'ornrnuntty New OSS£ ~ws

Learn about pollution, future of lake April 24 at public forum By Amy Andreou Miller problem of Lake St CI31r St Clmr from the Grosse POIntes, mum ties who border and use Lake St mental quality Staff Writer Thl' group hd' ,!'''l'mbled a p,mel of relentl) lo~t familIar \\ lth ThIS CanadIan governmental group ICI, d defuntt Cdnad13n.ba~ed fertd action, said a member of the Ledgue Grosse Pomte hope' ,111POlllter' "Ill the mcrea,mg ecology problem' that granted ICI permiSSIOn to begin lzer LOmpdny, from dumplllg ml!lIon~ of Women Voters be thmklng ,md talhlllg ,illout Lake afTelt the lake m ....hlch we ,Wlm on dumping the contents of ItS ,everal of gallon~ of chennc,,1 by-product mto St ClaIr Shores offiCials worked St Clair which \\ e boat, and, flOm "here our huge retentIOn ba<,ms contammg the Like St (lair The company\ fertlhz- With the Walpole Island reSidents m That\ bec,lUsp tbe \\ompn ~ \olun tap wdter lomes dangerous chemICals, cltmg that the er b) -pI oduct IIlcludes pho~phorus their protest of ICI at an admlmstra tper group I' m\ Itmg th. pubhc to a One exppcted hlghhght \\111 be amounts were too small to be harm- dnd ar,enll, among many other tOXIC tlve heanng about SIX month~ ago forum at 7 30 p m Thur,dd) Apnl 24 Walpole I~land re~ldent and pxpert ful chemlc"l" The hearmg was held before a at the Gro"se Pomte War Memonal Darri'n Wnghtman, Flr~t NatIOn Not so, say some of the experts who leI', dumplllg will bt done m Canadian governmental and declslOn- 32 Lakeshore, Gn"'il POInte Farm~, Tnbal CounlllIor He and others !lv- will be at the local forum They have ~tdgh '" It n1.lYnot bl' too late to pre- makIng group that IS SImIlar to to t"lk about the mCTl'd"mg pollutIOn lIlg on thp I~land that I~ acro.,., Lakl' vent futun dumpmg" If more com. 's department of envIron- See LAKE, page 9A WEEK AHEAD Farms, Shores Monday, April 21

Passover - the eIght day celebratIOn of thp delivery of noW"lllonitoring the Jews from slaver) In Egypt - begm' at ~unset seW"age outfalls The Grosse Pomte Woods By Amy Andreou Miller was also reqUIred because the CIty CouncIl meets at 7 30 Staff Wnter state IS demandmg longer term p m In the council chambers Grosse Pomte Farms offi- momtonng at city hall, 20025 Mack clals embarked, WIth some Plaza apprehenSIOn, on a project thiS The Farms City CounCIl week to begm accurately mom- unammously approved at ItS tonng and measunng the cIty's Apnl meetmg, $21,882 for the The City of Grosse Pomte sewer outfalls - combmed equIpment payable to TRA, as CouncIl meets at 730 p m storm water and samtary well as $800 to $850 per SIte m the mUnicIpal offices at sewage dumpmg mto Lake St payable to Frasard Electnc for 17147 Maumee ClaIr dunng heavy ramstorms wlnng each of the seven mom Gro~se Pomte Shores and taring ~lteS, located along Lakeshore the Farms have been cooperat- Tuesday, April 22 mg m thIS momtonng effort by The Farms IS the last of the shanng common costs, such as Pomtes to conSIder sewer sepa- "Rmsmg Children of Good computer eqUIpment and soft- rabon, the other four Pomtes ware Character What Parents have eIther completed costly Photo bv SU2V Berc;chback and Elementar) Schools Can "Defimtely, there's some sewer separatIOns, or currently Do," I~ the tOPiC of a lecture Beanie-mania apprehenSIOn here regardmg have Initiated such an under- dehvered by Thoma~ the data the tests wJlI reveal," takmg Llckona, Ph D at 7 30 pm McDonald's restaurants weren't the only traffic clogged centers of Beanie Baby Said CIty Manager Rlch Solak Even though the Farm~ IS m the Gro'i'ie Pomte mania last weekend. The War Memorial held a Beanie Baby swap and "FollOWing the tests, we WIll now the last Pomte to conSider Academy audltorlUm Thl sale on April 12. The event, which was a benefit for the Children's Home of Detrolt, proceed accordmgly to play sewer separatIOn, It IS lauded free program IS open 10 the drew about 1,600 children and adults from around the area. who our part m being most respon- waited more than an hour in line - in the rain and snow - to get inside. Melissa Sible toward the ecology of the ac; among one of the fir~l com pubhc rnunlllC<;J In thC' county to .,how Shafer of Livonia, above, shows off her collection of coveted stuffed anhnals l~~ke Trcrc are a number of optl0ns to correct sewer out concern and t.:lkc olh{>T type.." of -!.;-lIc- ~p.;-;'lrat1ng our storm and actton to reduce posslble sewage outfalls mto the lake Earth D,l\, hr~t observed samtary sewers IS one solu- m 1970 WIth the message Eastside group doubts viability tlOn" For example, decades ago, "Gne Earth a Chance," IS a Even though the tests may the Farms reduced pOSSible day to focus attentIOn on reveal a need for sewer separa- sewer system overflow by con- reclalmmg the punty of the of Detroit City Airport expansion tion whICh could cost millions structmg a rehef sewer under- aIr, water and hvmg environ- of dollars, the cIty offiCIals are neath Kerby Road The rehef ment By Jim Stlckford Tht> study committee IS a payer dollar~ at least pleased that the sewer IS 54 mches tall by 36 Staff Wnter community alhance represent- "The propo~al to bUild a new newest sewer outfall testmg Inches WIde, and IS SItuated as II'" an Idea whose time has- mg about 800,000 cItizens m 6,000-foot runway at City eqUlpment hkely WIll work deep as 40 feet under the road n't come or at lea~t that 1<' the the Pomtes, Harper Wood" AIrport IS the latest m a senes In contrast, the Farms and m certam places such as IS the Wednesday, April 23 opinIOn of the DetrOit Clt) Warren, 5t Clmr Shore~ and of unsuccessful expansIOn Shores had attempted to mea- case Immediately m front of AIrport Study Committee other pa~blde commumtlCs as plan~ submItted by the CIty of sure Its sewer outralls on a the Farms mUniCipal bUilding The Grosse POInte regarding the proposed expan- well ,orne In Ontano, that DetrOit over the last 10 years short term baSIS a few years Academy hosts a summer 'ilOn of the runway at DetrOIt \\ ould be hurt by airport The latest expansIOn scheme ago, but they struggled With The current testmg m the ennchm~nt art falr from 1 to Farm s, as reque sted by offi- Cltv AIrport expansIOn becdu~e the) would would cost taxpayers at least battery-operated, analog 5 p m m the lower gym The The ea,t'lde organI7atlOn be ni'ar the expan'lOn or m the $145 mIllion" eqUIpment, and problems WIth c~a~s from the state's depart- event IS open to thL commu- ment of environmental quahty, recentl~ I"ued " re'iponse to a nIght pdth of large Jl.t~ landmg Gro~se Pomte Park Clty radIO receptIOn nity and features a \ anetv of recent reLOmmendatlOn by at the mrport manager Dale KraJnlak, speak- "Apparently, there wa~ an Will hkely contmue for SIX or representatIves and mforma DetrOIt City Airport officlal~ to The ~tud~ committee ~ <,tate- Ing on behalf of the head of the anomaly, or dead spot along seven years tlOn on summer actIVIties the lake m the radIO receptIOn the DetrOit elt) CounCil for the ment hi'gan h) ~tatIng, committee, Patnck McCarroll, The Shores' testmg WIll con- to our commumhe~: Solak fundmg needed to "tud) the Expan'lOn of DetrOit e,t\ 'i31d that the ~tudy commIttee tmue for only two to three ~ald e"pan'lOn of the 3lrport\ run Airport to (omp. tl' agam'it 'iUpport~ general aVIatIOn at years to assure state offiCIals Thursday, April 24 \\ 1\ to 6000 feet - a (lOO.foot commpT( 1 d III P 11 h \\(1lI1d bp Cltv Airport and has no deSIre OffiCIals from both cIties that sewer separatIOn has mcrea,p 0\ er It' CUTr(nt lTl t. nfl! rJ1P\.A'" 1111",1 th( and returned to the same company, worked Ipngth " uJd \\ ,....It lib HI-- 11 tax TRA Electromc Commum- A to ....n meeting on the See AIRPORT page 9 catIOns Company, to purchase health and 'iafety of Lake St Testmg of outfalls has come Cldlr, hosted by the Grosse the hIgher technology eqUip- to the forefront for many com- ment that IS hard-WIred and/or Pomte Leagul' of Women J " mumtles m the 1990s due to solar powered, WIth data to be Voters and featunng a panel the profoundly changed ecology digitally receIved be<:ause the of the lake One negatIVe of four expert~, begms at cIties were credited With a 7 30 P m m the receptIOn source for that change has more than 65 percent dIscount, room of th" Gro~,e Pomte been the mtroductlOn of zebra statmg that It too felt badly War Memonal mussels brought m the ballasts that prevIOus equipment was of mternatlOnal ships trave!lng not able to do the Job the Great Lakes, Lake St The better eqUipment and ClaIr, and adJOlnmg water- INSIDE more permanent m'tallatlOn ways

OplnlOn 6A Aut()~ 12A POINTER OF INTEREST Schools 16A SenlOr~ 22A Beth Konrad BU~lne~~ 24A Home: Grosse Pomte Park Obltuanes 21A Entertaznment 7B Age: 46 Sport~ 1(' Cla<'<'lfied ad~ 4C Family: Husband, Frank Wllberdmg Jr two daugh- , .. ters, Samantha and rhot!) tw K P &alaya AbIgaIl MS Walk Occupation: Managmg partner of Konrad & It was an unusually chilly day April 13 for the annual Grosse Pointe MSWalk for Moore, a communlcatJon, Multiple SclerosIs Organizers of the Multiple Sclerosis Society's biggest annual firm fundraiser said the cold, snow-showery day scared away about 25 percent of those who pledged to walk. Nevertheless, 900 people turned out for the Grosse Pointe Quote: "When I look at my walk and raised an estimated $135,000 Organizers are still collecting pledges and hfe, I ,ee my hu"hand and don't know if they've reach their statewide goal of $750,000. While Elana Noble. two daughter, a' my MSS director of communications, said she understands why some didn't get out award, " and walk last weekend, she encourages them to walk on their own and turn in their pledges Next year the walk is scheduled for the Orst weekend in May. See story, page 4A Beth Konrad

eOllIOO•• ,. ome .. , , ROil <) linm t"ln Snq. ow M 4R~07 1,111 /9/0914 SEQlJENCE IR()O)90R 1"~ In,I'1719"411 scon IlOIIINION pmn I rlmql~rr' \ rom P (>\ drn ••• 'OIlALo.nell 91t Rnhh n~ <) 11f' L)'} ( or <1 t1nvpr MI.49411 IMf I R4~ R "0 I" I~I~IRU M47 April 17, 1997 2A News Grosse Pointe News

yesterday's 25 years ago this week

headlines ./ , I 50 years ago this week • In ItS 1972 FamIly Treeplanting • Woods vIllage attorney PartIcIpatIOn CampaIgn, the ~, Julms L Berns seeks the help War MemorIal nears Its 'S $9;;,000 gOlll by Idl"lIlg at Children 01 the other Pomtes m fightmg hl~ case WIth St. ClaIr Shores $62,125 so far I he Mdcomb County commum. Home l\ "dnts to prevent the Woods 10 years ago this week The Grosse Pointe Farm Irom u!>mgproperty It recently • Brownell sIxth-grader and Garden Club has pre- bought from the Edsel Ford BrIan DUIgnan takes second sented a ginkgo tree to the "tate for a mUnIcIpal park place m the state spellmg bee, Children's Home of Detroit Bern~ \\ arns that the excluslv- gettmg stung by the word ''bac- and some of the members It\ of all the Pomte parks ISat calaureate" He vows to try attended the planting cere- -clhc agam next year mony at the home on Cook • An Irate resIdent under- • Park and CIty of DetrOIt Road, foUowing the club's tahe!>d lone campaIgn to pre- OffiCIalSmeet to dISCUS!>the annual luncheon meeting \ ,'nt the use of votmg threat of floodmg of Fox Creek held at the Grosse Pointe m,lchme!> m CIty of Grosse and to come up WIth solutIOns Club. Watching with inter- Pomte electIOns Cost IS CIted to the problem est, standing in the back. ,h the chIef concern • In response to complamts ground, were, from left, Mp,mwhlle, the machme IS on over the faulty aIr circulatIOn Mrs. Donald Flintermanu; dl'pIa) m cIty hall for voters system at Grosse Pomte North Mrs. Thomas Hammond; \I ho wdnt a demonstratIOn on High School, the dIstrICt Clinton Justice. director of ho\\ It works admmIstratlOn fires ItS enVI- the home; Mrs. Richmond • Heavy rdms m the Woods ronmental consultant and Smith and Mrs. Charles Parcells. (Grosse Pointe 0\ er" helm the GIrard Dram hires a new one between Mack and Harper and News photo Aprll 20, 1972) force!>the VIllage to consIder a 5 years ago this week $200,000 dram Improvement project • Three Grosse Pomte Shores residents are among 14 • Four youths found guIlty people arrested by U S mar- (if "hell-ralsmg" at Country shals and the FBI for alleged- Day School are gIVen a warn- ly conductmg an Illegal gam- mg and ordered to pay dam- blmg operatIOn age!> • The Park ISreurnted WIth • A fire that started about 4 the rest of the Pomtes In a sm- pm FrIday, Apnlll, guts the gle county commIssIon dIS- top floor of DetrOIt Urnverslty trIct, and the reVIsed reappor- School on Cook Road In the tIOnment plan IS submItted to Woods the State Supreme Court for approval . 25 years ago this week • Paul Motley, 16, one of 11 • The school board decIdes black students attendmg to gIve the Grosse Pomte Grosse Pomte South HIgh lIbrarIes financIal mdepen School, protests the school's dence by authorlzmg thelr own dIsplay of the Confederate flag mIllage vote In the next school electIOn -John Mznms ~t4fttark's ~rcxcl ~critagc Fine Quality Furniture, Rugs & Accessories

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------_.._------._------.. 1 'I t A Apnl 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 3A It's a field of 2 for 2 seats in June school board race By Shirley A. McShane enlly not gomg to be a conte,t StaffWflter thl~ time" Uncontested races not Not "lOce 1989 when then Both candldate~ runOlng for mcumbent~ Cdrol Marr and thp two open seats on the f----~ typical for school board Carl Ander"on ran unopposed Gro",e Pomte school board are ha' thprp hppn 'l ,c!>nol pipe By Snlrley A. McShane Seven people run for two hopmg a qUIet ell'ctIon year tJOnwhere each open ,eat had Staff Wnter four-year terms Juhe won't cause voter dlsmterest no more than one candIdate Not smce 1989 when then- Bourke and LlDda SchneIder (t,ee accompanymg ,tory) mcumbents Carol Marr and are elected to the board "We certamly hope the peo Carl Anderson ran unchal- 1990 Two candIdates run pIe WIllsupport the school sys Nevertheless, DIndoffer Said lenged for reelechon haa for one seat on the board tem, get to know the candl- ~he and Brennan hope that there been an uncontested 'I1m Howlett elected ddtes and vote (on Monday, people are Interested 10 theIr race for the school board 1989: Carol and Carl June 9)," saId candidate Joan views and mtentlOns m run- Here's a bnef rundown of Anderson reelected Dmdoffer, a Grosse Pomte mng for the board Both are the last decade 1988 Four candIdates VIe Park attorney, mother of three wIlhng and aVaIlable to speak 1996 FIve candIdates ran for two seats Fred W Adams boys and longtIme school sys- to group, about theIr CandIda- for two seats Newcomers and Glona Konsler are elect- tem volunteer cy and look forward to commu- Jack Ryan and Steve ed nIty forums m the commg Matthews were elected 1987 Seven candIdates DmdofTer,along WIthGrosse month Glona Konsler and Frank compete for two seats Pomte Woods attorney Joseph Joseph Brennan Siaden retired Incumbent Vincent LoCIcero Brennan, who has four son. m Brennan IS an attorney m Joan Dindoffer 1996 Seven candIdates and newcomer L Jane the school "y,tem and who also pnvate practIce, WIth an office served tWIce on th.. Program ran for two seats John MIlls Nutter are elected fourth-g. ader at Defer IS a longtIme volunteer, were on Matk 10 Gros,e Pomte AdVISOryCommlttel- (PAC) at Elementary School and Cmdy Pangborn unseat- Wlule only two candIdates the only two reSIdents to sub Farms He IS 42 and has a Mason and " a youth dthletlc ed Incumbents JulIe Bourke are runnmg for the board She ha~ served as preSident mlt nommatmg petItIOns for JUnIor and a freshman at coach both for the LIttle ofthe Defer PTO, served on the and Lmda SchneIder thIS year, there's always the board candIdacy by the Gro,se Pomte North HIgh League and the NeIghborhood PTO board In a vanety of pOSI- 1994 Two candIdates VIe possibilIty of a wnte-JD can- Monday, AprIl 7, deadlme School, a "on at Parcells Club for one seat 'I1m Howlett IS dJdate tIOns, IS on the 1'1'0 board at NeIther WIthdrew their petI- MIddle School and a son at Pierce and has volunteered for reelected Laws have changed, how- tIOns by the Thursday, Apnl Mason Elementary School He DmdofTer,4.3, 110 dn attorney several dlstnct-wlde commIt- 1993 Four candIdates run ever, and now reqUIre that a JO,deadhne and hiS WifeMargie have been In the pn~ate bankmg dl\ 1~lOn for two seats Incumbent person Wlshmg to launch a tees She IS current vice presI- mamed for 20 years at Comenca Bank She and her dent of the PTO CounCIl Carl Anderson IS reelected wnte-m campaIgn must file a "We have nght from the husband Frank have been and newcomer Sears Taylor "declaratIOn of IOtent" m beglnmng, m orgamzmg and ThIS IS hIS first bId for the marned for 22 yearb The} Jams the board. Carol Marr advance of the election The Grosse Pomte News WIll thmkmg about the campaIgn, school board He ran unsuc- have a nmth-grader at Grob~e feature full profiles of Brennan retires Write-m votes cast for a always presupposed that there tessfully m the late '80s for the Pomte South, a qeventh grader and Dmdoffer In a May editIon 1992. Su: candIdates run candidate who has not filed would be more mterest m the Grosse Pomte Woods mumC1- at PIerce MIddle School and a of the newspaper for two seats Incumbents the declaratIOn of mtent _ pOSitIOns,"Brennan saId, when pal JudgeshIp and 10 the early Gloria Konsler and Frank whIch must be subtJUtted no faced WIththe prospect that he 1990s for a Wayne County Siaden are reelected later than 4 p m on the and Dmdoffer are unchal- CIrCUItCourt Judgeship 1991 A comphcated elee- Fnday before the electton _ lenged for two, four-year terms MODERN CLASSICS tlon year Three candIdates WIllnot count on the board "We would have Brennan saId he has always run for a one-year term (Fred And what If there weren't ant1clpated a much larger field been mterested m and con Adams dIed whIle 10 office enough candIdates to fill thiS year It was to the pomt cerned about the pubhc school Former board member Jon open seats on the board? that (upon heanng there were system and at the urging of Gandelot was selected to fill School board preSIdent Tun only two candIdates) It was commumty members deCided out the rest of the year and Howlett Said he's not aware antlchmactlc " to run for the board thl~ year then the last year of the term of any procedure 10 place to would be filled through the address that sItuation Dmdoffer agreed "It certam- He ha~ been actIve WIththe general electIon process) because It hasn't happened ly was a surpnse, as ammated Mason PTO, senmg as mem Frank Siaden elected In Grosse Pomte a~ the last few electIons have bershlp ch81rman, VIcepresI- been to find that It wa~ appar- dent and preSIdent He has Schools award bids, launch 2nd phase of tech plan By Shirley A. McShane IS nommal but necessary, he 1950s and the (wmng) equIp- tnca] capabIlItIes to support StaffWnter ~ald ment IS old: saId Dale elevators, whIch are bemg The Gros~e Pomte school Work on Barnes, whIch hous- Ehresman, archItectural engl- mstalled as part of the dls board launched the second es the communIty educatIOn neenng consultant for the tnct's comphance WIth the phase of ItS five-year technolo- program, serves as office SIteS school dlstnct "Youcannot get WIth D1sablhtles gy upgrade on Apnl 14 WIth for vanau. employee UnIons replacement eqUIpment Plus Act the approval of a paIr of mfra- and rents out "pace for (due to such thmg" as wall

structure bIds for the mIddle pre"chool program. could have mounted ,ur condltlOnmg 'The technology upgradE 1... r.l schools and two educatIOnal been postponed, he s8Id, but by umts) the (electncal) load IS five-year, $12 mllhon project SiteS dOing It now, the bUlldmg IS unbalanced." funded through a voter- The first bId was awarded to prepared for future use approved mIllage m 1994 that Maryland Electnc for $638,900 Maryland Electnc has been Another example was offered WlII put computers m every to wIre the three mIddle m busmes~ for 42 years and by Fenton many of the older classroom and network the schools for data, Video and prevIOuslyhas performed work bUlldmgs do not have the elec. entire d"tnct vOIce technology, as well as for the school dlstnct, Fenton upgrade the electncal wmng noted Maryland beat out four other EstImated start-up tIme IS compames EIghteen compa- June 16 WIth a major portIOn , l'> ' mes attended the mandatory of the work expected to be From our vast ~electlon ot crosses available In walk-through m March completed by Aug 15 Unhke ''Wbere s 14 karat and 18 karat gold With or Without gem stones The second bId wa. awarded the elementary upgrade, to Motor CIty Electnc (whIch whIch mvolved mne bUlldmgs Now completed the fir"t phase ofthe and two "wIre drops" mto project - the elementary every clas~room, the mIddle thROUGh edmund t. AHEE jewelers schools - for the school syq- school upgrade Involves only tern) for $159,465 to wIre one "wIre drop" per classroom, SUNdAy 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods Barnes school and Barnard WIth more emphaSIS on com center for VOIce,data and VIdeo puter labs, he added ApRil 20th Is (313) 886.4600 and perform electncal wmng Tru,tees also wanted to a 0 upgrade~ They were one of know 1flt \\a~ absolutely nec- ADDmONAL 50%OFF tive bIdders for thIS portIon of essary to wIre Barne", school ~ /f!) Already marked down the project nght now, Since It IS not bemg In order to encourage more used as a full time educatIOnal . ,.)~~~ / winter merchandise ~ ~'Jo No AdJ VS1MEI'm ON compames to bId on the pro- faclhty _, I, • J.. ~EVlO

COlINIAft omcil. , R04 <; H(lrT' 't In log now M 48607 1\ 171'9) !J914 SEQUENCE .... 180019t>814\t> 10, I I 11 19UA) , SCOTT IOIIINIGH pmn I drnq I~cr ~ rom P(f"~d,.nl I •• 'O"AL OffICI. 97t> Rnhhm, \ ,,757 (J ono Hov,." M149-1 7 1f>lt>1 RAt> Ant> 10. 161t» 847 MA7 ,.rnnt!l1rI,o')liirvw.-v..,.,." """ April 17, 1997 4A News Grosse Pointe News Park resident has made career out of community activism By Jim Sllckford rddlO • with quality management and A1, she approaches the sec- Staff Writer "I \\ a" onl; In S, J helped start the ty remve"tment and to be a thlllg that can only benefit the "I want to say that I couldn't small busllless owner got a better job III ad\ ertlbmg' Adult IllIteracy Illltlatlve, a leader III the bankmg mdu, commumty do any of thls Without my hus. Konrad has brought her Konrad 'did that she and her televl"lOncamp 111 Terre Haute who ha~ to glVe up It's never approached by a headhunter to them how to commUlllcateWith mg thelr time to local groups Loans For Homeowners "I enjoyed the radIOJournal fBlr,but \\ hen we got marfled, go work for NBD, she declded their constituents, as well as workmg on Improvmg hfe III Regardle'5 of credit h"tory ~ Ism part of my high school \\ e deCided to follow whoever to make the Jump work With these groups by pro. metro Detroit" cdll for same ddy approval speech c1a,s, sUld Konrad "1 had the best Job" 'I thlllk I reached the pomt Vldmg expertise on pubhc poh- Konrad beheves that the CommonPoml Mortgage knew I had an mterest m that When the) moved back to of dlmlmshmg returns at cy I,sues, pobtlcal aetlOn com- General Motors move down- CASH FASTI 1-800-968-2221 field, so I cho"e my college With DetrOlt, Konrad got a Job as WTVS," sald Konrad "So the mittel'S, corporate phllan town Willhelp anchor the com. that 10 mllld Indlana State news director at an all-news bank olTer came at the right thropy programs and the mumty and prOVide much- Umv('rslty had a really good rddlo statlOn for two )ears time, but I must say that I development of commulllca. needed stablbty for both program, and It was good for From 1979-1984, she worked never expected to work at a tlOns strategIes III conjunctIOn DetrOit and Grosse POlllte Gros~ Pointe News me 1 worked at a public radIO for WDIV, Channel 4 teleVl' bank ThiS IS someone who (USPS 230 4000) stdtlOn down there and that SlOn,and from 1985 1987, she flunked algebra m high Published every Thursday to By Anleebo Publishers allowed me get mto the job worked m vanous capaclttes school" 96 Kercheval Avenue market" for WTVS, Channel 56, the Konrad was recrUited to Grosse POInte, Ml48236 Mter college, Konrad started local publJc broadcastmg out- work for NBD's then-chair. PHONE 882-6900 work1l1g for ABC radiO m let man Chick Flsher m 1988 Perrod'cals Postage paid at Detro'l Michigan and addl\lonal mailing DetrOIt When work1l1g10 teleVlslOn, \\'hen recrwted, she said she offices Her job, as bhe descnbes It, for both WDIV and WTVS, would camnllt to at least five Subscnpllon Rales $31 per year via maII $38 out of state wa" real hands on and she was Konrad SaId that she tned to years at the bank She ended POSTMASTER Send address allowed to do a number of dlf. make teleVISIOnan active part up staylllg for seven changes to Grosse Pornte News 96 Kercheval Grosse POinte ferent thmgs Whtle WlthABC, of the wmmulllty While at Whlle at NBD, Konrad Farms, MI 48236 she floated between DetrOIt Channel4 she did a number of worked on commuruty redevel- The deadlrne for news copy IS Monday noon 10 InSure Insertion and edltonals dnd documentanes opment programs and corpo. Advert,slng copy for Sect,on •S" must In 1976, she and her hus. At WI'VS, she developed and rate prulanthropy be In the advertiSIng department band moved to San Franclsco hosted ,;everal publIc semce Because she reported mrect. Once you've had It, you won't be by 1100 a m on Monday The where she worked for NBC programs Iy to Fisher, she swd she had salJsfied WIth anythIng else We offer ~~~:~ ~8.at;:~'5'~% ~o~y for Tuesday over 20 types of Zmgennan's bread, CORRECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS ResponSIbilitylor display and Feeling overtaxed? Try hitting the greens delivered fresh every mornIng claSSIfiedadvertiSing error IS Feelmg taxed due to tax sea. than ever before - 32 new courses trymg to find a cure for I,mltedto either cancellation of the charge lor or a re run of the ~on? Give yourself a break and courses Jomed the program that bad s!Jce, the Amencan ExclUSIvely At port,on In error Notification must save your greens! For Just $35, There are three dozen courses Lung AssoclatlOn of Mlcrugan be given In time lor correcllon In thelollowmg Issue We assume the Amencan Lung AsSOCiation 111 the southeast part of Willbe spendmg time m labo- no responSibIlity01the same alter of MichIgan's Golf Pnvllege Michigan thiS year and several ratorlCs, researcrung to find a the first Insertlon The Grosse POinteNews reserves Club awards members free resort courses III northern cure for asthma and other lung TheUlWer(ru~t the rghl not to acceplan greens fees at each of the 167 Mlchlgan Some northern disease advertlser s order Grosse P01nte News advertiSIng representatrves courses, country clubs and courses mclude Grand To find out more about the Fre~h European Breads have no authonty to bind thiS resorts located throughout Traverse Resort. Spruce Run Golf Pnvdege Club, call your 891-..erchel'alAle GroslePomteFanns MI48236 • 3138845637 ~~~~~~~ea~~n~~~f1r~~~~:~Ou~eOf Mlchlgan In Acme and Dunmaglas Golf local Ameflcan Lung HoUlSTuesda) Fmla) 9 30 5{() Saturday 9 30 400 final acceptance 01 the adve rtl se r s The 1997 Golf PnVllege Club Course m CharlevOlx AsSOCIatIOnof Michigan office order offers more free green,; fee,; Whtle you spend time on the at (8001LUNG-USA Helping to make "A bank that the vvorld guarantees its beautiful gold alwa s

20 000 Sq Ft Green Power •• 7" Lawn Fertilizer OR rises Inva ue•.•. 10 000 Sq Ft Crab/clde G~enCmbgmssPrevenler FRUIT Plus Fertilizer "That's a first!' TREES Dwarf & Semi-Dwarf 100% Natural Fruit Trees Apples • Apncots MILORGANITE Chemes • Peaches Pears • Plums FERTILIZER ~ NoL/mll The Rising Rate/ CJuJ!.IjCO. 4 In 7 Combos Colonnade TAKE ir~. Reg $799 First of America ISoffering you a golden opportunity to lock up a 1 • I great rate on our new Rlsll"g Rate Gold CD Best of all you won't be Regular Pnce .1 WOW! $2999-6999 25% OFF! locked In, because along With your guaranteed rate Increase, you'll L-_ -_ $5~99 each I also have a no-penalty Withdrawal option every SIXmonths And It'S • FREIH TREEI & JHRUB.I ARRIVING DAILY. FDIC Insured To open yours for Just $25,000, stop In any of our r------_ Valuable Coupon convenient offices today or caU 1-800-222-4FOA to open your Premium Grade account by phone And ask us about our competitive I : 40 lb. Manure Bag I~CYPRESS rates on other terms and balances • : ~. BUY 2 The RISingRate Gold CD • iU MULCH Buy30r I GET 1 I ~ I from First of Amenca. Do I I II' i ~~ ULCH More Bags I It today The time ISgolden __RTfI.' F st 6 month,,; Second 6 months Th (d 6 months Fourth 6 month : $29gea FREE! I : MULCH $2.99 ! LI 40lb bag No limIt' Pen::;;. "::::;;,': ....~.I~ l~ 2 cu ft bag pe~~~_J

Sale Runs Ap.,I17 12 1997 Hour. I~ I '/ ~LJ.~:M~'$ 9108Dmly I ~ 910fiSundav •• eo •• , .f'"itq.r'l' f(~tTrr~ . "Ii'\. ~...... " "-lr ~1( )'1j'lP<;~" ()rt"1::1n~~hot. ,. ~ I 1 , ...... 'lr A .. I r w t'f' t ""1, ~I r1 rt"''t<; (jtt'Jf\ l1 " ,., <, WI ~t)l , >1"'1 Q" E £;'T ,. r I p.)( fl.':' 41-14 "" un47fi2,'; Romro Plank Road - '"' " '" " BPtwppn 21 & 22 Mil .. Roads Mapomh Mmulp. [rnm Lakt>sldt> Mall

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•p" Apn117, 1997 Grosse Pointe News 5A VILLAGE FOOD

HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSI VILLAGE 18328 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe farms. 882-2530 ~ fax 884-8392 fOOD Open Monday through Saturday 8 a,m. to 7 p.m. MARKET Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect April 17, !8, 19, 21, 22 &. 23 fRESff GROUND COffEE SPECIALS ,,- Cadillac Estate $669 LB f Regular . ~] Cadillac Estate $709 LB ~ "tY Decaf, • BONELESS USDA CHOICE $ 49 ; 12 PACK 9 CALIFORNIA BONE.IN ¥'. ~ CANS $2 +~ . STRAWBERRIES 98~QT.CHICKEN BREAST $129 LB ep T & A •••••••••••••••••• 1... . ALL ,-UP ROMAINE HEARTS 98~PK~ $299 MARINATED $549 + dep. CREEN ONIONS 5 FOR 1 NEW YORK STRiPS...... LB. rJ PRODUCTS 12 Pack Cans HOT HOUSE GROWN $ $ 49 00 ~ ENCLISH CUCUMBERS 3 FOR 1 PORK TENDERLOINS 4 LB ~~ #'. ~ ALL PEPSI $299 SUGAR SWEET $ 00 . j r~JPRODUCTS + dep. MANCOS 2 FOR 1 USDA CHOICE $298 ~~ 12 Pack Cans FRESH SQUEEZED LB. 78 RUMP ROAST ...... •...... •••..... St\Mua SAMUELADAMS ORANCE JUiCE $2 1/2 GAL. HOT SWEET WINE & CHEESE $1 99 ~~ BOST$ONgLASCEgR - - - • : - - • LB. 12 pack French Brean Wh,l' French Bre ldSJusage ~ ITALIAN 'SAUSACE...... bottles French Bread CherIe PLPP' ronl French Brcad SausJg~ French B" ,,eburger Fren' h B" 1d \/q,(! ,ilk. D, lUXE FrEnch Bre,l(' Pepperoni french fl" J471 con IOIIINION pm(11 omq I@(rl\("om sde-nt ••• 'ONAL O,,1CIt 9')t'J Rnhhm~ )\J''''' 252 (;jO!'l<1 Hovf"n Mi 49417 I~~J R4~ Bn~ In> 16161 R41 M47 ...--..1 ..i-.~,,)A- ~ ..... We thmk Gov John Engler, another cntlc of the public schools, IS as wrong m Defenders of trymg to SWitch many of the board's pow- . ers to hiS polItical colleague who heads public schools ,~ the department of educatIOn as are the people such as Barnes who would abohsh pubhc educatIOn reply to critic Opinion A temporary court mJunctlOn has blotked the governor to date, but If the n Eabtpolnte businesswoman Judge refuses to grant the governor's who IS an officer of the Macomb request to kill the permanent mJunctlon Llbertanan Party has run Into DetrOIt Pubhc Schools, when he was Improved, she beheves that It IS better A the board now seeks, the case has been strong opposItion to her proposal asked about Barnes' comment thdn mdny cntlcb (such as Barne.,,) gIve It to abohsh pubhc education He saId that "to abohsh educatIOn IS CIedIt for bemg set for trIal June 9 DIane Barne" ran for the stat{' Board of anti-democratIc, anti-caPItahstlc and 1'0 help fill the after-"( hool VOIO III The 1963 state ConstItution clearly Education last November, but she lost would not work" homes of workmg pdrents, Straus pro- sets forth the board's duties m these her bId to become a member of that body Carter told The News he WB.h con. posed a day-long, full-servIce agenda for terms which IS desIgnated m the state cerned about the growmg threats to pub- the pubhc school" As a stdrt, she advo- "LeadershIp and general SupervISIon ConstitutIOn as the state's top supervIsor hc educatIOn and warned the real danger Cdtes the after-school use of the buildmgs over all pubhc educatIOn, mcludmg adult of pubhc education m ehmmatmg public educatIOn IS for for recreatIOn and hedlth serYlces for the educatIOn and mstructlOnal programs m In her recent appeal m The DetrOIt poor famIlies who depend upon public students state mstJtutlOns, except for mstltutlons News, Barnes saId she IS trymg to orga- educatIon as the "escalator to prospenty" Th support her proposdl, she pomted to of higher educatIOn grantmg baccalaure- mze a state chapter of the SeparatIOn of More than that, Carter told The News, MIchIgan's problems that affect chIldren, ate degrees, IS vested m a state board of School and State Alliance (SSSA), a to ehmmate public educatIOn, "the back- such as the fact that one m four chIldren educatIOn" group started m Cahforma m 1994 and bone of true democracy, IS to return to hve III poverty, and that four of every 10 whIch now has 10 chapters natIOnWIde another time. The Umted States would mIddle grade students are unsupervIsed In other sectIOns, we're told the gover- no longer exist as we know It It would after school nor has powers to reorgamze state gov- Her contentIOn IS that pubhc educatIOn collapse from Wlthm " In addItion, nearly one m five house- ernment, but we doubt he can ShIft IS "coerced educatIOn" and that tax-sup- Kathleen Straus of DetrOIt, now presl- holds IS headed by a smgle parent, and m re."ponslblhtIes set forth m the ported educatIOn IS "about compelhng dlent of the state board, pomts out that MichIgan almost one-quarter of adults ConbtltutlOn to other departments people and controllmg people to do what the public school system educates the more than 18 years of age lack hIgh In fact, he ought not to make such a the state wants them to do " great majority of children m thIS country school edUCatIOns shIft for a good practical reason, It would However, The Detrolt News also and IS likely to contmue to do so These and the other facts she CIteS tend to bring more pohtlcs mto state edu- reported the response it got from Arthur In a statement, she emphaSIzed that show how our SOCIetyhas changed demo- cation Issues where It does not really Carter, deputy supermtendent of the whIle pubhc educatIOn needs to be graphIcally smce she was growmg up belong

Robert G Edgar EDITORIAL CLASSIFlED 88U900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUcnON 882-02'14 Buban Ya.zbe<::kVt>thacke 882-3500 882_ Pubhsher John MllUUS Ma'll'e a.1IlS Sm,th. Milnager RogerB Hages Ad\ertL~UlgMJnaglr Chari f"S Masne r, Ma.rtJ~f1 EdIlorand General A'iSlStant EdJlor/hature Editor Fran Velardo, KJ.m M Kozlowski AS51Stant 10 !.he \;lIen!" fnchdf AS\Ljlant I'roducbon Man.l~t r 343559-\ AssLSt.1nt M,m~gl'r Ad ..erhsrng Manager Robert B Edgar Manager Sh.lwnMul:e'r,. Chuck lOon"', Sport, EdJlo" 343 '593 Ida Bauer Pder] Blfknet;. Founder and Pubhsher (313) 343-5590 Ad ..ertlSmg Repre.entahve A5.WCl.1~Mi1niJgtr WJJbw Elston. hhtonal Wnter 343 ~;97 Kelly Fll!uung Art DtwctlOn and lommumcallono;. (1940-1979) L mdsay K.1chel JoAnn. Buru.r, Consultant GeoJge F Lathrop, Copy EdJlo, Sleph.amc Gore J ShmyEmant AdvertIsmg Representative Amy Andreou Miller Staff Wnter 343--5595 Davld Hughes DJilrH!Morl'lh Sh"ley McSMne Staff Wnte, 343-'591 Melame Ma foIonev tUthlecn M St~venson~ M.ult BarroW!; Advt'rtl'itng Repn"'5enlah\e J,unes M Sbddord Staff Wnler )43.5592 Jube-Tobm GrrgRntoSli!'wk.z Mary Ellen V.nDusen, PultIW>-.6293 Jnd '\lJllonal Lawen Rlntenb.ach Ad\ert15LI\g R(,pl"l"Sentabve 3.J3-;:l';-S 't\ewo;.pJ ~r A'i...'OO(l.ahQn Bigger Detroit City Airport? No etrOlt agam IS seekmg to expand He recommended that the Detroit cIty the runway at the DetrOIt CIty councll reVIew the cIty's own cost-benefit DAIrport, despIte the oppOSItion of analySIS and compare the cost of the aIr- the Pointes and other commum- port expansIOn WIth what $100 ffiJlhon ties that would be adversely affected by could do to help meet DetrOIt's other the traffic and the nOIse from the larger needs. planes bemg sought Grosse Pomte Shores tru5tee Dr The DetrOit CIty AIrport Study RIchard Mertz, who IS a pilot hImself, saId CommISSIOn, an eastSIde orgamzatJOn that pJ10ts would prefer better maInte- that represents the Pomtes, Harper nance at CIty Atrport and that such Woods, Warren, 8t ClaIr Shores and repaIrs should have a hIgher priOrity than other eastblde commumtles, has opposed a new runway the latest appeal by au'port offiCials for In a comment reported by Grosse POinte funds to study the expanSlOn of the air- News reporter JIm Stlckford In our news port's one runway to 6,000 feet pages today, Mertz added that "mstead of Grosse Pomte Park cIty manager Dale trymg to compete WIth DetrOIt Metro, CIty KraJmak, speakmg on behalf of the study AIrport should emulate the Oakland commIttee's chaIrman, Patnck McCarroll, County AIrport, whIch does a first-class saId the commIttee supports general avia- Job of servIcmg general aVIatIOn aIrcraft." tIOn at the aIrport, but It beheves the And, of course, flIghts IIlto the Oakland expanSIOn, to enable the aIrport to com- County AIrport won't affect our Grosse pete agamst commercIal aIrports, would Pointe famlhes, either, whatever size be "an enormous mistake" plane IS accommodated there Freep chain buys more papers mght-Rldder Ine , the nation's sec- CIties/ABC, but all three reportedly are ond largest newspaper chaIn, has for sale, too Letters I(just added four more newspapers KnIght-RIdder sold ItS broadcasting to ItS hst III what is termed the units m 1989 and Its share of a cable sys- Reaching out to ~======~competitIOn. largest smgle purchase ever made of tem last year In announcmg last week's The parents of both hIgh newspapers purchases, It saId it IS also selhng its on- local communities More letters schools have reason to belIeve Kmght-Rldder, which also owns the hne information servIce, KnIght-Ridder To the Editor: that thiS commIttee, w!uch has DetrOit Free Press, bought the Kansas InformatIon Inc My congratulatIOns to the on page 8A already met tWice WIthout gen- CIty Star, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram For newspaper supporters. the purchas- board and management stafT of eral pubhc knowledge and made some deciSIons, IS not a and two smaller papers, the BelleVIlle es by KnIght-RIdder amount to both good St John Hospital for their con tlnued success In prOVIding to prOVIdethls clanficatlOn fair representation of the !ugh News-Democrat m IllmOls and the TImes and bad news. The good news IS that one healthcare to our local commu- Henry De Vries Jr. school mstrumental students Leader III Wilkes-Barre, Pa of the better chams IS stdl expandmg Its mtles Regional Vice President and parents from North and When the purchases are completed, newspaper ownership, but the bad news IS The article that appeared 1'1 Bon Secours Health South high schools There are Kmght-Rldder WJ11own 35 newspapers that more good daihes are now owned by your paper on Apnl 10 docu- System people who have preVIOusly, but still WIll be second m numbers to the the bIg chams. mented very well the success of publicly condemned Mr MJIlQl' Gannett Co , whIch pubhshes The DetroIt As a result of these purchases, KnIght- the St John Health System In Let's evaluate personally on thiS "select" eval- News and other dalhes RIdder Joms Gannett m expandmg Its reachmg out to local communi- uatIOn committee and, there- The purchases were made from the Walt ownershIp of other papers Both dId so ties 'music committee' fore, cannot be expected to do a Dlsney Co for $1 65 billion, the hIghest despite the long DetroIt stnke dunng Your artIcle also stated that To the Editor: fair evaluation of hIS program sale for newspapers alone but dwarfed by whIch the Free Press and The "Locally, both Cottage and Bon After watchmg the Grosse ThIS commIttee should open several combmatlOns of purchases of both News trimmed their staffs but claImed Secours hospItals are affihated Pomte <;choolboard meetmg of Itself to a broader group of pe0- ple than It has newspapers and broadcastmg orgamza- WIth Henry Ford" ThIS pomt Apnl 7 and learmng that Dr they had recently achIeved profitablhty requires clanficatlDn We, therefore, want to tlons Klem had formed a commIttee Bon Secours Hospital IS a to evaluate the musIc curncu- announce that the next com- DIsney had acqUIred the newspapers More and more, the future of dally part of the Bon Secours Health mittee meeting IS on Thesday, from CapItal CIties/ABC, whICh DIsney newspapers appears to be m the hands of lum m the hIgh schools, which Sy<;tem, a network of 22 was already approved m June Apnl 29, m the board room at bought III 1995 the bIg chams Eventually. we expect to healthcare faclhtles encom- 389 St Clmr Disney, however, still owns the Oakland 1996, I could only ask, "Why?" see a smgle bIg daJly III most Amencan passmg a geographiC area from Why the evaluatIOn? Why Barbara Jacquet Pre"s and two other newspapers It CItIes, mcludmg DetrOIt Frankly, we don't Grosse Pomte to BaltImore, only the mstrumental musIc Grosse Pointe Woods acqUIred With purchase of CapItal hke that outlook and reachmg down as far a<; program? Why only the hIgh southwest Flonda, WIth rev school level? Why ha" the Kudos for enue<;III exce<;sof $1 3 bllhon expert high <;chool musIc Currently, the Bon Secours teacher, Mr Miller, not been trustee Mills 1997 is youth's year in sports Health System and the Henry inVIted to explam how hIS pro To the Editor: Ford Health System are In dls gram works? And why are the Though we bave only hved a ust a few days after the 50th the world, Wood" showed that hIS earher russlon concermng a collabora- maJonty of the current <;tu- httle less than two years In anmversary of Jackie Robmson's pro tour VIctorIes m 1996 and 1997 were t!VI.'arrangement twtween Bon dpnts m thp program and theIr thl" town, and though we have succes" III Illtegratlllg baseball, Just dlustratlOns of what to expect from S('Cours Ho<;pltal, located In J parent." bPIng lW1ored? no chIldren yet, we would like TIger Woods became the first black Gros<;cPOinte CIty, and Henry hun Gn one of the toughest courses m the As a parent of an 11th grade to thflnk (GrO'l<;ePomte school Ford (',

~",Grosse Pointe News tt April 17, 1997, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page .~ f~_i _

Pleased one of those Grosse-Pomty last year until WInter chased it rucknames .. off the streets, the distinctive, to meter? The bIrthday people brought brlghtly-pamted Lucy-cycle Pam Scanlon, the City's spouses, of course, and also got WIth the great big basket was a parking ticket lady, was out to inVIte another couple "Not mamstay for gettmg those cheerfully domg her stuff on everyone knows everyone else, lunchtime CARE packages to Kercheval m so It'S a great occasIOnto get to hungry area customers the Vdlage know each other," Betsy says last Tuesday Does superstitIOn get m the Sources close to FYI hint and FYI way when the group birthday that the msappearance may be couldn't resist falls on Friday, FYI asks "We the work of a prankster and asking If she'd Just kind of IgJlore that," says the bike could turn up any- heard any Betsy, who mentIOns they're where - under a park bench, good excuses proud to share thelI bIrthday atop a flagpole, maybe In a bus lately WIth Thomas Jefferson. shelter. "I ought to 'Ibm was unable to attend write a book," trus year "We need that bIcycle," says she said "You Lucy's manager Kathy B~ak wouldn't belIeve some of them " Lucy's seeks Of course, there's always the If you locate It, you can help old m81nstay of "I didn't have cycle sleuth stave off starvatIon on The HIll the rIght change," but some of Bike weather IS Just about - and collect a reward consist- Pam's other faVOritesmclude "I here and Lucy's Tavern needs Ing of a gIft certificate for a didn't know you had to pay on the help of sharp-eyed Pomters meal at Lucy's - by being the (Tuesday, or whatever day It to locate their one-

1 .... <•••eo.-....:..:~.....:...... -~- ...... ;.E... 'lII:I"'::-: .. :lIlrill!!:!!I~I;,..;••• 5t~----r - -- COIINa.n OffICI •• , P04 <:, Hom Ito., log "OW MI 48W? ,11'119.0914 SEQUENCE ... 18001 9t>A 14 I~ 1m II I) 197 ?41l SCOTT ROIIINION pomo I rlmq I ~(r,~ rom P(f"~den I ••• ,o ..aLO,neil 9,11 Rnhh ns ')( 11f' ,)5"L (, "no H(1V'f'n M .d9A17 I~I~I 84~ Ant> 10'1~I/>J 841M4! • • April 17, 1997 8A o InIon Grosse Pointe News

drunken dnvmg when WIll they have time to It IS called "Touched by an Drmkmg among high school play, SOCIalIZeand unWInd? We Angel" It IS a starthng vans. Miracles or monsters Letters- tlOn from the tWisted snd I oonfes. tDbmng a semI-news Junkie In my car, I am semors IS 27 percent lower need to let chlldren be chlldren From page 6A biased reportlllg On 60 Ubually tuned to ">Orneform of talk radIo, and at home, all today than m 1982 and down and not expect them to be "ltt- Mmutes It IS a show that t()()often my background musIc ISproVIded by CNN mty, and we thank him for hav- 11 percent smce 1990, accord. tie adults" freely mentions God, and God's Furthermore, e\en though the e"enmg natIonal news lllg to the Ulllversity of The parents of the children lllg the courage to act on hiS love for us anchors drive me batty WIth their biased VIewPDlIlts,I con. conv1ctIons Michigan's annual survey complam about theIr stressful In The actmg m the ~ow 1', tmue to In,ten to them feed roe their menus on the days If raI~mg serious Issues - If LikeWise, fatahtlCs teen workdays or the dwly grmd uneven The plot 18loaded WIth happemngs a~klllg the hard questions drunken dnvmg crashes have How can we expect our clul. bathos and pathos, but that's d And don't mcs~ With me for the first hour 01 the day I about deciSIOns that Will affect dropped a remarkable 67 per- dren to deal WIth the stress of a m8Jor lmprovement over bath don't hke mormngs, plObably never WIll,however, most our kids for years to come - m cent since 1982 and 45 percent mne-hour day? Some students smce 1990, a~cordmg to the have a hard trme concentratmg house and outhouse days I can be found m a faVOrItechaIr around 7 a m With a other words, If domg the Job he U S Dpoartment of III school with the present sys- The publIc use of the word ~...... p v: ....v~l,.."- ...... J. .ioU) J...... ~)t" ....,tX-- .. , L.uu ....u UJ [VI. Ui) ;UbL. \\a~ "'~(}'"'t",J tv Ju nldke~ hiU} d o IS God has traveled a rocky roao news fIX of the day gadfly, then It IS clear to us Transportation tem It the quahty of the In fact, while we've seen dra- In Lmculn's second Illaugural A smattermg of toPiCScovered m our niHil"" thIS past why gadflle" have such a long school day that IS Important, matic mcreases In Illegal drug address, he referred to God 14 week mduded a brutal rape of a young child, a bank rob. and honorable pedlgree m our not the quantity bery, a kIdnappmg, homes flooded and people dIsplaced by culture Mills IS m very good use among teens durmg the In essence, the school board tImes God made It once III the acts of nature, and another sensatIonal tnal about to begIn company past five years - marijuana 18telhng us that the state can last mauguratlOn "So help me God" Last week's fare dealt WIth the mass sUIcides, reports of It was disappomtlllg to see use up 84 percent and cocame take better care of our children use Up 54 percent - underage Many have a problem WIth collosal salaries paid to local executIves, the alleged melfec- thiS lack of clvlhty toward than we can. I feel that the pro- drlnkmg has contlllued to be the concept of angels and mira tIveness of government offiCials In general and the usual Mills Lively debate IS poSSible posed plan could Just one dechne - not only at prom and finger pomtmg at varlOUSpolItiCIans and accusatIOns of WIthout personal attacks It more nail m the coffin of publIc c1es I once saw a quote - for unethical schemmg has been our expenence that graduatIOn time, but year- education gotten who - m wluch I am In round fro findIng thiS all a httle difficult to dIgest on an empty such attacks only begin when ThIS plan would III no way complete accord It states, Yes, there's still plenty of btomach The way I see It, the weather alone IS enough to one Side has run out of cogent, benefit the chlldren, only the "Anyone who doesn't beheve In smk most MlcCugamans moo deep depreSSIOn Sure, I can ratIonal arguments work to be done In fightmg parents BUilding an educa. angels and mIracles IS not a underage drmkmg, but we've real18t" turn off the dang thmg I don't have to be fascmated (not) • John and Janet Jackson tlonal system for the conve- made great progress usmg the that the maJorlty of the work force m our natIon admIts to Grosse Pointe Farms mence of the parents will not educatIOn and awareness comnlltmg unethical or Illegal acts on the Job I care that solve any problems, but may "Touched by an Angel" has approach By continuing to computer tradIng had made our finanCial news a confuSIng create more. no specific sponsor AdvertISing maze that sends blood pressures soaring and most of us work together on these Ionds of Andrew Delmege was nm by Ford, Bwck, De Concerned about commulllty-ba~ed Illltlatives, smaIl-tIme mvestors feelllig hke we're m a canoe bemg GroB8e Pointe Farms Beers, Exc all bur, Welch's we can all help our young pe0- tossed at WIllm a VIolent storm at sea, but I want octaSion. minors drinking Grape JUice, RItz Crackers, aI rehef ple face the many challenges of Ehzabeth Arden, Snuggles, To the Editor: tOOay's world Heavenly -. Now comes the Internet, brmgmg the world mto our Spring IS here, and that Frankenmuth, J C Penney, homes WIth the chck of a mouse Howard Wolpin General Foods, Sears, and means many of our young peo- VicePresident programming Even George Orwell could not have forseen the havoc we ple are preparmg for two very many others Great Lakes Beverage have brought uPDnoW'Selves And how comfortIng 1SIt that. Important occaslons, prom and To the Editor: young parents will be able to Ylew (spy on?) thelT offsprmg graduatIon In order to make There IS little to admIre III I want to thank them for as they romp, sleep or throw tantrums while m day care? thIS year's festIVIties safe, Accommodate teleV1Sion- Movies tool When theIr courage to support a for So much for the spontanelty of a caregiver, knowmg they responsible and enjoyable, we somethmg of ment does gotten concept on televisIon - .- are bemg checked upon at WIll Soon we WIllall be able to can all do our part to help pre- students appear, one keeps wBltmg for God III our hves. I pray thelf To the Editor: products are "touched by an . play bIg brother. cliok, chck, I spy YOU vent underage dnnkmg and the gratuitous sex and ViO- . An exaggeratIOn you say? Probably, but you see the direc . drunken dnvmg The OpmlOn Page of the lence. angel." tIon fm takmg here The abuses have already begun by At Great Lakes Beverage, March 6 edition of the Grosse There is a surprise on John \Yo Coo vanous technologlal WlZardSand an occasIonal band of we're concerned about under- Pomte News contamed an arti- Sunday night after 60 Mmutes Grosse Pointe Woods cle regardIng a poSSIble full. ". Irnots Some of the stuff that we are able to access 18pretty age dnnkmg, not only because '. scary The menus avwlable to us are'lmutless, and though It'S bad for our busmess, but day plan for schools wJthm the smut and lts relatIves have always been around, it has because we are parents too, state become too easy for our youth to belly up to the computer all The plan proposed by and we want our chlldren to City or Michigan after school and see what's hot. stay safe That's why Kathleen Straus, the newly

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'I ... f I I • • .A -; Apnl 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 9A Park agrees to help repave of Cadieux By Jim Stlckford CharJel'OIX IS repaved Staff Wnter But, "ald KraJnldk, wmter JOining with the uty al~o Dnvers can take some weather hit the drea a httle makes sense betause the Park solace Thanks to the combined earher than expected and the can take advantages of efforts of the City of Grosse City wa~ undble to wmplete economies of Stale The POinteand Grosse POinte Park, the repaving So the street $27,000 would come from the the mess that IS currently remained In poor conditIOn city's major ~treet repair fund Cadieux will be fixed over the throughout the wmter Park r."....l wuple of week" oll1clalswere contacted by City ::'ome councllmember~ The Grosse POinte Park City offiCialsand a~ked If the Park expressed concern dbout the ('ouncII voted Monday mght to wanted to pay to have the street bemg repaved qUlckl) spend $27,000 to help pay for whole ~treet, including the KraJnlak said that the spnng the repaving of Cadieux along Park's sIde, repaved repaIrs began on Apnl 14, and , WIththe CIty of Grosse POinte the street should be mllled Park cIty manager Dale When a"ked y, hat the bene- down by.Apnl16 He SaId that KraJmak said that Park offi- fits to the Park were In Jommg repaIrs wlll be effected a~ CIals were contacted by City With the Clt), KraJmak saId qUIckly as possible because offiCIals to help pay for the that whIle there are streets In Cadieux IS a major street and street's repavmg the Park WItha hIgher pnonty people use It to access 1.94 Cadieux, said KraJmak, IS for repaving, the Park ~Ide of , the border between the CIty CadIeux would probably ha~e The councll unammously and the Park Last fall, the to repaved In the next couple of voted to spend the $27,000 to CIty tore up the CIty half ofthe year~ anyway So why mconve Jom WIth the CIty and repave street between Jefferson and mence local re~lden~ agam 10 CadIeux Repairs are expected St Paul and from Waterloo to two years when the Park SIde to begm ImmedIately Lake

From page 1 Dr James Bull, executIVe dedicated to c1eamng up that director of the ClInton RIver already WItnessed detnmental polluted metropohtan water- way effects on Lake 8t ClaIr Watershed CounCil, Dr John Canvassing some of the shore HartIg, InternatIOnal JOint by boat last fall as well as ear- CommiSSIOnhmnologIst, and Dr Kent Murray, professor of For more mformatlOn about her thiS month have revealed the upcoming "Let's talk about natural resources at dead fish contalnmg high lev- Lake 8t ClaIr" meetmg Apnl els of the chemIcals from ICI Umverslty of MichIgan s 24 at the Grosse POinte War Other experts addressmg the Dearborn campus Murray IS Memonal, call Marybelle pubhc at the "Let's talk about also a board member of the Suczek of the League of Lake 8t Clair" forum will be Fnends of the Rouge, a group Women Voters at 885.0793 Airport------From page 1 affect the construction of addi- Dr RIchard Mertz, a pilot hIm- tional houslOg and bnngmg m self, said that pilots would pre- to be III an adversanal rela- addItIOnal busmesses tIOnshIpWIthDetrOIt fer better maIntenance of CIty KraJmak also saId that AIrport, and that there are But, SaId KraJmak, the com- DetrOIt's own consultants said needed repairs that should be a mIttee also feels that the that the pnnClpal benefit of DetrOIt cIty council really hIgher pnonty than a new run- airport expansIon IS a reduc- way needs to carefully reVIew the bon In traveling tIme for resI- CIty'Sown cost-benefit analySIS, "1 fly all over the country, dents m Oakland and Macomb and have never come across a companng the cost of the run~ countIes What the DetrOIt general aVlatlon faCIlity WIth way expansIon WIth what $100 report dId not state, Said mIllIOn could do for DetroIt's so much potentlal that has KraJmak, was that Flint's been allowed to decay," saId roods, how many abandoned BIshop AIrport IS closer than bUIldmgs could be removed Mertz "There are few corpo- CIty AIrport to many parts of rate or pnvate aircraft that WIth that money, or how many those countIes neIghborhoods could get cannot use the eXlstlngaIrport Improved street lightmg runway~ A new 6,OOO-footrun- McCarroll Sald that the way IS not necessary, but !I'. These are questIons that the Michigan AeronautIcs DetrOIt counCIl should ask, Improvements to the eXlstmg '~~~ CommISSIOnrecently declinpd taxIways hangar space and r,f,.; KraJmak Said He also saId to approve expansIOn plans tIe-down area" are needed ~/-;. < r.:' that DetrOit's ea'st SIde IS cur~ and refused to release more Instead of t1)'1ng to compete ,- i: rently undergomg a renewal, public funds for expansIOn WIth DetrOit Metro, CIty ,. WIth new housmg bemg bwlt unless DetrOit could demon- AIrport should emulate the ,~ for the first tIme III years The strate that the cIty'" proposal Oakland County airport, which I: counCil must consIder how m finanCIally feaSible does a first class Job of servIC- := expandmg the airport WIll Grosse POinte Shores trustee 109 general aVIatIonaIrcraft " ,I"' ,,~,.. ,"I~ ," ':. HAR.VD .') ..~ Compleat Traveler l 17045 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe • 313 ..881 ..0200 " ,II ,t'• ': " '".. GRADUATION DESERVESA LASTING GIFT 4 4 I~ ..d D...... '.,",. " '.,:~ ..to ... .." .• . ,.

