A Community New~paper rosse Pointe News Vol. 52, No. 51 58 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 50~ December 19, 1991 Photo'> b} John Mmnt<, The Pointes are shining for Christmas again this year. Above. Dr. and Aglow Mrs. Douglas Ross have done an elegant job of decorating the historic Wardwell House (circa 11005)on Jefferson at Three Mile in the Park. It is tbe oldest brick bouse in tbe Paintes. for Right. top. the Eldridges in the Shores have a huge snowman drawing visitors and startling passersby on Lakeshore. Christmas Right. bottom. the Owens family on Brys east of Mack in the Woods went way out to have the most detailed Christmas decorations by far. New drunken driving laws bring sobering penalties By John Minnis If you're gUIlty and It's your pal Judge KIrsten Frank ASSistant Editor ended, you must go to the sec- If you are found guIlty of a are fined a maximum of $500 first drunken drIvmg offense, A typIcal first-tIme drunken The wt<;e<rt NE'W Year'<; re<;o- retary of state office and pay second drunken driving offense, your HcenRP ,<; l'lURJlPnded for for the fIrst offense and up to lutIOn you can make for 1992 IS drIver's sentence m the Park $125 to get a new lIcense. Un- you must serve a mmimum of SIX months to two years and WIll Include a fine, bCreenIng, $1,000 the second tIme you're don't drmk and drive. der the old law, you could have 48 consecUtive hours 1n ]all or dunng the first 30 days you 30 month probatlOn, three-day caught The maxImum fines rece,ved a restrIcted lIcense perform 10 days of communIty used to be $100 and $500, reo On Jan 1, a spate of new lose all driVIng privileges - house arrest and substance drunken drIvmg laws goes mto rIght away and the cost to get servlce Under the old law, spectIvely you can't even get a restricted abuse evaluatIOn and, If the a new hcense was $60. effect With penaltIes rangmg there was no mimmum manda If open hquor is found m hcense to go to work. facts warrant, a weekend sub- If you're found Innocent, you from automatIC loss of all driv- tory sentence for second offend- your car, you get two pomts on Also, courts can (and POinte stance abuse counsehng pro stIll have to go to the secretary Ing prlvdeges to poSSIble tIme ers your drIvmg record Judges do) Impose additIonal gram at Cottage HospItal of state office, but the cost for a And Jf you get caught drlv- In prison In fatal or mjury aCCIdents, sentence requIrements, such as After your suspensIOn has new hcense would be $6 mg on a suspended hcense, you you ean be found guIlty of a 15. If you're stopped for operat- commumty servIce and sub- 109 under the influence of alco- year felony for kl1hng someone stance abuse counsehng, for whlle drIVIng drunk or a five- hol (OUIL) and found to have a even first-tIme drunken drIvers. blood alcohol level of 10, police Con artists hit Mack-Moross year felony If you mcapacitate Of course, you also have to someone. wdl cut up your hcense and is- pay court fines and fees and le- money from her account. Furthermore, Jf you have a sue a temporary driving per gal expenses, which can run up Bogus cop fleeces man; A bank manager became sus- preVIOUSdrunken driVIng con- mlt, WhICh WIll be good to thousands of dollars. Also, pIcious and questIoned the VIctIOn, you can no longer ap- throughout the JudICIal process your insurance premIUm may woman. The manager told her peal your lIcense revocatIOn to The new laws say you will be tnpled due to a drunken banker foils 2nd scam she was bemg tricked and CircUIt court due to hardship - (WIth few exceptIOns) be ar- driVIng conVIction. By John Minnis called DetroIt pohee that IS, being unable to get to raIgned WIthm 14 days, WIll In Grosse Pomte Park, the InSIde was a bank envelope ASSistant Editor A Farms officer, who was work have a pretnal conference sentencmg depends on the Clr. contammg what looked to be a An attempted pIgeon drop large bundle of money The momtorlng a DetrOIt pohce Under the new laws, you can WIthm 35 days and Will be cumstances and drlvmg and scam that began outSide a store broadcast that a pIgeon drop found guilty or mnocent Within face on the outSIde bIll was cov- also be arrested for drunken substance abuse hIstories of the at Mack and Moross In the was m progress at the Comer 77 days