Eight-­‐Week Curriculum 90-­‐Minute Classes for Humility To Know Who the Doer Is

Compiled by Shakta Kaur Kundalini Yoga in the Loop (KYL), Chicago, IL, USA

3HO IKYTA Teachers Conference Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebration June 21, 2013

Sat Nam, Dear Teacher,

This 8-­‐week series of classes is based upon tional the 3HO Interna Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA) Teacher’s Conference theme for 2013-­‐-­‐‘humility.’ Humility as a state of consciousness is essential to a Kundalini Yoga teacher. But, it can be a difficult teachers concept for to relay to students.

‘Humility’ was originally chosen as a theme for the 2013 3H0 IKYTA Teacher’s Conference from Yogi Bhajan’s, ‘The 8 Elements of Excellence’ which reads:

“The 8 Elements of Excellence: The Vision to see your goal and keep sness. it in your consciou The Courage to attempt it and . to keep up The Grit to go through it. The Humility to know who the Doer is. The Knowledge to substantiate it. The Prayer to ry feed it. The Grace to car yourself through it. The Determination to achieve .” it (In 2014 the Teachers Conference will knowledge focus on ‘ ,’ in 2015, ‘prayer,’ and so on, until all 8 elements have been featured.)

We are fortunate in humility that ‘ ’ is built into each and every Kundalini Yoga class. We begin each of our classes with Adi the Mantra-­‐-­‐‘Ong Namo Guru .’ Dev Namo We chant it humility in a state of so that we can put aside our ego, our commotions and our neuroses. Only then can we serve those who are present.

By chanting Adi the Mantra we are neither limited by our rselves own image of ou nor inflated by our own need for aggrandizement, recognition or popularity. ry In each and eve class we are provided the chance to share the experience of the her Infinity of God rat than the limited experience of ourselves.

Each class in this curriculum includes one main kriya and one meditation that have been taught at Kundalini Yoga in the Loop (KYL), in Chicago, Illinois, USA. While it is always best to choose a kriya and meditation that can be taught at full notice times you will that in several classes it is suggested that you proportionately reduce the times of the exercises. mes Reducing the ti s i suggested so that it is easier to fit all of the components of a Kundalini Yoga class within a 90-­‐minute timeslot. Even with the reduced times at students KYL were greatly impacted by the vast array of teachings on ‘humility’ offered by Yogi Bhajan. However, you may decide to launch your ‘humility’ series a with two-­‐ or three-­‐hour workshop (rather than -­‐ a 90 minute class) in order to teach full times. This suggestion is made several times in this curriculum.

While this is not a definitive list of all the kriyas and meditations you could possibly use in a curriculum focusing on humility ‘ ’ and intuition it is my hope you will not only find inspiration with what is shared here but that you will teach this or a similar curriculum soon!

May God and Guru ue contin to bless 3HO IKYTA, Kundalini Yoga Instructors, Practitioners and Teachers world-­‐wide.

Yours in service,

Shakta Kaur Kundalini Yoga in the , Loop (KYL) Chicago, IL, USA www.ShaktaKaur.com – 312-­‐922-­‐4699

Wondering how to market ‘Yoga your for Humility’ ? series Try this!

Come to [Name of Studio] during the months of [XXX e and XXX] as you learn to se beyond the surface of your busy life to truly know who the Doer is! Come learn that humility has nothing to do with passivity, meekness, inferiority or giving up.

You will learn that humility...:

• ...is a capacity that allows wisdom to guide the your life ... to let ego go and open the heart. • ...takes you beyond what you know and opens your intuition ... to unseen. see the • ...is the absence of arrogance, conceit or superiority the feeling of over others ... it comes from putting the Infinite above any status. • ...is an openness to all that is ... are accept you humble enough to and act on your gifts without inner conflict?

Humility is -­‐ first and-­‐foremost about putting your personality, your commotions and your neuroses aside to do what you came here to do ... to become consciously conscious before your own Infinity!

