Italian Language Courses Faculty: Nunzia Travaglione (Coordinator), Bianca Buonocore, Domenico Palumbo, Giorgia Del Santo
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Italian Language Courses Faculty: Nunzia Travaglione (coordinator), Bianca Buonocore, Domenico Palumbo, Giorgia Del Santo Italian Language-Elementary (45 hrs, 3 credits) ELEMENTARY (A1) - Note: course taught in Italian Instruc.onal O 0ec.ves Upon compleon of this course, students will be able to: demonstrate a basic understanding of Italian spelling and pronunciaon (assessment: homework; oral parcipaon in class; oral comprehension quizzes and tests; dictaons) demonstrate a basic understanding of part of the Italian grammar and s ntax (assessment: homework-- workbook; computer assignments; essa ; quizzes and tests) parcipate in simple conversaons on topics on ever da situaons such as work, educaon, food, me, weather... (reinforced through in-class group acvies) demonstrate basic reading comprehension skills (in-class or homework reading assignments-from textbook or internet sites; quizzes and tests) demonstrate some knowledge of Italian geograph , histor , culture and dail life 1 TOPICS: Present tense of to be and to have De'nive and inde'nite arcles (ender and singular/plural of nouns and adjecves Present tense of regular verbs (reengs and introducons Numbers, me, da s, months, seasons Present tense of irregular verbs (to go, to go out, etc...) Possessive adjecves and pronouns ,imple biographical informaon ( i.e. famil , job, house, tradions, holida s) Present Perfect of regular and irregular verbs Re.exive verbs Descripons of people and places Dail situaons (ordering in a restaurant, phone calls, health ma/ers, taxi, post o0ce) TE1T BOO2: ,ant12nna1s published book: Studiamo l’Italiano 1. OB3ECTI4ES: The student can understand and use familiar ever da expressions and ver basic phrases; the student can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer quesons about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has; can interact in a simple wa provided the other person talks slowl and clearl and is prepared to help. LISTENING: The student can recognize familiar words and ver basic phrases concerning himself, his famil and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowl and clearl . READING: The student can understand familiar names, words and ver simple sentences, for example on noces and posters or in catalogues. SPO2EN INTERACTION: The student can interact in a simple wa provided the other person is prepared to repeat or re-phrase things at a slower rate of speech and help him formulate what he1s tr ing to sa . 4e can ask and answer simple quesons in areas of immediate need or on ver familiar topics. SPO2EN PROD5CTION: The student can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where he lives and people he knows. 6RITING: The student can write a short, simple postcard, for example sending holida greengs. 4e can 'll in forms with personal details, for example entering name, naonalit and address on a hotel registraon form. Grading 5id-term evaluaon 208 2/endance and Parcipaon 258 2ssignments 258 :inal test 308 (rammar & vocabular should be reviewed and workbook exercises done before class meengs. Exercises will be checked at random. Wri/en tasks will be given as part of the assignment grade. Oral presentaon: each student will present a short presentaon to the class in Italian on an topic as a part of 'nal test. 10 Le7er grades and percentages 9A-1008: 2 91-958 2- C7-908: EF C1-CA8: E 77-C08: CF 71-7A8: C A7-708 DF A0-AA8: D 598 or under: : SANT9ANNA INSTIT5TE ABSENCE POLIC, Hou are allowed two unexcused absences. Documentaon for an other absence 5U,T be produced and 2PPROIED b the professor or the Director. :or absences due to illness, please provide the professor with a doctorJs note upon returning to class as well as inform them and/or the school the 'rst da of illness. Each unexcused absence aKer the second will reduce our grade b 3 percentage points. Italian Language-Pre Intermediate (45 hrs, 3 credits) PRE-INTERMEDIATE (A 2) - Note: course taught in Italian Introduc.on Italian 102 will establish the foundaons of conversaon and grammar. ,tudents will work on basic grammar and speaking skills through conversaon, dialogues, exercises and drills; develop vocabular through reading, discussing and wring; and learn more about Italian culture through reading, video and presentaons. Instruc.onal O 0ec.ves Upon compleon of this course, students will be able to: carr on basic conversaons read arcles and short stories write short composions in Italian TOPICS: 2 review of Present Perfect Travel experiences Listening to simple dialogues and Italian songs Iarious uses of Imperfect Tense DiMerence of the use between Present Perfect and Imperfect Tense Descripons of persons, places and situaons in the past Expressing memories Tradions, art and culture :uture Tense 5aking plans and predicons Direct pronouns Compare and anal ze alternave viewpoints TE1T BOO2: ,ant12nna1s published book: Studiamo l’Italiano 1. DESCRIPTION: The student can understand sentences and frequentl used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. ver basic personal and famil informaon, shopping, local geograph , emplo ment); can communicate in simple and roune tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of informaon on familiar and roune ma/ers; can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and ma/ers in areas of immediate need. LISTENING: The student can understand phrases and the widest used vocabular related to areas of immediate personal relevance (e. g. ver basic personal and famil informaon, shopping, local geograph , emplo ment). 