

CENSUSOFFICE, TIrirnh ii~~/ton,1). Cl., Nowe/lrbe~~1, 100%. SIR:T hnvc the 110110~to submit the followin rcport caoncerning the operation of the Census O%cc for Clrc year en Iing Novenz1)cr I, 1902: The law establishing a pcnn~ncutCensus 0fIic.c I)ccama efI'ective July 1, 1908, and thcrel'o~*ethe periocl covered by this rol3ort incluclcs ciglit months of opcrntion as a tc~llpornryoffice, and folly illo~itlisof operation :LS a ~IOI-L~I~L~CI~~ofice. 'rho force of tlle temporal:). ollicc was cnlployccl in tull~~latin~t~iicl. p~~blishingthe clr~t:~collcctecl by thc enumerators for the Twclfth Can- sus, This work was prnctically conlplctccl on July 1,atid the rcsults wcrcl presented to the public: in tcu cynn13tovolultles com1)rising tl~c reports 011 popnl:ttion, vital stt~tisti~s,~lgriiwlturc, nncl mt~~~ufnctnrcs, At the time of writing over 70,000 copies of these reports ]lave been distril)utecl. The speedy ooml~lctionof so great a tnslr ifi especit~lly noten~orthy,RS the pcriocl clapsing between cnu~nerationancl the p~tbli- cation of all tlic reports of the Twelfth Census is shorter than the like periocl rccluirecl for any ccnhns since the Seventh, thal oi' 1840, for mliich t~boutthe same length of tiine \v:ls required. Thc rctur~~sfor the Seventh Census were coilipvisccl in 840 pages, those for tllc Twelfth (:ensus in inore than 10,000 1):Lges. Two factor8 have inude it possible to complctc the work within the liillits prcsoribcil I)y thc, law-tha liberal provisiorls of the act of Con- gress which guve the Director wide cliscrction in tho organization and condnct of the olBce, aiicl thc skill, perseverance, and cathusintjm of those inimecliately in chargc of the ~vork. It is likely, however, that the achievement of tlle Census Oftice in thus reducing the time between cnunleratioii ancl publicc~tioncan be carried still fu~therin the f~zttli-e. A Inrge number of expci3t,rhare been retained in the pemiancnt office, ancl with their services available, and the proper aclvance preparation, it is possible that the period bctwecn enumeration ~uclthe publication of thc rcsults of the Thirteenth Census can be rcclucccl to eighteen months. FIELD WORK, OFFICE AND ULERIUAL WORK. The Unitecl. States was clividecl iuto 52,872 enumeratioi~clistricts and 300 st~pe~.visors'districts. There wcrc received at the Censns Office 3 -1 b77! 1902 4 REPORT OF TIIE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS. slightly in excess of 900,000 schedules for popnlation; 500,000 sched- ules for vilal statistics; 5,738,624 schedules for agriculture; and 608,401 scheclules lor nianufactures. The mnximuin n~ullberof persoas eiliployed in connection with tlie work of the Twclfth Ccnsns rvns 69,373, coml)osecl of 3,564 persons in tlie Census OBicc at Wasl~ingtoa,2,648 spcclial i~geatsi11 the field, 300 supw~isors,nilcl 62,871 enuuierators.

b[ECIIANICAL TARUTAATTON. iI Of cards for the clectric tnbnlntors, approximr~telg215,000,000 wc~~c used. A mssimum of 1,642 l~unches,811 elcctric tnbulr~tingmnchiiics, and 74 adding uuichines were required in the worlc. The nluiilber of percentages \\~orBeclis estiiliatecl to have exce8ded 2,000,000.

