Ardnamurchan High School Àrd-Sgoil Aird Nam Murchan
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Prospectus 21/22 2021/2022 ARDNAMURCHAN HIGH SCHOOL ÀRD-SGOIL AIRD NAM MURCHAN Drimnatorran Strontian Acharacle Argyll PH36 4JA Telephone: 01397 700105 E Mail: [email protected] Website: Prospectus 21/22 The current pandemic has affected the normal running of schools in many ways. This Handbook reflects the way the school usually runs but does not cover all of the changes that we have made because of the pandemic. Our arrangements have changed in many ways this session, and may well change again, depending on how the pandemic develops. For the most up-to-date information about any aspect of the work of the school, please make contact and we will be able to tell you about our current arrange- ments. For the latest information about how the pandemic affects children, young peo- ple and families across Scotland, please visit the Scottish Government website, which has helpful information about Coronavirus and its impact on education and children. As you will be aware, there have been changes to the way the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is planning to provide certification for young people in the Senior Phase. School staff are currently working on changes to course content and approach- es to assessment, and all of the relevant details about this will be included in next ses- sion’s Handbook. Meanwhile, further information can be found on the SQA website (, which includes a section of advice for candidates and families 2 Prospectus 21/22 SECTION 1 INFORMATION Please note that this handbook was updated for the High- land Schools’ Publication deadline of 27th November 2020 Information is subject to subsequent change. 3 Prospectus 21/22 TITLE Page SECTION 1—INFORMATION 3 Welcome/Failte 5/6 School Information and Catchment/Sgoil agus raon-tionail 7/8 SECTION 2—CONTACT DETAILS 9 Contact Details 10 Staff/Luchd-obrach 11/12 Enrolment Arrangements/Clàrachadh sgoileran ùra 13 Complaints and Requests for Service 13 SECTIION 3 –PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT 15 Parent and Carers as Partners 16/17 Parent Forum and Parent Council/Comhairle nam Pàrant 18 SECTION 4—SCHOOL ETHOS 19 Vision and Aims/Feallsanachd agus amasan 20 Logo/Suaicheantas 21 School Rules/Riaghailtean na Sgoile 21 Pupil Council Reports/Aithisgean Chomhairle nan Sgoilearan 22/23 Achievement and Success 24/25 The Four capacities /Na ceithir comasan 26 Ex-curricular activities 27/28 Partnerships 29/30/31 SECTION 5—THE CURRICULUM 33 Curriculum Rationale 34/35 Curriculum/Oideachadh 36 Gaelic Medium Education/Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig 37 Skills for Life, Learning & Work—Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing/PSE 38/39 SECTION 6/7 ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING 41 Assessment and Reporting/Measadh agus aithisgeachd 41 Parents’ Evenings 42 SECTION 8 TRANSITIONS 44 Associate Primary Schools/Ar Bunsgoiltean 45-52 Career’s Advice 53 SECTION 9—SUPPORT FOR PUPILS 53 Support for Learning Act 55/57 Support for Pupils 58/59 SECTION 10—SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 61 Standards and Quality Report 62 SECTION 11—SCHOOL POLICIES AND PRACTICAL INFORMATION 63 School Meals/Biadh 65 Goiresean na Sgoile/School Facilities/ Àrainn Shuaineirt/Sunart Centre 65/66 Holidays/Saor-Làithean 67 Plan of School/Plana na Sgoile 68-69 Dress Code/Trusgan Sgoile/School Day/Latha na Sgoile 70 Attendance arrangements/Neo-Làthaireachd 71-72 School Policies/Poileasaidh na Sgoile 73-77 Appendices/Pàipearan-taice 78-93 4 Prospectus 21/22 WELCOME TO ARDNAMURCHAN HIGH SCHOOL We are delighted to welcome your child to Ardnamur- chan High School, whether as a new S1 pupil coming up from one of the primaries across Ardnamurchan, Morvern and beyond, or as an older pupil moving into the area. We hope that you will share in a happy and positive partnership with us. Since Ardnamurchan High opened its doors in August 2002, we have been a community school with a real fo- cus on meeting a wide range of educational needs in- corporating community links and involvement wherever possible. The school, together with Àrainn Shuaineirt, (The Sunart Centre) and the Library (Leabharlann) provide a wide range of lunchtime and after school activities. Youth clubs run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for seniors and jun- iors respectively. Many of the evening concerts and events run by Àrainn Shuaineirt are of value and interest to all ages and active participation is encouraged. In addition, the West Highland College has a presence in the building, with which we have a growing partnership to support young people’s learning. Our curriculum is varied and flexible with a strong focus on the best learning and teaching possible. We believe in working together to make learning links between curricular areas. We believe in reflecting