A Community New~paper rosse Pointe News Vol. 52, No. 51 58 pages , Since 1940 50~ December 19, 1991

Photo'> b} John Mmnt<,

The Pointes are shining for Christmas again this year. Above. Dr. and Aglow Mrs. Douglas Ross have done an elegant job of decorating the historic Wardwell House (circa 11005)on Jefferson at Three Mile in the Park. It is tbe oldest brick bouse in tbe Paintes. for Right. top. the Eldridges in the Shores have a huge snowman drawing visitors and startling passersby on Lakeshore. Christmas Right. bottom. the Owens family on Brys east of Mack in the Woods went way out to have the most detailed Christmas decorations by far. New drunken driving laws bring sobering penalties By John Minnis If you're gUIlty and It's your pal Judge KIrsten Frank ASSistant Editor ended, you must go to the sec- If you are found guIlty of a are fined a maximum of $500 first drunken drIvmg offense, A typIcal first-tIme drunken The wt<;e

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PHONE (5171 792 0934 December 19, 1991 2A News Grosse Pointe News Bryant submits East Pointe secession bill; backers elated By John Minnis I-. nOlI "'OIlll'llllll'~ IX' IIlg Ion It't thl' CIO,ltl<1n~ 11'<1\1' thl.' Assistant Editor Woml.... ,lI1d (; Io,,~p POI ntt' Il-.ed by the parent cIty to IU"'lll " Ilh Ed ...t Dl'lIOit hl'l\III"l' lIlHOIl A 11111thelt Ilould pi midI' ,I Wood". F,IIIll .....CltV ,md P,1I k 1ll1l1l1talll the detached area I oil' I ...III t holt lit, 11\ N()\l'mh!.'1 Doug Allot, challlJ1'ln of the pi ol.l'dUll' 101 ~el.e~~wn of ,I "'pl' Wlthlll 70 to 120 d,IV~ .t pay the dppl ()\ I,d .I 11<11lIt' ,h,lIlge 10 E.I~t POlnh' Altel natlvt'''' COlJ1 uli, ,IIl',1 II 0111 Dl't IOlt II <1'"III t hI' "l'( t''''~lOn pl'llt IOn h. Wh<1t tht' hl'ck. ntv 111,I~ lIttll' lons m :. Thl-. bill tollll'''' ,It t Ill' lIght He "',lId the COlJ1llllttee l1lu>.t tl'~~ to 610 d,n ~ tlll1t" hI' "',lId It till' Rdtlt 11'111ll ~O\el nillent mu"t ,1I"l1 the bIll l'Ovel"mg what the new Hou~l' Bill 5401 \\ould ,lIlml 110\\ \\ 01 k to con" mCI' lChool ...1,ltl'''' ,lIld II'pLlblle ... till' old 1'1'" to . to wllte to Dl'trOlt ~ ed~t ~Idl' ,I]ong I\1dl.k The new clty\ election mu~t dl"tnct bound anI's are covered pip 111 .Ill .111'.101 till' (Ill / ...Lltl' n'ple-..ent<1hvp" dlld ~en<1 A,enul' If . t hat the difficulty gettmg passed," but It Ildt I (Ill 1111\ not Il'l t 1ll'1Il lotI,') tUIV to (on~ldpl deldlhmg from "'lOn l.dll ... It"l'lf thl' Kht POInte Thl' pI opo~ed E.1~t Po lilt e p,ll ent Clt\ must tm novel .Ill doe.. pI oVidI' a good startmg \\, d 11 t \1 lill .1 \ IIgo ...I,l1 1.1 ,I lit, 11 It nll'l'l~ t hI' foUO\, mg , Altl'lndtlI1'~ l'01l11l1ltt, l II hllh at I'd I" 5 I "'4u.1I I' mill'''' ,IIlU mUl1Iupdl plOpert) III the .It pomt 101 diSCUSSIOn, he Said ~1'11\T I \\h'll thl &'lh ... ll(lnl Il'qulIl'lllenh campi I"l'~ 4.3.072 11'~l(ll'nh. fected ar I'd to the new City, m HB 5401 IS currently III the 111~ Il''''~ thdl1 20 pel Cl'nt 01 17,67J hou"'l'hold ... and I .J50 dudlllg I'qulpment tOImellv to\\ n~ and countIes commIttee tht' pdlent t'l1\ '.., popUldtlOll, bU~llle-.<,e" Thl' .11I'd h bounded 2) compll~'" Ie..,,, thdl1 20 pel b) Balfoul. Ht'dtOl d ,lIld Hdl e-. Il'llt of the p,lIl'nt ,ltV'~ drea lU lhl' \le ...l. 1\(.11\ lu !lit' llOllh, .3)dt least 20 pell.ent 01 the so1)~"WHAT'S GOING ON? '&6 KlIl~..,ton to t hI' 1'.1~t ,lIld lIr1.lck dtll'ded lesldellb .,Ihm d ,*'1'1''' to the ~ollth It bOl<11'1~ B,II pel The Grosse Pointe South Class of IlJX6 '''1011 pt'tltlOn is celehrating its 5 year ReLlnion rosse Pointe - -- J :\EW DATE: PLACE: GrosseIbint~ News .FAX Saturday Gro~~L' POlllte HUllt Club (USPS 230.400) COpy ...,"""IJ~< Ikcclll ht:r ~X, 19l) I ())) Cook Road. (i P \\'o(ld~

....1 '""I 'nd • .:I~t" Published every Thursday 39$ fISher Rood TI VIF: (dO p.m. ./ COST: Sl:'i per Pl'r~OIl 8867644 ">1")0 Adl1IIl011lll1 By Anteebo Publishers l t ~...... 1?1~f'''' S::'O ;11 (hc door ------96 Kercheval Avenue CO\TACT CARRIE SS5,~599OR SE\D CHECK TO 5~1 L1\COL\ (;.P. ~S2J(I Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 PHONE: 882-6900 Second Cia .. PosI'ge p"d .1 Delro'l, Mlc~lgan and add,llon.1 m.i1,ng off,ce5 SUb'coptlon R.tes $24 per ye., VI' "PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE" m"I, $26 ool-o( stale POSTMASTER Send address ch.ng~ 10 Grosse POl nle News, 96 SUITS • SPORT COATS .OUTERCOATS Kerc~ev.l. Gro,se Pomle ~.rms, MI 48236 • ALL IN STOCK SUITS, FALL SPORT COATS The de.dllne (0' news copy 15 Monday (EXCEPTING NA VY BLAZERS) AND TAILORED OUTER COATS noon to Insure ,nsertlon AdvertISIng copy (0' Section "a" must be In I~e advertiSIng departmenl by noon on Mond.y The deadline fo' .dvert'Sing copy for Sections A & C " Now20% OFF* Shines in memory 1030. m Tuesday CORRECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS, THROUGH DECEMBER 24 Thousands of tiny lights are again sparkling for the RE5fXl"SIbo IIty for dlspl.y and c1assrlied holiday season through the branches of the 40-foot tree .m..rt"jng error " lImited 10 etther c.n next to Cottage Hospital. This year they shine in mem- cellallOn at lhe charge for or a re !\In d ory of Elise M. Fink, the honorary trustee of Cottage Hos- lhe portion In error NoI,focatlOnmust be g'''''' on I,me for com!etlOn In lhe 101 pital who died in October and for whom the annual tree lOWIng l!SUe. V\t> assume no reponslbol was created. Ityof the same .fterlhe rr", ,nsertlon The Elise M. Fink Christmas tree has brought a glow to The G"""" Po< nte ~ reieN<5 lhe ngllt not 10 aca!p adYertl5ef" onJer 17140KERCHEVAL. GROSSE POINTE • 882-8970 the hospital and the HilI area since 1988 when it was .n Grosse Po",le News alM!I1lS1ng I'l!p'I!'- BEGINNING DECEMBER 16 adomed by her family as a lasting tribute and in cele- .."."lalr\IA: hoil... no .aullonry 10 buld IhfS bration of ber 50th year of service as an active trustee newspape< '00 only pu'ol'calron at .n MON-FRJ 10-9 SAT 10-5'30 SUN 12-5 and an honorary board member of Cottage Hospital. alNertlll!menl sh.1l CIOr'5lllute final 'CCI!JlIance d the .dveI1l ...... onJer • SALES FINAL

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,:3< t ", See thc va'>t (ollcellon of fashion u :: ~~ ,- earring" - the style" of today, ~ ,' } , .' ." edmund t. AHEE jewelers Shopp,ng fo, yourself or that someone special,s easy with our I ,-" 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods Christmas motif collection of gifts. Available in our Ladies, Boys ,{ " and Mens Departments , . 886-4600 " 17140 KERCHEVAL. GROSSE POINTE • 882-8970 ~ " ," VrSAlMASTERCARD Holiday Hours Man . Fri 10-9, Sat till 5 30. Sunday 12.5 AMERICAN EXPRESS " Holiday Hours: Mon, - rrl, 10-9, Sat. 10-7 Sun. 10-6 I :;r/'

• .: December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Martinuzzi honored for innovative work 2 Woods officials given bonuses Chl'hter E Petersen, Groh::.e Petel hen Wd" awarded By Ronald J. Bernas Pomte Wood~ city ddmlnlhtra $5,000, the hlgheht amount Staff Wnter tor clerk, and ClIflord Malson, that the Wood;, lIty admmlstra- Although she'::. only been ,. t • ; 't city comptroller, were awarded tOl clerk may relel ve as a bo- teachmg for five years, Don . ~~ , bonuhes by the cIty wuncd on nu;, MaNlIl receIved $1,250 Martinuzzi ha" receIved the Monday 1991 Learmng Dlsabdltle::. As- {-~ k~ The ca"h bonuseh al e for out The bonu'>e~ wdl be paId thIS soclatlon of MIchIgan Award of .Nt, ,>tandlng Job performance month ,~.... EXl.-ellencefor her leadership ,f and creatIvIty In teaching the * learlllng dl::.abled In Grosse .4 t ~ POinte MartlnUZl.l, who teacheh ::.peechpathology at Maire and 11ombly schools was nominated I) by the GIOSse Pomte chapter of LOA ,J , ,... III the nommatmg letter, the fi- • MAGTURBO A ¥- ,~ leKal LDA chapter saId Marti )- Exercise Stand nual 'hds consistently gone '1' A Great Gift for beyond the reqUIrements of her -t" J Job to plovlde these ::.tudents ,l#'~ rtfI>\' if . Mom WIth cl total learning expen '~ ~ l' ', ence, not lImited to the class 95 room She has provIded leader ~ $99 Reg. $16tr shIp and edcuatIOn to both "'-<. ,. pdrenb dnd her teachmg col. Open 7 Days A Week Now thru Christmas leagues so that students' learn. : ill/; JU HU' euJ w the dd::>::> Dori Martinuzzi I~ room but IS made a part of the 884-BIKE ~ fabnl of theIr day" [.1 18401 E. WARREN ~ MartllllUZI was honored at a MON-SAT 11-6 DETROIT SUN. 12-5 ~ • recent GlOsse Pointe school drill and practIce - she began successful that It was expanded school Another program, called " board meetmg workmg With students m the - With the help of LD teacher PrImary Steps, is offered to 7- Her innovatIve teaching style classroom But she dIdn't slm Deb Sutherland - mto "Lan- and 8-year-olds. • emerged almost llnmedlately ply drIll her students, she gave guage In ActIon," a summer She has also reduced the • upon bemg hIred by the Grosse them pragmatic language les- program offered through Grosse practice of pulhng students out • Pomte schools after earnmg her sons Pomte Commumty EducatIOn of theIr regular classrooms to ~ undergraduate degree from "I help them With the skIlls whIch focuses on students be- work on speech. Instead, she • MIchIgan State Umverslty and that we all develop along the tween the ages of 9 and 13. works on speech problems in her master's degree In speech way, but many LD kIds don't," "I take the students out mto the classroom, integratIng the language pathology from East- MartInuzzl said "Things hke the communIty to help them speech lessons With the stu- ern MIchigan Umverslty mamtaInmg eye contact, under- develop skllls that we take for dents daily lessons, makmg DIssatIsfied with the way standing slang, USIng a tele- granted, hke gomg out to lunch everythIng more mearungful for speech and language problems phone These are the kind of and ordering from a menu, the student were dealt With - pulhng stu- skills that are necessary to be gomg to the grocery store - we "I think that's where our dents out of thelf classrooms taught." even went to a teleVISIOnsta- field IS going," she saId. mto an Isolated speech room for The teachmg method was so tIOn and talked to people about MartmuzzI, who's 28, said their jobs," she saId. she has always wanted to be a teacher, probably because her Not only does the class assIst parents are teachers Council divvies jobs ~tudents WIth then SOCIalskills, "I grew up seemg the effect::. It helps them mamtaIn self es- they had on chIldren," she said (ill",,,e PVlIlte Wood~ city and recleatlOD committee teem and elimInates the back "And when I went to college I lOunlilmember~ have lecelved CounCIlwoman Jean RIce WIll slide most students expenence realIZed that my focus needed their comml::'SlOn and commit serve on the tree COmffiJSSIOn, dunng the summer. to be in special education. I felt tee assignments for the upcom- the semor cItIzens commission, "George EddIngton (dIrector I could help them. mg year the assessment committee, the of community educatIOn) took "I was extremely honored by CommIssions are made up of envIronmental compliance com- us on when we weren't really the award. It was such a sur- sure how It was gomg to work, a gJ oup of reSIdents and a mIttee, and as chaIr of the pub- prise. There are many, many councJl representative, and lic relatIOns committee, the sen- and he's kept asking us back deserving people for thiS award meet once a month Commit- ior cItIzens committee, and the every year," she said I get an incredible amount of tees are composed of two coun- compensatIOn and evaluation Martinuzzi also helped start support from Sue Klein (direc- ,-,lnlembt-." and Mayu. Rubert commIttee a summer ennchment program tor of special educatIOn for the E Novltke, and meet only -Dunna Walker for children age 3 to 6 whose dIstrict), from the other LD when there are Items to be dis- speech or language problems teachers and from the parents put them at nsk of faIlure m cussed and the LDA associatIOn" New I ' uncllman James Alog delis WIll serve on the cable tel eVlSlon board, the parkmg com- mISSIOn, the pubhc relations ldllumttee the pubhc safety 1Oll111uttee,and dS chaIr of the parkmg commIttee CounCIlman Ted BIdlgare \\ Jll -*1 ve on the pen~lOn board, APPRECIATION SALE the GIu~se Pomte Chnton Re fu'>e DIsposal Authonty board, the heautIfication commission, 50% OFF ON EVERYTHING the m~Ulance commiSSion, the JUdllidl liaison commIttee, the HOUDAY HOURS: bedutliilatlOn committee, the Three Great Companies All In One Location! p,lI l-.." dnd recreatIOn commIt- We'll Be Open Sunday, Dec. 2210 a.m.• 5 p.m. il We are dedicated to you,. the Crosse Pointe Consumer. tee, and as chaIr of the assess- Monday. Saturday 10 am .• 6 P m. Ji ment commIttee ~ 20445 Mack Ave .• G.P.W. • 886.2050 ~ • Additions Councllman BIll WIlson wIll • Garages serve on the Grosse POInte K~~tIM~~~~riA'~~lW*~~ • Dormers • Recreation Rooms Clmton Refuse DIsposal Au • Kitchens • All types of thonty, the histoncal commIS • Bathrooms Extenor Siding SlOn, the planmng commIssion, beautIficatIOn commIttee, park • Windows mg commIttee, pubhc works committee, and as chaIr of the ~--:- -.-MOTOR CITY pubhc safety committee and planmng committee ~ -MODERNIZATION CouncJlman Thomas Fahrner Will serve on the Commumty 777.4160 Development Block Grant References Available board, local officers compensa tlOn commiSSIOn, constructIOn commIttee, semor CItIzens com mlttee plannmg commIttee, and as chan of the JudiCial IIal son commIttee and the Mayor's inte Mack Avenue Busmess Study ElldO' IHOPPIIiI Committee CounCIlman Peter Gllezan III 'OUR 0'111 CO. WIll serve on the recreatIOn COmmUIIIT' comml'>SlOn, compensatIOn and evaludtlOn lommlttee, the May or's Mack Avenue Bu::.meSh Extended Holiday Extraordinary rooms begin With superior Study Committee, and as chall Shopping Hour" at cuslom cabl nets from Quaker Maid of the con~tl uctIOn commIttee, 777-3844 finance commIttee, the newly over 40 stores fOJmed envIronmental comph ance committee, and the parks Monday through Friday IUl9p.m. Saturday till5:30 p.m. .~ Rotary fruitcakes Sunda} 12.5 p.m. , ~ fhe Hotdl)' Club of Harper _P_o_i_n_t_e_li';_i_n_d_o_w_s_I n_c_. _.~ Woods IS sellmg three-pound J~i Ben;,on frUitcake" for $10 and • Distinctive SelectIons For All Your Window Needs Ben"on pound ldke~ for $7 • Convenient Parking 22(;31 Harper, St Clair Shores P/(>(;{'cd",\ ill 11, I,> the needy • Personalized Service The' "11 , lIJdblc at the 772.8200 • Free Sunday Parking ~",~tld!ld :VI,,] Hdrber Shop, NINE MILE Hdrper W"od" ( 1t) Hall or any throughout the Village I Rotandll III Harpi'l Woods » F'or lllformatlOn. call AI • :Il I "'U ThlJm, chalrm,lIl. at 790 6600 THOSE WHO CHERISH AUTHENTICITY TEND m 3' or John MacMahon at 882 5697 TO LOOK DOWN ON ANYTHING LESS. :Il at SqUIer Sa"h & Screen Co at [J] The Grone Pointe Villa e Auoclati;-- [a EIGHT MILE H,ll"J>('r and Allard

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.'CI~O. TEC•lite.

PHONE (517) 792 0934 December 19. 1991 4A News Grosse Pointe News The dreaded 'List' VILLAGE We don't really know who shot JFK other wants zip fly only. There IS only one brand name We don't really know who shot Martm Luther Kmg acceptable and the tag must be red, not orange. The We don't really know how Manlyn Monroe dIed. Jeans must never be stone-washed; we do thIS ourselves We'll probably never know exactly what transpIred and turn everything in SIght blue untIl the desired between Anita HIll and Clarence Thomas shade IS achIeved). And I don't think I really care to know the details of • TIes (the conservatIves are stIll m reSIdence, no MARKET what is purported to have gone on between WIlliam flowers yet, keep it qUIet and safe, a stnpe or foulard SERVICE Kennedy SmIth and the "alleged vIctIm." WIll do nIcely.) OUR GROSSE POINTES' ONLY What Ido know is that Iam exceedmgly grateful • MUSIcal selectIOns - ThIS IS absolutely forbIdden SPECIALTY FULL SERVICE HOME that all the hostages have been released, that we will telTltory No parent should attempt to purchase mUSIC DELIVERY THATS LESS probably learn considerably more than we have known GROSSE for hIS or her chIld without a specific hst In hand. EXPENSIVE FOR about the condItIOns of theIr internment, and that ThIS could go on and on, but Ithmk you get the gist. POINTE FARMS there will always be a good portIOn of InformatIon to Parents tell theIr chIldren that they have everything OVER 36 YEARS which we WIll probably never gain access they need, whIch IS no help at all because you know I am grateful, too, to live In a country where I have the parents will spend tWice as much time trymg to the freedom to turn off the televIsIOn and to make find the perfect present. chOIces Iam able to watch the sudsy soaps or dIsh the One encouragmg note - I recently read that large DQOBe?~~ dllt WIth the clowns m Palm Beach gems are out. Thank goodness we don't have to buy 'J What I do know IS that there are only a precious few five carat stones for the kiddles Even theIr peers w1l1 days left untIl Chnstmas. The chanty checks went out know that httler clusters for rmgs will be m thIS year. ()l?~~l?t) ~~rJ~ e..llly enough to be used for the holIdays, the food wIll Now we can all sleep agam' be prepared at the last mmute, as IS always the case at My common sense tells me that although the hst is our house (Just part of the happy confusIOn) However, mcomplete and sketchy at this pomt, it is tIme to HOI.'DA Y FRENCH CHAMPAGNES It IS long past tIme that Iconsult "The List." You tackle it. If old patterns contmue, we will still be buy- Dam Perignon •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••$69.00 know the one I mean, the list WIth all the specIfics m mg stocking stuffers at zero hour Santa's workshop m Taittinger Brut La Francaise ...... $23.79 parentheses A samplmg follows' our h(luse will have to be cleaned to make wa} for • ShIrtS (natural fibers only, please no blends, only house guests and we are hopeful that thIS fact WIll MumM's Cordon Rouge NN ••••••••$21.19 100 percent cotton acceptable) spur us on. Mumm's Extra Dry $17.49 • Sports ShIrts Gogos can mclude polo players and al- If Ipass you on the street and neglect to greet you, Moet White Star $19.99 lIgators, arms must not be fitted, but hang loose, please forgIve me. I have pressing matters on my mmd smooth hsle preferred over mesh hsle.) and am not responsible for my manners m December. I Moet Brut NN $22.99 • Boxer shorts (always 100 percent cotton, natch). will allow you the same latitude and we can laugh to- Piper Heidsieck Extra Dry $19.69 • Sneakers, gym shoes - An entIre chapter could be gether in January. These purchases are extremely Im- wrItten here. If we use our shoes for tenms, we don't portant. After all, entIre reputations can be ruined by ANDRE NEW! want runmng shoes, or jogging shoes, or walking a parent's poor choice m clothmg for hIS child. CHAMPAGNE EDEN ROC shoes. We may want hIgh-tops regular, canvas or And maybe, just maybe, some year we can do it "my leather. The chOIces are endless. way," just the meaningless stuff and deck the halls. I Brut. Blush. Cold CHAMPAGNE • Blazers (all wool, no synthetics, not short-cropped, do admit I go overboard on the decorations. Get ready, Duck. Extra Dry Extra Dry $294 long and swingy). get set, go - listen to the piped Christmas music, $229 SAVE and Brut • Skirts (either very long or very short). smile at your fellow shoppers, drop a few coms in the $1.70 SAVE $2.05 • Shoes - Don't even bother; they have to be tried prof erred cups and have a good time on and my taste simply wouldn't cut it. - From the loft INGLENOOK' CHg~~~&NE • Blue jeans (one wants nothing but button fly, an- 3 Liters Brut Extra Dry. Blush • All of Cro... Grand A•• erv. Point.'. 39 favorite. $6 $293 White $ 59 2 Pointe coast guardsmen recognized lIuy • .....• "d flO' • $12.00 Nbot,. '.wa", Zinfandel • Mm .r"",,oy through 1M .... 11.o.ta".I" 7 tM ., ...... Two U S coast guardsmen, The medals are the highest The JupIter exploded and salme m Its tanks when the both Grosse POInte Park reSI- lIfesavmg awards bestowed by caught fire Sept. 15 at the To- fire started Ftrefightmg efforts SEBASTIANI GREAT WESTERN dents, were recognized recently the Coast Guard tal Petroleum wharf on the Sa- contmued for two days, during CHAMPAGNE for their "heroic" efforts to con- Daley and Spitzer were ginaw River. Of the 18 crew- which the fIres re-Ignited and COUNTRY WINES Brut and Extra Dry tam a fire and damage result. among 400 people from three men on board, 17 were rescued more explosions occurred. The mg from the explOSIon of the dozen private, federal, state and one drowned. nver was closed to vessel traffic In li: tankershlp Jupiter Bay CIty and local agencies who partici- for several weeks during the including~~:~r.$599 49 last September pated In the mutual-aid re- The Jupiter had about 13 salvage operation, which lasted Chardonnay SAVE SAVE Capt Tom Daley, command- sponse to the JupIter explosion. mIllIon gallons of unleaded ga- SIX weeks. $4.00 $6 $3.00 mg officer of the Coast Guard's "If the Coast Guard had a Manne Safety Office at the foot medal for teamwork," Daley CARLO ROSSI ~OUIS.JADOT of Mount EllIOtt In DetroIt, reo saId, "everyone lIl.volved m the Give a little piece !:; - 4 Liter All 'tYpes FRENCH WI,rfES cel"ed the Meritonous ServIce JupIter operatIon would get Beaujolais Village I Medal, and Lt. Cmdr. Jim $ one I have never WItnessed ofyour heart." Macon Blanc Village Spitzer, executive officer of Dal- such outstanding cooperation 789 GIVE 10 THEUNlTED~- Chardonnay ey's umt, received the Coast Everyone Involved knew theIr Guard Commendation Medal. job and did it well " SAVE $3.50 HARVEY'S White Zintandel Sauvlgnon Blanc BRISTOL CREAM HELP FEED THE HUNGRY WOMEN SAVE $2.00 Chardonna,. $389 ~:~;'I.39 • Free yourself from growth-Inhibiting behlilVlor. Cab.rnet Sauvlgnon $8 $4.00 Buy a Case of Food • Discover new ways to cope SAVE $2.00 • Heal the frightened child Within you. • Overcome feelings of powerlessness KORBEL KENDALL .JACKSON • Individual therapy Brut. Extra Dry. Brute Chardonna" Cebemet Rose. SAVE $3.00 Sauvlgnon Blanc and New • Experienced female therapist, MSW/CSW $829 Plnot Nolr Natural $929 SAVE 69 886-1792 Extrem. Dr, $8 SAVE $3.00 $4.00 CHANDON STOCK Brut and VERMOUTH Blanc De Noir Sweet or Dry Use thl .. coupon to Help Feed the Hungry Gleaner" 750 ml_ SAVE $2.90 Community Food Bank will u..e your donatIOn .. to purcha<;e the ca ..e" of food you <;elect and dl"tributc them at no cost to FOOTWEAR GIFTS FOR HIM $1O~~VE $4.00 $3°9 over 180 ..oup kitchens, church pantnc .., and emergency <;heller<;. ATIDCKEYS BOLLA GLEN ELLEN VALPOLICELLA, Chardonnay. d-~"~ The most famous BARDOLlNO, Cabe.,..t Sauvlgnon INDICATE THE NUMBER OF CASES OF EACH ITEM ------Ii "''''~ name in slippers .. SOAVE, 750 mi. $369 a EVANSH YOU WISH TO BUY FOR THE HUNGRY World dllSS hand sewn footwear CHARDONNAY SAVE $2.30 Choose from our fine selection of 750 mi. SAVE ( ) Ca<;tleberry Beef Stew $14 06 ca<;e ~ WhIt, ZInIanMI, See our PENNY MOCS, TASSELS and KILTIES. DRFSS MOCS or CASUALS $2.40 $4 IauvIgnoIIIlIInc, ~ ( ) Bu"h\ Deluxe Pork & Bean.. $10 85 Cd..e collectlon of 59 haujoIaIs, ..... $329 ( l Star KI<;tChunk Light Tuna $4000 ca ..e leather sale GNnIcIIe SAYE S1.70 ( ) Kroger Peanut Butter $18 00 Cd"e or soft padded DOURTHE ROUND HILL ( ) Welch \; Grape Jelly $19 35 ca"e cushIon sales. FRENCH $569 Chardonnay & $4 ( ) RdgU Old World Style SpaghettI SJuce $20 44 ea<;e TABLE WINES Cabernet Sauvignon 99 ( ) Healthy ChOIce Chicken Noodle Soup $14 40 ca<;e 1.5 Liter SAVE$3.00 750 mi. SAVE$2.00 ( ) Kroger In ..tant Potatoe... $14.03 ca<;e MARCUS .JAMES BEST VALUE ( ) Beech Nut Baby Food $ 7 20 ca<;e Woodlore -~~»-- 50 FRANZIA ( ) JUIcy JUice 1Grape JUICC) 'f;12 81 ca<;e ~~:::~:~,a~lte2 $6 For the health ofhls shoes .. Zinfandel, & FOR 5 Liter $7 ( ) Sun ..hlnc HIHo Deluxe CrJcker... $25 50 ca ..e Trees of the finest Zintande' 750 mi. All Types 69 $2.00 mall.'n rebate avallab'e OX Wine SAVE $3.30 ( ) S-M-A Infant Formula $24 86 ca<;c aromatlc cedar. ( ) Krogcr TOd<;tedOJt .. Cerc,ll $16 50 ca<;e BLOSSOM HILL GALLO CLASSIC'S All Flavor. 0 1.5 Liter Gle,mcr, ,.dul," lhe dbOle 100d mllu'ln .''''1\. I"t" for Ihelr Imohem,nl In our ,onllnlll'd dl,)fh 10 Help fced thc Hun!!f\ 59 Enclo ..cd '" my check In the dmount of $ _ _ _ for SAVE $6 _ ca ..e(5.) of food .1 .. .1 tdX dcductlble contnbutlon to $3.40 Gleaner ...Community food Rink to Help f'ced the Hungry GALLO VERMOUTH COOKS CHAMPAGNE Name Sweet & Dry Brut, Blu .... and $229 Spumant. $399 Addrc .... SAVE $1.00 4 Packa SAVE$2.00 Clty/Stdtc/lip Pled..,C m.lke check .. payJble to GIc,lncr.., CommunIty f'ood SINCE 1900 PAUL MASSON CASCADIA SPARKLING WATER Bank and mdll With thl .. coupon to 2 J ~ I BC.luf,lIt. DetrOIt. 3 Liter KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE Regular or 2 MichIgan 48207 All Flavor. HOLIDAY HOURS Man -Fn 10-9, Sat tillS 30, Sun 12-5 Calorie Diet SAVE 59 Mastercard 882.3670 Visa $3.40 $6 All Flavors "~J- •• J or more mfOrllMtlon ldll (\11) 92~ 1';1" "'" 99~ 32 oz.


'rI December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News SA

18328 Mack Avenue • In The Farms ft!te Prices In Effect FOR YOUR SHOPPINGCONVENIENCE WInes Open Monday through Saturday , VILLAGE FOODMARKET • flU]' uors 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. December 19 20 21 22 23 24 Will be open SUnday,~cember 22nd , , , " and 29th Noon till S p.m. For A Melnorable Christll1as Dinner May We Suggest ••• ~ All Cut From Our Lazy-Aged U.S.D.A. Prime and Choice Beef! • Filet Mignon • Crown Roast of Pork or Lamb • Choice Rib Roast • Honey Baked Hams (The trim is oven. ready) Spiral Cut. Whole or Half Full Line of French Dressed • New York Strip Roast • Beef Tenderloin CAPONS. DUCKS. TURKEYS • Rolled Rib Roast (Easy to cook, easy to carve only the heart of the center) • USDA CHOICE FRESH ~:J', " STANDING r---. --~~-~ 8~~~ .. )) .. .' RIB ROAST COFFEES '<;: - - - -.' - \::~--,"9)' -. ---~I'- i' ~r;::t~l, CENTER CUT FRESHLY ROASTED AND CUSTOM GROUND TO Ib. FRESH, FROZEN, PEELED & DEVEINED $8&9 (,i.!! <~'L~ LOIN YOtlR IIEEDS. COFFEE QRIIIDI!RS IIOW SHRIMP 26-30 ct. lb. L}(~\-r:-~~,\ AVAJLAa .... FRESH TRY OUR OWN HOUSE BLEND AVAILAJlLE III $899 f: 't'~~>/.PORK CHOPS RIGULAR OR DECAF. ASK ABOUT OUR COFFU SWORDFISH STEAKS lb. CLUB MEMBERSHIP CARDS FOR FRU COFFU. VILLAGE'S COCKTAIL SAUCE '7g~ 1/2 pint VILLAGE BLEND $32~ PEPSI 2 LITER 7 UP 2 Liter Reg. & Diet VILLAGE BLEND $359 All Products DECAFFEINATED lb. GINGER ALE 0~;-~"'./~ ALL OUR 13 $ 99 WALKER'S ~~~.j SAUSAGE VARIETIES 1 Ib. PURE BUTTER 93~dep. 89~+ dep. ~ ASSORTEDSHORTBREAD Pepper and Onion, Swedish, German, In Holiday Tin COKE Country, Sweet Italian, Hot Italian, Polish, 26 3/4 oz. CANADA DRY 2 Liter CANADA.. 1 Liter, Soda, Tonic & ALL PRODUCTS Regular Breakfast Links, English Bangers, Imported From Scotland ¥ Diet Tonic, Ginger Ate. •~ Sparkling Water, Maple Sugar Links, Wine and Cheese, Italian CARR'S CRACKERS Lemon, Lime, 69'- HEAT EAT Raspberry " IN' Table Water,Sesame,pepper'99" Savory, Whole Wheat or , + dep. MEAT OR VEGETABLE ~m • YOUR CHOICE package PERRIER LASAGNA MINERAL WATER , C.F. BURGER FROM OUR DELI DEPARTMENT RYE BREADS EGG HOG ALE TO~IC 691/. TURKEY BREAST $5.49 LB. v." thin Dijon ~e, Regular or Res. & Diet " F8Oftih,Aye. CI... lc. Light Soda 1 Liter + dep DOMESTIC SWISS CHEESE $3.29 LB. Pumpemtcket, Custard $159 RELISH SALAD $1.29 LB. SeedlessRye, 99- YOUR COKE 8 oz ~trnas C:0rnrneft'lorative 1 lb. LOIIf t . BOHles Available :.",,-...- ~ Complete line of party Until Dec.31.t CHOICE q • OLYMPIA STROH'S .~. ." trays for the Holidavs """ BERNEA CARDINI 24 PACK BEER SIGNATURE ~ ~ S::u:'':M Original $1 ~--. Cans 24 Pack Bottles -.. ~... 69 59 ~' Light CAESAR $699 $1 2 " ~ rc 69te16 oz. DRESSING each - 5°0 ::~It: 1 + dep. $759 F1.... LCO.T

.C'-h..~ ENTREE RED OVAL FARMS • +HP ~r::,... SALE • STONEDWHEAT Labatt'sBlue. ~ - '"'" THINS WHOLE WHEELS OF BRIE 2.2 Ibs •••••••••••••••••••••$7.99 • Green Bean Mushroom • Turtcey Tetrazzllll 11:' • ~ Wheat Crackers 24 Pac k B0ttl es .p~C:S~uGralln :~~~~ • 10.6 oz. Regular or Light WESPRIDE CHEESE WEDGES Pre-Packaged .ComSoume • FenUQf1IAlfredo --..r:---rc. $1 S9 $1239 PISTACHIO, CHEDDAR, CHAAfPAGNE ••••$3.98 piece • Spmach Souffle • Chili con carne wJBeans tj"- 'lv ' : / v • CreamedNoodles RomanoflSpmach 'ChNoadlCkeniesChowMetnwlo ~ + dep. WESPRIDE CHEESE WEDGES Pre.Packaged :~P= :~~~en&NoadIes COCKTAIL SAUCE EVIAN CHEDDAR, SWISS, PORT WINE $3.98 piece • New England Clam Chowder • SwedISh Mealbals fH! $119 Water from the $1 9 0 :~:ac:~::: :~~~sauce ~ French Alps 1 RIGIHAL $2 SPEAS :~'::=:~rOIe .Ctuc:kenala tGngw/R1Ge 12 oz. 1.Sliter POPPYCOCK 59 FROZEN $ 09 00 YOUR CHOICE 3 FOR$4 CARA.MIA BREMNER WAFFER :=:;~i:=~::" 8 oz. APPLE JUICE 1 , th G .... butter crunch 12 oz. can Tortlla Grande Meatloaf Marinated 89~ n e reen. In FoestaLAsagna Beef Tips Noadles Artichokes jar $429 BIRDSEYE VILLAGE FOOD MARKET SalISbury Sleak Baked ChICken Breast $1 Spaghetti & Meatbals ChICken Pam1I9rana FARMFRESH 29 SPECIALPACKED Homestyle ChICken & Roast TU rl


PHONE (517) 792 0934 can parents who read regularly to their children. A Yule plea: Overall, the report emphasizes that in. tervention m the early years could save • • funds required by remedial actiVIty in Provide help later years. And it calls for support not only from parents and educators but from for ALL kids pinion business, industry and e'len teleVIsion. It wants employers to give parents two paid days off every year so they can visit ossePOinters often say that our children in day care centers and meet ost precious resource IS our chIld. with teachers. It urges the TV networks ren. Our behef In that statement ru In Michigan, the report says, 27 percent very bottom of the agenda with grave to offer at least one hour of preschool edu. explains Grosse POinte's generous support of the children are not ready to start consequences for the future of the na. cational programming each week. And it for its public schools and commumty pro. school. That statistic fortunately puts this tIon." recommends that shopping malls provide grams that benefit children state well above the national average of So what needs to be done? "ready to learn" centers at which child- Yet natIOnally the Umted States is not 35 percent and Just shghtly higher than The commission recommends a wide ren could learn and play. dOing enough to support preschoohng, the pace-setting 23 percent reported in range of actions. Just to improve health Such recommendations deserve careful health care and other programs that North Dakota and 24 percent in MInne- care, nutrition and preschools, it calls for consideratIon and several of them - such make It possIble for thIs great natIOnal sota and Connecticut. spending almost $20 million in the next as improvement in health care and ex- resource to be fully developed. The report by the Carnegie Foundation decade to expand programs such as Head pansion of Head Start programs - surely At Chnstmas, It's approprIate to take a finds that chIldren are burdened by poor Start preschools and the Federal Women, warrant support evea before the entIre look at a new report that cites the needs health care, overworked or inattentive Infants and Children nutritIOnal supple- package IS studied in Washmgton. - and ways to meet them parents, scarce chlld-care and pre-school ments to reach more ehgible families. The report does not suggest ways to A ne\\ survey of 7,000 kindergarten opportumties, unsafe neighborhoods, It recommends placing "ready-to-Iearn teachers by the Carnegie FoundatiOn for raise the bilhons that its recommenda- mindless TV programs and Isolation from clImes" in every poor area to offer health tions would cost over the next 10 years. the Advancement of Teaching finds that adults. and educatIOn services. It proposes nation- But it does call for leadership which our 35 percent of all youngsters entering kin- Under these Circumstances, IS it any Wide parent education programs as well "education president" to date has exer- dergarten are unprepared to learn wonder that American youngsters, once as a national parents' guide to school CIsed chIefly in proposing the restructur. Even worse, 42 percent of the teachers they start school, do not measure up to readmess. mg of public schools WIthout facmg up to say children are less ready to learn now the performance of students enrolled in It recommends other measures to at. the many needs of our children that can than they were five years ago. The teach. schools In Western Europe and Japan? tack such problems as the small propor- only be met by programs that cost money. ers add that most chIldren lack the skills "America IS lOSing sight of its child- tion of low-mcome American children - This ChriRtmfl8 8t>8SOn would bE' an ap- In vocabulary and sentence structure to ren," the report says. "In deciSIOns made only 40 percent - who attend preschools propriate time for President Bush to succeed In school. every day we are placing- them at the and the even smaller proportion of Ameri. broaden his perspectives.

EDITORIAL CLASSlFlED DISPLAY ADVERTISING CREATIVE SERVICES Robert G. Edgar 882-0294 882-6900 882.3500 AND PRODUCTION PublISher Pal Paholsla J Ben,...un Guillie, MJ.. VllleDuc:-UdttelJ, Manager MargIe R ...... Snuth. Feature Edllor Ida Bauer AsslSlan, AdvertISIng Manager Renee Graham, AssocIate Manager. Robert B. Edgar Chuck Klonke, Sports Edllor Slurley Cheek K.un M. KozIowsIu, AssulanIIO lhe An Coordmallon and PromOllon AdvertISIng Manager Founder .nd PublIsher Wilbur ElstCll, Edltonal Consult2Jlt Sue Papcun Robert Greene. Assoclate Manager, Ronald Bernas, Stoff W nler Peter J. Birl

Redistricting by judicial panel? ~I\\crr~ , .\ hances are good that the legisla. That appears to be a fair assessment of t .' tive redistricting based on Michi. state Court of Appeals Judge Harold '~I d~. Cgan's 1990 census results once Hood, former Court of Appeals Chief ~~~ more will wind up in the hands of a state Judge John T. Lesinski and former 28th judicial panel. Circuit Court Judge William Patterson. The likelihood that three judges would Just how the Grosse Pointes will be af- redraw the districts became apparent fected by a reapportionment either by the when the state Supreme Court appointed Legislature or the panel is obviously un- a judicial panel and said if the Legisla- known at this early date. ture hasn't completed the redistricting by However, Rep. William Bryant Jr., the I.~ ""." Jan. 15, the panel should do so by Feb. veteran House member who serves the '., 15. Pointes, already has raised strong objec. Senate Majority Leader Richard Pos- tion to any possible move to split up the thumus sees only about a 25 percent Pointes' 13th Legislative District that he chance that the divided Legislature, with has represented for more than 20 years. the GOP controlling the Senate and the Bryant's message was obviously in. Democrats the House, could reach agree. tended to try to forestall any Democratic ment on reapportionment by the deadline. effort to duplicate in the Pointes' legisla- That would mean the judicial panel tive district what the Wayne County Dis- would take on the job. trict Commission did in the 1st Commis. The three appointees have been praised sioner District when it split off the Park ~ur bts't by seasoned observer George Weeks of from the rest of the Pointes. the DetrOlt News as a "superb panel" However, he thinks it is doubtful the 10 pOU •.. that "has no partisan tilt, and provides Legislature will be able to achieve its geographical, philosophical and racial bal- task anyway because after Its Christmas ance." holiday it will not return to Lansing until Jan. 8. That would leave the legislators only a week to approve any reapportion- Sober warning ment plan by Jan. 15. However, Bryant told the Grosse Pointe fyou drink, don't drive always has News that many legislators believe the been a good holiday warning but it Legislature might satisfy the Supreme will take on even more meaning on Court if it completed its redistricting task I , Jan. 1. before the Feb. 15 deadline for the panel's On that date, strict new state laws will recommendations. go into effect to seek to reduce the num- In that event, the Supreme Court could ber of motorists who drive while under receive the Legislature's proposal in lieu the influence of alcohol. of or along with the judicial panel's plan. ; As outlined in a story in today's paper, But that possibility, too, is still in the lap the new laws spell out tougher penalties of the politicians and the Supreme Court. Letters ranging from automatIc loss of all driving And so is the question of whether the privileges to prison sentences. pumped. five Pointes will be able to remain in a Cartoon In 43 years of householding A word to the wise motorist ought to be single legislative district in the 1992 re- In the Farms. After relat- As the Immortal bard sufficient. apportionment. To the Editor: Ing the cryptic codes - saId: ''There's the rub." My I was offended by your "NR, WA, SW, WI, RC - "sw" charge was three or cartoon on the Pearl Har. to the amounts I felt the four times higher than ever bor Issue (Dec 5). I found blackout conung back, but before. That means the A state challenge for Bush It to be in extremely bad fought it off. great volume of water used taste It was an msult to to irrigate the lawn daily ver Repubhcan Party opposition, the Detroit Free Press that the party I could understand the the memories of those who mcrease in water charges. was beIng charged at full David Duke last week was ruled thinks "the voters of Michigan will repu- died at Pearl Harbor as rates for sewage "treat. eligible to appear on Michigan's We had a lawn irrigation O diate Duke, just as the voters in Loms- well as those who served system installed during the ment" In a sewer system It March 17 preSidential primary as a Re- iana did in the last two elections." and died In World War II bilhng period. But the se- never even entered. publican. But whether MIchigan voters in the Edward P. Arndt wage treatment charge! I asked Ann: "Has any Since Pat Buchanan, the former staff presidentlal primary will be required to Grosse Pointe Farms More than three or fo':. one else called to complain member for two other GOP presidents, register 30 days in advance of the pri. tImes normal, and ':.:arly about theIr outrageous bdl. also was deemed eligible, PreSident Bush mary or allowed to do so on electIon day twice the bill for t~lewhole Ing?" She rephed' "Hun- is likely to face at least two GOP chal- is up in the air. Austin has asked the Water bill water charge. And the hIgh dreds " lengers in Michigan as well as perhaps as governor and the Legislature to reach To the Editor: volume of rrngation water SInce my call to the wa- ter department, I have re- many as seven Democrats. agreement by Jan. 17 I had just picked up the doesn't even pass into the day's mall from the console sewer system, and thus ceIVedmy copy of a Fanns 'h Secretary of State RIchard Austin said Whatever happens with respect to reg. which serves as the postal bulletin which attempted that Duke as well as Gov. Mario Cuomo istration, the GOP should not ignore gets no sewage "treat. substatIOn for our home. I ment" - whatever that is. to explaIn this anomalous met the ballot test Jnder the state law Duke's campaign but make sure that was standmg at the desk I called the Farms water situatIon. I wound up even that reqUIres lIsting candIdates "gE'ner- MichIgan voters know the dangers of vot. m the den mmdmg my department and talked more confused. ally advocated" by the national news me- Ing for a demagogue, former Klansman own bUSIness, the day's WIth a very courteous The bulletin says the dia. and ex-Nazi, who also uses more accepta- maIl clutched In my left clerk, Ann Murphy She reo Farms ISaware of thIS SItU. That means that the New York gover- ble campaign themes. As George Wallace hand I selected the post. ferred to the mcrease m atIon, that there was a nor is eligible to JOin the six other Demo- proved In 1972, a demagogue can win card water bill and read it. water rates reflected In the court case m 1982 and a crats who already have announced their here Wow' bIll I could understand court.approved formula es- intentions Other candidates may be nom- If no front.runner has emerged from the When I came to, about that - and hkeWlse the tabhshed determInIng how five minutes later crum. much the Farms would pay inated by the two party chiefs or by peti- system.rehab levy. Ann ex. Democratic pack by next March, It is pled on the floor, I agam the cIty of DetroIt for se. tion. All have until Jan. 10 to file affida- even poSSIble that Democratic crossover plained that the sewage saw that frIghtful water charge was billed to the wage "treatment" (there's Vlts of candidacy with Austin's office. voting could embarrass the GOP and glVe bIll and realJzed It wasn't Farms - which pumps Its that puzzlmg word again) Duke substantial support Fortunately, As for Duke, the GOP is dIsaPPOinted JUst a homble dream It own water, of course - by The bulletIn "explainS" with Austm's decision but will reluc- however, MichIgan Democrats denounce was, m fact, the hIghest the CIty of Detroit and 18 further "TIus complicated tantly accept It. A GOP spokesman told Duke as strongly as Repubhcans have water bIll I had ever seen based on the water See LETTERS, page 8A

- - '_,,------room to moan about bemg too casts - even Ted Koppel on full a warm car to go into a warm Spirit of "Nlghtline" focused last week bUIlding Makmg the small, filled on the homeless people in our I don't fool guilty about any dumphngs is a tradition I have state. My head knows this and of thIS because I have worked contmued faIthfully like my Christmas: I thmk It'S terrible that child. hard for It, but mostly I have mother and grandmother before ren are living in temporary been lucky. Lucky to be born me It's a traditIOn I hope my shelters. mto the mainstream of society, chlldren WIll pass on to their But I don't see them. And lucky to have had a good edu. Yours for children. I don't know why the ISay when I do, my heart cries and I catIon, lucky to have a job. thought that my grandchIldren feel guilty because I haven't I do feel sad for those who may someday observe the hoh. done anythmg except pay IIp weren't so lucky. But I know the giving day hke my grandparents did Pat Paholsky servIce. I can't save the world what to do I can do a little and IS comforting, but It IS. but I can help feed a few people you can do a httle and together It's the week before ChrIst- Thus it is that I am the by sendmg a donation to an we can do a lot. mas and all through the hou&e, keeper of the plerogi, a task ful front-page photod for today's and perhaps have to acknowl. agency I know WIll use the Locally, VIllage Lock & there are SIgns of ImpendIng that has evolved from a two- celebration week.before.Chnstmas Issue, edge a knock on my WIndow? money for Its mtended purpose Home Repair, 18554 Mack, IS day exercIse that left me With an mtervlew for a story I was And why was I crying? So can you raunng money for the Capuchm The tree IS decorated with an achmg back, sore feet and dependmg on had fallen Suddenly, all of my anguIsh DonatIOns are down thIS Soup KItchen tor the eighth snowflakes and stars and an- leaden arms to a half-day that through, and on and on over the lIttle odds and ends year We are In a receSSIon We year You can get one or sev- gels that my mother has cro- IS mtense, but enjoyable Back cheted through the years Then I saw hIm. Perhaps you that had to be resolved seemed are worned about tomorrow eral keys made for a donation In the early days, I did It all saw hIm, too He was standmg so petty. I have a comfortable and we think tWIce about from now untIl 24. All of There are stacks of gIftS, myself Somewhere over the Dec. on the corner of the 1.94lMoross house, a warm bed, a well. spending The news of what IS the proceeds Will go to the soup wrapped and ready for some years, my mother came to help. servIce drIve and he was hold- stocked pantry, a JOb, a car to gomg on m the world is unset- kItchen, co-owner Bob Mowbray last-mInute ribbon to finIsh This year, my daughter Jomed mg a SIgn that read "Homeless get me there and I'm agonIZing thng It's probable that our saId He's hopIng to raIse them off us, and for the first tIme, I The star of my tradItional pamter will work for food." over cards that have to be wnt children wIll not have what we $1,000 this year. sense my hopes that the tradi- ten? Chrl.5tmas Eve supper - pier. The lIght was WIth me and, have We are concerned and Or you can buy a case of food tIon WIll hve after me are more uncomfortable but reheved, I anxIOus and nervous and Ogl, dozens of them - are than a posslblhty He could have been a phony, for the Gleaners CommunIty drove by hIm, trymg not to nghtly so safely ensconced m the base All m all, I'm m pretty good lookmg for money to support a Food Bank The cost ranges look, but out of the comer of But guess what? We have from $7 20 for a case of baby ment freezer, waltmg to be hb. shape for the hohdays, but I drug habit And he could have my eye, I caught a glimpse of a We have gifts under a tree and food to $40 for a case of tuna. erated and thawed the eve of wasn't m a poSItive mood one been a homeless pamter. I don't neatly dressed man I couldn't we have a house to put the tree The Gleaners distrIbutes food ChrIstmas Eve. They are the mornmg on my way m to work know. I know I was ashamed at tell how old he was because he In We have a register to turn to more than 180 soup kltch. true stars of the evenmg meal, last week There were stIll a my reactIOn - to drIve by and held the cardboard Sign m front up the heat We have mICro- ens, churches and emergency because without them, It would few g1fts to get for people who pretend he dIdn't eXIst. of hIs face wave,; and food to put In them "}>l:'lters A handy coupon IS on cease to be a specIal. once-a. are dIfficult to bu} for, the Was he too embarrassed to The plIght of the homeless IS We have medical msurance page 4A. year event m whIch everyone ChrIstmas cards to send out see people lookmg at hIm, I particularly acute this year, We have coats and gloves and Christmas is for sharmg and gorges him and herself and were still m theIr boxes, I wondered? And why was I re- with all the cuts m state aid scarves and boots to keep wm- for thankSgiving. then waddles off to the hvmg needed an idea for some color- heved that I dIdn't have to stop It's in the papers, on the news ter's chIll away when we leave Merry Christmas

Grosse Pointe News December 19,1991, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page

I.~ ~lIi Mnrg1e Rems SmIth First century whoever Beano IS on, a Beano Hotline, a pam It goes on. phlet full of bean reCIpes, a John Armenia celebrated treatIse: "Examining the Soclal his lOOth birthday on Dec. 15 "EVERYONE IS talkmg about it." Impact of a Healthful DIet" He was born in Greece m 1891, and a repnnt of a New York but spent most of lus life in We asked around Nobody here had whispered the word Times article by Jane Brody. Kalamazoo. He became a "Strategies for curbing flatul- United States citizen 85 years Beano m weeks, perhaps ence." ago. months. It goes on In the interest of unbiased, He lives with his daughter Investigative journalism, we and son.ill-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. Beano IS" . the revolutIon- ary new product that actually pressed the free Beano sample Peter Masouras of Grosse on one of our colleagues and Pointe Farms and he has 8 Improves the digestibility of asked him to try it for a week grandchildren and 13 great. 'gassy' foods like beans. broc. Colleague X said, WIth some' grandchildren coli, cabbage and whole grain cereals and breads." pride, "Hey, breathmg gIves me Ah ha Interests plque How gas. You can unaglne m)' COndl- Bean dip are they gonna present thls tion after eatmg a bowl of bean We get press releases Lots of product, we wonder soup" them. Beano IS a food enzyme, it We could Last week we got a dandy goes on, that "breaks down "I had a few drops on a "Dear Editor," it begins complex sugars (oligosacchar- cookie before I had some soup ''Thank you for your interest in ides) m many foods, making It seemed to work .. Beano." them more dIgestIble and less The rest of Colleague X's Nobody here recalled express. lIkely to, ub. embw rass you comments were, well, a httle mg interest in whatever or (Wnter's itahcs ) excessive So far, so good. Colleague X belabors the Why are some foods "gas,;y" pomt Indian twigs take root in Grosse Pointe it asks If you'd hke a free sample of "Some foods cause gas be. Beano, call 1-800257-8650 CroatIans, UkraInIans, Ira. siah, to understand the Amen- over m the Battle Creek area. imal parts; they represent brav- cause people do not produce the qlS, African-, NatIve can IndIan culture they inhent With the passage of years, the ery and skill." special enzyme, alpha galacto Amencans, Itahan, Japanese from theIr mother. The boys' state of MIchigan establIShed Today, Indians can't go out sidase, reqUIred to dIgest cer After two centuries of pressure hves are filled WIth IndIan tam complex sugars Once m reservatIOns for them - and and hunt eagles, whose feath. YOU DE6ERVE THE BEeT to blend mto Amenca's meltmg ways. that aCCIdent of history made a ers were the most pnzed ele- the Intestme, the sugars fer. pot, ethmc groups are Virtually "We love to go to powwows," bIg difference to the Indians ment of the ancient costumes. ment, whIch results m gas," it Realtor Board.!; And explodmg with pnde says Laura Spurr "We dance, explains. hvmg here. But they can choose the ele- MullJ 11& &:lV1CeS. We we look for people we know, we MIchIgan IndIans, for the Almost everyone can use ments of theIr costumes Judi- Belone, To Them All look at the crafts We collect most part, have not been sub- ciously and learn the authentIC Beano, It adds "Beano adds a thmgs for the boys to make Ject to the federal Bureau of way to put it together. touch of confidence to many of today's popular diets " theIr costumes" Indian AffaIrS, Spurr said. That So Nat and Josiah slowly ac- NIcely put, hub? Spurr grew up in an assImI- meant, among other things, cumulate the parts to their c0s- lated family, but has always that IndIan chddren 10 this tumes. At powwows, they talk Anyway, we got a free sam. ~~ known IndIan ways. Many of state were not forCibly sepa- to many people, seeking advice pIe of Beano, a hst of healthy 886-6010 her relatIves lIve on reserva. rated from theIr families and on materials and methods. foods that Beano can be used tlons and practIce theIr culture sent to IndIan schools to be as- "If you talk to enough dIffer- '"",,",- ~-'< Nancy "100 percent." SImIlated. ent people, you'll eventually Every chance she gets, Spurr "The worst thmg for Indians learn the oldest, trachtIOnal, ,. Parmenter exposes the boys to IndIan cul- IS that theIr ways were not val- way," Spurr says. ture, through famIly and ued, so they had no prIde," she But It'S more than Just the It seems only yesterday that friends, through travehng in says "And they were severely right way that counts. One of my Ukramian ex-father.in-law the South and West, through restncted When my father the lessons being taught ISpati- used to dIsparage hIS relatives local powwows, through stones. grew up (on a reservatIOn m ence, a willingness not to hurry with the put-down, "DP," Although there are crafts and Wlsconsm), they had to apply the JOb,a desire to take enough whenever they did anythmg- dancmg classes avaIlable at for permiSSIon to leave the res- time to put feeling into It ugh - "ethnIc" Better act The Indian Center and the ervatIOn Not Just to move off, Nat wanted a pelt for hiS c0s- "Amencan" so no one can Southeast Indian Center In De. but even to go away for a few tume. So they studied pelts at guess you're a DIsplaced Per- trOIt, Nat and JOSIah are learn- days." the powwows, waiting for just son, fresh off the boat Ing theIr culture more infor- Spurr's father learned Indian the right one He selected a Those were the days, not so mally culture from hIS grandparents, coyote pelt, but the ears wer. very long ago, either, when pe0- That's the IndIan way Child- but learned the hard lesson en't qUIte satIsfactory, so Nat ple changed theIr names so ren dance around the edges of that the ways were not valued learned how to wet and reshape they wouldn't betray an unwel the adult dance, enJoymg the when he was sent to Kansas to them. Now they are studying come hentage rhythms and patterns, pIckIng IndIan school He wasn't al ways to cut and fit the pelt so Now everybody ISethmc and up the steps by observation Jo- lowed to come back until he It Will he smoothly over the top proud of It. SIah learned to grass-dance that graduated from hIgh school of his head. "Aren't we ethnIC, too?" my way, his mother says, weanng At IndIan school, the stu. It all takes time. dad once asked plamtlvely a costume covered W1thlong dents were forbIdden to practIce Of course, Spurr says W1th a Well, yeah, but since our ances- strands of grass that wave theIr culture But in the ultI- tW1nkle and a grin, the boys tors got off the boats from Ger. rhythmically as he moves. mate m cymclsm, at federal use their knowledge agamst many, England and France, we grant tIme, those students who her too. When they were small, never had to try to fit mto the Spurr ISChIppewa, Potowa. knew IndIan dances were she admOnIshed one of them for dominant culture We were it toml, and Ottawa, all Wood- loaded on a bus and taken to hIS table manners. No more Now ISa particu. lands IndIans native to Michl, gan and WIsconsin and known Washmgton to dance for the "I'm an IndIan," he told her. larly auspicIous tIme to be "I'm supposed to eat WIth my as the Tnbes of the Three Congress teachmg chIldren about their fingers " Fires In the 1820s, the govern. Perhaps the best IllustratIOn roots Years ago, kIds were em. "IndIans are dIfferent from ~ ment forCibly moved the tnbes of IndIan ways IS the manner barrassed to speak another Ian. other ethnic groups because of out, sendmg them to Kansas so m whIch the SpWT boys are guage or wear natIOnal cos- all the restrictions that were the MIchigan Temtory would makmg theIr costumes. tumes or eat unusual food In a placed on them," Spurr says WPPPc~~SJfR refreshmg turnaround, now It'S be safe for whIte settlers "You can JUst go out and buy "What my father did for his I<,ITCHENS • OATHS • WINDOWS celebrated But they dIdn't all go A few one, but I don't hke that," their children, and the best thmg I Laura and Steve Spurr of probably Just hId m the woods, mother said "In an IndIan c0s- can do for mme, IS to see that Grosse Pomte Park are bnng- but a band of them Jumped off tume, every element represents they are well-educated m mam. Ing up theIr sons, Nat and Jo- the Kansas-bound wagon train somethmg They aren't Just an. tainIng theIr heritage."

MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION December 19, 1991 SA News Grosse Pointe News BEACON POINTE Letters:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':::' Abortion bill unfair to wom.en PHARMACY From page6A AND SURGICAL There IS a bIll pending m the (WILSON" WOLFER) formula is based upon em- state House reqUIring that PRESCRIPTIONS pmcal data that mvolves abortion procedure mformatlOn CONVALESCENT AIDS & HOSPITAL SUPPLIES such factors as water con. be provIded 24 hours before a 15216-22 East Jefferson. Near Beaconsfield sumptlOn, average raInfall, woman could be gIVen an abor From 822-5474 • Grosse Pointe Park. 823-0060 estImated water runoff, in- hon. r@~ · FREE DELIVERY • ~ filtratLon of groundwater There IS a problem now, I be ;A'j)\\~' -HOURS- ~ mto the sewer system, open heve, with some abortIOn clm ?f7)) Monday through Fnday 8 30 am- 7 p m ~ land area, etc." ICSnot gwmg women much m Lansing ~_.!!! Saturday800am -400pm That sounds hke a para- the way of substantive Informa- ...... 1IIl Closed Sunday~ and Holidays graph taken from a Ph.D tIOn about mental or phYSICal IIAIwtIiIdI,....,.. Gerald L Bodendlslel, R Ph ~ _ candIdate's theSIS on "A complIcatIOns or nsks of abor- William R. Bryant Jr. study of the empIrIcal ef- tIOn before performmg the abol State Representative fects of average raInfall, m- tlOn InfOlmed consent IS re- filtration of groundwater, qUIred before medIcal deciSIOn So too, however, does nught be reasonable With the water consumptIOn, open plocedures can be performed the SUPIerne Court acknowl othel prOVlSlOnb Included, the land areas and other fac- and abortIOn should not be an edge that Informed consent 0\ erall effect, I feel, IS a burden tors on the hvers of rats " exceptIOn may be reqUIred. as long as In on the rights of the woman I would lIke to respect- The need for Informed con formatIOn lequlI ed to be My problem IS pnmanly fully suggest to the Farms sent, and the concern a." to plovlded IS specIfic to the ac With the mformatlOn reqUIred admInIstratIOn, the cIty whether or not It now eXIsts. tual condItIOn of the woman to be prOVided the woman in BEARS AND DOLLS HOLIDAY councd and other mter- must be balanced. ho\\ever, and does not constitute a "bur wntmg. by photograph and or Beary exciliDg Featuring Un~ue Bear Sale. ColleCtibles by ested partIes that, WIth the agaInst the consltutlOnal nght den" on her nghts ally I feel It goes too far If so 20% OFF (regular prices) "SIMPLY tremendous mcrease In the of prIvacy of the woman to much InformatIOn IS to be Carrying a Full Une of COUNrRY" number of lawn IrrIgatIOn have an abortIOn The bIll In the MIchigan prOVIded a woman about all the Santas. systems Installed dunng What InformatIOn would It House, Senate BIll 141, at downSide and danger of an North American Bears Angels the last SE'veral dry sum ht> faIr to In''l<

, Pointe FOP ...:.., announces !.f..~ scholarships '~ -~

The Grosse PointeJHarper Woods Fraternal Order of Po- me;;;'"'.- m ~I.~" 1\1 lice Association Lodge No. 102 has established the Stephen Pe- trik Scholarslup. It's become an American tradition, just like being IIhome for The scholarshIp fund IS a memorial to the late Grosse the holidays." Pointe Woods PublIc Safety Of- ficer Stephen Petnk, who was active in the founmng of the lodge in the early 1960s. This Christmas, spice up your table with a luscious, The first two recIpIents of the $1,000 scholarslups are Grosse Pointe South HIgh School grad spiral-sliced, honey-glazed ham from the HAM SUPREMESHOPS. uates Shannon Burns ('87), a business major at Oakland Uni- vemty, and Jerry SumInskI ('77), a medtcal student at Once you taste the goodness of our food, and the warmth MJchigan State UnIversIty. The scholarshIps are avail- of our holiday-spirited service ...you may never buy a ham able to students In colleges or univemtIes and accredJted vo- elsewhere. cational schools beyond the high school level To donate to the fund, make checks payable to the Stephen IIOften imitated but never duplicated" Petrik ScholarshIp Fund and send them In care of Anthony Carr, treasurer; FOPA No 102; 21615 Harper 850 LIncoln Road; Grosse Pointe, Mlch 48230 For more InformatIOn, call St. Clair Shores 886-6199. (bet. 8 & 9 Mile at Shady Lane) F.r CALL AHEAD FOR FAST AND EASY CARRYOUT REPRINTS - of Editorial Photos - - c.1I - 774.2820 - 882-6090 - December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 9A ,


PHONE (5! 7) 792 093~ December 19, 1991 10A News Grosse Pointe New. Poin ter :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: From page 1 DOLlS · DOLlS •DOllS

thralled by stories of the law in 15.50% OFF SALE! action. Over 100 dolls to choose from While her son and daughter were young, she earned her Limited Edition Barbie. 30% Off real estate hcense "I remember showmg my Hamilton Doll Dealer fU'St house and they saId, 'I'll • Dynasty • Seymour Mann take it: and I thought, 'What • Wimbleto~ • Gotz do I do now?'" she saId DeSPite her real E'state ca- • Dolls by Pauline • Ka"izer reer, she contmued to be fascI- nated by her husband's stones Emily's Collectibles and began to thmk about enter- 25414 Harper, St. Clair Shores mg law school, but because she Just North of 10 Mile didn't have an undergraduate 777-5250 degree she thought It would take too long Then somethmg happened to help make up her mind. WATCH AND JEWELRY WhIle talkmg on the tele- SEARS REPAIR phone one day she noticed a lump In her neck Her brothers and brother-In law are doctors BULOY, and they all told her It was an enlarged lymph node and CARAVl:LLE would have to be removed 1m Photo by Ronald J Bernas and medIately She had all the Diane Hathaway sits in one of the re-done rooms in her Grosse Pointe Park house. CITIZEN symptoms of Hodgkin's dIsease and the docwrs told her to pre. 'r m attracted to all the re works, the more etlectlVe It "The most devastatmg thmg .aiun •• pare for the worst dos," she saId. "There's some- would be. for me was that almost every "But I'm optimIstic and I thing about a house that needs "But my goal IS to be a mght for 11 months I left the 300" OFF! don't worry about anythmg un- fixmg up It's a DIce challenge." Judge," she said "I've been In office and went straIght to func. (~I.trar tIl I really have to," she saId. all the courtrooms in Macomb tlOns to make contacts and I J>nc8$) Upon graduation from DeL, She started worrying when County and many m Wayne had to leave my children," she ,Sa.acra> FASHION she woke up from the operatIOn she applied to the Macomb County and I see what goes on said "All that tIme of not w. offer the.. to see her entire famIly sobbmg County courts for a Job. She I thmk I'd be a good Judge be bemg able to spend tIme With Watohtl many tine aervlce.: at the foot of her bed. would have applied to the cause I'm just an ordInary per- them is what really hurt." - YeWr Chok$- Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairs "I thought, 'I'm on my way Wayne County courts had there son WIth common sense and a Hathaway isn't sitting still Watch Battery Installations out,'" she saId not been three Hathaway sense of Justice. I've expert for a mmute. She enjoys enter- 88 All types of Watch Band Replacements Judges all related to her - her 14k! and Gold.fliled Andings The tests showed there was enced a lot and I can be open tammg In her Grosse Pointe '19 ' husband, father-in-law and un. Jewelry Care Products notlung wrong, but she had minded. Park home, a beautifully fixed. 1hru' " cle-in-Iaw - already there , 'W/Coupon Pearl and Bead Restringing made a decISion. up fixer upper "I'm tired of seemg mnocent and much, much morel "I knew it would be a long She got a job in Probate The family has lIved there Chrfstrims people hurt and I think I'll be time in law school, but I real- court, then moved to the CIrCUit for about a year and Hathaway much more effectIve as a Judge IZed that the time IS going to court where she was named IS already getting restless. than as a prosecutor." Watch and Jewelry Repair Department go by anyway, so you might as chIef of the drug forfeiture divi- "If you keep busy you can't well work toward somethmg," sion which took property away The hardest part about the get m trouble," she said. "And Grosse Pointe Outlet Store Only she said. from drug dealers, removing campaign wasn't the narrow I've just found another great 885-89n She entered Detroit College the profit motive for dealing defeat. fixer-upper." of Law during the day - be- drugs. cause it was only a three.year "I was in charge of all the commitment and mght classes forfeItures and we did mJllions FURNACES & BOilERS Summary of the Minutes meant a four.year commitment of dollars of them," she said. Replaced - and taught real estate licen. "And I really do think it helped sing classes at mght and on the war on drugs." BRUCE WIGl~ City or (ir.oss.e J.oint.e Jtfarms Michigan weekends. She also gave talks to law And, just to keep herself enforcement agenCIes and stu- r.c-:~ busy, the family moved three dents on the drug forfeIture 17600 LIVERNOIS. 863.7800 DECEMBER 9, 1991 times while she was in law laws, believing that If more 15304 KERCHEVAL. 822-9070 school. people know how the law '726 MAPLE RD.• 643-4800 The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. " J Present on Roll Call: Mayor Gregg L. Berendt, Councilmen John E. Danaher, Terrence P. Griffin. John M. Crowley, Gail Kal;ss and ~d J. Gaffney.

Those Absent.: Counc~ Harry T. Echlin.

Also Present Messrs., William Burgess, Counsel, Richard G. Solak, City Manager/City Clerk:, Shane L. Reeside, AsSIStant City Manager, John M. Lamerato, City Controller and Robert K. Ferber, Director of Public Safety. 1, WE WISH YOU AND YOURS Mayor Berendt presided at the Meeting. A JOYOUS HOLIDAY Councilman Echhn was excused from attending the meeting. The MmuteS of the Regular Meeting held on November I I, 1991, were approved as corrected.

WITH BEST WISHES The Council, acting as a Zoning Board of Appeals, approved the Minutes of the Public Hearing held on November 11, 1991; Mr. Davenport wi!hdrew his appeal to construct an addition to the rear of his residence located at 207 Moran; granted the appeal of Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goebel, 342 Touraine, to construct an acklition FOR A HAPPY, to the Side of their resl(lence.

The Council granted the appeal of Dr. & Mrs. MIchael Prus, 38 Kerby, to replace an existing 4' high wood HEALTHY AND BRIGHT stockade fence Wlth a new 6' high wood stoekade fence. NEW YEAR! The Councd approved payment of the statement of anomey's fees from the law fmn of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen & Freeman, Counsellors at Law, in the total amount of $7.635.12, for legal services and opimOD rendered as bond counsel in connecnon WIth Ihe Revenue Bond Senes, 1991.

The requested for transfer of ownership of 1991 Class C Licensed Busmess located at 18450 Mack Avenue was adjourned to a later date.

~ONDJ.WOJTO~CZ The CouncIl adopted the Amendment to the Umform Traffic Code, Code No. 6-01, Ordinance No. 312 which reqUIres Immediate adoption, with an effective date of January 1,1992. ' WAYNE COUNTY TREASURER, FAMILY AND STAFF The Council reappomted !he followmg persons to the CIty's Board of Canvassers, each to serve a four-year term:

Mrs. Josephine Beardslee 382 Provencal Road

Mrs. Joanne Leonard 351 Hillcrest

The Councll approved rhe Schedule of Regular Meelmg of the City CounCil for the Calendar year 1992, as Express the wannth submitted by the City Clerk, as follows: January 13, 1992 June 15, 1992 January 27,1992 July 13, 1992 February 10, 1992 August 17, 1992 of the holidays February 24,1992 September 14, 1992 March 9, 1992 October 5, 1992 March 23, 1992 October 19, 1992 Celebrate thIS JOyous April 6, 1992 November 9, 1992 May 4, 1992 November 23, 1992 season WIth the FrD" Or the FrD' May 18, 1992 December 14, 1992 Reindeer Basket T~ .c;;..~ Season's Greetings 1'! Bouquet. I }.-~ : Bouquet. Just call The CouncIl receIved the Annual Fmanclal Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1991. --- .'" I or VlSIt us today. ~ I r 1t!1 The Councd approved payment of !he statement for services from the City'S audiung fInn, Coopers & Lybrand, for the year ended June 30, 1991.

The Counell approved Ihe recornmendauons for 1992 boat mooring fees, as amended.

The Council approved the low bid of John Gnsslm & Associates, m the toeaI amount of $6,000, for architec. tural services for development of Mack Avenue Master Plan and Phase One plans for streetseape improve- ments on Mack Avenue.

The Council receIved the Public Safety I>epanment Report for the month of November, 1991, and orde:ed it Christmas Arrangements placed on file. Available from $1! & up The Couned approved rhe salary IIlcrease for CIty Manager Richard G. Solak to $64,000 per year. Est 1893 FREE DELIVERY to the Pointes & Harper Woods Open Sundays m Ik.c. IO am.-3 pm. UJXln proper mouon made, supported and earned, the Meeting adjOOfTled at 9:15 p.m. rll. M.F 8 am.-5:30pm.Sll.8-5pm. f=LOAIST 18590 Mack G.R Farms fijIi1t1lJ1I1lJ • Gregg L.Berendt Mayor Richard G. Solak ~ INC. III 881.7800 .,NTOWNONLY:J' . G.P.N. 12119191 City Managerl City Clerk .N r.-.b oIFTO 01., FTO

4-30-92 December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 11A :~ ., Drunk :.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.::::::::::;.:::Criminal and licensing penalties for From page 1 drunken or impaired driving the pubhc," such as shoppmg malls and parking lots. StatewIde, there were about Drunken driving Driving while Impaired 69,300 drunken driVing arrests last year In the Pomtes, there First offense First offense were 311 OUn.. arrests: • $100 to $500 fme and/or • Up to $300 fme and/or • CIty, 29 • Up to 90 days Jail and/or • Up to 90 days Jail and/or • Farms, 56 • Up to 45 days community • Up to 45 days community • Park, 67 service service • Shores, 81 • Driver license suspenSion • Driver license suspenSIOn • Woods, 78 6 months to 2 years 3 months to 1 year If you are convIcted of drun. (No restricted license ken drIving, It's gomg to cost for first 30 days) you According to the secretary of Second offense Second offense state, the expense resulting (Within 7 years of a prior (Wlthm 7 years) from a drunken driving conVlc. convictIOn) • $200 to $1,000 fme and tlOn 18 about $4,000 Average • $200 to $1,000 fme and • Up to 1 year Jail and/or costs mclude a $520 fine, • 48 hours to 1 year Jail • 10 to 90 days community $3,000 In attorney fees and the and/or $125 reInstatement fee service • 10 to 90 days c{)mmumty Drunk dnvmg lS the No 1 • Driver license suspension VIOlent cnme m MIChigan and service 6 months to 2 years nationwIde, accordmg to the • Driver license revocation (No restricted license FBI The National Highway for first 60 days) Traffic Saff'ty AdmJmstraton Third offense estimates that more than Third offense (Wlthm 10 years of a 250,000 people have been killed (Within 10 years\ m alcohol-related motor vehIcle prior conviction) • $200 to $1,000 fme and crashes Since 1980, and more • $500 to $5,000 fme and • Up to 1 year Jail and/or -' than 650,000 people are injured • 1 to 5 years Jarl • 10 to 90 days community each year by drivers who had • Driver license revocation service " been drinking. • Driver license revocation Last year m Michigan, ac. cording to the Mlchlgan State Accident causing Safety COffiffilssion: long-term Incapacitating • 32,358 dnvers had one or injury more convictions of dnVlng (Felony) while Improred, • $1,000 to $5,000 fme • 20,501 motonsts had one or and/or more convictions of drunken • Up to 5 years Jail driving, • Driver license revocation • A majority of drunken driv. ers are males. Accident causing • Drinking was a factor in death nearly half of all fatal crashes. (Felony) And If you figure It would be • $2,500 to $10,000 fme smarter to try to aVOIda drun. and/or Effective January 1, 1992 ken driving conVIction by refus. • Up to 15 years jail Source' Michigan Secretary Ing to take a portable breath test (PBT) or a chemical test, • Driver license revocation of State think again. and you probably w111be ar. result In a six-month hcense Refusing to take a PBT upon rested. And refusal to take a suspension, or up to a year's request of a police officer re- blood, breath or unne cheffilcal suspensIOn if you've refused to sults in an automatic $100 fine test at the pohee statIon will take the test preVIously. Cottage doctor gets lead out ')UCl:J0r, A Cottage Hospital plastiC Heights. " surgeon removed an interesting object from a patient's head reo Levon told pohce he probably cently - a bullet. was shot six to eight years ago Support ~ Dr Norman Arends r~ported when an object came through to . Farms pollee that he re- the Window of a <..aroccupied by hIm and other friends whIle moved the bullet Dec. 6 from ~ the upper right forehead of they were in front of Harpo's Manne Reserve Bruce M. Levan, 28, of Sterling bar on Harper In DetrOIt The Local u.S. Marine Corps Reserve's

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All' c: L.lAUII Tn" ! 'poOl oro oere ---£- 2------December 19, 1991 12A Grosse Pointe News Obituaries t Elaine Frost Reed In 197071, she was chIef of made to Boys Repubhc, the Stephen F. Maire A memonal service was held SOCialwork III the department Amencan Heart ASSOCiation of Stephen F Maire, 84, of Bu' Monday. Dee 16, at GIO"se of psyclllatry at Smal Hospital Michigan, the MIchigan SocIety mmgham, a former 75-yeal De l Pomte United Church In III Dell Olt In 1972, she became of Mental Health, or the metro ~:~Give YourHome8g ' trolt area reSident, died Dee GIOSSCPOinte Farms fOl Elaine dUl'Ctol of SOCialservice at Cot DetlOit chapter of the YMCA 11, 1991, at HUlon Valley Hos FlOst Reed, 83, of Grosse POinte tage Hospital m GIOSse Pomte Wendy Ann (Naz)Ward pltal m Commerce Town:,hlp Woods She died of a stroke on Farms, where "he developed a Christmas Present Sen Ice~ ~ere held SatUl day, BOin III GI'O:'se Pomte Clt", Dec 11. 1991, at Henn' Ford new department She letlled m Dee 14, at St Joan of Arc Mr Mall e wa~ a sales managel EnjOY the Holiday $ Up to Contmumg Care Cent PI BpI 1979 to pUlsue commumty Catholic ChUlch for Wendy for Lmde Co of Cleveland. Season knov,"ng Ihat 111 your new Bryant ",90" 30 mont In Harpel Wood" based proJect" the Grosse Ann (Naz) Ward, 37, of Grosse OhIO, and Ne\\ York City He furnace IS backed by 0 Pomte alea, where she lived ft POll1te Woods She died of can Ietlred from LlIlde allel 30 Flame s Super War VI most of hel lIfe ranty which Includes 5 b (el Dec 11, 1991, at her home year:, of :.elVlle and wa>. III the In hel tlrele"S contllbutlOns years Iree Parts and I:. lTeJ..,~. BOln 111 GlOsse Pomte City. Nav) for 21 yealb to commul1lty and the PII\ ate Service Ii041 .."lJqce Mh Wald gtaduated flOm MI Mau e \\ as a membel at and pubhc se{'tOIS, Mrs Reed GlO>...,e POlllte NOlth High CIII todly tor Ur'I..,.,.,o..UFi served as preSident of the Adult the Oakland HIli>. Count!) Your FREE ~_r r ~ School She \\ ent on to attend EducatIOn A~soclatlOn of De Club In-Home estimate Mdcomb County Commumty Additional Instant t! OIt and the U of M School of He I:' SUIvlved b) hiS daugh Rebltes College and Eastern Michigan Dollar lor Dollar Nal~rJI Soc18l Work Aluml1l She \\as a ter'l, Glona Maue dnd Mallh Gas h.Jsa On Model 3N chartel membel of the DetrOIt Ul1lvel:'lty Maire, a gt'anddaughtel, dnd 3 10 I Pnce Advantage Up To $160.00 A homemakel, she wa:, a vol blOther Dr Ed\\ald MaliC of over flectnclly Model Metropohtan Committee on Ag 398 We're listed in mg, the NatIOnal ASSOCiatIOnof untt'el 10 Grosse Pomte schools GIOSse Pomte Cltv clnd actl\ e 111 the BI 0\\ meb and Al rangement:, ~\'ere made b\ Amerltech PagesPlus Social WOIk. the Michigan Socl Yellow Pages etv fOl Chl1lcal Social Work. Gill Scout" the Wm R Hamilton Co GDa a~d the Michigan SocIety for She IS survi \ ed by hel hus GlOesbeck Chapel m Mount b,md, Pdul, \\ horn she man led Financing Available G€rontology, ,md \\ as the first Clemens A memonal sel VI{e ll1 1974 She 1S also sutvned by \\oman to be appointed to the \\ III be held at a latel date carpal ate board of the metro IWI daughtel s, Roxanne and Alonzo William Alison Wat d. 'lon. leslie An IJDBml)~ DetrOit YMCA dle\\ Wald, slstels, Deborah Backman Mrs Reed served on the FURNACE COMPANY SINCE 1949 and Jenmfel, and blathers, A mass Will be held at 10 boards of Boys Repubhc, De 3.m today, Thursday, Dee 19, DETROIT WARREN TROY LIVONIA trOit CounCil of Churches. De Paul and Tlmoth~ Elaine Frost R AIIallgement:> were handled CO! AlollJ;u Willidm Backman, 527.1700 574.1070 524-1100 427'1 700 trOit (el ebral Palsy Assocla 64, of DetrOIt, at St Paul Cath BOIn m Bad Axe, Mrs Reed tlOn, 1'1avelers' Ald' Society of by the A H Peters Funel al Home m Gro:,se Pomte Woods ohc Church III Grosse Pomte lecelved her bachelor of fine DetrOit, NatIOnal Travelers' Farms. He died of cancer Dee arts degree from the University Aid Society, committees of the Intel ment was 10 Resut rectlOn Cemeterv III Clmton Township 17, 1991, at the home of hIS of Michigan In 1930, and her Michigan Society for Mental daughter, Lonna Schlmanskl, mastel of arts degree m soclOl Health and Umted Commulllty MemOl'I~1contllbutlOns may be HARPER SPORT SHOP In Detroit ogy m 1931 ServIces made to the Michigan Cancel FoundatIOn Born at Cottage HospItal, Mrs Reed was a CIVICleader A membel of the Amencan Mr Backman grew up m and pIOneer m corporate coun College of SocIal Work, she re Mary A. KamaJay Grosse Pomte Farms and grad HAS SKATES seling servICes celved the Award of Ment (for Sel vices were held Saturday, uated from St Paul HIgh In ~944, she mterested the CIVIC contributIons) from the Dec 14, at St Sharbels Church School J L Hudson Co In estabhshmg Women's Advertlsmg Assocla m WalTen for Mary A Kama. He served m the Navy from a counsehng servIce for employ- tlOn m 1959, and was named lav, 70, of Grose Pomte Woods 1945 to 1946, and until re- HOCKEY FIGURE ees, of which she became dlrec. one of the "Top 10 Women In She dIed Dec 10, 1991, at Bon cently, worked at Eastown tor She remamed dIrector of ProfeSSIOns and BUSiness" In Secours Nursmg Care Center Floor Covenng m St Clair SKATES SKATES the consultatIOn center untIl 1964 m St Clair Shores Shores 1970 In 1984, she and her hus Born m Amherst, OhIO, Mrs He is survived by hIS daugh Under her leadership, the band received the John W Kamalay was a homemaker ters, Lonna Schimanski and corporatIOn's first formal retire Armstrong Humanttanan and a member of the Fonte- Lorn Gallagher, three grand- ment programs were developed Award from the YMCA, metro bonne AUXIliary of St John sons; sisters, Maryann Schmitt, Multi-faceted consultation, DetrOit chapter Hospital Delores Eastman and Ehzabeth • Bauer trainmg and counseling ser Mrs Reed IS survived by her She IS surVIVed by her hus Stus; and brothers, Tom and -CCM vices and programs were avaIl daughter, MarCia Murphy of band, Anthony, daughter, Bob Backman. able at the corporate level Mrs , and three Cheryl Flann, and SIsters, Bunal will be m CadIllac • Micron Reed and her staff also grandchildren She was pre Sad I€' George and Bermce Memonal Gardens East Ceme- provided employees and their ceded 111 death by her husband, Abraham tery in Clinton Township. Ar- - Lange families With financial assls Clyde L Reed AITangements were made by rangements are being handled tance from the Hudson-Weber Her body was cremated Ar- the Chas Verheyden Tnc fu- by the Sobocmski Funeral FoundatIOn, and she repre rangements were made by the neral home m Grosse Pomte Home 111 East Detroit Memo- Lake Placid Flyers sented the J L. Hudson Co on Chas Verheyden rnc funeral Park. Bunal was In Resurrec rial contnbutions may be made a variety of community boards home In Grosse Pomte Park tlOn Cemetery m Chnton Town- to the MichIgan Cancer Foun- 17157 HARPER (EAST OF CADIEUX): and committees Memonal contnbutlOns may be ship datIOn. More obituaries on page 14A ~90 SPECIAL NOTICE M&M City or Qf)ross.e J"oint.e ~ arms Michigan DISTRIBUTING CO. Holiday RubbIShSchedule For ChnSlmas & New Years Cleanmg MaterJals There will be no reSidential rubbish collection on Wednesday, 761'. ~ December 25, 1991 and Wednesday, January 1, 1991. All rcsldentIal & EqUipment collections will be one day late. -.~ Fndays commercial collection routes Willbe collected on schedule. WE DELIVER .. ~'"' Collecuon of reSidential and commerc13l rubbish regularly scheduled 884-0520 -, for Tuesday, December 24, 1991 and Tuesday, December 31, 1991, ., Willbe collected by 1100 a m. Please have rubbish out by 7:00 a m. 16734 E. WARREN The Giftfor Year-Long VCREnjoyment DETROIT,MI U224 G.P.N. 12/19/91 Department of Pubhc Works •

On what d* witl first program be broadcast? I"FARMS c':MARl@T I Month • Day •• 355 FISHER RD. UP'~:I~:-UP 882.5100 I 1.Press numbered keys to set recording date OPEN 8 to 5 30 P m DAilY, Wed tll Noon - Closed Sunday WE DELIVER Prices Good DECEMBER 19 20 21 LEAN ~ JUMBO COOKED & FRESH BONELESS BONELESS~ BIEF CLEANED & SKINLESS CENTER TJi)l SHRIMP CHICKEN $29 PO~~$349 p~Woi~:~s'$1095 BREAST lb. ROAST lb. $4 lb. lb. FRESH BELUGA OR AMERICAN CAVIAR IN STOCK!I!

HOMEMADE (J T~00RWH.KBfFORE I ICE CREAM ~ ~IPE~~0 ~: -~ $349 BEEF TENDERLOIN ROAST MORRELL EZ-eUT I 1'. n-., or SPIRAL HAMS I'QME~ ' 1/2 GAL STANDINa 11111I0AST SMOKED SALMON 12 PACK CANS F litO. YOOURT CROWN ROAST °T PORK or LAMB COOKED & CLEANED 'Io£CRV"_ I Light. N.Y. STRIP RO... $ 29 .. I or Yom'.. 10NELESS 1I00LED 1111ROAST "UMBO SHRIMP + dep .' No Urn" RACK. OF lAMB SPICE ISLAND 10% OFF STOCK UP CHRISTMAS All Gourmet FARMS MARKET HOLIDAY WIN! I SPICES Whole Bean MIXERS _ Cinnamon Stick 12.99 COFFEES MINI MUFFINS Whole Bayle.' 12.99 (.,., CUSTOM 2/4.99 r~~66 : Ground Nutmeg 12.89 '::D~YJ -t clep I Tarragon 12.29 ~ 11~=R~" 9 VARIETIES , • 1 L1t.r MR & MRS T !:~OUR BIGGEST STAGS LEAP · OJ GIFT BASKET YEAR Chardonnay or KEENAN FARMS BLOODY EVER!! LAST r- Cabemet Sauvignon ~lfl':~"" 0' C,p'yP"oc,',q'W' Calif MARY MIX THREE DAYS PISTACHIOS TO PLACE 6r WARREN DETROIT ST. ClAIR SHORES Red or Natural $299$166 ~ YOUR 1f Bag Of BoUl. ORDER $132~50ML 11800 Eleven MIlt! 17170 Harper 23118 Harper {E. 01 """'"'l C2 bib. Eo 01 CAdloux) (1 blIr. N 019 M,lo) 759-0370 882-2392 778-4523 ..£..b ~~~~~DEW $199 LARGE BUD JUICY FLORIDA ~r;, ~ MELONS •• HEAD STRAWBERRIES M, Th, F,9-9 M-Th 9-7 M,Th 109 T, W, Sat , 9-6 Tues, W, F, Sat Tue, W, F, S, ~==;:.,~::~ERINES.L5ET9T~C~ $159 t Sun 12.5 9-6 106 DeIu.I', o-IoIe e-"..... 4t99ct hd ~ pt &._I~ENr. ••

- .------_ ... _----- I December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 13A farms raises 1992 mooring fees at Pier Park IIY Donna Walker Boats In the ~mall hal'lJOr do hngton, Gro,,'>ePomte City ex Glo,,!->ePolOte :,hlJ)es mal lOa 1taff Wnter not have acce'>S to electrIcal ecutlve "ecretal y/deputy . city PIIW.., ranged from $262 for a t Boaters who Ul>e the docks at and water servIce clerk She !->aId1992 pnces will 20 foot "lip to $1,407 fOl a 55 ler Park In GIOsse POInte Pnce~ In the large hal bor Iemam the !->amea~ In 1991 foot ~hp thIS year The vIllage's Jarms wJlI pay higher moormg went up by about 15 percent The CIty'.., ..,malle"t boat well pal k" and harbol commIttee tfes next year The committee had proposed IS 20 feet by 12 feet, whIch costs ha~ yet to meet to dl~u",,, \',he - ~ . .~1t ThecIty council recently that the fee for boat!>28 feet by $350 to $485 for the 1991 ~a thel pi Ice" I>houldbe Ial'>ed fOl lsed the fees for 1992, ba!->ed 95 feet m the large hal bor be 'lOn The lal'ge~t boat well II>38 1992 '.\-. ~/J the lecommendatlOn of a rdlsed horn $380 to $500, a feet by 155 feet and cost!>$960 GlOl>.'>CPOll1te Wooe However, thIS year well pl'lce" langed flOm $378 :;7 \~~ ... ~, ~I uhn, Farms parks and recrea MayO! Pro Tern John Crowley L.10I>~ PolOte Pdlk'" 1991 IlI1dudlOg a $63 <;ulchalge lot (I \, "" I 1'.1 ~ ~~"- on director; Actmg CIty Man and CouncJIman Edward J mdl lOa pncel> Ianged from pa.,t dlCdgmgl for boab 17 feet I t c.: J ;, ....~ I~ger RIchard Solak, John La Gaffney !->aJdthat would be ex. $350 fOI boat<;9 feet by 29 feet and undel, to $600 (mcludmg a ~rJ)/" ~, '! ~ : flerato, cIty controllel; and ce!->Ive 01 14 feet by 35 feet, to $1,240 $100 I>UIl.hdlgel fOl bodt!> 28 sSlstant CIty Manager Shane "We have to take mto ac fOl boat!>20 feet by 55 feet, "did feet long t.\Pl'IICIlll {liL ~L,l~llll .I" II In time Jor the holidays' Don I Side Huhn saId the new count the fact that we're m a Tell)' Solomon, pal k!> dnd ICC Bdl Babcock, Wood" pal b It'ail} "Ll"'lJ~' (dll(Oddl Illl }lJur Ill' 'I'lild dnotlH'1 )\l1lrd'll Illl ~~II\~ p<1rh ,II Iho~l II11POI 1,1111 ~Olll\l\~ anJ tes would put the Farms In IeCel>hlOnand that boat ownel I> 1eat IOn.,UpelVII>OlShe ~ald "he dnd Iell catIOn "upeIVlhOI, I>ald Clohgdtll,n III ,111I1~l \ ,lhh11l011 ,lIltl 0'11 e middle range of boat moor arc often not al> wealthy ah antll.lpdte" the Park'!> rate" he dntll.lpdtel> that tho'>e pncel> Holiday SpeCla!'" ~LIIlll I1I1Ipro l 1 ' J' "1 Ion ~ elil ","OW and gct g fees, compared to what the I>ome people thlOk," Gaffney \',III be I al'>ed by 2 to 5 pel Lellt 1\l1IIX' Ia1i>edby 5 to 8 percent Iide \Oll \1 It Ii the 11I~hL'~1 qU.t1111 I "j lil'ar the "l'd~On~ J~ 'hl') her Grosse POInWScharge said fo)' 1992 fOl 1992 1ll0~{ dl~lreet ,1Inph!ltdllOll III lllIO) 1''<11] , oil jI r The committee kept In mmd Solak ~Id that thl' 1991 rate "e followmg when comIng up for those boat wells was too MAICO GROSSE POINTE Ith Its recommendatIOns, low, compared to the othel 19637 MACK AVE. GROSSE POINTE uhn Said The rates charged Grosse Pomtes He agreed the Mooring fees at municipal harbors in the Pointes 881.2102 yother mUnicipal marInas In mCIease was steep, and said e Grosse POInws, the exwn. that he wouldn't mInd If It CELEoRATING OUR 31st YEAR ve harbor repair proJect now were lowered nderway, the harbor waltmg Overndmg the commltwe'", SIze of Size of st of apploAlmatcJ} GOO recommendatIOn, the council smallest cost* largest cost* ames; and the fact that the voted to raIse the fee by only fast fee JIlcrease was two years 15 pel cent, the same as the In boat well boat well ..go. CIease for the other boat wells The new raws vary by t,he m the large harbor That 60 MONTH CERTIFICATE ocatlon and maxImum sIZe amounts to a $57 mcrease over City at allowed In each well The the 1991 fee for boats 28 feet 20 feet $350 38 feet $960 mallest mcrease IS for the by 9 5 feet by 12 feet by 15,5 feet sunfish racks," which hold sUll ards. The 1991 raw was $55 The biggest mcrease m the t was to $60 for 1992, large harbor IS for boats 34 feet In the small harbor, It now by 14 feet The 1991 fee of $675 Farms 19 feet $190 34 feet $775 7.00% 7.23% osts $130 to moor a Jet.Skl, a was Iarsed by $100 by 14 feet 15 mcrease The fee for 19.foot The Grosse Pomte Farms Annual Rate Annual Yield ats (the smallest In the ma. boatIng season offiCially starts ma) went up from $165 to May 15 and ends Nov 1 190, and for 25.foot boats (the Grosse Pomw CIty raIsed It!> 29 feet $350 55 feet $1,240 • Monthly Check Available argest In the small harbor) the boat well prIces by 15 to 23 Park • $5,000 Mm1mum Deposit nce was raIsed from $320 to percent In 1990 and by 5 5 per. by 9 feet by 20 feet 380. cent for 1991, said Jean Dal • Interest Compounded Monthly • Penalty for Early WIthdrawal • AVailable for a Llm1ted Time Only aire traffic signals to be installed Shores 20 feet $262 55 feet $1,407 New traffic and pedestnan the traffic signal system to ignals will be mstalled at Wat- meet state guidelmes REPUBLIC rloo and St. Clair to provide The gUIdehnes call for two ore safety near Marre Ele. Signal heads at an mwrsectlOn entary School. Currently, the InwrsectlOns 17 feet $378 28 feet 3SANKsoEo have only one Signal head and Woods $600 The Grosse Pomte City no pedestrian signals. ouncil approved the purchase The city IS developing a capl' f the new signals and the re- tal Improvement budget to re- ...,_....-:.-:.-:.~:::::: All prices are for the 1991 season, except for the Farms' uired electronic controller at a place other traffic Signals over * Member FDIC rice not to exceed $33,600 a three- to five-year period and City's, which are for 1992. The fees in the Park and The action was the result of Tentative plans for next year the VVoods are expected to rise. The Shores' harbor 1700 N Woodward Ave 18720 Mack Ave. .recent study by the city~s call for n:placing the signal!>at committee h~Q.t .~et metJo discuss whether that cIty's Bloomfield Hills Grosse Pointe Farms traffic engineer, whose recom- Waterloo and CadIeux and harbor fees s d rise 258-5300 882-6400 mendations included upgrading CharlevoIX and Neff,

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See the exquisite collection of diamonds and diamond jewelry at edmund t. AHEE jewelers. This year, the selection is larger than ever before - something to please everyone on your gift giving list. Why not see for yourself what is believed to be the most extensive collection of fine jewelry in the Midwest.

edmund t. AHEE jewelers HOLIDAY HOURS 20139 Mack Avenue MONDAY-FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. Grosse Pointe Woods SATURDAY 10 AM. - 7 P.M. SUNDAY 10 AM. - 6 P.M. 886-4600 DECEMBER 24 lOAM. - 6 P.M . • • • • • • ...• I December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 17A & Imitating Neil Diamond it's the story of his life

By Donna Walker White',> mothel, JacquPhne "edl ch of the nght cal eel' bdnd that played top 40 songs, Staff WTller .hll ge'> of (;I'o;;,>e POInte F ,u m", He moved to Gro;,se POll1te dnd ha;, !'>3ng With !>everal dlf Whde lllO"t people dH.' gel I" not an Impal tldl ClltlC, but Fm mb 111 1975, and worked 111 ferent gJ oup'> "mct' \ J)\g Ieddy 101 dlnnel, .Ja) ..,h, "',lId that dn dlqUdlntance the POinte;, for ;,evel'al yeal!> 'In 1976, Ibecame d Nell \\ lute I" pi epdllng to tdke the told hel thdt If "he 'I'd'> evel 111 befOl e findmg hiS calhng Uldmond fdn," White "did "I "I Ige ,It the Impelldl Pdldce 111 1..1'>Vegd'>, '>he "hould catch In 1972, he WOI ked [01 MaUl thought, 'thl;' I;' the mObt beau I I.., Vegd'> a<; "The Jdll th, Llgelld,> III Concel t "how Ill' Wood Intel 101 De!>lgn on tllul mUblC I've ever heard,' C,lIlgl'l,' Nell Diamond ~he '>dld they had dn Impel Kellhevdl on the Hill, and dnd ;,0 I've encouraged every .\ 101nWl GIO'>:,(' POInte ..,on,ltol \\ ho looked ,md Idter took d Jub 111 the mdlell<1l" J.,'10UPI've been d.;,.;,ocldted With F-ll Ill" le,>ldent, WhIte h,I" ..,ounded Ju,>t like Nell Did JIldndgement depdltment dt to pldy '>Orne of Nell DIamond..., Ill'l'll d membel of Legl'ml" In mond," JlII ge" "aid 'Little did Bon SeCOUIb Ho,>pltdl m 1976 mU,>lc " .1 (ollleit" - tloupe of 1.d" Ve ..,Ill' kno\1 '>he 'I'd'> tdlklllg At Bon ScCOUI,""he fell 111 People btal'ted telling While hd" ped 01 mel" \\ ho IIn pe I "Oil dbout m, '>On'" 10Y('With Pam LaDuke, d medl thdt he ;,ounded a lot like Dla .Ill' lelebllt Ie" '>mh d'> B,II bl ,I White "aid that d couple of (,II CUIgel y 1abOl dnd delJvel y mond So he "hdved oft hiS c,t Il'1",1l1d, M,ll II) n Mom oe ,1IJd mOllth;, ago, d woman \lent to nur",e The, \e been mdlned mou"tache, let lu" hall' glOW a BlIdd~ Hully - "1l1ll 1984 thl' ticket office aftel ;,eemg hl<; t(l 10 'yeal'> bIt longer, put togethel a to,", White bedl" d IIkenl'"'' to d ..,ho\1 dnd a;,ked the clerk to \\ mte II a" dn altlve membel tUlTle like Diamond II ould \ oungel Dlanlll11d, ,Illd tdl the tJuth - that \\a" Nel1 u, LxIO..,'>eP01l1te Theatl e dUl II edl, and copIed the <;lngel' '> 1ll,lkl'up, hall "t"le dnd tind\ Dldmond, \\ d"ll tit? lr.g the 197980 '>ed;,on, and mdnnen"ms flolTl vldeotdp<';' honed ge;,tlll e'> makl' thl Ie She ;,ald thdt the 1 e'>t of the Ilod,ed at the Big BOj' Ies Then While took hiS sho\1 to "embldnce unCdllll, And It 'Oil perfO! mel;, wel e Impel "onatOl s, tduldnt 111 GIO""e Pomte Woods I dl IOU" club;, In the metro De do"e youl e\ e'> dnd 11"'''11 to but that I was wally Nell Dw fOl a YlaJ tlOlt al ea, and was a hit White "JI1g - d" a IepOl tel did mond She thought we put a Glowmg up, WhIte II anted to 'When I fil st started, I \llth d Videotape of one of 11l1gel 111 the <;how to fool peo be d pi ofe<,.slOndl hockey player thought thiS would be a good WhIte',> pelfO! mance'"' - ,Oll d pie,' WhIte ;,dld m a recent He lo\ed the game and stIll Pdlt time po;,ltlOn and a ~dY to ..,1\ ear you II el e listening to phone mtel vIew dol'O; he ,>ald He plaYed 111 the make some extra money DJcllUUlIJ WhIte, 36, b'Tew up on the '>eml pro U S Hockey League While said Two of the ;,ongs White pel ed,>t Side of DetrOIt and gradu for "everal years a;, a teenager, In 1981, a <;cout for Legends fO!m" on <;tdge Include, You dted [10m Fmney High &hool dnd then began concentratmg 111 Concert saw WhIte ll1 De don't bnng me flollel<; any 10 1973 He went on to attend on anothel favOl lle pastime - tI Olt and asked hIm to audItIOn mOle," and "Coming to Al1wl ~1dcomb Commumty College '>mg1l1g 111 Las Vega;, for a ;,pot 111 the Ild ,'ncl Wayne Stdte Umverslty, 10 t>,.ttlw age of 21, he JOll1ed a "hol\ While was hired and ha<; bepn 'I'm kmg full time as a Nell Dldmond Impersonator evel since He and hIS Pam !lve m Las Vega;, With then three chIld Ien, Nell Patnck WhIte, 8, Ste phallle Elame White, 6, and Ja'>on FIlal'O, 14 When they Is it Jay White or Neil Diamond? It.s White. moved to Las Vegas, While "dId, Pam gave up nursmg to ;,pend more time WIth the child. White thmk.;, of It that Wd\ ..,dld he love'> len too He "aId he never gets Dm SometImes, White Said, I\hen 'When I tell people I have to mond dnd White confused he's at the mall With hiS chlld get ready for work, they look at "On OC(dSlOn, I I un mto peo I en, someone who has seen hiS me funny and say, 'yeah right' pIe who cany their Impersona act Will come Up to them and That';, because othel people tlOns ovel mto theIr leal hfe, praise hiS pelformance don't thmk of It as work - and expect people to tleat them "Most klds don't get that," they look at tt as gomg out to like the stars they portl ay," White satd "An autoworker's play for a few hours," WhIte WhIte said "But that's never kid doesn't hear people come saId happened to me, dnd I'm glad up to hiS father and say, 'I saw It IS work, puttmg on the of that I have a Wife and three the way you swung that makeup, remembermg and per. kIds to keep me m line" WIench yesterday Good Job' fectmg DIamond';, mannen~ms, WhIte Said he'd like to 1m That's a mce thmg about bemg focusmg on the mUSIC, trymg to per;,onate DIamond for as long get the audIence to enJoy them OU-stage. White is just a normal family man. With him. from left. are.his stepson. Jaso~ In thiS bUSiness But other than Filauro: daughter. Stephanie Elaine White: wile. Pamela LaDuke Whlte: and son. Nell that, my kids thInk of my Job selves and forget theIr troublf's fOl a while But It'S a Job White See NEIL. page 18A Patrick White. as Just a Job" 'f I TIGER STADIUM One of Detroit's treasures ... or an eyesore? INTRODUCING THE ALL NEW A monument to the game ... or a crumbling wreck? You can find the answers in 1992 $199* ACHIEVA ~~~Hset

II Queen of Diamonds: $0 DOWN The Tiger Stadium Story" by Michael Betzold and Ethan Casey

The authors will be signing their book at Third Coast Booksellers on

, '. Thursday, December 19 Never Has 50 Much Thought Been Put (nto So Much Fun! Automatic, 2.3 quad 4, aluminum wheels, power steer- ( from 7-9 p.m. Ne, ing, power brakes,power door locks, pulse wipers, anti-lock 'i., brakes, child safety seat anchors, side window defogger, bodyside moldings, remote deck lid release, remote filler "Queen of Diamonds: The Tiger Stadium Story" is door release,reclining bucket seats-driverside lumbar, anal- the perfect gift for every sports fan. Published by og speedometer, tachometer, voltmeter and gauges. A & M Publishing Co., Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. 2-doors and 4-doors available. $25 hardcover, $14.95 paperback PUT THIS UNDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE! r------,I YOU CLIP IT WE'LL BEAT ITI I I look through all the newspaper ads that you can I I find When you think you've found the lowest, the I I ABSOlUTE lowest prICeon any new Oldsmobile I HOURS: I or SUZukI, cut the ad out Bnng It to Orummy I I OIdsmobtle-Suzukr and I Tues •• Wed•• Fri. & sat. L ~ I WE'LL BEAT IT*** I Ask about our 10 a.m•• 6:00 p.m. 'i't- ~ wrap and ship ,.- P! ',f~ ~~~" " ~; ~. ~"...... ,. offer now through Thunday ': ~t : ( ~~ ~ • , / the end of 10 a.m .• 9 p.m. the year. Sunday 11 a.m.• 4 p.m.

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.... ------~--~....-...... -.-- - - .. -- .- - - - ..._...... ------..... - - .. - .... - - - - MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES • SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION "ICRO -TEC-11K. December 19, 1991 18A News Grosse Pointe News Neil.:::::::::::.:.:,:.:.:::.:::,:.:::.::::::::;::: Grosse Pointers give reading gifts I~I~I~I~ This holiday season, 60,000 From page 17A Michigan children hope to reo as he's able, and that he'd like ceiVe brand new storybooks I~I~\~S! to do longel !>hows Becauf>e through the Detroit Free Press he's one of several m1IX'IMJn,1 "Gift of Readmg" book dnve The chl1dren come from dis- with a donation made tors With LIVing Legend:>,Iw to the only gets 10 to 15 nHnute" on advantaged homes and many stage Howevel, he IS available have never owned a book For Capuchin Soup Kitchen fO! bookmgs on the ;'Ide, .lnd these chIldren, the gift of a new has an hour-long pI ogI.lm that book opens "a world filled With NOW through DEC. 24th can be "horwned to fit the clt all the possibIlities that ImagI' ent's needs nation can afTer," says Gift of at Readmg coordmator Dr LoUlse Recordmg OIlg111dlmusIc Il:> ReId Ritchie . VILLAGE LOCK and .lnothel one of WhIte:, goals "Children who are exposed to He also s.ud that he'd like to books from an early age are HOME REPAIR do IadlO and wleVlSlOn\ mce more hkely to learn to read ovel s, and to contmue coachmg well and succeed m school, gIV' 18554 Mack hockey He recently agIeed to mg them skills to lift them teach a goal wndmg clulIC fOl a selves out of poverty" 881-8603 Las Vega>;hockey dub GIft of Readmg books are dls. llelp "omeone Ies<, fortunate White has nevel met Dla tnbuted to chl1dren through mond, but he s pretty sure the foster care agenCIes, hospitals to have a happy Holiday 'Jazz Smger" know,; about hi" servUlg large numbers of poor dCt. chIldren, homeless shelters, bat 'Tve had people who are tered women's shelters and close to Nell Diamond tell me agencies such as Focus HOPE Perfect For Chl;stmas that they've told him about my and Head Start act, and that he'd be pleased, ' IndlVlduals and groups who WhIte smd ....ould like to donate chIldren's What would White say to books to the program may drop DIamond, should the two ever them ofTat the Central Library meet? or the Park or Woods branches "GQsh, I've thought about through Dec. 11 The books that a lot," WhIW said "I Just should be new, unwrapped and don't know I ....ould probably SUitable for chl1dren 7 years old be too tongue-tied to say any or younger thmg, but I would hope he'd be A number of Grosse Pomte flatwred by what I'm domg I'd schools and book stores are col. probably ask him a lot of ques lectmg books for the program. Photo h~ Bal h PmH II twns, about hiS personal lIfe PIerce MIddle School student The school book fair makes Gift of Reading book selections and his career, a lot of the council members collected easy at Grosse Pointe Christian Day. Browsing are from left. same questIOns you've asked money dunng the lunch hours Cullen Smith. Ioson Keintz and Monica Grenwick. me. " to purchase book!>. Grosse White said he hopes to VISit Pomte Christian Day School Start m DetrOIt A group of De. bChools, students and then fam and perform m Grosse Pomw scheduled its book fair to com- fer parents and students wl1l Ihes selected and purchased agam sometime soon. but that clde WIth the book drive dehver the books 111 person books to !{lve to Gin of Read he doesn't know when he'll get Defer Elementary students At Trombly Elementary and mg the chance ordered books for their book Our Lady Queen of Peace If you're plannmg a tnp to buddies at Metropohtan Head Grosse Poinw Book Village Las Vegas and want to catch and ThIrd Coast Booksellers White'S act, he performs two are offermg discounts for GIft shows a nIght, beginnIng at Get a key, feed the needy of Readmg purchase'! 7.30 pm and 10 30 pm, every Village Lock & Home Re. night except Sundays The 1m The store's hours are from The Fnends of the Grosse penal Palace IS locawd on the pmr Co , for the eighth year, 9 a m to 6 p m. Monday Pomte Public LIbrary mVlte Cuisinart Commercial Stainless Cookware Las Vegas StriP between Flam. WIll make keys to r81se through Friday and from 10 the community to a punch and mgo Road and Twam Road funds for the Capuchm Soup a m to 3 p m on Saturday cookies Book Send OfT for the 5 Piece Starter Set reg $240 For more mformatlOn about KItchen. Gift of Readmg progI am on Legends m Concert, call (702)- The pubhc IS mvited to Co-owner Bob Mowbray hopes to raise $1,000 thiS Wednesday, Dec 11, fro II I 4 to 871-9940 Jay WhIW can be stop in at 18554 Mack from 5 pm at Central Library Neal SALE $200 reached through Beautiful now through Chnstmas Eve year Call 881-8603 for more mformatlOn Look .£or Jhe. Shme, publisher of the FIee NOlseiProductlOns, 9645 Rlsmg and get one key or more duo "Press, and Ritchie have been 88 KERCHEVAL. ON THE HILL Tide Drive, Las Vegas, Nev plicated for a donatwn All store with a manneqwn ll~ invited to thank the commun ~.iI'll~.~. 885.4028 donations WIll go to the soup dressed like Santa Claus, 89117 The phone number IS Ity on behalf of the chtldren (!) (,!) Opl'n Mlln. Sat 9:~0. 5:30 kitchen holding balloons, outside (702) 254-3174 Who Will receive the books I IIUI ~ 'til 7 Sunda) 12.5

MINOLTA • MINOLTA • MINOLTA • MINOLTA • MINOLTA • MINOLTA I: =;., -z zo ([ffi~~ I' • ~ o Bring MINOLTA Cameras and Accessories ~ -I J,li • SATURDAY; DECEMBER 21 st • c at THE CAMERA CENTER i: lit"ess !:. Z o Cameron Wells Minolta sales representative will be here to o- z demonstrate and answer all your questions on all Minolta products t; MINOLTA MAXXUM horne! -I MINOllA J> • SPxi QD/35-80 COMPA~ • 'C MEMORYCORDER ZOOM KIT t"!! Fea!Lmg The WOOd s BINOCULARS I: ;.I M05l Compoc! AI SlR o wTtI\ Expert Inleligence -Z ~il the Giant' • Z • K1. \.OCtudeS ~x\$n 'SPll. o _ 00 SLA AF _ Zom LfJ ISI"Home Fitness 35-8OTtr Lens and ?(XX) w ~ I AFFIas/1 Center" in our store to- • Quanz date back "'P' nlS !he .. date or llrre onto each pholo • when desired THE WORLD S /vIOST day and discover how COMPAO BUilTIN flASH • C .~~~t.~~~arr 95 MSlR W1TH Expressions™ by Giant can $399 SmaUSize, EXPERT INTEl.UGl:NCE I: to: • COlTIpIeIe wIIh IoIno/lll s help you achieve: - 2_USA_warT8nIY CompIeleK~ Hich Performance Z- o • f .pt ..<1 )I o • A balanced fitness program. Z t I ly::x:j ,I • r'lf:> ')ldt" ";> 1 !:i • Convenient "no excuses" I MI NO LTA d (', \--'I'd - J' Vl'~ t )' ~ t • home workouts. • COMPACTVHS • • Low impact cardiovascular .f~.. ...r" , CAMERA n., ~~ 1"'..,. 1 all conditioning. ;.I r"'-E- ~<..,\ -Z • Com!JIete W!lI1 _. • Monitored effort for maxi- o= 2 v- USA hm~ed warranty 0 z 95 mum results. -I ,$79 MINOLTA = All equipment IS backed by • FREEDOM TELE • the ImpreSSive Giant c Warranty SUPER QUICK FREEDOM o~ z MINOLTA -I rPm~[QXQ)M • U1rra co.-rpocr and h9ht'NeIg,r OO'9n ZOOM9Oc • • TIl ourofOCUllnq Irom Infrn1TY101 Ynm In • ~.!!I!!!! Ironl 04 lens ~1=1 • 'C • 01< pc7oNet' zoom lens wun OUIO mocra t"!! • 4 lcoor • Complete """ Minolta s I )'elf ~ """\Yl~p",v,.~~CJI"ld~oI-, USA Nmlted ...... ty Jli in Ameritech PagesPlus.. • $799'5 ~ WIt- M~ Y""7 lJSA j,mJtl!od war ~ c $ 95 • VILLAGE CYCLE & !:i 17114 Kercheval 149 ~ o IN THE VILLAGE 0 FITNESS CENTER Z Grosse Pointe ~ ~ ~ -:I ~ 885.2267 Jli 22316 Harper S.C.S. 777.0357 MINOLTA • MINOLTA • MINOLTA • MINOLTA • MINOLTA • MINOLTA

--_....._--"--_ .._--~_._- December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 19A

Coldwell Banker presents to its top performers ... Eagle awards, in fitting recognition of the individual commitment of Coldwell Banker award winners. These special awards embody the strength, integrity and individual achievement of the Coldwell Banker International Award Winners.

Coldwell -Banker Schweitzer Real Estate are looking for. ongoing career advancement program invites you to Soar with the Eagles. If you At Coldwell Banker Schweitzer Real Estate. through Coldwell Banker University. • have been a real estate sales associate for we expect a lot from our Sales Associates experienced management. one year or more and have achieved and in return, we give support that is $1 million or more in sales volume. we are unparelleled in the real estate industry: interested in you. • 4 aggressive commission schedules, • So, if you're ready to Soar with the You expect the best from yourself. And that corporate relocation. • nationwide referrals, Eagles. give us a call. makes you the kind of Sales Associate we • comprehensive marketing support, • an

Expect the best~ G. P. Farms G. P. "Hill" G. P. Woods 19 Offices l.P. Fountain Bob Kitchen George Smale Manager Manager Manager A IIUMII R OF ThE SE ARS FINAIICIAl liE TWORl 18780 Mack Avenue 74 Kercheval 21300 Mack Avenue 886-5800 885.2000 COLDWeLL 886-4200 Anlndtll.nllenlly OWMII.ncl 0111"1,. M.mlle, or corllw.III1Me, Anlllent •• 1A"lh ..les Inc BANl(eRC '9 OffIces


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PHONE (517) 7970934 AI'l4 SHAUll TON 1 'AOO\ Q£9 21'S December 19. 1991 20A Seniors Grosse Pointe News

Officers elected The Senior Men's Club of Grotl88 Pointe elected officers for 1992. They are. back row from left. RU88811Peebles. director: Harlan L. Hagman. past president: David Hadden. secretary: DODD G. lipka. 2nd vice president: S. Sidney Newhouse. treasurer: Harold Messacar. director: Kenneth Chapin. director: William T. Peters. assistant treasurer: and William J. Lee. director: front row from left. William J. Lane. 1st vice president; Richard Beeman. director: Roy Siewert. director: Wilbur A. Baetz. president: James Pillon. director: Tullio A. Alessi. assistant secretary: and Monroe Lechner. director.


Provided as a service to the community by the Assistance League to the Northeast Guidance Center , December 19, 1991

Four-year-old Marnee was mg, walking, exploring and child feel approved •of only when engrossed m her drawmg. Vivid mastermg the world. The par- winning. Encouragement can colors and stick figures With ent cheers these efforts, prais- be given for effort, or for slight broad grms clearly conveyed ing success, encouraging reo improvement. Telling your thIS was a happy picture and newed attempts when set-backs child, "You learned to jump! Mamee's earnest descriptIOns occur. That's great! You couldn't do verified it 'That's me - and It takes a great deal of work that last week," is Dad - and Josh - at the park. to help children grow into self- encouragement. I went down the big siJde - by confident adults who have the Give room to choose. Al- myself I It was fun'" assurance to pursue their own low you\' chi\d to do what he/she Nurturmg good self-esteem goals and the courage to take thinks is worthwhile-even if in youngsters IS one of the best risks or even defend unpopular the activity seems trivial to you. gifts adults can give them Self. stands. Children need to focus Thking pleasure in doing esteem IS how a person feels on their own unique strengths something for its own sake, about himself. It's hiS overall and learn that not succeeding rather than for praise or gain, i Judgment of himself, and is immediately does not mean fai- encourages init18tive and builds I based on the convictions that "I lure. Parents cannot give self- confidence. am lovable. I am worthwhile." confidence; it's developed from Talk to your child. Show

From the earlIest age, par- withm the chIld. But parents interest without prying. Ask ,If ents - and later other family, can help their children by fos- ''What happened today?" rather teachers and friends - give tering that all-important sense than 'What did you do?" or chIldren experiences which of self-worth upon which true "What did you learn?" This Northeast Guidance center's "I LIKE ME!" message sums up positive self-esteem. A variety bUild self-esteem. It comes first, confidence is built. emphasizes events, not success of activities, beginning with the armual kids' art contest (for youngsters through 14 years), fo- from the relatlOnshlps which In a 1988 arbcle, Leah Lev- or failure, and allows the chl1d cus on building good self-esteem. The 1992 contest ends February 21. For a self-esteem eXist between the chl1d and inger, Ph.D., and Paddy Yost some privacy. pamphlet for parents and kids or for an art contest entry form, call Northeast's Community those who are Significant m hIS suggested five self-confidence Don't rush your child. Relations Office at 824-8000. '.. or her lIfe The parent feeds, bUIlders. Skills must be learned-they changes, and bathes the mfant Encourage your child. En- are are not acquired all at once. skills. If your children know they are that you value them, rather ~ Cuddlmg and tender care nur- couragement IS not the same as Accept that your child does not Let your child be himlher. loved, they will be able to face than constantly evaluate, they ture the baby Then, gradually, praise Praise stresses bemg know thmgs "yet". Watch for seH. People who are not afraId and endure, as we all must, be- will understand that theIr real baby starts learmng the skills better than someone, it back- clues that let you know when ofbemg different have the cour- ing laughed at, thought dIffer- worth is not determmed by suc- of the toddler-sItting, crawl- fires if it is Insincere or makes a he or she is ready to tackle new age to make theIr own choices. ent, even disliked. If they know cess or failure.

