1.- Shared principles 4

2.- Political commitments: Peace and Political Normalisation 5

3.- Bases of the programme 8


I.- A Government in defence of rights and liberties 9

II.- A Government for solidarity and social justice 15

III.- A Government to foster growth and well-being 26

IV.- A Government for equality and educational and cultural development 36

V.- A Government to improve our environment 46

VI.- A Government to project our presence in the world 54

VII.- A modern, efficient administration that listens closely to the needs of its 59 citizens.

PREFACE Our social commitment to the Basque Country



Following the elections held on April 17, a new legislature is about to begin in which the inhabitants of the Basque Country have once again demonstrated the plural nature of Basque society. In view of this situation, we must establish a process of open negotiation, without exclusions, between all political forces and viewpoints to reach a series of basic Agreements that will allow us to embark upon a true process of Peace and Political Normalisation.

The idea at the centre of the coalition of the three political parties that endorse this Government Agreement is the concept of plurality and mutual respect. The three political forces that have formed this Government accept the tenet of plurality as we consider this to be an asset for any society that respects this principle. Accordingly, our objective is to broaden our agreements and find a common ground among the different political viewpoints present in Basque society.

Everyone, society, institutions and political parties, we are all called upon in this legislature to accept non-violence and political dialogue as the cornerstone of a course of action that sets out to resolve the so-called Basque conflict and to move forward in the social construction of the Basque Country.

In accordance with these premises (non-violence, dialogue and plurality) the political parties, EAJ- PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, have adhered fully to the three undertakings made during the last legislature:

- The ethical commitment to the defence of human rights and liberties, leading Basque society in its struggle against violence and against a reduction in civil and political rights.

- The democratic commitment to respect the wishes of Basque society, materialised in the Proposal for a New Political Statute, passed by absolute majority of the Basque Parliament.

- The commitment to the social construction of the Basque Country through progressive policies that have allowed us to advance towards achieving a more just and united society.

The political parties, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, consider that the joint efforts made over the last four years has had a positive effect on Basque society. Considerable progress has been made in ethical and democratic issues, as reflected in the rise in the well-being indicators of the inhabitants of the Basque Country.

1 PREFACE Our social commitment to the Basque Country

But we must continue to strive to make progress. We must attain definitive Peace and Political Normalisation and place the Basque Country among the most advanced European countries with regard to social progress.

For this reason, we wish to ratify our social commitment to the Basque Country and to join forces to form the new tripartite government the main objective of which is to ensure social stability and to play an active role in the Political Normalisation and Pacification processes.

This is our fundamental priority. We know that we will have the opportunity to achieve peace. We know that we will have the opportunity to achieve political normalisation. We know that we will have the opportunity to negotiate and decide our own future. And we wish to make a decisive contribution to this process to ensure that these opportunities are taken advantage of for the benefit of all.

Basque society has reiterated its trust in us to lead this new stage in our quest. The three parties that make up this tripartite government, namely, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, represent 44% of the votes cast in the last elections.

We are aware of the fact that this relative majority needs to be increased through agreement and consensus with other parliamentary forces to meet the challenges that the Basque Government must face in this legislature. Our political and institutional responsibility, as well as the demands of Basque society itself, requires that we do so.

We accept this responsibility. We, the parties that sign this Coalition Agreement express our will to foster permanent negotiation in order to reach agreements. Our doors will remain wide open, without exclusions.

In this sense, Peace and Political and Normalisation, on the one hand, and the Social Progress of the Basque Country, on the other, will be the priority objectives of the government during the next legislature.

We understand that these objectives are not the exclusive concern of the government or of the parties that support them, but represent the main aspiration of the immense majority of Basque society.

Hence, we reiterate our offer to other Basque political forces to begin talks in earnest with the wish that we can, together, overcome political discrepancies, because peace and the well-being of our society hang in the balance.

And we will only be able to make progress in a sincere and fruitful dialogue if we accept the two universal principles on which coexistence in our society is based:

- The ethical principle of respect for human rights and the civil and political liberties of each and every one of the inhabitants of the Basque Country.

- The democratic principle of a respect for the wishes of Basque society so that it may decide its own future, by exclusively pacific and democratic means.

2 PREFACE Our social commitment to the Basque Country

With both these objectives and based on these two principles, we wish to work to create a GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS structured around two main premises:

1. Peace and Political Normalisation.

2. The social progress of the Basque Country.


Political undertakings

and bases of programmes

The Government of Progress, formed by EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, is based on the following principles, political undertakings and programmes.

1) Universal principles

In this Coalition Agreement, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, without detriment to the liberty and independence of each party to defend its own political projects and different ideologies, share the following principles:


1. We express our commitment to a respect for human rights and to the civil and political liberties of all persons, without exception.

2. We reiterate our support of exclusively pacific and democratic means to resolve the political conflict suffered by the Basque People during our history.

3. We reject all manifestations of violence and the infringement of human, individual and collective rights.

4. Consequently, in the name of Basque society, we urge ETA to express in a clear and unequivocal manner, its firm determination to put a stop to the use of violence for political ends.


1. We defend the principles of dialogue and negotiation without exclusions between the representatives of all the political viewpoints present in Basque society as the essential basis for political normalisation.

2. We advocate the repeal of the Parties Law as an instrument that represents a violation of civil rights and restricts the political representation of a significant part of Basque society.

3. We defend the right of Basque society to decide its own future as a democratic principle, as an instrument of political normalisation and as a common ground for all the political sensibilities that coexist in the Basque Country


4. We support a broad consensus between Basque political forces with regard to the exercise of our right to decide and we undertake to negotiate an agreement with the State so that the decision of Basque society is reflected within a legal-political framework.


1. We support a process of dialogue between representatives of the State and ETA, in order to bring about a definitive end to the violence. With a respect at all times for the democratic principle that political questions must be explained clearly by representatives of the popular will.

2. We undertake to work actively to ensure the recognition and support of the victims of violence and terrorism.

3. We urge the Spanish government to develop a penitentiary policy that respects human rights and we express our willingness to make any gesture of humanisation and reconciliation that may be necessary to remove violence from our lives forever.

2) Political undertakings: Peace and Political Normalisation.

1.1) A Basque Country in peace

We, the representatives of EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, are convinced that during the forthcoming legislature we will have a further opportunity to make Peace a reality. A historic opportunity, possibly, for an entire generation that has known throughout their life suffering provoked by war, violence, terrorism and the violation of human rights.

Too much pain, too much suffering for one people. We deserve peace. We demand peace. We have the right to convert our dream into a reality. Peace will be, therefore, the priority issue of the Government and of the Parties that form part of it. We will spare no effort to achieve peace. With courage, without exclusions and calling on everyone to make this undertaking, because peace is the best investment for the future that we can make for ourselves and for our sons and daughters.

Throughout the last 26 years, we have tried to achieve peace but we have not been able to do so.

It is true that we have made progress. Today, the immense majority of Basque society rejects violence and terrorism as tools of political action; Basque society accepts the commitment to solidarity with the victims of violence and considers dialogue and respect as the only way to resolve conflicts. It is, therefore, a significant step forward but, unfortunately, in the Basque Country there are still people who will continue to suffer from violence and intolerance, and while this situation continues, we cannot, we must not let up in our efforts to achieve peace.

We are beginning a new phase. We have before us a new opportunity. Now, no one can look the other way. Basque society would never forgive him. The time has come for real politics. And in order for Politics to be heard, all weapons must fall silent. We are not talking about establishing


prior conditions to dialogue; we simply propose two universal premises, shared by the majority of political forces. The first of these two premises is that in order to resolve the question of terrorism it is necessary to get to the root of the conflict. And the second is that peace has no political price, but politics can do much for peace.

1.2) Respect for life and human rights: the starting point

The commitment to a respect for the life and human rights of all persons represents the starting point to find a solution to any problem of coexistence.

No project for the future can be constructed on decaying foundations.

Every death is a collective failure. For this reason, peace and reconciliation must be based on a recognition of and solidarity with those who have suffered violence most directly. Our commitment is to continue to involve ourselves actively with the majority of Basque society in the support and defence of all victims of violence.

The political parties EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak defend a broad consensus of all political forces to work honestly in a process of peace and reconciliation, based on a recognition of and solidarity with all victims of violence and terrorism. Only by avoiding the use of the pain and suffering of the victims of violence for political ends will we be able to help them rise above their suffering to be a permanent example of the injustice of violence and of the values of peace.

We declare that violence is inadmissible, but with the same firmness, we proclaim that violence must not be used as an excuse in order to reduce our liberties. Human rights have no exceptions; they are indivisible -all human rights- and universal -for everyone.

For this reason, and because we consider that this premise is fundamental, the Government undertakes to continue promoting all those measures in defence of all human rights and position itself actively against the violation of civil rights and political liberties of all persons.

1.3) Dialogue without exclusions for a Normalisation Agreement

As well as being committed to the human rights and liberties of all persons, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB- Berdeak are also committed to respect our right to decide our own future as a people, in accordance with the right to self-determination passed by the Basque Parliament on February 15 1990. In accordance with this commitment, we urge the State to respect the decisions adopted freely and democratically by Basque society.

Based on our shared commitment to this democratic principle, the parties that form part of the government coalition reiterate their conviction that with this legislature, the moment has come to initiate a dialogue without exclusions that will allow us to reach an Agreement that will integrate the different, legitimate viewpoints that represent the roots of the real political normalisation of Basque society.

The political formations that make up this government coalition, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, trust completely the maturity of Basque society to decide its own future and to establish the


framework of political relations that it wishes to have with the Spanish State, in accordance with the principles of coexistence.

A true relationship of democratic coexistence must be based on the principles of free decision and not by means of imposition. For this reason, any Normalisation Agreement must include the democratic principle that Basque society has the right to be consulted about its own future, in a violence-free environment and without impositions, as well as a respect for plurality and a commitment to the agreement, based on mutual recognition.

In this sense, we understand that a Normalisation Agreement must be pursued in accordance with a specific model of political self-government and social construction of the Basque Country and within a legal framework for relations with the Spanish State.

We are beginning a new stage. In this new period of hope for Basque society, all our political groups have been given a new opportunity to seek broader agreements based on the confidence that political dialogue between opposites, the open-minded generosity of our politicians and the democratic comparison of all the proposals that have been put forward, will give us the best possible platform for the normalisation of the Basque Country.

The opportunity is there for the taking. With the same firmness and conviction that we defend the opportunity for a new agreement, we declare our profound respect for the decisions already passed by the Basque Parliament. In this regard, we consider that the Proposal, passed democratically by an absolute majority of this House, contains, together with the other proposals that have been put forward, the basis for reaching an agreement on political normalisation.

1.4) A legislature for negotiating and deciding

The political parties, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, who endorse this Coalition Agreement hereby declare our permanent support of multi-party dialogue and negotiation between all political forces, without exclusions, in order to achieve peace and to reach an agreement for Political Normalisation and Coexistence.

For this reason, we declare our determination to foster any instrument of dialogue and procedure that may be established by joint agreement, in order to reach a consensus that brings together all the different political viewpoints and sensibilities that exist in Basque society concerning aspects crucial to the task of political normalisation. In other words, the recognition of the right of Basque people to take decisions, territoriality, the right to decide and the bilateral agreement with the State as an instrument for coexistence.

It is, therefore, a legislature for dialogue and negotiation. A legislature for agreement. And also a legislature for taking decisions.

To fulfil this commitment, the Basque Government will request authorisation from the Basque Parliament to hold, in a scenario free of violence and without exclusions, a referendum of Basque society to ratify the Political Agreement that has been reached.

This authorisation of Parliament must include a number of different aspects relating to the referendum itself. These include ratification by Parliament of the conditions required for holding a


referendum, namely, an absence of violence and without exclusions, the democratic principles established for accepting the results and the procedures that have been instituted for including these in our code of laws.

3) Bases of the programme

Based on these shared beliefs and political undertakings, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak are to develop a Government of Social Progress in accordance with the following principles:

1. The defence of human rights and liberties.

2. Solidarity and social justice.

3. Economic growth and well-being.

4. Equality and educational/cultural development.

5. Improvements in Environmental Conditions.

6. Projecting the presence of the Basque Country in the world.

7. Development of efficient and transparent administration at the service of the people.

8 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Defence of rights and liberties

A Government of progress


The defence of the rights and liberties of all persons has formed the basis of our political agenda and it will continue to be the objective of our political strategy throughout this 8th legislature.

There is no justification for violence. To take away human life, to murder, to extort money or torture those who think differently is a crime against humanity that has no place in an advanced and democratic society like ours, in which the legitimacy of defending any idea does not allow the use of any more force than the word and reason, endorsed by a majority of public opinion, by the will of society as a whole.

Violence must not be used as an excuse to impose restrictions on the freedom of individuals by legal or judicial means. We oppose any reduction of this kind because we understand that the defence of democracy does not allow any exception.

For this reason, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak base their defence of rights and liberties on four specific undertakings:

1) Our commitment to Human Rights 2) Our commitment to defending civil and political liberties and a culture of Peace. 3) Our commitment to the efficient and democratic Administration of Justice. 4) Our commitment to the security of individuals.

