10/21/2020 1852-01 20-MED-05-0603 39569






September 1, 2020– August 31, 2021



A. Association Recognition ...... 1 B. ...... 1 C. Rights of the Association ...... 2 D. Fair Share Fee ...... 3 E. Professional Negotiations ...... 5 1. Scope of Bargaining ...... 5 2. Definitions ...... 5 3. Bargaining teams ...... 5 4. Bargaining in Executive Session ...... 5 5. Length of the Bargaining Period ...... 5 6. Consultants ...... 6 7. Initiation of the Bargaining Procedure ...... 6 8. The Initial Bargaining Session ...... 6 9. General Provision ...... 6 10. Agreement ...... 7 11. Impasse ...... 8 F. Labor Management Committee ...... 8


A. Purposes ...... 9 B. Definitions ...... 9 C. General Provisions ...... 9 D. Procedure ...... 10 Step I ...... 11 Step II ...... 11 Step III...... 11 Step IV ...... 11


A. Filing and Maintenance of Certificates ...... 13 B. Seniority ...... 13 C. Job Descriptions/Assignments ...... 15 D. Vacancies, Transfers, and Promotions ...... 15 E. Rehiring Retired Employees ...... 18 F. Evaluation All Bargaining Unit Members ...... 20 G. Academic Freedom ...... 35 H. Personnel Records ...... 36 I. Sequence of Contracts ...... 37 J. Just Cause/Certified and Non-Certified ...... 38 K. Termination ...... 39 L. Non-Renewal of Limited Contract ...... 39 M. Reduction in Force ...... 40 N. Alternate Educators License ...... 44 0. Summer School Intervention ...... 44



A. Sick Leave ...... 46 B. Personal Leave ...... 47 C. Professional Leave ...... 50 D. Other Leaves...... 50 E. Unpaid Leaves of Absence...... 51 F. Family Medical Leave Act...... 52 G. Vacations ...... 52


A. Salary ...... 54 B. Salary Schedule Placement ...... 54 C. Advancement on Salary-Additional Training ...... 55 D. Pay Periods ...... 55 E. Consolidation of Due Dates and Central Office Limitations...... 57 F. Daily or Per Diem Rate Defined ...... 57 G. Waiver of Salary Notification ...... 58 H. Compensatory Time ...... 58 I. Flex Time ...... 59 J. Subdivision of Bargaining Unit ...... 59 K. Pay for Training/Mileage Rate (Classified Staff) ...... 59 L. Overtime and Call Back/Premium Pay/Miscellaneous ...... 59 M. STRS, SERS Pick-up ...... 60 N. Substitute Pay Schedule ...... 61 O. Supplemental Duties ...... 61 P. Pay for Supplementals ...... 66 Q. Severance Pay ...... 66 R. Insurance ...... 67 S. Section 125 Plan ...... 71 T. Tax Sheltered Annuity ...... 71 U. Insurance Opt-Out Incentive Payment ...... 71 V. Stipend for Internal Professional Development ...... 72 W. Employee Background Checks ...... 72 X. Tuition Fund for Staff Coursework ...... 72


A. Work Year ...... 73 B. Work Week ...... 74 C. Work Day ...... 74 D. Changes in Work Day ...... 75 E. Relief Time ...... 75 F. Calendar Development and Adoption ...... 75 G. Planning Time ...... 77 H. Lesson Plans...... 77 I. Supply/Material Purchase & Budgeting ...... 77 J. Cleaning Supplies & Tools ...... 77 K. Special Provisions Related to Bus Drivers and Transportation ...... 77 L. Extra Duty ...... 83 M. Substitutes ...... 83 N. Calamity Days/Make-Up Days ...... 84 O. Three (3) Hour Delay ...... 84 P. Holidays ...... 85 ii

Q. Health and Safety ...... 86 R. Local Professional Development Committee ...... 87 S. Superintendent Interview Committee ...... 88 T. Building Principal Interview Committee...... 88 U. Parental or Citizen Complaints ...... 89


A. Maintenance of Benefits ...... 90 B. Severability ...... 90 C. Consulting Teacher Program ...... 90 D. ESSA ...... 90 E. Amendments ...... 91 F. Duration of Agreement ...... 91

Appendix A Grievance Report Form...... 92

Appendix B 2020-2021 Salary Schedule ...... 95 Appendix C Page Intentionally Left Blank ...... 96 Appendix D Page Intentionally Left Blank ...... 97

Appendix E 2020-2021 Support Personnel Salary Schedule ...... 98 Appendix F Page Intentionally Left Blank ...... 99 Appendix G Page Intentionally Left Blank ...... 100

Appendix H Non-OTES Teacher Observation/Evaluation Form ...... 101

Appendix I Non-use of Personal/Sick Leave Form ...... 104

Appendix J Tuition Reimbursement Fund for Staff Coursework ...... 105

Appendix K Employee Comp Time Report ...... 106

Appendix L Employee Hourly/Overtime Report ...... 107

Appendix M Advancement on Salary/Additional Educational Training ...... 108

Appendix N LPDC Report Form ...... 109

Appendix O Extra Curricular Activity Final Payment Request Form ...... 110

Appendix P Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Agreement ...... 111

Appendix Q Anthem Health Benefits Summary/HDHP Summary ...... 112

Appendix R Anthem Dental Benefits Summary ...... 121

Appendix S Vision Plan Benefits Summary ...... 122

Appendix T Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric ...... 123

Appendix U Evaluation Tools ...... 135

Appendix V Improvement Plan ...... 141


Appendix W Ohio School Counselor Evaluation Rubric...... 144

Appendix X Mentor/Mentee Change Form ...... 151

Appendix Y Parent Request to Administer Prescribed Medication Form ...... 152

Appendix Z Insurance Opt-Out Payment Amounts ...... 154






The Wayne Trace Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Board), recognizes the Wayne Trace Education Association OEA/NEA (hereinafter referred to as the Association) as the sole and exclusive representative for the purposes and exercises of such rights as defined and set forth in ORC 4117 for all staff members in the employee bargaining unit as set forth in the following paragraphs.


The bargaining unit will be defined as all personnel employed by the Board whether on leave, on per diem basis, or otherwise employed, or any other persons performing or to perform any work normally performed by bargaining unit members or any similar work including by way of illustration only but not limitation, classroom teachers (K-12, adult, special, vocational), guidance counselors, librarians, school nurses, director of student and staff services, athletic directors, tutors, secretaries, food service personnel, instruction aides, maintenance/custodial staff, bus mechanic and bus drivers. Substitutes employed for ten (10) or more consecutive days shall also be members of the bargaining unit. The Superintendent of schools, assistant Superintendent, if any, principals, assistant principals, Treasurer of the Board, secretary to the Treasurer, Superintendent's secretary, Maintenance/Transportation Director, Curriculum/Testing Coordinator, and District Technology Coordinators shall not be members of the bargaining unit.

Wherever the term(s) "professional staff member", "staff member", "staff", "classified employee", "employee", "teacher", "custodian", “sweeper”, “secretary", "bus driver", "teacher's aide", "monitor", "cashier", or "cook" appear in this Agreement, they shall be taken to mean a member of the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement.

Fulltime: An employee who is employed to perform a full day's work for the affected classification or assigned position as defined by this Contract for a minimum of 120 days or more in a work year.

Part-time: An employee who works less than a full day in the affected classification or assigned position as defined by this Contract and/or less than the minimal standard of 120 work days.

All employees of the bargaining unit as described herein are entitled to all rights, benefits, and privileges of this Contract unless otherwise specified herein or as may be distinguished by the respective job classification.

Association representation will include any newly created position unless such employment position is among those excluded and noted above.

The Association President or his/her designee will submit a list of the names and addresses of the elected officers of the Association to the Superintendent.



The Association shall be granted the following sole and exclusive organizational rights as the bargaining agent of the instructional staff:

1. Use of all faculty bulletin boards provided for instructional staff information.

2. Payroll deduction of professional dues including Association, Ohio Education Association, and National Education Association. Deductions will be made in twenty- two (22) equal payments beginning with the first check in October.

3. To make Association announcements at general faculty meetings, building and total staff.

4. Use of building public address system for Association announcements in keeping with normal building procedures. All oral communications must be approved by the acting building principal.

5. Use of buildings with prior approval of the building principal.

6. Use of school mail for distribution of Association material.

7. To be a regular part of the Board meeting agenda for rights to speak at such meetings.

8. Use of individual school machines and equipment at reasonable times and when equipment is not in use otherwise. All consumable supplies will be reimbursed to the Board at invoice cost.

9. The Association shall be permitted to transact its official business on school property during the school day as long as it does not interfere with the teaching responsibilities of a teacher or attempt to interrupt normal school activities. The principal has the right to halt any activities which will interrupt normal school activities.

The President of the Association and/or designee and/or Labor Relations Consultant for the Association shall have the right to visit schools and individual teachers so long as such visits will not interfere with the normal teaching duties of the professional staff member to be contacted. Upon arrival at a building, the Labor Relations Consultant will first check with the building principal or his designee prior to making any visitation.

10. Professional Association Leave

a. Professional Association leave amounting to two (2) days shall be extended to the WTEA President or an assigned alternate for the purpose of attending OEA meetings or conferences.

b. Professional organizational leave amounting to two (2) days shall be granted to one (1) faculty member delegate for attendance at the annual OEA Convention.

c. The Superintendent shall receive notification of the dates of the convention and the names of the delegates at least two (2) weeks prior to the days of absence. The WTEA President or his alternate shall observe a similar notification period concerning the use of the days associated with the President's position.

d. The Board's obligation toward expenses shall be limited to payment of substitute teachers. 2

11. Association Membership

Association membership is on an annual basis with the membership year beginning September 1 through August 31. Once a member enrolls, each membership shall be continuous thereafter for each subsequent membership year unless the individual cancels their membership. A membership list will be provided by the Association to the Board Treasurer by September 15th annually.

Any individual who wishes to cancel their membership must notify the Association Treasurer in writing between August 1 and August 31. A member may cancel their membership outside of the cancellation period; however, such members shall be responsible for all remaining dues and assessments of the current membership year and by such cancellation acknowledges that he/she is forgoing any right specifically reserved to members of the Association.

In the event an employee severs employment or cancels their membership outside of the cancellation period defined above, the District Treasurer shall deduct all owed and remaining dues from the employees next check immediately following such notification from the Association.

Unless otherwise specified herein, the Board agrees to automatic payroll deduction of an amount equal to the total dues and assessments of the Association from the pay of all bargaining unit members.

In the case of bargaining until employees either newly hired after the beginning of the school year, or newly entering the bargaining unit, the payroll deduction shall commence on the first pay date following notification from the Association.

D. FAIR SHARE FEE – If permitted by law (the two parties will agree to meet to negotiate if necessary)

Fair Share Fee shall be an exclusive right conferred upon the Association as the exclusive representative agent.

Unless otherwise specified herein, the Board agrees to automatic payroll deduction, as a condition of employment, of an amount not to exceed 100% of the total dues of the Association from the pay of all employees who elect not to become members of the Association or from those who elect not to remain members of the Association.

Payroll deduction of such annual fair share fees for all regularly employed non-Association members shall commence with the first payday that occurs on or after January 15 annually and continue through all remaining pay periods over which Association membership dues and assessments are deducted. Any staff member who plans on paying their Fair Share Fee in a lump sum instead of having payroll deduction will notify the WTEA Treasurer and the district Treasurer’s office by September 30th of each year.

In the case of employees either newly hired after the beginning of the school year, or newly entering the bargaining unit, the payroll deduction shall commence on the first pay date on or after the later of:

(i) Sixty days of employment in a bargaining unit position (which shall be the required probationary period) or


(ii) January 15th.

Any substitute employed for sixty (60) consecutive days who does not choose to become a member of the Association will be subject to such annual fair share fees retroactive to the first day of employment. Such substitutes working one-half time or less than that of the regular full-time employee shall be subject to fair share fees of one-half (1/2) of the full annual amount withheld from each full-time employment fee payer.

Beginning with the first paycheck after the ninetieth consecutive day of employment or whenever the salary of a one-half (1/2) rate fair share fee payer substitute(s) exceeds one- half of the salary paid to a regular full-time employee, whichever comes first, such substitutes shall be subject to the full annual amount of the fair share fees retroactive to the first day of employment.

Upon notification from the Association that an employee has terminated Association membership, the Treasurer of the Board shall commence the check-off of the annual fair share fee with respect to such former member. The amount of the fee to be deducted by such check-off shall be the total of the annual dues and assessments of the Association less the amount previously paid through employee authorized payroll deduction. The deduction of the amount to be deducted shall commence on the first payday occurring on or after forty-five (45) days from the termination of membership.

Association dues and assessment rates and annual fair share fee rates shall be transmitted by the Association to the Board Treasurer for the purpose of determining amounts to be payroll deducted. The Board will promptly transmit all amounts so deducted to the Association.

The Board will accompany each such transmittal with a list of the names of employees for whom all such deductions were made, the period covered, and the amounts deducted for each.

The Association represents to the Board that an internal rebate procedure has been established in accordance with Section 4117.09(c) of the Revised Code and that a procedure for challenging the amount of the representation fee has been established and will be given to each member of the bargaining unit who does not join the Association and that such procedure and notice shall be in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Ohio.

No non-member filing a timely demand shall be required to subsidize partisan political or ideological causes not germane to the Association's work in the realm of .

Upon timely demand, non-members may apply to the Association for an advance reduction/rebate of the fair share fee pursuant to the internal procedure adopted by the Association.

The Association agrees to indemnify the Board of Education for any cost or liability incurred as a result of the implementation and enforcement of this provision provided that:

1. The Board shall give a ten (10) day written notice of any claim made or action filed against the Board by a non-member for which indemnification may be claimed;

2. The Association shall reserve the right to designate counsel to represent and defend the Board; 4

3. The Board agrees to (a) give full and complete cooperation and assistance to the Association and its counsel at all levels of the proceeding, (b) permit the Association or its affiliates to intervene as a party if it so desires, and/or (c) not oppose the Association or its affiliates' application to file briefs amicus curiae in the action;

4. The action brought against the Board must be a direct consequence of the Board's good faith compliance with the fair share fee provision of the collective bargaining agreement herein; however, there shall be no indemnification of the Board if the Board intentionally or willfully fails to apply (except due to court order) or misapplies such fair share fee provision herein.


1. Scope of Bargaining

Issues of bargaining are recognized as matters of concern to the Board or Association affecting wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employment.

2. Definitions

a. Day or days shall consist of school days or week days other than Saturday or Sunday.

b. "Good Faith" bargaining shall be to present proposals, consider proposals, offer counter-proposals, make considerations and concessions and provide positions on behalf of the party represented with the purpose of reaching agreement on issues being discussed.

3. Bargaining Teams

The bargaining procedures shall be conducted between representatives of the Board and Association. These representatives shall be known as the bargaining teams. Each team may consist of no more than five (5) members. Each party represented in the bargaining procedure shall determine who will be its bargaining team representative but shall not select members of the other party involved in the bargaining procedure. Parties will make every reasonable attempt to retain the same team members throughout the negotiations process. Bargaining team members shall be authorized to bargain in good faith.

4. Bargaining in Executive Session

All bargaining sessions shall be in executive session, meaning: only members of the bargaining teams, consultants as provided for in this procedure, and others as mutually agreed to between the bargaining teams shall be in the room in which the bargaining sessions is being held.

5. Length of the Bargaining Period

The bargaining period shall be sixty (60) days from the first bargaining session.


6. Consultants

Either bargaining team may utilize the assistance of consultants at any session to assist in the process. Cost of such consultants shall be borne by the party utilizing such consultants.

7. Initiation of the Bargaining Procedure

The bargaining procedure may be initiated either by a letter from the Association President to the Board or the local Superintendent. Bargaining must be initiated at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of this Agreement. The letter to initiate the bargaining procedure shall include the following:

a. Date of the writing b. Statement that the purpose is to initiate the bargaining procedure. c. The name of the representative of the requesting party to be contacted to make arrangements for establishing the initial bargaining session. d. Signature and position of the sender of the letter.

Upon receipt of the letter to initiate the bargaining procedure, the receiving party president shall respond with a letter to the representative of the sending party within (5) days of receipt of said letter including the following:

a. Date of writing b. Acknowledgment of receipt of letter to initiate the bargaining procedure. c. The name of the representative of the receiving party to contact concerning arrangements for the establishing of initial bargaining session. d. Signature and position of the sender of the letter.

8. The Initial Bargaining Session

Except as may be otherwise agreed, the initial bargaining session shall be arranged within ten (10) days of the date on the letter to initiate the bargaining procedure. The first item of business shall be to establish an agenda, meaning: Arranging the order of issues to be discussed during the bargaining period. No item shall be added to the agenda unless mutually agreed to by both teams.

The initial session, and all future sessions shall not adjourn until a time, place, and date have been established for the next bargaining session, until all matters submitted for bargaining have been agreed to or otherwise resolved.

9. General Provision

a. Caucus - Either bargaining team may call for a caucus for a period of a reasonable duration during a bargaining session.

b. Recess - A recess in the bargaining session may be called for by either team when it is determined that further progress cannot be made at the present session. A recess shall not commence until the time, place, and date have been established for the next session, which shall not be longer than three (3) days from present session or a mutually agreed upon date.


c. Ad Hoc Committee - Ad Hoc Committee may be created by the bargaining teams to study a given area and make a report at a specified time as directed by the teams.

d. Exchange of Information - The Board and Association agree to provide the other, upon request, pertinent information to areas that may be discussed during the bargaining period.

1. Submission of information of mutual concern: The Board and the Association shall exchange information that will be of mutual concern and benefit to each party. Privacy of individuals and individual concerns shall always be respected by both parties. Mutually exchanged information shall be shared with any third parties, except as provided by Ohio Revised Code.

e. Progress Reports - Each bargaining team shall be responsible to make a periodic progress report to the respective parties they represent during the bargaining period.

f. Tentative Agreement - As items are discussed and agreement reached, said items shall be reduced to writing and initialed by a representative of each team.

g. All issues submitted to the bargaining procedure shall be agreed to or otherwise resolved prior to the submission of the issues to the agreement provisions of this procedure.

10. Agreement

a. Preparing issues for presentation to the Association and Board for approval - When agreement has been obtained on all issues submitted to the bargaining process, or issues have otherwise been resolved, the issues tentatively agreed to shall be reduced to writing and presented to the Association for its approval within five (5) days of the final bargaining session.

Each issue shall include the following provisions in writing:

1. Provisions of Agreement 2. Date that said provisions are to be implemented

Once the issues have been approved by the Association they shall be submitted to the Board for approval at its next regular or special Board meeting.

When approved by both parties, four copies of the entire Agreement shall be signed by the president of the Association and the president of the Board. Thereupon, the items agreed to shall constitute a revision of, or addition to school district regulations. When applicable, provisions will be reflected in the individual contract or statement of conditions of service as submitted to employees.

b. Dissemination of Agreement - The Board and Association agree to share the cost of producing and distributing a copy of this Agreement to each member of the bargaining unit.


11. Impasse

a. Mutually Agreed Alternate Dispute Resolution Procedure:

The impasse resolution procedures herein shall supersede the dispute settlement procedures set forth under ORC 4117.14.

b. Responsibilities:

The parties pledge themselves to negotiate in good faith, and in the event of failure to reach agreement, to utilize in good faith such mediatory facilities as are or may be provided.

c. Mediation:

If agreement is not reached on matters being negotiated at the end of the negotiating period or not later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement, either party may declare an impasse and request that an impartial mediator be appointed. The mediator shall be requested from Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services. If the mediator is not available within five (5) calendar days or an agreed upon time after the call for mediation, the mediator will then be selected from one or more of those provided by the American Arbitration Association. In the event that the parties, after having received and reviewed three lists of proposed mediators, are unable to agree on the selection of a mediator, the mediator will be selected by the American Arbitration Association pursuant to its rules for voluntary mediation.

Both parties hereby agree to give, upon request, such information as the mediator deems necessary.

Except by mutual written consent, the selection and mediation process shall not extend for more than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the declaration of impasse. The parties shall be permitted to postpone or extend the mediation process by not more than fifteen (15) days and shall not extend beyond the expiration of this agreement except by written agreement of the parties prior to such expiration. All such extensions shall be for a specified period of time. The cost of securing and utilizing the services of a mediator shall be shared equally by the Board and the Association.


At the request of either party, the Labor Management Committee shall convene to discuss matters of concern for either of the parties. Except in cases of emergency or timeliness, such meetings will generally be limited to not more than one per month. The Superintendent and Association President shall be members of the committee and may select not more than four additional persons annually to participate on the committee.





The Board, the Administration, and the Association have a mutual concern which recognizes that a well-conceived procedure for grievance adjudication which will resolve the dissatisfactions and redress the legitimate grievance of staff members is essential to the efficient and harmonious operations of the school district.


Grievance - a claim that there has been a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of:

1. Established Board policy 2. The negotiated agreement

Days - the term "days" shall mean all school days when students are in session. The number of days indicated at each step shall be considered a maximum and every effort shall be made to expedite the process.

Grievant - Any member of the bargaining unit, any group of members acting as a class, the Association itself acting on behalf of itself or for any member or group of members of the bargaining unit.

Representation or Representative - Any member of the Association or its affiliates, any consultant or employee of the affiliate, or legal counsel of the Association or its affiliates.


The time limits provided for in this Article shall be strictly observed but may be extended by written agreement of the parties. In the event a grievance is filed after May 15 of any year and strict adherence to the time limits may result in hardship to any party, the Board shall use its best efforts to process such grievance prior to the end of the school term or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible.

All written documentation as called for in the procedure shall be sent to the receiving party by certified letter or personal service at each step of the procedure. If the service is personal service, the individual making such service shall indicate the time and date of service and the person receiving same shall affix his signature thereto. Email is considered an acceptable tool in communications.

The grievant may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by any representative as defined above.

When the grievant is not represented by the Association, the Association shall be notified by the Administration that a grievance has been filed and have the right to have its representative present.

The president of the Association or his designee and the grievant shall receive prior notice at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of each meeting/hearing held with a grievant after the grievance has been formally filed.


The procedures contained in this Article constitute the sole and exclusive method for redressing any grievance which could be brought pursuant to this Article.

No reprisal of any kind shall be taken by or against any participant in the grievance procedure by reason of participation or use of this grievance procedure.

If a grievance appears to arise from the actions of an authority higher than the immediate supervisor and/or affects a group of members of the Association, it may be submitted at Step II described herein and the processing of such grievance shall commence at Step II. Class grievances involving more than one supervisor and/or grievances involving the administrator, above the building level, may be filed by the Association at Step II. In matters dealing with alleged violations of Association rights, the grievance shall be initiated at Step II. In addition, the parties may mutually agree to expedite grievance arbitration and advance the grievance directly to arbitration.

When employees schedules permit, grievances shall be presented and handled during regular working hours. Other times for hearings and meetings shall be set by mutual agreement of the parties. No reduction in compensation shall occur for any employees as a result of participation in any grievance proceeding.

The Board, the Administration, and the Association will cooperate with the investigation of any grievance and further, the parties will furnish each other any requested documents required for processing the grievance.

Hearings held under this procedure shall be conducted at a time and place which will afford a fair and reasonable opportunity for all persons, including witnesses, entitled or required to be present to attend. Formal hearings held under this procedure shall be structured so that due process under the circumstances is accorded to both sides. Each hearing shall be provisions for: initial presentation of the grievant's case, presentation of the administration's response/case, cross-examination and/or questioning of witnesses or representatives, and final summaries, with either party having the right at its option to waive any or all of the foregoing.

Nothing in this contract shall bind the Association from exercising discretion in resolving to pursue or not to pursue a grievance at any level. The Association shall have the exclusive right to determine whether any grievance is appealed to arbitration.

If either party misses any of the timelines contained in this Article, the grievance will automatically move to the next step. If either party fails to appear for a scheduled arbitration hearing, the grievance shall be resolved in favor of the party that was present.

A grievance may be withdrawn at any level without prejudice or record.


The Board, the Administration, and the Association acknowledge that it is usually most desirable for a staff member and the Administration to resolve problems through free and informal communications. However, should such informal processes fail to satisfy the grievant, and then a grievance may be processed according to the following formal procedures.



No later than twenty (20) days after the grievant knew or could have reasonably been expected to have known about the occurrence of the alleged violation giving rise to the grievance, the grievant may, through the Association, submit to the proper immediate administrator who has the authority to bring about a resolution of the alleged problem, a completed and signed STEP I grievance form. Said administrator will acknowledge receipt of the grievance form by initialing such completed form. Once the form has been initialed, a copy of the completed form shall be given to the grievant and to the Association representative. Within five (5) days of receipt of the grievance form, the administrator shall contact the Association and schedule a mutually agreeable time to meet to discuss said grievance. Within five (5) days of said meeting, the administrator shall indicate his/her disposition of the grievance in writing and forward a copy thereof to the grievant and the Association.


If the grievant or the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at STEP I, the Association may initiate STEP II by completing a written Grievance Report form STEP II and submitting it to the Superintendent within five (5) days of receipt of the STEP I response. Within five (5) days after the receipt of the completed said form, the Superintendent and/or his designated representative shall schedule to meet with the grievant and his/her Association representative for the purpose of resolving the grievance. Within five (5) days of such meeting, the Superintendent shall indicate his/her disposition of the grievance in writing, and forward a copy thereof to the grievant, the Association, and Administrator(s) involved.


If the grievant or the Association is not satisfied with the disposition made by the Superintendent, the Association may initiate STEP III by completing a proper Grievance Report Form and submitting it to the Board by filing a copy with the Treasurer of the Board and the Superintendent within five (5) days of receipt of the STEP II response. At the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, the Board shall meet with the grievant, the Association representative and the Superintendent or his designee, to review the grievance and attempt to resolve same. Within seven (7) days of such meeting, the Board shall reduce its disposition of the grievance to writing and forward a copy thereof to the grievant, the Association and the Superintendent. Upon mutual agreement of the parties to the grievance, the grievance may be submitted to STEP IV without a hearing before the Board.


If the grievant or the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance by the party at the previous step, the Association may submit the grievance to an impartial arbitrator by filing a request for arbitration with the Treasurer of the Board and the Superintendent within five (5) days of receipt of the STEP III response. Within three (3) days after the submission of the request, the Association representative and the Superintendent shall meet to select the arbitrator. If no arbitrator is selected within seven (7) days, the demand for arbitration and the request for an arbitrator shall be submitted to the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its rules, which rules [(1) the American Arbitration Association rules for voluntary labor arbitration or (2) the American Arbitration Association rules for expedited labor arbitration] shall likewise govern the arbitration proceeding. Both parties may be represented at the arbitration hearing. 11

The jurisdiction and authority of the arbitrator and his/her opinion and award shall be limited to the interpretation of the written provisions of the Agreement and Board policy. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter, add to, or subtract from or in any way modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement or Board policy.

In any arbitration proceeding where a question concerning the arbitrator's jurisdiction over the grievance is raised, the arbitrator shall make a separate decision on the question of his jurisdiction. In his/her decision, the arbitrator shall first rule upon the jurisdictional issues and, if he/she determines that he/she has no jurisdiction, he/she shall make no decision or recommendation concerning the merits of the grievance. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the arbitrator from taking all evidence of the jurisdictional issues and the merits of the grievance in a single hearing.

The arbitrator will render his/her decision in writing within thirty (30) days, or such additional time as the parties may in writing agree, after any grievance has been submitted. His/her decision will be final and binding upon the parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.

The fees and expenses for the services of the arbitrator will be borne equally by the Board and the Association.





Except as otherwise expressly provided herein all members of the bargaining unit shall maintain such teaching certificates or licenses as are relevant and necessary for their current assignment. It shall be the responsibility of each member to apply and qualify for the renewal of any such certificate and to file such certificate with the Treasurer of the Board before school starts, if possible, or as soon thereafter as possible, but in any event, not later than October 1 of the school year. Except as noted below, failure to timely file such certificates shall result in the withholding of pay until the certificate is received.

In cases where the failure to file such certificate is not the result of teacher negligence or where the teacher is otherwise fully certified but assigned to an area where they are not fully certified, pay shall not be withheld.


Seniority Defined

Seniority shall mean the length of continuous employment in a bargaining unit position as follows:

Seniority shall begin to accrue from the first day worked in a bargaining unit position.

Seniority shall accrue for all time an employee is on active pay status or is receiving worker's compensation benefits.