Call XXX-­‐XXX-­‐XXXX for information or simply here click to -­‐ pre register for classes: [XXX] CLASS ONE PUTTING THE INFINITE FIRST*

Main Kriya: Strong and True Fountain ( of , Youth pp. 18-­‐19) includes deep relaxation. Meditation: A Renewed -­‐ Self Concept Transformation ( Vol. 1, pp. 92-­‐93; Rebirthing, pp. 8-­‐ 6 71).

10:30 am: Welcome, Tune-­‐in and Framing. 10:35 am: Main Kriya includes Relaxation. 11:10 am: Multi-­‐Part Meditation. 11:55 am: End with the ‘Long Time Sunshine Sat Song’ and 3 long Nam’s.

3 Key Concepts 1) Define Humility: Humility is a capacity allows that wisdom to guide your life; to let the ego go and to open the heart so you can receive the strength an of God. It does not me weakness, -­‐ self deprecation or inferiority or passivity. It doesn’t give status or power over the self. Instead, humility comes from putting the Infinite above status. any (The 21 Stages of Meditation, pp. 189-­‐190.)

Yogi Bhajan: Somebody ‘ once asked me, “What can I do and to be rich and happy healthy and holy?” I said, “Just one thing: Believe within you and without you that there is only God—and that you don’t exist.” (Rebirthing, p. 62.)

Yogi Bhajan: ‘ Somebody asked me today, “What is the best filled, thing to become ful happy, rich and fantastic?” I said, “Very simple. Just you sit and let God act. Let God act. Let God act.” Very — difficult the most difficult thing your ego can ’ tolerate, but great. (Rebirthing, p. 67.)

2) Humility perceives the subtle. It is 6 associated with the th chakra. Humility gives us the capacity to open and to unlock our intuition. ly Normal we are locked in our ego which by its nature is small and limited and only sees what it believes. To see beyond the walls of habit and ancestry we need humility. (The 21 Stages of Meditation, p. 190.)

3) Define Self -­‐Concept: “You build a concept. That is what you are; and when you don’t achieve that concept, remember one thing: Nobody be is bad enough to bad, and everybody has a concept. But when you do not achieve that concept, you not and only get bad, mad sad, you also become a ll rat. People ca it depression; people call it psychological problem; then they call it sociological problem.” (Rebirthing, p. 61.)

Yogi Bhajan: This a is ‘ meditation to cleanse the deposits that you created en in your first elev years. The cycle of life is ears; eighteen y the cycle of consciousness is seven years; and the cycle of intelligence is eleven years. Every eleven years your intelligence ferently starts developing dif .’ (Rebirthing, p. 62.)

3 Key Skills/Practices 1) The main Strong kriya, and , True is relatively short while the A meditation, Renewed -­‐ Self Concept* is much longer and -­‐ multi part. 2) Take extra Vitamin C both before ( and after class for the meditation, A Renewed Self ) Concept . 3) Archer Pose in the main kriya, Strong and . True 4) Tip of the nose eye focus in the meditation, A Renewed Self . Concept

*To launch ‘Humility your and Intuition’ series consider teaching Class One as – a special 2 hour workshop. You will need the extra time to teach full t times of the medi ation, ‘A Renewed Self-­‐Concept.’ If a 2-­‐hour workshop is not possible then cut the times section of each of the meditation to 75%, i.e., 6 minutes divided by .75=4 ½ minutes; 15 minutes divided by .75= 1 . min , 15 seconds; etc. Have oranges and/or lemon water available ts for studen both before and after this ). class.

CLASS TWO SURRENDER MEANS VICTORY!* Main Kriya: Wahe Guru Kriya Aquarian ( Teacher, p. 54). Meditation: 3-­‐Part Meditation Series for The Humility ( 21 Stages tation of Medi , pp. 194-­‐199).

10:30 am: Welcome, Tune-­‐In and Framing. 10:35 am: Main Kriya. 11:10 am: Part 1 -­‐ (3 Part Meditation Series for Humility): Bowing nite before the Infi (p. 194). 11:20 am: Part 2: Speaking Humbly before the Creative Infinity (p. 196). 11:30 am: Deep Relaxation (built into the 3-­‐Part Meditation Series) (p. 197). 11:45 am: Part 3: Bowing for Humility to Transfer Prana (p. 198). 11:55 am: Long Time Sunshine Song and 3 Long Sat Nams.