1) The respect for Human Rights

In furtherance of the ethical commitment developed in previous legislatures, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak demand the disappearance of ETA, because violence and terrorism constitute the main threat to human rights. Our society is the sum of several different social, political and cultural identities, a society that guarantees integration based on a respect for plurality. For this reason, it is unacceptable for any person to be threatened or pursued because his or her political beliefs or opinions do not coincide with the particular and excluding ideas of ETA.

In this new political cycle, there is no place for violence. The declaration of a truce by ETA is necessary and urgent, and the Spanish State must take a number of measures by to bring about an easing of tension and a definitive end to violence, as a guarantee and condition of peaceful coexistence and a respect for human rights.

9 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Defence of rights and liberties

The victims of violence are an essential part of the road to pacification. Their pain can find consolation only in the support and comprehension of a society and institutions that recognise that, based on initiatives developed in previous legislatures, it is necessary to continue working to foster new initiatives that will contribute to increasing the solidarity and ethical, moral and material recognition of the victims of violence. It is necessary for everyone to contribute to constructing a society that gives active support to the culture of peace and reconciliation

This consideration for the victims of violence leads EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak to continue supporting the defence and respect for the human rights of all persons and especially those affected by violence and terrorism, through a number of specific measures:

- Promote the Victims of Terrorism Office as a liaison and coordination body between the victims of violence and the different departments of the Basque Government with responsibilities in this area.

- Apply the Plan against the violence of persecution that thousands of people suffer in this country, guaranteeing their right to life, liberty, equality and plurality.

- Promote programmes of education and training in human rights, both in primary and secondary schools.

- Establish a collaboration agreement with the High Commissioner's office of the United Nations for the development of training programmes for Basque professionals and specialists in the area of Human Rights.

- Carry out campaigns designed to increase an awareness of the defence of human rights with especial reference to especially vulnerable sectors.

- Collaborate with associations and entities that work in the defence of human rights and take part in State and international networks whose aim is to disseminate and enhance international human rights policies and the mechanisms used to protect these.

- Take an active part in actions designed to remember the victims of terrorism and to make use of their experience in the construction of a collective memory, which will strengthen a culture of peace and reconciliation. In the same way, we undertake to pass a programme designed to recover the historical memory and recognise the suffering of the victims of war and to support investigations into missing persons as well as to encourage the investigation and dissemination of that memory.

- Contribute to a situation whereby the victims of violence are unaffected by political disputes. EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake not to use the victims of violence for political purposes and ratify the Parliamentary agreements that have been adopted over recent years.

- Create a Human Rights and Liberties Observatory to safeguard the human rights of all individuals, without distinction.

As part of the Peace process, we must recognise the victims of violence and commit ourselves to preventing any violation of the human rights of any individual. There can be no obscure or·”shadowy” areas in the defence of human rights. The Parties that endorse this Coalition

10 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Defence of rights and liberties

Agreement will be especially vigilant to prevent any measures designed to restrict these rights and liberties. In this sense, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake, in the name of the government, to:

- Demand a review of the penitentiary policy. This involves transferring all individuals deprived of their liberty to prisons near their family home.

- Defend, unconditionally, the rights of prisoners and the procedural guarantees applied to them.

- Evaluate, control and improve the protocols used to deal with detainees, especially those subjected, in exceptional cases, to solitary confinement. These protocols will not be applied in a systematic manner and will only be requested from the judge on the basis of an individual examination of each case and when circumstances provide sufficient motives to do so. In those cases where it is considered necessary and the judge agrees to it, the Protocol for the protection of the Rights of Persons in Solitary Confinement, agreed to by the Departments of the Interior, Justice and Health, will be strictly applied.

- Provide greater economic and social aid in order to give humanitarian, social, health and legal assistance to those persons deprived of their liberty.

- Articulate and agree on measures for the reinsertion and integration of ex-prisoners.

- Report any reduction in their liberties, as well as any cases of mistreatment and torture.

2) The defence of civil and political liberties and the culture of Peace.

It is necessary to promote the culture of peace. This means, in addition to rejecting violence, experiencing and acquainting oneself with ethical references such as a respect for human, individual and collective rights, equality, solidarity, social justice, a respect for diversity and an active defence of civil and political liberties.

Violence can under no circumstances be used as an excuse to encroach upon the democratic rights or civil and political liberties of individuals and peoples.

Peace must be built on justice, a strict commitment to democratic principles and the development of our system of liberties.

Besides rejecting violence and terrorism, the Parties that form this Government Coalition also declare their steadfast opposition to all those measures that involve a reduction in our essential liberties, in particular, the closure of newspapers or the exclusion of political parties, as these destroy the bases of democracy.

Based on this ethical conception of a respect for civil and political rights, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB- Berdeak undertake to:

- Urge the repeal of the Parties Law.

11 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Defence of rights and liberties

- Demand the dismissal of pending trials of newspaper groups.

- In collaboration with all political, economic and social agents, lead efforts towards securing peace and political normalisation.

- Favour dialogue without limitations and without exclusions, within a framework in which political groups can defend their ideas and, if appropriate, achieve their aims by peaceful and democratic means, under conditions of total equality.

- Initiate specific programmes and projects in the field of education in order to provide training in human values and a culture of peace and tolerance through appropriate measures designed to regulate, organise and promote these.

- Foster the international recognition of human rights and peace in accordance with the conclusions of the International Human Right to Peace Conference.

- Guarantee the exercise of fundamental rights and liberties of expression, demonstration and political participation.

3) An efficient and democratic Justice Administration

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak defend the need to secure an independent, efficient, balanced and non sexist justice system, sensitive to social changes and based on modern procedures.

As in the case of other public services, the Justice Administration must defend the rights of Basque citizens and be in tune with the needs of society. To achieve this, and within the framework of our self-government, we defend the existence of a Basque Judicial Council responsible for the government of the Judiciary within the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.

In turn, we insist on the need for the Central Government to transfer the control of Penitentiary Centres and to redesign the current penitentiary policy in order to guarantee the dignity and human rights of all prisoners, in compliance with the aim of helping prisoners to find a place in society after they have completed their sentence.

The Basque Government undertakes to promote a far-arranging and composed debate on the Justice model in which all the groups affected will participate. Aware of the importance of a new configuration of the justice system, during the eighth legislature we intend, furthermore, to take the following initiatives in accordance with the autonomous model of the State:

- Pass the Law Offices Organisational Plan, based on specialisation and a grouping of functions and on the rationalisation of the service, by implementing mechanisms of evaluation and management.

- Create a collaboration body which, with the participation of all legal agents, will be used as a place for meeting, reflection on and participation in the Justice Administration of the Basque Country.

12 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Defence of rights and liberties

- Create mediation services, especially with regard to the penal system, in order to resolve conflicts by alternative means.

- Approve measures to promote the training of young Basques in order to prepare them for the entrance examinations for university courses in law, taxation and forensic medicine as well as fostering the training of law office personnel.

- Strengthen the quality and speed of response of services designed to provide free legal assistance through the training of lawyers and the creation of new specific services.

- Apply the 3rd Computer Systems and Telecommunications Plan and initiate the preparation of the 4th Computer Systems and Telecommunications Plan. This will be done by consolidating applications (an information portal designed for use by the public and by personnel of the Justice administration), and justicia.bat, which focuses on the rationality and productivity of the legal system.

- Implement linguistic normalisation measures in the Justice Administration including, among other aspects, the preparation of the List of Job Positions with the corresponding designation of linguistic profiles in accordance with the linguistic planning criteria of the Basque Administration, professional training, fostering the use of Basque in law offices, awareness campaigns, and Basque teaching agreements with the General Council of the Judiciary, with the Ministry of Justice and other competent institutions, fostering projects to increase the knowledge and use of the Basque language among lawyers and solicitors, as well as the normalisation of documents and the translation of legal texts.

- Develop the actions included in the 2004-2007 Young Person's Justice Plan, continuing with the processes of renovation and refurbishment of the Young Offenders Centres (Landa, Ortuella and Aramaio), and after this has been evaluated, draw up the new 2008-2012 Plan.

- Continue the activities set out in the legal centres plan (Provincial Audience of Gipuzkoa and the lawcourts of Azpeitia, Bergara and Getxo).

4) The security of individuals

Security is a condition for social peace and a guarantee of the protection and development of human, political and social rights. We consider security to be a tool at the service of public liberties. For that purpose, we advocate the full coordination and planning of security policies, which will be inflexible in their democratic principles and adaptable to the changing social situation.

In short, a coordinated policy of public security linked to the overall social policy, the effectiveness of which is not based on a reduction of individual rights and liberties but on a guarantee of same. A security policy that we undertake to maintain and improve with specific measures such as:

- Implement the ISO 9002 quality certification in all police headquarters.

- Increase the capacity to respond immediately to all those actions that require this.

13 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Defence of rights and liberties

- Favour the coordination and exchange of information with other police forces by means of agreements and collaboration accords.

- Defend the need to incorporate the Schengen Agreement and to participate in European forums.

- Increase human and material resources and offer permanent and specialised training for cases of violence against women, computer and technological felonies and organised crime.

14 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice


For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, the main principles of their social policy are Solidarity, Equality and Social Justice. Likewise, we consider that decisions on subjects relating to the economic and social policy of Basque institutions must focus on generating the highest levels of well-being for all our citizens and we defend the need to make the economy compatible with the needs of Basque citizens. In an advanced, democratic society it is the economy that must be at the service of the well- being of individuals and not individuals who must be at the service of economic interests.

Seventy-three percent of the Government's budget is allocated to social expenditure. Moreover, the average amount per inhabitant of the Basque Country spent on social services in those areas for which it has full authority (health, education, training, social insertion, the elderly, the family, generating employment, promoting housing) is 20% higher than the average for the Spanish State.

However, we wish to continue making progress and to build a more unified, equalitarian and just society, a society that defends underprivileged individuals and groups and which strives to secure the quality of life and well-being of each and every one of its citizens.

For this reason we are going to develop the policies that represent the backbone of our welfare state, a welfare state characterised by stable employment and mindful of the rights of workers, by its concern for issues relating to health and safety in the workplace, free, universal and quality health care, the social protection of all individuals, especially for the most underprivileged, the right to adequate housing for all, the quality of life of the elderly, family care and a just and progressive immigration policy.

1) Stable employment and workers’ rights

Throughout the last legislature, employment has been generated, active population rates have increased and the number of people registered with the Social Security services has also risen. Furthermore, we have been able to attain the lowest unemployment rates for the last twenty years, especially among women and young persons. We have made progress, but we still have a long way to go.

For this reason, with the aim of achieving full employment in the Basque Country, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake, firstly, to demand that the Spanish State transfer the authority for active employment policies, including the effective transfer of occupational and continuous training with the appropriate financing criteria for the Economic Agreements system. Secondly, to draw up and pass the Basque Employment Law, according to which the 2nd Inter-institutional Employment Plan (2003-2006) will be developed and to draw up the 3rd Inter-institutional Employment Plan (2007- 2010) in collaboration with the Provincial Councils, EUDEL and social representatives, as well as the overall development of the Basque Employment Service (LANBIDE) as a one-stop service.

15 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

In the same way, in addition to continuing to promote actions of a universal nature designed to secure stable and quality employment, we are going to continue fostering specific measures intended to facilitate the social insertion of the most underprivileged groups.

In this field, social dialogue is a tool designed to improve living and working conditions and the Basque Government undertakes to initiate discussions with union and employers representatives concerning the activity of socio-labour organisations in order to promote and revitalise these and to orientate all public and private initiatives towards securing high employment rates and the creation of stable and quality employment, and for this reason we propose the following actions:

- Foster dialogue and coordination between Basque institutions and social and economic agents, as well as between these same agents, with the aim of promoting a Social Agreement for employment.

- Demand that the Spanish State transfer authority for employment and social security inspections and to promote, within the framework of the powers granted to the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, the development and effective application of employment inspection regulations.

- Foster and promote measures designed to distribute employment, by stimulating social dialogue between representatives of the bodies responsible for social agreements in the specific areas of collective negotiation, and by promoting appropriate actions intended to:

o Reduce overtime. o Reconcile conflicts between family life and work by means of reducing working hours and enabling workers to take of time off in order to attend to family members. o The fostering of contracts whereby when a person retires, his/her job is taken by a younger person, as a tool to promote the solidarity between generations.

- Reduce the number of temporary and unstable jobs through measures to promote indefinite, quality contracts and to convert temporary contracts into indefinite contracts.

- Develop positive measures in favour of groups that have difficulties obtaining employment (women, the long-term unemployed, the handicapped, immigrants, young persons in danger of becoming excluded from the job market).

- Guarantee compliance with regulations concerning the employment of handicapped persons, both in companies and in the Public Administration.

Lastly, in view of the fact that the complex phenomenon of subcontracting is common in the private and public sectors, it is necessary to reflect upon the guarantees and the legal, employment and social precepts that must govern its regulation. For this purpose, the authorities responsible for matters relating to contracting, collective negotiation and employment will promote an examination of the opportunities available to regulate these activities within the powers granted to the Basque Autonomous Community. For this purpose, the Basque Government will promote an agreement with social agents in order to regulate these questions within the powers bestowed upon it and to prevent this from reducing the prevention of hazards in the workplace and increasing unstable employment

16 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

2) Health and safety in the workplace

For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, reducing accident rates in the workplace is a priority issue. This is a problem that generates considerable social and labour costs as well as dramatic personal and family situations for workers, and for this reason we defend a policy of health and safety in the workplace that guarantees sufficient levels of protection for workers.