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( r('lfl~ Havrn MI .49.417 I~I~I R4~ R1?~ 10' 16t61 RM 6747 t>rnt'IIt ....,.",..,?ftn ....""""'...... ~_ Apnl 17, 1997 10A News Grosse Pointe News.

Drunken driver southbound Lakeshore at Three cars were found to With them A Grosse POinte PdI'k man Verrner where reports show he have WIndows smashed III on was arrebted around 1 30 d m PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS was drIVlllg a BUick Century at the evenmg of frIday, April 11 56 mph m a 35 mph zone, AprIl 11 for operatmg d Lar done to theIr home and told $1,205 damage during the The first mCldent was diSCOV-Bad news at under the mfluence of lIquor pollee that many workers asso- month of AprIl from skate- wesVlng from lane to lane, and ered at about 6 p m when a car Grosse POinte Shores pohLe uated With theIr home's boarders abuslllg Grosse bouncmg off the curbs on parked m the 1300 block of North High Lakeshore stopped the 36-year-old man remodeling have had aceess POinte Urnted Church, located Nottmgham was discovered The man told polIce he not Grosse Pomte Woods pohce drIVing d 1995 Cadillac, \'0 ho Pohce continue to mvestIgate at 240 Chalfonte With Its Wlndshleld smashed was swerving from lane to lane only drank several beers, but Police mveshgated two more receIved reports of two acts of DeSPIte "no skateboardmg" vandahsm m the Grosse POinte on southbound Lakeshore SIgI1Serected on the property had smoked manJuana earher mCldents that evemng m the day North parking lot last week Even though the records wroch are usually stolen, or between 11 35 and 11 45 P m Car phone stolen T~e Man f:uled field sobnet) .l.U 1'hf' fir.t 1ncldf'nt took plf1{"(, 01' l"jNl Lpulle" IlUL.."'; a IlULlWdtJle lound damaged, church offi- \\hcn cars parlcd the 15400 A Grosse Pomte Farms man tests admlillstered to lum HIS Monday, AprIl 7, between 12 30 smell of mtoxlcants on the CialS report numerous bronze block of Mack and at the corner reported to Farms pohce Apnl prehmmary breath tests and and 3 p m A WIndow of a 1993 man's breath, he insIsted that plaques broken loose from the of Mack and Somerset were 13 that hiS cellular phone, val- two subsequent blood-alcohol Jeep was hIt With what. he was swerving only because church's columbanum, and slg- found WIth Windows smashed ued at $400, was stolen from level tests registered 0 216, m appeared to be a bb, smasrong he was fighting WIth hi" girl- mficant damage to a bench, hlb car, a 1997 Ford 018 and 019 respectIvely - the wmdow frIend who was a pasbenger In rummage sale Sign, and flower On Saturday, April 12, police the car ExpeditIOn, which he had OIlS legally mtoXlcated Another car, a 1977 brown pots found a car parked 10 the Also, the man told pohce he parked and locked In the drlve- PolIce charged the man Wlth Ford, was vandalIzed between way at hlb home on Thnnacour Pohce contmue to investi- operatmg a car under the mflu- 15100 block of Mack WIth a 8 a m and 12.30 p m. had no medical or physical gate wmdow smashed m WItnesses ImpaIrments that should keep ThJef(s) gdlned access through ence of hquor and drugs, and Thursday, Apnll0 The owner" the passenger wmdow, which havmg an unlawful blood-alco- reported heanng a nOI'>e at of the vehicle reported that two hlDl from being able to perform about210 p m sobrlCty tests, bu t later balked was found broken hollevel tires were flattened and The man was released from Later that day at about 9 10 scratches were gouged mto one. at tests which asked hIm to ~Sir, please put P m a brIck was thrown walk a straIght lIne or balance, custody about 10 hours later Side of the car With a key or the car in park' after postmg a $500 bond He through a bedroom WIndowof a other sharp object Pohce are blaming tus new cowboy boots Mirror damaged In was gIVenan April court date home the 1400 block of contmumg to mvestlgate that he said were not suffi- A DetrOit man reported to Immediately after Grosse Nottmgham cIently ''broken In " Grosse POinte Farms pohce Pomte Farms police pulled - By Amy Andreou Miller Pohce beheve that act of van - Jim Stlckford HIS prelImmary breath test Apnl 8 that he dIscovered ros over a drunken driver at dallSm may be related to the and one subsequent blood ako car's dnver-slde power rmrror Moran and Lakeshore on ApnI car mCldent on Nottingham the hol test registered 0 11 and 0 1 damaged, valued at $150, after 8 at 1 30 pm., they had to yell Park vandalism mght before Crime Stoppers lnc offers respectively - OIls legally he returned to Mapleton where to the man to put hIS car m Grosse Pomte Park pubhc Reports state that patrol offi- rewards of up to $1,000 for intoXIcated Pohce attempted he parked hiS 1991 Honda park after he began to step out safety officers are mvestlgatmg cers stopped the same group of mformatlOn leading to an of the car WIth It still m drIve to admllllster a second blood- Prelude for about seven hours. a number of acts of automobl1e teenage boys In the VIClllityof arrest of persons responsible for alcohol test, but report that the Pohce continue to investIgate Pohce had followed the 21- vandahsm that took place m two of the inCidents, and cnmes Call (810) 445-5227 or man became uncooperative year-old Warren man from the City on AprJI 11 and 12 believe they may be connected 1-800831-3111. Pohce transported the pas Teen caught senger to a Hampton address, and the drIver to the pohce sta- with drugs tIOnfor bookmg Grosse Pomte Farms pohce The l;..,,-. was released at 5 charged a 16-year-old Grosse a m after posting a $100 bond, POlllte Woods teen ApnI 11 and was given a court date for WIth possessIon of narcotics, later tlus month as well as WIth several traffic VlolatJons The boy's mother was tele- phoned and he was released to MuitIple cars her around 11.30 pm. FrIday, Apnl11 vandalized FollOWIng mteTVlews WIth Five reSIdents from the 500 youth officers, It was agreed block of Umvendy reported to that the teen wIll perform CIty of Grosse Pomte police commumty servIce rather that theIr cars .\ere vandalized than face addItional prosecu- sometIme between late tIOn Saturday rnght, April 12, and Pohce had found a pot pIpe early Sunday morrnng, Apnl and three small bags of man- 13 All five cars had thetr dn- Juana III the boy's Jacket after ver's Side mirror smashed conductmg a search follOWIng Some WItnesses have come a routllle traffic stop on west- forth, police encourage Rnyone bound Beaupre where the boy WIth mformatlOn regarding was dnVlng a black Ford pick- thIS cnme to calI them Pohce up truck WIth three fnends m continue to Investigate the back of the truck The truck's brake hght was Jewelry stolen out, and a prolubltlvely large A City of Grosse Pomte cou- ornament of some sort was ple reported to City pollce Apnl dangling from the truck's 9 the theft of some of their Jew- reaTYle", mIrror, pOSSIbly elry Stolen from the couple, obstructmg safe VISIon, who live In the 300 block of accordIng to reports Rivard, were a woman's dIa- mond nng, valued at $3,000, Skaters damage and a man's watch, valued at CHOOSE FROM 2000 PHfs'CIANS AND $900 No Slgl1Sof forced entry church property MORE THAN 40 HOSPITALS AND HEALTH CENTERS to the home were VISible The Grosse Pomte Farms pollce couple IS hSVlng vanous work records show as much as IN SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN

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------~1----- , ... 1 I t. A April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 11A

Local Arbor Day event has twist I serial killer' honored By Amy Andreou Miller tlOn from the MIChigan Gotscka, Mary and Chuck common, staying married 50 For decades, Ed and Jean broke her leg dunng a 1980 Staff Wrrter Department of Natural Bonton, 'fed and Nancy years - 50 wmters, 50 have volunteered to help the family skI triP m Lake PlaCid, At 5 P m tins Sunday, Apnl Resources, commurutles must Trefzer, Elame and Jim ThanksgIVIng dInners, and 50 Farms process absentee voter New York 20, at the Grosse POinte Farms show they have a budget for Farquhar, the Honorable Fourth of July piCniCS- seems ballots during electIOns She had to stay three Pier Park paVlhon, a pubhc tree maintenance eqUivalent to Matthew and Katie Rumora, worthy of awe, or, at least, a Jean has been a volunteer at months III an East Coast hospi- gathering wIll be held to honor at least $2 per rebldent of their and MarJ Tyrer and Lanny tree plantmgl Cottage Hospital for 43 years tal to recuperate Ed commut- a local man, who IS a professed commUnities (the Pomtes Dunahoo Former Grosse Especially thiS year, as well Included WIthm that total have ed weeklv from their GroB8e :rerJlIllu.tler spend well more than that as Pomters, now GeorgIa resI- as 1996 They are the golden been mne years as a Special POinte Farms home to VISither A senal plant killer, that IS stated above), enact ordinances dents, Norm and Bonme years for golden anmversanes volunteer workmg - through Jean's plants were not fore- Beaupre Road resident Ed regardmg tree mamtenance, Semple also donated money to Never before have so many the American Cancer Society most on Ed's mmd Smith, 75, doesn't have a nat- and host an annual kbor Day purchase the tree to honor the American couples celebrated a at Cottage and Bon Secours "When I returned home, my ural green thumb observatIOn ceremony such as Smiths 50th anmversary, and It's hospitals - With women who plants were nearly dead," she Nevertheless, a sunset thiS one on Sunday, said Dick In addition to the above- unhkely thIS many ever Will have had mastectomies due to said maple tree saphng IS bemg Huhn, the Fann's parks and mentIOned fnends, city offi- ag81n bouts With breast cancer Jean Ed admits, "I was a senal planted to honor hun and hiS recreatIOn director CialS, and the Snuth's family, Marriage rates after World ISa breast cancer SUrvIvor,her- plant killer then I would step Wlfe,Jean, 72, because of their Huhn s81d most often the the general pubhc IS mVited to War II skyrocketed after sol- self mto the greenhouse, pick up decades of CIVICefforts to help local kbor Day tree plantmgs the 5 p m ceremony diers returned stateSide Since Ed's retirement, he too the hose, and mISt tlIem all the commuruty grow, and to are done pnmanly to replen- ''We are gomg to have cham- Almost 2 3 million Amencan has volunteered at Cottage He from afar for a few seconds honor the Smith's 50th wed- Ish the local foliage, not neces- pagne, and It's gomg to be a couples tied the knot m late assiStS at the mfonnatlOn desk, only" dmg anruversary sarily to honor someone great time," said Jean, who 1946 and early 1947, according m the surgIcal lounge, and Yet, fnends say planting a The gathenng IS a part of And when they are done to threw qwte a sh1ndlg on the to the NatIOnal Center for IS responsible for watermg tree 10 honor of a ''plant killer" NatIOnal kbor Day, wh1ch the honor someone, frequently It IS couple's actual 50th wedding Health StatIstics records dozens of plants and small pot- and h1s Wife stIll seems very Farms city council decided to done posthumously anrnversary last month The Smiths have !lved In the ted trees around the hospital appropnate because their CIVIC celebrate on Apnl 20 On the contrary, the Smiths Ed and Jean were mamed Farms for 50 years They "He's great With the plants mvolvement defirntely helped Each of the five Pomtes' are very much alive, and active March 15, 1947 belong to the Farm's Boat at the hospital, but I don't let the community grow annual budgets for tree planti- commUnIty volunteers, They met far above the tree- Club, and Ed was a past com- him touch my plants at home," To find out more about ng, tnm=g and mamtenance Huhn s81d he would like to tops - Ed, at the time, was a modore They S81d they love said Jean, who has a green- donatmg a tree to any of the IS at least $75,000, With about see more people make dona- pilot for Capital alrlmes, (now the Pier Park, and have house that Ed built for her five Grosse Pomtes 10 honor or 20 percent of that spent annu- tIOns to the Pomtes to honor Ulllted Alrhnes) and Jean was enjoyed many plcmCSthere 50th birthday memory of a fnend or loved ally to plant 30 to 40 new trees people who are alive, so they a stewardess They donated money for a Ed earned hiS bad reputatIOn one, call that particular per City can watch "their" tree grow Ed was a Capt81n 10 the U S park bench to be placed m the regarding plants when Jean POinte's City hall Some people may View the In the case of the Smlths, 16 AIr Force durIng World War II PIer Park durmg the City'S fact that all five Grosse Pomtes friends oftheJrs donated sever- where he served 10 India and Centenmal celebration In bemg named 'Tree Cities" as al hundred dollars to have a Chma After employment With 1993. no big deal But the state- tree planted to honor the CapItal, he worked 34 years for ''Now, we can Sit on our approved honor requires more SmIth's 50th weddmg anniver- General Motors, flymg auto bench, and watch our tree than the presence of the many sary executives to Important meet- growl" laughs Jean and Ed trees With wh1ch the Pomtes The fnends are fellow Grosse Ings, until he retired 15 years Although slttmg still is not are so abundantly blessed Pomters Warren and Kathy ago really something they do too To get a '1'ree City" designa- HeItman, Denms and Glad In an age when dIvorce IS often Woods prepares wonderful water slide for summer By Jim Stickford Wh1tcher s81d "We expect to parks and recreation, has been down the flumes too close Staff Wnter receive the actual slide compo- lllvestlgatlllg what rules other together," said Whitcher. Summer's going to be a lot nents by around the begmrnng commurntles that have water "When that happens you can more fun for Grosse POlllte of May. The plan ISto have the slides have," saId Whitcher have people entenng the water Woods TeSldents thanks to a slide up and runrnng by the ''We will be detennmmg slide and hlttmg the person that Just ~, 22606 Greater Mack Ave St. ClaJrShores ~ (Belween Mile) new water slide on which con- time Lakefront Park's pool rules and should have them m went ahead That can lead to 8-9 structlon began on Apnlll opens on Memonal Day week- place when the slide opens" IllJunes So thIS Will be a care- /lOoms in foJ' an awa/'d winning ernE" The slide will be 32.5 feet tall end, wh1ch begms on Saturday, Safety IS the primary con- fully regulated actlVlty." and has two flumes, each 238 May 24, thIS year" cern of Woods officIals, Wh1tcher S81d that once all 772.4111 771.9797 771-9797 feet long, said Thomas The shde will feed into the Whitcher S8ld There wIll be the procedures have been WhItcher, director of publIc pool's least used area, said two lifeguards at the bottom of worked out he expects the slide works for the Woods. A 20- Whitcher. Right now Woods the slIde where people Will to be a popular attraction for horsepower pump will be officials have yet to work out enter the water There Willalso both adults and chIldren 10 the attached to each flume to pro- the rules dlctatmg pool use be someone at the slide's st81r- park vide a contmuous stream of These rules Will mclude the way entrance and someone at water down each flume, ThIs tImes the shde can be used, as the top of the shde to regulate cuts down on fnctlOn and keeps well as any age or heIght the tImmg of when people Deadline for the ROSALIE BRIDGET VICKI the flume cool under the heat reqUIrements that must be met descend the slide NEW MON 9-4 THURS9-51 of the summer sun for shde users The cost of the ''If we didn't have someone at News section is ••• "We began puttmg m the shde IS $300,000. the top of the shde, there's a ~'~"ING H0l1R9 TUE 12.8 FR\ 1-8 3 p.m. Monday crCtw, WED 1-8 SA.T9-4 concrete footmgs on the 11th," "Bill Babcock, dIrector of danger that people would go


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3 ,•• ;...':: :-.1:2:" ='.lila:-r.:.~:.~.:.:i;i;?- COIlI'OllAn ...... , .'lO.,IJ <; Hom.'ton ~09 now M ~8601 1, 1111 1'I10Q14 SEQUENCE 18(0) 9681416 fm I I 7, ln ,A?3 SCOTT .. INION pmol rlmq'ftn\,om Prps denl .... O.. AL 0fftCI0 Qlf. J?()ht"lIn~ ~lllfo 25, Grnnr1 Hcwpn MI49417 16161 R~~ 8/]6 10' {6161 R4167~7 ...... ")A....~ __ .... Apnl 17, 1997 12A Automotive Grosse Pointe News 'Lower-cost' Montero Sport passes test

We're takIng a new '97 anti lock brakes, and bIg, scoan or convertible year WIth a stock Saab 900 Mltsublshl Montero Sport macho tires IS a\81lable for Powered by a 185.hp tur- Turbo which ran flat out for through rugged terram and $23,575 with five speed manu bocharged 2 O-IIter engine, the the 25,000 miles, averaging It'S domg well al trdnsmls~lOn, $24,415 with Talladega features sporty spe- 140 miles per hour and settmg The suspensIOn IS a bit stilT automatic tran"nllSSlOn The Cl.u tnm, 16 lOch Super Aero a number of world speed so that when vou hit the ',000 mile speed and durabIl- features Cahforrua burl wal- field m Northern MIChigan, we l\htsubl&hl 1&pOised to steal It\ run which Saab staged at nut dash trim and trunk- are takmg It on one of the sales m the fast-growmg mid- the bl'gmmng of the model mounted CD changer roughest of terrams, down SIzed sport utlhty segment Montero's seven, but It holds Anthony Wayne Drive (It used Based on the &alOefloorplan them comfortably, even those to be Third Avenue) toward as the full-SIzed Montero, the 10 the surpnsmgly spacIous Warren on the Wayne State Montero Sport IS shorter 10 back seat And the Sport's Umverslty campus length, lighter III weight, and cargo capability rivals the full- The Montero Sport ISa IS very mmble for thiS type of size Montero somewhat smaller and less vehicle A peppy three-liter V-6 The Montero Sport's base costly versIOn additIOn to engme rated at 173 hp IS stan- pnce starts at $24,415 If you Mltsublsru's sport-utlhty-vehl- dard want four-wheel drIve and V-6 cle Imeup It IS a stablemate of MltsublShl was one of the engine Add popular power the Montero, a sport-ute that early players m the sport-utili- features and the price climbs has been well-accepted, but ty boom In 1989, before Ford's qUickly (ThiS, of course, IS not wruch has an agmg deSign Explorer or Jeep's Grand pecuhar to Mltsublshl Truck Read that, It looks same old Cherokee, the Montero was pnces seem to ascend even same old, but Its VIrtues are already a highly practical more steeply than car prices) many four-door vehicle With excel- It ISpoSSible to get a well- The new Montero Sport lent utilIty and capable of ophoned Montero Sport for shared many of the VIrtues of gomg anywhere less than $30,000 By staymg Its older brother -It ISroomy, The Montero moved steadtly under that magic number, the performs well and 18 reason- up-market over the years as MltsublShl Sport IS likely to ably comfortable for a truck Mltsublsru festooned Its only cause folks thinking about a But It has the rounded look sport-utility With expensive well-appolllted Ford Explorer that 18 trendy now and has eqwpment and state-of-the-art XLT ($26,750), Nlssan Special Edition Talladega Saabs mark record-breaking speed and durability run. more mtncate extenor stylmg components 1bday the prICe of Pathfinder SE ($27,954), Among other trim items, the convertible has California burl walnut dash trim. Not as stylish perhaps as a the bare-bones Montero starts 1byota 4Runner SR5 Chevrolet Blazer or Ford at Just under $30,000 and ($26,098), Jeep Grand Explorer, but nothmg to be runs up close to $40,000 WIth Cherokee TSI($30,190), or ashamed of eIther roof rack, atr condItlonmg, GMC JImmy ($25,002) to look The name IS almost the anti-lock brakes, floor mats for a Mltsublsru dealer to same, but tills 18 a dtlTerent and other goodies we all seem check It out before they decIde wagon than the bigger and to want today more expensive Montero The So in attempt to hold onto And that could be a prob- Montero Sport IS not cheap, Its market share, Mttsublshl lem MltsublShl 18 far from but It 18 cheaper than a has come up WIth a new shape overdealered, There are three Montero on a proven platform and a 111 the DetrOIt area, If you not-very-d1stmctlve name for a mclude Ann Arbor 10 that The base ES model IS a two- smaller, less-expensive sport. area MltsublShl has a little wheel dnve (rear) unit WIth utIlIty The Montero Sport over 500 dealershIps m the not many options aV81lable shares Its platform WIth the US, less than half the totals No anti-lock brakes, power larger Montero, which gives It of Nlssan, 1byota or Honda thmgs, or four-wheel drIve, good olT-road capability, but IS though you can get automatic shorter overall because of Saab offers Talladega transIIllSSlOn and a CD player. smaller front and rear over- For $22,265, you get the look hangs special edition model of a sport-utility Saab IS oITerlng a Saab 900 An up-level rear-dnve LS The Montero Sport holds Talladega special edItIOn, Montero Sport WIth optional five passengers mstead of the aV81lable as coupe, five-door

.0 e;:C:;!:.2'

... 1 t April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 13A AAA recommends ways to avoid common bicycle accidents There's nothmg qUIte as and that youn!f.>ters under the MotOriSts do not expect traffic naiing and moves mto the path &uggestwn When ndmg tlOnl>, get off your Like and eIlJoyable for cluldren as a ride age of 9 u'>ually are not able to to be approachmg from the of an overtakmg motor vehicle your bIke, (,bey all traffic l>11,'11'>walk dcrO,,'>the ro not have and :>Ignab At bw,y lnter,ec when you tlIke cars do from bIcycle-motor vehIcle col- you and yield to overtakmg - Wear a bIcycle helmet MotOrist overtakmg traffic lIsIOns In MIchIgan, chIldren Most serious bicycle injuries cyclIst ThiS aCCident occurs For makmg a left turn, gIVe under 16 represented about 50 are head injUrIes Up to 85 per- because the motorist faIls to percent of the 28 bicycle deaths the left-hand SIgndl and when cent of buch mJuries could be see and react to the bICyclIst It'S safe, move left to the left mvolvmg motor vehicles III ehmmated or reduced slgl1lfi- untIl It'S too late ThiS aCCIdent lane 1995_AddItIOnally, 1,400 biCY- cantly With helmet use type IS more frequent at mght Give the left-hand SIgnal clIsts 15 and under suffered - Mldblock rldeout ThIS IS on narrow rural roads It usu- lIlJUrIesfrom motor velucle col- agam and then make your turn the most frequent dccldent ally mvolves driver Im.tten. when It IS safe to do so hsIllns type for young riders and tlon, and sometimes mvolveq NatIonally, more than - Stop Sign ndeout 1 hiS occurs as the bICyclIst enters drunken drlvmg aCCIdentoccurs when the blCY- 500,000 cluIdren annually go the road from a drIveway, alley Suggestion AVOidndlng at to hospital erflergency rooms or chst enters an IntersectIOn that or curb Without slowmg down, mght, on narrow roads and IS controlled by a Sign and col- doctors' offices with bIcycle stoppmg or lookmg for traffic where hIghway speeds are over Il\JurIes lIdes WIth a motor vehicle The bICyclIst's sudden entry 35 mph Always use lIghts and approachmg from an uncon- ''Parents can play a CruCIal leaves the motorIst too httle reflectors If you must ride at trolled lane The blcychst falls safety role by reVIeWIngsafety tIme to aVOidthe collISIOn I1Ight See and be seen to stop/slow down and look for tIps and pomtmg out potentIa!- SuggestIOn Stop and look - Blcychst left turn or sud- traffic before enterIng the ly dangerous SItuatIons," says left right-left for traffic before den swerve The bIcyclIst mtersectlOn ThIS IInproper 1. Always wear a bike helmet. Jerry Basch, AAA MIchIgan entermg the road swerves to the left Without acbon leaves the motorist too commumty safety serVIces Wrong-way rldmg checkIng traffic, Without SIg- little time to aVOIda collISIOn 2. Stop and check traffic before riding into a street. manager 3. Don't ride at nigbt. ''By reVIewmg safe bikIng practICes such as wearmg a 4. Obey traffic signs and Signals. helmet, all famIly members Car expense jump most in six 5. Ride on the right-hand side of the street. benefit and help prepare for a 6. Check brakes before riding. safe summer," Basch added Basch said that children years, says AAA Michigan 7. Give cars and pedestrians the right.Df-way, gIven pernusSIOn to ride baes The 2 2 cents-per-mlle annu- mIles ISthe largest m SIXyears, 15,000 mIles, fixed costs are B. Wear light or bright-colored clothing. In the street must be able to al Increase m the cost of drl' reports AAAMIchIgan 34 02 cents per mIle handle vehIcle-bae SItuatIOns, 9. Be carefUl turning lefl--mDtorists may nDt see you. VII1ga 1997-model car 15,000 Tlus year's 44 8 cents-per- Operatmg costs for gas, 011, mIle composite cost for three tIres and mamtenance add 10. Avoid broken pavement, IDose gravel and leaves. domestic cars - a CavalIer LS, 108 cents per mue, or $1,620 Tough drunk driving Taurus GL and Mercury Grand annually MarqUIS GS - means annual drIVIng expenses are up $334, AAAMichIgan remmds that laws now in effect or 5 percent more than the typICal reImbursement pay- $6,389 for 1996 ments for busIness.related use New drunk drIvmg laws took - PA 492 - PenaltIes per- 1997's cost-per-nule Increase of a personal vehicle deViate effect In MichIgan on AprIl tamIng to under-age dnnkIng from the cost of operatmg a Fool's Day, and It's no Joke The or posseSSIOn Include fines of IS the largest smce 1991 when It rose 20 percent due pnman- car for personal use These four laws - Pubhc Acts 490, up to $100, and/or 90 days ill ly to hIgher gasolIne prIces payments usually cover oper- 491, 492 and 493 - proVIde Jail, commumty serVIce and caused by the Gulf War atmg costs related only to the stIffer penaltIes for mInOrs and substance abuse counselmg for bUSIness use of the vehIcle first-time VIolators, and clamp frrst-tlme offenders PolIce can Gasolme, up 14 cents per AAA:s"Your DrIving Costs" down hard on repeat offenders arrest mmors based on the gallon In 1996, IS responsIble booklet also mcludes costs "Weapplaud state legISlators results of a prelImmary breath for much of thIs year's drIVIng associated WIth a tYPiCalsport 4 MASTER MECHANICS SERVING YOU for taking a firm stance ag81nst test, and a dnver's lIcense can cost Increase utility vehIcle WiTH THE HIGHEST QUALITY SERVICE drunk drIvers," says Jerry be suspended or restricted The $6,723 annual expense Booklet computabons were Basch, AAA MIchIgan after Just one conVIcbon for operatIng a 1997 car IS ma~e by Runzhelmer OVER 27 YEARS OF MECHANICAL SERVICE Commumty Safety Services - PA 493 - The owner of a detaIled In AAA:s"Your DnVIng International of Rochester, manager vehicle used by a mmor In the Costs" booklet "Alcohol continues to play a transportmg of alcohol could Wis, a management.consult- 16521 East 9 Mile Rd • EastpOinte major role m MIclugan crash- have hIS or her vehicle It bases the $5,103 annual mg firm speclahzmg m travel 773-5820 • All RepairS Major & Minor and liVIngcosts es In fact, alcohol was a factor Impounded for 15 to 30 days - fixed cost for new-vehIcle own- in 369 percent of all fatal If that person had knowledge of ershlp on financmg a car for crashes m tlus state dUrIng or gave consent to the use of four years WIth 20 percent 1995." the vehIcle for transportmg down, plus msurance, lIcense, AccordIng to Basch, about alcohol taxes and deprecIatIOn Over II one-tlurd of those arrested or ,------..., conVIctedof drunk drivmg are NOnCE OF PUBLIC HEARING repeat offenders As many as RINKE CADILLAC 75 percent of conVIcted drunk The Wayne Counly CommlSslon W111hold a publH: heanng 10conSIder amendments 10 .' dnvers natIonWIde contmue to lhe 1995 96 Appropllatlon & Budget Ordmance as follows Michigan s #1 drive Wlth a suspended lIcense.One of the most haz- I RecogmZU18 addJul,Jnalmten::sl n:venue In the amounl ofS4,545,000. parbn,g fees of S872,5oo an d lIldm,a cos' of 51,347,500. Standards For Excellence Dealer ardous drlvmg behaviors 2. RecogniZing addluooal S545 000 of 'lale and federal grant revenue for the reported among lugh school ProS.CCUIC'r. students IS the consumptIOn of To,"sfemng S3 42944810 the Yoolh Se,vu:e, Fund and Sold,er', Rebef Fund • SALES PROFESSIONALISM: .. alcohohc beverages before drI- AddlJ1g S3 343 900 to Olh- first-time drunk dnVIng Commusloo Chamber5~ 10 00 a m I to l!ht r ht ll£d ,( :it" (1 ..1 111m num \\ht t r ... Hit !Ion Wayne County Bwldmg arrest, for a second Imp81red lO'1trrl lm n"llh l(l"}~\lhi \!l)()llfil'tnl.,ln( conVIctIonwithIn seven years, 600 Randolp/>, Dc""" M,cllIgan ~T~ \ 10 I, lIST~AT$1403; for three drunk dnvmg conVIC- CopIes of the proposed amendments may be reViewed at the CommISSion Clene's '~ _." 1-'" SINGLE UP-FRONT tIons Wlthm 10 years or for an Off,ce 40/\ Wayne CounlY BuildlJ1g 600 Randolph DOIroH MI 48226 (313)224 SUIOO DOWN PAYMENT alcohol conVIctIOnwhere a dn- 0903 ver caused senous mJury or $ death r P\ n4 j7 P 369:o.'h J ~13..S93

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•• etO"AL OPf1Cl1 9?f, Reoon' S ". 2S? ~wnd Hovpn M 0490417 I~I~ R4~ Rn~ fo .. (~~61 A...~ 674,7 April 17. 1997 14A News Grosse Pointe News Local county commissioner appoints 10 residents to advisory board By Jim Stlckford "It can help define our prlor- first dlStllct commiSSIOner that he shares many Ideas WIth ~,andhasall~n~of~ Detro1t Staff Writer II Ie" ' Cavanagh said "We Andrew RIchner, who left office Wheeler and that It 1S Impor. pie commg m and usmg lus "I've tried to get a IIllX of peo. It, III Ju,l a part of the ser want to buJld a bndge and to run for a state office, at the tant for him to mclude people busmess He can keep his fin- pIe from all walks of hfe and \ III bald Chflstopher make county government more begllllllng of 1997, and only on the board m a non-partisan ger on the pulse of the commu- from all the commurutles I rep. C l\ dndgh, Wayne County com accessIble We're pulhng two recently appomted hiS 10 rep. way IIlty" resent," Cavanagh s81d. 1l11~blOnerfor the first district, segments, the people and coun. resentatlVes Of those 10, four Cavanagh also appomted Cavanagh also appomted "All of tlus IS still new to me \\ hlLh mdudes the five Gro<;se ty OffiCialS, Dnd puttmg them are reSidents of DetrOIt and the Harper Woods reSIdents and Grosse Pomte Shores reSIdent and to the adVIsers I've Pomle, ,md Harper Woods, together If there's somethmg remammg SIX live m Harper attorneys 'I~rry Hoorman and Leon Sehoyan to the adVISOry appolnWd,butlUunkthatUus v.hpn he appomted 10 local res- that the county 15 domg well, Woods and the Pomtes Laura Lynch Grosse Pomte board, sayIng that Sehoyan has IS a good thmg to let the com. Ident, to the county's CItizens we want to know If there's Cavanagh appomtees to the Park reSident and owner of long been active m commuruty mumty representatIves meet \d\ bUry lioard homethmg the county IS domg, adVISOry board Include Llty 01 Pomte 1'ltness Ken Welch was allwrs, mcludmg tus work on WIth county OffiWUll tUlU let u.:. 1h[' bOard, explamed bu t Isn't a high prIOrity for the Grosse Pomte mayor Susan also appomted saVIng Lake St ClaIr's enVl. know what 15 on the mmd of l a\ dllagh, was created m the people we can learn about It " Wheeler Whlie she IS a "Ken IS a busmessman," said ronment Cavanagh's final the commurnty Maybe we can pa~t couple of years and con Cavanagh succeeded former Republican, Cavanagh said Cavanagh "He also owns a four appomtees are from dIScover some new pnontles." 'hh of 150 members appomt. ed b\ the 10 county commls, "lOner, I'he group met on April 5, for the first time 10 1997 BlOOMfltLD HillS AUNfOllD The Idea behmd the advIso- ry board IS to allow a new way I.:~/~nt- for people to commumcate CENTERUNE with county officials, said BOB 1IIIIODIAU 2oJ33Von* "C:l\ anagh County literature (.'0/755.2'00 state, that the board was cre- ated to help Identify new and DEARBORN FAiItLANI fOlD SALIS emergmg needs m the county 13;SSi,"~~~'OC;o

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, I 1 o e 0 & Q April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 15A In-line skating event rolls along Hill district Sept. 7

By Amy Andreou MIller extreme skate park III pmg dIstncts, but also a cul- Staff Writer RoseVIlle, and founder and tural arts fair at the Grosse "On your mark get set, go," preSIdent of the CIty Rollers Pomte War Memonal will hkelv be heard on thl' Hill In-Imp Skat!' Cluh 1'hl' approval for the skat- In Grosse Pomte Farms mg course came after some Sunday, Sept 7 About 500 race partIcIpants debate But those familiar wordb are expected The races are A few reSJdenta expressed wIll not be for a runmng race for people of all ages and skat- concern about thell' ablbty tA> Rather the HIll will host Its mgablhties enter and eXIt theIr street first m-lme skatmg event However, there ISa PoSSibIl- throughout the day on Sept. 7 Even though the event Wlll Ity that some professlOnal- to run errands and such, amce not occur untIl September, level m-lme skaters Wlll be they bve on the portIon of event orgamzer Grosse Pomte mVlted to compete III the Kenwood that 18 a cul-de-sac, Farms resIdent Mark Farnen event for cash pnzes, Famen or dead-end street, nmnmg recently receIved the go-ahead said west from Kercheval. from the Grosse POll te Farms city counCil The profeSSIOnal skaters However, Hill merchant are bkely to draw additional preSident D J Kennedy, who The council approved spectators was m attendance at the Farnen's request to close Proceeds wIll benefit councIl meeting, volunteered Kercheval between McMillan Cottage HospItal's AthletiC that the above-stated resI- Spring concert and Kerby for several hours MedIcme Program (CHAMP) dents were welcome to park The Grosse Pointe CommUDJtyBand is presenting its annual spring concert on for the event The Sept 7 skatmg event their cars m lus dnveway dur- Thursday. April 24 at 8 p.m. in the ParceUs Middle School Auditorium. The event Will mclude a Willbe held the same weekend mg that day, and come and go Admission is free. and the musicians will host a free punch and cookies recep- 100-yard skate dash, a 5K m- as Tnple Play (plus one) - an as they needed. Kennedy hves tion for the public after the concert. Ime skatmg race and a 10K annual event showcasmg not on Kenwood between Grosse Grosse Pointe South High School's music teacher/chairperson Ralph MiUer is m-lme skatmg race, saId only the busmesses of the Pomte Boulevard llnd the founder and conductor of the band. which he developed about a decade ago to Farnen, co-owner of AIrborne Hill, Village and Park shop- Kercheval. provide area musicians of all ages an opportUDJty to perform high quality concerts for the public. The band features many Grosse Pointe residents, ranging in age from 12 to 75. The featured musical selections for the concert are Alfred Reed's "Armenian Dances," a symphonic suite composed for band from traditional Armenian songs. YOU OEOmn TtIE BEOT Ir------,"~, CIIEM.DRY@of LAKESHORE I Other music to be performed includes "Ye Banks and Braes 0' Bonnie Doon" by Qealwr Boards find Percy Grainger and Weinberger's "Polka and Fugue" from "Schwanda the I :,'" CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING I lfcid Bagpiper." Muill-hsl CervlCCS. We I -,~0kfd ,f""""1, l-'" p",~(u I Even though the music titles may be unknown to many people, they are cheer- Belone, To Them !Ill ful songs. and attendance at the concert and reception Is a great way to usher in I ~y-- FREE CARPEr I Owned & Operaled IiIII. PROTECT ANT I spring. said one band member. I by Paul BemISS On One Room For information regarding the concert or Grosse Pointe CommUDJty Concert I 1-800-404-0023 I. (max. 250 &q. ft.) I Band. contact Ralph Miller at 343.2240. ~~ I 810-nS-7651 . w:~n I 886-6010 CHE"'ORY".~~~ncrJHar,..~n;. IrrI:hIecw'tDr .... L CHElloIORY' s~ ard os ~ tly PE'~ ~ It1e Iem* ~ Il'rWdIN...... J Sweeny is ------endowment fund president

The FrIends of the Grosse Pomte Public LIbrary Endowment Fund has elected Donald N Sweeny III of Grosse Pomte Farms as Its preSident, along WIth other officers and trustees They are Kay Bauble of .Grosse Pomte Woods, John Bruce of Grosse Pomte Farms, Stephen Brownell of Grosse Pomte Farms, Edward Deeb of Grosse Pomte Shores, James Fausone of Grosse Pointe CIty and Thomas Nowmsla of Grosse Pomte Park. Bauble and Fausone were elected VIce preSIdents, NOWInSIn was elected secretary and Brownell was named trea- surer The endowment fund per- Illlts members of the FrIends and reSIdents to donate fund- mg, secunties or property to help the Grosse Pomte Public LIbrary The (,ro"t POlnTt I'm He Banking and Investment~ learn Richard Allison Cathy Zehnprenmg, Ke\ln Granger, Sweeny said the Fnends of Carnett R II mond Lee Petrdla, John ~tandlsh. Bill Shelden, Kimberly Kalmar the Library board of dIrectors approved the formatIOn of the endowment fund to mclude the funds receIved from the sale of the rare book collectIOn, whIch has netted more than $80,000 so far In order to preserve the long- Now you don't have to go far to term chantable resource repre- sented by the collectIOn the fnends board voted to proVlde a permanent source for fund- make your money go farther. mg slgruficant enhancements and Improvements to the lIbrary and Its faCIlItIes 1b donate funds, secuntles Just one phone call puts _VOU m touch with a local team of experts who or property, or to help the library, you can donate to the endowment fund, m care of can CUjtOln1ZCit pl,m to meet your indiVIdual financtal goals. A team with treasurer Stephen Brownell, 10 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Farms, Mlch 48236 expertence m lendmg, ml'estment and trust management, msurance, estate

Donate your and retlrement plannmg, that can make your money go ftrther. For more wheels to help Easter Seals informatIOn 01 to schedule all appomtment, plea~e call Edl Shelden, '\ 011 l 1n IIn\\ don..l1c

\IUIl l II 1111l ~ \.111 1llutor

tytlt 1>".11It II "I.llt' DlreetOl~ ilt (313) 343-8522.

Wh.llt I cr I" I 1,lcr <"c.ll,

Vou ItlUlt I I." tledUlllhle uulll lor Ille I;m ll1<1rkel value "I tile \ eluLic I ,1,1er <"cal, ,,-II, tilt leluLlt' !'r

1"1' hrld,," III" fI"e Il,~ I rlld ""1M,, "",h UlIllllll' \1,ml>", 1111( PRIVA II HANKIN(, & INVI ....I MI N I .... I ell 1110ll'llitOPTll,lllnn l,III',,1I Iree I x~x 240 ....11><.,

(~417) II lllt r • '- ,1l)l( III nul. "1\ I 't \ Ii I • '\l hmk ~ II H~

( COtlI'01lAn OI'ftClI. , R04 ') Hom lIon Snq rnw M .d860:l l"rllY/()QH SEQUENCE IROOI YM j~\1 In' 1\ 11119/ ?~ 11 pmn rlmq l~cr.s (om .'.'ONAL O,PICIt (n~R0hhm~ )11''''' 252 ( o"dHovp,., MI4:9JJ17 I~I~I R~~Rn~ In' I~I~I RM M~7 ,.~""",,.,')ft..v.,,-,,,,,,,~ "'_ Apnl 17, 1997 16A Schools Grosse Pointe News Busy students Events l- mg the contest, call (313) 824- common stock over 10 weeks. Two students from Gro",,(' '1he Gros!>e Pointe 5641 Of the 446 teams competmg, Pomte North and ~outh high Academy S summer pro- SCHOOL NEWS Accolades 157 were from elementary schools hdve been dppl; lIlR gram offerlng~ mdudc dTlhl- e schools and 289 from nuddle A number of teachers and their math dnd »CIenLC!.noy,I tel ture Iinp arts, coo!.mg,mdl schools students were honored at the edge to de\elop projccb for the \ IdUdl ;,trlllg m~trument or for the full SIXweeks The On Saturday, Apnl 26, the 10 Team members who placed AprIl 7 Grosse Pomte school 40th annual Scwnle dnd lCS'-OIl;"credtl\ e wntmg, ell' full day camp a m to 2 p m portIOn of the third m the state are Tom board meetmg by ;,upermten- EngIneerIng Fair of Metro ml'lltary ennchment, ba;,ket LOun"elor/camperratIO IS 1 10 conference Will be held at the Stoepker, David Hora and dent SUlanne KJem and board DetrOlt, AprIl 13-18, at Cobo ball dnd dll "porh (dmp ActiVIties offered mclude Grosse Pointe Academy Andy Kordalski. Teammates Center m Detroit ;,',\Immmg, tenms (grades 2-7), The keynote speaker wJlI be trustees They are who placed 30th m the state Mo"t of the lealher~ of the Nick Andrew, a M81re stu- Gavin Koo, a senior at program an' al I VI J'L~J..':JoI"Ll.J."'JUlj, at how lIght pollutlOn m urban mg (grade~ 4-7)~ outdoor Thursday, AprIl 24 Roberts IS poem, '"lhe Dl!lry of Anne Mackenzie. forms and dddltlOndl mforma Frank," m the MIchigan areas change, \\ Ith emlron tlOn (dIl1313) 8861221 adventure, cdmp craft, a 20-year veteran of the mental factors o\ermght campmg (grades 27) Washmgton political scene, Readmg As~oclatlOn's Greg Charvat, a JUnior at and sport;, serves as a correspondent for Kaleldo~cope magazme Uni~ersjty Liggett School Andrew Will attend a young Reunions Grosse Pomte South, I;' wn agam Willoffer a da) camp for Early morning care and ABC News and IS a regular The St. Paul High School ductmg a ;,pectral anal) ;,IS of e'l.tended day programs are member of the Sunday morn- authors' luncheon WIth Phylhs all reSidents I he (amp ;,c;,;,lOn Reynolds Nayler, a recent class of 1962 Willhold ItS 35th radIO frequellues plc!.ed Up on a\ atlable for an additIOnal mg roundtable diSCUSSIonon run;, Mondav through Frida), Newberry Ay.ard wmner reumon durmg the v.eekend of his schoo!';, radIO tele;,cope June 23 through Aug 1 (harge For Jumor campers, "The Week" (formerly known July 31 throughAug 2 A van- care ISfrom 7 to 830 a m and Paul Booker, a language Their spon;,or IS ;,ClCnce 1 he JUnior camp I;' struc as "ThiS Week With DaVId ety of actIvIties are planned, teacher Ardis MacIOlek the extended day care program Brmkley") She attributes arts teacher, for servmg as tured for 3 112-to 5 "ear-old~ preSident-elect of the Michigan mcludmg a golf tournament, The pubhc I;, mVIted to V1('\\ who ha\e not )et completed I;' from noon to 3 15 or 6 pm much of her success to her school tour, PICIllCand wnner For the full da) campers, early Sacred Heart educatIOn Readmg Assoc18t1on the work of approximately !.mdergart(n It I" III ;,ebSlon Maire fifth.graders, under 3,000 student<, from \\7a)ne mormng (are 1& from 7 to 8 30 The Grosse Pomte Academy, Anyone who attended St from 8 30 a m to noon, fi\ e the gUidance of their a m

Scholars Grosse Pointe North High School students, from left, Douglas SuI. Gavin Koo. Edward Ball and Rebecca Opdyke were honored by principal Caryn Wells, left, fOf their selection recently as National Merit Scholarship finalists. While one milIJon students take the PSAT/NMSQT. only one.half of 1 percent of aU high school seniOfSbecome finalists. They represent the top scorers in each state and become eligible for various corporate, coUegiate and 2,000 National Merit scholar- ships. C}'heSt. Boan of Arc SChoof ConummltE wtsheS to co~ o\u"~ Poupard parents concerned about convicted sex offender ~. CJ)on4f4 C A~ By Ann L. Fouty saId "I Wlsh I could wave a Beaufalt and have 24-hour Another neighbor Said she upon 1'ecetftng tile Staff Writer magIc wand and make thiS support by staff employed by had seen the offender on the J997 No qUlck and easy answers problem go away" Commumty Administrative porch smokIng, mwcatmg he were glVen to about 60 res,- Area re",dents gathered In Serv:JcesInc could leave the home unattend- ~ttoncd OtftoCte

June 16 • August 8 If (8 weeks) CAMP ACTIVITIES INCLUDE Archery • Basketball • Baseball ompass Reading • Football • Fnsbee Golf • Hiking • KJckbali • Ping Pong Rappeiling • Soccer • Softball Street Hockey • SWImming • Tee Ball TenniS • Track & Field • Volleyball DON'T MISS,., CAMP FEATURES • Outstanding Instructlon for each sport • SpeCial demonstratlons and lectures The Will Rogers Follies • Overall ratlo of Just seven campers per staff member allows for personalized attentlon • IndlV1dualizedsWImming lessons at LakeV1ewHigh School • High rate (Tra~sportatKln to and from Lakl!VIf!W High School will • Totally liquid be provided by The Grosse Pomte Academy scI100l buses and certIfielj drniers) • $5,000 minimum to open \1 the Grosse Pointe Performing .\rt~ Center (G.P. 'orth High Sehoof) REPUBLIC =.fJANK

Thursda~, Apr. 17.730 p,rn ~ . Fnda~, -\pr 18 - 8'00 p m, S13000PER WEEK 6 or more weeks or l"AP....I'PfR FD liaturda), -\pr. 19,2:00 and 8:00 p m s17CP PER WEEK 5 weeks or less V <;It any bfiln h or ('111( II rf()ffi)AI 0n Cf'nte t( rlay YOU choose the number of weeks 1.800- 758-0753 Ho oe, M')[11"l1 f 11Y 7 1"T1 7 r m &It day Q a M Noor Tldels m S8 fl() for \dulls and S6,00 (or 'ltudenll and ~mors To reg Ister by phone or for more nformatlon or brcchures on .\\8lla~le al Po~lenh- -\ (,aileI') BloomfIeld HIlls (810) 258 5300 THE BLUE STREAK Grosse POinte Farms 168471I.erchml, In the \ iltage (313) 8826400 ALL-SPORTS CAMPS Famunglon HIlls (810) 7370444 call For 'n(ormalJon. call 343-261 i 1-80o-87I-<:AMP (2267) """".,. ... -.u.v ... '"~ ""''l' ..... "rr.1'"'-yr; ,

... I t ' o • • • Q April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Schools 17A

Cum laude Winners Fourteen University Liggett School students were inducted into the Cum Laude Society on April 11. They are, front, from left, Arun1ma Verma, ArIadne Lie. Alli- Several University Liggett School instrumental music students completed suc. son Johnson. Thomas Pozlos and Vishal Srivastava. Back. from left. Shaun Dillon. cessful performances at the 1997 State Solo and Ensemble FestIval in March. They Shan Massand. SahU Sood. Bryan Wlsk. C.T. Brown, Clark Durant, Brad Cenko, are, from left, Jim Fortune. Justin Young. Nicole Young. April Sanford. Brad Bor- Matt Nowak and Logan Oney (not pictured). Ing. C.R. Moultry. Kim Wattrick. Jacob Bondy and Gillian Yee. Receiving a Division II (excellent) rating were: Bondy. freshman tuba solo; Boring, alto saxophone pro- ~ - - - - _.-.- - - -'- - ficiency I solo; Moultry. alto saxophone proficiency I solo: and the saxotuba sex- tet: Justin Young. NIcole Young. Boring, Fortune. Moultry and Bondy. The wood. NonCE OF PUBUC HEARING The Grosse ~ointe Summer I wind trio of Sanford. Wattrick and Yee received a Division III rating at the festival. The Wayne County Comm1S5lon will Academy s Enrichment consider an amendment to Secuon 9 of lhe WS}'T\e County ComprehensJ\le User Fair Fee Ordtnance to e'l>bl"h fees for cor Sponsored by taln park sySlcm .em ces the amendmcnl Smce few optIOns are aVail- offense to be llmlted in how Parents Coordinating Council able, Leldleln encouraged resI- would Increase green fees of I.he WS!nJl Poupard- close one could hve to a school. Valley Golf Coune by SlOOper 9 holes dents to form neIghborhood JWllor, senJ.or and tWlllg,ht fees would be From page 16A watches and block groups unchanged by the amendmenl Who: Open to tne Community for Students. Family & to stop the man from hvmg In Another suggestIOn would be RIchner Said he would pur- In addItIOn to haVIng a name TIJURDSAY, APRIL 17,1997 Friends e;eeldng Summer the Beaufalt Street home, IOoo.m. WIthout VIolating the Federal sue the Idea of amendmg the on file WIth the police depart- Activttles. present law to Include men and Woyne C

COPI CI of !.he proposed amended ordl 100-500pm nance may be reviewed &l lhe Comm""on Cleric'. Office, 406 Woyne Where: The Grosse Pointe Coonly BulldUlg, 600 Randolph Del roll M1 48226 Academy Lower Gym G PN 04117/97 How: Representatives and or/ infolT11atlonal brochures available Imported Baby and Children's Fumiture and Accessories NeW's lnforma'tion: 8&6-1221 Deadline? The Grosse POlitte AcaderttY 3 p.m. 171Lake Shore Read Monday


invites you to hear Thomas Lickona, Ph.D. Where safety, beauty and quality go hand In hand. author of Raismg Good Children and Educatmg for Character 1875 S. Woodward • BirmIngham • (810) 644-0525

SERVING YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY Grosse Pointe Family Medicine

Dr David A Scott and the staff at Grosse POinte FamIly MedICine are pleosed to announce our new location m Grosse POinte Woods Our goal IS to contmue to proVide a family practIce that gets 10 know your family well offenng sound advice through a lifelong relationship Grosse POinte Family medlCme offers your family personalized, cost effective care - dimenSions all too often lost m a c1mlC environment If you don t need an appointMent now bUI would like to become established as one of our pallents yOlJ may call to register your name and Vital mformatlon In antlclpahon of the trme you Will need comfortable profeSSional family heolth care RAISING CHILDREN Highlights of Grosse Pointe Family Medicine • Primary Care Center OF GOOD CHARACTER: • IndiVidualized, Convenient Care • Servmg The Entire famrly from Children 10 What Parents and Elementary Schools Can Do the Elderly • Wrll Work With Your Heolth Plan Tuesday, April 22, 1997 • Evening and Saturday Mornmg Office Hours Available 7:30 p.m. • Staff Pnvileges at Bon Secours Hospital Academy Auditorium Grosse Pointe Family Medicine 171 Lake Shore Road. Grosse POinte Farms 19787 Mock Avenue 313-886-1221 Grosse POInte Woods, MI 48236 (313) 882-8009 Free Admission The "',lIlam Charles McMillan If! Lecture 'Iene' I< a Riftfrom Thmer and GlOconda McMillan In Office Houn Monday and F"day 9 a m 10 5 p m memory of Wilham and In the 'n/ere,t of emphasl:mR the 'mportance of elemen/ary educatIOn Tu<,my and Tf.urldoy I 1 a m 10 A pm Saturday "".orn n9 9 a m 10noon

SPPP?? COltPO.,," oma., FlOod" 10m ~I('l" "oq now M ..tAllO, 1'''119 914 SEQlJENCE IROOI OoH j4'~ In. I' 7)19/74/1 :on .. INION rmn dmQl@oHom df"m ••• IOMAL O .. 1C1t 9,/)!?ohhn ''1lIlf' 25') ( fH'rl 1('l\lf"n M ~9Al! I~"I R l~ Rn~ In. 1~1~1 RA1 0741 ~_.-.l ~ '1A... ~ April 17, 1997 18A News Grosse Pointe News Senator Dan Coats to speak at May 2 Mayors' Prayer Breakfast Sen Dan Coat, of Indldna the duthor of ' r~e Project for focuses on famIlies, grass-roots pleased and pnvlIeged to have IIldlvldual and commumty Shores, Frank Palazzolo, will be the gue&tspeaker at the AmerlLdll Renp\\ d)," d major commumty orgalllzatlOns and the honor of servmg as host for hves The Mayor's Prayer Harper Woods, Palmer T 11th annual Ma~or:,' Prayer pnvate and rehglous chanties the 11th annual Mayors' Breakfast 15 a commumty-Wlde Heenan, Grosse Pomte Park, Breakfast, Fndd}, May 2, at Coats ISa member of three of Prayer Breakfast As all of us event wluch achleves that very Robert E. NOVltke, Grosse 7 45 a m In the mam bdllroom the Senates' most mfluenbal are all too aware, It 15 clear purpose" POinte Woods, and Susan of the Gro&&e POinte Yacht committees' the Armed that we are hVlng m a tlme of Wheeler, City of Grosse Pomte Club Services Committee, the mcreasmgly complex Issues It The mayors of the five Tlckets for the breakfast are The breahfdst, which annu- Intelhgence Committee, and IS preCisely because of the Grosse Pomtes and the City of $15 and are aVallable at any of ally attrdcts 0\ er 500 people, the Labor and Human many ISSUesand challenges we Harper Woods, who make up the Grosse Pomte or Harper celebrates the NatIOnal Dav of Resourcec; Committee all face on a dallv baSIS that the plannmg COTnmlttE'E', Woods mUniCipal offiCE'!' For Praver as proclaimed by the Through hiS committee there 15 a need to pause and mclude. John Danaher, Grosse more mformatlon, contact president It also recognizes responslblhtles, Coats has reflect on the role that prayer Pomte Farms, John Susan Grah8ln at (313) 396- the role that prayer has played earned a strong reputatIOn as a plays In both the quahty of our Huetteman III, Grosse Pomte 4200 or Joseph Gualtieri at III the hves of mdlvldual leader In shaping Amenca's American" a, well as the defense, healthcare and educa- Richner proposes credit check rules natIOn as a whole tion pohcles. In additIOn to ThiS yedr's breakfast Will be these roles, Coats also has By JIm StIckford With laws that reqwre the per- ~rtant to have a law hosted by Frdnk Palazzolo, leadership responslblhtles m Staff Writer son or company who 15 asking Wte thlS,"Wclmer 88ld ....here mayor of Harper Woods hiS role as the Senates' Grosse Pomte's state repre- for the credtt check to mform have been problems 10 the Long con,ldered a champIOn Repubhcan Mid-West Regional sentatlve, Republ1can Andrew the person they are checIung credit card mdustry where of the family, Coats was elected Whlp Richner, has proposed a bill out that an mquny has been unscrupulous mWVlduals who to a SIX}ear term In the US In commentlllg on the that would reqUIre compBllles made, Richner 88ld But, he have used other people's Soc1al Senate In November 1992 Sen. Dan Coats Mayors' Prayer Breakfast, that make credit checks to added, the chances that the Secunty numbers to get credtt Coats has received natIOnal Palazollo sald "On behalf of mform people whenever some- person or company won't com- cards and to then use these attentlOn and recogllltlOn as social pohcy initiative that the city of Harper Woods, I 8ln one runs a credit check on ply With that law IS great and cards to commlt fraud." them enforcmg the law can be dtffi- With Ius bill the mnocent "BaSically there are three cult party would have to be notified A guide to ins and outs of e-mail etiquette m8Jor credtt reporting compa. when the credit card company mes," sald Richner "So when a Richner beheves It woul.d be checked theIr crewt before Goodbve, vOIce-mail Hello, Saul also says that m cases - Send a message while company Wte TRW nms a cred- easier to momtor three compa- ISSUIng a card, Richner said. e-mall The ease and speed of where a mlsunderstandmg angry, a message can be post- It check on you for someone or mes who make the check than The mnocent party would then electromc mall IS CBUSlllgeven proves hard to "clear up," call- poned and sent later some company, by my tlunlung the many compames who know that something was up the most computer Ilhterate to mg the other party on the - Type m all capital letters, It's easier for one of these three request the checks He wants and could contact the appropn- type IIlstead of dial But as phone IS the best solutIOn It may be seen as hostile or compBllles to Inform you that people to automatically be ate authonbes. users qUicklydiscover, thiS sys- Another ISsue IS pnvacy The Similar to shouting someone's run a check on you mformed when their crewt tem can pose problems for written word IS permanent, - Send cham letters than for one of the too numer. backgrounds are being checked R1chner's proposal, House those unaware of Its ullIque and although a message IS Use e-mal! to del1ver work- ous to count compBllles or md1- out. Right now a person has to Bill 4538, has been sent to the rules of style and etiquette mtended for pnvate attention related cntlc15m, call, or meet Vlduals that can check your ask m wntmg whether or not state House's co=erce com- ..E-mail IS fast and easy," by one person, Wlth the push of face-to-face, mstead crewt." thelT credtt histones have been mlttee of whlch he is a mem- says Joseph Saul, a researcher a button an electromc message There are over a dozen states mvestlgated ber. m the Umverslty of Mlclugan's can be forwarded to hundreds Informatlon Technology of people If m fact the mes- DIVISIOn(ITD), "but It has Its sage 15 for the receiver's eyes IUllltations that all users need only, thiS mtention should be to understand" specified Wlthln the message. Sendmg e-mall, unhke plck- Here are some dos and IIlg up the phone to call some- don'ts, accordtng to Saul one, IS an entirely non-verbal E-mail dos: expenence, and can lead to - Be as clear as poSSible commUnIcatIOn problems Saul about the meanmg of your says It reqwres extra thought message, use speCifics and m adwtIOn to some defilllte aVOIdambiguous wordmg "dos" and "don'ts " - ReVlew messages before One baSICIssue IS that Wlth sendmg them out. e-mal!, faCial expreSSIOns, eye - Be as pohte as poSSible contact and tone of vOice are - Give correspondents the lost, therefore, misinterpreta- benefit of the doubt - If tions are hlghly probable 'Ib recelvmg seemingly harsh - aVOidthls problem, Saul noted, messages or cham mall, first the receiver should seek clanfi- assume the cause 15 unfarml- \30 Day catIOn of any confuslllg ele- larlty WIth e-mal! ments of the message by e- E-mail don'ts: ma1llllg and the sender should - Reply to "all reCIpients" be as clear as poSSible when unless they all need to see It. creatmg the message Trial


