on his resignation, Cardi- First Minster Alex Salmond was among the first peo- This sentiment was articulated by prominent the Papal conclave could begin as nal O’Brien demonstrated his continued pastoral care ple to pay tribute to the departing archbishop and said Catholic businessman Sir Tom Farmer, a good friend early as next Friday. for the Church by deciding to not attend the conclave his lifetime of good works should not be overlooked. of Cardinal O’Brien’s, who said he was ‘very surprised’ As cardinals gathered in Rome to to avoid detracting attention from its business. “I hear the news of Cardinal O'Brien’s resignation at the news and that the cardinal is ‘a very good man.’ elect his successor, Pope Benedict “I do not wish media attention in Rome to be focused with the greatest sadness,” he said. “In all of my deal- “No specific charges have been made beyond ‘inap- issued new rules for conclaves on on me—but rather on Pope Benedict XVI and on his ings with the cardinal, he has been a considerate and propriate conduct’ and it is unfair and unacceptable Monday, including a clause that successor,” he said. “I will pray with them and for them thoughtful leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland, that such a statement has been made by people who allows the College of Cardinals that, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, they will make the stalwart in his Faith but constructive in his approach. are being allowed to hide behind a cloud,” he said. to move up the date for the begin- correct choice for the future good of the Church.” “It would be a great pity if a lifetime of positive Peter Kearney, spokesman for Scotland’s bishops, ning of the conclave to elect his The cardinal said that, due to his ‘indifferent work was lost from comment in the circumstances of said: “This is a time of confusion and distress for successor. health,’ he had tendered his resignation to the Pope his resignation.” Scotland’s Catholics. The cardinals could not set the last year, and that the Pope had provisionally accepted Professor John Haldane—professor of philosophy at “The issues, which have been raised relating to the date until after the Pope left office it. The Holy Father, who cleared urgent business prior St Andrews University, adviser to the Pontifical Coun- cardinal, are contested—we don’t have clarity about on Thursday, after the SCO went to stepping down himself, decided that the resigna- cil for Culture, and one of Scotland’s most respected what is alleged or by whom. These are trying and test- to press. tion would take effect immediately and he would Catholic academics—said he believed the cardinal had ing times, but the faith of Catholics… is a personal faith appoint an apostolic administrator for St Andrews and made the right choice to resign immediately. in God. It will not be destroyed by events and contro- I Vatican news, see page 8 Edinburgh Archdiocese until a successor was found. “In the face of the fact that there has been the res- versies or the individual failings of anyone.” CARDINAL O’BRIEN MORE THAN 1000 speaks of married students in priests, next Scotland take part Pope before in 2013 Papal resignation legacy scheme YEAR OF FAITH CARITAS AWARD Page 3 FINAL INTERVIEW Page 6 visit SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 PICTURE NEWS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday March 1 2013 Retiring headteacher’s 40 years of educational service celebrated By Dan McGinty (Above) Archbishop Philip Tartaglia talks to the congregation, including Anne Young, the retiring head- teacher of St Vincent’s Primary School in Thornliebank PARENTS and former pupils joined with the during a Mass to mark her 40 years of service. (Above current staff and pupils at St Vincent’s Pri- right) Mrs Young meets with the archbishop after Mass. mary School in Thornliebank as they cele- (Right) The archbishop, Mrs Young and some of the brated the retiral of headteacher Anne Young schoolchildren pose for a photograph after 40 years of service to the school. PICS: PAUL McSHERRY The Mass, which was celebrated by Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, saw wellwishers, colleagues and “During her time as headteacher, Mrs Young children of St Vincent’s give thanks for the dedi- was presented with a special award for services to cated service and hard work of Mrs Young through Catholic education by Cardinal Winning, having her long teaching career at the school.
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