Legionella Gresilensis Sp. Nov. and Legionella Beliardensis Sp. Nov., Isolated from Water in France
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2001), 51, 1949–1957 Printed in Great Britain Legionella gresilensis sp. nov. and Legionella beliardensis sp. nov., isolated from water in France 1 Centre National de Franc: ois Lo Presti,1‡ Serge Riffard,1 He! le' ne Meugnier,1 Re! fe! rence des Legionella 1 2 3 UPRES EA1655, Faculte! de Monique Reyrolle, Yves Lasne, † Patrick A. D. Grimont, Me! decine RTH Laennec, Francine Grimont,3 Robert F. Benson,4 Don J. Brenner,4 Rue Guillaume Paradin, 4 1 1 69372 Lyon cedex 08, Arnold G. Steigerwalt, Jerome Etienne and Jean Freney France 2 Laboratoire des Author for correspondence: Franc: ois Lo Presti. Tel: j33 0 169 79 79 60. Fax: j33 0 169 79 79 20. Radioisotopes et de e-mail: Francois.Lo-Presti!sanofi-synthelabo.com Biochimie mole! culaire, Ho# pital Edouard Herriot, ! ! 69437 Lyon cedex 03, Novel Legionella-like isolates, strains Montbeliard A1T and Greoux 11 D13T, France isolated from two different French water sources, were studied taxonomically 3 Unite! des Ente! robacte! ries, and phylogenetically. Morphological and biochemical characterization revealed Institut Pasteur, 75724 Paris cedex 15, France that they were Gram-negative, aerobic, non-spore-forming bacilli with a cut- glass appearance that grew only on L-cysteine-supplemented buffered charcoal 4 Respiratory Diseases Branch, Meningitis and yeast extract agar. Phenotypic characterization using fatty acid and ubiquinone Special Pathogens Branch, profiles and SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed that they were closely related, but National Center for distinct from, other species of the genus Legionella, since serotyping could not Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and relate them to any existing serogroup.
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