CIBNSU8 PUULIUATIONS. The total numbcr of cliflcrent bulletins isbuccl by the Ccnsns OfEcc was 260, representing in all 3,910,000 bulletins. One moiiogr~y)llon populntion, consisti~igof 15,000 copies, and tell volumes 01' cclnsus reports, aggreg~ting104,000 copies, ]irere issued. These volmnes were divided as follows: Populatioa, 2 volumcs, Volulile I 1)eing devotocl to population by States and Territories, com~tics,~niiior civil divisions, cities, towns ail~i villages, sex, color, etc.; Vol~uliieTI bciii~clevotecl lo school ntlend- ance, conjnpl condition, illiteracy, occnpntlons, dwellings :~ncli'ainilies, proprietorship of homes, cto. Vollumes I11 aiid IV were clerotecl to ~ritalstatistics, Vol~llle111 in-0- seutiug r~llalgsisancl ratio tablcs, and Volllilie XV proscutiug statislics of deaths. Volulnes V allcl VI inrlucl~dagriculture, Vol~ull~eV being clcvoled to farms, live stocli, etc., and Volume VI to crops ancl irrigt~tion. Voluines VII, VlII, 1X, and X relater1 to inanufaotnrcs, Vol~uno VI1 presenting the Unitecl States hy industries, Vol~m~c,V111, St:itcs nnd Territories, Volnlnes 1X ancl X, sl~ocial rcports on sclcctocl inclustries. The prillcipal difficulty which has attenclecl the enumeration of the people, ancl the collection of the aclclitio~laldata which tlie ~1111incralor ! 1s reqnirecl to obtain, has beell the inability of the Census Office to e~iil~logill all cases satisfactory oiiluillcrators. It is iml~ossi1)leto secure the iliost c6ci~ntservicc when olllj? a bricf periqcl of employ- ilicnt can be ofl8rccl. The mrorlr of the snpervisors of the clifloro~lt clistricts was illnch hstnperecl in conseqnence of this, nncl nlelly of tlie . scheclules after rcaching the Census Office req~uirecloarcfnl exai~iinn- tion in ttclvs~ilceof tn1)nlntion. This involvecl illnch aclclitional exl7easc. 1 sh:i11 submit to you ltlter for tllc considernti011 of Congress, slioulcl it ~lioctwith yo~ra~11~0\rrll, a more cflectirc pl:tn for scouring tho origi- 11nl information up011 which rests tlie wllole structure of st,ztisticsl worlr nt cach census. I11 the supervision of the ficlcl work, relating 130111 to en~l~ncraLorsaiid to special agents. there is also opportmnily /&J@* for iniproven~ent. Before thc tnslr of takiilg the Tliirtcenth Cerlsus begins, n thorough inirestigution will be inado illto this bralloh of census work in orcler to iinpro~reup011 the preseilt plan. 1902 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS* 4 '7fj