Time spent on inactive pay status (unpaid leave or layoff) shall not contribute to the accrual of seniority but shall not constitute a break in seniority.

Job classification seniority shall be defined as the length of continuous employment of an employee in a particular job classification as computed from the employee's most recent date of entry into such job classification. However, prior job classification seniority shall not be forfeited or broken during the period of job training and/or the probationary period when an employee changes job classification.

Full-time employees shall accrue one (1) year of seniority for each year worked as determined by the minimal full-time standard as defined by this contract.

Part-time employees shall accrue seniority pro-rated against the minimal full-time standard as defined by this Contract.

Substitute employees shall not accumulate seniority and are not considered as either regular full-time or regular part-time or employees subject to the terms of this Agreement. Only full-time or regular part-time employees shall accumulate seniority.

No employee shall accrue more than one (1) year of seniority in any work year.

Seniority Changes for Classified Employees

As a classified employee moves from one job classification to another, he/she will be able to take all of their seniority with them for the purposes of layoffs. 13

He/she will receive up to ten (10) years of seniority for the purposes of establishing the proper position on the salary schedule.

Equal Seniority

A tie in seniority shall occur when two (2) or more employees have the same amount of seniority credit as determined by the application of the seniority provisions above.

Ties in seniority shall be broken by the following method to determine the most senior employee:

The employee who has the greatest number of accumulated days of substitute or part- time service in the district not previously counted as continuous employment, and then;

The employee with the earliest date of hire as determined by the date of the Board meeting at which the staff member was hired, and then the order of hire at the Board Meeting where the employee was initially hired and then;

If a tie still remains;

By lottery, with the most senior employee being the one whose name is drawn first, etc. This procedure shall be implemented in the presence of a designated association representative.


For layoff purposes only, certified/licensed employees employed under continuing contract shall have greater seniority than certified/licensed employees employed under limited contract.

For layoff purposes only, the Association president shall be the most senior employee in the bargaining unit.

Loss of Seniority

Seniority shall be lost when an employee retires or resigns; is employed in a full-time non- bargaining unit position; is discharged for cause; or otherwise leaves the employment of the Employer.

Posting of Seniority List

In addition to the posting provisions required under the reduction in force provisions, the seniority list shall be posted once annually, by January 15th of each work year. The Employer shall prepare and submit to the Association President a seniority list indicating, by area of certification, license, or job classification the first day worked1, the date of Employer resolution to hire, and the contract status (limited or continuing) of each employee. Said list shall be provided to the Association President on or before the date of posting.

1 For current staff, where past Board records do not indicate the first day of employment and where other documentation is not available so as to substantiate the first day of employment the month and year only will be used. 14

The names of employees on the seniority list shall appear in seniority rank order within areas of certification, license, or entry-level requirement, with the name of the most senior employee appearing at the top of the listing and the name of the least senior employee appearing at the bottom of the listing.

The names of employees who are certified, licensed, or otherwise minimally qualified in more than one (1) area shall be included on the listing for all areas of certification, license, or entry-level requirement.

The names of part-time employees shall appear on the seniority list but shall be distinguished from the names of full-time employees by the listing of the extent of their part-time service.

Correction of Inaccuracies

After posting of the seniority list, each employee shall be responsible for advising the Employer or its agents in writing of any inaccuracies which affect his/her seniority. The Employer or its agents shall investigate all reported inaccuracies and make such adjustments as may be in order and submit the updated list as noted above. No protest shall be considered after May 10th of the posting of the seniority list and the list shall be considered as final until the next posting.


The Board of Education and Wayne Trace Education Association shall, through committee, develop and write job descriptions for all positions in the district. All new job descriptions must be completed within one month and revisions to existing job descriptions must be completed within two weeks, although extensions may be mutually agreed upon. Once completed, the Board and Association shall coordinate the ratification procedures. Changes to completed job descriptions shall be initiated by the Association or Superintendent. Reviews of completed job descriptions shall be initiated on an as-needed basis. Both the Board and Association agree to modify this agreement, Board policy, and WTEA Bylaws when and if necessary to implement these provisions.

All job descriptions will be reduced to writing with a copy provided to each affected employee as well as copies of all job descriptions being maintained in the central and building offices. As revisions are made in such job descriptions, copies will be provided to each affected employee within five (5) days of any change adoption.

Evaluation forms for certified/classified staff will correspond with job descriptions.


A vacancy shall be defined as a newly created position or a present position that is not filled. A position needing to be filled due to a large class enrollment advancing from one grade level to the next within a building is considered a vacancy which needs to be posted.

On the first teacher workday the principal and staff shall jointly decide where postings and notices are to be placed for the current school year. All staff members in the building or traveling staff in the district shall be notified of the location in each building. Said posting shall contain the following information:


a. Type of work/position(s) available b. Location of work c. Starting date d. Rate of pay e. Hours to be worked f. Classification g. Minimum requirements h. Deadline for application

All vacancies will be posted internally for five (5) working days to all employees of the school district.

The employer shall notify bargaining unit members of vacancies occurring when school is not in session through use of the electronic messaging system. The process for expedited job postings when school is not in session shall then be followed.

In emergency situations only, the superintendent may request a waiver of the five (5) day posting from the Association President. If the waiver is granted by the Association President, the superintendent may temporarily hire and later post if the Association President deems it necessary.

Vacancies in classified positions shall be filled with the most senior qualified applicant from within the affected classification. Should no bargaining unit member from the affected classification apply, the vacancy shall then be filled by the most qualified applicant from other classifications. If two or more applicants are equally qualified, seniority will be the deciding factor. Based on the job description to be filled, the Superintendent will determine the most qualified applicant.

The filling of vacancies among certified staff positions within the bargaining unit shall be made by the Superintendent on the basis of the following criteria in no particular order:

a. Instructional/vacant position requirements. b. The qualifications of the staff member. c. The contribution which the staff member could make to student and to the school system in the new position. d. Seniority within the school system as set forth herein.

If two candidates are otherwise equally qualified, the vacancy shall be filled on the basis of seniority and experience within the school system.

Within ten (10) workdays after the expiration of the posting period, the Employer shall make known its decision as to which applicant has been selected to fill posted position. Each applicant shall be so notified in writing with a copy provided to the Association.

When an applicant is not selected for a posted position in the bargaining unit, the Superintendent or designee shall notify the staff member(s) they were not approved for the transfer. The notification to the employee shall be made in person, writing, or by phone.

Bargaining unit members shall not be placed on a lower step (salary schedule, wage scale) due to involuntary transfers.

Any classified bargaining unit member who temporarily assumes the duties of another bargaining unit member will be paid the regular rate of pay for those duties pursuant to the

16 adopted salary schedule for their experience in that assignment, or their regular rate of pay, whichever is greater.

When school is in session, no administrator shall take action to interview any individual until the close of the posting of written notice of a vacancy or newly-created position. During the summer, actions to interview may convene seven (7) days following the initial posting.

The Superintendent may make temporary assignment of personnel into positions in which a vacancy exists. Such appointments shall extend until selection procedures are completed, but not beyond the current school year and not to exceed sixty (60) days, whichever is shorter unless a replacement willing to accept such vacancy cannot be found.

If two candidates are otherwise equally qualified and one applicant can offer a needed extra service to students, such as supervision of extra activities or coaching, consideration will be given to them.

Expedited Job Postings Summer Months

Interested employees shall apply in writing to the Superintendent by 4:00 p.m. of the fifth (5th) calendar day following the notice until July 10 of each year.

For vacancies occurring after July 10 in any year, the posting and application procedures shall be as follows:

a. All vacancy notices will be posted.

b. Employees wishing to apply for such vacancies shall give oral or written notification of application to the Superintendent's office no later than 48 hours after the posting.

If the Superintendent is not in receipt of any application within the specified time, or in the event none of the applicants are qualified and appropriate for the position, he may then consider applications from outside the school system.

Summer school vacancies - the Superintendent shall prepare a list of all summer positions no later than April 20th of the current school year. A copy of this list shall be sent to each school and posted as set forth above. The list shall include the following information:

a. Position(s) available. b. Requirements for the job. c. Deadline for application. d. Effective starting date. e. Any additional pertinent information.

The Bargaining Unit Member who last held the summer school position(s) shall be given preference over all candidates each year summer school is held. Should the person who last held the summer school position decline the position, the position shall be posted and awarded to the most senior and qualified applicant. If the summer school position remains open after the previous steps are followed, the Board of Education may hire any qualified applicant outside the bargaining unit.


If a non-Bargaining Unit Member last held the summer school position, the Superintendent shall offer the position to the last Bargaining Unit Member to hold the position before following the procedure as outlined in the above paragraph.

The Bargaining Unit Member who last held the summer school position shall notify their immediate supervisor of their desire to be rehired for the position by February 1.

Otherwise, summer school vacancies shall be filled on the basis of seniority, experience and qualifications, in the school system. Professional staff members shall be notified within five (5) days following the May Board meeting that:

a. They have been hired. b. They have not been hired.

Voluntary Transfers:

Voluntary transfer shall be defined as any transfer where affected staff have made application for such transfer or where such affected staff have agreed to such transfer.

Staff may, at any time, request a transfer to another position for which they are qualified by submitting a request on a form provided by the Superintendent. All such requests shall expire annually on September 30th each year. All such requests shall be considered as applications for any vacancies for which the affected applicant is qualified.

When two or more people, with administrative approval, agree to voluntarily transfer from their position(s), those positions are now vacancies and shall be posted and awarded according to the procedures of the contract.

Involuntary Transfers:

Involuntary transfers shall be defined as any transfer that is not voluntary.

The parties agree that involuntary transfers of bargaining unit members are to be effected only when there are no qualified voluntary applicants, only for reasonable and just cause, shall not be initiated for disciplinary reasons, and shall be in inverse order of seniority except in such cases where the Superintendent can justify a non-seniority transfer with clear and compelling or for just cause reasons.



If certified/licensed employees from the Wayne Trace School District wish to be considered for reemployment, they must indicate this to the superintendent, prior to May 1 of the year of their potential retirement. Their request must include a letter of resignation that states that their resignation is contingent upon being reemployed with the district.

The resignation letter requested under this provision must be received by the superintendent 5 working days prior to the upcoming announced board meeting. If the request is received within 5 working days of a board meeting, the request may be tabled until the next scheduled board meeting. The superintendent will notify the certified employee of the board's decision on reemployment within 2 days of the board meeting.

If a certified/licensed employee is rehired, retired certified employees will be placed at step 10 on the column at the level of experience on the salary schedule, provided they were 18 past this step at the time of being rehired. If the employee was not past this level on the salary schedule, they will be placed at the last level occupied. Rehired retired certified employees will progress on the salary schedule each year following their initial placement.

Except as provided for under this agreement, all provisions of the contract will be maintained; however, a rehired retired certified/licensed employee will not be entitled to severance pay a second time.

Rehired retired certified employees will NOT accrue seniority for the purposes of reduction in force.

At their option, rehired retired certified/licensed employees will be eligible for board- provided single employee health insurance coverage at the contracted premium rate. Those rehired retired teachers electing not to take such coverage shall be eligible for an annuity as per contract provisions for certified employees under the single plan.

Rehired retired certified/licensed employees from the Wayne Trace School District will start out at up to 15 days sick leave, provided they had extra days accumulated that were not paid for as part of the severance package.

Prior employment in the district is no guarantee of post-retirement employment or a particular assignment if reemployed with the district.

Rehired retired certified/licensed employees shall be issued a one-year limited contract that shall automatically non-renew on each April 30th. The superintendent must notify each rehired retired certified/licensed employee prior to April 30th if he/she intends to renew the limited contract.

A retired certified/licensed individual from outside the district, who wishes to be employed by the Wayne Trace Board of Education, shall adhere to all provisions of this agreement with the exception of paragraph one and two above.

For any employee who is less than full-time, the provisions for annuities and insurance will be pro-rated by the Board.


If classified employees from the Wayne Trace School District wish to be considered for reemployment, they must indicate this to the superintendent, prior to May 1, of the year of their potential retirement. Their request must include a letter of resignation that states that their resignation is contingent upon being reemployed with the district.

The resignation letter requested under this provision must be received by the superintendent 5 working days prior to the upcoming announced board meeting. If the request is received within 5 working days of a board meeting, the request may be tabled until the next scheduled board meeting. The superintendent will notify the classified employee of the board's decision on reemployment within 2 days of the board meeting.

If a classified employee is rehired, retired classified employees will be placed at step 7 on the appropriate classified employee salary schedule. If the employee was not past this level on the salary schedule, they will be placed at the last level occupied. Rehired retired classified employees will progress on the salary schedule each year following their initial placement.


Except as provided for under this agreement, all provisions of the contract will be maintained; however, a rehired retired classified employee will not be entitled to severance pay a second time.

Rehired retired classified employees will NOT accrue seniority for the purposes of reduction in force.

At their option, rehired retired classified employees will be eligible for board-provided single employee health insurance coverage at the contracted premium rate. Those rehired retired classified employees electing not to take such coverage shall be eligible for an annuity as per contract provisions for classified employees under the single plan.

Rehired retired classified employees from the Wayne Trace School District will start out at up to 15 days sick leave, provided they had extra days accumulated that were not paid for as part of the severance package.

Prior employment in the district is no guarantee of post-retirement employment or a particular assignment if reemployed with the district.

Rehired retired classified employees shall be issued a one-year limited contract that shall automatically non-renew on each April 30th. The superintendent must notify each rehired retired classified employee prior to April 30th if he/she intends to renew the limited contract. Evaluations, as otherwise provided for under this contract, shall not be required for retired classified employee rehired under this agreement.

A retired classified individual from outside the district, who wishes to be employed by the Wayne Trace Board of Education, shall adhere to all provisions of this agreement with the exception of paragraph one and two above.

For any employee who is less than full-time, the provisions for annuities and insurance will be pro-rated by the Board.



To help the employee achieve greater effectiveness in the performance of their work assignment or to assist in the improvement of an employee's performance;

To constitute the basis for personnel decisions regarding promotions, reassignments, continuing contract status, contract renewal, contract non-renewal, or contract termination.


At the beginning of each school year or four weeks before the first formal thirty (30) minute observation, the Administration shall designate one administrator as the staff member's evaluator/supervisor. This designated administrator must fulfill the role as evaluator and supervisor and become solely responsible for the evaluation of the staff member. However, only for good and just cause may the supervisor/evaluator change during the school year. The staff member shall be notified, in writing, of the change of their supervisor one week prior to the administration making such a change. All staff members new to the district shall be given a copy of all instruments used in the evaluation process and a written copy of the evaluation procedures.


A conference between a staff member and their evaluating supervisor may be necessary to establish individual goals for that staff member. The staff member shall have the right to be represented by the Association or a person of their choosing during this conference.

All evaluating supervisors/administrators performing evaluations of staff members shall be properly certificated in the appropriate areas they are evaluating or properly trained to evaluate non-certificated employees. All evaluators shall be employees of the Wayne Trace School District.


No staff member shall be evaluated on their work performance except after fair and reasonable observations of the staff member's assigned work by the supervisor/evaluator charged with the responsibility of evaluating that staff member.

The evaluation shall be limited to the specific criteria related to the staff members assigned job duties.

For non-OTES employees, state mandated student achievement or off grade proficiency tests cannot be used in teacher evaluations without first being negotiated and agreed upon with the Association.

The evaluator and staff member shall be in agreement before any electric recording equipment can be used for evaluative purposes.

Formal observations or evaluations shall not be conducted on the day before or after a holiday recess, the day after an extended absence (5 or more days), days of scheduled shortened classes of less than thirty (30) minutes, the first or last day of a grading period, the first two weeks or last two weeks of the school year unless it is necessary to do so to meet contractual deadlines.

Each observation shall not be for less than thirty (30) minutes in length. The evaluation shall consist of two (2) observations per evaluation. No teacher shall be subject to more than one (1) evaluation cycle per year.


A staff member shall have the right to review and respond, orally or in writing, to any observation/evaluation material prior to it becoming a matter of record. Upon the request of the staff member, such written responses shall be attached to the observation/evaluation report. This evaluation procedure is subject to the grievance procedure of this Master Contract.


The evaluated staff member will sign all appropriate observation/evaluation forms after a conference between the evaluator and staff member is conducted. Signing the form does not signify agreement or disagreement with the substance of such forms. The staff member shall be provided with duplicate copies of the final observation/evaluation reports after all appropriate documents have been signed. Staff members, at their request, shall have the right to be represented at this conference by a person of their choice. No staff member will be required to sign a blank or incomplete form.



All evaluations will be completed by May 1 of each year.

Frequency of evaluations will follow the guidelines of the Ohio Revised Code.

Teachers who are on leave from the school district for fifty percent (50%) or more of the school year will not be required to be evaluated.

Teachers who qualify for OTES but will be retiring will not be evaluated provided the teacher has submitted notice of retirement and that notice has been accepted by the board not later than in the first day of December of the school year in which the evaluation is otherwise scheduled to be conducted.

Administration will be required to perform evaluations on all applicable teachers at least once a year with the following exceptions as stated in ORC 3319.111:

1. The administration may evaluate each teacher who received a rating of “Accomplished” on the teacher’s most recent evaluation, once every three (3) years, so long as the teacher’s student academic growth measure, for the most recent school year for which data is available, is average or higher as defined by ODE at the time of signing this Agreement.

2. The administration may evaluate each teacher who received a rating of “Skilled” on the teacher’s most recent evaluation once every two (2) years, so long as the teacher’s student academic growth measure, for the most recent school year for which data is available, is average or higher as defined by ODE at the time of signing this Agreement.

3. During the year(s) teachers are not formally evaluated, the following are required: one (1) observation and may conduct one (1) conference.

Teachers who are participating in the teacher residency program for the year during which that teacher takes, for the first time, at least half of the performance-based assessment prescribed by the State Board of Education for resident educators, will not be subject to an OTES evaluation.

Formal observations shall not disrupt and/or interrupt the learning environment in the classroom.

All formal observations shall be announced.

Employees shall be given a copy of any class visit, observation, or evaluation report prepared by the credentialed evaluator.




1. Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES): The teacher evaluation system that is codified under sections 3319.111, 3319.112, and 3319.113 of the Ohio Revised Code.

2. Evaluation Framework: The document created and approved by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) in accordance with section 3319.111(A) of the Ohio Revised Code that establishes the standards-based framework for the evaluation of teachers developed under section 3319.112 of the Ohio Revised Code.

3. Evaluation Procedure: The evaluation procedure will be the procedural requirements set forth in this agreement to provide specificity to the statutory obligations established under sections 3319.111 and 3319.112 of the Ohio Revised Code and to conform to the framework for the evaluation of teachers developed under section 3319.112 of the Ohio Revised Code.

4. Evaluation Factors: The two factors, which are required by law and weighted equally, are student growth measures at fifty (50) percent and teacher performance at fifty (50) percent. Student Growth Measures will be weighted at the state minimum and the remaining will be Teacher Performance.

5. Teacher Performance: The assessment of a teacher’s performance, resulting in a performance rating. As an evaluation factor, the teacher performance dimension is based on direct observations and walkthroughs that are performed by a credentialed evaluator. Teacher performance results are reported as a teacher performance rating that may be coded from “1” indicating lowest performance to “4” indicating highest performance.

6. Student Growth Measure (SGM): A tool or assessment that is used to measure, or determine, student academic growth. As an evaluation factor, the SGM dimension is based on value-added scores, assessments from ODE’s list of assessments for teachers where value-added scores are not available, and/or from local measures of student growth based on student learning objectives (SLOs) or other student growth measures. SGM results are reported as: above expected levels of student growth, expected levels of student growth, below expected levels of student growth.

7. Evaluation Rating: The final, summative evaluation level that is assigned to a teacher based on evaluations that are conducted pursuant to the terms of this agreement. The evaluation rating is assigned at the conclusion of the evaluation cycle when the teacher performance rating is combined with the results of student growth measures where Student Growth Measures will be weighted at the state minimum and the remaining will be Teacher Performance. Each completed evaluation will result in the assignment of a teacher to one of the following evaluation ratings: Accomplished, Skilled, Developing or Ineffective.

8. Evaluation Instrument: The process and forms used by the teacher’s evaluator. The evaluation tools are located in Appendix U of this agreement.


9. Student Learning Objective (SLO): A measurable, long-term academic growth target that a teacher sets at the beginning of the year for all students or for subgroups of students over a given interval of instruction based upon baseline data gathered at the beginning of the course.

10. Ohio Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems (eTPES): The method used by the District to electronically report to ODE aggregate final, summative teacher evaluation ratings. The District shall report the number of teachers for whom an evaluation was conducted and the number of teachers assigned to each evaluation rating.

11. Poorly Performing Teacher: 1) A teacher who is assigned an evaluation rating of ineffective for three (3) consecutive years so long as the teacher has been in the same position for those 3 years.

12. Teacher(s) of Record:

a. Is/Are responsible for assigning the grade to the student b. Is/Are required to have the proper credentials to teach the particular subject for which he/she has been designated “teacher(s)of record(s)” c. Is/Are responsible for a significant portion of a student’s instructional time within a given subject or course: 1. Minimum of 51% co-teaching; 2. Minimum of 31% team teaching (classroom teacher(s)); 3. Minimum of 31% interventionist(s) (example: Title One and special education)

13. Linkage: The process of connecting the teacher (s) of record [based upon above definition] to a student's and/or defined group of students' achievement scores.

14. Shared Attribution: The practice of sharing student(s) achievement scores amongst a collaborative group of appropriately licensed educators who consistently meet, plan and provide instruction and/or intervention for a student or defined group of students on a specific subject and/or grade level.

15. Metric of Student Outcomes: A measurable long term growth target that a counselor may set at the beginning of the year for students or for subgroups of students over a given interval of time.


The teacher evaluation procedure contained in this agreement applies to the following employees of the District:

1. Teachers working under a license issued under sections 3319.22, 3319.26, 3319.222 or 3319.226 of the Ohio Revised Code who spend at least fifty (50) percent of their time providing student instruction.

2 Teachers working under a permanent certificate issued under section 3319.222 of the Ohio Revised Code as it existed prior to September 2003 who spend at least fifty (50) percent of their time providing student instruction.


3. Teachers working under a permanent certificate issued under section 3319.222 of the Ohio Revised Code as it existed prior to September 2006 who spend at least fifty (50) percent of their time providing student instruction.

4. Teachers working under a permit issued under 3319.301 of the Ohio Revised Code who spend at least fifty (50) percent of their time providing student instruction.

5. All other teachers not covered by 1-4 above will remain on the evaluation system previously bargained and included in Appendix H.

The OSCES Plan procedure contained in this agreement applies to all school counselors employed by the Board of Education. The OSCES procedures will follow the OTES Plan procedures unless otherwise designated.

1. Principals will utilize the ODE Rubric Form for Counselors located in Appendix W. 2. Counselors will be evaluated only on the duties they perform for the district. 3. Counselor evaluation process, timelines, and procedures will be the same as the OTES for teachers using the appropriate forms. 4. If portfolios are used or required in the process of the evaluation for OTES, the Counselors may choose not to utilize this procedure as it may not apply. 5. Student Growth Measures will not be used as a part of evaluation process for Counselors.


1. A teacher’s performance shall be assessed based on the standards for the teaching profession and the criteria set forth in the evaluation instrument.

2. Teachers shall be evaluated on his or her work performance based on the evidence provided by the teacher, on the observations of the teacher by the teacher’s assigned evaluator, and the walkthroughs that are set forth in this agreement.

3. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher.

4. No misleading, inaccurate, hear-say, untimely or undocumented information may become part of a teacher's performance assessment. All results and conclusions of performance assessments must be documented and supported by evidence.

5. In implementing performance assessments, the District shall conduct all assessments so as to observe the legal and constitutional rights of teachers, and no teacher performance information shall be collected by electronic devices without the consent of the teacher.


1. All evaluations for those teachers with below expected level of student growth on the student growth measure dimension of the evaluation procedure shall be performed only by the teacher’s immediate supervisor.

2. All evaluations for those teachers with expected levels of student growth on the student growth measure dimension of the evaluation procedure will have input into their credentialed evaluator. 25

3. Those teachers with an above expected level of student growth on the student growth measure dimension of the evaluation procedure shall select their credentialed evaluator from the qualifying list as negotiated.

4. The evaluator shall not be a bargaining unit member. The supervisor must be employed under a full-time contract pursuant to sections 3319.01 or 3319.02 of the Ohio Revised Code and must hold at least one (1) certificate/license named under division (E), (F), (H), (J), or (L) of section 3319.22 of the Ohio Revised Code and must be credentialed as stated in Ohio law.

5. In the event an employee performs work under the supervision of more than one credentialed principal, one principal shall be designated as the credentialed evaluator and shall be designated within 10 days following the beginning of the school year.

6. In assessing a teacher’s performance, evaluators will not make judgments, or otherwise discriminate, on the basis of a teacher’s age, gender identification, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, disability, union membership or union activism.

7. Each evaluator must successfully complete state-mandated evaluator credentialing training and is required to pass a credentialing assessment.


1. Training on the teacher evaluation procedure will be provided, at Board expense, for all credentialed evaluators prior to the implementation of the evaluation procedure.

2. The evaluators shall be given written instructions on the purpose, mechanics and dimensions of the evaluation procedure, emphasizing the importance of accuracy, potential Equal Employment Opportunity problems, and directions on how to relate performance assessments to the standards for the teaching profession.

3. Written instructions and training on the teacher evaluation procedure will be provided annually for all teachers and shall include the tools, processes, methodology, and the use of student growth measure data.

4. Updates to written instructions and evaluation procedures on the purpose, mechanics and dimensions of the evaluation procedure shall be presented to the teachers not later than September 1 of each year, or in the case of a new teacher, not later than fifteen (15) days after initial employment with the District.


1. For all teachers who do not have Value Added Measures: These teachers must have a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of four (4) SGM’s which can be any of the following: Pre-tests/post-tests, ODE vendor assessment or a portfolio. There must be appropriate and rigorous growth targets set.

Full value-added teachers (A1) will use value added data only for determining student growth for the purpose of formal evaluation and/or a measure of yearly growth. Therefore, A1 teachers are not required to use any other form of SGM’s. 26

Partial value-added teachers (those who have one (1) area measured through standardized testing) will have an SGM in one (1) subject area other than the one in which standardized testing is occurring. This SGM can be any of the following: Pre and post-test, ODE vendor assessment or a portfolio. There must be appropriate and rigorous growth targets set.

2. The Formative Assessment including the OTES Rubric shall include a pre- observation in-person conference between the teacher and the evaluating administrator. This will take place prior to each observation in order for the teacher to explain plans and objectives for the work situation to be observed.

3. The Formative Assessment including the OTES Rubric shall include a post- observation in-person conference and will take place between the teacher and the evaluating administrator after each observation at which time the administrator will review the observation. This conference shall be used to inform the teacher if observed instructional practices are aligned with the expectations that are identified in the teacher’s professional growth or improvement plan.

4. Teachers shall be given the opportunity to provide evidence to support all aspects of the evaluation process.

5. If no written documentation is created by the evaluator, then no documentation shall be reported to the teacher. Furthermore, any information used by the evaluator as part of the formal observation shall be written down ahead of time and shared with the teacher before appearing in a formal evaluation. A conference date and time, when necessary, to discuss the formal observation report will be scheduled during the school day within 5 school days. However, the written summative evaluation is to be completed within 10 working days following the second formal observation.

6. Written instructions and group SGM trainings shall be presented annually to the teachers no later than 10 school days after opening day or in the case of a new teacher, no later than 15 school days after initial employment in the District.

7. A teacher may elect to exclude any student evidencing more than forty-five (45) days excused/unexcused absences in a full year course or twenty-three (23) days of a semester course, his/her classroom instruction from his/her student growth measure calculation.

8. A teacher evidencing thirty (30) days of excused absences as defined in the negotiated agreement may elect to defer consideration of student growth measures to a subsequent year or modify the SGMs expectations.

9. A teacher may request a formal observation at any time in addition to those required by this procedure. Such request shall be agreed upon mutually by both parties in order to occur.

10. The employee shall have the right to submit a written response to the evaluation which shall be attached to the file copy.

11. Observations shall be conducted only on a day when normal classroom procedures can be expected, as example, but not limited to, not on the day before or after a vacation or the day after an illness.


