ÁVADAS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1. ELEKTROS RINKOS 1. REGULATION OF REGULIAVIMAS 4 ELECTRICITY MARKET 4 1.1. Metodiniai klausimai 4 1.1. Methodological Issues 4 1.2. Rinkos prieþiûra 5 1.2. Market Supervision 5 1.3. Kainos 11 1.3. Prices 11 1.4. Elektros perdavimo ir skirstymo ámoniø 1.4. Assessment of Economic Activity of ekonominës veiklos vertinimas 13 Electricity Transmission and Distribution 1.4.1. AB „Lietuvos energija” 13 Companies 13 1.4.2. Skirstomøjø tinklø ámonës 14 1.4.1. Lietuvos energija AB 13 2. GAMTINIØ DUJØ RINKOS 1.4.2. Distribution Companies 14 REGULIAVIMAS 18 2. REGULATION OF THE NATURAL 2.1. Gamtiniø dujø rinka 18 GAS MARKET 18 2.2. Gamtiniø dujø kainos 20 2.1. The Natural Gas Market 18 3. ÐILUMOS ÛKIO REGULIAVIMAS 23 2.2. Natural Gas Prices 20 3.1. Ðilumos ûkio ástatymo ágyvendinimas 23 3. DISTRICT HEAT SECTOR 3.2. Investicijos ir amortizaciniai atskaitymai 26 REGULATION 23 3.3. Ðilumos kainø derinimas ir baziniø 3.1. Implementation of the Law on kainø nustatymas 28 Heat Sector 23 3.4. Ðilumà tiekanèiø bendroviø 3.2. Investments and Depreciation Charges 26 pagrindinës veiklos 2003 metø 3.3. Setting Heat and Base Prices 28 rezultatai 29 3.4. DH Utilities’ Main Activities 2003 29 3.5. Vartotojø interesø gynimas, skundai, 3.5. Consumer rights protection, teisiniai procesai 31 Complaints and Legal Proceedings 31 4. ÁMONIØ LICENCIJAVIMAS IR 4. COMPANY LICENSING AND LICENCIJUOJAMOS VEIKLOS THE CONTROL OF LICENSED KONTROLË 32 ACTIVITIES 32 4.1. Licencijø iðdavimas 32 4.1. License Issue 32 4.1.1. Gamtiniø dujø sektorius 33 4.1.1. Natural gas sector 33 4.1.2. Elektros energetikos sektorius 33 4.1.2. Electricity sector 33 4.1.3. Ðilumos ûkio sektorius 34 4.1.3. Heat sector 34 4.2. Licencijuojamos veiklos kontrolë 36 4.2. Supervision of Licensed Activity 36 4.2.1. Licencijuotø ámoniø prieþiûra 36 4.2.1. Licensed company supervision 36 4.2.2. Licencijuojamos veiklos sàlygø 4.2.2. Fulfilment of the conditions of vykdymas 37 licensed activities 37 4.2.3. Ámoniø finansinës bûklës ávertinimas 37 4.2.3. Financial rating of companies 37 4.2.4. Tiekimo patikimumo ir paslaugø 4.2.4. Ensuring reliability of supply kokybës uþtikrinimas 39 and quality of services 39 5. VANDENS PASLAUGØ 5. ECONOMIC REGULATION OF EKONOMINIS REGULIAVIMAS 41 WATER SERVICES 41 5.1. Vandens paslaugø kainos 43 5.1. Water Prices 43 5.2. Lyginamoji analizë 45 5.2. Benchmarking 45 6. TRANSPORTO TARIFØ 6. THE SETTING OF TRANSPORT DERINIMAS 49 TARRIFS 49 6.1. Keleiviø veþimo rinka 49 6.1. The Passenger Transport Market 49 6.2. Keliø transportas 50 6.2. Road Transport 50 6.3. Autobusø stotys 51 6.3. Bus Stations 51 6.4. Vidaus vandenø transportas 52 6.4. Inland Water Transport 52 7. INFORMACINË VEIKLA 53 7. PUBLIC AWARENESS-RAISING 8. SKUNDØ NAGRINËJIMO INITIATIVES 53 TEISINIS ASPEKTAS 54 8. LEGAL ASPECT OF COMPLAINT 9. TARPTAUTINIS INVESTIGATIONS 54 BENDRADARBIAVIMAS 9. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IR KVALIFIKACIJOS KËLIMAS 55 AND SKILLS UPGRADING 55 10. PERSONALO MOKYMAS 56 10. STAFF TRAINING 56 ÁVADAS INTRODUCTION

2003 metais visose Lietuvos energetikos ðakose to- In 2003 further changes took place in all of the energy liau vyko permainos: buvo ágyvendinami liberalià rinkà sectors in , including the implementation of reglamentavæ ðakiniai ástatymai, átvirtinami rinkos laws regulating the liberalisation of the energy market, santykiai, stiprëjo privataus kapitalo dalyvavimas. the enforcement of market relationships, and the streng- Ðios permainos iðkëlë naujas uþduotis Komisijai - thening of participation of private capital investment. ágyvendinant Elektros energetikos, Gamtiniø dujø ir These changes set new tasks for the Commission, Ðilumos ûkio ástatymus bei juos lydinèius poástaty- including the supervision of the emerging markets and minius dokumentus, priþiûrëti beatsiverianèias rin- the learning of how to work with the new owners of kas, mokytis dirbti su naujais, privatizuotø ar iðnuo- privatised or leased companies in implementing the motø ámoniø savininkais. Law on Electricity, the Law on Natural Gas, the Law on Heat Sector, and their secondary legislation. 2003 m. vasarà Vyriausybë nusprendë parduoti vi- sas jai priklausanèias elektros skirstomøjø tinklø ak- In the summer of 2003 the Lithuanian government laun- cijas, skelbdama vieðà pardavimo konkursà. Iki me- ched an open tender with the intention of selling its tø pabaigos 77 proc. valstybei nuosavybës teise entire portfolio of electricity distribution network sha- priklausanèiø AB ¥Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” akcijø res. By the end of the year, 77 percent of the state- buvo sëkmingai parduota (uþ kainà, gerokai virðiju- owned shares of the company Vakarø Skirstomieji Tin- sià pradinæ 359 mln. litø kainà) Lietuvos kompanijai klai AB were in private hands (for a price that conside- ¥NDX Energija”. AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai privati- rably exceeded the initial price of 359Lt million) of the zacija ástrigo, nes paskutiniu momentu ið konkurso Lithuanian company NDX Energija. Privatisation of the pasitraukus Vokietijos energetikos milþinei ¥E.ON company Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB was interrupted energie”, liko tik vienas pretendentas - Estijos ener- over numerous doubts as to the suitability of the sole getikos monopolistë ¥Eesti energia”, dël kurios tin- candidate buyer, the Estonian energy monopoly Eesti kamumo kilo ávairiø abejoniø. Energia which remained the only bidder after the sud- den withdrawal of the German energy giant E.ON Ener- Privatizacijos proceso metu Komisija sulaukë ne- gie from the tender at the very last moment. maþai gana kontraversiðkø pastabø dël jos taiko- mø kainodaros principø. Ávertinusi ávairiø uþsienio During the privatisation process the Commission re- konsultantø, ekspertø ir specialistø pastabas, Ko- ceived many controversial remarks concerning the misija pateikë siûlymus, kaip pataisyti galiojanèià price-setting principles it applied. In view of obser- elektros energijos perdavimo ir skirstymo paslaugø vations made by a number of foreign consultants, virðutiniø ribø nustatymo metodikà. Ðios pataisos, experts and specialists, the Commission came up ávertinus ðalies energetikos ámoniø, kitø suintere- with a series of proposals on how to amend the ap- suotø ðaliø pastabas, turëtø bûti priimtos 2004 m. plicable methodology of setting the price caps for pavasará, o po to prasidës virðutiniø kainø ribø nau- electric energy transmission and distribution servi- jam 2005-2007 metø laikotarpiui skaièiavimas, jø ap- ces. The adoption of these amendments, in conside- tarimas ir tvirtinimas. ration of the observations provided by the country’s energy companies and other interested parties, is Privatizacija toliau vyko ir gamtiniø dujø sektoriuje. Po planned to take place in the spring of 2004, to be ilgø derybø pagaliau buvo sutarta su Rusijos kompa- followed by the calculation, deliberation and appro- nija ¥Gazprom” dël 34 proc. akcijø pardavimo. Tiki- val of price caps for the new period of 2005-2007. masi, kad atëjus á Lietuvos gamtiniø dujø rinkà ðiai Privatisation also continued in the natural gas sector. Rusijos ámonei, sumenks dujø prekybos tarpininkas After prolonged negotiations, an agreement was finally AB ¥Dujotekana”, kuri iki ðiol dominavo rinkoje. Pikt- reached with the Russian company Gazprom on the naudþiaudama dominuojanèia padëtimi (AB ¥Lietuvos sales of 34 percent of shares. The entry of this Russian dujos” turi dujø kvotà, kurios net nepakanka reguliuo- company into the natural gas market is expected to jamiesiems vartotojams aprûpinti) AB ¥Dujotekana”, weaken the position of Dujotekana AB, the natural gas pasinaudojusi tuo, kad Vyriausybë atðaukë savo nu- supply company, which has dominated the market up tarimà, kuriuo buvo reguliuojamos dujø tiekimo kai- until now. Dujotekana AB, in abuse of its dominant po- nos laisviesiems vartotojams, 2003 m. antràjá pusme- sition (Lietuvos Dujos AB has the quota of natural gas tá nustatë dujø pardavimo laisviesiems vartotojams which is not sufficient for supplying the eligible custo- kainà, virðijanèià AB ¥Gazprom” nustatytà pardavimo mers) and by taking advantage of the government’s kainà net 30 proc! Todël susiklostë rinkà iðkraipanti revoked decision which regulated the supply of natural padëtis: stambieji dujø vartotojai mokëjo uþ gamtines gas to eligible customers, in the second half of 2003 dujas daugiau nei smulkieji vartotojai, kuriems dujas fixed the sales price of natural gas for eligible custo- reguliuojamomis kainomis tiekë AB ¥Lietuvos dujos”. mers which exceeded the sales price set by Gazprom- AB ¥Lietuvos dujos” dirbo gana sëkmingai, didindama by 30 percent! This resulted in a distortion of the mar- veiklos efektyvumà, maþindama sànaudas, o dël do- ket. Large gas customers paid more for natural gas