For this reason, it is necessary to take action in the areas of prevention and awareness, training and a strict compliance with regulations designed to prevent hazards in the workplace and therefore we undertake to:

- Develop the Safety and Health in the Workplace Master Plan in order to reduce current accident rates.

- Promote an Awareness Programme to address matters relating to safety in the workplace in education centres and in order to promote the introduction of the prevention of hazards in the workplace as a subject in the syllabus of vocational training centres and in a number of specific university courses.

- Create the Basque Observatory of Safety and Health in the Workplace.

- Study the advisability and opportunity of establishing regulations designed to promote quality in the working environment and to eradicate mobbing.

- Apply specific programmes against new professional diseases and mobbing.

- Develop a programme to provide advice and control the prevention of hazards in work centres.

- Foster social agreements that strengthen an awareness of the prevention of hazards in the workplace, as well as the control and monitoring of current legislation, and to support initiatives agreed upon between union and employers associations in the area of the prevention of hazards in the workplace.

- Reinforce the activities of the Work Inspection service and of the Basque Health and Employment Safety Institute-OSALAN in prevention, training and compliance with safety regulations.

- Strengthen compliance with the contract regulations of public administrations with regard to the prohibition to contract those persons who do not comply with the prevention of hazards regulations through the incorporation of companies that have committed any irregularities in this sense.

- Strengthen the training and specific prevention of self-employed workers and microcompanies.

- Foster the work of hazard prevention delegates as well as their training.

17 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

3) A free, universal and quality health service

Public health is a vital component of social cohesion, our quality of life and a generator of wealth, employment and scientific development.

The EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak coalition plans to consolidate the Basque public health, based on the principles of universality, solidarity, justice, equality, safety and quality care, a health system designed to guarantee the right of the inhabitants of the Basque Country to health, and to provide an adequate and sufficient public financing.

For this purpose, we undertake to carry out the following actions:

- Develop the Health Plan, implementing new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

- Reduce the average waiting lists for surgery to European levels, as well as regulating the maximum periods required to have access to surgical procedures.

- Increase the number of beds available in the public health service and improve care and hospital infrastructures, including the construction of a new hospital in Gernika and the extension of the Hospital of Arrasate, in order to meet the demand for health care generated in these areas.

- Concerning the consumption of medicines, prioritise the use of generic medicines in order to rationalise their consumption and reduce expenditure in pharmaceutical products.

- Improve patient information systems, strengthen the coordination between short-stay hospitals and medium and long-stay hospitals and to draw up an action plan to establish forms of collaboration between primary care doctors and specialists.

- Develop new prevention plans with regard to environmental health, by joining the European Network for the health control of drinking water and to increase food safety.

- Foster and promote pharmaceutical and health research within the framework of the Science and Technology Plan.

- Improve the working conditions of health care personnel, by initiating the professional development model of doctors and nurses and by promoting job stability in the health service. Likewise, the Basque Language Teaching Plan of Osakidetza will be applied, guaranteeing the exercise of the linguistic rights of all Basque citizens and to balance these against the rights of health care professionals, taking into consideration their professional and personal circumstances.

- Adapt the Basque Health System to the new digital era, through the development of projects such as the Electronic Health Card, the Electronic Prescription, Integrated Information Systems and the Health System Portal of the Basque Country.

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4) Social protection for all individuals, especially for the underprivileged.

One of the aims of EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak is to ensure that economic growth enhances the progress and quality of life of all individualsand, at the same time, to guarantee the protection of the most underprivileged sectors of society, in accordance with criteria of justice, solidarity and social cohesion.

Social exclusion and marginalisation are the major dangers to our peaceful coexistence and therefore we believe that the authorities are obliged to intervene in order to avoid the consolidation of phenomena that condemn large sections of society to situations of risk. In short, this involves achieving a Government for all, but especially for the needy and those who depend on public resources in order to secure dignified and satisfactory living conditions.

In this sense, the parties that have endorsed this Coalition Agreement wish to emphasise the spirit of equity and solidarity of our social policy which will be exercised in coordination with other public policies, as well as our goal of making progress in our rapprochement with Europe in social expenditure and the development of social services that depend on Basque institutions.

Likewise, we are aware that no social policy can remain unchanged but must be adapted on a permanent basis after the necessary process of analysis and evaluation has been completed and, in this sense, we undertake to pass and apply the 1st Social Policies Evaluation Plan to Family Care and to Social Insertion to establish the evaluation methodology and propose corrective measures in each of the policies evaluated under the coordination of the Delegated Commission for Economic Affairs.

Our social policy will focus first and foremost on underprivileged groups, such as individuals in danger of social exclusion, the handicapped, elderly persons with low incomes, dependent persons, single parent families, and vulnerable children and adolescents, drug addicts and immigrants, among others.

In this sense, during the last legislature, the Basic Income rose almost to the level of the minimum inter-professional salary, which has represented an important milestone in the consolidation of the Basque welfare system. With plans to increase this amount by 2006, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB- Berdeak intend consolidate and update the Basic Income during the coming legislature, adapting this to developments in the minimum inter-professional salary and to establish additional subsidies that will allow emergency social aid to be maintained as a temporary benefit.

Likewise, we propose an examination and, if appropriate, a revision of the legal framework established by Law against Social Exclusion and the Social Rights Charter by means of adapting the aims and contents of both sets of regulations to move towards the progressive and universal application of the Basic Income and to strengthen social insertion mechanisms and the tax treatment and evaluation of the results with the aim of ensuring the strict and responsible application of the policy against Social Exclusion.

Moreover, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will instigate an inter-institutional examination in order to achieve harmonisation and territorial equality in the set of social benefits linked to the policy against social exclusion.

19 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

In their pursuance of this policy, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will take the following actions:

- Draw up the 2nd Basque Inter-institutional Social Insertion Plan (2006-2010), in collaboration with the Provincial Councils and EUDEL, based on the right to economic benefits (Basic Income and Social Emergency Subsidies) and to insertion in society and the job market. The aim is also to enable more vulnerable sectors to find their place in society and on the job market, especially single parent families and young people.

- Assist beneficiaries of the Basic Income to find jobs by stimulating employment and by means of active policies of training and employment, as well as increasing the number of subscribers to the insertion agreements among the beneficiaries of the Basic Income and Social Emergency Subsidies.

- Promote the AUZOLAN programme that fosters community work activities combined with a training process and a personalised programme of employment for sectors included in the basic income system.

- Promote new initiatives for the creation of insertion companies, as well as their operation, for their participation in work to enable the insertion of underprivileged groups in society.

The social protection policy must also safeguard decent and adequate pensions through a pension system that, based on the public Social Securities system, provides sufficient cover to present and future generations. In this sense, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to:

- Demand that the State transfer authority for the economic management of the Social Securities system in order to safeguard the public pension system as the basic and fundamental cornerstone of this system.

- Promote additional social welfare systems by putting the Additional Social Welfare Plan into operation, by promoting employment systems linked to agreements between employers and union organisations and by updating of the Voluntary Social Welfare Entities Law of the Basque Country in order to extend social welfare to all the inhabitants of the Basque Country.

5) An equitable social services system that safeguards the rights of individuals

In coordination with the Provincial Councils, Municipalities and EUDEL, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB- Berdeak undertake to update or modify the Social Services Law in order to adapt this to the powers transferred in this area, specify a catalogue of social services and benefits with special regard to the problem of dependency and establish a model of strategic planning and organisation of social services.

In the same sense, in order to achieve a territorial balance and promote the quality of services and avoid wasting government resources, we undertake to draw up a Strategic Plan of Social Services to organise and plan the Basque social services network.

Moreover, the operations of the municipal social services network will be developed by strengthening basic social services in collaboration and in agreement with EUDEL. For this

20 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

purpose, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will promote a flexible framework agreement adapted to municipal conditions between the department responsible for social affairs and EUDEL to enable any municipalities who wish to do so to incorporate the aforementioned additional services.

Moreover, the following activities will be pursued, among others:

- Strengthen the Basque Social Welfare Council, as the body for co-operation and the design of Social Welfare policies.

- Develop the 5th Drug Dependency Plan through a range of integrated measures in schools, the family, health and with special attention to persons in danger of social exclusion, with high consumption levels and deprived of their liberty. In this sense, by ensuring the appropriate levels of coordination between departments, programmes will be developed for disadvantaged children and young people, for preventive actions, social care, the reduction of damage and the Social insertion of prisoners held in the three Basque prisons.

- Within the applicable legal framework, to deal with regulations and other measures to avoid discrimination by reason of sexual orientation and crossed gender identity.

- Draw up an Inter-institutional Plan for the Care and Promotion of Handicapped Persons.

- Develop the Plan for the Incorporation of Handicapped Persons into the Ordinary Job Market, passed on December 14 2004, and gradually increase the number of jobs reserved for handicapped persons in public offers of employment.

- Develop and strengthen the Basque Accessibility Council.

- Foster the number of homes specially adapted for the handicapped, by facilitating their access to the individual needs of each form of disability.

Moreover, with regard to the very young, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will develop the Young Persons and Adolescents Care Law and for this purpose, will foster:

- The creation of the Organisation for the Defence of Young Children and Adolescents, which will provide support when the rights of young children and adolescents are threatened or violated.

- The creation of the Observatory for Young People and Adolescents, as the body dedicated to the study of living conditions of children and adolescents and to the counselling of entities involved in their care.

- Regulation of adoption and accreditation procedures and the operation of international adoption collaborating entities.

Lastly, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to refer to Parliament during the first half of this new legislature, a government White Paper on Family Mediation.

6) Housing within the reach of all citizens

21 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

The application of the Housing Plan (2002-2005) during the last legislature allowed us to initiate the construction of 19,000 government-sponsored homes, mobilise 2000 empty homes for rental and subsidise the refurbishment of 45,000 homes.

These actions have led to a situation whereby three times more government-sponsored homes are built in the Basque Country than the State average. However, these measures are still not enough to reduce the enormous deficit in housing.

For this reason, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak wish to develop its land and housing policies and provide an adequate response to the right of citizens with lower incomes to a decent and adequate home.

In this sense, as a first measure, we undertake to refer to the Basque Parliament within a period of six months counted as of the constitution of the new Government, the Land Law White Paper with the same wording that was approved by the cabinet during the previous legislature.

In the same way, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to refer to Parliament during the first half of this new legislature, a government White Paper on Housing.

As the problem of housing is a question that requires the collaboration of all public administrations in accordance with their own levels of authority and areas of activity, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB- Berdeak undertake to take the appropriate measures and, if appropriate, reach agreements designed to complement and coordinate the initiatives of Basque public institutions.

Likewise, we will promote the following actions:

- Pass the new Housing Master Plan (2006-2007), the main aims of which will be to increase the offer of government-sponsored housing in excess of the figures set in the previous plan, intensify the policy of placing rented social and government-sponsored homes on the market, increase the number of mobilise empty homes compared to the previous plan, promote the refurbishing of homes, bioclimatic architecture and energy efficiency, and to fight against fraud in government-sponsored housing.

- Create a specific public company to further develop the empty home mobilisation programme (Bizigune).

- Implement the Technical Building Inspection System in collaboration with municipalities and professional colleges.

- Introduce the concept of sustainability in the construction of public housing, instigating measures to favour bioclimatic architecture, energy efficiency and new residential developments and sustainable urban development.

- Promote a special plan of apartments for young persons and the elderly.

- Pursue actions to regenerate and promote degraded areas and, in particular, the regeneration and refurbishment of homes still pending in these areas, culminating in projects in ,

22 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

Bilbao-La Vieja and Galindo () and undertaking, if appropriate, any re-housing that may be required.

- Promote, among companies in the building sector, integrated quality systems, sustainability and safety in the workplace.

- Initiate and culminate the process of disbanding the Official Urban Property Chambers of the Basque Country, safeguarding the liberty of association of the owners of urban land and the rights of the personnel of these corporations.

Lastly, aware of the economic and social importance for Basque society of the building sector, EAJ- PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will promote an examination of the opportunities for the industrialisation of the sector and the application of this production segment to the cluster association policy, in accordance with the dictates of the Basque Government.

7) The quality of life of the elderly

The Basque Country has one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world. This being a reflection of the level of human development of Basque Society, the ageing of the population requires that this issue be tackled from the social, health, cultural and economic viewpoint.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak consider that the adequate care of the elderly represents one of the basic pillars of the welfare state. For this reason, guaranteeing their well-being and rights is the cornerstone of our social policy. Likewise, another of the groups to receive preferential treatment will be dependent persons with physical and/or psychic disabilities, which must be tackled with positive measures.

To respond to the needs of these especially underprivileged groups, the parties to this Coalition Agreement undertake to:

- Draw up an Inter-institutional Plan for the care of dependent persons.

- Foster public services designed to provide care, assistance and training to carers of dependent persons.

- Promote, through the application of the Gerontology Plan, the improvement and extension of the Home Care Service, in collaboration with the provincial councils and basic social services.

- Promote specific prevention and health care programmes for diseases that affect especially elderly persons.

- Develop and implement the Social-Health Care Strategy Plan (2005-2008), passed by the Basque Social-health Care Council on April 6 2005.

8) Family care

23 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

The family, in its different forms, represents one of the cornerstones of the social systems of our community. The development of family promotion policies and their gradual adaptation to the care offered in other countries of the European Union, represents one of our priority objectives for this 8th legislature.