3 Key Concepts: 1) “ In the West, humility means giving up. In the West, surrender means defeat. In the spiritual scriptures, surrender means victory. I surrendered inner to my will to accomplish what I have to. I take my personality, my commotion, my neurosis and put them on the side and .” do the job (Yogi Bhajan, The 21 Stages of Meditation, p. 192.)

2) Humility as a state of consciousness When is essential. we chant Adi the Mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev amo N , it is done in a state of humility so we are not limited by our own image nor inflated by our own need for recognition, aggrandizement . or popularity (The 21 Stages of Meditation, p. 191.)

3) Bowing is one of the most effective onstant ways to reduce one’s c preoccupation with ego and status. Bowing is common in many spiritual traditions. by Christians genuflect bending their knee to show respect; Buddhists prostrate to clear the self and become zero; Muslims bow throughout their day. Bowing helps open yourself to humility, gratitude The and grace. ( 21 Stages of Meditation, p. 193.)

3 Key Skills/Practices: 1) Chair Pose. 2) Rock . Pose 3) Bowing while chanting three different Har mantras; Ham; Haree Har; and Akaal Sat.

*Again, this class is suitable to teach as a 2-­‐hour workshop. To teach the ‘3-­‐Part Meditation Series for Humility’ in this 90-­‐minute class reduce the times of each ions of the 3 meditat by 30%. If you’re -­‐ teaching a 2 hour workshop you may not have to times reduce the of each meditation at all! CLASS THREE HUMILITY PERCEIVES THE SUBTLE Pranayam: Chow Pad Arti Pranayam with the Siri Gaitri Mantra (KRI Level 1 3-­‐Ring Binder, p. 449). Main Kriya: Kriya for the 6th Chakra Kundalini ( Yoga Experience, pp. 96-­‐99). Meditation: Meditation for Intuitive Speaking (See www.ShaktaKaur.com ; also Golden Bridge NYC Weekly Newsletter, 08.19.10).

10:30 am: Welcome, Tune-­‐In and Framing. 10:35 am: Pranayam. 10:50 am: Main Kriya. 11:25am: Deep Relaxation. 11:40 am: Meditation for Intuitive Speaking. 11:55 am: Long Time Sunshine Song and 3 Long Sat Nams.

3 Key Concepts: 1) ‘ Chow Pad Arti Pranayam’ means -­‐ “4 stage breath regulation that is filled with prayer.”

“There are two items in yoga: Pranayam means expansion to Infinity and Pratyahar means to contract to zero. If a person does not know that, then just understand if there is a car which has no transmission. .. People take drugs because they don’t have transmissions. So they have to m accelerate fro outside. ... The process of Pratyahar in yoga is very successful. To get into shuniaa, to get into a zero and then expand to a million is the process of ratyahar P .” (Excerpts from, ‘ Higher You Are, Humbler ,’ You Are Yogi Bhajan lecture, 01.07.90, Espanola, NM.)

2) Humility is a central capacity that allows wisdom to guide our life instead of intellectual positions or ideologies, which only abstract us from our self and ach disconnect us from e other. Humility perceives the subtle; it experiences the awe of infinity and sees beyond the surface of things; it is associated with the sixth chakra. ( The 21 Stages of Meditation, p. 190.)

3) The sixth chakra associated is with intuition , wisdom and identity. When functioning -­‐ you self initiate, you understand your purpose and you listen to the wisdom that bubbles up from within. When malfunctioning a person may feel depressed. confused or They may reject spirituality. -­‐ Over intellectualizing is another malfunction of the sixth chakra.

