Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of the APS Forum on the History of Physics, Sunday, April 13, 2008, 1:00 PM – 5:20 PM, Directors Row 23, Hyatt Regency St
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of the APS Forum on the History of Physics, Sunday, April 13, 2008, 1:00 PM – 5:20 PM, Directors Row 23, Hyatt Regency St. Louis Riverfront Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. (The minutes of the annual Business Meeting of the FHP is at the end of this report.) Present: William E. Evenson (Chair), David C. Cassidy (Chair-Elect), Virginia Trimble (Past-Chair), Roger H. Stuewer (APS Councillor), Michael Riordan (Newsletter Editor), and Members-at-Large J. David Jackson, Paul Halpern, Peter Pesic, George O. Zimmerman. Newly-elected participants, with terms beginning at the close of the April meeting: Robert G. Arns, Daniel Kleppner. Visitors (for various times throughout the meeting): Alan Chodos, Amy Flatten, Judy Franz, Clayton Gearhart, Don Howard, Ed Neuenschwander, John S. Rigden, Joe Serene, Gene Sprouse. Gloria B. Lubkin (Vice-Chair) joined the meeting on speakerphone. Thomas Miller (Secretary-Treasurer) was unable to attend; Paul Halpern recorded the minutes for the meeting. 1. Opening: Following lunch, Bill Evenson opened the meeting at 1:20 PM, welcomed participants and made introductions. 2. Presentations by APS Visitors: Gene Sprouse, APS Editor-in-Chief, reported that APS journals continue to grow. He mentioned several new features including “Editor’s Suggestions” (2 or 3 papers chosen each week for special interest), “Milestone Letters” (especially significant papers from each year of Physical Review Letters dating back to 1958), a project to show the names of Asian authors in their own language characters along with the English transliteration, a project to recognize outstanding referees, and a new online service called “Physical Review Select,” in which experts write introductory pieces about articles.
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