I For information about Northeast Guidance Cen- Mental illness strikes one in four :1 ter or the Assistance League to the Northeast Guidance Center, call 824-8000. Services are In a hfetime, mental illness Northeast Guidance Cen- provided at three locations: and serious emotional problems ter Services will affect 25% of the popula- Northeast Guidance Center tion. That means one In four provides services to people of all 13340 E. Warren, Detroit, 824-8000 people. It also means stat;Sti. ages who have serious emotion- cally it's harder to say it's al problems and mental illness- 17000 E. Warren, Detroit, 824-5665 someone on the next street, or es. At Northeast, residents of even down the block. StatLStl- northeastern Wayne County re- 2670 Chalmers, Detroit, 824-5620 cally, it means one person out of ceive counsehng, treatment and

_lISt Guidance Center IS • seMCB prrNK1er of the Detroy D "'DOh""'r

_._-----_.~------_.....--- - -_...... -_------r I December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 21A

r------~I :,::'.: =', 'I • MULIER'S MARKET. I 15215KERCHEVAL I II, '~n Impressive Selection offoods in a relatively small place in • I the heart of Grosse Pointe Park"


I FRENCH RED • I '88 Coles Du Rhone GUIGAl (1ar more seduct,ve. as well as ncher. and mo~ allraCllve than • the 1986) 799 I '88 Cotes Du Rhone LAVlfn I I ITRMI GOLD ("Surpnslngly, full boC>d Oven Ready Ib ROASTERCHICKENL•• _._._ •••• 1. • _ _ ~ ~ _ '88 Red Bull TORRES SANGRL DE TORO (ThIS IS a BEST BUY WINE SPECfATOR: I 't I Intense, npe and full bodIed. plenty of flavor and character.82 eolDlS) . 6 29 FRESH GOQ,SL 'r. _ _ '89 Chardonnay COLUMBIA CREST (Estabhshed as a world class wme maker) 749 I I '89 Chardonay COLUMBIA (Shows a comple'Cnose oftrop,,'al fruIt wuh underbmng meloD SIRLOIN TIP or COOKED oak aromas) ...... , .• 1.99 I ='E's~1t'I $1295 '90 SemlihonlChardonnay CO! UMBIA CREST (Clean. cnsp, represenls great value I) S 8Q EYE ROUND 1 $339 TURKEY BRUST._ •••• _. __ •••• 'f.. PEELED & '88 Cabemel Sauvlgnon COLUMBIA ("One of the finest Cabs out of Washmglon today I". I ROLLED ROAST Ib I W S 90 pomls) . 899 FRESHLEGS orTURKEYWlNGL __ _ 69f• DEVIE NED Ib. I CALIFORNIA RED and WHITE I NEW YORK ROASTED RED PEPPER$2 20 ••30 ct 99 SHRIMP 1 '86 Cabemet Sauvignon DEER VAl LfY (Very clean and focused Cab, full or character dnnkable I STRIPS Ib SMze lable red) 549 $359 SALAD wIFresh Garlic '88 Cabemet Sauvlgnon GLEN Ell FN . .. 4 99 I LOIN ROAST 1 '87 Zmfandel RIDGE PASO ROBL[S (Greal v1Dtage,drought seasoD produced excellent Ib LEG OF$2 TURKEYS JUMBO I LtN:-. espeCIally InlSone) " .. •.. .. 11.99 I 29 $769 N V ZmfandeI MOUNTAIN VIEW ("Wonderfully silley. robust, SpICYwrapped m a glove BONELESS BEEF LAMB Ib 994l! Ib TIGER I of toasted oak" Robert Parker 86 pomls) '. . ..•...... • 5.89 I RIB EYE '88 Merlol GLEN ELLEN ..... 499 R AND.LA KWELL $399 SHRIMP lb. I N V Merlot BEL ARBORS (Grapes from CalifornIa and Oregon, deliCiOUS~d) . .. 629 I STEAKS '87 Pmot NOir LACREMA (LUSClOUS nose, Vibrant nch cherry flavors-dnnks well now). . .. 9.75 $4~:Mincemeat 20 1/2 oz $ 49 15020 ct '89 Pmot NOIf GUNDLACH BUNDSHU SONOMA (hmlted. allocated, greal pinal'). . . . 12 6~ I Plum Pudding 15 oz 1 '89 Plnot NOIf SAINTSBURY CARNEROS (Number ODechOIcePIDOIraled by Free Press "and fnends" 529 DECECCOPASTAggtl. lasters. November '91) ... IS 99 I CHEESECAKE FROM Hard Sauce 4 3/4 OZ $2 L1NGINISPAGHEnl , I I 1 'Q()Grenache aos DE GILROY ry.t S -87 polo Is explOSIve,nch dry raspberry flavolS- THE CHEESECAKE NEW "FRENCH EPI" BAKERY FRESH FmUCINI dnnk now unlll '92) ...... 789 I SHOPPE I '88 Claret NEWTON ("Complex loads of n,po;current, cedar and loasty tobacco, herb, 2 fbs $699 BAKED DAILY YOUR CHOICE 16 and very elegant should Improve Wme Spectator 86 poInts) ... . 999 I Various Flavors each Black Olive and Plain Bague"es OZ I N V Cuvee Rouge R H PHILIPS NlTE HAVFST(Robert Parleerbesl wme buy of the world) 529 I '89 Chardonnay BURGESS NAPA(Beautlfully balanced Chard Wine Speetalor.Q()points). 11 99 I Croussants. Danish. REESE $1 '89 Chardonnay 1 LOUR RIVFRSTONE (SP[cr AfOR SFLECTION.90 POlOts) 1098 CANADIAN Farmer Rounds. Herb Rons ARTICHOKE .89 Chardonnay EDNA VALLEY (I highly recommend thiS full.bodled nch, besl vlDtage I $179 99 I have tested) 11 89 '89 Chardonnay DEFR VALL[Y (Ne", up and coming allracltve best buy Chard) 549 I STONED GRANDMA'S $659 HEARTS I '89 Chardonnay ROBERT TALBOTI MONTEREY ("Mosl stnklOg Chards contlng OUI of California They are explOSive.nch and complex full bodied WIth I WHEAT THINS FRUIT CAKE 1lb In Water 140z 1 Impeccable balance" R Parker) ...... 28 99 '89 Chardonnay CAMBRIA KATIIERlNES vYD ("GIven lis quality and pnce tt ~presenlS I 10.6 oz MELODY FARMS I a sensational value".Roberr Parker Q()polo IS) ...... 14.59 'Q()Chardonnay VENDANGE (Incredible character) S 29 I BREMNER WAFERS ICAUSER SREW $579 HALFAndHALF 798 I '90 Chardonnay GLEN ELLEN .. 499 'Q()Chardonnay MOUNlAIN VIEW (WIDeSpectalor 84 poIDIS). 629 I $1 99 (Non Alcoholic) 6 pack PINTS " I 'Q()Chardonnay R II PHILIPS (Roberr Parker glVes thIShIgh marks 87 POlOts) 799 MIL.L.ER + dep BETTER MADE N V Chardonnay lOST HILLS 4 89 I 49 $1 I '89 Sauvlgnon Blanc DRY CREEK FUME . 899 40z MILLER LITE 6 pack $3 POTATOCHIPS 7 '89 SauVlgnon Blanc STEPHEN ZLLL[RBACH (Clean. dry, cmp lable wlute) 629. I 'Q()SauVlgnon Blanc GROm ( A consIstent favonle) 839 CELLUTEX Botti.. + dep FAMILY SIZE I N V Creme Du Tete l.ACRFMA (Barrel aged. mouthfilhng. toasly vaDllla flavors) S 89 I SAMUEL ADAMS $599 ELEGANT NAPKINS LAGER BEER 6 pack + dep FRESH I AUSTRALIAN RED and WHITE I 79 $299 '89 Shlraz ROSEMOUNT ("Oul'tandmg. complex. red WIne".Wme Spectator 90 50 ct Dinner $3 Bottle. $649 SQUEEZED 1 pomts 1988) 8 S9 I 50 ct Luncheon $199 MILLER & ORANGE '87 CabernetiShlraz WYNDIlA\1 ( A ~Ig fulllhrollie. JUICVred. fahulously balanced straIght I through" W,en Spectator 91 pmnts) 899 I MILLER UTE 12 pack + dep JUICE 1/2 gal '89 CabemetiShlfllz Lf ASINGIlMA IIlrrT CRn K (Musltry blend, sleeper) 599 '88 CabemetlMalbec DOMAINE I rA'>INGHAM (I xtremely nch, balanced Aussle red, personally It IS I I absolutely stunnmg M M ) . 799 COFFEE '86 Merlot WYNDHAM ("Deep. \ Ibrant wIDewllh chocolate and mlDt navors greal I ~ COKE PRODUCTS I length fin"h" BEST BUY-Wme Spectator 85 poIDIs), • '" . 7 99 '87 Pmot NOIf WYNDHAM BIN 333 (ThISISthe besltaStlng PIDOtfor Ihe money anywhe~l) 799 I ~ ~~!E!!L I '90 DIamond Red ROSEMOUNT (WIDeSpeClalOradvocate BEST BUY) 699 89 1 '89 Chardonnay MONTROSF BIN 747 ("Cnsp and bnghtly focused, hvely navors finn I HAZELNUT CREAM ••'4" Ib I aCld,ty" Wine Spectalor-85 pomt') 759 IRISH CREAM...... '4" Ib ~ $2 .. '89 Chardonnay TYRREll'S (RIch. fruity c1ass,cAuss,e Chard.WIDe Spectalor-84 p

... _ ...... -.-_ ...... -~-.------.------... .,,,...... 6,, 'e _ e _ _ _ MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION .'C~O.TEC.,ItC.

PHONE (517) 792 0934

o e December 19, 1991 22A News Grosse Pointe News. front and back, with the $100 wrappers and lottery ticket dls- gulsmg them. Seasons greetings From page 1 Farms pohce credIt the qUick actIOns of the Comenca bank ana Peace on f£artli the descnptiOn of the vehicle manager for preventmg the ViC- and its occupants tim from losmg what was prob- Nichols & Long, p.e. A short time later, DetrOit ably all the money she had pohce and Grosse Pomte Park In the Dee 3 inCident, the Family Law Attorneys detectives stopped the Mercedes DetrOlt man was havlOg an ar- at Chandler Park Dnve and gument With hiS gIrlfnend, who Conner and arrested the man works at one of the stores, and Bruce R. Nichols Warren E. Long and woman They were brought was confronted by a man m hiS 18430 Mack Ave. Grosse PIe. Farms, MI • 886-7670 or 885-5511 back to the Farms pohce sta- late 308 who Identified hImself tIOn as a pollce officer and told the ,-- Slncc 1984 ------, Farms detectives learned man to come outsIde to dISCUSS , The Eas!slde'~ ONLY Quail!}' : that the man and woman were the matter. disguised He wore a false The two men went to the DISCOUNT COMPUTER STORE: goatee and had pamted his SId- parkmg lot The alleged officer eburns She wore a wig got an envelope out of hiS car -- : The man gave offieers a false and ordered the man to put hiS L-:'~ I Photo b} John Mmnl.' ______SOFTWARE f ~ I name, but Michigan State Po- wallet, watch and keys lo it Discounted I The Optical Library was one of the stores that won an hce records revealed that he The man comphed The alleged award from the Hill Association for its decorated windows for 15.30% was Robert Richardo Hawkins, officer then told man to go to Over 1,500 titles in stock for Everyday Christmas. 34, of DetrOit He has a lengthy the Farms pohee statiOn on cnmmal hiStOry, meludmg nu- Dee 20 to recover hIS belong- • IBM • Atari • Apple Group recognizes window displays merous arrests for fraudulent mgs and to find out If there • MaCIntosh • Commodore actIVities, drugs, weapons and will be any prosecutiOn. The HIll ASSOCIatIOn of sented top awards to Connolly robbery and was on parole, po- The alleged officer then got I Authorized dealer for Adobe, Lotus, WordPerfect Grosse Pomte Farms and the Travel Inc and The Optical Li- hee said lOto hiS car and drove off. 22205 Kelly Road . City held its first tree hghtmg brary for thell' Chnstmas win- :& The woman was identlfied as Four days later, the man I 5 blks South of 9 MIle dow dtsplays. Honorable men- ceremony Dee 5 o\](mda Uwtte DIck, 28, also of called the Farms pohee to file a I :-= La"t Ddrvlt tiOns were awarded to Present at the ceremony were DetrOlt complamt agamst the alleged Gregg Berendt, mayor, Richard Johnstone & Johnstone Real- Both suspects were arraigned officer When he explained : • 445-2983 tors, Greatways Travel Inc., Solak, actmg City manager, the Dee 12 on charges of at- what had happened, he was & Mon - Sat 10. 7 ) Blossoms and Young Clothes lSMAll BUSINESS HOME SPECIALISTS Grosse Pomte North Tower tempted larceny by tnck, a fe told that he was tncked by some- Bells Choir, HIll Association lony carrying a mronmum sen- one lmpersonatmg an officer ~------~--~," members and many people All displays were judged by tence of 2-112 years Thell' The man said that at no time "' . from surroundmg community. the members of the Farms ,. prehmmary exam is set for did the alleged pohee officer '" The Hill AssociatIon pre- BeautificatiOn COIIUIUSSlOn. Jan. 3 present any form of Identifica- ;1./ Dick's bond was set at $5,000 tion. .,'1/ Warren man pleads guilty cash, whIch was paid by a Detective Michael McCarthy ", baIlsman. Hawkins could not said shoppers have to be careful, An 18-year-old Warren man 1972 Dodge school bus - east pay hIS $10,000 cash bond and especially durmg the busy holi- pleaded gmlty Dee 13 to shoot- on Lakeshore in Grosse Pomte is m Wayne County Jail, police day shopping season. If some- (, said one says they found money, caU mg at a bus on Lakeshore in Shores when Saroh fired five MAITRES HORLOGERS DEPUIS 1830 , i Police recovered the I-inch police, and if someone identifies June shots mto the rear of the bus " Armand David Saroh entered No one was injured thick bundle of money and himself as a police officer, ask hiS plea before DetroIt Record- The shootmg stemmed from found that a $1 bill was on the to see some Identification. er's Judge Dommick Carnovale. an argument between the bus 'n? He will be sentenced m Janu- driver and Saroh, who was in C.. ary on charges of felomous as- another car with frIends. The •r~J sault and commISSiOn of a dispute began at Jefferson and 1* cnme WIth a fll'earm. He could Fisher m the City. ,," receive up to seven years m Shores public safety officer pnson on the charges. Robert Bensinger is credited On June 28 at 11'30 p.m , an with the successful investiga- j\ ", East Detroit man was dnvlng tion that led to Saroli's arrest '1.1..''(, hIS mobile home - a converted and conviction. Saroli has a history of prior ~ convictions, including burglary b\"" SEWER TROUBLE? of a pay phone and larceny. He fir"~ C.II also faces an armed robbery t1 charge in Warren. He allegedly tr' committed the robbery after he ~~ BRUCE WIGLE jffj was released on ball while ~" ~ being held by Wayne County 17600 LIVERNOIS. 863.7800 on the Shores charges, pohce 71kxanckr ff. 2Jongiorno 15304 KERCHEVAL. 822.9070 saId. 1726 MAPLE RD.• 643.4800 ,. Creative f/eilJekr Now located at GARBAGE GRINDER? Suite 130 Colombia Center Cd 201 West Big Beaver, Troy BRun WIGlE (Across from the Troy MarrIott - East of 1-75) ~

17600 UVERNOIS. 863-7800 15304 KERCHEVAL. 822.9070 1726 MAPLE RD.• 643-4800

t , , .\" ~ a 11~.l ~ J ...' \ ~ ~\ , J 1;.1"-

The leaders inEmergency medicine. We'llstand for December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 23A J Meetings set Manlmography. cc;pyte 99t Aftel bll thday", anmvel "a Ylllil I1Hl'l pm\elllll \\l\'P(111 IIe" and payday", Fat m... Ie<>l 395 F\!het Rood t!).!.!)..u dent" nllght want to mar k the 1-S()()-ACS-2J45 lI86-7M4 ( Ac'otI ~omG P Hil1') COPIES followIll/{ date" Jll thell 1992 1'99'11 Am ..., Col" Ca"cf."' S (,('1~ lalendar<; The Fat 01" counul will meet .Jan 13 and 27, Feb 10 and 24, Mal ch 9 and 23, ApIII 6, Ma) 4 and 18, June 5, .July 13, Aug 17, Sept 14, Oct 5 and 19, Nov 9 and 23, and Dec 14 All meetmg'> will be held on • Mondayf>,,>tattmg at 7 30 pm, III the councIl cham bel s on the '>econd floOl of Clt~ hall, 90 Kelby Road Canvassers appointed •• Josephine Beal d~lee and MORA 'I'MAIt A,.oy - .. TII&DI'I'IIDII...... -,- Joanne Leona! d have been No Chrl.tnUI. .' Ieappomted to the Grof>"e I.complete Pomte Fat mf>bOUld of tanvaf> without • 'leI'Sby the cIty councIl Uonel train. Holiday time is also the perfect time to capture some dramatic winter scenes on film. This Theil new tel m" will "tmt snow-filled shot was taken by Nagler in Novi. .Jan 1, the day aftel then old td m" L-:"pllL- llL-dl J.~kL- I" ,I Shop _ RepublIcan and Leonal d IS a Capture the holidays on film Democlat The board of canvas"ers re Your Lionel t,.ln • vIew'> and certlfies the lesult" ,", No better OpportunIty exlSts of each local electIOn Under 771-6770 headqu.rte~J.... for recordIng treasured family MIchIgan statutes, each cIty or 21714 Harper (at 8-1/2 Mile) memories with your camera townshIp board of canva<;sers ." than at holiday time must have four members, two Christmas and children go fI am each major politIcal Palty hand in hand, so let's begin lRepubllcan and Democrat) with them. Remember to move Each member serves a four m close to fill the frame and year term get down on their level. Con. Jane Dow and FIance<; Scho centrate on candids as the kIds PhotogrnpJ!! nenberg are the other two unwrap their presents under members of the board of can .. Wappy' . the tree and begIn to play WIth By Monte Nagler vasc;ers TheIr terms expIre III theIr new toys. Your photos 1993 WIll appear natural because in fast films Usmg 1000 or 1600 all the excitement the chIldren speed films, try lIghtmg some 9-{o{iaat/s won't even know you're there. scenes WIth only candlelight Don't forget other family Your dInner table or a famIly - OUR GIFT TO YOU- members. For group shots, member lit only by candles will produce that memorable roo CONTINUED BY POPULAR DEMAND r------~ have everyone sit or stand I ANY'1 ANY MEN'S I around casually rather than re- mantic shot An exposure of f-2 is 0 sort to a stiffiy posed composi- at 1/30 second IS all that's 19th Annual 14K and 18K Gold : ~ O~~l~~~'OF~OR WOMEN'S : tion. Try Including yourself In needed. I STORE ITEM IN SlORE I the picture by using the self. Need a last. minute stockmg CHRISTMAS JEWELRY SALE timer and placmg the camera stuffer? A photographer IS al. on a tripod or steady table. ways thrilled to find hIS or her Extended Now through Christmas ~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~-----~ As always, check your back- stocking packed WIth film on \LI. l\.lDS SHOES \1 I."o'n \'S ....H

When you need emergency care, come to Bon Secours Hospital. Every one of our emergency physicians is board-certified and specially trained in emergency medicine. Each has had advanced cardiac life-suppon training as well. And all of our emergency room nurses , have long-term experience in the emergency department . ~. ... , fl. "'~ ~ I To make your emergency care even better, we've expanded , ": - ~I our Emergency Department: four new general treatment \ ~ '\ rooms, a mini-laboratory and radiology room right on ~' ... # site, and additional orthopedics and gynecology specialty V ,, rooms. We have pediatricians and obstetricians available 24 hours a day, and we've doubled the size of the triage area so we can treat you faster. Plus we're adding more state-of-the-art equipment to the department, including new cardiac telemetry units which will enable us to monitor up to 20 critical patients even while they're being transported to different areas of the hospital for necessary 'I testing. All of these improvements, combined with the most qualified emergency staff in Michigan, means outstanding care for you and your family, And that's our ultimate goal. In fact, we won't stand for anything less, nothing less. BON SECOURS BOil "n our ~ III )~J1lt,ll, ~()H ( ,Idlt u'\ Ro,ld~t-(,fO"'<;(' POinte, M I ..,H2~O l'!loT1t (-, I ,) ., I' II,OS


PHONE (517) 7920934 December 19, 1991 ~ 24A Grosse Pointe News Automotive I Even the engine's beautiful on the daring Alfa Romeo 1645 :

"I thmk I've got somethmg has a cult followmg, whIch was here that will interest you," I not the case with Peugeot or said to John Auslho, president Sterhng, but whether the cult of Citation Tool Co and part is big enough and whether it IS owner of the Arnva restaurant growmg must be questions near the General Motors Tech gomg through staffers' nunds r I Center m Warren at Alfa Romeo DistrIbutors of We were leavmg the offices North AmerIca. of CIMCO, a holdmg company I hope the cult is big enough, 1 also In Warren that IS the par- Autos although the 164S prIce tag of ent firm of, among others, Clta around $31,000 (prIces for tlOn Tool lesser 164 models start at We approached a jet black By Richard Wright around $25,000) ISgomg to Alfa Romeo 164S sedan m the hmlt Its sales and much of the lot cult has grown up around the "It's pretty," AuslllO saId tIon And he IS a partner With Alfa sales would rebound Spyder sports car But m an "Very pretty" And It IS, even Distinctive valentine-shaped grille marks the Alfa Romeo Barney Ales, former preSident strongly age when American, Japanese though It Ignores Just about 1645. of Motown Records, m a new The 164 lme was kmd of a and northern European cars every stylmg trend gomg It IS did not test thIS, but It IS said more effiCient manufacturmg ~ordmg company to be based last-dItch effort to stay above are becommg very standard- boxy m an aero era The that the 164S WIll do 140-plus system to make the AmerIcan here, Arnva Records. water m the Amencan market IZed, the Alfa has Its own flaIr, leather interiOr IS not the prev miles per hour All I know IS makers more competitive So .' I've got to keep busy," AUSI- and It succeeded adImrably as a dlstmctlVe personalIty with-

alent gray or black, It IS a that In normal traffic flow on I maybe he would Just as soon 110 saId WIth a chuckle an automobIle, but annual out the eccentncltles that have I bnght yellow squash color bor 696, there ISstill plenty of ac not make a bIg deal about pull While there are a number of sales have not come close to the marked some Alfas In the past. dermg on the ghastly, but m celerator left mg up m a foreIgn car, even If mdlcatlons that the AmerIcan antICIpated 12,000 units Alfa Alfa, by the way, started as fact commg off qUite well, even The engme puts the Alfa It Isn't Japanese BIg Three are bUIldmg a Romeo sales m 1989 totaled an acronym for Anomma Lom- With red stItchmg 164S m the top performance AusIlIO has deSigned a modu stronger poSItIOnfor the lon~ 2.850 and m 1990. after intro- bardo Fabbnca Automoblh (the And .. hIl" ml,)"l fa:,llll,)lllibl~ rdnk~ of luxury cars, and It IS iar toolmg !>ystem which he term, Alfa Romeo IS not domg ductIOn of the 164 line, climbed Lombardy Motor Manufactur- cars now sport mInImal gnlles, also one of the prettiest. Most says Will cut costs and make so well m the D.S market to 3,482. And that figure m- mg Co) m Milan, Italy, in the Alfa's gnlle leaps out at car makers take a stnctly utlh- the Amencan makers more Last month, Chrysler Corp cluded more Spyder sports cars 1910. It became Alfa Romeo af- you, a CurIOUSchrome-nnged tarIan approach to engInes and competItive The system IS at ended Its Jomt venture With than 164S sedans Sales are ter World War I, reflectmg the valentme (The grille IS appro- do not try to make them mto tractmg much positive atten Flat to distnbute Alfa Romeo unlIkely to be any hIgher for takeover of the company by in- pnate Dnvmg the 164S will works of art, but the Alfa's V-6 tlon and IS so lOgIcal that it IS m the Umted States When the 1991 dustnahst Nwola Romeo almost undoubtedly cause you IS beautIful WIth Its mtncately beautIful in Its simplIcity. Iron Jomt venture was announced m Peugeot and Sterhng With And, oh yes, the Alfa delIv- to love the car And you soon machmed valve covers and lcally, CIMCO is financed by C 1989, there were optimistic pre. drew from the D.S market ered us to the Arnva swiftly, realize that It loves you, too ) brIght-metal mtake tubes Itoh, the gIant Japanese global dictIOns, based largely on mtro- With better sales last year than before the pasta got cold It was I offered the keys to Auslho, Several other cars have very tradmg company, and It IS thiS duction of the 164 serIes, that Alfa Romeo posted True, Alfa most delIcious but he declined. "You drive," attractive engines, such as the financmg that allows develop. he said. "I'll get to feel how It CadIllac Allante, Chevrolet ment of the CAD/CAM tooling ndes" Corvette, Ford Taurus SHO system. Find out what your car is worth It was only a couple of mIles and MitsublShl 3000 Twm Auslho sold Citation Tool to to the restaurant, not much of Turbo, but the Alfa's will pro- CIMCO about a year ago, but Buymg or sellIng a late- Service Inc. mtroduced the ser- from 1946 to 1972 The data a test, but I opened it up bnefly Vide you With an aesthetiC ex- continues to take as active a model US. car? Want to know Vice m 1987 WIl~lam Kmgs- base mcludes all post-World on Mound Road so he could pertence when you open the role as ever "When we com. what a 1948 Aston-Martm IS bury, company preSIdent and War IT General Motors, Ford, sense the muscles under the hood to check the oil. plain that the Japanese are worth? How about a lO-year-old co-founder, says that With baSIC Chrysler and Packard hnes - Pimnfarma-styled hood "Nice," As we approached the Ar- beating us, we're complaining foreIgn sedan? InformatIOn about a car - With the exclUSion of station he said nva, I asked AusllIo again if he that the other guy's winrung If you stick to conventional make, model, year, mIleage, lo- wagons - and European In fact, the Alfa's perfor. wouldn't hke to drIve the Alfa because he tramed harder," means - quotes from dealers, cation and optIOnal features - makes, mcludmg Aston Martin, mance IS a lot more than nice. "No, it's very mce, but we bet- Auslho says, warmmg to hiS listings in newspaper ads and a person can call the Auto Austm-Healey, BMW, Delo- Without the benefit of four ter keep gomg. The pasta's get- subject. "We've got to work data from finanCial Institutions Pricelme and get dollars-and. rean, DeTomaso, Ferrart, Fiat, valves per cylInder or turbo- ting cold," he answered. harder and smarter I know we - you might have a tough time cents answers Jaguar, Jensen, Lamborghim, charging, the Alfa's alununum I thought It made sense to go can do it." determmmg market value. MG, Maserati, Mercedes Benz, three-liter V-6 puts out 200 to a fine Itahan restaurant m a Some Oike me) nught think But a state-of-the-art, compu- Auto Pnceline, 1-900-884- 3300, is a 24-hour service cost- Porsche and Triumph. horsepower and moves the lux- fine Italian car, but then it running a machme tool com- terized system called Auto mg $2 per mmute. (The aver- ury sedan off the line with such dawned on me that we are pany and co-owmng a fine Ital- Pncelme makes It possible to age time to get mformation on Market values reported are alacrity that drivers of compet- right across 12 Mile from the ian restaurant is an odd combi- use touch-tone telephones to based on data obtained from ing sports sedans will be won- GM Tech Center, many OM nation, but that is just the find out the current hIgh and one vehicle is four minutes; two minutes per vehicle thereafter) auctIOns, Kelley's Blue Book, denng, "What was that?" executives come here for lunch, beginning. Ausilio is also a low values of VIrtually any car regIonal and national classified Not wanting to get caught GM is a major customer for partner in a weight.loss pro- - from the late model domestic Auto Pncelme has added advertisements and industry speedmg in a foreign car (or Ausilio's tool company and Au- gram called SlIm Vision, which to the older import market values of American and publicatIons. Listings are up- , Ameritlan, f9r that matter), I silio is leading a crusade for a employs visualization motiva- National Automobile Data European collector automobIles dated quarterly • •• I LOCAL COUPLE WINS CARIBBEAN CRUISE JOHN KUPIEC proudly announces that he is now Mr. and Mrs. Bland Khalifah, of Grosse Pointe Park, accept the NEW OWNER and MANAGER of GROSSE their tickets from Sales Manager Tony Lafata (left) and their POINTE AUTO WORKS. John brings many years of sales counselor Mike Deslippe (far right) for a free cruise) vv'hichthey won by dropping their entry blank in the contest box quality/service, experience and dedication to the Grosse at Roy O'Brien Ford in St. Clair Shores. Pointe communities and is very anxious to be of service "We often wondered if anybody ever really and truly won to any of your vehicle repair needs. those contests; what a pleasant surprise," said Christine Khalifah after receiving a call from Ford Motor Company. NEW OWNERSHIP SPECIALS

ITRANSMISSION SERVICE TUNE.UP, I -COUPON. I ------Chang,Fluid I lOlL, LUBE & FILTER I I · Replace Pan Gasltet SPECIAL mer I$ 95.Adj;~I::::~nklgeI I ::e $1795 I I (ff Applicable! I I - Up to 5 qIS. oa IIOST CARSI •RoICI Test ~A .. ~ I I I "',~T Includina TOD Off All Fluids ._------• W/COUPON EXP. 1.2.82 C4PlO I I------w/ crOUPdN EXP.1.2-.2 I I------FALL TUNE.UP SPECIAL I I WINTERIZE YOUR CAR I : $39~!c.r.:::~~~~:~GSYS~E3MFgLU:: : I :~~.I I •Premne Test System ::u,1udet I • W/COUPON EXP. 1.2-92 I I W/COUPON EXP. 1.2.92 FIMtt I .------• We Service All Makes------& Models • Grosse Pointe Auto Works ROY O'BRIEN "GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY FULL SERVICE GARAGE" 15103 KERCHEVAL. IN THE PARK 776-7600 822-3003 9 Mile at Mack UIILE FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICE OPEN MONDAY AND OPEN 7AM MON-FRIDAY, SATURDAY 8AM-2PM 1 MIle Eut oft ... St. Clair Shores THURSDAY UNTIL 9 PM

- - -- _ ..... ------.-...... -.- .... - - :-1------December 19. 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 25A MEAP test scores rentain about the same By Ronald J. Bernas "There was some controversy year," McCaIg saId. "The new test was much Staff Writer over the fourth grade readmg The scores for the tenth more dIfficult and It mcluded The MIchIgan Education As. test," McCaIg said "The mfor- grade reading test Jumped Sig. subjects that students haven't sessmpnt Program (MEAP) matIOnal part was on the Ro. nIficantly over the preVIOUStwo had yet," McCaIg Bald. Lido on the Lake scores are m. and despIte con. man empIre and the claIm, years WIth 72 9 percent passing Indeed, the test mcluded sec troversy and one completely is now accepting individual from many dIstncts, was that It both tests Last year only 59 4 tIOns on lOgIC, statIstIcs and new test, Grosse Pomte's stu. was unfaIrly dIfficult" percent passed both tests and probabIhty, topICS that aren't New Year's Reservations from dents dId about as well as ex- McCaIg admIts the test was m 1989 only 536 percent Included m most early hIgh pected. tough, and the scores reflect achIeved that goal More than school textbooks. 4:00 PM. - 7:30 PM. "There's a few ups and a few the dIfficulty Nearly 88 per. 90 percent passed the story sec. "We won't know what these downs, but overall I'd say our cent of all students passed the tlOn and 74 7 percent passed numbers mean untIl we com scores are about the same," story sectIOn of the test whlle the InformatIOnal portIOn pare them WIth other school New Year's Eve Party from only 63 percent passed the m- saId Roger McCaIg, the schools' But McCaIg Isn't makmg dlstncts," he Bald formatIOnal sectIOn Some 59 9.00 PM. - 3.00 A.M. dIrector of research and devel. any claIms about the gam In The school board has formed percent of students passed both opment. In October, every tenth grade readIng scores a commIttee to study the K-12 tests Last year, 65 percent III $30 per couple fourth, seventh and tenth grade "I'll have to see how every. math curnculum "I don't ex- passed both tests and m 1989 student In the state was reo one else dId," he saId pect to see the math scores rise 63 6 percent passed both sec qUired to take the MEAP math If other dIstncts went up Sig. for a couple of years," McCaIg Call 773-7770 For Information tions and readmg tests Every fifth, mficantly, It may mean the test Bald "When you're tested m In the seventh grade readmg eighth and eleventh grader was happened to be eaSIer thIS year, the tenth grade, you're tested test, 55 percent passed both the reqUired to take the MEAP SCI' he saId on what was taught In seventh, story and the mformatlOnal sec. ence test The math scores are based on eIghth and nInth grades We're tlOns. Last year 62.9 percent a totally new test that McCaIg lucky we had thIS commIttee In WhIle the test was once used passed both and m 1989, 64 2 saId IS much more dIfficult the works, other dIstncts WIll Zd~C?ekAmw percent passed both to help the state dlstnbute than the prevIOUS years' tests probably have to study theIr L>.~ C' A money to the schools, m recent Seventy.five percent of the Because of the new test, any programs, too " years It has been used to set students passed the story sec. comparIson WIth last year's The commIttee WIll recom. ~:NEW"YEA state standards and stIr change mend changes m tht;; math \..w tlOn and 63 1 ptlll.-ellt pdl>:>ed IIIdlh :>COle~ could lead to mcor at m the currIculum the mformatlOnal sectIOn rect assumptIOns nculum that are expected to be The readmg test gwes stu- "We're not pamckmg, even Nearly 72 percent of the dIs- InstItUted m the 1992-93 school year SPARKY HERBERTS dents two dIfferent passages - though some of the scores are tnct's fourth graders, 62 per- The scIence scores remamed Reservations Taken For a short story and an informa. down, because there IS no way cent of the seventh graders and 6, 7:30, 9, and 10:30 Seatings tIOnal piece - and questions to pIck two readmg selectIOllS 40 1 percent of the tenth grad- VIrtually the same' 89 percent the students on how well they WIth 20 questIOns that are ex- ers receIved a satisfactory score of the fifth graders passed, WIth 92 percent passmg last year 50 understood the matenal. actly the same from year to (65 percent) on the test. $37 per person and 88 percent passmg In 1989. In the eIghth grade, nearly 4 COURSE DINNERS 76 percent passed, compared Optimists to collect winter coats for needy WIth 73 percent last year and Choice of 6 appetizers, 79.6 percent In 1989 6 entrees, and Sparky's The Grosse POInte Lakeshore "All we are really askmg IS the number of cutbacks and Nearly 62 percent of the elev- OptImIst Club WIll sponsor a that the reSIdents Just take a layoffs enth grade students passed thIS complete dessert cart "Coats for the Cold" drive for few mInutes out and scan over If you would hke to donate year, compared to 61 percent the thIrd year In a row The that wmter closet and take out some wmter garments that are last year and 60.5 percent in Call Today for Reservations not bemg used, place them m a drIve WIll collect warm wmter the stuff that hasn't been used 1989 822-0266 outerwear to donate to the In the past few years or IS not plastiC bag, and put the bag on McCaIg saId he wIll compare more than 700 needy famlhes hkely to be used agaIn," Red- your front porch on Saturday, the scores with the results In 15117 Kercheval who hve m the Corktown area lawskl saId Dec 21 Volunteer members of the rest of the state's school of DetrOIt The Rev Tom Sutherland, the OptImIst Club will pIck up dIstricts when they are made pastor of Most Holy TrImty the donatIOns between noon Coats, hats, gloves, scarves, publIc, sometIme In February. Church, saId that when word and 4 pm Call 521-6984 and sweaters, socks and boots are was out that the OptImIsts had leave your name and address needed for chIldren, teens, men dropped off the coats at the for pIckup and women "Nothing wIIl be VACATION, church, the familIes came "In If you want a receIpt, place refused or wasted," said Marv large numbers and very an Inventory hst WIth your SKIING, HUNTING RedlawskI, OptImist member qUIckly. The coats were gone m name, address, telephone num. who began the drive two years OP CE!T.A-WAY a matter of a few hours, all bel' and an estImated value of ago "It WIll be gIVen dIrectly 500-plus of them." the donatIOn attached to the WE!EKEND? to those who need It" outSIde of the bag. A receIpt In the past two years, the Sutherland saId the need thIS WIll be mailed to you from the commumtIes of the fIve year IS greater than ever due to church 'IPoIntes, St ClaIr Shores, Har- ':,.. per Woods and the east SIde of DetrOI.t hav ... responded gener- Shores man guilty it! bank fraud ously WIth theIr donatIOns, he Grosse Pointe Shores reSI- The false statements resulted saId dent and Macomb County busi- In the payment of $1.3 nullIon nessman Thomas MJller to MIller that was never ap- pleaded gmlty Dec. 10 to de. plIed to the constructIOn pro- War Memorial frauding a Pontiac bank of $1.3 Jects approved by the bank's milhon. loan COII1IIllttee. 1992 JEEP CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4 to close Miller, 40, admitted makmg false statements concermng Under a plea agreement, constructIOn loans obtamed Miller faces a maximum sen. RENTALS .. for holidays from the FIrst Federal Savings tence of 27 months in prison Available day, week, weekend at Bank and Trust. and a $250,000 fine. No sent- The Grosse Pomte War Mem- He receIVed disbursements encmg date has been set. He JIM RIEHL'S FRIENDLY JEEP-EAGLE orial wiIl be closed on Wednes- totaling $2 2 million from three was released on $10,000 per- day, Dec. 25, and on Wednes. loans between May 1987 and sonal bond. FOR YOUR RESERVATION INFORMATION .. day, Jan. 1. July 1989. Before the payments Miller comes from a pohtI. Watch for the new January- were made, accordIng to the cally prominent Macomb CONTACT PAM AT 979-8700 February schedule of events m U S attorney's office, Miller County famIly He is the son of 32899 Van Dyke (at 14 Mile Rd.) your mailbox this week. Regis- submItted numerous false state- Macomb County Clerk Edna Warren tratIon begins lUImediately. ments concerning to whom the Miller and the brother of Ax- .. For more information on money was to be paid and for thur Miller, state Senate mi. ~1 979.8700 . class schedules, call 881-7511. what purpose. nonty leader . SEIKO GIVE THE GIFT OF SEIKO. . AMONG THIS WATCH'S REFINED .. FEATU RES ARE A CURVED SILVER TONE CASE. an elegantly arched crystal. and a leather strap In gray A Similar model comes With a gold tone case and chestnut leather strap

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______..._.~ ...... _ •• = • _-....s.....~ - .... - - - ..- --_ ...... -....- -- - _..-..- ... MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CO"'VERSION SERVICES • SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION

PHONE 1517) 792 0934 AnA c: LtAUIITn" 1 'AM) oro 2"S ------December 19, 1991 26A Business Grosse Pointe News New service helps businesses hop on the video bandwagon the rights to a panoply of am- By Ronald J. Bernas serves as vice president of Ernest, Vern's sales-pltchmg Staff Wnter mated effects and offers them Wood and Co, a broadcast bra- buddy Videotape IS qUickly becom to Video producers at a sharply kerage and financmg company Cordier says that although mg the way busmesses of the reduced rate Cordier IS a former bIOlogy everyone said he and Ridder future will get their message 'To go With that example, we teacher who once had hiS own were crazy for opening a busl across to potential clients, have 44 different spmnlng cookmg show on Grosse Pomte ness m the middle of a reces- stockholders and the general globes that were produced for Cable He has spent the last SlOn,Cascom fill" a niche that pubhc - It'S cheap, It'S effective someone else," he said "But eight years m broadcastmg, Will grow a~ the economy ex and It Will be seen we can offer all of them for most recently With WKQI-FM_ pands But as busmesses venture about $500" The company recently "We're set for the rest of the Into the new field, they'll need The company has a $5 mll- merged With an advertlsmg decade," he said help to make theIr Video prod- hon award wmnmg hbrary of agency which glVes It the For more informatIOn about uct better more than 12 hours of special nghts to such characters as Cascom, call 7779444 And that's why Grosse Pomt- effects Chents can use the li- ers Robert B Ridder Jr and brary of hve actIOn, animatIOn, Douglas A Cordier recently openmg and c10smg effects, ADDY seeks contest entries opened a branch of the Nash backgrounds and It anslltons Ville-based Cascom Interna- two ways- by volume or by mdl The Lansmg AdvertlSlng Club and $45 for non members, tIOnal Inc m St Clair Shores Vidual effect. dependmg on Club IS seekmg entnes for the With a $10 fee added for cam- "It's hard to say Just exactly their budget 1992 ADDY Awards competi- paign entnes Late entnes: what we do," SaId Cordier, who Although the compan) has tion must be received no later than IS vice preSident and director of only been open smce July, Its Doug Cordier The annual contest recog- 5 pm. Thursday, Jan 16 Late marketing "We're a full-ser chent Itst mcludes such big hit mzes exceptIOnal advertismg "It's a service that no one to the pomt that they are fast entry fees are an additional Vice busmess for Video prodUC ters as AAA of MIChigan, created m the Lansmg, Ann $10 else offers and It'S a service we becommg meffectual and for ers " Kmart, Ross Roy. W B Doner, Arbor and greater DetrOIt mar- feel IS needed Especially when that reason non-tramtlOnal ave- A panel of advertlsmg execu- The company offers high tech Ford Motor Co and Michigan kets The ADDY Awards honor you know that DetrOIt IS one of nues hke Video marketmg are tives WIl!gather m Lansmg the animatIOn and special effects advertiSing excellence m all 1 Bell the biggest producers of Videos the wave of the future." Cor- weekend of Jan. 24 to select that t>u~!!'esses can buy and The compan) Ju3t ,'lddcd a medIa, mcluJmg !,nnt, broad- the wmners 1rom an antlcI- \ dnd mdustnal ttlms In the dier said use when prodUCmg a Video Ime of food effects that Cordier cast, out-(~ Bouquet jll,t ( 111 ()r \ '''It 11\ tudl) (313) 885-9000 l.i...- \. Pallas Dougla ..s A May & Carlton W. Washington of Grosse Pomte Peter M Petcoff Farms has been named general counsel and ""elcome you director of marketmg semces at Kale's Colli- ' Fmanung AvaIlable sian Inc m Troy. He WIll manage all corporate ., Free Parkmg 50 hehmd the store legal matters and WIll be responsIble for na- $27 AI~o pellte & tIOnal franchise sales He was formerly a de- large ~Izes fense attorney on the General Motors legal staff Delivery and attended the GM Dealer Development Available Academy He holds degrees m vocational educa tlOn and engIneenng from the Umverslty of the DIstnct of Columbia and a J.D from the Catho- FrOIII OUr Floral DIPIrtmIIIt • FREE CHRISTMAS RAFFLE 1 hc Umverslty of Amenca School of Law Large SIIeCtIOn Of No PUrchase Necessary Washington pOINSEnlAS 1 BeautIfUl Grosse Pomte reSident John P. Rusche has Christmas CenterpIece receiVed the 1990 CitatIOn for Outstandmg Ser $2500 Value VIce to the Society of Motion Picture and TeleVI- 1 Lana Lastlna '4 II to $5gll POinsettia Plant sIOn Engineers Rusche was honored for hiS 13 $2500 years of serVlce to the DetrOIt sectIOn and hiS long Lasting variety - CClmIIn 0Ir storIlIIY tilly contmumg leadership on a natIOnal, local and Gift wrapped Ul . regional level. He has been Vice preSIdent In 8 8 p.m. charge of media productIOn at Sandy Corp for Large Selection of IaffII Dati DICIftIbIr 2Jrd. AroIIMII p.m. 14 years and IS responSible for medIa produc- Fresh Cut 1 CllIIPOI'l Ptr VIIIt tion, busmess theater, publIcatIOns, graphiCS FLOWERS IIClI1II • DIll mill and fulfillment operations, as well as media en- _111141 CD...... gineenng and techmcal operatIOns Rusche BROWSE OUR CHRISTMAS TRIM SHOP AND NOTICE OUR LOW PRICES ON MicheUe LeCompte of Grosse Pomte Park has been named a • crave Blankets • Christmas candles • ~eaths • Roping • Fancy semor consultant WIth the Arbor Consultmg Group Inc Arbor IS a Boughs' Ornaments. ArtIfICial Trees & wreaths' TInsel. Ribbon & human resources consultmg firm located III metropohtan DetrOIt CUStom Made Bows' (jlft wrapping and Washmgton, DC LeCompte formerly was employee relatIOns director for Gale Research Inc, and IS the author of the natIOnal gUlde, "Job Hunter's Sourcebook .. NOW OPEN James R. Phillips of Grosse POInte has been promoted to na ~ SUNDAY 12:30.4 tIOnaI account officer In the natIOnal corporate regIon II depart I ment of Manufacturers Bank.

- -_._----_ ...... _._----_._------_. ------December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Schools 27A Student Spotlight City of Qf)ro£H3e'oinie 'nrk Michigan INVITATION TO BID Kathryn Wayman The CIty of Grosse PO\fite Park will con~ider offer~ to purchdse lots 182 to 187 and 354, 355 & 356 of the Windmill POinte SubdlVI\IOn /'.w h 1l1'1,ll III 1/1I~ (/)IU/II II, we Hpl sister named Kathrrne /I ill 1'1( U~ 1111 Ihl' /1111 h 01 /I ~I/I' ...ald, "Oh, all rIght'" Kathrrne Thc~e propcrlLe\ con\lst of the former Unocal Servllc Slat IOn )ol,lted at Jeffer~on and B,Hrtnglon and three vacant lot!>lOldled al the corncr .1,"1 II 11111 II( /I IJlU'1II, a III aU'- ('xclalmed to Samantha ''I'd of Pemberton and Jefferson Proposal~ WIll be accepted until 2 00 III~ /I ,hili/ ~IIII', /I pH lUll' of a ILketo !>ee you play my hardest PM, January 10, 1992 ill Clly Hall, 15115 E Jefferson, Gro~~e POInte " 'I 1111/11 npel11lll'IIf III a WIJI)(! piece" Samantha trIed and Pdrk The Cily rc\ervc!> the rlghl 10 alCept or reJctt any propo~.tb or /I III hI/If!, 1)/ 1111'( I, /I II/Ioh !('('Iew tIled but bhe couldn't play the pariS thereof Jill' 1011011 111M 11'11, Wrlttell by pIece Dale Krajniak /<'ufhr)1I WaHlIlII1 H a thud The next day Kathrrne heard G P.N 12119191 City Clcrk J., 1111/11 /II Ifll hw II Ele1llell/(I1 y Samantha playlOg the piece ", !/(JIJI 111'1 pwel/f<, 11/ I ./01111 Hel fingerb were poundmg the lill/lI 1/1/1/ Mil/II \'VaV1lla1l key...lIke a tennIS ball bounclOg up and down Kathnne .,CI earned for It sounded hke a The Gift l£OL !'D:l,! l£ou ~ needle flyrng through the air It \\ ,I" (')11 ht 111<1., Eve dnd lit O'n"£ 11(' '-,dlll.lnthd \\a ... watchmg hel Samantha was so happy she dlmo<;t broke their lamp The 'Dee 2Jrd 8 30 6 "Iell I 'hlt'l pll~ the plano Sa next day Samantha said to her 'Die 24tn 8 4 Illdntha wa;, 'Die 30 830 6 mothel, "Why can't KathrlOe ,j ve,lI'" old 'Dit 31 84 She then play the pIece?" Her mother d.,ked, 'May d.n<;weled, "Your grandfather [ tl \ 0'" Theil gave you a mUSical talent" !J{appy !J{ofiaays gl dndfdthel When Samantha grew and was h 1'1 dll'd mal rled she was very famou<., FROM when Sd because of her grandfather's / mantha wab talent It was the gift he passed BLANCKE.ENOCH bOln He was on to her FRESH TURKEYS a gleat, fa AMISH • FRESH • SMOKED mou;, plano PheJt,iI b, Rub I 1\( r1 Wayman playel PRIME STANDING RIB Something1s fishy Stuffed Pork Roast, Crown Roast of Pork, Palmer Heenan shows brother Patrick the fish swim- Christian Knudson Leg of Lamb, Prime Steak ming in the tank at the Central Library. eare and main- Veal & More tenance of the fish. a popular attraction for children vis. '1'111' /111/olllflj{ ~Iory was Writ was because he would not get a iting the library. is paid for by the Friends of the Grosse tl'1I hI' (,II//\t/(//l Knudson, who gift Pointe Public Library. I~ III Ihe thm' grade at Ruhard Elementarv School He I), the One more day until Christmas ~()n 0/ GIl'j{OI} and VII gl/1/Q Eve At school the next day Kill/rill/II 0/ the Farm <; T J was kmd of sad because he The Gift wanted a glft In the evemng 28 students honored Thel e \Vab once a boy named T J was very quiet and slow "TIme to go to bed," smIled hiS T.J Flllll'" \Ihu lived 111 a velY mother "OK," replIed T J. Twenty-eight students at Ten students qualified for the .,lIldll hou...e With hiS mom and In the mght T J heard a North High School have been AP scholar with honO! ,I IIUId d,Hl 'I" 1117 "11,llIgl It recogmzed by the College by earning gl ades of a 0 01 Mill I Ho,leI sound sounded lIke a loud cow bell. T J. was sur- Board for exceptional achieve- above on foUl 01 more examma J ,J did nol pllsed to see angels workmg on ment on the college. level ad- tlOns With an average exam h d ve ,111 \ somethmg Then one of the an- vanced placement exammatIons grade of at leabt :~25 rhey are h 11'lId, ,lIld gels spoke He proclaimed thiS taken in May 1991 ElIzabeth Bakunovlch, Melissa \\a ... \CI) Only about 10 percent of the Blumenthal, Julie CIaramItaro, IOI1l'ly T .] "You have the gift of love and 359,000 students who took AP Roberta Dean, Patncia Dugan, I\a;, ;,ad bl" the glft of Wisdom for ever and examinations last May earned Daniel Kruger, Courtney Mack, caUbe It \Va" ever It means you Will be re- spected by other people You recogmtLOn at one of the three Julie RiCCI,Charles Smith and Clulbtma!oo Ul may not be the rIchest kid, but levels of achievement TIsh Straetmans d I\eck The Nine students qualIfied for leatlon T.] you will be fonowed and you the AP scholar With dlstmction Nme students qualified for \Va" so .,ad Knudson Will be glfted." award by earning grades of 3 0 the AP scholar award by com or above on five or more AP pletmg three or more AP exam. exams With -an average grade inatlOns with grades of 3 or of at least 3.5. They are Frank higher They are Mary BenJa Fontana, Paule Herodote, Kath- mms, Susan Dale, Michele erine Jones, James Moore, Hatty, Amy Higgins, JulIe Ir- James Murray, Monica Rhee, win, Falgun Rathod, Deborah Amod Sarruak, Shannon SullI. Stevenson, Randal Stoclu and van and Lisa Williams. Michael Zohk St. Clare nursery school a success St. Clare Co-op Nursery velop a poSitive self Image, to School, a venture for St. Clare learn SOCIalskills, to share and of Montefalco Catholic School, take turns, to encourage re is turnmg out to be a wonder- spect for other chIldren and to ful expenence for all mvolved help the child learn to follow The nursery opened Its doors directIOns while promotmg mdl- in September and offers a pro- Vidual growth m an atmo gram for 3 and 4-year-olds and sphere of securIty and accept IS fully licensed by the state ance St Clare Nursery School be- The classes are staffed by a lieves m provIdIng an environ full-time certified teacher as Grosse Pointe Woods ment of learnmg through play well as a full time assistant The program's phIlosophy IS For more mformatlon, call lil 882.2880 mJI designed to help chIldren de- Mary Brookes at 8824379 '\'lUtmUIII (D a('("O\Jnt llllt> ~ $.5() 000 Rat("! Sub]tct to ('hBng'l" Ppfl./llh for early wllhdrawal on CD&only

=_ ... m ••• _~_~.~-~-- .~ ~ __ ~ __ I ------~------~--- • MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION

PHONE (517) 792 0934 QOA <: LUlAll Tn ... December 19, 1991 28A Grosse Pointe News


New innovations front KENWOOD feature great technology, quality sound, and very easy operation!

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Only quality construction and discrete cir- Convenient Features for ~enin~! cuitry is used in every Kenwood receiver. Includes Kenwoolfs exclusive Sound With 7 inputs and 2 speaker output termi- Processor which automatically optimizes nals, this receiver is flexible enough to build sound for more exciting vocal quality! Auto an affordable, quality sound system around. Off automatically turns unit off to save Features galore! battery life. Find a desired track quickly with Intro Play. Special Hold and Lid Lock switches avoid accidental operation. 16 track programmable and repeat play. Supplied with rechargeable batteries, AC adaptor, and cables. Kenwood's new integrated phones do so much more than just take your messages! Tired of taking unwanted calls? Secret Call blocks out any unwanted calls while letting wanted calls ring 00 00 $399 through! Digital OGM offers unheard of message $249 KRV7030 clarity and Dialogue Message allows the message DPM6630 to start recording as soon as the caller starts talk- ing. You'll never miss a message! Unique styling high quality sound, and loads of convenience features make this phone the perfect alternative to dull, officestyle integrated phones.

;FullRemote Control 6+1CD Chan~er Dolb}' Pro LQ~c Remote NY Receiyer Convenience, quality, and value. Edit 11 Edit 100 W/ch for audio or 65 W x 3 handles front 2 rear-ranges songs on both sides of two cas- and center channel chores, while 15 WIch settes so recordings don't get chopped off. takes care of the rear channels in the Pro Sensational AudioNideo Optimum Servo Control assures accurate Logic surround mode. Dolby Time Link sound and ...... Easy Operation! tracking! 1 Bit processing and Kenwood's Digital Delay guarantees a wider dynamic exclusive DPAC guarantee life-like musical range. 4 Surround Memory Presets store 00 reproduction. Extra single play drawer allows complete surround sound system settings. $1299 non-stop musical fun. Direct track access, Variable loudness, preset scan, direct access UD90 random play, 20 track programmable, 10 key tuning, 7 audio/video inputs, and more make direct access, and more! this AN receiver the best value available.

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"" -!'i _ '~- •...... •.,=..::_:'=.-::--::-'.- _. Audio Intelligence (AI) gives the benefits of .. ~ _. _._... - advanced technology without the headaches of com-

. ; ---.- ._._- - '--~'. plicated operation One touch AI Auto automatically - - adjusts the equalizer to it's ideal settings for opti- mum CD listening! AI Auto Loudness provides bal- anced, natural sound at any volume level setting. ~"!~nJI Digital Dolby Pro Logic Surround sound and ASFC add theater realism to movies. Digital Front Full Remote Control Control Presence adds ambience without rear speakers! Component S) stem Hit Master effectively cancels the vocal part of music so you can sing along! Full function remote Push the CCRS button and kick back! A powerful 120 Wlch of discrete power, digi- for easy operation. Much much more. Complete sys- Optimum recording levels and other settings tal AMlFM tuner, dual auto-reverse double tem includes CD player, ampltuner, EQ, dual auto- are calculated, while syncronized CD to cas- recording cassette deck with CCRS and reverse cassette and speakers. sette recording automatically begins. DPSS DPSS, 3 way 12" tower speakers, 20 track locates up to 16 songs and performs other programmable 1 bit rotary changer, separate transport functions as well. Dolby B/C, index 7 band equalizer and a teak finish audio rack scan, dual auto-reverse, full logic, and system make this an excellent audio value. remoteable. Section B Bndge Column. .. 6B Churches 7B December 19, 1991 Entertamment . 88 Gros~ Pointe News Features Sports .11B & Traditional decorations reign at the Callaways Their most memorable Christmas, however, was definitely un traditional By Margie Reins Smith They hang 40 or 50 suncatch- Feature Editor ers (all With Chnstmas or wm. Robert and AlIce Callaway ter deSigns) mSlde 18 square .Ire tradItionalists panes of a WIndow adjacent to the front porch "Do anythmg once around "It looks hke a cathedral hel e and It'S a tradItion," Rob- WIndow when we're fimshed," elt Callaway saId Robert Callaway said The Calla ways love ChrIst. They put real wax candles In mas They have begun - and the IIvmgroom chandeher perpetuated - dozens of tradI- They set up the mdlvldual tions durmg their 48-year mar- houses and shops of the ce- riage. ramIC English VIllage - pIeceS they've collected over the years They always put up a fresh They plan theIr hohday en- 13 foot Chnstmas tree, for in-' tertamlng - se\ eral small din bLdllce, one that brushes the ner parties, a meal before beams of the cathedral ceilmg church on Christmas Eve for In theIr livmg room friends who don't have famIlies They trIm It WIth nearly 700 nearby, a small gathermg on ornaments they've collected New Year's Eve, Robert Calla- durmg their mamage and m- way's bIrthday celebratIOn on herlted from their respective Jan. 4, a Twelfth Night party, famlhes. Nearly 200 of the or- and a party for fnends who hke naments are colorful handmade to help them take down their one-of-a-kmds desIgned by their spectacular Chnstmas tree. daughter, Karen Callaway of They hang traditIOnal ChrIst- Others are antIqul' mas stockmgs from the mantel, German glass decorations and mcluding a stocking for theIr umque animal designs they've daughter (who will come home, picked up at local craft fairs takmg a holiday from her Job and on triPS as specIal editIon editor for the Each ornament IS carefully Chicago Tnbune), and one for placed on the tree WIth each household pet (currently Robert and Alice Callaway. above. collect traditional thoughtful consideratIOn of Its two cats and a golden re- Christmas decorations. Eac:hyear, they carefully place nearly color, SIZeand shape, its rela- tnever). 700 one-olea-kind ornaments on their 13-foottree. shown at the right. 01 these, nearly 200were handmade by their daughter. tIOnship to the other decora- They wrap gIfts - lots of Karen Callaway. who began making a baker's dozen orna- tions and to the tree Itself. g1ft.s ments for her parents eac:h Christmas while she was a c:ollege Robert Callaway, after all, IS "It's almost sinful," saId Rob- student. Some examples of her designs are above. A c:eramic an mtenor designer, owner of ert Callaway "We are blessed English village. made trom individual pieces the Callaways Robert C Callaway Interiors. people. We've been very fortu- have collected. is shown below. For 35 years, his studio was lo- nate all our lives, so we appre- cated on Mack Avenue near ciate all thIS" McKmley (No, he hasn't re- Three years ago, however, af- tired; he has worked out of hiS ter all the preparations, all the home smce 1984.) decoratmg, all the cookmg and The Callaways unpack and cleaning and wrappmg arId set up the PieceS of the harId- shoppmg - the Callaway's glit- carved creche from GermarIy, tering tree towered above Its WIth its tiny replicas of the pIles of unopened gifts hke a WIse men and the animals and sohtary sentinel, all Christmas the baby Jesus They put up Day theIr collection of miniature wooden churches from Russia. See Tradition, page 4B

Jilt shops of Watton...Pi~rc~ 168Z8 Kercheval. Grasse PalAte 17140KERCHEVAL. GROSSE POINTE 884-1330 882-8870

.. ~ ... _ ...... __ • _ .-.....-...... _ ... lito. ... __ ...... -...... _.. __ .... '" _ .. ~_ ...... _ .. _ .... a. __ ..... _ ...... ~- ...... I MICROGRAPHIC &. ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION "ICRoeTEC ellk.