on our learning and teaching, both as staff and as pupils and that learn- ing should be challenging and enjoyable. We believe in respecting each other and helping our young people to develop positive attitudes as responsible citizens and effective contribu- tors to the school ethos. We encourage all learners to do their best as confident individuals and successful learners. We firmly believe that Ardnamurchan is a superb place to be. This school was founded upon the principle of parity between English and Gaelic and there is a rich culture and history asso- ciated with this area. As such, Gaelic is encouraged and integrated wherever possible and our Gaelic Medium provision provides continuity from primary for those entitled to progres- sion and development in their own language. We are very proud of this school and our pupils and the positive feedback we have about our young people and, in our various school trips, we frequently get positive feedback prais- ing our young people. That, and the fantastic contributions our pupils make to our talent shows, pantomimes, trips sporting fixtures and events, bears witness to the very supportive and positive ethos here at Ardnamurchan High school. I hope you find this prospectus helpful and we look forward to seeing you in whatever ca- pacity, parent, visitor, supporter, or at an evening event in the months and years ahead. You may have already visited our website at which we aim to keep up to date as possible, with our publications and latest news and infor- mation about the school. Ardnamurchan High School is now operating as a 3-18 Campus with Strontian Primary School and, if interested, our Strontian Primary School handbook is also available. Christopher Millar-Craig—Headteacher 5 Prospectus 21/22 FÀILTE GU ÀRD-SGOIL AIRD NAM MURCHAN Tha sinn glè thoillichte fàilte a chuir oirbh agus ur cuid cloinne gu Àrd-Sgoil Aird nam Murchan, co dhiù ged a tha sibh a’ tighinn bho bhun sgoil ann an Ard nam Murchan fhèin no às a’ Mhoirbhairne, no bho àite sam bith eile. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi dàimh dlùth eadarainn ‘O dh’fhosgail na dorsan ann an 2002, tha Àrd Sgoil Aird nam Murchan air a bhith na sgoil coim- hearsnachd a tha ag amas a bhith a’ coileanadh feumlachdan foghlaim agus ceanglaichean coimhearsnachd. Tha an sgoil, Àrainn Shuaineirt agus an leabharlann còmhla a’ tabhainn tòrr churseachadan aig àm lòn, no as dèidh na sgoile. Tha an club òigridh airson a’ chlann as òige ann air oidhche Dhiardaoin agus oidhche Mhàirt airson an fheadhainn as sine. Tha na cuirm ‘s tachartasan a th’air an ruith le Àrainn Shuaineirt freagarrach do chloinn ‘s inbhich le chèile agus thathar an dòchas gun gabh sibh páirt. Tha Colaiste na Gàidhealtachd an Iar OGE, an seo cuideachd, agus tha an com-pàirteachais eadarainn a fàs airson cothroman ionnsachaidh airson na cloinne a’ leudachadh. Tha an curraicealam againn eadar-dhealaichte agus sùbailte, agus tha am fòcas againn air an ionnsachadh agus an teagasg as fhèarr a lìbhrigeadh. Tha sinn a’ creidsinn ann a bhith ag obair còmhla airson ceanglaichean a thogail eadar na cuspairean. Tha sinn a’ creidsinn gu bheil fhèin -chnuaschadh – airson clann agus tidsearan – glè chudromach agus gum bu chòir dha ionnsa- chadh a bhith tlachdmhòr agus dùbhlanach. Tha sinn a’ creidsinn gu bheil e cudromach meas a thoirt do chàch a chèile agus taic a thoirt don chloinn airson a bhith nan luchd-ionnsachaidh shoirbheachail, com-pàirtichean èifeachdach, daoine misneachail agus saoranaich ciallach. Thathar gu mòr a’creidsinn gur e sàr-àite foghlaim a th’ann an Àrd-Sgoil Aird nam Murchan. Chaidh an sgoil seo a steidheachadh le co-ionnannachd eadar Gàidhlig ‘s Beurla aig a cridhe agus tha beairteas de chultur agus de dh’eachdraidh co-cheangailte ris an sgìre seo. Mar sin, thèid a’ Ghàidhlig a’ brosnachadh cho fad’ ‘s a ghabhas agus bidh FTMG againn a’ toirt leantainneachd do na sgoilearan bho na bun sgoiltean far an robh iad air an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha sinn glè mhoitèil às an sgoil agus às na sgoilearan againn agus tha e uabhasach taitneach a bhith a’ cluinntinn moladh bhon choimhearsnachd agus bidh sinn a’ faighinn moladh cuideachd bho dhràibhear nam busaichean agus bho fhir an taighean aig aiteachan fuirich nuair a bhios sinn air falbh air turasan. Tha na sgoilearan an sàs ann an cuirman ciùil, turasan, panto-maim agus uiread tachartasan spòrs agus tha seo a’ dearbhadh na faireachdainn sònraichte a tha againn an-seo ann an Àrd-Sgoil Aird nam Murchan. Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil na tha sinn air innse san ro-shealladh seo cuideachail dhuibh agus tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ri ur faicinn anns na h-amannan ri thighinn. Dh’fhaodadh gu bheil sibh air tadhal air an làrach-lìn againn aig far a bheil naidheachdan agus fiosrachadh mun sgoil. Tha Ard Sgoil Àird nam Murchan ag obair mar àrainn 3-18 le Bun Sgoil Sròn an t-Sìthein.