In this field, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to establish an integrated policy through the preparation of the Family Support White Paper which will provide coverage for the preparation of the 2nd Family Plan 2006-2010, the priority of which is to include measures designed to protect single parent families, to put into operation new forms of aid for first (income-linked), second and third children, and to provide special care for large families through positive discrimination programmes.

Moreover, within the framework of this Plan and managed by a specific body created for this purpose, the following actions will be taken, among others:

- Broaden measures to reconcile family life and work (care of dependents and young children of less than two years of age) and extend their application to self-employed workers.

- Establish specific support programmes for families affected by dependent persons and which find themselves in danger of social exclusion.

- Promote the education service for children of 0 to 3 years of age, with an increase in the number of public places in the Haurreskolak consortium, as well as arrangements with the non-integrated part of the municipal network and private network.

9) A just and progressive immigration policy

The immigration policy must be designed to achieve the social and cultural integration of immigrants, guaranteeing their rights and obligations as citizens.

To do this, it is necessary to develop the current Basque Immigration Plan, which includes a set of multisector measures in the social, health, education, culture, housing and employment sectors.

With this objective, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak plan to take the following actions, among others:

- Strengthen the Municipal Immigrants Reception Network through the training of social service personnel.

- Promote the legal service for immigrants, HELDU, to provide a quality public service.

- Establish a protocol to attend to asylum and refuge requests at Basque ports and airports.

- Promote the regularisation of the administrative and employment status of immigrants, favouring the dignity of these persons and their social protection.

- Approve, during the present legislature, a basic code of rights and obligations of immigrants in the Basque Country and to favour a plural and diverse co-existence.

24 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Solidarity and social justice

- Promote the Basque Immigration Observatory, by integrating this within the organic structure of the department that manages this sector policy, as the body entrusted with determining and appraising the immigration phenomenon.

- Fight against illegal employment and the exploitation of immigrants through the articulation of measures to guarantee the equality of immigrants in employment.

- Develop the Educational Programme for Immigrant Students, adjusted to the educational needs of this group and designed to ensure their social, cultural, educational and linguistic integration, avoiding the concentration of immigrants in specific educational centres.

- Promote the drafting of Municipal Immigration Plans.

- Draw up, during the present legislature, the 2nd Basque Immigration Plan, developing and extending the measures included in the current Plan.

25 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Growth and well-being


During the last legislature, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Basque economy grew by an annual average of 2.5%, doubling the average growth rate for Europe and in 2004, reached the highest per capita GDP in our history.

Nevertheless, conscious of our responsibility to form a government for this legislature, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak understands that, in order to make progress in accordance with the precepts of sustainable growth, we must continue to foster the competitiveness of our industrial fabric, by supporting the creation of new companies and small and medium-sized businesses, by fostering the social economy, providing incentives for technology, innovation and quality, promoting the new information society by improving infrastructures, developing the tourism sector, supporting local commerce, promoting the primary sector and rural development, favouring the internationalisation of our companies, and defending the rights of our citizens as consumers.

1) The competitiveness of our industrial fabric

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak promote a competitive and sustainable industry from the social, economic and environmental viewpoints. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions that favour the formation of new companies, co-operation for the search for efficient and effective sizes, support for research, development and innovation, the qualification of human resources, quality in management and products. Moreover, it is necessary to diversify the productive structure of Basque industry, encouraging the development of emerging sectors (environment, energy, safety and health in the workplace, etc.). The contribution of the University to this diversification through the transfer of knowledge to production sectors will be highly relevant.

Therefore, in general terms, we consider it necessary to promote the competitiveness of companies, as an essential factor for their growth and development and for the generation of employment and for this purpose, we undertake to:

- Broaden our policies in favour of business development and especially SMEs in response to the new challenges posed by scientific and technological development.

- Move forward in the planning process of our industrial policy allowing unions and employers associations to take part in their design and execution.

- Create a specific office or observatory to encourage competitiveness, cool in coordination with the cluster associations and existing groups, will be set the objective of detecting opportunities for Corporation and the configuration of local groups and to offer interested companies technical advice and the necessary support to favour these processes.

- Develop a strategy to mobilise industrial investment at the service of new strategic priorities.

26 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Growth and well-being

- Extend the strategic offer of land for industry and technology as well as logistics and infrastructures.

- Provide financial support for business investment, encouraging the diversification of Basque industry towards those sectors that make use of know-how and technological innovation.

2) The creation of new businesses and support for small and medium-sized companies

Any industrial policy that intends to be efficient must provide determined support for small and medium-sized companies, representative of an industrious spirit, and therefore supporting and ensuring their dynamism represents an essential contribution to the revitalisation of the economy as a whole.

For this reason, we wish to favour the development of an industrious spirit throughout society, generating a solid base of companies committed to their environment, structured in networks, promoters of the innovation and international expansion of the Basque economy.

For this reason, we undertake to:

- Foster a spirit of industriousness in the Basque economy, strengthening the activities of business and innovation centres by implementing training systems to promote an industrious spirit in the education sector and promoting the positive opinion and social consideration of entrepreneurs or businessmen and women.

- Strengthen the potential of Basque women in the creation of value added companies in order to configure a more egalitarian and fully integrated society.

- Increase the work of economic promotion in underprivileged areas, through the efficient coordination of different Basque public administrations.

- Promote initiatives to tackle the problems relating to companies that wish to relocate their business.

- Develop programmes to support the formation of businesses in order to increase the net number of companies existing in the Basque Country.

- Increase the presence of the Basque Country in international forums and projects for the exchange of experience between members and benchmarking, such as EURBEST and EURADA.

3) Promoting the social economy

Basque social economy companies -cooperatives and worker-owned limited liability companies- are known throughout the world for their encouragement of workers to take part in the strategic decisions of companies.

27 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Growth and well-being

To do this, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak propose supporting social economy companies through the following measures:

- Promote through our institutions the creation of new social economy companies as an efficient formula for self-employment and regional development.

- Encourage the collaboration between Basque associated work cooperatives and worker- owned limited liability companies.

- Foster and defend a spirit of participation and promote the participation of partners and workers in the decisions of their companies, as an instrument to increase quality employment.

- Promote the powers of the Co-operative Council and in general, encourage the development of the co-operative movement.

4) Technology, innovation and quality

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak believe that research, technological development and innovation represent mechanisms for the generation and application of know-how, and contribute to the economic progress of the Basque Country and to the cultural and intellectual progress of its inhabitants.

For this reason, we defend the broader application of an advanced management model based on the principles of total quality, in all public and private organisations, as a strategic part of competitiveness and, for this purpose, we undertake to:

- Complete an offer of integrated technology and excellence through specialisation and collaboration between the public and private sectors, and between the agents of the Basque Technology Network.

- Provide priority support for projects to set up new companies with a scientific and technological base and to facilitate a spirit of innovation in industrial companies.

- Make efforts in the field of R&D&I in order to reach European research levels by promoting total quality programmes within our industrial fabric, by increasing the funding of basic University research, the ratio of researchers over the active population, the number of patents registered by companies and Basque researchers and the amount of exports with a technological content.

- Develop the 2005-2008 Science, Technology and Society Plan, through the promotion of the new range of nanosciences (Nanobask 2015).

- Develop policies to increase the transfer of university know-how to companies and the creation by young university graduates of companies with a technological base.

- Support the training and contracting of researchers.

28 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Growth and well-being

- Promote the creation of a new scientific-technological infrastructure to boost the Basque scientific and technological system.

- Begin the construction of the Meatzaldea Technology Park, located on the left bank of the river estuary in , in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.

- Create a scientific-technological research centre in the field of Structural Biology, in order to allow large-scale projects to be undertaken, coordinated jointly by the CIC BIOGUNE and the University of the Basque Country.

5) The new information society

The new information society represents a space that facilitates the liberty and participation of our citizens, but also involves the risk of creating new types of barriers between people and territories, the so-called "digital breach".

For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, it is necessary to continue supporting the dissemination of new information technologies, avoiding in this way, a new threat of social discrimination and propitiating the promotion of new emerging knowledge-intensive sectors.

For this reason, we undertake to:

- Consolidate the leading position of the Basque Country in the use of information technologies in the Spanish State and to increase the number of Internet users to levels above the European average.

- Lead the development of international forums of local governments for the promotion of the Information Society.

- Facilitate the development of the Information Society by means of a clear and stable framework of regulations.

- Develop the "broadband infrastructure deployment plan" in order to ensure that before the beginning of the next legislature, all Basque municipalities will have access to this technology.

- Approve the incorporation of new information and knowledge technologies as a support for the management of teaching and University research in view of the multiplying effect of these technologies in the University.

- Favour the incorporation of new technologies that allow mobility, extensive coverage and broadband.

- Promote policies that propitiate cultural exchanges in the population, to encourage the use of new technologies by promoting the dissemination of information and knowledge technologies and digital training, especially among underprivileged groups or those with severe problems of insertion in the job market.

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6) Improving infrastructures

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak believe that it is necessary to promote our transport and communications infrastructures in order to strengthen the strategic position of the Basque Country along the European Atlantic arc.

Moreover, we intend to develop an infrastructures policy for transport in accordance with sustainability criteria, to ensure our road, railway and port infrastructures will be created in accordance with the requirements set out in the Basque Environmental Strategy of Sustainable Development, the Environmental Framework Programme, the Sustainable Transport Master Plan and in strict compliance with environmental legislation.

In this sense, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to promote a railway system in the Basque Country as an alternative transport means both for goods and passengers in order to transfer goods and passenger traffic from the roads to the railway, contributing in this way to meeting the requirements of the European Transport White Paper and the objectives of sustainability, especially the Kyoto Protocol.

With regard to the long-distance railway network, we undertake to give priority to the construction of a new Basque railway network that will connect us with Europe and the rest of the Iberian Peninsular and to respond to the need for sustainable transport, by transferring traffic from our roads to our railways, especially with regard to the transport of goods, in accordance with the Sustainable Transport Master Plan passed in the year 2003. This new railway network will meet the following technical characteristics and requirements:

1. A network belonging to the trans-European Vitoria-Dax link. 2. A network for mixed traffic, passengers and goods (including containers). 3. With a maximum operating speed of 220/230 km/h. 4. With a direct connection to the Port of Bilbao. 5. With an optimum intermodality of all passengers stations, in the capitals and in the intermediate links.

The construction of the new highly-advanced railway network will be performed in strict accordance with legal-environmental legislation, minimising its environmental impact and the effect on agricultural land. The new network will seek an adequate integration of landscape and environmental aspects with regard to the infrastructures established in the areas through which it is to run, by promoting the Inter-departmental Monitoring Commission's created for this purpose.

The Basque Government will aspire to the overall management of the new network during the project and construction stages, as well as to its future operation. This being the case, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to make the adjustments and/or modifications to the route of the new network to enhance its functionality and environmental integration and in order to comply with the aforementioned objectives, within the timeframe set for its completion in 2010.

Moreover, the following actions will be taken:

- Proceed with the construction of the following urban and InterCity tramway systems: The Vitoria-Gasteiz Tramway, the Donostia-San Sebastián Tramway, the tramway between

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University and , the tramway between Bergara-Arrasate and Aretxabaleta, as well as the restoration of the railway network between Zumaia and Azpeitia.

- Extend of the Bilbao Metro with the construction of connections between - , complete the construction of of the Bilbao Metro, with the construction of the Sestao-Portugalete- sections, and build Line 3 with the connection of areas between Etxebarri-Otxarkoaga-Txurdinaga-Zurbaranbarri--Casco Viejo.

- Promote the Sole Transport Authority of the Basque Country and the Territorial Authorities envisaged under its control, by the taking the necessary steps to introduce the unified payment method available to users in each of the Basque territories.

- Promote the development and modernisation of the Ports of Pasaia and Bilbao, with an integrated, sustainable approach. For this purpose, bearing in mind the areas of authority assigned to the Basque Autonomous Community and the Spanish State and irrespective of the continued demands for the transfer of the authority to manage ports of general interest, for which, specifically for the Port of Pasaia, we will urge the preparation of a Plan to guarantee environmentally friendly port activities (radioactivity control installation, means to reduce acoustic impact, loading and unloading systems that prevent the emission of contaminating materials, etc.) through the balanced participation of EAJ-PNV, EA and EB- Berdeak in the management company which, under the Inter-institutional Commission of Pasaialdea, will be created in order to revitalise the area and with the commitment to perform and integrated regeneration both of the spaces made available in the present port and their use for economic ends and for the bay itself which will allow the quality of life of those affected by the project to be improved.

- Develop the Basque Port System Investment Plan , with the completion of the construction work on the Ports of Mutriku, Orio and Bermeo, as well as the cruiser dock in Bilbao and the provision of the necessary infrastructures for the Port of Ondarroa.

- Draw up the Ports Law of the Basque Country and the Territorial Plan for the Port Sector of the Basque Country, in order to propitiate a modern planning and ports management which, in turn, will involve an improvement in the competitiveness of the port system, as well as the endogenous and sustainable development of coastal municipalities.

- Propitiate a greater participation and intervention in the management of the ports of general interest of Bilbao and Pasaia, as well as the Airports of Bilbao (Loiu), Vitoria-Gasteiz (Foronda) and Donostia-San Sebastián (Hondarribia).

