Inflation, Recession, Austerity
WfJ/iIlE/iS ,,1N'O,1,, 25¢ No. 271 :~~~ )(-523 2 January 1981 Wide World Baltimore, September 1980-10,000 people apply for•70 jobs. Reagan's "Honelmoon": · Inflation, Recession, Austerity As Ronald Reagan, the consum situation since FOR took office in most prestigious economic adviser, White House, economic policy is mate Cold War brinksman, moves into 1933, but talk of a national "economic former Federal Reserve head Arthur firmly in the hands of Wall Street, not the White House. the economy is on emergency" program was dispelled as Burns, warned that there is no sense the Orange County Chamber of the brink, Central America is on the soon as it was mentioned by a Reagan talking now about an economic Commerce. The New Right is under brink, and, of course, the permanent aide. Reagan did not plan to take emergency when a "real one" is on the standably upset that the new treasury hostage crisis undulates to the brink "extra-legal" steps, assured Edwin way. secretary is Donald Regan, chair and back. It has become a cliche that Meese III, big shot of the transition While right-wing true believers may man of Merill, Lynch stockbrokers, Reagan.~~~e~_ the worst economic team. And on December 24, Reagan's have thought they put their man in the continued on oaf!e 8 For Sit-Down Strikes! Restore Parity With Ford and GM! No Concession to Chrysler Blackmaill Once again snapping the whip of any pretense of negotiating, he lectured threatened company bankruptcy, about the workers' "binge" and warned Chrysler in league with the federal that the freeze plan was "rigid." As for government is leading an assault on a the 45,000 Chrysler workers on indefi basic principle of trade unionism nite layoff, lacocca had nothing to say equal pay for equal work.
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