1902 Annual Census Report

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1902 Annual Census Report I11OF THE CENSUS REPORT I i OB TlIE DIRECTOR OF TEIX CXNSUS, CENSUSOFFICE, TIrirnh ii~~/ton,1). Cl., Nowe/lrbe~~1, 100%. SIR:T hnvc the 110110~to submit the followin rcport caoncerning the operation of the Census O%cc for Clrc year en Iing Novenz1)cr I, 1902: The law establishing a pcnn~ncutCensus 0fIic.c I)ccama efI'ective July 1, 1908, and thcrel'o~*ethe periocl covered by this rol3ort incluclcs ciglit months of opcrntion as a tc~llpornryoffice, and folly illo~itlisof operation :LS a ~IOI-L~I~L~CI~~ofice. 'rho force of tlle temporal:). ollicc was cnlployccl in tull~~latin~t~iicl. p~~blishingthe clr~t:~collcctecl by thc enumerators for the Twclfth Can- sus, This work was prnctically conlplctccl on July 1,atid the rcsults wcrcl presented to the public: in tcu cynn13tovolultles com1)rising tl~c reports 011 popnl:ttion, vital stt~tisti~s,~lgriiwlturc, nncl mt~~~ufnctnrcs, At the time of writing over 70,000 copies of these reports ]lave been distril)utecl. The speedy ooml~lctionof so great a tnslr ifi especit~lly noten~orthy,RS the pcriocl clapsing between cnu~nerationancl the p~tbli- cation of all tlic reports of the Twelfth Census is shorter than the like periocl rccluirecl for any ccnhns since the Seventh, thal oi' 1840, for mliich t~boutthe same length of tiine \v:ls required. Thc rctur~~sfor the Seventh Census were coilipvisccl in 840 pages, those for tllc Twelfth (:ensus in inore than 10,000 1):Lges. Two factor8 have inude it possible to complctc the work within the liillits prcsoribcil I)y thc, law-tha liberal provisiorls of the act of Con- gress which guve the Director wide cliscrction in tho organization and condnct of the olBce, aiicl thc skill, perseverance, and cathusintjm of those inimecliately in chargc of the ~vork. It is likely, however, that the achievement of tlle Census Oftice in thus reducing the time between cnunleratioii ancl publicc~tioncan be carried still fu~therin the f~zttli-e. A Inrge number of expci3t,rhare been retained in the pemiancnt office, ancl with their services available, and the proper aclvance preparation, it is possible that the period bctwecn enumeration ~uclthe publication of thc rcsults of the Thirteenth Census can be rcclucccl to eighteen months. FIELD WORK, OFFICE AND ULERIUAL WORK. The Unitecl. States was clividecl iuto 52,872 enumeratioi~clistricts and 300 st~pe~.visors'districts. There wcrc received at the Censns Office 3 -1 b77! 1902 4 REPORT OF TIIE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS. slightly in excess of 900,000 schedules for popnlation; 500,000 sched- ules for vilal statistics; 5,738,624 schedules for agriculture; and 608,401 scheclules lor nianufactures. The mnximuin n~ullberof persoas eiliployed in connection with tlie work of the Twclfth Ccnsns rvns 69,373, coml)osecl of 3,564 persons in tlie Census OBicc at Wasl~ingtoa,2,648 spcclial i~geatsi11 the field, 300 supw~isors,nilcl 62,871 enuuierators. b[ECIIANICAL TARUTAATTON. iI Of cards for the clectric tnbnlntors, approximr~telg215,000,000 wc~~c used. A mssimum of 1,642 l~unches,811 elcctric tnbulr~tingmnchiiics, and 74 adding uuichines were required in the worlc. The nluiilber of percentages \\~orBeclis estiiliatecl to have exce8ded 2,000,000. CIBNSU8 PUULIUATIONS. The total numbcr of cliflcrent bulletins isbuccl by the Ccnsns OfEcc was 