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 1 than small customers supplied with natural gas by Lie- tuvos Dujos AB at regulated prices. Lietuvos Dujos AB operated profitably enough, incre- asing efficiency and reducing costs, while the price of natural gas purchased from Russia gradually decrea- sed as a result of the drop in the US dollar exchange rate. In view of the above, the Commission has lowe- red the price of natural gas for the third time. The successful restructuring of the electricity and na- tural gas sectors and the enforcement of market rela- tions create solid preconditions for the implementa- tion of the new Electricity and Gas Directives of the European Parliament and Council of June 26, 2003, providing a complete liberalisation of the electricity and gas markets, and promoting regional market de- velopment and cross-border trade. On May 20, 2003, after a year of discussions in the Lithu- lerio kurso kritimo palaipsniui maþëjo ir ið Rusijos per- anian parliament, the Law on Heat Sector was at last kamø dujø kaina. Todël reguliuojamiesiems gamtiniø du- passed. This law establishes the legal basis for district jø vartotojams Komisija jau tris kartus ið eilës (kartà per heat supply, which is of major importance to a great ma- pusæ metø) patvirtino maþesnes dujø kainas. jority of the population of the country (heating and hot Sëkminga elektros energetikos ir gamtiniø dujø re- water bills accounting for the bulk of urban residents’ struktûrizacija, rinkos santykiø diegimas sudaro tvir- spending on utility services during the winter). The law tas prielaidas ádiegti Europos Parlamento ir Europos enforced competition in the field of heat generation. The Tarybos 2003 m. birþelio 26 d. priimtas naujas Elek- cheaper heat of an independent producer must be pur- tros ir Dujø direktyvas, kurios numato visiðkà elek- chased by the owner or operator of monopolistic district tros ir dujø liberalizacijà, skatina regioninæ rinkos plët- heating systems. For accounting purposes this law also rà, tarpvalstybinius mainus. requires a distinction to be made between each indivi- dual activity (heat generation, transmission, sales, and Po visus metus trukusiø diskusijø Seime 2003 m. ge- the supply of hot water). This improves cost transparen- guþës 20 d. pagaliau buvo priimtas Ðilumos ûkio ásta- cy, informing customers about the real prices of heat tymas. Ðis ástatymas padëjo teisinius pagrindus dau- generation, supply and transmission, and providing gui- gumai ðalies gyventojø labai svarbiam centralizuotam dance to independent heat producers as to what price ðilumos tiekimui (sàskaitos uþ centralizuotà ðildymà ir can compete in the market. The Law on Heat Sector de- karðtà vandená sudaro didþiàjà dalá miestieèiø iðlaidø fines the supply of hot water as a competitive activity komunalinëms paslaugoms ðildymo sezono metu). and as such the customer can choose a supplier at will. Ástatymas áteisino konkurencijà ðilumos gamyboje: ne- Unfortunately, as a result of the existing loopholes in the priklausomo gamintojo pigesnæ ðilumà privalo supirk- laws defining the activities of the associations of the ow- ti monopoliniø ðilumos tinklø savininkas ar operato- ners of blocks of flats, the out-of-date accounting rules rius. Reikalaujama atskirti (buhalteriðkai) veiklas: ðilu- and unregulated water sector, hot water supply is turning mos gamybà, perdavimà ir jos pardavimà bei karðto into an activity nobody wants to engage in. vandens tiekimà. Taip iðskaidrinamos atskirø veiklø sànaudos, vartotojas þino, kiek kainuoja ðilumos ga- In implementing the Law on Heat Sector, the Commis- myba, jos tiekimas ir perdavimas, o nepriklausomas sion has developed and approved the new Methodolo- ðilumos gamintojas gali orientuotis, su kokia ðilumos gy for Setting the Prices of District Heat and Hot Water, kaina gali konkuruoti rinkoje. Karðto vandens tiekimas according to which the Commission sets the basic pri- Ðilumos ûkio ástatyme reglamentuojamas kaip konku- ces for the period of three to five years, and heat compa- rencinë veikla, kai vartotojas gali pasirinkti karðto van- nies recalculate the prices on an annual basis according dens tiekëjà. Deja, dël netobulø ástatymø, apibrëþian- to an approved formulae. In practice, for all companies èiø daugiabuèiø namø bendrijø veiklà, pasenusiø ap- these set prices were lower than those applied previous- skaitos taisykliø, nereglamentuotos vandens ûkio prie- ly, thus heat prices not only stabilised they also began to þiûros, karðto vandens tiekimas tampa veikla, kurios decrease. This was achieved not only by keeping natu- niekas nenori imtis. ral gas prices stable but also because of efforts made by the companies themselves to increase efficiency by Ágyvendindama Ðilumos ûkio ástatymà, Komisija pa- reducing fixed costs and use cheaper local fuel. rengë ir patvirtino naujà Centralizuotai tiekiamos ðilu- mos ir karðto vandens kainø nustatymo metodikà, In addition, the new Law on Heat Sector assigned addi- pagal kurià Komisija nustato ilgalaikes bazines kai- tional tasks to the Commission, including the issuance nas 3-5 metø laikotarpiui, o ðilumos ámonës kasmet of licenses to all district heat companies which annually jas perskaièiuoja pagal patvirtintas formules. Prak- supply customers with more than 5GWh of heat, the