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e 0 & Q Apnl 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 19A Woods signs on for Lakefront Park cleanup on May 18 By Jim Stlckford IS very careful to make sure Samta1l0n Int Will donatl.' th. ta~e dlong otlll'r parts of B,lbcock bald what he woul" dnthor~ are stili at the bottom Staft Wnter thdt no btate or federal funds some equipment to ~tore and the 5t ClaIr .shore~ bhorelme 11kI.'dredged up trom the lake of the lake" Calling It a good Idea that are u~ed to mamtam the park haul away tra~h picked up by labt yt<1r crt) wIper • Solar tint glass • Fleclromc AMIFM stereo cassette • From cornenng lamps • SIde window He pomted out that the Woods (313) 6~ 6100 defoggers • ChIldproof lOCh on shdmg door GS Preferred Equipment Package 692A: • Power wmdowsllocks • Dual power mirrors • 7-passenger seating. Luggage ralk • 8-way power dnver's seat. or \RBORN How a NOAA Krug Alummum wheeu. • Remote keyless enlry • 4 laptam's chaLrs• Rear seat heat/au-condIl1omng controls 21531 MIchIgan A" Bet" Len Southfoeld and Telegraph (13) 2H RllOO warning is 24 110mh 24IXXJ.MIk Rtd Uuptt Lust Fm1 ,\f'"l/h s PaY"ItIIt' '119 disseminated DI TR~)II or~,OOO~~ D.",. P'y"''''1 Bob l\Ilaxcy INn'" [,as, Cash Rebate) __ '1,«0 Your local NatIOnal Weather On A Purchase Or 16901 \Iack AH al Cadlem Rifund.bl' S"unl} DtpoJlt __ '100 Service (NWS) office uses (13)885 ~OOO RED CARPET LEASE Cub Du, al S'gnlng' __ '1019 avatlable data sources such as Per Month, 24-Month l£asc Doppler radar, satelhte D[IROP Imagery, surface reports, and Park 1\-1otor spotter reports to mOllltor haz- 18100 \\oodward \\C ardous weathE'r threats 0pposlle P.lImn Park '500 VIllager----J o 13) 869 5000 orr-I (',:,~I~cnllvc' If the threat of a tornado, severe thunderstorm, or flash h\RMJN(, TON flood IS suffiCiently high, then a Bob Dn~seau warnmg IS Issued 31625 Grand RI\c, \ve I BI

cast hve on the NOAA Weather (,ARDI N eIT' RadIO (NWR) If the warning IS Stu Evans Within the "offiCial" NWR 32000 Ford Rd broadcast range (about 40 Ju'\t \\ l ~t ~lf\ll fTLman miles), a 1050 hertz alarm tone (13) 425 HoO precedes the warning ThIS tone automatically actIvate~ J',OVI NWR receivers equIpped WIth Varsity the tone alert feature The 49251 Grand Rl\er alarm tone lasts about nme I 96 I Block 5 of \\ Ixom hI! (810) ,05 5300 seconds, and allows people to dea<:tlvate their alarm and hs- PI 'MOUTII k ten to the warning broadcast Hines Par The NWR IS also able to inte- 40601 "nn Mhor Rd at I 275 1-800-550 M~RC grate mto the new Emergency 97 \ ilh~lr ( -, \\J1h r 11 t I,l~A \1l..,ti:l )2~ 14) l \l..luJIn~ IJ\ hilt md IlllnX h'1. lll"t rl\n1Lnh bl ...... -d on l\t r.l~l lapltall7t."t.'l CO..ll)1 QO01r' of \1'iRP for Villager for 24-monlb Alert System (EAS), usmg the lk)')(.'t.f:....nd ford (nod]! Red ( lrpt t [l' ...... purdn'-,('(j In Ihl l"Klml! Rl'1;Hll1Ihfl\u~h 2 1~ ll'" c;,)ml p.!",mlnt, hl~hlr ....lmt. lO~\lT Gee dt.Jltr for p.1\m~nt/terms lessee- may have option 10hu) uhld ... 11 It 1'>l l.nJ 11pnll nl'r;tllllll'd \\ Ith J'l1lu It ...tgnmg [( ...... '1.. n""'f\)nSlhlt hlr t \I..t":>.... ~\tJr/ttar 1nJ rnlltagt OHT""~ 1)-.111S h/mLle (redll approvalltrt,surabdll) R.Q.CI1I:S [loR HILLS SpeCific Area Message Encoder dl"lt>m1lnl'lJ b\ Fnrd (f'l,hl \dU 11"t.....unt .. I..hpo..,11i\lll \ u..dqxnl~mg on Int'" lnJ lllhlT tl~ hx ~pecnll(a'>( ttrms and S:2tJlO il hl La ..h Rt.Nt{' take new retaIl deJl\eT'V from (SAME) The EAS IS activated Lnssman dl11lT <;tud, b" 717/,-17 T 1111 1m unl t I nlt nlhh en n l nh I'> StJ f,% ~'l dt. 11t.r tor l,.umpldt dellll .. For ~2 ().X) l hh boll.}.,t'n 1 PUTlhJ"ol or Red (arpet Lea.~ of a 1997 Villager take for hfe threatenmg weather 1185 South Rochesler Rd nt.\\ n 1111dlll\.U\ tmm dl lit r ...Ilt.k /:1\ -,'J/ ~,ntl\ llh~l r OJf Ill ....t. lmtntJ\l I'" 1\ 1thblt for \ Ill~lr (u<;;lllmt.r." rdurPlnl.., trom all ~e" RCL Used RCL BanK and Bel"ccn lIamhn and A\on Rd [ndept.ndlnllll"rl"'" \\oh'llhOt)"o,l,. 11 I.urlh 1 tlr Rt.\1 (.ll"p\llll .... 1 nl" l~ tIN....ml)(it.1 \ 1ll.l~lr 1%/l~, ml)(it.1 """hll or 1't4- moat! \tountalneer A customer'S VlIldger Ietie events m speCific areas, and (810) 6524200 ttrmm1h.."d lJrh "\.I1I q..lllll\ It 1t ,<,. It rnlll 1h.....1 \\ ,thm Ii'll proj.?;rlm dllt. .... lU.,,' lmt n, \\ h, ha\t. pTt \ Itlu ...h tlTJnlnlted thelT \ llhgtr ka'iol trom 113/97 and ~/2/97 are also e11gJbIe If mcorporate~ all radIO, TV and Ihlv purchhl. or Rl'lJ CU(.l\ t Il l"'t. 1 ll.Nh l'-N-nwJd \ i1l.1hl r 1% 1qt.,l'"moJLl '\lblt. Dr 1'N- moJl:'! ~loLlntHnC't.r \\lthm tht- rnl>~nm pt.noJ 5t'-e\our dl'alerfordet.nls .E.c1udes 11\("'-. lnd 1.1HlI..r tt'\><:, \1\\ 1\ '- \H lr \ I IT ...lIth bt.H md .".."tUfl l htlJrtn III thl Tl U"t 1t cable statIOns The weather threat IS qUIckly dlssemmated on the~e commercial TV and ~~~~ld 29000 "rallot Standard Features: • Dual air bag~ • 5 O-hler V-S engme • ~equentlal multt-pon electromc fuel radIO statIOns, reachmg a Wide AI 12 \1,k Road tint audience In the affected areas (810) H5 0000 mJectlon • TIlt steenng wheel • CFC-fTee aIr condllloner • Solar glass • lOO,OQO-mtletune-up mterval" • Illummated entry system • 4-wheel dl.,c antI-lock brake~ Preferred E(llUpment Package A~ the warnmg I~ bemg dls- 655A • Anll-Lheft al.um • Runnmg boards • 6-way po\\er sport bucket seats. Remote keyless entry semmated on the NWR and ~\."I OAK d EAS, the "hardcopy" of the LJlamOn 221 N Mdlll 5t at II MIle Road warnmg IS bemg generated (810) 541 8830 usmg computer software • All-wheel dnve 14 \i 'O,h ~HOO-Mtk Rtd C4rpd r- Fr'si If,.,., p.YfIlnlt' __ _ _ '149 Menu-dnven software allows )i.ll1 I IfIIH D 1 the meteorolOgiSts to qUickly • Standard V-8 'Dom>!PII)'IJU'll/ ----'2,350 ~tar RefIlJUiaNt S""nIJ Dtposzl 'J50 select the type of warning H 35\1\\ 12 MIle Rd al Trlegraph • Runmng boards (Ash D., al \'S'''.g' 'J,049 needed, the vahd tlme of the (810) 354 Hoo I warnmg, and the countIes that Per Monlh. 24-Monlh I ca,;!.' must be warned InformatIOn "1.H ITII(,,\ IF ~uch as affeetE-d area~ or com- Stn I ..an~ mUllltles, tlmmg of ~evere 16R,1(l fort 'ilrrrt 11 Prnn'iyhama weather and a safE'ty me~sage (J 131 285 HSO\l are mcluded III thl~ warnmg "J1 RI ['l(, [II [(,In., Once thiS hardcopy warnmg Lrc~t IS generated, It IS broadcast on '0200 hn [)y~~ al 15 1/2 I\hl< Rd th" NWR, proVldmg additIOnal 111111) lj3lj 00\'1\1 warnmg detail to NWR hsten- er<; The warnmg I~ al~o sent, IRO\ VIa satelhte uphnk, to a WIde Bob Bnp ..t vanety of customer~ mcludmg I lj)O\l vlCwmg cu~tomer~

Emergency mllnagE'r~ then , ['''II A,'lll pnact theIr local ~evere weath ~C"'I er p\an~, ~uch as actIVatmg lj')O 1.<1 \loch,gan local dl~semmatlOn ~ystems, Q \lIle' \\ eSi of I 2]') (1I11 ~82 71B PO~ltlOlIlng ~torm ~pottcr report., or actlVatmg outdoor Imagine Yourself In a Mercury. ~Iren~ a~ neE'nd"d FollClw lip mfClrmatlOn on the ~LI:\()l~ ~torm pO~ltlOn and ~pottcr -' r"port~ l~ prClv,dNl m follow up Mierolrv'~ severe WE-ather ~tatemenl~ and broadca~t on thf' NWR a~ It \/1\11 /1\ 01/ lite I",erl/ela' 1t11/' 11111-1 1-1 III/{ ol"f1u'l( III \ ( ofllidc/un, bf'('ome~ avaJ1ahle

...... _&e ...... ~ J ~b ••••••• M.'...... -- __ -..-. _u". .... -...... C_I'OIAn OffICI•• , ~")4 <) Hnm lion 'oq cow M ~860' 'If. I'I/J 19/(j91~ SEQUENCE IAOOI 96q 1~'6 10.("11 J911~71 pmn.r cimC'J f)ir ,~r('m l .. tONAL0"100 9)1> Rohh ns. 'll ,If" )'52 r ond Hf1VPI" MI .49411 I' 61 A.6 e/?6 10, /6161 8~/61~7 April 17, 1997 20A Grosse Pointe News

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R & C BAKER, Niles, MI CARA Antiques, Langhorne PA 18th & 19th century Amer Fum & accessones Incl George Jones English Malollca "Prcket Fence' 18th c WEATHERCOK copper wit races 01 ong Large Cheeseoell e 1870 s gilding found In New Hampshire c lnO The Slone Merchant r Mason Premier Blue Wing Teal STONE MERCHANT ERNIE GRAF LEV URETSKY RUSSIAN all anginal Saratoga Springs, NV CONNEcnONS, NYC, NY Museum & collector STONEWARE Incl J&E 17TH & 19TH c RUSSIAN ANTIQUES Incl NORTON CROCK w/pr birds clSSD-1859 ICONS SILVER LAMPS CENSORS CARVINGS

BRUSHER ANN ARBOR ANTIQUES MARKFTopen, 2~lh ,eJ"m ""lh an en lire "oe,end of anlLque, to Ann Arbor Michigan Apnl I~ &. 20 ",tI1 the ,Ironge't ro'ler of dealer' ,ho" hour- 8 am 4 pm dOily \h hJ\c Jdded frc,h & excHlng ne" dealer' mel ALT FARMS A1Io1lQUES GRAj\D ISL-\"ID N) p.lIl 01 J "ond,rtul collewon much fre'h from 15 year< to 'torage tOci OILS FRACTUR TO) S WHl\ISYS AI, R) l 0 L/\DFN Ml 'Il 'cale model of the Queen Mary SHARON BAKER HAMILTON OH count!) ruRN & ACCESS lot, of PAINT B >l.L~AM A WIQUFS TRADING CO the KIMMEL S BALSAM NC 18lh & 19th cAmet count!) FUR'IIITURF & ACCESS COL>.,'TRY G!:NTI.EMAN AA MI ,0lleCIJon mer 25 blue & whlte home,pun, BLANKETS rope TRU/I,DLF BED mLd 19th C IOl' of 'malI- mo,t In ong p'lnl PA\TTR) BOXES STooL~ PEG RACKS GAME BOARD~ LA POMA & LA POMA FRANKLI"I NC AMER FURN prior 1~60 &. VICTORIAN JEWELR) ALICE MARSH pan 01 hfe I,me ROBERT BURGER & MT VERNON, OH ,ollect'on lOci IMh &. 19lh, FURNInIRF BFNNINGTO>., BASKLT~ FOI K ART TOYS STONEWARE TEXTILES GARY &. SPORTING & PAINTINGS JUD) PRO\IEY An\ATl:R OIi quallt) ,ount" & 10rmJI HIRNITLR~ &. J"m EARL WENCER WALLED LAKE MI eMly E >I.\1ER &. E>.,G GLASS POTIFRY rre 19,2 PICARD &. 'UITI\G Print, LEV URETSKY RUSSIAN CONNECTIONS INC , 'II) C N) RUSSIAN A>"TIQl'E~ 17th 19lh, In" ICO/l,S SII VER I AMPS CENSORS CARVINGS Welcome back AIROLA & ,,1 RITCHIF SALINE MillO' ,eleumn ENGliSH P01TfR) mmll) oem ,ho"n over 50 JX' \1AJOLICA 6S p'" \\ EDGEWOOD J, '0 p.., MOORCROFT aho Cl ARllE CliFf- AMER h\GL E A>.,TlQU!:~ HARRISON TOWNSHIP MI PAINTI"IGS JOel Glrl ~ holdmg dog c 1840 oil on ,an'a, ong frame un"gned F1RE~CR!:EN ro,e"ood REGENCY c 1810 WASHSTAND ENG ilj fiEPPI EWHITE c 17XO 1790 'mall LOuiS \IV CMII D CHAIR, 1890 R & L BAKER "IlLES MI fine 18th & 19th c AMER If' RJRNITI. RE &. ACCE~S lOLl ",ondenul I Rth , \\ LA1 H~RLOCK ,oppu "ltrJ'", of ong g,ldtng found In NH c 1770 BOLLA ALICE MARSH ~ GAll I-RY MI'lN MN &. SP~'IICER \HI~7 GALL fRY CHICAGO II line ",Iectlon hundred, ,mlage FRI-NCH POSTI:RS Small sample of LIFETIME COLLECTION -I 1.1 BUI L In A CHINA SHOP ROBI RTA 1 AlJFl:R BAL TlMORE MD PORCEI AIN CRYSTAl SILVER WEDGEWooD CFCll & 18th & 19th c FURNITURE & ACCESS ~j ", lots BENNINGTON BASKETS FOlK ART U",D>I. BURROUS BA>"C,OR MI unu,ua} TRA \IP ART lAR <\ANTlQUfS LA/I,GHORNE PA collector lO mu'eum ENGLISH 01 STONEWARE TEXTilES ,,4 P01T!:R) \IAJOL ICA C,Ol DA \IOORCROFT QlIMPER CI ARICE CL IFF CENTURY HOUSE R KELLY ALFRIoD NY '~ TO) S TR.\ \~H R CHI\A ADV ,,'eral deak" ,n CHI\17\\ARf lOci VICKI DA\ IS 'II TONAWANDA NY KATHY PAGAN ROCK) RI\i fR OH \IO,,"1l \ TAvE ....DFR \ORWALt-. F\GL AND HAROl D COLE &. AUTUM"I POND WOODBURY cr Crtat NE R RNI rURE &. <\l(!:~~ In,} Q.\ HIGHBO) BA"I/I,I~TER BACK (HAIR mee ",Iectlon DELFT LYLE DRIER \\ <\UIU'~HA WI ~E" I"'G IlF\1~ In" u II <() F1GL RAI lEL LLI OlD,&, BRASS TAPE MFASURFS Sf WING BIRDS ~TERU'G THI\1BlES JA \FT F\ ....TO ClJlIRCH CRFFt-. \10 I~lh &. I'Jlh , 'mall' CERAMICS BOOKS PAl'ITiNGS FI 0 BLl E ~HOPPE BERKa) \II &. RON /... KI"IDRA GULO '11D1 >I./I,D \11 hundred' PC' FLO BLill and panem matchlng PH)! I~ FO~TER RO\1E /1,) FlJRNITlRE p<.rlod to v"H>nan CARPET~ BRUCE &. LAURIF HA,,"'E~ GIB50NVII LE NC hundred, CHOCOL All- & ICI- (RE.\\1 MOLIJ~ HI RITA(,! H >l.RVEST the FfD()R~ IINDFN MI SHAKFR BENCH 8 ft early \lULF CHFST PI~ ~AFr ,,/I, 1m'" linUI KF>.,TlCI\ Y ," Ln~kg tahk p\ HE RITAGF HOIJ~F ARCHllFCTLRAL A,NTIQUES \OR\\AI K OH antl4u, IRO", r~v I\C, G>l.n~ PO~T~ \.1100\.1 '> \\i\LKS LATCHAM HOU~F A1IoTlQLJES Amencan Eagle Antiques, \.IATE-RVILLEOH ,url> mapk R Jra"" ,hN OHIO, I~(>' FI 0\, Bill- TR-\"SrrRWAR~ MAJOLICA ART POTTERY Harrison Township, MI FARI Y LIGHTING LOOG! &. WORTI'C, (,C)()I)'> RORFRT RI RGfR \1T VER"'ON OH BOU\,K~MP BR(XlKSTON I" Henlage House Archlleclual Antiques love'Y l"", G n HOld '9 He Be 0 • [)oq CIr", 194() G(X)I) FR1~"DS Hl \\f/O\.lICL (,R.\'\D R.\PID,> \11 (HRI~ II.. ROil R(X,ERS DANSviLLE MI ROGFR SMART (PaUl Davenport), Norwalk OH cIOf1Cd'l",asong a id'T1e LJr"lQ!1ed SpecialiZing In antique Iron lenclng gates RegerlC)' Ro.s.e,rrr,::oj ~ fS ~n c ca 1830 l"'I<.~Tl-R \11 ~All) ~l1\RTO\TC\\A,D.\ nnOH\RtGO\I RX) vIII.\GE OH THRFFFRIF'IIDS >l.KRO"l OH posts y, dows walk ele WO'1derfJ Pe P 'v & Mouse EOO1 sh ~pe~r1e W,,<;, ~ ",::.; t "U1O cab-net c 1..3 M>l.PIFHLRH P\RI\ A\TlQLr~ R()(H!~TIR \) \lnl,ce ClOTHI>.,(, LI\"E\~ TI-\TlLl:S &. a,ee" Tl-RRY 17BO-- 790 Matrog<'ll'w q '-' :1 5rxkwe An ~IJ€'S \l\\\HORTIR 7\\1-~\IILI- OH FOI'\T\I .... PI-"'~ (In. II'\I<.~ ITA I lA' C,I \S~ JE\\EIR) J\CK \1(HlJGH Sma La s~ .r1ClOO l-\'>lHA\1 \I.\Llrl\ \\II-R(,I-\S~ HI-'\\I\C,ro\ \1\RC,\RIT,fPHI\lIR\lh, \lfRlD-\,>HRMI'IGTOl'. K) P\PfR PRI\T~ P\I'ITI"C,~ ~>l.RA,HOKLI\\!A\l\ \\J\PA ....r'>l \\ril)II'> Jm(1 PORCFlLl AKROllj OH AMfRFOLK-\RT "ffiA VP \RT In In,l HOOI\I-D RL C, lliRl1 inTi I PIC,S , IYV) ~I \D\ 1T\ \IA ...., 19~(\ 60 [o"u'Jnd, PRI\TS &. "lAPS Jl Dim RI RC, (HI(,\(,O II RR \ ....( 11\\ \TI R ROOt-., &. f PH 1-\11 R,\ RR \ '\( H MI C,~ORGIA'I HO[l~f B >l.TO'l ROUGE 1\ (,RI) HfRO'\ <\TI "T\ (,.\ \1\RC,\RITlff ORTO\l,lIlf \11 RI,)DRIDDlll DAlIA~ Th ...... 'lCYRAJAIA 1-11\ 1 \11 IRO\'> TO\I- rre 14m ~nRI "G sa \ f R (1111 DRI ,'> ROOK~ '\A1L RAI \I IC I-.FR H Rl'. e I ~90 ,HAIl\H\\(, \111\\\11\11 1\1 &. TRC)\ \11 8.. \1\RI\\ICC)lfl\ 1\( \RPlnlo,1 TRm"l R\I\GI\RI QtJA~HQlIl BIIAR \11 " ~II \i I RRI 1,(, II- XI">GTO\ K) (L I-T 1"1\'> men, &. IJIi e' JI \.I fiR) SO( H(l( KI WICKI R (,1JlT\1 ..... PR" T~ 'm ,II ",II"t on PI-\\ Tl R TI- \POT'> Il\\ JJ) WI- \R OK! \1m \11 \RT (;1 A" md I~ 'Igned ACORN TlfFA'IY I \\IP H i») 'TlI f \1 \( H HRIX)KI Y ....P\RI, \1\ R R\ In P\I'IoT HeX)"! D RI GS ~TO" \II RCHA', FR'II1F (,RAF ~ \R \TO(, \ WRI\(,,> \) m",um 8.. ,,,Ikd,,r ~T(),n, \RI- In, I J & I 'ORTO'l 1 c,l CRCX K "Ipalf of olrd, c IR'iO IR'i9 Harold Cole & Aulumn Poncl, Woodbury CT DI ( I<.III ( OY \1 \ '>()\ PRI \IIFR RIlIl V, 1\(, ll- \1 ,\II ORIGI\,\l \1 \XlDY ~"ffi \l R PA....U \ H Ime Fl R~ PFRIOD Fine NEW ENGLAND ~URNITUHE & ACCESS 10 HI( "OR) fin \RT" h mrha',' , n ,\\ ,\. \ \Tl\ I- \\II-RIC \ 'II, TlH OH \R l ~" VA ....DrR \ H R TOI fDO OH Amencan fumrture & Accessor>es pro r to 1860 I-Rf\( If PORe II \1\'> ,pd Pr I~rh , 1 \(,II~H 1 Rl IT (0011 R~ SlI, I R JI II I I R) TO"I V\Rl,O CO~HOCTO"" OH VlClona n Jewelry ncat AR( HIITCTI R \1 \.( \RIlI' 1) ,,\ .~\II([! \11 \\ORDf "> Al RR OAt-. \11 11 R.... m PAl\, T ARC HITI CTlIR ~I &. G \RDI "" RI IT) IV, II "I R ~ H IlY W\\f ~ RR1'.T01 \11 n,,,, ,Iled,on ~(HOI- ....HI T pc' TOn C)L1\IPfR In" hard to All of these dealers Ilnd !Jgure, I \RI) I 1(,JIlI\( \h '" dll<' \rrli Iq &. 20 ~dlurd l\ &. ,. odd\ ~ JlJ1 lhru 4 pm t>olh day' l ,e C\lt # 17'i off I 94 lhen \oulh 1. mill" to "'O"i"i \nn Arht r ~allnl ROid I ~hlhIIOT" hl\l .....Hd 111 \.\-lnllr for lhl\ ...h(w" and pcr ...nnally ,guaranlec CHTY ITt.m a.. & more will be rrprc",cnlcd \lllllm." rl~tur("d .... II hl 111ht ..,hlW. & "'11Li1rxmnl.! d 1\ (orne 10 our 't"''''IT' hllld nr , f If nformllinn I x 11ml lh 11"f't. 111 dl III r or I1lnh l ( "(If LU"tl m m1dr tnod ...on 'Ite OcII\cl) uld at our Saturday & pal".)ung \('r\-llC 1\ Iliit'lh (}r "Ill \T\1 ma(h nl f 11lIrt.. "h '"" \11\ l~ 'linda\' f'I 1m 4 pm June 1<; 'linda" 6 ~m 4 pm Juh 20 ,undal (> am 4 pm \"~u'l 17 '>un,!'\ h 1m ~ 1''' '>llL1rda) &. ~und l\ ',m 4 pm Ocloher 19 ~unda, (> am 4 Sunday market! pm \oHmhcr 2 ~\Inda" ham 4 pm for tll 1hu Intllrm Hlon l11J q ~ M2 94~~


... 1 t o •• & ~ Apnl 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 21A Frank Arthur Schenburn, a daughter, Muriel from Pennsylvama State Memorial contrIbutIOns may Waldeck l'oneral!, a son, Charles UniversIty In 1956 With a be made to Grosse POinte A funeral sel"Vlcewas held In Stevens Jr, a step-daughter, degree In agriculture He was Umted Church, 240 Chalfonte, Christ the Kmg Lutheran Helen Pesamoska, 11 grand- owner and manager of PDN Grosse Pomte Farms, Mlch, children, and 12 great-grand. Church In Gro~se POinte CommunicatIOns, retirIng In 48236 Woods on 'fuesday, April 15, for children January 1997 Woods resident Frank Arthur Interment ISat Mount Ohvet Mr NieSS was Involved In Carl G. Anderson Waldeck, who wed In Alpena Cemetery m DetrOIt Funeral Rotary InternatIOnal for 30 A memOrIal sel"Vlcewas held General Hospital In Alpena on arrangements were handled by years, Includmg servIng as on Sunday, March 30, In St Friday, April 11, 1997 the Chas Verheyden Funeral preSident of the Warren South Pdul's Evangehcal Lutheran Home m Grosse Pomte Park Mr Waldeck, 85, was born In Rotary at the time of hl~ death Church In Grosse Pomte D"trJ.t :md gr"Jt.. ...l"J Iwm John Skupien Jr, l-Jn ,\?q,;;: -kn c:n~ lng :1'" 'in::l .....2C F'lrTno f"T F'lrmo "ps'dp'1t Carl chair for the Rotary G Anderson, who died m St Eastern High School He A funeral Mass was celebrat- worked for McNaughton- FoundatIOn of Macomb County Anne's NurSIng home on ed In St Lucy Cathohc Church He was also dedIcated to Thursday, March 27, 1997 McKay Electromcs Comp for In St Clair Shores on Monday, ~ervmg hiS church, Includmg Mr Anderson, 84, was born 60 years, retiring In 1989 He Apnl 14, for former Grosse served In the US NdVYduring teachIng Sunday School, serv- In Stockholm, Sweden He POinte Shores reSident John mg as a deacon, a trustee and enJoyed boating and bowhng World War II a" well a<;kmttmg Skuplen Jr, who dIed of cancer An active member of the Mrs Marrs IS survived by chamng the search committee Mr Anderson IS St1rVlvedby In hIS home m St Clmr Shores for a new pastor m 1994 He hiS WIfe, Lllhan, a daughter, commuruty, Mr Waldeck char- four daughters, Judith Clarke, on Thursday, April 10, 1997 tered the Grosse Pomte Woods Karen Parthum, LInda QUick also enjoyed WIld game hunt- Carol L Wagner, three sons, Mr Skuplen, 57, was born m mg and playmg golf Carl J ,John Wand Robert E , Little League In the early and Mary Ann Semelsberger, Medllodge of SterlIng Height,; ChIcago, and graduated from four grandchildren, and three 1950s He also enJoyed golf and two sons, Michael and the Umverslty of Notre Dame on Wednesday, Apnl 9, 1997 Timothy, 33 grandchIldren, Mr NIess IS survived by hiS great-grandchildren bowlmg m 1961 Mrs PaIge, BO,was born In WIfe,PatrICld, hiS mother, Ella Funeral arrangements were Mr Waldeck I~ SUl"Vlvedby and 27 great-grandchIldren He was a veteran of the U S DetrOit and was a hfetlme Niess, two daughters, Diane handled by the Chas Ins daughter, Judy Gebauer, She was predeceased by her Army, earrung the rank of cap- member of the Sacred Heart Lynn Wtlson and Barbara Ann Verheyden Funeral Home In two sons, Robert and Wilham, husband, Myron "Mike" Marrs, tam Mr Skuplen was a special League of Cathohc Women, NIess, and one grandchild Grosse Pomte Park eIght grandchildren, and two and by her son, Walter agent of the FBI, retmng m and was a past alumnae of St Funeral arrangements were Memorial contnbutlOns may great-grandchIldren He was Interment IS at AscenSIOn 1989 He purchased G A Clare School and Nazareth handled by the Chas be made to the Hospice of S E predeceased by hIS WIfe, Cemetery In Lake Forest, Fuchs Co RehglOus Goods m Academy of St Joseph She Verheyden Funeral Home In MichIgan, or to the LeukeIDla Margaret Calif MemOrIal contrIbutIOns Madison Heights In 1982 enjoyed art and was an aVId art Gros~e Pomte Park Society of AmerIca Interment IS at Forest Lawn may be made to the Capuchm Mr Skuplen IS St1rVlved by lover and charity benefactor Cemetery m DetrOit Funeral Monastery, 1740 Mount Elliott, rus WIfe, Rita, two daughters, Mrs PaIge IS SUl"Vlvedby arrangements were handled by DetrOit, Mlch , 48207 Helw and MIchelle, two sons, three sons, LoUIS,Gregory and the A H Peters Funeral Home DaVId and John III, and two Jeffrey, a Sister, Connne Joan "NOBODY'S As PICKY ABOUT m Grosse Pomte Woods Margaret E. Sisters, Janme Kuccra and Dunn, and a brother, Edward Schenbum Rose Mane Sukacz Horsman Clements Genevieve Isabella A funeral sel'VlceWillbe held Interment IS at ResurrectIOn Interment IS at AcaCia Park RUG CLEANING." d Cemetery Funeral arrange- CE>metery In Blrmmgham 'Kee£e Marrs to ay, Apn I 17, at 11 a m m h dl d b h & O I' the Chas Verheyden Funeral ments were an e y t e Funeral arrangements were Oriental A memorIal Mass Wlllbe cel. Home In Grosse Pomte Park A H Peters Funeral Home In handled by the ehas Area Rug Cleaning ebrated In St Clare of for Park reSident Margaret E Grosse Pomte Woods Verheyden Funeral Home In Montefalco Cathollc Church m Schenburn, who dIed In Mercy Memonal contnbutlons may Grosse POinte Park Grosse POinte Park at 10 a m Hospital In DetrOIt on Fnday, be made to the Barbara Ann on Saturday, Apnl 26, for for. Apnl 11, 1997 Karmanos Hospice, In mer Grosse POinte Park resl- Mrs Schenburn, Bl, was Southfield Richard Allen Niess 2for In 1* dent Genevieve Isabella born Machias, Moone, and Amemonal sel'Vlcewas held on cash & carry orders only. O'Keefe Marrs, who died In was a homemaker on Monday, Apnl 14, In Grosse Pay for the largest rug MISSion VIeJO, Cabf, on An active member of the Mary Jane Paige Pomte Umted Church In and we Willclean your Sunday, March 9, 1997 commuruty, she was a volun- A funeral Mass was celebrat- Grosse POinte Farms for second rug FREE Mrs Marrs, 86, was born In teer for the Grosse POinte War ed on Saturday, Apnl12, m 8t Farms reSident RIchard Allen Save 25% on Single Ottawa, Canada, and was a MemOrial and the Grosse Joan of Arc Catholic Church In NIess, who wed In hIS home on rug orders Ask about graduate of 8t Ambrose HIgh Pomte FoundatIOn St Clmr Shores for former City Thursday, AprtllO, 1997 our pick-up & delivery School A homemaker, she Mrs Schenburn IS SUrvived of Grosse Pomte resident Mary Mr Niess, 62, was born m Offer expires 5'17/97 enJoyed pmntmg and drawing, by her husband, Jack 0 Jane Paige, who dIed In Allentown, Pa, and graduated Bndge Industllal Park Visiting Nurse Association offers elderly help in case of accidents Telegraph & E ghl Mile Roads 'Some restllchons apply Visiting Nurse Assollahon Health Watch personal Watch console comes WIth a get to the telephone to commu- offers help at the touch of a emergency response system waterproof personal trarlSmlt- mcate durmg an emergency button offer,; the secure feelmg of ter that allows the subscnber Health Watch costs $30 or $35 Medlc,,1 emergenCIes and never beIng home alone to answer phone calls remotely, per month, dependIng on the a=dents can happen any time, The system IS sponsored WIthout leaVIng a bed or chllil' model, plus a one-time Instal especially to aging parents, the exclUSively by ViSIting Nurse Health Watch operates on a latlon fee phYSicallychallenged and latch ASSOCiatIOn (VNA) Support two.way vOicesystem, makmg Th order, call Donna Coburn key children Sel'Vlces The compact Health It unnecessary for the user to at (810) 967-8747

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INION f"mn I rlrnq I tile ~ (om ., f"S t:fe.)1 R'.'ON.L O"ICII 9?tJ ~ohhm~ ';1' If" '2 S7 (J onrl H(Jvrn MI .49 .. 17 II>I~I R4~ 8n6 10' 16161 AM M47 f"n"IOlIIdmn')~r ....m April 17. 1997 22A Seniors Grosse Pointe News Finding pain-free movement from an arthritic condition Although It ISnot exclu"lvely It affed" the JOInts arterIOsclerosIs If you are disadvantages whICh you wtll an ailment of the eldl'rIy, older In o"teoarthntl", the smooth overweIght, you may be asked want to dISCUSSWIth the sur- P<'Opleare more apt to "uffer cartIlage covermg the Jomt to shed some pounds smce goon before you make a decl- from arthntls than those who becomes rough and worn thm, extra Weight puts extra SlOn are young It I" not entIrely so that the bones rub dIrectly demands on the heart and The real work of Jomt understood why thIS IS the agamst each other causmg lungs durmg surgery, as well replacement starts after the case, but we are told It IS <1""0 pam and mflammatlOn In Prl'me Time as extra stram on theJomt dur- surgeon IS fimshed WIth lup, clated With the breakdown of rheumatoid a.thrltls, the syn mg recovery knee or ankle replacements the Jomts oVla becomes mflamed and You may want to allow two to you WIll begm to walk Wltlun A JvlUl '0 U lIlu'dol" WIlII\.,,<- aLla\.ll."t.anudge four weeks before the operatIOn several days, motion IS tlon between the ends of two or In either case, the Jomt can to donate your own blood, smce re"tored qUIcker after shoul- more bones These ends are become stiff and pamful The By Marian Trainor surgery usually neceSSItates a der, elbow or Wrist replace- covered by a smooth matenal arthntls sufferer then avOIds transfUSIOn ments called cartilage and are con- moving the Jomt to aVOldthe There are two types of Jomt Recovery from replacement nected to each other by fleXIble pam which only exacerbates IS a secondary gam and not m "Jomt pam of suffiCIent Implants, cemented or unce- surgery usually takes about SIX hgaments the conrutlOn by makmg the and of Itself enough of a goal to severity to awaken you at mented weeks The Jomt IS lmed WIth a tls- structure adJommg the Jomt warrant surgery" mght Jomt pam that llmlts Cemented Implants are Durmg tlus penod you must sue called the synovia whIch weaker and movement mcreas- Yates offers these symptoms your walkmg endurance to glued to the natural bone, follow a timetable of exercise, produces a lubrIcatmg sub- mgly weaker to determme whether surgery about a block EVldence ofJomt uncemented Implants are cov- rest and merucatlOn. stance called synovIal flUid When thiS happens, JOint IS'~~~r~~~s that doesn't degeneration on X-rays" But ered With a porous material Your reward for thIS mvest- Muscles and tendons that sur replacement surgery may be he warns that X-ray eVldence unto wluch the natural bone ment of tIme, money and ener- nd round and cross theJOlnt power necessary However, Dr Adolf ::osnPths°ofaftcoernsetrvhraetelvetomans~of arthrItIS IS not by Itself eventually grows and attachs gy Will be pam-free movement Its movement Yates Jr , assIstant professor of enough to mandate surgery He Itself and better fleXIbIlIty which For the human body to have orthopediC surgery at Johns agement Wlth chfferent combl- says that pam should stIll be Each has Its advantages and should make It all worthwhile free and easy moblhty, all these HopkinS Umverlsty, says, "The natIOns of drugs and 1OJec- the motlvatmg factor components must be workmg first and foremost reason _ tlOns" If your conditIon meets any well and mdeed often the only rea- He adVises that patients of these crIteria, you should Experts agree that arthrItiS son _ for Jomt replacement IS should not glVe up Ifthey don't talk to an orthopedIC surgeon breaks down the fine-tumng unremlttmg arthrItIc pam that expenence relIef after the first who wI help you decide If you If your cleaning service between the bone, carttlage doesn't respond to medical antIarthritic drug because need surgery I there are lots of dJfferent ones The surgeon WIll take a has more 0[JJm than ~~ ••• and musc e treatment For such cases, It and It'S often hIt-or-rmss as to det81led merucal lustory and Just how the arthritiS wtll relIeve pam wluch Wlll work on an mdlVld- rnl t th bl process works IS stIll not clear It very well may Improve e ou 0 er POSSI e sources #f.~6'\caU...)\ttention to JBetaiI But researchers do know how motion and fleXlblhty but that ual patIent. of pam, such as burSitIS or Michael R. Horwitz to talk to Grosse Pointe senior men { ¥ Whlte(~o~e~ta~~~;I~~o~~nces oS'~"V\Ct.-~ Carpels. Drapes. Furniture. Floors The Seruor Men's Club of youth aSSIStance and che1illcal Adolescents m Elgrn, lihnOIS, Grosse Pomte wlll meet on dependency programs consultant for the Faml1y All Work Guaranteed b Sears Ta lor Your Nel hOOr& Owner On the Job 'IUesday, April 22, at the In 1991, HOfWltz lnltIated a SerVlce AsSOCIatIOnof Greater Grosse Pomte War MemOrial, Secure ReSIdentIal Program Eigm area; executIve drrector 32 Lakeshore Lunch WIll be Wlth 10 beds wluch has subse- of Fannly SerVlce AssocIatIon served at 1115 a m quently expanded to 64 beds of Dundee Township 10 The featured speaker Will be In 1995, he developed the Dundee, IIlmOIS; school SOCial MIchael R HOfWltz The sub- Institute for Trauma and Loss worker m Dundee and psyclu. c'"~1111110.- ~ 88 Kercheval Ave. Ject of lus talk wtll be 'The m Cluldren atnc SOCIalworker for the U S Chtldren's Home - Purpose HIS staff mcludes 215 full Army Merucal SerVlce Corps m 4\1Ni..1iftDl.'l~ Grosse Pointe Farms and Programs" and part-tIme profeSSIOnaland Denver Mr. HOrwItz IS executIve support personnel HOrwItz For members planmng to see rurector of the ChIldren's also represents Medical and the mUSical "Eml1y" at the 5:30 Home of DetrOIt In Grosse H @ ~4R PsycholOgical Services of Players theater on Jefferson Op.~~~~tP9~~ Pomte Woods It ISthe oldest m RoseVllle Avenue, Curta10 time will be at the state of MIchIgan In prior years HOfWltz was 6 p m on Aprtl 20 Arnval tIme HOfWltzsuccessfully expanded executive director of Larkm IS at 5 p m Bnng food and bev- agency services to Include Center for ChIldren and erage for table seatIng r-~-'~l iQi APRIL 19 thru APRIL 26 ~ A few useful things to know about Social Security { 25% OFF selected items r • Fewer than 12 percent of workmg Amenca IS $38,000 the caregivers In the Umted 0 By 2050, the population 85 ~ Come in early for the best selection in it older Amencans fall below the For older Americans, the mew- States, but husbands are by far and older wtll be 258 percent cook books, knIves, pans and table lap! ( poverty Ime, Without SOCial an mcome IS $18,000 the older caregivers, With 42 larger than m 1980. By 2050, f Secunty that number would be percent age 75 or older 12 percent wtll lIve to 100 ~b; ~ -~

~ IN6 " 'UAr.~ ~ ",~ ONLY AT'.'##'f --~ "'~ 'MS8vfARl(fiT WARREN AVE. I~ I ON THE CAMPUS Fax 882.0220 355 FISHER RD. WE DELIVER 882.5100 OPEN 8 to 5 30 P m DAILY Wed 'III Noon - Closed Sunday ALLEMONS~~'I UPS PICK.UP DAILY SALE PRICES GOOD APRIL 17TH. APRIL 23RD SECRETARY'SWEEK - APRIL 21 throu h APRIL 25TH Choice Our Famous!! Canadian Great-for.the.Grill! This Week, show a $2-250 T BONE $579 BEEF 99 Farm Raised Our Lean year's worth of __ - lB KABOBS $5 fA CHAR FILLETS GROUND ROUND . . -... 99 appreCIatIOn. $2750 PORTERHOUSE $5 lJ. ~ • PATTIE.S~. ProfesslCmal .=-~ ~ Bone.In $ $899 ~,$298 /,';':"~f 99 99 Secretanes ~ SIRLOIN 4 1B ~l'~bKBEsN$4 EA LB. ~ LB ~ Week IS Lean IIlJIfU NATURAL Farm's Original ApnL2I-25 "''''"'"1 , CASINGS I ~IJn rm "l-"l' \0 l~" I \ ... PORK ~ PEAMEAL JoM. BEAN TENDERLOIN OR BACON SALAD $499EA $279 SKINLESS $499 $299 LB HOT DOGS LB. LB. DAS MADE TO ORDER - t"O~ OURGAIlOt" 4 Ben & Jerry's Hefty Danish Canadian Clean Up, ~.... ICE CREAM, FROZEN TRASH BAGS HAVARTI STONED Rake Up, Fix Up, Feed Up , YOGURT & SORBET Outdoor Clean Up Time' CHEESE WHEAT THINS 00 99 79 19 Your Property ~ 2/$4 p,NT JOCM $4 J6CT $3 L8 $2 10&OZ BOX BlRDEII fOOLS, SEEDS, EVERGREENS, -;. IIICBIGAN PEA,. Cape Cod Little Chalet Maxwell Colombian Kellogg's Nutn.Gram FErrlLIZER, WEEDIILLERS SHRUBS. ftEES '" or YOP SOIL POTATO ITALIAN SALAD SUPREME CEREAL BARS CH IPS DRESSING COFFEE ~I",,,h= Sl!!!~-~.~ KettleCoo/..ed ~ $339 49 49 19 rMCUn8pnigi~II~--ALLSftiE--~' ~-=- $1 BAG $2 ,6olBon $3 110lCAN J- 8 BARS I ROSEBUSBES STATUARIES I Jean Claude Boisset California Bartlett X-14 I II OFF I FRENCH STRAWBERRIES PEARS MILDEW STAIN t;. 81.: OOOFF ~__ ~ ~'~';; __2001.. ~~5 ~ 9~ !!_~ MERLOT REMOVER c& · 4S 1he 69 '129 •. 99~ $(,rea1''9 'ihm\fr $5 750 ML Ql LB. 3 160Z SPRAY pascal' Sno- White Florida Romaine Hearts of CELERY MUSHROOMS SWEET CORN LETTUCE 89'.u Ii $119~l ~/99~'/1:9

... f I t r o e 0 a Q Apnl 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Seniors 23A How hospice care helps you live while you're still alive zs In a ThIS the second artzcle because they thmk that m help you need to hve as fully as three part senes on ho~pzce lized enough to SIgn herself out would also love to have more Important, It'S true that they domg so It'S an admISSIon of you can for as long as you pos- By Phyllis Fries of hospice She contmued to time SIX months mstead of the focm, primarlly on treatmg the gIVing up Studies show they SIbly can," she paraphrases Special Wnter hve another four years long average 38 days they normally symptom rather than the dis- may resIst help or stay In and explams "Pam takes so enough to celebrate her daugh- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross saId, get would help them be more ease Therefore, mvaslve and denial, not only because of much of your energy that It ter's college graduatIOn "It's not the end of the physIcal eITectIve and allow patients to exhaustive tests and treat- theIr fear of dymg, but because WIpeS you O.lt If you can get People may also be reluctant body that should worry us take advantage of their full ments such as CAT scans, of the fear of dymg m pam and the pam under control, It low- to call for help because of the '0 range of benefits and servIces MRIs, respIrators and others Rather our concprn m\1~t hp 19'J~}, the fear of b"",,,,,onnng <-r" tb<- "tl<-"" 1",.,1 11llU

AUCTIONfeaturing property belonging to the Estate of Sally Butzel LeWIS Bloomfield Hills the Estate of Howard Johnson LIVOniaa prominent Toledo OhiO collector and numerous other estates and colleclions hrghllghtlng art glass and art pottery Including works by Dale Chlhuly, Pablo PicaSSO and MalIa Grotell Steuben (Includrng "Balloon Rally")and Lallque. antique furniture. including an 18th century Amencan block front bureau an 18th century Continental Inlard secretary two 18th century Continental inlaid three drawer chests and a 11fttop blanket chest an antique American Federal secretarylbookcase an antique three pedestal dining table and an antique Georgian tambour desk Onentalla Including Satsuma Rose Medallion Chinese export Japanese woodblock pnnts and a large selection of Onental carpets. sculpture Including works by Harry Bertola Schlwetz and Trova graphiCS including the Marc Chagall portfoliOof 24 color lithographs entitled "The Story of fhe ExOdus" Man Ray and a collection of Cadmus works clocks ethnographic matenal modern furrllture fncludlng Platner. Mourgue, Saarinen. Jacobsen Wegner, a Stelnway parlor grand srlver paintings Including works by Berthelsen, WaNensperger Richard Wilson, Donati Alan DaVie Vickrey Jack LeVine, Cadmus, Culver Manucci McCormaCk and Oelaunay a very large selection of fine collectibles including a pair of 17th/18th century Venetian carved wood columns and much much more PREVIEW AUCTION Fnday Apnl 18tl] " Noon 10 8 P m Wedne,day, Apnl 23rd - 6 P m Mtrror 8atk French C 1,00 t :po Monday April 2 J ,I - Noon to 8 p m Thur~day. Apnl 24th - 6 P m Tue~day. AprIl 22m! - 10 d m 105 P m rnday. Apnl 25th - 6 P m AD~Ic;.liiIO" (Ioc.ludt'l; !\(Ouo,CIl..,Uldl Gl,mp~e ,nto rh, ',ves ot the "alUrda\. -\pnl II) - Lccrure reowrdetl rour narrated 0, 'u'\.,)n pwpl, of mcdl(\al Furop, (,fJthu / mrrej. and the \lC'du>, dl Sr.lmbrr,L. 'S[')('tIJl lotrf''lipondlnr tm 4rt ojl./i,'t' h\ Pr I 'I (11.1('1( 1\ Jlt N.HlOnal Punll( RJdlM 55 t iulc\ throu,L:h hlld~el 11111m\. rh, hr~t l n \If'. (\ (I (II( lI..,O • r m S2 <.hlldren and litlldcnt<; rrf( on eXrllnltlOn d,v()(,d to rh, art of \\!('(I n(''\(lJ,\I, (~Ith ~('"n('rJl mll\(~lm

C;orhl(: IVor) car\ln,L: Th" rare 1\ L'ct J.lmlc;.c;.lon) \kmhto: rc;. ,))\\.1\, Irt"(' ~atu rd "prd .1'6- , ure exhlblf Ihowca~e, mast( rpl{l{~ -1 rt tlnd ,he (,t/me tlj { rmrll) I m'l" T(n R\ [)Oo::rm It'd \J<"H .. tnr ""roup" [be ( ." 'if I}" [.adl "{}"f,' from th, ,creJte~r mll'ellm, 10 th, of 1') or mort' lit. 1\.lllJhll 10 hI, Pr I 'II 111<.1{uNhm ..lnn <"t.hexlulc .III (,I ~IX" -9\(1 world It Indudl <;rl(arl; ! (' of

the hne,t 'tltl 1\ln,c exampl" ot de' or IOnJ I ,lnd eH r} ,L1\ oh,,, r, d,(or.[ful wLrh <;(en" trom

rom,lO( (\ ,lOd iX'!'lIltr 11t( r,ltlJr< 01

JACK LEVINE (Amencan b 1915) 041and , 8th century Contlnenlallnla,d secretary rhe tlml,a, \lotllt<; rth.l:lOlI' I[om" pastel on pape r "TheArraIgnment" 40" x 25 ;,- 3T x 21- x 70-h r ~ "I..;, " f. j d, 'v 'll' '/''''- ",., ( II r .. f ".. I,. ~/I J. ~ n ~,. '''/ ,. ,J( ~ "It rf, ht ,.('/0.,.. Ii>. \..1 'II I" ... r "" ~ ht /I" \ , \ . .. ,.1.., 'II f'f f J ~ ( .. " / "rJ" -\,. oJ'lJ '''' If"," J" t. ;" II

Now AcctOtm~ conqgnmentl fm ruture \laic, • frcc lI,uCllon Fltlmatcl Monda\ throu~h \lalurday h) Appointment \'(llllll 1\\\tl~t""I'" .. Clt ...II\{ .... ll \\(\ll~I

Per,onal Propel"; \ppra"11, tor All Purpole\ • Pnccd HOUle\laic, Arranged ~ \, ~ I I I ~"f If 1\. Inl ...

...... ~ ("""141ft0"'"', , find <, Horn 1,0 log now MI 48601 III') 'Oi '914 SEQUENCE 1~()()19~~ 1.11/ I,,, 1111I19? L4?1 pmo.r rlmQ t:tru~ (om ."'ONAL 0'''"' q')() Rohh ns ')lll,. ')52 onrl HClVf-n MI 49411 I~ I~I R.1I>R1?~ 10:'- (61('11 A.dl ~lA" prrlOlll dmO)@MWlt1t1fp.{"m Apnl17.1997 24A Business Grosse Pointe News Business Peo~le Grm,,,' POInte Woods resident Hank Ritter recently has Crisis equals opportunity been promoted to Semor Vice President/Chief OperatIng Officer at Albert Kahn AsSociates, Inc (AKA), a leadIng Michigan architectural and engmeerIng firm Along with President and CEO Gordon if you go for the 'limits' lIvliJL':'''-', u. ~....':tH~LUt vi GI.U,,:):::'L rV.iUl"t;: Sbvi ~~, Ritter Will become a member of AKA's new By Joseph Mengden mcreased In spIte of last "executive leadership team," formed to move Last week was pretty bloodyl week's 2 06 percent decllOe m the firm toward contmued market expansIOn The Dow Jones Industnals Let's lalk...STOCKS the DJI, the average daIly vol- and diverSificatIOn of serYlces (DJI) Index closed last FrIday ume of shares traded was less Ritter Ritter, a regJstered profeSSIOnal engJneer at 6,391 69, down 134 pomts than the week before. 444 mIl- In Michigan, was most recently Vlce presl' for the week, hon shares d81ly average last dent and director of structurallclvll engJneerlng He Jomed or 206 per- March all-tIme peak of If each of the 30 stocks m the week vs 515 mllhon shares the firm m 1967 after recel\'lng a Bronze Star m VIetnam as cent, from the 7,085 16 We have not Wit. DJI Index rose exactly 1 POInt, d81ly average the week before an Army Lieutenant Prior to that, he earned hiS bachelor's prIor FrIday nessed such a sell-off since the Who would have guessed that and master's of science degrees In CIVilengJneenng from the guess what the DJI lOdex The week saw summer of 1990, when Iraq would do? The change would be last week's weekly volume of Umverslty of Notre Dame He IS a member of the American three down Invaded Kuw81t, startmg the calculated thusly 1 POinttimes 2,220 mI1hon shares was very InstItute of Steel ConstructIOn, the American Society of CIW days and two Gulf War and preclpatmg a slIghtly less than the 2,238 EngIneers and the MIchIgan Society of ProfeSSIOnal 30 stocks equals 300, dIVlded up days The spike 10 worldWIde 011 pnces mllhon shares weekly volume EngJneers by the dIVisor, which IS worst bath Remember, 10 the world of rugh 31934020, equals 93 94 of a year ago? Through the years, Ritter has headed many ofAKA's major o occurred on fmance, that most of today's pomts up' Remember, m round Recently (see LTS, March 6), projects for automotive and auto. supplier clIents Recent FrIday, April mutual fund portfolIo man- numbers, a 100.pomt change LTS brIefly dIScussed "relative Mlcrugan prOjects mclude stampmg plants for the Budd By Joseph 11, when the agers dId not have that Job 10 strength," also known as Company, Chrysler CorporatIOn, Ford Motor Company and Mengden DJI tanked m the DJI lOdex means about 1 1990 In fact, many were stili "momentum lOvestmg." This IS General Motors pomt pnce change m each of 148 pomts, or 23 percent All m college the 30 stocks, on average At the theory of buying power Albert Kahn AsSOCIates,Ine was founded m 1895 by archi- day the market declIned, clos. Thanks to all the stock splits last Friday's close of 6,391 69, pushIng up stock pnces, rela- tect Albert Kahn, who became InternatIOnally renowed for lus mg at the low of the day, saved earlIer trus year, the DJI dIVl- a 100.pomt change In the DJI tive to other stocks and the slgmficant contributIOns to the constructIOn Industry Among only by the 4 p m bell' sor IS now 031934020 Tlus IS 1.8 about 1.1/2 percent change, market as a whole, so that the Kahn's many projects In Grosse Pomte IS the Edsel and Next week, another 15-polnt Important to gJve you a per- up or down momentum of thIS buying Eleanor Ford House, constructed m 1926, In recent years, dechne wIll bnng the DJI down spective of the Illtemal move- LTS belIeves that the volatil- See LTS, page 25A AKA deSIgned the estate's new actlVltles center. With 320 exactly 10 percent below Its ments withm the market Ity of the overall market has employees, AKA IS currently one of the largest arcrutecturaJ and engJneerlng finns In the Umted States The Metro East Chamber of Metro Easl Chamber of Commerce recorded m the state - 4 5 Grosse Pomte Park reSident Beth Konrad, ManagIng percent Employment climbed Partner and Co-Owner of Konrad & Moore, Commerce has some eXCltIng I - c' a ":Ill M"'@ -114' ' R C H A; ~ it by 22,000 reachIng a record events COInIngup Of course'f j S !' r "r'Wt rtr~ ); . ~,,~: hIgh of 4,670,000 More people Inc has been elected recently to the Board of our Spnng AuctIon IS gomg to Directors of the Michigan Women's be the lughlight of the spnng 'Worlclng Togetherfor. s.tter Tomonow. are workmg III Michigan today Justo- FoundatIOn season on Saturday, May 17 Fraser, the 5 Grosse Polntes. HarperWood', Roseville, SLClairShOf'll8 than at any tIme m our The MIchIgan Women's FoundatIOn was ry Plans are already underway graphed basketball from Blll establIshed m 1986 as a way to Increase sup- for our Annual Golf Outmg on Henry Ford Cottage Launbeer, a catered dinner m HospItal Fun Run and Walk port for programs and projects that empower August 18 On Oct. 9, we will your home for 25 people from and FanIily FItness Fest wIll MIchigan women and gIrls Michigan be hostIng our Annual SenIor MarchIOn Catering, and of be supported by members of Women's FoundatIOn IS a partnership of Expo WIth the AssumptIl)n course - Beame BabIes' the Lakeshore OptImist Club donors, volunteers and women's nonprofit Cultural Center which IS InVltations are in the maIl of Grosse PolOte on Sunday, organizatIOns from across MIchIgan Konrad always a huge success. We If you have not received one May 18, ThIS program fits Konrad & Moore, Inc. IS a commUnIcation also have a couple of Busmess consultmg and medIa/presentatIOn tramlng finn 10 Detroit and would lIke one, just calI onto the OptiIDISt Club's mlS- After Hours that we are look- the office Reservations are Sion as It proVldes a healthy, Konrad IS a former Semor Vice-President of NBD FIrst mg forward to; one is gomg to commg 10 already, so make educatIonal and fun day of ChIcago In late, 1995, Konrad and her partner JennIfer be May 14 at the Red Oaks yours soon actlVltles for cluldren, their Moore (formerly of Channel 4 WDIV) co-founded Konrad & Restaurant in Harper Woods The Silent AuctIOn will parents and grandparents. It Moore,Inc and JIm Riehl's begin WIth cocktails at 5.30 all takes place In and around Konrad also serves on the Boards of the SalvatIOn Army, St Chrysler/Plymouth IS makIng pm, dmner at 8 p m. followed Henry Ford Cottage HOSPItal, John Hospital and MedIcal Center, and the Commumty plans to hold a Busmess After Leaders Councll of the Umted Way Commumty SerYlces by the LIve AuctIOn. 159 Kercheval Ave, m Groaae Hours in June RemInder - The DetrOit POInte Farms For further Spnng Auction Update - Chapter of the NatIOnal InformatIon, call Henry Ford Grosse POinte Farms reSIdent William G. Butler, of coun- Our procurement commIttee Thursday, Apnl 17. For fur- sel in the DetroIt office of the law firm of AssOCIatIon of Women Cottage HOSpItal at (313) 640- has been workmg day and Busmess Owners wIll be host- ther mformatIOn, call NAWBO 2456. MIller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P L C , mght to come up with some at (313) 961-4748 recently marked hIs 60th anmversary WIth 109 a program on The Cost of If the Metro East Chamber really SpecIal items to put on ConflIct and How EffectIve MIChIgan Jobs Team report- of Commerce can be of help to ., the firm thiS year, and celebrated lus 85th the auctIon block, We wl1l ed that for the month of J\ hlrthday on April 10 DIspute ResolutIon Can you or your busmess, please have a autographed baseball Impact your Bottom Lme on February we had the lowest don't heSItate to call us at ~ He was honored at tlus memorable occa- from YOgI Berra, an auto- level of unemployment ever ."~ Slon by hIS colleagues and co-workers at a (810) 777-2741 luncheon on Apnl 10 Butler graduated from Harvard Law School In 1937, and earned hIS undergradu- Butler ate degree from Yale Umversity In 1934 From 1942-46, he served In the Umted States AIr Force as a 2nd LlCutenant!MaJor Butler Jomed MIller Canfield as an associate follOWIng graduatIon from law school, becomIng a partner m 1950, untu 1983 Since that tIme, he has actIvely served as counsel to the firm Throughout these years, he has represented clIents In estate plannIng and estate admInistration, bankIng, and com- mercial transactions He IS a member of the AmerIcan, MIchIgan, and DetrOIt MetropolItan Bar AssocIatIOns Butler also found tIme to serve as dIrector, trustee, presI- dent, or chairman of numerous funds, SOCieties,and founda- tIOns In Grosse Pomte and the DetrOIt metropolItan area

CIty of Grosse POInte resIdent Susan Kay Conner recent. ly was among 20 of AA of MIchIgan's top agents regardmg her hIgh level of semce to customers. For her efforts, she earned a "famllIanzatIOn" triP to Amsterdam Travel agents go on famIlIarizatIOn triPS to learn firsthand the kmd of travel condItions that awaIt theIr clIents at a vv,de variety of destInatIOns

Grosse Pomte Shores reSIdent Wayne C. Inman recently has been named preSident and cruef execu- _ tlVe officer of Talon, L L C , the DetroIt-based .t, privately held Investment company With Interests In manufactUrIng and real estate development Smce JOInIng Talon In 1994, Inman has served as executive Vlce preSident Inman WIllcontinue to have responSIbilIty for overseemg the operatIOns of all 12 Talon affihate compames whIch have combmed , annual '>ale"m excess of $350 millIon Inman also contmues to serve as a member of Inman Talon's ExecutIVe Committee and Board of Directors Our Home EQUItyLine of Credit lets you save while you borrow With a great In 1994, Inman left the law firm ofTImmls & Inman L L P, where he was a senIor partner and had practiced law smce rate and more Yourdreams may have grown but you can stili afford them Michigan National 1973, to Jom the Talon organIzatIOn Inman stIlI remams of makes It happen WithEqUlMoney - our Home EqUItyLine of Credit Look at these great features counsel to the law finn 'Ready cash for major purchases :690% I Inman earned hiS undergraduate degree III accountmg -A low Introductory Interest rate' APR" from MIChigan State UniversIty, and hIS law degree from • Interest IS usually tax deductIble' Umverslty of MIchigan An actIve member of the busme'>S community, he holds Combine Equi Money With RatePLUS " Banking and you IIsave even more RatePLUS rs a po'>ltlons on the boards of several c1o'>elyheld corporatIOns checking and savings package ""th one of the best IrqUidsavings rates around And we II and 'lervee; a" a member of the Board of Trustee'> of the waive the annual fee on EqUiMoney every year when you have RatePLUS Youcan also UniversIty of DetrOIt Jesuit High School and the DetrOit get the peace of mind of overdraft protection for your RatePLUS checking and the In<;tltute for ChIldren convemence of one comboned statement Save time too and apply by phone Realize Talon'" operatlOne; mclude companlee; III the automotIve your dreams today Only at M.chlgan National Solid Thlnk'ng Smart Ideas supply, bUlldmg hardware, automated eqUIpment, foam fab. ncatlOn, countertop and real ee;tate development mdustnes For information callI ,-aOO-CALLo MNB More Business People

on page 25A APR ~ Rate The- ill f1'(' 1 mlr lol, lk 11f\ \ U dhk r.il(' If, t)fl' 8.75%tt:J 10.25% ~l,-<,l \(1 h. ~~I ~ ("( J , n Irrf'T)(' 'ltmmu ~'i ll"O('I(j'~I'llI~h ",,11:.1"0; 111\0 rtL ;rrlfl 1'0,11 rrl\' r ~;mrl l~ 'n'llillP("rcnl,\ R.!! n 11 I ,1Jln n. 1)11. \.\('1"" r IIn I I \l",r,n(IlW ...... ,<.001"101'<, 1 hrn 1""'/'iOIl, ~,,)(l'(j n 1 (l " I I I n.. t (,,'1. lfl( I ""1 ~J" f'h 'd R M\ r 1~1 ~~ f I ~nn~ m mIl In r t-. '4. n h.. II 1\ , r nl r 1 r' In .lppl M~ n rLI) \1,_,0) m'~." 1\(1' Otl('r 1 II )\\'10 tl.. ,nl \.11 wn I .....II' I r It. 1\ r ml \h n h ... ~l 'II". I \.\ I tx t \('l \ IJ If \ I" \. 1," n I I ,r,1 \ ~ t If 1h<'llln am ",r.r r{'"'-!lk"l 1\)tJ '" II ~ I I r I r PI\'" "0 h II rrr II I j >l1J 101_ 11 r \ r1 n 1'(