4 Key Skills/Practices: 1) Triangle . Pose 2) Bow Pose. 3) Stretch Pose 4) Bundle Roll!


Warm-­‐Up Kriya: Healthy wel Bo System Aquarian ( Teacher, p. 359; see note, below). Main Kriya: Dropping your Personal Rebirthing Pain ( , pp. 224-­‐227). Meditation: Healing Ring of Aquarian Tantra ( Teacher, p. 421/p. 95 depending upon ed.). Alternative: -­‐ Self Hypnosis to Develop Intuition Transformation ( Vol. 2, p. 25).

10:30 am: Welcome, Tune-­‐In and Framing. 10:35 am: Warm-­‐Up Kriya (use first 3-­‐5 exercises as warm-­‐up ... will depend upon your timing). 10:55 am: Main Kriya. 11:30am: Deep Relaxation. 11:45 am: Healing Ring of ra Tant (this class was originally taught on the 11th day after the moon). 11:55 am: Long Time Sunshine Song and 3 Long Sat Nams.

3 Key Concepts: 1) We warm-­‐up with a focus on the first chakra which he is located at the end of t spine between the anus and the sexual organs. A strong, healthy, functioning first chakra manifests as someone who is grounded, centered, secure, loyal and This stable. person is able to ‘let go’ of es what no longer serv him/her, recognizes that old habits -­‐ can be re shaped and that applying by will and discipline change can occur.

Someone who is afraid, non-­‐trusting, feels like he/she doesn’t’ really earth belong on the or in one’s culture or family exhibits a malfunctioning first chakra. This person can get ‘stuck’ on a habit, can be extremely rigid and be unwilling to let in new people, situations or feelings into their life.

Techniques that strengthen the key functions irst of the f chakra and integrate its energy with the higher centers are used frequently in Kundalini Yoga. In non-­‐householder traditions of the spirit people would remove themselves from daily life to emphasize the energy of the higher centers. They would remove themselves from ‘earthly’ influence. Kundalini Yoga embraces the householder life and transforms the energy of each chakra so the practitioner becomes as a lotus on the — water able to elevate his or her consciousness regardless of the environment (The Aquarian Teacher Level One Textbook, pp. 185-­‐189).

2) “Humility is not needed to show that you Your are weak. weakness is just that you have to receive the strength. Humility is to let the ego go and open the heart. Then you can receive the strength of God. It is humility which lets you open yourself to receive .” the ever living truth (The 21 Stages of Meditation, p. 192.)

3) Guru The Mantra of invokes self-­‐healing, relaxation, emotional relief and humility. It calls on the spirit of humility and grace of the realm of Guru Ram Das, with its spiritual guiding light and protective grace. econnects It r the experience of infinity to the ue finite and can resc you in the midst of trial and danger. 3 Key Skills/Practices: 1) Use the shoulder blades/scapula instead of es the deltoid muscl to hold the in arms up ( main kriya). 2) The Ardas Bahee Mantra: Ardas Bahee, Amar Das Guru, Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bahee, Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru, . Sachee Sahee 3) Chanting while the gong is being played at the same time!


Main Kriya: Kriya for Metabolic K Change ( undalini Yoga for Youth , and Joy pp. 47-­‐48). Meditation: Meditation to Open the Aquarian Heart ( Teacher, p. 436 or p. 110, depending upon . ed.)

10:30 am: Welcome, Tune-­‐In and Framing. 10:35 am: Main Kriya (reduce times of each exercise fit by 30% to comfortably in a 90-­‐min. class). 11:30am: Deep Relaxation. 11:45 am: Meditation Use ( Sat Kartar’s ‘Flow’ 1, CD, track Ong “ Namo/Sat Kartar,” begin at 2:47). 11:55 am: Long Time Sunshine Song and 3 Long Sat Nams.

3 Key Concepts: 1) Humility Defined Again: Humility is a capacity that allows our wisdom to guide y life; to let the ego go and to open the heart so you can receive the strength of God. Humility comes from putting the Infinite above any other status. When we are humble rom we realize have come f the Infinite, we have a destiny to manifest in the finite, we are turn to be victorious and re to the Infinite. from We all come the Infinite and go to the Infinite.