011tile 1st of July of tho present year the pcrrnnnctit Census Ofic~ W:bs ~rg:~llizcciin ~CCO~C~~LIICP,with tho Act SL~~~~OVCC~hlnrch (i, 1!)02, :~ll(ltlllo bollowing cmployccs wore slppoilltecl 13.y lllc slicl app~o~eclby tllc Socrct:~ryol the Interior: Cllief clcrlr, Ed\\raril MrCauley. Cllicf statisticin11 for populntion, \Villiam C. I-I~~I~C. (jllicf stati8tici:tn for mannfacturee, 8. N. D. North. ('llicl ~t~tisticiallfor agriclllt~re,[I,, ~i.POTI,~~FJ. (!llicl stt~Listii*iaillor viti~lstnti?.tics, William A. Icing. 1)i~bnrsingclorlr, Johll W. Lan~lcy. I':sp(lr.l rhic~fsof clivi~iol~...... 4 ~killedlal~o~ers~...... -...... ---.. 12 ('lerkr, vla~~3...... (i ~~~atcl~n~cn--...... -.-. 10 Sl(?llclgrs~)hcr...... 1 Alesse~lgeru...... (j Clerks, c31ass 2...... 10 A~sista~itiuessengars.. -...... 16 (!lcrks, rlt~ss1...... 272 Unslrilletl laborers-...... -....-.. 16 ('lorlrs, b 1,000 ...... 2:35 Charwonlen ...... -45 C:lc1~lis,8900...... 260 As soon :~spractionhlc :&or tho orgnilization of tllc l)c~rn~t~ircnt C:clisus Oltico, tlle work of collecting tho stalistics for the spc>c.inlrcports :~uthorizcclhp section 7 of the Act of Mnrch 6, TVRS :~p13orLio11(id:LI~IC)II~ tllc. Four chief st:~tisti~i:~ns,to be tnlicrl np fro111 timo to tiri~crw cir- cnulustanc~csmill pcrnlit. Tl~csoreports include the following sul)jcc*ts: " statistics relating to ,qpcrixl cltlssos, includil~gthe i~wnne,fccblc-mii~tlctl, tlr:~L', cllu~~b,and bliiiil; to vrill~c,I)>L~I~)OP~YI~I, nnil be~~evolencc,inclntling prisoi~ci~s, l):i~~j'or.r,jnveililu delii~t~neil~s,a1~1 ilnnatcu ol be~levolentant1 refor~nntorginstitntions; to socinl ~tatistiosol cities, to 1)nblic i~iilebiedncss,valuation, tt~satio~~,a~ltlrspe~ltli- tr~rtls; to rc?ligion~boilics; to clectric light and power, telcpl~or~eatit1 tc1eyr:tpll l~usincps;to trt~iisportationl~y watcr, exlwcss busiuess nnil street r~ilwny~;to nines, ~ilil~ii~g,clnarries ancl ~nincnils,:~nd the 1)aodnrtion 2nd vJuc tllereof, il~c~lutlinggol('l tlivbions of pl~(1ert~ncl rein, and silver ~ailles,a~icl the nuinber of I~ICI~r~)l~~~o~ed, tho nverltgc tlaily wage, average ~\.orlringtime, allti ilggregat,e cnruings in the vrbrioue 1~r:ar~~hest~ilcl aCore~nid divisions ol tho iilining atlil quarrying iniluutrics. 'rlle ollice has :~lrcady1)cguu the collection of thc c1at:t rrquircd fur the? reptjrts on tho clcnf, dmnb, nncl hlincl; on mcdth, dol)t, :LH~~LLS:L- 1,ion; on ~uincsnncl ~nining;on traiisl~orbtionby watcr ~nclrsl)veljs l,usincss, n~lcl011 so(:i:~I ~htlsti(ls01: cities. Solur, of tillis inforination will I)c ol~tniiiedby scheclnles allil lrtters of inquiry stilt out tl~rough tho lmst oflice, but much of it reqnircs :I certain amount of ficlcl worlr. In ronnectioii with soci:d statistics all inquiry 1'0It~tivcto tho ri111111)(:1' of " chilclren, and childrcn living," will be taken ul) wi t11 :e vic?w to :~sccl~L:liningtlie relative l'ocunclity of clitf'crant aationnlitics. ?'he o [lice mill also clnriug the coming year collccti stntisticu of birt

COTTON GINNING INQUIIXY, Section 9 of thc Act 01 Mwch 6 proviclcs bllat tho Director of thc Oeasus shdl an~~nallycolloct the stntistics of tlm cotton production of . the c:ountrg ns rct~~r~~eclby the ginners; and bulletins giving the re~ults of the sarnesllnll be issuecl woelrly, beginning Scptclnbor 1of enoh year, and continuing until Fcbrnary 1 following. After careful investig~tionit mas not founcl l)rncticnblc to orgnnize tllc cotton-ginning inquiry in snch :L way as to give the a~llonlltof 6 REPO~ETOF THE DIREC~I'OIZ OP THE CIENSTJS.

