Congressional Record—House H1743

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Congressional Record—House H1743 April 5, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1743 HONORING THE LIFE AND dom of the East with modern technology of At the age of 18 during a time of tur- CONTRIBUTIONS OF YOGI BHAJAN the West; moil, he led his village of 7,000 people Whereas in June 1985, Yogi Bhajan estab- Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, I move over 325 miles on foot to the safety of lished the first ‘‘International Peace Prayer New Delhi, India. He served the Gov- to suspend the rules and agree to the Day Celebrations’’ in New Mexico, which concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 34) still draws thousands of participants annu- ernment of India faithfully through honoring the life and contributions of ally; both civilian and military service. Yogi Bhajan, a leader of Sikhs, and ex- Whereas Yogi Bhajan traveled the world When he came to the United States, pressing condolences to the Sikh com- calling for world peace and religious unity at he founded a nonprofit private edu- munity on his passing. meetings with leaders such as Pope Paul VI; cational, scientific foundation dedi- The Clerk read as follows: Pope John Paul II; His Holiness the Dalai cated to serving humanity, improving Lama; the President of the former Union of H. CON. RES. 34 physical well-being, deepening spir- Soviet Socialist Republics, Mikhail Gorba- itual awareness, and offering guidance Whereas the Sikh faith was founded in the chev; and two Archbishops of Canterbury; northern section of the Republic of India in Whereas Yogi Bhajan wrote 30 books and on nutrition and health, interpersonal the 15th century by Guru Nanak, who inspired the publication of 200 other books relations, child rearing, and human be- preached tolerance and equality for all hu- through his teachings, founded a drug reha- havior. mans; bilitation program, and inspired the found- In 1971, the President of the Gov- Whereas the Sikh faith began with a sim- ing of several businesses; erning Body of Sikh Temples in India ple message of truthful living and the funda- Whereas Sikhs and students across the mental unity of humanity, all created by one named him the chief religious and ad- world testify that Yogi Bhajan exhibited dig- creator who manifests existence through ministrative authority for Sikhism in nity, divinity, grace, commitment, courage, every religion; the Western Hemisphere, and he was kindness, compassion, tolerance, wisdom, Whereas the Sikh faith reaches out to peo- given the responsibility for creating a and understanding; ple of all faiths and cultural backgrounds, Whereas Yogi Bhajan taught that in times Sikh ministry in the West. encourages individuals to see beyond their of joy and sorrow members of the commu- In June of 1985, he established the differences, and to work together for world nity should come together and be at one first International Peace Prayer Day peace and harmony; with each other; and Celebration which draws thousands of Whereas Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Whereas before his passing on October 6, Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, known as participants annually. Yogi Bhajan to hundreds of thousands of peo- 2004, Yogi Bhajan requested that his passing Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate that ple worldwide, was born Harbhajan Singh be a time of celebration of his going home: Congress join in the celebration of his Puri on August 26, 1929, in India; Now, therefore, be it passing and recognize his legendary Whereas at age eight, Yogi Bhajan began Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Congress— compassion, wisdom, kindness, and yogic training, and eight years later was pro- courage and extend its condolences to claimed by his teacher to be a master of (1) recognizes that the teachings of Yogi Bhajan about Sikhism and yoga, and the his wife and family. Kundalini Yoga, which stimulates individual Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of growth through breath, yoga postures, businesses formed under his inspiration, im- sound, chanting, and meditation; proved the personal, political, spiritual, and my time. Whereas during the turmoil on the parti- professional relations between citizens of the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I tion between Pakistan and India in 1947, at United States and the citizens of India; yield myself such time as I may con- the age of 18, Yogi Bhajan led his village of (2) recognizes the legendary compassion, sume. 7,000 people 325 miles on foot to safety in wisdom, kindness, and courage of Yogi Mr. Speaker, I join my colleague, the New Delhi, India, from what is now Lahore, Bhajan, and his wealth of accomplishments gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Pakistan; on behalf of the Sikh community; and (3) extends its condolences to Inderjit MCCOTTER), in commending our friend Whereas Yogi Bhajan, before emigrating to and colleague from New Mexico (Mr. North America