PHONE (517) 792 0934 December 19, 1991 28 Community Grosse Pointe News Blood pressure Alpha Xi Deltas to hold holiday tea

tests are available A mother-daughter tea fOl pm at the GIO"'se POinte VOl Nurses from St John Hospi Alpha Xl Delta collegJ8tes III tanan Church, 17150 Maumee, tal and MedIcal Center's Home the tn-county area will be held In Grosse Pointe City The Health Care Services take on Sunday, Dee 22, from 2 to 4 event IS sponsored by the blood pressure readmgs at no Grosse Pomte Macomb County charge every Wednesday, year alumnae chdpter of Alpha Xi round, from 10 a m to noon at Delta and the Western Wayne Metro Duramed, 22239 Greater Parents Without and Odkland County alumnae Mack (between Eight and Nine Partners plan dance chapters Mile} In St Clair Shores All colleglates and alumnae Free blood pressure checks The seven chapters of the are mVlted to attend the holI will Ix' gl\ en Jan 8, 15, 22 and eastern Michigan regIOnal day get-together to meet their 29 councd of Parents WIthout sisters from colleges all over Partners lnc will hold a dance For more mformatlOn, call the country from 9 p m. to 1 a m on Satur- Grosse POinte alumnae mem 7749370 day, Dec. 21, at the Ford Local bel'S Mary WIlson, Pam Lyle, Metro Duramed IS a home No 228,39209 Mound Road, 10 Ddna Smith, LOISBarglmd and medical eqUJpml'nt and supply SterlIng Heights Clance Bmisall Will be host company ~rvmg <>outheastern to The dance is open the pub- esses fOl the tea For more In Michigan he Cost IS $5 There WIll be a formatIOn, call Barghnd at 822 cash bar and aDJ. 5974 Pointe Garden Club meets, holds auction The December meetmg of the Past presidents honored POlllte Garden Club was held Past presidents of the Assistance League to the North East Guidance Center were hon- on \~ 1(\ at the home of Mrs ored at a cilnuer and ChrlStmas tour of the Edsel BEEleanor Ford Estate. Each past presi- Mmtm Cntchl'1I dent received a brass Christmas ornament and stationery designed by the children of the A silent auctIOn of small center. handmade gifts was held Co- In the back. from left. are Kathy Heitman. Liz Oates. Toni Stewart and Sandy Seale. In hostesses for the mormng coffee the front. from left. are Kathy DeMeyer. Ellen Cooke. Mary Murray. Betty Loeher and !Cris were Mrs Michael Cameron Grabowski. dnd Mr<; Raymond WhIte New Arrivals Sarah Christine ents of a son, DaVld Damel ham and Mary Ruth Mestdagh William Clippert Spatafora, born Nov. 20, 1991. of Grosse Po1Ote Woods. Great- Gilbride Maternal grandparents are grandparents are James and McCaughey Wilham and Susan GIlbrIde James and Dolores Kawsky of Ruth Reed of Lima, OhIO, Ora Timothy and Mary Mc- Our reputation is for compassionate caring. of Grosse Pomte are the par- Grosse Pomte Woods Paternal J Coats of Lima, and WIlham Caughey of Grosse Pointe Park grandparents are Samuel and and Pearl Casey of Harper are the parents of a boy, Wil- REGISTERED NURSES. LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES ents of a girl, Sarah Chnstme NURSES AIDES. LIVE-IN COMPANIONS Gilbllde, born Nov 15, 1991. Noralee Spatafora of Grosse Woods. ham Chppert McCaughey, born Maternal grandparents are Mr Pomte Shores Louis Hunt Moran III Nov 19, 1991 Maternal grand- • Private homes and Mrs Robert Chapelle of William Andre parents are Mr. and Mrs Lome • Hospital or nursing homes . Gro~se Pomte Farms Paternal Lou and Nancy Moran of S MacDonald of Grosse Pointe • 24.hour Mestdagh III • Full or part-time coverage grandparents are Mr and Mrs Grosse Pomte Farms are the Farms Paternal grandparents parents of a son, Louis Hunt are Dr and Mrs RIchard S • Bonded and Insured Wilham GIlbrIde of Grosse Cathy and WIlham Mestdagh 263.0580 Pomte Farms Great-grand- Jr of Grosse Pomte Park are Moran III., bom Oct 12, 1991 McCaughey of Farmmgton mother IS Mrs Carl Menge of the parents of a boy, WIlliam Maternal grandparents are Glo- Hills Harper Woods Andre Mestdagh ill, born Nov. na Carleton of Elmhurst, III , David Daniel Spatafora 26, 1991. Maternal grandpar- and JIm Carleton of West ChI- NURSiNG UNliMiTEd ents are WIlham and Beverly cago, TIL Paternal grandparents New baby? INCORPORATED Dame} and Mary Spatafora Coats of Fort Wayne, Ind. Pa- are Carol and Jud Moran of A Community ProfessIonal Nursmg SeTllICe , of Mount Clemens are the par- ternal grandparents are WH- Grosse Po1Ote Woods call 882-0294

Join us Monday and Tuesday Special for the Holidays - Eggnog evenings for the rum and mint chocolate chip cheese- Unlimited ONE23 Winter cake. Don't forget Organize Prix Fixe. Our /f;) THE k to pick -up some Great holiday gift! Organize Un- three course ~~ e delicious tartlets limited will organize all or part of dinner for only SHOPPE - in a variety of your home or office. Insured, bond- $16.95 includes flavors - perfect ed, confidential. Ann Mullen 821- • super salad, en- to take to the offree and special par- 3284, Joan Vlsmara 881-8897. .II tree and dessert. ties. Also, we have gift certificates Call 881-5700for your reservation available ... at 19873 Mack, 882-7921. * * * or more information... at 123 Blossoms is the perfect place for last Kercheval on-the-HilL Get in the ~ minute gifts. 7b busy to shop, call our '" '" * Holiday Spirit. ~.~~ order department at 548-7900. At Special CHRISTMAS Sterling Silv- * SOMETHING < II ~ """(' Blossoms we have a large selection of * * er Jewelry SALE!! SPECIAL has • -~ unusual flower arrangements for eve- Don't miss this one ~ turned the entire store into a ryone on your list. Blossoms ownjewel HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! For all your Christmas 1:"'"1 - Receive 50% _~.l>5s- I CHRISTMAS FANTASY. Including a tone arrangement is a mixture of vi- shopping needs KISKA OFF ALL sterling f~~~ tremendous Santa collection, German brant colors including red, purple, silver jewelry now J-~---~ nutcrackers, unique wreaths, David and yellows, and our holiday basket of JEWELERS will be open -..:. unti.1Ch nstmas. - "~, " ," , .... Monday through Satur- ,,;:: Winter cottages and an outstanding fragrant greenery, pepperberry, red what an exquisite .> day 9:30-5:30 - Thurs- array of ornaments that we will per- orchids, and stargazer lilies is very present this would ~~. :e '7 sonalize FREE. Holiday Hours: Mon- day til 8:00 and Sunday 12:()().5:00- special. Our arrangements are care- be - hurry to day-Saturday 9:30-6:00, Thursday fully designed to look "unarrangedn Now through Christmas... at 63 PONGRACZ JEW- Kercheval on.the.Hill, 885-5755. 9:30-7:00 and Sunday 12:00-5:00 ... at and garden style, the preference of to- ELERS ... 91 Kercheval on-the-Hill, 85 Kercheval on-the-Hill, 884-4422. days flower buyer. 7b have flowers de- 881-6400. livered in Wayne, Oakland, or '" '" '" * * Macomb County call 548-7900. Blos- * * * '" soms is open Thursday evening until 7 gMt"otiM. FLOOR COVERING p.m. and Sunday 1:00-5:00 through Christmas ... 115 Kercheval on-the- New item at our 9 Mile Store - CARPET TALK Hill. CUSTOM BLINDS by Graber. Made Josers to measure any window any size. Carpet SALE going on NOW! Re- * * * Also, we have a large selection of French Pastry Shop cewe up to 2/3 OFF on our large se- floor coverings in vinyl, tile and lection of good quality remnants. Holidays are here. Planning to Hurry in for best selection. Sheet vi- ANGIE'S Fashion wood. There are so many SPECIALS entertain? Desserts from Josef's The Holidays are approaching and going on now throughout the nyl by Armstrong is only $5.99 per are exquisite! European tortes square yard. Also: check out our car- ANGIE'S has a complete line of wom- store ... Hurry to Eastown - don't and pastries. Pumpkin, pecan and an~ wear from casual to dressy. Holi- miss out. .See you at .. 20605 E. 9 pet SALE on our NEW Anso Crush a large variety of fruit pies. As. Reslster.. a carpet that bounces day fashions with accessories to Mile and Harper (across from K- sorted dinner rolls. Place your or- match! Regular, petite and missy siz- MART) 771-0390. And, our other back... at 16915 Harper, near Ca- der now... 21150 Mack Avenue, dieux, 881-4808. es... Were in the Lakeshore Village store is still at 14410 Harper, 822- 881-5710. Shopping Center at Jefferson and 2645. Marter, 773-2850. * * ... '" * ... '" * '" '" ... * This Christmas find- GROSSE POINTE MOVING & STORAGE CO. Looking for METRO SKI & SPORTS COYOTE ing the perfect gift for ... NEED STOR- ;1: something unusual him is easy when you AGE? We've got it! J::. Christmas is next week. Hurry in for Christmas? Try ~ " select a piece of jewel- 100,000 square feet 0/ ,-.:/ ~1I~: r and see our NEW tunic sweaters and Coyote Gallery in ry to reflect your secure, dry, cleaTl:stor- ~:/ ~11,..,I":'~\ pair them with leggings for a great THE COACH apres-skl look ... Also Skin-So-Soft ~ ~ man's individual life. age space avazl.able :1 ~I l~\"":: HOUSE... 18519 style. Come into for your belongzngs. ~:r?l~ and Sun Seekers products sold here. GALLER>' Mack at East War- VALENTE JEWELERS to see a Short term, long term j I !l.~ (Skiers need at least face protection ren, 882.7599. wide selection of personal gift and seasonal rates. from the sun)... Monday-Friday ideas in every price range ... at Ask about our vault and record stor- 10:00-8:00, Saturday 10:00-6:00 and * * 16849 Kercheval in.the.Village, age service, since 1921. Sunday NOGN-4:00 ... at 20343 Mack For more Pointe Counter Point 881-4800• 822-4400 Avenue (at Country Club) 884-5660. please see page 148

crr e .., _ _ .-._..__J d I December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Weddings 38

gpne Bruno of ChIcago; and wore a short sl1k pink flowered ~lllp wa" the best man Mark Wemtraub of Arhngton, dreSb Michael ZaratZian of DetroIt Va Scripture reader was KatIe was the groomsman The The mother of the brIde wore MerCIer of Boston groom'., brother, Michael Nixon an azure blue tea-length dress The brIde earned a bachelor of Mesa, Anz , wab the usher WIth a beaded top and carned a of arts degree In communica- The mother of the bnde wore smgle white rose tIOns from the Umverslty of a three tiered tea-length long- The groom's mother wore an New HampshIre She IS a mar. .,Ieeved lloral chiffon dress and IVOry,lace-tflmmed crepe dress ketlng sales representative for d wn.,t corsage of roses and al- and a whIte cymbIdIUm orchid Marty LIlhs ASSOCiatesIn Bos- 'ltromena wrIst corsage ton SUban O'Berbkl wab the The bnde IS a graduate of The groom earned a bachelor Scllpture reader Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emmert the Umverslty of MichIgan, of science degree In communIty The bnde earned an asso- Kenney where she earned a bachelor of planmng and development He Udte\ degree In data process- arts degree and a JurIS doctor bage rOl>eSand she earned a IS VIce preSIdent of Kenney De- 109 flom Lansmg Commumty degree She IS an attorney for bouquet of stephanotis and velopment, a real estate devel- College dnd a bachelor's degree the firm of Keck, Mahm & white orchIds opment and management firm m bUbmeb.,administratIOn from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edward Cate m ChIcago The maId of honor wab Susan In Boston MKhlgan State UmversIty She Bejin MorrIS of BObton Nixon Jr. The groom IS a graduate of Ib d seDlOl programmer/analyst Bndebmalds were Mrs Sam. WIliamette Umverslty, where Glen-Nixon small cascades of roses, al at St Mdry HObpltal In LI- Scholl-Bejin he earned a bachelor of arts uel B Sherer Jr of Grosi>C Karen LoUise Olen, daughter stromerla and Ivy voma Karen Sue Scholl of Far. degree, and Cornell UniversIty, Pomte, Margaret Hdshngs of of Ann Olen of Grossp. Pomte The flowergJrl wore a cream The groom earned an asso- mmgton Hills, daughter of Paul where he earned a JUrIS doctor New York City, Mrs Robelt Shores and the late Thaddeus colored and pink satm VIC Lldte'S degree m electrOniC engJ- dnd Mllhe Scholl of Ann Arbor degree He IS an attorney for Kler of Welsley, Mass, Anne Olen, married Charles AdrIan torIan lace tea length dress neellng technology from mamed Thomas Edward BeJm: the law firm of Seyfarth, Shaw, McMillan of Boston, Mrs WII NIxon Jr, son of the late Joan tnmmed to match the bride's R E T S ElectrOniC Schools and ham MuggJa of Cambndge. son of Tom and Dorothy BeJm FaIrweather & Geraldson m Schultz and the late Charles A dress Her haIrpiece was made a bachelor's degree In elec- of Grosse Pomte Woods, on ChICago Mass, Ebzabeth Warren of NIxon Sr., on Aug. 29, 1991, at of pink and yellow sweetheart tromc engmeenng technology Aug 17, 1991, at 8t Thomas BObton, and LIsette Wolfe of Woodlawn Church m Royal roses and Ivy from Siena HeIghts College He the Apostle Church m Ann Ar. Sherer-Kenney Grosse Pomte Oak Greg Frahck of Shelby Town. ISa salesman bor Ann Gray Sherer, daughter Attendants wore short off The Rev Joan Mertz offici. The Re'. Tlmoth} Clvwley of ~'[r and ~'!rs Samuel B whItE' lacE' SUIts With m:J.tchmg ated at the ti dU p.m. ceremony, offiCIated at the 2 p m cere Sherer of Grosse Pomte Farms, shoes They Larned bouquets of which was followed by a recep- orange tiger hhes, blue agapan- mony, whICh was followed by a mamed Robert Emmert Ken tIOn at GinO'S Surf In Mount receptIOn at Weber's Inn. ney of Boston, son of Mr and thus and white freesia which Clemens The matron of honor was Joy Mrs Robert T Kenney of Wol- matched the ushers' floral print The bnde wore a cream-eol- RakowlCz of St Clmr Shores. laston, Mass, on Sept 21, vests. ored VIctorIan lace gown BndesmalCls were the bnde's 1991, at Grosse POinte Memo- The best man was Joeslah tnmmed WIth pearls and se- s SIsters, Kathy Dolan of Far- flal Church. MIles of Manchester, Vt qUIns and featunng a tea. mmgton HIlls and Bev Hoes- The Rev V. Bruce RIgdon of Groomsmen were the groom's length handkerchief hem. Her man of DImondale, Marge Rud. Memonal Church, the Rev. brothers, ChrIstopher Kenney Wide-brimmed hat was tnmmed don of IndIanapolis; and George Andrews of Boca Raton, of Santa MOnIca, Cahf, and Pe WIth lace, pearls and a vell. Mehssa Drakos of Rochester Fla , and the Rev Thomas Fm. ter Kenney of Quechee, Vt , the She earned a bouquet of cham- HIlls nIgan of St. Ceceha, DetrOit, of bnde's brothers, Sam Jr and pagne, pmk and pale roses, ste- Gerald Sherer of Grosse Pomte; The best man was the ficlated at the 5:30 p.m cere- phanotIS, freesia and ivy. Edward Mehm of Boston, and groom's brother, Peter BeJIn of mony, which was followed by a The matron of honor was the Grosse Pomte Woods reception at the Country Club Michael Hussey of Middlebury, bnde's sister, Susan O'Berski Vt Groomsmen were the groom's of Detroit. of St Clair Shores. Rmgbearers were Sammy brothers, BIn and Matt BeJin of The bride wore a SIlk peau The bridesmaid was Jlll Sherer III and Alexander Grosse Pomte Woods; John Ra. de SOle off.the-shoulder gown Hoyle of Midland. The flower- Sherer kowlcz of S1. ClaIr Shores; and WIth pleated sleeves, three girl was Kathleen Kanan of The mother of the bnde wore WIlham Pappas of Kansas large cabbage roses accentmg Grosse Pointe Shores a short sJlk dress in muted col- the deep waIstline and a cathe- Attendants wore short- City, Mo. Ushers were Michael ors with gold threads Hoey of St Clair Shores; and dral-length train. Her heirloom sleeved tea.length rose dresses veJi was held by three tiny cab The mother of the gJ'oom Timothy G. Wylie John Wylie the brIde's brother, Bob Scholl of chlffon and satin and earned CERTIFIED AMERICAN BOARD CERTIFIED AMERICAN BOARD of Sahne OF OPTICIANRY OF OPTICIANRY The bride earned a bachelor of busmess adnunistratIOn de. I" ": gree from the She IS an account Wishes All Our Valued Customers representatlve with Manufac. DRDUtf turer's National Bank.. A Happy Holiday Season! The groom earned a bachelor ~ANTA 1 of scIence degree in mechamcal NURSING HOME engmeenng from the Univer. R045 EAST JEFFERSON slty of MIchigan He is attend- DETROIT MICH CEll aQ,2-9711 ,_ Ing law school at U of M and 821-3525 expects to graduate In May. QUAII1} NURSING CARE 19599 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods The couple traveled to Bar ...... ,JytP' 900 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 307 West Bloomfield Harbor, Maine They lIve in Farmmgton HIlls -.. , Lt11' '" ?~HOTOGRAPHY "~4ii,~~7.. ...OF COURSE ",""""" 21024 Mack G.P.W. LAST MINUTE 343.9169 GIFT IDEAS DIAMONDS FOR MEN BUTLER Mr. and Mrs. Lee P Schafer Mullaney- 971-06 COSTUMER lJlJO"'ous SPO'" roc COOlS hoU ... broU .. Olde Schafer ..--_---EJlIboh _ 2frW 20"0 7O'1l Laure Ann Mullaney, daugh- 541... R4 5124 9S ter of Patricia Ann Mullaney SA.LE$8~J and steIHlaughter of Chapman 578-0 Cunmngham of Grosse Pointe -- Woods, mamed Lee Phlhp .. Schafer of ChIcago, son of Del" ST A. CX T.4.BLES Stack or aId and Charlotte Schafer of use as Bunching Tables. Selected Burley, Idaho, on Sept. 14, hardwoods, veneer tops with cross gram borders, Classic finish. Sold 1991, at St Paul Lutheran in sets of 1hree. Church PIE CR UST TA.BLE For that special comer in your 15~"W, 15~''D, 17"H. The Rev DaVId KaIser.Cross home. Made from selected Sugg. Ret. S124.95 offiCIated at the 5 p m cere- hardwoods and veneers With 95 mony, whIch was followed by a 8 wann Cherry fimsh. SALE'79 receptIOn at the Lochmoor 13\4''018 Top,20"R Limited quantities available. Club Sugg. Ret. S54 95 qg" 11 The brIde wore a white peau 95 de sole gown WIth short sleeves, VA LET Thouglll!ul g,~ r""", SALE'24 ....ell LD'O(lmed on \our llSl an off.the.shoulder neckhne, a Hard-..("l()(! .... th elegant Ta\lonc\ r r1 sh H.nd'. .. ) n ,(weln. tn, lIP, \\ 1" D 4~ H sequmed bodice, and a lace- SuJ,(t Rei S74 9" edged tram mset W1th medal- S 95 hons of lace, beads and seqUinS. SALE 49 She carned a cascade of gar- demas, orchIds and stephanotis. %408 FLOOR GLOBE F", amen"" The maId of honor was LIsa nphl't'f1. Sclectrd hardw

I ... ~ ...... _ ...... --...... ~ _"' " I" ...... ---~ ..... - -...... ~-!!!'--'~~ ~-"""." ...'" -_. - ..... \; .... " MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION

PHONE15l7) 792 093~ December 19, 1991 48 Community Grosse Pointe News -----, ...., "Traltlon:d...... Y.:.:•••:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:.:;:;:::.:;

From page IB three hours straight' selves and domg for others," gIVmg gifts to other people " 'The gJ eatest part of Chnst. Allee Callaway said "The The family opened gifts and "It was the best Christmas mas was forgettmg about our greatest part of ChrIstmas IS celebrated Christmas on Dee , ever," said Robert Callaway 26 that year : "On Christmas Eve, we ....ent What's the meanmg of : to our church, Grosse Pomte Chnstmas? , Methodist Church Robert Callaway thought "Our mlmster said that vol The stock- awhile "The true meamng of . . unteers were needed, at the ings are Chnstmas," he saId, "IS love, last mmute. to work Christmas hung by the patIence and glvmg - glv10g of , 1 Day at Cass Avenue Methodist chimney oneself, one's talents, one's '"~ : Church," he said "Our chwch with care. time, and helpmg And none of responded About 20 people It's one of It means anythmg unless It'S Annual Fund campaign went, mcludlng Allee and many tradi. actlvated - unless we do some Karen and me It was the first tions kept thmg Donald Chamberlin. the Grosse Pointe War Mem- one-on-one experience I've had by the Cal. "If we had more of the true orial's 1991-92development chairman. and GiGi Gag- with people who had nothmg laways on meanmg of Christmas 10 our gini. annual fund volunteer. do their part to keep the The dignity of these people Christmas everyday hves, the world would non.profit community center operating for another year. amazed all of us Eve. be a better place The annual fund campaign for donations runs from "We served 400 people," Rob "Awareness IS a key too I'm ....ovember through May and helps maintain the War ert Callaway said "I served so aware of how God has Memorial's grounds and buildings. keeps program fees food, assembly lme style, for blessed me" low. and makes community service programs possible. Celebrate tlI~ BIQTIIwrrn u& Redeemer United Methodist Church Grosse Pointe Woods Vernier Road at Wedgewood Dnve Grosse POinte Woods TU4-5040 20571 Vernier Road PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHRISTMAS EVE Harper Woods 5.00 P m CandlelIght Service 884-2035 19950 Mack Avenue 886-4300 7:30 p.m CandlelIght Service 11 00 p.m Mldmght Christmas Eve (Halfway between Morass and Vernier Roads) Candlelight SeTVlce Wlth Holy Commumon Service of Carols and PASTORS Candlehghtlng 7.00 p m. Sunday, December 22 Dr. Walter A Schnudt 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Worship Rev. Paul J. Owens Rev. Ron Carl "Safe Full" Dr. Jack Ziegler, preaching (7r()~~eV()lnte ~t. 4!lffitqarl' 5 t!iPistopttl QIqurrq l3aptl~t Chu.-ch 24075 Sunning dale Park, Grosse Pointe Woods CHRISTMAS EVE CtiVIST~S SI:VVICI:S 884-4820 7:00 p.m. Family Service December 22, 1991 11 am - Choir Cantata 11:00 p.m. Candlelight Service The Rev. Robert E. Nelly, Rector 6:30 pm - Christmas Celebration Concert Rev. Jack G. Trembath with Jubilee Christian Center The Rev. Ruth L. Clausen Grosse Pointe United Methodist Church Come Exalt the Lord with us! 211 Moross Rood 21336 Mack Avenue - Grosse POinte Woods, MI CHRISTMAS EVE PRESBYI'ERlAN , CHRISTMAS EVE 4 {)()pm ChIldren's Carol EucharISt ;. 7,30 a:m. - Parlor SeMCe of Upholdings GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH Nurstry Care 7-30 p.m. and 4 pm For those expenencing difficulty " : ~ ., I • < " t... ESTABUSHED 1865 7:00 p.m Clmstmas Lessons and Carols celebrating Christmas 7'30 p.1II Ch()T'aiEuchanst and Serm07l 9 00 a.m. - Lessons, Carols, Candles & Conmmunion SUNDA~ DECEMBER 22, 1991 II 11:00 p.m Christmas Lessons and Carols 11:30 pm. Choral Eucharist and Sermon 10.00 a.rn - Reception for College Students FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT • 11:00 a.m. - Lessons, Carols, Candles & Communion HOLY COMMUNION d~ CHRISTMAS DAY Rev Jack E. Giguere, preaching ~ --- 10 30 a 111 Eucharist and Homily TIlE REVEREND DR. ~ BRUCE RIGDON preaching JEFFERSON AVENUE 9:00 Worship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:00 Education for All Ages 8625 E. Jefferson at Burns, Detroit 11:00 Worship 8:45 - 12:15 Crib & Toddler Care Available CHRISTMAS SUNDAY -II a.m. MINISTERS: 8:30 - 12:30 Coffee & Fellowship A Festival Service Jack E. Giguere Jack L. Mannschreck TUESDA~ DECEMBER 24, 1991 Sermon: "The Baby Jesus" CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Rev. Peter C. Smith 5:00 p.m. Family Service -Youth Choirs Church School for all grades 7:30 p.m. Lessons,Carols, Candlelight - Soloists CHRISTMAS EVE - 9:30 p.m. Wonw ~ de :Joy/ 10:00 p.m. Lessons, Carols, Candlelight. Chancel Choir with special Prelude music beginning at 9 p.m. (Crib & Toddler Care at 5'00 & 7:30 Services) A Traditional Candlelight Service \J/ Meditation: "Home for Christmas" CHRIST CHURCH OF Rev. Peter C. Smith Celebration of the Lord's Supper T GROSSE POINTE Organ, flute and choral music CHRISTMAS 61 Grosse Pointe Boulevard Watch Night Service Tues., Dec. 31 - 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48236 combined service with Grosse Pointe Memonal EVE 885-4841 and Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Secured Parking 822-3456 CANDLEUGHT Saturday Come! Worship With Us... 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist SERVICE Sunday School Christmas Service - Sunday, December 22 at 9:30 a.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 9:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist - Rite II Christmas Eve Family Service - December 24th - 8:00 p.m. 10:20 a.m. Church School Christmas Pageant Tuesday, December 24 at 6 p.m. 11:15 Morning Prayer featuring the children's choir and Gap Singers 4:30 p.m. Candlelight Service Faith Lutheran Church Candlelight Communion Service - Christmas Eve Tuesday, December 24 at 11 p.m. 897 Philip at Jefferson WIth Brass Ensemble 9:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist - Rite II 822-2286 4:45 p.m. Carol Sing CHRISTMAS DAY EUCHARIST The Church where Clfy and Suburbs Meet! 5:00 p.m. "The Procession of the Creche" Wednesday, December 25 at 11:00 a.m. Family Eucharist - Rite II 7:45 p.m. Christmas Music - Handbell Choir Pastor Milton Reisen 8:00 p.m. Festival Holy Eucharist . .Rite II 10:30 p.m. Christmas Carols 11:00p.m. Festival Holy Eucharist - Rite I

Jefferson Christmas Day ST. JAMES 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist - Rite II LUTHERAN CHURCH Church Parking McMILLAN ROAD AT KEACHE:VAL 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist - Rite I IN GROSSE POINTE FARMS Choir of Men and Boys LIGHTED, SECURED PARKING

... , ~---- ...... - -- ... ! December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Pride of the Pointes 58

Francis A. Garcia rt.-celved 10 the U S AIr Force. He IS a Grosse POInte North HIgh from Eastern MichIgan Umver arts degree m Enghsh; J~ m October. Putnam IS a gradu. practIcal- tramIng In military chIef of the techmcal operatIOns School graduate slty m August Anne S. Spencer of Grosse ate of Grosse Pointe North leadershIp at the ROTC ad- branch at Cape Canaveral Air • • Pomte Woods, who earned a HIgh School vanr.e

THE SUBJECT FOR GROSSE POINTE UNITED CHURCH THIS SUNDAY IS: 240 ChaJfonte at Lothrop "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved 9:15 Children's Christmas Pageant by Atomic Force?" 11:15 Traditional Service First Church of Christ, Scientist CHRISTMAS EVE \ \ Grosse Pointe Farma 7:30 p.m. Family Candlelight Service ~ Grosse Pointe Unitarian 282 ChalfonteAve., 11:15 p.m. Mid night Candlelight Service " Church t 4 blocks West ofMoross 7:30 p.m. Crib room only Family Service ~ Sunday 10:30 AM. Sunday School 10:30 AM. The Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon, Pastor OJr Parish family 11 a m. selVice & Church SChool Wednesday 8:00 P.M. 17150 MAUMEE 881~20 invites you to attend ALL ARE WELCOME Chri&masMB&!l Rev. John Corrado. Minister &. Clare of Montefalco Church CHRIST CHURCH ST. COLUMBA EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1401 Wh,Wer. Mack Avenue East Jefferson and 1.375 Detroit 1021 MamstlClueAve., Detrort 48215 &. Clare of Montefalco Church Invites You To Attend Crosse Pointe Park. Michigan Christmas Oratorial CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES by Salnt-5aens Chri&mas Eve Mass with Harp, Oboe and Organ 6:00 p.m. - Family Eucharist 4 (X) pm. Cluldren'!l ChOir 540 Carols with drama for children Rev. Brown The EMn It. Dr. JoInIlt VoIendolf 600 Famny SelVlce 5-45pm Organ/Cancon. Recb' Organls~nn8SllIr 10 30 'Chnstmas Oratonaf" 10:30 p.m. - Community Carol Singing MldlU8hl Adull ChOIr Secunty Parl

...... _._ ••••• ft ~ ft. M,_ n• em' '1'« ••••••• p r. CD be. e b It Lee h 7. S •• .2 n. n. p e ar'7'. .m MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES • SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION "'C~O.TEC.'"C.

PHONE (517) 792 0934 December 19, 1991 68 Engagements Grosse Pointe News

Grasso, to Enc Alastair Car- Carlyle graduated from Mich- Rho IS a graduate of the Dm- Georgopoulos- lyle, son of Alastair and Flora Igan State UnIversity, where verslty of Rochester, where she Jedn Carlyle of Grosse Pomte he earned a bachelor of arts earned a degree m nursIng Hoffman Fal ms A fall weddmg IS degree III busmess admimstra. She lS a cardrothoraclc nurse at Mr and Mrs Alexander planned tIon, and from Boston College, St. John Medical Center Georgopoulos of Grosse Pomte Grasso attends New Hamp. where he received a master's ShIn earned a bachelor of Woods have announced the en- shire College and IS workmg degree m business adminIstra. arts degree from MIchigan gagement of theIr daughter, toward a degree m computer tIon He IS a finanCial analyst State Umverslty He IS a mar- Gala Georgopoulos, to Ronald mformatlOn systems and mar. for Lotus Development Corp. in tial arts Instructor at the Wayne Hoffman of Denver, son ketlng She IS a techmcal sup CambrIdge Grosse Pomte Academy of Tde of the late Mr and Mrs Wayne , POIt specialIst ....,th Lotus De. Kwon Do Hoffman A May wedding IS ~\,. '" velopment Corp III CambrIdge , '(- ~ Owen-Palazzo planned Md ..." Georgopoulos IS a graduate of Christina M. Zarobe and Gene Thomas and MaTJorie Owen Umverslty Liggett School, the Hurdle of Grosse PomtR Park have an. I.ounced the engagement of UnIversity of Michigan, and Zarobe IS a graduate of their daughter, Jennifer Owen, the Umverslty of Michigan Grosse Pomte North High to James Palazzo, son of Victor James Palazzo and Jennifer me

.. •• We are an established company which caters to • the comfort needs of the elderly in the home, ----===----==--=---==~~=. We offer personalized services for all situations. Bridl~e Let us be your home care connection. •• •• No one yulnerable • HAVE A PLEASANT TRY AT PERFECTION • (313) 772-5360 :.BRlDGE BY WOODY BOYD 4ft .: .143 t'. \'• AQ Professional Medical Services A762 Two of my Tuesday evemng baSIC bndge pupds are the delightful Jack and • AQ98 St.r.J Barbara Seedman who have contributed a dash of hilanty and ImagmatlOn 10 our • John HospItal and MedIcal Center nmety mmule classes thiS fall The group IS big (27) as opposed 10 Wednesdays N • K2 10987 mlermedlate enhstment of (17) so our time table IS somewhat ngld 10 order that Serving the tri~ounty area since 1952 we can accomphsh much, but one of the reasons we play IS to have fun so II must \' 76432 •\' K.l85 also be part of the leammg process too Jack's qUick Wit blends well with the pro- • 10983 KQ .. 5 + 42 W • 6 fessors limIted cleverness and thatlxxle~ well for all [iJE • My column of Nov 21 With the rhyme about novices eliCited from hIS qUIll S today's masterpIece There shouldn't be any wonder why he's one of our lown.s AQ65 W,led D 10 Give Your Marble New Life leadmg advernslOg tmagmators 5eTVmgas crealtve chief at two of our large agen- •\' 109 Both new and older marble CIes before operung hiS own shop 4 ,or • I needs professional care to This Bndge that we're leammg And yet, afler all, KoJ 10753 -- • look Its best; and to Is dnvmg me nuls as the lessons fly by, It upsels my siomach I Just may be leammg ObViously N/S were playmg a weak no trump (12-14 HCP) so North's second mamtain its value. And tears out my guls the rules to apply bId showed a flat hand of(15-17 HCP) SIX clubs was a hnle bit ofa shot, but MARBLELIFE profes- North was at the top of hIS bid and knew hiS partner was short In the red SUIIs sionals use Umon There are rule 2fter rule And whde I'm surely no "pro" and they were both covered by hiS quick taklOg aces. For all he knew twelve Carbide Marble Care tricks could be a lay down at Ihe lead And that"s IlOt10menliOn And I'm hardly profiCIent, technologies to restore There are loads of exceptions alleasl I can say .1 And countless COnVenltons that I AM more effiCIent. Here ISanother claSSICexample that 61 % of the time there IS a given lead thaI and preserve every Will beat a given contract West dIdn't find It and no one can fault hiS chOIce, type of marble; bring And more often than IlOt So "onward and upward" but a heart scuttles the slam at tnck one. out its natural beauty, when m}'1lllrtner has bId, IS alii can say color and sheen; atld pro- DraWing trumps and playlOg both finesses nght IS a long shot as the spade I've Just no Idea 'cause whalever the vide a finish that is both lus- why I heard what I did. heartbreaks king must be on Side and doubleton whIch Isn't lIkely. It's stdl fun to play! trous and damage-resistant. For each time that I thlDk The best line of play IS to win the diamond ace and play for a dummy rever- thai a rule I have mastered, sal You do thiS by rumng dummy's three low diamonds hIgh and entenng dum- _ FREE ESTIMATES I hear all the excepllons my by playlOg low trumps This gives you seven clubs and a dIamond. Now you and my mmd's a dJsaster must guess the spade king localJon and If you're wrong, findlOg the heart king 459-6870 onslde. Declarer did playa small spade toward the dummy and was handsomely Union Carbide Marble Corp. The Seedman's often come to class With a hand and a questIOn What do you rewarded This Instead of the finesse succeeds when the king IS WIth West or Experts in Marble Restoration & Preservation thmk of thISone? three/lhrce or Ihe SUItbreaks four/two as It did. Guessing wrong can easily cost MAABLELIFE IS a r99rslered trademark of Union Carbide Marble Care. lno ~ tt declarer two tncks missing lang, ten, mne, eight. Fortunately declarer now had a 1D restlOg place for the heart lady is 1NT 3C 6C In summary, I hJ...ethe bid for a dozen and the play was excephonal ! ..• ..• Holiday Fur Sale Save $10and Experience the Four Day.s Only' Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. Difference Wella Conditioning Can 30fo50% OFF Make in YourNext Penn. All Furs & Leather Coats & Jackets

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•j December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Churches 78 Corner Memorial Church publishes history of its first 125 years Silonesc; at Christmas The first meetmg of what Young & AssocIates Ltd. of was to become Grosse POInte Grosse POinte Memorial Church took place on The Rev V Bruce Rigdon By the Rev. Jack E. Giguere Sept 7, 1865, In a lIttle wooden Grosse POinte United Methodist Church has served as pastor of the schoolhouse on Lakeshore Road church smce 1988. I have a fnend whose father died on Christmas. between Kerby and Moran "Tom Arbaugh has a wealth Jim's dad died In his sleep. They discovered his death Road The small gathenng of of knowledge of early Detroit, when Jim and his sister came downstairs, ready to local reSidents drew up the Ar- early Grosse Pomte and Its pe0- open their gifts. They awakened their mother but tIcles of ASSOCIatIOnof the Prot- ple," Young saId. "He dId ex- estant EvangelIcal AssocIatIOn tensIve research for the book. could not awaken their dad. What a shock. of Grosse Pomte "We also pored over thou- Their Chnstmas qUlckly turned from JOYto sadness. The rest IS hIStory - a story sands of photographs from the For those who have lost a loved one this year - or hke that members and frrends of church archIves, the Burton Jim, 40 years ago - the hohdays can be a difficult the church can now read for CollectIOn at the DetrOIt Pubhc time. themselves In a Just-offthe- LIbrary and the Grosse Pointe It's the season for Joyful emotIOns. But that attitude press 104.page hIStory of the Hlstoncal SocIety The story of puts people who have lost a loved one, at Chnstmas or church the church IS told In words and any other tIme, in a bind, it declares their natural feel- The book, "Grosse POInte photos." Ings of sadness and lo.!:Sout of bounds. And when we Memonal Church 1865 1990, Young noted that In the act as If any mentIOn of the loss would ruin the sea. Its HIStory, Its LIfe," was pro- early years of the church, It duced as part of the church's son's spIrit, they fall Into a deeper depresslOn. A holi. was an ecumenical faCIlity for 125th anmversary celebratIOn the whole communIty - serv- day can seem more like something to endure than last year mg as the site of Grosse something to celebrate. The project was under the Pomte's fIrst theater and fIrst This can be true for: dIrectIOn of Thomas Candler, hbrary, as well as a place for • Those who are bereaved. When the death was chaIrman of the anniversary youth actiVItIes and social fresh, they were surrounded by family and friends. celebratIOn commIttee The events She saId the book will No.v the} fool flllglltten and lonely at d time when book was wntten by Thomas A be avaIlable next week Those their loved one shared so much WIth them. Arbaugh, professor of hIStory at who placed pre-publIcation or- • Those recently divorced or in the process of divorce. Macomb Community College, ders may pIck up their COpies The church stood beside them when the marriage cove- editors were BenJamm J. at the church office, 16 Lake- nant was formed. Now, when Christmas emphasizes Burns, professor of Journalism shore. Those who would lIke to at Wayne State University, as- faml1ies, they feel very much alone and depressed. purchase a book for $35 should SiSted by Henry S Ackerman, call the church office at 882- • Those who have had miscarriages and/or abortions. Atlanta bureau chIef for the 5330 Often at such times a pastor was not called nor was a AssocIated Press The project The cover of "Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. 1865-1990.Its religious servIce conducted. Yet they have a sense of was produced by Betty Stans. History. Its Life:' is a collage of photographs showing high- loss that is keenly felt. bury Young, preSident of bs • Those adjusting to new beginnings. They have lights of the church's 125-year history. moved to a new location and miss family and friends. Or l,hey have had friends move away and they feel lost New Christmas Eve service to be at United Methodist without them. too," GIguere saId The • Those facing death. They are Increasingly aware The Rev. Jack E Giguere, abortIon, an IndIVIdual adjust pastor of Grosse Pomte U mted mg to new begInnIngs and thoughtfulness and "uphold- that they will die and are making preparations - mg" of fnends can mean a making a will or pre-arranging a funeral. They search Methodist Church, saId that those facmg death ChrIstmas, beIng a season for "This service IS for those great deal to the bereaved, he for appropriate ways to complete life and faithfully JOY, can be difficult for people who, at thIS tIme of year, exper added FAMILY HAIR CARE embrace inevitable death. who are not feehng Joyful lence gnef and confusIOn for Grosse POinte United Meth. FOR MEN & WOMEN In remembering friends this Christmas, pay atten. any reason. Others may come odlst Church IS located at 211 19609 MACK AVE G P W tion to the losses that can make holidays painful. Send Therefore, Grosse Pomte Moross, In Grosse POInte 881-0010 a card with a note saying you are aware the season MethodIst Church wIll offer an Farms might hold difficulty for them. Call or visit, and give addItIOnal Chnstmas Eve ser. your friend a chance to talk. And if they prefer to talk VIce, the ServIce of Upholdings, at 7.30 p m. In the church par- about other things, that's OK, too. The best gifts aren't always under the Christmas tree. lor Giguere saId that holIdays should have room for a WIde Service of lessons, carols offered range of feelings - not only Joyfulness and fun, but also at Christ Church Grosse Pointe feelings of awe and mystery and even an awareness of sad The traditIOnal candlehght Chnst Church invites the ness and loss servIce of nine lessons and car- commumty to thIS servIce. No ols, sung at Chnst Church tIckets or reservations are The ServIce of Upholdlngs IS Grosse POInte for more than 30 needed. The church IS located for people who feel that Chnst- JanutJry Price. Now In Effect at 61 Grosse POinte Blvd., mas is somethIng to endure, years, will be presented on Sun- Arpins 91-92 collection of day, Dee 22, at 4:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Farms. rather than somethmg to cele. The service of lessons and brate. It is for the bereaved, the luxuriously designed furs, carols originated at Truro Ca- recently divorced, those in the SHOP AND COMPARE. thedral and was then made Christmas Eve process of dIvorce, those who Discover the famous at King's College, Cam- musical program have had a mlscarnage or an advantage of bndge, England The setting at shopping Chnst Church IS simIlar to the medIeval chapels of England to be at St. Paul Diabetes education Arpins for WIth Chnstmas greens, candle- The St. Paul Cathohc Church variety and lIght, readIngs and carols. The chOIr, WIth members of the De- series is oFFered value. church is set In darkness and IS troit Symphony Orchestra, will OPEN MON. gradually lit by candlelIght as present its annual Christmas at St. John Hospital THRUSAT. the choir proceeds from the Eve program at 11:15 p.m. on A free year.long series for dI. narthex to the choir stalls Tuesday, Dec. 24, just before abetlcs and their famihes will Dally 9 • 5:30 The ChOIr of Men, Boys and the midnight Mass. be offered at St. John Hospital GIrls WIll be directed by D. On the program this year' and MedIcal Center. The senes Fredenc DeHaven, choJrJnaSter "Chnstmas Concerto" by Ar- WIll provide an overvIew of the and musIc dIrector at Chnst cangelo Corelli; "The Magnifi. disease and informatIOn on spe. Church since 1975. cat" by Giovanm Pergolesi; and cIfic topics Sessions are on the "Nativity Carol" and "Shep- fJrSt Thursday of the month at herd's Pipe Carol" by John 7pm Swedish worship Rutter. At nudnight, the chOIr will To regIster, call 1-800-237- service to be smg the Mass for Chnstmas by 5646 Marc.AntoIne Charpentier. The at Immanuel Mass is from 18th century France and is based on French Julotta IS the SwedIsh word noels or Christmas folk songs. for early mornIng Chnstmas ~~m~t~~nrIDN f~rlli~~~Mij~.$ Traditional carols will be sung worshIp servIce A traditIonal by the congregatIon throughout Julotta candlelIght servIce has You'll fmd the Mass the charmmq li been observed for 72 years at "This program has become a Ihe umque Immanuel Lutheran Church, real tradition at St. Paul's," the affordable Chandler Park Dnve and DIck- said DaVld Wagner, music the personal erson Avenue In DetrOIt dIrector. "For the last 10 years, and nodoubt The SwedIsh language ser. we have attempted to present the perfecI ~Ifl all indiVidually VIce WIll be held on Chnstmas the finest music from different mornIng, Wednesday, Dee. 25, crafted by penods and styles to glorify the Amencan artlsans at 7 a.m. Christmas season " The WOrshIP lIturgy, Chnst- Other Christmas Eve Masses mas songs and specIal musIc at St. Paul will be at 4:30, 6:30 Gift ParUfJl! 114 Gin Cprflfiralrs WIll celebrate the SwedIsh heri and 8'30 pm Imm ~I"ilfPbllt ONm tage The sermon by the Rev Kenneth Johnson, pastor of Be- Ex~ HoIodcry Houn • Decem'- 18 - 24 St. Ambrose 104 FISHER BU1lDING • DETlIOIT MI 48202 • 313 873.7888 thel Lutheran Church m St Valocl<>h>d ~h....-'. Porl"ng on Lothrop a- Second and WoocIwar

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PHONE (517) 792 0934 Entertainment December 19, 1991 88 Grosse Pointe News

Strength from nature The Smoke Tree Sometimes Ican't bear its bJaominc epin. the nust of gold and lavender cIowa Judges say Pointer is well versed bIllowing over the pagee rL Bride MapziDe SpIte socIety's obJections; had to By Ronald J. Bemaa blooms It sends out tmy httle feel It was so bad" into the June of my weGciiol, continue workmg even after Staff Wnter tendnls, almost like a clande It's a theme that pervades my head lost in wooc:la of Sugarbeny. lOSingthe husband she was de. When Margaret Holley's first hon that has gone to seed, and "The Smoke Tree," Holley's Sweetleaf. and wanting to be voted to, and dIed as a result of marriage was commg to an the whole tree looks hke It'S first natIOnally pubhshed collec- like everybody else. The silky dQud. exposure to the radIUm she end, she drew strength from a enveloped m smoke," Holley tIon of poetry The book '"on the tiny fruitbuds hung in that th\Inderhead, spent her hfe studymg umque tree that stands alone said "I hked the way It stood the 1991 Bluestem Award, a were a pillow of tears, "I had read a bIOgraphy of Weeping c:berry, at the foot of Hall Place m alone and It was the only one natIOnal poetry competItIOn Mane Curle and I was so fasci poison Chmaberry fruits, the 'eYer-tree. Grosse Pomte Farms of Its kmd I was Single again whIch earned Holley $1,000 nated by her hfe that I read "It's called the American and I felt It was a dIsaster, but and pubhcatlOn of her work another, and then another," Now in every absent-minded. spring, Smoke Tree and when It the tree was alone and It dIdn't The poems chromcle the Holley said "I was Impressed the relentless honesty of thi8 singular years between the end of her With how she had the strength first marrIage and the begIn- shrub stands sentinel over a whole thicket mng of her second marrIage to to go on after hfe threw her of mistakes, one beaten path of retreats some curves. We learn a lot llJt Peter Sparks, a chemIst who and advances; and never having UDderstood from each other's hves." works as a consultant to h. such things as w~ ancl fear, Instead of wrItIng yet an- branes whose collectIOns are it gathers up rain aJ:WDd its other bIOgraphy of Cune, Hol. dIsmtegratmg with age ley opLed to wrIte a poem that ~aain, and ~~ SMOKE TREE ~ 'i.J. t' f "I write them and he saves them," Holley saId, laughIng would convey the sense of a The centerpIece of Holley's whole human bemg, from bIrth place," she said. "The Vlsual "You have to love reading, to death. hook IS a senes of poems called world 18 so beautIful, but all words and form and to love "RadIance. The lIfe of Marie "It's an attractmg kmd of the dIfficultIes of natural life go other poetry," she said "And Cune " It IS a bIOgraphy m poem," HoUey saId. "It has a on against thIS stunnmg back- you have to be prepared to be poem form of the woman SCIen- wholeness and a memorable drop I drew strength from that honest." tIst who got an educatIOn de- qualIty to It The story unfolds natural world That's what my Holley said the award was a In a mce shape and It'S satisfy- poetry is all about. It is a way great encolU'llgement that also mg because It has that sense of of understanding what's hap- helped give her visibility in the wholeness That's the one thIng pemng and makmg sense of It. poetry market. It's a thrivmg people always mentIOn to me "I guess the one real thing market, she said, but it's being when they say they've read my I'm trymg to say is 'hope.' You fed by alternative presses; the book" can go on and have a second big outfits have virtually elimJ Although "The Smoke Tree" chance If you don't give up." nated poetry from their cats.. 1 IS her first pubhcation, Holley The book IS dedicated to logues. has been writing poetry most of Sparks, her second chance. She writes every morning be- her life After graduatmg from She strives - wntmg two fore gomg to her Job as assIS- ~ Grosse Pointe Country Day, hours every mornmg - to tant to the president of Bryn now UnIversity Liggett School, make her poetry accessible. Mawr College where she writes she earned a degree in philoso- "I don't want to write for a and edits a variety of materials phy from Wellesley College. specialized audience," she said. and coordinates programs 11argaret I-IoBey ~ Realizmg how difficult it IS to "We turn to all forms of art which bring visiting writers get work In that field, she took and creativity to refresh us and and speakers to the campus. , a teachmg Job in SWItzerland. I want people to draw encour. Her second collection of poems, It was there she began serio agement and strength from my "The Sleeper," will be pub- "" ously wntmg poetry poetry. A lot of people have dif. lished in the fall by Copper She was seemg an analyst ficulty with poetry and to a Beach Press. who, she says, "unleashed a pomt that's because for various "The Smoke Tree" is avail. flood of poetry" within her. reasons we've hcensed our able at Grosse Pointe Book Vll. It was in Switzerland that poets to become very obscure. lage on Kercheval in Grosse ~ she developed her theme of That's not necessary." Pointe City and at Third Coast drawmg strength from nature. What IS necessary to be a Booksellers on Kercheval m Margaret Holley "Switzerland IS a beautiful good poet? Grosse Pointe Park 'Thursday's Child' is provocative By Alex Suczek Special Wnter who expects her to mother him age girl and boy behavior that There's a sharp bIte to the as well as to be his wife dnves parents mad Would any portrayal of mid-American fam- Daughter Kenna Lou at 16 IS real lIfe teen combme them all Ily hfe In Julie Jensen's play, obsessed WIth clothes, makeup, so totally? Any parent would "Thursday's ChIld," that teased-dyed hair and boys. Son hope not but on stage the por- opened at the AttIC Theatre Kenny is a good kId but poten- trayal IS delICIOusly and malI- last week. But dIrector Dmah tIal delInquent. Daughter CIously funny. Lynch and a remarkably Marcy, the youngest, is too cre- Every parent must howl In skilled and resourceful cast atIve - conducting an experi- recognition and every teen have gIven it a connc treat- ment WIth goldfish in the should be reqUIred to watch ment bordering on slapstIck It washer and convertmg her pet Just how egregious theIr behav. keeps us laughmg uncontrolla. dog mto a spIder And husband lOur can be. JamIe (who IS Lav- bly even as we recognIZe the Ken's well-mtentioned help Ima's daughter m real hfe, too) banalIties of ourselves as out-of. WIth the house and fanuly dis- is masterful In the supenor aIrS control teenagers growmg up Cipline IS invariably a bum. put on by Kenna Lou that only too fast, or mIddle-aged parents bhng hmdrance. an aspinng teen SOphiSticate growing old before gettmg SuperficIally, It resembles a can assume. The way she says, smart TV SItcom Dates, prom dress, "Oh, Mom," IS a devastatmg plugged drains and bemg expreSSIOn of feIgned scorn, suo ADMIT Ol\TE grounded are issues that set penonty and embarrassment, the familIar scene and the way whether m response to parental the fanuly deals WIth them concern over her new sex lIfe or YIelds a laugh a mInute. But no her startling discovery that her show on the tube probes the parents still have one of their Theater Amencan psyche quite so pro- own foundly. And exemplIfymg how dIffer- 3"10 l.IWQV The sky falls m as George ent children can be m one fam- Ann, Ken and the kids face the Ily, Marcy, played by Dana It would be upsettIng If it revelations that George Ann at Acheson, is a dehghtful 8-year- weren't so satIrIcally, sarcasti- 44 IS expectmg a chIld and old ton boy pIXIe WIth SCientIfic Jim Porterfield and Jamie Moyer star in the Attic Theatre's production of "Thursday's Child:' cally, cleverly funny mom and dad figure out that InclmatIOns WhIle the audio Central to the actIon IS the Kenna Lou IS sexually actiVe ence laughs at the whole fam- conversatIOns come some of the JIm Porterfield as the father pauses m the otherwise fast mother, George Ann Bradshaw, The CIrcumstances are the fab- Ily, she IS theIr comIC rehef most touchmg observatIOns and Ken IS almost eclIpsed by the pace of the action seemed to re- played WIth total ImmersIOn by nc of contemporary Amenca, In yet another dImensIOn, many memorable hnes, such hIgh energy and convictIon of flect opening night problems. AttIC artistiC dIrector LaVlma but how they are represented Mary Bremer appears as as, "Now I understand why the rest of the cast, until he As these are worked out, the Moyer She's the harrIed and dealt with IS the JOYof thIS George Ann's bosom buddy to some mothers In the anImal gets SIck and appears hooded In play can only get better. And mother of the '90s - over- very entertammg show see her through the crISISof de. kmgdom eat their own young" a blanket pleadIng for relIef for there's time for that smce it weight and stretched thIn by Jamie Moyer's perfonnance cldmg whether and how she That one and more go by so hIS dehydration runs Wednesdays through Sun- trymg to keep some control as Kenna Lou, and DaVId can get a new hold on her fam. fast they may reqUIre more If there's no better therapy days WIth some matinees over her children and deal WIth Bourke's Kenny are the es- lly lIfe and make It work bet- than one VISIt to the play to than laughing at ourselves, this through Jan. 5 For more mfor. the needs of a boYIsh husband sence of all the obnoxIOUSteen- ter Out of theIr confidentIal apprecIate fully show IS a panacea OccasIOnal matlOn, call 875-8284. DIA to remain open five days, continue school tours despite state cuts The DetroIt Institute of Arts The DIA wIll contmue to of- fered on a lImited baSIS These forts to buIld commumty and mumty have come forward in mg and stabIlIZed publIc fund- Will remaIn open five days a fer the followmg services mclude preVIously funded exhI- pnvate sector support and en- recent weeks and offered to as. mg m the hope of rebuilding week, WIll contmue to offer school tours, educatIOnal work bitIOns such as "Gold of Afnca" sure the long-term health of the SIst the museum, bnngIng the staff and programs. NeIther can school tours and WIll host some shops and classes, the Art to (Dee 8 Feb 9), "ChIC to ChIC DIA The museum IS pursumg Volunteer Committee to Its be rebuilt without the support speCIal exhibitIOns, director the Schools program, dally do- 100 Years of FashIOn Accesso- the Kresge FoundatIOn Van largest membership in the mu- of the communIty We need Samuel Sachs II said recently cent pubhc tours, lectures, nes from the CollectIOn of Dusen Endowment Challenge seum's hiStory everyone's support more than "After SIX'weeks of mtense courses, conservatIOn servIceS Sandy SchreIer" {Feb 2 This grant has the potential to ever If we are to be able to pre. budget diSCUSSIOn we have to other museums and collec- March 22), "Arman A Re add $4 mIllion to the DIA's op "Thl'l SItuatIOn and the dIffi- serve the DIA's reputatIOn as found ways to keep the mu tors, and other curatonal ser trospect.IVe" (May 17 - July 12), eratmg endowment AddItIOnal cult eronomlc conditIOns have one of the nation's finest mu seum open, although WIth re VIceS and the DIA-orgamzed "Art of plans are now bemg finahzed forced us, hke many busmesses, seums and one of MichIgan's duced hours The resulting mu- Also contmumg are the De the Amencan FrontIer The for a major fundralsmg cam to reassess and downSize our most Important educatIOnal and seum and Its servICes Will trOlt FIlm Theatre, speCial fun Chandler Pohrt CollectIOn," on palgn to be announced m 1992 programs and set new pnori- cultural resources. We are operate at Significantly reduced dralsmg events such as the view at the NatIOnal Gallery 10 The museum's 600 member tIes," Sachs said "We WIll con- deeply concerned about the 1m levels, which IS Inconsistent Wassail Feast, Fash Bash, Un Washmgton next spnng and Volunteer Committee wIll de centrate on the protectIOn and pact of these layoffs on our staff WIth the mamtenance of a der the Stars and the bIennIal 'lCheduled to open at the DIA In vote conSiderable addItIOnal preservatIOn of our pnceless and the people of Michigan" world.dass museum Our mis- Art and Flowers Festival and October 1992 tIme to supportmg museum collectIOn and on the programs As a result of the state sIOn was to match servIceS and the mdependently operated De .sImultaneously It was an programs and servmg museum of the most educatIOnal value budget cuts (413 percent, vr programs With hmlted finanCial trOlt ):outheatre nounced that the museum WIll VISitors ApproxImately 100 ad. to the pubhc We Intend to pur- resources," Sachs saId SpecIal exhibItIOns Will be of plan for the future through ef dltlOnal members of the com sue mcreased pnvate fundrals- See OIA, page lOB