{botton gilllled as frcquelltly as the lam contcmplc~trd,as nlnn~of the ailllleries are so remote fro111 iailroacls, nncl in SO~IICinslanc+es from bha post tllntthe chief statisticitui for innnnfacturcs, in ch:~rg!.cof this TVijPIc, dCcidcc1to perfect an organizrttiou that would resultl at thc outset in giving at Icnsttlu-ce,andpossibljr four, reportsfrolll Sej>trnll)crlultil ? Feljruary, with a view Lo incrensi~igthe namher of raporls :LSofte11 8s circumstai~ceswould allow. In the prosecution of thiq \vol.lr (i2-l spc~~ial:LO-eutr, prtkctically one lo ench cottou-growing connty, were rLPPoillteZto visit 28,971 ginneries, which by~cllonillo l~~uidrclri:LII~ IlillcltJ--fotxi8one-thousantlths of the enti~*ccottoil crop. 'l'Il!.cr(i :ire 217 aclditlonal gin11ei.i~~scattcrccl ill outl,~ringcounties. which arc covc\rrd ~,ycorre.;pondence direct flaln the Ceasns OWce. Tlrc apl)oiiltn~cnlof tile special agents above mentioned entnils nil oxl)cllditlulBeof %4!),75-L-- Z~racbicnlly850,000-this repreerating the sun1 recjuirecl to III~LICCtlirec reports of the cotton crop for 190%. If,:LS is hopocl, the n~unltcl'of reportdis increasecl to four during the izext year, the oxl)cnsc ~vonld g a11101111t to abo~~t$76,000. The 1al.gc number of sl3ecial agents neccssitry to sec1zl.c this ill lor- luution, as well us the agents required in c~oli~~cctiolawiLh otllrr spc~cinl ini~uirieb,will coilsiclerably iucretbsc the work of the disl)nr~i~igol€ichc, because of tlie 1nrg.e n~~inbcrof accouiits in~rolveil,mtLny of \vliic~hare c~oml~lic~~tcd,rccluiring carefnl sorntiny Ilcfore 1)uynlonb, Belo~vis given the n~utnhcrof ageuls for e:~chl 8tntc: ,Ilabaiiin.. .--..--..----.....--..-.64 Olrlnhoait~ ...... 7 Arka~isus..-.--.....---...... - GS rSouC1i C'aroliii:~...... -.... 40 Florida ...... 11 Tellncssee ...... 22 Cieorgiit ...... 116 Texas ...... 121 Loui~ian~...... 39 TTiigiiiin...... R Dlieei~sippi...... 70 AIissouii...... I North Carolinn --...... 5'7 Inclin~iTerritory ...... 4 T\Thcn the IVO~IC of collcctillg the cottoil statistics is tllo~~ongl~ly organiecd, ancl those in charge proporly i11strueted in tllrir tlnlies, it is believed that rcry satisf:tctory results will LC obtnilled,


I11 my report fo~tlxc -fiscal yeny cnrling June 30, It)D1, mcntio~lJW~S mncle of the various prosecutions of snpcrvisors, eamnen~toz:.;,,.rl>coi:~l :~gcnts:~nd others, for offe~lscsoolliiliitted against tllc 1:~w. I gi1.c bclow n stRtei11e11tshowing the prosent condition of tl~o,qocbnscs,

St. Jfiwjy's C'olc~~ty.-Stephen A. Ahell, el~~~~~~cr:~t~os,and Josoph B. Cl~ing,attorney nt law. The United States attorney at B:dtimore reports that ttll cases in this COLUI~JT have been disposccl of, except those agaiast Joseph 21. Chilig :lad Stephen A. Abell. The Ching case ww arguecl :~tthe Feb- rutc~ytern] of the court of appeals, but was not dcciclecl. 111 tllu Abcll cnsc the jury disagreed, and tlie United Stnlcs nttoloey is'nwniting tlie decisio~lin the Ching case before tLryiugthe Abell case a ain. $ In all the other cenws oases in this State, the Ullitecl btntes6 clistrict nttorliey lllalres the report that they have been closed. 1902, REFORT OF THB DIRECTOR OF 'EHE CENSUS. 6. I'~~NNSYLT'A\NIA.