annual report, 2003 2 tiðkai visoms ámonëms, kurioms nustatytos bazinës control over activities of such companies, the coordina- kainos, ðios kainos maþesnës nei prieð tai buvusios - tion of investment projects, the settlement of disputes taigi ðilumos kainos ne tik stabilizavosi, bet ir pra- concerning the purchasing of heat from independent dëjo maþëti. Tai nulëmë ne tik stabilios gamtiniø du- producers, and the provision of recommendations on jø kainos, taèiau ir paèiø ámoniø pastangos didinti how to allocate the quantities of heat for billing purpo- efektyvumà maþinant pastoviàsias sànaudas, taip ses among residential customers in blocks of flats, etc. pat perëjimas prie pigesnio vietinio kuro. Unfortunately, the drafting of the Law on Water Sector Naujasis Ðilumos ûkio ástatymas iðkëlë Komisijai ir was delayed. This Law is necessary not only for regula- papildomø uþduoèiø - licencijuoti visas ðilumos ámo- ting the activities of water supply, wastewater disposal nes, per metus patiekianèias vartotojams daugiau and treatment, but also for the implementation of the nei 5 GWh ðilumos, kontroliuoti ðiø ámoniø veiklà, de- Law on Heat Sector. It seems the government has some rinti investicijø projektus, spræsti ginèus dël ðilumos difficulty in reaching an agreement with municipalities on supirkimo ið nepriklausomø gamintojø, teikti reko- merging water companies. This might help to address mendacijas, kaip paskirstyti ðilumos kieká apmokë- many long-term problems: small companies are inca- jimui tarp daugiabuèiø namø vartotojø ir t.t. pable of maintaining the required level of services, rene- wing and modernising their equipment, absorbing large Gaila, kad uþtruko Vandens ûkio ástatymo rengimas. investments, and their service prices keep growing from Ðis ástatymas bûtinas ne tik vandens tiekimo, nuo- year-to-year. In order to stabilise small business invest- tekø ðalinimo ir valymo veikloms reglamentuoti, bet ments, which in some cases are not very well grounded, ir Ðilumos ûkio ástatymui ágyvendinti. Atrodo, kad the government recommended that the Commission Vyriausybei labai sunku susitarti su savivaldybë- should also participate in the discussions concerning mis dël vandens ámoniø stambinimo, kuris padëtø the substantiation of investments. This is one more im- iðspræsti daugelá ásisenëjusiø problemø: smulkios portant task that the Commission has been charged with. ámonës nepajëgios iðlaikyti pakankamà paslaugø lygá, atnaujinti ir modernizuoti árangà, ásisavinti ne- Exercising control over the activities of licensed electri- maþas investicijas á nuotekø valymà, o jø paslaugø city, natural gas and heat companies, the Commission kainos kasmet auga. Siekdama kiek stabilizuoti kar- does not limit itself to the analysis of the indicators pro- tais nepamatuotas maþø ámoniø investicijas, Vyriau- vided in their reports, and is gradually introducing qua- sybë rekomendavo, kad investicijø pagrástumà nag- lity requirements. The requirements for the quality of rinëtø ir Komisija - tai dar viena svarbi nauja uþduo- services laid down by customers are continuously gro- tis Komisijai. wing, and customers are dissatisfied with supply inter- ruptions, prolonged repairs, bureaucratic obstacles in Kontroliuodama licencijuotø elektros, gamtiniø dujø connecting to the networks, etc. To this end the Com- ir ðilumos ámoniø veiklà, Komisija neapsiriboja tik jø mission has undertaken to commence the monitoring ataskaitiniø rodikliø nagrinëjimu, bet ir palaipsniui áve- of the quality of services (initially in electricity distribu- da kokybës reikalavimus. Vartotojai taip pat reikalauja tion companies, and later on in other energy compa- aukðtesnës kokybës paslaugø, jø netenkina tiekimo nies and branches), to be followed by the subsequent pertrûkiai, ilgai trunkantys remontai, biurokratinës kliû- approval of quality standards the implementation of tys prisijungiant prie tinklø ir pan. Todël Komisija pra- which will be supervised by the Commission. deda paslaugø kokybës monitoringà (ið pradþiø elek- tros skirstomøjø tinklø ámoniø, o paskui ir kitø ámoniø The Commission received great support from Italian bei kitø energetikos ðakø), vëliau bus patvirtinti ko- experts working under the European Union Phare Twin- kybës standartai, o jø laikymàsi priþiûrës Komisija. ning Programme. At this important stage, when the Lithuanian national legislation is being harmonised Komisijai nemaþai padëjo jà konsultavæ italø eksper- with EU directives, the staff of the Commission had a tai, dirbantys pagal Europos Sàjungos Phare Dvyniø good chance to get acquainted with the subtleties of programà. Ðiuo labai svarbiu momentu, kai Lietuvos the EU energy regulation, to learn from the experien- ástatymai derinami su ES direktyvomis, Komisijos dar- ce of the countries which had already completed the buotojai gavo puikià progà pasigilinti á ES energeti- liberalisation of their energy markets and also to re- kos reguliavimo subtilybes, pasimokyti ið ðaliø, libe- view the existing methods, regulations and the stra- ralizavusiø energetikos rinkas, patirties, perþiûrëti tu- tegies applied to the Commission’s work. rimas metodikas, taisykles, savo darbo strategijà. Unfortunately, the Commission’s action plans are heavi- Gaila, kad Komisijos veiklos planus labai varþo biudþeti- ly restricted by budgetary constraints. Despite new tasks nis finansavimas. Nepaisant naujø uþduoèiø, iðkeltø Ði- provided for in the Law on Heat Sector, the necessity to lumos ûkio ástatyme, bûtinumo ágyvendinti Europos Sà- implement the European Union directives and the impor- jungos direktyvas, ásijungimo á ES energetikos regu- tance of joining the EU energy regulatory authorities, the liuotojø institucijas svarbos, Komisija vël gavo nepa- Commission has again received insufficient financing (the kankamà finansavimà (vien Europos energetikos regu- annual membership fee in the European Energy Regula- liuotojø tarybos nario metinis mokestis sudaro 15,3 tûkst. tors Council is 15,300, whereas the Seimas allocated eurø - o Seimas skyrë tik 40 tûkst. litø, kuriø dalá dar only 40,000Lt, and part of this amount should be used reikës iðleisti komandiruotëms á Briuselá). for financing business trips to Brussels). veiklos ataskaita, 2003 3 1 ELEKTROS RINKOS REGULATION REGULIAVIMAS OF ELECTRICITY MARKET


2003 metai buvo antrieji liberalios elektros rinkos The year 2003 was the second of liberalistation within the ágyvendinimo metai. Reguliuojamø kainø metodi- market. Methodologies for regulating prices applied to the kos, pagal kurias buvo nustatytos virðutinës kai- setting of price caps for the years 2002-2004 were appro- nø ribos 2002-2004 metams, buvo patvirtintos 2001 ved at the end of 2001, i.e. before the reorganisation of metø pabaigoje, t.y. dar prieð elektros energeti- the electricity sector, and therefore they apply to the com- kos sektoriaus reorganizavimà, todël tik ið dalies petitive market to a certain extent only. As early as 2002, tinka konkurencinei rinkai. Jau 2002 metais, atsi- in view of developing electricity market relationships, þvelgus á elektros energijos rinkoje besiformuojan- amendments were made to the Price Regulation Proce- èius santykius, buvo patikslinta Balansavimo ener- dure of the Balancing Energy and the Methodology of gijos kainos reguliavimo tvarka ir Elektros energi- the Calculation of Sales Volumes and Price of Electricity jos, superkamos pagal ápareigojimà teikti vieðuo- Purchased according to the Public Service Obligation. sius interesus atitinkanèias paslaugas, pardavimo In June 2003 the European Parliament and Council adop- apimèiø ir kainos skaièiavimo metodika. ted the new Directive 2003/54/EC concerning common 2003 m. birþelio mënesá Europos Parlamentas ir rules for the domestic electricity market, the provisions Taryba priëmë naujà direktyvà dël elektros energi- of which Lithuania must implement upon accession to jos vidaus rinkos bendrøjø taisykliø, kurios nuo- the European Union. Therefore, with a view to coordina- statas Lietuvai privalu bus ágyvendinti ástojus á Eu- ting the principles of the competitive market within the ropos Sàjungà. Todël norint suderinti konkurenci- existing electric energy structure, the EU Acquis and nius rinkos dësnius su esama elektros energeti- applicable practices should be taken into consideration kos struktûra, turi bûti atsiþvelgiama ir á Europos in order to establish more effective market relations. ðaliø teisës aktus bei taikomà praktikà, ágyvendi- During last year’s privatisation of the electicity distri- nant efektyvesnius rinkos santykius. bution networks, potential buyers and public authori- Praëjusiais metais, vykstant elektros energijos skirs- ties engaged in privatisation paid special attention tomøjø tinklø privatizavimui, elektros energijos kai- to the methodological principles of the calculation of nos skaièiavimo metodiniai principai susilaukë ið- the price of electricity. skirtinio dëmesio ið potencialiø pirkëjø ir ið privati- Having considered the many proposals and recom- zavimà vykdanèiø valstybës institucijø. mendations provided by the advisors who consulted Ávertinus ávairius pasiûlymus ir valstybës instituci- the public authorities responsible for revising the le- jas konsultavusiø patarëjø, atlikusiø teisinës ir re- gal and regulatory structure of the electricity sector in guliavimo struktûros Lietuvos elektros sektoriuje ap- Lithuania, amendments to the relevant price calcula- þvalgà, rekomendacijas, buvo parengti galiojanèiø tion methods were implemented. In October 2003 the kainø skaièiavimo metodikø patikslinimai. Pirmieji regulatory authorities of the energy sector and energy ðiø metodikø pakeitimø dokumentai 2003 m. spalio companies were provided with the first documents con- mënesá buvo pateikti aptarti elektros energetikos cerning amendments to these methodologies to be sektoriø reguliuojanèioms institucijoms bei energe- considered. The privatisation process has slightly de- tikos ámonëms. Dël privatizacijos svarstymas kiek layed deliberation, but the adoption of the amendments uþtruko, taèiau pakeitimus bei patikslinimus planuo- and supplements is planned for the first half of 2004. jama priimti 2004 metø pirmojoje pusëje. One of the essential methodological proposals under Vienas ið esminiø svarstomø metodiniø siûlymø yra discussion at present is defined in the Regulations for apibrëþti perdavimo ir skirstomøjø tinklø ámoniø bei Calculating the Earnings of Transmission and Distri- visuomeniniø tiekëjø pelno skaièiavimà, naudojant bution Companies and Public Suppliers Using the svertiniø vidutiniø kapitalo kaðtø (WACC) modelá. Weighted Average Capital Costs (WACC) Model. Ac- Pagal ðá principà kapitalo gràþa, ávertinanti palû- cording to this principle, the return on capital, in consi- kanø, ámonës ir rinkos rizikos rodiklius, bûtø skai- deration of interest, company and market risk indica- èiuojama nuo nuosavo ir skolinto kapitalo. Ðis me- tors, should be calculated from ownership and borro- todas taikomas daugelyje ðaliø, nors ir sudëtin- wed capital. Although more complicated, this method gesnis, bet yra tikslesnis, skaidresnis. Pagrindi- - already in use in many other countries - is more pre- nis skirtumas nuo anksèiau taikomo modelio bûtø cise and transparent. The main difference from the tas, kad bazë, nuo kurios skaièiuojama pelno nor- previously applied model is that earnings are calcula- ma, bûtø ne ástatinis (akcinis) kapitalas, bet regu- ted not on the basis of authorised (share) capital, but