# .M ~_ J k December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 98

growth of the Stephen sisters, Vanessa and Virginia. Their SIckly VIrglma who was subject to spells of mstablhty. elder half-brothers, Gerald and George Duckworth, physi- ThIS bIOgraphical study is an mcredtble document of a cally molested them, leaving each of the sisters emotionally learned family, a family in many ways so unnatural and tainted for the rest of their lives. Vanessa emerged from the Ingrown, but nonetheless a family that provided the essen- ordeal as a fecund mother-figure who was promiscuous with tial nurture to stimulate the genius of both Vanessa and male lovers whIle Virginia remained sexually repressed to Vlrgtnia. In their constant struggle, during their growmg- Biblio-file the end of her days. up years, the sisters were contInuously drawn together in Leslie Stephen became increasingly more ImperIOUS and theIr umted opposItion agaInst the depraVIties of theIr half- demanding of his wife and daughters, never realizmg that brothers, an actiVIty not to be mentlOned m the age of Vic- hiS selfish and self-centered behavior was taking a dreadful torIa, and the increasmg rIgidIty of theIr agtng father. By Elizabeth P. Walker toll on his fragile family. Dunn, an experIenced researcher, has done an exceptIOnal Juha Stephen died m 1895 and two years later, her eldest Job In recreatmg the hot-house emotional atmosphere of a daughter, Stella Duckworth, followed her to the grave Left tight famJly group, and has presented us WIth a multi-lay- , Sisterly devotion served as behmd were a grieving Vanessa and Virgtnia, who cease- ered account WIth a special emphasis on the gtfted sisters. lessly looked up to these adored and now departed female figures. Alone m their bitter sorrow, the two sisters drew Thus, Vanessa and VIrgtnia succeeded, m theIr own muse for two artistic women even closer together, and when, in 1904, Leslie Stephen fi- ways, by largely escapmg from their repressive past to nally dIed, they were able to break free from their gloomy emerge glOrIously into the outer world, Then they were able A Very Close Conspiracy: Vanessa Bell and Virginia old house full of unbearable memories, and move Joyously to pamt and write, free to express themselves without re- Woolf into brighter quarters in Bloomsbury, an artistic enclave in serve, and to enter the world of creatiVIty In SPite of their By Jane Dunn London, where they entertamed theIr friends who shared prolonged exposure to a clOIstered world of famIly madness LIttle, Brown. 338 pages. $29.95 their mtellectual mterests. Vanessa's artistic talent and and mstabIhty, each of the Stephen SIsters managed to If there was ever a dysfunctional family, thIS IS It De- Vlrgtnia's literary skill attracted many hke-mmded people break forth from their InhIbItive molds through pamtmg voted sisters, Vanessa Bell (1879-1961) and Virgtma Woolf who gathered quickly around these remarkable sisters. and wrltmg ThIs cruCIble of fire strengthened theIr charac- (1882-1941), during their entIre lives mamtamed a steadfast Early m their childhood, Vanessa and VIrgtma decided ters and resolve to proceed agamst the obstacles facing closeness, sharing their innermost secrets, disappointments, that each would concentrate on a separate arena to show- most V Ictonan women of ablhty fears, and happiness. Together they presented a umted case their own areas of expertise: Vanessa in pamting and All of whIch, I guess, proves the truth of the old adage front, at first to their family and later to the world at large, Virgtnia m writmg. In this manner. thev would not en- that sometImes adverSIty IS the path to greatness and they never de\'lated [10m theil' mutual support. Lon- croach on each other's purview but theIr endeavors would doner Jane Dunn has written a compelling bIOgraphy of be mutually supportive. Vanessa always encouraged Vlr- Whese Victonan siblings in "A Very Close ConspIracy," a gtma in her hterary work while VIrgmla never faIled to be book laden with potent meanings and poignant details. stirred by Vanessa's paintings. These overwoven descriptions overlaid with varying shades Even after Vanessa married Clive Bell, in 1907, and Vir- of mood inevitably lead the reader deeper into the claustro- ginia marrted Leonard Woolf, in 1912, the sisters continued Join Us For Our New }Cars Eve phobic inner world of a strict Victorian household. their close conspiracy of togethetness, a protective barrier Leshe Stephen, a noted scholar and a man-of-Ietters, was behind which they carried on their fond intImacies and the Party At The Harper Woods ta middle-aged widower with a young retarded daughter. He shanng of their hopes and sadnesses. As the younger, Vir- Community Center. It's Close To Hmne r _- I 9~arried Julia Duckworth, a widow with two sons and a gima never failed to look up adoringly to Vanessa, and ' daughter. Together they had four more children, two boys J:!ven after Vanessa became the busy, preoccupied mother of Reservations are being taken for I $5 OFF I ~and two girls, and in this unusually individualistic family three children, two by Bell and one by her then lover Dun- our New Year's Eve Party. Prime 1 New Yearrs I many traumatlc events occurred to stymie the natural can Grant, she still had the time and energy to care for a Rib or Dover Sole Buffet. All I I drinks InclUded, plus champagne I Reservations I Detroit Zoological Society gift memberships to benefit zoo for toast, favors, etc. - $35/person I~~~ l2l3;21 The DetrOIt ZoolOgIcal Socl- famIly (two adults and theIr each VISIt IS $60. And, the respectIvely 'ety is makmg It easy to gift chIldren/grandchildren under Snow Leopard, ChImpanzee For more mformatlOn 01 to Call Chef JOHN 343-2566 wrap the Detroit Zoo thIS holt- age 18) is $40 and Patron memberships for order gift membershIps, call the 19748 Harper at Manchester day season by offering gIft The Polar Bear membershIp the famIly plus two guests each DetrOIt ZoolOgIcal Society at J W Pollard Food Management Co ~'memberships to help raise for one family plus one guest VISIt are $100, $250 and $500, 541-5717. illfunds for one of Detroit's wild. est attractIOns. Detroit Zoological Society Fox collects food during 'The Nutcracker' members help fund numerous Throughout the run of "The sale at the Fox Theatre, Joe Harmony House Tickets are •Zoo proJects, including the Nutcracker Ballet" at the Fox Louis and Cobo Arena box of- $17, $21 and $24. To charge by chunps of Harambee exhibit, Theatre, patrons dropping off fices and all Ticketmaster out- phone, call 645-6666. For more the lion house educational one or more Items of canned lets, including Hudson's and Information, call 567-6000. ~ graphics, and the renovation of food wIll receive two complI- the elephant-rhIno house, the mentary tickets to WinterFest SPIRITS &; EATERY 293.1410 • 293.1412 lpenguinarium and the Rack- '92. Bop Harvey welcomes New Year 30750 Little Mack, (lcMh of 13 Mile) Roseville ham (dancing bear) fountaIn. "The Nutcracker Ballet" Get ready to bring 10 1992 in lase of thetr second full album, -NEW MENU- JThe society also sponsors the runs through Sunday, Dee 29. style at The MajestIC, as three it IS a growing opinIon that thiS annual Sunset at the Zoo, Zoo Food bins will also be located of MichIgan's best bands con- power pop quartet may be the EARLY BIRD SPECIALS I Boo and supports many other in the Fox Theatre box office, verge In Detroit for a great next band to break out of Mich- TUESDAY thru SMURDAY - 3 to 6 PM fund-raismg and special events. which is open Monday-Friday night of entertainment, Head- igan Combme that with their SUNDAY - 1 to 4 PM GJft memberships, available from Us.m. to 7 p.rn The food lining the show are worldbeat reputation for high energy lIve from just $25, arrive as a fes- PromeR.b .... .•• • . ,.• 6 95 Boston SCrod .Ii 95 collected will be distnbuted by rockers Bop Harvey. Also on performance and tills may be served au JUs New England's IlOesl. ( tive holtday ornament. Mem- the Mayor's Emergency Relief the bill is the hottest band in one of the last chances to see broiled rn sweet buller ~, rs receIve unlinuted free ad- Fund to homeless familtes In East Lansing, The Hannibals, The Hanmbals In a club set- New York Str.p. 695 • . ion to the Detroit Zoo, the the metro-Detroit area. brOIled 10 order Frog Leg...... 5 95 whose scorching hve perfor- ting. IIgMy coated In llour and lle Isle Zoo and Aquarium WinterFest '92 is a 10-day mances have helped build the The ticket pnce also Includes Chopped S"lo,n 595 deep frlBd golden brawn d to more than 100 zoos winter festival conung to the group's reputation throughout champagne at nudnIght, hors served WIth fresh cross the country for one full Michigan State Fairgrounds buttBred mushrooms Stuffed Filet Sole 595 ~ the MIdwest. Rounding out thIS d'oeuvres and a laser light ItNlder lilBt stuffed WIth tyear Class and lecture series Jan. 24-Feb. 2. The event will MichIgan talent extravaganza show. Doors open at 9 p.m. Stuffed Chrc:ken Breasl 595 crabmttst I discounts and a subscnptlOn to feature a world-class exhibition are Detroit rockers See DIck Tickets are $15 In advance baked un/JI (/OldBn blown HabItat, the society's monthly and competItIOn of ice carving Run, who have been a per- The MajestIC IS located at 4140 All entrees mclude soup or sfllad, baked potato With sour cream or tll1Qe/ablB, roll and bunef. newsletter, are also mcluded. and snow sculpting. The crys- enmal area favorite for years. Woodward. For more Informa- Memberships for indiVIduals tallme creations will be illumi- Onginally East Lansing na- tion, call 833-9700. NOT VALID ON HOUDAYS and famihes are available In nated by a state-()f-the-art lIght- tIVes, PrOVidence-based Bop The Gnome Restaurant, lo- Earl Bird Dinners $595 & $695 the following categories: the ing spectacular m the State Harvey IS perhaps one of the cated at 4124 Woodward, in bra membership for one Farr Coliseum. Surrounding the largest "party" bands playmg front of The MaJestiC, IS offer- adult is $25; the Zebra Plus c:hsplays WIll be snowmobIle the club circuit. Well-known for Ing dinner packages and bve [membershIp for one adult plus racing, dogsled racing, arts and thetr highly danceable world- entertainment by PhoenIX Ris- 1f"~~:~''1~<.',llf'~ tone guest each VIsit is $35; the craft displays, a food court and 'E'J~','" ' beat rhythms, this show prom- ing, a Kalamazoo folk act. For fPenguin membership for one discounted winter retail items ises to be a fun way to ring in more Information regardmg "':~:Rlf'RI,\rff"\:""J~'J~,,~ in the Trade Court. the New Year. As The Hanni- dinner reservatIOns and menus, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WED. THRU SATURDAY ~ Tickets to the ballet are on bals gear up for a January re- call 833-0120. ~eek at a glance It l Items for this column must be I Isubmitted by 3 p.rn. Frulay the eek before publlCOizl)n. Acnm- I I . s takmg place wuhzn the r ~ rosse Pointes wJ1l be gwen ibilli !i'refereTl£e. See It In The Tradition Of ~Friday, Dec. 20 ~enell"ng Ine Am1WI~UmUN~!1I0N* Rodgers and HarnmersteIn's Excellence! ,musIcal adaptatlOn, ''The K10g SIARarHG OlYMPIC & WORLD and I," continues at the Golden Lion Dinner Theatre Friday (i)Holland America \\estours 'and Saturday evenings through ~Dec. 28 Ticket price is $24.95 a 15 DAY DELUXE ESCORTED bperson which Includes dinner, j show, tax and gratuity. Cock- CRUISE TOUR taIls begin at 7 p m with dIn- 'ner at 7:30 p.m The show fol- JUNE 18. 1992 lows dessert at approxunately 8:30 p.m. Group rates are avail- able on Fnday evemngs only. Special AAA RATES The Golden Llon restaurant IS Plus 0Iympjc Sliver MedalIst OlyfT!PIC SIlver Medohsf Olympic Bronze Medalis1 2Jocated at 22380 Moross, near book by January 31 and SAVE UtAN ORSER IlOSALYNN SUMNERS DE81 THOMAS Mack, m Detroit across from up to $600More per couple Olympic Sliver Medalists US Noflonal Dance ChampIOns U S OlymplOns bSt. John Hospital For more in- KITTY a PETERCARRUTHUS SUSAN WYNNE & JOSEPH DIlUAR LEA ANN MILLER a ):l.formation, call 886-2420 BILL FAUVER rtf Saturday, January 18, 1992 t. The Van Dyke Park Hotel Joe Louis Arena b~d Conference Center along 7:30 p.m. [ffWlth Rodger McElveen Produc- 9tlOns present Ned Simon's farce TICKETS: $25.00 & $ 18.00 limited Gold Circle Seats Available -F;"God'S Favonte." The play 19299 Mack Ave. Great seats now available ot the Joe LOUIS Arena Box OffIce and (Irons through Dee 21 on Fn- - days and Saturdays. Dmner 343-6000 All TlCK5t'~~~ Centers or Charge by Phone (313) 645.6666 hcbegms at 7:30 pm and the 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Use your DISCover card. at lhe Joe louIS Arena Box Office Of' by calling (313) 567.6000 and receIVe preferred 'show begins at 9 p.m. Full buf- or sealing $1 per tlckel Will be donated 10the Malce.A.WISh Foundation ~of Mtehtgan 'ffet and show are meluded in by APPOintment IIthe $22.50 tIcket For reserva- For general ticket information, call (313) 567.6000 tions and InformatIOn, call 939 HatCher-Moorman, a WhOllY owned SubSidiary Of AM Of For group rate information, call (313) 567.7474 )'2860 or 772-2798 Michigan has merged Its Grosse Pointe An C I"'G Product on Sponsored by 'Wednesday, Dec. 2S ageney With AM Travel Ageney. AM welcomes all Hatcher.Moorman clients. H Happy holtday.


PHONE (517) 7920934 A/U <: UAUIl tn" , '000. Ora? '$s December 19, 1991 108 Entertainment Grosse Pointe News Despite Spielberg and Williams, 'Hook' misses the mark By Ronald J, Bemas rects a SCript that needs punch who well' helped by her, call ments are there Wondelful dnythmg to the proceedmgs In man completely Immerses him- Staff Writer mg up, pal mg down ,lnd an her Granny Wendy, and there's camera angles that bUild sus f,lct, It':" so subdued In ;,cenes self III the role and Hoskins The premise for "Hook' IS II' other handful or two of piXie a rumor that she's the Wendy pense, woeful children, lots of cdlhng fOl i>Oarlng strings, It shows none of the mamc en- resistible dust from J M Barrie's "Peter Pan" flash and more style than you has the effect of bringing every. ergy he exhIbited as the detec- Stephen Spielberg, the man It'i> not that "Hook" IS a bdd While at the dedication, the can shake a magic wand at thmg down Its wlshy.wai>hy tive m "Roger Rabbit" or the whose films won't let you grow film It's Just that It could have Pdnnlng children are kid But there's almost no magic, melodies don't even seem to paternalistic compassion he dIs. up, casts Robin Williams, been so much more And con napped and a note IS left be and that's the fault of the come from the same pen that played m "Mermaids" One whose career IS based on hiS sldenng the plajers, It should hlfid, sll,'1ledJames Hook <;cnpt by Jim V Hart and Nick tomposed award,wlnnlng, ,vlshes he would get the recog- chlldhke energy, as Peter Pan have been No\\ Wendy must tell Peter Castle It's too bUl>y,there's too hedlt poundmg musIC for "Star mtlOn he deserves for bemg one William:" playl> Peter Pan that he Ii> the orlgmal Peter much gOing on In some places, Wars," "E T" and the "Rald of the best second fiddles m the mng, a high powel ed Amellcan P,ln and that although he left and It'S underdeveloped m CIS" mOVlei> busmess •••••• busmessman whose hip pocket Nevel Neverland years ago, he otheri> And even though the But With all that said, there And then there's Maggie telephone disrupts everythmg mu~t go back to save hiS child film runs only two hours, the are some positive thmgs about Smith In some realistiC old.age from hiS daughter's high school I en and bdttle Hook to the ldck of fantasy and whimsy the film makl'up, she's got Just the nght play to a fight WIth hlb wIfe dedth makes It seem longer The first IS the set deSign spark as the SO.plus Wendy Film over what IS mOle Important When Petel gets to Never For example, Tmkerbell (Ju The Pll'dte ships and the Lost who loved Peter once upon a hiS busmess 01 hiS family Ne"erldnd, he discovers that ha Robeltsl tells Peter l>he Boys' hangout are wonderfully time and who watched him Busmess even mien upti> hl~ Hook (played \\,Ith style and ioves him and will walt fOl him Ieal and make you Wish you glVe up Never Neverland for •••••• family vacatIOn to England fun by Dustm Hoffman) has fOlever Why? Not only doesn't \\ere d pirate or a Lost Boy her granddaughter, Maura where he IS to speak at the ded \\on the affection of Peter's son, the :>Cllpt make you believe m And then there's the pirates, In the end, though, the story Unfortunately, everybody IcatlOn of a ne\\, hospital \\ mg and Petel must not only fight fames, It doesn't make yotl led 1>yHoffman With Bob Hos becomes another one of that falls short Wilhams IS flat, tee m honor of hiS Wife's gJ and fm good, he also must wm hls want to beheve, and that's kms as hiS nght hook man, '90s genre of '80s.greed-<:omes- termg toward bormg, and Spiel mother Wendy (Maggie Smith) ~on back worse Smee The two prove once back to-haunt.'90s.new.sensl. berg, who knows how to tell a But Peter knows her too He, Sounds good, doesn't It? Well And for some reason, John agam that they are among the tlve-man But here It'S done good story and tell It well, dl and hundreds of othel orphan~ all the fdffilliar Spielberg ele Wilhams' score doesn't add best workmg actors today Hoff. With more flash and some mfty special effects But It'S still the same old Detroit Institute of Arts displays the prints of Martin Lewis ::.WI y. And that s the problem. because It could have been S4> Martm LeWlS (1881-1962) IS tamment m the vigorous hfe of hiS expenence He lived for a SlOn drastically affected the long-time supporter of the DlA, much more. ' best known today as a reahst the city time m an artists' commumty market for fine prmts and ill Katzman was mterested In prmtmaker who captured a More than 120 prmts and In Sydney and, m 1900, sailed the 1940s and 19508 the grow leWIS' work because It reo particular spirit of American drawings by LeWIS will be on for Amenca He settled m New mg Interest m abstract art left mmded him of his New York Cities from the glamorous 1920s view m the exhibitIOn, "An York City and supported him- leWIS at a dIsadvantage In the childhood Katzman approached to the austenty of the Depres Amencan Master Prmts by self as a commercial artist In market leWIS contmued to the DlA m 1989 offering to do- RAM'S HORN; Slon. Martm leWIS," at the DetrOit 1910 he traveled to Great Bnt- make prmts but m smaller nate the collectIOn, but he died USTAUIUUI'I' With subtle and telhng de- Institute of Arts through March am and m 1920 to Japan He numbers He died m hiS studiO before the gift could be final. .... 1902 tails he portrayed hfe m devel. 22 studied prmtmaking techmques III 1962. IZed Robert Katzman, Sidney's 17410 MACKATST CLAIR OpIng metropohses: young Born on a farm In Australia, and aesthetiCS m both coun. son, completed the arrange- Special women gomg to work on a Sat- leWIS began drawmg at an tnes The 120 prmts and drawmgs ments and presented the collec BIG DEAL MEALS early age He ran away from leWiS receiVed consIderable l1AM .10PM urday morning, magnificent are a gift of the Robert Katz- tlOn to the DlA In hiS father's Entree Plus Plus skyscrapers bemg bUllt and home at the age of 15 to fur- public acclaim in the late 1920s man famlly in honor of Sidney honor Potato Soup Choc. and early 1930s The Depres- Vag. or people of all ages findmg enter- ther hIS educatIOn and Widen Katzman A pnnt collector and "A set of prmts by such a & Carrot Roll Salad Cake slgmficant prmtmaker IS a ma 3.99 4.99 Pointer Krieg's art on display Jor glft," said Samuel Sachs n WEIGHT SenIOr CitIZen DIA .:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:::::::.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::.:.:::.:.:.:.:::.:.:::.:::::::::::::::.::::::::.:.:.:."The DlA IS grateful to the WATCHERS Age 60 Dorothea Kneg of Grosse and Rental Gallery, the Troy Katzmans for the opportunity FroslC1d Treat Discount 10% From page8B week on a rotatmg basis (half & Dessens MInImum Order Pointe IS The Commumty Art Gallery, and at Alma Col- open 11 a.m to 1.30 p.m; half to add the leWIS works to the o Cal Menu House Artlst-of.the-Month for lege. She recently receIved Del $6 8 mllhon), there also wlll be open 1:30 to 4 pm) School museum's collectIon of Ameri. HAPPY HOUDAYS December Her work w1l1be on ega Award for Design at the can prmts." OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE some serIOus reductIOns In tours Will continue by appoint- display on the second level of Grosse Pomte Artist 1991 An "An Amencan Master: Prmts Tdl9"OOpm staff, hours and programs, In- ment Doors Closed al8 20 P m. The Community House through nual Show, and was a Jurled by Martm leWIS" wIll be on cludlng. • All "blockbuster" national Open Christmas Day Tuesday, Dec. 31, and can be artist at The Commumty view m the museum's Schwartz Till4;OOpm. • The layoff or ehmmatlOn of and internatIOnal tounng exhi. Doors Closed Al3 20 m. viewed dunng normal Com- House 1991 Our Town Art Ex- 84 additIOnal staff members bltIons wlll be dlscontmued GraphIC Arts Galleries munity House hours, 8:30 hIbit. and positions m most depart- Further reductIOns WIll be a.m.to 9 p.m Monday through The Artlst-of.the Month pro- ments and at all levels effec- taken m graphiC arts and MlCh Fnday; and weekends, 9 a m p:~~~~~~~~"~~-q gram IS a contlnumg service of tIve, Dee 6 Added to earher Igan artiSts program exhibI- to 5 p.m. The Commumty House. Each layoffs and ehmmations, the tIOns, loans of works of art to ''The actual method used to month, a local artiSt IS selected staff reduction for 1991 totals and from other natIOnal and in- SPARKY ~ HERBERTS describe thIs work IS called "re. to exhibit hiS or her work, free 44 percent or 143 people ternatIOnal museums and ma hef pnnting," KrIeg explams of charge, for the pubhc to en. • New public hours of 11 Jor scholarly museum pubhca- "Pieces of lmoleum are carved JOy and purchase For more m a m to 4 pm Wednesday tlons. Travel, research and in the chosen shape, 011print formatIOn about thIS program, through Sunday (prevIOusly utIlity usage wlll also be re- er's ink is mixed in the deSired call the director of special I 9:30 a.m. to 5 30 pm) This duced. SefVIceS to statewide J, palette, and the image is em. events at 644-5832 The Com. i was effectIve Dee. 11 and repre- museums as presently planned bossed in heavy, French-made mumty House IS located m sents a 37 percent reductIOn m WIll be phased out over tIme paper usmg an etching press" downtown BIrmingham at 380 pubhc hours Galleries will con- and replaced With new mltla. Krieg's prints are also bemg S Bates tinue to be open five days a tIVes. exhibIted at the BBAA Sales HOLIDAY CATERING o PLAN YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY NOW -- AIRPORT LIMOUSINES House Parties. Office and Special - AS LOW AS $19.00!- Events Customized to your budget to or from City or Metro per person CALL JOE OR TINA Complement your air travel 824-4280 FEATURING COMPLETE CHRISTMAS DINNERS $11,95 per person Pick Up Only ~ 15117 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE PARK d ~~~~~~&rNr~~r.*~~~

FISH SANDWICH $225 SHRIMP DINNER '695 Grosse Po/lIle Farms 18666 Mack Ape. Next 10 the Polt Office. 881.5675 I.iii:: .- 9Pen: 11 a.m. 10 2 a.m. SUnday: 5 p.m. to 2 a.m.

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I' <'J December 19, 1991 ports ~Grosse Pointe News 118 '.il ~Knightsnipped In• own tourney title game By John Miskelly hockey tournament the KnIghts' Andy Van The Eagles' strong forecheck ULS ~tepped up Itl>Offenl>IVe East Grand RapIds' Jud Ah. 'J Special Wnter Culver (Jnd ) MIlitary Acade Deweghe had tied the score mg forced ;,everal turnovers 111 pressure m the third penod and rens tied the score at 12'01 of 'J A host expects complete coop my's B team dIdn't follow the "They're a vel) dlsclplmed the opemng penod and Culver the second perIod, but moments J.eratlOn from the guestl> - no VanDeweghe scored an unass !:>Cllptas It beat UniversIty Llg. hockey club TheY'Ie a gleat Cd me aWdY With a 2 0 ll'ad al> later VanDeweghe broke the ~Ispllled drmk!> on the new car. Isted goal to tie the score Mo gett School 3 2 In the champI team to play agaInst," said Flannery !>CoredWIth 49 ;,ec ments later, Flannery notched tIe Enc Kisskalt assISted on f. petmg, no rUined furmture, no onshlp game of the ULS Chnst ULS coach John Fowler onds left m the penod dnd hiS second of the game to dash VanDeweghe's game-willner fl OppoSing goah, with 1 36 re mas Tournament Last seawn Culvel lost to Greg Cherne tallted 12 second" the Kmghts' hopes ULS fired 11 shots on goal m I'mammg m the thIrd penod of Ryan Flannery's Winning Windsor A.ssumptlOn In the Idter on a breakaway the thIrd penod, but was un- the champIOnship game of It" goal came only 43 l>eCond!>after champIOnshIp game "They hIt Ul>qUIckly," said "It was a good game - a able to score Fowler, noting the Eagles' good skating game," Fowler Forwards Klsskalt and team speed "aid VanDeweghe and defense man Hard work paid off 111 the ULS opened the tow nament Robb were the three Kl11ghts first ULS goal Sophomore With a 32 VictOry over East ;,elected to the all tournament ,/, ..~~;li Omar Sdwaf scored 2 1/2 mm- Grand RapIds team ~ ,.,,o;":''l'l''(. .. t-;, ,.. utes 1I1tO the second penod, The Kl1lghts' Bill Robb Roundmg out the squad were With John Maycock drawmg an -"Cored an unaSl>lsted goal to forward BrIan Qumn, defense. open th~ <;cormg hut thE' PI q S"I st Sa \\ af's SIZL dI1l1 mail Jt'ff Jto'llben dnd goahe strength helped him muscle the oneer", answered With a goal by Chuck Schervlsh of Grosse puck past Culver goalIe Aaron Brad Emmons and the first pe Pomte North, forwards Cherne Abitz nod ended m a I-I tIe and Kevm Young, defenseman Each team had good scormg Alex Crenshaw of ULS broke Guy Bradshaw and goahe AbItz chances after Sawafs goal, but the deadlock 34 seconds mto of Culver, and forward Ville AbItz and the Kl11ghts' Tom the second perIod, WIth Van Helske and defenseman Mark Best came up With Important Deweghe and NIck GIOrgIO Ostrander of East Grand Rap- savee;; dra wmg assIsts Ids • South skaters WIn Photo by K P Balaya three Grosse Pomte South's hockey Culver (Ind.) Military Academy goalie Aaron Abitz kicks away tbis scoring attempt by Uni- team IS heading mto the hoh versity Liggett's Eric Kisskalt during the championship game of the Knights' Christmas Tourna- day break on a hIgh note ment. Last week, the Blue DeVIls beat Southgate Anderson 4-2 m South Sports an Important Michigan Metro L.-__ ,~ ---, High School Hockey Assocla tIon game, then won tWIce on Norsemen bounce back The Blue DevIls began the Hoglund also scored a first- their annual triP to MIdland. MIdland trIp WIth a 5 3 VIctory "I was most satIsfied with penod goal for South, while over preVIOusly unbeaten MId- Crane and Carl Meichoir tal. the Anderson game because land Dow they're a good team and It was hed m the second penod. Lindsay opened the scormg after losing a marathon a league game, but I was also Auld, Cameron CraIg, Hog- III the first perIod, then Kns pleased With the contrIbutIOns lund, Ted Hanawalt, JIm An- Hoglund scored a pall' of set of some of our rookies 111 the dary and Chagnon collected as. y John Miskelly oneers was all but decIded m he scored at 11 20 of the first ond-penod goals only 20 sec. Special Wrrter two games In MIdland," said Slsts for South the first perIod when the Norse- penod on assists from Tocco onds apart. Crane and Steve ~-. "We may be outmanned, but coach John LaLonde "We did some tremendous fo- men got four goals, mcludmg and Qumn The Eagles' Bran- Solaka completed the scormg m ~e'll never be outworked" two from sophomore Bnan don Morkut tIed the score nine South traIled Anderson 1-0 the third penod recheckmg m that game," La. That pledge was made by untIl the Blue DevIls erupted Londe said "The Iuds did the j Qumn. Paul Megler and Gary seconds later, but Joey Sucher Crdne, FrederIckson, Tucker, '~rosse Pomte North hockey for four goals m the thIrd pe. little things very well " Corona also scored for North. put North back In the lead ChrIS Nixon, Lindsay and RaJt .foach Dan Abraham after his The coach felt the trIp was The Norsemen could have WIth a tally less than a mmute rIod Defenseman DaVId Auld had South's assists : ~quad expenenced the heights tnggered the outburst With a worthwhIle beyond the two VIC. been excused for bemg tIred be. after Morkut's goal Qumn and "This was the first tIme our • and depths of emotIOn during goal and Bnan Crane, Kevm tones that boosted South's cause they fimshed their first- Corona drew assISts new players made a bIg contri .."the University LIggett School Brennan and Enk Lmdsay fol- overall record to 6 2 round marathon at 10 30 p.m . Kevm Young scored a sec butlOn," LaLonde saId. "We }£hnstmas Tournament and the consolatIOn game was ond-penod goal for Culver and lowed SUIt to give South the used them more and they reo "It got the UlCls away to- scheduled for 11 the following after that the goaltenders domi- VICtory • ~ The depths occurred m the sponded well " gether for the first tIme so they mornmg nated the game until 1:27 of , pening round when Culver Tom RaJt assIsted on two of Jason Hall was the wmnmg could do some bondmg," La. The teams traded second.pe. the thIrd overtIme when Young nd.) Mihtary Academy nipped the goais and Brennan, Todd goahe as the Blue DeVIls Londe saId. "At thIS pomt, he Norsemen 3-2 m three over- nod goals. Corona talhed hIS tallied hIS second of the game FrederIckson and DaVId Tucker outshot the Chargers 33-21 second of the game from Mike everybody IS playmg well and _imes. Culver won the tourna- The ULS tournament uses an each had one assist It dIdn't take South long to Klobuchar and Dom Tocco With they're workmg as a team." {ment WIth a 3.2 victory over unusual format for settlmg ties "We started slowly, but we take command of the game the period less than a nunute The one thmg LaLonde he host Kmghts 111 the cham. The overtlmes are five minutes kept putlmg more thmgs to- WIth Midland old would lIke hiS team to Improve lOnshlp game. long and after each period one gether as the game went on," Marcel Chagnon scored on a IS Its shootmg. Chuck Schervlsh, North's skater IS ehmmated from each LaLonde saId "It was a tIght rmk.length dash after the open- "We've been getting a lot of North reached the heights freshman goahe, made 21 saves team By the thIrd extra penod, game untIl Tucker scored mto mg faceoff and the Blue Devils shots, but they've been high ess than 24 hours later when In the VICtory and was named each team was usmg Just three an empty net" were never threatened as they ones," he said "We have to 't beat East Grand Rapids 5-1 to the all.tournament team skaters Andy Brewer played well m outshot the Chemlcs 50-2l. start putting more shots down n the consolatIOn game. "Chuck came up big for us Qumn, a sophomore who had goal for South, whIch held a 25 Brewer was m the nets for hIS on the Ice so the goalIes have a "We couldn't approach the when we had defenSIve break- two goals and three assists m 19 edge m shots first shutout tougher tIme." ame hke we were t1red and downs," Abraham saId the tournament, Jomed Scher- luggIsh," Abraham saId Megler gave the Norsemen a vlsh on the all.tournament t The game against the PI 10 lead against Culver, when squad GS BIG SAVINGS ON GOLF GIFTS EXTRA SPECIAL PACKAGE SETS from '5 to '100 VALUES TOUR EDmON ICI • o Golf Shoes •TOUR EllIllON, 'IIOOOlI4 lIONS S:2'IS co PACKAGE~- 'INOO WNl OOLF1Wl_ __ $80 co PIICl! o Ban Retrievers $3 ff Golf Balls I 'H£AllCO\IlIlS _9ET ~. _ $11l.86 ~------,Any nc&ml~,.3115.Paclt '1'OIIfIMIIEII P\IT"l'Pl. _ _ __ • $5O.CO I 0 ClSocks (Not Illol X-Outa) .l'llllJT fUOIIr CIOIF IIAWI '1-l'OCIL $3O.CO '249 LQOOO ON SALE &. 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NON SA.....EMOose YO 0 AFTE.R OEe ~. ,1itG~ SPALDING T01>oI._ o Golf Bags lCoo • Sl'lIlLllIHQ F1JlUIA Pl.US > I I 9ET $WJ 00 PACKAGE Spikes 'NOR IlOX_22,OGOlFIWl S88!lO o • FIlR IIEADCOVEIIS S32 85 PRICE a Headcovers r------,% Any Shirt I '~I_ $3585 10 off Jacket or Pant '1'IIlST fUOIIr <>OJ IIAWI '5-"'10< S30 00 $399 I Pholo bv K P B.laya a GriPS , I'WS __ 8ETf AVAlLUU!'OR 1IrN. WOIIEN'_ LCIOOO ON 8AL& & -.-.a -. \IOID AFT'SII D&C. .. , '''-.1 a Pull Carts University Liggett defenseman Tom Waldron tries to clear 'he puck out of danger. while ..._, ee Culver Military Academy players swarm around Knights' Q'()o:lieTom Jlp'rt ,..------_ Everything For I$2 off Gol:diove I '.f. .. LOOOOO" ...... L•• "O" ...... L" .. O•• VOO,,"~"OEC •• , ...~ ady Devils win tourney Gol:1"1 es r------. Grosse Pomte South volley tItle match '>Cmlfinal round At All Price Levels I$5off GOI:-:~oe8 I all coach Cmdy Sharpe wIll be "We have some great ath "I thought we played ex 0000OM...... a --... -. yo.... ,p,.... .-c .. ,.., I aymg close attentIOn to the letes and we Simply overpow tremely well, consldermg ,\e\e 1.: rst state hIgh school rankmgs ered a lot of the teams," Sharpe only been practIcIng for two hen they come out thIS week <;aId "Many of our girl" came weeks." Sharpe saId "There Just In ------straight from the basketball was a lot of gutty effort We "We reall" played well and [ team' came f!'Om behll1d both time" Time For mk we could be In the top The Lady DevIl" dIdn't lose a agamst Wayne Memonal " 0," Sharpe ~Id after the Lady game m the tournament The Lady Devl1s returned Christmas INTERNA TlONAL GOLF & SKI SHOPS evIls won SIX straIght In pool play they beat River three e;;talters from la"t year'" atches on the way to the vIe\\, Gabnel RIchard 15-5. 15 team. but Sharpe needed re i( GROSSE POINTE amplOnshlp In the Henry 7 downed 1'roy Athens 156, placements for two of her top , ~ ~ 19435 MACK AVE. lust North of Moros. ord Commumt\ College tOlll 158, tnmmed Wayne Memonal hItters Sh~ found them 111 Ste ament last weekend 15 11, 15-9, and rolled over phanle Coddens and Lit ...... ~ 885.0300 Carleton AIrport 15-4, 15 11 Bender tL South downed Wayne Memo al 15 11, 15 10 m a thnllmg South then beat Dearborn OPEN DAILY 10-9, SATURDAY 10-9, SUNDAY 11-7 me from behmd effort m the Edsel Ford 15 11, 153m the See SOUTH, page 128 • VISA. MASTERCARD. DISCOVER. DINERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS

.b •••••••••• b+ •• h~~

MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION .ICRoeTEC ellK. December 19, 1991 126 Sports Grosse Pointe News Norsemen try to bounce back

By Chuck Klonke i>aJd "If \It'd have ~hot 40, the half, but the Hu"klei> ani>wered Northem, a state ClaSi>A qual' Sports Edllor 10\1 end oj tIll' ~pectl11m for us, Illth a 132 SPUlt that gave terfinahst last spnng The Grosse Pomte NOIth'~ b,bkl:'1 \le'd h,1\(> bPl'll In ~ood "hape them a 27 pomt lead With 304 Norsemen had 26 turnolCli> m ball team had one 01 those at h.11ft l!1ll I(>ft ltl the I hll d qual leI the first three quarters agamst Ileeks It would prefel to 100get NO) I h - I) I I{( II10ld" "(oled I III nOI t'l, (ompolll1dpd the HuskIes, who are 20 .1.., soon as poSSible tIlt' lil-t r,hhlt "I lh,' -llond \ 0 I t I." pi 0 b \to 11I" .q.,(.11 n" 1 "We Just didn't t'xecute The Nor:>emen d1opped then Ilell," Olman said "We had a non league season openel to good sesslOn watch1l1g tape af East Detl'Olt, 5949, then ~uf Il I the game and the kId" saw fCled J. 5333 setbalk to Port ll1t'll mistakes, ei>peclally With HllI on NOIthern t hell ~reenmg" The losi>to NOithel n \I J.h es Kurt Rheaume. Matt West peclally fl ustl atmg to coach In ook and Dan Devlm each George Olman (" l1W off the bench and played "I couldn't beheve the score \\ ell for North boald al halfhme," he saId Those three kIds \\ielt' the 'We wele down b) 17 P01l1tl- III l~ht spots for Ui>," Olman (247) and the .....ay we played It "',lId "hould have been 30 If we held Rheaume led the NOIsemen Just pIa) ed OUl normal game IIIIheight pomts and also Ile'd hale been llght 111 It" 1-,'1 dbbed four rebounds Adam NOIth, IIhlch IIaIled 12 2 af K01 zemewskl had nme 1e ter the fil;,t qualter, hIt only 10 bounds and five pomts percent of ItS field goal at Chns Hall led Northern With tempts 111 the iii st half and 12 pomts and Tony Powell managed only 25 percent shoot to""ed m eIght mg fOJthe game ",,,,,t Dt>trolt cqme -1hve 1'1 "We ui>uall) shoot between t he fourth quartel to spoIl 40 and 48 percent," Olman North's opener The Norsemen, who led 26-22 Photo by Jon W.lson at halfhme, mamtamed that Grosse Pointe North's Matt Westbrook goes up for a shot Two firsts margm at 41-37 after three pe- against Port Huron Northern. Ilods, but the Shamrocks then dId some long-range bombmg to for North's get back mto the game "We dIdn't expect to lose ULS wins opener; that one, but they started wrestlers hhootmg three pomters m th~ fourth quarter and they went bows to Cranes Grosse Pointe North's wres- m," Olman said thng team made an ImpreSSive East Detroit outscored N orta showmg m Its first action of A thnllmg VIctory and a at halfhme, but the Cranes 22.8 m the final penod the season tough defeat marked the open- scored 17 pomts m the third Reynolds led the Norsemen The Norsemen flmshed mg of the boys basketball sea. quarter when the ULS defense With 19 pomts and Adam fourth m the 12.tearn Lutheran i>on for Umversity Liggett made only two defenSIve stops Lowry scored 14 Lowry had 11 East InVItational and the squad School m the entire penod. rebounds, one more than Kor had a piHr of indIvidual cham- The Knights posted a 48-42 Despite the lapse, the zeniewski. piOns emerge from the tourna- VICtory at Ann Arbor Green- Knights closed to 41-36 with "It hurts to start 0-2, but ment. hIlls, then dropped a 52-41 decI- three mmutes remammg, but we'll get It straIghtened Keith Glanmco took first sIon to Cranbrook in the home Cranbrook sealed the VIctory Pholo by Jon Wilson around," Olman said place in the 130-pound weight opener with some crucial free throws North visited Mount Cle class and Dan Skuce was the Port Huron Northern's Rob Dawson bothen Grosse Pointe Neither game was decided down the stretch mens thiS week before hostmg 135-pound champion North's 0.1. Reynolds. but Reynolds still gets his shot off. until the fourth quarter South Lake tomght. Pernell led ULS with 15 Mike Gagala (160), Tony Agamst Greenhills, ULS pomts and freshman Joey Romolino (145) and Dave San- opened a 28.21 halfhme lead, Grant added nine. dercott (103) each won theIr helped by Vernon Pernell's 11 "We must play better inte. consolatIOn final bouts to finISh Blue Devils chill Polar Bears pomts nor defense If we're gomg to be third Brian Kerber was fourth The Knights extended theIr a solid team," said Kmghts at 125 pounds lead to 11, but the Gryphons coach Chuck Wright "We sIm- SWIMMING: North's boys stormed back with some three- for second straight victory ply have too many lapses and sWlmmmg team dropped Its point shootmg and cut the ULS allow too many easy shots But opener to a strong Dearborn lead to 41 38 wIth two mmutes HIghland Park staggered tage by sinkmg 11 of 13 free i>Omegood shots The Blue De"\;. this IS a group of hard-workmg squad, 124.64, but Coach Les tis dIshed out 15 assists, mclud. remammg in the game Grosse Pomte South's basket throws down the stretch kids They play hard and they RoddIs' Norsemen had some ing six by Matt Recht Senior captain Jason Drook ball team with Its best shot last "It was a good game to wm play together ImpreSSive performances. "That's a lot of assIsts for a then hIt a basehne Jumper to week, but the Blue DeVIls were for a lot of reasons," Petrouleas Steve Williams won the 500. IS high school game,' Petroulea" glVe the Kmghts some breath- "We'll get better with more able to aVOid the knockout said "Highland Park always yard freestyle and achIeved the punch said "Matt's passmg set up mgroom. game experience It's a real ad. tough on ItS home court and state quahfymg time Wllhams "We kept oW' pOise very well some key buckets down the Pernell, a 6-foot-3 sophomore, Justment havmg five new start- we've beaten them four was also second m the 200 stretch" led the Kmghts wIth 17 pomts ers" when they went ahead by a straight times It's been years freestyle III smce we've done that" Bishop Gallagher scored the Drook had 14 and LoUIS John- ULS IS Idle until Fnday, Dec pomt the second half and we Brett Colhns took second in first two points of the game son added 10 27, when It plays m the Notre came rIght back and regamed MIke McLaughlin led a bal- the 200 mdlVldual medley and and never led agam as South, Cranbrook led by only 21-20 Dame InVitatIOnal the lead," saId South coach anced scoring attack WIth 20 was runner-up m the 500 frees- George Petrouleas after the pomts Mike Armstrong scored ahead 35-26 at halfbme, rolled tyle. Blue Devlls' 60-55 VICtory on 17 and BlaIr Hess added 11 to an easy VICtory South .:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.DlVer Sean Brady also took a the Polar Bears' home court Armstrong and Hess also com- "Once we got mto the flow of' second place, Earhel , South opened the bmed for 14 rebounds the game we were dommant, ~ JV BASKETBALL: Rob season With a 60-44 trl'.lmph "They mtlmldated Highland especially on the glass," Petrou- From page lIB other team's big gun " Dallaire scored 10 pomts and over BIshop Gallagher. Park mto taking some tough leas said. South plied up some Impres- Todd Scherer added seven, but The Blue DeVIls led HIgh shots," Petrouleas saId "A lot sIve mdlvldual statIstICS in the It wasn't enough to keep North land Park 14-12 after the first of times they forced them to McLaughlm agam led the tournament. from droppmg a 46-36 decislOn quarter and stretched the lead change their shots" way WIth 18 pomts, Armstrong "Stephame was outstandmg to Port Huron Northern. to 29-21 at halftIme South's coach was also scored 12 and Hess added 10.. as an outsIde hitter," the coach Angela Drake had 46 kills The defeat was the second in Once South went ahead to pleased with the way hiS club Armstrong and Hess each saId. "She really blasted some and 13 blocks for pomts, Cod- two games for the Norsemen. stay, It mamtamed Its advan- worked the ball around for pulled down eight rebounds m the champIOnship game. LIZ dens had 35 kIlls and Ashley played some last year, but she's Moran recorded 25 Sue Mc- domg a lot more thiS season Gahey had 13 ace serves and She's one of oW' best net-block- Sue Faremouth collected 95 as- ers and she takes away the SIsts "FAITHFUL FRIENDS WHO ARE DEAR To US 27ftt Arnxi WIllI GATHERED NEAR TO US ONCE MORE ••• rI;;JJJ Our Family Of GREAT LAKES INVITATIONAL I I December 27 & 28, 1991 • JOE LOUIS ARENA t Skiers Wishes I ~HI1!!I fIl, DEC. 21. 5.1XfM a 8.iXfM .. T", UnlvecsIIy d tJkhIp vs. Havad ~ " Yours The MichlgcIl State ~ vs. MIchigan Tech UnIversIYN~ VA '\ I: ~ Sat" DEC. 28. 4mPM • 7:30PM ~ II Happifst Of ~.. 3Id Place em ChcmpionsNp G

THi WiSTlN HoHI METRO SKI & SPORTS ~" ..... "" .. c~l)wot ... • 20343 Mack "SELUNG SPORTS FOR THE FUN OF IT" G.P. Wds. South of Vernier Mon•• Fri. 10.8 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12 -4 884-5660 GREAT COLLEGE HOCKEY ... AT THEJOE

-....-...... -.,e-- = _. en. -.... • ...-..- c:rC •• CCdCSSCs pCs •• 9. 52 me ...... I I December 19. 1991 Grosse Pointe News I" 138 ; Sports Results, highlights from house, travel action SQUIRT Chns Gellasch, Zach Beer (Outlaws~ baudo Denner, Barger (Shark!» Ben Ie"" than two rnmutes relll8Jwng was Bnan Costello, Nate Bradley lBlack Karle, Stu Cooper (Kmgll) the Wilmer Ka.'lbol"lkl played an excep- Flames 5, Terminators 0 hawks) G Comment!> Goahe Greg Latour, Nate tlondl gdmt on defense and goahe Comments Goahe JliY Minger, Eady, .~ I ~ GPHA Mmlllck, Anthony Savalle and Bobb} DaVId Randau.o mddl' se,eral key saves Goalb Greg Kell} 2, David Chap- Beer and Anthony Peters played well , Pogue pldyed well for thl' Shark!> to k~>epthe vNltmj( Hall!' goahe GoalJe Skye Bdbcock, Haal> dnd Ca AbSlSts Anne MOrriS 2, Kelly 2, Brendan Keelean had a strong game paldJ were standout!> for the Kmg., Chapman, Nick Day Roundup Allen Park 7, HatH. 2 Comments Jeff Brown played a PEEWEE Sharks I, BlackhawkB 0 Goab Justm Fish Chris Burke In Bedldsley Bobby Danforth, Jameb Fox Jonathan Graves !Habsr Andrew Blake great game the net to edOl the "hut rHdb.,1 out The Flames' defenSive players, and Evan Lukacs aOO plaved well for 2 Patrltk ClbCO2 Joey Sllven 2 (Maple Canucks 7, USA Rangers 2 Goal Mike Barger AqSlsts H J Rlchard'lOn, Chip Brian Steele, Mleke Teltge and Chap- the HdWk~ Leafs) A<;Slst Chnq Barger ( haplll, Brandon Prezplorka (Habel man, skated well Goals ChriS Holloway 2, Tlm Brady Assists Blake Goebel 2, Jeremy Ho- Whalen. 4, Pengwns 3 Commenlq Goah~ Jimmy Denner of Comments Thl' Hab!. may have been 2, Chuck Thiel, Matt Gorczyca, Chuck hfield Vallee, Perredult Justlll Graves the Shdrk~ and Ryan Kramer of the In awe of playlllg at Joe LouIS Arena 88 Flame" 6, USA Sharks 3 fHabs); Blake, Matt Eha;, (Maple Leafsi ThOID8b(Canucks) Blackhawk!> pldyed well Strong gdme., thl'Y lost to a strong Allen Park team Goals Colbn Ch8be K('vm Smith Comments Goahe Steven Maxwell Assists Dan Nlkesch 3, Thoma;, 2, were albO pldyed by (,r81g Pretty thty had tied four dayq earher Dan So- Goals Greg Kelly 2, Rami Zayat 2, Peter Barker Joey Sulhvan (Whakrs) Jeff Bd1't<>nScarfone and Dana Roosen Bnan Leroy, Joe Arnone, Krl" Cernok Jimmy Coa~ dnd Rool)l(; Barrett of ua dnd P J Mallon .,kated well for the ('Mol Damos, DaVid Chapman (Flames) (Canucksl Heather Doughty Mdc Broderick Mat played well for the Habs Goahe An thew Ldmbrecht (Pengum,,) the Sharks and Mike Dam~ Jebby Hal>!> Asslbt!> Mark SplCer 3 Anne MOrriS, Comments The Cdnu~k, OUt..'>COled drew Beer Steven Seyler Jon RoSI"ts Sulll\dn, Chdfle) SWlr, BoccaCCIOand Ryan Mmgo of tht Bldck Chdpmdn, Kelly, Zayat, D~mos the Ranger. 4'() III the th Ird penod dnd Tommy Sllven had .,trong game., hawk.., IFlame,,) Brent Frdnkhn ,Whalerb), Ntdl Gram for the Maple Leaf" IPengulllsi Habs 4, Port Huron 1 Comment!> Spller played d gredt MITE Sharks 6, Jay Hawks 3 game on defellbe, III dddition to earrung Comment!> ChMhe Nlthol., played Habs 7, Blackhawks 2 (J08ls H J HllhdJdson. PJ Mallon, hiS play maker award Damos had a well m goal for the Whalero dnd C T Bulldogs 2, DeVlls 0 Goalb Chn" 1'tbdudo 3, Mike Barg!'r Ene Werner Dan Socld fHabB) strong offensive gdme and Tlm Mc Chdflton and Pdul Jdnkow"kl "'ere Goab JdUjUes-o Perreault 3, Bldkt 2 Enk Schlucher iShark!>1 B Lukaa. A""I'lts DaVId Randazzo, Brandon Intosh played well 111 gOdI standoub on defe~ Adam Doughty &oebel 2 Jordan WlIlfield. ,Justlll Goals Phil Crawford, John Matte 2. K WIC<:UZ8IJay Hdwksl PrezplOrka Chip Chaplll ChrI" Burke, had a strong game m goal for tht. Pen Grave<; IHabsl, Ryan Kramer DaVid bOn Assists Bar!:er 2 Jlmm) Denne! 2 KevlIl Gee Werner MaUon (Habe) Outlaws 6, Shark., 2 b'Um~ SpIcer (Blackhawksl Asslbts Rich Giffin Joey Gorczyca, Tom Ilme, Tlbaudo Comment.q Th. Hab!> outshot Port Abblsts Goebel 3 Jonathan Graves Comments Bulldogs' goahe ChriS Capitals 5, Maple Leafs 5 ISharks) Rush Zimmerman, E Moran Huron 1B-S 8.< fellIlemen PrezplOrka, Goals Danny Colhns 3, Chris Gel J Perredult 2., Scott Vallee rJdY HawkbJ Chapm Gee, Adam Jolshman and Mt lasch 2, Ryan Schafer (()utlaws); Stark, mer lBlackhawkbl mg defensive etlan was led by Bryan GOdlb Nick Hoban 2 DaVid Neveux, Comment..., Goahe Greg Latour Ste chdel Kaslborskl put the clamps on the Barrow (Shark!» Comments Jeremy Hohfield had a Sullivan, Mark Brooks, Chris Gawley, Aaron Hoban, JaIll Ward"'ell (Capi fan Knast and Andrew Lutz pla~ed well vI."tor, Goahl' R>.nllven L Andre", J:ljdke, An lor the ~harks Goahe C Wall/and W fir<.ta;,Slst tal"', Matt Scarfone, Jablm Grave;, dUd John Gellasch, Adam Gorczyw, Zach Beer Andre .... JovanovsJu Devils' goahe John drew Beer, Charhe K~'Crsmaekero IMa Moran and P Bnles were the Hawks (Outlaw,,) SlIllOn also played well Calder Gage, Tynan played well pie Leafs) standout!> Habs 6, Flint 4 C T Thurber, Damel Stahl and Chrlb Comments Anthony Peters, Duncan Asslh1.b Bret Faber 2, Dan Olson Eady, Peter Weiss and goahe Jay Mm Granger had fine efforl!> for the Black Jay Hawks 5, Capitals 0 (Capitals). Steven Seyler 2 Keersmaek MITE AA TRAVEL Goals Chn ..., Burke 3, H J Richard haWks ger also played well for the Outlaws ers (Maple Ledfs) -.on 2, Justin Fish (Habs) Goals Rush ZImmerman 3, Adam Comments Wdrdwell'" goal tied the Habs 3, 'Nbury, Ont 2 ASSists Dan Socia, Enc Wemer 2, Outlaws 4, BIackhawks 1 Sharks 3, Kings 2 Raab, Paul Bnles game WIth 53 beCOnd!> left Chip Chapm, Brandon PrezplOrka 2, Comments Kenny Wle<::azak played Goals ,Justm Fish, Enc Werner H J Michael Kaslborskl 2 P J Mallon, FlSh Goals Ryan Schafer 2 Adam Gor Goab Mike Barger, Jlmm} Denner, an outstanding game In goal to earn H.lbs 6, Maple Leafs 6 Richardson fHabs) 2 IHabs) czyca, Dan Collins (Outlaws), Glup Getz Chris Ahee (Sharks); Adam Zielke, the shutout DefensIve standouts Jor the Assists Michael Kaslborskl, Dan S0- Comments Burke had all three of (Blackhawks) Bobby Karle (Kmg5) Hawks were Ricky DenardJs, Matthew Goals Jacques-o Perreault 2, Andy Cia, Chns Burke Richardson

t 1


•• CRoeTEceIM.

