BEFORE A BOARD OF INQUIRY EAST WEST LINK PROPOSAL Under the Resource Management Act 1991 In the matter of a Board of Inquiry appointed under s149J of the Resource Management Act 1991 to consider notices of requirement and applications for resource consent made by the New Zealand Transport Agency in relation to the East West Link roading proposal in Auckland Closing Legal submissions on behalf of Auckland Transport dated 13 September 2017 BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS A J L BEATSON SOLICITOR FOR THE SUBMITTER AUCKLAND LEVEL 22, VERO CENTRE, 48 SHORTLAND STREET PO BOX 4199, AUCKLAND 1140, DX CP20509, NEW ZEALAND TEL 64 9 916 8800 FAX 64 9 916 8801 EMAIL
[email protected] MAY IT PLEASE THE BOARD Introduction 1. Auckland Transport (AT) supports the East West Link (EWL) Project. It considers the EWL Project will result in the following key transport related benefits: (a) It responds to an identified need to improve freight and general traffic efficiency. The EWL will improve travel times and travel time reliability between businesses in the Onehunga-Penrose industrial area and State Highways 1 and 20; (b) It improves cycling and walking facilities with over double the linear length of walking and cycling facilities in the project area compared with the existing network, and related safety and accessibility improvements between Mangere Bridge, Onehunga and Sylvia Park; (c) It improves journey time reliability for buses between State Highway 20 and the Onehunga Town Centre; and (d) Network resilience, lower traffic volumes on residential streets and arterial routes, and improved connectivity between Onehunga Town Centre and Onehunga Port.