D.S17iith Tc~lhof,sq~o~aisu~~ of secol~d dUt92iot.-In thi.; casc l~roccecl- ../ ing~were begun against Tall)ol,, I)ut upon the paj;nzcnt by him of all his iiitcrpreters in full, slid ul>on ag~-eementmlth the Attorney- Gonernl's Oflice. tlic casc was cliseoiitinucd.


1%ch30Xnii ch~a,szljl~~~~visrn~ of ll~cdist~~ict of Ncru ~?.L~;ricn,(171 (3 17fi~iu1~0 I? Sem, Ibis cle~k.-'l'he United States f~ttorneyfoi- the distl.ict of NCTV Mcxico re ~ortsthat the cnse agninst Scnn wtts tried at the last Brill of tho united Statcs court, Scptcmlrcr, 1il02, iind dter Insting eight dnpa, resulted in the conviction of Sei~a. Motioli for a 11cm trial, and in arrest of judgment, mas ~iladcn~zd n~.guecl on Septoml)cr 16 and 17, and vas overr~led. The clel!cliclant mas thcraupon given sentence aggregating four years and fom- clays in the Uniteci States pelliton- tit~ryat Sant~Pe. Tlze clefenclant pvc notice of al>penl to t.lx Snp~-cnieCourt and was relensed in $5,000 bail. The case against Pedro Sanchez, the supervisor, wi~snot triecl at this term. The iilenibcrs of the jury hacl becolrze so wcll acquainted with the facts t~ttlio trinl of Seiia, that tliey moulcl have bee11 disqudi- fiecl to try the naso t~gninstSnncliez, nucl it was ini~~racticnblcto con- tinuc the tern1 of court and issnc t~ spccit~lvenire.

$ ,IlI,NNBSHIU!l. 7 Sc77)7fi~,3/cN~li2?/ CY/)~OI~~,--I-ICII~'~C. Ooocli, cnrtnzerator for the eiglitll enmneration clistrirt of the eighth snpcrvisor's district. I-Icnry C. Gooch, inclicteil for lnnlri~lgfalse retunis, W:LS placed on trinl nl, tlie Noveinbcr tern1 of the district court at Jackson, Tcan,, l~let~clguilty, was sentenced to tnrelvc lnolltlls in jail, aiicl lillecl thc suin of $200 and costs, $200, both of which amounts mere paid. After the conviction of Gooch, the office received infoi~inntioawhich. inclicnted that the supervisor in that district (Eighth Tcanessec), D. A. McDougal, in coajunction with one ,Tohn W. Robinson, hacl conspirecl ~vithGoocll in the i~ialriil. of thcsc?iici,itions rt?turns. Complaint was, tl~ereforo,inade against t% em, and they were inclictccl, but 11pon being. brougllt to trial wcrc ncquittecl.


Tl~i~dSZ~PIY~~~S~JR di~tq~i~t.-Sitlli~~cl W. Gliclclen, Paill W. David- son, Mrilliam ICaight, Scott E. J. Watson, Abrahaln L. Stringer, and William EX. Tolor, eii~l~neratorsin various cnuriierntion distlaicts in the ahove-mentioned supervisor's dislrict. All tliese eauiue18ntors Tverc inclictecl on July 3, 1901. Owing to the indispositiol~ of tho judge, the oases were continued n~itilthe Jann:~ryterm. Before they were brought to trial, thc Unitcd States attorncy for that district, A. M. Lea, diecl? ancl it was not cleemed expedient to try thc cases, ns: he hacl had special charge of them. It has not l~eenpracticable to liizve them tried '- since then, but a recent re1301't from the present attorney for t11e southern district of Mississippi states that the cases are now ready, ancl will be tried at the terill of the United States district coullt, corn- ~nencingOctober 20, proximo. 1902 fi83, 8 REPOET OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS.