annual report, 2003 4 liuojamos veiklos turtas ar naudojamas kapitalas, on assets or employed capital of the regulated activi- t.y. akcininkø nuosavybë ir skoliniai ásipareigoji- ties, i.e. the shareholders’equityy and debt liabilities mai, uþ kuriuos mokamos palûkanos. subject to the payment of interest. Taip pat parengti siûlymai, patikslinantys pelno ko- In addition, proposals have been developed to update regavimo pagal maksimalias jo ribas mechanizmà, the earnings adjustment mechanism according to its kad kainø virðutinës ribos (¥kepurës”) taikymo prin- maximum limit, so that the principle of the application cipas labiau skatintø ámones didinti efektyvumà, ypaè of the upper limit of price capping encourages compa- kai jos tampa privataus kapitalo kompanijomis. Tai nies to become more efficient, especially after they pri- aktualu siekiant ateityje iðvengti energetikos ámoniø vatise. This will be important in the future to prevent the savininkø siekiø gauti pelnà, bûtinø remontø ir inves- owners of energy companies from earning profits at the ticijø bei elektros tiekimo paslaugø kokybës sàskai- expense of the quality of necessary repairs, investments ta. Numatoma elektros kainoje ávertinti elektros ener- and electricity supply services. In addition, the calcula- gijos tiekimo bei paslaugø kokybës reikalavimø uþ- tion of the electricity price is predicted to be carried out tikrinimà. Realiai pritaikyti kokybës koeficiento átakà in consideration of the implementation of the quality re- elektros energijos kainai bus galima surinkus ið ið quirements established for electricity supply and servi- ámoniø ir ávertinus keleriø metø duomenis. ces. The complete adaptation of the quality coefficient effects on the price of electricity will be possible only Be minëtø elektros energijos kainø skaièiavimo me- after data has been collected and anilysed from com- todikø pakeitimø planuojama patikslinti ir tiksliau api- panies over a number of years. brëþti koeficientus, ávertinanèius elektros energijos pirkimo sànaudø pokyèius bei veiklos efektyvumà, In addition to these amendments the adjustment and ávesti papildomas duomenø pateikimo formas, sie- more precise definition of the coefficients reflecting the kiant tiksliau nustatyti bei kontroliuoti elektros tarifø changes in electricity purchasing costs and operating dydþius ir jø taikymà ávairioms vartotojø grupëms. efficiency, as well as the introduction of additional forms Tai neturëtø pareikalauti ypaè sudëtingø skaièiavimø of data submission, is prredicted to ensure a more ac- ar sànaudø padidëjimo. curate setting and control of amounts of electricity ta- riffs and their application to different customer groups. 1.2. RINKOS PRIEÞIÛRA These measures should not give rise to particularly sop- histicated calculations or to an increase in costs. Antraisiais elektros ûkio reformos metais rinkos san- tykiai, nors jau ir ne taip verþliai, plëtësi toliau. 1.2. MARKET SUPERVISION Laisvøjø vartotojø skaièius padidëjo nuo 12 iki 25, o jø elektros energijos suvartojimas nuo viso su- During the second year of electricity sector reform, mar- vartojimo ðalyje sudarë atitinkamai 20 proc. ir 23 ket relations continued to develop, albeit at a slightly proc. 2003 metais elektros energijos tiekimà ið ne- slower pace. The number of eligible customers grew from priklausomø tiekëjø pasirinko beveik tiek pat var- 12 to 25, and their electricity consumption relative to the totojø, kaip ir 2002 metais, ir jie uþëmë 17 proc. total consumption of the country accounted for 20 and elektros pardavimø rinkos. 2004 metams laisvai- 23 percent respectively. In 2003 the number of custo- siais vartotojais, kurie praëjusiais metais energi- mers who chose services provided by independent elec- jos suvartojo daugiau nei 3 mln. kWh, paskelbti tricity suppliers was almost the same as in 2002, ac- 28 vartotojai ir prognozuojama, kad rinkos atvëri- counting for 17 percent of the electricity sales market. mo laipsnis sudarys 25 proc., ávertinus elektros Twenty-eight customers, who consumed more than 3kWh energijos suvartojimo padidëjimà. Tai rodo, kad var- million of electricity last year were granted eligible cus- totojams, gaunantiems elektros energijà ið aukð- tomer status for 2004. Given the growth in electricity con- tos átampos tinklø, labiau apsimoka keisti elektros sumption, the opening of the market is forecasted at 25 energijos tiekëjà nei tiems, kuriø árenginiai prijung- percent. It shows that customers supplied with electrici- ti prie vidutinës ar þemos átampos tinklø. Taip yra ty from high voltage networks benefit more from selec- todël, kad visuomeniniø tiekëjø vartotojams taiko- ting another electricity supplier than those customers who- mi elektros tarifai buvo maþesni nei jie galëtø bûti se equipment is connected to medium or low voltage ir neapsimokëjo rinktis nepriklausomø tiekëjø. networks. This can be explained by the fact that electri- city tariffs applied to customers of public suppliers were 2003 metais elektros rinkoje dël þemesniø uþ virðu- lower than they could be and, therefore, the selection of tinæ kainø ribà taikomø visuomeniniø tarifø bei dël independent suppliers was not useful for them. ið dalies monopolinës elektros energetikos struktû- ros, kuri sàlygoja nepakankamà konkurencingø da- In 2003 the number of electricity market participants lyviø skaièiø, rinkos santykiais naudojosi ribotas rin- was limited due to the applicable public tariffs lower kos dalyviø skaièius. Koks jis buvo 2003 metais, than the price caps and the partially monopolistic struc- pavaizduota 1 lentelëje. Siekis plësti rinkos santy- ture of the electricity sector resulting in an insufficient kius ir skatinti konkurencijà tarp Baltijos ðaliø taip number of competitive market players. The number of pat kol kas nerealus, nes kaimyninëse ðalyse elek- market players in 2003 is shown in Table 1. Attempts tros ûkio reforma þengia pirmuosius þingsnius. Ben- to develop market relations and foster competition bet- veiklos ataskaita, 2003 5 1 lentelë. Galimas ir veikianèiø elektros rinkos dalyviø skaièius Table 1. Potential and actual market players

Eil. Rinkos Galimas rinkos Veikianèiø rinkos Nr. dalyviai dalyviø skaièius, m. dalyviø skaièius Seq. Market Number of potential Number of actual No. players market players market players 2002 2003 2002 2003

Laisvieji elektros energijos vartotojai 1. 25 6 6 Eligible customers 12 Pagrindiniai elektros energijos gamintojai 2. 8 6 8 Main electricity producers 8 Perdavimo tinklø operatorius 3. 1 1 1 Transmission network operator 1 Skirstomøjø tinklø operatorius (neáskaitant vietiniø ST) 4. 2 2 2 Distribution network operator 2 (excluding local DN) Elektros energijos tiekëjai 5. 21 4 8 Electricity suppliers 20 Visuomeniniai tiekëjai (áskaitant vietinius ST) 5.1. 7 2* 3* Public suppliers (including local DN) 7 Nepriklausomi tiekëjai 5.2. 14 2 5 Independent suppliers 13 Ið viso: 6. 49 19 25 Total 35 * Visuomeniniai tiekëjai, sudaræ elektros tiekimo sutartis su nepriklausomais tiekëjais ar gamintojais. * Public suppliers who have concluded electricity supply agreements with independent suppliers or producers