12. The written evaluation shall include recommendations that are specifically clear on what is to be done to improve in the event the credentialed evaluator finds need for improvement from a teacher. The credentialed evaluator involved in the evaluation shall assist the teacher by providing suggestions and a timeline for improvement. If the recommendations included in the evaluation are not clear to the teacher, the teacher shall request, in writing, clarification from the credentialed evaluator. In turn the credentialed evaluator shall respond, in writing, to the request for clarification.

13. The teachers will be granted at least one month to correct deficiencies prior to the next observation. If after the second formal observation, a teacher's performance is found deficient to the extent that adverse personnel action may result, a minimum of one additional observation shall be conducted. The teacher will be granted at least one month to correct deficiencies following the second and third observations.

14. In the event a third observation is deemed necessary as stated in this agreement, another written report shall be completed within 5 days following the third observation designating all improvements and continued deficiencies if any.

15. If deficiencies are noted for the first time after February 1, the improvement plan shall be carried over into the next school year.

16. Any evaluation which is ineffective must be accompanied by a written improvement plan as negotiated and the means by which to improve.

17. No teacher will be required to sign a blank or incomplete form.

18. Should a teacher desire an additional observation by a properly qualified credentialed evaluator other than his/her immediate supervisor, the request should be made to the Superintendent of Schools. Should said request be approved by the Superintendent, the affected teacher and Superintendent shall work to mutually appoint another qualified evaluator from the list. If the parties are unable to mutually agree, then the matter may be directed to the Board of Education.

19. Teachers will submit their SGM targets to the building principal by the first Friday in October. The teacher may meet with the principal/evaluator to discuss the type of SGM and target and will provide information and justification for the SGM and target. The SGM data sheet shall be used as a guide for the discussion between the building principal/evaluator and each teacher. Depending on the target, if principal believes the target if set too low, discussion can occur, but teacher is not required to raise the target so long as the target is justified. Depending on the target, if the principal believes the target if too high, discussion may occur, but the teacher is not required to lower it.

20. Roster Verification: If the administrator changes the percentage (%) after teacher has conducted linkage, teacher must be notified in a timely fashion why, and have the ability to present evidence on why the change may not be correct. The district will keep records of what was submitted for all teachers which will be made available to teachers at their request to confirm or address inaccuracies.

21. The teachers may mutually agree to use shared attribution SGM scores for teachers whose students are in the same subject and/or grade level.


22. Student assessments will not be used to compare evaluations or for purposes of non-renewal, termination, or reduction in force unless the teacher has a full three years of student assessments documented for the grade level and subject taught.

23. A teacher who has been approved by the district through sick leave and/or the Federal Medical Leave Act shall not have the SGM portion for that school year used in a Final Summative Rating of Teacher Effectiveness.

24. Teachers recently transferred to a different position, i.e. subject, grade; the teacher’s SGM score must consist of a minimum of three consecutive years of SGM data before job action is taken.

25. Teachers who meet the state mandated requirements to be evaluated under the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System and have an approved job sharing arrangement shall recommend a percentage of the SGM score for the individual teachers in the job sharing arrangement, which will be presented by their building principal.

26. Teachers who meet the state mandated requirements to be evaluated under the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System and have an approved co-teaching arrangement shall recommend a percentage of the SGM score for the individual teachers in the co-teaching arrangement based on the time spent with the student(s), which will be mutually agreed upon by the individual teacher and building principal.

27. The evaluation procedure may be used for any decision concerning the assignment, re-assignment or transfer of any teacher.

28. All forms as well as the aforementioned procedures shall be changed only by mutual consent of the Board and Association stated in writing and ratified by both parties.

29. This evaluation procedure is subject to the grievance procedure of this Master Contract.

30. If the above procedures are not followed, the teacher or teachers being evaluated shall automatically be reemployed.


1. A walkthrough shall be used for enhancement of the formal observation as collecting evidence that may focus on one or no more than two (2) of the following components:

a. Evidence of planning; b. Lesson delivery; c. Differentiation; d. Resources; e. Classroom environment; f. Student engagement; and, g. Assessment.

2. Walkthroughs may or may not be announced. If the teacher is on Board approved leave during the time the Evaluator sends the notification, the walkthrough shall be re-scheduled.


3. The walkthrough shall be at least 1 minute, but not more than 20 consecutive minutes in duration.

4. An in-person debriefing shall occur no later than two work days after the walkthrough to discuss observations relative to the identified focus.

5. The teacher shall be provided a copy of the walkthrough form, including all scripted and anecdotal documents relative to the walkthrough.

6. No less than 2 walkthroughs shall be conducted each year unless otherwise requested by the teacher.

7. Additional walkthroughs can be requested by a teacher, in addition to employer initiated walkthroughs, to determine professional development for a teacher if deficiencies are identified.

8. Walkthroughs shall not disrupt and/or interrupt the learning environment in the classroom or be conducted during confidential sessions with students, parents, or other personnel.


1. Completion of Evaluation Cycle

a. The evaluation shall acknowledge the performance strengths of the teacher evaluated as well as performance deficiencies, if any. The evaluator shall note all the data used to support the conclusions reached in the formal evaluation report.

b. The completed evaluation report shall be signed by the evaluator. The evaluation report will be presented to the teacher for signing as notification that said report will be placed in the personnel file.

c. The teacher's signature is simply notification that he/she received the evaluation and cannot be construed as evidence that the teacher agrees with the contents of the evaluation report.

d. The evaluation report shall be completed by May 10, signed by both parties, and sent to the superintendent.

2. Response to Evaluation

a. The teacher shall have the right to make a written response to the evaluation and to have it attached to the evaluation report to be placed in the teacher's personnel file. A copy, signed by both parties, shall be provided to the teacher.

b. Final evaluation information provided to any outside district agencies shall be limited to only the summative teacher rating and/or the number of teachers within a specific category.

c. Additional evaluation details and data cannot be uploaded to any digital media source.



1. Professional growth plans are not required, unless for licensure renewal, but may be developed as follows:

a. Teachers with above expected levels of student growth may develop a professional growth plan.

b. Teachers with expected levels of student growth may develop a professional growth plan collaboratively with the credentialed evaluator.

c. For the purposes of this agreement, professional growth shall be based on the teacher’s overall student growth measure level, and not for individual subjects or classes taught.

d. Professional growth for a school year may be developed not later than October 1 of each school year.

e. The Board will allocate additional money annually to guarantee the success of the teachers covered by this contract. The financial resources to support the professional development will be provided in the following order:

1. Teachers in need of professional development identified through their improvement plan, post observation conference or formal debriefing sessions following walkthroughs. The evaluator and teacher will identify training, classes, resources, etc.

2. All other teachers not identified above.

2. All requests will be submitted to the District treasurer, including the cost of the professional development. If the request is denied, the District treasurer must provide to the teacher in writing the specific reason(s) for the denial within five (5) working days.

3. The Board shall provide for professional development and for the allocation of financial resources to accelerate and continue teacher growth and improvement and to provide support to poorly performing teachers as set forth in this agreement.


1. Teachers who disagree with the level of student growth, the rating of performance and/or the summative, or overall, evaluation rating shall be allowed to request a different evaluator and such request may be honored by the District. However, the process shall be followed under number 18 under Evaluation Process. 2. A teacher shall be entitled to Union representation at any conference held during this procedure in which the teacher will be advised of an impending adverse personnel action.

3. Failure by the District to adhere to any timeline or condition established in this agreement shall render the summative rating evaluation “SKILLED” unless the teacher already holds an “ACCOMPLISHED” rating at which point the teacher shall again be rated. Whereby the District shall automatically re-employ the teacher 31

under a continuing contract, if eligible, or an appropriate limited contract if the teacher is not eligible for a continuing contract.

4. Any violation of either procedural or substantive due process shall automatically require re-employment of the teacher under a continuing contract, if eligible, or an appropriate limited contract if the teacher is not eligible for a continuing contract.


1. A professional improvement plan is a clearly articulated assistance program for a teacher.

2. All deficiencies shall be addressed during the post-observation conference.

3. All deficiencies identified by the evaluator shall be compiled and reported in writing and a copy of the written report shall be provided to the teacher at the post- observation conference.

4. The evaluator involved shall make recommendations and otherwise assist the teacher for the purpose of improvement of identified deficiencies.

5. The evaluator and teacher shall develop a professional improvement plan to address the identified deficiencies and such plan shall be reduced to writing and provided to the teacher.

6. The improvement plan, as outlined in this section, shall detail:

a. Performance issues documented as deficient; b. Specific performance expectations; c. The allocation of financial and other resources and assistance to be provided by the District to support professional development of the teacher; d. Sufficient, specific timelines, not less than one month, as to allow for the improvement of identified deficiencies. e. The provision for a trained teacher mentor/coach as stated in the mentor teacher section AA of this agreement.

7. If an improvement plan is developed prior to February 1, those identified deficiencies shall be reevaluated as part of the performance assessment process for the remainder of the school year. An improvement plan for deficiencies that are successfully remediated during the remainder of the school year shall be deemed completed. If an improvement plan is not deemed complete, the improvement plan will extend into the next school year.

8. If an improvement plan is developed after February 1, or is related to below expected growth measures, the plan shall be continued into the next school year.

9. In the event that a teacher and evaluator are unable to agree on the evaluator’s expectations for the improvement plan, the teacher may request the teacher mentor or another mutually agreed upon teacher of the District to facilitate further discussion between the teacher and the evaluator.

10. The improvement plan form shall be used as negotiated in Appendix V.



1. The District will provide teachers under an improvement plan with a mutually agreed upon skilled or accomplished mentor teacher (coach) who is not the credentialed evaluator. The mentor teacher will be provided release time to allow for meetings and/or observations with the teacher. The mentor teacher will be compensated at a rate of $25.00 per hour, outside the regularly contracted school day, but not to exceed $250.00 for one school year. The above rate applies for each teacher mentored. The mentor shall use the overtime report (Appendix L) to document his/her hours.

2. Role of the Mentor Teacher

a. The mentor teacher must hold a valid teaching certificate/license and may be assigned to teachers with the same area of certification/license.

b. The mentor teacher must have demonstrated the ability to work cooperatively and effectively with the professional staff members and have extensive knowledge of a variety of classroom management and instructional techniques.

c. The mentor teacher does not have a formal evaluation role. The mentor’s role is to support the growth of the educator as an instructional mentor through formative assessment tools.

3. Protections:

a. Other than a notation to the effect that a teacher served as a mentor teacher, the teacher’s activities as a mentor teacher shall not be part of that staff member’s evaluation.

b. A mentor teacher shall not be requested or directed to make any recommendation regarding the continued employment of the teacher.

c. No mentor teacher shall be requested or directed to divulge information from the written documentation, or confidential mentor/mentee discussions.

d. All interaction, written or oral, between the mentor teacher and the teacher shall be regarded with the same confidentiality as that represented by the attorney/client relationship. Any violation of this tenet by the mentoring teacher shall constitute grounds for immediate removal from his or her role as mentor teacher.

e. At any time, the mentor teacher or the teacher may exercise the option to have a new mentor teacher assigned to the teacher. No specifics shall be given as basis for the exercise of this option and said change shall occur without prejudice or judgment to either the mentor teacher or the teacher. This option may be exercised once a year by the mentor teacher or the teacher. See Appendix X for request to change form.

f. Should a change in mentor occur, combined wages of all mentors for one mentee shall not exceed $250.00.



1. If the Board has entered into a limited contract or extended limited contract with a teacher pursuant to section 3319.11 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Board shall perform a minimum of three formal observations during the evaluation cycle in any school year in which the Board may wish to declare its intention not to re-employ a teacher pursuant to division (B), (C)(3), (D), or (E) of that section.


Teachers on a limited contract in a year where their contract is up for renewal shall be evaluated according to the same exact procedures as those new to the district.

Substitute teachers/tutors who are employed by the district for more than 120 days in a given year must be evaluated at least once with only two (2) thirty (30) minute observations being required and one written evaluation being due to the teacher no later than April 10.

Teachers on a limited contract in a year their contract is not up for renewal may or may not be evaluated, subject to the discretion of the evaluating administrator. The administrator shall inform all staff members in this grouping by November 1 if they intend to conduct an evaluation of the staff member before the end of the school year. All applicable observations of certified staff in this status must be completed by May 1 with the written evaluation due to the teacher no later than May 10.

Teachers on continuing contracts shall be evaluated at least once every three years with only one written evaluation of two (2) thirty (30) minute observations being done. The staff member shall be notified by November 1 if they will be evaluated during the school year. No evaluation shall be completed until the staff member has been notified. All applicable observations of certified staff on continuing contract status must be completed by May 1 with the written evaluation due to the teacher no later than May 10.

Evaluating administrators may conduct more evaluations than the contract indicates, and the staff member may request more observations/evaluations than are required by the contract.

Supplemental contracts are specifically excluded from these evaluation procedures and requirements.


The Wayne Trace Board or its administration must provide for: (1) criteria of expected job performance in the areas of responsibility assigned to the teacher; (2) two observations by the evaluator of at least thirty minutes duration for each of the two evaluations, and (3) a written report of the results of the evaluation that includes specific recommendations regarding any desired improvements and the means by which the teacher may obtain assistance in making such improvements. A staff member may request the evaluator to demonstrate what they need to do in order to correct the noted areas of deficiencies. This demonstration shall be conducted in a regular classroom setting.

These statutory evaluation procedures and all related contractual language must be observed, or the teacher will be entitled to reinstatement with back pay.



Non-teaching staff employed on limited contracts shall be formally observed/evaluated at least twice each year.

Each observation shall be followed by an evaluation with the first such observation/evaluation completed by December 16th and the second by March 16th.

Staff on a continuing contract shall be formally observed/evaluated at least once every three years followed by the written evaluation by May 1.

Staff members under this section of the evaluation procedure shall be evaluated based upon job descriptions developed to date and adopted by the Association and Wayne Trace Board.


It is recognized that the Board and the teaching staff seek to educate young people in the democratic tradition, to foster a recognition of individual freedom and social responsibility, and to inspire meaningful awareness of and respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and to instill appreciation of the values of individual personality. It is recognized that these democratic values can best be transmitted in an atmosphere which is free from censorship and artificial restraints upon free inquiry and learning, and in which academic freedom for professional staff member and student is encouraged.

The teacher, as a recognized professional, shall have the right and responsibility to choose those instructional methods, issues and/or materials within the accepted curriculum guidelines and good taste he or she deems to be appropriate and effective with a given group of students. Choice of such methods, issues or materials within the curriculum guidelines shall not be considered an appropriate area for criticism in evaluation unless the evaluator can provide a reasonable basis for such criticism.

Before introducing materials, methods and/or issues, of a known or potentially controversial nature, the teacher shall consult with the principal as to the advisability of such materials and/or issues and together they will develop plans to minimize any possible negative reactions to the introduction and use of said controversial materials, methods and/or issues. The principal may request that such materials be submitted to a review committee prior to introduction to students. The review committee shall be composed of the affected teacher, the principal, and some other staff member likely to be familiar with the materials or the anticipated sensitivity and reaction to the introduction of the materials subject to review. If a teacher disagrees with the principal's decision, the grievance procedure shall be used to resolve the disagreement.

No staff member shall be criticized or otherwise threatened in the evaluation procedure on the basis of that staff member's verbal expression of dissent in regard to the evaluator's academic, administrative or professional decisions, provided the staff member's verbal dissent has been expressed in an ethical and professional manner. Likewise, an evaluator shall have the right to express dissent regarding the staff member's professional and academic decisions provided the dissent is expressed in an ethical and professional manner.



A personnel file of all staff members shall be maintained in the office of the Board. This shall be considered a confidential file and the only official file of recorded information of staff members maintained by the Board and Administration.

Individual staff members shall have access to their personnel file upon request. Requests of staff members to have access to their personnel files shall be handled by the Superintendent or his designated representative.

Members of the Administration authorized to use personnel files of staff members shall be limited to the Superintendent, building principal(s), and supervisor(s) and county office personnel who are directly related to supervision of that staff member.

All materials placed in the personnel file of the staff member shall include the following:

1. The date the item was placed in the file.

2. Signature(s) and dates of the staff member in whose file the entry is being made and the signature(s) of the administrator placing information in the file.

Both the signature and date signify acknowledgement that the document will be placed in the staff member's personnel file.

These personnel records shall include:

*1. Application for employment, including those nonconfidential2 references.

2. Copy of the latest contract, properly signed.

3. Copy of latest salary notice upon conclusion of negotiations. (See salary notice herein for waiver provisions.)

4. Health history card, if any.

5. Ohio teaching certificate*/license/Federal Commercial Driver's License*/Boiler License.

6. Transcript of college credits showing the official record of the degree granted, original or certified copy.

7. Record of military service, if any.

8. Other documentation which has been properly placed in the file.

* On file in county office

A staff member shall be notified of the intent of the administration to place in his/her personnel file any material which may be considered critical or complimentary of the conduct, performance, character or personality of the staff member and shall be provided the opportunity to read any such material at the time it is placed in such personnel file. In addition such staff members will have the opportunity to appeal the placement of any such

2 Confidential information for which the employee has specifically signed a waiver may not be revealed. 36

material placed in the personnel file. The staff member shall acknowledge that he/she has read the material by affixing his/her signature to the copy to be filed (as indicated earlier in item #2). If the staff member refuses to sign, such refusal shall be noted on the material and it may be filed. Signature of a staff member shall not indicate agreement with the content of the material, but indicates only that the material has been inspected by the staff member. The staff member shall also have the opportunity to reply to such critical material in a written statement to be entered in the personnel file. Such reply must be presented to the building principal/appropriate supervisor, who shall affix his/her signature thereto, acknowledging that said material has been read. Such signature shall not indicate agreement by the principal/supervisor with the content of the reply.

Staff members shall be informed of any complaint by a parent and/or student which is directed toward them if such will become a matter of record. The provisions above shall be applicable to such complaints.

Anonymous letters or materials shall not be placed in a staff member's file, nor shall they be made a matter of record.

A staff member shall be entitled to a copy of any material in his/her personnel file.

A staff member may periodically review his/her personnel file including personnel files maintained by building principals, and shall be entitled to a copy of any material in that file. A third party selected by the staff member at the option of the staff member may be present during such review. A representative of the administration, at the option of the administration, may also be present during such review.

At no time nor under any circumstances will the confidential files of any staff member be opened to the public.

Any materials entered into a staff member's file may be grieved as to the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of such material. If any file material or record is found to lack in any of the aforementioned, said record/material shall be removed from the staff member's file.

Personnel records shall be expunged of all disciplinary notes if after five (5) years there have been no repeated offenses of a similar nature. The staff member shall file a request for expungement with the superintendent or the Board's statutory designated keeper of the records.


In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, all contracts shall be in writing and signed by the employee, the treasurer, and the president of the Board.

Upon initial employment, the contract of employment shall be for a term of one (1) year; if reemployed at the conclusion of each contract, the subsequent contract shall be as follows:


a. Second, Third, Fourth contract – 2 years b. Fifth – Continuing



a. Second contract * - 2 years * Exception: Alternate Educators licensed employees shall be granted two one-year contracts. Following the successful completion of the two-year program, said employee will then continue with the regular contract sequencing. b. Third contract - 3 year c. Subsequent limited contracts for teaching staff shall be for three y ears duration except as specified in (a.) below.

All teachers presently on a multi-year contract shall be granted a subsequent contract of equal or greater duration unless given a one (1) year contract under the provisions below or non-renewed.

Staff members new to the system with previous experience outside the district may be offered an initial contract of up to two (2) years duration at the discretion of the Superintendent. Subsequent contracts to such staff members shall follow the contract sequence noted above.

Where a certified staff member is not on a continuing contract, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board may grant a one (1) year contract on the following conditions:

a. The Superintendent shall notify the affected staff member in writing, on or before the 30th of March of his/her intent to recommend such contract, with reasons directed at the improvement of the affected staff member. Any staff member so notified shall be entitled to a conference with the Superintendent and afforded the opportunity to respond to the reasons listed in said notification. The conference shall be held within ten (10) school days of the request for same. The Board shall so notify each affected staff member on or before April 30 of its action upon the Superintendent's recommendation.

b. A contract of lesser duration can be awarded at the request of the employee.

Continuing contract shall be issued as provided by the Ohio Revised Code.


No staff member of this school district shall be disciplined, reduced in rank or compensation, demoted, terminated, non-renewed or otherwise deprived of any advantage without just cause and in compliance with applicable provisions of this contract.


No bargaining unit member shall be disciplined, suspended, or discharged without just cause. The administration shall comply with the following progressive discipline procedure:

1. Verbal warning with written documentation -- 1st offense with written documentation (of date and topic only) 2. Written warning -- 2nd offense 3. 1-3 day suspension with or without pay -- 3rd offense 4. Possible termination of the Bargaining Unit Member -- 4th offense


Certain severe circumstances may warrant deviation from this procedure. The sequence shall be followed in order for the progressive discipline in all other cases. The discipline shall only be accumulative for same type, same offense.


When the Board of Education shall take action to terminate a certificated employee's contract, such termination shall be in accordance with ORC Section 3319.16.


When the Board of Education shall take action to non-renew a teacher's contract, such non-renewals shall be in accordance with the provisions of this contract and ORC 3319.11. The non-renewal of a teacher's limited contract (not applicable to supplementals) shall only be for good and just cause.

Non-teaching/support staff shall be considered for renewal of their contracts pursuant to ORC 3319.081 and 3319.083 and/or any other applicable provisions of law except that such employees shall be evaluated pursuant to the evaluation procedure herein.

Staff employed on a limited contract may reasonably expect continued employment in the ensuing school year within the district as follows:

1. Non-renewal of a staff member's limited contract(s) shall be for reasons of a lack of or low degree of competency based on the evaluations of the staff member's performance as set forth in the evaluation article or for other good and just cause.

2. Staff on limited contracts who after evaluation have noted deficiencies must show evidence of positive efforts to correct said deficiencies. If sufficient progress is evident, upon the recommendation of the evaluating supervisor, a one-year contract may be issued. Further evidence of improvement must be noted during the second observation, or the staff member will not be re-employed pursuant to the evaluation section of this Agreement. At any time during the school year that the situation warrants protection of the students, the Superintendent may suspend the staff member from the classroom or their assignment pending termination of contract proceedings. If, after being suspended, an employee is reinstated to duty, said employee shall receive full salary for the period of suspension.

3. Staff on limited contracts who after evaluations have no noted deficiencies or have corrected all areas of deficiency will be placed on the regular contract sequence.

4. Right to a fair and impartial hearing - Any alleged misinterpretation of these provisions may be submitted to the grievance procedure by the affected staff member and/or representative of the Association.

If it is determined that any provision of this article or the evaluation procedures have been violated and the arbitrator determines that reinstatement is warranted, the affected staff member will be deemed re-employed (reinstated pursuant to the contract sequence article herein).



Definition of Reduction in Force

A reduction in force (RIF) shall have occurred when the Employer reduces or eliminates a position in accordance with this Article.


To the extent possible, the number of employees affected and/or adversely affected by a reduction in force and/or the extent such effect(s) will be kept to a minimum by not employing replacements for employees who retire, resign, go on leave of absence or whose limited contracts are not renewed for reasons other than reduction in force.

Reasons for Reductions

To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition or the non-renewal of limited contracts for reasons other than reduction in force, and when by reason of decreased enrollment of pupils in the specific grade level or course of study, return to duty of regular staff after leaves of absence, by reason of suspension of schools or territorial changes affecting the district, or for financial reasons, which shall be defined as the failure of two (2) operating levies of sufficient proportion as to avoid layoff of staff, the Board of Education decides that it will be necessary to reduce the number of staff, it may make a reasonable reduction in accordance with the provisions below.

Suspension of staff contracts pursuant to the provisions below for purposes of staff reduction shall occur only in the period between the end of one school year and the start of the succeeding school year.

For the purposes of this Article, all evaluations are comparable.

Suspension - Renewal Suspension

If staff reduction is deemed necessary for any of the above reasons and all other provisions of this section have been fulfilled, then the reduction shall be made as follows:

Reductions shall be made by suspension of existing limited contracts and/or renewal/suspension of expiring limited contracts and/or, if necessary, suspension of continuing contracts. Those contracts to be suspended and/or renewed suspended will be selected as follows:

Least Senior Reduced and Displacement

Reductions in any bargaining unit field, or assignment, or job classification will be made by selecting the person lowest on the seniority list for that job classification who is currently assigned to such a position. Persons selected for reduction under this article shall be notified by certified letter, and by telephone, if possible. A staff member so affected may elect to displace any less senior staff member or portion of that staff member's assignment for any area of certification/licensure or job classification for which the more senior staff member is also certified or qualified.

Affected staff members electing such displacement shall notify the Superintendent, orally or in writing, of his/her election within three (3) weekdays of the receipt of oral or written notification of contract suspension. 40

Staff subject to or affected by such suspensions will be assigned top open positions for which they are not fully certified provided: (1) they give written notification of willingness to complete necessary course work; (2) they enroll in such necessary course work prior to the end of the first semester; and (3) they must be fully certified prior to the beginning of the following school year. The Superintendent has the discretion to grant an additional year if the member cannot complete his/her certification during that school year due to unavailability of the requisite classes. Failure to enroll in or complete such course work shall subject the affected staff member to immediate layoff after the first semester.

Work Hour Reduction

In the event of a reduction in the work hours in a job classification, affected bargaining unit members with the greatest classification seniority may maintain his/her normal hours of work by displacing bargaining unit members with less classification seniority on the work schedule. In no case shall reduction of any bargaining unit member's work hours take effect unless the notification provision herein has been fully met and the appeals, if any, as provided herein have been exhausted.

If a staff member has been required to obtain a temporary certificate to meet the requirements of the current assignment and also holds provisional or higher certification in other fields, that staff member shall be placed with the appropriate contract status group according to seniority and provisional or higher certification areas and shall have displacement rights within those groups.

Notice of Intent to Reduce Staff/Conference/Hearing

When staff reduction is necessary, the Superintendent shall give notice of the intent to recommend the suspension and/or renewal-suspension of contracts to all staff so affected and to the Association President at the earliest practicable time, but not later than May 15 or thirty (30) days prior to Board action to reduce staff. In the case of some catastrophic event in which the Administration or Board feels it necessary to effectuate a reduction in force for any of the reasons set forth above after the May 15 notification date, the Board and Association shall meet within ten (10) days of request for such meeting from the Board or the Administration for the purpose of discussing such contemplated reduction. In the event of a disagreement, either party shall have the right to appeal to expedited arbitration on any alleged violation of this procedure.

The Association and each affected staff member whose contract is to be suspended (or renewed-suspended) under provisions of this section shall receive a copy of the entire seniority list at the time of notification of suspension or renewal suspension.

Each staff member so notified shall, upon request, be entitled to a conference with the Superintendent or his designated representative as to the reasons for such reduction. Such conference will be scheduled within five (5) days of receipt of notice of the Superintendent's intent to recommend such reduction to the Board. Each such staff member may be accompanied or represented by an Association Representative.

Within ten (10) days of receipt of the notification, representatives of the Employer and the Association shall meet to review the proposed RIF. If the Association disagrees with the reason(s) for or implementation of the proposed RIF, the Association may demand the matter be submitted to expedited arbitration, in accordance with the Expedited Rules of the American Arbitration Association.


Employee and Association Rights

Any of the above sections shall not diminish or void any right or privileges provided staff members in any state or federal law.

The Board shall not contract out any work previously performed by staff member(s) in the bargaining unit unless where mutually agreed upon by the parties after due notice and negotiations with the Association.

Staff members whose contracts are suspended (or renewed-suspended) under the terms of this section are to be considered as being on layoff status and awaiting recall and not as being terminated with the system.

Staff on the recall list will have the following rights:

Staff member(s) on layoff are to be recalled in the following order when vacancies become available for which they are or have become qualified.

1. First recall shall be qualified/properly certified/licensed continuing contract staff in order of their seniority.

2. If vacancies cannot be filled by such certified/licensed/continuing contract staff, then qualified/properly certified limited contract staff shall be recalled in order of their seniority.

3. The recall list for those staff on limited contracts shall be maintained for a period equal to the total length of service in the local school district, or up to sixty (60) months, whichever is less. Thereafter, a limited contract employee on layoff shall lose his/her right to recall.

4. So long as any employees remain on layoff status:

No current, non-bargaining unit employee shall be assigned to fill a bargaining unit position;

No substitute staff member(s) or any other person new to the system will be hired, except where:

a. There is no staff member(s) on layoff qualified to fill a vacant position or who has become qualified by retraining, or

b. All qualified staff member(s) on layoff decline the offer to fill the vacancy.