- Participate, in collaboration with the Provincial Councils, within the framework of the Infrastructures Plan and of the General Roads Plan, in the construction of the following roads:

o La autopista Vitoria-Eibar. o The access points in Alava to the section known as the Legua del Rey on the N-1 highway. o The connection between the A-8 and A-68 motorways between Basauri-Zaratamo and Arrigorriaga. o The Cruces interchange.

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- Develop the Eusko Tren XXI Strategic Plan, with the following railway projects:

o In Donostialdea, convert the “Ferrocarril Topo” into an integrated railway system of metropolitan transport. o The new railway access points to the region of Txorierri and Loiu Airport. o Restoration of the railway network between Zumaia and Azpeitia. o Continue with the investments and improvements along the railway corridor of Durangaldea. o Elimination of the Electrociclos level crossing in Eibar and remodelling of the unmanned station in Ardanza.

- Promote the construction of the railway line to the south of the city of Bilbao allowing adequate connections by rail with the Port of Bilbao and the trans-European, State and regional Railways.

- Draw up the Basque Meteorology Law and set up the Basque Climate Foundation.

7) Developing the tourism sector

For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak it is necessary to foster the image of the Basque Country as an international tourist centre, promoting our own trademark as a Country.

To do this, we undertake to support the creation of a dynamic, technologically advanced, innovating tourism sector, capable of offering visitors a complete range of services and for this purpose, we will develop the following measures:

- Put a new Tourism Portal into operation. In addition to offering information for tourists, this will serve the business sector as a marketing platform.

- Intensify the promotion of the Basque Country as a tourist destination through promotions carried out in a number of different markets.

- Encourage new tourism companies to obtain the European Quality Certificate.

- Put into operation an Agency for the Promotion of Tourism in the Basque Country.

- Set up a Tourism Cluster Association as an instrument to improve the competitiveness of the Basque Tourism sector based on co-operation.

- Improve our current position in the area of "city tourism" and "meetings and conference tourism".

- Develop new tourist segments such as Nature Tourism, Enotourism and Cruise Tourism.

8) Local commerce

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EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak believe that it is essential to maintain our support for small retailers and the integrated development of urban shopping centres, guaranteeing the balance between large and small commercial companies, in order to satisfy the interests of retailers and consumers.

To do this, we undertake to:

- Promote commercial development plans in urban areas, with special emphasis on their applicability to underprivileged areas and the medieval quarters of our cities.

- Promote the formation of associations between small retailers in order to modernise commercial structures and facilitate the defence of the general interests of the sector.

- Develop a programme oriented towards improving the sustainability of commerce in small municipalities and low-density population areas.

- Create a Distribution Observatory of the Basque Country to enable the monitoring of the sector and its foreseeable development.

- Promote the professionalism of traditional retailers through training.

- Propitiate the development of emerging commercial sectors and the application of new technologies: fashion, municipal logistics, e-commerce.

- Update regulations governing commercial activities, adapting these to the rapid transformations that are taking place in the sector and the appearance of new commercial formulas.

9) The primary sector and rural development

Besides representing a traditional economic sector in our country, agricultural and livestock activities fulfil a multifunctional role as the supplier of quality food products, guaranteeing the maintenance of populations in rural areas, as well as protecting the natural milieu and the biological diversity of flora and fauna.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will focus our efforts on achieving an integrated, sustainable development, respectful of rural and fishing areas, providing their citizens with services similar to those offered in urban areas. Our agrofoods policy will be based on the modernisation of production and transforming structures and the incorporation of the younger generations into the sector.

For this purpose, we undertake to carry out the following actions:

- Pass the Agricultural and Foods Policy Law of the Basque Country in order to guarantee the defence of agricultural land, agricultural good practices and quality, as well as the incorporation of young farmers to ensure the continuity of agricultural activities.

- Pass a positive action plan to promote the role of women in the rural environment including the co-ownership of farms and the recognition of their role in the sector.

33 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Growth and well-being

- Pass an Agricultural Insurance Plan to guarantee the income of farmers and to gradually replace the present system of compensation for damages.

- Promote quality marques and labels for fisheries products.

- Pass a new Sustainable Role Development Plan for the period 2007-2012 in order to support young farmers, defend agricultural land and promote quality products.

- Promote a Strategic Plan to tackle the problem and future requirements of our fisheries sector within the context of the globalisation of the economy and sustainability in the management of biological resources.

- Promote the modernisation of fishing boats and ports.

- Support fishing town and villages in their efforts to develop economic activities.

- Give priority to specific programmes to guarantee the quality of the food chain and to prevent diseases in human beings.

10) The internationalisation of our companies

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak consider that it is necessary to propitiate the development of the international dimension of Basque companies and the geographical and sectorial diversification of our economic and commercial relations abroad.

For this reason, we undertake to:

- Consolidate and increase the permanent institutional presence abroad through the opening of new delegations and commercial representation offices.

- Develop the "Country-Trademark" to strengthen the international competitiveness of Basque companies.

- Contribute know-how and financial support to the establishment of Basque companies abroad.

- Consolidate companies already established abroad and contribute to the diversification of the markets they have targeted.

- Facilitate access to international markets of Basque companies by collaborating actively in the search for agents abroad.

- Create a network of institutional support for the internationalisation of Basque companies (Intersarea).

34 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Growth and well-being

- Train young specialists in foreign trade as the people who will give an international dimension to our companies and organisations.

- Develop programmes to get Basque companies to include the international dimension in the definition of their business strategy.

- Favour the creation of Basque groups with a well-established international presence, although committed to the well-being of our society.

- Reinforce the presence of Basque companies in countries with high development potential.

11) Defending the rights of consumers

For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, their consumption policy will aim to protect the rights of consumers and to encourage citizens to be critical and responsible in their role as consumers. For this reason, as a fundamental part of our policy in this area, we undertake to demand compliance of regulations set out to protect consumers, promote the contracting of responsible companies committed to the rights of consumers and users, developed inspections as a preventive measure and supply information and, whenever required, apply penalties for bad practices, fostering the use of self-control systems by companies and the development of codes of good practice.

To do this, we will do the following:

- Prepare an environmentally-sustainable Strategic Consumption Plan for the next ten years.

- Encourage the participation of consumers and users organisations in the design of strategic actions.

- Develop mediation in consumer affairs, providing the human resources required for its implementation in the Basque Country.

- Promote Integrated Consumer Services.

- Consolidate the “Kontsumo eskolas” as Centres of Permanent Training in Consumer Affairs in the Basque Country.

- Promote the Consumer Arbitration System by means of the obligatory association of all companies that manage public services as well as through an increase in the incentives available to those entities who favour public, free arbitration.

- Increase the confidence of consumers in e-commerce.

- Create a Permanent Assistance Telephone Service for Consumers.

- Include the Basque Country in the European alert and consumer safety networks.

35 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development


To create a more socially and culturally integrated Basque Country, committed to education and the Basque language, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, as the main cornerstone of their policy, will promote the full equality of men and women, education as a means to integration, the University integrated in society, vocational training as a factor of employment, with youth as this country’s main asset for the future, based on a cultural model for all our citizens and with the Basque language, the symbol of our people.

1) The full equality of men and women

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak defend a society in which men and women have equal participation in the public and private sectors. Besides being a human right, equality is a basic requirement in order to develop democracy and construct a more just and more united society.

The Basque Country has been a pioneer in the development of measures to favour equality. The passing of the Equality of Men and Women Law and the Law that regulates de facto couples, represent historic milestones that establish the bases of a society that recognises equality and emotional-sexual liberty. For this reason, we wish to pursue our policy of equality on this basis, because, for EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, to speak of equality means to speak of social justice and democratic development for Basque society as a whole and, for this purpose, we undertake to develop the effective application of Law 4/February 18 2005 for the Equality of Men and Women and, in particular:

- The founding of the Organisation for the Defence of the Equality of Men and Women.

- The creation of a Guarantee Fund for situations involving the non-payment of pensions and the establishment of supplementary payments for the lower widows pensions.

- The effective start-up of the body referred to in article 24.5 of the aforementioned Law will offer channels for the effective participation of women and the association movement in the development of social, economic and cultural policies, and will be a valid means of communication with Basque public administrations in matters relating to the equality of men and women.

Moreover, the following actions will be taken:

- Foster positive actions to secure the equality of men and women in employment and training, providing incentives for the incorporation of women into the job market in professions and in sectors in which they are underrepresented.

36 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

- Promote the reconciliation of family life and work by means of measures to reorganise the working day and to make it more flexible, as well as the creation of social services.

- Renew the Inter-institutional Agreement to improve the care of women victims of domestic violence and sexual aggression.

- Foster transversality by applying equality policies and the gender dimension in all actions and activities.

- Draw up the 5th Action Plan for women.

- Organise social information campaigns to promote behaviours and attitudes of respect and equality in gender-related issues.

2) Education as the means to promote integration

Education is the fundamental basis for personal fulfilment, collective well-being and social progress. EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will work to achieve an integrated education system for personal development and professional training.

With this aim, we will promote an education system that offsets inequalities at source and integrates cultural and social diversity, providing students with the necessary training in order to give them the bases to think for themselves, critically and with originality.

To achieve this, during this legislature we undertake to promote the following initiatives, among others:

- Promote the Basque Education System Law with the maximum level of concensus between the Education Authorities and the student community. Within this framework, it will be possible to tackle the treatment and, if appropriate, the remodelling of the three linguistic models established in the system after presenting a report on their application.

- Continue the process of implementing the educational and care phase (0-3 years), with the creation of at least 1000 new public places per year, preferably in urban areas in order to ensure that all centres offer an integrated service that combines the development of children and the reconciliation of family life and work. At the same time, the quotas to be paid during this stage will be indexed to the income of the persons who form part of the family unit, establishing a policy of grants for those cases of special needs when certain economic thresholds are not reached.

- Perform an in-depth adaptation of the "Basque curriculum" by digitising teaching resources, concentrating effort on basic subjects and promoting the learning, knowledge and handling of new technologies at all educational levels, in order to generalise the implementation of computer science in the classroom with the use of the computer as one more tool at the service of communication and interaction between teachers and students.

37 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

- Establish a system of indicators that will allow the operation and results of the Basque education system to be evaluated in aspects such as teaching, learning and management and in policies involving the accreditation and certification of quality.

- Achieve educational multilingualism so that students acquire language skills in Basque, Spanish and English.

- Reduce the school failure rate by means of an appropriate distribution of resources among students with learning difficulties and by applying individualised treatments through syllabus diversification programmes.

- Strengthen the organisation of the public school network by granting greater autonomy to centres with the necessary inspection control mechanisms and, if appropriate, through a model of integrated management of the centres within the Basque Public Education Network.

- In collaboration with EUDEL, undertake an Extraordinary Infrastructures Improvement Plan for public teaching centres in order to adapt their installations to the needs of Basque society.

- Strengthen the status of teachers by guaranteeing their professional careers by means of dialogue and negotiation with the union representatives.

- Redefine and reformulate the IRALE and GARATU programmes, adapting these to the current needs for the continuous training of teachers.

- Promote the current policy of income-indexed subsidies by raising the thresholds of family incomes of the beneficiaries of grants, for school materials, meals and transport.

- Continue improving the Care Programme for immigrant students.

- Continue the process of elimination of architectural barriers as well as actions deriving in compliance with the law to prevent hazards in the workplace.

- Continue the quality processes initiated in education centres until 60% of centres have the renewed quality certificate.

3) A University integrated into society

The three universities that make up Basque university system-UPV, Mondragón and Deusto- represent an essential instrument for the present and future of Basque society.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak propose a university system ready to face the challenges of the 21st century, that provides quality teaching, carries out creative research, with close links to its environment and committed to economic, social, cultural and technological development.

For this reason, based on a greater respect for the autonomy of the University, we undertake to carry out the following actions:

38 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

- Integrate the Basque university system in the European space of higher education through the development of the Basque University System Law and with a progressive increase in the budgets allocated to teaching and research.

- Draw up a new University Plan, as a university planning instrument, which will assess the status of university teaching and determine any necessary actions.

- Draw up, together with the Basque University, a new qualifications map that will include the qualifications created as a result of the reforms envisaged within the framework of the Bologna Process and will be used to satisfy the growing demand of Basque society in issues relating to university training.

- Guarantee to finance the activities of the University of the Basque Country, as well as financing the programme of infrastructures on the campuses of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.

- Adapt the grants policy to the changing socio-economic situation, by increasing the amount of general aid, the mobility and student transport programmes, as well as subsidies for the handicapped and student residences.

- Develop policies to stimulate the definitive consolidation of the normalised use of the Basque language in every area of university life.

- Provide incentives for the incorporation of internationally used languages in university teaching and research activities in order to facilitate their incorporation into the European University Training Space.

- Strengthen the links between universities, technology centres and companies, as well as promoting internships under adequate employment conditions as an efficient tool to improve the education process.

- Develop the Science and Technology Plan in harmony with the business world, enhancing the effectiveness of the university-company-technological innovation connection.

- Promote the training of researchers through pre-PhD, post-PhD grants as well as grants for research projects.

- Develop, in collaboration with the Basque University, actions designed to stimulate research activities at a high-level through mechanisms that promote the incorporation into the Public University of leading researchers in their respective areas of work.