dra Baltijos elektros rinka irgi nebûtø pakankamai ween the Baltic States is hardly possible at present didelë, kad konkurencija taptø efektyvi, taèiau, be because electricity sector reform in neighbouring coun- abejo, prisidëtø prie rinkos santykiø plëtros. Arti- tries is just making its first steps. A single pan-Baltic miausiu laiku konkurencinius santykius paspartinti electricity market would also be too small for guaran- ir lemti didesná rinkos þaidëjø skaièiø gali pokyèiai, teeing effective competition. Nevertheless, it would un- skatinantys vartotojus efektyviau vartoti elektros doubtedly facilitate the development of market rela- energijà bei naujø nuostatø, susijusiø su integracija tions. The changes encouraging customers to use elec- á Europos Sàjungà, ágyvendinimas. tricity more effectively, and the implementation of new provisions related with EU integration are likely to speed Prekyba elektros energija aukcione vyko ramiau nei up competitive relations and increase the number of pirmaisiais jo veikimo metais ir faktiðkai atspindëjo market players in the immediate future. konkurencines gamintojø galimybes. Nuo geguþës mënesio aukcione prekiavo tik valstybës ámonë Ig- Electricity sales at auction weren’t quite as turbulent nalinos atominë elektrinë, kuri ir patiekë 95 proc. compared with the previous year, and reflected the ac- papildomos elektros energijos per 2003 metus. Jos tual competitive opportunities of producers. Since May monopolinë padëtis ir aukcione, ir ðalies tiekimo rin- the sole participant who sold electricity in auction was koje akivaizdi. (1 pav.) Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant which supplied an addi- tional 95 percent of electricity in 2003. Ignalina NPP Praëjusiais metais aukcione, daugiausia dalyvaujant undoubtedly occupies the monopolistic position in the VÁ Ignalinos atominë elektrinë, 3 proc. maþesnë bu- auction as well as in the country’s market. (Figure 1) vo vidutinë papildomos elektros energijos kaina. (2 pav.) Since the Ignalina NPP was the most active paricipant in the auction, the price for additional quantities of Per pirmuosius elektros ûkio reformos metus rinkos electricity was three percent lower. (Figure 2) dalyviams ávertinus elektros energijos rûðiø kitimo pobûdá, jau antraisiais metais kontraktinës ir papildomos Since market players evaluated the nature of the energijos pirkimas tapo nuoseklesnis. Beje, daugiau changes of the types of electricity taking place in the elektros energijos buvo perkama pagal tiesiogines first year of the electricity sector reform, purchases of sutartis su laisvai pasirinktais gamintojais. Perkamos contractual and additional quantities of electricity be- kontraktinës elektros energijos kiekis 2003 metais pagal came more consistent in the second year of the reform. prekybos elektros energija taisykles galëjo sudaryti iki Moreover, larger quantities of electricity were purchased

annual report, 2003 6 1 pav. Gamintojø parduodamos elektros energijos dalis aukcione 2002 ir 2003 metais Figure 1. Share of electricity sold at auction by producers 2002 and 2003




40 Dalis, % / Share,


0 Liepa / July Liepa / July Birþelis / June Birþelis / June Geguþë / May Geguþë / May Kovas / March Balandis / April Spalis / October Spalis / October Rugpjûtis / August Rugpjûtis / August Vasaris / February Gruodis / December Gruodis / December Lapkritis / November Lapkritis / November Rugsëjis / September Rugsëjis / September 2002 m. Balandis / April 2003 m. Sausis / January VÁ Ignalinos atominë elektrinë AB “Vilniaus energija” Ignalina NPP Vilniaus energija AB AB Lietuvos elektrinë AB “ Kauno energija” Lietuvos elektrinë AB Kauno energija AB

70 proc. visos rinkos dalyviø nupirktos elektros according to direct contracts concluded with freely se- energijos. 2002 metais kontraktinës elektros energijos lected producers. In 2003, the quantity of purchased apimtys sudarë 43 proc. Dël to atitinkamai sumaþëjo contractual electricity according to the Electricity Trad- aukcione perkamos elektros energijos kiekis. ing Rules made up almost 70 percent of the total elec- Nors valandinë prekyba dar nevyksta tarp visø tricity purchased by the market players. In 2002 the rinkos dalyviø, kas sàlygotø galutiná rinkos santykiø quantities of contractual electricity comprised some 43

2 pav. Aukciono kainos kitimas 2002 ir 2003 metais Figure 2. Auction price development 2002 and 2003

8,2 7,95 7,97 8,0 7,8 7,76 7,75 7,66 7,6 7,46 7,47 7,39 7,46 7,22 7,36 7,38 7,35 7,4 7,11 7,10 7,12 7,08 7,2 7,02 7,03 7,05 7,0 6,92 6,88 6,92 6,8 Kaina, ct/kWh / Price, 6,6 6,4 6,2 Liepa / July Liepa / July Birþelis / June Birþelis / June Geguþë / May Geguþë / May Kovas / March Balandis / April Spalis / October Spalis / October Rugpjûtis / August Rugpjûtis / August Vasaris / February Gruodis / December Gruodis / December Lapkritis / November Lapkritis / November Rugsëjis / September Rugsëjis / September 2002 m. Balandis / April 2003 m. Sausis / January Papildomos elektros energijos kaina (aukciono kaina) Vidutinë kaina Additionally supplied energy price (auction price) Average price

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 7 3 pav. Rinkos dalyviø nupirktos elektros energijos pasiskirstymas pagal rûðis 2002 ir 2003 m. Figure 3. Electric energy distributiuon purchased by market participants by type 2002-2003








Kiekis, mln. kWh / Quantity mln./kWh 300



0 Liepa / July Liepa / July Birþelis / June Birþelis / June Geguþë / May Geguþë / May Kovas / March Balandis / April Spalis / October Spalis / October Rugpjûtis / August Rugpjûtis / August Vasaris / February Gruodis / December Gruodis / December Lapkritis / November Lapkritis / November Rugsëjis / September Rugsëjis / September 2002 m. Balandis / April 2003 m. Sausis / January Vykdant VIAP Papildoma Kontraktinë Ið viso According to PSO Additional Contractual Total ágyvendinimo etapà, taèiau nusistovintys santykiai percent, and resulted in a respective quantitative re- bei didesnis elektros rinkos veikimo principø supra- duction of electricity purchased in auction. timas padeda pasiruoðti konkurencijai gamyboje ir Despite the fact that not all market players are en- tiekime Lietuvos elektros energetikos struktûros gaged in hourly trade yet, which would mean the final sàlygomis. stage of implementation of market relationships, those Reikëtø paminëti, kad nemaþà átakà rinkos plëtrai taip relationships that are being established at present pat turi lanksti elektros energijos tarifø struktûra. Pritaikant better underst the principles of the market operation, tiekëjams jø ávairovæ bei pasitelkus marketingo making preparation easier for the competitition in pro- priemones, galima pritraukti vartotojus. Dabartiniu metu duction and supply under the existing structural con- du stambûs visuomeniniai tiekëjai kol kas sulaiko ditions of the Lithuanian electricity sector. vartotojus þemesnëmis kainomis. Pagal 2004 metams It should be noted that a flexible electricity tarrif struc- leistinà elektros energijos suvartojimo ribà (3 mln. kWh) ture also has a considerable effect on market devel- laisvøjø vartotojø rinka galëtø siekti 29 proc., kai tuo opment. It is possible to attract customers by adapt- tarpu pagal pateiktas paraiðkas ir jø pripaþinimà ing the diversity of tariffs to suppliers and by employ- prognozuojamas 25 proc. rinkos atvërimas. Arba ið ing different marketing tools. At present, two large galimø 168 vartotojø tik 28 pareiðkë norà tapti public suppliers manage to retain customers by offer- laisvaisiais, ágyjant teisæ pasirinkti norimà tiekëjà. ing them lower prices. Given the permitted electricity Pagal galiojanèius teisës aktus elektros energijos consumption limit set for the year 2004 (3kWh million), gamyba kombinuoto elektros energijos ir ðilumos the market of eligible customers could reach 29 per- gamybos ciklo elektrinëse, kai ðios tiekia ðilumà á miestø cent, whereas based on the applications filed and their centralizuotus ðilumos tiekimo tinklus bei elektros acceptance, a market opening of 25 percent is fore- energijos gamyba, bûtina energetikos sistemos casted. It means that only 28 out of a 168 potential rezervams uþtikrinti, yra priskiriama prie vieðøjø interesø customers applied for the status of eligible customers elektros energetikos sektoriuje. Tiekimo licencijos and would have the right to choose a supplier. turëtojas privalo supirkti ðià elektros energijà. Elektriniø, By virtue of applicable legal acts electricity produc- ið kuriø bûtina supirkti elektros energijà, sàraðà bei tion in combined electricity and heat production plants supirkimo apimtis kiekvieniems kalendoriniams metams supplying heat to district heat networks and the gen- nustato Ûkio ministerija. Komisija nustato privalomos eration of electricity necessary for power reservation

annual report, 2003 8 supirkti elektros energijos supirkimo kainà. purposes, are attributable to public interests in the electricity sector. Such electricity must be purchased 2004 metais Ûkio ministerija papildë elektriniø, ið kuriø by a company holding a supplier’s licence. A list of bûtina supirkti elektros energijà, sàraðà ir átraukë dar du power plants from which electricity must be purchased naujus gamintojus - UAB „Litesko“ filialà „Druskininkø and the purchasing amounts are established annually ðiluma“ ir UAB „Kauno termofikacijos elektrinë“ (2 lentelë). by the Ministry of Economy. The Commission sets the Gamintojai elektros energija Lietuvos vartotojø porei- purchasing price for electricity subject to purchase. 2 lentelë. 2003-2004 metams nustatytas privalomas supirkti pagal ápareigojimus teikti vieðuosius interesus atitinkanèias paslaugas (VIAP) elektros energijos kiekis ir juos atitinkanèios supirkimo kainos Table 2. Quantity of electricity subject to purchase according to public service obligations (PSO) and purchasing prices corresponding to such obligations set for 2003-2004