C?~a?~Zes717; I'ugl~,s??ecial; r&gc:1&6,f,)ta th~1liuis1on uf ~~qi~icz~ltICTC of the Co?~st~sqfficd, I'I~a~~.lz,c.--Thecase against Charles W. Pngh, inclictccl Por making out frauclnlent vouchers, and for swearing to falsc cxpcnse ncconnts, camo up 011 a new trial :~tthe spring tern1 of tho Unitecl Statcs cortst for the second jndici:ll district of Arizona, nrtd rcsnltcd in his conviction ancl sentcncc to hard labor for two ycars in tllc pcni- tcntiary at Y~una,Arizona.

CLEI%IIUAI, FORCE. The Census Oflice dis1)cnscd with the scrvioes of a la13gc11~unbc.r of clerli-s on ,June 30. It WBS u11a~oiclablc,howevc~:) that SOLI~Cclcrl~s not to bc permaacntly retained s11o~tldbe carricd nlto the reogzniz:t- tion of the ofice followiiig JLUC30, ns the final vcrificdion, handling of htu~iclreclsof pnges of proof, and shipi~lcntsof tons of bonntl reports, as well as tlic great amount of cletail i~lciclontto thc closc of slu~han enormous nndertnkiag, n~adeiillpossible an abrupt tn~nsitioufrom temporary to pomlanent organization. With tho coi~ll~lctionof mosC of tlic work of this character a rccluctio~~of thc clerical Porcc 7~:~s~l~acle ou Scptcmbcr 30. As the morli- of thc various ilivisions of the Ccnsns OfEicc in connection with the ~~cinainingiurlnirics t,nkcs s11:~pcit is lilrely that cconomic:~l~r~uizr~tion mill pcrnlit rcduotions of tllc clcr- ical force below the estimete upon which the permanent orgt~izization of July 1 wa~based.

Tho cost of the temporary work of the Twclftli Ccnsus, as sl101vn by the attaclzccl stnteilient, was $11,854,817.91, or :ln average cost rcr capita of thc populatioa of the Unitocl Statcs of 15.5 cents. "he total cost of field worlr in connectioll tvitlz tllc? wo~kof thc Twclftll Censns mas $4,358,670.04, OT an averagc cost per capita of 6.7 cants. Accoinpanging this report is an esti~nateof the nppropri:~tioasfor census purposes fo~tho liscal year cncling .June? 30, 1!)0:3; nlso :L st:~to- merit from tlle clisb~!rsing clerlr, xho\ving the cost of p~.oil~tcingtho four priucil~s~lreports of tho Twclfth Census. 12cspec.tSully sul)mittrcl. W. 11. MIC~RIA~I,Diwcfor. T11c ~~CGI~IGTARYOF THE ~NTEI~IOR. 1902 82 1EEPOltT OF THE DIRECTOR OF 'J'HE CENSUS. 9 Aprnau~xA . Xs'sti~nntede.cpenditu~*es qf the C~IZ~LLSOBice for the .fiscal yea9 . commet~cirqJtiZy 1, 190.9, nlltl etltlillg .liuac 50. 1904. in nccortlance ~uitkflte Act c~l.)p~.ozredilla~. oh G. 1902. 1 Director ...... $6. 000 4 chief statiuticiz$~ls.at $2. 600 encll ...... 10, 000 1 chief clerk ...... 2. 500 1 disbursing clerk ...... 2. 800 • 1 stenogmpher ...... 1. 500 4 expert chiefs of division. at $1. 800 each ...... 7. 200 6 clerlrs. class 3 ...... 9, GOO 10 clerks. class 2 ...... 14. 000 -- $63, 300 250 clerlrs. class 1 ...... 300. 000 205 clei'li~.$1. 000 each ...... 205. 000 90 copyistu. $900 each ...... :...... 81. 000 1 clerlr ...... 720 4 slcilled laborers. at $1. 000 each ...... 4, 000 1 skilled laborer ...... 900 1 slrilleil laborer ...... 840 1 slrilled lnhorer ...... 780 1 skillet1 lr~borer...... 720 10 vvatch~l~cii.at $720 each ...... 7. 200 6 n~esaeilgcrs.at $840 ench ...... 5. 040 13 ~~~i~talit~11essengc1*s. at $720 ench ...... 9. 360 15 unslrilletl lnk)ol.ers, at $730 encll ...... 10. 800 35 ol~nrnron~e~l.at $240 oach ...... 8. 400 -- 634, 760 Special agents to secure infonnntion for special reports and cxpenses of the same ...... 160. 000 Rentnl of claa~~ters...... 26. GOO ISt.ai.io11m.y ...... 10, 000 Furniture. cnrpets. ice. ln~ilbel..hi~l*clwnre~ tlr goods. nclvertising. tole- (~mpiiiiig.crpicssnge. llorses lild ~vagons.feeYlor and shoeing of horses. tliagrnllik. awnings. shelving, filc cases. flle holders, oflice furniture, fuel. ligllt, mld other absolutely llcccssarJr expenses. ... !-...... 15, 000 For tl~epnrchasoof law books. boolrs of reference. perioilicnls. ~lzail~lurjcript. investigation 01 censns worlr in other co~ulbl~ies,ctc:., to lse made a spe- cilic it,eiil ill ap roplyintion ),ill ...... 6, 000 Printing and bin$ing of censns report.s niid ~liiscellalieoosprinting and binding ...... 250, 000 Tran~c!riptsof registl.ntion 1.ccorils...... 14. 000 Rent of tabnlt~tingrnacllilles ...... 10. 000 Total ...... 1.178. 600 No.~~~,-lti~ estiinateil that tliere will l~eleft uncxpeadecl on June 30, 1903. out of tlle sclill wldcli by the l~rovisionin the sundry civil act approvcd March 0. 1902. was lnncle avnilnble for the expenses of the periuanellt Census Ofice, nbout $.350.000 .