4) Professional Training as a factor of employment

In the Basque country, professional training has become the main point of access for the integration and re-incorporation of individuals into the job market, through the three subsystems of formal, continuous and vocational training.

39 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, the aim of professional training must be to train people with a permanent capacity for learning, as well as increasing the knowledge and competence of Basque workers.

In accordance with this objective, the government undertakes to develop and apply the recently passed Basque Vocational Training Plan, which will allow us to orientate professional training towards our goal of making the Basque job market more and more competitive.

Within the framework of the Basque Vocational Training Plan, a Basque Vocational Training Law will be debated and approved. This will include all the professional training subsystems (formal, continuous and vocational) and will consolidate the Basque language as the language used for training, and we will also promote the following initiatives:

- Update and extend the integrated qualifications system, adapting this to the training needs of the production system.

- Put into operation a specific programme of remote vocational training, adapting this to current demand.

- Organise the vocational training offered by all our training centres in an integrated manner.

- Create the Basque Council of Qualifications and Vocational Training.

- Promote innovation in vocational training, as well as developing new technologies and furthering relations with the University.

- Encourage the use of computer science in the classroom, with the use of the computer as an ordinary means of communication and interaction between teachers and students.

- Promote the Innovation Centre for Professional Training and Permanent Learning (TKNIKA), created in order to favourite innovation, research and support for teachers.

- Evaluate the status of training courses in secondary education centres, to assess the possibility of moving these to specific centres.

- Obtain from the Central Government the effective transfer of powers in the field of vocational and continuous training.

- Promote the availability of permanent learning and continuous training for all groups (the young, adults, workers, the elderly), providing these with equal access to the acquisition of skills and thus promoting social cohesion.

- Renew the commitment to an autonomous framework for the development of continuous training, re-orientating the role of the Hobetuz foundation as a key element for the management of Continuous Professional Training and as the technical entity that put into practice this public policy designed within the Basque Council of Professional Qualifications and Training.

40 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

- Make quality the cornerstone of professional training, adapting the quality systems of all education centres to the requirements set out in the ISO-9001/2000 standard.

5) Young people, the investment for the future

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak believe that young people must be given a say in their own future and are the champions of progress and social values such as quality, solidarity, justice and the sustainable development of Basque society.

We have the best-prepared generation of young people in history. However, we are also aware young persons have specific problems that must be addressed by politicians. In this sense, we will promote a policy to ensure that young people are fully integrated into the areas of employment, training, housing, culture and leisure.

For this purpose, we undertake to carry out the following measures:

- Encourage stable and quality employment for young persons, as well as the formation of companies by young entrepreneurs.

- Promote internships and training contracts designed for young persons in order to improve their skills and enable them to gain experience and additional training.

- Promote new sources of employment in the area of social services.

- Promote the leasing of homes for young unmarried persons of under 30 years of age and for young couples of under 35 years of age.

- Draw up integrated regulations for young Basques to provide a stable and co-ordinated response to issues such as housing, employment, education, and leisure and culture.

- Promote and carry out actions designed to prevent and resolve problems relating to traffic accidents, alcohol addiction and drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and eating disorders.

- Strengthen the Basque Council for Young People as the advisory body of the Basque Public Administrations.

- Promote the mobility of young people, youth hostels and the development of work camps.

- Foster research into the issues of young people, through the creation of specific programmes for young researchers.

- Promote non-formal occupational activities, the training of socio-cultural educators as well as voluntary social work.

6) A culture for everyone

41 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak consider that the integration of the different cultural expressions of Basque citizens represents an enriching and educational element at a personal level, as well as being the factor that gives structure and cohesion to society.

The basis for any culture policy must be the recognition of the right to culture, guaranteeing the access of citizens to this resource as a collective heritage, a tool of identity and an instrument for social progress.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak defend the pluralism and the different cultural expressions present in Basque society in order to form a framework of cultural cohesion, social integration and economic development and, in order to achieve this, we undertake to carry out the following measures:

- Develop the Basque Culture Plan, the strategic axes of which include the Basque language, cultural heritage, the creation and dissemination of culture, the culture industry and the visual and dramatic arts.

- Pass the Basque Libraries White Paper as well as creating the National Library of the Basque Country.

- Pass the Basque Archives System White Paper as well as creating the National Archive of the Basque Country.

- Create the “Basque Country Institute”, in order to promote, disseminate and project the Basque language and Basque culture abroad.

- Create the Basque Arts and Culture Industries Institute, as an organisation to promote the culture industry, visual and dramatic arts, as well as the Basque language.

- Give support to municipal culture networks.

- Strengthen the participation and equality of opportunity of citizens in their access to culture, by removing obstacles of an economic nature or due to a lack of training or infrastructures.

- Develop the Basque Culture Infrastructure Plan (2004-2007), directly or in collaboration with the Provincial Councils and Municipalities.

On the other hand, in the area of culture, the audiovisual sector as a whole not only represents a tool for the dissemination and extension of Basque artistic and cultural creation but its development also has a positive effect on economic growth and the creation of employment.

The policy of EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak in this area is based on the consolidation and development of publicly owned media companies as well as a support for and promotion of the existing private audiovisual sector in the Basque Country.

For this purpose, we undertake to carry out the following measures:

42 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

- Consolidate and strengthen a competitive Basque audiovisual sector that defends and promotes the values of quality, tolerance and solidarity, as well as political, religious, social, linguistic and cultural pluralism.

- Draw up a new contract-programme with the public television company EITB.

- Strengthen institutional aid for the audiovisual sector, as well as promote the operation of the Inter-institutional Commission of the Audiovisual Sector.

- Draw up the Basque Audiovisual White Paper.

- Create the Basque Audiovisual Council.

- Define the local digital television map in order to create a communicative space in accordance with our cultural, linguistic and social identity.

- Promote cultural theme channels in the public and radio television networks.

- Increase the amount of programmes produced in the Basque Country.

- Safeguard the intimacy of our citizens and the rights of young people, avoiding violent, sexist and racist contents.

7) The Basque language, symbol of our people

Basque is the language of Euskal Herria and in turn is the basic exponent of our identity as a people as it goes beyond the political-administrative limits of the Basque Autonomous Community, as it is also the patrimony of the Autonomous Community of Navarre and of the Basque territories of Lapurdi, Behenafarroa and Zuberoa.

The policy followed until now concerning the use and normalisation of the Basque language has led to the recovery of Basque with an increase in its social use and in the number of speakers. Nevertheless, the progress achieved until now is not enough to ensure the survival of this language. Basque is still in danger of disappearing and its continued use is not guaranteed.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak defend the viewpoint that Basque needs to be protected and requires positive measures to achieve its full linguistic normalisation and also serves as an instrument of communication, cultural exchange and social integration.

For this reason, we undertake to develop an integrating, flexible linguistic policy, adapted to the social reality and which guarantees the use of Basque now and in the future, through the following measures:

- Promote the use and normalisation of Basque in the family, in communications between young people and in their social environment.

- Promote the use of Basque on the Internet, through the creation of digital contents.

43 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

- Implement new normalisation plans for the use of Basque in Basque public administrations in order to make Basque the working language of more administrative units.

- Increase the offer of Basque in vocational training.

- Promote the presence of Basque in the written and audiovisual communications media.

- Develop the activities of the euskaltegis in the teaching of Basque to adults.

- Promote the consolidation, improvement and extension of written and spoken communications media in Basque.

- Promote the knowledge of Basque among immigrants, through Basque courses in the education system and through the network of euskaltegis.

- Provide incentives for the implementation of Basque in the socio-economic sphere through the preparation of specific and sector linguistic normalisation plans.

- Foster an increase in the percentage of Basque language films shown in cinemas.

- Develop new applications and technical resources to incorporate Basque in the world of new technologies.

8) Sport

Everyone has the right to do sport freely and voluntarily, as well as a leisure pursuit and healthy habit.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak propose a unique sports model for the Basque Country that will identify sport with health, quality of life and integration and which will be used to convey an image of the Basque Country abroad as a country with its own identity.

To do this, we undertake to draw up a sports policy with the following strategic objectives:

- Strengthen the Basque School of Sport and its centres in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.

- Promote the participation of Basque sports teams and Basque sportsmen and women in international competitions, as well as the integration of Basque sports federations into international federations.

- Develop Basque sports, especially pelota, rowing and herri kirolak through the implementation of their respective strategic plans.

- Extend the programme of economic aid to sports federations, with the experimental implementation of contracts-programmes.

44 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Equality and educational/cultural development

- Guarantee the presence of sport at all levels of the education system, promoting sport for everyone and fostering the practice of sport by all members of our community.

- Promote sports associations with promotional campaigns and subsidies.

- Develop programmes to prevent violence, racism and the illegal use of drugs in Basque sport.

- Promote research and technological development in sport.

- Complete the network of installations for the Basque Sports Federations at the Mendizorrotza Stadium (Vitoria-Gasteiz).

- Draw up a Plan to Prevent and Fight against Drug Taking in Sport.

- Set up a foundation to promote and develop sport at a high-level.

45 A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Improve our environment


EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak declare that the protection of the environment is a human right, and an asset that inspires economic and social progress.

We consider sustainable development to be something that allows the needs of this generation to be met without compromising the rights of future generations. Sustainability must be included in all sector policies-transport, economy, industry, housing, social welfare, infrastructures and so on. Accordingly, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will develop an environmental policy that respects environmental balances, based on the principles of prevention, precaution and responsibility for any damage caused.

For this reason, we wish to build a Basque Country that is more sustainable and more respectful of the Environment, in accordance with the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations Organisation, the Basque Strategy of Sustainable Development and the 6th European Environmental Action Programme.

Achieving all these aims will be possible only with the institutional leadership of the environmental strategy through an improvement in the environmental quality of our air, of our rivers and seas, the recovery of our contaminated land, the reduction, reuse and recycling of urban and industrial waste, the promotion of an efficient and renewable energy strategy, the increase in natural areas and protected nature reserves, the development of sustainable transport and the planning of the land and territory in a manner respectful of the natural milieu.

During the coming legislature, the concepts of sustainability and environmental improvement throughout the Basque Country will be a constant theme in the definition of any public policy promoted by the Basque Government. To do this, efforts to ensure that the bodies that manage the Basque environmental policy included in the General Environmental Protection Law continue to improve their level of professionalism and technical skills in their daily tasks according to criteria of independence, openness to social movements and technological groups in all stages of the environmental process, especially in the environmental impact evaluation procedure, in view of the fact that in the past these policies have met with a considerable amount of social acceptance, and will continue to do so in the future.

1) The environmental strategy

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak defend the incorporation of the environmental variable in the political and economic management in order to favour sustainable development and for this purpose we undertake to:

- Comply with the undertakings envisaged in the Basque Sustainable Development Environmental Strategy (2002-2020), covering land, water, air, biodiversity, and the protection of natural resources.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Improve our environment

- Prepare the 2nd Environmental Framework Programme for the period 2006-2010, specifying the actions to be carried out in each area of the strategy.

- Secure the start up of the Environmental Inspection and Control Plan designed to guarantee compliance with environmental legislation and to secure an improvement in the environment.

- Develop the Environmental Training Plan 2003-2006 of the staff of the Basque public administration, in collaboration with the Basque Public Administration Institute (IVAP) as well as Provincial Councils and Municipalities.

- Promote UDALSAREA (Basque Network of Municipalities for Sustainability), formed by the Basque Government, the Provincial Councils and EUDEL, in order to ensure that during the forthcoming legislature, all Basque municipalities have implemented Local Agenda 21, including the social side in those municipalities that wish to do so. To this effect and in order to promote this process, the autonomous bodies responsible for social affairs and environment will provide Town Halls with the necessary technical skills in order to develop social and environmental aspects respectively, coordinating the implementation process based on a respect for the autonomy of municipalities and within the framework of UDALSAREA.

- Promote the Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development of which the Basque Government was one of the founders, and which has been used as an instrument of cooperation between Regions throughout the world and of participation in international environmental forums.

- Promote the School Environmental Agenda 21 of Basque education centres.

- Encourage the participation of citizens, economic, social and ecological agents in participative and consultative bodies such as the Environmental Advisory Council and the Basque Water Council.

- Promote economic and financial regulations that foster industrial investment in more environmentally friendly equipment and technologies.

- Pass, with the collaboration of UDALSAREA, a plan to fight against climate change that integrates and strengthens all our sector policies, especially transport, industry, energy, residential and agriculture, in order to comply with the Kyoto Protocol. In line with this plan, the Basque Network of Town Halls for Climate will be promoted.

2) The quality of our air

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak proclaim that the fight against climate change and the reduction in the emissions of greenhouse gases are a guarantee for the survival of humanity and its true development and we accept that improvements in the quality of air and reductions in noise contamination represent a priority factor to ensure a full and healthy life.

For this reason, we undertake to:


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Improve our environment

- Draw up municipal action plans to improve air equality.

- Update the Atmospheric Contamination Emergency Plan, as well as the Alert Protocol of measures to be taken in cases of atmospheric contamination.

- Improve and extend the Air Quality Control Network, including the renewal of equipment and implementation of new control stations.

- Install atmospheric information panels in the main Basque municipalities, and as well as drawing up the Overall Air Quality Index of the Basque Country.

- Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by promoting the installation of combined cycle electricity generating plants.

- Initiate acoustic action plans and reinforce measures to prevent, control and reduce sources of acoustic contamination (Noise Maps and Acoustic Action Plans).