Elektros energijos 2003 m. VIAP 2003 m. 2004 m. VIAP 2004 m. VIAP gamintojai elektros ener- VIAP nusta- elektros ener- nustatyta Electricity producers gijos supirkimo tyta supir- gijos supirkimo supirkimo kiekis, mln.kWh kimo kaina, kiekis, mln.kWh kaina, ct/kWh Electricity ct/kWh Electricity Purchasing purchased Purchasing purchased price set according price set according to according to to PSO in according to PSO in PSO in ct/kWh mln.kWh PSO in ct/ mln.kWh in in 2004 in 2003 kWh in 2003 2004

AB Lietuvos elektrinë 588 13,52 610 13,52 Lietuvos Elektrinë AB UAB ¥Vilniaus energija” 540 10,05 540 9,86 Vilniaus Energija UAB UAB „Kauno termofikacijos elektrinë” - - 265 9,88 Kauno Termofikacijos Elektrinë UAB AB ¥Kauno energija” 275 10,93 12 10,67 Kauno Energija AB AB ¥Lifosa” 20 7,8 20 7,8 Lifosa AB AB ¥Klaipëdos energija” 10 12,40 20 10,01 Klaipëdos Energija AB AB ¥Panevëþio energija” 7 12,31 7,8 11,68 Panevëþio Energija AB UAB „Litesko” filialas „Druskininkø ðiluma” - - 0,8 13,92 Druskininkø Ðiluma kiams 2003 metais prekiavo pagal dviðales sutartis In 2004 the Ministry of Economy supplemented the list (kontraktinë energija), aukcione ir pagal ápareigojimus of power plants from which electricity must be purchased teikti vieðuosius interesus atitinkanèias paslaugas with two new producers, namely Druskininkø Ðiluma (a (VIAP). Didþiausiu energijos kiekiu elektros rinkoje bu- branch of Litesko UAB) and Kauno Termofikacijos vo prekiaujama pagal dviðales sutartis (4 pav.). Elektrinë UAB (Table 2). 4 pav. Gamintojø parduotos Lietuvoje elektros energijos struktûra 2003 m. In 2003 electricity pro- Figure 4. Electricity sold by producers in Lithuania 2003 ducers sold electricity to satisfy the needs of VIAP El. energija Lithuanian customers ac- PSO aukcionui cording to bilateral con- tracts (contractual en- ergy), in auction and ac- cording to public service obligations (PSO). The largest quantities of en- ergy sold in the electricity El. energija market were based on bi- kontraktinë lateral contracts (Figure 4). veiklos ataskaita, 2003 9 Didþiausià elektros energijos kieká pagal dviðales Ignalina NPP sold the largest quantities of electricity sutartis ir prekybai aukcione pardavë Ignalinos AE. according to bilateral contracts and auction sales. Ðiluminës elektrinës daugiausia tiekia elektros Thermal power plants are mostly engaged in the sup- energijà rinkai pagal vieðuosius interesus atitinkanèiø ply of electricity to the market according to PSO rules. paslaugø teikimo taisykles. Daugiausiai ðios rûðies The largest quantity of this type of electricity was elektros energijos rinkai tiekia AB Lietuvos elektrinë, sold by Vilniaus Energija UAB, compared to the total UAB „Vilniaus energija“. UAB „Vilniaus energija“ quantity of electricity sold by all thermal power plants pardavë didþiausià ið visø ðiluminiø elektriniø elektros according to bilateral contracts (Figure 5). energijos kieká pagal dviðales sutartis (5 pav.).

Brangiausiai superkama atsi- 5 pav. Gamintojø Lietuvos elektros energijos rinkai patiekta naujinanèiuose elektros ener- elektros energija 2003 m. gijos ðaltiniuose pagaminta Figure 5. Electricity supplied by producers in the Lithuanian elektros energija. Ðiluminëse market 2003 elektrinëse gaminama elektros energija ðiuo metu dël riboto Kita

pajëgumø panaudojimo bei TWh 3 Other neefektyvios árenginiø techno- logijos brangiausia yra AB Lie- VIAP 2 PSO tuvos elektrinë ir UAB ¥Lites- ko” filiale ¥Druskininkø ðiluma”. 1 Kontaktinë Nustatytos elektros energijos Contractual supirkimo ið gamintojø kainos 0 Aukciono 2004 metams parodytos 6 pa- Auction veikslëlyje. Lifosa Kauno TE Kauno HE Kruonio HAE Kauno energija Vilniaus energija Lietuvos elektrinë Maþeikiø elektrinë Klaipëdos energija Ignalinos AE / Ignalina APP

6 pav. 2004 metø elektros energijos gamybos kainos The highest purchasing Figure 6. Electricity production prices 2004 price is set for electricity generated from rene- 22 wable energy sources. 20 20 The highest price of elec- 20 tricity generated in ther- mal power plants, due to limited use of capacities 15 13,92 13,52 and inadequate techno- 11,68 logical facilities, is seen 9,88 10,67 9,86 10,01 in Lietuvos Elektrinë AB 10 7,8 and Druskininkø Ðiluma. Kaina, ct/kWh / Price, 6,56 Purchasing prices set for electricity purchased 5 from producers for the year 2004 are shown in 0 Figure 6. Elektrinës Ignalinos AE Vëjo el. (VIAP) Biokuro el. (VIAP) Litesko DÐ (PSO) Litesko DÐ (VIAP) Vilniaus en. (PSO) Vilniaus en. (VIAP) Klaipëdos en. (PSO) Klaipëdos en. (VIAP) Panevëþio en. (PSO) Panevëþio en. (VIAP) Wind power plant (PSO) Biofuel power plant (PSO) Lifosa (VIAP) / (PSO) Hidro el. (VIAP) / (PSO) Kauno TE (VIAP) / (PSO) Kauno en. (VIAP) / (PSO)