PHONE (517) 792 0934 0 .... ,.. December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News

THE NOTRE DAME PHARMA. For all you last minute shoppers - 'fis the season , Clhii 'n Clhat'Jo't rPeh CY is your one-stop-Christmas Lisa's stills has a great selection of and Hickey's has ~ shop. Wehave a large selection of S Your Christmas Shop Holiday Appar- the spirit of the t e, fine wines, el -ALL at Holiday season •.• for your favori te pet. gourmet foods Come in for our daily , 20% OFF - Our fashion con- and items, spe- Lisa and her sultants will be happy to help you price reduction specials. cial candy, fine Grooming by appoint- Mr d staff would like coordinate a wardrobe. Choose cologne, to wish every- from our large selection of wool ment... We will be open unique gifts, Ii- _' Sunday, December 22nd one a "HAPPY slacks, skirts" sweaters. Mix and quor, liquers, -- - HOLIDAY" and a prosperous NEW match with a variety of wool or from 9:00-5:00 ... 19443 Mack, Grosse picture frames, Grosse Pointe T. Pointe Woods, 881-9007. YEAR ... Stay tuned for information cotton sweaters .•. In the Ladies shirts and sweatshirts. If you on our store wide January Clearance Department •.. 17140 Kercheval ...... would like something different SALE ... at 19583 Mack Avenue, in-the-\111age,882-8970. ask about our "GIFT BASKETS" Grosse Pointe, 882-3130. made to order. Whatever your * ... * THE WOOl." eTHE fl.OSS preference from all our items we • * * will be glad to create your GIFT NORTHERN FIREWOOD Holiday Gift Suggestions For BASKET. THE NORTE DAME fC.2NtiltS• ~~ I !Astt N eedleworkers PHARMACYhas many specialty mmue COMPANY items for your Holiday Shop- Christmas shopping is going on at • Exceptionally fine, mixed hardwood Needlepoint jewelry case, scissors, ping .•• 16926 Kercheval in-the- Connie's & Steves Place. Large selec- • Oak, ash, hickory and fruitwoods Kaffe Fassett color video, needlepoint Village. 885-2154. tion of Holiday dresses and variety of • Guaranteed to be quality seasoned boOk, knitters calendar, canvas wzth ... outfits for boys and girls. Izod basic fireplace wood or double your money fibers, trolley needle. leather thimble, * * special - shirts only $10.99. 1/2 back. set of bamboo knitting needles, class By popular request we are extend- OFF on selected group of boys pants $60.00 PER FACE CORD tuition, Robert Kidd yarn hank, knit- ing our 19th An- and winter outerwear is 20%-40% 777-4876 ting book, gift certificate, Elizabeth nual 14 karat and OFF... See you at ... 23240 Greater Zimmerman Video... at 397 Fisher 18 karat gold jew- Mack Avenue, one block south of 9 • * * Road, 882-9110. elry SALE! Stop Mile, 777.8020. by PONGRACZ edmund t. AHEE jewelry co...... JEWELERS and * * * With Christmas less than one week * you'll receive 25% away, let edmund t. AHEE jewelers edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. OFF now until L~VOGUE assist you in your holiday purchases. Christmas - hur- _ ----- .~I'TIQI'E- Let their sales professionals assist you Visit edmund t. Ahee jewelers ry for best selec- in making the perfect selection. Ask today for the finest in gold jewel- tion ... at 91 Kercheval on-the-Hill, Have you heard? L'VOGUEnow for their immediate holiday gift wrap- ry, pearls and pearl jewelry, dia. 881-6400. has nail servicesl Weinvite you to ping at no charge. Why not see for monds and diamond jewelry and come in for our ultimate pamper. yourself what is believed to be the colored stone jewelry. This year * ing and take advantage of our finest collection of jewelry in the mid- they have a larger selection than * * Holiday Specials. - Ask about west. Holiday hours Monday-Friday ever before-something to please Christmas is next week and it's our 1~SALE•••at 21019Mack Ave. your last chance to order flowers for 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 everyone on your gift-giving list. nue, Grosse Pointe Woods, 884. a.m.-7:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 See the collection today at 20139 the Holidays. Come-in and browse as 7775. we now also carry ~ a.m.-6:DOp.m. Vzsit them today at Mack Avenue at Oxford

\ ~r I 4-30-92 Section C Classified Adverusmg 4C Real Estate lassified Real Jstate Resource 14C Grosse Pointe News • December 19, 1991 Don't pitch that Christmas tree recycle it

We are thlnkmg more and Spruces are also very popular and the Latm name for them, the resm, or pItch, that IS Db more these days about savmg for ChrIstmas trees They are pmaceae, comes from the LatlO tamed from them the planet Ecology IS the fash members of the pme famdy, word pIX, or pItch, and refers to LIke the cedars, the spruces lon, and a good thmg, too Re. and pmes are of many vanet- cyclmg has berome the "m" Garden l~'. les, but all share 10 beauty and thmg and the more we think In theIr SPICYscent that makes about It, the more POSSibIlities us think of hohdays to recycle come to mmd SHED In Vlctonan tImes, babam ThIs bemg the ChrIstmas and douglas firs were Widely season, why not thmk about By Ellen Probert used for ChrIstmas trees recychng ChrIstmas trees? It IS Plants were a popular glft wonderful how much we enJoy then as they are now One tale putting up the tree, decoratmg of that time tells of a poor and family for tree-euttmg. Unfortu- It WIth glittermg ornaments amateur and profeSSIOnal,WIll shJfUess famlly who '.\ere g1vcn nat€ly, brmgmg thL tree back, and enJD.>'ln~It.::. fei>tlve en- be featunng speCIal sales of a pot of bloommg red gerani- thIS eqUIpment And as a re- stlckmg out of the back of a hancement of our houses WIth ums ThIs bnght spot In theIr statIon wagon or lashed to the ItS cheer and fragrance. ward for recyclIng your tree, home msplred them to wash top of a car, doesn't seem qUIte you are InVIted to come to the the windows to glVe the plant as romantic as usmg a sleIgh But very soon after the New Farms PIer Park and carry more lIght Year's greetings are expressed home a supply of Chnstmas pulled by horses, but the pnncI' and we turn our attentIOn back tree mulch for your own gar. pIe is the same In any case, Then when they realIZed that to everyday affaIrs, It IS also den thIS IS the season when nostal- the bnght wmdows were a wonderful how we are suddenly gia overcomes most of us. great contrast to the rest of the tired of all the glitz and sparkle The mastermmd behInd all All types of evergreen trees house, they began to scrub and yearn for unadorned thIS IS Ken George, who started are used for ChrIstmas trees, a floors and dust m corners houses again So out to the out by merely recyclIng hIS relatIvely modem custom mtro- Soon, the careless, untidy fam curb goes the ChrIstmas tree own tree a few years ago, but IS duced lOto England from Ger- Ily became neat, pamstaklng, and good riddance! now the guiding spirit behmd many by Queen Vlctona's con. and prosperous all because what is rapidly becoming a sort, Pnnce Albert. Cedar trees someone chose the nght pre- But wait Enter recycling. widespread phenomenon. He are among the most popular, sent for the nght people mvites volunteers to call him perhaps because of their lovely There ISa new project afoot ThIs tale IS typical of VIC at 886-6000. aromatic scent which many commumtJes, in ton an thought The VICtonans eluding ours, are encouraging, Cedars are mentioned fre- never mIssed a chance to POint whereby Christmas trees at the While artIficial trees comply WIth fire law restnctlons and quently In the Bible and the out the vIrtues of thrIft and curb are belOg collected and cedars of Lebanon are still as hard work and of mdustry and chopped up Into mulch to nour- do look convincing for the most part, sales of real trees have they were in ancient times. The cleanimess. ish mumclpal and private gar. temple in Jerusalem was built dens for the commg seasons. been increasing and a popular wintertime expedition IS going of cedar. The 12 oldest and Then, as now, plants prOVIde to a tree farm and cutting your largest of the cedars of Lebanon beautiful accents to our homes On Jan 11, 12, 18 and 19, own tree Somehow the sight of have been revered by every at Christmas. Many museums all the Christmas trees lan- a family bnnging home a real monotheistIc religion. Called by and restored hIstone houses guishing at the curb m Grosse tree lashed to the top of the car the Jews "the 12 friends of Sol. duplIcate VictofJan Christmas Pointe will be collected for this conjures up VISIOnsof a Curner omon," It has been belIeved for trees, trimming them WIth worthy effort Many people are and Ives lithograph of a famlly centuries that an eVIl fate will stnngs of popcorn and cranber. partIcipating m the project. bnnging home the Christmas befall anyone who injures one nes, paper chaIns, gilded nuts, Among them are the Grosse tree on a sled from a snowy of these incredibly ancient spun glass angels and tmy wax Pointe Citizens for Recycling, woods. trees. candles. After Christmas they many of the garden clubs, and thriftily sweep up fallen nee. an impressive number of tree There are many tree farms Every year at the Feast of dles Just as the Vlctonans dId, and garden ".,.-vice compames which advertIse festive days Qf the Transfiguration, the stuff e. tmy pll10w and tuck It which are donating their time. sleigh rides complete with bells Greeks, Armenians and Mor- into the corner of a sofa to Stores which sell equipment for and I8ne"" holiday cheer as mons go on a pilgrimage to the bring a piney scent to the room mulching for use by gardeners, incentives to bringing out the cedar groves of Lebanon. all year long '.. The Lobster Pot At the lobster Pot we don't sell pop or chips, we don't bake bread, we don't bake pies, we don't sell wine or cheese. oteworth:!J WHAT WE DO SELLIS A lOT OF FRESH FISH AND SEAFOOD! I.------,LARGE COOKED ,t~~t"'" r-ffi;"1";PiNi-oF'-' I SHRIMP I ~t:h"},,\ ICOCKTAIL SAUCE WITH I IL $1 395 -=-_..II ,. , I SHRIMP PURCHASE I ecioLs Ib "%.,, L__~~£.~~~ __ .J dungeness crab $535 lb. froz. lake perch $8.99 lb. snow crab clusters - $345 lb. whllefish fillets. $3.99 lb. killS crab legs - $12.95 lb. rainbow trolL... . $3 99 lb. J soft-shell crabs $13.00.1/2 doz. froz. smelL $2.49 lb. AT crab cocktail claws.. . $9.95 lb. lake trout frllets. ,. . $3 99 Ib Jonah stone crab $10.952 Ib bag larm~lsed caIlish...... , . $479 Ib deviled crab 85 each froz. Norwegtan salmon , .. .. $7.99 lb crawfish $645 lb. froz. mako sharIt steaks $6.95 lb. sea legs $3.75 lb. swordfish steaks...... $7.99 lb. crab IInperlal.. $4.95 each yellowfin luna...... $6 99 lb. THE HOT SPOT sturgeon pate $3.95 8 oz. marlin steaks...... $5.99 lb. coo pale $3.95 8 oz. ocean perch...... $395 lb. salmon pale $3.95 8 oz. haddodc...... $6 49 lb. lUna pare $3.958 oz. sole " $6 49 lb. • Gas Logs • Gas BBQ Grills mackerel pale $3.498 oz. boslon blue $449 lb. bluefish pale $3.49 80z. scrod...... $5.39 lb. • Glass Fireplace Doors • Charcoal Grills cooked salad shnmp $5.95 lb. froz. cod $589 lb mediUm, larse, a,nd Jumbo shnmp $13.95 monkfish $6 49 lb. peeled and deveined - $33.95, $44.95 flounder . .. . $599 lb. • Fireplace Tools • Table Top Grills breaded shnmp $10.99 lb. smoked fish $6.95 Ib lobster meat $12.95 lb. bay scallops . .,. $799 Ib lobster tails $21.95, $22.95 lb. sea seallops...... •.. $7.99 lb. • Hearth Rugs • BBQTools lobster tall meat $7.95 lb. Florida red snapper...... $795 Ib bartered cod $2.95 lb. grouper...... $799 Ib bartered smelt 230 lb. blackfish...... $4.95 Ib • Standing Screens • Rotisserie breaded clam strlpS. 85 each pkg. mahi-mahI...... $599 Ib halibul steaks.. • . $8.95 lb. hnleneclc clams ...... $595 doz • BBQ Parts swordfish steaks. $895 Ib froz. IOpnedc c1ams...... $595 doz • Fireplace Grates yeUowfln lUna .. .. . $6.95 Ib froz oysters In !he shell.. $695 doz Alaskan salmon steaks...... $495 lb. froz. mussels. . . ., 1/4 pk $4 SO, 1/2 pic $900 • Wood Holders • BBQCovers orange roughy $5.95 lb. froz. steamerclams. 114 pk $12 00.1/2 pk $2400 matll mahl '" $3.95 lb froz. h\'e lobsters. 1/4 pk (11/411) lemon sole •. .. ..•.. . $600 lb. froz. Jumbo lump crabmeat . .. .. $1995 lb. • Fire Starters • Charcoal dover sole.. • .. . .,. $795 Ib froz. special crabmeal...... , $13 95 Ib cod ....• . • . $5 60 Ib froz. red llA'llpfishcavw and black lumpfish fiman haddle ...... '" . . $5 75 lb. froz. red salmon caviar.. ••• . $89S20z Jar • Steamers • Lava Rocks & Briquets breaded scallops... $7.95 Ib froz. whllefish caviar . . $795 40z ,ar stuffed flounder $435 each froz. heJrlng In wine and cream .. $299120z Jar salt cod. . . . • . 8.95 each anchovtes...... • $1.952 oz Jar • Grilling Baskets frog legs...... 7 95 lb. shucked oyster squId...... Regular $1.09, Cleaned $2 58 lb. cocktail sauce octopus ...... $345 lb. tartar sauce hush pupptes. .. $1491b horseradish S/nd(ed muss\es. .. . . $3.95 plcg. Bookbinder products sliced JrnOked salmon...... _...... $12.95 lb. !NIls coolced shrimp .. . .. $13.95 lb. New England and medIum, large, and JUmbo shrrmp shell on - $6 45, Manllaltan Chowder $845. $12.95 lb. canned clams while bass $475 lb. clam JUice white perch . 53 891b ocher assorted canned goods pIckerel fillets $699lb Fry Krrsp and lemons WE ARE FISHING FOR YOUR BUSINESS! 16901 Harper, Detroit (2 blocks West of Cadiuex) lET US PREPARE 882.7400 YOUR Mon. - Thurs. 9-5, Friday 9-6, PARTY TRAY Saturday 9-4


PHONE (517) 7920934 December 19, 1991 Real Estate Grosse Pointe News 15 ways to get a bigger tax refund If you'd lIke to gIVe yourself bUiolmessexpense", and expenl>t..~ tions - Generally, If you Iwm credit - Parents who pay a bIgger tax refund, the MiChl, aSSOCiatedWIth producmg m- lze on your tax return, you may bOllle.t35 lNING ~~ ~ tttl FLll11~ mterest and other sources, 1m miles tal'thel than the dIstance ClooUUGl5?'21~1H'! Our new program allows you to CO'iERAGf l'~ ~ ~ nus certam adjustments, such !!'O1ll yoU! old hOIlll' to yoUl old as alImony paymentb dnd con Jull re~nanceyourcurrentmvrlgage tnbutlOns to an IndIVidual RI:' i J) Business m~als '\ !lU tIrement Account (IRA) can genel all) dedUlt liu pUlell1 for only Illusion of space 3\ Contributions to IRAs of bu"mc;;.~ me.lb t- If you (and your spouse) don't 12) Casualty losst'S - ~ Smaller homes often suffer warm weather, thIS space can participate m an employer's re EVE'ntslike fil'e'i dnd floods : flOm an abrupt mformalIty. become a second dmmg area tlrement program, you can de thdt elle ~uddell, unexpected 01 : VNlOl.., st€p from the outside for casual meals. duct up to $2,000 In contrlbu um ....ual are conSidered casual ~dll ectly Into the lIving area Next to the dmmg room IS tlOns to an IRA If smgle and up Ill'''' by the IRS and the lesult in closing costs. " Anything not shut behind a an effiCient Ushaped kItchen to $4,000 If rnarued If you IIlg I<;s~~can be taken a~ Item = doO! Ib public space With count€rs on three SIdes, work, and your spouse doesn't, ued deductIOns, plOvided With rates so low, don't miss this ~ The Lakin overcomes this and the luxury of a garden Win you can shelter up to $2,250 II1'>UIdnce ha", lIot already lO\ '4 '. 'itarkness "\dth an angled entry dow above the Sink Twin sky- And If you or your spouse dre el ed the los" A number of hnll golden opporlunity to save! : that creates a short front hall lIghts make the adJactmt break covered by an employer retire tdtlOll" do apply, .....check With Limited Time. ': and a visual transition to the fast nook a sunny wake-up ment plan, you may be entitled \ our CPA : mterlOr of the house. room from which to start the to a partIal deductIOn, depend 13) Charitable contribu- iI Once past the front hall day mg on your mcome and filIng CALL : closet, the view opens Into a Two bedrooms are down a status : large area with hVIng room Side hall off the entry. They 4) Contributions to Keoghs Offices to close Cheryl Gauss • John Vitelli : and dining room bays The share the mam bath, which fea- - If you are self-employed, you 8e<:retary of State Richard H Julie Nichols for details may set up a retirement plan : sense of space IS Increased by tures a double vamty, full tub Austin announced that all 180 1-800-640-5765 or 882-6400 • view windows and shding doors and its own Imen closet. No commonly known as a Keogh Seel eta!'y of Stat€ branch of luggmg laundry around the You can contnbute and deduct ,;onto.. a cO\cred back deck In fices WIll be closed to observe Some restrictions may apply. .. Lakm The washer and drier as much as 20 percent of your the ChriStmas and New Year's A are concealed m a utility closet earned income or $30,000, A holIdays, and urged Michigan whichever is less only a step away from the bed moton<;ts to schedule office vis ~Decorated,. homes 5) State and local income REPUBLIC room doors Its around the closures For a 1,600 square-foot taxes - Ifyou Itemize deduc- sought for awards Branch offill'S WIll be closed ~B'INK house, the master SUIte IS spa- tions, you can deduct state and Chn"t 'na" ~ \ P on Tuesday ~ S.E. CIOUS local mcome taxes Norm natIOn., aI e bemg ac BeSides a varnty, walk-In Dec 24, and Chnstmas, cepted fOl Sen John Kelly's closet and shower, the pnvate 6) Real estate taxes - As Wednesday Dee 25 They Will ----=--.FD1i bath also contains a ra1sed oval long as you itemIZe, any prop- nnual Christmas Llghtmg reopen on Thursday, Dee 26 ~~~~ Contest tub. Note that the tub and erty and real estate taxes you ••... The offices will also be closed .., ..~~. If ) ou recogniZe a home In' shower fill the angle between paid m 1991 are also fully de- on New Year's Eve, Tuesday, ductible, yoUl neighborhood that you be the entry and front wall to Dee 31, and New Year'", Ilay, 18720 Mack Avenue 7) Mortgage and home eq. 1Ieve deo::erves recognitIOn for aVOIdany wasted space in this Wednesday, Jan. 1 They WIll Grosse Pointe Fanns, MI 48236 umgue • exter-nal hghtmg and compact home .. , uity interest - Mortgage and, reopen on Thursday, Jan 2. study home equity mterest expenses . '5"inancing tht f.WJerican 'J)reattt'On:t~ at a Tune" dC(1)l'nh'lffi: bll Kelly's distrIct For a kit of-the Lakin Motonsts whose driver's li- offic(>at 8812822 PrOVide the (208-11), send $7.50 to Todays generally remam deductible censes or lIcense plates expire Colleclion Center for: Gleaners Commumty Food Bank dddret\S and name of home Horne, PO. Box 2832-T Eu- 8) Miscellaneous expenses durmg the holidays are encour- and US Manne Corp Reserves Toys for Tot Program o\\ner flf kno\\n) by 430 pm gene, Ore. 97402. Be sure to - Miscellaneous expenses in- aged to renew early on Dee 23 specIfy plan name and number cluding tax-related expenses, A committee Will VISit all when ordenng. some unrelmbursed employee nominated homes between Chnstmas and New Year's Day to select the first-, second- and DAMMAN REALTORS thll d place wmnel ~ m the 1st fI~ lBREALTOR- &>natOllal Dlstnct 17646 Mack • 886-4445 A donatlOn to the Capuchin 1- 1-800-882-6458 Soup Kitchen ,\ III be mdde In RED CARPel KElm the ndllle of edLh of the Win "The Red Carpet Treabnent" nel ~ All honorable mentIOns will IeceIVe a ceI1lficat€ of rec ognltlOn flom the state of MIch- OPEN &UNDAY '25 '21183 KENMORE. Igan~ 106 WINDWCXJD PT &C& HARDER WCXJW, MI. 'The Chn~tmas splnt dem on",tJated by homeo\\ nel s who 1Ight up fOl the holIdays de .~I \e", lecogmtlOn," Kelly saId I{"SuPP0l1mg the Capuchm Cen ~ tel durmg these difficult times ~seems to be an appropnat€ re , l1ectlOliof eastsIde good Will " It lt ~ Home for the Holidays! Available 2.3 bedrooms. Seasonably scrumptious! Master craftsman's CondominIUm with every amenity imagmable! delight! Four bedrooms top quality improvements. ~Lake level Over 2000 square feet ofhvmg area custom kitchen Spnnkler and alann systems! ProfeSSiOnallyland- "

~ 10Jh~h::slt~: ~ ~::sa;: ~ and about 3 mches below one ~month ago .: The November monthly :; mean level of 573 40 feet was i about 3 IIlches above the long ;: term a VE'rage for November : ThE' lake. however, remamed ~ dbout 34 Inches below the all =: timE' hIgh November monthl) :: m('an level. whIch wa!>recorded Crystal clear water for :. III 1986 swimming, boating :: ThE' forecast shows that at & fishing ... a lifestyle you'd .: thl' end of December, the level love to come home to! :: of I,dk(' St ClaIr Will be about :: 1 Illch above whdt It was at the Featuring spacious ranch :: pnd of November The level of and 2 story lUXUry homes ;, the lake I" expected to begin Its with walkout lower levels ~ -,pa<;onaln<;e III December ~ The wdt{'r level III May 1992 and private decks/patios ~)'i f'xpected to be about 8 Inches overlooking calm water and The complete Chnstmas hst Everythmg you have The gIft no one WIllrpturn' Over one and a half acr. 1ahovl the long term average for sandy beach fronts. always wantE'd In thIS prestlglOus four bedroom es on Lake St ClaIr' PanoramIC VIewsfrom almost ~ that month. or about 3 mches home Well mamtamE'd and bE'autlfully decorated In every WIndow! Formal dmmg room and spaCIous ~ helm' what It wa<;at the same hght Rnd nl'utral tonE'S EIE'gant marble entryway hVlng room FIrst floor master sUIte WIth pnvate LIbrary has bUIlt m bookshelves WIth bay wmdow bath DressIng wom or expr('l!!e ruom' Heated ~ ll1Jlt' 111 1991 From '199,500 1I Family room WIth natural fireplace and a bUIlt-In mdoor pool' Fantastic entertammE'nt center' Owner 'a wet bar HI-tech kItchen IS cabInet makers pnde WIllcarry a land contmct WIthgood tennB' Research works. and JOY P1cturl'Bquepnvate yard' 344-8808 Sales Center Can u. For Your Free MaJ'ketADaly.t.And Relocation Models Open Noon-6 30 p m Paekagel We Have Mape, City Service Information. Etc.

I l 1_ l' December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Real Estate 3C

Women in construction Earnings Phoenix counters edge cities In recent years. more women have taken on tradi- comparison tionally male jobs, such as those In the construction Average weekly earnings BV Stephanie Stubbs Il>known m architectural parI protected by a three story "L" trades A major reason tor thiS movement IS the by occupation In 1990 AlA News Service ance as "mixed use" develop retail area, the shops sweep higher pay offered In male.domlnated occupations Construction trades Those small, self.contamed ment gracefully mto a two story, fan Men $480 pockets of populatIOn, known as PhoeniX Center IS the bram- shaped curve The folded roof of Women 394 "edge cities," keep sprlngmg up child of the Rouse CorporatIOn, the shops offers a mce "view" ..~ around older urban centers In one of the natIOn's largest de- to the surroundmg hlgh.nse of Clerical, administrative support Increasmg numbers velopers. and the PhoeniX Com fices In~ thOusand Men 440 As more and more people are mumty Alhance, a group of 10 Like the rebt of the centel , trade s emplOyed In U S Women 332 optmg to trade "dwell m subur cal busmess leaders mterested the retail al cab dre lated tat e OCCVPill/ons cons/ruc/1On bla/work m the city" for homes m revltahzmg downtown Phoe fully With pedestllan walks, 110 / Secretary, and Jobs m edge CIties, many niX, who decided to create an outside cafeb, and pubht seat 105 stenographer, typist architects are pondermg ways "oasIs" m the middle of the mg areal> that offer Ie",plte 100 Men 387 Women 341 to revltahze older urban areas city from the senous bUbll1el>bof 9S Bookkeeper A case In pomt IS downtown The huge landscaped park, domg one's part to keep up can 90 Men 391 PhoeniX, which ISfacmg compe. With Its 900 date trees, gar ')umer spendmg as Women 335 tltlOn from a number of edge dens, and fountams offers a When all the buddmg!> al e 80 cIties g10wmg up Just past Its cool, green space to city dwell. completed, PhoeniX Centel will 75 • Male domination: pen meter ers m a place where summer offer eight square block", of pe 7'0 ~ ~ 98% of all construction City busmesl> leaders temperatures reach 115 degrees trades workers are men destllan-onented dCi:>lgnthat 1983 '84 '85 .' x " , sedrched long and hard fOl a Fahrenheit mdudes two million square feet 86 '87 ~ 801.JRC~ Ch '8l3 '89 ' • Female domination: concept that would attract resl The large proJect, begun m of office !>pace,5,000 parkmg _ Sf h JcallO Tnbune V 90 80% of aHclerical a stJC£ 910.5, Na~onal S Bureau of l.abor dents and VIsitors alIke to the 1986, covers eight city blocks spaces, a 600 loom hotel and, of Ass.oclahon 01 W workers are women OJkmg central City, whIch, like many be, It has reqUired the deSign ser- caUl the shops and all that Women urban areas across the country, ViceSof several architecture welcommg green space - an was undergomg economic reces firms urban "oabIS" that ma) offer a slOn Perhaps the most strlkmg of prototype for other agmg cltlel> To get the magmtude of m. the deSigns IS the 150,000- lookmg for fresh ways to re m t~l~"l Jl~ded to resuscitate the square. toot Shops Backed and terest people m downtown City, the project had to serve 5t:CIN ANEW IN '92 more than one audience - It Q C Edsar {9 i\ssocldles. Qealtor~ IS fll ~ comp1etms IL.,' mo-':>tsuccessful had to appeal to compames that would rent office space, year 10 11..s' over 22 year hlstOfy shoppers, and out-of.town VISI' tors who need a hotel - what We thank our c1tent.sand cU6tomers for makms lhls po£>Slbleand IOvlte you to Jom us In suppasslns that We're Fighting For Your Life. record 10 1992

ftAmerican Heart A.s a buyer or a reller. next year CdO be your best when ~ Association you do buslneAA With !I. Company biB enough Lo do the JOb yeL small enoush to care

Q G EdBar {9 !l.SSOCtaL~.QEi\LTOQ6~ Jim C)aros A8encYL..!nc. 114 Kercheval Clesse Pointe farm6, M1Chl8chi 886-9030 886-6010


Beautiful three bedroom "House Elegant. spacious ranch In eft Garden" bungalow on a quiet. Grosse' Pointe Woods. Every- secluded cul.de-sac Many up- thing is new ... from the new dates ... new pickled wood kitch- thermopane windows and new en Wlth ceramic flooring, new roof to the new furnace with cen- gas forced-air furnace with cen- tral air! Large family room off tral air eft humichfier, refinished the country kitchen, two and a oak floors throughout. new spa- half baths plus a bedroom with cious master bedroom with his &: full bath in the basement. Plush 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS hers closets and reeessed light- carpeting and large room sizes. WHEN ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE, ing. Florida room off kitchen Don't pass this one up! overlooks private backyard. NOT A CREATURE WAS STIRRING, NOT EVEN A MOUSE;

ttOpen Homes for Sunday, December 22, 1991 The stoclongs were hung by the chimney WIth care, In a charmmg cornel' condo - WIll St. NIck viSIt there? Sunday Open 2-4 Sunday Open 2-5 771 Uruversity 823 Lakepointe Cranford and Cadleux - a home bullt to stay 20895 Anita 1688 Lochmoor Old world craftsmanship. FIRST OFFERED TODAY.

InterIor storms. a furnace that's new - Homes Shown By Appointment- Butler's pantry and a garage buut for two. GROSSE POINTE LISTINGS •.. The children were nestled all snug m the,r beds 2073 LANCASTER, GPW 3 bdrms, 1 full bath $109,900 There's room for them aU, to lay down theIr heads. 17000 MAUMEE, GPC 2 bdnns, 1 full. 1 halfbath $119.000 1235 ROSLYN, GPW 3 bdnns, 1 full bath $119.500 857 UNIVERSITY. GPC 3 bdrms, 1 full bath $131.500 .. 771 UNIVERSITY, GPe 3 bdrms, 1 full bath $138,000 MAMA IN HER KERCHIEF, AND IIN MY CAP 19690 W. KINGS CT, GPW 2 bdrms. 1 full bath $142,500 HAD JUST SETTLED DOWN FOR A LONG WINTER'S NAP, .. 823 LAKEPOINTE. GPP 3 bdrma. 1 full, 1 halfbath $174.900 970 PEMBERTON. GPP 4 bdrms. 1 full, 1 half bath $179,900 "907 BEDFORD. GPP 4 bdnns, 3 full. 1 halfbath $189,000 When down m the lotchen there appeared a 353-55 RIVARD, GPe 3 bdrms, 1 full bath (each) $199.500 great hght 505 ANITA, GPW 3 bdrms, 1 full. 1 half bath $208.000 On updated features so glOWIng and brIght 21450 GOETHE. GPW 5 bdrms. 2 full, 1 half bath $215,000 930 CANTERBURY, GPW 4 bdrms, 2 full, 1 half bath $219,000 It shown thru the foyer - and WIndows so brIght 657 HOLLYWOOD. GPW 3 bdrms. 1 full. 1 half bath $225,000 To the basement. to the thIrd floor. up a few flIghts 1593 BLAIRMooR. GPW .4 bdnns. 2 full. 1 half bath $229.000 525 MOORLAND. GPW 3 bdrms, 2 full baths $259,000 To see the new roof, added With care 21754 VAN K, GPW ,4 bdrms, 2 full. 1 half bath $284,000 For old St NIck would soon be there 1606 LOCHMooR, GPW 4 bdrms. 3 full baths $292,000 286 CLOVERLY, GPF 4 bdrms. 3 full, 1 halfbath $350.000 The 'IUdor exterior IS claSSICIn looks, 542 N. ROSEDALE, GPW 4 bdrms, 2 full, 1 half bath $364.500 The best buy In the City by anyone's books "1688 LOCHMooR. GPW 5 bdnns. 3 full. 1 halfbath $375,000 259 TOURAINE. GPF 4 bdnns. 2 full, 1 halfbath $375,000 699 BALFOUR. GPP 5 bdrms, 3 full. 1 halfbath $395,000 AWAY TO THE WINDOW I FLEW LIKE A FLASH, 22 WEBBER PL., GPS 5 bdnns, 7 full. 4 halfbaths $1.300,000 TORE OPEN THE SHUTTERS AND THREW UP THE SASH, SUBURBAN LISTINGS •.. The woodwork IS dazzhng The floors so smart. ~l' 20934 HOLLYWOOD, H.W 3 bdrms. 1 full bath $49,900 ThiS home WIll warm old Santa's heart 28107 FWRENCE. SCS 3 bdrms. 1 full bath $68,900 22439 LAKE DR.. SCS 3 bdrms, 1 full bath $79,900 A cozy kitchen for child, en or guest 20656 BEAUFAlT, H.W 3 bdrms, 1 full bath $81.000 A breakfast nook close to feed the rest *20895 ANITA, H.W 3 bdrms. 1 full. 1 half bath $91,900 20015 LENNON, H.W 3 bdrms, 2 full baths...... $122,500 LIVIng room, dmlng room, sun room and more 23131 N. ROSEDALE. SCS 3 bdrms, 1 full, 1 half bath...... $129,900 Fireplace, rec room and a full second floor 22812 NEWBERRY, SCS 3 bdrms. 1 full bath...... $129,900 20534 WOODSIDE, H.W .4 bdrms, 3 full, 1 half bath...... $138,500 Lake St Clair IS Just blocks away 19636 FLEE'IWooD, H.W...... 3 bdrms, 2 full, 1 half bath... .. $149,900 So walk on down or hop on your sleIgh ,


886-6010 JillL~aros L\8~Y1-I~ 114 Kercheval MEMRfR Of GROSSf I'Ol~n ROARll Of Rr AI1'ORSA~n MLU11 I'T ~fR\ I( f \4A


".CRO -TEC-Ifte.

PHONE (517) 792 0934 A1'14SHAUll TON 1 '900l nse ? «5£ 4C December 19, 1991 ~ ~Iassifi~dAdvertisit,tg Grosse Pointe News. 882.6900 Fax # 882.1585 INDEX 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 DEADLINES HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT GUIDE TO SERVICES GUIDE TO SERVICES • Monday 4 pm - All BORDER and 200 General 600 AMC 712 Garages/MIni Storage MEASURED (speCial type, bold 902 Aluminum Siding 948 Insulallon 201 Help Wanted Babysitter 601 Chrysler caps etc) must be In our office by Wanted 903 Appliance Repairs 949 Janltonal ServICe 202 Help Wanted Clencal Monday 4 pm 602 Ford 713 Ino'ustnallWarehouse 904 Asphalt PaVlflg Repair 950 Lawn MowerlSnow 203 Help Wanted • Monday 4 pm - ALL CANCELS or 603 General Motors Rental 905 Auto/Truck Repair Blower Repair DentaVMedcal CHANGES mUSIbe In our office by 604 AnllquelClasslC 714 LIVingQuarters 10 Share 906 Asbestos SerVIce 951 Linoleum 204 Help Wanted Domestic Monday 4 P m 605 Foreign 715 Molor Homes For Rent 907 Basement Waterproofing 952 Locksmith 205 Help Wanted Legal • '2 Noon TUEsday - Regular liner 606 Jeeps/4 Wheel 716 Oltlces/Commerclal For 908 Bath Tub Rehmshlllg 940 Mirror ServICe ads No borders, measured cancels 206 Help Wanted Part Time 607 Junkers Rent 909 B4cycleRepairs 946 MovlnglStorage or changes on Tuesday 207 Help Wanted Sales 608 PartsITlres/Alarms 717 Ofhces/Commerclal Maintenance 953 MusICInstrument Repair CASH RATES 12 words $5 00 each 208 Employment Agency 609 Rentals/LeaSing Wanled 910 Boal Repairs/Maintenance a TWO Delta tickets, DetrOIt NEED 50Ish Male Ballroom to fall, never PublicatIOn prayer answered to fall never PublicatIOn tlons, family fun Face ENJOY your holiday gather- n4-5444 & latin dance partner to Orlando Depart 12/31, must be promised must be promIsed painting, magic, and baI- Ings Let POInte Party EXPERIENCED typmg ser- Neither novice nor expert return 1f7 ( 1/2 pnce, Thanks St Jude for PRAYER TO THE Thanks St Jude for loon animals 521-7416 Helpers do the work 885- VIces and bookkeeping, $160 each) 775-3362, 839-1385 HOLY SPIRIT prayer answered Special prayer answered -...;':':':':':':':':':':':':':':"~- 6629 resumes, correspond- 650-3558 GIFT Idea Personalized lhanks to our Mother of Holy Splnt, you who make ence, manuscnpts, etc. me see everything and NOVENA TO ST. JUDE 11 S TRANSPORTATION; WHY NOT use thiS space video CASES for wed- Perpetual Help DO TUVEl Reasonable rates 886- who shows me the way to May the Sacred Heart of Santa '" Hirefl for a personal greeting dmgs! births etc, $7 PRAYER TO ST. CLAIRE Home or office parties 2454 reach my Ideal You, who Jesus be adored, glen- flORIDA Express Cars Happy Holiday, BIrthday, Sharon, 754-3414 Pray nine Hall Mary's once Kids or adults grve me the DMne Gift to tied, loved and presetVed Shipped by truck to Flor- Annrversary, or lUst say CHRISTMAS Wrappers A a day, for nine days On BUSINESS AND forgrve and forget the throughout the world now C.II Boh Ida and POInts South In. HI to someone Prepay- l the 9th day publISh thiS TECHNICAL SERVICES Pnce That Can't Be Beat wrong that IS done to me and forever Oh, Sacred 776-5879 ~ sured RAM 773-2339 menl IS required Slop by 50 cents per package Novena artd 3 WIShes Will lAsn Prilltit' and you loVho are In all in- Heart of Jesus, pray for The Grosse Pomte News, be granted Even though (depertdmg on sIze your stances of my hfe WIth us Worker of miracles, Busine!li!l' Technical 96 Kercheval (on The you don't have faith, your 'iupplles) Cheaper by the me I, In thiS short dla. pray fOf us St Jude, Academic Hill) to place your ad te> prayers WIll be answered Medical. Dental • Legal dozen 884-4059 Iogue want to thank you helper of the hopeless, day' Tuesday, noon MOM Letters • ~rts • Memos deadline for everything and confirm pray for us Extra Wide Spreadsheets 3 MARKETEERS NOVENA TO ST JUDE once lTlOfe that I never Say thIS prayer 9 times a Mulbpart invOICIng Airport Shuttle May the Sacred Heart of want to be separated day By the 8th day your Ca ssetle Tn I\9CrlptiOil Personal Shoppmg Jesus be adored, glan- from you no matter how prayer WIll be ar>swered Standard. MIO'O • Mini JACKIE'S Errands & ApPOintments fled, loved and preserved & great the matenal desires It has never been known Persona IIzed Pet Pal Service Afllmal Sitting throughout the world now may be I want to be WIth to fail, never PublicatIOn Repetilive Letllm A~lmalSitting' flou$eSitting COMPARE OUR PRICES and forever Oh, Sacred you and my loved ones In must be promised Envelopes. Labels • AirportS~uttle• PmonalErrands Call us today Heart of Jesus pray for your perpetual gtory Thanks St Jude for MaLlmg Ust Mamt_nee B~ Appo ~tment On,y and relax tomorrow! us Worker of miracles, Amen prayer answered Special Theses • DassertaliOils Jackie Huckins 527.2440 885-5486 pray for us St Jude, Thank yOlUfor your love te> thanks 10 our Mother of Term Papers' ManU!lCrip1s Foreign Language WorK helper of the hopeless wards me and my loved Perpetual Help T M ~ pray for us EqwbOll5 • GraphICS . ones Pray thiS prayer Stallsllcs • Tables. Charts Say thiS prayer 9 limes a three consecutrve days ftC)SI.S'I~'~A'IS 107 CATEItING Res~.Vltae day By lhe 8th day yoor WIthout asking your WIsh, Cover l.etlers • ApplJcaoons prayer Will be answered after third day your WIsh It has never been known WIll be granted, no maner 822.4800 SIMPLY DELICIOUS MrMBf./i. to fall never PublicatIOn how difficult It may be Catenng For 1111O(ca~lons • "rofCSSlOnal Assoclabon must be promised Then promise to publish Plan ror Your Hr>llday of Resume Wntcrs PHOTOGRAPHER Thanks St Jude for thiS prayer as soon as Parties t:.8rly • Na honal A!ISOCla llon of prayer answered Special your favor has been Secretarial Servtces 824-2614 521.9140 Robin • EnglJleenng SocIety thanks 10 our Mother of granted Thank you for of Detroit •••••••••••••••••••••• Perpelual Help L P favors recerved A N

-, • I December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 5C

101 Hm WANTED 104 HELP WANTED 303 SITUATION WANTED 305 SITUATION WANTED 100 HHP WANTED GENIRAI 200 HElP WANTED GENERAL 400 MEIlCHANDISE 404 GAilAGE lAIlD . IlUlSITHIl DOMESTIC ' DAY CAllE HOUSE CLEANING ANTIQUts IlASIMENT SAlES SEEKING live-In staH for FRONT desk clerk part ATTENTION Parents- Does LIGHT housekeeping, fIling, LOVING Grosse POlOte EXPERIENCED woman BUY anllques, old golf BUYING OLD CHRISTMAS Adult Foster Care Home time, perfect for rellree your child need a ride part lime $5 501 hour mother, experienced In seeking house work- Will lIems pertume bottles, ORNAMENTS, Prefer male, over 40 Expeflence not manda- home dUring the winter 881-3829,224-1019 Daycare will care for take care of elderly and linens coslume jewelry, 388-8693 DECORATIONS tory Apply In person months? , can help Cur- your children Refer- children 368 0567 China hat pins, Chrlsl- SANT AS, ANY OLD TOYS HAIRDRESSER- Nail Tech ONLY, 7am-3pm any rently pick up other kids GROSSE POINTE ences 882-4087 RESIDENTIAL & Ollice lIIas ornaments Free DOLLS AND TRAINS Top commission or day Shorecrest Motor al Defe' and Pierce 884- EMPLOYMENT 304 SITUATION WANTED cleaning References, horne VISits Jantlques ANY CONDITION rental FIlippo's Salon for Inn, 1316 E JeHerson 5183 AGENCY G~NEUl Senior discount Pam (313) 566 0353 PA YING TOP DOLLAR. details 882.1540 Ave (2 blocks East of WANTED- babySitter 10 my 790-7011 or 777-4425 Renaissance Genter) No 885-4576 772-7434 home, mature woman, RESPONSIBLE Mature 40 I "'P'lIANCES HOLIDAY phone Calls 60 years reliable service AFTER Thanksglvmg Spe non smoker Must have Male will work for you Needs experienced Cooks, clall Custom slove clean 40~ ESUH SALES Deadline Change!! Administrative Assistant transportallon Refer- Available for errands GE 30' sell cleaning elec Nannies, Maids House- Ing Only $35 824 7946 Excellent growlh potential ences Monday-Friday 8 driVing pet care, com CLASSIFIED ADV, keepers, Gardeners, But. Ilic slave 5 years old Computerl Word process- to 330 771-0594, alter 4 pan Ion for elderly or 10 For DEC. 26th Issue & lers Couples, Nurse's HOUSE Cleaning, expell $175 Ex<.ellenl condllion WE BUY BOOKS 109 experience and good firm and miscellaneous JAN. 2nd Issue CARING, reliable adult to Aides, Companions and enced references Avail 8392107 The deadline for these two Typing skills necessary FleXible hours Refer- IN YOUR HOME proVide care for our child- Day Workers for prl\ate able Tuesdays Thurs KENMORE ElectriC dryer ISSues Will be NOON, Convemently located near ences Dave, 885-9266 days Fridays 372 Free Offers ren ages 8 and 5, 10 our homes & Perleel condition $200 MONDAY, December Downtown In a secure 7654 No Obligation Grosse POlOte Park home 18514 Mack Avenue DIETICIAN from Poland IS 527-6747 23rd, & NOON, MON- building Parking Appraisals Furnished 2 or 3 days per week Grosse POinte Farms looklOg for part time Job 306 SITUATION WANTED DAY, December 3Oth'" provided Call for appoint- KITCHENAID dishwasher, Own transportation re- Excellent references 875 Entire Estates ment 259-9132 HOUSEKEEPERI Nanny- HOUSE SITTING as IS $50 882 7686 Please call 882-6900 to qUIred Experience and also DeSired SlOgle father looking for 6586 place your ad " PART time Bus Drlverl references prefe rred RECENTLY retired police 1989 G E refrigerator 146 ' mature reliable person 3 officer to carelake your MARKETING. Insurance Aide Apply 15229 MacK Non-smoker prefered cu In $200 or best offer JOHN KING days per week Dulles 10- horne while you Ie away Agency seeking mature 881-1111 Call 885-9429 on eve- Mark, 82271B7 clude hght housekeeping, 7791227 961-0622 individual wanting full nings and weekends %e Organizers RECEPTIONIST Republic cooking, errands Must SHARP carousel microwave time employment Must TENDER CARE House and Michigan'S Largest Bank S E IS currently BABYSITTER needed on be fleXible, have own SpeCialistsIn Homo With temp probe excel have good phone skills & Pet Silting speCialists Book Store seeking an outgoing and Monday, Wednesday and transportation Some Management lent condllion $200 884 not be afraid of reJec- Reasonable rates based • Clip and Save thiS ad • energetic RECEPTION- Friday 8 30- 6 P m for 2 overnight stays required Allow us to assume 4153 tions GOOd pay, benefits, on dally Vlslls Bonded IST to answer tele- 1/2 year old 884-6511 Experience preferred all your domestic room for advancement 885.9396 phones, greet customers, 792-6080 needs. we offer a 406 flllEWOOD Resume to State Farm 402 AUCTIONS typing, must know 102 HElP WANTED ClUICAL vanety of services 307 SITUATION WANTED Ins, 26018 Groesbeck, WordPerfect Located at 107 HEl~ WANUO SAm for the ever busy NURSES AIDES FINEST $ Can Buy Sea- Warren MI48089 SECRETARY. Ad agency, AUCTION The Grosse POlOte Office LADYoflhe house EY.r'ERIENCED English soned Split Hardwood Ren Center Word- COLLEGE Persons and Send Resume to Repub- SALES Counselors wanted speaking European Lady ANTIQUES & $55 a face cord Dellv-, Processing Experience others- exceed your pre- hc Bank S E 1700 North Looking for a challenging (313) 247-3992 seeking live- In posilton to COLLECTIBLES ered 3 or more cords- preferred Typing 6Owpm, $50 each 727-3151,392-: sent Income Part or full Woodward Ave Bloom- and rewarding career In take care of elderly Med SAT, DEC 28TH 6 P.M. time Send resume PO field Hills, MI 48304 good office skills re- Real Estate Established 3075 : 30S SITUATION WANTED Ical background Excel- VFW HALL Box 805970, St Clair Alto Human Resources qUIred Excellent benefits Grosse POinte Realty has HOUSE CLEANING lent references Call any- 8311 WILLSON DR, Finest Northern Include salary reqUire- Shores, MI48080-5970 3 Immediate openings for time, 884-0721 1 BLOCK NORTH OF 24 Hardwood SET.UP, Clean- up and ments Send resume to EUROPEAN Style of clean- MATH tutor needed to full- time expenenced MILE RD coat check person for Human Resources AD, Ing Will refresh your MATURE, responSible 1.2-3 year Aged come to my home to tu- agents Excellent enVIron. EAST OF VAN DYKE Social Group Saturday Young and Rublcam, 200 house Local references, woman Wishes Full time Guaranteed tor young female adult In ment and earning poten- UTICA MI nights Apply at lake- Renaissance Center, own transportation, 7 days catlng for HIe eld Math & Algebra I to start tial Benefits Call Michael Stromburg Carlson radiO, Delivery Included shore YMCA, 23401 E SUite 1000, Detroit, MJ days a week Washing erly Reasonable & de- Send resume to Grosse BoJalad at 881-7100 German Violin, 15 Morgan Jefferson, S C S - 778- 48243 and ironing 365-1095 pendable Greal refer- Stacking Available Silver dollars, several Bar- POinte News, Box C-12, 5811 300 SITUATION WANTED ences 331-8864 leave 264-9725 SECRETARY. CPN Altar- 96 Kercheval, Grosse IIABYSITTEIlS CARMEN'S message please ber half dollars, furniture, BEGINNING January 6th- FIREWOOD $55 face cord , POinte MI, 48236 ney Office Send re- CLEANING glassware, many mlSC, Grosse POinte couple IS BABYSITTING In home Free, Delivery Kindling: sumes to Box K-300, SERVJCE EXPERIENCED Mature lady old & collectible Items & looking for a High SChool atmosphere, weekdays wOOd Pioneer Tree Ser. , PART TIME Grosse POinte News, 96 No time for housecleaning? Wishes full or part time For IIsling call Senior to pick up 1 child only Expenenced Excel- vice 463-3363 ' HELP WANTED Kercheval, Grosse POinte Let our team come and canng for the elderly AUCTIONEER. at Assumption Preschool lent references, ages 2.5 Farms, MI 48236 do It for you I Reasonable Excellent LANNY ENDERS DELIVERED Seasoned fire- : IN FAST PACED at 3 p m and 1 child at 527-2869 OFFICE WORK. Grosse POinte Refer- 739-0294 wOOd With free flrestart.: OFFICE Ferry SChool at 315, Part time, 915- 300 pm LOVING mother looking to SPRING SPECIAL ences 331-2565 PREVIEW 5 P.M. ers $50 face cord 839-' Must work well With the Monday thru ThUrsday Resume to State Farm, take care of your child 10% Discount 1st time 2001 ' publiC, have some COM. Will need you to Sit until 30. SITUATION WANTED 404 GAUGE/YAIID clo Amy, 26018 Groes- Non-smoker 884-4287 senior Citizen discount PUTER KNOWLEDGE 5 p.m, $41 hour Call OffiCE CLEANING USEMENT SALES beck, Warren, MI 48089 DAYCARE In my conven- • Reasonable and be a good speller 881-3593 alter 6 EURO Malds- European NORTHERN Iently located Harper • References MOVING Sale Clean Sub- POSitIOnavailable In January RECEPTIONIST. Tuesday CLASSIFIED ADS • Experienced style of cleaning Days or zero refrigerator and sep- FIREWOOD CO. lhru Saturday Light typ- Woods home Good ref. 1992 Candidate must be nights $15 SpecIal for arate heezer, like new, 882-6900 erences 839-7424 • Insured • Exceptionally fine, mixed aV8Ilable for work Mon- Ing reqUired Send re- thiS month 365-1095 solid oak bedroom set, sume to Anita Spear, • Bonded hardwood days, Tuesdays, Fndays ST. Clair Shores Salon LOVING Grosse Pomte 584-7718 air conditioner & many 400 ME CHANDISE • Oak, Ash, Hickory and Please send resume to needs nail techs Willing 1018 Sunnlngdale, mother, experienced In other Items Saturday SMART Maids' 10 rooms or ANTIQUES Frultwoods Grosse Pomte News, Box to train With a new con- Grosse POinte Woods, Daycare, Will care for December 21st 8 to 12 less $50 We also clean • Uniform lengths G-35, 96 Kercheval, cept that Will double your 48236 your children Refer- ANTIQUE Carousel horses 1068 Devonshire, 881 offices Insured, bonded • Free klndlLng bundles Grosse POinte Farms, MI Income 296-3456 CAREER POSITIONS ences 882-4087 from the turn of Gentury 8636 after 6 p m 88&2257 • 15 years expenence 48236 Museum quality 751- • Guaranteed to be quality LITTLE Italy Pizza- phone AVAILABLE 3D. SITUATION WANTED MOVING sale Household CLERICAL HUSBAND & Wife House- 8078 seasoned fireplace wood SENIORS Welcome Sup- help $4 50 an hour, pIZZa Expenenced people needed goods Tools Some an. for long and short term cleaning specialists Spe- or double your money plement your Income makers $5 00 an hour, EXPERIENCED In- Home FULL size wax baby from tlques Friday and Satur- assignments Some are Cials now Wmdows, back Part. time On call basiS drlve~ averaging $50 a MedicaL Transcnpllonlst ongmal Coney Island, day December 20th, 21st temporary to.pennanent pamtlng, Chnstmas lights, L.ightrWtIRg and neat .... - day 52&0300 seeking EdsfSlde oppor- New Vori!< wax Museum, 10 am to 4 pm 21821 $60 pearance requu"ed for Legal & Executive stoves 13 tears experi- DRIVERS NEEDEDI tunities Free Pick-up and apprOXimately 100 years Elizabeth St Clair FACE CORD Mortuary SefV,ce Days Secretanes ence 824-7946 If no an- Good dnVlng rElCOfd Will delivery References old, $3,000 Also collec- Shores 777 ..4876 n2-3345 Word processors swer, please leave mes- I train Excellent money available Reasonable tIon of wax heads from Data- Entry Clerks sage making potential Apply In rates Calf Michelle at same museum Includes, ReceptiOnists 45 wpm 405 ESTATI SAlIS 405 £HATE SALES INSIDE person 773-1362 PROFESSIONAL House Mussollnl, Stalin, Hem- Pleasant Working Cleaning Honest and re- Ingway and "Chamber of SALES 15501 Mack Ave DEPENDABLE, ambitious atmosphere liable Call Kim, 465- Horrors", $6,000 751- COLLEGE STUDENTS homemaker seeks light SUSAN HARTZ REPS RUTH PARADISE TEMPS 9085 8078 office work, bookkeeping Established 20 year old CHRISTMAS 964-0640. ~ oJ ~tz GROSSE POINTE CITY MAIO Maflon Cleaning Ser- ti or mailings from my DENLEY'S ANTIQUES lEast Area} auto RECEPTIONIST for Down- 886.8982 EXPANSION home Please call 775- Vice Dependable, refer- 18th, 19th and early 20th altermarket wholesaler InternatIOnal Marketing Firm town Law offiCes Imme- 2817 ences, Insured, reason- century Amencan an- HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. .eeklng personable WIth 250 offices IS filling diate opening 259-8502 able 296-1629, Man 302 SITUATION WANTED tiques and decorative phone closers to staff Immediate lulV part- time or 259-8898 SATURDAY ONLY DECEMBER 21st arts Furniture and worthy POSitiOns $81 to start CONVALESCENT CAllE AT YOUR SERVICE our order desk 203 HElP WANTED accessones QUills, folk 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. afternoons tll 9 30 P m May become permanent D£NTALj MEDICAL COMPETENT A Unique Cleaning Co. art, decoys toys, palOt- SCholarships for those We go one step further. 5556 Cadieux Great "In demand" IN.HOME CARE SERVICE Commerlcal Residential Ings and sporting collecll. qualify Detroit products Salary who 825-6485 LIVE-IN OR TLC elderly, children FUlly trained bles All carefUlly seleeted Between Warren &: Candler Park Drive negotiable/bonus and SPANISH teacher, part- DAYTIME RELIEF Hourly, overnight rates Insured- Bonded and displayed In~entlves Management time Afternoons $15- NurSing help needed avaIlable ExpenenCed In FREE ESTIMATES 27112 Harper(bet 10 & 11) Picture perfect sale features maple bedroom opportunity available $45 hour Training and Strong and compasslOl1. the Grosse POInte area CHRISTINE Weekdays 9-5. Sat 1-5 furniture including Ethan Allen chest, trundle matenals prOVided Call ate Hospital trained aides PreViously Hammond 776-2641. APpoin~;::8~v81Iable bed, twin beds, bedroom set with triple dresser, Leave Message 348-7116 Agency, 30 years li- conSidered- to assist Boston rocker, wood framed loveseat, maple Mr. Bryant censed and bonded RESTAURANT Help semi-ambulatory, cathet- EXPECT THE BEST WE BUY AND SELL! hutch with glass doors, bookcases, drum table. enzed Parklnsons Patient Sally, 772-0035 886-1763 wanted Now accepting KNOWN AND FAMOUS IF you enJoy wandering bed linens, baskets, Wagner paint sprayer. side In hiS G P Woods home applicatIOns for full and GROSSE POlOte Nurses Old fashIoned European through yesterday, get- by side refrigerator, needlepoint pillows, ladies Are You serious About part. time Cooks, host- Call "OverSeer", Mr Aides available for private house cleaning Several tlng lost In time, and seiling Real Estate? Robert Stevens, dally for clothing and lots of pretty knickknacks, esses, bus boys and duty All shilts travel years experience 10 brOWSing through endless glassware and odds and ends. Everything in fine We are SERIOUS abou1 dishwashers Great pay particulars, 886-4818 or 824-{)876 Grosse POinte area Ex- unique antique treasures, your SUCCESSl Exten- Mrs Palmer at 881.2523 condition and priced to sell quickly, for those who have some- MATURE, responSible cellent references De- you'll enJoy vIsiting SIVe training Including pre- thing to oHer Paid vaca- DENTAL Insurance coordi- pendable and affordable TOWN HALL ANTIQUES, WE WIIJ.. HONOR SI'REET NUMBERS AT 9:00AM license Experienced woman Wishes Full- time tIOns, Blue Cross, Pen- nator/ receptionist, ma- days canng for the eld- Insured and Bonded Call In downtown Hlstonc OUR NUMBERS WIIJ.. BE AVAIlABLE 9:00 .10:00AM agents, ask about our sion plan Vanous shifts ture, expenenced person anytime Romeo We have over 100010program In Grosse erly Reasonable & de- and weekends Apply at needed for modern, busy 884-0721. 8,000 sq lt, 2 floors, and POInte, call George Smale pendable Great refer- The Onglnal Pancake DENTAL practice Must ences 331-8864, leave over 40 dealers speclallz- TO ALL OUR FRIENDS at886-4200 LOOKING for houseclean- In9 m quality AntIques House, 20273 Mack Ave, have knowledge of insur- message please Coldwell Banker between 2 & 4 P m ance, front desk experi- Ing robs Expenenced, and Selected Collectibles SChweitZer Real Estate 303 SITUATION WANTED dependable & trustworthy Open 7 days, 10-6 32 CASHIERJ Hostess, Wait- ence and some know- WE 19 offices DAY CARE woman Can work days Mile Ad and Van Dyke ress Apply wrthlO POinte ledge of assISting and WISH YOU Expect the best taking X-rays Part time, CREATIVE CARE, INC. Monday thru Saturday (M-53) 313.752-5422 Barbeque, 17410 East Call 759-8402 or 291- SASh PERSONAL Banker Re- Warren, Detroit 3 days or full lime, 4 In-home licensed day care even ntlque ops A VERY MERRY publIC Bank S E IS cur- days Call oHlce man- We WIll prOVIde a day JUst _0_339______Within walking distance PHONE persons and wart- CHRISTMAS AND rently seeking an outgo- ager 755-7070, Warren like mom would If she WANT a clean house for FURNITURE refinished, re ress wanted, full or part Ing, energetIC person to could be there For more the holidays? Call an ex- paired, stnpped, any type A HAPPY NEW YEAR time positions available 204 HELP' WANTED work In our Grosse DOMESTIC information please call pert from the Shores' Of caning Free est I Apply 10 person alter 4 FROM POInte office Candidates 371-9871 Have everythmg shmy mates, 345-6258, 661- pm, 15134 Mack LOVE WORKING should have prevIous WITH CHILDREN? The Nanny Network, Inc. and bright Save time 5520 PATR1CJA MARY ANN DRYWALL FInisher- expen- banking expenence, and Be a nanny Full timet part- Q f I hid and energy 8 years ex------enced, WIth transporta- uahty pro esslona c I penence References CAST Iron antique pot bel AND ALL THE STAFF AT also enJOY working work- time Good salary and care In your home Call tIOn Must have tools and Ing directly WIth the pub- benefits Call The Nanny us NOW for InformatIOn leave message, 294- hed stove, 1917 or earlier GROSSE POINTE ESTATE SALES stilts 882.7754 lic Send resume to Re- Network 650-0670 650-0670 2581 331-1669 after 6 publIC Bank S E 1700 IF YOU ARE not afraid of ------THE HOUSE-KE-TEERS Manchester Antique Mall N Woodward Ave hard work With tremen- 207 HElP WANTED SAllS 207 HELP WANTED SALES ClEANING SERVICE Antiques & Collectibles Bloomfield Hills, MI dous finanCial rewards ProfessIOnal, Bonded and 116 E MaIO, Manchester ~ 48304 Alt Human Re- call 396-1039 Insured teams ready to Open 7 Days IOta 5 BEGIN ANt:W IN 'CJ2 sources clean your home or buSI- 313-428-9357 ~aitlbow 2gtate gaQeg HAIRDRESSER for estab- WIth a Compeny bIa e!l