~ .. , "'-~...~~.-f ~ _Op ( .... J • A ~ D • • & Q ~prll 17, 1997 :irosse Pointe News Business 25A

speCific number of ,hareb of a In whole or In part at that LTS given stock "at the market" pnce, becau~e when the mar when the order hIts the 1I00r of ket h1t~ your "hmlt pnce," your Business Peo~le ~rompage 24A bounce off the bottom IS caused the NYSE (If the stock Ib lIsted by a lack of supply (small or no lImit order becomeb a market btrength should contmue to there), "hmlt orderb' are those offenngs of stock at the then order So your punhasl' could r onner Grab,e Powte re~ldent lnve pnces up, until the buy- ~ hlch ehmmate the "at the pnce level), and the updraft be at 21-1/8, or at 21, but prob- Jacquehne DeCosmo recentl) hab been ng power finally dnes up At market" authonzdtlOn, and promoted to Dm.ctor of GraphIC, at WXYZ can be substantlal on relatively ably not below 21 I~1Oce your speCifically lImIt the authonza- TV/Channel 7 that pomt, the relatlve hght volume brokel Ib bldd10g 21 on ) our strength detenorates com- tlOn a) by time speCIfic (usually Dpeo,mo JOined (hannel 7 10 1990 as Many, perhaps most, behalf) pared to other stocks and the "ddY orders," whIch expire dt belllol grdph1c, produ(er, dnd In 1996 ~ db mvestors have accumulated the clo,e of trading I or bi bv If we assume that all of your promoted to gr,lph,e, managpr '1'"I.:"t ~. '1 ""ole 'usuallj Cdbh e4UlVdlentb lar beyond IIm1t orderb ~ere purchdbul at l'nor to JOining ( h<.lnnel 7 De( o,mo Wd;, d measured by the S&P 500 pnce ~peclfic, lIm1tlng exetu that eannarked for emergen the hm1t pnce, )our "dolldr ~taff de",gnu rtdt WJBK TV/Chdnnel 2 In mdpx) tlOn only If the market has cles Maybe the excebS IS the averag1Og" would have pro DetrOit In 1990 ,he ~tarted Art1fact Many techmclans say they traded at least once at the proceeds of a cash tender offer duced 1,000 bhares at any Incorpordted, a graphll de~lbrn ;,tUdlO ,tIll In feel more comfortable bUYIng "pnce hmlt ""Limit orders" can for stock, often later referred to be eIther a buy or a sell order average co~t of $22 40 per D C operatlOrJ stocks makmg new "high's" e osmo DeCosmo has n cel\ed numerous awards as an "Involuntary, but very Why put m bu) orders at share, exclud10g commiSSIOns than "fishmg" for cast-off bar- for outstandlllg graphiC de~lgn 1ndudmg <.InEmmy III 1992 profitable sale of stock" Were hmlt pnceb below the current and transactIOn CObtS On the gams, on theIr way to further for the "Company" ,ho .... open, as well a, ,everal honors from you too scared to remvest the market? Answer In the hope of other hand, If only part of your depths It's faIrly safe to say, after-capltal-gams-tax pro- hmlt orders were purchased, Broddcast Des1gner,; AsSOCiatIOnand GraphiC Deblgn USA now, that the upSIde momen- bUYIng In some stock below the ceeds back Into the stock mar- your average cost would be DeCosmo earned a bachelor of fine arts In graphiC deSign tum craze IS overl market, If the market declInes from the Umver~lty of Mlch1gan ket because you felt that the - WIthout haVing to watch the bhghtly higher And If the mar- The headhne, above, "Cnsls market was way too hIgh, back ket did not go down at all, you market hour-by-hour It's Karen ArlIngton Rozanski of Mut,chler KItchens, Inc III Equals Opportumty," says It then? would at least have 300 shares all It IS much easIer to buy called an "open order," wluch IS Grosse POlllte Woods hab Ju,t completed the Wood-Mode So maybe With the market at $25 per share, excludmg stocks m a down market than "good untIl canceled" Advanced School for custom cabllletry spellalI~t~, conducted down about 10 percent, now IS commISSIOns and transactIOn at the company traInIng center by d1rector Don O'Connor vlce-~'ersa But don't walt to try In a nutshell, here's how It a good tIme to "go fishing" works The stock market has costs Enrollment Jll thl;, course I' restncted to expenenced to catch the very bottom Even FIrst, pICk out two, three or "Cnsls Equals Opportumty" deSIgners, and accordIng to Rozan~k1 IS one of the mo~t com- lhe most successful "market- been down all day, you bought four of your favonte "value" only works for you If you have prehens1ve In the Industry, CO\enng not only ~peclalty Llmers." who call the market 300 shares of your No 1 stocks (based on fundamen- already Identified which stocks kitchen des1gn, but al,o areas hke color coordlnatlOn, lIghtIng ,ops, are seldom able to pick favonte at the market at $25 tals), or maybe some battle- you want to buy now' If you and pI'nod styhng )ottoms per share You want to accumu- scarred "growth" stocks (now late up to 1,000 shares, by "dol- procrastmate until tomorrow, AddItIOnal time 1S spent on techmques for de;'ll,rnIng cus Even when you're at the bot- avaIlable at much lower lar averagIng" on a downward or next week, or next month, tom cabmetry III other rooms of the house, e g family rooms am, you won't know It was the pnces) bias the market may have bottomed and bedrooms, With the ~tudentb expected to solve both on )ottom untIl after the market Second, now that you know You feel thIS stock won't go out, bounced back (lIke 1987, the-spot layout problems and a complex home ....ork assIgn- )ounces back up And what a what to buy, how do you figure much below $20 per share, so 1990 and 1994) and you are ment )ounce It WIll be Unless there out when to buy? Buy some still the not-so-proud owner of you enter "open orders" to pur- Rozanski IS now quahfied to des1gn and coordInate the sa pamc sell-off, whIch seldom shares now' Then put In "lImit much-too-much cash equIVa- chase addltlonal shares at the mstallatIon of custom cabllletry throughout the entIre home )ccurs, the bottom of a correc- orders" to buy addItIonal lents 10 exceSb of that ear- on IS usually Just the end of a follo ....mg hmlt pnces 300 shares below the current mar- marked for emergencIes The Gro%e POinte NUL' u iii pubh,h [or [ree In Ih, BU

-'arms woman named deputy director IDrams' ~nglts'b ~ntlquC.s iijl 1 arg"l AntIque Store In Southed,t,rn \1lchlgan Jf congresswoman Kilpatrick's office A New 40 Foot Contamer From England Received Evel)' 60 Days' Grosse Pomte Farms cIty creatIOn of the BeautificatIOn ~ ~ • English Pnmltlve Pine Pieces - >uncJ1woman Gall Kaess has - Wardrobes - Harvest Tables - =1= CommISSIOn cen apPOInted Deputy Kaess's Involvement m gov- ~.IIIiiiS! - Collectables and Smalls - ~ ~ Irector of the DetrOit area ernmental pohcymakmg Monday-friday 9 to 5 WE BUY A.ND SELL! lice of newly-elected mcludes servmg as the Farms' Saturday IOto 5 (810) 777-t652 ongresswoman Carolyn delegate to the Southeast heeks KIlpatnck of the 15th MIchIgan CounCIl of 19717 EastNine Mile St Cia" Shores Between I 94 and Harper ongresslOnal Dlstnct Governments, where she That dlstnct Includes served as Its preSIdent and Grosse POInte Fanns, CIty of was honored by beIng named a 'rosse Pomte, Grosse Pomte "RegIOnal Ambassador," and to Vinage Locksmith C1 Home Repair Co. ark, the CIty of DetrOit the MIchIgan Mumclpal ladJommg the DetrOIt RIver, League, where she also served IRlver Rouge and Ecorse as Its preSIdent In 1988 ,.. Home Office Burglary Safes ", Kaess has been a member of In 1993, Kaess received the ,.. Fire Rated Safes " , he Fanns' City CounCIl smce prestIgiOUS Taubman I 979 FellowshIp for ExecutIve ,.. AMSEC Sates " "I am very eXCIted about Excellence award ,.. LSDA Safes : hIS opportumty to serve the Most recently, Kaess rosse POIntes and the 15th worked as a part of County !{) 24Hour Emergency .. CongressIOnal Dlstnct as a Executive Edward Service \, member of Congresswoman McNamara's staff J fulpatnck's staff Although , my responslblhty IS to serve , KIlpatnck said, "It IS my r the whole dIstnct to the best deSIre tc represent all of the , t , of my abIlIty, I Will be able to constItuents In my dlstnct , proVIde a Grosse POlllte per- and I am Impressed With , • , spectIve to the many Issues GaIl's profeSSional and effec- , that WIll be under reVlew" tive manner I feel her expen- , Kaess IS credited WIth bemg ence and background In local , Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of the 15th , a motivatIng force In the local county, regIonal and state gov- District and Grosse Pointe Farms resident Gail Kaess, Grosse Pomtes-Harper Woods ernment Will help me to the newly-appointed Deputy DIrector of Kilpatrick's ~ futunng process and m the accomphsh my goal" Detroit office. 881.8603 • 18554 Mack. Grosse Pointe Farms' 48236

MERIDIAN 5LOOMAELD CUSTOM KITCHENS, now In rt's 4th decade, has the reputation of OhROO'\r'>lAY )0 mi ••• $8,99 BARTlETI being one of the most prestigious and highly regarded deSigners and vUllders of f RICHEMONT PEARS 79 lB CH\RI)O\\AY'I \II ,. $4,99 outstanding kitchens, baths and entertainment centers In Michigan We also bUild $2&\8 LAVIHlf FfRME additions, to expand eXisting space. We convert unused basement space to computer FRESH If\TOL HOCU 10\II •• $5,99 rooms, exercise rooms or recreation rooms CAULIFLOWER. IL RLW\ BIA\( ',0 II ,..$5,99 $24\8 BOGLE SEEDLESS Expenence IS the cntena for selecting a competent contractor In addition to our 59 "'~ERl( T )( \\l $7.99 $1 HAYWOOD supenor oeSlgn staff, With almost 50 years of combined experience, we have added GRAPES lB $34\8 (\qfR\fj I'L 11(,\0\ ,0 III • $6.99 another aSSOCIate GIL DAUPHINAIS, a top krtchenlbath deSigner and expert In all types ROMAINE $34\8 HESS 01 remodeling. 49 (H,R[XJ\\,\ ',Q '.II $9.99 HEARTS $1 PKG GUENOC GIL, who, IS now serving our Grosse Pomte cllertts, was the owner of a successful f~ ATfC,BtR\fT ,O'.l[ ...... $9.99 remodehng company In the area for almost 40 years and has an elctellSlve local chent ON THE VINE STONE LAKE 99 referral Itst We also have crews of master artisans. In all trades who have worked many TOMATOES $1 lB IlfRLrJl ',0 ,,[ , $9,99 GEORGES DU BOEUF years for us m the Grosse POinte area VIDALIA ONIONS 59~L8 ..\[R~OT '~RA.H ~)O ....,t BERINGER If you are thinking about a remodeling projeCt, we offer It all from Idea to move In n....fA ....m( ~0 1,,11 innovative, attractlve and functlOl'lal desrgns, premIum custom cabinetry from (4) exclUSive FONTANA CANDIDA manufaettJrers; highest grade matenals and workmanshIp, competitive pnces, work done p .....( n ( ~;:rl ~() ",,) Io,ll ..... per schedule and completed on time and a complete showroom 35 minutes away MEXICAN CHATEAU SOUVERAIN RICE SALAD FRESH WR) .. \1t BLUE MARLIN AVOID THE HIGH COST OF INFERIOR DESIGN AND CHEAP CONSTRUCTION SALSA call "THE PROFESSIONALS" for s no obligation consultation' ALAMO WHITEFISH BAY SCAllOPS A LABArr's BLUE 99 Ii ~tfl:~k$7 .O£P r~,.,o,,,,,(o, ... BLCIDMfIELD ~ 24 PACK CANS FOG CHASER BLEND

HIGH LIFE, $1 099.0,P K['ny,l 'iumalra and $5 ALL VARIHI!'; THOMAS MANLEY BREW (olon h,~n( 0((1'[' 89 In [) lrk Roa'l qyle lO 09 ~~~~: ".. Harbor 'lpnngl Rmnu or $1 1"01 AmMr !Alga $599 t rpnch Roall $ 49 ~?~~~~yFRE~H$l 99 h 1'1r, ~()'Ilcl [)P( .11 LB GROSSE POINTE. (313) 331-7119 Ittllv~r .. (leon....l VJln .. rl~' 1 J (~I

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Entertalnment page 7

Grosse Pointe hosts say 'bienvenue' to French visitors

By Shirley A. McShane t!Onary handy" "aId Staff Writer WhIle the famllIe; mmgled, "1know that sounds Ideahs- tIC,but that IS why I'm such a Everythmg was In order - Fox worked her way .lround r , even the weather cooper.lted the Kerb~ gym, mtroducmg proponent of the program," last Thursday - as a "mall her"elf to each group .lnd dls Fox added gathering of Grosse Pomte tnbutmg blue folders contam For Shirley Bradley, whose Shirley Bradley of Grosse "tudents, parents and teachers 109 the Apnl 10 29 cia"" family recently moved from Pointe Park center. helped "'alted for theIr Frenth VISI schedule and Itmerary Rhode Island to Grosse Pomte fhe French "tudents Will Park, the back-to-back pro daughter Laura, right. a tors to arnve fifth-grader at Trombly. The meetmg place was attend class together at Kerby gram presented the perfect opportunity for her as well as welcome their French visi. Kerby Elementary School 10 ,md "pend half a day dttend- mg class With their Gros"e her lifth-grade daughter tor. at right, Caroline Mal- Grosse Pomte Farm", the bert. home base for the Frpnch- Pomte host" (who come from Laura to get to know Grosse This year is slightly dif- Amencan Back-to Back pro all over the Pomles) Pomte FlCld tnps dnd weel.end Th£ Bradleys are hosting ferent for the Back-to-Back gram for the Pomte" 'I he program, organizers say. school gym W.l" decorated wIth plans mclude VISItSto French student Carohne Greenlielri Village and Henry Malbert, but daughter Laura Grosse Pointe fifth-graders hand-lettered "welcome' signs are exchanging with a A folding table along the stage Ford Museum, the UnIversity won't be travelmg to France of MichIgan campus, May 23 though June 10, only group of sixth-graders at a held snacks and bouquet" of private school from the flowers as welcome to Gros"e Greektown, the Ed"el & because thp family already Eleanor Ford House and a has planned a tnp to Italy and Brittany region of France. Pomte offerings (They usually pair up with As the bus arnved from Halloween party (thiS IS a doesn't want Laura to mIss fifth-graders from public Metro AIrport carrying the f.lvonte each year, Fox sald, any more school than neces- schools). Participation in nme students, .l teacher dnd because France doesn't cele- "ary brate the Oct 31 holIday) Bradley saId her daughter the program is low this prmclpal from the College year, as well, with only 16 Pnve de Moka, Samt Malo, There IS also plenty of time and Malbert have been Writ- for the children to do what mg letters for months and she chlldren involved. organiz- France, Grosse Pomte "tu- ers say. compared with the dents held up theIr SIgnS,Slg- kId" hke best hang out WIth enjoyed watchmg the two groups of 30 and 40 stu- nalmg to theIr French coun- theIr frIends, Rollerblade meet for the first time They dents of previous years. terparts around the neIghborhood, play somehow found their own way InSide the gym, the French basketball and play computer to cross the language barrIer ViSItorsput down thelr lug- games a combmatIOn of theIr own gage and umted With theIr "Our oldest daughter, who IS SIgn language, wntmg thmgs Amencan hosts for a bnef a semor m hIgh school, stIll down on paper and much use receptIOn corresponds WIth her French of the French-English dlcbo Each group has spent exchange student Our faml- nary months prepanng for tlus day, bes exchange gifts at Wlule partICIpatIOn m an by exchanging letter;, to get to Chnstmas, my daughter has exchange program IS expected know one another and by tak. ViSited her fnend dunng the of French fifth-graders, who mg weekly classes m the summer and he's ViSItedhere," study English as part of theIr basICSof each others' language Fox saId "1 thlOk they Will be curnculum, the voluntary pro- and culture bfelong fnends ' gram m America works differ- ''Every year It'S a different There are different reasons ently expenence," sald Jane Fox, for gettmg mvolved m the pro In Grosse Pomte, all expens- Grosse Pomte Farms reSIdent gram Some famlhes host only, es are paId through fundrals- and parent coordmator for thIS others only send a chIld over- mg and donatIOn (ThIS year year's exchange 'We try to seas Most host and send a the Grosse Pomte Rotary give the (French chIldren) a chlld to France made a generous donabon, feellOg of what Amencan life For Fox, It'" the mternatlOn- Fox noted) ISlike Everyone's always al expenence that draws her The French student" also scared of the language dIffer- famIly back The exposure to have the advantage of travel. ence, but It Isn't as bIg of a other cultures has taught 109 WIth theIr yearlong class- problem as ) ou mIght thmk them that despIte the cultural mates We use SIgn language and dIfference", people are the See 'BIENVENUE' keep the (French.Engllsh) mc. same everywhere you go, she Page 2B

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COll'Ol.ft O... ClI. , Hl4<"~~(ml ", q nw Ml .ARM'!;) I 1'1 I n914 SEQLJENCE IR ,n) I'H <4 , fIll: ~,! 9)JJt)J scon IIOBINION ,.,ronl jmq~6r~ ,m p 1 ~ -ir>n D I.GIOMAL O.. tC •• iI ( ~(t l f1 '\ 1( ) ~ / • • • i ( I j I lV('ri M It 94 ! I " H,o H')o I " I~ ~I H4' 0141 "motl <'imql'@nn\l(lontr om Apn117, 1997 Enaaaements .G.ro.ss.e.PO.i".te.N.e.w.s ------':1::.1:\ 28 Hicks graduated from the Northwood Uruverslty and wtll Hunt-Hicks VlrgIllla Polytechmc Institute, where he earned a bachelor of graduate from the Uruverslty Ka) and George Hunt of St of DetroIt Mercy Law School m Clair Shores, formerl) of sCience degree m electrical engmeermg He IS completmg May He IS affIlIated WIth the Grosse POinte Park, have law firm Butzel Long announced the engagement of a master's degree m busmess theIr daughter, Anne Hunt, to administration at Emory Henry Howard HIcks III, son of UnIverSIty and ISa senior sales Kdren and Howard HICks of engineer WIth TTC Inc Watson- Roanoke, Va A May weddmg IS phnnp,l Hunt graduated from the A1.itchell- Teranes Umverslty of MIChigan WIth a Nancy Watson Gutierrez of bachelor of arts degree In poht- Wheatley lcal sCience and from the Grosse POinte Park and Robert Dr Sally Hayden MItchell of Watson of Fraser have DePaul Umverslty College of Philadelphia, and Dr. Roger Law WIth a J D degree She IS announced the engagement of Sherman Mitchell of an attorney WIth Decker & thelT daughter, Kayla Jenmfer Bloomington, Ind , have Watson, to Damel Stephen Hallman, ,-peclahzmg In enY] ronmental law announced the engagement of Teranes, son of Paul and their daughter, Molly Anne Molly Anne MitcheU and Barbara Teranes of the CIty of Mitchell, to Stephen Anthony Kayla Jennifer Watson and Stephen Anthony Virginia Marie Rivard and Grosse Pomte A May wedding Wheatley, son of Mr and Mrs Daniel Stephen Wheatley Michael Frederick is planned J R Wheatley, formerly of Terane. He IS an assocIate national Matheson Grosse Pomte Woods. An Watson IS a student at m Grosse Pomte Park October wedding IS planned bank exammer WIth the U S IS the owner of ExpressIOns Custom Furruture Macomb Community College Teranes graduated from Mitchell earned a bachelor of Treasury Department Matheson graduated from She prepares seafood specialty Loyola Umverslty He works scIence degree m speech/the- items at Blue Bay FIsh Market for LaGrasso Bros produce ater from Northwestern UnIversIty, and a master of Rivard- arts degree in expressIve ther- ~Bienvenue'------__ apy from Lesley College She IS Matheson enrolled In a clJrucal psycholo- From page 1B prepare the students and par- Mr and Mrs Hendrick W. Mellen-Sullivan calls "survIVal gy doctoral program at the "We have to get the (Grosse ents for thelT VISItorsas well RIvard of Grosse Pomte Shores French," sample a vanety of IllinoIS School of ProfeSSIonal Pomte) group to become a as thelT VISitto France. French dIshes, learn about the Psychology have announced the engage- team," explamed Darcy "The students here come ment of theIr daughter, hIstory, geography and cus- Wheatley earned a bachelor Mellen-Sullivan, executive from anyone of the nme ele- VlrgJDla MarIe RIvard, to toms of the country and the of science degree In bUSiness dIrector of the French- mentanes and pnvate schools MIchael Fredenck Matheson, region they wtll VISit,she said. admJn1StratIon and a master's American Chamber of and they need time to get to "It's a very emotIOnally degree In bUSiness administra- son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Co=erce and btlmgual coun- know each other (before trav- G. Matheson of Tawas CIty. An rewarding program," she s81d tIOn, both from Wayne State selor for the Grosse Pomte eling to Europe for three Grosse Pomte has been par- August weddmg IS planned. program Anne Hunt and Henry Umverslty. He is enrolled in weeks)," she s81d. tlClpatmg In the French- the computer studies program Mellen-Sullivan's role IS to Howard Hicks ill RIvard graduated from Amencan Back-to-Back pro- at Northwestern UniverSIty Mellen-Sullivan has been gram since 1988. Mldugan State Umverslty and the bilingual counselor for the Children's back-to-back program for The program IS based at Ii> seven years She accompanies Kerby and coordmated by HomeTLC the group to France. 'Ib pre- Kerby pnnclpal DebbIe Woman's Club will be Kathy Dale and Audrey party pare them, she meets Wlth Hubbell It IS afrillated WIth Loman. The garden and diSCUSSIOn A boutique and Jewelry sale gets grant the parents and students once the AssociatIOn of French group of the Grosse Pomte also will be featured For mfor- a week for five ILonths. Amencan Classes based In Woman's Club Will meet at Camera Club mation, call Evelyn Jeske at The group learns what ChIcago The ChIldren's Home of 11 30 a m Wednesday, Apnl The Grosse POinte Camera (810) 373-2260 Detroit has receIved an $8,500 23, at the Edsel & Eleanor In Club will meet at 7 p.m. grant from Amentech to sup- Ford House m Grosse Pomte Room c-n 'fuesday, AprIl 22, Lakeshore port Its InstItute for Trauma Shores at Brownell MIddle School. A and Loss in Children (TLC) QJ Lunch WIllbe served at noon monochrome and color pnnt ~;;~;j;~~ap Optimist Club program. Funds wJ11 offset In the Tea Room A show and competItIon and pictonal and The Lakeshore Optlmlst HOUSe costs ofa Fnday,Aprtl18 work- ((I..... "'-'-- tour Wlllbegin at 1 15 P m For nature slJde competItIon will Club will meet from 7 30 to shop, "Treating Anger m more informatIOn, call (810) be held. The plctonal assIgn- 8'30 a m Wednesday, Apnl 23, TraumatIZed Children." 415-6731 by Saturday, AprJl ment IS "TransportatIon" In the receptIon room of the Coming Soon! 19 VISItors are welcome. For mfor- Grosse POInte War Memonal The workshop, wluch will be lIeUl matIon, call (313) 824-9064 Don Vlcek, author of 'The held at the HolIday Inn in Troy Rental Retirement Communltv Trowel & Dommo Effect," will speak to from9am to4pm,willbe American House Parkwav the group. Vlcek was presIdent presented by Jerry Wilde, Colony of the fastest groWIng large PhD 1• 2 Bedroom Apartments With SerVices Error Club company m the natIOn dunng ThP Trowel & Error Garden Town Club the 1980s and ISknown as "the For more Information, con- FOR MORE IIIFORMATIOII Club wIll meet at 10 am Cancer Loan Closet mem- effiCient executIve" He con- tact TLC at (313) 885-0390 CALL 810-739-9494 Thursday, AprIl 24, at Grosse bers of the Colony 'Ibwn Club ducts semmars In which he diS- Pomte Woods Presbyterian WIll meet at 11 30 a m cusses lus pnnclples of execu- Church Jeanette Readmg will Thursday, Apnl 24, at the tlYe effiCiency present Jewelry-makmg for the Grosse Pomte Hunt Club for a For informatIOn, call Kent spring workshop Hostesses fundr81SIDg luncheon and card Commer at (313) 886-7100


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After she was pa,alyled In a car accident Beverly Jones found Ea~te, Seals We Introduced her to tennIS as a way to develop strength mOb


" "'-.' ff ~ ./

.,. 1 I •• .~ Apnl 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Faces & 1l_la_c_e_S 3B WSU's 'Old Main' marks 100 years with a facelift "Old Mam," the oldest class- tlOns about any Old Mam room bUlldmg on Wayne State CelebratIOn events, call (313) Umverslty's campus, IS a reg- 577.2300 I Orlgmally~~~~ deSIgned as DetrOIt Notes from DSO: ""Sr Central HIgh School and PrE'lurlE'~Fa~t 11 tT1\l~l('alE'I'm! ;~-'r- ~,r located on the corner of Cass luncheon, will begm at noon ~ / and Warren, the Romanesque FrIday, Apnl 18, at the Grosse revIval bUlldmg WIth a 250- Pomte War Memonal foot, four-sIded clock tower Preludes East, one of sever- (the only such tower remain- al outreach programs of the mg 10 the cIty) was completed DetrOIt Symphony Orchestra, III 1896 Other sectIons were WIll feature a qumtet of DSO added m 1907, III the mId- members Don Baker, oboe, 1930s and III 1941 Ervin Monroe, flute, Ted WSU alumm and fnenda Oien, clannet, Gene Wade, WIllreVlslt the halls of Old French horn, and Bob Mam thIS week to celebrate Williams, bassoon They'll the Old Mmn Centenmal and play hght clasSICS admire the completIOn of more The commIttee chaIrman for than $46 mIllIon m renova- the event IS Marian tlOns to the hlstonc landmark Impastato. CommIttee mem- ApprOXimately $1 mtllion was bers mclude Dorothea spent to restore the buJldIng's Vermuelen, Maureen hIstorIC exterior Allison, Mabie Skaff, Old Malll CelebratlDn Judith Langenbach, Marie Weekend WIllfeature a htstor- Mainwaring, Floramae ICal exhtbltlDn, dance, musIc Kliber and Marie and theater presentatlDnSj Carpenter. alumm events by each of the Tlckets are $20 Call (313) school's 14 colleges, campus 962-1000, ext 285 or (313) tours, student awards, and 886-9102 more Arts Achtevement Awards Thanks volunteers: WIllbe presented today, More than 20 volunteers, a The Preludes East quintet standing, from left, are Thursday, Aprtl 17, beginning law firm, a youth group and a Theodore Oien, clarinet; BobWilliams, bassoon; and Don- ald Baker, oboe. In the front, from left, are Ervin Monroe, at 4 p m 10 Old Mmn church were recognIZed Aprtl flute; and Eugene Wade, French horn. AdmISSIonIS free WIth reser- 13 at the seventh aJlIlual vatIOns Volunteer ApprecIation Day at Toronto, a chartered flshmg young girls experJE"nceda slg- On Friday, Apnl 18, begin. the Coahtion on Temporary tnp and lots of gift certificates mflcant drop In self-esteem IlJIlg at 6 30 pm, an elegant Shelter (COTS) to Chuck Muer restaurants all and self-worth dUring theIr black-tie event will feature Ross Kogel of Grosse over the nation teenage years dInner, mUSIC,entert8.lllment Pomte Farms IS preSIdent of All tIckets are redeemable Take Our Daughters to and a century's worth ofmem- the COTS board Among the for $10 ofTdInner for two at Work Day was deSigned as a orles TIckets are $150 in Grosse Pomte volunteers hon- any Chuck Muer restaurant pro-actIve solutIon to the prob- advance. ored were Carolyn Quinn, In addItion to the fishmg lem Takmg a daughter or a A Celebration Brunch will Laura Spurr and the Grosse tournament, whtch runs from young girl to work would help beg:m at noon Saturday, April Pomte Unltanan Youth 6 a m to 1 pm, famlhes may strengthen gIrls' connectIons 19, and WIllfeature Jazz and Last year, with the help of enJoy a day at the RIver Crab to mentors and allow them to food TIckets are $45 :m volunteers, COTS assisted Bob Bury, an employee of Ameritech and a member of restaurant for festlVlhes that see what women III partIcular advance more than 3,915 homeless pe0- the board of the Dominican Literacy Center. presented a mclude a barbecue, hve enter- can do III the workplace It The HJlberry Theatre will ple in Its emergency shelter tmnment, prizes for children, present a matinee perfor- $15,000 check to Sister Marie Schoenlein, director of the would heIghten aspIrations, center. The money will be used to develop a literacy web. face pmntmg and more show the varlety ofJobs avmI- mance of "Broadway" on Crystal ball: Hospice of TIckets are avmlable at all Sunday, Aprtl 20 at 2 p.m. fea. site. able to women, focus posItive Southeastern Mlchtgan's 12th Chuck Muer restaurants 111 tunng a chaJllpagne :mtermlS- attentIOn on girls' abihtles and annual Crystal Rose Ball wtll matlOn and learn from col- m St ClaIr Michigan, partIcIpating family encourage them to talk about slon and tours of Old Mmn be held on Saturday, May 3, m leagues VIa the World Wide Begun as a casual, fnendly semce agencIes, sportmg before and after the perfor- the Importance and promIse of Bloomfield Hills Web IS becommg mcreasingly contest, the tournament has goods stores, marmas and educatIOn mance It's free for members of The black-be event WIll Important to hteracy pro- evolved Into a fundrmser for members of the Blue Water Any canng adult ISencour- co-sponsonng groups, $15 for begm at 7 p m at a pnvate grams," saId Sister Marie the Blue Water Mental Health Sport Flshmg AsSOCIatIOnFor guests aged to take a gIrl to work - estate and wtll mclude mnner, Schoenlein, dlrector of the Chmc Last year, the tourna- more mfonnatlOn, or to pur- The "new" Old Mmn will dancmg and a prograJll The a parent, aunt, uncle, grand- center "Amentech's grant wtll ment rmsed $102,000 Th date, chase a tIcket, call (BOO) 468- parent or fnend The Ms emerge as the unIversIty's llitch family wtll receIve the help us proVide the teachers more than $800,000 has been 3727 FoundatIOn recommends par- flrst center for the arts, bnng- Crystal Rose Award, Hospice's and students mvolved WIth generated by the tournament mg the departments of music, tIcIpation for girls ages 9 to htghest honor, for their leader- the adult hteracy program to help troubled chl1dren, Daughters' day: The art, art htstory and dance amp and commitment to 15 access to the latest m educa- adults and their famlhes 111 together for the flrst tIme The flfth annual "'l'ake Our In 1996, 48 7 mllhon adults HospIce of Southeastern tional and lIlstructlOnal mate- MlchtgaJl Daughters to Work Day" WIll renovated butldIng will Michtgan s8ld theIr company partICIpat- rials that can Improve their Raffle tIckets are $10 each be Thursday, Apnl 24 ed include a planetarium, recital Proceeds from the event will teachmg and learmng skIlls" and ofTera chance to WIn a Sponsored by the Ms hall, art gallery, practIce stu- help proVIde lOVIngcare and For more informatIOn, call "As a hteracy tutor, I real- triP for four to Walt Disney FoundatIOn for Women, the the Ms FoundatIOn for dIos, the Anthropology dlgnJty to people WIth lmllted IZed that a technology-based World, a trip to CalIfornia day was deSIgned In response Women at (800) 676-7780 Museum, rehearsal space for !lfe expectanCIes, and support solutIon that enhanced access WIne country, a weekend 111 to research that showed that - Margie Reins Smith the Htlberry and Bonstelle for theIr families to current mfonnatlOn, pro- theatres and 45 classrooms. Tlckets range from $200 to moted collaboratIOn and The project mcludes the $500. For reservations, call hnked the center to area edu- "You Want The Best Care For The One YouLove" remodehng of 300,000 square (810) 443-7635. catIOnal and SOCIalsemce If )OU Jre 111100 Tll balan" thodcmandl of "ork and famll) "hlic ,ann2 Ill[ Illur pJrem feet and the desIgn of a agencIes could broaden the Call us today for full details ... or drop In and VISit 62,000-square-foot addItion to Ameritech grant: The reach of the center's already the bmldmg. Domimcan LJ.teracy Center successful program," said Bob ~OROUN CALVARY DAY CARE FOR ADULTS Among the Grosse Pomters was establIShed 10 1988 and Bury, an Amerltech employee who will share memOries and has grown to mclude 125 and a member of the board for A Center of L"thero" celebrate Old Ma:m's 100 year NURSING HOME Social Services of Michigan llill tutors and 100 students The the center amuversary are Dr. Murray 80015F -\Sl JFH ER~ON center offers educatIonal OF 1 ROn. \fleH. 4950 Garefhead and Pauline Thomas. The opporturutles for adults who Annual Salmon Ilear Mad. alld MOItm 881-3374l1L !Itll couple met m a chemIstry want to Improve their readmg Stakes: The fishmg tourna- I 821-3525 QUAun V['R\/NG C~RE Parlially funded by the Un ted Way and the DetrOIt Area Agency OnAg ng class III the fall of 1946 and slalls ment that the late Chuck mamed In 1947 Murray grad- Amentech has granted Muer and AI Tyrell cooked uated from WSU's medIcal $15,000 to the center to help up dUring a casual chat 19 school, Pauhne graduated enhance Its efforts by launch- years ago, WIllbegm once from nurslllg school Murray 109 a webSIte and upgradIng agam at sunup Saturday, Apnl IS preSIdent of the alumni its computing mfrastructure 26, at the RIver Crab restau- aSSOCIatIOnof WSU MedIcal 1'he ability to share :mfor- rant, 1337 North RIver Road, School For mfonnatlOn or reserva- SOTHEBY'S Garden Center CONDUCTED SYMPOSIUM A PORTRAIT OF AMERICA THROUGH THF. offers awards COLLECTIONS OF 1b encourage the pUrsUIt of a HENRY FORD MUSEUM & GREFNFIF I [), II I AGF degree or advanced degree III agriculture and natural Saturday, May 10th resources at MIchigan State & Sunday, May 11th Umverslty or natural resources at the Umverslty of Sotheby\ EducatIOn WIll conduct a MIchIgan, the Grosse POlllte ~ympmlUm at the Mu~eum m Garden Center IS agam ofTer- mg a $1,000 deSIgnated schol- Dearborn featunng leadmg ~cholar .. arship for use III the fall workrng WIth oUNandrng Students who are semors or collecllon~ 10 ~mall graduate students at eIther of conn01~'ieur~hlp work~hop~ the umversltles are ehglble Preference WIllbe given to res- Usl of Faculty. Ident applicants of the Grosse Allan Breed Expen Cabmelmaker of Pomte area penod fumTlure The Garden Center IS also MIl" (n/Il" H"lonan Fouoder of ofTenng funds for a landscape ColI,er AUlomollve Mu<;eum beautificatIOn project to be FIllabnh Garret O"eclor of 'iolheb) , completed thiS year by a Educallon and AUlbor of AI Home thc Grosse Pomte orgamzatlOn Amencan Family 1750 1870 Wendell Garrell Ed,lor at Large The The deadline for applications Magallne Anllque, for the scholarshIp and the 1,,,,I,e Keno '>eOlor V,ce Pre"dent Amen,ana 'iolheb~ , beautIficatIOn award IS May Rtf hard Martm Curntor The CO<;.lume In'llollfulc Mrrropolit In \1u,<.um 15 ApphcatlOn~ are avaIlable of An New York by callmg the center's awards chamnan Andrea Rasmussen Fee of $445 plu'! a $50 tax-deductihle donation to at (313) 886-8364, or, III the Henry Ford Mu'!eum & (;rcenfield Village case of BCholarshlp~.the appr

eOll'Olan omell. , R:04 c; H"m.llo (' nq now M .4860, I~l/I 19/0914 SEQUENCE IROOI 9<1k 14\~ In' I~ 7)/9? ?471 fOmnl dmq I tiler ... (om I.GIOMAL O.PIC •• (ut RClhhm .. C,Ullfo )~:? (1 (lOci "-iM",n M' 49417 I~I~IR~~ ~n6 In. 1616) 847 M41 i>...... I ...... ~')A... __ ..... April 17, 1997 48 Health Grosse Pointe News

When life takes Bon Secours offers fitness, exercise classes Get ready for svn.mswt sea- tomng class WIll make you cardIOvascular endurance also a great way to relax The your breath away son and summer sports by happy you got out 01 bed early Weights and tubing also are class ISoffered from 8 to 9 a m slgnmg up for one of the The class IS offered from 6 30 used to strengthen and tone all Thursdays The serIes cost IS By Nancy K. Messing numerous exerCIse classes to 7.15 a m Mondays and mllJor muscle groups The class $20 Soeclal WntE'r offered bv Bon Secour" Wf'dnf'"dav" 1'hf' ('n~t for 1" (>f'fpr€'d from 7 3(1 tn q pm Is there anything more basIc to life than breathmg? HospItal All classes are taught SessIOn I'IS $34, SeSSIOns II Tuesdays and Thursdays The Fitness Evaluations We do It as often as 18,000 times a day wIthout really by expenenced fitness mstruc- and III are $22 cost for SeSSIOn I IS $40, Conducted by an exercISe phys. thinking about It tors who are CPR certIfied SesslollS II and III are $25 lologIst, thIS evaluatIon Breathmg IS an mvoluntary reflex, lIke the beatmg of The fitness and condltlornng Fitness is Ageless - Geared mcludes a health Tlsk the heart It Just happens programs WIlltake place on the for those over age 50, tlus class Prenatal and Postpartum appr81Sal, blood pressure, total That 1<;, unle~" vnu're one of the more than 50 million followmg dates m the Bon Brae prOVIdesa well-rounded work. Exercise Program and HDL cholesterol, carma- people In the Umted Center Gym, 22300 Bon Brae, out to mcrease fleXIbLhty and Followmg the Amencan vascular fitness, fleXIblhty, States IIvmg WIth a St ClaIr Shores carmovascular endurance It College of ObstetrICs and body compoSItIOn 8l1d a com. breathing chsorder hke offers warm-ups, very low- Gynecology gUIdelines, thiS plete exercIse prescription. emphysema, brondutis Session I: Aprtl 28 through rmpact aerobICS, walkmg, sta- exercISe program WIll proVIde Wear loose-fittmg clothmg and or asthma, all forms of June 20 tIOnary eqwpment and floor the expectant mother WIth safe exercIse shoes IndIVIdual chromc obstructlve pul- Session IT:June 23 through exeTClSeSThe class IS offered exerCIse and help the new mom appomtments are aval1able monary dIsease July 25 (no classes July 4) from 9 15 to 10 15 a m. or 10 30 get back m shape Newboms between 4 and 7 p m May 6 (COPD) Session ill:Aug 4 through to 11 30 a m Mondays, are welcome to Jom mom Call and June 3 Group result ses- People hvmg WIth Aug 29 (no classes the week of Wednesdays and Fndays The (810) 779-7909 to request SIOnswtll take place from 4 to 5 COPD can slgmficantly July 28) cost for SessIOn I IS$40, $37 for forms iliat need to be complet- p.m May 8 and June 5. The enhance theIr quahty of 55PLUS members, SessIons II ed by you and your obstetrI- cost for a fitness evaluation IS hfe and learn how to CardioSculpt • Tlus low. and ill $25; $23 for 55PLUS cIan ThIS senes will COnsIStof $47 breathe easIer by Jom. Impact, hIgh-energy aerobICS members. 10 classes that run from 6.15 to mg a pulmonary reha. class focuses on enhanCIng 7 15 p.m Tuesdays and For more mformation or to bilitatlOn program that your cardiovascular fitness and A Step Above - Step mto fit- Thursdays The senes cost IS preregISter, call Bon Secours offers SUpeTVlSedexer. also Includes a strengthernng ness during tlus Step T" aerobic $25 Commumty Health EducatIon ClSe,education and and tonmg segment SesSIOn I class ThIS class begms WIth an at (810) 779-7900 between 9 counselmg. A physI' WI1lbe offered from 4 to 5 P m aerobIC segment and concludes Yoga - ThIS begInner class a.m. and 4 p,m. Monday clan's referrallS all or 6 to 7 p.m Mondays, WIth a strength and tonmg seg- focuses on balance, fleXIbility through Fnday that IS reqwred Wednesdays and Fridays The ment. The class IS offered from and upper-body strength It's There IS a great deal series cost IS $50; $47 for 5 to 6 p m Mondays and Nancy K. Messing of 8l1Xletythat goes 55PLUS members Wednesdays. The cost for along WIth lung dJs- SeSSIOns n and ill WI1lbe SessIon I IS $35, SesSIOns II Program helps siblings ease But once patients get to class and talk to other offered from 4 to 5 P m. or 6 to and illare $22 people who have the same fears and symptoms, they 7 p m Mondays and don't feel as alone Wednesdays The cost IS $22. Step, Slide and Sculpt • prepare for new baby Famtly members are encouraged to attend the fiTst ThIs ultimate workout uses Some chtldren have dIfficul. baby's arrIval. Beaumont few classes not only to supply emotlonal support to the Sunrise CardioSculpt - both the Reebok Step 1" and ty understandmg their new nurse educators will use dolls patIent but also to learn about lung disease. Thls 45-mInute aerobiC and the Reebok Shde TM to enh8l1ce roles as a "bIg brother" or "big to demonstrate basic infant One of the fiTst thmgs that a pattent learns m a pul- sISter" to a new baby m the care. holdIng, feedIng, burping, monary rehab class ISbreathmg techrnques to get them famtlY dlapenng and safety. through a breathing CTlSISthat may leave them gaspmg A ~nerdle' will do'it, To help clIildren aebust to A fIlm for youngsters WIll for breath m a shopping mall this new role before the baby discuss the role of a bIg broth- Surpnsmgly, persons WIth COPD have much more arrIves, Wllham Beaumont er or big SiSter,typiCal feelmgs, dIfficulty exhalmg than thpy do Inhahng But pul. according to dental group HospItal offers the "BIg and will mclude a descnption monary rehab programs can teach them breathmg tech- Brother/Blg SIster Program" of how babIes usually look and lllques, such as pursed-hp breathmg, whIch IS much hke When It comes to toothpaste, teeth that does the work of for expectant parents and tlIeIr act blOWIngout the candles on a cake Using thIS techlllque, less IS more remOVIng plaque, the stIcky chtldren A film for parents will theiT weakened lungs are able to exhale carbon mOJade How much toothpaste do you film of bactena that causes The program is offered on explore ways to deal WIth SIb. to make room for the next breath of oxygen. actually need on your tooth- tooth decay. Saturday, Aprtl 19 from 9 am. hng nvalry and tiPS to help Persons WIth COPD don't want to climb Mount brush? to 1030 a m at the hospital m famtly members aebust to the Everest They just want to do some of the srmple dungs The value of toothpaste, In Classroom F, 44201 Deqwndre new baby. they've lost touch WIth, hke carrymg a laund' y basket Amencan Dental addItion to fluonde, IS that m Troy. The regIStration fee Beaumont nurse educators or pushmg a vacuum cleaner. Some days Just putting AsSOCIatIOnresearchers recom- people will be mclmed to brush for the program IS $15 a f8lll1- will lead families on tours of theiT arms above theIr heads to comb theiT halT can be mend a "nerdle," whidI IS a more often if It tastes good and ly Call (800) 633-7377. each hOSPItal'S nursery and dIfficult phrase they corned to descnbe makes theIr mouths feel good Children will be encouraged postpartum umts. The pro- Patients also are taught to apply some of these a squeeze of toothpaste that Children need even less than a m a casual group settIng to dJs- gram IS sponsored by breatlung techmques to help them through a task they Just covers the length of the nerdle - Just a pea-sue dollop cuss feellngs about the Beaumont's motherlbaby care all dread - clImbmg staIrs They learn that by pursed- brIstles on the brush should be used, to reduce the changes m Mom and theIr unit and the Department of hkelihood of swallowmg It expectatIons about the new Marketing SeTVlces. See BREATHING Wlule fiuonde m toothpaste Page5B helps protect agaInst caVItIes, It IS the actIOn of brushuIg the

, t)

¥ou,:'a busywoman. You feel great and take good care of yourself But sometimes It'S easy to overlook preventive measures like your monthly breast self.exam, annual phYSical and mammogram So don't turn your back on the most powerful o tools you have diagnOSIsand treatment :t' Bon Secours Hospital wants you to make time for yourself Follow ,.~~ ~.:- the Amencan Cancer Society gUidelines for early detection ~ It's easy as 1 2- 3 %1{- 1. Monthly breast sell-exam ~ ...,~ 2. Annual phYSical 4~~ 3. Yearly mammogram for all women 4Dyears of age or older When It comes to breast cancer what you don t know can hurt you So please take the time to routinely self-e~am And get checked Make an appointment for your breast exam and get a prescnptlon for your mammogram, because only your doctor can order the procedure Make It a part of your life For life Take the time to put yourself first Today Next Month Next Year It's your health and you re worth It To learn more about breast cancer, for a free self-exam shower card. or for a phYSICianreferral. call Bon Secours Women's HealthCare at 1-800-303.7314 RON "EC OURS WOMFN " [-HAl THC ARE StJohn 461l ( d(h(,lI~ Road (,"'W,( I'Otnf( \11(h'l(an llll~O HospItal and


-I .... I I ,' A o • • & Q April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Health 56 Wayne County aims to boost immunizations of children to 90 percent By Dr. Donald W. Lawrenchuk mg cough) exceeded the U S many health care proVlders are • ReVlew all of your chIl- vldes free vaccmes to pnvate tant commumty groups The Wayne County Health surgeon general's projectlons not takmg full advantage of dren's ImmUniZatIOn records doctors and other health care Wayne County Health Department for the entIre decade of the the opportumtIes to protect our and make sure that they prOVIders m our area, which Department IS fully committed Last year the Centers for 1990s, and theIr mCIdence con- chIldren The average 2-year- remwn up to date and com- can Significantly reduce the to support and asSiSt m these DIsease Control and tmues to mcrease old has been to a health care plete Keep a wntten copy of cost of ImmumzatlOns effortb as much as poSSible PreventIOn released a report Smce January 1993, m proVlder at least 10 tImes, yet your chlldren's ImmumzatlOn • Support local commuruty As SOCIOlOgist Margaret l..ruun/S Mldugttll ut'/;lU ll:lbL MI(,hIgan tnere have been at It only takes tour or hve VlBlts records m a sate place ellorts, such as ImmumzatlOn Mead once said, "Never doubt m the proportIOn of 2-year-olds least 37 cases of measles and to fully Immuruze a 2-year-old • Ask your chIldren's doctor fairs, m your neIghborhood that a small group of thought- who were fully Immunized m 246 cases of pertusslS reported Some thmgs that all parents, or other health care proVlder If ThiS could Include formmg ful, committed cItizens can our natIOn m babIes less than a year old grandparents and concerned he or she IS enrolled In the partnershIps WIth local bUSI- change the world, Indeed, It'S Only 61 percent of Our goal m Wayne County mdlVlduals can do to lIDprove Wayne County Health nesses, hOSpitalS, doctors and the only thing that ever has " MichIgan's 2-year-olds had and throughout MIchIgan IS to our Immumzatlon levels Department's vaCCIneprOVlSlon other health care prOViders, receIved a basIc senes of rec- rmse ImmUnIZatIOnlevels to at Include program ThIS program pro- schools, PTAs and other Impor- ommended vaccmes As a least 90 percent over the next result, many of these vaccme- few years preventable dIseases, once However, to accomphsh thIS belIeved to have been elImmat- goal, we need the support and Beaumont opens Pediatric After Hours Clinic ed, are now returrung to our assIstance of canng parents, It's 5 P m on Fnday and for youngsters needing routme area Ical care for chl!dren WIth of the Emergency Center, grandparents and other con. your youngster starts com. medIcal care WIth the openmg minor 1llnesses and mjunes where more crltlcally III In 1990 alone, the mCldence cerned md1Vlduals m our area plaInlng of a sore throat Your of Its new PedIatrIC After patIents are bemg treated " of vaccme-preventable dIseases WhIle many are qUIck to pedlatnclan's office IS closed, Hours Chruc Parents may bnng chlldren such as measles, mumps, blame parents for these low and the symptoms don't seem to the hospital's Emergency The Pedlatnc After Hours rubella and pertUSSIS (whoop. ImmUnIZatIOnlevel~, m realIty, to JustIfy a trip to the emer- The clinic, located Within Center entrance and the staff Climc IS staffed by board-certl- gency center Beaumont HospItal, next to the WIll dlfect chIldren With minor fied pedIatrICians and fully What's a parent to do? Emergency Center, IS open lllnesses or InJunes to the eqUIpped WIth on-site lab and Gum disease more serious WillIam Beaumont Hospital dunng everung and weekend PedIatnc After Hours Climc X-ray faCIlIties to prOVide In Royal Oak has a new optIon hours to proVIde prompt moo- All patlents are accepted by prompt diagnoses A report of than cavities, says ADA the clImc on a walk-m basiS each VISIt IS sent to the Temporomandibular disorders patient's pedlatflclan wlthm ClImc hours are 6 30 to two days Gum dIsease concerns den- health concern Conversely, 39 1030 pm Mondays through tISts tWice as much as caVltles percent of Internatlonal den- are common, according to ADA Fridays, 3 to 10 pm The chruc accepts the same Umted States dentIsts say gum tists vs 17 percent ofU S. den- MUlions suffer from TMD temporal bone of the head and Saturdays, and 1 to 10 p m msurance coverage as the hos. dIsease IS a more pressmg oral tISts say caVltles are a major Sundays. pltal's Emergency Center. health concern than tooth problem Some experts estlIDate that as thejaw (mandIble) many as 10 nnllion Amencans Patients who requIre pre- decay by a 2.to.l margm "ThIs new chruc enables par- may suffer from temporo- Symptoms can be character- authonzatlon from thelf doctor WhIle tooth decay IS still a ents to seek immedIate medIcal or msurance company for Tlus trend was revealed In concern m thIS country, den- mandIbular dIsorders (TMD), a ized as pam m the face or jaw famlly of problems that has no jomt area; luruted mouth open- attentIOn for a chIld, rather Emergency Center VISIts WIll the Amencan Dental tIsts have been focusmg more than wmtmg for the pedlatn- still need pre-authonzatlOn to AsSOCIation/Colgate Oral and more on dIagnOSing and commonly agreed upon cause ing, Jaws that get stuck, or "go or standard treatment, accord- out", clIckmg or poppmg Clan's office to open the follow- be seen m the chruc Co-pays Health Survey conducted at treatmg gum dIsease as they mg mornmg," says Beaumont are collected at the tune of ser- the 1996 ADNFDI World contmue to get tooth decay mg to the cover story In the sounds and other complamts, November 1996 Journal of the pedIatnclan ann chruc director VIce Dental Congress In October under control mcludIng headaches and ear- Amencan Dental Associatlon aches Dr Molly Doherty O'Shea "ChIldren are dIagnosed and For more mformatlon, call According to the survey, 38 DentIsts are well eqUIpped to TMD refers to a collectIOn of The Amencan Dental treated promptly, and the fam- Beaumont's PedIatriC After percent of U.S dentIsts com- help prevent gum dIsease lly aVOIdsthe hustle and bustle Hours Chmc at (810) 551.0222 pared W1th13 percent of inter- through regular checkups and medical and dental conditIons AsSOCIation recommends that natIonal dentlsts reported gum tooth cleanmgs, prOVIded prlIDarily affecting the tem. patlents talk to their dentISt disease as a pressmg oral patIents brush and 110ssdBlly. poromandIbular jomt (TMJ), about dIagnOSISand treatment whIch IS the jomt between the of poSSibleTMD dlSorders

reathing LISA A. MANZ-DULAC, MD Frompage4B recondition muscles that have than do muscles that are less shortness of breath. D •• 0 0 hp exhalmg up the first been weakened by years of even mi=ally conditioned three steps, stoppmg to lIttle use Nancy K Messmg IS a reg- 10 its Grosse Pointe Farms office mhale and then pursed.lIp With progressive exercISe IStered respiratory therapISt exhalIng up the next three Every time we move, our of any lund, the muscles whc coordl1lates the Bon Il< _ o.ox"""""'~!I""'oi~ ... ~1Ul1l"1""'''' steps, they eventually can muscles use oxygen - some- become more effiCIent, reqUIr- Secours Hospital Pulmonary .\do


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COIlNIl." O"'CUl flO.4 ') Hom !J('ln l)ngnow MI.48607 SVQUVN 1117) 19;0914 , 1'.. 1'.. CE '4. IAOOI96R 14\~ 1°'111717922421 l"'f'T'a11 r:lmq I 00 ~ rom a.GIOM.L •• no. 9?o ~0hhon\ S,t. 252 (,rnoo HnVf"n MI .19417 I~I~I ~4~ S1? $25 The cost of attend- By Roger Skully ~, y- Wme "DetrOIt Past, Present gressIve CItIes In the world Ing an IndIVIdual lecture IS Cantor, Grosse POinte Jewish CounCil and Future" The DepreSSIOnalmost crushed $10 For more Information, The Passover celebration begIns thIs The lectures WIll be held at It But World War II made It call Anne Roberts at (313) 882- year on the evenIng ofApril 21 It does not cOIncIdewIth 7 30 p m on three consecutIve the arsenal of democracy 5877 Easter because the JewISh calendar ISon a lunar rather Thursdays - Aprtl 24, May I, than a solar cvcle :md Mo.:, S W:ne and cheese '{'hp M!lY 1\ t(1plr W'11 h(' "'l'hE' From year to year, the lunar changes cause all of the will be served after eacll lec- Trauma" The DetrOIt tnumph Orthodox JeWISh holIdays to move In relatIOn to the solar cycles of ture ran Into serIous trouble WIth the non-JeWIsh hohday!> The Apnl 24 topIC will be the postwar confrontatIOn of Christians The Seder (Seder comes from the Hebrew word mean- "Before the AutomobIle" management and labor - and Ing "order or sequence") plate contaIns a number of sym- Almost 300 years ago the the black mIgratIOn from the bols of the holIday French establIshed a settle- South RaCISm and race nots observe There IS a roasted shank bone, representIng the ment on the straIt between led to white flIght to the sub- ancIent Passover sacrIfice, parsley or greens for spnng- Lake ErIe and Lake Huron. urbs A new, suburban DetroIt Holy Week tune, hope and renewal, "haroset," a dehghtful combIna- Captured by the BrItISh and faced an old, black DetroIt WIth tIOn of chopped apples, walnuts, ralsms, dates, prunes, then the Amencans, It became fear and SUspICion But the More than 300,000 Greek CInnamon and WIne, whIch represents the mortar used the gateway for thousands of devastatIOn of the last three Orthodox faIthful m the metro- m the forced labor of slavery, a roasted egg, the symbol Concert will Immigrants seeking land and decades may now be the pre- polItan DetrOit area w111 of lIfe, and unleavened bread, matzo, the bread wiuch opporturuty In the vastness of lude to a metropolItan cIty dIf- observe Holy Week In prepara- was baked WIthout leaverung as the Hebrews hurned feature the West It was a CIty on its ferent from anything In the tion for Easter on Sunday, from slavery to freedom way to greatness past. AprI127 Near the begInmng of the Seder meal, the matzo IS WIne IS a native Detrolter The Orthodox Church deter- raised and the leader of the ceremony says In AramaIc Klais organ The May 1 topICwill be '7he He founded the first mInes Easter as the first (the common langIlage of the first century and the lan- Heyday" The automobIle Humarustlc JeWISh congrega- Sunday after the first full The DetroIt chapter of the guage used by Jesus) 'Tius IS the bread of affilctlOn, the transformed DetrOIt. The tlon, the Bmmngham Temple, moon after the spnng eqUInOX poor bread, wiuch our ancestors ate m the land of Egypt Amencan Gwld of OrgBnlsts Fords and the new auto barons In 1963 In 1969 he helped after the completIOn of the Let all who are hungry, come and eat Whoever IS needy, will present orgalllSt MartIn created opporturutles for hun- found the Center for New let bun come and celebrate the Passover" Jean m a recItal at 730 pm JeWish Passouer The last part dreds of thousands of Job seek- Thinking which IS stIll very of the formula IS followed only RabbI Zetev Wolf of Stnkov, a Chassldlc sage of the Fnday, Aprll 18, at Grosse by the Orthodox Church 18th century, comments that "whoever IS hu.lgry" has a POinte MemOrIal Church. 16 Grosse Pointe United Church Sel'Vlces at the AssumptIOn non-phySIcal aspect For on the evemng of the Seder, the Lakeshore m Grosse Pomte Greek Orthodox Church m St. gate to high spmtual attaInments hes open Not only can Farms plans rummage sale April 19 ClaIr Shores are hIghlIghted they be acqwred, but we are InVIted to enter and receIve The program WIll Include next weekend on Good Fnday ID 18 Pachelbel's Canon m F mInor, The Women's AssoctatIOn of are also co-chatnnen Proceeds them overfloWIng measure - whosoever hungry let afternoon by takmg Chnst's J S Bach's Prelude and Fugue the Grosse POInte Umted from the sale W1.l1support the him come But, there ISa SIngle pnor ccndItlOn which body off the cross and placmg it m E mmor and M Durufle's Church will hold Its annual more than 20 outreach projects must be met We must ourselves open the door We must on the EpltaphlOn (a flower show that we are not lazy "Vem Creator" rummage sale from 9 a.m to 3 of the women's aSSOCIatIon, bedecked tomb), and Good The concert will be enhanced p.m. Saturday, Apnl 19, at the which benefit chanhes In the We retell the story of transItion from slavery to free- Fnday evening WIth the burial dom each year as a remmder of changes of fortune, and by recent acoustIcal renova- church, 240 Chalfonte DetrOIt metropolItan area as of Chnst, a dramatIc sel'Vlce the ever present poSSIbilityof enslavement, both phYSIcal tIons to the church's sanctuary The entrre lower level of the well as World Medical Rellef when the Epltaphlon IS carned and mtellectual and will be performed on a 66- church WIll be transformed and church-related mISSIOns around the outSIde of the The word Mltzraym (tr811SlatedEgypt) comes from the rank mechanical-actIOn Kl81S mto a "store" WIth departments Christ Church organ for llnens, Jewelry, children's church, followed by candle- word "tzar" which means a tlghtemng RabbIS comment beanng faithful that we acqwre freedom by achieVIng control of our pas- A.dnusslon IS free and park- toys, books, men's, women's presents concert The ResurrectIOn sel'Vlce IS SIOnsso that the gomg out from "Egypt" me8rlS the free- Ing is avallable next to the and children's clothlng; shoes; held at mldmght Saturday, mg of our SPlntual selves church For more mformabon, household applIances, small The English Handbell when "ChnstosAneste" (Christ 'fwlce a day, the central prayer of the Jewish Faith, the call (313) 882-5330. furnIture, sports eqwpment, Rmgers and the Chnst Church IS RIsenl) IS proclaimed. An Shema, urges us to remember the "Holy One" who barg8lll glassware, and kltehen Chlmmg Children, under the Agape sel'Vlce, read In several brought us from slavery to Freedom and led us on the Items A boutIque for brand directIOn of Ernest J languages, IS held Easter road to recelVe the Torah (Genesis through new Items WIllbe open Richardson, will present theIr Sunday at noon Deuteronomy) at Mount Smal St. James An added Incentive to second annual Bell and ChIme AssumptIon Church IS locat- Freedom ISleadIng an ethical lIfe accordIng to pnncl- encourage customers will be Concert at 4.30 p.m. Sunday, ed at 21800 Marter Road m St pies of the Torah, not succumbmg only to wmm and pas- Lutheran plans breakfast treats, coffee and Apnl27, at the church sIOnof the moment lunch served by the church Clair Shores. For more Infor- mahon, call (810) 779-6111 We are also taught to have empathy The Haggadah rummage sale youth group. The free concert will feature (the book which cont8llls the story of the Passover) "Our qualIty IS good Our sacred and secular mUSIC, states "You shall not oppress the stranger, because you The Women of St. James pnces are low because every- including "Verde Luz," a piece were strangers In the land of Egypt The Holy One delIv- Lutheran In Grosse Pomte thlng must sell In Just one day," for handbells and classIcal gw- Deadline for ered us from slavery to freedom, from darkness to llght " Farms, will hold a spnng nun- s81d co-chairman Kathy tar, featunng gultarlSt James Next year, may all mankmd be free from every form of mage sale at the church on Frakes "We reqmre that all JarvtS The concert will con- Features section tyranny and persecutIOn Saturday, Apnl 19, from 10 donated rummage items be clude WIth the premIere of Amen a m. to 2 p m All profits will be clean and In working order" FantasIa on "Hyfrydol," WIth is 3p.m. Friday used for the new carpet fund Flo Flynn and Sand! Cook brass choll"accompamment.