annual report, 2003 10 1.3. KAINOS 1.3. PRICES

2003 metais galiojo virðutinës kainø ribos, nustatytos The Price caps applied in 2003 were set at the end of 2002 metø pabaigoje. 2003 metais Komisija perskai- 2002. In 2003 the Commission recalculated the price èiavo virðutines kainø ribas 2004 metams. Pagal Ko- caps set for the year 2004. According to the Method- misijos patvirtintas Elektros energijos perdavimo ir ology for Setting the Price Caps for Electricity Trans- skirstymo paslaugø kainø virðutiniø ribø nustatymo mission and Distribution Services approved by the metodikas, trejø metø laikotarpiui (2002-2004) buvo Commission the initial income level was set for a three- nustatytas pradinis pajamø lygis, kuris kiekvienais to year period (2002-2004), and is annually adjusted by laikotarpio metais koreguojamas metodikoje patvirtin- the following coefficients approved in the methodol- tais koeficientais: indeksavimo koeficientu, kiekio po- ogy (the coefficients of indexation, quantity effects veikio koeficientu, nenumatytø pasikeitimø koeficien- and contingent changes). For price cap calculation tu. Virðutinë kainø riba gaunama perskaièiuotà paja- purposes the recalculated amount of income is divided mø lygá padalinus ið planuojamo tø metø perduoto ar by the projected quantity of electricity transmitted or paskirstyto elektros energijos kiekio. Gauta perskai- distributed in that year. The resulting recalculated price èiuota kainos virðutinë riba dar gali bûti koreguojama cap may be additionally adjusted using the correction korekcijos koeficientu, ávertinanèiu negautas ar virðy- factor which takes into account unearned or surplus tas pajamas. Skaièiuojant indeksavimo koeficientà, income. The indexation coefficient was calculated on buvo remiamasi prognozuojamu vartojimo kainø in- the basis of the forecasted amount of consumer price dekso dydþiu, kuris buvo pateiktas Finansø ministeri- index specified in the Forecast of the Development of jos parengtoje Lietuvos ûkio plëtros prognozëje 2003- Economy in Lithuania for 2003-2006 prepared by the 2006 metams. Vartojimo kainø indekso augimas 2004 Ministry of Finance. The forecast allowed for 1.9 per- metais ðioje prognozëje buvo numatytas 1,9 proc. Efek- cent growth in the consumer price index in 2004. The tyvumo koeficientas per pirmàjá virðutiniø kainø ribø efficiency coefficient is not used during the first three- trejø metø galiojimo ciklà nëra taikomas. Korekcijos year cycle of the application of price caps. The cor- koeficientas, perskaièiuojant virðutines kainø ribas, taip rection factor did not apply when recalculating the price pat nebuvo taikomas, nes konkreèios elektros energi- caps, because particular electricity prices set by elec- jos kainos tiekëjø buvo nustatytos daug maþesnës tricity suppliers were considerably lower than the price nei ribos. Todël tam, kad surinktø bûtinas pajamas, caps. To enable the companies to generate the nec- ámonës pagal Energetikos ástatymà turëjo teisæ tiks- essary earnings, the Law on Energy entitled them to linti ir keisti konkreèias paslaugø kainas, nedidinant adjust and change particular service prices without virðutiniø ribø. increasing price caps. Perskaièiavus elektros energijos perdavimo ir skirs- Having recalculated the price caps for electricity trans- tymo bei tiekimo paslaugø kainø virðutines ribas, bu- mission, distribution and supply services, the price vo perskaièiuotos ir visuomeniniø tarifø virðutinës ri- caps for public electricity tariffs for the year 2004 bos 2004 metams (3 lentelë). were also recalculated (Table 3). 2004 metams, lyginant su 2003 metais, visuomeni- The average drop in price caps for public tariffs set for niø tarifø virðutinës ribos sumaþëjo apie 3 proc. Ri- the year 2004 compared with 2003 was three percent. bø sumaþëjimui átakos turëjo gamybos kainos su- Price cap reduction was influenced by the production maþëjimas nuo 8,5 ct/kWh iki 8,25 ct/kWh. Kainos price decrease from 8.5 to 8.25ct/kWh. This price fall maþëjimà lëmë padidëjæs perkamos elektros ener- was caused by the increase in the purchased quantity gijos kiekis. Kadangi Ignalinos AE kaina nepakito, of electricity. Since the price of electricity at the Ignali- o papildomas elektros energijos kiekis perkamas na NPP did not change and the additional quantity of ið maþiausià kainà turinèio gamintojo, apskaièiuo- electricity is purchased from the producer who offers jama vidutinë kaina yra maþesnë. Be to, dël padi- the lowest price, the estimated average price is lower. dëjusio elektros energijos kiekio 2004 metams nuo Moreover, as a result of the increase in the amount of 1,39 ct/kWh iki 1,38 ct/kWh sumaþëjo ir galios re- electricity for 2004, the power reservation service price, zervavimo paslauga, kuri yra perdavimo paslaugos a necessary part of the transmission service price, al- kainos sudëtinë dalis. so decreased from 1.39 to 1.38ct/kWh. Pagrindinio gamintojo - Ignalinos AE - elektros ener- The 2004 electricity price at the Ignalina NPP - Lithu- gijos kaina 2004 metams iðliko nepakitusi - viduti- ania’s largest electricity producer - remained unchan- në kaina vidaus rinkoje - 6,56 ct/kWh. Galios kai- ged, and the average domestic price is 6.56ct/kWh. na - 403 571 Lt/MW/metams ir elektros energijos The annual price will be set at 403.57Lt/MW, and the tarifas - 1,953 ct/kWh. VÁ Ignalinos AE eksportui electricity tariff at 1.953ct/kWh. Ignalina NPP sold pardavë 7478 mln. kWh elektros energijos ir tai jai for export 7,478kWh million of electricity and earned leido gauti apie 284 mln. Lt pajamø. Tai 30 mln. Lt some 284Lt million from such sales, exceeding pro- daugiau nei buvo planuota. Jei nebûtø eksporto, jected earnings by about 30Lt million. In the event of elektros energijos kaina vidaus vartotojams siektø the absence of exports the price of electricity for lo- 8,4 ct/kWh. cal customers would be 8.4ct/kWh. veiklos ataskaita, 2003 11 3 lentelë. Virðutinës kainø ribos 2002-2004 metams Table 3. Price caps for 2002-2004

Eil. Rodikliai Nustatytos Perskaièiuotos Perskaièiuotos Nr. pradinës kainø kainø ribos kainø ribos Indicators ribos 2002 m. 2003 m. 2004 m. Seq. No. Original price Recalculated Recalculated caps set for price caps price caps 2002 for 2003 for 2004 Vidutinë gamybos kaina 8,75 8,5 8,25 1. Average production price Perdavimo paslaugos kaina su rezervais 3,9 3,8 3,63 2. Transmission service price, reserves included ið jos: of which: Perdavimo paslaugos kainos virðutinë riba 2,43 2,41 2,25 transmission service price cap rezervinës galios kaina 1,39 1,39 1,38 reserve power price Tiekimo paslaugos kaina 3. Supply service price Vakarø visuomeninio tiekëjo 0,37 0,4 0,38 3.1. Public supplier Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai Rytø visuomeninio tiekëjo 0,39 0,39 0,36 3.2. Public supplier Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai Vidutinë elektros energijos pardavimo kaina VST vartotojams ið 110 kV átampos tinklø 4. Average price of electricity sold to 12,79 12,7 12,26 Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai customers from 110kV voltage networks Vidutinë elektros energijos pardavimo kaina RST vartotojams ið 110 kV átampos tinklø 5. Average price of electricity sold to Rytø 12,78 12,69 12,24 Skirstomieji Tinklai customers from 110kV voltage networks Skirstymo paslaugos kaina: 6. Distribution service price: AB ¥Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” 6.1. Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB 4,59 4,61 4,61 6.1.1. 35-6 kV Elektros energijos pardavimo kaina vartotojams, prisijungusiems prie 35-6 kV átampos tinklø 17,38 17,31 16,87 Price of electricity sold to customers con- nected to 35-6kV voltage networks 6.1.2. 0,4 kV 8,34 8,37 8,01 Elektros energijos pardavimo kaina vartotojams, prisijungusiems prie 0,4 kV átampos tinklø 25,72 25,68 24,88 Price of electricity sold to customers con- nected to 0.4kV voltage networks 6.2. AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB 6.2.1. 35-6 kV 4,69 4,63 4,51 Elektros energijos pardavimo kaina vartotojams, prisijungusiems prie 35-6 kV átampos tinklø 17,47 17,32 16,75 Price of electricity sold to customers con- nected to 35-6kV voltage networks 6.2.2. 0,4 kV 9,22 9,21 8,97 Elektros energijos pardavimo kaina vartotojams, prisijungusiems prie 0,4 kV átampos tinklø 26,69 26,53 25,72 Price of electricity sold to customers con- nected to 0,4kV voltage networks Taip pat nepakito ir pagrindinio galios rezervo tie- The price of power reserve of the main power reserve këjo - Lietuvos elektrinës rezervinës galios bei elek- supplier, Lietuvos Elektrinë, and of electricity gene-

