(TB # C, Fol. 4) Bishop, Robert, M
Notebook of the Baltimore County Genealogical Society Number 1 Baltimore County Marriage References compiled by Robert Barnes The following marriage references were gleaned from Baltimore County deed books at the Hall of Records in Annapolis, and were found "by accident" as the compiler was researching other families. They are offered here in the hopes that someone will find a helpful clue to marriage of an ancestor. The entries consist of the name of husband, the date by which the marriage had taken place, and the name of the wife. The land record book and folio (page) number are given in parentheses. Aitkenhead, George, married by 11 December 1778, Catherine, widow and administra- trix of Nicholas Hasselbach. (WG # C, fol, 210) Askew, Richard, married by 4 March 1690, Mary, executrix of Edward Reeves (iR # AM, fol. 68) Aspray, John, of Suffolk Co., Va., married by 9 July 1777» Bersheba, grand- daughter of Moses Rawlings. (WG # A, fol. 20*0 Baker, ( ), m. by 26 September 1787, Elizabeth, daughter of John Lane. (WG # AA, fol. 5^9) Barnes, James, m. by 6 June 1765i Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Culver. (B # 0, fol. 241) Baker, Charles, Jr., m. by 19 January 1770, Elizabeth, daughter of Leonard Wheeler. (AL # A, fol. 669) Bay, Thomas, m. by 7 October 1772, Frances Ann, daughter of (Eric?) Errickson. (AL # D, fol. 38) Beavan, John, m. by 1 August l693i Sarah, widow of Benjamin Bennett. (IR # AM fol. 92) Bell, Thomas, m. by 21 November 1739i Susannah, daughter of John Tye. (TB # #, fol. 119) Billingsley, Walter, m. by 4 September 174-2, Sarah, widow of Robert Love.
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