- Promote technological research in all aspects of air equality and pollution deriving from the use of hydrocarbons.

- Reduce the emission of gases that damage the ozone layer.

3) Cleaning our rivers and seas

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak defend the importance of water as an environmental asset and an essential natural resource which must be used rationally and responsibly and we declare that sea and coastal areas are natural elements that require adequate protection and responsible management.

For this reason, we undertake to:

- Pass the Territorial Plan of Protection and Sector Planning of Coastal Areas.

- Prepare the Hydrological Plan of the inter-community river basins of the Autonomous Community.

- Review the Territorial Sector Plan of the banks of Rivers and Streams, which will include the Integrated Flood Prevention Plan.

- Pass the Water Law as well as creating the Basque Water Agency.

- Complete pending cleaning and filtration infrastructures.

- Promote pending irrigation infrastructures within the Province of Alava.

- Implement measures to protect water resources and carry out environmental restoration projects in wetlands, river beds and banks.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Improve our environment

- Reduce the emission of dangerous substances dumped on the land, in rivers and in coastal areas.

- Demand that the Coasts Law be adapted to the needs of a true management of coastal areas which, among other purposes, guarantees the effective prevention of marine contamination.

4) The recovery of contaminated land

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will develop measures designed to conserve the natural functions of land, recover degraded lands and its responsible use for human activities.

For this reason, we undertake to:

- Develop the Land Contamination Prevention and Correction Law, the aim of which is to protect the land.

- Draw up the Contaminated Land Plan of the Basque Country.

- Promote the recovery of contaminated land by continuing to pursue the programme of economic aid for Municipalities and Associations.

- Draw up a Soil Erosion Control and Prevention Plan, as well as the restoration of areas heavily affected by erosion. Specifically and with regard to the quarries policy, the Basque Government will draw up, within the framework of a Territorial Quarries Sector Plan, a map of quarries promoted through the corresponding public policy.

- Perform an integrated control of land contamination within the area of industrial, energy, farming and agricultural activities.

5) The reduction, reuse and recycling of urban and industrial waste

For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, the measures taken with regard to waste disposal will be based on concepts of prevention, reduction, re-utilisation, recycling and valuation.

For this reason, we undertake to:

- Draw up the Urban Waste Plan of the Basque Country, stabilising the generation of urban waste per capita and reducing the amount of urban waste dumped in landfills.

- Draw up the Non Hazardous Waste Plan for waste of industrial and commercial origin.

- Draw up the Agricultural Waste Prevention and Management Plan.

- Encourage the re-utilisation and recycling of demolition waste.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Improve our environment

- Increase actions designed to reduce, re-utilise, recycle and value waste, in order to protect the health of individuals and the environment. Specifically, the use of returnable containers will be promoted as a measure to increase social awareness within the framework of the current General Environmental Protection Law and specific regulations.

- Strengthen the control of activities relating to the protection and management of waste, as well as the different systems integrated in their management.

- Promote, with direct financial aid for local entities, the management of brown line waste, made up of electrical and electronic devices.

- Promote the start-up and financing of an integrated white line waste management system, made up of household appliances, especially refrigerators.

- Complete and update the current Hazardous Waste Management Plan.

- Continue actions relating to the decontamination of obsolete vehicles.

6) An inefficient and renewable energy strategy

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak propose the rational use of energy in the understanding that non consumed energy is cleaner and cheaper and they consider that renewable energies represent a priority energy source that guarantees sustainable development and a respect for natural resources.

For the Basque Government, the importance of the development of the Euskadi-2010 Energy Strategy is unquestionable. Renewable energies (mainly solar, minihydraulic, wind and biomass) will represent 12% of the energy produced by that year with especial attention to wind farms and tidal power. Other major efforts include putting into operation efficiency and energy-saving measures, in order to reach a figure of 975,000 pet/year by the end of the legislature, increasing the use of natural gas as a cleaner energy until this has been supplied to 52 percent of the population, and reaching self-sufficiency levels in electricity production by 2010. Likewise, MSW composting plants and others will be considered priority measures, comparable to current alternative energies.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will continue guaranteeing a respect for territorial, urban and environmental regulations in force in any energy project currently in force or that may be planned in the future. Nevertheless, with respect to the specific policy of incinerating plants, thermal power plants and MSW policies, each group will maintain their legitimate ideological and political/institutional positions in this regard.

Moreover, in application of the New Energy Strategy of the Basque Country, by the year 2010, we undertake to:

- Complete connections with the European gas networks via Irun as well as extending the Arrigorriaga, Santurtzi and Bergara gas pipelines.

- Promote the construction of the gasification network in order to supply gas to rural municipalities, thereby promoting the economic development and quality of life of these areas.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Improve our environment

- Promote technological research into areas such as innovative energy supply, generation, transformation and transport equipment, as well as new systems for the generation and co- generation of electricity.

- Promote the gradual replacement of conventional thermal power stations in Santurtzi and Pasaia with modern combined cycle energy installations in order to Comply with the Kyoto Protocol.

7) Protected natural spaces

For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, the conservation of the natural milieu will be as balanced as possible in order to ensure that its protection is compatible with the development of agricultural, forestry and economic activities.

For this reason, we undertake to:

- Develop management, protection and restoration plans for the different habitats and species included in the Natura-2000 Network.

- Proceed with the declaration of the Entzia Natural Park, as well as the approval of its Natural Resources Plan.

- Establish management plans for all the species classified as being in danger of extinction.

- Promote, in collaboration and in agreement with the Provincial Councils, a Hunting Law that uses hunting resources in a sustainable manner, guarantees the survival and recovery of species and ensures the compatibility of hunting pursuits with an enjoyment of the natural world by all our citizens.

- Implement a Network of Technological Corridors in the Basque Country.

- Establish the Biodiversity Observatories Network of the Basque Country.

- Draw up the Strategic Training, Education and Environmental Awareness Plan on Biodiversity.

- Increase actions to recover degraded areas of the great environmental importance, such as quarries, tips and mines.

- Adapt legislation on natural resources and protected spaces, "natural parks" and "biotopes", to the new Community directives.

- Put into operation the Interpretation Centre of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve and of the Biodiversity of the Basque Country.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Improve our environment

8) Sustainable transport

The transport policy must respond to the mobility needs of our society, a dynamic and modern society in a globalised world, without reducing the capacity for development and the well-being of future generations. In other words, it must be a sustainable transport policy.

To do this, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak will promote more sustainable transport means, i.e., railway and sea transport, giving priority to the development of the trans-European railway corridor, the “motorway of the sea” along the continental Atlantic axis, as well as international air intermodality from Vitoria airport for cargo and from Bilbao for passengers.

In this area, the actions of the Basque Government are designed primarily to increase the importance of the railway and sea transport both of passengers and goods, achieving a modal balance by promoting an integrated and collective transport system developed according to the precepts of efficiency, safety and quality and which does not compromise the capacity of future generations to satisfy their needs and to develop the Sustainable Transport Master Plan (2002-2012), by favouring an integrated management of the system, in response to the accessibility and mobility requirements of our citizens and by promoting a new balance in transport modes.

For this reason, we undertake to:

- Promote the modernisation of the passenger and goods transport sector, by means of implementing quality systems and new communications and information technologies.

- Strengthen the strategic position of the Basque Country in Europe, by means of promoting the European Economic Interest Group called the Aquitaine-Basque Country Logistics Platform and participation in the Atlantic Arc Commission.

- Construct Spaces and Platforms of Logistics Activities at Vitoria-Gasteiz airport, in Central Alava and at the Port of Bilbao.

- Promote a strategic project to implement a goods transport railway line between Vitoria- Gasteiz and Lille (northern France).

- Promote cabotage transport of goods between European ports, by establishing a maritime line (“motorway of the sea ”) between Bilbao and Dunkirk (northern France).

- Pass the Territorial Sector Plan of the Intermodal and Logistics Network.

- Improve the training of logistics transport sector agents.

9) Land and territorial planning respectful of the natural milieu

For EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak, territorial planning must include economic and social development, the protection of nature and the well-being and quality of life of our citizens.

For this reason, we undertake to:


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Improve our environment

- Pass pending Partial Territorial Plans in several regions.

- Pass the Territorial Sector Plans; Cultural Heritage, Agriculture and Forestry, Ports, Quarries, Tourism and the Planning of our coastal areas.

- Adapt the planning of natural resources to the new community directives.

- Improve from the environmental standpoint those areas protected by the Territorial Sector Wetlands Plan.

- Carry out, through the Special Plan for the Protection and Planning of Natural Resources in the Txingudi area, environmental restoration work in those areas occupied by sports installations.

- Promote the Programme of Harmonisation and Development of Socio-economic activities (PADAS) of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, through the corresponding sector plans.

- Complete the preparation of the new Habitats, Vegetation and Land Use Map of the Basque Country.

- Review and adapt the Planning Directives of the Territory to the sustainability demands set out in the Basque Environmental Strategy for Sustainable Development.

- Promote the adaptation of municipal urban planning to sustainability criteria.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Project our presence in the world


The Basque Country has become one of the first stateless nations to demonstrate with specific actions its concern for a presence in the European Institutions, agreements with international organisations and the initiation of programmes in the area of co-operation for development and solidarity.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak wish to build a more unified Basque Country, more open to the world and, for this purpose, to develop a policy of co-operation with underprivileged peoples throughout the world as we wish to contribute, as a country, to meeting the objectives of the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations. We are going to work for permanent cross-border co-operation to create closer ties with Iparralde and establish the bases of a Basque Euroregion. We wish to secure a leading position for the Basque Country in Europe and on the international scene by establishing Delegations and by means of an appropriate planning of institutional, economic, social and cultural activities as well as contributing to the construction of Europe by taking part directly in the forums and decision-making bodies of the European Union. We wish to promote and consolidate the development of the Basque Centres-Euskal Etxeak, our ambassadors in the world. Lastly, we want to take part in all those supranational forums and organisations or bodies in which it is necessary to defend the political, economic, social or cultural interests of the Basque Country.

1) Our presence in Europe

The starting point for our quest to become a country of international renown must be our closest natural environment: Europe.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak support a process of European construction based on a federal model that guarantees economic, political and social cohesion among all peoples based on a respect for their plurality and their legitimate rights to self-government.

We believe in a multicultural Europe built on the basis of a federalist conception and on the principles of free accession and a respect for all the peoples who form part of it. A socially united Europe open to the establishment of spaces of regional, the state and international cooperation among its peoples.

For this reason, the Basque Government undertakes to continue working on the construction of a Europe in which the Basque Country can express its own identity and personality. In this sense, we will develop the following initiatives, among others:

- Increase our participation in the Institutions of the Union and in community decision- making forums, in an attempt to increase our institutional relations with the European Commission and to have the legitimate right to deal directly with the Courts of the European Union.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Project our presence in the world

- Demand the right of Basque Institutions to a direct presence in the Institutions and bodies of the European Union in order to defend our exclusive powers.

- Promote the official status of the Basque language in the European Union.

- Work for an adequate application of the principle of subsidiarity both in its regional and local dimension.

- Develop adequately the agreements of the Sector Conference of Affairs Relating to the European Union.

- Broaden the scope of the participation of the Basque Country in the Council of Ministers of the European Union.

- Promote our presence in the Regions Committee, fostering with the activity participation of several departments of the Basque Government.

2) Inter-regional and cross-border co-operation

The existence of historical, cultural and linguistic ties as well as common economic, commercial and infrastructure interests between the different Territories which, on both sides of the border, make up Euskal Herria or the Basque People, represent essential factors to bring about the construction of a Basque cross-border Euroregion.

In accordance with this viewpoint, the Basque Government formed by EAJ-PNV, EA and EB- Berdeak propitiate all kinds of initiatives to contribute to strengthening the ties of cross-border co- operation with the institutions of Aquitaine and with the Autonomous Community of Navarre. Moreover, in a parallel fashion, we will provide incentives for our bilateral relations with other European communities and regions in order to increase interregional collaboration and to project the image of the Basque Country in Europe.

Along these lines, we undertake to:

- Promote projects that structure the co-operation between the different Basque Territories and Communities on both sides of the border, in priority areas such as the Basque language, education, transport, industry, agriculture, fisheries, health and culture.

- Promote the setting up of an Inter-institutional Commission of cross-border co-operation, with the participation of the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, with the Regional Council of Aquitaine, the Council of the Atlantic Pyrenees, the Council of Iparralde and the French Government.

- Promote the Basque Country-Aquitaine-Navarre co-operation fund.

- Improve the knowledge of the institutions, associations and citizens of Iparralde about Basque Institutions.

- Promote the activity of the Work Community of the Pyrenees.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Project our presence in the world

- Develop the activities of the group of Regions with Legislative Powers (Red-Leg).

- Increase the actions of the Atlantic Arc Commission, promoting the strategic position of the Regions of the Atlantic Area.

3) The Basque presence abroad

During the last legislature, great efforts were made to promote our foreign policy through the creation of Delegations of the Basque Country in Madrid and in Latin American countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Venezuela with whom we maintain close ties.

In this area, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to:

- Create new Delegations in priority geographical areas for the interests of the Basque Country in Europe and America.

- Develop and extend the co-operation of the Basque Government with international organisations.

- Take an active part in international affairs, taking joint responsibility for the main problems that afflict the world.