Grosse Pomte Umtanan Women, Scripture to be Church IiRecovenng the 1 topic of lecture April 22 Forgotten ComllUl1ldment" ~ SERVICES 10 30 a m ServICe & Church School St. James Lutheran Church The Lay TheolOgical orgamzatlon for adults that 17150 MAUMEE 170 McMillan Rd. near Kercheval GRACE UNITED Academy W1.l1present a talk by mcludes eIght local churches 881-0420 m Redeemer United Grosse POinte Farms' 884-0511 t CHURCH OF CHRIST SISter Barbara Reid, asSOCIate Grosse Pomte Memortal First English Ev.Lutheran Church 1015 a m Worslup& Holy Euchansl l I. Methodist Church professor of the New Church, Chnst Church Grosse ~~ Kercheval al LalepolOie VernIer Rd at WedgeI\ood Dr 900 am Chnsuan Educatlon for all ages Grosse POinte Park 822-3823 20571 Venuer -WS1 W of I 94 Testament at CatholIc Pomte, St Paul CatholIc Grosse POinte 'Woods Sunday Wor;hlp 1030 a m H~ZO~rs TheolOgical Uruon m Chicago, Church, St Paul Evangehcal 884-5040 1200 Pm 1230 Pm The Holy Euchanst Tue;,day _Thnft Shop 1030 _3 30 at 7 pm Tuesday, Apnl 22, m Lutheran Church, Jefferson & Devollons evelj Wednesday Wednesday 10 30 d m WorshIp 830 &. [I 00 a m \\OrshlP (I 9 15 am SUnddy S~hool the Canfield EducatIonal Avenue Presbytenan Church, 9 45 a m Sunda; School ALL ARE WELCOME Pr Troy G Willie Amazmg g~~.f~~~~\\~3 00 for aU agel =.Center, 170 Grosse Pomte Our Lady Star of the Sea Dr Waller A Schmldl Pastor : Blvd CatholIc Church, Grosse Rev Banon L Beebe AS<;OClatePastor THESUBJECTFORTHIS Christ the King : ReId's topIC will be "What Pomte Woods Presbytertan GROSSE. 51. Paul Ev.lutheran Church SUNDAY IS POINTE ; does Scnpture really say about Church and Grosse Pomte Lutheran Church .. women?" Jl 88106670 "Doctrine of UNITED Umted Church Mack at Lochmoor ; The lecture ISoper' to people ::-~;:;o..'.:> 375 Lothrop at Chalfont. CH URCH Atonemement" 884-5090 iof all faiths and ISsponsored by RegIStratIOn fee IS $5 Pre- If 900& 11 15 a m Worship • St Paul CatholIc Church and regIstratIon IS apprecIated and () 10 lOa m Education For All First Church of Christ, AmUATED WITH THE UCC ANO ABC 815& I04)am Wor;hlp~Cf'llCe • the Lay TheolOgical Academy, may be made by callmg (313) Nursery Avarlable Scientist 240 CHAlFONlE AT LOnlROP 9 30 a m Sunda) School & ; an ecumemcal educatIonal 885-7022 Rev F ed Harms Paslor Rev C~nsl~r Frye Pastor Grosse Pointe Farms, 884-3075 BIhle C I;ssel .:.:. ST MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL 282 Chalfonte Ave. "Love, in Truth and Action" Randy S Boelter, Pastor CHURCH TImothy A Holzerland, Asst PllS10r iBabies Joseph P Fabry, Pastor ,menlus ~ 20475 Sunmngdale Park 4 block~ We~t of Moro~s 10-00 A M FAMILY WORSHIP (CRIB ROOM AVAILABI.£) Gros.'OePomte Woods, 884-4820 ~unday 1030 d m Ashley Taylor and daughter, Andrew MIlton 1(}()() A M CHURCH SCHOOl Sunday SchOOl 1010 a m MacLeod and Kaley Chnstma 'und.) Rev E A Bray, Pastor ~ ~istnric Carlson MacLeod, born March 7, 1997. 8 (Xla m Holy Fu,haml Wedne~day 7 30 p m Bnan and DIane Carlson of 10 IS, m ChulCry Dr Robert and Rose Maternal grandparents are 1020 a III Adult Forum Histoncal SocIety THtlR~UAY Marchese of Grosse Pomte Mary and RIll Dinan of Grosse 9 ()()& II I~a m \\orlhlp 12 10 P m Itnl) (nmmunlon Park are the parents of a 10 ~laIII Church School Pomte Woods Paternal grand- Man"'" on lIan Plauz 10 15 a m Sunday School Ill5 a III Holy Eudlans! 11 00 a m Worship daughter. Hannah Ray parents are Kathleen and JIm 01th~ Tllnnt'{ IIt: Marchese, born Feb 5, 1997 12 15 P III C Great- Maternal grandparents are It-THE UNITED FnJ~r at ",ood ...ard & },/f,rmn grandmother ISDelIa K. nedy, .00 p m ~Or<.hlP Unplugged Nursery Services Available The Rev Richard W In~all" ~ DIane and RIchard Zelenka of R«tor also of Gros'!e Pomte Woods ~I METHODIST CHURCH III III SupelVlsed dunng Worship ,... Lansmg Paternal grandpar- 9'00 a 1230 p Nursery k.f'nnt"th J 'wee-Iman, .. ents are Carol and Larry AHEPHEN \flNISTRY IJII 61 Oros.. Polnte Blvd. Orflllm ..t end (llolrma"ttr : Kambeltz of CaoreVllleand Bob Harris Franklin and I OGO~ Congregation LB (3131~1 886-4301 313-259-2206 Bunker !~~~~:;:.~:rc~:~~t_;:a;J Melissa and Frank Bunker The Grosse Pointe MemorioJ Church : parents are Thelma Chalker of of St Clair Shore'! are the par- Gl"'oS"S"ePOinte 8~pt.lS"t Chul"'ch : Chesanmg and LoUIS Zelenka ents of a son, Hams franklIn A ChriJt Centered, Carin'} Church ..: of Owosso Bunker, born March 28, 1997 REV. DR. GILU:AS8U1G MACMILLAN .. Maternal grandparents are /972 Fcumenrcal MinISterfrom Edinburgh, ')cotland Commdted toyouth and CommundIJ :: Andrew ~ilton Joseph Mengden of the City of 900 Wor,hlp <;CrvlCC 1000 hlucatlon for All :• ~acLeod and Kaley Grosse Pomte and the late SundaLj School Q 45 N1 SuzannE' Mmer Mengden II 00 WOl'hlp <;cn I,e !l4~ 12 1~ (rrbffoddlcr Carc Sundalj Wo""h,p 1100 I"" : Christina MacLeod Paternal grandparents are Dr 7 I() am h.umcmLal Mcn s I nday Breakfast : MelIssa and Andrew Frank H Bunker of 71336 M"c~ Avenue Gro«e POinte 'Wood. : MacLeod of Grosse Pomte Park Steven wIlle and Gladys A .. n I'"~'II Ml'11"'TRY and I ()(.O'i {'on~~allon Iii Lake~hore Onvr. (.rtK'Oe POInte Farm~ 1182-~HO Phone (313) 8813343 Lare the parent.'l of tWin", a <;on Chlpoco of Grand Ledge f l, .. f I ...... D • • & Q Apnl 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 7B

Cruise Alaska in style. • • butdon~forgetyourboo~ The shorehne of Alaska IS a boat, 99 pllhsengers), SPlflt of 18th- and 19th-century ArCtiC Its overnIght stops are at rough and rugged terrllln, dot- GlaCier Bay (84), SPl1'ltof explorers" While thiS ship IS ted WIth Islands, gutted WIth Alaska (82) and the SPl1'ltof some of the state's more exotic not as fancy as some others, It spots, Port Nelhe Juan, glaciers and home to the Discovery (54) sail a vanety of IS extremely well-regarded for !>r('WI' be:rr :Ind b:.lld C:.lb1c It" Constantme's Harbor lvutt:b ILl:>euu~atlUllal program" and Chenega and Blackstone Bay waters shelter humpback Two other ships - the ZodIac exploratIOns Call (800) whales, orcas, sea hons and Sheltered Seas and Glacier are all anchorages that are not 5488669 famlhar names Your hosts on otters It ISa mBJestlc but Seas - g1Vedayhght yacht the ship are owner Dean Rand often maccE'sslble land tours of varyIng lengths The For a decidedly different and hiS daughters The only way a person can ships cnnse dunng the day- type of small yacht expenence, Seven-day tnps begm In really see It ISfrom the water light hours and passengers you might try SaIlIng aboard a And that IS typically the way either Whittier or Cordova genume mInesweeper For the and mclude five days on board you WIllexpenence Alaska on past 15 years, Thf.''Ibngass most cruise ships - by seemg and two mghts In a bed-and- Conservancy (a non-profit edu- breakfast m Cordova However, wouldn't It be even catIonal foundatIOn) has oper- more thrIlhng to nose right up Departures are from June 3 to ated the Observer and the Sept 9 The charge IS $2.350 to a glaCier and step ashore LlseTOnIII southeast Alaska for a short mke? You can do per person double and Both shIps are wood-hulled ex- mcludes alcohohc beverages, tills If you opt to CruIse Alaska US Navy vessels Many of on a small ship WhIle such fughtseemg and a float tnp. these trips focus on fishIng The Discovery proVIdes skIffs vessels don't offer all the fancy 1'r1ps are from five to nme amenItIes of the mega-smps, and kayaks for exploring. Tlus days and begm In either Sitka ship 19 represented by both they more than make up for It or Juneau WIth m-depth WIlderness expe- By Cynthia Ehll ,Tan.ssens GeographIc Expeditions. (800) The Observer carnes only 777-8183, and Natural riences 12 passengers and the Llseron There are other differences HabItat Adventures, (800) stay overnIght m a different accommodates 20 The ships 233-2433 from large shIps The staffs on port each evenmg, allowmg are frequently chartered by board are largely American them to more thoroughly expe- the Sierra Club and other con- There ISthe optIon of Large motonzed rubber land- nence such commUnIties as servatIOn groups and Itmer- Ing craft are used to carry "doing-It-yourself' by takIng KetchIkan, Petersburg and anes are taIlored to theIr advantage of the eight ships small groups of passengers on Juneau mterests which Sall on the state-run shore exploratIOns led by nat- A real plus for AS/CW IS Passengers not only get to urahsts. And there IS the Alaska Manne HIghway The that Its crews are all Amencan watch whales, but can lISten system offers two mlUor added pleasure of gettmg to and that they are excellent at to their songs through soplus- know Just about everyone on routes the Southeast Route handlmg semor Citizens tlcated sound eqmpment ear- Alaskan cruise ships come in all sizes and degrees of saIls through the glaCler- board There's only one seat- These shIps do not carry ned aboard the smps, whIch luxury. Alaskan cruJse adventures are popular. carved fjords and forest Ing for dInner mflatable boats for exploring even prOVIdefishIng gear for under the watchful eye of cap- to shore The shIp uses ISlands of the Inland Passage Here IS an oveTVlewof the off the smp. For InformatIOn, all guests, although you have tam/owner Bob Horchover Zodiacs and a glass-bottom whIle the other route goes to smaller ships that will be call (800) 426-7702 to buy an Alaska fishmg "We were the fIrst to deSign excursIOn boat for exploring the coastal commumties along CruISIngAlaska thIS summer lIcense ($30-$55) Pnces are and buIld a boat specIfically PrIces are from $1,692 to Prmce William Sound and the season While they carry any- Chpper Cruise LInes also about $500 a person, double, for what we wanted to do and $2,300 per person Gulf of Alaska In total, the where from a dozen to 200 has many years of expenence per day, mcludmg hquor/Wlne we're still one-of-a-kInd," he SlIghtly fancier IS the ships cover 3,500 miles and passengers, one should m small shIp crulsmg and It and freezmg your catch. For explains "The average bfe- Executive Explorer, a newer visit 34 ports remember that In nautIcal WIllhave one shIp In Alaska mformatlOn, call (360) 697- time as a stranger on the ship WIth a streamlined cata- Passengers plan their own deSign, small ISsynonymous this season, the Yorktown 5454 ItinerarIes, gettmg on and off WIth compact so the smaller Chpper, wluch carnes 138 pas- Alaska Adventurer IS mea- maran deSign whIch allows for sured In mmutes The transl- faster CrulSmg It has 25 state- at WIll- for a few hours or a the ship the fewer amenIties sengers m all outside state- Another veteran m the bon to friends IS over m hours rooms (49 passengers) featur- few days - and can bring a and less space per passenger rooms BegmnIng May 31, the adventure tours busmess IS and then begIns an evolutIon mg large VIew windows and ear or recreatIOnal vehIcle you will have Chpper will make five one- Special ExpedItIOns Tms sum- of a culture that ISumque to tWIn beds that can be convert- along If they WISh,for a fee. Remember, you are commg way tnps between KetchIkan mer It WIlloperate the M V each triP Some folks make ed to queens It travels the Five of the vessels offer state- for the adventure. And don't and Juneau Pnces are from Sea BIrd and the M V Sea room acco=odatlOns Some forget to bnng boots $2,100 to $3,450 per person, more than one tnp a season InSide Passage between LIOnon 8-day tnps along the and some have been returnmg Ketclukan and Juneau on also offer dOrmItory rooms, Perhaps the premier small not mcludmg aIrfare and port InSide Passage between annually for over 18 years" alternatIng weekly Itmeranes wmch are sold per berth. On CruISe !me In the regIOn IS charges Expenenced natlIral- Juneau and SItka Both are ObVIously,tms smp would SIX-nIght tnps costs from all smps, passengers may opt Alaska SlghtseemgfCruise ISts will be on board to Inter- shallow-draft shIps accommo- beJust nght for those who $2,123 to $2,923 to layout sleeping bags or use West, which was founded by pret Alaska Tlus smp carnes datIng 70 passengers m 37 really want a friendly, yacht- The firm's smallest smp is the shIp's reclIners for the Chuck West, the man who lIt- mflatable boats for dlllly outside cabms Pnces are from type expenence FishIng IS the 112-foot Wilderness mght. Smps carry anywhere erally orgamzed Alaska explorations. For mformatlOn, $2,990 and the departure featured on some tnps and the Explorer, called a "cnusmg from 190 to 625 passengers I tounsm, way back m 1947 It call (800) 325-0010 dates are from June 7 to Aug ship cames two Boston base camp," accommodatmg operates a fleet of seven 24. SpecIal pncmg IS avaIlable ThIS season the AMHS , Whalers for shore excurSIOns 36 passengers In 18 cabms, all yachts m Alaska - five Society ExpeditIons has on the May 30, 31, June 7, 8 Rates are around $400-$450 WIth upper and lower berths schedule WIllbe mcluded m overnight and two daylIght always been famous for Its departures the "1997 North to Alaska" tounng boats In a 66-page advent1Ire tnps and so one per day and mclude WIne, It offers three- to SIX-daypack- These slups do carry a fleet pubhcatlOn, rather than ill a brochure, the operator out- beer, fishIng tackle and freez- ages, WIth optIonal sea-kayak- expects Its Alaska Itmeranes ofZo&acs and offer excellent stand-alone brochure hnes 51 CruIse-tour optIons aboard Its 13B-passenger educatIOnal programs The mg your catch Group rates ing Pnces begIn at $549 per The smps vary from 65 to 192 offer pnvate boat use and cus- person for a three-day tnp and Between Oct 1 and Apru 30, World Discoverer to be mter- shIps will also be makmg 11- lower rates are charged for feet and carry from 54 to 107 estlng. day "posItionIng CruISes" tom Itmeranes Call Alaska $1,191 for the longer tnps, passengers Sea Adventures at (206) 927- makIng It a good chOicefor the vehIcle drIvers and semor CIti- ThIS year, two Special 15- wluch Include Bntlsh zens. Reservations are Alaska SIghtseemg Just mght Itmeranes featunng the Columbia and southeast 7147 budget-consclOus It departs acqUIred its largest ship, the from Glacier Bay Lodge at reqwred on all vessels for pas- Aleutian Islands and the Alaska These are between GlaCIer Bay IS one of the sengers, vemcles and state- Spmt of Endeavour, a sleek, Kamchatka Pemnsula will be Seattle and Sitka Departures Bartlett Cove. Call (800) 451- most spectacular SIghts In 5952 rooms more modem vessel. The offered, begmnmg May 30 and are May 28, Aug 30 and 31 Alaska and Glacier Bay Tours Endeavour WIllmake eight- June 13 Rates begm at $4,190 and are pnced from $3,490 and CruIses concentrates on One ofAlaska's most scenIC Call toll-free (800) 642.0066 day one-way CruISesbetween a person, not Includmg aIr For more mformatlOn, call Just that area Its 156-foot Seattle and Juneau, saIlmg waterways, Pnnce WIlham or WrIteAlaska Manne In July and August, the shIp (800) 762-0003 WUderness Adventurer has 39 Highway, POBox 25535, every other Saturday from explores remote Alaska and Sound, IS the focus of cnuses staterooms and offers SIX- offered on the 12-passenger, Juneau, AK 99802-5535. Apru 19 to Sept 6 Pnces the RUSSianfar east In 12- The 55-foot Alaska mght tnps from Juneau, WIth 65-foot motor yacht DIscovery begm at $2,525 a person, not and 17-mght Itlneranes Tlus Adventurer IS an 8- to 10-pas- optional sea-kayakIng a popu- lncludmg aIrfare is the expanse of Sibena and senger shIp that has been lar hIghlIght A bow ramp Its overrnght sister shIps, Alaska connected dunng the explonng Alaska for 25 years gives passengers direct access the Spmt of 98 (wluch looks Ice Age by a bndge of land like an old-fasluoned rIver "follOWIngthe pathways of the Thur..t., \proll?., ~ 00 pm Frod.. \prol 18 .t ~00 pm ".turd .. ~prol 19 ., H~ pm "Open wide and Grosse Pointe Symphony DI TROll <;)\IPIIO,\ \ ORC 1l1.,TR \ 'l'l'l~ J"\R\I conductor ~'\l &. 1D\ h. \\ HI \ .... \Jolm say ahhhhhhh!" presents Durufle Requiem CRi:' fO' Imm. dum .md D,m(.~ B\ell (lmCIo.Tto In n mlnrn fOf t~() \lOlin~ The Grosse Pomte PROh..Of IE \ ~'mphom '(~ - 4 .. ~ Symphony Orchestra WIll pre- \1 \ ~ ,.. T f } sent Its third subscnptIon con- \h I II IA\} If cert at 3 pm Sunday, Apru 20, " I,.-u<".',XT...... '1f"til.)" at St Clare of Montefalco {AI t •• ()(/6fttr - Church The Requiem, Opus 9, [~\~'lJf" \ llf I 1,'J ~ , -y- by Maunce Durufle will be per- I \1 ,I ~G3-3700 formed SolOISts are Dorothy Cormle DuenSmg, mezzo-soprano, and Nicholas Loren, bantone The chorus IS the Grosse Pomte North High School Concert ChOIr, directed by Margaret Steele Felix ReSnick WIll con- duct and Joseph Palazzola wIll be featured on the organ. The other work on the pro- gram IS Camille Samt-Saens' Symphony No 3 which IS Nlcbolu Loren Get called the Organ Symphony re~ forthe 9Pen MouthNight becauSE'of the promInent organ Pizza and Pasta Buffet atD's Pie Company. part In Its sconng CUrtiS Murawski, musIc Thm~) WIllrell1j be cookmg lIpstaH~at Andlamo director for St Clare Church, Lakelront III11me\ ery \\;cdnesdav eve Inng as ~ p~n t wIll perform as organist In the Open \1outh 'lIght at 1J I Pie Companj Our chefl WIll work be on h100 at mctllloudl coo~lIlg ItatlOn) len-lng up Listeners can enhance their expenence by JOInIng Jack all}our pa.,ta anct p1l.1.afalOntes Palla orlhe:; Include DuBOIS one hour before the It'1gn I )luffed Ihdll P' 1111"fJrf1II~ and more "'hlle concert for a lecture about the p17J,1ChOlC(,,;lIldul1t NESDAY/ SI095 - ADUm 1$4.95 - KIDS be available at the door General admiSSion IS $12, JJ S PIE COMPANY (IN THE UPPER lEVEl OF ANDIAMO lMlFRONT BISTROI d semors $10, and students $5 240261IFFEl1S0N JUST NORTHOF 9 Mill RD an ia mo For InformatIOn call (313) 885- PHONE(BIOl 773 7770 1.. ~rI".th.+., Dorothy Connie Doeoalng 0744

• €C:; \ -. COIlflOtlAft omen. , AO.d (" Ham lIon ("ogmnw MI 4R60? 1'110,09'4 SEQUENCE 1800191B 14,~ 10' 1)11119~ ~4?1 f"mo rlmq Ietn '\.r(lm ... IOMALO.neII

Q')f, ~ohh (l) .., 'ff- 15, (ror'lc1 Hnvpn MI 49'417 I' ~J 8.' 8n~ 10, 1~161 841 M4' ,..rnoll dma ?Ctno",oontfl ( om April 17, 1997 88 Entertainment Grosse Pointe News

Perfonnances from the past are recaptured Treehouse Players Inc. on compact discs Treehou8e Playen IDe., a Some of the most buccess- RatIng***~ train.lng ground for chDdren ful compact discs to emerge Eileen Farrell IS the large and youth interested in the- since that grand method of American soprano whose ater, wtll present "Public recordIng was developed are late husbdnd was a New SChool lDvaaion." an origi. those that contaIn perfor- York City cop Her onstage nal muslcal comedy. mances prevIOu"h IbSUedon operatIc <-areerwas fmrly The play features a group analog recording-, bnef, In part because of her of inept aliens who try to glrth and her severely lImit- invade a small town's public OFF 'lilE RECORD ed actIng abilIty school. The show will run But the sheer size of her through Sunday, AprU 20, VOice,along WIth Its fleXlbtl- at 1515 Broadway in down- Ity, assured her a place town Detroit, acro .. the among the major smgers of street from the clty's new our century The 10 selec- Detrolt Opera House. tIOns on thiS 68-mInute CD Among the Grosse PoInt- are drawn from seven VerdI ers who will portray gang operas Ongmally recorded members are, from left, ill 1960 and 1961, they show Paul Manganello, Annie her soprano at Its prime Wyker, Abigail Shah, Lauren Among the hIgh pomts IS Larson and Lindsay Vanden. the "Willow Song" and "Ave brock. Proof of that statement Marla" from "Otello " dehv- Performances are at 8 can be found m Sony ered WIth a raVlshl~g tonal p.m. Friday, AprU 18; and 1 Classical's ''Masterworks qualIty that shInes like stl- p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Hentage" series, which ver AprU 19 and 20. Tickets are olTers major performers The mam drawback to $3.50 a person; $3 a person from the past gleaned from Farrell's SInglng (which was for groups of 10 or more. the company's large and dIs- also apparent In the two or For tickets or information, tmgulshed library Each has three tImes I heard her per- call Cathy 0180n at (313) been remastered usmg form m public) IS a same- 855-3502 or the Treehouse Sony's 20-blt technology and ness about each selectIon Players office at (313) 824- super bit mappmg for opti- "Mme IS a beautIful VOIce," 8445. mal sound qUalIty, and the she seems to be saYIng, "so covers and labels reproduce why ask for more?" or reflect the style of the In a century that has ongmal packagmg glven us such stellar smgmg The second group m the actresses as Mana Callas senes has Just been and CecilIa Bartoli, we've Family features by Madeleine Socia released, and the results are learned that there's good hIghly prmseworthy Here's reason to listen for more Maire Fair acclaimed Chtldren's 294-5705 Student art a look at three of them Fun, food, pnzes and games EntertaInment Company on Farm fun See the work of the POInte's George London: "Of galore aWaIt your falmly as Saturday, Apnl 19, at 1 and 3 Take a VISIt back to the best young artists as The Great Masterworks Heritage Gods they take a Story Book p.m Call (810) 293-7800. and Demons" (Sony Spnng Farm Days of yester- Frame Up, 20655 Mack In Highlights (Sony Classical ClaSSical 62758) Adventure at the MaIre FaIr, year WIth hands-on actlVltles Grosse Pointe Woods, presents 62817) Saturday, AprIl 19, from 10 Rating- **** Bookish fun that allow you to expenence The CreatIve Self-ExpreSSion Ratmlf **** London first attracted a m to 4 pm, In Maire life m the 1800s at the Henry Show, a juried exlubition fea- ThIs diSCIS a sampler that WIdemternatIonal recogrn- Elementary School. Games are ReadIng In The Park, 15129 Kercheval In Grosse POInte Ford Museum & Greenfield tunng talented student artIsts, mcludes Items from preVI- tIon In 1949, when he sang 25 cents Call (313) 343-2265 Village, n Dearborn, Thursday, through Saturday, Apnl 19. ous and upcommg releases Amonasro m Verdi's "AIda" Children's production Park, has lots of entertaIning, free programs to Introduce Apnl 24 through Sunday, Apnl The store IS open Thursday m the senes Among the at the VIenna State Opera Grosse Pointe Children's your chIld to the many ways 27 The Museum and Village from 10 a m. to 9 pm., Fnday performers are such stellar WIthout rehearsal In 1960 Theatre WIll stage Smg Ho For that words open worlds Little are open dally, from 9 a m to 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p m. and names as VIohmst Eugene the Canachan-bom bass was A Prmce, otherWIse known as pm AdmISSion IS $1250 for Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 Ysaye, cellist Gregor the first non-RUSSian to SIng readers can meet the SleepIng Beauty, on Saturday, Berenstmn Bear Scouts on adults, $11 50 for semors, and P m Call (313) 884-0140 PlatIgorsky, soprano Bldu the tItle role (m RUSSian)m Apnl 19, at 11 a m and 2'30 $6 25 for chtldren ages 5 to 12. Sayao, pianIst Leon Mussorgsky's "Bons Saturday, Apnl 19 Listen to New adventure p m. and Sunday, Aprtl 20, at 1 Call (313) 271-1976 Treat your chIldren to an Fleisher, tenor RIchard Godunov" at the BolshOI the Scouts' stones from 11 to and 4 pm., In the Fries 11 30 am, thenJoIn m a photo Children's Museum educational adventure WIth a Tucker and conductors Fntz Theater AuditOrIum of the Grosse Remer, George Slell and sessIOn from 11 30 a m to The ChIldren's Museum of tour of the new Museum of The 14 selectIons on thIs POInte War Memonal, 32 Afncan American HIstory, 315 Leopold StokowskJ 12 30 pm and 2 p m No regIS- the DetrOIt PublIc Schools, 67 75-mInute CD mclude Lakeshore In Grosse POInte E KIrby In DetrOit, presents a E. Warren in DetrOIt, the 'Ib hear 'lUcker's versIOn excerpts from that opera as tratIon ISreqUIred. Students m Farms TIckets are $6 50 for largest facility of Its kInd In the of Verch's "DI quell a plra," Grades 3 and above can chscov- schedule of InnovatIve pro- well as more ofT-beatworks adults and $5 50 for students world. Among the excltmg recorded m London m 1960, er the wonders of sunken trea- grams for youngsters. ChIldren lIke Massenet's "Don and semors Call (313) 884- ages 4 to 12 can partake m an exhibits IS AFRICA: One ISto know what opera-lovers QUichotte" and Gruenberg's sure as dIver Kelly Boll shares 9649 stones and artifacts from her ImaglnatIve Story Drama on Contment, Many Worlds, an mean when they talk about "The Emperor Jones" All ovefVlew of Me on the contI- a "golden age " exploratIon of the sunken Saturday, Aprtl 19, from noon were first recorded between to 2 pm The fee IS $2 The nent through Vldeo presenta. To expenence George 1951-55 Artful fun SpanISh galleon The Atocha, museum WIll olTer free plane- tIons, photography and artI- Szell racmg hIS Cleveland They reaffirm London's The Detroit Institute ofArts, from 3.45 to 4.30 pm, on Monday, April 21 KIds In tarIUm demonstrations A facts. The museum IS open Orchestra through the status as one of the greatest 5200 Woodward m DetrOit, 'I\Jesday through Sunday, from dauntmg Scherzo from olTers a schedule of entertam- Grades 2 and above are mVlted ChIld's World of Stars at 11 basses of our age, a smgIng a.m, and Leo the Lion at 1 9.30 a.m. to 5 pm AdmissIOn SchumamI's Second actor who mvested each role Ing workshops for chIldren to learn how to make balloon IS $3 for adults and $2 for chIl- Symphony ISto know what ages 5 to 8, accompanIed by an ammals on Fnday, Aprtl 25, pm, on Saturdays, Aprtl 19 WIth unusually powerful and 26 Call (313) 494-1210 dren Call (313) 494-5800 preclsloned, VIbrant orches- charactenzatlOns adult On Saturday, Apnl 19, from 4 to 4 30 p m Mrs. tral playmg IS all about from 10 a m to noon, aspmng Tammy Duffield, 5th Grade To WItness the soulful Espectally Impressive the artIStS can explore the gal- teacher at Trombley sounds emergmg from way he wraps hiS vOice lerIes to fmd animals in art Elementary School, will be fea- Platlgorsky's cello ill the around selectIons from from around the world then tured m a SpecIal Saturday fmale of Strauss' "Don Wagner's "Das Rhemgold" create their own creatures WIth Storyhour on Apnl 26, at 1 QuIxote" ISto understand and "Die Walkure" and the clay The fee IS $7 for children pm Call (313) 822-1559 that, m the proper hands, subtle IndiVlduahty he and $3 for adults or $6 for chl1- smart some Instruments can actu- bnngs to those famous oper- dren and $2 for adult DIA Super sale ally speak members. Call (313) 833-4249. atic deVIls created by Shop ttll you drop for chIl- me projects, Clearly, Sony's purpose In Gounod, Berlioz and BOIto ISSumg tlus sampler CD IS dren's clothIng, toys and furni. 's the to whet listeners' appetIte Snow White ture dunng a Mom To Mom London's SlTIglngcareer Resale event on Saturday, for more That's exactly was cut short In 1967 when Snow WhIte and the Seven what It does Dwarfs will appear In the Apnl 26, from 10 a m to I 30 right tool hIS vocal cords became par- pm, at the Shores ChIld Care tIally paralyzed Thl"; CD Sears Court of the Macomb Center, 30401 Taylor In St Eileen Farrell Sings shows how deeply tragic Mall, GratIOt at Masoruc In r the job. Verdi (Sony ClaSSical RoseVIlle,dunng a free produc- Clmr Shores AdmiSSIon ISfree that development was, both Vendor tables are avaIlable for 62358) for him and for hiS fans tIOn by the natIOnally $14 or two for $25 Call (810) (Ise It thIS Saturday mOrnIng at 630as DetroitEdISOnbnngs you"OurHouse"- a half hour Classical music series' showfull ofIdeasforrnakmg yourhomemoreenergy topic to be ~Stravinsky' effiCIent. MUSIC CrItiC John Gumn's Vldes commentary three times monthly claSSical music serIes a week on WQRS FM and ISan .lomhostsTom'JYnan and Paula wtll conclude WIth a lecture adjunct professor of mUSIc at Engelforhomeunprovement from 7 to 8 P m Monday, April Wayne State Umverslty and Ideas,affordableweekend 21, at the Grosse POInte War Madonna Umverslty He IS Spring Season now on Sale ! projects,and SimpleenergytiPS MemOrIal The topiC "So Why also mInIster of musIc at 8t to helploweryourenergybIlls, .t tMnew Does Igor StraVInsky Scare Jude Roman Catholic Church protectthe ellVlronment,and Poop!!'?" In DetrOit Detroit Opera House makeyourhousemore GUInn wntes a biweekly col- The lecture cost,,; $8 For comfortable to lIve m umn about claSSIcal CDs for infOrmatIOn, call (313) 881- Spnng ,CJ,on ,pon,orcL! h~ GencrJl Motor," the Grosse Pomte News, pro- 7511 ~Our Honse

TunE'Into (or tape) "Our House" Read Ken Eatherly's 61ll a.m Saturday., on wmv 1\', Channel 4 Now through June 7th "FYI," page 7A (313)874-SING Subscribe now for as liltk as $32 Singk TICkets $18. $95 ----~ ... Box OffIce - 104 Lothrop..,tIle _cente-Area, 0< T!CI(elmas1er (810)645~


~ I l I t . A o • • & Q Apn117, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Metro calendar 98 by Madeleine Socia Thursday. patterns and bird counts on Sunday, April 20, from 8 to based on a 13th love and 10nellne"s dt Wayne penny whl"tle", dulumer", April 17 AdmiSSion IS $5 ReservatlOIIs 11P m Call (313)881-8895 century account of a woman State Unlver,lty's Bonstelle autohdfp,>, Jugs and even a are reqUired Call (313) 884 accused of Witchcraft, Wlll be Historical perspective Monday. April 21 Theatre, 3424 Woodward m mu"lcal saw create foot-stomp- 4222 featured 10 a free screemng on DetrOIt, through Sunday, Apnl Examme the Troy Museum Great greenery Ing, hand clappmg mU~lc Dinner auction Sunday, Apnl 20, at 1 30 P m 20 Performances Will be throughout the story of an and Hlstoncal Village durmg Longwood, HuntIngton and DetrOit Pistons broadcBJ>ter On that same date, families offered on Friday and Saturddy Ir",h family's Immlgrdbon to the fourth program of the Desert Gardens Willbe among George Blaha Will be the can partiCipate In a NAMES at 8 p m and Sunday at 2 p m Grosse POinte Hl.torlcfll the featurl'd venue~ a<; the Amencd In AppalachlUn '-LIt-'Ll it.>- dlh ...lHJU~l fUJ LHe Btu p;'0J(..ct .:\IDS ~f1cn.llJ.I.h..l QU.llt A bLuJt..UL iHc.1LiUt.t •. 1;:, -,=>dwUUJL.U ~IA LUC :&1 UUK Society's J997 Dr Frank Grosse Pomte CInema League Jut4;:" at.. ;\iIt..douw For Life Dmner AuctIOn, on Drop-In Workshop at 1 p m Fnday, April 18, at 2 p m fheatre Wedne"ddy, Apnl 2J Bicknell Educational Mml- Saturday, April 19, at 5 30 presents the 35mm shde show Drop-In Workshops are cov- Tickets are $9 50 for adulb Senes on Thursday, Apnl 17, Great Gardens, Gazebos and through Sunday, May 18 pm, 10 the Ukrainian ered under the museum's sug- and $7 50 for students, semors at 7 30 pm, m the Grosse Greenhouses Across Amenca, Performances are .slated for Cultural Center, 26601 Ryan In gested admiSSIOn of $4 for and WSU faculty, "taff dnd POinte War Memorial, 32 by Cheryl Huff, on Monday, Thursday and Fnday at 8 pm, Warren Along Wlth hve and adults and $2 for children No alumm Call (313) 577-2960 Saturday, 6 dnd 8 pm and Lakeshore In Grosse Pomte Apnl 21, at 8 pm, In the Fnes SIlent auctions, thiS benefit for reservatIOns are reqUired The Drama & comedy Sunday at 6 30 P m Matmees Farms ReservatIOns are the Right to Life of Michigan Audltoflum of the Grosse work of Tsubaki Chmzan Wlll POInte War Memonal The CruCible,Arthur Miller's will be offered at 11 a m and 2 reqUired Call (313) 884-7010 Education Fund features a Slt- be the focus of a free lecture on AdmiSSion IS free for Cinema allegory set amidst the Salem p m on select Tuesdays, 50S benefit down dinner, musICand enter- Flower Pamtmg In AsIan and League members and $4 for all Witch tnals, IS on stage at the Wednesda)", Enjoy an evernng of elegant tBlnment Tickets are $35 Call Western Art on Sunday, Apnl Fndays,Saturdays and others Call (313)881-7511 HJlberry Theatre, 4743 Cass In food, fun and entertBlnment (810) 774-6050 20, at 2 p m Pnncely Potagers DetrOIt, Thursday, Apnl 24 Sundays Tickets range from durmg the Share Our Java jam Wecln ..... y. French KItchen Gardens from through Saturday, Apnl 26, at $18 to $32 Meadow Brook Strengths Taste of the NatIOn Singer Laurence Bond Miller April 23 Versailles to Villandry IS the 8 p m Open1OgFnday, Apnl 18 Thedtre IS located on the cam- national benefit for hunger title of a luncheon and lecture pus of Oakland UnlVerslt), Just and The RefractIOns brlOg Medicaid mysteries and running through Saturday, relief on Thursday, April 17, at their umque sounds to Cup-A- scheduled for 11 30 a m and May 17, ISGeorge Abbott'~rau ofT the 1-75 University Road The Rattlesnake Club, 300 Solve the mystery of Cmo, 15104 Kercheval In 1 30 pm, on Wednesday, Apnl cous comedy of gangsters, cho- eXIt, In Rochester Call (810) River Place In DetrOit Medicaid regulations by get- 23 Tickets for the luncheon are 3773300 Grosse POinte Park, on tmg answers to your questIOns rus gIrls and young love, FestIvItIes, which benefit Saturday, Apnl19, from 9 to 11 $30 or $25 for Fnends of Art Broadway Performances, Gleaners Community Food about eligibility, availability, and Flowers, Women's Exhibit. & Sal •• p m AdmiSSIOn IS $1 Call federal legIslation and more offered In rotatmg repertory, Bank, the Hunger ActIOn (313) 822-3888 CommIttee and DIA members WIllbe staged on Wednesday at Modernists CoalitIOn, Food Gatherers, durmg a program presented by Lecture tickets are $7 50 Call & Muralists attorney Robert Pytell on 2 pm, Thursday and Fnday at Forgotten Harvest and the Sunday. April 20 (313) 833-4249 8 p m and Saturday at 2 and 8 The Edsel & I:leanor Ford Wednesday, April 23, from 7 30 Detroit Entrepreneurship Important steps Meet Cokie p m Tickets for both produc- House IS hostmg the travelmg to 8 30 pm, 10 the Grosse Institute, get under way at Take an Important step In ConversatIOns With Cokle exhIbition In the Spmt of Pomte War Memonal tIOns range from $9 50 to 5 30 P m With a Pre Glow bettenng your community by Roberts, featunng the famed $1650 Call (313) 577.2972 ReSIstance Afncan-Amencan ReceptIOn and goUrJnetdinner AdmiSSIOn IS $3 Call (313) partlclpatlOg In the 17th annu. ABC correspondent, Will be Song & laughter Modernist" and the MeXican for those holdmg $125 al Grosse POinte CROP Walk, 881.7511 Murahst School, featunng the held on Wednesday,Apnl 23, at The Wmdsor Light Opera Executive Chef tickets At 7 an anti-hunger fundr81ser Thursday. 7 pm, m Standard Federal AsSOCiationbnngs the mUSIC, works of Charles Alston, John pm, bearers of $50 Sous Chef sponsored by the National Bank Headquarters, 260 W laughter, glitz and glamor of Biggers, Elizabeth Catlett, tIckets can Jom In the eXCIte- CounCil of Churches, on April 24 Sargent Claude Johnson, Jacob Big Beaver m Troy, as a benefit La Cage Aux Folles, the baSIS ment With dancmg, entertain- Sunday, Apnl 20 Registration Lake watch Lawrence, Charles WhIte, for the International ViSitors for the recent hit mOVIeThe ment, a silent auctIOn,a buffet for the 10 or 1 kilometer The League of Women Voters CounCil of DetrOIt Tickets are Birdcage, to The Cleary John Wilson and Hale and a 3D-restaurant WIneand pledge,walks, which will begm WIlladdress your concerns over Woodruff, through Sunday, $50 Later, meet Ms Roberts InternatIOnal Center, 201 food tastmg walk-around Call and end at the Grosse POinte the present and future health dUrIng a Buffet Supper at 9 May 25 The show Wlllbe open RIverSide Dnve West In (313) 923.7855 Urnted Methodist Church, 211 and safety of Lake St CIBlf Tuesday through Sunday from pm, 10 the home of I V C Wmdsor, OntarIO, Canada, Moross in GrosEe PolOte durmg a Town Meeting on 11 a m to 5 p m AdmiSSion IS Friday. April 18 DetrOit PreSIdent Wilhelm from Fnday, Apnl 18 through Farms, Will open at 1 30 p.m Thursday, April 24, at 7.30 $2 Call (313) 884-4222 Centennial Kast, 3570 Walbrl 1n Sunday, Apnl 27 The walk will begm at 2 p.rn p.m , m the Grosse Pomte War Bloomfield Hills Tickets are Contemporary celebration CalI 1-(888) 577-2767 Memonal Call (313) 881-7511 Performances Willbe offered on $100 CalI (313) 259-2680 Fnday and Saturday at 8 p m concepts The Detroit Institute ofArts, Spring concert Spiritual notes On Sta .. and Sunday at 2 p m. Tickets The contemplative works of 5200 Woodward m DetrOIt,WJ1l Let an afternoon of musIc lIft Grosse Pomte, Harper celebrate the life and legacy of 1& Screen are $20 (Canadian) Call (519) contemporary French painter your splnts as The Grosse Woods and St ClBlr Shores 974-6593 LoUISJaquet are now bemg Eleanor Clay Ford on the cen- PolOte Symphony Orchestra mUSICians,rangIng m age from tenrnal of her birth with a Broadway's big boat Tragic reqUiem featured at GaUene 454, 15105 and The Grosse Pomte North 12 to 75, Willcombme theIr tal- Broadway's TonyAward-wm- Collector's Event, Fnday, April Murder and injustice are the Kercheval m Grosse Pomte Concert ChOir present the ents under conductor Ralph ning epic productIOn of the tragic themes of Greensboro A Park The gallery IS open 18, begmrnng With cocktBllsat Reqwem by Durufle and the Miller during the Grosse Jerome Kern and Oscar 6 pm, followed by dinner at 7 ReqUiem, a drama staged by Thursday and Fnday from Organ Symphony by SalOt- Pomte Commuruty Band's free Hammerstem mUSIcal "Show p.m and an 8 p m program the Umverslty of DetrOit noon to 6 p m and Saturday Saens dunng a concert at St Spnng Concert on Thursday, Boat," directed by Harold entItled the MotIvations of Mercy's Theatre Company, from noon to 4 pm, or by Clarp of Montefalco Church, April 24, at 8 pm, 10 the Pnnce, docks at the Masomc through Sunday, Apnl 27 appomtment Call (313) 822- Great Donors Tickets are $75 1401 Whtttier m Grosse POinte Parcells Middle School Temple through Saturday, May and $125 Call (313) 833-3739 Performances Willbe offered 10 4454 Park, on Sunday, Apnl 20, at 3 Audltonum, 20600 Mack m 24 Evemng performances are Awesome organ pm Tickets are $12 for adults, Grosse POinte Woods Call the McAuley Theatre, on the Fairchild exhibit scheduled for select Sundays at UDM campus at Outer Dnve Witness the awesome talent $10 for semors and $5 for stu- (313) 343-2240 7 30 p m and Tuesday through A substantial selectIOn of and Southfield In DetrOit, of award-wmmng orgamst dents Call (313) 885-0744 Saturday at 8 p m Matmees Roy Falrchl1d's sengraphs, Friday. April 25 Thursday through Saturday at Martm Jean as The DetrOit Home health care are slated for Saturday and mcludmg hiS clasSICbest sell- Chapter of the Amencan Gmld Sensational sale 8 pm and Sunday at 2 pm ers and sold out ongInal edi- AttentIOn care givers, the Sunday at 2 p m Tickets range TIckets are $10 for adults, $8 of Orgamsts presents him m The St Joseph Carmehte from $2250 to $70 Call (810) tions, are now available at The Stephen MmlStry Group of the for students, senIors and UDM concert on the KLAIS organ, Guild of the St Joseph Home 645-6666 Grosse Pomte Gallery, 19869 Grosse Pomte Umted for the Aged, 4800 Cadieux 10 alumm and UDM students Mack m Grosse POinte Woods Fnday, Apnl 18, at 7 30 pm, Methodist Church will sponsor Elvis Inspired " 10 Grosse Pomte Memorial DetrOIt, will offer a sensational WIth ID enter free Call (313) Fairchild ISknown for hiS VIVId a free lecture on The Role of selection of time honored cloth- The Cleveland San Jose 993-1130 colors and textures Gallery 1. Church, 16 Lakeshore In Home Health Care, Sunday, ,,~ Grosse PolOte Farms mg, accessones, jewelry, furm- Ballet Will dance their way Alternative screen hours are Monday through ApnJ 20, at 7 pm CalI (313) through 36 Immortal songs by ~ AdmiSSIOnIS free Call (313) ture and other treasures dur- The DetrOit FIlm Theatre 10 Saturday, from 10 a m to 6 886-2363 the king of rock 'n' roll as the 882-5330 109 theIr annual Second Hand The DetrOit Institute of Arts pm Call (313) 884-0100 Sunday blues Michigan Opera Theatre pre- Rose Sale on Fnday, April 25 offers a schedule of Interestmg Saturday. Paul Carey & the sents the ElVIS Presley- Latin perspective and Saturday, Apnl 26, from 10 alternatives to commerCial Nltecrawlers serve up the Insplfed spectacle Blue Suede Get a new perspective on April 18 a m. to 4 pm. Call (810) 777- films Helena Bonham Carter Blues at the Blue Marlm Bar & Shoes at the DetrOIt Opera Latm Amenca through the lens Bird watchers 6608 gIves a remarkable perfor- of color photographer Dave Grill, 17501 Mack m DetrOIt, House, 1526 Broadway In On Saturday, April 19, from on Sunday, April 20, from 8 Wedn ..... y. mance In the emotIOnaltale of Thomas during a shOWingand 7'30 to 930 am, Rosann DetroIt, through Sunday, Apnl one woman's fight agamst p m to mldrnght Call (313) 20 The curtBln Will nse sale of hIS work at the Ashley- Kovalcik and Martm Blagdurn April 30 tyranny m Margaret's Museum 881-3600 Thursday and Fnday at 8 pm, ChriS Gallery, 15126 Kercheval of Wild Blfds Unlimited Will Garden party which WJ11be shown Friday, night Saturday at 2 and 8 p m and m Grosse Pomte Park. Gallery lead a Blfd Walk through the Jazzy The whole fanJJ.1ycan browse Apnl 18 through Sunday, Apnl hours are Tuesday through Jim \\lyse & The Marge's Bar Sunday at 2 p m Tickets range histonc grounds of the Edsel & and buy amIdst hand-made 20 Screemngs are scheduled Fnday from noon to 6 p m and Band WIll fill Marge's Bar, from $17 to $67 Call (313) 874- Eleanor Ford House, 1100 crafts, bId on silent auction for Fnday at 7 and 9 30 pm, Saturday from 11a m to 4 P m 15300 Mack In Grosse POinte 7464 Lakeshore 10 Grosse PolOte Items or sample entlc10g edi- Saturday at 4, 7 and 9 30 p m Call (313) 824-0700 Park, With contemporary Jazz Lots of laughs Shores, then discuss migratory bles dunng the Grosse Pomte and Sunday at 4 and 7 p m On Luminous creations Memorial Church Presbytenan The Second City-DetrOit Monday, Apnl 21, at 7 pm, art JAVA SPA WAFT Comedy Theatre, 2305 AmbICnt LumInOSity,an all- ARES coo ISLE Women's benefit Spnng and politiCSmeld m the newly media exhibitIOn fOCUSingon Woodward In Detroit, offers Its WITHHOI.O TEAL Garden Party Preview on mdependent republIc of mterpretatlOns and reactions SAO ELK 5HA L Wednesday, Apnl 30, from 5 to nlOth reVIew of hve, cuttlng- Sloverna m the documentary WAO JOE edge comedy, Ambassador to artlficl3l light, Will be fea- Last week's "AOIR COURAGE 8 pm, at Grosse PolOte Predictions of Fire Tickets for tured by the DetrOit ArtiStS ASUT OUT IGOR Memorial Church Preview Bndge Party through May all performances are $5 50 for MACHI,.E KNOBS Market, 300 River Place, SUIte tickets are $5 for adults and $2 Performances Will run adults and $4 50 for students, puzzle solved SRD JIG Wednesday through Sunday at 1650, 10 DetrOit, through JESTS GET TO for cluldren On Thursday, May seniors and DIA Founders FrIday, May 9 Gallery hours AREA WITHORA I, from 10 a m to 2 pm, 8 p m with additIOnal shows Society Members Call (313) MIEN APT DULL are Tuesday through Thursday SEND SPY EELS patrons can enjoy the mam on Friday and Saturday at 833-2323 ACROSS 10 30 p m The cast performs and Saturday 11 a m to 5 pm 1'1beF"1Bl event which features a craft. Premiere theatre an ImprOVIsatIOnalcomedy set and Fnday 11 a m to 8 p m Dart show, floral demonstrations See an old favonte In a new Call (313)393.1770 Hone" and luncheon Tickets are $5 after each performance on 5 Fr8ctJoIls theatre as the premlCre season Proceeds support the church's Sunday, Wednesday and for the DetrOit Actors GUild at of pis. Thursday and after the 1030 Pointe postcards 8 _ IIIIJCSlY miSSIon work Call (313) 640- the new Alley Theatre In 12 FIIU')'.(a)c p m shows on Fnday and The Artist's Cooperative 8820 Trapper's Alley, 508 Monroe In won! Saturday Tickets are $12 on Gallery, 29 E Grand RIVer III DetrOit, opens Wlth the adult 13Sodom Live 1& L_m Sunday and Wednesday, $14 on DetrOit, IS hostmg an exhibi- evac:uoe Slim down comedy Frankie and Johnny m tIOn of postcard art, mcludlng 14 "Coalribu- Thursday, $17 50 on Fnday the Clair de Lune running iorIO Slim down for Spnng WIth a deSIgnscreated and exchanged and $1950 on Saturday Call through Sunday, May 18 81rt1eu's free Weight Loss Semmar on (313) 965-2222 by the art students of Grosse IS PIIa:m. Monday, Apnl 21, at 7 30 pm, Performances WIll be staged Pomte South HIgh School and Super sounds Wednesday through Fnday at In the St Clair Shores Pubhc DetrOIt's Western 17~ The Righteous Brothers, 8 pm, Saturday at 6 and 9 COmn'AlIlC InternatIOnal High School, Library, 22500 11 Mile In St WIthSpecial guest Geechy Guy, 18 C1eamI p m and Sunday at 4 p m from Fnday, April 25 through Clair Shores Call (313) 884- bnng old favontcs to the Fox, lhe IIIOW TIckets range from $20 to $25 Frida;, May 16 Gallery hours 19 Mayo' 6258 on Saturday, Apnl 19, at 8 pm Call (313) 963 9339 are Fnday and Saturday, from lIae have Shape up and Sunday, Apnl 20, at 5 30 faIleD Stirring strings noon to 5 pm Call (31.1)882 The Lake Shore pm TIckets range from $10 to 21 KYelc:h GUitars, mandolms, fiddles, 2463 22CheNbed Presbytenan Church, 27801 $32 50 Chns Rock, With spe- 23 AracIwd's Jefferson m St Clair Shores, IS CIalguest Marla Joyner, takes crtabOII FOIlIe)'ll S Pronused feeder offenng a class 10 Low Impact 26 Sunday 52 Qul.lO!e's 6 ASmoch- 32 MxLaIne the stage on Friday, Apnl 25, at seal lemtory en brocber role AerobiCS each Monday and 8 p m TIckets are $25 Call 28 BI1WII'd S4Newscaslet 7L1elI 34 Johnny Wednesday, year-round, from (81Q) 645-6666 mmuIlll ~.amd 8 Milan Appleseed, 10 to 11 a m AdmiSSion IS $1 DO YOU 31otr1cc S~ Epoch llItractlOll really Simon's suite ••• S6An openmg 9 SubJUpl.e 37 R.ghI from per sessIOn Call (810) 777- NeJl Simon'~ claSSICcomedy want to be in the metro calendar? 33~'$ m tile COIl 10 Unmatdled the I.... 8533 California SUite WIll be per- Then fill out this form send It to 96 Kercheval Grosse POinte Sl1llCtlOll 11 Siaughler 39 0Iher (Sp ) Art of learning Farms 48236 or fax to (313) 882 1585 by 3 P m Friday 3S ft.:::or OOSlI1e$S olbud>lll 42 B'8 fracas formed by the St Gertrude Trebdt 57 Spiked club 16IaJopy 44ung-I..lII&, The DetrOIt InstItute of Arts Players at 8 pm, on Fnday, Event _ 361'wsft1y 58 Aachen 20Ump eg offers a vanety of entertamlng Apnl 18 and Saturday, Apnl 38 Abboa's artICle 23 Tnurnphed 45 Goble! pit! Date-- fU1l S91'lcn", 24 'Uncle 46 EmaNilIOll and mformatlve programs 19, m the St Gertrude Pansh buemIII Tom'. 48Cornpurer (':rathlc IVOries and the Center, 28839 JefTerson 10 St Time _ 4Oe-Jc oo~ Cabm" gut 5Cteerl Medieval Art of Love,a free lec- Clair Shores TIckets are $7 Place _ _ _ _ 411adm& l'-FIClIOll' 2S Like • 1.... symbol ture by Professor Michael Call (810) 777-9120 Ill8Il (moVIe) based rod< 49 Uquor Cost_ _ _ 43 CeJl-eaetBY 2 0cI0het 27 Holy ~anhl)' Camille, of the UnIversity of Williams' classic IOIIl'ClO Slone msc~l'" 'i() Peme'._ Chicago, WlIIbe presenW on The Tennessee Williams' ReservatIOns & QuestIOns? Call _ 4.5 She daDced 3 T"nber wolf 29CNCllll promlllent Saturdav, Apnl 19, at 2 pm for Herod 4 No longer 30 Engllsll 53 AclreSS claSSICThe Glass Menagene Contact Person 47 Accolade queSlKllled ChsnneI Meyers The Sorceress, a French film offers a pOIgnant portrait of SI PnII for

\ COitPOllAn OfJICIII , F!04 <; Hom lIon ~09now MI ~860? 1\1 '1 9) 0914 Ill, ' SEQUENCE 18(0) 968 1~\6 • 10' 1\ 1) 1977471 JCOTT IOBINION f"mo I dmq I"" ~com Pres,dfonl •••• OIlAL O.. lCIs Q,tJ Ji'obh m 'it 'f" 15, l~ nnri Hovrn M149417 16161 8A6 8176 '0< 16161 8M 6747 ,.~~?ftnr..v,.,.",.. ... r._ 108 April 17,1997 Grosse Pointe News