5. Qualifications for a bargaining unit position shall not be upgraded or otherwise restructured so as to prevent the recall of a laid-off employee. (The burden of proof for a violation of this provision shall rest with the Association.)

6. Reduced staff members may, for the duration of their recall eligibility or for that period required by law, whichever is greater, elect to continue participation in any or all of the group insurance plans available to regular employees by remitting the premiums to the Treasurer of the Board of Education. Such employees will be informed of the premium due date.


Each individual who is eligible to elect continuation of fringe benefits under COBRA with the provisions of this Agreement must make such application within the time prescribed by law and the applicable regulations.

7. Each affected staff member shall have the unchallenged right to unemployment compensation benefits when during layoff, that employee has not been offered an equivalent bargaining unit position in this school district or any other within the restraints of the regulations of the Bureau of Employment Services.

A staff member awaiting recall who retrains may not displace, by virtue of such training, any actively employed member of the staff regardless of seniority.

8. Notification of Recall

It shall be the responsibility of each staff member to notify the Board of any change of address or change in certification.

The Board shall give written notice of an offer of re-employment by sending a registered or certified letter to the Association President or his designee and to all qualified said staff member at their last known address. Such notification shall also contain the seniority list for the areas of certification being recalled. Any senior eligible staff member that fails to accept the offer of re-employment in writing within ten (10) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, or within five (5) calendar days if the offer is delivered within ten (10) days prior to the start of a school year or semester, from the date said offer is delivered at the last known address of the staff member, shall be considered to have rejected said offer, and shall be removed from the recall list. The most senior of those responding will be given the vacant position.

9. Status Upon Recall

A staff member on the recall list will, upon acceptance of the notification to resume active employment status, return to active employment status with the same seniority as he/she enjoyed at the time of layoff. Such staff member shall be credited with additional sick leave, if any, and be placed on the salary schedule in accordance with their respective training and experience at the time of recall.

Transfers Due to Reduction in Force a. When personnel must be transferred as a result of reduction in enrollment at the particular grade level or class or classification, the Superintendent shall publish a list of the necessary reductions by position/classification, grade level and building. This will be posted on the bulletin board of the school(s) concerned and available to all staff members therein. b. Every attempt will be made to encourage the necessary transfers on a voluntary basis. If this cannot be accomplished, the staff members of the department(s) or grade level(s), or classifications affected by the enrollment shall be transferred on the basis of seniority in the school system. The least senior staff member shall be transferred first. c. Except in unusual and/or emergency circumstances, the staff member(s) to be transferred involuntarily shall be informed in a conference with the principal/immediate supervisor on or before June 1st of each year.


d. The staff member(s) to be transferred may schedule a conference concerning the transfer with the Superintendent at any time.

e. Any staff member subject to involuntary transfer due to a reduction in force who does not wish to be transferred, shall have the option of being placed on the recall list or being transferred. When during such reduction in force, more individuals select voluntary recall than would be required for appropriate staffing purposes, those with greatest seniority shall have first option at selecting voluntary recall.

If any provision of the reduction in force procedure, herein, is found to have been violated, misinterpreted, or misapplied resulting in the layoff or partial layoff of a member of the bargaining unit, such affected member of the bargaining unit will be reinstated with full back pay and any other emoluments and/or benefits so as to be made whole.


It is the intention of the Board to find and hire persons that have already acquired a teaching certificate to fill vacancies that occur. In the case this is not possible, the Board will then consider the Alternate Educators License program.

A person wishing employment under the Alternate Educators License provision may be hired after the successful completion of state requirements to obtain the Alternate Educators License. Upon employment, the employee shall demonstrate some progress toward the provisional certificate within the first year of employment.

Following the first year of employment, the employee will demonstrate successful completion of all state requirements in order to be granted the next contract in sequence (see Article III, Section I).

Employees with an Alternate Educators License will be placed at Step 0 of the salary schedule the first year and Step 1 on the salary schedule the second year. However, if the employee was a full-time substitute with a substitute or temporary license, and had already been placed on the salary schedule, said employee will then be placed on the salary schedule in accordance with their teaching or military experience (not to exceed 5 years) for the first year of the program and move one step the second year.

The Association and Board will request to negotiate the wages, hours, or terms and other conditions of employment such as, but not limited to: placement on the salary schedule following the initial two-year non-renewable certification period and the mentor program required during the first two years.

No employee shall utilize the tuition fund in acquiring the Alternate Educators License. Likewise, no employee shall utilize the tuition fund in acquiring his or her provisional license while in the Alternate Educators License program.


Summer school intervention teachers shall hold a valid teacher's license or certificate and shall be compensated at a rate of twenty-five ($25.00) per hour. Teaching assistants or aides may be hired on an as needed basis and will be compensated as per base rate on the index.

Those teachers who taught summer school during the summer of 1999 may not be compensated at a rate less than their per diem. Teachers employed in this capacity during the summer of 1999 must provide and/or maintain consecutive years of summer 44 school intervention services to the district unless enrollment does not warrant the hiring of these same teachers. If at any time a teacher should choose not to be employed in consecutive summers of providing intervention services, the $25.00 per hour compensation rate shall apply to said teachers as well.

Vacancies shall be filled based on seniority and experience, subject to the Superintendent finding the person(s) qualified and suitable to perform the duties required by the positions.

The positions will be posted for a period of ten (10) days unless expedited by summer job posting provisions.

The job description already adopted by the Board and the Association shall serve as the summer school teacher’s job description unless otherwise modified; a summer school teacher’s aide job description very similar to the existing teacher aide job description would need to be developed and/or adopted if aides are hired as part of this summer program.

If a pupil-teacher ratio of more than 16 to 1 is ever exceeded in any summer remediation session, based on the enrollment which actually attends the first day of classes, the Superintendent must submit to the Association President a plan which attempts to affect a lower pupil-teacher ratio in classes where the ratio is exceeded. If the Association President believes that the Superintendent has not demonstrated an acceptable regard for pupil-teacher ratio, then this issue becomes a grievable matter which can be taken before the Board and beyond for an acceptable resolution.





1. Pursuant to state law, all employees of the Board shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 1 1/4 days per month of service with sick leave accumulating to an unlimited number of days.

2. Each newly hired staff member of the Board who has no accumulated sick leave, or any staff member who has exhausted their sick leave, will be advanced an accumulation of sick leave of up to five (5) days. Staff who resign, retire, or otherwise leave the system with a deficit of accumulated sick leave will have the per diem rate of pay or appropriate fraction thereof corresponding to such deficit withheld from their final paycheck. Each professional staff member under regular, full-time contract but absent because of illness, will continue to accumulate sick leave at the rate of one and one-fourth (1 1/4) days per month.

3. Those regularly employed staff who render part-time, seasonal, intermittent, per diem, or hourly service, will be entitled to sick leave in proportion to the time actually worked. Substitutes after sixty (60) days of consecutive employment in the same assignment shall be entitled to sick leave in proportion to the time worked thereafter.

4. Upon submission of appropriate record of accumulated sick leave, any professional staff member having terminated employment with the Board will have their accumulated sick leave reinstated upon reemployment, provided such sick leave has not been used in the employ of another board of education or other agency of the State of Ohio covered by such provision.

5. Upon submission of appropriate record of accumulated sick leave, a professional staff member reemployed by the Board who, since leaving the employ of the Board, has been employed by another board(s) of education or by state, county, or municipal government(s) in Ohio, will receive full credit for sick leave accumulated while in the prior employ of the Board and/or other agencies of the State of Ohio.

6. Upon submission of appropriate record of accumulated sick leave, any professional staff member being employed by the Board, who, preceding this employment, has been in the employ of another board of education, state, county, or municipal government in Ohio will receive full credit for the sick leave accumulated in this previous employment.

7. Professional staff members absent for purposes of sick leave when school is canceled and when staff are relieved of their regular teaching duties for that day, will not be charged with sick leave.

8. Professional staff members should notify their immediate superior of any absences as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made to secure a substitute. Except in emergency situations, lesson plans from the teaching staff must be available to the substitute.

9. Sick leave shall be granted for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to others, and for


absence due to illness, injury or death in the employee's immediate family or for other reasons deemed adequate by the Superintendent.

a. Injury and/or illness in the immediate family:

For purposes of injury or illness in one's immediate family, immediate family will be interpreted as husband, wife, child, parent, sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or other member of the family unit living in the same household no matter what degree of relationship.

b. Death in family:

In the event of death in the employee's family, immediate family shall be defined as spouse, child, parent, sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, spouse of an employee's child, or any other member of the family unit living in the same household no matter what degree of relationship.

A staff member may use one day of sick leave per occurrence to attend the funeral of a person not listed in this section. Any additional days, if needed, by the staff member shall be personal days or approved sick days as granted by the Superintendent.

10. Sick Leave Donations

If a bargaining unit member requires sick leave over and above accumulated sick days due to a catastrophic medical situation (affecting the employee or their immediate family as defined by FMLA) that could qualify for FMLA, the member can access additional sick days from other bargaining unit members to avoid a negative balance in sick leave by providing a doctor’s note explaining the medical necessity for an extended absence. Before being able to receive sick days from other bargaining unit members, an employee must have used all sick leave days, and all sick leave days advanced up to a maximum of five (5) days.

Bargaining unit members may donate a maximum of three (3) unused sick days to an individual per school year. Bargaining unit members may donate additional days upon approval by the Superintendent. Donated sick days will be awarded based on the duration of leave a doctor’s note specifies but no more than a maximum of sixty (60) days can be awarded to the individual.

To determine eligibility, the individual must submit a request to the WTEA committee which shall consist of three (3) WTEA representatives with appropriate FMLA documentation. Upon approval, the committee will inform the Superintendent.


Each staff member shall be authorized up to three (3) days annually, without loss of salary, to transact personal business or attend to affairs of a personal nature which cannot reasonably be conducted outside the regular school day. For all employees hired after the start of the contractual year, personal days granted to employees will be figured using the following formula. The three (3) personal days will be divided by the months in the contract to give a per month calculation. Per month calculation will then be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the contract (from the 1st day of the next month after the hire date). Totals will be rounded to the closest half.


Such leave shall be authorized upon notification given to the principal or immediate supervisor seventy-two (72) hours in advance unless circumstances make it impossible to comply therewith; in such event, the employee shall notify the Superintendent at the earliest possible time. These days of absence shall not be deducted from sick leave nor any other leave other than personal leave.

Except as specifically set forth below, these days shall be unrestricted, and the applicant for such leave shall be required to sign an approved form stating only that the reason for taking such leave is personal business.

1. Prior to May 15 of each school year, each staff member shall be entitled to three (3) such days of unrestricted personal leave, and the applicant for such leave shall be required to sign an approved form stating only that the reason for taking such leave is personal business which cannot reasonably be conducted outside of the school day.

2. After May 14, the balance of any unused, unrestricted personal leave shall be authorized for the following:

a. Accidents or catastrophe involving family property.

b. Court appearance (other than jury duty).

c. Attendance at a graduation exercise or other ceremony honoring the employee or member of the employee's immediate family.

d. Visiting members of the immediate family in the armed forces. e. Illness or death of persons not within the immediate family. (May be used day before or after holiday as necessary.)

f. Arranging for the purchase or sale of the employee's residence.

g. Appointment with attorney, accountant, architect or other similar professional when such appointment cannot be made at times other than the regular school day.

h. Extremely urgent personal problems of members of immediate family.

i. Emergencies, natural or personal, for the employee.

j. To enroll or perform an act required for enrollment in a college or university.

k. Other reasons deemed valid by the Superintendent that cannot be taken care of outside regular school hours.

For each of the days as defined in Section 2 above, the applicant shall be required to specifically identify on approved forms which of the above listed authorized purposes is the basis of such leave.

Upon certification by the staff member that the purpose of such leave is one which has been authorized pursuant to this policy, the Superintendent shall approve the application. Personal leave forms shall be available from each building principal.

Past practices for absences for short periods of time, especially where minimal or no student supervision is required and which would otherwise be regarded and charged as personal leave, shall be continued.


Personal leave may not be used for the purpose of working at another job. The only exceptions are for farming at an employee's own farm, or for handling an emergency situation at an employee's own business. Employees may also use personal leave to work the Polls for an election as long as no more than five percent (5%) of the bargaining unit has been approved. An employee who violates this provision may be docked for the day and/or disciplined. Before an employee is docked or disciplined pursuant to this section, the employee will be given the opportunity to present his/her side of the story to the Superintendent. If the employee disagrees with the Superintendent's decision, he/she may file a grievance.

a. At the end of each year, employees have 3 options concerning unused days of personal leave.

i. Option 1 – At the end of each year, two personal leave days may rollover to the next school year for a maximum of 5 personal days. If these days are rolled over, employees may not be compensated for payout on rollover days the following year. Rollover days must be used first when taking a personal leave. ii. Option II – Any unused personal leave day can be automatically added to accumulated sick leave. Rollover days may be added to sick leave accumulation. iii. Option III – The employee may request compensation for personal leave days. No compensation will be granted to rollover personal leave days.

*If an employee has been awarded advance sick leave, any unused personal leave will first be applied toward their advance sick leave balance.

b. Employees must complete the non-use of personal leave form (Appendix I) no later than the last day of the school year and submit to the treasurer’s office of their desire.

c. If no designation is made, all personal leave days will automatically transfer to sick leave.

d. Said notification must be done on an annual basis with the proper form located in the building principal’s office.

e. Payment will be by the last pay of each contracted year.

f. If more than three days are to be taken consecutively, two weeks advance notice must be provided.

g. If days are rolled over, then the bonus provision shall apply as follows:

i. If 1 personal day is used, reimbursement of 2 days is allowed ii. If 2 personal days are used, reimbursement of 1 day is allowed iii. If 3 personal days are used, no reimbursement will be allowed iv. An additional bonus will be granted for non-use of sick leave as per Appendix I



Each staff member will be permitted professional leave. The approval shall be governed by the following:

1. The Immediate Supervisor or Superintendent of schools shall approve or disallow each request. The request shall be completed electronically by the staff member giving such basic information as who, when, where and why such leave is being requested as well as all Board reimbursable costs involved.

The staff member will be notified by email if their request has been approved or denied.

2. Advance notification for professional leave should be made to the Immediate Supervisor or Superintendent two (2) weeks in advance, when possible, prior to such leave.

3. The reason for taking such leave must be related to one's present teaching area, job assignment, extra-curricular assignment and/or with the approval of the Superintendent.

4. Unused professional leave shall not accumulate from one year to another.

5. The Board shall provide a fund for reimbursement of certificated employees' expenses for registration fees, mileage at universal IRS rate, lodging, and meals.

Meal reimbursement shall be limited to $50.00 total per day. All requests for meal reimbursement shall have an itemized receipt to be allowed.

Reimbursed meals on non-overnight trips are taxable income and will be run through payroll.

Lodging will be paid for by the Board at the rate that is set for the conference or meeting that is being attended. If there is no lodging designated for the conference or meeting that is being attended, a reasonable rate not to exceed $150.00 per night will be allowed. Each staff member shall use the school’s credit card to pay for lodging and utilize tax exemption where available.

6. The Board shall provide for the payment of substitute teachers for those individuals on approved professional leave.


1. Travel difficulties. In event of absence resulting from travel difficulties, the Superintendent may waive salary deduction if the travel difficulties rise from floods, storms, or other conditions beyond the control of the employee, and if in the judgment of the Superintendent, the employee has made every reasonable effort to get to his place of employment.

2. Appearance in court. Staff members will be permitted a leave of absence with pay for the actual number of days of required appearance in response to a subpoena in a court case or administrative hearing in which the employee is not a party. There shall be deducted from the regular salary of the affected employee the amount, and only the amount, of any witness fee or other compensation not to exceed the per diem rate of 50

regular salary for each such day of absence exclusive of any reimbursement paid specifically for expenses incurred by reason of such subpoena. A certificate, signed by the employee, and stating the amount of such fee or other compensation, if any, must be submitted by the employee, or the full salary for the period of absence shall be deducted. In case of absence from duty for any court proceeding or administrative hearing in which the employee is a party, no salary shall be paid to the employee for the period of absence, exceeding unused personal leave. If the suit arises out of and is related to the employee's employment, no salary deduction will be made for the absence.


1. An employee of the Board shall be granted a leave of absence for the following reasons:

a. Disability/Extended Illness b. Childcare c. Enlistment in the Armed Forces of the United States d. Education of the professional purposes

2. Disability and Extended Illness shall conform to the ORC 3319.13.

3. Leaves of absence for childcare shall be granted for one year at a time, but not more than two consecutive calendar years. Such leaves, except in the case of adoption or where prior notice cannot be given, may begin after not less than 30 days prior notice. An employee who is adopting a child shall be entitled to an unpaid leave under this section and subject to these same conditions.

4. Any employee who leaves a position in the Wayne Trace Local School System to serve in the armed forces, or auxiliary thereof organized to serve during a period of war declared by Congress, and/or national emergency, upon being honorably discharged from such service, shall resume the contract status held prior to entering military service, subject to passing satisfactorily a physical examination. Such contract status shall be resumed at the first of the school semester of the beginning of the school year following return from the armed services. The term "Armed Services" shall be construed according the definition thereof as provided in Section 468-16 of the General Code.

5. Educational or professional leave, not to exceed one year at a time, shall be granted after approval of the purposes for which the leave is sought.

6. Rights While on Leave -- Staff members on unpaid leave shall continue to be recognized as full-time staff members and treated as such in every way except for purposes of salary and fringe benefits.

Staff members on unpaid leave or child care leave shall be entitled to continue to be covered by insurance for hospitalization, surgical benefits and major medical providing the staff member pays the Treasurer of the Board, in advance, each month, the full amount of the monthly group plan premium of such coverages. Any overpayment of premium shall be refunded to the staff member upon termination of leave.

7. Reinstatement Provisions -- Upon expiration of any leave a staff member shall resume the contract status held prior to such leave. Staff members shall be entitled to reinstatement at the end of the period of leave. Where appropriate vacancies exist, such reinstatement shall be to the same class assignment, or position, or teaching 51

assignment, and building assignment as held immediately prior to leave. Any staff member on leave of absence who intends to return the ensuing school year shall give notification to the Board by March 15.


1. An employee desiring to use family leave shall notify the Superintendent in writing at least 30 days prior to beginning the leave, if the need for the leave is foreseeable; otherwise, the written notice shall be given as soon as possible after the employee learns of the need for the leave.

2. During the leave, for up to 12 weeks per year, (defined year begins July 1 and ends June 30 of each year for purposes of this Act); the Board shall continue to pay fringe benefits without interruption and the contribution it makes for an employee on the active payroll to continue participation in the health insurance programs, provided the employee pays his/her portion of the premiums to the Treasurer at least five (5) days prior to the beginning of the month that is being covered. If the employee does not pay his or her contribution to the premium cost by the deadline date, then the Board will not be obligated to contribute its share in order to maintain the coverage.

3. Full salary and position will be restored upon the employee's return, the same as if uninterrupted during FMLA leave.

4. The dates requested constitute consecutive leave unless otherwise indicated, with the exception that requested leave may be terminated prematurely if mutually agreed to by both parties.

5. All employees have the right to have all the benefits of this leave fully explained to them by making an appointment with the superintendent of schools.

6. FMLA form must be filled out any time an absence of more than one week is desired and/or anticipated for any one of the qualifying reasons listed on the form.

7. The FMLA form is for district planning purposes, and the information provided to the district may change if in accordance with law.

8. A copy of the FMLA form shall be returned to the employee within 5 working days of the request, once received by the Superintendent with the Superintendent's signature of approval or denial with the reasons for denial.

9. Any employee may choose to use FMLA leave concurrent with accrued sick time up to 12 weeks in a period year.

10. An employee may opt to take unpaid leave under either the Family Medical Leave Act or under the contractual unpaid leave section, but may not use both provisions for the same incident.



Bargaining unit members employed on a 12-month basis shall receive paid vacation time. Said vacation time may be used by eligible bargaining unit members at times of the bargaining unit member's own choosing subject only to the condition where more than one bargaining unit member requests the same vacation date(s) and work scheduling 52 demands reasonably prohibit all requesting bargaining unit members from being absent at the requested times. In such instances, the affected bargaining unit member having the greatest seniority shall be granted his/her preferred vacation date(s). Said vacation will be scheduled with administration at least two (2) weeks in advance, if possible, when students are not in attendance.

Unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances no 260 day employee may take vacation time the week before school starts.


1. New Staff

New 12-month staff employees shall accrue vacation at the rate of five/sixths of a day per month for a maximum of ten (10) days per year. Vacation credit is accrued from the first day of service.

2. Other Staff

12-month staff are entitled to vacations as follows:

One (1) complete year -- 10 days with pay Beginning the 4th year (with a continuing contract) -- 11 days with pay Beginning the 6th year -- 15 days with pay and one day additional for each year of service thereafter to a maximum of twenty-five (25) days (beginning the twelfth year of service).

3. Use

Employees eligible for vacation shall be permitted to accrue such vacation and carry forward such vacation days to the next year. The maximum accrued vacation which may be carried from one year to the next shall be ten (10) days.

Since the maximum accrued vacation which may be carried from one year to the next is ten (10) days, when a person is separated from employment from the school district, he is entitled to up to ten (10) days pay from the previous year (whatever the employee has carried over) plus the prorated portion for the current year of all earned but unused vacation time. Compensation for this vacation time shall be based on the member's then current rate of pay. Vacation time shall be computed as of each bargaining unit member's beginning and ending contract dates for the current and previous year.

4. Prior Service Credit

A 12-month support staff employee may combine prior service with the state or any of its political subdivision with service in the district to determine the number of weeks paid vacation to which they are entitled.

5. Payment of Accumulated Vacation Leave Upon Separation

Payment for vacation leave accrued or unused must be paid within thirty (30) days of separation, termination, or resignation of employment. If retirement is effective December 31 or January 1, vacation payment shall be made subsequent to January 1 but within thirty (30) days.





The basic salary or hourly rate of each member of the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement will be adjusted to reflect the rates set forth in the applicable basic salary schedule as found in Appendixes B through G.



The maximum years of credit for teaching and/or credit experience outside the Wayne Trace Local School system shall be ten (10) years. Years of service for the teaching salary schedule placement purposes shall be credited according to the following:3

1. All years of teacher service in the District regardless of training level with each year consisting of at least one hundred twenty (120) days under a teacher's contract.

2. All years of teaching service in a chartered, non-public school located in Ohio as a teacher certified pursuant to Section 3319.22 of the O.R.C., or in another public school regardless of training level with each year consisting of at least one hundred twenty (120) days under a teacher's contract.

3. All years of teaching service in a chartered school or institution or a school or institution that subsequently became chartered or a chartered special education program, or a special education program that subsequently became chartered operated by the state or by a subdivision or other local governmental unit of this state as a teacher certified pursuant to Section 3319.22 of the O.R.C. regardless of training level with each year consisting of at least one hundred twenty (120) days.

4. All years of active military service in the armed forces of the United States as defined in Section 3307.22 of the O.R.C. to a maximum of five (5) years. For purposes of this calculation, a partial year of active military service of eight continuous months or more in the armed forces shall be counted as full years.


Each member of the bargaining unit employed by the Board in a support service classification shall be given credit for up to five (5) years of public service outside the district, or for up to five (5) years of military service in the Armed Forces of the United States or any combination of both not to exceed five (5) years of service for proper placement on the salary schedule.

If prior public service is to be granted, a copy of the public retirement statement showing years of credit granted by the retirement system shall be furnished to the Board Treasurer. Prior service credit will only be granted for those years that are full years, not calculating multiple years to earn one (1) year of credit.

3 See also - Filing & Maintenance of Certificates 54

If armed forces credit is to be granted, a copy of discharge or separation form 214 shall be furnished to the Board Treasurer.

Proof of prior service credit must be submitted to the Treasurer’s office no later than 90 days after the first date of work. Proof will be the submission of statements from the appropriate retirement system.


A staff member may advance to a higher level on the salary schedule by fulfilling the following:

1. The Bargaining Unit Member shall provide documentation of completed additional undergraduate/graduate hours from an accredited college or university to move to the B.A. 9 or B.A. 21 columns. Such hours shall have been earned after the date of the degree being awarded.

2. The Bargaining Unit Member shall provide documentation of completed graduate hours to move from the M.A. column to the M.A. 15 column. These additional hours do not have to have been earned prior to the awarding of a Master's degree.

3. It is the employee's responsibility to verify by transcript or letter from the college or university where the course work was completed. Coursework submitted by October 1 will be effective the first day of the new contract. Coursework submitted after October 1 through February 1 will be effective January 1. Any coursework submitted after February 1 will be effective with the next contract year.


All employees will be paid every two weeks, beginning when the individual’s contract begins, which varies, as indicated below. The employees will be paid in twenty-six (26) equal installments to be dictated by the individual’s contracts and commitments.

Current staff may continue to receive paper checks or elect for direct deposit of their pay checks to the bank of their choice. Said election is permanent and may not be reversed except for special circumstances where the decision of the Treasurer is final.

All new employees and substitute employees are required to have their checks direct deposited to a bank of their choice.

When the pay date falls on a holiday, checks will be delivered the day before the scheduled pay date. When schools are not in session, checks will be forwarded at the option of the employee by:

1. Special mailing, with postage paid by the Board and mailed so as to arrive on the scheduled pay date.

2. Held for the staff member to pick up at the office.

When employees experience a three (3) week gap in pay, the Treasurer’s office will notify employees six (6) months in advance.

Any staff members who needs to turn in payment requests for activity runs, Saturday school dates, overtime pay or any other pay, must have the proper paperwork turned in to the Treasurer’s office by 9:00 a.m. Monday of payroll week. 55


Deductions from pay may be made for the following items:

1. Unauthorized or unpaid absence 2. Withholding tax according to information contained on the exemption certificate filed with the Treasurer. 3. Retirement, dues, and contributions. 4. Annuities 5. Insurance 6. U.S. Savings Bonds 7. Political Contributions 8. Credit Union 9. Association Dues and Assessments 10. Indiana income tax

A payroll deduction authorization form must be signed by the individual requesting the deduction and submitted to the Treasurer of the District. Such authorizations should be submitted before school starts, if possible, or as soon thereafter as possible, but in any event no later than October 1st of each year. Except where minimums are otherwise required by the company or other government agencies, a minimum withholding shall be at least $1.00.


The Employer agrees to deduct from the wages of any employee-member of the Union, the dues, initiation fees and assessments of the Union, upon presentation of a written deduction authorization from any employee-member of the Union. All monies deducted for such purposes shall be paid promptly to the Union.

Deductions will be made in twenty-two (22) equal installments during the school year. Deductions shall begin with the first pay period in October.

The Employer, on a monthly basis, shall transmit to the union a single check in the amount of all dues so deducted.

In the event an employee severs employment the Treasurer shall deduct all owed and remaining dues from that employee's last check.

Should any employee resign or drop their membership from the district in midyear, the board shall deduct remaining annual dues from the employee's last paycheck.

Continuous payroll deduction of WTEA/OEA/NEA dues shall carry from one year to the next unless the bargaining unit member notifies the Treasurer and Association President in writing by September 15 of each school year.

Except for Association dues withholding as otherwise provided herein, said deduction(s) shall commence with the first check of the next quarter following submission of the request and shall continue in equal amounts for the remainder of the checks in the year.

Authorized withholding may be increased or decreased or halted, but such adjustment may be made only once during the course of the school year.



A. Payroll Deductions B. Filing of Certificates C. Changes in Pay Status/Additional Education and Training/Adv. on Salary D. Section 125 Plan E. Method of Payment for Association Dues F. Annuity Limitations G. Direct Deposit Limitations

Changes in pay status and certain payments cannot be made to employees unless proper verification materials have been submitted to the central office. All elective deductions to payroll or any documentation or material which might effect a change in pay status should be turned in to the central office before school starts, if possible, (or as soon thereafter as possible) but no later than October 1 of each school year. Those items involving an October 1 deadline include: (1) submission of certificates necessary for employment and payment of wages; (2) changes in pay status; or (3) other changes which might affect the amount of one's pay. Employees failing to meet the October 1 deadline could waive their rights to make such changes for that school year.

Employees will have the opportunity to join or participate in the Section 125 Plan at the time of initial employment and then each year during open enrollment.