conVIcted driver, saId MumcI- ered WIth a Lotto tIcket The drlvmg on private property Farms almost cost a 76 year old ends of the bundle were se. lea branch, saw a Mercedes that IS "generally acceSSIble to DetrOIt woman her lIfe's sav cured WIth officlal-lookmg pull away from the curb on lOgs last week, but an alert money wrappers that read Mack across from the bank and See DRUNK, page llA bank manager fOIled the cnme $100 then enter the Mack-Moross Pointer of Interest The inCident followed a Dec The younger woman saId she parkmg lot The car's occupants Holiday deadlines 3 scam at the same locatIOn 10 knew someone at the bank at matched the deSCriptIOn of the pIgeon-drop suspects which a man pOSIng as a Mack and Warren who could Early deadlmes Will be in ef- Diane Hathaway Farms pohce officer confiscated tell them what they should do The Mercedes pulled mto a fect for the 26 and Jan 2 ," Dee. a 60 year-old DetrOIt man's WIth the money She then told parkmg space, and the older Issues. They are: wallet, watch and keys and the man and woman to get mto man and young woman went • Features and entertain- By Ronald J. Bernas County Probate Judge by less drove ofT mto a store The Farms officer Staff Writer than 1percent of the votes, but her gray Mercedes and they ment - Thursday, Dee. 19 and Grosse Pomte Park's DIane About 1 p m Dec 10, the rode together to the bank was cIrclmg the block when she 26, noon she's not deterred was flagged down by a DetrOIt Hathaway loves a challenge DetrOIt woman was lea\'mg a She went inSIde the bank • Sports - Friday, Dee 20 "I WIll be a Judge before 1 store and wa<; approached by officer The pIgeon-drop vIctIm That's why, after several die," she saId and then returned, saymg th~ and 27, 10 a.m , was In the back seat of the De- years of bemg a full-time WIfe, an older lookmg man WIth a woman she wanted to talk to • News and letters to the edI- Hathaway IS one of five gray goatee and SIdeburns He trOIt polIce car When the mother of two, and real estate children who grew up m De was In a meetmg and that they tor - Friday, Dee 20 and 27, a<;ked her where the CouncIl of Farms officer descrIbed the sus broker, she went to law school trOlt She hstened With rapture would have to call the bank m noon Churches was She said she 15 mmutes They then rode to peets, the woman saId that was • DIsplay advertlsmg, sec- to achIeve her hfe's ambItIOn. to the stones told by her father, them She wants to be a Judge dIdn't know, and whIle they the DetrOIt woman's home on tIOns Band C. FrIday, Dee. 20 a DetrOIt pohce officer The officer then saw the A Macomb County assIstant were talk 109 they were ap Grayton WhIle there, the and 27, noon, first sectIon, "But 1 dIdn't thInk of becom proached by a woman, who was Mercedes leave the parkmg lot prosecutor, Hatha\'o ay lost the mg an attorney then, even voung woman made several Monday, Dee 23 and 30, 10 30 descnbed as bemg m her late and head south on Moross She electIOn ld~t \ (.II fm Wavne phone calls a.m. though 1 was fascmated WIth 20s attempted to follow the hIS world," she saId They left the home and drove • ClaSSified advertlsmg - She saId to the man and Mercedes but lost It at FIsher She became an X-ray techm to thp Comellca bank branch at bordered ads and cancellatIOns, woman, "Look \\ hdt I found," and Kercheval She broadcast Fnday, Dee 20 and 27, 4 pm, Clan, but It wasn't fulfilhng be Mack and Hl1!cJest The De and then "ho\\pd thpm d regular ads, Monday, Dee 23 cause the Job dIdn't allow her tlOlt \\ omdn \\l'nt m and asked bro\.\.n, accordu!l tYpe em elope See CON, page 22A and 30. noon to get to know the hundreds of to \\1thdr ,m l III g-E' sum of people she processed every week She marrIed RIchard Hatha Inside way - they met when he was her sister's hIgh school teacher - and she contInued at the X 0plnwn . ... 6A ray chmc whIle he went to law Obltuanes .12-14A school Events .. 15A "I feel lIke I've gone through law school tWIce, once With him Senwrs.. .....20A and once With myself," she Autos . 24A 'X'lld Buslness ... 26A When her husband landed a Sporls Job In the Wayne County prose Features Entertainment Schoo/.<;. ..27A cutor's office she was agaIn en Real Estate 1C Chll<,tm;-t<, tree.
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