PHONE (517) 792 0934 on .. to UIUil TO .. 6C December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 409 MISCHlANEOUS 409 MISCEllANEOUS 40b mEWOOD 409 MISCElLANEOUS 409 MISC£llANEOUS 411 OFFICE/BUSINESS 500 ANIMALS ARflWS ARTICLES ARTIClES ARTICl!S , EOUIPMENT ADOPT A PH 50S lOST AND FOUND MELDRUM TREE SER- CAMEL back sofabed, MAHOGANY COMPUTER IBM PSI1 , 30 MINK, Azurene, 3/4 length THREE computer tables GROSSE POinte Animal LOST Alaskan malamute VICE- Seasoned fIre. claslC style and color INTERIORS Mag HD, 3 1/2 and 51/4 lacket, like brand new New $285, now $129 CliniC "On Kercheval"' Female whIte and grey wood $55 face cord. de- ($1.500 New) $500 8 (FlOe Furnllure Floppy EXP Box, Mo- Great Christmas gift' each 1 brown tweed Side has 2 lovable young dogs Sibenan Husky male, livered 881.3571 Piece Thomasville dIning & Antique Shop) dem, Mouse, Joystick, $900 884-4740 chair $129 1 Mlnolta In need of homes A very white and black, blue set, small table Simple 506 S. Washington DOS 50 Stacker Lots of ------copier (wet) $29 1 old friendly small female eyes 882-3()31 HOLIDAY Special. 24 elegant deSign $1,100 software Excellent condl' SCHWINN Alrdyne, 3 years Royal Oak, MI wood desk $39 2 secre- Golden Retriever X and a month seasoned hard. 8844153 tlOn $1 400 822-3731 old, like brand new $550 IF you've lost a pet any. (5 Blocks North of 696 Free- , 775-2707 tary chairS, $29 each 3 very large and lonely wood Delivered. $65 where to the Grosse COMMODORE 64, color way at 10 Mile Take file cabnets, 2- drawer, male yellow Lab X For 795-3803 ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL -M-AR-B-LE--fu-ep-Ia-c-e-m-a-n-tel POinte area, please call mol'lltor, 2 diSC dnves, an Woodward/ Main Street $49 each 1 new market. more Information call us Wedding gown, must top 5' x l' black With us at "Grosse Pomte An- 409. MISCElLANEOUS OKIDATA pnnter and eXit) seel ExqUISite, cream Ing board, 4'X6' Was at 822-5707 between 9 Imal CliniC" ThiS week AIIJIClES much more $350 839- Monday through Saturday With seqUins, beading & white velOa, $175 or best $144- now $89 3 Luclte and 5 we have 2 Golden Re- 0496 11 to 5 30 A/encon lace throughout offer 822-2816, please computer keyrests New COLLECTORS- dolls Eight TRI County Collie Rescue triever mixes (1 mare, 1 Closed Wednesday bodice Tea length With leave message $69- now $45 1 secretary Inch ALEXANDER" RIFLE. Steyr.Manll 270 Collies for adoption female), found together and Sunday Chiffon handkerchief SNOWBLOWER, Toro, desk, old, $79 1 com- Brand new Settling es- scope With range finder Fence reqUired Call for both With thin leather col. Open Through Holidays hem Size. small 5 If In- good condition, $100 puter chair $59 2 mlSC tate 886-9282 Hunter's dream' $1,850 Information, 774-4333 or lars Found on Lakeland ThiS Week Specials Set of terested, also matching _88_5_-8_18_2 _ secretary chairS, $10 Laptop TOShiba, Model 3624148 or 522-8405 and Jefferson, Grosse HOLIDAY 6 Duncan Phyfe dlnmg each 881.2000 Tll00 Paid $2,850 Will hand made head band GENESIS games. (11) POinte CIty A large male room chairs, $400 Set of Included With gown Best reasonable pnces 885- WISH LIST Deadline Change!! sell for $950 886-6669 412 WANTfD 10 IUY Yellow Lab X With a 4 mahogany dining room offer 822-2816 1059 Needed liqUid laundry deter- CLASSIFIED ADV. ADVENT Legacy speakers choke chain found un chairs, $300 9 piece ma. gent Paper Towels For DEC. 26th Issue & Excellent sound $225 AS low as $6790 quarterlys-C-H-M-ID--H-um-m-e-I-C-h-r-Is-t. WANTED- Notre Dame In Grosse hogany Duncan Phyfe 35MM film- 200 speed JAN. 2nd lS$(,le 881-9620 for no- fault Insurance on mas Plates 1971 thru 'This End Up Fumllure' POinte City For more ,n. dmmg room set $1,600 MAKE IT A BE KIND TO The deadline for these two pickups and vans owned 1985 Best offer Current Couch loveseat chairs, ta. formation, call us at 822. WINCHESTER rifle model Solid mahogany Chlppen. ANIMALS WORLD ISSUes will be NOON by servIce contractors list Price $600 plus 886- bles 5707 between 9 and 5 dale dmlng room set, ANTI. CRUELTY MONDA Y December 88, 308 cal excellent Also automobiles homes 4383 771-1167 $3,200 Corner chma cab- LOST: Rewardl Female 23rd & NOON MON shape nl-2442 contents and health tn------ASSOCIATION met, $300 Hepplewhlte BOUVier Thin bUild, DAY. December 30thlll HOUSE Sale saturday de- surance at very low rates I TORO snowblower Water CASH FOR 13569 JOS. CAMPAU Sideboards, banquet dm- clipped short black hair Please call 882.Q900 to cember 21st, 10 a m to 2 AI Thoms Agency, 790- pu rifler, brand new KIDS' CLOTHES DETROIT 48212 Ing room tables, secretary 6600 Collectors RoadMaster floppy ears, black spot place your ad'" pm 155 Ridge Grosse WOMENS CLOTHES 891.7188. 00 desks, bedroom sets ------bike 882-5558 tongue Black collar With POinte farms Items left to ON CONSIGNMENT BEAUTIFUL Loveable MAC Plus 40 MB Hard dressers and chests, PRECIOUS Moment collec. ------white stnpe Please Call be sold Include dining Call our 24 hour info No. Shepherd/ lab mix Fe- Dnve, Tons of software beds and nlghtstands, tlon for sale IndiVidually WEIDER weight bench and 884-1806 room set, couch, sec. male pUppies need a $750 824-3726 dining room tables, buf. or tn groups Excellent weights plus easy glider, 881-8228 tlonal, lawn mower, gas condition Call 527-2880 $100 for all 884-3485 fnendlv caring homE' lOST 3 year old female FOR the person who ha" fets china cabll'lE't" and LEE'S RESALE 9nll, Weber gull, books, anytime 885-3303 Keeshond- silver and everythlng- Sparkle up sets of chairs, coffee ta. 20331 Mack toys etc KIDS ski gear- boots, bmd. ------black Between 7 Mile & your life. carbonate your bles, consoles, highboys, Ings, SkIE, used, cheap SEGA GAMES. Master WANTED Artists Easel DOGS & CATS CROSSBOW, Barnett WIld- Cadieux 88&-4122 faVOrite beverage. make end tables, Onentlal rugs, 882.5490 Games, $25 GenesIs Large Insulated dog PUPPIES & KITTENS cat 150 Ib (everything) ------Games, $25 Call 881. or recarbonate pop 011 paintings, brass lamps house, Indian antiques Available for adoption SHORT hair, very cute pup- nl.2442 OIL pamtlngs, reproduc. 5109 Guaranteed to liven up crystal lamps, Chlppen. 821-0109 Home Vetennary ServICe Pies, 2 female, 1 male liOns of the "Masters" =====------parties year round Kids BEDROOM Set- dresser, dale and Duncan Phyfe 22931 14 Mile Ad, St Free to good home 885- French ImpreSSions, Re- 410 MUSICAL INST~UMENTS WANTED- Dual DISC Drive, love It, too' Joe. 296- chest ntghtstand and sin- sofas and Wing chairs OaJr Shores, 790-0233. 0572, 884-2074 313-545-4110 nOir, Monet, Degas and color mOnitor & Joystick 3975 gle bed Maple finish, tra. FOUND loveable male more Gorgeous and af. CHRISTMAS Sale 30- 50% for Apple II E computer- MIXED Engllshl Temer dltlonal style $100 882- WOODEN cabinet, 24 Huskyl Chow mix puppy TREADMILL Electronic fordable Private show- AU mUSical Instruments 881-0875 black and white dog, 2 9311 drawer Blue Formica Sears Llfestyler New. ex- Ings available Will come 9214743, Hours 1. 6 years old 45 pounds Found starving on the work top Shelves above tra parts $199 882-9047 BEDROOM Set, twin beds, to your home or office pm WANTED!! Housebroken Free to lov. streets Needs a good excellent storage $200 GOLD jewelry. dental, optl- home Bubba would like LADIES' 14 carat gold kitchen sets, stereo cabi- 558-5934 In9 home Preferably each Larry 839-9206 USED PIANOS calor scrap to remam In the Pomtes cocktaJi flng, five dia- nets, portable bar, PARENTSI Grandparents. adults 881-3591 bumper pool table, AVlta AT BARGAIN PRICES PLATINUM jewelry or In- He IS good With other monds totaling 3/4 carat HOOSIER cupboard, oak give the gift of education LOVABlE dogs and cats rowing machine, Health- Used Spinets-Consoles dustnal pets and chIldren Please nl-3607 table, (5 legs, 7 leaves) Fun, educational games need good homes For way Tread Mill, 2 ~speed Uprights & Grands DIAMONDS any shape or call Greg at 827-1230 n2-5019 your 3- 6 year old w,II adopllon Information call' PROFESSIONAL rowing bikes, and miscellaneous ABBEY PIANO CO condition weekdays or 884-2413 play With year round and Northern Suburbs Animal machine- AVlta 950 SL AMERICA'S CUP ROYAL OAK 541.Q116 SILVER COins, flatware and evenings and weekends fumlture Can 884-8708 benefit from for a lifetime Like new $250 884-<)266 BOOKS & ART Welfare League Volun- Wmgs Program Joe, bO 1 AUTOMOTIVE APPLE IIC computer, 1m. Out of pnnt and rare books, PIANOS WANTED G~~~ World War II rei. teer 754-8741, 464-4984 WANTED- age wnter II pnnter, as- 296-3975 TOP CASH PAID CHRYSUR 'This End Up Furniture' art prints dating from 1902 ------ICS, stamp collectIOns, PLEASE sorted software, $800 CABLE. Nelson spinet promo model cards and 1989 PLYMOUTH Sund- Couch, loveseat, chairs, ta- & earlier Ideal for STERLING Silver flatware, 885-7048 plano, like new condition, sports cards Wnst and DON'T DELAY! ance, 4 dOO(, automatiC, bles Christmas gIving Gift English Gadroon pattern ROWING machine AVlta wrapping and packaging for Like newl Bargain 329- $900 885-0534 pocket watches, running SPAY or NEUTER air, excellent condition n1-1167 YOUR fET TODAYI 350- SL Model, timer, low shipment available 2073 GIVE the "GIFT OF MU- or not 27,000 mIles Warranty ROSSIGNOL SkiS and Sol. hours Like new $250 882.2606 SIC" P,anas, organs, Premium paid for antique An altered pet IS a healthier aV8Jlable 881-7539 omon boots, size 6 FATHER CHRISTMAS and hapPJ9r companion TIm, 879-0417 gUitars New and used jewelry 1985 Dodge Daytona 160CM Poles and bind. LADlES 3/4 length Chin- characters (old fash. Also, It spares you the Famous brands at Evola THE GOLD SHOPPE Turbo Auto, very clean Ings NEW! 882-0725, af- ROWING Machine $20 chilla coat, size 14, worn loned) ExclUSive de. gnef and pain of haVing MUSIC 726-6570 22121 GRATIOT Must see" $2,500. 791- ter 3 Black & white tv $15 5 times 573-4914 signer, one of a kmd On pUppies and kittens de- GEMEINHARDT flute IJke EAST DETROIT 9909 Bouncy Horse, tncycle consIgnment at Kennedy stroyed when no homes ONE JVC VHS VIdeo cam- NEW Leather couch. office $10 Electnc typewriter and Co Or call 822-7626 new Excellent condition, n4-0966 can be found Countless 1988 CHRYSLER LeBaron, era, all attachments, new, or library, dark cordovan $20 839.Q982 $250 526-4333 CASH paid for baseball numbers of sweet, inno- Winter Wonderland never used 331-1669 af. Retail $3,900, asking SNOW Board. GNU With cards and all other sports White, fUlly eqUIpped and ter 6 DINING room beautIful $1,900 881-2000, 886- Sims bindings $200 BABY G ran d plano, Mar- cards n6-9633 cent little ones are eu. mahogany Sheraton 2569 8814264 shall & Wendell, high ------thanlzed every day In pnced below book value SKIS With SOLOMON sl¥le table, 3 leaves 6 quahty, Yestored, refin- ,wANtED- ,Mrs Beasley shelters across the coun- for Immediate sale Must DREXEL Herrtage Accolade 84" blue ana cream sofa, BINDINGS;-

4-30-92 : December 19, 1991 "OrosIe Pointe News 7C

1>02 AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 1>0S AUTOMOTIVE I> 12 AUTOMOTIVE 700 APTI FLATS DUPllX 700 APTI flATI DUPlfX FORD GENERAL MOTOIlS G£NERAL MOTORS GENERAl MOTORS FOREIGN VANS Pom'es Harper Woods POU1tl ~ HOIpl r Wo/)d~ 1979 LINCOLN Towncar, 1986 OLDS C,erra Clean, 1985 Cavalier Hatchback 1980 Olds Delta 88 sedan, 1986 1/2 Toyota Supra. ex- 1983 Ford XLT, low mi, loaded, excellent condl. HARCOURT. SpacIOus 3 GROSSE POinte Woods, clean' One owner Pertect for dnvlng to work dark blue, good COndi- cellent condillon, metlcu. tlon, 1 owner $2,200 leage, V8 auto air excel- bedroom, 1 1/2 bath up- 1974 Vemler Ref One $3,495 791-3000, BILL or school 884-7369 tion $950 343-0286 lously maintained, garage lent condition 884-4912 per With fireplace, hard. bedroom upper, Includes 881.7104 LEE OLDSMOBILE 1986 PONTIAC Statlonwa- 1987 Celebrity 4 door Ex. kept $6,500 880-2151 wood floors, screened heat, stove, refrigerator, 1987 MERCURY Topaz, 613 AUTOMOTIVE 1989 OLDS REGENCY gon, 8 passenger, excel- cellent condition Must BMW 1987, 3251s Immacu. . WANTED TO lur porch, garage, and new drapes, carpeting, ga. nice car, loaded Pnced Brougham, leather, lent condition Must see' see to appreciate 884- late $12,600 or best of. appliances $800 plus se- rage $5901 month plus , to gol $3,995 791-3000, loaded, low miles The Fully eqUiPped, special 7369 fer 882-7170 TOP $$ PAID cUrity AVlillable Immedi- secunty Occupancy Jan- , BILL LEE OLDSMOBILE right one' $11,995 791. Priced dUring our Decem- For Junk. wrecked and un- ately 8224197 uary Appointments, 886- 1981 BUICK Skylark, 1 1987 Honda Accord LXI, 1981 Ford Escort 50,000 3000, BILL LEE OLDS- ber discount days Call wanted cars and trucks 06141882-3551 owner $750 885-7459 hatch One owner All LAKESHORE Camage onglnal miles Very good MOBILE John Altlmore, Jefferson State licensed service records, 71k, ex- house, 7 rooms, car- TWO bedroom upper, condition $1,400 or best Chevrolet, Grosse POinte 1988 Camaro !roc 35OCID, BULL AUTO PARTS 1989 FIREBIRD, sharp and cellent care Only $4,990 peted, curtained, appli- freshly painted, apph- offer 777-6284 Park, 821-2000 leather interIOr, new tires, 894.4488 sporty With all the good. Wood Motors, 372-7100 ances Included, garage ances, large kItchen and les $8,695 791-3000, 1991 CHEVROLET BER- Adult driven. excellent want your beat up car, 884-8880, 884-2814 garage $5501 month 1980 Ford Pinto, rebuilt en- BMW. MERCEDES- BILL LEE OLDSMOBILE EnA, Demo Only 3,300 condillon, 43,000 miles Jim 372-9884 Days Great coodlttorl AV8J1abIe glnel transmiSSIOn! ex- JAGUAR. RIVARD- SpacIous 2,200 miles A real Santa Spe- $8,700 839-6624 Immediately 881-n08 haust body In fair condi- 1987 BUICK Somerset, like Most Imports Expert, low AAA $$$$ Turn that Junk, square feet liVing, din' tIOn 771.2442 Cial price Must be seen 1988 BUick LeSabre station new, air, auto, more Cost Import Car Service running, wrecked car or 109,3 bedrooms, 2 baths, GROSSE POinte CIty- 2 and driven Factory war- wagon, white, low miles, 1988 Mustang Convertible, $4,995 791.3000, BILL FREE PICK.UP AND truck Into Cash 842- slove, refrigerator, dish- bedroom upper flat, IMrtg ranty plus extended war- loaded, $7,495 n5-8820 LEE OLDSMOBILE 1275 washer, disposal $985 & dining room, carpet 50, powerhouse, well ranty available call Enc, DELIVERY. 604 AUTOMOTIVE 884.3559 throughout, remodeled kept Nice car 1990 OLDS Clerra, 6,000 Jefferson Chevrolet, J AND L CUSTOM AUTO CALL Tom flrstlll Paying ANTIQUE, ClASSIC kitchen & bath, garage & $8,895791-3000, BILL miles Super sharpl Grosse POinte Park, 821. PHONE JOEL OR PAT Top Dollar for any run. ST.CLAIR, near Jefferson, basement $650 plus LEE OLDSMOBILE $9,195 791-3000, BILL 2000 1957 CHEVY Betalr, very 839-6940. nlng or repairable cars or 3 bedroom apartment se- LEE OLDSMOBILE good COIldrtlOn,4 door 1984 Honda Prelude- Blue, trucks $50 to $5,000 $775 per month Call CUrity Includes heat 463- 1986 Ford Mustang LX 1987 Cadillac Brougham, Must seel 882-8015 5 speed, power sun roof For fast pick up anytime, 882-3815 2228 Hatchback, 4 cylinder, 4 1981 Grand Pnx T- tops dark blue, excellent con. Excellent condition 7 days 24 hours 371. 958 BEACONSFIELD. speed, new tires, no rust Clean V-6, 79,000 miles dlt,on New shocksl 1968 CAMARO SS convert. HARCOURT- Wonderful 2 $3,100 833-6676 9128 Lower 3 bedroom $2,590 772-6245 Loaded One owner Ex- brakesttlrest springs! bat. Ible, automatic Candy bedroom, 2 bath upper car. peted Stove, refogeratOt'. 1988 LINCOLN Towncar, cellent conditIOn, $1,895 teryl exhaust system red $7,900 Best or 1986 BMW 325, 4 door, 653 IOAT I'AIlT5 AND With large rooms and separate basement, 112 excellent condition, dark 343-0361 60,000 miles Asking trade 881-7104 sunroof, ABS brakes, SEIlVICE closets, fireplace French doors to family room, ga. garage Blinds Call 822- blue, fUlly loaded $8,000 1989 CUTLASS Supreme $9,500 GM retiree, 773- 60S AUTOMOTIV( great condition Dark MARINE WOODWORK rage, basement storage 1791 842-8040 InternatIOnal, loaded, low 5970 FOIlElGN blue Only $8,450 Wood Custom desIgn€'(! Il. bwll Motors, 372.7100 cabinetry, etc and all appliances HlQh UPPER 2 bedroom, In- ,1990 CONTINENTAL, miles $9,995 791.3000, 1986 Olds Cutlass Su- JAGUAR 1990 XJ6 Sover. Repairs, dry.rot 17 years quality and neutral decor cludes heat, stove, refng- 25,000 miles Loaded BILL LEE OLDSMOBILE preme V8 Excellent con. 1990 MltsublShl Eclipse elgn $30,000 884-2694 expenence Have Portiolio Please call for further in- erator, $450 month First Leather seats, $16,000 65 CADILLAC Coupe De dltlOn $3,500 881.3926 G S One owner, 30,000 formation, 881-5967 1988 VW Fox GL wagon, miles Air, full power, & References & last months rent plus 445-6760 Days Ville, convertible, 500 en- 1986 CAPRICE ClaSSIC, $925 a month deposit 822.9188 new tlrest brakes! ex- white extenor Save thou- 435-6048 603 AUTOMOTIVE gme, good condition loaded, high mileage, haust Pertect college or sands over new cost NEFFI St Paul large 2 873 Nottingham lower, 2 GENEIlAL MOTDR~ Asking $2,000 882-7025 good COIldltlOn882-8436 commuter car $4400 Only $9,850 Wood Mo- 6S7 MOTORCYClES bedroom upper with fire- bedrooms, den, appll' 1984 Cadillac Cimarron, 1984 Cadillac Coupe De- 1991 CHEVROLET Cava. 963-0091 days, 343-0480 tors, 372.7100 place Ideal for qUiet ma. ances, 112 garage 393- 34,000 one owner miles, Ville One owner, 54,000 her, 4 door, (2) to choose 1985 Honda Interceptor ture Single or couple 1989 HONDA Accord, low 1990 Mazda pickup, black, 7490/8824234 leather, front wheel drive miles Beautiful condition, from December Discount 500, liqUid cooled V4, Heat prOVided $780 plus mileage Call 881.9527 power steenng and FLAT beautifully decorated Excellent condition Only sale prICed$4,750 Wood Days, make these ternflc 16,000 miles $1,500 depoSit Available Janu- brakes, LE package, low With apphanees Spot. $3,950 Wood Motors, Motors, 372-7100 buys Extended warranty 1987 VW SIRAOCCO, only 293-1866 ary 1st 885-7986 19,000 mIles Like new, mileage $5,700 Call lessly clean Excellent 10- 372-7100 1982 F,reblrd Very good available call John AIt,- 700 Af>TS/FlAT5/0UI'LEX even a sunroof Pnced to 274-9624, after 6 WAYBURN. 1471, upper. 3 catton In the Crty. $665 RIVIERA 1990, midnight condition, runs great more, Jefferson Chevro- Po,nfes/H.rper Woods bedrooms, apphances, 884-9539 let Grosse POIOtePark, go Only $5,995 791- 1983 Honda LX, garage blue, blue Intenor, landau $2,500 or best offer 885- 1326 Somerset upper flat, dishwasher, carpeted, 821-2000 3000, BILL LEE OLDS- kept, air, 5 speed, 70,000 1030 Waybum 5 room up- top, fully loaded, excel- 5457 newly decorated $500 MOBILE miles, excellent condition two bedrooms, liVing per flat, stove & refrigera- lent condition, $15,500 1989 CHEVROLET Celeb- room, dining room, per month plus utllltl9S 1989 BERElTA GT, low 1986 Nlssan Centura, man- Must see 790-0206 tor New bath & off street 965-1688,882.1688 miles All the tOysl Don't rity, 4 door, SHARpi One kitchen appliances, hard. and secunty depos~ parking $4501 month ual, 2 door, low miles 1986 Honda CIVICSI Bright Days, 962.4790- eve. 1988 OLDS Cutlass, miss It $8,895 791-3000, owner, fully eqUiPped wood floors, garage, plus security depoSit Like new $2650 884- red, new clutch & brakes nlngs, 886-1353 SHARP Available at BILL LEE OLDSMOBILE Call Jefferson Chevrolet, $525 plus ulll1t,es 882- 343-0153 Grosse POinte Park, 821. 7034. One owner Very clean, huge savings dunng our 5058 MARYLAND- Grosse POinte 1985 REGENCY, clean sunroof Only $3,875 SPACIOUS two bedroom, December D,scount 2000 1988 TOYOTA Celhca, only Park Cozy 1 bedroom $3,400 Will take reason. Wood Motors, 372.7100 ONE bedroom upper flat, newly remodeled kitchen, 1990 Chevy Baretta GT, 33,000 miles, hke new upper Available January Days Fully eqUiPpedand able offer Call between 9 Beaconsfield In Grosse full basement, hardwood red, loaded, low miles, All the loys, sport luxury 1991 Honda CIVIC OX 1st Newly decorated, air wanting a new home to 2. 885-2927, weekdays POinte Park Newly rede- floors, central lilr $625 Only $7,995 791-3000, Hatchback Only 4,000 Call Mike, Jefferson excellent condition corated, $3801 month conditioned, carpeted, per month plus utliities OLDSMOBILE 90 Cutlass BILL LEE OLDSMOBILE miles, auto, white Excel- Chevrolet, Grosse POinte $9,200 527-2042 824-6501 mini bhnds Large private Available Immediately Clerra, fully loaded, no lent condilion $9,000 park, 821-2000 1984 BUIck Century, 4 1981 TOYOTA SUPRA back deck $425 331- 222-5870 crUIse, 12,000 miles n8-2244 after 2 p m BEACONSFIELD/Ke r 7330 door, white Excellent Toyota's statement In 1982 Pontiac J2OOO,whltel Grey metalliC $10,200 cheval, newly decorated NOTTINGHAM condition New engine, sport and lUXUry Don't SAAB 9000 1987, black,S LARGE one bedroom, new burgundy, automatiC, 875-1183 £ room upper, natural AttractIVenewly decorated 5 new IIres and more miss thiS one Loaded speed, leather seats, Im- Woodwork, fireplace, ap- carpet and paint, heat In- loaded, excellent condl. Only $6,995 791-3000, room lower CeramICtiled 1987 Iroc Z T. Tops, air, $2,500. 372-8527 maculate condition phances $495 463-1043, cluded 881-4693 tlon, high mileage Needs BILL lEE OLDSMOBILE bath and kitchen, garage, nothing' $2,200 886- alarm and warranty 1991 Chevy S10 pickup, $7,000 882-8259 343-0255 GROSSE Pomte area 1 basement with lots of 7314, between 9 am $6,100 or best offer 881- like new, hner, 7,000 1983 Toyota Tercel SR-5, 5 1987 MERCEDES 190E bedroom apartment Fully storage $5751month plus and 6 pm 1932 miles $6,500 885-3857 speed, hamh, power roof AIr bag, sunroof, full Don't Forget - carpeted, appliances, secunty 884-1813 $1650 884-7034 power, 60,000 miles, Call your ads in Earlyl heat $330 per month GROSSE POinte Woods- 1 I want your used cars. Pay. GROSSE POINTE NEWS ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S CROSSWORD mg -top dollar ior good 1989 HONDA Accord, Dark bluet grey Excellent ~ bedroom upper Ideal for cars or Junkers High loaded Honda's state- conditIOn $14,975 Wood 882-6900 CARRIAGE house, small 2 Single person. non- ment In englneenng Motonl,372-71oo smoker, no pets. $425. miles, rusty OK $50 to 1076 BEACONSFIELD bedroom In Farms (near Don't m,ss thIS buyI $5,000. Instant cash Call 606 AUTOMOTIVE Grosse POinte two bed- War MemonaJ) Pullman plus low utllmes 886- $10,995 791-3000, BILL 2131 Tom 7 days 24 hours JEEPS'4 WHHl room lower flat $485 per kitchen $500 plus utilI- LEE OLDSMOBILE 371-9128 1987 Dodge Dakota LE- month plus utilities 886- tIes MInimum 18 month GROSSE POinte 2 bed- 528E BMW, 1984, Silver, 4099 lease 884-1170 between room, freshly decorated 1985 Pontiac 6000- 4 door. 4X4, 42,000 miles, With _--:...~--____ 7.9 P m 89,000 mIles. Automatic, black Intenor, 5 speed, cap, $6,800 881-5216. New bathroom, new car. sunroof, air, new tires BEACONSFIELD 815- 2 --:..-.----- AlC, AMIFM stereo, rear bedroom lower apart- GROSSE POinte Farms- pet throughout Stove, re- 882-5764 1991 JEEP Cherokee, mgerator, d~hwasher, Iw. defroster $2,000 or best loaded, must sell, stili ment, appliances 10- Moran near Kercheval offer n2.5263 after 6 1984 Suburu GL, 4 door, 5 cluded Immaculate con- SpacIous 2 bedroom 109 room, dIOing room, under warranty Asking call 881-2991 weekdays, weekends speed, air, sunroof, $15,900 881-5312 dltlon $425 693-8999 rower $950 a month clean $1650 884-7034 ------881.9702 or 939-1266 LAKEPOINTE Near Jeffer- 1986 PONTIAC 6000 STE, 608 AUTOMOTIVE SMALL One bedroom ------son- Roomy 2 bedroom many extras, low miles, 1982 BMW 3201, complete f>ARTS, 1I1l(S: ALAIlMS $475 all utilities Included CITY of Grosse POlOte-755 great conditIon $5,350 service records One of 224-1'019 881-3829 St Clair Attractive 2 bed- upper flat, formal dining 885-1942 Europe's finest $4,495 JEEP Rangier hardtop and , room, full basement, cen- room, large kitchen WIth doors, factory $4200 after UPPER 5 room, carpeted, tral air Close to Village. applIances, clean, fresnly 1991 CHEVROLET Cap- 791-3000, BILL lEE market $2500, askmg 992 Nottingham $4501 Call after Noon 882-3182 painted, new carpeting, nee, loaded, low mileage, OLDSMOBILE $1100 884-0303 month, 571-1866 or 885-1373 ' large porch, $475 east- excellent condition Must 1988 Red Acura Integra, Side Management, 884- NEFF Rd near Jefferson, 3 DUPLEX- Colonial. Neff Rd. be seenI Low, low pnce 45,000 mIles, one owner, HONDA RIMS 4887. dunng our December DIS- power sunroof, 5 speed, Four alloy, 14" nms MUST bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, 2 at St Paul Grosse count Days Call Mike, new brakes, air condItIOn. SELL $150 car garage, central air POinte City Fireplace, 2 CARRIAGE House 2 bed- Jefferson Chevrolet, Ing Must see $7,200 or n2-8937 after 5 p.m. $9001 month Available bedroom $750 month room, appliances. $525 Crane Realty, 884-6451 plus utilities Available Grosse POinte Park 821- best offer 884-1912 6" AUTOMOTIVE pius utilities Near Bon Look for answers In next week's issue 2000 WAYBURN the Park, at- February 1st 882-7274 Secour 343-9053 eve- 1992 HONDA Accord EX, 4 TRUCKS tractive 1 bedroom apart. after 3 p m nIOgs. door, automatIC, leather, 1991 GMC pick. up, stIck ment LIVing room, dlnIOg King Crossword CD player, black! tan. Shift, great shape, low room, sun porch, stove 850 miles Save thou- pnce Call Jefferson ACROSS refrigerator, carpeting sands Only $17,670 Chevrolet, Grosse POlnte Two Bedroom Carriage House Pnvate entrance & base- 1. Kolinsky, Wood Motors 372.7100 Park 821-2000 for one ment Off street parking Immediate Occupancy 1974 VW Thing, convertI- 4. Monster 1978 SILVERADO, 1/2 ton $325 monthly plus utilities ble, removal hardtop, With 350 engine Very & 1 month deposit Avail- Contact 8. Gloomy one runs good $22001 best cleanI 526-4273 able 1-1-92 Call 55g.. Grosse Pointe News 12.Supped offer 343-9053 6627 after 7 p m 13. Platfonn 1988 FORD HIGH CUBE, 2 BoxP-120 1984 VW convertible Rabbit PARK, 2 bedroom lower, 14. Wild goat to choose from Pnced to Woltsberg Edition AMI carpeted, apphances plus 96 Kercheval 15. Expresses go Only $9,995 791- FM cassette, air, white on 1/2 basement With use of desire white Stored, excellent 3000, BILL LEE OLDS- Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 MOBILE laundry faclhtles, no pets J 7. "I care for condition, 42,000 m'le, $395 331-3758 nobody,-" $4,700 884-1285 1973 Dodge pICkup, runs THREE bedroom upper on 18. Initials good, needs work $250 1981 HONDA PRELUDE. Somerset, $600 month before a or best B84-8693 Automatic, air, stereo, 882-2667 ship'sname power steenng, brakes Fly to Hawaii 19. Least and sunroof Very clean 1979 FORD 314 ton with ATTRACnVE, well kept 2 difficult and rehable $1,650 372. club cab, automatiC, new and 3 bedrcom renlals on us, and 21. Clergyman 3968 tlres with fUlly eqUipped Completely remodeled then live with camper (removable) kitchens and baths In- 24. Sweet potato 1990 TOYOTA Corolla, $1,995 882-9047 cludes- appliances new us in paradise. 25. - de la Paix auto, air Toyota's most * carpeting. most utilities, 26. Sea bird popular model $8 495 1986 Chevy S-10 pICkup RentDlsfrom $416- private parking fireplace, 28. - blanche 791.3000, BILL LEE sunroof, steel bumpers, .a-r-nSSPOQOUI basement, garage From 32 "Desire Under OLDSMOBILE AMIFM cassette $24501 1.. 2bedroom nOOll'I- $390 886-2920 the -" offer 884-0303 oIMIIle 2 Indian 22. Reign room IMMEDIATE OC- 42 Legendary bird "Torught Show" door, automatiC, full 791-3000, BILL LEE Jl'OInlll 3. Services for 23. Large cask OLDSMOBilE CUPANCY Asking • ConvetDmtll


PHONE (517) 792 0934 December 19, 1991 8e Grosse Pointe News

S 'L~:t5o:J{'s L I~ •• r=:::::h~':1 ~r. ~R...{E'£Tl

V;£'iJI/)lftJ '(~~.fJ(JIt/tflJ ., JACKIE'S ~ PET & PAL SERVICES f"~ What better time to thank. Animal Sitting • House Sitting :..,;-~.1111 all our friends and ~ .- Airport Shuttle • Personal Errands Ilia -.r.: customers for their valued By Appointment Only .~ business during the past IZ year! Happy holIdays' TO ALL A GOOD HOLIDAY SEASON Kevm & Matt C\ PRESS LAW!' Along with our SER\ ICE Sincere Gratitude 527-2440

- Special Holiday Greetings

to all my fine custl1l1ters! My best toyou.

JERRY'S CLUB PARTY STORE 383 Kercheval • 884-7155

o ~;//~/"//Z~~ ~,";O/l ~ v"C/?L- /a" HO I aY HappY ~~(Jlin?.J

From Michael Haggerty Keep Old Man Winter outdoors DIRECT PLUMBING & DRAIN Happy Holidays this season! from call KEATING HEATING Margaret & Ronald Breitenbecher 331.3520 521-0726 of Grosse Pointe Reliques 15133 Kercheval (at rear) Antiques & Fine Used Furniture Grosse Pointe Park

'-\,. f~~ HOUDAY GREETINGS ~--I: 1 From Our OF THE SEASON to all from my valued 1~'I Home To Yours HADLEY ~ , ,,>' Good health, Wishes All Of Our & HOME /:--<,i 1 happiness j.£\~ y 'I and harmony in Valued Customers A IMPROVEMENT ..:~.>_'-..~ the New Year! Joyous Holiday 886-0520,..,:l-ff,' BOB'S DRUGS _8lJ4-0721 ..' 881-2420 _f-~~

r [ _

EURO I MAIDS I 365.1095

4-30-92 December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 9C

------=------_ ...~ GREETINGS ( Rose~alle on~ 1I" NORTH I r the Staff at WE'RE DEUVERING OUR WISHES r ROSEWOOD f SHORE ~ J of GROSSE POINTE ; FOR A VERY MERRY HOUDAY (, are sending you -I .. ".... ~~, ~ /' SEASON S G~E!:TINGS " TAMAROFF ~ "':. (d.:" APTS. and BEST WISHES ( "y-oT .~. "7; "to .. I. <' • / FOR THE j{ AcunA 4 I\- j- 'JAt // 1 NEW YEAR ,-1\/' ,~/ / JEFFERSON - N. OF 9 MILE ,,~ '\/ ]; ~...J', • Gratiot S. of 10 Mile / .~_... ..lI ~~ ' ':.;k..' .'~ 1/ ' "'"~.~ l6' ~ 1/1.. "Y ~-A~~ -/ 771-3124 778-8800 - r -- 1\-; ~r .~' "kWk ~->:: __~. ~I 't'r~ OPEN 9-5 DAILY SAT. 10-3 '" V .V~>T .~ ~J"'~:" 19565 Mock Ave. 884-6072

We would like to extend Peace On Earth our best wishes to aU our Good Will To All wonderful customers over the years, Have A Joyous Hol iday Season NUrrO r~~~~ APPLIANCE I ;i: ':kdZ'-~ ; ROSH SILLARS r "' GEORGE ..r ~'"'r~ PHOTOGRAPHER

J 445-0776 ~~ 824-2614 ~

l'£J · C£/ t -6 ,JJ/rJJtr!,7Cr,(;,lrlf!j, -lit JeoJl'/l J t/'{J(!!t/ty.J Merry Christmas from EMIL,TONY" BILL

LLOYD DAVID ANTIQUES THE PLUMBERS 15302 Kercheval ~g&~.45~" 882.0029

demod 5 cJteding5 From Something Special SEASON'S GREETINGS ..~ M & M DISTRIBUTING COMPANY On the Hill A special Thanks for Cleaning Materials & Equipment 85 Kercheval yourPafronagel Have a Joyful Holiday and a 884.0520 16734 E. Warren Ave 884.4422 Prosperous New Year. FROM RON VERCRUYSSE Florence McNally Detroit, Mi 48224 and CREW

<». Just Inthe nick ~:) ~ MALA CLARISSA SENIOR ADULT CARE oftime... _ _ APl'UCA110NSARE BEING ACCEPTED -~*-- ' FOR SENIOR ADULTS LOOKING FOR A GOOD HOME ,~<;'1,t~ r • UCENSE BY1lIE STATE OF MICHIGAN (PRIVA.TE PA.n OFFERING Standard • PelSOnal 81lentlon and quallly care • Comfort and Secunly ,n a caring enVlfonment federal • LlRen and personal laundry selVlce r -<0;';;",," \'~~~~ • Planned recreatIonal programs ~.'_1f~- ----~1v' ..~d~ ~~4:' • Doclor available 3lo needed \ ,,'I "- _ '-./ • SemI pnvale rooms decoraled as you wish • Balance meals and sp'cc,aJ menlL~ ({Wishing Our :rrientfs • TransportalJOn available for perwnal need~ To wish you a Merry Christmas .. EJcpmrna-d "lUff Adrmmwattc:Ml and a Joyous New Year cf rntdIClo[lOO WI tb :J:'I."W ~na- Yl :HapP!!j{ofida!l From everyone at 371-2642 . Pr, .. lel y 0W1l«l & op

Nothing MARCO PAINrERS INC. Like A Thank You For letting Us Make Your Home Life A Little More Colorful. ~,v _ For the "I!~ Holidays! Beautifying the Pointes ~ Have A Holly, Jolly for 16 Yrs. \ cf~C)S'~ Christmas HAPPY The friends and neighbors we serve have made each of our STIEBER REALTY CO. HOLIDAYS workdays a pleasure Happy holuJays 10 yOtl Qndyours. 21513 Harper 881.3970 ~,~-:~:l~ ZW! ~1\1((. -.f. : ,t '~i ;:: St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 882.9234 775-4900

M:ERRY C UISTMAS 434,(){)() Americans die from smoking Sincerest ..~.:~~ ~ 1/11" ./ ~-Q.J~'~~_1:::-.~, t? --- '....\ '\,.~,,~ related causes: lung cancer, emphysema fI pPY NEW YCAQ thanks ( ~ > • '-.. _...... "". _~H_y~ ~ and others ... help us find a way to break I .... -_ \, for your r.: thiS deadly cycle. )g--~atl patro- ~ May YOu Experience o(,,'/Iorl hlllr 11II1~ nage thiS ~ The Joys Of Christmas i ,,(II /{IlIOn • 1m -ffI past year (,/\ I IIr ,"na, \'('al, looking forward to serving you r.... With Those lou Love. 'I' ( I!I ~ In 1992 ~ Many Tha1Jks We c~re aooul every hfC~lh you lake &IIYAe.'Rla ~ , \', J \ \(. \,,"O( f\llll'\ HAPPY HOLIDAYS! L From ,I ' I 111 \" I \ 11 { III ( • \ '\ r SUTTON CONSTRUCTION \ 93 Kercheval '. R & J ROOFING 18860 W Ten Mile Rood. Soulhlle1d. Mlchlg~n 48075 884-3204 '- 884.2942 • 882.2436 4 773-0125 881.7202 (313) 5J9.5100


1/\, C. WAlA" TO ... ~OC December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 700 APB HATS DUPLEX 701 APrs f1A fS DUPLU 701 APTI HATS DUPLEX 702 APTS 'HATS DUPLEX 705 HOUSES FOR RENT 706 tfOUSES fOR RENT 714 LtVIIlG QUARTERS 716 OffICES, COMME~CIAL POlnlc~ tfa'pe, Wood~ D.tro,t Wayn,' COU"'y Dt tra.t Wayw Coun1'j S C S Macomb Count, POIn'e~ Harpel Wood> D.trolt Wayne County TO SHARE FOR RENT GROSSE Grosse- Neff near HARPER! Cadieux area NORTHEAST Detl'Ott- Hav. LAKE LIVING Grosse FOR LEASE" CADIEUX. Chandler Park- BROTHER and sister seek- OFFICE space avallabe. Mack Cozy 2 bedroom large, clean, qUI&! 1 bed- emlll upper Bedroom. IIv- POIntel St Clair Shores YORKSHIRE- $1,400 three bedroom, 1 1/2 upper, lormal dining Ing responSible room- South Clark Street near room apartment Appll- Ing room, kitchen wrth Apartments avaIlable at 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath baths, finished basement, mate $280 plus securrty River front Unique histor- room, updated krtchen ances $375 Includes stove and refrigerator and The Shore Club Jeffer. BALFOUR. $1,900 appliances, garage 422. Free utlhltes NON Ical office bUIlding Suites with appliances, separate heat 882-8398 112 garage All utilitIeS In- son & 9 Mile On lake 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath 3354 utllllles, 2 car garage SMOKER! 779-0926, of vanous SIZes available $625 Eastside Manage- HARPER! Whlttlerl Cad. ~~ty ~~th plus :00Cl~~r 1Ra~~~ 3H~~~~~- ti:h HAYES' 7 Mile Small, Sam Total available space, 6,000 sq ft 2 executive ment,8844887 leux, 1 bedroom apart- bath to 3 bedrooms, 2 11 NEFF. $700 home, appliances $325 a SINGLE mom With one ment, refrigerator, stove, ONE bedroom apartment. 2 baths at $1,260 Call 2 bedroom, 1 bath month plus secUrity offices, mahogany pa. FOR LEASE Beautiful Ex. n2- chIld seeking Single fe- carpet $345, Includes appliances, heat In. n5-3280 HIGBIE MAXON 886-3400 3091 after 4 30 nelled, 1 With natural fire- ecutlve home 4 bed- male or Single mom WIth heat 885-8371 cluded Morang! Kelly ------NEAR Morass & Kelly place For more Informa. room, 3 baths 350 one child to share 4 bed- KELLYI 7 Mile Large qUiet laundry prJYl!eges $365 LARGE two bedroom apart. GP City Washington 3 bed. Three bedroom house, tlon call EastSIde square leet of IIvmg room home In 7 Mllel Management, 884-4887 space Professionally 1 bedroom, appliances, 882-4132 ment, excellent location, room Single horne NICe newly decorated 822. Beaconsfield area $280 air conditIOner $375 plus .. 941 Morang area, large 1 heat Included n4-2123 yard, appliances A 1, 2605 decorated 3 houses plus half utilities 521- 20390 HARPER Harper A 886 bed rt t $850 616-983-6672 from the lake and farms utilities ndary. • room spa men. new NINE MIIeJ Harper area, 3 PRESTIGIOUS Harbor Is. 6062, after 6 Woods Small, Ideal for park $3,200 per month 5670 carpet, $290 Securrty bedrooms above store GROSSE Pomte Shores land. Charming 2 bed. FEMALE Housemate Manufacturers Rep 6 month to 1 year Cen- ONE bedroom apartment Includes laundry facllitl9S $500 InclUdes heat & wa. ranch 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 room ranch With 30' of wanted Master sUite $1251 month 884-7575 tury 21 East 881.7100 9520 Whlttl9f', heat utllltl8S 294-4139 ter baths $1,800 per month boat dockage, (powerl and & n3-9171 available In large Grosse GROSSE POINTE WOODS NOTTINGHAM/ Jefferson. water Included Carpeted MORANG- Super clea" 1 ST. Clair Shores 22545 884-2694 sail) PanoramiC View ot POinte Woods home near Mack N of Vemler 1,500 2 bedroom, remodeled Ideal for mature aduhs bedroom apartment Ap- Twelve Mile Road Spa- HAMPTONI Vermerl Marter the Detroit RIVer. 1 1/2 the Lake $325 month sq ft offICe or retail Ask Very cleanl Appliances Immediate occupancy pllances, carpeting, CIOUSone bedroom, vert,. area. SpaCIOUS 2 bed. months secunty, refer- plus utilities 881.5013 for les, 884-3554 Secunty deposit, credit drapes, air condrtlOnlng car blinds, carpeted, car- room ranch, dining room, ences $700 Call after 6- Included 882.7065 GROSSE Pomte Park mal9 OFFICE Space $175 and check and references Includes heat and water port, heated $495 296- large kitchen With app!l- 954-3564 seeks Non- smoker to up 15324 Mack Avenue tfARPER Woods A plush 4 $320 per month 881- $375 per month Immedl- 1912 ances, sun porch, 1 1/2 ------share spaCIOUSupper flat. (Nottmgham BUlldmg) room upper flat Ideal for 8974 ate occupancy 881-7240 ------car garage, natural fire- 707 HOUSES FO~ ~ENT : a single, professIOnal or S C S. Macomb County $325/ month Includes all BeautIfully decorated, CLEAN well k t 2 bed place, very clean, great couple Non. smoker, no MORANG. 1 bedroom , ap, - area, $850 a month ST. Clair Shores- small 2 utilities 822-8638 parkmg available 824- • pets Included Heat, wa- apartment, stove, refnger- room lower ftat $425 GROSSE POinte Woods EastSIde Management, bedroom, stove & refrlg • MALE or Female, profes- 7900 , ter, washer, dryer, stove, ator & heat Included Ca. Also 1 bedroom upper, classiC 3 bedroom CoIo- 884-4887 erator $400 month 673- sional, non- smoker, to ble avaIlable 5335 $350 Heat! water In' 20647 MACK refrigerator, garage, monthly 331-1610 cluded Near 1.94/ Moo mal, 1 1/2 bath, natural GP Park, Lakepolnte 3 bed. _1_056 _ share large Grosse RETAIl/OFFICE SPACE space lawn mamte- Pomte home, S&- ross 656-2693 fireplace, formal dining room 2 story Single home FARM House, block from Bon Prime location between 7 nance $5001 month 726- NEAR Grosse POinte, newly ------room, family room, all With yard, appliances and lake large fenced yard, cours area $450 and and 8 mile Modem build- 8703 $500, 541-<1971 ! decorated 5 room lower, WHITTIERI Beaconsfield appliances 'ncluded, 2 1/ off street parking Nice 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, ga- Ing 1400 square feet at PfACONSFlELD- 2 bed- reflnlshea hardwood One bedroom apartment, 2 car garage Perleet for $640 61&98~72 rage, all appliances 1 NEED A ROOMMATE? $8 00 double net lease , room apartment, upper, floors, appliances $365 heat, water, carpeted. young executive $1,000 ------year lease $800 month All ages, tastes, occupa- Central SIr, front and rear ~ hardwood floors, heat. 884-7691 appliances $325 526- per month plus secunty Immediate occupancy tIOnS. backgrounds & life- parlong Ideal for retatl, of- : appliances laundry, ga- WHlmER - 9550, one bed- _3864______depoSit 886-6400 886-0426 styles Seen on "Kelly & fice, Insurance. manufac- turer's rap attorney VA. ,• rage 824-3849 room. front. middle level MOROSS close to Mack. 2 BEAUTIFUL 1/2 acre on ST. John area two bed. --CLA--I-R-S-H-O-R-ES---II Co" TV-7 HOME-MATE SPECIAUSTS CANT 884-0600 'PACIOUS and well main- Near 1.94 New krtchen, lake St ClaIr, 3 bed. rooms, stove, refngerator, ST. , sma aIr conditIOning and pn. bedroom Duplex $450 room, 3 car garage, boat $325/ month 331.2430 2 bedroom With lake Johnstone. Johnstone ~ talned 3 bedroom upper month plus utilities 1m- View, fireplace, basement, 644-6845 KENNEDY BUILDING ! which contatns a lIVing vate parking Very clean mediate occupancy 886- hOist, 90' frontage 882- UNIQUE 2 BEDROOM garage $650 rent WIth 35 Year old busy profes- Affordable office sUites , room With fireplace Unit ~24:ee heat. Phone 8598. 9~ Available Immedl' house on canal, alarm optIOn to bUy 777.7007 slOOal seeks one or two large area/Single suites • IS south of Jefferson on "neat and clean" female ------ate system, fenced yard, CANAL HOME- 10 Mill 18121 East 8 Mile Road : NoUmgham Available THREE MIle Or.1 Mack, 1 KELLY I 7 Mile, 3 bedroom GROSSE Pomte Woods, driveway, all appliances e roommates for 3 bed. opposite Eastland Mall January 1st $600 month bedroom, $335 Includes Bungalows, remodeled one bedroom home. ga. $4001 month plus Utilities, Jefferson 2 bedroom, room Townhouse In , plus securrty 824-6564 heat Available now 885- $5001 month. secuflty rage Very contemporary plus references 822. fully furnished, 4 to 6 Grosse POinte Woods 776-5440 0031 deposit required 884- $590 886-5187 6408 month lease With dls- '~T Paul at Waybum. 2 bed- $235 plus utilities 884- GROSSE POINTE WOODS 8554 ------count- $750 plus securrty room townhouse, dmlng EASTPOINTE Condo- 4535 COUNTRY Club, 3 bed- HARPER! Whittier area, 3 n9-8362 2435 1600 sq ft. Mack bet 7 & 8. Excellent Parking room, krtchen wrth appIl- cadIeUx, One bedroom room bungalow, natural bedroom, formal dining -G-LE-N-B-ROO--K/--H--'-14 SEEKING one professional : ances, carpeted through. upper, heat $395 month fireplace Grosse POInte room, garage, fenced arper male to share East side Beautiful Building lout, off street parking, 885-0325. ST. Clair Shores & Rose- SChools $750 per month yard $4501 month 885- Mile darleda- tCohmPlhetelty reSidence. Laundry & Office or Retail 886-22n. $450 EastSide Manage- COURVILLE 4634- 2 bed- VIlle 1 bedroom apart- Wilcox ~______OOA ".",,,.. 2842 newremo kitchen,e e carpeting,roug au 4, krtchen pnYlleges $275. ment, 884-4887 FOR LEASE room lower, recently re- ments Heated. carports 8 MILEI 94, 2 bedroom MOROSSI Chandler Park bedroom bnck ranch, 1 11 a month. utlhl8S Included 21127 MACK-G.P.WooDS HALF Duplex- 3 bedrooms. modeled. $425. month $400 and up. Secunty ranch home, 1 ear at. Dnve- cozy one bedroom 2 baths. 2 ear garage Call 371-8369 1,200 sq. ft. 1 1/2 baths, stove, refng- plus utilities and securrty deposit $200 n2-0s31 tached garage. double bungalow, $350 month With eleetnclty, $800 a ROOM to rent near East- 886-1727. erator, carpetlllg, $4001 n2.1396 ST. Clair Shores- lovely, all car dnveway, central air, Available January 1st month Eastside Manage- land. $2501 month n6- month 884-0303 ONE bedroom apartments, new, 1 large bedroom natural fireplace, neat 885-3681 ment,884-4887 4094 BUILDtNG for lease- 20451 hardWood floors, Alter upper Heat Included Unfumlshed $700, fur- GRATIOT' 7 Mile- 2 bed- Mack, Grosse POinte 701 APB flATS DUPLEX 716 OFFICES 'COMMERCIAL Road! Jefferson towards Ideal for professional nrshed Avwlable room, alarm system, 2 709 TOWNtfOUSES CONDOS Woods 47 x 18,6 $7501 D.tro,t Wayne County $800. FOR RENT the nver. $325- $3401 working single or couple January 1, 1992 Eve- car garage $350. month, FOR RENT month Red Carpet Keim 'MACK. Outer Dnve area month inclUding heat. $475 C811 laVon's n3- OIn9s 884-9085, days 1 1/2 months securrty RIVIERA Terrace, 2 bed- THE MARK I BLDG. Shorewood Real Estate ~ SpaCIOUS 1 or 2 bedroom 886-8710 822-2300. 2035. 885-6966 527-6725 room, 2 baths, upper 23230 MACK AVE '1 upper $325 a month In. ------I I N>t'f'\nrl n3-1838 ST. CLAIR SHORES ~ cludlng heat 884-8554 BEDFORD I lower fI t HARPER WOODS- THREE bedroom bungalow, eve, -t""" Offi rt labl COLONIAL NORTH 2 bedroomsarg8, heat, ~ G P t School 4 LAKESHORE II '-_..0 Ice su es aval e ..... ~ ST. CLAIR SHORES rossa oln e s- excellent condrtlon, 1 112 VI age ~ """" Upper Level ST CLAIR SHORES .,ALTERI Grosse Pomte erator, stove Included bedrooms. 1 bath. new car gafage $475 plus room townhouse, club- Vanable SIZes First floor, 500-1,050 sq ft Park area SpaCIOUS 2 $475 month plus securrty. 8 112 Mile & Mack area, central arr, fumace, 2 1/2 utilities, 1 1/2 months sa- ~ housel pool. n1:7587, u" Modem-Affordable offices WIth 5 rooms piUS ) ~r~rn 2 units 1"f1at, AI, 886-8096. ~ to aIt sI1oppInQ. On car garage, $650 cunty. MInimum 1 year 296-5414 InqUire on other tocatIons reception area and wet I ~ijable. Carpeted, 'I:ledtObri'1 bus line 9M bed- lease' Ideal for Aedr~m lakeShore 7Tt-s691 -- ~3086 'Oar Complete with car- basement, 2 car garage OM!: (etnilrrrers- Cle1ln•• DETROfT. No pets" rwO' room units. New appIl- North of Balduek, East of young working couple or _ V'dl ...... __ ..0_, $650 881. l'WHli> .. : i 9'" peting, blinds and air con- $4QO yQ8ch EastSide Jefferson) One bedroom ances and ,." ...... ng. ro..... Chandle P rk 2 bed- ~ ..... "'" GRO~c t"olOte Farms l!W r11 .....,...... """'I" r a - retirees Available Imme- 3712 dilloomg. Reasonable \ Management Co 884- (Grahot-Clty AIrport area) Ing fans, plenty of off room, 1 bath, all new d t I 5"'" '9288 L bUilding, has space for 1 rate, Includes all Utllrtles, r 4887 $190 to $225. House- street parkIng, cable TV $375 894-6911 ,DAYS, ~~. e "".,.. . eave SPACIOUS Ranch Type attomey John C carlisle. taxes, 5 day janitor ser. 'TWO bedroom upper Cour. keeping room (E, Grand available Rent Includes 884-2279. after 6'30 g Condo 2 bedrooms, 18430 Mack Avenue. V1C8S and off street park. VlIIe/ Harper. $375/ month BIvdI CharlevoiX) SenIOf heat and excellent mwn------CADIEUX! Chandler Park plenty of closet space, 884-6no mg. Harper near 11 112 plus securrty deposrt, as> citIZens preferred $170 tenance selV1C9 A nICe 1443 Hampton 3 bedroom, area Bnck bungalow 3 large lIVIng room, new ON THE HILL. 14' x 14' of- Mile Road and 2 m8jOr X. pllances. Garage. No 884-3559 quiet place to call home. 1 bath bungalow Fire- bedroom, Ronda room, carpet. fresh paint. cen. fiee- elevator In building- ways Bnng your phone, pets Ideal for working WARRENI CadieuX area, Open Monday thru Fnday place. basement & ga. finished basement. newly tral aIr, garage Use of $245/ month plus electnc fumlture and move In person(s) Immediate oc- very clean two bedroom 9 to 5 pm. Saturday 10 rage $800 per month decorated $500 pillS sa- lakesIde park WIth pool, & prorated heat or $2801 Immediately 778-0120- cupancy 881.2223 duplex In qUIet netghbor- to 3, or by appointment 881-8321 cunty 521-4155. dock. picnIC area. fishing. month Includes all utilI- 881-6436 hood Freshly painted, HARPER Woods. Grosse TWO bedroom brick bunga- Very reasonably pnced at ties. Avatlable Immedl. DEVONSHIREI Warren. carpeting, mini blinds. No $450 POlOte schools- Holly. low, refngerator, stove $550 per month Call ately 710 ROOMS FOR RENT Newly decorated. beautl' pets. 331-4503 wood Ranch WIth 4 bed. Cadieux! Mack area 549- 573-0823 or 544-7358 ful 5 upper, applI- room ROOM with house pnvi- ances references, secu- m-7840 rooms, new kitchen, bath, 5963 LAKESHORE Village CHAMPION & BAER,INC. 7' MACK area, cozy, clean, all appliances, SIr, carpet ------884-5700 leges $250 month plus rrty monthly 881. upper $330 plus secu- Immedltate occupancy HALF duplex, 19724 Me- Condo 2 bedrooms. new _ $340 deposrt. Ask for Craig 6568 rrty No pats 886-1n6. CHAPOTON $700 month 882-8015 ross Garage, fenced carpeting, all appliances. EXECUTIVE 884-9035. CADIEUX! Mack large 1 DETROIT Northeast side, 1 APARTMENTS ------yard $475 plus utllltl9S Immediate occupancy OFFICE SPACE HAWTHORNE- Newly dee- Call 929-1939. $625 per month. 884- GROSSE Pomte area. bedroom apartment bedroom, applIances, ear- orated 3 bedroom, 2 112 2331. 'Immediate Occupancy' Small room WIth cable, patlng, air From APARTMENTS- 1, 2, 3 bath RANCH. Immediate THREE bedroom bungalow. Full SecretanallAnswering Stove, refngerator, heat $330. kitchen, phone pnvileges $365 739-5181 plus securrty n1~99 bedroom Excellent Ioca- occupancy $1.200 8 Mllel SChoenherr. Nice MORANG near Kelly. 1 SerVIces $50 week 886-2154 KELLY' Morang 1 bed- KENSINGTON- lovely 5 tlon 778-6313 month 884-0600. John- house, nice area $500 bedroom, liVing room, Convenrentlocat,on room upper WIth sun- NewlY DECORATED stone & Johnstone month plus securrty 372- kitchenette, new carpet. FurOishedlUnfurnished SEVEN Mile- Rlad 2 rooms room, $285 month plus and bath, Ideal for n0ns- securrty After 4'30 pm porch, ,."' ...... ng. appIl- 1, 2 • 3 bedroom ------8823 stove, refrigerator In- ParklnglUtllitleslJanrtonal ...... HARPER Woods- small 4 ------cluded $360 per month 884-7734 moking gentleman $250 n2-3091 ances & garage $425 Apartments. rooms. fenced yard, per- MORANG! Kelly area 1 1/2 Includes heat and water _ Carr laVon's n3-2035. month, heat mcluded Starting at $395. Includes feet for Single or couple story, 3 bedroom, base- 882-0122. OFFICES, OFFICES, WEST Village- HIStone DIS- YUPPIESf NICe house In 882-7510. heat, water, appliances Immediate occupancy mmonentth'gandarage11$4/295mon' 1 st CONDO on The lake- St OFFICES tnet (Indian Village area) the Farms, WIth full prM' First floor flat. Fabulot.ls 2 and carpeI1ng $485. plus utllrtlElS 779- t h THREE room apartment, L'Anse Creuse 5859 or 22&-1333 deposrt 731-0347. Clair Shores 6 month KERCHEVAlNILLAGE: leges Reasonable, 965- bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, IIv. Schools $390, water & heat In- 16 Mlle/l.94 area. ------. ------lease $1,100 a month Small suite, upper, comer 4040 Ask for lon Ing room wrth fireplace, cluded. refrlgeratorl 791.2800 THREE bedroom bnck bun- KELLYI Morang. 2 bed- n1-6631 or 294-9733 Notre Dame study, formal dining WINDMI1.L POinte Area stove CadI8UX near Ker- Pet. W e I com e • galow With ftreplace room, decorated. car- LAKESHORE Village, two room, modern kitchen Employed, non- smoker cheval 882.1578 ONE bedroom. 7 unit build- Grosse POInte SChools peted, fenced, $365, sa- bedroom condo, alf, WIth new appliances, oak KERCHEVAUHILl Laundry, kitchen, phone TWO rooms. refngerator. Ing 1-696 servICe dove 21224 Hunt Club $750 currty 882-4132 newly decorated New floors Alarm system 2nd fIoor-rear two prtvate of. line 824-6876 conditIOn Off. stove, heated 884-3566 Appliances, blInds, vertl- 294-plUs securrty779-6200. TWO bedroom, garage krtchen WIth all appIl- ficas roomy c1encaJ space ------Spotless 2263 711 VACATION RENTAL • street parking per cles. mlrcowave, heat Morangl 7 Mile $480 ances, washer, dryer, $650 DEVONSHIRE! McKInney h S 286 I THREE Single rooms 'lORIDA month 331-8580 area 3 bedroom newly and water Included $430 TWO bedroom bock ranch mont ecunty . clubhouse and pool. m- remodeled, appliances month $400 secunty WIth fireplace and at- 6324 for appoIntment mediate occupa7Y KEY LARGO. Buttonwood VERNIER NEAR 1-94 NEAR Grosse POInte (Gray- Included. full basement, 469-1075 tached garage Grosse BRICK Ranch near Kelly $650 per month 45- Bay condo, 2 bedroom Three room unrt; SIX room ton) 1 bedroom apart. wall to wall carpeting, ga. ST. Clair Shores large up- POinte SChools 21127 and State Fair' Reter. 2406, m-8031 townhouse, well fur- suite, good parking, 5 day nished, manna, 3 pools, , ment New stove $325 rage, fenced bacI< yard per ftat Available January Lancaster $750 plus sa- ences, credit report, and NEAR The Village- 3 bed- janrtor clubhouse, saunas, 5 ten- plus 1 1/2 month securrty Very clean $300 plus 1 $350 a month plus 1 currty. Available February securrty deposrt req UlredI room. 1 1/2 bath town- nis courts Weekly, 8825735 deposrt 683-4738 month securrty 294-3589 1 779-6200 or 294-2263 $475 a month I 839-3839 house SpacIOUS $8951 FISHER MEWS monthly and seasonal 702 APTS flATS DUPl£X 702 APTS FLATI DUPLEX 701 APf5 FLATS DUPlEx 702 APTS FLATS DUPLEX 701 APTS FLATS DUPLEX month Century 21 AVId, 2 rooms, 2nd floor datly J8I1I- DICk King (305)661.n43 S (S Macomb County S C S Macomb County S C S Macomb County S. C S Macomb County S C S Macomb County Inc 778-8100 tor 5e1V1C9 OCEAN Conde- lauder- ONE bedroom condo 1.941ALLARD dale, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Newly decorated Car- 2350 sq ft full kitchen, 2 balcony January, last 2 port, heat Included St BLAKE APARTMENTS SENIORS ONLY! Iavs, 2 pnvate offices, weeks February 886- Clair Shores 9 Mile area CONSIDERING A MOVE TO ENHANCE large open area, ample 1720. • Well Maintained $5351 monthly Available AND SIMPUFY YOUR parking • Newly Decorated Immediately 885-3260 ANNA Mana Island 2 bed- UFE?? room, 2 bath condo fish- • Secure Building CKl" GRANT MANOR AND 713 INDUSTRIAL VIRGINIA S JEFFRIES Ing/ boat dock Sarasota ~~~ /., GRANDMONT GARDENS Reaher 882~ • Close to Shopping, WAREtfOUSE RENTAL Bay, tennIS, pool. spa SENIOR CITIZEN 200 feet to Coquma Churches and Transportation APARTMENTS offer an afford INDUSTRIAL bUilding. CPA firm In St Cl8lr Shores lilQf 10,000 sq ft plus 2,000 has wmdowed, 200 Beach $675 week 463- able, mamlenance free. mdepend offlce, 3 overhead doors 9892 • 1 Month Free Rent With 1 enl lifestyle far senIors age S5 and square foot office for rent, Year Lease over who WISh to retatn thell' pnva- & truck well, heavy IIbraryl conference room SANIBEL on Gult 2 bed- power, manufaetunng or and office staff available rooms, newty decofated, • Senior Citizen Discount cy yel live among lheIT peen. For those who WIsh to get Involved. storage space Will dI- Utllltl8S Included n4- all amenltteS 794-5644 vide East SIde First 5552 there are planned SOCIal aClIvtlles STUART FIonda, $500,000 months free rent 923- $450 - $550 and plenlY of available space for gardening OFFICE space Grosse Intercostal home 4 bed- 8988 SHORES GARDENS No one ever s8ld movl1lg ar reloc81tng was easy, bUl tl POInte Woods, from $285 rooms, 3 baths Only 4 POINTE GARDENS per month Includes u1l11- can sun feel hke home If you choose the nght place!! 714 LIVING aUUHltS years old Bea utlfu Ily cIec. 7 MILE/EXPRESS WAY MACK/O'CONNER bes Use of krtchen and orated DocI< WIth 12,000 STOP BY AND VISIT OUR MODELS 10 TO StfARE conference room 759- Ib boat 11ft & boat MIn- HARPER WOODS ST. CLAIR SHORES SEE WHAT YOU'RE MISSING'! MALE roommate needed to 4000 utes to St luc18 Inlet GRANT MANOR.ar GRANDMONTGABDENS share 2,000 sq " upper- ST. CLAIR TERRACE KELLY GARDENS 51:1'110.crrlZlH Al'''ITMlIITS SlNI~ cmlDi Al'AITMDm ExclUSIVe gated commun- 450 Neff- garage and seCOND floor offlces, 150- Ity, 100 feet of prIVate 10 MILE/JEFFERSON 9 MILE/KELLY ~«U1_ t ""'1111t "-", 1!l'*V""..:'" ~ "''''11 17100 N'ft Iottlt Rd. F DelroII. Ml 161SI G!wlrTmI Cl • ROIeV\tlt.!Il1 laundry Immediate No 400 sq ft Includes heat, ocean beach WIth gaz. ST. Cl.AlR SHORES ROSEVILLE pets, professIOnal, non. air condltlOl1lng & JSnltorsl (313)771.3374 (313)7"-7171 ebo $900 week, mini' smoker $500 plus 1/2 seMC8S Located on the mum of 12 weeks Days AptIttmenrs from $390 ()(J per monttll 824-9060 utilitIeS 343-7330, days HIli above NBD bank 407-334-6451, evenings 671~13 after 6 881-&W2 407.225-3421