Continuous payroll deduction of WTEA/OEA/NEA dues shall carry from one year to the next unless the bargaining unit member notifies the Treasurer and Association President in writing by September 15 of each school year.

Employees may make contributions to a tax-sheltered annuity. Each employee can elect to tax shelter a part of their salary up to the allowable IRS amounts at any time during their employment. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the treasurer what annuity company they wish to purchase from. Only the annuity companies with which the Board currently transacts business shall be used with no new annuity companies being introduced to the district unless six (6) or more employees request from the treasurer enrollment with a new company. No existing annuity companies will be dropped if they are among the existing; however, new annuity companies added subsequent to this date must maintain a minimum of six (6) district enrollees at all times, or the treasurer reserves the right to discontinue doing business with such a company.

The number of direct deposits the central office agrees to administer to employees shall be limited to two (2) financial institutions and no more than two (2) separate accounts at each of these institutions or one financial institution with a maximum of four accounts. If direct deposit is chosen, deductions must equal 100% of pay.


1. In computing deductions for those absences of salaried employees for which a deduction in pay is to be made, the basis shall be called the daily or per diem rate. The daily rate shall be calculated by dividing the number of work days in the adopted school calendar applicable to the affected assignment and/or job classification into the salary of the individual.

2. Salaries of persons working less than a complete school year shall be calculated on the number of actual days worked times the daily rate.


3. Salaries of personnel employed on an hourly basis shall be subject to approved deductions computed on an hourly basis.


The Treasurer shall notify all employees of their current salary status by July 1 of each year. The notification shall be in accordance with ORC 3319.082 and 3319.12. The Association agrees to waive this notice if the salary has not been established due to negotiations.


Compensatory time shall be defined as time worked beyond forty (40) hours by a non- salaried or non-teaching employee with this same employee requesting time and one-half off in place of monetary compensation at this same rate (time and one-half).

Less Than 12 Month Employees:

Compensatory time shall be limited to a total accumulation of twenty-four (24) hours in a six (6) month period. As time is used, it can be replaced but is not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours accumulation at any one time.

The six (6) month periods shall be defined from September 1 to February 28 and from March 1 to August 31 of each year. At the end of each six (6) month period (February 28 and August 31), each employee shall at the employees discretion, either be paid compensatory time accumulated but unused (maximum of 24 hours cumulative) or carry unused compensatory time over to the next 6 months. The treasurer shall conduct an inservice on record keeping regarding this provision upon initial employment.

All accumulation of compensatory time shall be approved by the appropriate building supervisor or superintendent. Members receiving compensatory time must submit bi- weekly payroll records/record-keeping reports until such time that all available compensatory hours have either been paid for or used. If compensatory time is not submitted with bi-weekly payroll information, the hours shall be treated as overtime and compensated as such. The amount still available to the employee shall be verified on the form devised for this purpose.

Use of compensatory time shall be scheduled with the administration at least two weeks in advance, if possible, and when students are not in attendance to minimize use of substitutes.

12 Month Employees:

Compensatory time shall be limited to a total accumulation of forty (40) hours in a six (6) month period. As time is used, it can be replaced but is not to exceed forty (40) hours accumulation at any one time.

The six (6) month periods shall be defined from September 1 to February 28 and from March 1 to August 31 of each year. At the end of each six (6) month period (February 28 and August 31), each employee shall at the employees discretion, either be paid compensatory time accumulated but unused (maximum of 40 hours cumulative) or carry unused compensatory time over to the next 6 months. The treasurer shall conduct an inservice on record keeping regarding this provision upon initial employment.


All accumulation of compensatory time shall be approved by the appropriate building supervisor or superintendent. Members receiving compensatory time must submit bi- weekly payroll records/record-keeping reports until such time that all available compensatory hours have either been paid for or used. If compensatory time is not submitted with bi-weekly payroll information, the hours shall be treated as overtime and compensated as such. The amount still available to the employee shall be verified on the form devised for this purpose.

Use of compensatory time shall be scheduled with the administration at least two weeks in advance, if possible, and when students are not in attendance to minimize use of substitutes.


For purposes of this agreement, flex time shall be defined as time which can be adjusted within the regular work week by the employee requesting and by mutual agreement between the non-certified employee and the appropriate building principal or superintendent. Flex time will be defined on the basis of straight time--one hour of regular hours worked traded for one hour worked outside regularly scheduled work times.

Non-salaried or non-teaching members of the support staff who are required to report early or stay beyond their regularly scheduled hours shall, in coordination with the appropriate building principal, be provided with the opportunity to adjust their regular work week hours for the remaining portion of the work week.


There shall be no division of bargaining unit work into half time or other multiple fractional positions where a full-time employee could fill such position except where current employees only desire part-time employment and the employer is, therefore, compelled to complete the assignment or position by hiring yet another part-time employee.


Any employee in the bargaining unit who is required by law, the Board, or Superintendent to secure additional training in the classification to which they are currently assigned shall be reimbursed for the expenses including but not necessarily limited to registration, books, course or training fees and mileage to and from the site of training at the rate of the universal IRS rate.



Scheduled hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a work week and not compensated through the comp time/flex time provisions above shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay.

During the heating season routine overtime for the maintenance of the heating plant will be scheduled. Each custodian will record and report the hours of such time as is necessary to insure that each building is maintained throughout the entire week (7 days).

If any classified staff member is called back to work at a time when he/she is not regularly scheduled to work, the Board shall pay for not less than two (2) hour of work at a rate of time and one-half or its equivalent in compensatory time off. Aside from the call back 59

premium above, the rate of pay for call back duty or extra duty work up to a total forty (40) work hours for all assigned duties including regular duty assignment work hours shall be the regular rate of pay pursuant to the salary schedule herein.

Except in cases of emergency, any employee asked to work overtime will be notified of same at least four hours prior to such overtime.


Where certificated staff are required to report for duty or perform professional services such as, but not necessarily limited to, attend committee meetings, draft curriculum/course of study, participate in school county wide text selection committee in addition to regularly assigned duties, shall be compensated for all such "extra duty". Such compensation shall be the staff member's per diem rate pro-rated on an hourly basis for each hour or major fraction thereof of such service required.


The Board will pick-up (assume and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System, or State Employees Retirement System whichever is applicable, upon behalf of the employees in the bargaining unit on the following terms and conditions:

1. The amount to be picked-up and paid on behalf of each employee shall be the full amount of the employee's contribution toward STRS, or SERS. The employee's annual compensation shall be reduced by an amount equal to the amount picked-up and paid by the Board.

2. The pick-up percentage otherwise required for all members of the bargaining unit contributing to STRS, or SERS shall apply uniformly to all such members of the bargaining unit.

3. No employee covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pick-up.

The Board Treasurer will prepare and distribute an addendum to each employee's contract which states:

1. That the employee's contract salary consists of:

a. A cash salary component and

b. A pick-up component, which is equal to the amount of the employee's contribution being "picked-up" by the Board on behalf of the employee;

2. That the Board will contribute to STRS, or SERS an amount equal to the employee's otherwise required contribution to STRS, or SERS for the account of each employee; and

3. That sick leave, severance, vacation, supplemental, extended service pay, insurance benefits or any other pay or benefit which are indexed to or otherwise determinable by reference to the employee's rate of pay shall be calculated upon both the cash salary component and pick-up component of the employee's restated salary.

All subsequent contracts and salary notices for those affected employees will include the provisions of the above addendum. 60


1. The Board shall pay a substitute teacher $80.00 per day.

2. The Board shall pay $10.00 per hour for hours served in the various positions: Elementary Library Aide; High School Library Aide; Study hall Monitor and Secretary.

3. The Board reserves the right to offer competitive compensation for substitute positions at rates set annually by the Board.

(for substitute Working Conditions, see page 84)


A substitute teacher, after sixty (60) consecutive days of service, shall be paid a salary commensurate with his/her training and experience according to the adopted teacher salary schedule.

Checks for substitutes shall be issued at the same intervals as the regular payroll but information on days worked must be to the treasurer by the Monday prior to the payroll being issued.


A regular bargaining unit member assigned to perform the work of an absent bargaining unit member will be paid the regular rate for their experience level at the temporary assignment for those duties where the full responsibility and/or duties are required.



Service(s) by members of the bargaining unit which extend before or after such member's regular duty(s) and/or is (are) not a part of the member's regular duties shall be deemed supplemental duties and shall be set forth in a limited contract of one year.

Such supplemental contract shall specify the duty(s) to be performed, the compensation to be paid, and the duration of the supplemental contract.

Unless otherwise set forth herein, such contract shall specify when and how compensation for supplemental duties will be paid.

The employee's performance of contracted supplemental duties will not adversely affect personnel decisions regarding the employee's regular employment.

Supplemental positions shall be posted and bid in accordance with the same procedures utilized for regular positions.

All supplemental contracts automatically non-renew at the end of each school year.

A member of the bargaining unit offered a supplemental contract pursuant to this provision shall execute and return such contract to the Treasurer of the Board before the first payment of the supplemental contract is to be paid. Failure to execute and timely return

61 such supplemental contract as required herein shall constitute a rejection of such offer of employment.

Participation in and emphasis on extra-curricular activities may vary from year to year. The Board reserves the right to not fill, to delete, or to add new positions.

The salaries for the following positions have been determined by considering the responsibility of the position and the time involved. Each "group" has three (3) increments for experience.

The experience, whether continuous or non-continuous, attained within the district's supplemental/extra-curricular system within a specific category (i.e. Football, Basketball, Volleyball), will be counted for purposes of placement on the supplemental/extra-curricular salary schedule. Those newly employed from outside the district for supplemental/extra- curricular positions will be credited for up to five (5) years of appropriate experience. Non- sport experience in extra-curricular assignments, whether continuous or non-continuous, will be credited within each specific area or assignment only.

The salary for a position shall be calculated by multiplying the percent associated with the sport or activity at the experience level of the individual by the adopted salary base in effect on September 1 of that school year.

If an activity does not last the entire year, the sponsor or coach shall be paid in three equal parts, two during the activity and a final payment when the activity is complete. A list of the pay periods shall be included in the extra-curricular packet the coach/advisor receives each year. (Must have one week before pay check goes out.) The first two pay periods for all sports occurring during the same time of the year shall be the same.



0-3 15 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1.8 ______

4-6 16 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 ______

7+ 17 12 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 2.5 ______

10+ 18 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4


Athletic Director I plus 1.5% Weight Room Supervisor VI

Fall Football (45-49 members is at discretion of Superintendent for additional coach. 50+ members for additional coach) Head Jr./Sr. High School Boys and District I Assistant II Assistant II Assistant II Head Jr. Hi. and Early Asst. at High School V Assistant Jr. Hi. VI

Volleyball High School Girls II High School Assistant/JV III Freshman Girls IV 7th grade Girls V 8th grade Girls V

Golf Head High School Boys II Head High School Girls II

Cross Country High School II Jr. Hi. School VII

Cheerleader High School/Fall II High School Winter II Jr. Hi. V


Winter Basketball Head High School Boys and District I Assistant II Assistant #2 Boys VI Freshman Boys IV 8th Jr. Hi. Boys, V 7th Jr. Hi. Boys V Head High School Girls and District I Assistant II Assistant #2 Girls VI Freshman Girls IV 8th Jr. Hi. Girls V 7th Jr. Hi. Girls V

Wrestling High School Boys II Assistant & Jr. Hi. Boys III

Spring Baseball Head High School II Assistant/JV III

Softball Head High School II Assistant/JV III

Track (45-49 members is at discretion of Superintendent for additional coach. 50+ members for additional coach) Head High School Boys & Girls II Assistant (boys) III Assistant (girls) III Jr. Hi. Head Boys & Girls V Assistant VI Assistant VI

Student Activities Scholastic Bowl Advisor V National Honor Society Advisor IX High School Student Council Advisor V Jr. High School Student Council Advisor X Payne Elementary Student Council Advisor ½ of X Grover Hill Elementary Student Council Advisor ½ of X Drama Club Advisor (1 major production or 1 musical) VI Drama Club Tech Assistant VIII Boys Faculty Manager VII Girls Faculty Manager VII Marching Band, Concerts, Contests (Music) Lessons, Pep Band II Marching Band Assistant V Band and Choir Assistant V Washington DC Trip Advisor IX Yearbook Advisor III 64

Class Advisors Senior IX Junior Class Prom Advisor VI High School Concessions Manager IV Junior High Concessions Manager V Sophomore IX Freshman X

Approved Clubs Spanish X Art X Robotics X District Information Specialist II

Summer School (not including summer school intervention teachers) Per diem of staff member's annual salary prorated to the hour for each hour of service.

Summer School Intervention $25.00/hr. (Reference page 30)

Non-grant funded 21st Century Site Coordinator and Certified Tutors $25.00/hr. Non-grant funded 21st Century Certified Mentors $20.00/hr. Non-grant funded 21st Century Non-Certified Tutors and Mentors $20.00/hr.

Saturday School - $15.00 per hour

Home Tutoring - Formula based on zero step of the base, Bachelor's column, divided by 182 days, divided by 7 hours.

In-School Tutor - Sub pay divided by hours worked

Local Professional Development Committee - $25.00/hour

Resident Educator Mentor (per mentee) 1st and 2nd year: $1000 each year. 3rd and 4th year: $500 each year.

Adjunct professor stipend $250 per class taught per year.

Event Coverage – Staff members interested in assisting with coverage of events shall contact the Athletic Director each year by June 1 to be trained for the next school year. Those staff members who are interested will be selected for coverage on a rotational basis. Preferences will be given by job classification.


Athletic Director 5/5 Vocational Agriculture 60 days Assistant Instrumental 15 TBA Director-Instrumental Music/Choral Director 20 TBA Library 5/5 Guidance - Sr. High School 10/10 Guidance - Jr. High School; Elementary 5/5



All supplemental contracts will have a ten percent (10%) bonus figured into the total amount of the supplemental.

1. The amount awarded to the individual will first be figured by using the supplemental pay schedule so that the appropriate percentage and years of experience are taken into account.

2. Once the supplemental amount has been calculated; a 10% bonus will be figured into and added to the total.

3. The supplemental will be paid following normal guidelines.


At the time of retirement from active service with the Wayne Trace Local School District, an employee is to be paid in cash for 25% (1/4) of the value of his/her accrued unused sick leave credit. The rate of pay for all such accumulated days shall be the per diem rate of the annual salary as determined by the salary schedule and any supplemental or other salary in effect at the time of last service. Payment for sick leave on this basis shall be considered to eliminate all sick leave credit accrued by the employee at that time. Such payment shall be made only once to any employee. The maximum payment which shall be made under this policy shall be sixty (60) days maximum 240 total plus the following incentive.

If an employee submits their letter of resignation for the purposes of retirement no later than November 1, he/she will receive fifteen percent (15%) of their final average salary as computed by SERS/STRS as a bonus. If an employee submits their letter of resignation for the purposes of retirement no later than January 5, he/she will receive ten percent (10%) of their final average salary as computed by SERS/STRS as a bonus. The criteria to receive the severance bonus is as follows: (1) the employee must be SERS/STRS eligible; and (2) the employee has been with the Wayne Trace School District for 10 years or more.

Reimbursement will occur after July 1 but before December 31. If the employee wants reimbursement by December 31, the employee must comply with current STRS/SERS rules in order to collect the incentive pay. When retirement occurs other than in the spring, reimbursement will occur in a timely manner (within 6 months after retirement) upon submission of the proper paperwork.

The treasurer shall have 30 days after submission of proof to reimburse the employee but not be required to reimburse prior to July 1.

Any employee who meets the service requirements of the above division and who dies while in the employ of the school district, shall on the day of death, be deemed to have terminated employment by means other than retirement, and payment of all severance pay shall be made in the manner prescribed in 2113.04 ORC.



General Provisions

For those that choose any of the insurance coverages provided herein, the Board shall provide full twelve-month coverage commencing with the first day of school (or September 1, whichever is first) and ending twelve (12) months later (or August 31, whichever is last). This insurance shall continue in effect during absences of illness, as specified in the Ohio Revised Code, for which the employee may use sick leave. Employees on all other leaves of absence (unpaid) including but not necessarily limited to those on child care leave, disability leave, sabbatical leave, etc., may choose to continue participation in this group insurance by remitting the premiums to the Treasurer of the Board of Education. Such remittance shall not be required more than thirty (30) days in advance. When necessary, premiums on behalf of the employee shall be made retroactively or prospectively to assure uninterrupted participation and coverage. Upon separation from employment, the employees shall have the right to assume coverage through Cobra at his/her own expense.

Hospital Surgical Major Medical

For those staff electing to participate in the hospital Surgical, Major Medical or any combination thereof, the Board shall purchase from Anthem or other carrier licensed by the State of Ohio, basic, hospital-surgical major medical insurance coverage for each certificated employee now or hereafter employed.

The Board's share of the annual cost of the above insurance coverage and any increases thereof for the duration of this Agreement shall be as follows:

Certified Staff Board Employee Contribution Contribution

For year 2020 a. Family Health Insurance 86% 14% b. Single Health Insurance 96% 4%

If both spouses are employed as certified staff, the Board shall pay the full cost of one family plan.

Classified Staff Board Employee Contribution Contribution

a. 10-12 month full-time employees:

For year 2020 1. Family Health Insurance 86% 14% 2. Single Health Insurance 96% 4%

b. All other classified employees:

Single Health Insurance For 2020 76% of single Balance of Annual premium Cost


If both spouses are employed as classified staff, the Board shall pay the equivalent of one single plan towards a family plan. Employees electing any of the above insurance plans not fully paid by the Board shall pay the cost difference between the premium contributions made by the Board and cost of such insurance by payroll deduction. Such deductions will be made uniformly over each of the pay periods for which such insurance coverage is applicable.

The level of coverage provided for either family or single plans shall meet or exceed the current level of benefits in effect as of October 1, 2016.

"FAMILY" means and consists of:

a. The employee; b. The employee's spouse; c. The coverage will include all eligible family members as identified in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as of June 1, 2014. Should ACA change, we will revert back to original contract language dated 2012 pending our insurance carrier will still cover what was in our previous contract. As necessary the parties will re-negotiate this provision.

The Employee shall be required to complete enrollment forms indicating the desired coverage and to meet the enrollment requirements of the policy in effect.

Spousal Waiver

All current employees must have their spouse take insurance with their respective employer as long as the spouse’s employer pays 70% of that company’s policy cost. The effect will take place July 1, 2009.

All new employees, beginning July 1, 2008, must have their spouse take insurance with their respective employer as long as the spouse’s employer pays 70% of that company’s policy cost.

If at any time, the spousal insurance benefit paid by their employer is less than 70% of the policy cost, the spouse may return to the insurance policy offered by Wayne Trace with no limitations.


See Appendix Q


See Appendix Q


See Appendix Q


See Appendix Q



See Appendix Q (page 115-118)


Any covered expenses incurred in the three months prior to a new insurance year and which are applied toward an unmet deductible in that year, will be carried over and used toward satisfying the deductible for the following calendar year.


For those certified staff that elect to participate in this plan, the Board shall purchase from any carrier licensed by the State of Ohio, group term life insurance for each member of the bargaining unit now or hereafter employed in the school system in a dollar amount of $20,000. Such insurance shall include provisions for double indemnity in the case of accidental death, disability coverage benefit, and conversion privilege, with guaranteed insurability, continuance of insurance with waiver of premium during total disability.

Individual members of the bargaining unit may purchase additional amounts of life insurance coverage through an approved company. The policy amounts may be taken out through payroll deduction provided the employees electing to take advantage of this opportunity adequately meet the requirements of the insuring company.


See Appendix R

The Board shall purchase from Anthem or any carrier licensed by the State of Ohio, employee and family dental insurance protection equal to or exceeding the specifications listed in Appendix R for each certificated employee now or hereinafter employed who is a member of the bargaining unit.

The full cost of this program up to a $38.51 per month limit shall be paid by the Board.

Classified employees are eligible to purchase dental insurance at their own cost at the currently applicable rate.


Any dental expenses incurred in October, November or December of a year which are applied toward a deductible in that year, will be carried over and used toward satisfying the deductible for the following calendar year.


Upon an employee’s death, a surviving spouse or dependents are eligible to continue dental coverage through Cobra at their own expense.



The Board will pay, in full, the monthly policy cost for the vision insurance for the employee only.

The employee may elect to add additional family members onto the policy, but the employee will pay for those added individuals. The monthly amount the employee will owe for vision insurance, due to adding family members, will be calculated by taking the total cost of the monthly policy and subtracting the cost of the employee’s monthly policy cost (which is paid by the Board of Education). The balance will be paid by the employee.


The term dependent shall be defined as


Natural children; children for whom the employee has assumed custody and applied for adoption; adopted children; stepchildren; other children for whom, by court decree, the employee is responsible, to age 26

Unmarried dependent children over the above ages who become physically or mentally incapable of self-support prior to the above ages, whose disability commenced while meeting the requirements and who are expected to be prevented from becoming self-supporting. The insuring company may demand appropriate proof of such dependent disability and/or continued disability.


The Association and Board of Education shall jointly form and participate in a study committee with the responsibility of developing and presenting to the Board and to all staff in the bargaining unit the potential alternatives and impact--that is, the cost vs. increased ramification of such alternatives, including, but not limited to:

1. Comprehensive Co-pay 2. Increased initial deductible 3. Differences in coverage between/among plans 4. Change of carrier/3rd party administrator 5. Differences in rates and employee/employer pick up 6. Increasing the size of the consortium 7. Joining another consortium 8. Recommendations for any savings resulting from a change

The Association shall select four representatives to serve and the Board shall select four representatives to serve on this committee. A chairperson shall be selected by the committee. The committee shall report its findings to the Board and the Association upon completion of the work. The Board and Association shall vote within seven days as to the acceptance or rejection of the committee's recommendation concerning their findings.



The Board shall implement a flexible spending plan in accordance with Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code to permit the employees contribution for insurance to be deducted prior to the deduction of federal income tax so long as there is no administrative cost to the Board or employee. Employers will have the opportunity to join or participate in the Section 125 Plan. At the time of employment and then every year at open enrollment.


A tax sheltered annuity plan is established under sections 403(b) and 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. To contribute to the Plans, an employee must enter into a Salary Reduction Agreement with the School District authorizing the School Board to make contributions to the Plan from the employee’s pay. When an employee first becomes eligible to be a participant of the Plan, the employee must specify the specific dollar amount of the employee’s pay to be contributed. The amount the employee elects will be deducted and contributed bi-monthly within three (3) working days of the first and second pay date of each month until changed or cancelled by the employee. If a month contains a third pay date, no deduction and contribution will be made on such third pay date.

Employees may make contributions to a tax sheltered annuity. Each employee can elect to tax shelter a part of their salary up to the allowable IRS amounts at any time during their employment. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the treasurer what annuity company they wish to purchase from. Effective September 1, 2005, only the annuity companies with which the Board currently transacts business shall be used with no new annuity companies being introduced to the district unless six (6) or more employees request from the treasurer enrollment with a new company. No existing annuity companies will be dropped if they are among the ones existing as of September 1, 2005 unless all employees cease to use a company. Once there is no employee transacting business with a given company that company will be dropped. Further, new annuity companies added subsequent to this date must maintain a minimum of six (6) district enrollees at all times, or the treasurer reserves the right to discontinue doing business with such a company.


Any member of the staff bargaining unit member who is enrolled in the single plan for Hospital Surgical Major Medical Insurance as provided herein, or who elects not to enroll, shall be eligible for a Board paid insurance opt-out payment in accordance with the following terms:

Effective the 2008-2009 school year and thereafter:

1. Qualifying staff members electing not to take any insurance plans through the school District, the Board shall pay the employee a certain amount of money (see Appendix Z) for dollar amount and options. If there are insurance rate increases subsequent to the effective starting date of this contract, people receiving these annuities such payments will receive the same percentage rate increase that the Board pays toward such insurance plans made in twenty-six (26) equal installments.



Professional Development, completed by internal personnel, shall be paid in the following way.

1. The professional development will be approved by the Superintendent, and the number of hours of compensation for at home preparation time, will be agreed upon prior to the preparation taking place.

2. The person will be paid at a rate of $25.00 per hour.


Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3319.291 and 3319.39, all employees are required to complete a background check for licensure.

All eligible bargaining unit members will be reimbursed for a background check retroactive to January 1, 2008 with presentation of documentation.

All employees are eligible for reimbursement one time per five (5) years for said background check.


The Board shall create a pool of $14,000 per year to reimburse employees for graduate level classes' tuition and Praxis III testing. In order to qualify, the employee must obtain a "B" level grade or better or a Pass in pass/fail graded. Employees must submit application on forms obtained from the Treasurer's office between April 1 and May 15. Funds will be paid out no later than June 30 of each year according to the following formula:

The total amount spent by all employees submitting, divided by the total amount of the pool equals a percentage.

The employee will be paid a percentage obtained by the formula of the actual amount he/she spent. Each year the total amount of the pool shall be dispersed for the purpose of this section.

The Board shall only be responsible for maintaining a total of $14,000 at the start of each school year with one exception. In the event the state disperses funds for Praxis III testing or tuition reimbursement, this amount shall be added to the total pool unless otherwise restricted.

Employees must submit to the treasurer proof of the actual amount spent plus proof of a passing grade no later than May 15. In the event the course or learning institution prevents the submission by May 15, the employee may submit the following year.

If the state requires the district to pay for a percentage of testing, the percentage amount will not come from the tuition reimbursement fund. The employee cannot submit for testing cost if the employee has not incurred any loss.

Employees on an Alternate Educator License may not utilize the tuition fund until they have obtained their provisional certification.





The length of the school year for staff shall be as follows: Total Work Days

Certified Staff not on extended service contracts 182 days

Food Service personnel (cooks/cashiers) 18145days

Head Cook 190 days + 90 hours

Bus drivers (includes 1 inservice day) 1814 days

Teacher aides/Elementary Buildings 1824 days

Library Aides/Elementary Buildings 1924 days (Five days before the school year and five days after the school year)

Study Hall Monitor 1824 days


Principal's Secretary Jr./Sr. High School 1984 days

Payne 1984 days

Grover Hill 1984 days

EMIS/Jr./Sr. High School Guidance Secretary (Extra days as needed) 2074 days

Maintenance/Custodial Staff/Bus Mechanic 2534 days


Payne 1904 days

Jr./Sr. High School 1904 days

Grover Hill 1904 days

Day Sweeper Jr. High 1774 days

4 Work days not including paid holidays 5 Includes 1 inservice, 1 pre-clean up food preparation, 1 post clean-up 73


The normal work week for all bargaining unit members shall be Monday through Sunday with the exception of night maintenance work. Summer hours begin with the first Monday following the end of the regular school year and end the last Sunday preceding the start of the next school year.


Certificated Staff

The normal length of the school day for certificated staff shall be 7 hours.

Faculty Meetings

Certified staff may be required to report early or to remain after the end of their workday without additional compensation not more than one (1) day each month to attend faculty or other professional meetings or not more than sixty (60) minutes duration. All after school meetings shall begin no later than fifteen (15) minutes after student dismissal time. When extenuating or special circumstances arise, a special meeting may be called.

All faculty members will arrange their schedules so as to attend unless excused by the building principal.

The principals will notify staff at least one week in advance of a faculty meeting unless the nature of the meeting precludes an otherwise timely notification. In such cases the principal will give as much advance notification as is possible.

Classified Staff

The normal work day6 for support staff bargaining unit members is as follows:

1. Secretaries: Elem./Jr./Sr. High School - 7.5 hours for entire contract.

2. Maintenance- Custodial Staff: Jr./Sr. High School/and Elementary: 40 hours per week, 8 hours/day. Such employees shall have a 30 minutes duty-free unpaid lunch and/or dinner where applicable. In the event that maintenance staff are routinely required to work during their regular lunch period, lunch will be provided.

3. Sweepers: Jr./Sr. High School - 40 hours/week, 8 hours/day Payne - 40 hours/week, 8 hours/day Grover Hill - 40 hours/week, 8 hours/day

Such employees shall have a 30 minute duty-free unpaid lunch and/or dinner where applicable.