in 1968, served the Govern- Kaur, the wife of Yogi Bhajan, his three chil- ment of India faithfully through both civil dren and five grandchildren, and to Sikh and UDALL) for the gentleman’s introduc- and military service; 3HO communities around the Nation and the tion of this resolution, and his concern Whereas when Yogi Bhajan visited the world upon the death on October 6, 2004, of and leadership on Sikh-American United States in 1968, he recognized imme- Yogi Bhajan, an individual who was a wise issues. We are grateful for his work on diately that the experience of higher con- teacher and mentor, an outstanding pioneer, these matters. sciousness that many young people were at- a champion of peace, and a compassionate Mr. Speaker, the contributions made human being. tempting to find through drugs could be al- by Yogi Bhajan to Sikh-Americans and ternatively achieved through Kundalini The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- others across the globe are enormous. Yoga, and in response, he began teaching ant to the rule, the gentleman from In addition to teaching peace through Kundalini Yoga publicly, thereby breaking Michigan (Mr. MCCOTTER) and the gen- the centuries-old tradition of secrecy sur- spiritual and yogic education, Yogi tleman from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) rounding it; Bhajan applied his motivational skills Whereas in 1969, Yogi Bhajan founded each will control 20 minutes. to business and civil society. Most no- ‘‘Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization (3HO)’’, The Chair recognizes the gentleman tably, he founded 3HO, an educational a nonprofit private educational and sci- from Michigan (Mr. MCCOTTER). nonprofit organization that promotes entific foundation dedicated to serving hu- GENERAL LEAVE human rights and health care edu- manity, improving physical well-being, deep- Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask cation. ening spiritual awareness, and offering guid- unanimous consent that all Members ance on nutrition and health, interpersonal Given those enormous contributions, relations, child rearing, and human behavior; may have 5 legislative days within the passing of Yogi Bhajan last October Whereas under the direction and guidance which to revise and extend their re- was a loss not only to the Sikh-Amer- of Yogi Bhajan, 3HO expanded to 300 centers marks and include extraneous material ican community but to the entire Na- in 35 countries; on the resolution under consideration. tion. Whereas in 1971, the president of the gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Speaker, in the post-9/11 era, it is erning body of Sikh Temples in India gave objection to the request of the gen- increasingly important to recognize Yogi Bhajan the title of Siri Singh Sahib, tleman from Michigan? the contributions and participation of which made him the chief religious and ad- There was no objection. our Sikh-American brethren in Amer- ministrative authority for Sikhism in the Western Hemisphere, and subsequently the Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield ican society since Sikh-Americans Sikh seat of religious authority gave him re- myself such time as I may consume. have unfortunately been the target of sponsibility to create a Sikh ministry in the Mr. Speaker, first, I would like to many hate crimes since 9/11. Yogi West; recognize the fine work of the gen- Bhajan was a man who helped educate Whereas in 1971, Sikh Dharma was legally tleman from New Mexico (Mr. UDALL) and enlighten Americans about Sikh incorporated in the State of California and for placing this resolution before us. philosophy, further enhancing this recognized as a tax-exempt religious organi- On October 6, 2004, Yogi Bhajan country’s great diversity and tolerance zation by the United States, and in 1972, Yogi passed from this world. He had re- of all faiths. Bhajan founded the ashram Sikh Dharma in Espan˜ ola, New Mexico; quested that his passing be a time of We extend our condolences to his Whereas in 1973, Yogi Bhajan founded ‘‘3HO celebration. Thus I rise in support of H. family, his children and grandchildren, SuperHealth’’, a successful drug rehabilita- Con. Res. 34 in order to celebrate the and to the Sikh community around the tion program that blends ancient yogic wis- life of this extraordinary man. world. I strongly support the passage of VerDate jul 14 2003 03:30 Apr 06, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05AP7.010 H05PT1 H1744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 5, 2005 this resolution and urge my colleagues that survives him. Let’s make sure the Sikh kundalini yoga by age 16, but he showed his to do likewise. community in America lives in an America de- real strength in 1947 when he lead on foot Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance voted to the spirit of tolerance and equality 7,000 people from his village in what is now of my time. that Yogi Bhajan came to symbolize. Pakistan, over the partition and to safety as a Mr.
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