_ .. __ .. _6 , .-..-. _ -~------_ ...... -. -- - - J December 19, 1991 11C Grosse Pointe News

721 VACATION RENTll.l 713 VACATION RENrAL FlORIDA !O 1 CONOOS APTS FlA f5 808 lAKE RIVER HOMIS NORTHERN MICHIGAN 800 HOUSES FOR SALE !OO HOUSES FOR SALE !OO HOUSES fOR SALE !OO HOUS£S FOR SALE HUTCHINSON Island, HARBOR Spnngs, HIDEA. HAMBURG! 7 Mile 2 bed. SMALL, cozy house near ST. Clair Shores first offer- HARPER WOODS GROSSE POINTE WOODS ST. CLAIR ocean front condo, south- WAY VALLEY condo room Fair condillon Grosse POinte $10,000 Ing Immaculate, 4 bed. 19919 Country Club The Berkshlf8s- 2 bedroom, SHORES east corner, 3 bedrooms, Close to Nubs Nob and Handyman speCial CASH ONLYII 886-9226 room, home With dining EnJOYthIS clean 3 bedroom 2 bath condo, first floor PRESTIGIOUS AREA 2 baths, exira large rap Boyne Highlands Last $5,000 cash 886-6102 HARPER Woods 3 bed. room, family room With brick bungalow With umt, 1250 sq ft Newly NICe View of Lake Bnck around balcony, pool, minute cancellation Grosse POinte schools remodeled kitchen with all HOLIDA y room brick bungalow natural fireplace central home on h'9h lot 2 bed- lennls courts, lully fur- makes us available Kitchen combo, natural air, electnc air cleaner Finished basement with new appliances Including room, natural fir~. nished, 45 mlnules from Chnstmas and New Year fireplace Clean Agent Extensive renovations 1/2 balh and shower IrI- washer & dryer Natural Deadline Change!! basement, garage, aIr Palm Beach Monlh, sea. Reasonable 535-6105 ground spnnklers Large fireplace, new carpelJr>g, CLASSIFIED ADV. 792-8000 Kathy or Mike $99,900 Ask lor Georgia conditIOning $79,900. By son or 6 monlhs rental ..... I Pappas 886-4200 2 car garage $86,900 fixtures paint For BOYNE! PETOSKEY, dI- F DEC 2 & ------Cold. & sale owner m-7oo7. appoInf. or . VIII SIMPLE ASSUMPTION well banker Schweitzer Immediate occurancy rectly on Little Traverse 88Y8 20521 Country Club or lease n6-4120 days. JAN. 2nd 188Y8 ment 313-622-8917 Bay, new sunroom, three The deadline for these two DETROIT} GaritSle Real Estate Large 4 bedroom bnck bUrl- 886-5509 evenings Open 3 bedroom bnck ranch, ------galow, Grosse POinte Sunday 1. 5 pm 1750 LUXURY, Contemporary 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ISSues will be NOON, Immaculate, new carpet- S1. Clair Shores, 23207 LOOKIU schools, finished Vernter Rd 19 bedroom condo, Orlando, sleeps 11 885-9325 MONDAY, December lng, Window treatments, Norcrest Beaullful ranch base- Apt minutes from Disney ment, 2 car garage Of. GOLF course conclo, St HARBOR Spnngs 3 bed- 23rd, & NOON, MON- central air, natural fire- home Air, new kitchen! For AddltionaJ World Two full baths with REAL ESTATE L...... room. 2 1/2 bath condo DAY, December 30th'" place, finished basement, carpel! lawn 3 bedroom, fered at $82.900 Clau Shores Country JaCUZZIS, color tv's wIth Beautifully equipped Please call 882-6900 to gaTage Ask for Audrey 1 1/2 bath, gas gnlV fire- 18671 Huntington Club FIRST OFFERING' In The B8cIc VCR's FUlly eqUipped lll Ideal for grOWing family Well pnced $89,900 Call Available Christmas pia< e your ad Coldwell Banker placel lamp QUiet neigh- Of This section .... kitchen, dining room, hv. Large 3 bedroom bnck AI Block soon Re-Max week 626-7538 ST Clair Shores by OwnElf'- 886-4200. borhood MUSI see On The Real Estate Ing room, 4 swimming Older 2 bedroom, 2 car ------Priced to sell, $107,500 ranch, 1 112bath f'nlshed East- 792-8000 pools, mcludlng 1 Indoor SCHUSS Mountain Shanty garage POSSible dlvlda- ATIORNEY Call for appointment n2- basement, 2 car attached Resource Beautiful View, $1,000 Creek chalet In The bIe lot $67,000 294- Will handle your Real Estate 0457 on pari< like lot $105,900 RIVERIA Terrace Condo Feburary 14- 21 881- Woods Sleeps 10 Cross Closing for $200 Also ------Call Century 21 AAA, Prime unit, mid. level 2303 COUl'ltry& downhill skIIng 4127 Wills. trusts. probate, and FIRST OFFERING!! 771-m1 Move- In condillon For ~ESORT Days 357.2618, evenings Grosse Pointe Shores incorporatIOns Thomas P Charming bungalow In the more details call Nancy HUTCHINSON ISLAND LIVING 445-2180 Colonial 4 bedroom brick 2 Wolverton,285-6507 Woods 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 ST. JOHN HOSPITAL or Adelle at Coldwell Luxury 2 bedroom, 2 bath 19107 MALLINA Banker Schweitzer, 886- On Lake St. Clair BOYNE HIGHLANDS 112 bath, central air, fir!- EAST ENGLISH bath, large family room condo on ocean 3 month Ished basement 90 wtlh fireplace Flnslhed Sharp custom 3 bedroom 5800 lal" Cad- S Conclo OPPORTUNITlES pool, JaCUZZI,fitness cen- 1464 Yorktown Road, Pnced to sell' Price reduced I Allied room ~, paCIOUS miniUm, pnce ranges Best selec- ter Discounted rate. n4- Grosse POinte WOOds, call Do H f det'l n6-19OO leux and Mack area Very 1,900 sq ft Pnced under SEASONAL or year round tion now The Maury Peo- 8720 days. n5-6126 eve- five bedroom, 2 1/2 n 0 or al s. clean $14,000 Immedl- $170,000 Offered by bUSiness In bUsy growing ple (508) 228-1881 Open nings baths, ColOnial liVing century 21 Americana THREE bedroom colOnial, ate occupancy Active, Owners. Excellent buy In resort aTea 1 hour from 7 days a week room, fonnal dIning room, 526-0268 2,100 square feet, 2 1/2 882-5444 Moonngs Two bedrooms, DetrOIt on main highway BOYNE skiers, SnoWmotll' 723 VACATION RENTAL family room with natural 581 SADDLE LANE. baths, family room, Dan- -D-U-P-L-EX--(n-e-w-c-o-n-st-ru-c- two baths, IMng room, In the thumb EstablIShed lers, spaCIOUS3 or 4 bed- NORTHERN MICHIGAN fireplace. finished base- Grosse POinte WOOds, 5 bury Lane Grosse POinte tlon) Each unit- 2 bed- dining room, Flonda cafel gift shop, bakery room Chalets. fireplace, ment, two car garage, bedroom. 3 1/2 bath. Schools 885-1794 rooms. attached garages room. kitchen, laundry and dell New par1(lng lot. J BOYNE Country, 3 bed- dIshwasher. 296.5746, large fenced yard By family room, 2 1/2 car at. Grosse Pomte viCinity room, screened porch equipment and most fix. " room. 2 1/2 bath ranch 778--4824 home on Walloon lake 4 owner. No QfOl<~,f.S tached garage Mutschler Wiii- .call 881-8146 .1.o.vely view. Resident tures, great Ptltentlal. \ I1llles South of Petoskey ~NE CountTy 1amdy cha- $239,000 886-5570j . kitchen, inCluding all ap- V St. Clair Shores ------manager. tennis, pool Partial hvmg quarters. Days. 575-4026, eve. let, 4 bedrooms, fire- BY Owner Cute and cozy pllances 727.9661 or Open SUnday 1-4 BEAUTIFUL LakeshOl'e VII- Please call 1-407-234- room for expanSIon ntngs. 853-7211 place, 2 full baths 30 Cape Cod Th Woods 885-0396 - 26801 Jefferson _ lage Condo, new central 8364 or wrrte: Rousseau, BUIlding Included for minutes from all type G In e F ------air, end unit, thennal wm- APT 3F, 1815 Moonng $139,000 Call 313-359- SKI season IS upon us 00d location. amlly FIRST Offenng by owner Charming 3 bedroom. dows, new decor, must !.Jne Dnve. Vera Beach, 8439 or 359-5222 after skirng By week or week- Reserve now I Harbor room, new central air. 2200 sq ft 4 bedroom 2 both Ranch, Fomllv sell $60,000 881-3712 A 32963 6.00 P m only end. 882-5749, 591-6180 Pnce nght at $130,000 2' 1/2 bath' Colonial o~ room.21/2Cargaroge. a_. _ Spnngs. beautifully ap- POinted home, 5 minutes SCHUSS Mountain Resort. m-5430.88Hi095 Moorland In Pnme area nrishedbasement from Boyne Highlands Ski out your door Re- GROSSE POInte City, St. of Grosse POInte Woods lOts of extras II ~~,-.~_ft., Sleeps 12, 3 1/2 baths, serve for ski season As Clair SpaCIOUS 1/2 du- Beautiful inSide and out 22031 St. Gertrude .'.: CLASSIFIED fireplace, Year round low as $60 a night 313- plex 1 1/2 baths Central New dnveway, roof, fur- rental aV81lable by week 558-9067 SIr R8ISed back patio 2 nace, and central air BrIck bungalow. ADVERTISING or weekend 886-1647 car garage Wilcox Real- Gorgeous finished base- large lot, owner tors 884-3550. ment Can't be beat II motivated, HARBOR Spnngs- Perfect 8110 HOUSES fOR SALE winter vacatIOn for famI- GROSSE POINTE FARMS $230,000 Call 881-8086 Kessler Be Assoc. DEADLINES lies, by the week or CADIEUX! 194 Bnck 3 bed- 33 Radnor Circle after 6 pm No Brokers .dl 771-2470 A weekend. Three bed- room, basement. garage, By owner, Channing 4 bed- _P_le_ase______~ ~ room, 2 bath Condo central 81r, dIShwasher, room, 1 1/2 bath Colonial sleeps 8, many extras, alarm $32.900 Land Archrtect's hOI'ne Beautl- -."" for the issues of Indoor pool, near ski contract tenns or rent fully landscaped, new slopes Owner 626-4322 with optIOn Andary, 886- custom kitchen WIth burlt '~ 5670. GOING UP NORTH inS and Bay Window ~ DECEMBER 26, 1991 FOR THE HOLIDAYS? GROSSE Pomte WOOds. Move In conditIOn On CHECK IT OUTI! Immaculate 3 bedroom qUIet cul-de-sac FIVe bedrooms, three baths, ranch, 1 bath New $250,000 JANUARY 2, 1992 semi. renovated lodge kitchen with bullt- Ins 885-2634 nght on Burt Lake Peto- Formal dining room. lIV- SPACIOUS custom bnck skey/Harbor Springs Ing room with natural fire- ranch Nrcest area of Har- All word ads must be in by NOON Area, $275,000 Ask for: place Finished ree- room per Woods 2 natural fire- Esther Uwazer, with 1/2 bath. Fenced places, central air 2 1/2 Ralph Manuel Assoc !West, yard 2 car garage and brick garage. Many Monday, December 23, 1991 1.313-851-6900 patIO $104,900 Pnnel- amenities $92,500 885- OR pals only 886-9333 0787 Monday, December 30, 1991 Dave Ol&on, GROSSE POINTE FARMS Graham Real Estate, 723 VACATION RENTAL 723 VACATION RENTAL NORTHERN MICHIGAN NORTHERN MICH IGAN this beautiful Micou built Colonial is located Harbor Spnngs, 3 houses from the lake. and Farms pork 1-616-526-6251 Totally redecorated within the past 3 years. All measured/bordered ads HARBOR Springs, 3 bed. HARBOR SPRINGS Wonderful for lMng and entertaining. 4 bed- room Conclo, fully fur- rooms. 3 full baths. and a new kitchen. A nished Close to ski area PETOSKEY total of 3,500 square feet. must be in by 4PM 3.4. or 7 day packages Now taking reservations for Boyne dunng Holiday season Coli Annette Shannon 254-n06 Country ski season in the following Century 21 condominium developments: Friday, December 20,1991 HARBOR Springs! Peto- East In The Village skey Luxury 3 bedroom HIDEAWAY VALLEY 881-7100 conclo Minutes to ski re- SPRING LAKE CLUB Friday, December 27,1991 sorts Reserve now, Jan- TANNERY CREEK uary 3- 5 stili available SUNSET SHORES Great Investment Opportunity 886-6922 or 885-4142 LAKESIDE CLUB WINDWARD CONDOMINIUMS The THREE bedroom. com- pletely furnished, sleeps I, 2, 3, & 4 bedroom units avaIlable by SIX, HBO, very clean, 5 weekend or weekly. Call now for Grosse Pointe News minutes to Schuss Mt 25 Christmas.h~ew Years Reservations minutes to Boyne Mt $250 Weekend $400 1-800-433-6753 offices will Week Phone 616-587- LITTLE TRAVERSE RESERVATIONS 9419 be closed: 722 VACA nON IlENTAl 721 VACATION Il£NTAI 721 VACATION RENTAL OUT OF STAn OUT OF STATE OUT OF STATE Wednesday, -BRECKENRIDGE -KEYSTONE -COPPER MOUNTAIN -FRISCO -DILLON December 25,1991 Choose from 300 cor\do$ Mosl with pools, hot tubs and saunas. lhree bedroom, two full baths, large decorated LOW SEASON LODGING SPECIALS home In Detroit on Canal, close to Grosse Wednesday, Jan. 5 - Feb. 12. 4/1 through the end of skI season Pointe. bus, shopping. Onglnal woodwork January 1, 1992 Pay for 3 nights - Stay for <4 throughout, fenced.1n yard, basketball court, Pay for 4 nights - Stay for 6 pnvate and secure parking. Hardwood floors, Pay for 5 nights - Stay for 7 frnlshed attic, window treatments and ceiling All discounts must be mentioned allime of dIrect boolClng fans. 38,500 as is. Serious Inquires only Nol Commlilionable No discount It.adclng 1.313.359-5222 TOLL FREE- 1-800-766-1477 The Managers Lodging before 11 a.m. only or after 3 p.m.


PHONE (517) 792 0934 15 sn4 S HAMilTON 1 '8M) ASP 2 $ 12C December 19, 1991 Grosse Pointe News

.,1 Director of Services . j 907 USEMfNT '02 ALUMINUM SIDING WATfIlP'ROOFING 9\2 eu IlDING J R£MODHING 9\4 CARPENTIIY 917 CEILING REPAIIIS 918 CEMINT WOIIK 919 CHIMNEY CHANING 930 HECUICAL SERVICE LEONARD'S CAPIZZO CONST BARKER CARPENTRY. Rough & fin- PLASTERING, Drywall. CAPIZZO CONST. J&J ELECTRICIAN 25 years l SIDING BASEMENT CONTRACTORS Ish, doors wmdows All Taping & Spray Textur- QUALITY WORK expenence Reasonable I Ing New & Repair Free CHIMNEY clllllrlUm and vinyl Siding WATERPROOFING Modernization' Alterations types porches and decks ALL TYPES OF Work guaranteed Free Complete custom trim WALLS STRAIGHTENED .Addltlons.Family Rooms Siding and trim work Estimates 25 years ex- CEMENT BRICK AND SYSTEMS eslimates 34:H1591 AND REPLACED Counter tops and perience Jim Upton 773- MICHIGAN LICENSE 5125 soffit areas gutters and oKltchens.Recreatlon BLOCK WORK ELECTRICAL fixtures ser- DONE HIGHT cabinetry 775.1303 4316 or 524.9214 Chimneys repaired, rebUilt, replacement Windows LI. Areas Garages raised and set vICed, Installed, replaced 10 YEAR GUARANTEE re-lined censed and Insured Free JAMES BARKER REMODELING. All types PLASTERING- Free Esti- down on new ralWall and Secunty lighting, 110 UCENSED INSURED Gas flues re-Ilned estimates 886-5044 carpentry Basements, mates 25 year s experi- floor Waterproofing CleaOlng lines FREE estimate 884-5416. TONY 885-0612 ence All work guaran- LICENSED & INSURED CORNERSTONE kitchens Additions ReSI- Certified, Insured 882-7196 "LUMINUM/ Vinyl Siding JAMES M. dential! Commercial Li. teed Grosse POinte TONY 88S..Q612 CONST, CO. references All types wet 771.7678 EASTPOINTE seamless guttersl down KLEINER censed/ Insured 294 SEAVER'S home mainte- Kitchens-Custom DeSign plaster and drywall Lou I spouts replacement win BASEMENT 4967 781-6142 nance, small concrete ELECTRIC Family Rooms Blackwell 776-8687 920 CHIMNU IIIPAIRS dows! doors storm win- WATERPROOFING Jobs, repairs, brick work ResidentlaV Commercial Window Replacements CARPENTRY- Porches, dows/ doors Ron Walls Straightened PLASTERING and drywall porches chimneys 882. Recessed light Specialists Commercial Remodeling Doors Windows Decks R.R. CODDENS Vercruysse Company, And Braced Or Replaced Finish & Rough Carpen Neil Squires 757.(J772 0000 Licensed/Insured. Interior/Exterior Chimneys rebUilt repaired 7743542 10 YEAR GUARANTEE try Repairs & Small 24 Hour Service Addillons CODE Violations Repaired or tuck-r'Jlnllng Flues UCENSED & INSURED Jobs Free Estimates GRAZIO Seniors Discount Custom and Quality Always Interior/ Exterior Free and caps repaired Chim- .03 AP'P'UANCf S£IlVICf Quality work With pride 885-4609 CONSTRUCTION 885-5517. LICENSED AND INSURED inspection check can neys cleaned 885-2097 Cement dnve floors, patiOS H & M ElectriC Free esti- JIM LAETHEM save you time and 886-5565 9\ S c,up'n CLEANING Old garages raised and re- 882-9310 money Insured experl. mates ResldentlaV Com- PARQUETTE'S WINTER newed JAMES M Kleiner Chim- BASEMENT enced references mercial Guaranteed REMODELING Finished New garage doors and re- neys repaired Licensed Washer & Dryer WATERPROOFING EXPERT CARPEr Seaver Home Mainte- work Call for your lowest I basement Suspendmg framing & Insured Quality work nance 862.(J()()() price 886-6461 Repair Service Manual excavation Guaran- ceilings kitchens Small CLEANING, INC. NE'w garagE'S bUill 8852097 leed 10 Slop leal\:> F,ee and large repairs nl- Truck Mount Extraction SUPERIOR Family operated since 1962 SpeaaJlllng In Whirlpool, RUSSELLS Home Repair 934 fENCES estimate Call Matthew 5196 2 Rms w/Hall $34 95 PLASTERING & PAINTING Licensed and Insured Tuck POlnllng, chimneys, Kenmore & General ElectrIC n3-7295 Free Carpet Protector Plaster and drywall repairs, 774.3020772-1771 porches, walkways Free STEVE'S Fence New Ioca- Hot Pomte GORSKI Upholstery Cleamng custom painting, taping & THOMAS KLEINER estimates Call Russ 885- tlonl 20844 Harper 1 Family Owned, Operated refinishing Reasonable BASEMENT REMODELING, INC. 919 CHIMNEY CLEANING ProfeSSional Installation! PROMPT SERVICE Call For Free Estimate 7093 WATERPROOFING Kitchens, baths ceramic pnces Grosse POinte ref- Repair 882-3650 tile, steam rooms, new n9-o411 erences Insured R.R. CODDEN8- Chimneys • Dtgglng Method 927 DIIAPEIIIES 936 FlOOR SANDING, 774.7054 cablnels or refaclng, alter. Carpet Cleaning We are Tom McCabe cleaned- Screens in- o Peastone Backfill REFINISHING altons, Sldmg FeatUring 885-6991. stalled Chimneys rebUilt! • Spotless Cleanup careful who we send Into CUSTOM Made slipcovers l replacement Windows and repaired 886-5565 HOME Stnpplng & RefinIsh- CALL GEORGE o Walls Straightened your home Mancuso's PLASTERING and drywall and draperies Guaran- patiO doors by Andersen Ing Co SpecialIZing In NUTTO & Braced or Replaced 772-9320 repairs Texturing and _------... teed workmanship Ex- LICENSED INSURED wood flmshlng, floors, • Bnck and Concrete Work K. CARPET Cleaning Com- stucco Insured Pete Tar- SAFE FLUE perienced Call now- APPLIANCE S.C.S. doors, Windows, base- • 10 Year Guarantee pany Carpet Specialists omma 469-2967 CHIMNEY SERVICE Bernice 521-5255 Licensed & Insured 771-8788 boards, fireplaces 255- • Washer - Dryer Service 882-Q688 ------GROSSE POINTE NEWS • Chimney Cleaxnng CUSTOM DRAPERIES 4106 • Vacuum Service and A1 WORK GROSSE POINTE NEWS • Caps and Balloons, Mml Blinds, I 882.6900 Screens HERITAGE Floors- Hard- Sales 296.3882 882-6900 916 CARPET INSTAllATION Verticals, Carpeting, Installed wood floors Installed. • Used Stoves-Refrigerators Wallpaper, Bedspreads EAST AREA CARPET SERVICE- 91& CEMENT WORK • Mortar and sanded and stained Res- 91\ BIIICKJ eLOCK WORK Damper Compare our prices With WE SELL REBUILT carpet, padding, sales, In- IdentlaV commerCial Call BUILDERS Repair department store 'sales' WASHERS stallations, restretchmg R.L. STREMERSCH 294-0024 or 563-4281 MASON rework, tuck- point- • Animal Removal before you BUY see our AND DRYERS 884-7955 AU types of repairs Why CEMENT CONTRACTOR 109, steps, chimneys, Certified Master SWeep displays at. 22224 Gratiot. buy new carpet? We can Cement KELM "Code Work FREE ESTIMATES small cement Jobs In- Driveways Floor laYing, sanding, refin--t 445.0776 Specialist' • replace your worn pad TOM TREFZER DRAPERIES BY PAT sured, experienced Patios Ish109 Expert In stam 1 Licensed & Insured 566-0777. 882.5169 ALL WEATHER Seaver's, 882.(J()()() Brick work n8-2584 Old floors a specralty We REFRIGERATION CommerlcaVResldenllaJ RESIDENTIAL ANDY'S MASONRY AND Basement waterproofing 928 D~ESSMAKING,' also refimsh banISters REPAIRED & INSTALLED SUTTON Construction Carpet Repair TAILORING CHIMNEY REPAIR Steps 535.7256 Commercial-Residential commercial, reSidential, Service Tuck.Polntlng Coachlight ALTERATIONS to Couture PROFESSIONAL Tioor ALL MAKES & MODELS kitchens, additions, rec COMMERCIAL All masonry, bnck, water- No Job too small Linda nB-4044. sanding and ftmshlng CALL MIKE 882-0747 rooms, dormers, Jim, Carpet Installation CHIMNEY SWEEP CO proofing repairs Speclal- Free EstImates Free estimates W Abra." Bryson, Tim 884-2942, Caps Screens IZlOg lO tuck-pomtlng and GLUE DOWNS 930 EUCTRICAl SERVIC( ham, T. Yerke 754-8999, ' DOC'S 882-2436,881-7202 SPECIALIZING IN small lObs Licensed, in- In Grosse POinte Area Instaled n2-311B. 20 Years DRIVEWAYS AND APPLIANCE sured Reasonable Free ADDITIONS, Kitchen and Anunal Removal ANY Electncal work Com- 938 FUIINITURE estimates 881.(JS05, 882- bathroom remodeling, 527.9084 BASEMENT merCIal or reSidential SERVICE State lICensed REFINISHING REPAIRS 3006 custom carpentry, all WATERPROOFING Call Bob at 885-8030 Fast, Courteous types of home Improve- 917 CEILING REPAIRS 5154 FURNITURE refimshed, re- BRICK WORK Tuck-polnt- LICENSED S & J ELECTRIC Professional Service. ments and repairs York. Cemfled& paired, stnpped, any type ~ Ing Small Jobs Reason. 384.1139 IrYSIJred Resldentlal.Commerclal . shlte Bldg and Renova. 01 caning Free esti- Washers Dryers able 886-5565. PLASTERlDRYW ALL No Job Too Small mates 345-6258, 661- tlon 881-3386 88503733 885-2930 IJlshwashers Ranges CHAS. F. JEFFREY SpeCialiZing in 912 BUILDING REMODElING 5520 Refrigerators Bnck, Aagstone Walks & EASTVIEW ornamental plaster, SERVING THE Microwaves stucco, wet plaster 912 BUILDING REMODElING AJ UPHOLSTERY Patios ALUMINUM, INC. LETO BUILDING CO. Garbage Disposals GROSSE POINTES Commercial - ResIdential - Porches RebUilt ALCOA PRODUCTS SINCE 1911 & MORE 772.8507 SINCE 1965 Custom Quality, profes- Pre-Cast Steps Awmngs- Sldmgs CUSTOM BUILDING Sional, expenenced, guar- Tuck,Polntmg Combination Storms 296-5005 247-4454 REMODELING CUSWORTH anteed, affordable repairs Cement Work Screens-Doors-Rooflng 912 BUILDING, REMOD£lING "~..ir~ .....,- REC ROOMS III '.:t:k _ Free estlmates Basement Waterproofing Seamless Gutters ~ ELECTRIC INC LET KITCHENS FAMILY OWNED AND 871-6710 B.F. Goodrich VmytA DOUGLAS SHAW OPERATED 943 LANDSCAPERS Licensed Insured Products 882-3222 HOME RENOVATIONS ELECTRICAL GARDENERS GEORGE 17301 MACK AVE NEAR Remodehng or Repairs of 882.1800 CONTRACTORS CADIEUX T~eWallDoctor all 1Merlor and Exterior DOlT No Job too large or small MAC'S TREE AND DETROJT, Mf 48224 Construction & Design Co. DAVID needs From new to old speCialiZing In FInish Violations Corrected SHRUB TRIMMING Major Appliance "We Specialize in all 881-1060 527.5616 BROWN Carpentry, Intenor IMlIi Master licensed & Insured COMPLETE WORK R.R. 26 Years Exp L1C & Repair Renovauons &: Removal, Kitchens, • Residential - Commercial Reasonable rates, quality Insured HOME 885.1762 remodelmg to help you Recreational Rooms, • Fast Emergency service service Call Torn ns- CODDENS SEE SHOWROOM personalize IMPROVEMENTS Libraries Finish AttICS SENIOR CITIZENS' 4429 907 BASEMENT FAMIL Y BUSINESS your home and Basements Small DISCOUNT Carpentry Kitchens call your ads in Eartyl WAT£RP~OOFING "Since 1924" 912 BUILDING! R£MOOElING inc1udmg Rcc Room Basement Jobs welcome Serving GROSSE POINTE NEWS plaster AttiCS For All Your the Grosse POinte area 886.4448 • Porches. Chimneys Remodeling Needs IF BUSY, CALL 881-4664 R.L. repairs, since t975 882.6900 15215 MACK • Bnckwalks, Pabos painting CALL 885-4867 WHERE QUAUTY IS FIRST! BETTER Maintenance Fall STREMERSCH • Violabons RepCllred and drywall. FREE ESTIMATES 881-9385 EAST AREA • Mortar Color Matching clean- ups, also gutter, BUILDERS garage, basement and at- BASEMENT "No Job to Small" 884.7955 tiC cleaning RubbIsh and WATERPROOFING To malL QII appo~1Il call "Code Work snow removal Free estl_.J Walls Repaired Yorkshire 5uildin8 Specialist' , mates Gall Bill or Mike at Straightened 886.5565 882-7754 839-7635 or 881-9527 Replaced o Qenovalion Inc. Semor Citizens Discount ALL WORK FREE ESTIMATES Commercial! Residential J. BAYS Lawn & Snow Service GUARANTEED 912 BUILDING REMODHING Licensed • Insured Master Electrician Custom Kitchens & Additions DONE WITH SNOW LICENSED Happy Holidays to all Licensed. Insured Emergency Service BLOWER Fall cleanups -I The WaD Doctors 927.8113 Lawn cutting n3-1658 884.7139 881-3386 "Patients" Leave message. FAMOUS Maintenance (Beeper 10 - 3219027). Snow Removal, lICensed, AMERICAN Licensedl Insured bonded & Insured Gutter FOR ALL YOUR cleamng and Fali clean- BASEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT INNOVATIVE BUILDING COMPANY COLVILLE ups B84-43OO INCORPORATED WATERPROOFING • Complete Quality Renovation ELECTRIC CO. B~ 0"" l cense r-Jo 595':0 TRIMMING removal. sPfay- ' OutSide Method CHRISTMAS nT and RemodelIng Ranges, Dryers, ServiCes, COMPLETE BUILDING lng, feeding and stump All dlQglng done • A ResponSIVe, SefVIee-Onented Company Doorbells TOOL NEEDS _ ...... removal Free estimates by hand AND REMODELING • Canng and ProfeSSIOnal Tradesmen VIOLATIONS SERVICE Complete tree seMce Walls straightened • Fair and Reasonable PrICes FAST EMERGENCY Additions/Dormers Call Flemlrltg Tree Ser- or replaced SERVICE Fully Insured Kitchens Baths Can 885-6361 for FREE ESTIMATES! YIC9, n4-6460 Rec Rooms AttiCS 774-9110 LICense No 084515 Additions, Kitchens, Baths, Decks, Garages AVE Seasons Tree ser- Porch Enclosures t '0 Year Guarantee Vice Tree removal, tnm- ~ Replacement WindOWS Basements and Specialty ServICes mlng, stumping Snow Aluminum Siding Trim WADE'S LICENSED INSURED WE CARE plOWing, lawn mamte- ~ 526.9288 GJ"ers Dowrspou1s & Storm W ndows Doors ELECTRIC nance, fall clean- ups,. Roollng Sh ngles gutter cleaning Free est!-, R.R. S ng e Ply F1a! 800' ~g COMPAN'f, mates 839-2001 j Wood Deci\S Trim CODDENS Licensed and Insured BUILOER ~ INC. TIIC MAINTENANCE ~ 886-0520 Commerlcall Snow Removal! J FAMIL Y BUSINESS 24 hour service Industrial Seasonal contracts "SinCe 1924" THINKING OF A NEW (}/j;t.Alj) ghtt~N~~949 ReSidential or by pushl All types Basement Quality Building and Remodeling 24 Hour Fast Service .... ~~a REMODELING? r or d<'Cad", thou'Rnd, or Gro,,,,, PomlN'" hRv(' Im,t Waterproofing Walls DON'T TAKE A CHANCE-GALL A PROFESSIONAL f d 111(',r fine' hom('~ tn OlIT ('"arC'for mRlnlf'nanc(' add, Repaired and FOR 35 YEARS SPECIALISTS IN IIonq And "'mod,,11 0!1 YOUR PROJECT 777.3590 Straightened ADOrr~S.OOAMERS'RECROOMS [)( If"'" 1 Yor IRHOMf /IF''FR\ f ROCK SALT CUSTOM KITCHENS. BATHROOMS. Sl

9H GUTTERS ~S3 MUSIC INSTRUMENT 946 HAULING RIPAIR 9S4 PAINTING DECORA TlN~_ 9S4 PAINTING/DECORATING 957 PLUMBING HEATING 957 PLUMBING, HEATING 91>0 ROOFING SERVICE FAMOUS Malntenance- HAULING, debns remoyal COMPLETE plano service Satisfaction Plus INTERIOR painting, wall- serving Grosse POinte TONY FLAT Roof expert li- and demolitIOn Will re- Tuning, rebUilding, refln- Painting COmpany covenng and plastering since 1943 Licensed, FRANK R. The Master Plumber censed bUIlder Gall Mar- move any unwanted Ishmg Member Plano InterIOr & Extenor Painting, Superior custom work I bonded and Insured Win- {Son of Emil} tm at 544-8167 or Mark at Items From washers and TechniCians Guild, SIQIS- Plastenng and Home res- Experienced, references dow and gutter cleaning, No Job too small new and 294-3947 dryers to a complete mund Bossner 731-7707 toration Offenng Special 882-6181, Mark WEIR carpet and wall washing repairs, vIOlatIOns house Will clean out Discounts on lObs From ROOFING Repairs, reshln- 884-4300 INTERIOR Painting and 293-3181 basements, garages, now thru January 1, 1992 gllng, chimney screens, 9S4 PAINTING/OECORATING Plastering $100 average PLUMBING, HEATING SEAVER'S Home Mainte- yards and more Call 773- All work Guaranteed PLUMBING. All repairs, basement leaks, plaster room Restorations a spe- repairs Handyman work nance Gutters replaced, 1407 Special rates for SenIOr SEWER AND DRAINS large or small Licensed WOOD Cialty Phillip 882-8537 Insured Seaver's, 882- repaired. cleaned, roof Cltzens Gall KeVin at BOILER SPECIALISTS FREE estimates, senior HAULING Garage tear 0000 repairs 882-0000 downs, constructIOn de- REFINISHING n1-6982. JAMES M. KLEINER discounts 882-7196 STRIP STAIN VARNISH GUTTER Cleaning Call for bns, concrete, dirt, ga- FRANK'S Handyman ser- Basement walls repaired to SPRINKLER REPAIRS RUSSELL Home RepairS Duplicate EXisting FInish or estImate Make your ap- rage and basement Junk, vice PalOtlng, paper look like new Tuck- 960 ROOFING SERVICE New roofs, repair Free Colors to Match pointment now for Fallill brush Can remove or hanging, aluminum trim pOinted & patched, estimates Call Russ, Kitchen cabinets, staircase 885-7711 Mike 774-8224 move almost anything and miscellaneous re- washed & primed then FLAT Roof Problems? New 88~7093 handrwls, yaMleS, panel- Phil Wassenaar pairs 1-313-79H5684 painted 885-2097 rubber roofs Installed on GUTTER CLEANING- Free Ing, doors, tnm and mold- 9'S SEWING MACHINE 823-1207 PAINTING- Intenorl Extenor flat roofs Stops all leaks Estimates Call between Ings 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS SERVICE Michael's Painting specIalists Repair work Guaranteed 552-6116 9 & 9 Ask for John or PERSONALIZED MOVING Licensed Insured & guaranteed References TUNE.UP Special In your LIZ 885-0146 OfflCel ResldentlaV Storage References Free Estimates Since 1925 J & J ROOFING Free estimates Insured home Cleaned, 01), ad- Professional, expenenced, PRESTIGE PAINTING CO Wood Refinishing Keith Danielson 10 Year Workmanship GUTTERS Installed, re- John 771-1412 lust tenSion, $9 95 All guaranteed Free estl. DAVID ROLEWICZ CUSTOM PAINTING Licensed Master Plumber Warranty paired, cleaned and makes, all ages 885- mates InSured 296-2249 778.5025 WOOD S I AINING 25 Year Material screen installatIOn SenIOr 7437 87U101 AND REFINISHING 9S6 'EST CONTROL DAN ROEMER discounts FREE esti- PAINTING, Intenor wall pa- Warranty INSURED PLUMBING mates, reasonable rates MOVING-HAULING per removal, drywall & Tear Offs MICHAEL A. MEDA WILD LIFE REMOVAL LICensed Call 882.7196 DEPENDABLE repairs References 886- Repairs, remodeling, Reroofs 973 TILE WORK 885-3230 SAFE FLUE EXPERIENCED 7982, 77~1303 code work, fixtures, Flat Roofs RUSSELL'S Home Repair CHIMNEY SERVICE water heaters Installed CERAMIC tIle- residential LOW RATES WALLPAPERING STEVE'S INSURED New gutters, repair & 882-5169 LICensed and Insured jobs and repairs 15 INSURED AND PAINTING LICENSED -076015 cleaning Free estimates PAINTING 772-2614 years expenence 776- Call Russell, 885-7093 526-7284 SPECIALISTS INTERIOR! EXTERIOR 27380 Gratiot 4097,77&7113 Andy Affordable Pamtlng and SpecialiZing plastenng and Rosevllle,MI.48066 MOVING & Haulmg Ga- EMIL THE GUTTERS cleaned Effi- Wallpapering, 20 years drywall repairs and 445-6455 rage, yard, basement PLUMBER 977 WAll WASHING Cient, reliable Satisfac- Free Estimates cracks, peeling palOt PLUMBING clean up, odd Jabs Beat SPECIALIZING IN tion guaranteed, refer- Window glazing- caulking REPAIRS TOTAL ROOFING any reasonable prICe Mr • Kitchens P & M Window and Wall ences Robert, 882-6032 3-R Company Also paint old aluminum SIDING SERVICES B's Light Hauling 882- & • Bathrooms Cleaning (Formerly Please leave message 776-3424 Dan Siding Wood stainIng and ReSidential/Commercial SEWER CLEANING Grosse POinte Fireman 3096 • Laundry room and Shingles, Single Ply GRAND-SON PaInting and refinishing Reasonable Rates For All VIOlations Ad) Excellent care for 94S HANDYMAN Rubber Roofs, Tear Offs Home Repair Intenors, GROSSE POINTE Mike Potter - LICensed your home Free estl- • Old and new work RepairS, Ice Backup GROSSE 882-1558 Free Estimates mates- References 821- THE HIREO MAN wall paper tool Insured REFERENCES VINYL AND ALUMINUM POINTE Leave message for Mark, FREE ESTIMATES Bill, Master Plumber 2984 Home & Small Business COMPLETE SIDING 885-1937 893-6855 (Son of Emil) Maintenance & Repair MOVING PLUMBING Seamless GutlersITnm K.MAINTENANCE CO. Odd Jobs & & STORAGE BOWMAN PaInting Inc In- WINTER SpecIal Bathroom 882-0029 Replacement Windows Wall Washing, floor cleaning tenorlExtenor Free Estl- painted free With 2 SERVICE Doors and wIDung Free estI- Code Violations UNCLE RAY'S PLUMBING LICENSED- INSURED mates TaU free 1-800- rooms Wallpaper re- MARTIN VERTREGT Storm WlndowslDoors mates & SEWER CLEANING VISAIMC 294.3480 Local & 794-5506 moyal Violations cor- licensed Master Plumber LICENSED INSURED Plumbing! electncal sewer 882-0688 Long Distance Grosse POinte Woods RON VERCRUYSSE GENERAL Handyman PAINTING, Interior and ex. rected, stained, varnlsh- cleaning SpecIaliZing In Agent for COMPANY Painting, plumbing, elee- tenor FREE estimates, 109 Free estimates 886.2521 tough root problems- n4-3542 tncal 21 years expen. Global Van Line. reasonable rates, senior Insured Semor discount New work, repairs, rerIOva- chemical treatment OFF THE WAll tlons, water heaters, c.'lng Wallct.onlng ence Reasonable Pat ______discounts Call 882-7196 Tom,4425 790-7011 or 777- Drams opened from a LEONARD'S We clean /Ust about any ceKlng Brown 771-0980 East sewer cleaning, code VIO- $39.00 INTERIORS ------lations All work guaran- ROOFING or wall mcllllling paneling, DetrOit BY DON & LYNN BETTER Home Decorating. Modem eqUipment wallpaper, bnck, stucco, spray teed Shingles, flat roofs, com- 824-2994 textu red surface5, acousbcal STEVE PeyoVlch Mainte- • Husband-Wife Team plaster repair, painting plete tear-offs, bUilt-up • Wallpapenng 18 year's experience ceilingbles,etc , etc nance All types of home DIRECT roofing, guners and all Insurance wo rk, Freeesbmates • Palntmg Paul n3-3799 BOB DUBE repaIr Carpentry, plumb- PLUMBING kinds of repw rs Commeltlal - RestdenbaJ - PLUMBING and HEATING InsblutJonai Ing, masonry Free esti- 822.4400 885-2633 WALLPAPER application Work guaranteed Free estI- • & Licensed-Master Plumber All WORK GUARANTEEDI mates References 882------Excellent workmanship mates Licensed and In- • large and Small Jobs SewER CLEANING 313-562-7751 or 5627 JOHN'S PAINTING ReasonapJ~ prices Call DRAIN sured Member of the • Plano~ (our speclaIty~ SPRINKLER REPAIR, 1-800-499.7575 Intenor-Eldenar. Speclallzlng Pat, 294-4446 Belter BUSiness Bureau AmRED Carpenter, 30 • APpliances ETC 10"4 off wltMhIs ad. • '$81lir'day, S\J'ndily,"r 521.0726- year's expenE}nce No Job lIII repamng ..... - MILA~~sr~AlfJnNG Grosse POinte Woods 884-5416 tSenlors save lS'lro) tth small) ~Reasonable SerVIce plaSle(,\ dry~a!l '~...J Inteder-Extertor • Free Estimates • Semor DiscountS 886-3897 ( rates, FREE Estimates cracks, peeling palnt, Win- AI' S'd. P I tl • Full Product Warranty dow puttying and caulk- U:lnur:n I 109 n ng a - SenIOr Discount L.S. WALKER Plumbmg 957 PLUM BING HEA TlNG QS7 PLUMBING HEATING Clean- up Included Ref- Owned I< Operated By lng, wallpapenng. Also, atchlOg, Plastering • References Dram cleaning, an re- erences Please Call Earl, John SteIninger pamt old aluminum sid- Stucco, Wallpaper. • All Work Guaranteed pairs Senior discount 371-9124 Ing All work and matenal Window Glazlng-Caulklng DI$COUNT 11850 E. Jefferson Free estimates 705-7568, $ $ We want your business guaranteed Reasonable Free Estimat~s ALL MPSC-l19675 MICHAEL HAGGERTY ~7116 PLUMBING at THC MAINTENANCE Grosse POInte references Reasonable Pnce Lk:enMd • IIlIUI'lId PLBG lIC 82-16432 • For All Your AMERICAN Seamless gutters (vanety Free estimates References, Good Work PLUMBING- Mlljor or minor Plumbing Needs PLUMBING of colors) and cleanmg FREE ESTIMATES 759-5099 ALL WEATHER repairs, references, low - Sewers & Drams All types of plumbIng CUSTOM BUILDING In- 882-5038 PAINTING-DECORATING HEATING & COOLING rates Paul, 756-0197 Cleaned - 14()"O Repairs, drain sured MIKE'S INTERIOR-EXTERIOR BOILERS 947 HfATING AND COOLING WHY PAY MORE??II & Sewer cleaning CALL NOWI 886-1143 Professional 35 YRS EXPERIENCE BOILER PIPING 954 PAINTING DfCORATING 7 DAYS - 24 hours UX3) 465-73'73 HAPPY HOLIDAYSI ALL WEATHER Painting & Wallpapering REASONABLE HOT WATER TANKS REPAIRED & INSTALLED 839.9704 THE Handyman Inc Top HEATING COOLING Intenorl Extenor Includes RALPH ROTH 886-8248 24 Hour Service CALL MIKE 882-0747 SUPERIOR PAINTING quality workmanship for REFRIGERATION repalnng damaged pIas- BRIAN'S PAINTING Custom interior pointing, stucco carpentry, remodeling Furnaces, Boilers ler, cracks, peeling paint, ProfessIOnal painting, Inte- 9S4 PAINTING DECORATING and plaster repair, wallpapering plumbing, electrical, Repaired & Installed Window glazing, caulking, nor and exterIOr Special- and glazing. E. L. CALCATERRA INC. palntmg, wallpaper We All Makes & Models painting aluminium Siding IZlIlQ In all types of paint- Insured Relerences AVaJlable Emil L. Calcaterra. Founder do It all Please call, 884- CALL MIKE 882-0747 Top Quality material Ing caulking Window WALLPAPER Tom Mccabe. 885-6991 9146 or 792-8261 CUSWORTH Reasonable prices All 9'azln9 and pl';'ter repair REMOVAL PlumbIng' Heating. Cooltng work Guaranteed Grosse All work guaranteed For SUPER Handyman, large or BY TIM Residentral • Commercial - Industnal HEATING AND Pomte references Gall Free Estimates and small Jobs, general re- EXp0rl(~nccdo.J~r;:1 COOLING Mike anytime reasonable rates, call worl-. d~_'p'-;nd:-lblc' Serving Grosse POinte Area Since 1958 pairs, carpentry, electn- IO'Nc':)~prIce serving The Grosse caI, plumbing, plastenng 777-8081. 872.2046. Andrew Emil Calcaterra POlntes 771-4007 Senior dIscount Free es- Meclulnica. Engineer Master PI.... ber Family owned & operated 9S4 PAINTING! DECORATING 954 PAINTING, DECORA TINe. timates Rob,777-8633 LICENSED 24 Hour Answering ServICe LICENSED Handyman pro- Service & Installation FOREST PAINTING Vides carpentry, electn- Commercial-Residential INTERIOR & CONST. CO. 775.6050 caI, plumbing and paint- PAINTING Painting • interior-ex 881-4664 EXTERIOR • Carpemry • Rough-FinISh Ing (Intenor and extenor) tenor, paperhanging INTERIOR • Remodehng KJlcI1ens. 960 ROOFING SERVICE 960 ROOFING SERVICE services FREE est,- PAINTING Ree Rooms, Basements and repairs Free mates, senIOr dISCOunts KEATING 26 YEARS EXTERIOR • Pamllng.lntenorJ£xtenor estimates cheerfully Call 882-7196 • Any Plastenng Repalrs HEATING EXPERIEN~E 30 YEARS given L,censed and ADVANCE HANDYMANI Minor repairs, Call for free PROFESSIONAL Licensed and Insured Insured MAINTENANCE carpentry, electncal, THE AIR OF QUALITY estimate CO. plumbing, broken Win- Furnace Replacement 882-2118 882.9234 • Roofing • New Repall'S, dows and sash cord re- New Installations 885.3594 • Shmgles • Sial<: • Tile 885.4867 Flat Roofs • Tear-Offs placed, etc Reasonable W.lIpapertng CALL NICK FOR Custom Duct Work • Sheet Metal. GUller- References 881-3961. "-terlDrywaU AIr CondltlOnmg FREE ESTIMATES New Repair, Cleamng • Copper' Decks COLLEGE student needs Hol Water/Steam finest InteriorPainting • Bays • Fl ash mg work! Reliable handyman. Conversion to Forced AIr ~ • Masonry RepaIr Painting, plumbing, elee- aa.. • QlImney • Porches Systems • Tuck Pomtmg tncal and snow removal Painting & Decorating 15133 Kercheval .Ca"u..mg References 885-0028, (At Rear) Custom Interior/Exterior Cliarfes ft:liip n (jibson Rick Meticulous Preparation 4. 512 Grosse POinte Park Painting and tJ)uorating 331.3520 EST 1975 -INSURED - G PResident 946 HAULING BEAU1,F /fIIG THE POINTE:.S FOR 16 YEARS Mich. LtC. No. 0767521Fully Insured P" "pt Dependable Neat ~4~ JANITO~IAl SE~VIC! 884.5764 or 7n.2216 GENTILE EASTPOINTE 881.3970 Serving the "Pointes" For Over 10 Years ROOFING MOVING AND OFFICES SINCE 1940 • Tear-offs & Re-roohng STORAGE CO. PROFESSION ALL y • Aat rool decks CLEANED • E1(Jlert repairs Reasonable Rates • Small lObs COMPLETE ~-1ESSIAN PAINTING Licensed - Insured ROOFING 884.8380 References Available 1\".("~ Family owned busrness - over 40 years SERVICE LICENSED & INSURED LARRY n6-4570 774.9651 RESIDENTIAL PACKING & MATERIALS COMMERCIAL 952 LOCKSMITH FIRST TO OFFER ANTIQUES & PIANOS TEAR OFF ALL-TYPE LOCKSMITH. ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFEn RESHINGlE FREE ESTIMATES 24 Hour /7 Da y MoMe Lock, K&J Safe, Al. nn Key Custom SpeCIaliZing In InterlorlExterlor Patnllf1g We CERTIFIED Replaceaml Doo, & WmdowSnvlce ROOFING Bob Breilenbecher • Interior - Exterlor offer the best In preparatton before palnllng APPLICATIONS OF Rubbe' St•• P" • Shingle Roofs • Staining - Power Woshlng and use only the finest matenals for the MODIFIED SINGLE Owner ..-/SZ4-Z71D • Flal Decks $5 ofl Tnp chrjj With Tho • Varnishing - Glazing longest lasting results Great Western people PLY UNUMmo "'SE COLJI'ON • Expert Repa Irs M.P.S.C. L21290 • Strlpplng - Caulking are quality mll'lded and courteous Call us for FLAT ROOFING • Certified appllcalton SYSTEMS Agent For: .53 MUSIC l~nUM(NT • Wallpaper Removal the ultimate In resldenllal and commercial of Flat Roof Systems ~E'AI~ • Plaster - D'Y WoH Repair palnllng VENTS Paul Arpin • Senior Discounts GUTTE RS Van Lines Worldwide PIANO services- Tuning REASONABLE RATES • LlCcnscd Insured REPAIRS and repair t 2 year's ex- BOB. 727.2689 FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY INSURED LIC'lNSED INSURED WEEKLY TRIPS TO penence FleXible hours Insured. Referrals 773.0125 NORTHERN MICHIGAN Reasonable rates 881- 886.7602 886-0520 8276



PHONE (5t 7) 792 0934 A/U C UAUII tn" « lAne, cCO n IF C December 19, 1991 14C Grosse Pointe News Director of Services

, , 980 WINDOW REPAIR~ 981 WINDOW WASHiNG 981 WINDOW WA~HING 'fa I WINDOW WASHING 9S I WINDOW WASHING Holiday FAMOUS Mamtenance. K.WINDOW EXPERT CLEANING ALPINE Window Cleaning serving Grosse POinte CLEANING OF Service F'ee Estimates lEAKY & DRAfTY WINDOWS & GUTTERS 822-4508 Deadline Change BASEMENT WINDOWS? since 1943 Licensed. COMPANY bonded and Insured Win. I Will Beat Your lowest $!tURIN PRoalf MS? Storms, screens, gutters. dow and gutter cleaning, Price ClassIfied AdvertiSing aluminum cleaned In- Classified Advertising TAK£ALOOKATOUR carpet and wall washing FRANK HAYDEN 882-6900 • sured Free estimates GLASS BLOCK 884-4300 755-0281. Retail Advertising for Dec. 26th issue & Jan 2nd issue. 882-0688 882.3500 WINDOWS P & M Window and Wall A.OKWINDOW FOR FREE ESTIMATES Cleaning (Formerly GEORGE OLMIN CLEANERS D BARR The deadline for both issues will be WINDOW CLEANING 881.2123 Grosse POinte Fireman Service on Storms and CLEANING SERVICES Ad) Excellent care for SERVICE Screens SECOND GENERATION noon, Monday December 23rd & JOHNJ GELLf your home Free estl. 35 YEARS IN THE House Cleaning Mason 38 yrs WINDOW AND GUTIER POINTES Free Estimates Expefl&nc& mates. References 821. CLEANING 2984 778-7940 775-1690 DALE 977~97 noon, Monday, December 30th!

Toadvertise on thispage can ClassifiedAdvertisingat 882-6900 RetailAdvertlsmg call 882-3500 Fax 882-1585 • • • • •

HOW TO USE THE HOMEBUYER GRID Select your preferred location, price or style of home. The listings will show the address, bedroom/bath, description of home, price and telephone Lake St. Clair number. REALTORS and OPEN SUNDAYS will be indicated in bold.

leclroom/Bath Description 3/1 5 Updated kitchen, Fom rm Near schools


542 Cadieux 5/3 Blight condo near VIllage.R.G. Edgar $158,900 886-60 l.) t Zone 1 . Grosse Pomte Shores Zone 2 . Grosse Pomte Woods Zone 3 Grosse Pomte Forms Zone 4 . Grosse Pomte City Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Zone 5 . Grosse POinte Pork Co-op 1/1 Codleux/ Mock area Very clean Active Realty $14,000 882 5444 ~ ALSO Harper Woods, DetrOit, St Clair Shores, AlIOlher Areas HARPER WOODS Add .... s Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone:. 20505 Ridgemont 3/1 5 New Cope Cod-I ,370 sq ft Owner $74,900 884-7575 : ZONE" - GROSSE POINTE SHORES 1750 Vemiet' 2/2 overlooking pool Red Carpet Keim Address Bedroom/Bath Description Prie. Phone ih~~ $132,500 882.1004 ; 32 Belle Mead. 5/3&3 5 Center Ent French CoIol1lol, 4,700 sq ft MBy Owner" $675,000 882-0182 ST. CLAIR SNORES ZONE 2 - GROSSE POINTE WOODS Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone' Addre$$ Bedroom/Bath Description Pric. Phone 23 J03 Arthur Ct. 2/1 Beauhful Court Townhouse Dan K, Coldwell Banker $63,000 88~5800 • 1073 Canterbury 4/25 Excellent family room wlih beom&d ce,llng R.G. Edgar $219,900 88(x'()10 26801 JeHerson 3/2 Open Sun. 1-4. Charming Ranch, 2 1/2 cor gor 1464 Yorktown 5/25 CoIol1lol. 2,400 sq ft See Closs 800 $239,000 886-5570 Must seell Kessler & Assoc. $99,500 771-2470, 1820 Kenmore 3/15 Colonlo~1 ,750 sq ft Lg klteh&n,family room $135,000 881-6992 22300 Gaukler 3/1&3/4 First offering Vynl wndws Remodeled kilch E of Mock Owner $79,500 771.9706~ 2009 Lochmoor 2/25 Open Sun. 1-5. Cozy Cope Cod CIA Byowner $130,000 B81-6095 1097 CounWy Club 2/2 Flrsl o1fer11" Condo 10 mint condlbonl Call Alilock, 581 Soddlelone 5/35 Family rm ,Mul5chler kltehen- 2 1/2 cor gar Excellent condlhonl Call 727.9661 Re/Max ast $89,900 792.8000~ Adopt A Pet Today!

nA isa four year old pedigree female Dalmatian, ANIMAL WELFARE A large selection of adult SOCIETY cats and kittens are 751-2570 available for adoption. M-F 9-5. The adult cats have been otterS p,m. neutered, some declawed. and weekends NORTHERN SUBURBS ANIMAL 754-8741 ASHTON REBA WELFARE LEAGUE Golden Retnever, Bouvier mix Animal Welfare Society 773-6839 for kittens two years old. twolthree years old 751-2570 M - F 9 - 5 754-8741 .nvtlme for cats

Four little kIttens, all boys. 5 weeks aid Who am I? Uke Vllver, rm a dickens of an COCO orphan who was round playing In the street. ADVPTION HOURS: Is 1-l/2 years They can't ftnd my home. so I'm looking for a MONDAY - SATURDAY 10:30 A.M - 3:00 P.M. old and new home now. I'm young, but old enough to PEPPER housebroken. have good house manners, neutered, and like is 3- 1/2 years old BRUTUS all Beardles, I'm friendly and very playful. I and spayed Call 465 ..7561 a German would make a very good friend If you would let ~\ or 754-8741 Shepherd mix me. If you are Interested In adopting me, call ~~ Donna of the BCCSEM Rescue at 13569 JOSEPH CAMPAU. DETROIT 48212 NORTHERN SUBURBS ANIMAL 882-4417 (313) 891-7188 WELFARE LEAGUE

• ecember 19, 1991 15C rosse Pointe News

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