6 Represents only the minimum number of hours/day – Some staff may be assigned additional hours as part of their regular schedule. 74

4. Food Service Personnel High School: Head Cook: 6.5 working hours/6.5 hours on holidays + 90 hours Cook/Cashier: 6.5 working hours/6.5 hours on holidays Head Cashier/Cook: 6.5 working hours/6.5 hours on holidays

Elementary School: Head Cook: 6.0 working hours/6 hours on holidays + 90 hours Cook/Cashier: 6.0 working hours/6 hours on holidays Head Cashier/Cook: 5.0 working hours/5 hours on holidays

5. Instructional Aides:

Library (Elem.) 7.5 hours plus 1/2 hour duty-free unpaid lunch

Kindergarten, Teacher’s aide 6.5 working hours plus ½ hour unpaid duty-free lunch

Music Aide (HS/JH) 6 hours

Study Hall Monitor 6.5 hours plus 1/2 hour unpaid duty-free lunch.

Any additional time worked shall be turned in on regular bi-weekly payroll timesheets.


Normal working hours will not be changed without the express consent of the affected employee(s) and the Association.


All classified staff bargaining unit members scheduled to work continuously for 2 1/2 or more hours will be entitled to two (2) fifteen (15) minute relief times, (one relief period prior to lunch and one following lunch), except that bargaining unit members working overtime hours will be entitled to an additional fifteen (15) minute relief time for every two (2) hours worked.

All cafeteria personnel will be permitted the equivalent of the appropriate break time to be taken as their cooking/serving schedules permit and may leave early by an amount not to exceed 15 minutes when such breaks and/or lunch cannot be taken during the course of the work day. The head cook, at the high school building, will be given a substitute for the whole day to work the school lunch line while the head cook oversees the senior citizen luncheon.


Step 1

The Superintendent and Association President meet in September of each year to discuss parameters for the upcoming school year's calendar. Typically, these parameters must be taken into consideration: Vantage students' attendance days, a calendar which ends without makeup prior to June 1, and a calendar which meets the standards on special days for minimum school day and minimum school year.


Step 2

The Association President or delegate polls classified and certified staff to determine how they wish to handle teacher in-service days and parent-teacher conference days.

Step 3

The Association President or delegate puts together 2 or 3 calendar options which show concern for the parameters discussed with the Superintendent. In September, prior to submitting such calendars to a vote by the association, the association president shall arrange for a meeting with the superintendent, to ensure the proposed calendars meet with parameters established. At that meeting, all shall also ensure that the number of days scheduled will meet contractual obligations.

Step 4

All calendars developed by the Association are voted upon until one calendar receives majority preference by Association members.

Step 5

If the parameters are met, the Association submits its number one choice to the Board for acceptance.

Step 6

The Board either accepts the calendar or rejects it, giving its reasons to the Association President in writing if the calendar is rejected.

Step 7

The calendar for the upcoming year must be adopted by the Board no later than the March Board meeting.

Parent-Teacher Conference

A minimum of one (1) day per school year shall be scheduled for the purposes of parent- teacher conferences in grades K-12. Such days are to be credited as school days in the calendar.

Certificated bargaining unit staff shall be compensated with an equivalent amount of time off for time spent beyond the school day.

Teacher In-Service

Each year, no less than four (4) days will be utilized for teacher work days and in-service for professional development purposes.

Early-in days may begin as early as 7:00 A.M. at the high school/junior high school and both elementary schools, but it is the principal's responsibility to ensure that the minimum school day standard of at least 5 hours of in-service is scheduled for in-service days.



The schedule for each full-time equivalent certified staff shall include at least two hundred (200) minutes per week for instructional planning, grading and/or evaluation conferences.

The term "preparation and conference time" shall mean work time during the teacher work day, exclusive of the professional staff member's daily duty-free lunch period. This time is generally used by a professional staff member for any school-related duties.

The elementary professional staff member shall be provided at least 200 minutes of preparation time per week in the context of the pupil day.

The secondary professional staff member (7-12) shall be provided with a daily preparation period. Such preparation shall be the same length as a regular class period, but not less than forty (40) minutes in length.


Professional staff members shall be responsible for the preparation of lesson plans where such staff has a teaching assignment. Such lesson plans will be prepared for daily lessons not less than three (3) days in advance. All daily lesson plans will be available/accessible within each assigned classroom or assigned teaching area at a location designated by the building principal. All such plans will be consistent with current adopted course objectives and the curriculum guides. Special lesson plans may be submitted by staff for use by substitutes.


The District will provide the necessary supplies and materials. The principal will inform each staff member of their annual budget.


The School District will provide all of the cleaning supplies and tools necessary to clean the work area, kitchen, bus, classroom (especially elementary), etc. Such supplies shall be readily accessible at the primary work location applicable to the job classification. (kitchen, bus garage, custodial storage closet) Access to cleaning supplies and tools for some shall be made available to certified staff who request same.

Tools that are the property of the bus mechanic or maintenance department used in their daily duties that are damaged will be replaced by the district upon approval from the supervisor. The purchases will follow the district’s purchase policy.


1. Posting and Bidding of Bus Routes

Routine runs or trips added or organized and anticipated to operate on regular schedules for a period of more than twenty-five (25) days shall be posted to be claimed by the most senior driver requesting the run or trip if the run or trip does not interfere with regular or normal A.M. and/ or P.M. routes and shall be considered part of that route or run. Initial bidding of bus routes shall begin no less than 5 days before school starts.


a. The above rule shall not apply if and when such addition to a route would require excessive additional miles to transport the bus to and/or from the point of origin and/or conclusion.

b. A routine run or trip described above, awarded and then terminated at a later date because of a change that originally caused the run or trip to be created, shall not be considered grounds for bumping as described in the preceding paragraph even when such change requires a re-timing and adjustment in compensation for the driver.

2. Procedure for Awarding Bus Routes

To the extent possible, bus runs will be equalized according to the following criteria:

a. The number and names of pupils; b. Capacity of the bus; and c. Total length of time required to complete the entire run of all assigned stops.

All vacant or new bus runs shall then be posted for a period of not less than ten (10) work days. Such posting shall contain (a) a description of the run and list of pupils on route; (b) the approximate number of students; (c) the bus to be used for the run; and (d) the approximate time of route based on transportation software. All postings and notices shall be placed in the Payne bus garage and the Grover Hill office in a location accessible to the drivers and other employees.

Each such run shall be awarded to the most senior bidding employee for that run. All runs shall be effective beginning the first day of school. In the event of a permanent vacancy, due to a driver leaving employment with the Board in the middle of the school year, his/her run shall be posted for a period of five (5) working days and bid upon in accordance with the above enumerated bid procedures. Openings resulting from runs vacated due to the bid procedure shall be bid upon according to the initial bidding procedures above.

When school bus runs are reorganized or whenever there is (are) a change(s) that results in more than 15 minutes in working conditions or overall pay to a senior bus driver, that driver shall be permitted to bid () into any other route or assignment of runs driven by a less senior bus driver.


Bus drivers will be paid based on the following formula.

Timed routes for each bus driver shall be calculated using the transportation computer software, utilizing all stops with all students and the appropriate parameters to simulate actual driving conditions (at bargaining time set at 44 mph maximum speed) plus thirty (30) minutes added for contingency and pre-trip.

In the event the employee or employer believes a bus route is inaccurately timed, either party has the right to notify the other party in writing of such discrepancies. The transportation director and a representative from the Association shall ride the bus, if necessary, in order to arrive at a more accurate timed route.

The route will be estimated in the summer for the purposes of bidding. This will be the base upon which the total pay is calculated (187 days).


The total pay is divided by twenty-six (26) pays to determine the amount of pay per paycheck. This will be the amount of the first pay.

The transportation director will retime the route on or near the 3rd Friday of school, and this timing will become the established route. The base salary will be adjusted accordingly and the remaining pay amounts will be calculated.

All sick days, personal days, inservice, snow and holidays will remain the same.

3. Awarding of Field Trips and Extracurricular / Athletic Trips:

Except in cases of emergency, field trips, extracurricular activities, and/or athletic trips will be posted to the drivers. Such extra trip runs notice will indicate whether or not the regular afternoon bus run can be completed. Such trips will be awarded on a rotation basis by seniority from the posted list of drivers who have signed for extra runs as follows:

a. At the beginning of each school year, bus drivers will be given a form upon which they will indicate their intention to be placed on the rotation list as well as their interest in other activity and field trip runs. All of the names of interested drivers will be placed on the list in order of seniority. Bus drivers will also be asked to indicate on this form if they are or are not willing to chaperon the students they might transport on field trips. Bus drivers will not be required to serve as chaperons to students on field trips, but they may volunteer to do so if requested.

b. As a driver is offered an available trip, his/her name is to be checked off, indicating acceptance or rejection of the trip.

c. If a signed driver does not desire extra trips or shuttle runs, he/she shall have the option of withdrawing his/her name from the rotation list. If a driver accepts a trip and then for any reason must decline the trip, the driver's name will still be at the bottom of the list.

d. A driver may decline such extra service but will retain his/her position on the list for extra runs until he/she accepts offered work.

e. Such runs will be offered in sequence from those highest on the list toward those lowest on the list.

f. As soon as a trip is awarded to a driver, the driver accepting the work will be moved to the bottom of the list.

g. All scheduled extra runs will be taken. If the driver selected for the run becomes unavailable, regular drivers will be asked first, then substitute drivers may be asked to make the trip. If no substitute is available, the most junior driver(s) who is/are available on the seniority list will cover the scheduled trip(s).

h. The cost of admission, if any, to park the bus or gain entry of bus to the event or location, meals and lodging, where applicable, will be provided by the employer.

i. Trips will be posted by the transportation supervisor to the drivers no later than the 15th of each month. Drivers will return trip requests no later than the 20th of each month to the transportation supervisor. Transportation supervisor will issue trip tickets for awarded trips to the driver no later than the 1st of each month. If


previous mentioned dates do not match work days, the deadlines will be adjusted accordingly.

j. Once a driver has been awarded a trip, if the time changes and it conflicts with their regular bus route they have the option to keep the trip and get docked for their regular bus route as long as a sub is available to drive their regular bus route.

4. Awarding of Shuttle Runs

Shuttle runs are scheduled runs that occur from one educational facility to another educational facility. Shuttle runs may occur before or after the driver's regularly scheduled hours, or during the school day.

Routine shuttle runs may be scheduled and included as a part of a regular bus route. Non-routine shuttle runs (new), which are not scheduled and included as part of a regular bus route must be posted according to the procedures for the posting and bidding of bus routes.

If a shuttle run becomes necessary in connection with the alternative School, the terms and conditions of this shuttle run shall be negotiated with the Association.

5. Bus Driver Compensation

a. All field trips, extra curricular events and extra shuttle runs will be paid at the rate shown in the compensation provisions herein for the current school year.

b. When Regular Route Cannot Be Run and Extracurricular Trips, Field Trips, or Shuttles Are Cancelled Within an Hour of Departure Time - Bus driver will be compensated a minimum of two (2) hours of pay or their regular route pay, whichever is greater, even if such trip is canceled, when such cancellation occurs so late that the driver cannot run his/her regular route.

c. When Field Trip is Scheduled on a Non-School Day and the Trip or Shuttle is Cancelled Within an Hour of Pick-up or Departure Time - Bus driver shall be compensated for 2 hours of pay.

d. For Trips Taking More Than 2 Hours Which Do Not Fall Between the Drivers Regular Morning and Afternoon Runs - Bus driver shall be compensated for clean up for an additional 15 minutes.

e. Staff Driving Buses to or from Their Own Extracurricular Activities or Field Trips - Staff members driving bus and concurrently working in another capacity shall be paid for driving time only.

f. For Classified Staff Assigned Away from Regular Duty Due to Bus Driver Unavailability - Such staff shall receive the greater amount of pay between the two positions.

g. For Training Activities in Which the Board (Or Its Representative) Request or Require Bus Drivers to Participate Or Where Bus Drivers Serve as Trainers - Bus driver will be paid at their regular rate of pay for any training activities in which they are requested or required to participate or where they are the trainer.

h. For Bus Fueling, Clean Up, Breakdowns, and Other Special Situations as Per Current Practices - Bus drivers shall be compensated at their regular rate of pay for 80

additional time beyond the regular bus run to which the affected individual(s) is assigned. Breakdown / downtime shall be defined as any mechanical failure or the inability of the bus to move during the course of a route or bus run due to weather conditions, detainment of the driver by a law enforcement agency, or for any other reason beyond the control of the driver.

6. Physical Examinations/Commercial Driver's License/Drug Testing

The employer will pay for any annual physical examination required for the maintenance of licensure or which may otherwise be required annually. The employer shall select the physician from which to secure the physical examination.

a. Both the Association and the Board recognize illegal drug usage and impairment due to alcohol are threats to the safety of our employees, students, and the public. The goal of the drug and alcohol testing program is prevention of abuse, the dangers arising therefrom, and where possible, rehabilitation.

b. Effective January 1, 1995, employees required to hold a commercial driver's license (CDL) will be required to submit to a drug test and an alcohol test where the employee is involved in an accident, has caused a serious injury to the public, the employee, or fellow employees, or where the employee's supervisor or another administrator has a reasonable suspicion, based on specific, contemporaneous and articulable observation of the employee, that the employee may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. "Under the influence" means that the employee has alcohol or mood altering drugs in his/her system and is affected by such alcohol or drug in any detectable manner, including but not limited to impaired performance of job duties and responsibilities. Further, in accordance with Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 and its implementing regulations (the "Act"), employees or applicants holding CDL's may be subject to pre-employment, return to duty and random drug and alcohol testing in accordance with the Act and its regulations.

c. The Board's contractor will preserve any specimen collected for at least three (3) months in order that the employee may at Board expense have the sample sent to another laboratory agreed to by the Board and the Association for further analysis. Should a second test produce a result different from the first, a third test will be conducted by a third laboratory agreed to by the Board and the Association, on the same sample, using a methodology selected by the third laboratory.

d. Prior to testing, an employee may reveal any prescription drug and shall supply a physician statement in connection with that prescription drug within 72 hours. The employee will receive due consideration in the determination of potential work violation(s) if the drug is properly prescribed and administered.

e. An employee who is required to take a test for suspected drug or alcohol abuse or following an accident or injury will be permitted to have an Association representative present during testing provided, however, that the testing will not be unreasonably delayed (more than one hour) to allow the attendance of the Association representative.

f. The laboratory selected to conduct the analysis, including the Board's primary contractor and any lab used for confirming tests at the request of the employee, Association or Board under the Act or this provision, must be experienced and capable in the areas of quality control, documentation, chain of custody, technical expertise, and have a demonstrated proficiency in testing. All tests will be 81

conducted using chain-of-custody procedures whereby all specimen samples are sealed, labeled and checked against the identity of the person being tested. All testing will be done in accordance with Federal regulations.

g. All testing will be paid for by the Board. All employee testing scheduled during work hours shall be paid at the employee's regular rate of pay. All employee testing scheduled outside the work hours shall be paid for one hour at the employee's regular rate of pay.

h. All information regarding drug or alcohol testing results will be kept confidential. Only Board personnel who need to know the information will be informed of the results.

i. Employees who are subject to discipline, including termination, as a result of drug or alcohol use are entitled to contest the discipline through the grievance procedure of the contract, provided reinstatement, if ordered, shall be in accordance with federal law and upon the approval of the substance abuse professional.

j. Mileage paid based on worksite to testing site and return trip. Employee shall submit appropriate documentation of the actual mileage. Mileage paid per contractual language.

7. Miscellaneous Rights/Privileges Granted to Wayne Trace Bus Drivers

a. Bus drivers will be permitted to take their buses home between the morning and afternoon runs, but will be responsible for the delivery of the bus to the service area during this time of the day or whenever their bus requires routine service or maintenance. Bus drivers shall not be required to operate any vehicle which is unsafe or unclean where the bus driver(s) has not had responsibility or the control for the cleaning of said bus.

b. The Transportation Supervisor or designee will keep a record of all extra runs. Such record(s) will be made available to the Association bus transportation representative upon request.

c. The school district will provide a bus driver's operations manual to each full-time, part-time or substitute bus driver. Such operations manual will include emergency procedures especially as such procedures relate to injured children or children with special health problems that may require immediate medical attention.

d. The school district will provide a list of children with special medical problems that may require immediate medical attention. Appropriate training to those bus drivers required to transport such children will be provided so as to enable the bus driver to reasonably handle such emergencies. Based on the staff needs, at the beginning of each school year, emergency drill training/EMT training will be provided to each of the bus drivers and substitutes.

e. All buses will be equipped with the following: replacement windshield wipers will be of the heavy duty no freeze-up windshield type; all new buses will be ordered with heaters of sufficient size to assure comfortable levels of heat in the winter for both the bus driver and the students or the maximum heating capacity available.


8. Awarding Payment for Taking a Sports Team to State/Overnight Trips

A team leaving for state competition will generally leave on a Wednesday and return on a Saturday; therefore, the bus driver will be paid in the following manner.

a. The bus driver is paid for the drive time only to and from the city of the tournament.

b. The bus driver is awarded professional days from his/her route on Thursday and Friday; with the proper paperwork completed and approved by his/her supervisor and superintendent.

c. The bus driver is paid for eight (8) hours of pay at his/her hourly rate of pay for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Proper paperwork must be completed and approved by his/her supervisor.


"Extra duty" shall be divided among bargaining unit members within each job classification as follows:

Extra duty time shall first be offered to the bargaining unit member who is qualified to do the activity having the greatest seniority. If all bargaining unit members within the affected job classification refuse the extra duty time following such initial offer, the least senior bargaining unit member, who is qualified to perform the work, may then be required by the Board to perform the extra duty work.

Compensation for extra duty - See Overtime and Call back herein.


Classified staff

The Board shall provide substitutes as required by the absence of a regular bargaining unit member. Regular employee schedules permitting, substitutes shall not be employed to perform the work of an absent bargaining unit member until other bargaining unit members regularly assigned to the same or similar, if any, tasks have been offered the work. Unless a clear and compelling reason exists that would prevent the work being offered to a bargaining unit member, the designated supervisor may hire a substitute for that day(s).

A substitute shall only perform the work in a bargaining unit position that remains vacant after regular bargaining unit members have been offered such work where possible of an absent bargaining unit member.

A regular bargaining unit member assigned to perform the work of an absent bargaining unit member will be paid the regular rate for their experience level at the temporary assignment for those duties where the full responsibility and/or duties are required. Substitutes shall be used to perform bargaining unit work only during instances of absence by regular bargaining unit members or when an unfilled temporary vacancy exists.


Substitute Teachers

A teacher finding it necessary to be absent must notify the Superintendent or principal not later than 7:00 a.m. of the day of absence. Substitutes may be called for no less than half- day duty.

It is the teacher's responsibility to make all possible preparations to facilitate the work of the substitute, including lesson plans, seating charts, and other pertinent details.

Substitutes will have responsibility for adequate classroom planning during an extended assignment.

When substitutes are asked to fulfill year-end duties, they shall be paid until such duties are complete, even if students are no longer in attendance.

The Wayne Trace Education Association and the Wayne Trace Board of Education agree to compensate teachers who volunteer to substitute teach during their planning periods the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) per period in which such duties are performed. It is understood by both parties that Wayne Trace teachers would be asked to substitute only as a last resort and a teacher's willingness to substitute in such circumstances would be strictly voluntary.


Nothing in this Agreement shall require the Board to keep offices and buildings open in the event of inclement weather, or when otherwise prevented by an act of God, or an event that causes the closing of schools. Bargaining unit members, who would ordinarily report to work prior to the delay or cancellation of school, shall not be penalized for failure to report to work on time if the weather conditions prevent it. Please reference requirements below:

1. Group 1 - Teachers, teachers aides, bus drivers, cooks, sweepers and secretaries are excused on calamity days but must serve on make up days or extended year days to meet their contractual obligations. If asked to come in on calamity days, flex time arrangements must be made with the principal. No employee in this group shall be required to report to work if he/she believes weather conditions do not permit safe travel to the work site. Employees must be paid for days beyond their contractual obligations at their hourly rate.

2. Group 2 - 260-day employees are not given calamity days. If these employees wish to stay home, their options are: flex time, personal day, vacation day, or dock in pay. Bargaining unit members may be required to report for work due to emergencies, such as snow removal, heating system repair, etc., during such inclement weather conditions providing the weather conditions do not pose an undue hazard in reporting to work. At the time of request, the employee must convey to the employer whether or not an undue hazard exists for the employee to report.

3. We may miss five (5) days without making up days.

Once the sixth and seventh day are missed, these will be made up using President’s Day and/or adding days to the end of the school calendar. Once these seven (7) days have been missed, then further days that are canceled will be counted by the staff being required to report once the two (2)-hour delay is over. They will be required to stay for five (5) hours working at their building. Any staff reporting before the delay 84

may leave once their five (5) hours are complete. Any staff not reporting will be required to use a personal day. If personal days have been exhausted, the staff member will be docked. When the amount of hours missed approaches the state minimum hours required for students, the parties will meet to negotiate a plan to make up time with students present.

4. If Wayne Trace has missed more than five (5) days or below the state mandated hours prior to President’s Day, then President’s Day will be used automatically as a make-up day. Two weeks’ notice will be given prior to using President’s Day.


A three (3) hour delay will be implemented on a case-by-case basis. The following procedure has been adopted.

1. A two (2) hour delay will always be called first.

2. A three (3) hour delay will be announced and used on a case by case basis.



Except as identified below, all classified staff bargaining unit members (whose employment schedule encompasses any of the listed holidays) shall have such days off with pay:

1. Labor Day 2. Thanksgiving 3. Christmas Day 4. New Year's Day 5. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday 6. Memorial Day

In addition, support staff employees on annual contracts will have Independence Day, with pay.

In the event a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be regarded as the paid holiday. All affected staff shall be paid on those days at the regular pay. In the event a holiday falls on a Sunday, the subsequent Monday shall be regarded as the paid holiday, or affected staff shall be paid for those days at the regular rate of pay.

Compensation for Holiday Work

Pay for work required on holidays shall be for the regularly scheduled hours for each bargaining unit member required to work. Holiday work or comp time, if offered, shall be at the discretion of the employee and compensation for such holiday work shall be two (2) times the regular rate.




Bargaining unit members shall not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions or to perform tasks which endanger their health, safety or well-being. No employee shall be required to use any equipment which is in an unsafe condition to the extent that it would be reasonably likely to cause injury to any person. All employees shall be required to use safety equipment at all times where such equipment is provided by the Board. No employee shall be required to work in any area where friable asbestos is present. The requirements of OSHA and UL shall be strictly enforced and any violation thereof shall constitute a grievable item. Personal safety of employees in any area of the school and at any time when they are assigned to work shall be the responsibility of the Board. Lighting of buildings, stairways, halls, parking lots and sidewalks shall conform to proper safety standards and lack thereof shall constitute a grievable item. All laboratories and other areas where machinery or hazardous materials are used shall have protection systems, guards and/or masks to protect the employee against injury or illness. Employees assigned to work on video display terminals shall be provided an additional fifteen (15) minute break after each two (2) hours work. In case of injury to an employee, it shall be the responsibility of the Board to obtain immediate medical aid. With the exception of custodians whose jobs regularly require outdoor work, no bargaining unit member shall be required to work out-of-doors when the wind-chill factor reaches 15 degrees below F. or lower. Bargaining unit members shall not be required to remain at work when the temperature of the work place is less than 60 degrees F. or greater than 100 degrees F. The Board shall provide adequate rest areas, lounges and restrooms for the use of bargaining unit members.


The Board shall support and assist bargaining unit members with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline of students in the assigned work areas of employees. The Board or its designated representative shall take reasonable steps to relieve the bargaining unit member of responsibilities with respect to students who are disruptive or who repeatedly violate rules and regulations. Bargaining unit members may use such physical force with a student as is necessary to protect themselves, a fellow bargaining unit member, teacher, an administrator or another student from attack, physical abuse, or injury, or to prevent damage to school property.

Medication/Medical Procedures

No bargaining unit members shall be required to dispense or administer medication. Employees shall be held legally harmless in the event of injury to students or other employees in their area of assignment providing the employee is/has acted in good faith within his/her scope of responsibility.

No bargaining unit member shall be required to perform medical procedures or custodial care, i.e., catheterization, IV's, tube feeding, unless the Bargaining Unit Member agrees to perform such duties and only after the Board of Education has provided complete training and support services. Training shall be at Board expense and whenever possible during the scheduled work day.

Refer to Neola Policy 5330 will use Form 5330F page 1-3 will be sent home with students and added to Appendix Y.



A bargaining unit member shall be responsible to only one supervisor, said supervisor to be designated by the Board at the beginning of each school year with written notification provided to each employee. In the absence of a building supervisor, or designee, bargaining unit members shall be held accountable only for those areas of the building where such staff has responsibility for the oversight of students and/or activities and/or are assigned to students supervision. All work rules established by the Board shall be in writing and communicated to all employees and the Association. Work rules shall not conflict directly or indirectly with any provisions of this Agreement. Any employee, or the Association, shall have the right to grieve over unreasonable work rules or an unreasonable application of reasonable work rules. Any new or unanticipated classifications and/or working conditions in the work areas and assignments encompassed by the bargaining unit during the term of this Agreement shall be negotiated between the parties with respect to rates of pay and other terms and conditions of employment.

Safety Equipment

The Board shall provide without cost to the bargaining unit member the following:

1. Approved first aid kits in all labs, kitchens, main office, custodial office/supply area, each bus, gymnasium/coaching office, and nurses office and materials in all work areas;

2. Adequate and approved safety equipment including, but not limited to, goggles, shields, barriers, hardhats, and auditory protection devices and glasses where applicable and requested.


1. The Wayne Trace School District shall, either through the joint county-wide consortium, or within the local district as listed in exceptions below, establish a Local Professional Development Committee in compliance with appropriate provisions of Ohio Revised Code, to develop policies, procedures, and criteria for the LPDC activities.

2. The mission of the LPDC is to insure quality staff development for certified employees of Wayne Trace School District. The committee's responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to: approval of all individual professional development plans for all certified/licensed employees; development and approval of all district or building professional development activities; approval of all C.E.U.'s, coursework, workshops, inservice; and the submission and processing of all paperwork related to teacher certificate/license renewals, upgrades, etc. or any activity that could be used for professional growth credit.

3. Committee composition and selection shall be designated by the joint county-wide consortium or the local Association with the following exceptions:

In the event the Wayne Trace Education Association no longer belongs to the consortium, a local professional development committee shall be formed between the Wayne Trace Education Association and the Wayne Trace Board of Education in compliance with the appropriate provisions of the Ohio Revised Code insofar as bargaining unit members are concerned.


4. The Wayne Trace Board of Education shall compensate the LPDC members of the Wayne Trace School District at the rate of $25.00 per hour (not to exceed $6,000) unless additional compensation is approved by the Wayne Trace Board of Education for LPDC activities.

5. If membership fees are required to join the LPDC consortium, the Wayne Trace Board of Education shall provide for funding related to membership of the consortium, separate from the $6,000.

6. Individual Professional Development Plans and any other activities related to certification/licensure shall not be related to teacher evaluations.

7 Teachers agreeing to serve on this committee may be granted half-days to perform the duties of this committee as required and as approved by the Superintendent.

8. Employees who come from another district(s) will automatically be granted approval of what was approved by their former LPDC with proper verification and documentation or as designated by the consortium.

9. The final approval for professional leave still rests with the Superintendent.


1. The Wayne Trace Education Association and the Wayne Trace Board of Education will form a Superintendent Interview Committee to assist in the selection of a Superintendent.

2. The Superintendent Interview Committee will be represented by a maximum of three (3) Association members (one from each building), in addition to the Board representatives.

3. Upon notice of a vacancy of a Superintendent, a Board representative will notify the President of the Wayne Trace Education Association, or designee, to establish tentative time lines for the interview process.

4. The Superintendent Interview Committee will become involved at the final interview process for the purposes of input.

5. The Board has the final decision on the hiring of the Superintendent.

6. All information will be kept strictly confidential.


1. The Wayne Trace Education Association and the Wayne Trace Board of Education will form a Building Principal Interview Committee to assist in the selection of a new building principal.

2. The Building Principal Interview Committee will be composed of a maximum of 6 members, with the Association having up to 3 members, and the Board having up to 3 members. No quorum will be needed for the Building Principal Interview Committee to function.


3. Upon notice of a vacancy of a Building Principal, the Superintendent will notify the President of the Wayne Trace Education Association, or designee, to establish tentative time lines for the interview process.

4. The Building Principal Interview Committee will become involved at the initial interview process with both parties given time to actively participate.

5. The Building Principal Interview Committee will recommend a list of finalists to the Wayne Trace Board of Education to be considered for the opening.