...... -=r- t~~.'- •. Jacobson's-~ (~m;l1alaltJ~: I" .....-HA~IR.....D E 5 I G N lbl1. Draperie ...and interior ... VISIt Our Showroom and see our newest expanSIOn on SUGAR WAX what IS It? It's an I anCIent Egyptian method of hair HOME ACCESSORIES - "There's always something removal Why I~ It better? It keeps lamps, furmture, artwork happenin' at Jacobson's" ARMETALE GIVEAWAY. Stop In skm smooth and decreases haIr I and more to regIster for your weddmg and enter growth Where does one get It? At the 28983 Little Mack - St ClaIr Shores TIFFANY GIFT WITH drawmg for an Armetale tray/lazy Coloseum International Hair (810) 772-1196 PURCHASE. Purchase two Item~ Su~an ($250) DeSign ask for Mane 75 from the TIFFANY FRAGRANCE China, Store For The Home Kercheval on-the-Hlll, (313) 881- COLLECTION and receIve a SPA glft 7252 VlsaJMastel Card accepted Ed Maliszewski of your chOice WhIle supphes last Too Busy To Shop? Let our Carpeting (value $25 00-$40 00) Personal Shoppers do the work for Cosmetics you In your home, place of bUSIness Karastan & Lees carpetmg on sale ~ or our store Let our experts help you now at 21435 Mack Avenue, (810) GIVE YOURSELF A GIFT. WIth all your ~hoPPIng needs Just 776-5510 ReceIve a glft bag WIth any $50 pur- phone (313) 882-7000, or come m and ask for a Personal Shopper chase m cosmetIcs I Cosmetics All You Can Eat Buffet Dinner. LookIng for gifts for those hard to Elegance HARTMAN LUGGAGE. WIth any Adults, $1095, Children (under 10), buy for fnende:; well VALENTE for Slles purchase of a Hartman busmess case $5 95. Every Thursday, 4 30 to 7.30 JEWELERS has a nice selectIOn of 14-26 or luggage pIece, you can purchase St. Clair Room selected ladIes' and men's watches at I the 20" duffel (retaIl $19900) for I 50% OFF PIck up that great glft at I Jom us for "LIsa's Sprmg FashIOn $9000 the pel fect pnce SomethIng you can't I Show," Saturday, AprIl 19th at the Men's Department. Luggage resIst at 16849 Kercheval In-the- Grosse Pomte Woods Commumty I VIllage, Grosse POInte (313) 881-4800 I Center Breakfast WIll be served - ELLEN TRACY GIFT WITH I doors open at 11 00 a m ($12 00 a PURCHASE. Pants are what's hot tIcket) Call for more InformatIOn or for Spnng 1997 Stock up WIth trou- I ser socks from Ellen Tracy WIth your I for your reservatIOn (313) 882- For that second most Important 3130 LIsa's elegance for sIzes 14 - purchase of three paIr of socks, I receIve a free paIr of the baSIC matte person In your hfe whatever you do 26 at 19583 Mack Avenue, Grosse don't forget your secretary next week I mlcrofibre In black, while supplIes Pomte Woods - Apnl 21 - 25th, as It'S Secretanes last I Week WIth Wednesday, Apnl 23rd The NOTRE DAME PHARMACY I Hosiery I beIng Secretary's Day Flowers are has a fine wme department that I always welcomed how about "The should not be overlooked Now on ~ ~I FALCHI SPORT, JACOBSON'S I Stress Rehef Bouquet," beautIful i>peclal IS our Kendall-Jackson ~ 24 Hour ~ EXCLUSIVE. Purchase one of our fresh flowers m an assortment of bath Chardonnay 750 ml for only $10 99 Towing & Road Service I new straw handbags and a matching products - only $24 95 . or choose A wonderful smooth whIte WIne to I cosmetIc case IS our specIal glft to from a large varIety of other arrange- enJoy alone or wIth dmner Plus, you I Hononng AAA m all the POIntes and you $37 00 - $43 00 I ments or bnght spnng flowers .. Call should try our Clos Du BOIS SurroundIng Area Handbags Conner Park Flonsts (313) 881-5550 Chardonnay 750 ml for only $8 99 Complete Auto Semce & RepaIr for more Ideas at 21142 Mack Hurry m and pick up a few bottles as I ForeIgn & DomestIc THE FASHIONABLE I Avenue, Grosse POInte Woods our special IS for a hmlted tIme .at I ORGANIZER. Evan Plcone's )tSs ts Seruicentef t Inc. 16926 Kercheval, m-the-VIllage, (313) I Chantilly Tote prOVIdes all the 885-2154 15302 E Jefferson at Beaconsfield orgamzatlOn you need WIth credIt Grosse POInte Park card slots, mIrror, checkbook cover, (313) 822.5434 eyeglasses/cellular phone pocket, com KISKA JEWELERS . < • - ~ pocket, ID slot and more $48 00 I New deSIgns for Spnng Just Handbags I arrIved - mce selectlOn of colored Tresses would hke to welcome two stone Jewelry BeautIful rIngs, ear- new manlcunsts/nall-technlclans, AMOENA SKIN THERAPY. ThIS rIngs and pendants Dress up your Jenmfer and Candyn to our staff We product can be used by all women but outfits WIth flaIr. at 63 Kercheval on- are offenng a specIal mtroductory ...... L AMEE was created for women who have had the-HIll, (313) 885-5755. offer for a wash, haIrcut, style, wIth breast surgery and are undergomg Janet, and a regular mamcure wIth iewelrw co.. radIatIon and chemotherapy JennIfer or Candyn ThIs IS a fifty VISIt edmund t AHEE Jewelers for I treatment percent savmgs at twenty-one your dIamond purchase They carry a I Lingerie Samira's dollars Offer good for Mondays and ternfic selectlOn of dIamonds and dIa- Thesdays only dunng the month of mond Jewelry TheIr graduate gemolo- • Fanzily Fashion JOCKEY FOR HER SALE. Apnl GIft certIficates are always glsts WIll be happy to explaIn the 4 I .., Designer avaIlable for all servIces Call for C's of dIamond quahty TheIr sales ReceIve 25% off all Jockey For Her your appomtment today - (313) 881- professlOnals and deSIgners wIll show products Sunday, Aprtl 20, through ~ . Re-Sale Shop Saturday, May 3 4500 at 16914 Kercheval Avenue, you theIr IncredIble selectlOn of gold I Lingerie Now acceptIng spnng and summer In-the-VIliage, Grosse Pomte and dIamond mountIngs VISIt them consIgnments Lookmg for sIze 14 for the best diamond values AMOENA FIT DAY. For that spe- and larger at 21027 Mack, Grosse at. 20139 Mack Avenue at Oxford POinte Woods, (313) 886-5043 (between 7 & 8 MIle Roads) Grosse CIal prostheSIS fittIng, Represen- ~HOCOLATE Pomte Woods Hours: Monday - tatIves Sue Blue and Nancy Rohlman CREME PECAN Saturday 10 00 a m - 6 00 pm will be WIth us from Noon to 500 except Thursday 10.00 a m - 8 00 P m on Saturday, Apnl 26 CAKE p m (313) 886-4600 Lingerie Chocolate Fudge Top. SpecIal of the LOUIS FERAUD TRUNK week Apnl 22 through Apnl 27 (Reg SHOW. Informal modelmg, Thesday, $650) special for $550 PS Ask about our $4 50 super ~pecJaI Apnl 29, 10 00 - 4 00 P m It's our 6th Birthday! International Salon Our gift to you All In-stock kmt- gro""e pointe tmg yarns wIll be on sale at a 2017o .JOSEF~S Oori"ts, inc. YOUR TREAT - OUR TREAT. dIscount from Apnl 19 • 26 Tune In nu,( II 1-" I UII " Growers 01 Fine F/owf-r5 GodIva gIft WIth purchase WIth the next week for more goodIes at The purchase of $30 00 of GodIva Wool & The Flose:; 397 FIsher Road, at 21150 Mdck, Grosse Pomte Wednesday, Apnl 23rd IS Woods, (313) 881-5710 Chocolates, receive. a~ a g'lft. a black Grosse POInte, (313) 882-9110 Secretary's Day Show your apprecIa- patent leather tote A $24 value tIOn WIth flowers choose a beautiful Store For The Home sprmg arrangement or pIck a flower- CPOllltP gOShIOIl'~ Ann mg plant from our large selectIOn HANRO DAY WEAR. New arnvale:; of drec:;sy occaSIOnal \roor For flowers we're the only one' Repre<.,pntatlve DIanE' Ketner Ie:;WIth attIre and Mother of the Antiques At 174 Kerby Road, Grosse ue:;on Wednesday, AprIl 30, 11 00 - ~ It Bnde check out our ae:;e:;ortment of ~'!<'4 Pomte Fanns, l313) 885-3000 400pm Market colore:; and "17e<., at 23022 Mack Lingerie ANTIQUE LOVERS Come one Aven ue (acro,>,> from S C S Post Office - parking' In back), (810) 774- come all - JOin ue:;at the Ann Arbor 35l7r OFF FUR STORAGE. Store 1850 Antlquee:; Market on Saturday, Apnl your fur at ,Jacobe:;on's and e:;ave35'k 19th and Sunday, AprIl 20th Thl'> Ie:; off our reg-ular prIce Fur e:;torage only our 29th e:;eae:;onThere are over 300 $2100 now through Apnl 30 POINTE EMBROIDERY dealerc, In quahty antique'> and select OrganiR Un&m;tN •• 1 Fur Salon (313) 331.7370 FAX: (313) 331-7310 collpctlblee:; All under cover All Item,> Full e:;ervlce embroldpry and mono- MOVIng IS dIfficult - You have to g'u,lrantpPd de:;rpprp.,ented The tIme grammIng Largp or e:;mall orders look at and dE'clde about e...erythmg ATTENTION UADRO SOCIETY IS 8 00 a m throug'h 4 00 P m at BOATERS CREW SHIRTS, you own or maybe you don't Call MEMBERS. LImIted E'dltlon 50!):) Ann Arbor - Saline Road (EXIt ,JACKETS & HATS OrgamzE' Unhmltpd Ann Mulh>n and GuardIan Ang'E'1 avaIlahle through #175 off 1-94, then e:;outh 3 ml1('''1 Jean Vle:;mara (313; 331-4kOO Apnl Ph'asE' brIng In your redE'mp- On Iy $;) 00 admlc,e:;lOn FREE To advertise In thiS column call Imured, b(\fid£>d,confidential twn t1ckpt to placp your spPclal order parking' 1-'----'------China, Store For Tht> Homt> (313) 882-3500 by 2 00 p.m Fridays

-..,. " - L COltPO.A" 0","11 , I A04 ~ H'lm, ton t ~(lg t'l(JW M 48(')07 1'1'1'9 (914 SEQUENCE .R 14'1> 10,1,/1/9,74/1 SCOTT .. INION f"mn I r1l'"'lq lttc .. ()m P PS opnl .'.'ONAL O'''CI, o Q/('i Rnhhn~ <)ltr- IS, • • • Q (/((mr1 jlMN1 MI ..94 I 11>11>1R41> AI/I> 1m 16161 AV6I47 ...... ,.",1 ...... "'')A~A...... _..... _ Classified Index page 4

Neighborhood Club page 2 Bergman's flashy fielding saves the day for Norsemen

By Chuck K10nke ry over DetrOIt DeForres that hit a sharp grounder that opemng doubleheader With Chn;, Sterr doubled home Sixth, but the lead was short- Sports Edl10r had to make hiS father proud looked hke It was headed to Sterllllg Heights Mike Claramltaro, who had hved Ddve Bergman was one of DePorres loaded the bases III right field, but Bergman ''We got d great fieldIng play walked, m the bottom of the Morkut led off the bottom of the finest fieldIng first base- the top of the seventh agamst reversed hn, field, scooped up by Bergman and clutch hlttmg third the mmng WIth a home run to men In baseball durIng a North rehever Steve Champine the ball, stepped on first and by Champme and (RICh) DePorre;, took a 4 1 lead on a tie the game Craig ZIOlkowskI major-league career that on a paIr of bloop ~Ingles and threw a strike to the pldte to Grosfield" p<1lrof unearned runs m the smgled and took second on a spanned more than a decade an mfield hIt catcher ChriS Morkut, who North starter Jerry Cardam fourth mnmg, but the WIldpItch The next two hitters Now hiS son IS folloWIng In Champme struck out the tagged the runner for the final dOIDmated the first two Nor;emen tied the game m the made out;" but Grosfield hned hI, footsteps next batter on three pItches out mmngs, stnkmg out five fifth when Champme homered a double over the center field- Grosse POInte North first and North coach Frank "It was a good ball game," Eagles, but DePorres ;,cored after walks to CIaramitaro and er's head to dnve m ZIOlkowskI baseman Troy Bergman made Sumbera brought the mfield m Sumbera SaId ''We needed a tWKe III the third on a two out, Grosfield WIth the wmnmg run a fieldIng play last week to pre- to attempt to prevent the tymg game hke that because we had- two-run double by Craig The Eagles regamed the lead Cardam allowed five hIts serve the Norsemen's 6 5 Ylcto- run from scorlllg The batter n't had a close game ;,mce our Jackson after a pair of walks on another unearned run m the and three unearned runs m hIS five mnmgs He struck out nme and wdlked five South nine gets a Champme pitched the last two mnmgs and picked up the VIctory taste of everything The Will gave North a 6-0 record, while DePorres fell to By Chuck Klonke fifth" 4-1 Sports Editor MIke Hamers had two hlts Earher, the Norsemen rolled Some days you wm, some and drove m three runs for to a 15-0 VIctOry over South days you lose and ;,ome days It South, while Hodgman had a Lake behmd the tWO-hIt, SlX- rallls - or snows run-scormg double stnkeout pltchmg of That sums up the last week "We hope to fimsh the game CIaramItaro for Grosse Pomte South's base. at a later date and maybe play 'That's hIS second complete ball team another one, too," Grlesbaum game," Sumbera saId "He's The Blue DeVIls beat SaId done a goodJob" Blrmwgham Seaholm 8-6, The VlctOry over Seaholm North scored tWlce m the dropped an 11-0 deCISIOnto De was hlghhghted by a five.run first mnmg on an RBI slllgie by La Salle and played a 6-6 be fifth InnIng for Sout:l Champllle, followed by With Brother Rlce In a game The bIg frame featured RBI Bergman's run-scormg double that was called because of a SIngles by Hamers, ChriS The Norsemen added two snowstorm They also had a McGratty and Hodgman more runs m the second One doubleheader With Grosse Hodgman fimshed Wlth two scored on DaVId Nlelubowicz's POInte North postponed luts and two RBI, while Matt smgle and the other came m on because of ram Vandeweghe collected a parr of Champme's sacnfice fly South was leadIng Brother hIts North broke the game open RIce 6-3 when the Warriors NICk ArrIgo pIcked up the Wlth an ll-run thIrd mnmg scored three bmes m the fifth ViCtOrym reheF of starter Chns Morkut trIggered the out. mmng to he the game RICe Ph.l. by KP Balay. Farkas ArrIgo pItched 3 2/3 burst Wlth a two-mn homer had only two hIts In the frame, Innmgs and allowed three hits Hockey Night in GP ZlOlkowskI had a double and a but collected three walks and a and two runs while strlkmg two-run smgle, Champme illt batsman out two and walkmg a pmr There's plenty of action in front of the net during one of the games in the drove m two runs Wlth a slllgle, "It was cold and (pitcher) The loss to De La Salle left Marge's Hockey Night in Grosse Pointe tournament. Tournament founder Jim Mike Fme had a pair of RBI Brian Hodgman had some the Blue DeYlls WItha 1-3 over- Depuys started the event seven years ago. Forty-four players of varying smgles and Bergman and trouble grlppmg the baseball," all record Play In the Macomb degrees of talent and experience are drafted by Depuys and placed on four Chns Mikula each had bases- saId Blue DeVils coach Dan Area Conference White teams. The squads playa total of seven games in two days to crown a cham. loaded walks Gnesbaum ''He dId wmd up DIVlslOnbegms thIS week pion. strlkmg out the SIde m the Blue Devils netters are seasoned JEFFREY ACURA Young doesn't mean mexpe- more John Berschback, the fourth smgles, while GorskI nenced where Grosse Pomte coach's nephew, played No 1 Wlll play thIrd doubles South's tenms team IS con- doubles for the Blue DeYlls last ''He'll alternate Wlth others cerned thiS year year The team was seeded sec- unbl the best team format IS "Our best five are all under- ond m the state tournament reached," coach Berschback classmen, but they already and made It to the semIfinals saId have one or two years' expen- 'They're looking at a state The Blue DeVIls have set ence," saId veteran coach 'Ibm run thiS year," coach goals of an undefeated season, Berschback Berschback Said although the schedule mcIudes The Blue DeVlls have fin- Sophomore Preston Gaspar Ann Arbor Pioneer, Umverslty Ished m the top 10 m the state played first smgles last year, Liggett School, Cranbrook and every year smce 1988, Wlth a JUDlorA.J Rohde was at No 2 other state-ranked squads. second-place fimsh m Class A and sophomore Tony Tocco South also hopes to edge the best shoWlng played thIrd Singles crosstown nval Grosse Pomte 'ThIS year we have the same "These three players are North For the Macomb Area goal and have a good chance of mterchangeable," the coach ConFerence Red DIVlslOn tItle performmg very well," Said "Eacb has hIS own style and the Class A regIOnal crown Berschback slud and assets They could swap "ThIS team IS one of the best, South's top five players, who poSitIOns several bmes dunng If not the best, I have ever had Jokmgly refer to themselves as the season We'll need many based on attItude and competI- MSRP $23,595-. the "FIve Shnmps," are the wms from them to have a tiveness," Tom Berschback reason for Berschback s Opti- league and regIOnal champi- saId 'They have nowhere to go mIsm onship " but up the ladder" JunIOr 1vhkeCase and ,opho There are also some ques- $299* tIOns facmg Tom Berschback A MONTH "The weak pomt IS that the re;,t of the team has to get up to ,pet-'

Lodm"kl, sophomore ChIp Getz . ft } A and Freshmen Ezra Bertalus I l"i' ~ J' and Bnan GQ"kt Steve Andris Lodm"kl has the early nod at MlkeCronin I MSRP $30,995 Crane conlpletes Spartan career 1$339* Former Grosse Pomte South came III the Central Collegiate tournament for the 14th tIme ,tandout Bnan Crane recently Hockey ASSOCiationsemIfinals III 16 years completE'd hIS four-year carPer at Joe LOUl8Arena when he t~:::~I_~. w1th MIchIgan State's hockey capped a MIchigan State come- The Spartans were 167-4 team hack wlth an overtIme goal and fil1lshPdthIrd In the CCHA that gav£' the Spartans a 4 3 dunng the regular season The SClllorleft wmger played wm over MIami III 28 game~ thIS season and Two of MIchigan State's reg- was one of the Spartans' best Crane aJ<;areceIved the Blue ular season Vlctones thIS year Jeffrey (}5) defenSive Forwards and penalty Lme Club PreSident''! Award, came agalllst CCHA champIOn klller~ wh1ChI" given to the top schol- MIchIgan GRATIOT at 13 MILE ACURA ar athll'te III the S(>llIorclass He al-;c added four goal, and The Wolvermes lo,t only £'1ghtas'!lsts Michigan State fil1l'!hed 23 three games durmg the ["('gular • HIS mo,t memorable goal 13-4 and reached the NCAA season • • •

'I ... a ;;" •• _h 'lI~iM •• lIl"'- COIlPO.A" O"'CII. , J R 01 \ Ii 1rT' I n t nql lOW Ml JS8t:.Oi ~ ~'> , 1 '..;! 91.4 SEQlJENCE lQ(IJrWj;l, ~.4~~ Ill' ( /) '9) ld '1 SCOTT ROBINSON r-mn rlrn~ dpl"l 0 .IGIOHAL OfftCl. II ( Rof h 1"1, ....t t~ :1<", • • a Q I (J'H1 1(J¥(on MI.49.411 I~ I J H.~Rn~ rn.. 1<':111"1) filii (-,'IS' ~~ ,..f"., ... )8nr.~ ....." ,,_ 2C Apn117, 1997 s orts Grosse Pointe News

~ Highlights C'l' U, B

Here are some highlights were on target WIth theU' shoolmg for from the NeIghborhood Club's UNLV FredAndary and George DsJlas thIrd grade babketball league set up plays, whlle John Vinson and Thomas Stemer proVIded solJd defense Matthew LombardI, Chnstopher GIRLS GRADE THREE McAlpme and Paul McAlpme played B'I!2'1t'tl 36, Blues 4 w~u VII OVLO enws 01 tJle court The Bulldogs turned 10 an excellenl MIchigan dedicated the game tc defenSive performance 8S they Paul Fellows, who moved recently but Improved their record to 50 Juhe despite an exceHent defensIve effort. Zaranek led the seonng WIth 13 pomts, couldn't beat UNLV Alex Jendrusma, followed by Je"",ca Koltun's II Sarah Jonathan Bruey and George Atsalalus Bolwn had S1X pomts, Ruvam Fonseka each scored two pomts Other contnbu four and Juhe Bordato two Bethany hons came from Paul Glenn KeVIn Dula played excellent defense Jenny Herzog, Michael Malls and Danny Bohannon and Jenmfer Lechy also con Pressler tnbuted The Blues played hard but had prob Penn State 39, Duke 20 lems WIth the Bhzzard's defense The game was close untll the second Amanda Batterson and Lauren Burke half when Matt Tnano, Bobby DIehl showed good ball handhng skills, wlule and Ronell Jackson scored some late Eileen FItzgerald passed well baskets to put the game away for Penn Kathenne Gerow, Alexandra J ohnstcn, State J8IDJe Maclunnon, MIchael Rsu, Alexandra Manion, Samantha ChnB Hoelm and Alex Koch played Palazzolo and Allison Seeley are excellent defense and rebounded well unprovmg WIth each game Will Owen and Cbnshan Conroy led the ofTense, ,,~th Conroy scormg 17 Colts 14, Mustangs 6 pomts The Colts notched thell" second VIe Duke had good games from Wllliam The Barracudas were the Cinderella story of the year in Deane. In the second row. from left, are Bradley Davia- tcry of the season WIth a strong defen- Ahoo, Allan Fullerton, BenJamm SIve game Grace Breen, KaIJ Rogers the Grosse Pointe Hockey Association as they came from son, Jonathan Shurtz, Kyle Polack. Aaron Otto Matt Gardner, Robert Hathaway, Jeff a seventh-place finish during the regular season to win MIller.Trevor John, James Dickinson and Eric Wferda, In and Jenmfer Evans forced several Hawkms, James Hutclunson, Danny turnovers WIth theU" aggressIve play Ru,mow, Terrell Thompson and the Mite House playoff championship. In the front row. back, from left. are coaches Dan Deane, John Polack. Nen Genna Hall scored SIX pomta, whlle Jae Matthew Thbm from left, are Adam Kinnear. Andrew LaLonde, Charlie MIller and John Fowler. March had four and Pearce Pavle two Thibault, Cooper Watkins, Andrew Fowler and Ryan Most of the Colts' reboundmg was pro- M1c1l.1gan State 30, Michigan I> VIded by "twIn tcwers" Nicole Johnson Mlclugan State got off to a good and MIca Roby, who combmed for eight start because of the good offeDSlve play rebounds of DaVIS Smith and DaVId BsJdwm Mite title caps Barracudas' Cinderella year Mustangs players Andrea Bedway, The speed of DaVId DeBoer and Chelaea Charvat, Laura Danforth, It was qwte a turnaround ChrIStopher Swenson also helped, kIds was slmllar to the way I theIr confi dence " Miller collected one aSSISt Anne Mane DePaz., Enca Hammel, sJong WIth the defensIVe play of JamIe the Grosse Pomte Hockey MIchelle Lamont, Melarue Lovel ace coach the !ugh school team For The Barracudas beat the apIece Handley, MIchael LsClura and Curt AsSOCiatIOn Mite Barracudas the last tlnrd of the season we and Meghan Potthoff proVIded a good Mumaw MIchael Miller, Andrew Habs 4-2 m the champIOnshIp 'Ibm Mott, Ed Wlutfield and game for the Colts made from the regular season MUler and TImothy Smolens!D also played Wlth the plnlosophy of game as Trevor John scored Charlie Warren had the Habs' contnbuted to the playoffs 'next goal Wlns ' Lakeshore Optunist 15, three times m the last 3 15 to assists. Mu:lugan playera George AtsalaIus, After fimshmg seventh dur- "I had fun and I tlunk the break a 1-1 tie Mustangs 8 Jonathan Bruey, Paul Glenn, Kevm The Barracudas advanced to The Lakeshore OptImist Club mg the season, the Barracudas kIds had fun. too " Herzog, Alexander JendruslDa, won the playoff championslnp the title game With a 2-1 seIDl- played a well rounded game With MIChael MalIs and Danny Preasler Team manager Larry John Andrew Fowler opened the fmal VIctory over the Orange strong offense and good defense Carly With a 4-1 VICtOry over the worked bard throughout the game gave Fowler a lot of the credit sconng for the Barracudas In Crush Adams and Jenrufer Brescoll were the Habs In the title game for the turnabout the first penod, but MIke Trevor John scored the win- standouts, whlle C8.1tlJn Kelly, Ohio State 24, Bish Jmks 8 The turnaround was a result Mananne McGinnIS, Natahe Pear, "It was hke a Walt DISney LewandowskI got the equalIzer nIng goal With 9'13 left m the Dluo State played one of Its bellt of the work coach John Fowler. mOVIe," John s!l1d. "They fin- Kelly Rusko, Ehzabeth Schultz, games of the season Concentration for the Habs Wlth 4'31 left m tlnrd perIod, asSISted by Jon J eanWe Taylor and J esslC8 Vertregt who also coaches the was a key tc the WIlL Ished seventh out of eIght the second penod also played well Shurtz Jon Robert Sattler and Robert Umverslty LIggett School var- teams dunng the regular sea- The Mustangs played another flne Polack opened the sconng Batten were the HIgh JlJlks' .tandouta Sity hockey team, dtd Wlth the son, but beat everybody m the Geoff Greenmg gave the game but couldn't get past the Matthew GlrOlamo and Kyle Kondrat team early m the first penod with an Lakeshore defense playoffs Habs a 2-1 lead Wlth 9.35 to proVIded outstandmg ball.handhng "I preached transItIOn hock- assist from Aaron Otto but Stephen Lopetrone, J 8IDJe Sheppard "John dtd a tremendollit Job play m the t!urd penod Scott Lenard pulled the Crush BOYS GRADE THREE and Alex Simon unpressed WIth theU" ey m the context of haVIng fun With the kIds He played them Kyle Polack had three Kentucky 27, Iowa 10 playmg the game," Fowler into a 1-1 tie less than four hustle, whlle DaVlB Smith and Alex all and that not only Improved assists for the Barracudas, mmutes later on an unassisted Adam Miller scored 15 pomts as Symonds were defensIve standouts s!l1d 'The way I coached these Kentucky led the enlll"e game CharlIe their play, but It kept bUlldtng wlnleAndrew Fowler and Matt goal. Cooper played hiS best game and added Sll< pomts Mark Lapans,e, Soccer coaches clinic Gregory Schubert and MIchael Paglmo The NeIghborhood Club will contn1luted two pomts apiece Jason offer a free soccer coaches clm- ULS girls beat one foe in first track meet Aubrey played an ""cellent game on both ends of the Door, while John IC Saturday, April 19, at Brownell Middle School. Leech and Danny Burkhart grabbed Young and mexpenenced IS key rebounds BegInmng coaches will Lmgemann started early ed WIth theIr efforts," Langford the perfect descnptlon of them dJsqualfied Pomt guard FrankJe DeLaura led receIve instructIOn from 9 a m and had to stop for the S!l1d ''We dIdn't have a 1,600 "Our gIrls were ready to go Iowa's sconng With eIght poInts until noon. A sessIOn for Umverslty LIggett School's exchange With Feucht, but relay team scheduled to com- Hunter Freeman led m reboundmg, gu'ls track team home when they hurned to put <- advanced coaches will be held Lmgemann and Powell made pete but the gll'ls put one 80 wlule Will Dawson was a standout "We have four freshmen on the relay squad together, from 1to 4 P m. up some ground With a good together because South Lake defelllllvely and led m stesJs John an ll-person team," said coach they dtdll't pay attentIon to the FItzgerald and JeffBlI"g played well up The cluuc will cover rules, exchange was runnIng alone, even Plnl Langford "Smce we - the specmcs," Langford S!l1d. "We liont and Joey Jensen had a good all descnptlons and responSibili- though the final standmgs had thmk it was great that they around game as a SWIng man Sean ties of each position, offenslve coaches and team - are new to Another good exchange already been decIded " MOlr and Josh Ksrchm also con each other It was agreed that wanted to run even when it and defenSIve techmques and between Powell and AllI set the tnbuted we begm our year Wlth track wouldn't change the outcome of strategy and dnll demonstra- stage for a thnlling fimsh South Lake pulled away and field 101 - form, tech- the meet UNLV 20, Penn State 19 tions "We were so far belnnd that mldway through the race for "I guess tlns IS how nvalnes UNLV tnuled 17-2 mIdway through mque and dnlls As the season The free cllmc IS made POSSl- a lot of runners would have the VICtory, but the Cavaliers get started I'm sure our girls the second quarter, but It regrouped m progresses, we're sure every- ble through the Van Dusen given up. but Alh gunned down lodged a umform mfractlOn the second half and played well offen thIng else Will fall into place .. WIll remember thIs race next Endowment Fund. For more the competItIOn With a 12 9 agamst the Krnghts and had year." S1vely and defe1lSlvely Danny Sauer Only three athletes return and Andrew Amaro led the way for mformatlon, call 885-4600 spht," Langford said UNLV, wluch held Penn State tc one from last year's squad. basket m the second half In their season opene~ the Oney added Vlctones m the It was a dlsappombng loss for Penn Hoops tourney Krnghts beat Roeper and lost hIgh Jump and dtscus Alli got State, wluch led for most of the game to South Lake her tlurd first of the meet 10 Ohio State 38, at St. Clare First-year runner Chnstlna the long Jump and she added a Damman Hanlware 12 Oney started the ULS sconng tlnrd place m the 200 dash ~~-ST. PAUL'S 1997 BASKEtBALL CAMP Michael Ka1ser sn d MIchael starts Friday Wlth a first place m the 100- ST. PAUL'S 1997 5TH ANNUAL Cusmano were Dluo State's lugh scor meter hurdles, plckmg up Llllgemann was tlnrd m the ere TImothy Schultes and Drew The Grosse Pomte SUMMeR BASKETBAU CAMPS PIggott were outstanding on the speed over the last four hur- lugh hurdles and second m the boards, wlule Ryan Arsenault's dnb- Basketball Club Wlli host an dles. lows Camp Dlfector - John Agbay blmg and Peter Wl1tcn's defense kept AAU tournament thIs weekend In the next event, freshman 20 yearsofsuccessfuI basketballcamps Dluo State ahead Ryan B _ury has at St Clare Montefalco BISI Alh ran away from the Freshman Amy SJ1verston & helped the team all year ThereWillbe 2 campsforboys girlsages 5-14 The tournament, for 14 and competition m the 100 dash was second m the shot put and Camp 1:On June 16-20(fundamentolscamp Damman Hardware had good games under boys, Will begm at 6 p m from J Patnck Cohan, Danny Cook, An unusual 400 relay squad thIrd m the diSCUS scnmmagrngand contestsfortrophlesl Matthew Economeas, Matthew Fnday Wlth the first of four of co-captams Kanssa Feucht MekI Bracken was second m camp 2: On June23-27[sI1ootlng& scnmmoglngwrth Leverenz, Bnan McTaggart, BenJamm games that day There will be and Alama Powell and fresh- the 400 Feucht capped the conlestsfortrophies) Mora wskJ, Peter Stoepker, N leholas eIght games Saturday, startmg men Knstm Lmgemann and KnIghts' sconng Wlth a first m Bolhcamps stortat 9 00 0 m un~1noon Cost$8500 for Vlahantones and Alexander Wemer at 9 a m The tournament WllI AlII sUl"Vlved a shaky first the 200 one camp 5150forbothcamps UNLV HI, MIchigan 6 conclude With the champI- handoff to post a come-from- formoreInformollonand free brochurecallJohnAgbay Danny Sauer and Andrew Amaro onship game Sunday belnnd VIctory "The girls were pretty exclt- at 18101779 2195 • (313) 886 3265 day M-F EFFERSO CHEVROLET Your Grosse Pointe Park Gee Detroit 15175 E Jefferson Ave. ~ 2130 E. Jefferson Ave. 313-821-2000 -.-." 3130259-1200 Choice 1996 CAPRla CLASSIC 1997MAUBU S Now 19,89S BUY OR LEASE FOR LESS SUBARU.@ ~ The&au9'of AlI-+VheelDrive ORDER YOURS TODAY! 123,895WAS "$21 , 955' STARTING AT $14,899 THIS WEEK'S USED CAR SPECIALS 5999 DOWN $289"IlOlII'II 1997 GEO METRO LSi S9ftftS 1996 CHMOlET TAHOELT WAS 528,495 ,.. ooto SIefeo 3 (XX) mies S NOW ,77 loaded Ieothefondcleon Now 27 995 1997 SUBARU OUTBACK 1995 CHEVROLET CORSICA S8 99S $Top Dollar Paid $ THE WORLD'S FIRST SPORT-UTILITY WAGON. loaded en) (MI)E!f sharp NOW for All Trades! •

,I I A o • • a Q April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News 3C r~nfll""OC' L Storm-- ---..--.t' ...... ""CJ GPHA Bantam title

The Storm won the Bantam 1'wo mmutes later, J P house playoff champIOnshIp m Champme got a goal to gIVethe the Grosse Pomte Hockey Sturm a 2-1 lead ChampIne Association wIth a 3 1 VICtory c1mched the VICtory With an over the Bengals f'mntv npt (J'o~l thqt ,.,'1~ c:n.+- up 1he BengaJs opened the scor- by Jon Berg Ing With a second period goal Anthony Allor wa~ outstand by Steve Maxwell The lead mg In goal for the Storm, while held untll late m the thIrd perI- Bengal goalIe Nate Mmnlck od when Joe Sulhvan tailled also had a fine game for the Storm to tie the game Elements don't faze ULS boys track team Cold, wmd and a soggy d1rt Will Watson took second and track couldn't dampen the ~plr fourth, respectIvely, In the 100 Its of UniversIty Liggett dash School's boys track team for Its Nowak came back to wm the season opener WIth South 1,600 run WIth Bahadu and The Storm won the Bantam division playoff champ!. Solomon, coach Terry Seyler. Justin Fish. Alex Nikesch Lake, Bethesda and Roeper Ford finIshmg thIrd and onshJp in the Grosse Pointe Hockey Association with a 3- and assistant coach David Vlasak. In front, from left. are But there were a few pre- fourth The 400 relay team of 1 victory over the Bengals. In the top row, from left. are assistant coach Walter Nikesch. Scott Lambert. Kyle meet JItters for the KJughts Jon KISh, Karthlek Narala, J.P. Champine. Nick McGinnis. Andrew Vlasak. Joey SuI- Peterson. Anthony Allor, John Berg, John Rappa and "Openmg the season WIth a Jumah HamIlton ,md Watson llvan. Jarrod Champine and Kurt Faber. In the middle, assistant coach Mike Fish. Matt Lombardo is not pic. home quadrangular meet ISnot had a sohd VictOry,followed by from left. are manager Rich Rappa. Steven Seyler. Will lured. Ideal," said coach Phil an mspmng WInm the 400 run Langford "All three coaches by Jun Fortune are new to the team and seven of the 16 runners have no prlor McDonald won the 800 WIth Knights beat a pair of Notre Dam.es track experience We were busy hIS 3,200 relay teammates handlrng the meet and dIdn't Bahadu, Nowak and Ford tak- By Chuck Klonke Fowler said ''It was close early, corps mcludes Mike Gressman, Sports Editor 32 ground balls to their 21 have much time to help the Ing the next three spots but we broke It open With some 11m French, Justm Macksoud, That's usually a good mdlcator Now that UnIversIty LIggett kIds" Hamilton and Watson were fastbreak goals I thought we Jason Campbell, Ian Watt and of how well a team ISplaymg " School's lacrosse team has But despIte the problems, second and fourth m the 200, dId a great Job passmg for the Jeff Brown The 7-6 VICtOryover Notre beaten Notre Dame and Notre ULS still finished ahead of while freshmen Blair Foust first game" The two midfield groups con- Dame Prep WaSprobably closer Dame Prep, could the KnIghts Bethesda and Roeper South and PhJhp Leaman scored In Paul Huebner, BlaIr RIdder SIStof Espy, Huebner and John than It should have been be ready to take on the Insh Lake took fIrst place on the the 3,200 run. and KeVIn Espy each scored RIddle and Charhe Eldridge, "We mIssed a lot of opportu- squad that makes Its home m strength on 41 poInts In the four goals for the Knights, Berc Backhurst and Andy nitIes m the first half and only South Bend, Ind ? fIeld events ''The kIds ran a good meet whIle SergeI LIe got the other Adamo led 5-2 at halfbme," Fowler The Krughts came out of the under unusual cIrcumstances," "I don't think so," ULS coach one The Krughts have the same John Fowler s81d "Notre Dame SaId blocks qUIckly, winning the Langford SaId "It looks lIke we have a pret- SIXattackmen as last year One "They came on strong m the has a pretty good team this 3,200.meter relay With the "New coaches, soggy track, ty good team thIs year," Fowler lme IS made up of Lie, Bray second half and had possessIOn year I think they're ranked team of Sonny Ford, Shaka four teams and a few runners saId "We have a lot of expen- Miller and RIdder, while the eIght of the last nme mInutes sIXth or seventh natIOnally" Bahadu, Mace McDonald and out Sick It can only make the enced players We only lost two other IS Chns Mitchell, Enc Capen made some real good Matt Nowak Kevin Espy and rest of the season smoother" ULS opened the season WIth regulars to graduatIOn" Maurer and Ian FInes saves down the stretch" a 13.2 romp over nelghbonng ULS IS oohd m goal W1th ULS took advantage of some Notre Dame Jason Capen of Notre Dame's mexpenence Ridder ~ored two goals and "I was a lIttle worned about ''He's aJUnIor and a lot of col- "We were able to double ULS hammers two It because they'd played a cou- Espy collected three m the first leges are already shOWIng an team their best players and we half to stake ULS to ItS 5-2 ple of games and It was our mterest III hIm," Fowler s81d did a good Job of c1eanng the halftIme lead Fines scored III first, but we played well," An expenenced defense ball," Fowler SaId "We aloo had the second half and Miller got softball opponents the eventual W1nner on a fast Umverslty Liggett School's break goal early m the fourth loaded StephanIe Roehl went quarter softball team had httle trouble 5 for-5, drove m seven runs, Phillips wins Greco-Roman title "We got a little ~kltterlsh rolling past two opponents last scored SIXtImes and stole SIX Derek PhIllips has adapted North wrestlIng team back but Just ran out of time" week bases qUIte well to the Greco-Roman when they started to come after U~,but we never lost our Karah Knope, WhItney Kendall Wrigley scored five style ofwrestlmg "Except for the final match, Phillips was 8-0 III Greco- composure," Fowler said Gage, NIcole Young and Megan runs and made two outstand- Derek pmned or got techmcal Roman competition and 6-2 Watkms each scored three runs The Grosse Pomte North falls agamst everybody In "That'c=; wh{"rc OUt' c>xpC>1'1cncC' Ing catches In rIght field to kIll agaInst hIS freestyle oppo- helped" m a 21-6 romp over Ann Arbor Sacred Heart rallIes JUnIor won the 123-pound Greco-Roman He gave up only nents GreenhIlls StacIe HadgIkostl, In her weight class m Greco.Roman one pomt until the final" Young allowed only three first varsIty game at shortstop, WIth a 9-3 VICtoryover Charhe "It takes a few dIfferent 8 .i)- earned runs while stnkmg out scored five runs, had two hits, Voorhees of Naw York In the Phllhps was fourth m the skills m Greco-Roman and six as she recorded her first four walks, three RBI and Northeast United States freestyle dIVISion He lost 7-3 some kIds adapt better than ~ ~~ -'i>- ~ VIctory of the season three stolen bases RegIOnal wrestlmg tournament to Bruce Kelly of Delaware, the others," Roberts SaId I s\\!V.lII!!:~~ - r.:\ - I The KnIghts' bats boomed Holly Mornson gave up only III Brockport, N Y. eventual champIOn at 123 and ~!d.S-c' ~ ~ even louder m a 42-1 rout of one earned run and struck out suffered a 10-7 setback at the "I've had pretty good success f\T'- - M~ the Academy of the Sacred SIXIn recordmg her first VICto- "Voorhees was thIrd In the hands of Justm Bravo of New III teachmg Greco-Roman Heart ry Mornson also went 4-for-4, natIonal Jumor OlympICStour- York, the natIOnal Prep School Derek does a good Job He's 1997 EXPEDITION 4X4 Gage hit for the cycle and walked tW1ce and scored SIX nament last year," saId Art champIOn In hIS weIght class, become one of the best there IS Eddie Bauer her homer came WIth the bases runs Roberts, who coaches the m the consolation final m hIS age group" LOADED

"Derek dIdn't wrestle real Phlihp~ and North team- 1997 EXPEDITION 4X4 Knights find offensive punch well m hiS first match and the mate Gary Bordato have both XLT other kId dId," Roberts SaId UnIversIty Liggett School's team strugglmg to score runs, Sophomore C R Moultry quahfied for the USA LOADED baseball team had a break- we scored a season-hIgh eight pItched all four Innmgs for NatIOnals m Fargo, N D , from "Kelly's dad told me after the July 19 26 1995 WINDSTAR CL through day offenSIvely m Its runs, whIle managIng '>even ULS He allowed SIXhIts and match that Derek was the only Loaded, mint non-league game WIth Warren hIts, three of them by semor SIX walks, while stnkIng out Woods-Tower last week, but captaIn Chns POZIOS" eIght wrestler to go the d1stance WIth Anyone wlshmg to help from$14.99S hIS son defray theIr expenses for the the KnIghts came up a bIt JUnIor thIrd baseman Justlll "\\'hen C R gets ahead III the 1992 EXPLORER XLT short defenSIVely Young also had a good game for count, he's domInatIng," Butzu meet, whIch have to be r81sed "In the second loss, Derek by the wrestlers, should con- 4X4.low miles. won't last "We had key InjUrIes to sec- the Knights said "As With many young got behllld early and came ond baseman ChrIstian Auty, "He had a great at-bat, tak- fastball pItchers, C R needs to tact Roberts at (313) 885-5485 $12.99S outfielder Renard Greer and mg a two-stnke pitch to the throw strIke one That sets 1995 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL plt<'her Jeff Mehr so we had to OPPOSItefield for an RBI sm- everythmg else up" Loaded - Real Sharpr scramble to cover our posItions gle," Butzu SaId ULS had loaded the bases defenSIvely," said ULS coach EarlIer, the KnIghts had a Wlth one out m the bottom of SUMMER OF 1997 $19.488 Walter Butzu game WIth Ann Arbor the fourth when the game was "CompoundIng that problem GreenhIlls suspended because called All New!!! was an excellent hlttmg Tower of snow III the bottom of the Freshman Anthom [, wet' team It was a breakout offen- fourth mnmg WIth ULS tr81l- contmued hi, he-.\\ h1tltng slve day for us, however On a mg 5-3 ....lth a hlt 'lnd an RBI

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."'ONAL O"ICI. 91~ Reoo n ",. 252 (,rnr cl Hnvf'n M ~9417 I" II) R4~ R176 IOll~~~l A,\~/}7.P Thursday, April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

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Drive an white & color Reasona Featured In DetrOit -- _ or send resume to: on Monroe Greek served throughout the ice-cream truck. Macomb ble Bernard (313)885 Monthly s BEST OF DE PIANO learnmg Center - 17727 Mack Town Call 313963, world now and forever & Oakland County. 8928 TROIT 810 2862728 Group lessons now TEMPORARYSERVICESFIRM DetrOit, MI 48224 1980, after 2 p m Oh Sacred Heart of Je Earn over S7lhour. forming for ages 5 6 7 pro"ldlngemployerswtth SURPRISE Mom With a sus pray for us Worker Full & 'part-time. DISHWASHERS. full and PIANIST for speCial occa. 8 year olds EXCIting SC:reened & expenenced GRASS cutters Garden part time Apply L Bow gemstone Mother s of miracles pray for us slons and weddings new learning discovery _etirlal staff for Iol19"lenn I Call between ers & hard workers 313 Room 3138847622 Necklace Earrings Ro St Jude helper of the MUSIC of your life m In plano which lies In 8SSI9nmentsatreasonable 7 a.m. & 2 p.m, 8823676 sary Restnnglng avalla hopeless pray for us cludes popular c1assl With math reading etc lites Contic1AnneneColI_ ble Cleopatra s 810 Say thiS prayer 9 times a 100 Hm WANTED GENERAL cal lazz Also plano ,'( Also plano entertain 313963-2880 . 100 Hm WANTED GENERAL n3 5005 day By the 8th day lessons for all ages your prayer Will be an. ment for all occasions 3136856215 UNSECURED visa or swered It has never 8107749966 A Warren based manufac- tunng company IS m mastercard regardless been known to fall nev ANTHONY BUSINESS 112 HEALTH & NUTItITlON need of a receptionist of past credit history No er Publication must be 116 SCHOOLS SERVICE o rder entry profess Ional A few great security depOSit re promised Thanks St ENJOY relaxmg thera Taxes IndiVidual must be per- qUired Bankruptcy ok Jude for many prayers peutlc massagp Sabra Accountmg sonable courteous and National Fidei ty Frnan answered SpeCial Fischer 313882 7768 Payroll fleXible and WIlling to opportunities clal 214 265 0534 'hanks to our Mother of Pnvate Confidential 20 years expenence By ~~~ learn new thmgs Excel (SCAN) Perpetual help C M appointment Serving You Smce 1968 lent wages and benehts out of the Ud"0 467 Cloverly UPHOLSTERING dont THANK yoUStJUdefOr --G-IV-E--T-H-E-G-I-FT--- Send resume to box "Parlez - vous Grosse POinte Farms get new let me redo favors rende__re_d_DJ__ of 03015 c/o Grosse ' Francais ?" (near Mack) Patio Fronda game -___ _ POinte News & Connec 313-882-6860 room furniture pillows THANK you St J.Jde for HEALTH 'our PRF~"( HOOI FR (an' tlon 96 Kercheval Blue al1d cushions Pre sea prayers a'1swered Certified Theapeutlc OPEN HOUSE 119 TItANSPOItTATION/TItAVH Grosse POlnle Farms SOI1 pnces 313824 H C D MASSAGE APRIL 27'" - 2.4 PM BlueCrossBlue Shieldof MichiganIS sefkrng Customer MI48236 ServiceRepresentativeswhoare energellcand customer 4221 TH-AN-K y-o-u-S-t J-ud-e-for By Chene Summer &. fall c1a"e, ALARM TECHNICIAN focusedhavestrongoral and Wrlt,.n commUnicationand many prayers answered By ApPOintment only For alarm company Top baSICcomp.Jtersiollsfor liS DetrollandSouthfieldkx:atlOlls (313)882 6463 313-881-7522 + M J K G It Certificates Airport or Personal pay good benefits Will The qualifiedcandidateISonewho ISab~ to workonateam THANKS St Jude for AvaIlable BABAR'S HOUSE Lou The ChauHeur Call cross tra,n a qualified In a dynamiC s€'t"'lce onented environment has ~ood p'ayer~ answered B D In Home Service 313881 5527/ 24 houl'<; .ndlVldual problemsolvlng/analyllcal abilities and takes personal Good rates I Call between 9 & 5 P m responsibilityfor hlslheraClions 3138394850 103 ATTOITNEYS/L£GAIS HYPNOTHERAPY, Hyp (and ldatesmUS! haYecompleteda mImmurn01 iWO yearsof nos s works ClInical 3 MARKETEERS 3138394903 coll~ AddulonalrequrrementsInelude CUSlomerselVlce BETSY B MELLOS Iherapy can help With al Airport Shuttl!' APPLICATIONS accepted e.penence respondingto and resolVingCU'ltomerISSues Attorney At Law CLASSIFIEDS orconcems most anJrthlngl HabIts to Personal S~,oppmg for full/ part- lime stock 810-771-3747 heartaches and much STARTYDUR Errands & Appointments clerk Musf be 18 York Weoffer a compe"',,e salary and benefit packageWith more I 810 779 8880 COMPARE OUR PRICES shire Food Market 0ppoI1UJ1lty for c.reer growth FAMILY LAW MAIKH HERE! Call Us Today 167tl Mack Imtlal Consultation Free Pleasesendyourresumeto 112 HEAL TH & NUTItITlON And Relax Tomorrow" 111 HEAlTH .. NUTItITlON AREA dry cleaners seek 313-526-4998 BlUE CIlOSS AND BLUESHIElD Of "'IOUGAH LIVING Wills probate real Ing part t,me momlng HUMAN motIIlaS estate Paul Gracey AI counter help Reliable .;; l'1OOO WfST D1VEIl MIll ROAD and fnendly good start torney at law 810 827 SOlJ1'IIfmD, "" 48014 Ing pay (313)886 2965 3390 or 313 88~ Q27'i ------[qua I Opponunlty Employer FRAME Shop seeking PIC 100 I'fItSONAlS 100 I'EItSONAlS Presents lure framer/ deSIgn as :;. Organically & locally grown sac laIe Expe nence art ! ~ BkJe Shield. produce delivered to your home background preferred 'BkJeCross. Pleasan' personality a'1d 1/ • "'• of MlCtllgan week'y. Its caned Community 120 TUTOItING £DUCAfiON famllianty WIth fract,ons BOOK EDITOR SponsOred Agricu'ture. a must Hours fleXible An Independent lJcenste of the DON'T know what fo do +Blue Cross and BlueShieldAssooallOll Customers say our staH Ken Eatherly For more information call With your computer? makes us a fun place \-Vord,,"ct J dltonal R22-40fJl Danny & Michelle Lutz Consultation tralnmg Call Therese or Tom 3136244258 810 387-4365 3138840140 ...

, f .,. I I • A o • • & Q Thursday, April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection 200 HElP VIANTEO GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED G!NEUI 200 HELP WANHO GENUAI 201 HElP WANTED 200 HElP WANTlD GENUAL 200 HHP WANTlD GENEUL 202 HElP WANTED ClEIlICAL IUYSITTEIl 202 HELP WANJlD ENERS up! POSSibly lawn mow- home seMce professlD- ' $'" c:» - ~... .::a Se$lope ho'" Ing Employment at nal, 00 weekends! holt- EXPERIENCED COMMUNITY STAFF GUA.RA.NTEED! i "'--- Grosse POinte days benelllS Ca II 31 3- .ucENSED PES1lC1DE AJlf'IJCATORS Well established and busy RoseVille Pizzeria $1(>$12 per ho., Park"''''''' andIn buSIness In 884-1'"...... needed to proVIde care for children with needs full and part lime drivers. MH'lImum one year elCper ence reqUIred Taylor 299-5555, day- challenging dlsab,hlies In add Icon to the hourly rote of pay we oHet- med ICal time MR C'S [)ELI FleXible hours Part-time or full-time positions ------No expenence necessary BENEFITS coverage fo< the above fulHlme po"t",,,, Interested GENERAL maintenance Cashiers cooks clerks '7 - '9 to start Call (810) 544-9354 • Wear.leons & boseball cap 10 work applICant' pIeose _ (3131885-9090 person needed for stock help Must be at Pay off your credll cords t churcn & school Full least 16 Starting pay up Eorn extra pocket cosh lox free With tipS time benefits $6 50 per to $5 5<1based on expen and'llIleoge ~~~ ence Apply at Mr C's P send • Fost pace and great working atmosphere hour lease ra- Deli 18660 Mack Grosse 202 HElP WANTED 2 HttPWANTED ([UI(Al sume & references to POinte Farms Mack at E EARN EXTRA CASH • Nightly ovg 20 to 30 runs $35 $50 lips per ntghtl box 05025, c/o Grosse Warren 881 7392 ask lor BY DELIVERING JUST ONCE A WEEK REQUIREMENTS PO!nte News & Connec John Or 20915 Mack, and !Ton 96 Kercheval, GroSSfl POinte Woods • Dependability gooc 'unnlng cor WOIDPlOCISSING SECIOlllES NO COLLECTING INVOLVED Grosse Pornte Farms between 8 & 9 Mile • Greet personality/great smile • MSW With Windows - Word Perfecl5 1!6 0 MI48236 884 3880 ask lor Debble • Must like to work With people • Excel- Powerpolnt • Pagemaker • Lotus 1,2 3 GOLF cart mechanIC full Must hove sharp mind to read mops for street TOP PAY FOR TOP LEVEL SKILLS time seasonal advance- NEEDE [). 89 people 10 CONiECftoN locot,ons ment opportunrtles Call lose welghtl No WIll pow is ~ reliable &: ronsclmtious lndividlub to loo9ond Short Term oUlgnmen~ Paul 313-331 2970 er needed' Angela 810 ckJiva' in St, Clair Shores &: Harpa' Woods 790-6744 KITCHEN help wanted, all FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL .... PlOYIIII POSIlIOOSavailable ~ PART time Gahlee Es TEMPOAARY SERVICE IN<: ply at 24223 Jefferson presso Bar across from 810294-1333 lfi St Clair Shores 81 0- Cobo Hall 313961 (313) 372-8507 773-3840 6991, Anne Equol OppO<1VMy Employo<

• ..-..~ ~ ~ ~ .. _ -.#- ""- ..~~ --4-- a \ COll~A"OfPIa't , WA <, H,.,m'tM ~ogn(Jw ~ odR60? ,.. ~"'II'~ 19) 91.d SEQUENCE R)()19~8 1,\~ "0' 1\ 1) 19~ ~~n SCOTT ROlliNSON ,..mol dmq 1,.("( .. (1m Pr""s denl .I •• ONAL O"ICI> lilt. R()hhf\~ )J~le ,5,) C'lonr1 HOVPfl oM' .49.411 I~~IR~~ 8n~ 10' 16161 841 M47 ,.r'IV'IIII ...... ?~ ...~ ....1o ...._ Thursday, April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

203 H!l~ WANTED 300 SITUATIONS WANTED 302 SITUATIONS WANTED DENTAl/MEDI(AL 204 Hm WANTED DOMESTI( 207 HElP WANTED SALES 30S SITUATIONS WANHD 307 SITUATIONS WANTED 400 MER(HANDISE , IUYSlTHRS (ONVAlESP'" al nr., ....o HOME CARE OF: L ESTATE SAlES 406 ESTATE SAUS 406 ESTATE SALES 40b ESTATE SAlES 406 ESTATE SAlES 406 ESTAIE SALES you need 10 know to succeed III sales while you earn level l/lltral compensat,on Once appointed as an Account Represenlatlve you II be supported by a slate of,the art computenzed marketing system recel~e an :0 ?Catherine 5l.rno{d and asSOCiates 0: allractlve benef£: A 1~/y C.all",,! Located Tn TI,e Old Ch""h SERVING THE POINTES FOR 10 YEARS , tm'hr/I"/ Grosse Pte Crty between Jefferson and Maumee At The Corner Of SIXth & 11lfal(ette Rcryal Oal. df' .~,,~,{e,; Qualltled • Experrenced • Protesslonal Fnday, Aprili 8:h at 6:30 p.m. Estate Sale - FUll 01 traditIOnal lurnlshlngs and ~ 515 S Lafayette Royal Oak, MIChigan ~ Saturday, Apri1191h at t t :00 a.m. COllectibles TWD solas, love seat Cherry French , \ 810.399.2608 ~, MaryAnn Boll Renee A. Nixon Sunday, April 20th at Noon ProVlncal dining table VlClonan commode, AntlClu& 313-882-1498 313.822-1445 FREE VALET PARKING All SALE PATES full brass bed, Gilt PalladIan style mirror, antlClue EduM: on HOOfS Fnday, ApriI11'tf\.. ~ _ ... ~__ • .30.... ~ p.m. mahogany game table, Ig mahogany Inlaid nest of Apnl121ll • • t:3O &.Ill. !UO,.. 5.t,_. tables Writing desk Marble lOp and glass lop -.April""' •• _. ...30&.IIl.!UO ...... 40b ESTATE sms 40i ESTATE SALES T_ April15 •• ...30&.IIl. __ coffee tables, armchairs, DeSigner lamps, pnnts, w...... April161t1 _ • _ __ _. ...30...... _,... _~ ApnI17"'_ _ _ •• _ • __ .. .30...... _ ...... watercolors and acceSSOrieS Deco dining set fRrE PARKING WEDNESDAY !VINING vtHIIITlON Frultwood server Smgle qUilted headboard, '"'"ll ,,'"W. """eo Pa, & loMor 0 Barros. TIf<1OhIo ton) soldiof".. lacquered Chinese style chest, dresser French ""","«"go,",?, no,,,,,,,,,' '>ePO/teI tWpeoWoocls ",,,,,,,.tOy ""'.0 Provlncal IWIn bed, nlghtstands Wicker and Iron i>- • 0" > t of ,ctcga:-\0<1 ""-"l"J mom: tIlN ""';''9 _ <>o!lal ~148s,c ~st4tr ~4Ir~ a'ld r.,.~er ,.1 ~ porch furniture Plantstaoos Sterling candlestICks, ~ ~ w .~ (i ~1 ~ ", i<1r(l ~1 Naross.e De la p~ crt'de'rd ~ ~hLg.. CcmpIere Prof8SSC08' Servrce cream sugar lovely Sliver plate - trays, chafing 'bjl"p ~~"1.b>'F~\ l- c 8<"", Iler aro MPf lM v1 """ ..... PI.... lr'll' Cut ~~l.oesby_".,j'>l?"€1'" ~!1'SGif F~~" Bcv:tlE!"&~ decanters, candlesticks Misc chona - Ilahan, 22974 MARTER. ST. CLAIR SHORES Aprrl20th 11 00 am to 4 00 pm 8"'&:r-r "r\"~i"'lh2~~1 tlI"D;J~~!'H~~.a~ German French Animal flgunnes Small Chinese Lakeshore VIllage COndos 20800 Moxon "YJK. ~~ 'il"'~..d ~ ... ~ & c'hers li'p\( pot'::Nll'I ~ tJ"1 Boter1an olf Moramn, ~n & Herrington (Mt Clemen., screen, plales Display Etageres Small size ladieS ea •• ~~( J ~~~ C;~~ ~ ;~:~,~V"~~~:;~~~~ clothing Jewelry, acceSSOnes Chnstmas, fabnc, Sat. April 17th • 9:00.2:00 FEATURING J1~ .J<; PI')'€" .. 000'A.a1 TLf repfltJ.JSl~rdP~'e.~ s.~"9~ f...>'",a e:". ~ t ,,",;y. J.-""" ~(~ St..ei' Ir'.....".at(...v l.;(:1 G:Yt..ar a.d W3Aace GorNm decor magazines Full krtchen Small appliances, 011 painting by GuaMt 1639 Water by Robert Hopkm f"~c,....tl t'.d~ 9'!'h( .l~ioA~JaCOJatd~ I~~ Fr~m.!llon'tCt)' dryer plants MUCH MORE ESTATE SALE FEATURING Llvmg 1878 Toleware 1860's wash basrn eleganl ~ d3llp~ f"j cC''-''"'"1()''S C1S~ ~a~ JJrca" JIIIClC(lCif\ll"9S & trOt'll~ P,t!!CoIor'T'Oan room and bedroom furmture, collector vlCtorran pattern & milk glass 011 lamps & mrnlatures "'"'1 "'lia' a """y 0 ~,El!'l>'" vaona, & Easflalt Urtl1. ""'*"" "" "" a """CJ;_a"d""""'ruJS Srar"""'J qUlhs, chenilles 50's curtarns & tablecloths, OSsE po/Iv plates, stepper, costumE' Jewelry, row ''1'''''''''0 ""f!WWY ''''''''J'9501~ ~.n!_lady' c,~ ,. men',; c1othmg, 2 small desks, oak vrntageldesrgner d01hlng, beadedlplastlC purses, nudes Iraln magazrnes pottery, stoneware, ",*".. iJ ./Ih/rk!l, Side chaIr, glassware and more ~nmbm given out Stmt nlllllilm mBJOhca advert..v MUCH MUCH MORE FAX # (113) 961 B199 P"TRIC I" {,S ,...- f roe A I<;Apr a c;.e ~ & AucllOpee s. S nee 1927 LOOK FOR THE RAINBOWr r I KOI.om,KI GItOLD s/>.",-s 31 '-885-6604 1