260, representing in all 3,910,000 bulletins. One moiiogr~y)llon populntion, consisti~igof 15,000 copies, and tell volumes 01' cclnsus reports, aggreg~ting104,000 copies, ]irere issued. These volmnes were divided as follows: Populatioa, 2 volumcs, Volulile I 1)eing devotocl to population by States and Territories, com~tics,~niiior civil divisions, cities, towns ail~i villages, sex, color, etc.; Vol~uliieTI bciii~clevotecl lo school ntlend- ance, conjnpl condition, illiteracy, occnpntlons, dwellings :~ncli'ainilies, proprietorship of homes, cto. Vollumes I11 aiid IV were clerotecl to ~ritalstatistics, Vol~llle111 in-0- seutiug r~llalgsisancl ratio tablcs, and Volllilie XV proscutiug statislics of deaths. Volulnes V allcl VI inrlucl~dagriculture, Vol~ull~eV being clcvoled to farms, live stocli, etc., and Volume VI to crops ancl irrigt~tion. Voluines VII, VlII, 1X, and X relater1 to inanufaotnrcs, Vol~uno VI1 presenting the Unitecl States hy industries, Vol~m~c,V111, St:itcs nnd Territories, Volnlnes 1X ancl X, sl~ocial rcports on sclcctocl inclustries. The prillcipal difficulty which has attenclecl the enumeration of the people, ancl the collection of the aclclitio~laldata which tlie ~1111incralor ! 1s reqnirecl to obtain, has beell the inability of the Census Office to e~iil~logill all cases satisfactory oiiluillcrators. It is iml~ossi1)leto secure the iliost c6ci~ntservicc when olllj? a bricf periqcl of employ- ilicnt can be ofl8rccl. The mrorlr of the snpervisors of the clifloro~lt clistricts was illnch hstnperecl in conseqnence of this, nncl nlelly of tlie . scheclules after rcaching the Census Office req~uirecloarcfnl exai~iinn- tion in ttclvs~ilceof tn1)nlntion. This involvecl illnch aclclitional exl7easc. 1 sh:i11 submit to you ltlter for tllc considernti011 of Congress, slioulcl it ~lioctwith yo~ra~11~0\rrll, a more cflectirc pl:tn for scouring tho origi- 11nl information up011 which rests tlie wllole structure of st,ztisticsl worlr nt cach census. I11 the supervision of the ficlcl work, relating 130111 to en~l~ncraLorsaiid to special agents. there is also opportmnily /&J@* for iniproven~ent. Before thc tnslr of takiilg the Tliirtcenth Cerlsus begins, n thorough inirestigution will be inado illto this bralloh of census work in orcler to iinpro~reup011 the preseilt plan. 1902 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS* 4 '7fj THE PYRIIANENT CENSUS OFFICE. 011tile 1st of July of tho present year the pcrrnnnctit Census Ofic~ W:bs ~rg:~llizcciin ~CCO~C~~LIICP,with tho Act SL~~~~OVCC~hlnrch (i, 1!)02, :~ll(ltlllo bollowing cmployccs wore slppoilltecl 13.y lllc slicl app~o~eclby tllc Socrct:~ryol the Interior: Cllief clcrlr, Ed\\raril MrCauley. Cllicf statisticin11 for populntion, \Villiam C. I-I~~I~C. (jllicf stati8tici:tn for mannfacturee, 8. N. D. North. ('llicl ~t~tisticiallfor agriclllt~re,[I,, ~i.POTI,~~FJ. (!llicl stt~Listii*iaillor viti~lstnti?.tics, William A. Icing. 1)i~bnrsingclorlr, Johll W. Lan~lcy. I':sp(lr.l rhic~fsof clivi~iol~........... 4 ~killedlal~o~ers~.......-......---.. 12 ('lerkr, vla~~3.. ................... (i ~~~atcl~n~cn--..................-.-. 10 Sl(?llclgrs~)hcr...................... 1 Alesse~lgeru....................... (j Clerks, c31ass 2.. ................... 10 A~sista~itiuessengars.. -............ 16 (!lcrks, rlt~ss1.. ................... 272 Unslrilletl laborers-. .......-....-.. 16 ('lorlrs, b 1,000 ..................... 