
'ornrnuntty New OSS£ ~ws Learn about pollution, future of lake April 24 at public forum By Amy Andreou Miller problem of Lake St CI31r St Clmr from the Grosse POIntes, mum ties who border and use Lake St mental quality Staff Writer Thl' group hd' ,!'''l'mbled a p,mel of relentl) lo~t <I lengthy battle to ~top CI31r, such a~ the Pomtes, rally to The League of WonH'n Votl r~ of mternatlOn,11 experl> familIar \\ lth ThIS CanadIan governmental group ICI, d defuntt Cdnad13n.ba~ed fertd action, said a member of the Ledgue Grosse Pomte hope' ,111POlllter' "Ill the mcrea,mg ecology problem' that granted ICI permiSSIOn to begin lzer LOmpdny, from dumplllg ml!lIon~ of Women Voters be thmklng ,md talhlllg ,illout Lake afTelt the lake m ....hlch we ,Wlm on dumping the contents of ItS ,everal of gallon~ of chennc,,1 by-product mto St ClaIr Shores offiCials worked St Clair which \\ e boat, and, flOm "here our huge retentIOn ba<,ms contammg the Like St (lair The company\ fertlhz- With the Walpole Island reSidents m That\ bec,lUsp tbe \\ompn ~ \olun tap wdter lomes dangerous chemICals, cltmg that the er b) -pI oduct IIlcludes pho~phorus their protest of ICI at an admlmstra tper group I' m\ Itmg th. pubhc to a One exppcted hlghhght \\111 be amounts were too small to be harm- dnd ar,enll, among many other tOXIC tlve heanng about SIX month~ ago forum at 7 30 p m Thur,dd) Apnl 24 Walpole I~land re~ldent and pxpert ful chemlc"l" The hearmg was held before a at the Gro"se Pomte War Memonal Darri'n Wnghtman, Flr~t NatIOn Not so, say some of the experts who leI', dumplllg will bt done m Canadian governmental and declslOn- 32 Lakeshore, Gn"'il POInte Farm~, Tnbal CounlllIor He and others !lv- will be at the local forum They have ~tdgh '" It n1.lYnot bl' too late to pre- makIng group that IS SImIlar to to t"lk about the mCTl'd"mg pollutIOn lIlg on thp I~land that I~ acro.,., Lakl' vent futun dumpmg" If more com. Michigan's department of envIron- See LAKE, page 9A WEEK AHEAD Farms, Shores Monday, April 21 Passover - the eIght day celebratIOn of thp delivery of noW"lllonitoring the Jews from slaver) In Egypt - begm' at ~unset seW"age outfalls The Grosse Pomte Woods By Amy Andreou Miller was also reqUIred because the CIty CouncIl meets at 7 30 Staff Wnter state IS demandmg longer term p m In the council chambers Grosse Pomte Farms offi- momtonng at city hall, 20025 Mack clals embarked, WIth some Plaza apprehenSIOn, on a project thiS The Farms City CounCIl week to begm accurately mom- unammously approved at ItS tonng and measunng the cIty's Apnl meetmg, $21,882 for the The City of Grosse Pomte sewer outfalls - combmed equIpment payable to TRA, as CouncIl meets at 730 p m storm water and samtary well as $800 to $850 per SIte m the mUnicIpal offices at sewage dumpmg mto Lake St payable to Frasard Electnc for 17147 Maumee ClaIr dunng heavy ramstorms wlnng each of the seven mom Gro~se Pomte Shores and taring ~lteS, located along Lakeshore the Farms have been cooperat- Tuesday, April 22 mg m thIS momtonng effort by The Farms IS the last of the shanng common costs, such as Pomtes to conSIder sewer sepa- "Rmsmg Children of Good computer eqUIpment and soft- rabon, the other four Pomtes ware Character What Parents have eIther completed costly Photo bv SU2V Berc;chback and Elementar) Schools Can "Defimtely, there's some sewer separatIOns, or currently Do," I~ the tOPiC of a lecture Beanie-mania apprehenSIOn here regardmg have Initiated such an under- dehvered by Thoma~ the data the tests wJlI reveal," takmg Llckona, Ph D at 7 30 pm McDonald's restaurants weren't the only traffic clogged centers of Beanie Baby Said CIty Manager Rlch Solak Even though the Farm~ IS m the Gro'i'ie Pomte mania last weekend. The Grosse Pointe War Memorial held a Beanie Baby swap and "FollOWing the tests, we WIll now the last Pomte to conSider Academy audltorlUm Thl sale on April 12. The event, which was a benefit for the Children's Home of Detrolt, proceed accordmgly to play sewer separatIOn, It IS lauded free program IS open 10 the drew about 1,600 children and adults from around the metro Detroit area. who our part m being most respon- waited more than an hour in line - in the rain and snow - to get inside. Melissa Sible toward the ecology of the ac; among one of the fir~l com pubhc rnunlllC<;J In thC' county to .,how Shafer of Livonia, above, shows off her collection of coveted stuffed anhnals l~~ke Trcrc are a number of optl0ns to correct sewer out concern and t.:lkc olh{>T type.." of -!.;-lIc- ~p.;-;'lrat1ng our storm and actton to reduce posslble sewage outfalls mto the lake Earth D,l\, hr~t observed samtary sewers IS one solu- m 1970 WIth the message Eastside group doubts viability tlOn" For example, decades ago, "Gne Earth a Chance," IS a Even though the tests may the Farms reduced pOSSible day to focus attentIOn on reveal a need for sewer separa- sewer system overflow by con- reclalmmg the punty of the of Detroit City Airport expansion tion whICh could cost millions structmg a rehef sewer under- aIr, water and hvmg environ- of dollars, the cIty offiCIals are neath Kerby Road The rehef ment By Jim Stlckford Tht> study committee IS a payer dollar~ at least pleased that the sewer IS 54 mches tall by 36 Staff Wnter community alhance represent- "The propo~al to bUild a new newest sewer outfall testmg Inches WIde, and IS SItuated as II'" an Idea whose time has- mg about 800,000 cItizens m 6,000-foot runway at City eqUlpment hkely WIll work deep as 40 feet under the road n't come or at lea~t that 1<' the the Pomtes, Harper Wood" AIrport IS the latest m a senes In contrast, the Farms and m certam places such as IS the Wednesday, April 23 opinIOn of the DetrOit Clt) Warren, 5t Clmr Shore~ and of unsuccessful expansIOn Shores had attempted to mea- case Immediately m front of AIrport Study Committee other pa~blde commumtlCs as plan~ submItted by the CIty of sure Its sewer outralls on a the Farms mUniCipal bUilding The Grosse POInte regarding the proposed expan- well ,orne In Ontano, that DetrOit over the last 10 years short term baSIS a few years Academy hosts a summer 'ilOn of the runway at DetrOIt \\ ould be hurt by airport The latest expansIOn scheme ago, but they struggled With The current testmg m the ennchm~nt art falr from 1 to Farm s, as reque sted by offi- Cltv AIrport expansIOn becdu~e the) would would cost taxpayers at least battery-operated, analog 5 p m m the lower gym The The ea,t'lde organI7atlOn be ni'ar the expan'lOn or m the $145 mIllion" eqUIpment, and problems WIth c~a~s from the state's depart- event IS open to thL commu- ment of environmental quahty, recentl~ I"ued " re'iponse to a nIght pdth of large Jl.t~ landmg Gro~se Pomte Park Clty radIO receptIOn nity and features a \ anetv of recent reLOmmendatlOn by at the mrport manager Dale KraJnlak, speak- "Apparently, there wa~ an Will hkely contmue for SIX or representatIves and mforma DetrOIt City Airport officlal~ to The ~tud~ committee ~ <,tate- Ing on behalf of the head of the anomaly, or dead spot along seven years tlOn on summer actIVIties the lake m the radIO receptIOn the DetrOit elt) CounCil for the ment hi'gan h) ~tatIng, committee, Patnck McCarroll, The Shores' testmg WIll con- to our commumhe~: Solak fundmg needed to "tud) the Expan'lOn of DetrOit e,t\ 'i31d that the ~tudy commIttee tmue for only two to three ~ald e"pan'lOn of the 3lrport\ run Airport to (omp. tl' agam'it 'iUpport~ general aVIatIOn at years to assure state offiCIals Thursday, April 24 \\ 1\ to 6000 feet - a (lOO.foot commpT( 1 d III P 11 h \\(1lI1d bp Cltv Airport and has no deSIre OffiCIals from both cIties that sewer separatIOn has mcrea,p 0\ er It' CUTr(nt lTl t. nfl! rJ1P\.A'" 1111",1 th( and returned to the same company, worked Ipngth " uJd \\ ,....It lib HI-- 11 tax TRA Electromc Commum- A to ....n meeting on the See AIRPORT page 9 catIOns Company, to purchase health and 'iafety of Lake St Testmg of outfalls has come Cldlr, hosted by the Grosse the hIgher technology eqUip- to the forefront for many com- ment that IS hard-WIred and/or Pomte Leagul' of Women J " mumtles m the 1990s due to solar powered, WIth data to be Voters and featunng a panel the profoundly changed ecology digitally receIved be<:ause the of the lake One negatIVe of four expert~, begms at cIties were credited With a 7 30 P m m the receptIOn source for that change has more than 65 percent dIscount, room of th" Gro~,e Pomte been the mtroductlOn of zebra statmg that It too felt badly War Memonal mussels brought m the ballasts that prevIOus equipment was of mternatlOnal ships trave!lng not able to do the Job the Great Lakes, Lake St The better eqUipment and ClaIr, and adJOlnmg water- INSIDE more permanent m'tallatlOn ways OplnlOn 6A Aut()~ 12A POINTER OF INTEREST Schools 16A SenlOr~ 22A Beth Konrad BU~lne~~ 24A Home: Grosse Pomte Park Obltuanes 21A Entertaznment 7B Age: 46 Sport~ 1(' Cla<'<'lfied ad~ 4C Family: Husband, Frank Wllberdmg Jr two daugh- , .
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