Strct8111ozl 1~r~ptaredb?/ 310. 71'. Lcei~gley~disbursillg clerk of thr CCIIWSoflice. s71owillg cost olthe ~l'rohflhLknstcs.fi.oin illitych 3. 189.9, to Julre 80. 1902. i?zcl~i,rive. Appro[~~*iatio~ls: ilct of PIarch 3. 1899 ...... $1,000,000.00 Provi~ionuuder the ~uii(11~ycivil bill for fiscal ycnr ellding June 30, 1901...... 9,000,000.00 I'rovision ~111clerthe s~~ndrycivil bill for fiscal year encliilg June L, 30 . 1002...... 3,516,210.00 Total apyml~rintiolrs...... 13,516,210.00 Recei ta under sectioil 50, Act of March 3, 1899 (sale of statis- tic8...... --1,414.56 13,517,624.56 1902 BEPORT 02' THE D1REOTC)R OW THE ORNSUR.

Disburss~~~eatsto ~nne'30, 190.2: By special tlisbursillg agents for iL1n;iBa ...... Disbursing rlerlr (to Jcllle 30, 1!102, i~~clusive)...... $11,571,171, Gli nisbl~rsingclc~lr (disbursctl since June 30, 1902, on lisbilities in- currot1 ~~riorto Jaly I, 1902). . 123,978.79 11,6%!5,lbO. 45 . Less credits on same (dihallotv- ances rufmlcled ailcl sti~tionery returned to Int~riorDeparl- n~ent)...... 6, 874, 30 -- 11, (;St;, 276. 13 --- $1 I, 757,627.20

-7- 1, 700,097.gc; Itailmad accomlts settled by Auditor for tl~cIilte~,ic~r Dep:~rtn~eat...... 6, (\(Mi, S7 Telegraphic: :zcco~~ntsseltled by Auditor fols the In- terior Department...... (i,165. 74 ---- 13, 708. 01 --- I, 747<;!:N, 75 E~timatecloutsttnding liabilities incarrrd p~iorto Jnly 1, l!lO'L...... 84, ~8.10 ---. Bola~lceto creclit of the upl~rol~rii~tion...... 1, (jtj2, 80(j, 05