6. The final interview committee will consist of at least one (1) Board member, Superintendent, at least one (1) representative of the building Principal Interview Committee, and any other designees deemed necessary.

7. The Superintendent will make the final recommendation to the Board.

8. All information will be kept strictly confidential.


Parental or citizen complaints of any nature shall be brought to the attention of the staff member immediately, but no later than 48 hours after being received by an administrator or their designee. If the staff member desires to meet with the individual making the complaint, the administration shall, at the staff member's request, set up a meeting with the complainant. An administrator shall be present during this meeting, if requested, by the staff member. The teacher may request a representative of the Association at this meeting.





All conditions of employment, including teaching hours, extra compensation for work outside regular teaching hours, preparation periods, leaves, and general working conditions, shall be maintained at not less than the highest minimum standards in effect in the system at the time this Contract is signed except as otherwise specifically addressed in this Contract. This Contract shall not be interpreted or applied to deprive teachers of professional advantages heretofore enjoyed, unless expressly stated herein.

No existing Board policies, instructions, or handbooks shall in any way limit the rights granted teachers in this Contract. Any portion of the existing documents that is inconsistent with this Contract shall be ineffective.


In the event there is a conflict between a provision of this Agreement and any applicable state or federal law, or valid rule or regulation adopted by a federal agency or a state agency pursuant thereto, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail as to that provision except as may otherwise be provided by ORC 4117.10(A).

All other provisions of this Agreement which are not in conflict with any applicable state or federal law, or valid rule or regulation adopted by a federal or a state agency pursuant thereto, shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with their terms.

If, during the term of this Agreement, there is a change in any applicable state or federal law, or valid rule or regulation adopted by a federal agency or a state agency pursuant thereto, which would invalidate any provision of this Agreement, the parties will meet to negotiate any necessary change in the Agreement relative to the affected provision within sixty (60) days by demand of either party.

If, during the term of this Agreement, there is a change in any applicable state or federal law, or valid rule or regulation adopted by a federal agency or a state agency pursuant thereto, which requires the Board of Education to develop policies that affect the term(s), condition(s) of employment, or working condition(s), then the parties will meet to negotiate the additional term, condition of employment or working condition within sixty (60) days by demand of either party.


Teachers who are selected to be mentors shall be paid in accordance with the standards set by the county office for the administration of grant monies. In the event that grant money is no longer available to fund teacher mentors, the issue of whether mentoring will continue and whether it will be paid for, will be addressed by the administration and Association. The parties will come to an agreement as it relates to wages, hours, terms and other conditions of employment.


As issues of ESSA present themselves, the Board and Association agree to negotiate these issues as they arise.



This Agreement may be altered, deleted from, added to, or otherwise modified only through voluntary mutual consent of both parties in a written signed amendment to this Agreement except that the Association may, by request, open negotiations whenever there has been a change that affects wages, hours, or terms and conditions of employment. All requests for amendment and subsequent negotiations following mutual agreement to amend this Agreement shall be conducted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement except that requests for amendment may be made at any time by either party. All such amendments shall be considered finalized upon ratification by the Board and the Association.


This Agreement shall become effective as of September 1, 2020, and remain in effect until August 31, 2021. This Agreement shall be the base from which future negotiations shall proceed. If any item in this Agreement is not changed through future negotiations, it shall be carried forward, automatically, in writing, into each successor agreement.

The parties jointly waive any and all claims to negotiations of any other terms or conditions of this duration agreement for the extended period except memorandums of understanding or agreements, and declare their intent that this duration agreement is in compliance with Ohio Revised Code 4117.09(E).

This agreement supersedes and cancels all previous agreements, between the Board and Association, and constitutes the entire written agreement between the parties.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents, attested by the negotiating chairperson and superintendent.



Date Received______

Received by ______(initialed)

Grievance #______

Distribution of Forms: 1. Superintendent 2. Principal 3. Association 4. Teacher

Grievance Report

Submit in Quadruplicate

Name of Grievant______

Building Assignment ______Date Filed______


A. Date Cause of Grievance Occurred______

B. 1. Statement of Grievance______



2. Relief Sought______


______Signature Date

C. Disposition by Principal______


Acceptance of Disposition by Grievant______Signature Date



A. Position of Grievant______


B. Date Received by Superintendent______

C. Disposition of Superintendent______


______Signature Date

Acceptance of disposition by Grievant______Signature Date


A. Position of Grievant______


______Signature Date

B. Date Received by Treasurer of Board______

C. Disposition by Board______


______Signature Date

Acceptance of disposition by Grievant______Signature Date



A. Position of Grievant______


______Signature Date

B. Date Arbitration filed with Treasurer of Board______



______Date of Decision Signature of Arbitrator

Acceptance of disposition by Grievant______Signature Date






This Appendix /Page Intentionally Left Blank

Reserved for Future Use


APPENDIX D This Appendix /Page Intentionally Left Blank

Reserved for Future Use





STEP 0 $11.44 $17.51 $12.48 $14.08 $15.62 $16.88 $14.07

STEP 1 $12.30 $18.94 $13.03 $14.83 $16.39 $18.18 $14.65

STEP 2 $13.19 $20.38 $13.55 $15.62 $17.12 $19.44 $15.26

STEP 3 $14.07 $20.73 $14.04 $16.38 $17.90 $19.75 $15.83

STEP 4 $14.95 $21.07 $14.18 $17.12 $18.66 $20.00 $16.04

STEP 5 $15.39 $21.44 $14.35 $17.90 $18.89 $20.25 $16.25

STEP 6 $15.83 $21.80 $14.54 $18.66 $19.19 $20.50 $16.42

STEP 8 $16.75 $23.26 $15.03 $19.41 $19.40 $20.77 $16.81

STEP 10 $17.27 $23.89 $15.48 $20.18 $20.19 $22.07 $17.37

STEP 12 $18.15 $25.36 $15.97 $20.78 $20.79 $22.75 $17.92

STEP 15 $19.33 $26.52 $17.14 $21.94 $21.94 $23.91 $19.10

STEP 20 $20.04 $27.07 $17.91 $22.60 $22.60 $24.53 $19.84

NOTES: 1. Head Cook Position: Add 7.3% to salary. No individual can be head cook and head cashier at same time. 2. Head Cashier Position: Add 2.5% to salary 3. Sweeper Rate: 80% of base custodian rate $13.51 4. Bus Mechanic: Add 21.2% to custodian rate 5. Activity Bus Trips: $15.00 straight time for regular drivers and substitute drivers


APPENDIX F This Appendix /Page Intentionally Left Blank

Reserved for Future Use



This Appendix /Page Intentionally Left Blank

Reserved for Future Use





EVALUATED BY: Appropriate Building Principal

5 = An exemplary, model, or outstanding level Approaches Observed: of performance (Please check all that apply) 4 = Above satisfactory level of performance ______Discussion 3 = A satisfactory level of performance ______Demonstration 2 = This performance area needs improvement ______Individual work 1 = An unsatisfactory level of performance ______Lecture ______Question/Answer ______Simulation/Role Play ______Other

______Time In ______Teacher’s Name Date Observed/Evaluated Time Out ______


Organization of Content Knowledge for Student Learning

______1. Is familiar with relevant aspects of students’ background, knowledge, and experiences; lesson planning takes into account the variety of knowledge and experiences which students bring to class

______2. Articulates clear learning goals for the lesson that are appropriate to the students’ learning abilities; considers students’ prior knowledge, skills, interests, motivation to learn, developmental levels, and cultural experiences before articulating these goals; clearly distinguishes the difference between goals - - what the teacher wants students to learn and activities - - what the teacher wants students to do

______3. Demonstrates an understanding of the connection between the content that was learned previously, the current content, and the content that remains to be learned in the future; knows why this lesson fits into the specific discipline being taught

______4. Creates or selects teaching methods, learning activities, and instructional materials or other resources that are appropriate to the students and that are aligned with the goals of the lesson; uses a variety of methods or approaches in teaching subject matter and demonstrates an understanding that a single teaching method or activity may not be appropriate for all students

______5. Creates or selects evaluation strategies that are appropriate for the students and that are aligned with the goals of the lesson; testing instruments or evaluation processes are appropriate to all students


Creation of an Environment for Student Learning

______1. Creates a climate that promotes fairness; is firm, consistent, and fair with all students; students are equally valued and treated in the classroom; attempts to call upon a variety of students

______2. Establishes and maintains a rapport with students; shows appropriate concern for students; relates positively to the students as people; demonstrates positive interpersonal and communication skills; encourages students to be fair to one another; maintains eye contact with students while communicating with them

______3. Communicates challenging learning expectations to each student; conveys the attitude that all students can learn and are capable of significant achievement; actively encourages students to achieve

______4. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of classroom behavior without partiality shown to certain students; establishes a learning climate of respect for everyone in the classroom; generally speaking, student behavior during the lesson is consistently appropriate

______5. Makes the physical environment as safe and conducive to learning as possible, given resources available; makes use of the physical environment as a resource to facilitate learning; provisions are made to accommodate all students, including those with special needs

Teaching for Student Learning

______1. Makes learning goals and instructional procedures clear to students: starts out lesson with a clear statement of what the learning goals are; clearly explains to students what instructional procedures will be used to attain these goals (connectivity); ensures that all students understand and can carry out the instructional procedures for the lesson

______2. Makes content comprehensive to students; covers all content areas sufficiently and appropriately; breaks down complex content into simpler, more easily understandable terms; ensures that students are generally engaged in the content, and the lesson as a whole, has a coherent structure

______3. Encourages student extension of thinking; asks thought-provoking questions beyond rote learning; encourages students to think independently, creatively, or critically (analyzing or synthesizing facts to arrive at a conclusion or a conjecture); maximizes student-teacher interaction with skillful and appropriate questions; asks appropriate questions of students of varying abilities

______4. Monitors students’ understanding of content through a variety of means, providing feedback to students to assist learning, and adjusting learning activities as the situation demands; reads nonverbal clues well; checks written work; ask appropriate questions; provides sufficient feedback; makes appropriate adjustments during the lesson; checks at the end of a lesson if the learning goals have been met; isn’t tied to desk throughout the lesson or class period

______5. Uses instructional time effectively and efficiently; minimizes non-instructional class time; paces the lesson in ways appropriate to the content, the learners, and the situation or activity in the classroom; there is evidence of established routines and procedures which show concern for time on task


Teacher Professionalism

______1. Reflects on the extent to which the learning goals were met; uses achievement of learning goals as the measure for determining student and teacher success; is able to articulate ways in which insights gained from a lesson might be used to improve instruction

______2. Demonstrates a sense of efficacy and self-responsibility for improvements; is aware of best practices for teaching his/her content area; actively searches for better techniques to help students learn; regards student difficulties as challenges to their own creativity and ingenuity

______3. Builds professional relationships with colleagues to share teaching insights and to coordinate learning activities for students; actively seeks help from other professionals on matters related to learning and instruction; is aware of how and with whom he or she should coordinate plans, schedules, and resources for the benefit of the entire class or individuals within that class

______4. Communicates with parents or guardians about student learning; schedules conferences as necessary with parents/guardians; calls or writes parents/guardians as necessary; keeps parents well-informed of special events, etc.

______5. Demonstrates a willingness to accept constructive criticism and to consider suggestions for improvement; works with the building principal and other professional staff member to correct deficiencies in areas where improvement is needed

______6. Unless health-related problems are evident, attends school regularly enough to establish continuity of curriculum

Supervisor’s Comments/Narrative:

The teacher’s signature indicates that he/she is aware of the contents of this form and not necessarily, that he/she agrees with the observation/evaluation in whole or in part. The teacher has the right to rebut any part of all of this observation/evaluation as per the Master Contract.

______Supervisor’s Signature Date

______Employee’s Signature Date




At the end of each school year, up to two (2) personal leave days may rollover to the new school year, or any unused personal leave can be automatically added to accumulated sick leave or the employee may request compensation (a maximum of 3 days for compensation). Employees must notify the Treasurer’s Office no later than the last day of the school year of their desire. Said notification must be done on an annual basis with the proper form located in the building principal’s office. Payment will be made by the last pay of each contracted year. Current year unused personal leave will be compensated in the following manner.

If this form is not completed in full, or if you have any personal leave days not accounted for in your choices below, the personal leave days will automatically be added to your accumulated sick leave. It is your responsibility to know the number of days you have remaining. The balance appears on your payroll stub each payroll.

Option #1 I wish to rollover ______(one or two) personal days to the next school year.

(Please indicate the EXACT number of days to be rolled over in the blank provided above.) The total balance of personal days cannot exceed five (5) days with a maximum of two (2) banked days at the start of each school year.

If any current school year personal days remain, choose how to divide your days between Options 2 and/or 3

Option #2 Transfer ______of my unused personal days to my accumulated sick leave. (If this option is chosen, please indicate the number of days remaining to be transferred to sick leave.)

Option #3 Place a check in the box and CIRCLE the correct amount to be received.

No personal days used (3 days compensation) $250.00 If no sick days used + $75.00 bonus = $325.00

If only 1 personal day used (2 days compensation) $150.00 If no sick days used + $75.00 bonus = $225.00

If 2 personal days used (1 day compensation) $ 75.00 If no sick days used + $50.00 bonus = $125.00



Revised 8/2014





ADDRESS: ______

CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP: ______



1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

In order to quality for tuition reimbursement the Master Contract indicates that the employee must obtain a “B” level grade or better, or a pass in a pass/fail graded course. Employees must submit this form along with proof of actual tuition amount spent, proof of grade with an original transcript, to the Treasurer’s office between April 1 and no later than May 15 of the current school year. In the event the course work or learning institution prevents the submission by May 15, the employee may submit the course work for reimbursement the following year. Funds will be paid out no later than June 30 of each year according to the following formula: The total amount spent by all employees submitting course work to be reimbursed, divided by the total amount of the pool equals a percentage. Employees on an Alternate Educator License may not utilize the tuition fund until they have obtained their provisional certification.


Revised 8/2016









PRESENT SALARY LEVEL: ______(BS/BA, BA+9, 150 Semester Hours, BA+21, Masters, Masters+15)











IMPORTANT: It is the employee’s responsibility to provide the Treasurer/Superintendent Offices with all official transcripts needed to verify a change in pay status. Transcripts should be obtained and submitted to the Treasurer/Superintendent Offices at the earliest possible time to ensure proper placement on the salary schedule. Official transcripts (not photocopies) must remain in the employee’s personnel file for verification and auditing purposes.


************************************************************************************************************************ OFFICE USE ONLY




Revised 8/2016





ADDRESS: ______

CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP: ______








******************************************************************************************************** OFFICE USE ONLY


LPDC HOURLY RATE: ______$25.00______


Revised 8/2016




ADDRESS: ______

CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP: ______




To receive final payment: 1. All items below must be check and approved by your appropriate supervisor 2. All signatures must be present at the bottom of this form unless it is not an extra-curricular sport. Only the Advisor and Jr. / Sr. Principal need to sign off for the following activities: Scholastic Bowl, NHS, Student Council, Drama, Band/Choir, Concessions, Washington DC Advisor.

Inventory is complete and submitted to the building Principal or Athletic Director

All equipment is satisfactorily placed in storage areas

All bills are collected and submitted for payment

End of year results and stats are submitted to the Athletic Director

All building and athletic keys were given back to the Principal or Athletic Director

Evaluation has been performed by the Principal (You will need to set up a time with the principal for an evaluation.)

I hereby state that the contract for the above extra-curricular activity have been reviewed and is completed in full. Final payment is approved to be paid by the Treasurer’s office.


COACH / ADVISOR: ______DATE: ______

PRINCIPAL: ______DATE: ______


Revised 8/2014 110


© NEOLA 2005 7540.04 F1/page 1 of 1


To access e-mail and/or the Internet at school, staff members must sign and return this form.

Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. The Board's Internet connection is provided for business, professional and educational purposes only. Unauthorized or inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of this privilege.

The Board has implemented the use of a Technology Protection Measures, which is a specific technology that will protect against (e.g., block/filter) Internet access to visual displays that are obscene, child pornography or harmful to minors. The Board also monitors online activity of staff members in an effort to restrict access to child pornography and other material that is obscene, objectionable, inappropriate and/or harmful to minors. ( ) The Superintendent or ______may disable the Technology Protection Measure to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.

Staff members accessing the Internet through the Board's computers/network assume personal responsibility and liability, both civil and criminal, for unauthorized or inappropriate use of the Internet.

The Board reserves the right to monitor, review and inspect any directories, files and/or messages residing on or sent using the Board's computers/networks. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

( ) To the extent that a staff member has the proprietary rights to the design of a web site hosted on the Board's servers, the staff member agrees to license the use of the web site by the Board without further compensation.

Please complete the following information:

Staff Member's Full Name (please print): ______


I have read and agree to abide by the Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy and Guidelines. I understand that any violation of the terms and conditions set forth in the Policy is inappropriate and may constitute a criminal offense. As a user of the Board's computers/network and the Internet, I agree to communicate over the Internet and the Network in an appropriate manner, honoring all relevant laws, restrictions and guidelines.

Staff Member's Signature:______Date: ______

The Superintendent is responsible for determining what is unauthorized or inappropriate use. The Superintendent may deny, revoke or suspend access to the Network/Internet to individuals who violate the Board's Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy and related Guidelines and take such other disciplinary action as is appropriate pursuant to the applicable collective bargaining agreement and/or Board Policy.















Your Vision Plan Details: VSP Signature Plan APPENDIX S Paulding County Schools – Wayne Trace – Summary of Benefits – Effective 9/01/2008


WellVision® Exam Covered in full Reimbursed up to $35.00

Single Vision Lenses Covered in full Reimbursed up to $25.00

Bifocal Lenses Covered in full Reimbursed up to $40.00

Trifocal Lenses Covered in full Reimbursed up to $55.00

Lenticular Lenses Covered in full Reimbursed up to $80.00

Frame Covered up to $120.00 allowance Reimbursed up to $45.00 ($46.00 wholesale)

Contact Lens Services and Materials:

Elective (instead of glasses) Covered up to $120.00 Reimbursed up to $105.00 (includes contact lens services & materials)

Necessary Covered in full Reimbursed up to $210.00

* When covered in full services are obtained from a VSP Network doctor, the patient will have no out-of-pocket expenses other than any applicable copays.

The Plan Highlights: Signature Plan Benefit Benefit Highlights

WellVision Thorough eye exams can detect symptoms of serious eye conditions and health conditions, like Exam diabetes and high cholesterol. In addition to covered in full glass or plastic lenses, VSP Network doctors provide cost controls on lens options, saving our members an average of 30% off their normal fees. Members also receive a 20% Lenses discount on additional pairs of prescription and non-prescription glasses, including sunglasses. Plus dependent children of members are eligible for covered in full polycarbonate lenses. To ensure our members get the best value, our retail frame allowances are backed by a guaranteed Frames wholesale allowance. This means the member receives the same value no matter which VSP Network doctor they visit. Members also receive 20% off any amount exceeding their allowance. VSP Network doctors provide a 15% discount off their contact lens service. Plus, current soft contact Contact Lenses lens wearers may qualify for a covered in full contact lens evaluation and initial supply of approved replacement lenses, when provided by a VSP Network doctor. With pre-approved from VSP, medically necessary contact lenses are covered in full from a VSP Network doctor. Laser VSP contracted laser centers provide discounts for laser surgery, including PRK, LASIK and Custom VisionCare LAKSIK.* Discounts average 15% off or 5% off if the laser center is offering a promotional price. Plus, Program members who’ve had PRK, LASIK or Custom LASIK vision correction surgery can use their covered in full benefit for sunglasses, instead of a prescription pair of glasses. Low vision is vision loss sufficient enough to prevent reading and performing daily activities. With pre- Low Vision approval from VSP, low vision supplemental testing is covered every 2 years. VSP will pay 75% of the cost for approved low vision aids, up to the maximum of $1,000 (less any amount paid for supplemental testing) per member every 2 years. Primary VSP network doctors provide supplemental medical coverage for specialty eyecare services and EyeCare conditions, such as pink eye, and other urgent eyecare needs. Members can see their VSP doctor without a referral, as often as needed. A $5.00 copay applies for each visit. Exclusions and There may be some materials and services with either limited or no coverage under this plan. Please Limitations contact your VSP representative for more information. *Custom LASIK coverage only available using wavefront technology with the microkeratome surgical device. Other LASIK procedures may be performed at an additional cost to the member. 122

APPENDIX T Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Assessment of Teacher Performance

Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric The Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric is intended to be scored holistically. This means that evaluators will assess which level provides the best overall description of the teacher. The scoring process is expected to occur upon completion of each thirty (30) minute observation and post-conference. The evaluator is to consider evidence gathered during the pre- observation conference, the observation, the post-observation conference, and classroom walkthroughs (if applicable). When completing the performance rubric, please note that evaluators are not expected to gather evidence on all indicators for each observation cycle. Likewise, teachers should not be required to submit additional pieces of evidence to address all indicators. The professionalism section of the rubric may use evidence collected during the pre-observation and post-observation conferences as well as information from the Professional Growth and/or Improvement Plan (if applicable).

INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The teacher does not demonstrate a clear The teacher communicates a focus for The teacher demonstrates a focus for The teacher establishes challenging and focus for student learning. Learning student learning, develops learning student learning, with appropriate measurable goal(s) for student learning

FOCUS FOR LEARNING objectives are too general to guide lesson objectives that are appropriate for that aligns with the Ohio standards and (Standard 4: Instruction) planning and are inappropriate for the students and reference the Ohio standards learning objectives that include reflect a range of student learner needs. students, and/or do not reference the but do not include measureable goals. The teacher demonstrates how the goal(s) Sources of Evidence: measurable goal(s) for student learning Ohio standards. aligned with the Ohio standards. The fit into the broader unit, course, and Pre-Conference teacher demonstrates the importance of school goals for content learning and skills. the goal and its appropriateness for students.


The teacher does not plan for the The teacher explains the characteristics, The teacher demonstrates an The teacher purposefully plans assessment of student learning or does not uses, and limitations of various diagnostic, understanding that assessment is a means assessments and differentiates assessment analyze student learning data to inform formative, and summative assessments of evaluating and supporting student choices to match the full range of student lesson plans. but does not consistently incorporate this learning through effectively incorporating needs, abilities, and learning styles, ASSESSMENT DATA knowledge into lesson planning. diagnostic, formative, and/or summative incorporating a range of appropriate (Standard 3: Assessment) assessments into lesson planning. diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments into lesson plans.

Sources of Evidence: The teacher does not use or only uses one The teacher uses more than one measure The teacher employs a variety of formal Student learning needs are accurately Pre-Conference measure of student performance. of student performance but does not and informal assessment techniques to identified through an analysis of student appropriately vary assessment approaches, collect evidence of students’ knowledge data; the teacher uses assessment data to or the teacher may have difficulty and skills and analyzes data to effectively identify student strengths and areas for analyzing data to effectively inform inform instructional planning and delivery. student growth. instructional planning and delivery.



INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The teacher’s lesson does not build on or The teacher makes an attempt to connect The teacher makes clear and coherent The teacher uses the input and connect to students’ prior knowledge, or the lesson to students’ prior knowledge, to connections with students’ prior contributions of families, colleagues, and the teacher may give an explanation that is previous lessons or future learning but is knowledge and future learning—both other professionals in understanding each illogical or inaccurate as to how the not completely successful. explicitly to students and within the lesson. learner’s prior knowledge and supporting content connects to previous and future their development. The teacher makes learning. meaningful and relevant connections PRIOR CONTENT between lesson content and other KNOWLEDGE / SEQUENCE / disciplines and real-world experiences and

CONNECTIONS careers as well as prepares opportunities (Standard 1: Students; for students to apply learning from different content areas to solve problems. Standard 2: Content; Standard 4: Instruction) The teacher plans and sequences The teacher plans and sequences instruction to include the important instruction that reflects an understanding Sources of Evidence: content, concepts, and processes in school of the prerequisite relationships among Pre-Conference and district curriculum priorities and in the important content, concepts, and state standards. processes in school and district curriculum priorities and in state standards as well as multiple pathways for learning depending INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING INSTRUCTIONAL on student needs. The teacher accurately explains how the lesson fits within the structure of the discipline.



INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING The teacher demonstrates a lack of The teacher demonstrates some The teacher demonstrates familiarity with The teacher demonstrates an familiarity with students’ backgrounds and familiarity with students’ background students’ background knowledge and understanding of the purpose and value of has made no attempts to find this knowledge and experiences and describes experiences and describes multiple learning about students’ background information. one procedure used to obtain this procedures used to obtain this experiences, demonstrates familiarity with information. information. each student’s background knowledge and experiences, and describes multiple procedures used to obtain this KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS information. (Standard 1: Students) The teacher’s plan for instruction does not The teacher’s instructional plan draws The teacher’s instructional plan draws The teacher’s analysis of student data

demonstrate an understanding of upon a partial analysis of students’ upon an accurate analysis of the students’ (student development, student learning Sources of Evidence: students’ development, preferred learning development, readiness for learning, development, readiness for learning, and preferred learning styles, and student Analysis of Student Data styles, and/or student backgrounds/prior preferred learning styles, or backgrounds preferred learning styles, and backgrounds backgrounds/prior experiences) accurately Pre-Conference experiences. and prior experiences and/or the plan is and prior experiences. connects the data to specific instructional inappropriately tailored to the specific strategies and plans. population of students in the classroom. The teacher plans for and can articulate specific strategies, content, and delivery that will meet the needs of individual students and groups of students.




Instruction and Assessment Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished A teacher’s explanations are unclear, Teacher explanations are accurate and Teacher explanations are clear and Teacher explanations are clear, coherent, incoherent, or inaccurate, and are generally clear but the teacher may not accurate. The teacher uses and precise. The teacher uses well-timed, generally ineffective in building student fully clarify information based on students’ developmentally appropriate strategies individualized, developmentally LESSON DELIVERY understanding. The teacher uses language questions about content or instructions for and language designed to actively appropriate strategies and language (Standard 2: Content; that fails to engage students, is learning activities or the teacher may use encourage independent, creative, and designed to actively encourage Standard 4: Instruction; inappropriate to the content, and/or some language that is developmentally critical thinking. independent, creative, and critical Standard 6: Collaboration discourages independent or creative inappropriate, leading to confusion or thinking, including the appropriate use of and Communication) thinking. limiting discussion. questions and discussion techniques.

The teacher fails to address student The teacher re-explains topics when The teacher effectively addresses The teacher accurately anticipates confusion or frustration and does not use students show confusion, but is not always confusion by re-explaining topics when confusion by presenting information in Sources of Evidence: effective questioning techniques during able to provide an effective alternative asked and ensuring understanding. The multiple formats and clarifying content Formal Observation the lesson. The lesson is almost entirely explanation. The teacher attempts to teacher employs effective, purposeful before students ask questions. The Classroom Walkthroughs/ teacher-directed. employ purposeful questioning questioning techniques during instruction. teacher develops high-level understanding Informal Observations techniques, but may confuse students with The lesson is a balance of teacher-directed through effective uses of varied levels of the phrasing or timing of questions. The instruction and student-led learning. questions. The lesson is student-led, with lesson is primarily teacher-directed. the teacher in the role of facilitator.


The teacher does not attempt to make the The teacher relies on a single strategy or The teacher supports the learning needs of The teacher matches strategies, materials, DIFFERENTIATION lesson accessible and challenging for most alternate set of materials to make the students through a variety of strategies, and/or pacing to students’ individual (Standard 1: Students; students, or attempts are developmentally lesson accessible to most students though materials, and/or pacing that make needs, to make learning accessible and

INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTION Standard 4: Instruction) inappropriate. some students may not be able to access learning accessible and challenging for the challenging for all students in the certain parts of the lesson and/or some group.. classroom . The teacher effectively uses Sources of Evidence: may not be challenged. independent, collaborative and whole- Pre-Conference class instruction to support individual Formal Observation learning goals and provides varied options Classroom Walkthroughs/ for how students will demonstrate mastery. Informal Observations



Instruction and Assessment Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished RESOURCES Instructional materials and resources used The teacher uses appropriate instructional Instructional materials and resources are Instructional materials and resources are (Standard 2: Content; for instruction are not relevant to the materials to support learning goals, but aligned to the instructional purposes and aligned to instructional purposes, are Standard 4: Instruction) lesson or are inappropriate for students. may not meet individual students’ learning are appropriate for students’ learning varied and appropriate to ability levels of styles/needs or actively engage them in styles and needs, actively engaging students, and actively engage them in learning. students. ownership of their learning. Sources of Evidence: Pre-Conference Formal Observation Classroom Walkthroughs/ Informal Observations



Instruction and Assessment Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished There is little or no evidence of a positive The teacher is fair in the treatment of The teacher has positive rapport with The teacher has positive rapport with rapport between the teacher and students and establishes a basic rapport students and demonstrates respect for and students and demonstrates respect for students. For example, the teacher may with them. For example, the teacher interest in all students. For example, the and interest in individual students’ respond disrespectfully to students or addresses students questions or teacher makes eye contact and connects experiences, thoughts and opinions. For ignore their questions or comments. comments but does not inquire about with individual students. example, the teacher responds quietly, their overall well-being. individually, and sensitively to student confusion or distress.