- Develop and apply the provisions of the Foreign Policy of the Basque Country.

4) Basque groups throughout the world

Throughout history, generations of Basques travelled abroad, integrating into the societies that received them, but, at the same time, maintaining their original identity. It is precisely the keenness of the Basques to conserve their roots and culture that explains the creation of the Basque Centres in America, especially as of the 19th-century.

The Basque Government has always maintained close links with Basque groups abroad, enhanced by the passing of Law 8/May 27 1994 on Relations with Basque Groups and Centres abroad.

In order to continue this policy of fostering close relations between the Basque Country and Basques living abroad, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to carry out the following measures:

- Establish measures to guarantee the social protection, care and education of those persons who are, from the political viewpoint, Basques and who reside abroad.

- Control the return of persons who are, from the political viewpoint, Basques.

- Provide economic aid for the promotion and dissemination of Basque culture, the training of young people and the maintenance of Basque Centres.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Project our presence in the world

- Create a Basque Immigration Museum and develop a project to recover documents relating to the aforementioned immigration.

5) Solidarity and co-operation

The Basque Country has developed a model of co-operation with links to an integrated conception of human development inspired by the contributions of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The policy developed by EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak has been characterised by its non-profit nature in all initiatives of public co-operation for development, by their attention to questions of gender, by the increase of budgetary resources allocated to humanitarian actions and by the intense level of communication with the organisations that make up the social fabric of co-operation.

Consistent with the work done in the past, we undertake to develop the following initiatives:

- Refer to Parliament within a period of six months counted as of the setting up of the new Government, the Co-operation for Development Law with this same wording as the law that was passed by the Cabinet during the last legislature.

- Orientate our economic aid for co-operation in compliance with the objectives of the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations, increasing the economic resources dedicated by the Basque Country to the co-operation for development, highlighting our Autonomous Community as one of the communities in the Spanish State that has shown the greatest levels of solidarity in these matters.

- Draw up a four-year Co-operation for Development Master Plan to update and evaluate the objectives and priorities of Basque Co-operation in terms of the strategic and economic measures passed by the Delegated Commission for Economic Affairs.

- Put into motion the Registry of Co-operation Entities for Development as a planning tool and to provide co-operation agents with information.

- Strengthen co-operation programmes that include the equality, education, health and sustainable development of underprivileged peoples among their objectives.

- Intensify the participation of the Basque Country in multilateral areas and international organisations that work in the area of human development.

- Create new channels for the coordination of the policy of corporation for development of Basque Public Administrations (Basque Government, Provincial Councils and Municipalities).

- Increase the levels of Basque co-operation in the poorest communities, in areas of conflict, among peoples who suffer violations to their human rights, in geographical areas that find themselves in situations of humanitarian distress and among stateless peoples who have special links with the Basque Country.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS Project our presence in the world

- Re-launch the Basque Council for Corporation, consolidating this as the body through which institutional and social agents take part in public policies of international solidarity.

- Consolidate the image of voluntary aid workers as people with skills and aptitudes in the area of solidarity but also as subjects with their own employment and social rights.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS A modern, efficient government that listens to the needs of its citizens


The aim of public administrations is to satisfy the needs of the population in accordance with the criteria of universality. This requires a dynamic, participative, efficient and effective Administration, which works at the service of society with transparency, objectivity and impartiality.

A modern Administration is an Administration in which its members are integrated, recognised in their own fields and adequately remunerated.

A modern Administration is one that works in accordance with the dictates of quality.

A modern Administration is one that makes use of the opportunities provided by technology, but always in accordance with its requirements. Technology must replace human beings in routine processes in order to allow them to contribute innovative ideas, know-how and added value.

A modern Administration is one that has an overall view of the society it serves.

For this purpose, and continuing the work begun in previous legislatures, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB- Berdeak undertake to adapt the Government's planning instruments constantly in order to ensure the efficiency of the public administration at all times, to establish the financial system at the service of growth and solidarity and, lastly, to favour territorial and municipal unity.

1) Planning the activities of the Government and the structure and organisation of the Administration

The Basque Government has acted in a coherent and ordered manner according to principles such as inter-institutionality and the co-participation of Basque institutions in the planning and execution of public policies, the general and sector-related coordination of the actions of the Government in order to ensure that its programmes are complied with in an integrated manner, to consolidate the culture of the joint planning and co-participation, quality and continuous improvement in the design, planning and coordination of its public policies.

Nevertheless, this legislature represents an ideal opportunity to review critically and adapt the planning and coordination instruments used by the Government to the new forms of government and governance in the light of the surveys undertaken by the European Union (report by the Commission on European Governance, the White Paper on European Governance etc.) and, for this purpose, promote the drafting of a strategic document on Basque Public Governance, of the Strategy based on the Innovation & Evaluation of Public Policies Model in the Public Administration of the Basque Country.

Within the framework of this process of strategic adaptation, and complementary to this, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to:


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS A modern, efficient government that listens to the needs of its citizens

- Integrate the search for consensus and solutions to conflicts in the planning of political processes, strengthening the participation of economic and social agents and of all our citizens in the process of drawing up public policies.

- Perform evaluations of public policies and their execution on a permanent basis as an element of quality and periodic appraisal of the efficiency and effectiveness of their application.

- Apply planning and general coordination processes to the programming in the medium and long-term of policies that affect the distribution of resources.

- Extend general planning to the field of inter-institutional relations, both internally and externally, advancing towards the configuration of a Basque Council of Public Policies as the joint planning and coordination body of public policies, formed by representatives of the Government, the Provincial Councils and Town Halls.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak defend the need to develop our own democratic system and to facilitate the participation of our citizens in public issues. We wish to encourage their commitment to common problems and we believe that it is the responsibility of the Government to foster and stimulate this participation. Thus, in a manner similar to the contents of article 18.5 of the Statutes of Autonomy of Gernika for social policies, we undertake to promote and implement the mechanisms of social and democratic participation of all those interested in the design and planning of all public policies through any inter-institutional forums that may arise from the examination of Basque Public Governance during this legislature.

On the other hand, from a structural and organisational perspective, we also undertake to:

- Adapt the Administration in order to advance towards a type of organisation characterised by a levelling of structures, grouping these according to functional areas with ample contents, the configuration of homogeneous structures, the definition of common management frameworks, the orientation of territorial organisation towards the rendering of services and limiting the creation of autonomous organisational structures.

- Improve the services provided to our citizens from a centralised and multichannel perspective.

- Develop electronic government with the aim of satisfying the needs and expectations of our citizens, by designing new services, providing the necessary support and encouraging its use.

- Continue to promote the new information technologies with the development of new services and electronic applications, the approval of a new strategic plan for online Administration and increasing the presence of the Public Administration on the Internet.

- Introduce a physical, technological and logical network between Basque Public Administrations in order to bring the government closer to our citizens, to ensure the critical mass required in order to develop technological infrastructures and to facilitate the inter- operability and exchange of information between different government bodies.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS A modern, efficient government that listens to the needs of its citizens

2) An efficient policy of human resources

During the last legislature, important actions were taken in this field, such as adapting the lists of job positions to the Law of Rank and Scales, the drafting and implementation of functional analyses within the framework of the lists of job positions, the regulatory development of the Basque Public Service Law relating to staffing positions with civil servants of the Basque Public Administrations, approval of the setting up of the Voluntary Social Welfare Entity for personnel working at the service of the Government of the Economists Community of the Basque Country and of new forms of contracting personnel such as the application of partial retirement schemes through part-time contracts and substitution contracts.

The new challenges of the future will be conditioned by the modernisation of selection and provision processes, training as a key element for professional development, evaluating efficiency and effectiveness in the designation of resources and an equitable treatment of labour relations throughout the Administration and, based on such principles, EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak undertake to develop the following measures:

- Approve a plan to govern training, by developing, after assessing our existing training requirements, any training programmes that the Administration may consider as priority in order to provide our public services more efficiently.

- Approve in a Plan to rationalise and reassign government workers.

- Perform a strategic examination of the dimensioning according to sectors and professional categories of the staff of the General and Institutional Administration of the Community of the Basque Country.

- Examine the scope and contents of the conditions and types of subcontracting or outsourcing of services in different sectors of the Administration and of the payment guarantees and working conditions applicable to subcontracted persons.

- Analyse the progressive ageing of staff working at the service of the Administration and to proceed with the planning and, if appropriate, appraisal of the costs involved in contracting younger personnel.

- Create a General Services Inspection.

- Establish instruments that guarantee the functions of communication, coordination and, if appropriate, decision-making concerning the contents and limits of collective negotiation, in accordance with general criteria established by the Government.

3) A financial system at the service of growth and solidarity

The Basque Country has a self-governing instrument that is fundamental for the development of a tax and financial policy in accordance with its requirements: the Economic Agreement. The tax and financial policy of the Basque Country must be pursued by the Bodies established for this purpose according to the directives of the European Union, but always in accordance with the macroeconomic context of this region and the status of our public finances, in order to secure a


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS A modern, efficient government that listens to the needs of its citizens

rapprochement in the areas of welfare and social protection with the most advanced countries of the European Union.

EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak consider it essential to guarantee, by making use of all the financial instruments available to it, a level of resources sufficient to provide the services required by our citizens, based on an equitable tax system.

To do this, we undertake to develop government measures to meet, in all cases, the following objectives:

- Ensure that the Economic Agreement corresponds fully with the systems in place in the European Union while respecting the generality of the tax systems in operation in the Basque Country. Likewise, within the Spanish State, in view of the latest interpretations made by the courts to limit or deny the capacity of the Basque Country to draw up regulations, it is necessary to defend and, if appropriate, modify the Economic Agreement to enable our institutions to draw up regulations in the field of taxation and to prevent a biased or partial interpretation.

- Overcome the current disagreements with the Spanish State on financial matters, demanding the application of the agreements adopted in 2002 between the Basque and central governments.

- Renew the five-year quota law (2002-2006), to guarantee sufficient levels of resources.

- Make progress, with regard to the powers of the central government, in establishing expenditure and investment commitments in the Basque Country.

- Consolidate a model for the distribution of resources that continues to guarantee the economic solvency of the Basque Public Administrations (the new Contributions Law).

- Promote coordination, harmonisation and collaboration in our dealings with the Institutions of the Basque Provinces in the development of our tax policies.

- Initiate a process of strategic reflection on the current instruments used in the public financial market in order to rationalise and optimise public resources by increasing the soundness of the public financial system of the Basque Country, and on the opportunity of creating a Basque Financial Agency or Institute to bring together and optimise the financial resources of the General and Institutional Administration.

- Review the regulations applicable to Voluntary Social Welfare Entities, increasing their transparency and consolidating the information provided to their partners, enabling them to improve their decision-making procedures in questions of saving-additional welfare, in order to promote the development of these entities and their availability to all Basque citizens.

- Proceed with the legal regulations of credit cooperatives in the Basque Country, given their considerable importance in economic planning and their social dimension.


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS A modern, efficient government that listens to the needs of its citizens

- Put into operation the Basque Tribunal for the Defence of Competition, an organisation which, in accordance with the principles of legal security, independence, transparency and efficiency, will promote free competition and fight against restrictive practices.

4) Territorial and municipal cohesion

Sound organisation and internal cohesion are of vital importance for the self-government of the Basque Country. EAJ-PNV, EA and EB-Berdeak understand that it is necessary to initiate a period of reflection on our model of territorial and institutional organisation in order to attain a higher level of consensus and to guarantee its future development.

To do this, based on the guarantee of a political self-government of the Basque Provinces and local autonomy, we defend the need for everyone to work together in order to improve and adapt the current organisation of Basque institutions, linking the municipal level in a co-ordinated and harmonious manner with the other two institutional levels.

In this sense, we consider that it is necessary to initiate a debate on our model of territorial institutional organisation, in order to promote a greater degree of consensus about this issue and to ensure the existence of greater guarantees to conserve its existence and development in the future and in this sense, we undertake to:

- Review the institutional framework of relations that constitute the Historic Territories Law, once the common political agreements have been defined and in accordance with criteria to improve and modernise their functionality for public policies.

- Clarify and promote public communications at a municipal level, either in agreement with the associations model, or with another model which guarantees in all cases the efficient management of political pluralism.

- Improve the powers of Basque municipalities through sector treatments that will be oriented to the quality more than to quantity of the participation at a municipal level in the preparation of public policies and in the definition of management activities, supported by sufficient levels of resources.

- Separate the debate on municipal institutional organisation from the ambiguous and partial discourse of the so-called "local pact", because we must move forward together in the development of the Basque institutional framework, coordinating and harmonising the work of the municipalities with that of the other two levels: Common & Provincial Institutions. It must be clearly understood that the political, and especially the financial situation of Basque Municipalities is completely different to those of Spanish Municipalities.

- To draw up and approve, based on an ample political consensus, the Municipal Law in the Basque Country in order to articulate institutional cooperation and increase their autonomy and powers at a municipal level, on the basis of self-sufficiency in financial resources.

- Revitalise and regenerate underprivileged urban areas through investments in infrastructures, as well as in urban, social and environmental services, basically through the culmination throughout this legislature of the IZARTU-2 Programme and the Special Inter-institutional


A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS A modern, efficient government that listens to the needs of its citizens

Plan of Economic and Social Investments, whose assessment will establish the advisability of redesigning this programme or pursuing with it as it is.