2) Bowing (in Main the Kriya) is not meant to diminish us. Bowing connects us to our highest self and beyond self-­‐imposed limitations. On a purely physical level, bowing strengthening is excellent for digestion, circulation and spinal flexibility.

Bowing’s most important effect, however, is on the emotions and mental attitudes which follow the act of bowing. The technique of bowing rhythmically with recitation the musical of is a potent kriya for courage and humility in the Sikh tradition. ( The 21 Stages of Meditation, p. 193.)

3) was born in 1666 xhibited as Gobind Rai. He e great fearlessness and an elevated consciousness at a very young At age. the age 9 of he advised his father to face martyrdom. As Guru he trained peasant farmers in India to with become warriors Jaap Sahib-­‐-­‐a prayer written at 19. the age of Jaap Sahib describes all of the /facets aspects of the Creator. It awakens – the soul the warrior within— and the higher self of the human being.

3 Key Skills/Practices: 1) Meditative dance (in the kriya). main 2) It is important to ‘re-­‐set’ yourself when you come up ‘Re after bowing. -­‐set’ means to align the head, over the heart, over the pelvis. Also, be sure ock) to pull Mulbandh (Root L when sitting on the knees and heels for two-­‐beats (after bowing up and down for eight beats). 3) New mantra, Sat ‘ Kartar,’ (in meditation) which means “Infinite Truth is the Doer, Creative Aspect of all things.”

*This class also is suitable to teach as a 2-­‐hour workshop. You may be able to teach the full times of the ‘Kriya for Metabolic Change’ in a longer session. At the least you may only have to reduce the cise times of each exer by 15% (instead of reducing the times by 30% indicated as above for this 90-­‐minute class).


Main Kriya: Toning the Kidneys Owner’s ( Manual for the , Human Body p. 36).

Meditation: A Transcendental Meditation Sadhana ( Guidelines, pp. 150-­‐151; 3HO Foundation -­‐ E News, 12.02.10).

10:30 am: Welcome, Tune-­‐In and Framing. 10:35 am: Main Kriya. 11:10am: Deep Relaxation. 11:25 am: Meditation 11:55 am: Long Time Sunshine Song and 3 Long Sat Nams.

3 Key Concepts: 1) Guru Ram Das, th the 4 of the , was born in 1534. heart He is associated with the chakra and with the ualities q of service, compassion and humility. ty If you need a humili ‘muse,’ Guru Ram Das is it! One story to illustrate this point: Baba Siri Chand (one of the sons of e who became a reclus , a ) came to see Guru Ram Das. Baba Siri Chand felt that he should have been made Guru by his father and not his father’s servant, Angad.

When he came to see Guru Ram is Das Baba Siri Chand said to have been struck by the Guru’s close resemblance to his own father. He looked at the saintly beard of Guru Ram Das and asked sarcastically, ‘why do you have such a long, flowing beard?’ Guru Ram Das responded in all humility, ‘It’s to wipe your feet with.’ Baba Siri Chand, embarrassed, instant realized in that that it was humility that had won for the Gurus, one after the the other, supreme honor which had been him. denied to (A necdote excerpted from ‘Sikh Gurus Their Lives and ,’ Teachings KS Dugal, UBS Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2010.)

2) Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar mantra brings great intuition to the practitioner. It means, “God and We are One. I know this by the Grace of the True Guru. I know this by the Grace of the True Guru. That . god and We are One ” “This is the mantra that works like the ‘gutka’ on the ersian P prayer wheel changing the direction of the mind from negative to positive. Just repeat it five times if you ever want to switch your mind mind from negative to positive mind.” – Yogi Bhajan

3) Transcendental meditations always have a nd breath rhythm a a hand mudra linked to the mantra.

3 Key Skills: 1) Back Platform Pose. 2) Cobra Pose. 3) (In the meditation) learning to inhale and le exhale with whist breath.


Main Kriya: Removing Body Blocks Self ( -­‐Knowledge, pp. 23-­‐24).