'I I I t A o • • a Q Thursday, April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection ( NOISE 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 412 MISCEllANEOUS ANTIOUES 406 !STATI SAlES 412 MISCEllANEOUS 601 AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE IASEMENT SUE ARTIClES 41 S WANT!O TO IUY ARTIClES CHRYSlER GENUAl MOTORS m t!l ESTATE FRIDAY, Saturday 10 to ENTIRE contents 01 home TREASURES & TRASH OLD wooden duck hunting 1994 Intrepid V6, loaded. 1992 Cadillac Sedan FURNITURE 4 Kids clothes oul Cnb Will be offered for sale ~ r~ decoys and fishing auto. air more Excel DeVille excellent condl AT car seats TV's. bikes Saturday 10 a m to 5 50 s!60 s Cast Iron Trucks equipment wanted Lloyd 'DaVId RELICS In HamtramCk lent condlhon 1 owner tlon very low miles Lots of mlSC 410 Loth pm Sunday 10 a m to Late 50 S Dinette set Cash paid 810 774 10027 Joseph Campau $11.900 Central leas One own",r Must sell I rop off Chalfonte 4 pm 15355 Semrau 40 s ArmOire and Chest 8799 !Antiques (313}874-05oo Ing & Sales (313)885 $13500 8107783950 Eastpointe 1 block Unlqu e Stenlng SIlver Open 11 6 Tues thru Sat FRIDAY' Salurday 4/18- PAYING CASH 4840 839-4462 eve 1989 CadIllac clean de 19, 9 4pm Garage south of Stephens (9 1/2 Rings 15302 Kercheval Traditional furnrture ac- For Jewelry Watches. nlngs penrJable $4 4501 best sale 3 family toys ba mile rd) 2 blocks wesl Crosse Pointe Park cessones, antiques & of Gratiot Numbers at Antiques and Collectibles Diamonds Antique Jewelry 1994 LeBaron, GTC con 3138859139 collectlblp~ GnoO flU"" by sports, bikes. house- RMale Bridal and A nvth Ino Made of Gold 930 :l m [I,:" E,I"I" 'Ip"'!:l'e Wn 'e exle' C" 1994 Cavalier RS. 4 door ty at affordable pnces nOlo H1258 Edgefield, Formal Wllar or Silver we have many Sales 810677 1770 gray rntenor 50000 auto arr power win Harper Woods. near I Will travel lor transactions exquisite 94 off Moross 23712 Harper miles Asking $9.300 dows! locks! mIrrors & SHELBY Twp French pro- FIBERGLASS truck cap In excess of $1000 mahogany pIeces S1. Clair Shores, MI 810-7493451 after more Tilt cruise stereo vrnclal irving room furnl GARAGE sale 4/19 9- 2 for 8 bed Must sell Including 81o-n4-9316 5pm casseMe, excellent con tu rei household 810- 242 Fisher Quality boys 313-372-7691 The Gold Shoppe 1995 Neon Sport sedan dltlon $6,5501 best Pre.CIVIIwar 566-1857 clothrng.s Ize 2T - 10 Lit 22121 Gratiot WOLFF Tanning Beds 34 000 miles Air. ABS. Central Leasing & Victorian sofa. tie Tlkes toys. wedding GARAGE Sale 868 Lor EastpOinte MI, 48021 WE BUY BOOKS TAN AT HOME stereo $8 900 Sales 3138858300. medallion back gown size 8 House- alne Aprrl 19th 9. 6 (810)n4-0966 AND LIBRARIES Buy DIRECT and SAVEl (313)881-3895 8394462, evenings hold more No early House Irquldatlon Victorian settee. JOHN KING Commercial! Home Unrts SHOTGUNS, nfles and buds cas h only corner china 3 .. 3-96" -0622 From $199 00 handguns, Parker 1990 Shelby Daytona tur- 1991 Cavaher. 2 doer au GOLF clubs mens 1- 5 001 auto, loaded, mint to Air sunroof. cas cabinets. games Michigan s Largest Bookstore GARAGE sale, 21329 Low Monthly Payments Brownrng Winchester Snco196S Ben Hogan Woods With • Chp and Sa....o .hls ad. FREE Color Catalog condition $4,500 313- seMe 68.000 miles table. china Sevem Harper Woods. beautiful golf bag. all In Call, Luger others Col Call Today lector 810-4783437 881 9002 after 6 p m Good condlhon $5 5001 cabinets by Drexel, Thursday- Salurday, 9- good shape Ladles 4 1993 Sundance, excellent best 810-293-0546 Berkl:lYand Gay clubs 4 woods and 2- 9 1-800-711-0158 WANTED. motorcycles. condition, 5 speed sun 1992 Cavalrer 26.000 Sideboard, GARAGE sale 2 refngera. Irons and puMer, plus (5OCc and up), mopeds. roof. 58.000 mIles miles Showroom clean Edwardian tors was her, dryer. bag and cart aII In good weBurOld Bntlsh cycles. and parts Collectable Items $4.500. (313)884 5867 $6,400 3132452146 dressing table, Amencan &: Fre nch FunlJ ture shelves, etcetera Satur. shape Double bed, ORIENTAL 810-778-5401 and much more Oriental Rugs. OJI PaIntings day 9 am. 26550 Beauty Rest sprrng and $ 602 AUTOMOTIVE pager 313-260 2253 By P,ece ur Whole Est.1te SOD ANIMAL Greenleaf. RoseVille, maMress, SWivel rocker. RUGS fORD 1991 Chevrolet Lumina 4 AIy ADOPT I PET Wealso have a 313-881.9500 (810)774'0594 (313)823-1500 sIZt, ., CIIIIIGI 11109 Moraq, Detroit doer. loaded 72000 beautiful brass bed GHAU INC.. TIOY • FREE to good home 1 1990 4 door Mercury Sa- miles. 1 owner $5.475/ GARAGE Sale- Baby GOLF, ladles starter set, • ble GS AMI FM air, circa 1890.Walnut 1 800 841.1181 year old lop eared bun power Windows & doors best 810-415 0137 boys & gins clothing (up (new In box) Men s set. carved lamp tables, 413 MUSI(Al ny looking for a family 74000 miles $5000 1993 Chevy Cavalier BOOKS to size 5), ladles (size 4 also Junior set 313.882 Food & bedding Includ. walnut Cannonball Bought & Sold INSTftUMENTS 810-778-8905 clean. 58K locks cas bed. large oak 6). matemlty, toys 5558 Ing 313-882-3714 tIBRARY BOOKSTORE 19951 West Emory AREAS LARGEST seMe, must sell. $5 6001 mantle. Court, Grosse POinte HANDICAP Sundancer SELECTION OF GROSSE Pornte Anrmal 1995 Cougar XR7. excel offer 313-881.1318 81C).o$45 .....3oo lenl COndition. only chandeliers. Woods Fnday Satur- scooter BaMery operat QUALITY USEO PIANOS Adoption Society has .. a-~btIIIiiNe 26000 miles loaded 1993 Chevy Lumina 4 mirrors and much day. 10- 1 ed 10 months old like moving tunrng reflnlshrng puppies 7 week Border $Ie Asking $14,500 After door gold Excellent new Has basket In rebUlldrng. estimates Collie miX and two 8 more' 500,810-739-9191 condltlon Power pack- HARPER Woods 21455 front $2.2001 best and appralsels year male Shlh-12u s 408 fURNITURE age AMlFM casselle, 8oumemeuth. near (313)8863542 P M PIANOS FROM $799 Connne Martin. 884- Monday. Wednesday Bishop Gallagher Apnl • - a I 1993 Cougar 49000 new brakes and tires. 9009. Martha Schroed. thru Saturday 3 piece cherry entertain- 11th and 12th, gOO-HOCKEY helmets. $10 Mlchlgna Plano Company miles. V6, ASC sunroof, excellent pertormance er. 824-4674 11 - 6 ment center wrth 27" Ze- 400 MOVing! Bargarns 12" Schwrnn gins bike,' (810}548-22oo loaded Excellent COndl- 313-886-3923 lion $9.200 882.1350 Closed Sundays & nllh TV loo"X 72", ------II I GROSSE POinte Anrmal $1,900 (810)677-2690 HUGH garage sale. East- $50 Little TIkes Doll ca anytime 1994 Geo Pnsm LSI ABS, TUesdays ClrnlC has good looking polnle some antlques. Buggy, $8 6 ft oval ------1993 Crown Vlctona LX, 5 speed air, power ~313 822.3452l! ANTIQUE white twrn post. country nrck nacks wool rug. $40 Marble BABY grand plano dark 5hep miX male, house excellent condrtlon, steenng! brakes 1 8 Iller er bed and double tools, something for ev- coffee table, $90 wood With bench. delrv- broken, loves children loaded, leather, sunroof, engine, casseMe non- Jil r.t Also 2 other shep mixes dresser Excellent condl' eryClne 21473 Virginia. (313)884 -9596 ery.$1900 tunrng,MichiganwarrantyPlano new Mlchelrn. 60,000 smoker extra clean. bon $300 313-882- comer of Lincoln Satur. (313)822-5707 highway miles One 50,000 miles service re 401 APPLIANCES 7435 day. Apnl 19th, 900 to HUMMELS: pnvatecollec- Co. 810-5482200. call PUPPY OBEDIENCE, 10 owner $10,500 810- cords, $8,500 Call 313- 6 00 lor. 30- 50% Offl 313- anytJme weeks. 4 1/2 months 773-1727 882 7625 after 6pm CUSTOM loveseats, neu- APPLIANCESI Washers, 8826586 Also, adult dog obedi- traltones, cut velvet, ex- MINI-RUMMAGE sale BALDWIN Plano. very 1989 Escort GT. 90,000 1996 Grand Am SE Take dryers, refngerators, ence For Information. cellent condition $300 Summer outfrts. (2T-5) JACUZZI, four person hot good condition With tun- highway miles Runs & over remalnrng 2 year ranges Recondlboned. Carolyn House. 313.884 8321 computers househcld tUb. excellent working lng, bench. delrvery and dnves excellent New lease $235/ month 0% 1 year warranty Excep (313)884-6855 Clothes, books 5t Paul condition. $1,500 Whlrt. warranty, $1,499 Other tires! brakes! mere down 810-779-1798 tonal quality Able Appll $3,000 810-775-4658 MAHOGANY dining room Lutheran Chalfontel pool refngerator cocoa pianos from $799 MiChl ance. 25925 G ratrot. set, table, SIX chairs SOl 81RDS fOR SA\£ 1990 Grand Pnx LE ex- Lothrop, Saturday. 10.1 brown textured finish, gan Plano Company 1993 Ford Explorer Eddie cellent COndition, no RoseVille (313)884- buffet, china cabinet, ex~ l large slde-by,slde With (810)5482200 Call HAND fed Cockatiels. all Bauer package loaded. rust high miles $3 500 1540 cel lent cond Itlon MOVING sale 787 Har Ice-maker $500 Best anytime types Including Whrte- excellent condItion. 1 (313)885'8303 (313)886-6769 court. Grosse POinte off 313 '88' 2206 ------face. Silver & Fallow. ELECTRIC stove $50 Park Apnl 19-20. 10 to er - ,- BECKSTEIN Grand Plano owner. seMce records. new tlres. $14,995 810- 1995 Lumina SilverI grey Gas stove $100 Refng. MAHOGANY 3 Fumlture. TV. VCR. ------Model B, 6'8" polished spirts available 810 774-8880 or 313-882- Inlerror Full power Air. erator $100 Washer INTERIORS stereo more NEW ping pong table With ebony Like new 776.7483 after 5 p m $110 Dryer $95 Nlcefll 2 2068 atter 6 00 pm casseMe Very nrce con. (Fine Furniture -M-O-V-'N-G-s-a-le-,-m-l-sce-lIa-n-e--~~~~~:~sla.~~:y re $55,000. (810)583-7750 Dehvery Call 810-293- 502 HORSES fOR SALE dIllon aSktng $11 000 & Antique Shop) 1992 Ford T-Blrd, loaded 313886-1220 2749 506 S Washington ous household and out- clmers, wallhuggers. GUITARS, banJOS and ARABIAN horses 1/2 Clean. low mileage Full Royal Oak MI door Items Computer $75 each Krtchen la mandolins, ukes Arab. big. pretty, under Warranty, new tires 1992 Olds 88 Royal 1 KENMORE electnc dryer. (5 blocks North of 696 toys. furniture. cast Iron ble. 4 Chairs $75 wanted Collector 886- saddle, $5000 2 year Code alarm. sunroof. owner loaded With sun almond good condition. stove Salurday, Apnl Wooden rocking chair. 4522 old colt $3 000 SIred Freeway atl0 Mile spoiler $9 5001 best roof low milage very la rge capacity $125 19th, 900 to 100. $75 810-779-5577 (810)783-6960 good condItion must 810-771-7786 Take WOOdward I 22433 Alger. St Clair TOP dollar paid for quality by top slalllons 810- sell 313-881 1054 Mam Street exrt ) Shores NIKON 28- 85 f 35 45 used pianos Immediate 329-6392 1990 Ford Probe LX, - _ KENMORE electnc dryer S03 HOUSEHOLD PETS Antique grandfather zoo m WIth hood and 1A profeSSional pick up good condlllon. 73.000 1994 Ponllac Grand Am white, great for cottage. MULTI family moving & mint Nlkon 500mm f 8 Cash paid 810-997. clocks. mah ogany grand fOR SALE miles $4,000 313-886- red 2 door. excellent $100 313-884 2332 garage sale Saturday 9- reflex With case filters 0032 16 month old black Lab. plano king and queen size 3503 after 5 condlll0n. 29 000 miles 2 pountry fU;I:ngs. mint Tamron 300mm AKC, male. neutered mahogany 4 poster beds, Air, stereo cassette. 403 AUCTIONS 1989 Ford Fesbva excel. ABS $9 800 best offer Baker mahogany break app lances ar are. f 2 8 wrth case. 1A 1 4x USED PIANOS well trained Pertect vanous 1a7~cumluboa'atedtext for Nlkon mmt Eve- Used Splnets- Consoles family dog (313)884 lent transportation 810-445-0698 IMPORTANT front! chma cabinet. set of treasures. sal nrngs 313 886-3017 $11501 besl offer 810- ANTIQUE AUCTION 10 carved Chippendale 794 Loraine (off Ca~ Upnghts & Grands 9284 293-1890 313-882- 1993 Satum SC2 air au dining room Chairs. pair Fnday, Apnl181h, 6 pm dleuxl Chartevolx NORDIC Track. good con. ABBEY PIANO CO SHEPHERD' Husky Neu- 4837 to. sunroof, alarm auto Held at the U A W Hall at Kindel mahogany nrght~ -R-ES-A-L-E-S-ho-p-.-La-ke-s-ho-r-edltlon. $250 313-882- ROYAL OAK 810 541-6116 tered, vaccinated starter low miles ongl' stands, exquIsite collec~ 1987 Lincoln Continental. nal owner $10900 I Van Dyke & 15 mile rd Church, Jefferson! 11 7234 evenrngs PIANOS WANTED housebroken One year In Stenlng Heights MI tlon, of mahogany Side 150000 highway miles, best 810-566.5045 Saturday. 10 to 2, Mon------TOP CASH PAID old Loyal, lOVing com. boards. buffets and serv- A pnvate 40 year qUality day. 10 to 3 ORIGINAL HealthRlder, panron 810-771.3137 excellently malntarned, CADILLAC 1985 Fleet. collectron to be sold rn ers, from the 20's, 30's -----____ $295 313885-1886 runs great. clean no 4' S V1ANT!DTO IUY rust or dents, $2000 wood Brougham Excel cludlng beautiful ster. and 40 s, ladles desks. RUMMAGE sale St 50S LOST AND fOUNO (313)886-0238 lent condition leather hng Pieces. signed (one hand painted) Large James Church 170 PRECIOUS Moments Fig. 1955- 1975 automobile 75.000 miles Pnvate collection of mahogany McMillan, Grosse Pornte unnes, miscellaneous lamps. art glass. fancy parts, accessones, man- GROSSE POinte Animal 1994 Mercury Capn XR2, owner $1 800 Call 313 ding room chairs. (shield furnrture. fine works of Farms Saturday Apnl pieces Rehred. Sus- uals, advertiSing memo clinrc has beautiful yel. convertible, Jrke new. 822-4589 art. mUSICboxes. toys & back, ChIppendale. Hep 19th 10 a m 2 p m pended & Members only arobllra, etc 810-293- low parakeet, cute black loaded. black With black one of a kmd rtems plewhlte Duncan Phyfe, ------from 1990 & eartler 0957 after 6pm COCker buff cocker lealher manual 27000 SEIZED Cars from $175 YARD sale 50's and 6O's Green book pnce only For details. contact more) Queen Ann sofa ta- (313)822-5707 miles. $8.500 (313)331. Porsches Cadlllacs. ble, anllque Art Nouveau fumlture, lamps aeces (810)7767483 after 5 60'S Barbles wanted McAlhster Auctions sones Weather permit- 4291 Chevys, BMW s Cor bedroom set, (Includes ar- Dolls clothes or any LOST' Female cat dark vetles Also Jeeps 1-800-746'6604 ting, Apnl 18th- 19th, -S-O-N-Y-5-dl-sc-ca-r-ou-se-I-C-D morre) Antique Vlctonan thrng 810-7793114 brown! black mix 1993 Mercury Tracer 4 4WD s Your Area Toll 404 IICYClES ladles and gentlemen s 1000- 4 00 10600 Mor- player wrth remote MackINolWood area door, 24k miles load Free 1-800-2189000 chairs. hand made high- ang. Comerl0 Cadreux $150 810-778-85831 BUYING china, (complete Rewardll Children miss ed mint condrtlon One Ext A 5803 for current SCHWINN bikes 15" 5 or partial sets) Call Jan boy, comer china cabrnet, Ijmrl~lIrA:r=lE'"' her owner' $7 400 313- Jrstongs speed, 19" 10 speed. cuno cabinet chest on SUPER Nlntendo 96' 2 or Herb, 810731-8139 313-881 2214 881 6375 LOOKING for new Old 27" 10 speed $55 00 chest bachelor chest low controls 9 games In. after 6 SALE YOUNG male cats 6. krt. 1992 Mercury Grand Mar- smobllel Aurora? Please each Peugeot modped, boy 011parntlngs secreta- G_ Polnk cludlng Super Mano All BUYING old fumlture, tens. shots & f,. ed One qUls LS tan 60149 VISrtfellow Grosse POint 35 years old $450 313 ry desk's. large and small Unl#d ChuTth, neccessary hook-up In. glassware. china. and Calrco 313-:;21-3669 miles Immaculately er Tim Jerome at Drum 881-7915 mirrors, sets of china. 240 CMlfblth, eluded Also Play Action h maintained $8 900J my Olds 8 Mile' Gratiot leaded shade lamps sliver GrDUl! Polnh FtImI$; "Baller Up" to Interact 01 er Interesting Items 601 AUTOMOTIVE 40S COMPUTERS best 313885-4811 810-7722200 chest too much to Irst StJlurtlay, AprO 19t 9-3 With baseball game John 313-8825642 CHnSHR 604 AUTOMOTIVE ACER custom crafted 810-545-4110 .BNalrftullntUAI hm&hI Bought In August Worth GUITARS, banJos, mando- 1993 Chrysler LeBaron 1985 Mercury Lynx GS 1 6 engine Power steer- AlfftOUE/ClASSIC computers Featunng In 412 MISCEllANEOUS over $500 Excellent Irns and ukes wanted convertible GTC Load- Ing brakes Excellent tel Penllum processors MATCHING tradrtlonal ARTIClES condl1lon $2001 takes Collector 8864522 ed low miles $9,788 1976 Cadillac Eldorado condition, $1.500 or best at discount pnces Call styled couch and love. all Please call 810-795- (313)881.7708 convertible Orrglnal offe r 810-773 0998 313-884-5979 seat Subtle country fio- 1993 50 Inch Gravely Pro, 5022 after 6 p m HO Racetrack cars and equipment Loadedl 125 Kawasaki 198936 extra parts Pete 313- 1992 Chrysler New York- ral pnnt on ec ru back FORD PROBE Leather Stored 25 000 Inch Gravely. 125 Ka. TORO self propelled lawn 822-6408 er pnstlne condrtlon. USED COMPUTERS ground Exceptional miles $16500 wasakl 1988 40 Inch mowerl leaf blowerl ------well mamtamed 1990 LX automatic Starting at IBM 386- condlhOnl $600 I bestl (313)331-5294 Gravely 13 horse Hon- weed whlpperl 10 light JAPANESE Samurai 138,000 miles S3 500 60 000 miles black $200 486- $375 586 Call (810)2628846. newer tires brand new da 199360 Inch Grave- brass chandellerl NSA swords from WWII. 313-885.0918 1970 Chevelle SSI 396 4 $600 Free color moni- 3138824294 batlery Well maintained Iy Pro Master nder, 20 water filters (new In box) wanted Collector 1992 Chrysler LeBaron speed power steenng! tor 313-882-9686 all records $3900 MUST see stunning horse KOhler Magnum 313-886-8129 (810)478 3437 convertible, V-6, loaded. brakes air cowl rnduc 8107729007 406 ESTATE SAm French ProVinCial 3 313-885-3024 low miles Female pam tlon numbers match '03 AUTOMOTIVE cushion sofa wrth antI pered $6.700 810-774- documented unreslored 1907 Van Antwerp que Irghl wood tnm 3 steel arch bUildings new 1400 GENEUl MOTORS car $7800 313882 40x 30 was $6 200 now Grosse POinte Woods. $400 313-8856488 af- 1994 BUick LaSabre Cus 9085 313 864 6697 Salurday 9 12noon fur $2990 40x 56 was r------, 1989 Dodge Shadow Au tE'r 6 00 pm tom. 4 door 31 K miles Mike nrture, everything must $10 840 now $5 990 BEST OFFER SALE temat,c 51.000 miles. 1 loaded and sharp 1973 Mercedes 280SEl go 313-881.0373 SOLID cherry bedroom. SOx 120 was $20 450. All offenngs are personal, quality Items owner excellent COndl ' queen Baker Pur. now $11 990 Endwalls tlon $2500 (313)885. $13000 313-527-2800 68 000 miles excellenl 19129 Woodment Harper chased at Jacobson's available 1 800-745- Colltetlbles, CUSTomhand cnfttd table, all pamTmgs, 7057 or 810-7790756 condmon 4 door 2685 Keystont mOVlt prOJtetoTWIth film dips of Lindberg Woods Saturday Apnl ml1t condition $3500 1994 BUICK Pari< Ave SD $6800 313-881 7480 landmg In Franet (approxlmaldy 70 ~tars old), 5 \\~ 1986 Anes as IS 19th 1000 am to 400 810-739-6426 Dodge BABY rogger stroller. ex. Magnavox oolor TV set, mernorab,ha, let tongs from Tht $500 (313)8822721 luxury package excel- 1971 Tonno conve rtlble pm Furnrture and appll' lent condition Ongl naI 10 000 miles App r81ded TWO piece oak wall unrt callent condrtron $150 '3Os, new full Imgth nunk coal, sparklmg crystal, Duster V6 red sun ances .,993 owner Call after 6 pm at $14500 Asking One s helVi ng unrt one 313-823-3206 evenings btautlful ctraI1UC:S, outstanding mahogany Sldt board roof sport wheels arr 313-821-4136 $9 800/ best offer 9 5 19142 Malhna Mcross wrth glass doors Excel BEANIE Babres retired WIth pca.n wood mlays from tht A1frtd Epstan cassette 15000 miles 810-7758449 DetrOtl, Apnl 19 20 10- lent condition Best of GarCIa Liberty Bear Windnull POmTtestaTe,hkt ntw microwave, ntw bird mint condltron $8 500 1994 BUick Park Avenue, 3pm Open house. fer 313-8822788 $200 each 313-824- fmla, btaullfulllnlt girl's room drmer hutch and (810)779-5577 power loaded mint AUCTlONS~ household fumrture Warrantyl 33 000 miles Tum your collector car Inlo 8608 maTchmg smglt 001 head board, small chtld's desk WIth 1993 Eagle Talon auto miscellaneous 810792 VINTAGE cherry buffet $16 900 313-824-4040 cash at the midwest s BLACK mink coat (pieced) !lIp Top hd (approxlmatdy 70 yearsold), pletul'C frames, arr very well matntalned. 9422 and china oolt1 for largest all Indoor auction With black fox collar 84. sofa framt (Scott Shuprnnt), full SIU sofa 001, $6 900 313-886-8495 1992 Burck S,y1ark GS $950 Pfalzgrass re- sale Apnl 25 27 at the $400 810-779-2372 unUKd penny postcards, hkt new Hammond Aurora Coupe leather. all 0p- Don't Sell Your Ok! membrance servICe for Novi Expo Center Call tIonS 18.000 mlles, ORIENTAL 7 plus tea pot, mugs. BUTCHER block! white CiaSSlcorgan, ladles blkt (UKd lessthan 10 mlks), ttc. 1~~~agl~7 ~mm~lles5 (313)459-3311 today for atc $2001 retail over mint $9 900 313-881 krtchen table 2 chairs 767 HARCOUIrr • G.P.P. $2 350 (313)886.5833 details RUGS $450 (313)8226778 4329 Until You See Us $210 313885-9871 (bctw«n Windnull POmlt Dnvt and Essex) 1990 Impenal loaded 60S AUTOMOTIVE 1990 BUICk Century 2 We Seal Any Cash Offer WOOD dinette $75 Beau fOREIGN EXERCISE eqUipment, SAU H~ non smoker excellent door whrte loaded very By 20% tlful Tradltronal china rower SIt up bench Fnday Apnl 18th and saturday Apnl 19th condition tnple black good condltron low 1987 VW Golf 5 speed Ghah Inc Troy cabinet $600 (313)886- never used John '0:00 am until 3'00 pm 64 000 miles $8500 miles $5 200 or best very good condition arr 1-800-841 1181 7115 (313}8857958 (810)4159006 313-640-5949 $1500 313886 5746 - d r I

.. __ ...... IIliII..-..----' .. =-;--=::: ...--...... ~- -.. - ...-..... ( COtlNlt." OfPICIS. , AOI1 c; Horn ton

1");"9'"W'970914M 4B6W ,_SEQlJENCE_ _ .... IA001 96A 1A\

60S AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE 612 AUTOMOTIVE '0' 700 ArTS/fU TS/DUrUX 70D A~TS/fLATS/DUruX 702 UTS/fUTS/DUP\EX 70S HOUm fOil RENT fOREIGN mrS/4-WHHL VANS 6SI 10ATSANDMOTOIlS ~OINTES/HUrEI WOODS ~OINTES/HA~rEIl WOODS S.U/MAedroom apartment In 2000 or sah $21 500 firm $13000 (810)547 $550 per mDnth In car garage, clean, mIles $13200 Many 6S3 10ATS ~UTS AND Park Off slreet parkIng 313.885-3301 , leave 1008 701 ArTS/fUTS/DU~l£X cludes water and heat, move- In conditIOn Ref- options 313 823 3226 orlvate halcon'! harrj -",..aga ~lIVICl DnllOl' ;WA¥NE {OUNJY d.YdlldUj~ Apflt I~l Toe ll,C • .:CS ;]0) pals, 1992 Jeep Cherokee Lare wood floors $4751 AEROST AR 1992 XL T ex SAIL cover & sun cover Blake Company $1 200 1 month 313- 1990 Acura Integra GS do whIte excellent con montn plus security de- 3666 Oevonshtre, 2 bed tended loaded clean (313)881-6100 884-9760 90,000 miles Loaded dltlon sunroof new for back deck 4 years POSIt No pels Non room lower $400 810- $8700 or best 810771 old good shape Bolh SINGLE famIly home 3 White Beautrlully main Ilres $t 1 000 313886 7028 smoker 313822-6647 777-1962 after 6 p m talned $7800 6765 for $t25 (313)884 2345 bedroom, two full baths, GROSSE POinte duplex ALTER! CharleVOIx SENIORS ONLY (313)331-5294 , '13 AUTOMOflVE CREW openlrog Expen pnvate masler surte With 1986 Jeep CJ7 5 speed for rent ApprOXimately Grosse Pomte Side One WANHD TO IUY walk-In closets and 2 1991 Geo Tracker, 2 door AMI FMI CD New tires enced & ded,callon de- 2000 square feet 3 bedroom, $295 Includes APTS. person JacuzzI tub, 2 5 5 speed 4 wheel dnve exhaust 2 tops Very ALL cars wantedl The Sired Experience not bedrooms 2 1/2 baths heat, appltances 313 neces sary but dedi ca- car garage, fenced In Convertible, AC AMlFM good condition lOOk + good I The badl The - . Attached garage fire. _8_8_5_-00_3_1 _ . yard, and central all, two slereo 87 000 miles miles $6800/ best ug Iy I Top dollar paid I t~on IS Come and enjoy the summer maybe the place $1 3501 month APARTMENT- Whlttlerl - blocks from schools, $3,700 or bes! offer (313)884 0076 $50 $5 000 Seven 8104129000 Beaconsfield 1 bed- bi new appliances, no 313-640-9943 days 810-4472745 Wife Will cut the grassl 1996 Jimmy SLE 4 door Weekdays 810-778 GROSSE POinte lower flat room clean $365 cred GRANT smokmg small dogs 1991 Honda Accord EX 2 4x4 13 000 miles load CASH for cars I Wanted 4236 other 810-n2- 2 bedroom Appltances, II check (313}882 4132 MANOR welcome $1 275J door, black, loaded Ex ed CD $21 500 810 dead or alive 313-372 2416 central air Available BIG 1 bed 00 flat 5904 17JIONme Mile month 313-824-7285 cellent condl~on Low 9399473 3099 leave message now' References r m , Between 9 OOam- MARINE WOODWORK Eastpomte mileage $8500 313 (810}228-0545 call after Somerset heat Includ- 200pm 1995 J,mmy SL T black 4- ALL Junk cars wanled Custom deSigned & bUilt 881-4524 5 ed, With carpet CaiIOa- door, 4 wheel dnve ex Top dollar paid Serving Cablnelry Repairs dry rot pm vld 313-8824039 810-771-3374 70b HOUSESfOR RENT • Mamtenance f-rt'e Llvmg 1990 Honda Prelude SI, cellent condition 33K Grosse POinte, Harper 23 Years Expene nce DETIlOIT/I'IAYNE COUNTY GROSSE POINTE PARK CADIEUX at I 94, 1 bed • Tran~portatlcn red, automatic, loaded, miles $18400 313 Woods St Clair Shores Have Port!olto 10041 Bntaln, 3 bedroom 1 bedroom Includes heat room upper neutral de "Al"tll,llIe" excellent condItion 8248608 & DetrOit's eastSide & Relerences house appliances, I- 94 $7 000/ best 313-824- 8107798797 (810)4356048 & waler $450/ month cor, clean, Includes ap 1992 Toyota 4 runner SR and Cadle ux, next to 5486 313-824-7900 pi lances and waler, 5 va Loadedl Leather 614 AUTOMOTIVE RESORT-' AAA $500 plus secunty, 6S4 10ATSTOUGI/DO(KING $350, (810)644 2549 1988 Honda Accord LXI sunrool Excellent condl AUTOINSUUN

__ > __ o_y -....---- ..--. r-_.- ""c ..... _.~._.-.~-",-:":";:m7 '1n.--=w

-l ' A l Thursday, Apnl17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection =ii=====~====""'~------707 HOUSES fO~ ~ENT / 111 GAUGES/MINI ---= ...... = ...... ==~ ...... ==,....",.,="",===== 116 OffICE/COMME~CIAL 71' OHiCE/COMMERCIAL 723 VACATION IlENTAlS S.U/MACOMI COUNTY HOUGE fO~ ~ENT 720 1l00MS FOIlIlENT 723 VACATION IlENTAlS 773 VACATION IlENTALS fO~ RENT fO~ IUNT NO~THERN MICHIGAN NOll THEliN MICHIGAN NOITHEIlN MI(HIGAN WATERFRONT VISTAS 2 1/2 car garage Grosse FIRST J)FFERING Refreshing new decor OFFICE & secretanal sta GROSSE Pomte 2 rooms BLACK LAKE DRUMMOND Island cozy PETOSKEY/ Walloon Pomte Park (313)397 For lease on Mack Ave await you In this wonderlul tlon AHractlvely furmsh & bath Furnished kltch NEAR CHEBOYGAN secluded two and three Lake area 3 to 7 bed 7114 In Grosse POinte reSidence on Lake St ed renovated newer en pnvlleges No smok Well furnished 3 bedroom bedroom chalets com room homes available 714 LIVING OUUTE~S 850 square feet oHlce Clair Located near 10 phones Large confer Ing 3138851839 lakeSide summer home pletely furmshed 616 rully furnished Ideal va TO SHUE owner Will customize ence room kitchen ~- -- - - mile this darlmg home of NON. smoking professlo With fireplace and boat 531 8337 cation spot Great golf Intenor Ask for storage Available fax ters a great room With fire GROSSE POinte GM e. nal woman wanted to $400 weekly 313 881 ------Ing Reserve now 800 Jerry Addy, copier law library Non GAYLORDI Otsego Lake place and spectacular ecutlve seeks room share 2 bedroom Lake 2680 7540222 ANTON, ZORN, & smoking 3138827784 water front quaint log views updated kitchen mate Luxunous town shore Village lownhouse ASSOCIATES BOYNE area great golf cabin 2 bedroom With eating area conven house near waler/ park 8107768128 PRIME profeSSIonal oHlce mg boating beach sleeps 6 Call (31.3)881 TRAVERSE City cabin on pnvlleges Work 3 t 3 810-469-8888 lent laundry first floor space for rent on the 721 VACATION IlENTALS Three bedroom 2 bath 8110 lake 15 minutes from master bedroom and full 556 5198 evenings GROSSE POinte Woods town sleeps 5 July and ,.,.~n",." _ • .. Hili Two 1 000 square flOlllDA • chalet sleeps 10 Mi h.""l1+.. t. f'\ <::;::'3." '"' ...5 !:'c~ 313111 7qq<; GAYLORD t1r~nrl '"lP ~r I'"\V\"IIUt.. A~;; ..._..: S ~~:::;JI... •• cck ...... u... •...... '" fi :)ullt::~ CUlI[dt..t Mc;H flU '",, rrurn buyne Moun rooms and second tull D,stlngulsed oHlce BEACH Resort Treasure spectacular cedar home Call 616941 1372 after GROSSE POinte teache; cia Lobalto 313886 tam Ovprlooklng Lake bath upstairs AHached ga- space available In Island Great view' Pool on 01sego Lake 5 bed 700 pm With a cat lookmg for a 7070 CharleVOIX Hot tub & rage 1 1/2 months securl award wonnlng profes spa cable kitchen room sleeps 12 Most responsIble non smok ------cable Daily weekly ty depoSit No pets MJnI slonal bUilding Many SUITES from 500 4 000 Weekly 1 800 318 5632 weeks stili available Ing roommate to share ------weekends Very reason mum 1 year lease Ten amemtles (313)884 sq It Great for large $2,500 per week For expenses and upper flat SIESTA Key Florrda 1 & able 313881 5666 ants pay utilities snow re 1234 meetings conference Info call 847 735 0414 Walloon Lake area Petos In the Park 3t3 881 2 bedroom condos moval and lawn care hall aerobICS class CASEVILLE on sandy key 5 bedroom vacalton 1816 Beach pool boat docks GLEN Arbor Sleeping Cleamng fee - HARPER WOODS sales seminars or mod. Saginaw Bay, sleeps 8 home near pool golf, TWO (2) very nice ..ult ... & more 1 941 3495600 Bear Dunes 3 bed $1 600/month ern open floor plan Plus Just bnng linens $400 small lake sandy beach HOUSE to share Respon Each 1.600 SQ. FT. (I .. rooms 2 baths Spring 10 offices With Windows 722 VACATION ~ENTALS week 313 881 1267 has dishwasher phone Champion & Baer Sible working Referen ••• " I EASY ACCESS TO weekend speCIals $350 IMIAT VERNIERIP.rk. Call John Kurczak OUT Of STATE color TV VCR $650 / 313-884-5700 ces 313884 6950 Spnng week speCials ing ... man, amenltl ••. (810)771 1211 CASEVILLE waterfront week 8106477233 Mr Roberta 313-886-2900 GULF Shores Alabama 2 cottage on Saginaw $725 Broker 313881 KENMORE, Harper bedroom 2 bath sleeps 70. HOUSES WANTED TO WIT Mr Smclalr 810.1140.1000 THE Planet BUilding Bay Sleeps 8 Cable 5693 724 VACATION RENTALS Woods house, share 6 Gulf sJde 10% dls 20010 Kelly Rd In Harp- VCR Everything provld RESOIlS WANTED Short term rent With temalel male large ------count thru owner Call HARBOR Spnngs Lake IMPROVE your company s er Woods 11 x 16 oHI' ed bUI linen $800/ al 1 bedroom June & bedroom $350 after 6 DO pm 517694 Michigan sandy beach Image Showcase your ces $350 per mo nth week 313331-6989 1930'S waterlront conage July Married couple no (313)3430073 7479 front 3 bedroom 2 bath wares or services In thiS sing or sUites 10 7 Harsens Island! 2 bed pets Daytime call CHARMING cottage at home $1 950 Carnage 716 OflICE/ s""",,,, pairs & Small Jobs Free Over 25 years experr APPLIANCE CENTER R.L. ~ Cement Work Pomte s finest homes . (U<;tUII l\lt ..htt:l ~ Bollh'" estimates 20 years ex. Basement Waterproofing ence 810.776.3604 No service Charge Family f{' [l(~ ""ell &.. In ..urN..l STREMERSCH penence 885-4609 Licensed bUilder With Repairs Buslnf"sS Licensed Insured Rd~r I tt"" 1-; rl t ...ll)n\ fUlly msured Cou rteous ProfeSSional BASEMENT LICENSED 882.1800 917 CEILING/PLASTERING INSURED Hlrf'tr\\ i \11 LET us help you create 810-790-9117 Servtce On All WATERPROOFING U13) 884 q132 TONY quality fumlture to SUit AFFORDABLE plaslerrng Malor Appliances WALLS REPAIRED SEAVER'S Home Malnte. 885-0612 EXPERT Brick Repair your personal taste and 25 years expenence Deal Dffect With Owner nance Plaster drywall STRAIGHTENED Tuckpolntlrlg chimneys personal needs From guaranteed work free tex1ures palntmg 16 n6-1750 REPLACED porches steps SpeCial- SHORES REMODELING free standing pieces to estimates Irlsured Lou years In Grosse POinte 904 ASPHALT PAVING ALLWORK MIKE GEISER IZing In mortar tex1urel Kitchen & Bath DeSign bUJlit In Units or shelVing Blackwell 810776 K'h:nen Rctaclng 8820000 REPAIR GUARANTEED CONSTRUCTION color matching The Call us to fulfill your fur- 8687 Bnck Doctor Richard Formica &. Solid $uriace Mure vlslonr A Grosse G & T Asphalt seal Basement 911 CEMENTWOIlK LICENSED Price Licensed 313 Counl~rs POinte natJve With over ANDY Squires Plastenng coatmg Free estrmates Waterproofing 882-3804 CIJSlOm Fron! POfchp.s & Drywall Stucco repair 884-7139 10 years custom wood CEMENT work bnck work, Dnveways parking lots to yr_Guarantee SidIng &. Trim Spray tex1ured Ceilings SERVING COllllUNrTY 21 YEARS creation expenence and basement water. 313521 7930 313-435 Dig down method J W KLEINER SR Exterior Face LIlts & (810) 755 2054 Restoration Peter (810)545-8044 proolmg Licensed and 1769 pager W ustl wall rernovlflg a I dU1 nsunng a good bond ~ 68~b6~6 (810) 826-9251 INST AHA TlON /R(~AIR I Rcpa a I ma'Of cracks 'Mlt1 hyaJ3uIIc cemenl INS TAll AliON !RfPAI~ • TrOW(' 9 ade fa ard 6-m' V1squene applied to wall I Ru' ho&e" bleeder\sjlo Insure su1fioenl dralOaqe elec10c SN~e bfeede1'~s ~ I"leCeSsary SECURITY SYSTEMS • Pea sl00e ()/' IDA ~ag "I~ wrt~" 12 ~ grade STARTING • FOOl nci'1rnembr~r.e lape appl ed allop seam of "'squene • Topso 109''''''' ",," ~ope ~'cI1 HOMEFoRM • Inle "1 ads t lied ~ neceS:x:l r') Residential BUlkier FeW.. $99INSTALLEDf •n...... ln-41 worIc:minstllp . B«' Slone 'IIa • ".~ and E!''l~~~'' F""'~Unde~ 'II"", 31900 Sherman Orrve Vda'_ '110' [)qnage Syslems PO/dles ~ BASEMENT WATERPROOFING ~ MadIson Heights MI 48071 '< L.c('n'l'd & In'!lr('d "< Telephone 810 583 2400 E~ 2543 313/885.2097 STATE LICENSED ~ MARTIN R.m GARY DIPAOLA ~ Fax 8105834214 A I Call, Relurnf>dll0 Year Transferable Guarantee Home 313 441 1958 A GUARAIiTE:E IS Olll-YAS GOOOAS THE: GUARAIiTOR ~?Z~~4~l?~" 772-0033 ~ ~'~~,

.. ...

• __ •••• '* .*-:!::'M •• ar M. ,...... _ .. ~~~ ... ~ .... ~ _ .. COIlI'OllAft O"Ift •• , 804 ~ Hom lion <;09 ~OW MI d860, '1'1 19 I 0914 SEQUENCE (ROOI 9~8 14 \~ fo>I'lll/977471 ~mol rlmqlctrr ... 0", ••• 'ONAL O.neI, Q7tJ R('Ihhn~ )\ltf' 752 ('Hmo '1nvf" n M149 .. 17 I~ ~I~~~Rn~ 100 16161 R41 M41 _.-.J...L- ...... Thursday, Apri/17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

943 lAN05(AmS/ 91l S!!!L'[QjJ ups bush trimming etc rng Licensed bonded load we pJck up $200 nor and extenor Spe shuners porches etc charnllnk Free estl New Construcllon Free estimates Call rnsured since 1943 313 (313)8840961 c,alrzrng ,n all types of Bud (313)8825886 Cement mates 313438 2829 DaVid (313)886 6890 8844300 Reparr & Restoration DEMOLITION-HAULING painting Caulking wrn References Serving the Driveways Griffin Fence Company dow glaz,ng and plaster Grosse Porntes lor 10 Powerwashrng, Cleaning GUTIER repairs clean Garages sheds Patios repaJr All work guaran years GREENSTAR Ing reasonable rates basements m,scellaneous Brick Work Sealing & Staining 'All Types Of FenCing leed For Free Estr 15 years rn POlntes Call and rubbish removal Palntlngt FREE Basement Waterproollng Free Estll'1ates 'Sales LANDSCAPE males and Redsopable .Installatlon RepairS Steve (313)8846199 Fre" esllmates estrmale, reasonable Steps & Consultallon -~------Rates call 872-2046 'Senior D,scount (313) 884-5165 313-526-9288 rates, 12 years ex pen Tuck POlnlmg Ed EIl,otl Licensed BUilder GUTIERS. IrIstalled re ---- Call now for est,males on CUSTOM PAINT ence rntenorl extenor No lob to small!! (810)7910418 822 3000 800 305 9859 parred cleaned MOVING-HAULING Lawn CUllIng Quality work I John Kar Free E~llmales ScrP€'n~ POWPf w~c;h A('lnfl~n"'€" rpmr",~, FINISHES by MODERN FENCE Fenllrzrng I U"o drscount rng FREE estimates Lr Garage yard basement JEFFREY ADAMS OUISOS,tllO 778 9b 19 911 DU~ERIES White Cedar Specialists for Spring pre pay Expenenced In SPECIALIZING IN censed Insured North cleanouts Conslructron PAINTING, wallpaperrng Serving the Grosse Pornte Aerahng Grosse POlntes DRIVEWAYS & AUTHENTIC Hand made eastern Improvements debns Free estrmates wa I washmg Jan 884 Since 1955 Sprrng Clean up IInest homes1 BASEMENT custom drapes by Inc 3133722414 MR B'S 313-882-3096 8757 Judy 810-294 29180 Gratiot RoseVille Landscaping Metrculously neat & clean WATERPROOFING 810-759-0457 4420 Sonia Unique top quail 8107765456 Sod Woodchrps flower rn SEAVER'S Home Mamte licensed (810}790-9117 ty Drapery and curtains nance Guners replaced 935 flOOR SANDING/ stallahon shrubs REMOVAL OF ALL: PAINTING- Intenor exlen- 25 years experience CUSTOM INTERIOR repaired cleaned roof ApplIances or spackling wallpaper- 884-7139 Reasonably priced 313 REFINISHING LAWN cutlmg Very afford repairs 313882 0000 Concretel Drrt DESIGN Ing, wrndow glazing 8397446 FLOOR sandrng and frn- able Lawn mower repair Constructron Debrrs Interior. Exterior FREE estimates LI '45 HANDYMAN '19 CHIMNEY ClEANING CUSTOM DRAPERIES Ishlng Free estrmates (Iree prckup & delrvery) Garage Demolltron Faux finishes, plaster cE'nsed Insured North- Blrnds carpet wallpaper Terry Yerke (810)772- FraQk 313372 0043 Basemenl Clean out repaIr and wall papering eastern Improvements, 3118 ALL In One Home Re- Can Movel Remove Llcen sed and InSU ned Inc 3f3-372-2414 Bedspreads & decoratrve ------LUSH flower-gardens parrs Code Violations Anythrng For your free In home SAFE FLUE AcceSSOries planted & malntarned Clean up or frx up 313 PAINTING! Wallpapenng G & G FLOOR CO PHILIP WASSENAAR estImate CALL CHIMNEY SERVICE Vrslt our Showroom at Call Dennrs 313-341- 371 8326 Jrm Qualrty Jobs at reasona. 22224 Gratiot 313.823.1207 Wood lloors only 5839 ble prices Intenorl eXle • ell mOll U'Jn~ng All Work Guaranteedl 810-445.0436 • ( )~h lnd DRAPERIES BY PAT rlor Call DennIS ",lr("{n.. 313-885-0257 M & E LANDSCAPING Carpentry plumbmg n8-2584 FATHER & Son Palnllng (810)7763796 Imlalll'd Floors of drstlnchon Weekly Lawn elec 21 years expenence • '-'Or1Jr and 919 DRYWALL since 1964 Cultrng/Sprlng Cleanup tncal painting Roofing vr- POWER washing Alumi- Olmpt>f Intenorl eXlenor Lr- Bob Grabowski Hedgel Shrub Trlmmlngl nyl Siding Power washing num srdlng paintIng In- Rl p I r censed rnsured Free EMPIRE HOME Founder I PreSident Gardening Vinyl! ceramIC trle Code lerrorl extenor Drywall • Anl'llli Rf T1mal estimates (610)573- Lrcensed rnsu red Gualrty dependable IS the vlolatron reparr FREE estl repair Dave 313271 {t r11 pd "l..,tt r <),\et p RENOVATIONS 9059 member of The bUSiness Insured mates Licensed rnsured 0363 TOM TRfFZER Drywalll Plaster Framing! Better Busrness Bureau 313-8225010 Northeaste rn local & QUALITY workmanshIp 882-5169 Electncal/Parntrng Free estfmates Improvements,lnc MAC'S TREE AND Long Distance Pamtlng plaster, car- Flnrshed Basemenfsl We supply rnstall, sand 313.372.2414 FRANKS WALLPAPER SHRUB mlMMING pe ntry all home repairs Drop Cellrngs starn and finish wood Agent for REMOVING SERVICE COMPLETE WORK ALL Work Guaranteed! 15 yea rs expe rrence Licensed/Insured floors new & old Global Van Lines 3rd generation COACHLIGHT Reasonable Rates Carpenlry plumbing elec Insured, references SpeCIaliZing In since 1940 stateWide CHIMNEY SWEEP CO Quality Service tncal palnttng Roofrng, v, Seavers Home (313)882-1314 Glrtsa frnlsh (313)451-1444 Slale License<} Call Tom 810-776-4429 nyl Siding Power washing Maintenance 882 0000 a er810-916-6071 810778-2050 5/54 Vrnyl/ ceram,c trle Code FREE estimates, Reason- - ~ __ MVF LAWN CARE- ~ STEVE'S Painting , I V,sa Discover & vlolatron reparr Free estl able rates Nick Karou t Chimneys Cleanea Serving the Grosse Pomte Interior/Extenor SpeCial. Caps Screens Mastercard accepted mates Licensed Insured sos, Professronal Palnf .. area for over 10 years 822-4400 IZlng In plastenng and Installed Northeastern er, Intenorl extenor 30 COLVILLE GASKIN Floor Sanding Prompt relIable com • large and Smoll Job. drywall repairs cracks, An rr,aJ Removal Improvements Inc years expenence Call ELECTRIC CO. staining laying & repair plete weekly service 3133722414 - Pronos (our speclolly) peelrng paint Window al Certified & 885-3594 Call Mike for free rea • Appliances glazmg- cau Ikmg Also Insured Ranges, Dryers, Services Free estimates 313 CALL Rick for electncal sonable eshmate • Saturday, Sunday GHI Parntlng rntenorl ex pamt old alumInum srd Doorbells _5_2_6_2_7_4_7 _ plumbing, spnng yard r:l:'8IraHll 810-412-0499 tenor ProfeSSional, ex- Ing 313-674-16f3 VIOLATIONS KELM- Floor sanding re work painting mlscella Service ~ perrenced, references FAST EMERGENCY flnrshlng old & new, (al POINTE Marntenance neous 810544 3706 • Senror D,scounts SERVICE so bamsters) Insured complete groundskeep Free estimates Insured GROSSE POiNTe CONTRACTIN COMPLETE SelVlce Owned & Operated Greg 313-5271853 910 CHIMNEY REPAIR 774-9110 Expenenced 313535- Ing servrces weekly plumbing, electrrcal, car- By John Stelnrnger • Interior I exterior painting 7256 lawncare power raking INTERIOR & extenor pentry kitchens and 11850 E JeHerson • W'mdow glazing J&J clean ups 810775 painting Taping, spack EMPIRE ELECTRIC baths Ircensed 800 • Power Washing CHIMNEY WOOD Floor Sanding/ re- 7303 MPSC.l 19675 elrng Painting old alumr- Residential/Commercial 474-6900 Lrcensed '"lured " Deck sbining I painbng SYSTEMS, INC. frnlshrng Wood floor rn num & vrnyl SIding Rea- New Construction R - Jay s Landscaping MICH L1C # 71-05125 stallatlon Mlchrgan FRANKS Handyman s sonable Call Pete any All Electncal Services Lawn maintenance, fer FREE ESTIMATES Licensed I insured Chimneys repaired 22725 Greafer Mack Servrce Speclallzrng In t,me 313-671-8047 Se Mce changes flllzing sod Shrubs and rebUilt re lined 1-600 606-1515 deSign Resrdentlal and small reparrs (810)791 Cade Violation corrections 6684 INTERIORS 81J 771-8040 Gas flues re lined commercral 20 years Licensed I Insured 937 fURNACE RE~AIR/ EASTPOINTE BY DON & LYNN Cleaning Glass Block expenence Honest HANDYMAN available INSTAllATION -Husband-WIfe Team WALLPAPER Certified Insured (313)882-1314 work 810-7768404 evenrngs and week- MOVING AND "Wallpapering REMOVAL 795-1711 Pager 810-916-6071 RETIRED heattng contrac- Spring Clean Up ends Can do almost STORAGE CO. BY TIM tor 40 years expe nence anything around the -Painting FIRST Experienced qUOiIrlty 913 CONSTRUmON RE~AIR Power Rakrng house Call Mark ELECTRICAL CO. reascnable 313-881. 885-2633 work dcpt.'ndabl~. 2023 WEEKLY CUTTING (313)8223387 lowest price A & N QUALITY CRAFT JOHN, LIcensed Bush Trlmmrng J & M Painting Co. 771-4007 General ContraC1ors Master Electncal 931 FURNITURE HANDYMAN, reparrs to 884.8380 SpecialiZing m' 810-296-0668 Contractor REFINISNING/U~HOlSTIRING & Removal most electrrcal plumb LICENSED & INSURED l!l~l!l 810-704-5402 810-n6-1007 rng pa,ntlng etcetera * Exte nor/* Inteno r, FURNITURE ref,nrshed 313-885-1889 PACKING & MATERIALS HIgh quality services at a ReSidentIal CommerCial Also yard work ReSidential & CommerCIal ~ liKE'S PIOFISSJOfW ~ repaired strrpped any STARLIGHT Tree Service ANTIQUES & PIANOS reasonable price fa rail ServIce Calls (313)526 5094 Palntrng type of camng Free es Tnmmrng & removal FREE ESTIMATFS of your home Doorbells Ranges, Dryers *Plastenng & Drywall ~ PAINTING ~ trmales 345-6256 661- trees shrubs Prune HANDYMAN. reasonable remade IIng needs senior CItizen Discount repairs and cracks, peeling 5520 frurt trees Call Dana free estrmates, senror Bonded and rnsured Bob Breitenbecher ~ & WAllPAPERING ~ KEN'S Electnc licensed (810)755 9421 leave d,scounts Call Bob at parnt WIndow glazing, PIease call fa r an ~ Inlenorl&tenM Includes f;;j master electnclan Resl -F-U-R-N-IT-U-R-E-s-tn-p-p-,n-g/-re-message 810-296 0924 Owner caulkIng appointment IE repalrrngdamaged plaster ~ dentral comme'cral, rn- f,nrsh,ng/ repair done by MIKE The Handyman M.P.S.C. L21290 *Washlng & Pamtlng old l!:J cracks, peelingpain!, STUMP REMOVAL dustnal 610-979-8806 hand WIth profeSSional Plumbing electncal ce- alumInum Siding l!:j wrllllowglllZlng,caulking, pi SERVICE ------care Free Estimates ramrc carpentry parnt WEEKLY TRIPS *Wood Starnlng/ l!:j paintIngalummum sldlng f.iJ REASONABLE l!:j Top Quality malenal f.iJ 10% for referrals 313 Ing or anythlngl Natrve Vamlshrng S & J ELECTRIC FREE ESTIMATES TO NORTHERN [CONaON 839.0840 Grosse POlnler 313- IE Reasonable pncll$. f:il Grosse Pornte References ResIdentIal CommercIal QUICK SERVICE ~ All WOlk Guaranteed. ~ ALL TYPES OF 8665678 MICHIGAN All Work & Mafenal No Job Too Small 943 tANOS(APERS/ 810-445-0225 CEMENT WORK OLDER Home SpeCialist Guaranteed ~ Call Mike anybme ~ 313-885-2930 GARDENERS Dnveways, Pore hes, Custom carpentry trim Fully licensed & Insured i5I TREES Shrubs & hedges 941 HEATING AND COOLING ~ 777.8081 PatiOS, Roofin g ALLEN removed Stump grrnd plumb,ng electncal, Free Estlmates- l!l~l!l Mike 810-268-0727 All types SERVING THE LANDSCAPING mg Free estrmated In- plaster baths, kitchens ALL WEATHER Garages & Sheds GROSSE POINTES Full servIce lawn care sured 810 n8 4459 slate roofl reparrs 810 Heating & Cooling J L PAINTING Custom Wall SINCE 1965 Licensed & Insuned 296 2274 Lowest Sales. Service lNTERIORJEXTERIOR Coverings Complete WIthConcrete prrces Free Estimates WEEKLY lawn marnte- Installation Power Washing Grosse Pomfe CUSWORTH 810-779-2861 nance, guller cleanrng RepaInting Can: ractors PAPPAS constructron ResldentlaU CommerCial 810412-8545 ELECTRIC INC Very dependable Free Aluminum SIding Since 1990 Pll,molng, electncal Grosse Pornle MICHAEL SATMARY • Master Licensed & estimales (810)293 882-0747 Varrety of colors cade repair krtchen & 313-885-8155 GROSSE POINTE CONTRACTIN Insured 6316 Sean Window puttyl caulkrng I bath remodeling parnt 954 PAINTlNG/DECOUTING -ReSIdential Commercral DAN MILLEVILLE Ing Vrnyl wrndows pias- Grosse POinte References • Doors f windows Fully Insured mYEN'S PAINTING "Fast Emergency Servrce TREE SERVICE ter repair pet 810776- ABDUL'S Professronal I VTERIORlEXTflUOR • Roof repairs Free Estrmates SENIOR CITIZENS Tree and stump removal 2542 pager 810290 Painting Interror eXlen- Cli.1leslgn Parnhng/Pblor ... " Gutter Replacement Fully Insured, free estl. 885-0146 0....15'f..... nGrout I'Ilo1lo DISCOUNT 3879 Licensed or wallpaperrng and • Alum f wood repair A.JOt 1 Gar GtJnt~ $ns 00 mates, Senior dIS- METRY-LAWN plastenng Estrmates JOHN'S PAINTING POINTE Marntenance REAmV""t.£.~ Licensed I insured 886-4448 count 24 hour emer- LANDSCAPING Call now (313)881 t038 Intenor EXlenor Specral c.o \In.. 00_"" '" .'4.619 complete handyman MO.. Y ala a ..... 7 ••• 15215 MACK gency service Izrng In reparrlng dam 81o-n6-11 04 • Landscape DeSign servrces Roafs to floors BOCKSTANZ'S Parntlng &1771-8040 Expenenced 810775 plastenng wallpapenng aged plaster drywall & , f & Construction cracks peeling paInt TOMA DUCHENE Lawn Servrce 7303 Low pnces qualrty work- I [~..,J wrndow puttying and '25 DICKS/PATIOS • Irngatlon Systems manshrp References .A'-~ ~) ELECTRIC 6 years expenence caulkrng wallpapenng ~ ~b Complete lawn marnte • Sod Replacement SCHNEIDER'S Home Re Call Jrm 313-371 8326 BOB TOMA Also paint old aluminum AMERICLEAN Power nance Insured referen parrs Plumbing electn KE'~WINDOW L,censed Masler BOWMAN Palntrng Inten sldrng All work and ma wash de:ks cleaned ces Reasonable rates cal carpentry pal'1tlng SERVIl:E Electrical Contractor 313.885.3410 orl Extenor Resldenllal tenal guaranteed Rea IOURNEYMAN/GLAZIER a nd sealed houses Free estrmates 610 cade vlolatrons 313 26 years expenence sonable Grosse POinte Windo'WS Re putrleO Pc1lnlOO briCK awnrngs graffitI 885-8030 6864121 pager 810 7655503 Call Gary 8107900030 and ( II r~C'd removal boats concrete references FUlly Insured Aerating, Thatchmg, 9036351 R('llo ....m...aU old null,,1 ceilings Licensed and Reasonable Rates Free esl,mates Rf'placil" Hmken ~j.il<;s FIVE SEASONS Spnng ClearHJps, BRENTWOOD PaintIng! Insured Iree estlmates Free EstImates 882-5038 SIC'Im<-o p Ttwrm~pa~ TREE SERVICE Weekly lawn 5eMce ... ------... Wallpapenng 30 years In~t"lIs <;'0 rn W nrlo ....sand 1 888 757 8933 CommercIal ResidentIal Landscape Renovation PAT THE COPHER of quality & servrce to NUGENT Painting & Pow- Door .. New, RepaIrs, Renova- HOMEM~INTENANCESERVICE POlntes Shores Harper Tree Tnmmrng removal er Washmg Intenorl ex N~"l/~I~~T~~~~IS) ~ .. trons, Code VIolat,ons, • Small Hem. Repa"" Woods Free estimates DECK cleaning and seal land=:-. tenor plasterl drywall re Call J(f'n. 7'91755 stumprng shubbery ServIce Upgrade 1:0 :~~~Tr'~6:;r~~g.&",R.pa"s Bill 610-776-6321 or rng alumrnum sldrng sculpting pairs rnsured free estl 951 PLUMIING t :~:;:~;~~n~er.~val 8107718014 10% off mates 313245-1617 Iree estrmates Blue Sky AeratIon & power rakIng INSTAllATION Power Wash 810293 Landscapes, lawns, • Sod'9 & Dee" InS!a~ahoo WIth thrs ad 5674 (Improved or replaced) '" .. ,red Commer"all Resng Women Weekly eutsI Spn np clean up '4nr~rm07atI8on1 Inlenorl Extenor Plumbrng Reparr If 11s ULTRA DECKS Desrgned George Sperry Aerabonl Fertllizabon painters Dependable ~ 77 palntrng Wallpaper re broke we II fiX rt Li- & Bu t Licensed 1 8t 0 Free estrmales 191h yr prolessronal detail on Weekly culS now only $16 moval and prep laux frn censed & Insured Free 2962537 1 313886 ented Quality work- Offer ends soon Classified AdvertiSing rsh References FUlly est,males Senror d,s 8421 810- n8-4331 Free estlmales 610- C.II /8101447.2634 882-6900 Insured 8107735649 3987260 count 3t 3526-7100


D. BROWN PAINTING & REMODELING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPES tilgh.e.t Qt.4Q'~ PAINTING ~f'()n~tng Rlggrng ~f'''( k1c [)ngglng (arpenlry J-aux FJnI ..hc,. Wall Covenng .. SpecIaliZing In IrtenorlExtenor Palntrng We offer DrY" 111II "IN RI'f'''Ir KlichI'm Illth, fl"l'ml'nl l\Jlf 1\ 1()R)Pl A, TI R Rf PAIR,IF), Tf RIOR ~("W [)f"(~'" the t>eSllnpreparation t>eforeparnllng and use only the Rl modpllnc: Wlnrlow .../Dooro;, Ff'n(f'"<., por(h!' ... f)t ....'\,n \( n 01(" (,'0\\/ Pnmtt ~In( ( !I.}"

• t'ft'#. ... --...... -.. ---. D 88 • • Q Thursday, April 17, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection :; 'iS7 PIUMtlNG & ,)] PLUMIING & "S SEWING MACHINE INS TAllA nON 9.0 ROOFING SERVICE 960 ROOFING SERVICE 973 TILE WORK WALL WASHING 'II WINDOW WASHING INS TALlATION RfPAlR '77 COMPLETE JAMES A Smelser Roof TUNE-UP special In your CERAMIC, and Vinyl tde J&L Wall wash ng by rna GEORGE OLMIN PLUMBING Repal< & Maintenance home $29 95 All Installation Regroutlng ch ne & painting No WINDOW CLEANING $ DISCOUNT $ SERVICE PLUMBING Co CommercIal spe make~ all ages all FREE Estimates LI drip No meso 810771 SERVICE clalist 8107747794 parts stocked 38 years censed and nsured 7299 40 YEARS IN THE MARTIN VERTREGT • For all Your Pager 810 466 0285 experience 313 885 Northeastern Improve POINTES Plumbing Needs LIcensed Master Plumber 7437 ments Inc 313372 910 WINDOWS 810-791-0070 Grosse Po nte Woods Sewer $60 RESHINGlE, --;:epa;raii 971 TEHPHONE 2414 886-2521 DrainS $40 types Flashing tuck UNIQUE MADAR Malntence for INSTALLATION WINDOW & DOOR CO New work repairs WHY PAY MORE?? pOlnltng FREE estl uJPJI merly flremans ad Hand COMPLETE 7 DAYS 24 HOURS mates LILsnsed and In ALL types outlets cable OLD World Tile Marble Repldcement Repa r wash Windows and renovations, water ROOFING sured Northeastern 1m computer networks etc ceramiC by Mike Van In;tallatlon V nyl Wood walls Kitchens are our heaters sewer cleaning 810/412-5500 SERVICE orovements Inc 113 313 882 2079 denstockt Native 313-640-3940 cn~,.. ~I,hi I=rpp p,,=;t "MO" nbt" ....S UIU~~~ t'UIIII~~ _ 3722414 FiESIDEi'mll 1~49 Bouillet Mud work ce STARTYOIIR Repairs remodeling, code basement leaks plaster ters bathrooms walls Don't Rill \1A' rt...R PI l MBIoR.' IOVr CERTIFIED ram,c marble slate re work, IIxtu res repairs Handyman SlAllCH HI/II! 882.0029 APPLICATIONS OF floors Water damage pairs 3138241326 Water heaters Installed work Insured Seaver s reg routing Any type LI Forget! (313)882 0000 MODIFIED SINGLE '.1 WINDOW WASHING Licensed and Insured PLY censed contractor 881. Call your ads in 7722614 1085 974 V(RREPAIR LS WALKER CO Some Classlfactions FLAT ROOFING FAMOUS maintenance SYSTEMS servtng Grosse POinte Early! DIRECT Plumbng Drain Cleaning are required by law to AAl CO VCR TV micro. All Repairs Free be licensed. Check With VENTS LOOK ;Ince 1943 Licensed Classified PLUMBING GUTIERS wave Home calls bonded Insured Wall Estimates' Reasonablel proper State Agency Classified AdvertISing $9 95 Nobody beats our Advertising & Insured to verify license. REPAIRS 882-6900 washing! carpet clean DRAIN prIces Senior discounts Ing 8844300 810286-1799 LICENSED. INSURED Fax 343-5569 licensed 810 754 3600 (313)882-6900 313 705 7568 pager 521-0726 886-0520 *Free Estimates R.R. CODDENS "0 ROOFING SERVICE 960 ROOFING SERVICE "0 ROOFING SERVICE "0 ROOFING SERVICE 960 ROOfiNG SERVICE *Full Product Warranty Farmly Busmess smce 1924 Shingle Roofs S,ntnce 1936 *Seruor Discount ALL PRO ROOFING GENTILE ROOFING CALL3 9.4~7 13_52 * References ProfeSSional roofs gullers Flat Roofs ~cEI949>-- J &JROOFING 5\O.77t\O\..t.~1 Fat '-2075 *AII Work Guaranteed Siding new repaired Rubber roofs new .ShlngleTeaJ"ootk (810) 445-6455 OR 1 800-459-6455 and repair \\.OOf E. D. foley Reasonable Reliable • Flat Decks 1>U, HOW A~FORDABLE QUAUTY <.-AN 8~' e.., MICHAEL HAGGERTY Tear offs "orne Improvement Co. 21 years expenence • Copper Installation 10 yea r workman ship warranty Llc Master Plumber Serving "the POll1tes' for over 50 years Chimney repaIrs • Expert Re pal" 25 year or longer material warranty L1CENSED/ INSURED TEAR OtfS RtLOvtR;, t1EAvYWtltJHT StllNGLts licensed & In'" red Speclahllng In T EAR OFF S Classified Advertising John WIlliams ueen"'" SINGLE PLY ROot ING t.XPERT WORKMANSHIP 774-9651 'r\(" Do Our Own Work an IDEA that selis' 3138855813 886-5919 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE I LIC( nsed &: lnsufcd Visit our new web site!