4e can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. READING: The student can read ver short, simple texts. 4e can 'nd speci'c, predictable informaon in simple, ever da material such as adversements, prospectuses, menus and metables and he can understand short simple personal le/ers. SPO2EN INTERACTION: The student can communicate in simple and roune tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of informaon on familiar topics and acvies. 4e can handle ver short social exchanges. SPO2EN PROD5CTION: The student can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms his famil and other people, living condions, his educaonal background and his present or most recent job. 6RITING: The student can write short, simple notes and messages relang to ma/ers in areas of immediate need. 4e can write a ver simple personal le/er, for example thanking someone for something. Grading 5id-term evaluaon 208 2/endance and Parcipaon 258 2ssignments 258 :inal test 308 (rammar & vocabular should be reviewed and workbook exercises done before class meengs. Exercises will be checked at random. Wri/en tasks will be given as part of the assignment grade. Oral presentaon: each student will present a short presentaon to the class in Italian on an topic as a part of 'nal test. Le7er grades and percentages 9A-1008: 2 91-958 2- C7-908: EF C1-CA8: E 77-C08: CF 71-7A8: C A7-708 DF A0-AA8: D 598 or under: : SANT9ANNA INSTIT5TE ABSENCE POLIC, Hou are allowed two unexcused absences. Documentaon for an other absence 5U,T be produced and 2PPROIED b the professor or the Director. :or absences due to illness, please provide the professor with a doctorJs note upon returning to class as well as inform them and/or the school the 'rst da of illness. Each unexcused absence aKer the second will reduce our grade b 3 percentage points. 13 Italian Language-Intermediate (45 hrs, 3 credits) INTERMEDIATE (B 1) - Note: course taught in Italian Introduc.on This course is designed for students who wish to develop the skills necessar to interact in the language and learn about Italian contemporar culture and societ as well as Ital Js histor . ,tudents will connue to re'ne their speaking skills b compleng tasks with our classmates in pairs and small groups and b following models of nave speakers presented on video. ,tudents will develop reading and wring skills b reading increasingl more elaborate authenc texts and wring related, reacon essa s, and our listening skills will be culvated b compleng on-line listening acvies, viewing and anal zing short clips from Italian movies, and listening to short lectures on topics in Italian culture, societ , and histor . Instruc.onal O 0ec.ves Upon compleon of this course, students will be able to: understand brief discussions b nave speakers on familiar topics and presentaons b the instructor on Italian culture with frequent explanaons/clari'caons read and understand short authenc texts, such as magazine arcles engage in brief conversaons with nave speakers write essa s on topics related to readings or material used in class using the structures and vocabular students have learned in both 101 and 102 TOPICS: Review of the :uture Tense 2nterior :uture Tense indirect pronouns Express preferences and wishes Develop listening, wring and comprehension abilies Present Condional (ive advice and express opinions Comparaves and superlaves of adjecves Reading of small texts and brief arcles TE1T BOO2: ,ant12nna1s published book: Studiamo l’Italiano 1. DESCRIPTION: The student can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar ma/ers regularl encountered in work, school, leisure, etc; can deal with most situaons likel to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken; can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest; can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambions and brie. give reasons and explanaons for opinions and plans. LISTENING: The student can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar ma/ers regularl encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. 4e can understand the main point of man radio or TI programs on current aMairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the deliver is relavel slow and clear.