There are no evident routines or Routines and procedures are in place, but Routines and procedures run smoothly Routines are well-established and orderly procedures; students seem unclear about the teacher may inappropriately prompt or throughout the lesson, and students and students initiate responsibility for the what they should be doing or are idle. direct students when they are unclear or assume age-appropriate levels of efficient operation of the classroom. CLASSROOM idle. responsibility for the efficient operation of ENVIRONMENT the classroom.

(Standard 1: Students; Transitions are inefficient with The teacher transitions between learning Transitions are efficient and occur Transitions are seamless as the teacher Standard 5: Learning considerable instructional time lost. activities, but occasionally loses some smoothly. There is evidence of varied effectively maximizes instructional time Environment; Standard 6: Lessons progress too slowly or quickly so instructional time in the process. learning situations (whole class, and combines independent, collaborative,

Collaboration and students are frequently disengaged. cooperative learning, small group and and whole-class learning situations. Communication) independent work).

Sources of Evidence: The teacher creates a learning The teacher welcomes communication The teacher engages in two-way The teacher engages in two-way, ongoing Pre-Conference environment that allows for little or no from families and replies in a timely communication and offers a variety of communication with families that results communication or engagement with manner. volunteer opportunities and activities for in active volunteer, community, and family Formal Observation families. families to support student learning. partnerships which contribute to student Classroom Walkthroughs/ learning and development. Informal Observations Expectations for behavior are not Appropriate expectations for behavior are A classroom management system has been A classroom management system has established or are inappropriate and/or no established, but some expectations are implemented that is appropriate and been designed, implemented, and monitoring of behaviors occurs. The unclear or do not address the needs of responsive to classroom and individual adjusted with student input and is INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTION teacher responds to misbehavior individual students. The teacher needs of students. Clear expectations for appropriate for the classroom and inappropriately. inconsistently monitors behavior. student behavior are evident . Monitoring individual student needs. Students are of student behavior is consistent, actively encouraged to take responsibility appropriate, and effective. for their behavior. The teacher uses research-based strategies to lessen disruptive behaviors and reinforce positive behaviors.



Instruction and Assessment Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The teacher does not routinely use The teacher uses assessments to measure The teacher uses assessment data to The teacher uses assessment data to assessments to measure student mastery. student mastery, but may not differentiate identify students’ strengths and needs, identify students’ strengths and needs, instruction based on this information. and modifies and differentiates instruction and modifies and differentiates instruction accordingly, although the teacher may not accordingly, as well as examines classroom be able to anticipate learning obstacles. assessment results to reveal trends and patterns in individual and group progress and to anticipate learning obstacles.

The teacher rarely or never checks the The teacher checks for student The teacher checks for understanding at The teacher continually checks for students’ understanding of content. The understanding and makes attempts to key moments and makes adjustments to understanding and makes adjustments teacher fails to make adjustments in adjust instruction accordingly, but these instruction (whole-class or individual accordingly (whole-class or individual response to student confusion. adjustments may cause some additional students).The teacher responds to student students). When an explanation is not confusion misunderstandings by providing additional effectively leading students to understand ASSESSMENT OF clarification. the content, the teacher adjusts quickly STUDENT LEARNING and seamlessly within the lesson and uses (Standard 3: Assessment) an alternative way to explain the concept.

Sources of Evidence: The teacher persists in using a particular The teacher gathers and uses student data The teacher gathers and uses student By using student data from a variety of Pre-Conference strategy for responding to from a few sources to choose appropriate data from a variety of sources to choose sources, the teacher appropriately adapts Formal Observation misunderstandings, even when data instructional strategies for groups of and implement appropriate instructional instructional methods and materials and Classroom Walkthroughs/ suggest the approach is not succeeding. students. strategies for groups of students. paces learning activities to meet the needs Informal Observations of individual students as well as the whole class. Post-Conference The teacher does not provide students Students receive occasional or limited The teacher provides substantive, specific, The teacher provides substantive, specific, with feedback about their learning. feedback about their performance from and timely feedback of student progress to and timely feedback to students, families, the teacher. students, families, and other school and other school personnel while

INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTION personnel while maintaining maintaining confidentiality. The teacher confidentiality. provides the opportunity for students to engage in self-assessment and show awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses. The teacher uses student assessment results to reflect on his or her own teaching and to monitor teaching strategies and behaviors in relation to student success.



Professionalism Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished PROFESSIONAL The teacher fails to communicate clearly The teacher uses a variety of strategies to The teacher uses effective communication The teacher communicates effectively with students and families or collaborate communicate with students and families strategies with students and families and with students, families, and colleagues. RESPONSIBILITIES effectively with professional colleagues. and collaborate with colleagues, but these works effectively with colleagues to The teacher collaborates with colleagues (Standard 6: Collaboration approaches may not always be examine problems of practice, analyze to improve personal and team practices by and Communication; appropriate for a particular situation or student work, and identify targeted facilitating professional dialogue, peer Standard 7: Professional achieve the intended outcome. strategies. observation and feedback, peer coaching Responsibility and and other collegial learning activities. Growth) The teacher fails to understand and follow The teacher understands and follows The teacher meets ethical and The teacher meets ethical and

Sources of Evidence: regulations, policies, and agreements. district policies and state and federal professional responsibilities with integrity professional responsibilities and helps regulations at a minimal level. and honesty. The teacher models and colleagues access and interpret laws and Professional Development upholds district policies and state and policies and understand their implications Plan or Improvement Plan; federal regulations. in the classroom. Pre-conference; Post-conference; The teacher fails to demonstrate evidence The teacher identifies strengths and areas The teacher sets data-based short- and The teacher sets and regularly modifies daily interaction with of an ability to accurately self-assess for growth to develop and implement long-term professional goals and takes short-and long-term professional goals PROFESSIONALISM others performance and to appropriately identify targeted goals for professional growth. action to meet these goals. based on self-assessment and analysis of areas for professional development. student learning evidence.



Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Professional Growth Plan

Professional Growth Plan As a result of the evaluation process, teachers and evaluators should focus on accelerating and continuing teacher growth through professional development. Professional development should be individualized to the needs of the teacher, and specifically relate to his/her areas of refinement as identified in the teachers’ evaluation. The evaluator should recommend professional development opportunities, and support the teacher by providing resources (e.g., time, financial).


Collaborative Teacher Evaluator

Annual Focus Date Areas for Professional Growth These are addressed by the evaluator as appropriate for this teacher. Record supports needed, resources, professional development dates when Comments during conference with teacher and evaluator are made discussed appropriate to the needs of the teacher. Goal 1: Student Achievement/Outcomes for Students Goal Statement:

Evidence Indicators:

Goal 2 : Teacher Performance on the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession Goal Statement:

Evidence Indicators:

Evaluator Signature Date Teacher Signature Date

The signatures above verify that the teacher and evaluator have discussed and agreed upon this Professional Growth Plan.


Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Final Summative Rating

Final Summative Rating of Teacher Effectiveness

Proficiency on Standards 50% I NEFFECTIVE D EVELOPING SKILLED A CCOMPLISHED Cumulative Performance Rating (Holistic Rating using Performance Rubric) Areas of reinforcement/ refinement:

B E L O W E X P E C T E D A B O VE E X P E C T E D Student Growth Data 50% E X P E C T E D G ROWTH G ROWTH GROWTH

Student Growth Measure of Effectiveness Areas of reinforcement/ refinement:


Check here if Improvement Plan has been recommended.

Teacher Signature Date Evaluator Signature Date

The signatures above indicate that the teacher and evaluator have discussed the Summative Rating. Note: The teacher may provide additional information to the evaluator within 10 working days of the receipt of this form, and may request a second conference with the evaluator. Any additional information will become part of the summative record. Challenges may be made according to the local contract agreement.


Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Pre‐ and Post‐ Conference Questions

Pre‐Observation Planning and Lesson Reflection Resource Questions The questions provided are intended to guide thinking and conversation; every question may not be answered or relevant for every observation.

INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING RESOURCES (Standard 2: Content / Standard 4: Instruction) FOCUS (Standard 4: Instruction) What resources/materials will be used in instruction? What is the focus for the lesson? How will technology be integrated into lesson delivery? What content will students know/understand? What skills will they demonstrate? CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT What standards are addressed in the planned instruction? (Standard 1: Students / Standard 5: Learning Environment) How will the environment support all students? Why is this learning important? ASSESSMENT DATA (Standard 3: Assessment) How will different grouping strategies be used? What assessment data was examined to inform this lesson planning? How will safety in the classroom be ensured? What does pre‐assessment data indicate about student learning needs? How will respect for all be modeled and taught? PRIOR CONTENT KNOWLEDGE/ SEQUENCE/CONNECTIONS ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING (Standard 1: Students / Standard 2: Content / Standard 4: Instruction) (Standard 3: Assessment) What prior knowledge do students need? How will you check for understanding during the lesson? What are the connections to previous and future learning? What specific products or demonstrations will assess student learning / achievement How does this lesson connect to students’ real‐life experiences and/or possible of goals for instruction? careers? How will you ensure that students understand how they are doing and support How does it connect to other disciplines? students’ self‐assessment? KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS (Standard 1: Students) How will you use assessment data to inform your next steps? What should the evaluator know about the student population? (See Data Measures PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Inventory for the Classroom) COLLABORATION AND COMMUNICATION (Standard 6) How is this a developmentally appropriate learning activity? How do you cooperate with colleagues? INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT LESSON DELIVERY (Standard 2: Content / Standard 4: Instruction) How do you work with others when there is a problem? How will the goals for learning be communicated to students? What is your communication style with students? With families? With colleagues? What instructional strategies and methods will be used to engage students and In what ways do you seek the perspectives of others? Give an example. promote independent learning and problem solving? PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND GROWTH (Standard 7) What strategies will be used to make sure all students achieve lesson goals? How do you apply knowledge gained from other experiences into your teaching? How will content‐specific concepts, assumptions, and skills be taught? Discuss ways you reflect and analyze your teaching. DIFFERENTIATION (Standard 1: Students / Standard 4: Instruction) What are some proactive ways you further your own professional growth? How will the instructional strategies address all students’ learning needs? How will the lesson engage and challenge students of all levels? How will developmental gaps be addressed?


Classroom Walkthrough Wayne Trace Local Schools

Teacher Name: ______Grade(s)/Subject Area(s):______Date: ______

Evaluator Name: ______Time Walkthrough Begins: ______Time Walkthrough Ends: ______Directions: This form serves as a record of an informal walkthrough by the teacher’s evaluator. The evaluator will likely not observe all the teaching elements listed below in any one informal observation. This record, along with records of additional informal observations, will be used to inform the summative evaluation of the teacher.  Instruction is developmentally appropriate  Lesson content is linked to previous and future learning  Learning outcomes and goals are clearly communicated to students  Classroom learning environment is safe and conducive to learning  Varied instructional tools and strategies reflect student needs and  Teacher provides students with timely and responsive feedback learning objectives  Content presented is accurate and grade appropriate  Instructional time is used effectively  Teacher connects lesson to real-life applications  Routines support learning goals and activities  Instruction and lesson activities are accessible and challenging for  Multiple methods of assessment of student learning are utilized to guide students instruction    

Evaluator Summary Comments:

Recommendations for Focus of Informal Observations:

Evaluator Signature: ______



Standard 1: Student Learning

C.E. Teachers understand student learning & development and respect the diversity of each student.

 Give examples of lesson plans, activities, or assessments that show differentiated instruction or log activities that have been completed to learn about student background, interests, and _____ experiences. (ie. Interest inventory, student’s permanent records, talk to previous teachers)

o 0-1 examples – Ineffective (1) o 2 examples – Developing (2) o 3 examples – Proficient (3) o 4 examples – Accomplished (4)

Standard 2: Understanding of Content Area

C.E. Teachers know/understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility.

_____  Create a list of completed standards and benchmarks in one unit of instruction for a course. o Not completed – Ineffective (1) o Completed – Accomplished (4) o Highly Qualified Teacher – Accomplished (4)


Standard 3: Assessment

C.E. Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning.

 Give examples of the situations in which you use formative and summative assessments and/or _____ analyze the data from assessments to show student learning. o 0-1 examples – Ineffective (1) o 2 examples – Developing (2) o 3 examples – Skilled (3) o 4 examples – Accomplished (4)


Standard 4: Student Learning and Instruction

C.E. Avg. C.E. Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student.

 Provide examples of how you show progression, sequenced build up to understanding based on student needs. _____ o 0-1 examples – Ineffective (1) o 2 examples – Developing (2) o 3 examples – Proficient (3) o 4 examples – Accomplished (4)

Standard 5: Learning Environment

C.E. Avg. C.E. Teachers create learning environments that promote high level of learning and achievement for all students. _____  Provide examples of how you create an environment that is conducive to learning and promotes student achievement. o 0-1 examples - Ineffective (1) o 2 examples - Developing (2) o 3 examples - Skilled (3) ______o 4 examples – Accomplished (4)


Standard 6: Collaborate and Communicate

C.E Teachers collaborate and communicate with students, parents, other educators, administrators and the community to support student learning.

_____  Keep a log of communication between parents, teachers, administrators, community, and/or student intervention. o 0-1 examples – Ineffective (1) o 2 examples – Developing (2) o 3 examples – Skilled (3) o 4 examples – Accomplished (4)


Standard 7: Professional Growth and Professionalism

C.E. Avg. C.E Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement as an individual and as a member of a learning community.

_____  Submit Professional Growth Plan, Individualized Professional Development Plan.

o 1 examples – Accomplished (4)

OR  Listed professional organizations, clubs, committees and extra-curricular activities that you advise, or assist with or create a log of workshops, conferences, etc., for professional development.

o 0-1 examples – Ineffective (1) o 2 examples – Developing (2) o 3 examples – Skilled (3) o 4 examples – Accomplished (4)



Standard 1 Credentialed Evaluator Scores ______

Standard 2 Credentialed Evaluator Scores ______

Standard 3 Credentialed Evaluator Scores ______

Standard 4 Credentialed Evaluator Scores ______

Standard 5 Credentialed Evaluator Scores ______

Standard 6 Credentialed Evaluator Scores ______

Standard 7 Credentialed Evaluator Scores ______

Total: ______

Average of Total: ______(Average of Total Here)



Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Improvement Plan

Improvement Plan

Teacher Name: Grade Level/ Subject:

School year: Building: Date of Improvement Plan Conference:

Written improvement plans are to be developed in the circumstances when an educator makes below expected academic growth with his/ her students AND/OR receives an overall ineffective rating or an ineffective rating on any of the components of the OTES system. The purpose of the improvement plan is to identify specific deficiencies in performance and foster growth through professional development and targeted support. If corrective actions are not made within the time as specified in the improvement plan, a recommendation may be made for dismissal or to continue on the plan.

Section 1: Improvement Statement - List specific areas for improvement as related to the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession. Attach documentation. Performance Standard(s) Addressed in this Plan Date(s) Improvement Area or Concern Observed Specific Statement of the Concern: Areas of Improvement

Section 2: Desired Level of Performance – List specific measurable goals to improve performance. Indicate what will be measured for each goal. Beginning Date Ending Date Level of Performance Specifically Describe Successful Improvement Target(s)


Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Improvement Plan

Improvement Plan (continued)

Section 3: Specific Plan of Action Describe in detail specific plans of action that must be taken by the teacher to improve his/her performance. Indicate the sources of evidence that will be used to document the completion of the improvement plan. Actions to be Taken Sources of Evidence that Will Be Examined

Section 4: Assistance and Professional Development Describe in detail specific supports that will be provided as well as opportunities for professional development.

Date for this Improvement Plan to Be Evaluated:

Teacher’s Signature: Date:

Evaluator’s Signature: Date:

The evaluator’s signature on this form verifies that the proper procedures as detailed in the local contract have been followed.


Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Improvement Plan

Improvement Plan: Evaluation of Plan

Teacher Name: Grade Level/ Subject:

School year: Building: Date of Evaluation:

The improvement plan will be evaluated at the end of the time specified in the plan. Outcomes from the improvement plan demonstrate the following action to be taken;

Improvement is demonstrated and performance standards are met to a satisfactory level of performance*

The Improvement Plan should continue for time specified:

Dismissal is recommended.

Comments: Provide justification for recommendation indicated above and attach evidence to support recommended course of action.

I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.

Teacher’s Signature: Date: Evaluator’s Signature: Date: The evaluator’s signature on this form verifies that the proper procedures as detailed in the local contract have been followed.

*The acceptable level of performance varies depending on the teacher’s years of experience. Teachers in residency—specifically in Years 1 through 4—are expected to perform at the Developing level or above. Experienced teachers—with five or more years of experience—are expected to meet the Proficient level or above.


APPENDIX W Ohio School Counselor Evaluation System Assessment of School Counselor Performance School Counselor Evaluation Rubric The School Counselor Evaluation Rubric is intended to be scored holistically. This means the evaluator will assess which level provides the best overall description of the school counselor. The evaluator is to consider evidence gathered during the pre-observation conference, the observation, the post-observation conference, and informal observations of school counselor activities (if applicable) when completing the rubric.

Standard One: Comprehensive School Counseling Program Plan – School counselors collaboratively envision a plan for a comprehensive school counseling program that is developmental, preventative, responsive and in alignment with the school’s goals and mission. Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The school counselor cannot The school counselor articulates The school counselor articulates The school counselor implements all articulate components of a all components of a all components of a components of a comprehensive comprehensive school comprehensive school counseling comprehensive school school counseling program and counseling program. program. counseling program, reflects on frequently reflects on future program future program needs and works development. to design a plan of implementation. The school counselor does The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor collaborates not collaborate with key collaborates with key collaborates with key with key stakeholders to set the stakeholders to set the goals, stakeholders on a limited basis to stakeholders to set the goals, goals, priorities and implementation priorities and implementation set goals, priorities and priorities and implementation strategies that align to the school’s strategies when a implementation strategies that strategies that align to the goals and mission when a comprehensive school partially align to the school’s school’s goals and mission comprehensive school counseling counseling program is being goals and mission when a when a comprehensive school program is being designed and designed. comprehensive school counseling counseling program is being suggests enhancements and program is being designed. designed. adjustments for program based on needs and results. The school counselor The school counselor identifies The school counselor identifies The school counselor utilizes identifies no resources to resources needed to partially resources to fully implement the resources to fully implement the implement the program. implement the program. program. program from an innovative or diverse set of partners.



Standard Two: Direct Services for Academic, Career and Social/Emotional Development – School counselors develop a curriculum, offer individual student planning and deliver responsive services to assist students in developing and applying knowledge, skills and mindsets for academic, career and social/emotional development. Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The school counselor lacks The school counselor uses The school counselor plans and The school counselor plans and knowledge of academic knowledge of the academic delivers effective comprehensive delivers effective comprehensive program and/or does not program to plan and deliver counseling, activities and/or counseling, activities and/or deliver counseling, activities, counseling, activities and/or experiences to support students’ experiences in collaboration with and/or experiences that experiences that support academic progress and goals stakeholders to support students’ support students’ academic students’ academic progress and makes adjustments as academic progress and goals and progress and goals. and goals. needed. makes adjustments as needed.

The school counselor does not The school counselor The school counselor plans and The school counselor plans and deliver developmentally inconsistently or ineffectively delivers effective comprehensive delivers effective comprehensive appropriate counseling, provides developmentally counseling, activities and/or counseling, activities and/or activities, and/or experiences appropriate counseling, experiences to support students’ experiences to enhance students’ that build students’ awareness activities and/or experiences awareness of Ohio-specific and parents/guardians’ awareness of of Ohio-specific college, career that build students’ awareness college, career and education Ohio-specific college, career and and education options and of Ohio-specific college, career options and resources and education options and resources and resources. and education options and makes adjustments as needed. makes adjustments as needed. resources.

The school counselor does not The school counselor attempts The school counselor The school counselor plans and deliver counseling, activities to deliver counseling, activities consistently delivers counseling, delivers effective comprehensive and/or experiences that and/or experiences that promote activities, and/or experiences that counseling, activities and/or promote student well-being. student well-being with limited promote students’ experiences in collaboration with success. social/emotional development stakeholders to promote students’ and well-being. social-emotional development and well-being and makes adjustments as needed. Evidence


Standard Three: Indirect Services: Partnerships and Referrals – School counselors collaborate and consult with school personnel, parents/guardians, community partners and agencies/organizations to coordinate support for all students. Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The school counselor provides The school counselor provides The school counselor provides The school counselor provides no information to relevant information upon relevant information on a regular relevant information on a regular parents/guardians and school request to parents/guardians basis through collaboration with basis and initiates collaboration with personnel for students’ and school personnel for parents/guardians and school parents/guardians and school academic, career and social- students’ academic, career and personnel for students’ personnel for students’ academic, emotional development. social-emotional development. academic, career and social- career and social-emotional emotional development. development.

The school counselor does not The school counselor attempts The school counselor The school counselor coordinates coordinate school and to coordinate school and coordinates school and school and community resources, community resources to community resources to support community resources to support and positively influences the types of support students and promote students and promote their students and promote their services the partners provide to their success. success, but has limited success. support students and promote their success. success.

The school counselor does not The school counselor makes The school counselor makes The school counselor makes make referrals on behalf of referrals and connections on referrals and connections on referrals and connections on behalf students to parents/guardians behalf of students to behalf of students to of students to parents/guardians or or school personnel to parents/guardians or school parents/guardians or school school personnel to appropriate appropriate mentors, personnel to appropriate personnel to appropriate mentors, professionals, agencies and professionals, agencies and mentors, professionals, agencies mentors, professionals, agencies services and follows up within the services. and services only upon request. and services. guidelines of confidentiality when appropriate. Evidence


Standard Four: Evaluation and Data – School counselors collaboratively engage in a cycle of continuous improvement using data to identify needs, plan and implement programs, evaluate impact and adjust accordingly. Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The school The school counselor does limited The school counselor monitors The school counselor monitors individual counselor does not monitoring of individual and group individual and group student and group student performance and monitor student student performance and progress performance and progress data to progress data to identify gaps and performance and data to identify gaps and develops identify gaps and develops develops appropriate interventions to progress. some appropriate interventions to appropriate interventions to enhance or improve student success, enhance or improve student success. enhance or improve student and fosters student self-monitoring. success.

The school The school counselor uses some data The school counselor effectively The school counselor uses counselor does not with minimal effectiveness to conduct uses data to conduct program comprehensive data to conduct regular monitor program monitoring, assesses monitoring, assesses program monitoring, assesses effectiveness of the implementation and effectiveness, implementation and effectiveness, implementation and effectiveness, and program. and makes adjustments for program and makes adjustments for collaborates with stakeholders to make improvement accordingly. program improvement accordingly. adjustments for program improvement accordingly.



Standard Five: Leadership and Advocacy – School Counselors lead school efforts and advocate for policies and practices that support an equitable, safe, inclusive and positive learning environment for all students. Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The school counselor does The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor establishes and not attempt to establish attempts to establish establishes and maintains strengthens strategic professional professional relationships professional relationships professional relationships relationships within and outside of the school within the school through within the school through within and outside of the through communication, teamwork and communication, teamwork communication, teamwork school through collaboration. and collaboration. and collaboration with communication, teamwork limited success. and collaboration.

The school counselor does The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor effectively advocates for not advocate for nor attempts to respond to the effectively advocates for and practices within and outside of the school responds to the needs of needs of diverse responds to the needs of community and proactively addresses the diverse populations. populations and has diverse populations, resulting changing needs of diverse populations demonstrated progress in in a positive impact on resulting in a positive impact that promotes an promoting an inclusive, practices that promotes an inclusive, responsive and safe school responsive and safe school inclusive, responsive and environment for its diverse members. environment for its diverse safe school environment for members. its diverse members.

The school counselor is The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor identifies community, unable to identify identifies community, identifies community, environmental and institutional factors that community, environmental environmental and environmental and enhance or impede development and and institutional factors that institutional factors that institutional factors that collaborates with stakeholders to advocate for enhance or impede enhance or impede enhance or impede programs, policies and practices that ensure development and does not development but does not development and advocates equity of opportunity for all students. advocate for equity of advocate for equity of for equity of opportunity for all opportunity for all students. opportunity for all students. students.

The school counselor does The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor effectively and not promote the program or occasionally promotes the effectively and consistently consistently promotes the program and the role of the school program and is beginning to promotes the program and articulates the role of the school counselor in counselor in achieving the articulate the role of the articulates the role of the achieving the school’s mission and student school’s mission and school counselor in school counselor in achieving success, and contributes to the advancement student success. achieving the school’s the school’s mission and of the school counseling profession. mission and student student success. success.


Standard Six: Professional Responsibility, Knowledge and Growth – School Counselors adhere to the ethical standards of the profession, engage in ongoing professional learning and refine their work through reflective analysis. Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The school counselor does he school counselor has limited The school counselor adheres The school counselor adheres to not adhere to the American adherence to American School to American School Counselor American School Counselor Association School Counselor Counselor Association and other Association and other relevant and other relevant ethical standards for Association and other relevant ethical standards for ethical standards for school school counselors and all relevant relevant ethical standards for school counselors and all counselors and all relevant federal, state and local codes and school counselors nor the relevant federal, state and local federal, state and local codes policies. The counselor also helps relevant federal, state and codes and policies. and policies. colleagues access and interpret codes local codes and policies. and policies and understand implications.

The school counselor does The school counselor engages in The school counselor engages The school counselor engages in not engage in self-reflection limited self-reflection of practice, in thoughtful self-reflection of thoughtful and ongoing self-reflection of of practice, review data to set reviews minimal data practice, reviews data to set practice; consistently reviews data to set goals for improvement or ineffectively to set goals for goals for improvement and and monitor goals for improvement; and participate in professional improvement and participates in participates in professional participates in professional learning to learning. professional learning to meet learning to meet goals, meet goals, enhance skills and stay some goals, enhance skills and enhance skills and stay current current on professional issues, stay current on professional on professional issues. educating others on learnings when issues. appropriate.

The school counselor does The school counselor attends The school counselor actively The school counselor coordinates, not attend professional professional meetings and/or participates in both facilitates and/or provides leadership in meetings nor belong to belongs to organizations at the professional meetings and professional meetings and organizations organizations at the local, local, state or national level. organizations at the local, state at the local, state or national level. state or national level. or national levels.



Metric(s) of Student Outcomes – School counselors demonstrate an ability to produce positive student outcomes using pre-determined metrics. Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The school counselor does not The school counselor collects The school counselor clearly The school counselor clearly collect data nor demonstrate a data but cannot demonstrate a demonstrates a positive change in demonstrates a positive change in positive change in students’ positive change in students’ students’ knowledge, behavior or skills students’ knowledge, behavior or skills knowledge, behavior or skills. knowledge, behavior or skills. within at least one student domain. within three student domains.



Mentor/Mentee Change Form

Teacher ______Date ______

I am requesting a different mentor.

I am requesting to be released from my mentor position with the following mentee ______. I understand my supplemental will be prorated based on the amount of time already spent.

______Signature Date








Bargaining unit members who have elected not to enroll in ANY of the Hospital Surgical and Major Medical Insurance Plan: $3,500.00

Bargaining unit members who have elected to enroll in a SINGLE PLAN of the Hospital Surgical and Major Medical Insurance Plan: $1,400.00


10-12 month classified employees who have elected not to enroll for ANY of the Hospital Surgical and Major Medical Insurance Plan: $3,500.00

10-12 month classified employees who have elected to enroll in a SINGLE PLAN of the Hospital Surgical and Major Medical Insurance Plan: $1,400.00


Other classified employees who have elected not to enroll for ANY of the Hospital Surgical and Major Medical Insurance Plan: $1,500.00

All opt-out amounts will be paid over 26 pays effective September 1, 2020.