ICUS 2019 Program Book

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ICUS 2019 Program Book ICUS 2019 – Program Book CONTENTS FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................ 2 ABOUT ICUS 2019 ................................................................................................................................... 3 CONFERENCE INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................5 PLENARY SPEAKERS ............................................................................................................................... 6 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................... 17 SCHEDULE FOR PARALLEL SESSIONS ................................................................................................ 18 LIST OF ABSTRACTS .............................................................................................................................. 21 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ........................................................................................................................ 59 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................ 61 1 The 5th International Conference on Urban Studies: Border, Transportation, and Space FOREWORD Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb. Welcome to The 5th International Conference on Urban Studies held by Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. The theme of this year conference is “Border, Transportation, and Space”. We delve into and challenge our preconceptions of order and borders. We think about the ways borders create place, space, identity and discourse - in areas as diverse as the academia, advocacy, politics, socio- economic and security in local, national or international levels. This conference aims to assess how the notions of boundaries continue to shape our approaches to sex, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, identity and security We aim for our conference to be a celebration of knowledge and idea sharing between researchers, educators, students, NGOs and representatives from the Indonesian Government. We hope the discussions at the conference will further extend dialogues to better understand issues related to borders and mobility at both local and global levels. Finally, as you attend a number of programs and meet people in this conference, keep in mind that other people can also serve as doorways to new worlds. Hearing of someone else's background and experiences can often make for fascinating discoveries that can educate and profoundly affect us. So take advantage of this rare gathering, meet one another, talk with one another, and learn from one another. I welcome you once again to our 5th International Conference on Urban Studies. Have a productive and resourceful conference, and enjoy your staying in Surabaya, the city of heroes. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Diah Ariani Arimbi Dean, Faculty of Humanities Universitas Airlangga 2 ICUS 2019 – Program Book ABOUT ICUS 2019 The 5th International Conference on Urban Studies: Border, Transportation, and Space Surabaya, 25-26 October 2019 In 2019, the conference raised issues that have become phenomena in urban life, including borders, space and transportation. This year's conference is the 5th international conference of the International Conference on Urban Studies series. The theme of this year's conference is "Border, Transport, and Space", which focuses on urban mobility on issues surrounding boundaries, transport and space. We challenge academics from various parts of the world to think of ways in which boundaries can create space, identity and discourse in academia, advocacy, politics, socio- economics, security and resilience at the local, national and international levels. The conference aims to assess how understanding of boundaries, transport and space continues to shape our approach to gender, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, identity, public policy, and security. Thus we invite sessions, individual papers and panels that follow the conference-sub themes for presentations: • Borders in global research: what does it mean to work on place, space and identity in a globalizing world? What issues are necessarily cross-border matters? What knowledge is produced by such issues? • Borders in locality: In what ways locality perceive border and order within the border? Where is the local knowledge productive or counter-productive in creating discursive practices? • Borders of identity movements: In what ways do geopolitical and ideological boundaries shape our identity, agency, and identity? How do regional governance structures, academic institutions, and advocacy coalitions affect the border movements such migrations, emigrations or immigrations? • Borders in body, well-being and of being human: what is an autonomous being within borders? Are there rights entitled in it? What is the role of groups religiously, socially, economically, politically, and culturally? How do such groups set or dismantle boundaries? How do we think expansively about the violability and inviolability of the body? How do borders affect access to fair health and well being? How are corporeal borders understood in academic, non-academic and activist works? To the extent they are emphasized, what are the strengths and weaknesses of autonomous body within borders? • Borders in sexual politics and gender identity struggles: How are issues related to research and education on gender, sexuality and sexual rights used in identity struggles in regional, national or global level? • Borders in policymaking: When should border movements such as migration embrace the state and its laws? Where has the state created space and protection for its members within its borders? Where has the state or its citizens positioned themselves in the migration issues? How do borders strive or repress the voices for democracy? • Borders in art: How can art feed into/from other disciplines to inform current debates or create discourses about borders? How can artists identify changes in borders? • Borders in media and communications technology: How have changes in media and communications technology shaped identities, subjectivities, and communities? How have developments like the rise of social media, the increasing rapidity of global dissemination, and the intensification of surveillance aided in freedom to identity creation and repression? How do these developments change how we think about identity and agency in relation to entities like the nation-state, transnational capital, and an imagined global community of cosmopolites? • Borders in space and place: How can space and place determine borders and what does it mean to individuals living within the boundaries? The notion of ruralism and urbanism have changed dramatically, how do we cope with such changes? 3 The 5th International Conference on Urban Studies: Border, Transportation, and Space • Borders in maritime security and issues: what are the current maritime issues and challenges posed by archipelago states such as Indonesia? How do threats in maritime security change through time? What are implications for the changing debates on maritime security and issues? How do maritime discourses impact on identity, space and place for the people within? • Borders in language, culture and multilingualism: How can researches in languages and multilanguages conduct regional, national or international comparative research on translation and interpretation at different kinds of border in order to develop theory, ethical research practices and research methodologies in relation to the linkage between language and culture? • Borders of history or (his/her) story: how could borders and orders change or shift on the ever-changing flux throughout time? How does history of borders shape our understanding liberty or slavery? What are legitimated or prosecuted (symbolic) struggles within the territories? How order and border are linked to the territorial conflicts and/or territorial dynamics showing how the idea of the border is activated in the construction of political mechanisms for excluding, inclusion or legitimizing or (de)legitimizing members of groups? • Borders in literature and culture: how does imaginary and creative world capture issues related to Borders and identity? In what ways literary world challenge our contemporary Notion of Borders? Where should we draw the Lines between Borders in literary imagination, reality or virtual reality? • Borders in education: how do order and borders create or limit access for education for all? Where do locality and global values stand within borders and education? In what ways are such perspectives embodied and reinvented in the teaching of the minds and character building? How do the notions of borders instil or disrupt the order of status quo in educational research practices? Where does the dialogue inquiry position itself in the border movements? • Transport and identity: How does transportation connect or disconnect individuals in society or across communities? How is transportation related to logistics? How does transport build identity? How is renewable transport through innovation? How does transport change territory through creating connectivity between places and defining space in the economy and politics? • Space and identity: How does space build identity because without space (and time), humans would not exist? Space
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