Against the Grain Volume 30 Issue 1 Article 28 2018 And They Were There-Reports of Meetings Ramue K. Kubilius Northwestern University,
[email protected] Sever Bordeianu University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Kubilius, Ramue K. and Bordeianu, Sever (2018) "And They Were There-Reports of Meetings," Against the Grain: Vol. 30: Iss. 1, Article 28. DOI: This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact
[email protected] for additional information. tion around GeoHealth issues; global Public versity Professorships at the University of The Scholarly Publishing Scene Health; effects of climate change on exposure Maryland and at Johns Hopkins University from page 46 to pathogenic viruses, parasites and bacteria; Bloomberg School of Public Health. human health risks of exposure to potentially When you go on GeoHealth’s website entific disciplines. When it comes to chemistry harmful agents in the aquatic environment on Wiley’s Online Library, you see a list of press coverage, the focus is on topics such as and through the food chain; remote sensing, research articles. Listed below each article waste, environmental hazards, and weaponry. satellite based observation of infectious disease title, written in language approaching aca- Cell Press drive home their point with this and modeling; hydroepidemiology.” demic speak, is a list of three “key points,” additional assertion: even several recent Nobel GeoHealth’s content includes original which are written in pure layman’s terms.