Grosse Pointe News &CoECnoN , ~~r", :informa about our- .4.' site please C8 -0 us at (313)882-6900

_____ .-.. __ ...b...... _...... tit i t" ft •• _ _ ec'_ -W-\..-..t...... ~ ~ ..,.__ .. _ .. _ -4 , cOII... an O"ICI'. RCi4 <; 10rfl'tM \09 C( w 'vi ~860? 11111 'Q 091~ SEQUENCE fR >0!9M '41~ '" 1\ 17119? ?~?1 f'!'R"H1r cJmq I~. S (1m Rlltlo .. aL OffICI. 9)(- ~Oh~ml\ " 't" ')OS, l ,mr1Hn"'Nl M .d9<411 r~I~1 p~~ 8n~ ~1~~6~ fl,,~07d7 April 17, 1997 12C Grosse POinte News

l> \D911 TlIJnlUm cq First Rlnht':3 Graphlll 127 w,

S D90 I Ti (mphll' S I 07 99 S D91 I (r "I,ll" <, 77 ~~T' To lor ...... 1"" Ctlampgne Burner Bubl:l. ~799 I &y JVlC:IlJC La First Flight I> First Flight I> First Flight 1> fREE fop-FM, SIra,. Goi1 Batts 11'11 PcPdlase Eods ... By PALMER By PALMER By PALMER Wllh The Pu"hJ'~ 01 \m Golf \hol Ow," ''''Oil', By PALMER 1M Ir l,..ocpcv1 AOtarJaOe In $1,}rt.. Set. ")a~r<;(){I FoJ ~"'l.3 /::, ~ '" 5090 I 5tecl ~0911 Steel 50801 Steel Sale Pn"d Ohr So' - l~l{I(].,&~Iron .. 5D701 Steel >\ Sl2 VJlue , \\ ,J ~\ Iron, 3 Wood' &. 8 Irons 1 W()()(J,&. \ Iron' WhIle 7 97 7 97 ~upphC-\ $3279 $347 $2479 $217 l.a,t ( trhrt ) ~I } Graph", $,9797 (,raph I' $14797 SPALDING KUNNRN ProSeleel KUNNRN PRO.FLlTE. Black Pearl 0\ NATOUR Plu~ M'~~:~!~"s 3 WOODS & 8 IRONS J I\oodo; & 8 Iron. (,,,,p/Dte J Wood' 8. 8 Trons FUll GRAPtITE ~~1f?97 $39.,gg $10799 3WOOOi&8IRONS ....."1 1-- ,A.J ~rO, SaleP, $34.,gg I 1\ r ,., NowThru Sunday Graphite Shaft ,--

n T" ~ I~llrln\ hl (tn~lrm\"ll'"lr.()ll .... t")Ur~i!an, ... umc>OC", )1UVe- '" n I ~I n... I ~ \ ( I R. ~l n H nl f PJr:l.J <;t "flU J(nC>.... Tn... Rrand .. 'J IU )..'(>',0, The ()\.JOlI t) and Y"lU Xnow n \ I I II ( 'n, V. (I I I) {run (' "'loa(' f'no:t.. "Ilmda, \J'f I "")(h .... I "\11\17('<' In A I \lodel, In .. ~I (, \ i-lnh('"~ lliC"'r ..."n"'3 r1t- Ro:f-un ThJ ,R.nMJnVII ..gt''i~&.C(lf

Over I SO Drfferent Models. The Best Pnces Of The Yearl 26 '01' to / INTERNATIONAL SKI & GOLF fJ.ar.llnUVtn.~ Pnct" PI"01'rc1i1Of"1 (.un ..,", To 100 Grapl" .. 3 f'W w. ~ A"" •....,. ;"hop ",lttI ('OAfkImct 19435 Mack Ave. ;J, I~ Ba'nlna .. \ IrIaJt' ~ IIMaklrli '1IIEv '"n, 1\d9n'bwd Pm. AIR ACCESS _'*"'tFor~ Alhlp,.c J ,nl('lf<; $4q q9 Just North of Moross 1 Moross KARMA PLUS DRY JOY ~g~Il (' ('1'>(''"> .O;~621 3-?W Steel Shaft '. ~ 0' HOURS G NIl Sho(><., Gr~a' Pr ("f" * SETUP Grosse Pointe • 88S.Q300 ... _ G~l j ....l A P1 Txiay p~, "1?7'~ Daily ..10-9 Etonic PI-ID " ~: Red Ho. T, G"plen G1-ophrte DrIVer Other Ba\ anan Village SkI & Golf Locations Sat 10-6 WELLESLEY r ~ -y" Sun 12-5 77'? JM R iH'X.Wh If' " HI"llmll,ld Hill,. Blrmmglllm. 1.1rm111gt<1I1Ifill" • \'0\1. An'lArbor SAGEMORF V SA. M"SFRCARD TAN OROWI'\I I1ml • \ h ( 1'!11<11' • I ,1,t 1,HNng • I A ,rhllm I It Ighb • (.rand Rlpld" • Tr<1\I'N' Clt', r> Sl OVER. r> NER~ .....M Rlr A~J f )(PRf...,O:; I 'II"" ..., .. -,.~ t } ~ 'l:r:lL~t~\;km~:U~i'¥ ~;.~

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REAL ESTATE: FOR THE BIRDS: CLASSIFIED: Up-to-date The American Looking to listings from robin deserves buy, sell, rent? top brokers respect Look here first. throughout. Ptlg~ ~ Page 10

I I --irii- Page 2 YourHome Thursday, April 17, 1997 Organic gardening class t:~~~-~'1~~. .~ Garden the organic way - 1983. without the use of synthetic fertil- His clinic is located in Romeo. izers, artificial weed killers and Kruszewski lives at the Land chemical bug sprays. Learn how ~ ii Stewardship Center in to grow vegetables naturally. Columbiaville, where he and his The instructor, Greg wife manage a subscription gar- Kruszewski, RN DHMS, has den which, last year, fed seven cfp~ ~ grew!! taught hundreds of students families a complete range of through the many years in which organic vegetables. Class will be Now what are you waiting fod?? he has offered classes through held every Wednesday beginning Macomb Community College April 23 through May 28 from 7 IT IS A SELLERS MARKET (MCC). Greg received his educa- p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in building H, which means more Buyers than houses for sale and boy do tion in homeopathy at Nehru room 218 at MCC Center Homeopathic College in New Campus. WE HAVE BUYERS!! Delhi and has been in practice as The cost of the class is $55. For Here is a partial list of Pre-Qualified Buyers just waiting for a homeopathic consultant since information, call (810) 926-3516. the right house to make their Home GROSSE POINTE'S h~ Laura BUYER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Smigielski #1 Is looking for a ColOnial or a Tudor style home with, four bedrooms, two SMART HOUSE HUNTINC plus baths, a liVing room Witha fireplace, formal dining room, family room, Senous house huntIng can leave you worn OUI and confused at the end of central air. the da} [I IS hard to remember which hou~e had the greal bac!- yard and #2 Would Irke a Colonial With at least four bedrooms and is flexible with the !-llchen and whIch one you ruled out beC(lU~eof madequate storage space. Some of the house~ you VIsited looked famIliar - II!-e maybe you had seen them before How other features of the home. can you consene energy and keep It all straight? #3 ThiS family would prefer the CIty or the Farms and needs five bedrooms, The fir~1step I~ to find a Realtor who knows the area well and will only show you homes 2/3 baths, fIreplace, forma! dmmg room, family room, fenced yard, that meet your cnlena Next you <:houldmve~t In a ~mall note pad In order to keep a record of the home~ you VISIt Note the address. <;1)Ie and extenor color, as well as somethIng dl<;tmctlve garage, centra! air. Pnce range of $500,000 to $525,000. about the hou~e that wIl! tngger your memory Make a ~peClalnote If a hou<;ehas real PO~~lblh- #4 ThIS career gallS looking for something rn the Woods with 2/3 bedrooms, ties Jot down Important pluse<; and minuses of each property and share thIS mfonnatlon wIth fireplace, central aIr, fenced yard. Price range $125,000 to $130,000. your Realtor ThIS wll! help )'ou to narrow down the house<; so that you can focus on your favontes #5 This family would Irke to be rn the Grosse POinte South High School Laura resides and works in Grosse Pointe as a top realtor for Coldwell Banker District and needs 3/5 Bedrooms, 2/4 baths. Price range of $400,000 to Schweitzer covering the Grosse Pointes, St. Clair Shores and Harper Woods. $500,000. For professional advice on all aspects of buying or selling, call her at (313) 886-4200 or (313) 201-8070. #6 "Classic features and charm" are wanted In the Park City, or Farms, prefer Tudor style With four bedrooms and two full baths. #7 ThiS young family wants elegant and gracIous executive housing, mmimum of 3,500 sq feet on a large lot with at least four bedrooms, fireplace, family room, formal dining room, three car garage preferred. #8 "A family home" In the City or Farms either a Colonial or a Tudor with 3/4 bedrooms and two full baths, famlly room, fIreplace, nice kitchen, large lot and central air a must, two car garage, priced under $300,000. #9 We need a bungalow in the City With three bedrooms, fireplace, formal dining room and a fenced yard. #10 Multi-family With three bedrooms In each unit, would like a fireplace but The Charm of New England not a must, off street parking is mustl! ThIS distinctive custom -built Cape Cod style home skillfully incorporates the warmth of an earlier era with all the YOUR HOME COULD BE IT!! convemences and newness you \vant for your future. If you are thinking of selling Set on a sprawling corner site, this Grosse Pointe Park home is filled wIth fine archItectural details. You will love the first floor CALL US TODAY!! master suite and the first floor laundry room. In addition to the Wewill provide you with a Complete Analysis of Today's family room, there IS also a cozy Ifbrary and, if you need a Market and how it pertains to Your Home's Value "home office", well, there's one in the basement already. along with an idea of how much money you will ' All the Important room, and features are new! These include walk awaywith, all at no charge or obligation. the kitchen, the root~ the furnace and central air conditioning and the storms and screens! In additIon to the master suite DON'T HESITATE CALL NOW! there arc threc more generously proportIOned bedrooms and two marc full baths on thc second floor. The two car garage is attached and there is an underground sprinkler system. ThIS ISa "forcvcr" homc! Call us today to arrange to see this charming home. ---_~~21I • Proudly offered at $329,000. , '. ASSOCIATES ';f,' .!\$.- / J; \/ ~;~~<~J '" ;I~'~l~'! , ....~\.v\~ ~ .... ~,.~.:'ii'.....~~ ~~, .."'- ('- 8_8_4__-_0_6_0_0 .) ./4,~~ f;;'ivl' '" ~ .. ,;;nrr 4~!./ '- ~~ \; . ,;; .. --- ~1')" ~-",. ~

.j------.....-~~2~-55"' ...,fr-:-~--~---~...~---::-~ """!l,_ I - ______T.;..,;h.;.;:u;;,;.;rs;.:d:.:a:Lly,~Aer;1 17, 1997 YourHome Page3 Taking care of and enjoying our robin redbreast The predawn chorus of the inside of the worms and insects When planting this spring, American robin that greets us in that the robins eat. The s e think of robins by adding elder- April is a sweet signal of spring to Fo~ chemicals are transferred to baby berry, mulberry, holly, dogwoodor our ears. The robin is a member of birds and can result in high mor- cherry, to name a few. Make sure the thrush family which includes theirr tality rates. A natural lawn free of that you choose native species the bluebirds of North America as pesticide or fertilizer application only. well as other melodious forest irds is the best lawn for our state bird. One of the reasons that robins singers such as the veery and As previously stated, robins will are so dear to us is because of woodthrush. Rosann Kovalcik eat fruit in great abundance. It is their habit of gracing us with Then why doesn't this bird that Wild Birds Unlimited the fruiting trees and bushes that their nests so close to ours. Robins is so dear to us have a name that add carbohydrates and fat to their most frequently choose to nest in fits in keeping with the rest of the through the winter. This is when diet in the fall, helping prepare trees, but it is not unheard of for thrushes such as "rufous-breasted the fruiting trees and bushes that them for migration and support~ them to nest on top of exterior thrush?" Because the English we plant play an important role in ing those robins that stay through colonists were homesick for their their survival. Other than winter the winter. See BffinS, page 5 robin which is smaller than ours fruits that occur naturally, we can but bears the same red breast. add to their survival chances by Hence, they named this North offering chopped apple in an open This One's American thrush robin redbreast. tray feeder or plastic dish that is The American robin is 9 to 11 placed low to the ground where For You!!! robins prefer to feed. Raisins can inches long with a wingspan of 14 For Sale By Owner to 16 inches. Males in breeding also be provided, after softening plumage are dark gray on the them by soaking them in water. 285 Moross head, back and wings with the Robins have adapted well to head appearing almost black. The human habitats. As forests have Grosse Pointe Farms breast color can also vary from a cleared to make way for housing, $245,000 light brown to a deep brick red. robins learned to cash in on the The outer tail feathers of robins crop of earthworms that became Charming three bedroom are tipped in white. Females are available with each new lawn. English Cape Co~ featuring first floor Master bedroom, three baths, cozy more lightly colored. Immature They will also eat a variety of breakfa~t nook With bay ~lOdo~. sun porch, paneled library, fonnal living robins have speckled breasts. other insects, including beetles, room WIth fireplace, spacIOUS dmmg room, caved ceIlings, hardwood floors Robins can be found allover grasshoppers, cicadas, ants and and three car garage. North America and although the caterpillars. It is extremely By Appointment Only • No Realtors Please majority of birds show up in the important to remember that spring and breed throughout the whatever you apply to your lawn 313-882-1790 summer, a hardy few do stay in the way of chemicals ends up Beline's Best Buys 590 s. Brys • $450,000 Grosse Pointe Woods EXQUISITE & CONTE.\1PORARY FAMILY HOME. Five bedroom", three and one half bath". octagonal family room with vaulted ceIhng and skyhght: recently remodeled kitchen: generouli-"iLed bedrooms, ma"ter bedroom "utte 'WIth cO/Y firepldce and ~unken tub. Unique features mclude. Circular mahogany "tdlrca"e, cut field ...tone: fifth bedroom With ~eparate entrance - Ideal for gue"t "Ulte!home office, extra large garage. two furnaces and central aIr conditIOnIng; hot water ...y...tem under famIly room floor. Anderson wmdow,,; large deck. clo ...e to Ferry Elementary School. Build your dream home ... new construction on or near lake. Call u" to make an appomtment to vmt our office to dlscu"" bUlldmg your 1443 Roslyn • $129,000 "new" home m Grosse POInte We are prepared to show you our bUIlder's Charmmg bungalow m Gro""e POInte Woods; three bedrooms, one bath; floor plans and archItectural plans. Construction to begm "oon. hardwood floors; bay WIndow In lIvmg room, huge master bedroom with sitting area: new deck. FIRST------W------OFFERING • CITY OF GROSSE POINTE CONDOMINIUM Lovely 2800 "quare foot condo located near shoppIng, schools, park and 21601 O'Connor. $]24,000 tramportauon, thl" five bedroom three and one half bath end unit feature" Super ranch In St ClaIr Shore". three bedrooms, one bath: attractIve mtenor newer kitchen, hardwood floor", flr"t floor lavatory dnd den decor: new kitchen with large eating drea, new wmdow", new deck. lavatory ------" ------In knotty ptne recreation room Po ..."e""lon at c1osmg. LOTHROP IN THE "FARMS" Tucked away on a dead end "treet. you'll love the beautiful yard <,urroundmg For More Information, Please Contact ... thl...lovely Cape Co~ Two bedroom .. and bath ...on each floor d'" well ,I', newer kitchen and decoratmg Pm ...c...... lOnearly liummer BELINE OBEID • 343.0100 Certified Residential Specilllist 886-6010 The Prudential ~ Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co. 114 KERCHEVAL v. 882.0087 hUp :/Iwww.beline.com beline(ri)beline.com Woods. GOLF COURSE LOCATION Park. Stately Engll'ih Manor With Shores. CLASSIC CAPE COD Includes St. Clair Shores. LAKE ST CLAIR SpacIous four bedroom Cape Cod green acreage to water's edge on Lake 600 sq. ft family room With cathedral WATERFRONT HOME otters a great located on 300 foot deep lot near St Clair Offers Spacial arrangements ceding, surround sound system and room With vaulted ceIling and fire- Lochmoor Country Club Newer for family and guest A home to love, wet bar Marble foyer With wrndlng place, den With hardwood floors, kitchen, family room, heated garden a place to cherISh $2,373,000 oak stairway to all new second floor large kitchen With bUilt-inS, fabulous room $425,000 1r 36675 (GPN-H- 1r 34295 (HO-F-10WIN) White Quaker Made kitchen With master bedroom/bath sulte, etc 07SUN) granite tops $745,000 1r 33545 Spectacular lake views" $510,000 (GPN-GW-55BAU 1r -n 125 (GPN-GW-19MAP)

Shores. OFF LAKESHORE ROAD City. CENTER ENTRANCE COLONIAL City. CLASSIC ENGLISH STYLE Woods. FOUR BEDROOM home With ThiS three bedroom brrck ranch fea- close to shopping In Village and Hill SpacIous upper condo featuTing three quality throughout. Hardwood floors, tures formal dining, family room, nat- Three bedrooms, formal dining, bedrooms, two baths, den, liVing and newer Pella Windows and counter ural fireplace, central air condition- updated kitchen With breakfast nook dining rooms, nine foot ceilings and tops, wood peg floor In family room Ing Many Improvements In the last and new master bath With whirlpool hardwood floors All new decor, new With natural fIreplace, formal dlnrng, several years Finished basement With tub Major appliances Included kitchen, master bath and central air. wood deck. Private lakeSide park and wet har $299,500 1r 33415 (GPN- Beautifully maintained home. $269,000 1r 36755 (GPN-H-BONEF) marina $258,900. 1r 32995. (GPN- GW-45CRE) $289,900 1r 37605 (GPN-GW-62UNI) GW-93BLA)

City. HANDSOME FOUR BED- Park. CLASSICWILLIAMSBURG COLO- Woods. CUL-DE-SAC LOCATION ROOM. Brrck Colonial With lots of NIAL center entrance With five bed- Well maintained three bedroom space. Many updates, four car garage, rooms, formal dining, newer Kitchen, Colonial with formal dining room and sun room, two staircases Additional hardwood floors, nine foot ceilings, nat- family room. Newer central air and two bedrooms and bath on thIrd floor ural fireplace, some leaded Windows, humidifier. $174,500 1r 36525 (GPN- $245,900. 1r 36745 (GPN-N-87NEF) huge new room on third floor. H-60VER) $205,000 tt 33485 (GPN-GW-04GRA)

Farms. TOTALLY RENOVATED DOLL- Park. New England ColonIa' featuring Woods. AFFORDABILITY and Park. Well maintained four bedroom HOUSF New In the last five years- lIVing room w!th natural fireplace, more Second floor corner unit In Newer Vinyl Siding Side drive With furnace, roof. kitchen, two bathrooms, updated kitchen, year round sun the Berkshrres LIving room and carport Interior offers spacIous rooms deck and landscaping Four bed- room, first floor den that can be two spacIous bedroom'i overlook and newly decorated $77, «)00 rooms, family room and two car turned Into a powder room A must rear custom courtyard Custom 1r 34115 (HD-63-WAY) garage $159,900 1r 36575 (GPN-H- see $149,QOO 1r 14815 (HO-F- draperies throughout $119,000 70CLO) 08BAR) 1r 343 Vi (HD-F-50-VER) ~ (i.]!') ( I o EVERY PROPERTY. EVERY DAY UNTIL IT'S SOLD™ • Internet Site http://cbschweitzer.com.Homefacts™(810)268-2800''lt • Real Estate Buyer's Guide ..SCHWEIT2ER REAL ESTATE ...... ~~thebeS.'--_III~-----'- .. Grosse Pointe Farms886.5800 • Grosse Pointe Woods 886.4200 • Grosse Pointe Hill 885.2000

-t ".....------Thursday, April 17, 1997 VourHome Page 5 like toddlers crying to their par- ents to be fed. Birds-- It is at this age that most robins From page 3 are mistaken as being helpless lights, in hanging baskets of flow- and are taken in by well inten- ers, on window ledges and many tioned humans. Actually, the birds are developing muscles as they Mortlales other human offerings. follow their parents around, flap- A covered platform can serve as ping their wings and crying to be a robin roost and can be pur- fed. This important activity devel- chased commercially if you desire ops flight muscles. Purchase Construdion to entice a nesting pair to a specif- It is not unusual for robins to ic part of your yard for your view- use their nest a second and third ing enjoyment. Nests are fash- time in the same year if the FHANA hJ!ib First-Time Homebum ioned from grasses which are weather allows them to brood that shaped into a round cup and held many times. together with mud. It can be Albinism is not uncommon Affordable Housing Programs fun to provide a muddy area in among robins. This is the tenden- your yard that can be used by cy to have white feathers and pink these birds for that purpose. An eyes as a result of a genetic Pre-.roved Conventionals overturned garbage can lid or a change that inhibits the forma. plastic dish or tray can be used for tion of an enzyme responsible for At Flagstar Bank, we have the products these purposes. the syntheses of pigmentation. The finished nest will have Although the robin is not a bird and service to get the job done! three to six eggs of unmarked pas- that can be enticed to our yard tel blue, a color that brings a with feeders and seed, the planti. smile to our faces when we discov- ngs that we provide for nesting er discarded shells on the ground, purposes and a food source can for who of us is not familiar with entice them into our yard. If you l~a9st1fr::a~elJk "robin's egg blue?" The eggs are developing your yard, consider are incubated almost entirely by a hedgerow of natural berry bush- the female for 12 to 14 days. es that can act not only as a food Youngbirds remain in the nest for source but also as protective cover only an additional two weeks. for young robins waiting for their They are fed great quantities of next meal. insects to reach the age when they Rosann Kovalcik is the owner of can first fly.But at this time, they Wild Birds Unlimited, located at do not leave the parents. Instead, 20485 Mack Avenue in Grosse they follow them around much Pointe Woods. GAMBLE Kathleen A. Borucki IN ~i:J 810-786-8376 CASIN~.· NOT during the ftj purchase of BOME... 17 Confused? Sellers Agents? Buyers Agents? Dual Agents? Kimberly A. Fuhrman Thomas G. Speer Remove the confusion. 313-210-1156 313-376-5609 BUYER'S REALTY, INC. = BUYERS AGENTS 100% OF THE TIME (We only represent BUYERS & never LIST HOMES)

When you find the home that is right - don't gamble on whose side of the negotiating table your Real Estate Agent sits. 1st in MICHIGAN to put BUYERS 1sf. John E. Nelson Krys K. Schroeder BUYER'S REALTY, INC. 810-401-4691 313-376-8236 (313) 881-5000 @ 19251 Mack Ave I_-LENDER Ilwhere buyers ... become ( Iients" @ (Pointe Plaza) Bernard ). Youngblood, GRI- Broker Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 (Seiling the POllltf'<' <'In<(' 1')7 4)

.....,ub.____co wave ------""!l...... , ----- ...... -..Zijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. ------•• fiiil~•• ----- __ -_--- ___ -~- ~~,.... I, :z--.,i ... - Page 6 YourHome Thursday, April 17, 1997

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I 1 () n . "I \ ' Nub'lEt I()\\'l' I , 1.11 C:' ~-I Klil hen tl1l'hter. lh'\IIdclll'I' Il) "L( 11 lk ,l[()1I1Hl the IltH11. ~ lll(lg'itle tIle t,ietv ,I'> \(ltl plIllllp III \Iltll hlllilC Ih\.. [()(111l 111 111 ,1 k I 11 !! Ill, ,1 k llll:tlll "lImmef nlL;hl Lm ...I'ld!,1.. IH.'hr-. dillmm,lte the t1\1\\eh ,md ....hlld~ ...., q tll" II (In l Il ,1 n 111 !! dllllm!! "u!tne ....' dllli Il \ Ilire tu (1)<..' t.\\...ldl' '-,kek, Im\ -I) 111:":U)I~PCI p

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ThL' J,I\ I...II\L'! ,1I1e! 11\ tlll1l' Illlll.l\ \X/h'll h ,1\ ,11Llhk " \ill ....1 Plllpk.lll ,1\\ l!l Ilj IlL, ,'lvl\ hl'netl!'> III L'\tCrl(lf II!!:hll11~ - 11 I' \\lll cln(llhcl l(ll1'ldn- the NuTlll1C (\nll11 Lllli1m,l!, mll'l\I\I, ,!I,n ,111 kl1ll\\l1 ,10,11 pllk) ...1111-.11,.".... BlII IIg111111g III' thl ,1l11l11 I" hl( d ( 1v.l11mg ~}"lem,~ ,\ LenlLll \" II 111l1'('11dI11 'l ...lIlll\ u,n'1 ...lcI.1(11)\), I... tllnd,llnlnl l\ll111LLll'd 11\ 11llnlnl1 lI1J I!h \\ hl 1) l hl)( ""1g d lJlIl ,\,km \\hllh prOllihl''' III IHI'!',1 Illl\(l,j ,J'< \\lll jl\lllrl) "lll'lllLllln}.! "1\1. I, ,111 torm l(1n\ l'lillUli,\1 IIpnt.:ht 11111,1,!' YOUR BUSINESS ~orm,m Kw:lwnmei ...tcr II, \ ice rrc ...i- lmp(lrt 1111 t.llhll ()1)ll \(1l1Ilil'nll!\ WILL GROW: /\nwlIII1l'" "lllh ,1" ,hl'''l' ,1,ld 1\1 dll dent of De ...ign Llghtmg Ltd. H10-401- 3200 ,lnd e"Llhlhh .I 111l'krelllc till cI 11,11- ~J.lh.l' ,I 'I.ltl 11]( nt In YlHlrlJOl1H \ ,dtll I It \111J1 h'l1lH.' 111 \-111lll1t ( knll 11, . .llh be, L 11('1ll'> to 1l1.1Lc caB .Julit, Sutton hi, IlltlLl! ]()(lk, 11 ,lwl1 hClllll1l' ,l m,ll- KlIlhlnmll"ICf I" pll'p,lIed 1\' a 1:J.:J4:J.55H 1 "1)1ll( L l!lluluIIN,kl.ltlon" \\hlll IIl!;hlrng ,I lK'\\ In ()lluL,l!1l1g tlH. rlghl Lcilll1g Lm (1t 1l'f pc f'

I Thursday, April 17, 1997 YourHome Page 7 ... ------_._------Lighting the landscape and beyond When dCLldmg on extenor fixture,:>, durahtlLty I" ,1 more pre~~mg concern. Here, nothmg beat~ ca"t alum mum dnd copper. Manufacturer:. offer d vc:mety of fml~he~ m cast alummum, from Jet hlack to "omethmg cllled Swedl::.h ~I1ver, whIch ha,c,the look of dhrre~"ed pe\Her. PL•..,tICI'"Impradlcalm MlChlgur- . fdce three or four tIlne" ,1 year to Lomhat the mevltahle pIning and tarnl"hmg

that I" dlwd~" d threat Ag,lln, when deuJmg hO\N much of an m\'c"tment you want to melke, rememher thdt more ornelmentatlon medn~ a hIgher pnce. Landscape ltghtmg b a wonderful way to decent your home':, exterzor. It enhance::. the dramatic ITnpdct of d heautlful g,uden pldn and, when com- hlned WIth "pot hghtmg of tree:, or hrzckwor1.., Celn u11lfy the home\' appearance.

Pathltght" \\ ork ll1 more "uhtle \\I ell''', Cd:-.tmg theIr ltght to the ground. The ltght'> are a\',l1101hle m ~trlr Je"lgn" etteer L(Ulhe lovely, ,ll1d cert,unh make.'> It ea"ler for vI::.ltor::.to reach your frotH Lm cu"r cumhlned WIth prm en cnef- door 111 the dark @ g') ettluenc\ make" thl" an dttrdCt!vC All well-de"lgned bnd"l.l.' rCL.lUlrethe m"tdlla, When It U)[ne.., to placmg \our Ilghr..., there h rw n1clglL non nt ,1 tr<.n ...tormer \\hILh UJn\ crt.,

t\mnula "We otten LUme ()lIt ru the cu"tomer\ homc ,.nd Ju...t leer the hOll"l.'hukl 120 \ ()!t Ime d\m n tl 1 \\llrlmg with thl.' Ll)llLlt until we get It nght. It m,1\ t(lke "ome the In\\' ,ult,l!.!:c that thc.,e ltghh requllc. tlme, hut the eHort 1',1)" ott 1I1 the ~'n~L" ..,,\\'"Kuchenmcl ...ter. Ch,uh ..kllcr ... ,md LlInp.., drc ..,(lll Lm\.l"'lclpe Itght" L,m he trtggl.'rcd h\ ,1"'\\ ltlh m the home, or Llk mg the 111\11I.' t ['ll1l !lun,11 mc.nh.1cv L,m tunLtlOn on ,1 ~1hot\.JLell TI,m..,hlnner" ,1re requIred ,md thelc I" L~'nt hulh ..., \\ hllh gl\ e ,1 rOl1ln "nine t1c"\.lhdlt\ m term" llt \\ ,ltt,lge You l,1I1 1.'\ l.'n purd1,hc ,1 Itght ,lllilltl ...... l'nllli ...lljtnC ...... and \\,Irmrh th,lt h,mg ...m ,1 trl'e, >.i[()PPll1t.:Itght dm\ n to "-\nd rhl.'r~ ,Irl.' m,l\)\

the Hhlt'> \\ 1\ ... to hl.' LfL'cltl\~' \\ Ith thc"c kInd ...

l)j plcce ...," "',1\'"

L lll ...l' 1I1g pr~'ll",l(l!1 The J~elu.',\~'d T hi" "ilL hennw I...ter "FI)f l ',lInpk, '11\ ... l\) ,m 11I1ll1l),\11LeLIt d h,11ol.:l'n I~ldh 111 ,I h.l.... thcm 11\111 t(l ,111 Ihe ,h.llhnon \11 ,l help \\J1le'lel'll th,lt \)t ,lI) 11Ilm- cXlelknt pLhtef feplll,l tnl'LLd- lit! d)(l\ N.' the produL r dc...u'nl hili h of till' ",l1lll' ~h'll1.1' tUI !tnn ,1hm'C ,1 Ln ...t.ll 11111 h nght h1f you ,,.It( l!.!l' \lrhn\lgh more l."I'l'n hl:..;htcnmg ,I t 1 \)(1111 Lh,m,lelter l,1n ~n ...1\ l.' (I>.pl'lcmcnt ... \.,111 L\ l"t 1I1~\\,Hll h,l h Lighting up. h,ll"lLC 1he h'.lUt\ \lj \It ~0 I.' II h) h,ll\lt!l'n ...l.hl 11)Il~lTth,m The "'l~\I k 1\11~ ,,1.lf1t\ \)t ,1 I he Pll'Ll""~ Th~. tile inside pLun Inl mll\ ....ll.l1t-.. - 2,(\\1 h\ HII'" h \1 h 1 I (l ~ e I) I. h lIhkher h n\ 1 II d\IL:CI1 IIL:hh ,lfe "n\l)lthlllt: tu ,1 h,ll'1!.!el1 \ ... 1. )l\' tI)f ,111 11)\. .1lh!L-... hill, r,.'lh'lt- 1\ l\l~cr Ihe Int'rl' !.!l\el , lJhlllcl when IIl11mm,H mg ,I h,lth- lll1t. h\ 1th ,II 12l' \ (\11'0 In!.; l)j f .\ (ll IIt.:ht, It bCl\lml'''' I )'111l (lr ,1 k,td"ll'n \\ulk"p,llC 9 H 11\\~l11 1tL:!1l.. 111ullllLl' hdl ...keh. \.hlllllK ...()m~'thln~ hl'.\llt\lll\ \\ hill' t hc\ do not "lItfll ...e ,I l\lutn hc,lt \Illi ,H\.' n(lt IN'll tn fe~lILll III \.1 \ I 11I I" 111 mlllli It...~It \ lib 11glH the \\,l ,1 11'gllLn IIIL,m- 1.1111p'"hCldlN thq ,m' ,I tlte h,1: lIll r \\'11\ \ h. 11( 1\\ ...' ,HI.' 1111he,11,lhk il "'ll I)! hlllh due", t he"l' I1lIt:ht') [)1111111Cl...\\It\lw'' 1)\11 Ic\()m- j)'l::lcJ. \1)\1 \\'llh ,Ill Ilw"'l' \'1 d1t ,1111\ ... \ll' ,1 p()pllL1r lhuILl' In ,I 11'- mllllkd "'lllll' {hi'" dl'\llC ,lllll,dh ll1l1 )'l"Il\{ Ilul ll~ht.... , l' lIlC" "1.1 {I.' l ... 111"'! llllt!hl II1I l 1\ hen.' ,I \\ h Iter. hl\ghtl'l ltghl '" d tlll' II 11k" (It f pm) I It "'1'Cl)llllhlll Illlll' hlll..,hmg \Ull1 tL'elh \ I \\1 m 1\ 11l\tl \\mt 1\) Ill\\. I II I III II ,I h,d(ll.:L'I1 !'ldh l)plll11111l1 I~L'II\\, TIW1L' h 11l1l\.h \ll"',lltllt\ It) h\\I11.. ,It.:\ll)' 1 hq .Ire e'lllknr Ll...k hght" lll.\IHl I" ,1..."1I1 l'lJ \\ IH I) (hl'\ ,HI.' klllhcn ,-,lhll1lt 1u.!hrl11g f !llUf\. ....ll'nt See next 1)(l1{C {ot our ad. \ 111\\\1)jl1l their hllghtl)l''''' ,mt! Ilght- 11Pl'''1(1n~ ,It 11111 p\1\\Cr

.. -=---:;-...... - .... ,.,,'.,;¥' ~ . ' ~ -----=:;;'i.;;:;;;;:;;...----==~~!!!!!!-----~..--=---M:...----4-=1l <.=_------...--r-----~ - .... ' write the pet's name and your If used to line cake pans, there 854 56 Nottingham MultI famll\ on dead end street" Irh t\\O bedroom" dining room, telephone number on the collar in are no more burned or hard crusts separate basements m each umr 15050 Jeffer'on OffICe 'lpace for lease 3,200 square feet "lth excellent parkmg, clear view - a big help in locating on the bottom of cake layers. central air Call for the details the owner of a lost dog or cat. If used under small items to be painted or glued, it does not stick 21540 Van K Dme 3 bdrm 'Ib keep the name and number and leaves no mess. from rubbing off, put some trans- 1192 B1a1rmoor 5bdrm parent tape over it. It should last It also works great to separate things in the freezer. Waxed paper till you replace the collar. Jim T., 1581 Sunnmgdale Vienna, Va. has so many uses. Eleanor v., 4bdrm Chula Vista, Calif. 1041 Blalrmopr 5 bdrm

196i3 Blo'-lomLme 3 bJrm GROSSE POINTE CITY _ 906 908 Neff Multdamllr \\ Ith new kitchens, separate furnaces and natural ~c~i~~ fireplace 17888 Mack OffICeSpace for le~, 2 offIces (lOx9), 1 OffICe(12:0..10)Call for the Very well located bright and details spacious Colonial features: HARPER WOODS E. _ New kllchen wIth eatl1lg 20481 Lochmoor 3 Ixlrm 1 I bath Bungalo\\ wah Gros~e POinte Schools, liVing room Illth natural space and walk-in pantry, fneplace large master bedroom \I Ith sitting area and half bath, large living and dining updated kitchen, two and one half car garage rooms, four bedrooms, new ST. CLAIR SHORES _

two and a half baths, two 23254 N Ro,edale 3 bdrm 25 bath Colomall'.lth formal dining room I'.llh natural fireplace, fIrst l100r fireplaces, all professionally decorated with custom window treatments laundfj room, recreation room m basement, t\\O and one half car throughout. Fabulow, basement rec.lfamily room, new furnace and garage 22944 A.lIen : Ixlrm 1 hath To" nhome Condo In Lake'hore \ illage Illth urdated btchen, roof. four car heated garage - See it to believe u! $439,000. Agent rlnl,hed ba,emenr, lormdl Jlnln~ rCXlmJrpro\lmatelr 950 .>qU1reteet OH /led Call for an appmnfmem! J!..rn<£>~ A8e.!EJ, In,=- 17108 Mock at Cadieux • Grosse Pointe, MI 48224 • (313) 886-9030


Polished Brass Brass or Chrome AL E I ~Au~~P~~~~Bla:~;~g~ I I $1 P8 RI 36~~~~~H I Lighting Ltd I 00 22 1/4" W x 9" H I I SO5 Light 150 W I Stop In at DesA\gr~119th. Our $22 5 1 Light 150 W 7 on Saturday, p I I I Also Available 1, 2, 3 & 5 Lights I I htln9 and deSign With Coupon • While Supplies Last All PrevIous Sales With Coupon. While Supplies Last All PreVIousSales home 19 Klchler, Tech, • bel Gannot Be used With Any Other DISC or after.. .. Exel Cannot Be used With Any Other DISC or Offer • experts fro~ Focal POInt WIll be - - - - - ______Emersondan helPvouformulate r------~ r=------r. on han to I htlng scheme. an effectIve Ig and pack I I I ... I Gather vour photos don't ' floor plans - I I I I up your dimenSIons! forget the r~~~ome up WIth a I I I =-~~-- I Together we Black. White / _--=....--_=-~~. bright Idea I Regular Price $97.50 #K-9776 I I Regular Price 5188.25 I [ •. ';i\ _ SALE PRICE 6-1/4-'Nx 12-1/2"H I SALE PRICE ~, - U _------. I $4995 1Llght100W I $8995 I O~ II CastAlummum II I r------With Coupor, • Wh If' Sll'lP IPS l-'lc,t 1-\ I pCf'J ~dS Scl PS I U P 0 I Exc Ci1nn)' 8p IJ'iE' I/v U /Ir p.~ [) " )fif r ITO OFFI I URCHASE I • I ON ANY L~~H;~~~ ~ 9. 1997 I I SATURD A M - 5 p.M. .- 1.------9 .. _------·.

I , .,. ______-:.T~h~ur~s~d~ayt.:.,~April17,1397 YourHome Pa9_e_9__ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EAL ESTATE 830 GROSSE POINTE SHORES 834. GROSSE POINTE PARK Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 68 Vernier 4/2.5 Open Sunday 2- 4 Executive style 16500 E. Jefferson New con,tructlf)n on or near la~e colonial with great ,pace' For more detarled ,nformatlon call Higbie Maxon, Inc. $367,000 313-886-3400 R.G. Edgar & A.ssoc. CAll 313-886-601 0 1042 Audubon 5/3.5 Completel~ renovated English home $489,000 313-882-6617 831 GROSSE POINTE WOODS Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 835 DETROIT 617 S. Higbie Place 3/2 Great location' Custom feature" Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone ranch Call 313-882-7065 10440 McKinney 2-3/1 Large brick ranch With family room _Stieb~r R~alty Co. $&9,900 810-775-4900 ------17206 Cornwall 2/1 Brick ranch With fm bsmnt Stieber Realty C~. $54,900 810-775-4900 ------832 GROSSE POINTE FARMS Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 836 HARPER WOODS 107 Meadow lane 3/2.5 Open house April 20 1- 4 p.m. Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Custom colomal, prIStine condllion $289,000313-884-3536 - 19646 Woodmont 3/1 New rool, Windows, kitchen $119,500 313-885-1288 lothrop Road 4/4 Beautifully maintained Cape Cod Must see' on dead end street Newer kitchen roof & decorating Large nl( ely landscaped lot R.G. Edgar & Assoc. CALL 313-886-6010 - 837 ST. CLAIR SHORES 225 Merriweather 5/3.5 Great location for thiS Ideal Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone family home' Mint condillon Call 313-885-1449 ------20300 Mauer 4/3 Open Sunday 1-4 p.m. Updated colomal Family room __ ___ ~lh_flrepla~~ ma~~ extr~s _$22~~00 ~1 0-771-8808 23066 Englehardt 3/1.5 Open Sunday 1- 5 Brick ranch Family room, NC Offers 810-777-0975 ------833 GROSSE POINTE CITY Riviera Terrace 2/2 Open Sunday 1-4. Condominium, Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone move In conditIOn ______Updated,_carport Call __ 8~-77~-2797 16879 St. Paul 3/1.5 Sunny, qUiet Park- like setting 313-886-0714 27728 Grant 3/1.5 Double lot, breezeway to ~a~~ ~1~~g~_No B~oke~s $149,500 313-964-2639 2 1/2 car attached garage LakeView Schools $109,000 313-640-4262 ------21130 Masonic 2/2 Open Sat. & Sun 1- 6 810-293-7622 Custom ranch $134,900 313-963-7980 834. GROSSE POINTE PARK EXT 10 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 15525 Windmill Pointe 5/3.5 Extraordinary family home 840 ALL OTHER AREAS (See border ad class 800) $585,000 313.821-3424 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 1185 Whittier 4/3.5 Brand new kItchen, whole house f~shly_palnt~d By owner __ ~~ 313-882-692~ Clinton Twp. 2/2 ~~ch style c.?ndo Must ~eel _$127,900 _810~12-o748


-~ ------~e 10 YourHome Thursday, Ap_r_i1_17_,_1_9_9_7 _


107 Meadow Lane, hand- BY owner 16879 St Paul FIRST OFFERING GROSSE Pointe Woods, 3 some, bright 3 bedroom, QUIet park- like setting GROSSE PTE WOODS bedroom brrck colonral, HARPER WOODS REAL ESTATE 2- 1/2 bath brick colo- Walk to "Village". Sunny Cozy 4 bedroom, 2 bath 2 1/2 baths, famIly room, Three bedroom bungalow, ATTORNEY nial Located In the 3 bedroom townhouse, brick bungalow. Newer garage, many extras, 1,160 sq. ft. Hardwood Will represent you at the Farms on Coveted, tree- 1 1/2 baths, livlng/ din- furnace With central air, move-In condition. floors, new kitchen floor, closing of your home. lined cul- de- sac near Ing room, kitchen With country kitchen, natural $189,900 810-781-6268 refrigerator & stove stay, Attorney B.J. BELCOURE ''The HIli", churches and breakfast bar. Basement fIreplace. $139,500 basement, 2 car garage, 313-882-2323 schools Meticulously GROSSE PTE FARMS rec- room With wet bar. DETROIT newer roof & electrrc, new maintained Open floor By owner. 3 bedroom, Hardwood floors, central Sharp brick ranch near landscaping. Home War- plan highlighted by cus- 1 1/2 baths, new furnace, ST. CLAIR SHORES air, covered parking Cadieux & Mack FInish- ranty Included. $75,900. tom details including new kitchen, central air. Three bedroom brick Co- Many updates. ed basement, large Jot & 202n Washtenaw crown moldings, re- Below appraised value lon WIth full basement $149,500 Information garage. Asking $54,900 Century 21 & Associates cessed lighting, hard- In $148,500 on 310' lot. $92,500. sheet available foyer Stieber Realty for appointment wood floors, central air, 313-927-4974 Call for appointment. 810-n5-4900 (313)881-6147 ST. CLAIR SHORES two way natural fire- Days, 313-964-2639, Located near the lake, 3 place and vaulted ceiling FIRST OFFERINGS- GROSSE PTE FARMS, evenings, 313-886- bedroom brick colonial In drawing room Up dat- 225 Mernweather, REAL ESTATE 0714. No brokers. --930 Crescent Lane, With flnlshed basement. ed kitchen With eating by owner, 1928 colonial BY owner' 1683 Newcas- Grosse POinte Woods. YOUR HOME 22x20 family room With area and appliances WIth 5 bedrooms, tle, Grosse POinte 3 bedroom, 2 baths, cathedral ceiling natural $289,000, by owner 3 baths, plus DEADLINE: Woods. Three bedroom, Great Room, ranch. fireplace, 2 car garage. Open house April 20th, offlce/ playroom upstairs. 2 1/2 bath, center en- Wonderful! $219,900. Monday 12 Noon. Featuring pnvate boat 1'00- 4 00 pm or by ap- Outstanding liVing room, trance ColOnial, neutral --749 Lakepomte, dockage. $219,900. pOintment 313-884- family room, and newer HARPER Woods- 3 bed- decor, central air, hard- Grosse POinte Park' 3536 kitchen downstairs. Also room brick. Finished Lee Real Estate wood floors, eat- In up- 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, mcludes mud room, basement, large updat- Ask for Harvey 192- 194 Moran- Price dated kItchen, family English A charmer! attached heated garage. ed kItchen WIth bay Win- 810-771-3954 $319,900 Multl- family, room, finished base- $219,900. playhouse, new roof, dow, excellent condItion 2800 sq. ft. 5 bedrooms ment, 2 fireplaces, --19251 Raymond, central air, alarm system, With recent renovation ST. Clair Shores, 27728 total. 2 full baths. Open move-m condItion Grosse POinte Woods: underground spnnklers. $86,000 810-779-3296 Grant, deSirable loca- Sundays 2- 4. Call Cher- $207,000 313-882- 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, Mint condition. tion, brick 1- 1/2 story, 3 yl Barbour- Bolton- 4046 Open Sunday 1- or 313-609-4882 pager. colonial With family room 313.885.1449 bedroom, 1- 1!2 bath, Johnston, (313)884- 4pm Great Buy' $147,750. HOMESCAN Property In- basement, breezeway, 6400 HARBOR Island, 2 1/2 COMPLETELY remod- spection Inc 313-884- 2- 1/2 car attached ga- Kathy Lenz story brick English 533 Anita, Grosse POinte e/ed, executive 2 bed- 2726. rage. Double lot, air, up Johnstone & Johnstone Ivy'ed canal home. Woods, 3 bedroom room, 2 bath home, dates, LakeView 313-884-0600 Boaters dream! No ranch, 2 1/2 baths, den 1031 S Brys, Open OPEN Sat & Sun 1- 6 Schools, $109,000. 313- 313-886-3995 agents, (313)822-8319 FlOrida room, attached house, Sunday 1- 4, Custom built brick 640-4262, cash! con- or (313)821-2465. garage, large lot, cui de (313)886-1723 FOR Sale By Owner 121 ranch. BUilt In 1989. 2 ventional. Lothrop. Large ranch sac, $240,000 313-885- HARPER Woods- 18766 bedroom, pOSSible 3. Exceptional 3 bedroom, fight In the middle of Monday Noon deadline 8560 after 8pm Old Homestead. Three Master bedroom With 1 bath ranch situated on a Grosse POinte Farms (SUbject to change during bedroom brick ranch, 1 fireplace, 2 full ceramic beautifully landscaped $450,000 Open Sunday holidays) 1/2 baths, large family baths. Custom Merillat 100 x 170' private lot 3- 5. 810-774-0125 room, liVing & dining cabinets With bUllt-ins In Just a few of the fea- days, 313-885-8631, CASH RATE: 12 words $9.50 room, 2 fIreplaces With kitchen Cathedral ceil- tures of thiS home are evenings Each additional word $.65 • partially finished base- Ings With skylights, hard- Thousands of government natural fireplace, newer wood floors Extra block foreclosed and repossessed Windows, furnace, ce- FORECLOSED Govern- ment, lot 100x180 With basement, deck, extra properties being liqUidated thiS ment, 2 1/2 car garage ment homes Save up to privacy hedges, 28' month' For lists 10 your area deep lot across from golf Real Estate Resource ads, To preView this wonderful 50% or more on repos- pool, shed, 2 1/2 car at- CALL TOLL FREE' course $134,900 810- $9.25 per line home, JOin me at the sessed homes Llttle/ no tached garage & more 1 (800) 396-4247 293-7622 or 313-963- Call (313) 882.6900 Open House: down payment Bad $139,000 AppOintment 7980, ext 10 Fax (313)343-5569 Ext. 1721 April 20, 2. 4pm, credit ok 1-800-400- only (313)839-7029 6622, ext 640 BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom 19766 Woodland, Harper Woods, brick ranch, all new GOVERNMENT Fore- 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 300 HOUSlS FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE amenities 26730 Ursu- or contact closed homes from pen- line, St, Clair Shores Chrlstme Jurack, nies on $1 00. Delm- 810-777 -9204 Caldwell Banker quent Tax, Repo's, Schweitzer REO's Your Area Toll BEAUTIFUL 5 bedroom 313-813-2979 Free. 1-800-218-9000 English home, com- 15525 for a private shOWing' Ext H-5803 for current pletely renovated With listings Wmdmill neutral decor, large lot, and much more By F.M.D. Grosse Pointe Shores Pte. owner, $489,000 Call RC~ldentlal In~peclJOm 76 CoioniElI Road (313)882-6617 Code \ IOJallOn<;correcled By owner Prime locatIon Grosse Pointe Stately 3 bedroom ST. Clair Shores, com- Michigan State Licenses Park *Bullder.Plumblng* Colonial, attached garage, pletely updated 4 bed- .Mechanlcal. newly redecorated, room, 3 bath colonial $585,000 finished basement, central With 2 1/2 car attached Frederick M. Daboul air, large fenced yard, garage LIVing room, 313-881.2023 Extraordinary family home S( rupufou<;ly maintained) bpdroom, '3 1/2 bath move m condItion dining room, family room Grosse POinte Board Colonial WIth lull hC'droom and hath on flr<;t floor Uprlatf'd klt( hen and By appomtment With fireplace 1st floor of Realtors Member bathe; With ( orran (ountf'r<, (C'ntral air, 1 flrE'pla( ee; Pella wlndowe;, m,uble 313-881-m6 laundry Central air, WARREN: new ranch and foyC'r, (athC'dral (edlngC'd lamily room, hardwood f1oore; 2 (tH hC'ated basement Many extras Spilt level homes Wood- REAL estate clOSings, garage plue; dC'tcl(\)('<14 (,H g,JragC' With hpat, full bath, natural flrC'pl,l«(, $225,500 Open Sunday ed lots, corner of Com- Paul Gracey, Attorney at WondC'rful potC'ntlal for homC' e;tudlo, guC'e;thou<;c or Inlaw quarlpre; 1 00 to 400 (810)771- mon and Campbell Law 810-827-3390 or For sale by owner. 313-821-3424. 8808 Open dally, 1 to 5 313-885-9275

I I -- ...... I Thursday, April 17, 1997 YourHome Pa9_e_1_1__

800 HOUSES FOR SALE 803 CONDOS/APTSjFlATS 820 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES St. Clair Shores Riviera Terrace MACOMB COUNTY Visit our new OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 pm 2 bedroom, 2 bath Themed restaurant and 20666 Woodcrest, Condominium pizzeria In local mall To- Harper Woods. Custom Kitchen appliances home in mint tally new from ground up. Air conditioning, Car port Great opportUnity for expe- web site! condition, big rooms, new oak kitchen, 1 Y2 Move In condition rienced person. Well locat- baths, finIshed lower On Nautical Mile ed In hIgh traffiC entrance/ level, attached garage, Agent owner eXit area on park-like lot Open Sunday 1-4 JIM BOMMARITO $83,000. (810)774-2797 ASSOCIateBroker 2050 KENMORE, JUST LISTED Century 21 AAA Grosse POinte Woods (810)n2-8000 8 Mile & Kelly. Sharp all 803 LAKE/RIVER HOMES by City Hall Street! brick ranch, full ST. Clair Shores lakefront, TANNING! Beauty Salon- Mack. Cape Cod, 3 finished basement, bedrooms, 1 1/2 huge, queen sized 1,700 square foot home, Buy Now' Top Season I kitchen, big liVing 49' frontage, new sea Must sell. Only $29,900 baths, new carpeting, room, 1 12car garage. 1 wall ordered, $259,000, 810-469-1977 new painting, liVing year AHS warranty! no brokers, evenmgs, room With fireplace 2 One block off Kelly. (810)468-8666 car garage. $135,000 313-882-1414 Bon Realtors, Ine 809 LAKE/RIVER lOTS Carol "z" Koepplin 'Maps 810.114.8300 or 313.640.4514 ISLAND Property Chance DIAEC' LINE of a IIfetlmel You can own your own Island In of Oakland County, Water- 803 CONDOS/APTS/FLATS ford Township Have ab- solute privacy, your own Grosse Pointe beach, 533 acres of CLINTON Twp ranch style land, another small IS- condo. Private end unit. ~ - jand WIth geese and 2 bedroom, 2 bath, & swans. nesting every ONLY basement, 2 car attach- year' 11.67 acres of ed garage. Lots of up- Lake Bottom which grades. $127,900. 810- Harper Woods $35.00 means extended legal 412-0748 docks past water edge An access lot With OPEN Sunday, 2 to 5. bndge to the Island 3/4 Custom townhouse, fab- mile of VIrgin shoreline, only $1.95 YOU GET: ulous location, 679 Neff no neighbors to contend (in office) 15 words 3 bedrooms, 2 5 baths, With, beautiful pine coloniaL Natural fire- trees, pond and garden of copy place, new kItchen, area 810-228-7132, or completely redecorated 800-880-8080 Complete and a interior Central air, 812 MORTGAGES/LAND available ImmedIately, CONTRACTS Street Index photc! (We $189,900 Call 884-8932 for an appointment No PURCHASING sellers in- Typeset - agents terest In land contracts Municipalities Toll free Argo Realty no charge) 800-367 -27 46 SHORELINE EAST Churches Riverfront lUXUry 817 REAL ESTATEWANTED 8200 East Jefferson SIZE: 15TH floor-spacIous studiO CASH for east Side prop- Schools condo With view of erties No commiSSion, 1 Column DetrOit River & Downtown no clOSing cost, no re- 24 Hour valet, parkmg, pairs Fast clOSings. Recreation (1-1/2" x manned gatehouse Allied Real Estate Penthouse, lounge, (313)881-8373 Areas 2-1/2") sun deck and storage space $49,000 CLASSIFIEDS and more ... 313-824.4397 STARTYDUR DEADLINE: SEARCH HERE! Closes by mall ($2.50): - 320 BUSINESS 320 BUSINESS every OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES Grosse Pointe Newsl Monday at GREAT. Connection 96 Kercheval 12:00 p.m. HOME BUSINESS Ave. 7)i5courzl 7Jridal Grosse Pointe, Gros~ Pointe N~ws y:C~~), MI48236 ~\ CONNES.JloN L..-~~L-~L-L-L-L-L-L-L- >:~r;.~'~f c-'Seru/ces, J7nc. L..-L-L-L..-L-L..-L-L-L..-L-L..-L..- / n-:;-i~~, Territorit>s For Sale or call: lor Morc Illforll1<1llOn PIe

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" _:...;;_~. . April 20th • 2

",,'",,,h,-"",,,I" " ' \,"" ""," ",-"I, I'. 482 F' h - 4 p,m. h , ,,,'.:~,' :' '''.'' ,', IS ,,," .,_,I", " ",,"" .,,..,•..'""" \Ih d""''',,:'"" ,,,,,',: ", 0","",,,,,"I"'",h.,,, 781 L'oralneer Road .... Grosse Po,' t F "r--,,' ,,,""".1.\2 «'h"'~;''"'';""","''" "I",I""." 21131 Manchesler.. :: Grossen e Pointearms III I ~ Harper Woods

" ( ~ I . .."./,.,.,:/,.:/..,~rl,'"?~Jr.iJ-9 (JII II r ~ 82 Kercheval ~,:;/ ~rt {...l~. .. ",""I " :.,~I':/~,. ;. /. http://wwwre(.lroOn-tho-Hill" - ePointe" •.ar . a e tateon'"",.com m ...