2:35 Charwonlen .................. ... -45 C:lc1~lis,8900. ...................... 260 As soon :~spractionhlc :&or tho orgnilization of tllc l)c~rn~t~ircnt C:clisus Oltico, tlle work of collecting tho stalistics for the spc>c.inlrcports :~uthorizcclhp section 7 of the Act of Mnrch 6, TVRS :~p13orLio11(id:LI~IC)II~ tllc. Four chief st:~tisti~i:~ns,to be tnlicrl np fro111 timo to tiri~crw cir- cnulustanc~csmill pcrnlit. Tl~csoreports include the following sul)jcc*ts: " statistics relating to ,qpcrixl cltlssos, includil~gthe i~wnne,fccblc-mii~tlctl, tlr:~L', cllu~~b,and bliiiil; to vrill~c,I)>L~I~)OP~YI~I, nnil be~~evolencc,inclntling prisoi~ci~s, l):i~~j'or.r,jnveililu delii~t~neil~s,a1~1 ilnnatcu ol be~levolentant1 refor~nntorginstitntions; to socinl ~tatistiosol cities, to 1)nblic i~iilebiedncss,valuation, tt~satio~~,a~ltlrspe~ltli- tr~rtls; to rc?ligion~boilics; to clectric light and power, telcpl~or~eatit1 tc1eyr:tpll l~usincps;to trt~iisportationl~y watcr, exlwcss busiuess nnil street r~ilwny~;to nines, ~ilil~ii~g,clnarries ancl ~nincnils,:~nd the 1)aodnrtion 2nd vJuc tllereof, il~c~lutlinggol('l tlivbions of pl~(1ert~ncl rein, and silver ~ailles,a~icl the nuinber of I~ICI~r~)l~~~o~ed, tho nverltgc tlaily wage, average ~\.orlringtime, allti ilggregat,e cnruings in the vrbrioue 1~r:ar~~hest~ilcl aCore~nid divisions ol tho iilining atlil quarrying iniluutrics. 'rlle ollice has :~lrcady1)cguu the collection of thc c1at:t rrquircd fur the? reptjrts on tho clcnf, dmnb, nncl hlincl; on mcdth, dol)t, :LH~~LLS:L- 1,ion; on ~uincsnncl ~nining;on traiisl~orbtionby watcr ~nclrsl)veljs l,usincss, n~lcl011 so(:i:~I ~htlsti(ls01: cities. Solur, of tillis inforination will I)c ol~tniiiedby scheclnles allil lrtters of inquiry stilt out tl~rough tho lmst oflice, but much of it reqnircs :I certain amount of ficlcl worlr. In ronnectioii with soci:d statistics all inquiry 1'0It~tivcto tho ri111111)(:1' of " chilclren, and childrcn living," will be taken ul) wi t11 :e vic?w to :~sccl~L:liningtlie relative l'ocunclity of clitf'crant aationnlitics. ?'he o [lice mill also clnriug the coming year collccti stntisticu of birt<hsnlicl deaths in rogi,rt.mtion areas as req~~iredby scctioil 8 of the Act just citctl, and cLtltn on irrigation for thc crop ycnr 1802, ns callccl for by tho joint resolution of Congress npprovecl June 30, 1!)U2. COTTON GINNING INQUIIXY, Section 9 of thc Act 01 Mwch 6 proviclcs bllat tho Director of thc Oeasus shdl an~~nallycolloct the stntistics of tlm cotton production of . the c:ountrg ns rct~~r~~eclby the ginners; and bulletins giving the re~ults of the sarnesllnll be issuecl woelrly, beginning Scptclnbor 1of enoh year, and continuing until Fcbrnary 1 following. After careful investig~tionit mas not founcl l)rncticnblc to orgnnize tllc cotton-ginning inquiry in snch :L way as to give the a~llonlltof 6 REPO~ETOF THE DIREC~I'OIZ OP THE CIENSTJS. {botton gilllled as frcquelltly as the lam contcmplc~trd,as nlnn~of the ailllleries are so remote fro111 iailroacls, nncl in SO~IICinslanc+es from bha post tllntthe chief statisticitui for innnnfacturcs, in ch:~rg!.cof this TVijPIc, dCcidcc1to perfect an organizrttiou that would resultl at thc outset in giving at Icnsttlu-ce,andpossibljr four, reportsfrolll Sej>trnll)crlultil ? Feljruary, with a view Lo incrensi~igthe namher of raporls :LSofte11 8s circumstai~ceswould allow.
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