Meditation: Becoming Intuitive Reaching ( Me , in Me pp. 43-­‐44 and Transformation Vol. 2, pp. 20-­‐ 21).

10:30 am: Welcome, Tune-­‐In and Framing. 10:35 am: Main Kriya. 11:30am: Deep Relaxation. 11:45 am: Meditation. 11:55 am: Long Time Sunshine Song and 3 Long Sat Nams.

3 Key Concepts: 1) “...a person who is not humble cannot understand the subtlety of the soul because he cannot understand the Infinity of .” the God (The 21 Stages of Meditation, p.191.)

“...You know, when annot you c tolerate yourself, you cannot tolerate others. When you cannot love yourself, you cannot love others. Because you are not humble, you are not wise.” (The 21 Stages of Meditation, p. 191.)

2) Our left brain is struggling fiercely i to keep up using ts logical, linear approach. We have time-­‐ management, multi-­‐tasking, speed-­‐reading, super learning ... but there is no way even the most developed left-­‐brain can keep up; it will eventually become overwhelmed and burn out. So, in order to process all s thi information we need to develop the right side of our brain, to cultivate our intuition. (Transformation Vol. 2, p. 15.)

3) A few Yogi Bhajan quotes on ‘intuition:’

“As a human being, by nature, you or have the capacity f a very deep understanding and sensitivity. Your mind has the faculty to analyze everything ortest in the sh possible time, so short, it can’t even be measured. This faculty is called .” intuition (Transformation Vol. 2, p. 15)

“If a person is intuitive, he’ll live tomorrow. in preparation for If a person is not intuitive, he has to deal with life as .” it comes

“Are you supposed to suffer? No. u What is the way yo can protect yourself? Develop your intuition.”

“Meditation is not for anything but ve. to become intuiti It is onal, not emoti it is not sentimental, it is not attached. It is a basic .” reality of life 3 Key Skills: 1) Stretch Pose. 2) Tree Pose. 3) Whistle Breath.


Main Kriya: Coordinating the Body, Mind Level and Soul ( 2 Life Cycles & Life Styles Manual, pp. 81-­‐ 82; Self -­‐Knowledge, p. 10; Transformation Vol. 1, pp. 148-­‐149).

Meditation: Aakan Jor (33rd Pauri of Japji ). (Use ’s recording of ‘Aakan Jor’ on the ‘Shanti’ CD.)

10:30 am: Welcome, Tune-­‐In and Framing. 10:35 am: Main Kriya. 11:30am: Deep Relaxation. 11:45 am: Meditation 11:55 am: Long Time Sunshine Song and 3 Long Sat Nams.

3 Key Concepts (well, 4 really!): 1) “...God is the owner and God is the nfinite. Infinite. The only I We are all part of that Infinity. Recognize the fact that you have in your life that harge. Infinity which is in c That Infinity is such a vast Infinity that It Itself does not know how huge, big and what jurisdiction this Infinity .” is (The 21-­‐Stages of Meditation, p. 190.)

2) Your “ spiritual reality is that you are part of a vast creation. In experience, you are a creature that is not separate from the larger matrix of life and consciousness. When you act in your specific role toward a goal or ct, proje you must focus and limit your attention and energies. You can do that and forget anything other than your current attachment. Or you can act with passion and commitment as you remember and intuitively connect to the larger Self that is you and to the larger world that you act within.

The ego creates a kind of forgetfulness. . You forget the Creator You forget vastness. The energy of the mind begins to act in narrow ways s with petty feeling and limiting beliefs. You act according to the information patterns of a small part of your potential and experience.

What is the alternative? If we cannot base our identity in the known or on any limited position of ego what can we do? Act egolessly. Base an identity in the Infinite and the r connection to you sense of the Infinite. That may seem a great or mystic accomplishment, tate but it is the natural s of the Self. We are part of the Infinite by nature. It is the mind that forms a limited sense of self. We do not need to create an Infinite self. It already exists. That existence is called SAT -­‐ NAAM SAT is reality, truth or existence. NAAM is the identity or creative name. We are all in essence a reality eates. that vibrates and cr ”