annual report, 2003 12 tros energijos, gaminamos tam, kad bûtø uþtikrin- rated for guaranteeing this power reserve did not ta ði rezervinë galia, kaina. Ðalto rezervo kaina - change either. The cold reserve price is 7.90Lt/MW/ 7,9 Lt/MW/per valandà, besisukanèio rezervo kai- hour, the spinning reserve 8.45Lt/MW/hour and the na - 8,45 LT/MW/per valandà, gaminamos elektros price of generated electricity 13.52ct/kWh. energijos kaina - 13,52 ct/kWh. Essential changes were made when setting particular Skirstomøjø tinklø ámonëms nustatant konkreèias skirs- distribution network prices for distribution companies tomøjø tinklø kainas 2004 metams, buvo padaryta es- for the year 2004, compared with prices applied in 2003. miniø pakeitimø, lyginant su galiojanèiomis 2003 me- The main change was the introduction of a two-part elec- tais kainomis. Svarbiausias pakeitimas buvo tas, kad tricity tariff in the medium voltage distribution network skirstomojo tinklo vidutinëje átampoje ávedamas dvina- comprising the power-carrying capacity component and ris elektros energijos tarifas - uþ leistinà naudoti galià ir the component for consumed quantity of electricity. The uþ sunaudotos elektros energijos kieká. Tokio tipo tarifø introduction of such tariffs allows one to see distribu- ávedimas leidþia geriau atspindëti skirstomojo tinklo sà- tion network costs more clearly which, with the excep- naudas, kurios, iðskyrus sànaudas elektros energijai, tion of he costs of electricity purchased to cover the perkamai padengti sànaudas technologiniuose árengi- costs of technological equipment, are relatively stable, niuose, yra sàlygiðkai pastovios sànaudos, t.y. nepri- i.e. they do not depend upon the distributed quantity of klausanèios nuo paskirstyto elektros energijos kiekio. electricity. Distribution costs mostly depend on the ins- Skirstymo sànaudos labiau priklauso nuo vartotojams talled and power-carrying capacities as well as the qu- árengtø ir leistinø naudoti galiø bei kokybiðko tinklo eks- ality operation of the network. The power-carrying ca- ploatavimo. Nors galios dedamosios kaina padengia pacity component covers only about 20 percent of the tik apie penktadalá sàlygiðkai pastoviø skirstomojo tin- relative fixed costs of the distribution network. Nevert- klo sànaudø, galios dedamosios ávedimas duoda sig- heless, the introduction of this power component en- nalus, skatinanèius ekonominá efektyvumà: vartotojai courages to promote cost efficiency: customers are en- motyvuojami efektyviau naudoti turimas galias, elek- couraged to use the available capacities in a more ef- tros tinklø ámonës galës optimizuoti ir vykdyti efekty- fective manner, and electric companies will be able to vesnæ skirstomojo tinklo plëtrà. Ðiuo metu daugelio ámo- optimise the development of a distribution network and niø leistinoji naudoti galia yra daug didesnë uþ faktið- improve their effective operation. At present the power- kai naudojamà galià, o naujø galiø ávedimui naudoja- carrying capacity of the majority of electricity companies mos papildomos investicijos. Taèiau smarkiai pasiprie- considerably exceeds the active capacity, whereas the ðinus Pramoninkø konfederacijos atstovams bei stam- installation of new capacities is carried out using additio- biosioms ámonëms, Rytø skirstomøjø tinklø bendrovë nal investments. However, as a result of strong resistan- nutarë galios dedamàjà skaièiuoti ne leistinai, bet fak- ce on the part of the representatives of the Lithuanian tinei galiai. Taèiau tam, kad surinktø reikalingas paja- Confederation of Industrialists and large companies, Ry- mas, ta kaina turëjo bûti pakoreguota, o dabartiniu at- tø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB decided to calculate the capa- veju gali bûti, kad faktinë skirstymo paslaugos viduti- city component for active capacity and not for the po- në kaina vidutinës átampos tinklais bus dar maþesnë wer-carrying capacity. In order to generate the necessa- nei 2003 metais. Tai reikðtø, kad ámonë ið ðios veiklos nesurinks planuojamø pajamø. ry earnings, the aforementioned price had to be adjus- ted, whereas given the present situation, the active ave- 1.4. ELEKTROS PERDAVIMO IR rage price by medium voltage networks is likely to be SKIRSTYMO ÁMONIØ EKONOMINËS even lower than the respective price of 2003. It means VEIKLOS VERTINIMAS that the company will not be able to generate projected earnings from this type of operation. 1.4.1. AB „LIETUVOS ENERGIJA” Vykdydama perdavimo tinklo operatoriaus veiklà, AB 1.4. ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY „Lietuvos energija” per savo tinklus 2003 metais per- OF ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION AND davë 8437 mln. kWh elektros energijos, 400 mln. kWh DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES daugiau nei 2002 metais. Bendrovë eksportavo 7528 mln. kWh, tai apie 735 mln. kWh daugiau nei 2002 1.4.1. LIETUVOS ENERGIJA AB metais. Ið perdavimo veiklos ámonë surinko 175 mln. In executing the Transmission Network Operator’s ac- Lt pajamø, uþ galios rezervavimà gavo 120 mln. lt. tivities in 2003, Lietuvos Energija AB delivered Dar 4 mln. Lt gavo uþ tranzità ir reaktyvinæ energijà. 8,437kWh million of electricity, exceeding their 2002 Ið viso, vykdant perdavimo tinklo operatoriaus funk- figure by 400kWh million. The company exported cijas, gauta 300 mln. Lt pajamø. Tai 5 mln. Lt dau- 7,528kWh million, which is about 735kWh million mo- giau nei 2002 metais. re than in 2002. Lietuvos Energija AB earned 175Lt million from electricity transmission and 120Lt million Ið reguliuojamos perdavimo tinklo operatoriaus veik- from power reservation activities. In addition, it ge- los, neáskaitant galios rezervavimo, ámonë gavo apie nerated a further 4Lt million from transit and reactive 25 mln. Lt pelno, tai sudaro 3,6 proc. nuo ástatinio energy. The total income earned in carrying out the kapitalo. Ið galios rezervavimo paslaugos gauta 15,7 Transmission Network Operator’s functions amoun-

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 13 mln. Lt pelno. Jis gautas uþtikrinant operatyviná re- ted to 300Lt million. This income exceeds the res- zervà ið Kruonio HAE maþesnëmis sànaudomis. Dar pective income earned in 2002 by 5Lt million. 2,6 mln. Lt pelno gauta uþ tranzità ir reaktyvinæ ener- The average profit generated by Lietuvos Energija gijà. Ið viso ið perdavimo paslaugos, ámonë uþdirbo AB from the regulated Transmission Network Opera- 43,4 mln. Lt pelno. tor’s activities, excluding reservation of power, ac- Be perdavimo veiklos ámonë eksportavo elektros counted for 25Lt million or 3.6 percent of the compa- energijà bei teikë vieðuosius interesus atitinkanèias ny’s authorised capital. The power reservation servi- paslaugas. 2003 metais ámonë pradëjo eksportuoti ce made a 15.7Lt million profit. This profit was earned pikinæ energijà, pagamintà Kruonio HAE ir uþ tai gavo for guaranteeing the operative reserve from 3 mln. Lt pajamø. Ið elektros energijos eksporto ámo- HAE at lower costs. A further 2.6Lt million was addi- në uþdirbo 56,7 mln. Lt pelno, bendras elektros ener- tionally earned from transit and reactive energy. The gijos pardavimø pelnas sudarë 57,4 mln. Lt. Ið viso total profit earned by the company from transmis- neaudituotas pelnas prieð apmokestinimà 2003 me- sion services amounted to 43.4Lt million. tais preliminariais duomenimis sudaro 90,8 mln. Lt, In addition to transmission activities, Lietuvos Energija grynasis pelnas - 79,7 mln. Lt. AB also engaged in electricity export and supply sur- Gauto pelno struktûra parodyta 7 paveikslëlyje. plus to the provision of services according to its public service obligation. In 7 pav. AB ¥Lietuvos energija" 2003 m. gauto pelno struktûra 2003 they began expor- Figure 7. Lietuvos Energija AB profit 2003 ting the peak electricity generated by Kruonis 11,1 -7,2 HAE and earned 3Lt mil- 43,4 -2,3 lion from this type of ac- tivity. Profit generated by the company from the export of electricity 57,4 totalled 56.7Lt million, while gross profit from electricity sales amoun- ted to 57.4Lt million. Ac- cording to the 2003 pre- Perdavimo veikla Elektros energijos pardavimas (áskaitant eksportà) liminary data, the unau- Transmission activity Electricity sales (including export) dited pre-tax gross pro- Pelno mokestis Finansinë veikla Kita veikla fit is 90.8Lt million. Its Profit tax Financial activity Other activity net profit stands at 79.7Lt million. Bendrovës kapitalo gràþa 2003 metais sudarë 9,7 The structure of earned profit is reflected in Figure 7. proc., turto gràþa - 6,5 proc. Toká neblogà veiklos In 2003 the company’s return on capital accounted pelningumà nulëmë pajamos, gautos ið elektros ener- for 9.7 percent, and return on assets was 6.5 per- gijos eksporto, taip pat nuosekli ámonës politika ma- cent. The above profitability was based on income þinti sànaudas. earned from electric energy export and on consistent cost reduction policies pursued by the company. 1.4.2. SKIRSTOMØJØ TINKLØ ÁMONËS AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai vartotojams pardavë 1.4.2. DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES 3328,7 mln. kWh elektros energijos, tai yra 5 proc. In 2003 Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB sold 328.7kWh daugiau nei 2002 metais. Pramoniniams vartotojams million of electricity to consumers, which exceeds the pardavë 1002,1 mln. kWh, ið jø laisviesiems vartoto- previous year’s figure by five percent. Electricity sold jams, prijungtiems prie perdavimo tinklo - 7 mln. kWh, to industrial customers amounted to 1,002.1kWh mil- gyventojams - 985,6 mln. kWh, kitiems vartotojams lion, of which 7kWh million was sold to eligible custo- - 1341 mln. kWh. mers connected to the transmission network, AB „Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” pardavë 3140,2 mln. 985.6kWh million to domestic users and 1,341kWh kWh, ið jos gyventojams - 958,6 mln. kWh, pramoni- million to other customers. niams ir kitiems vartotojams - 2181,6 mln. kWh, ið jø In 2003 Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB sold stambiems vartotojams, gaunantiems elektros ener- 3,140.2kWh million of electricity. Of this, 958.6kWh gijà ið 110 kV átampos tinklø - 50 mln. kWh. AB „Va- million was for domestic use and another karø skirstomieji tinklai” parduotos energijos augi- 2,181.6kWh million for industrial and other uses, of mas, lyginant su 2002 metais, sudaro 5,3 proc. which 50kWh million was for large customers sup- Ið licencijuojamos skirstymo tinklø operatoriaus ir vi- plied with electricity on 110kV networks. The suomeninio tiekëjo veiklos, preliminariais duomenimis amount of electricity sold by Vakarø Skirstomieji

annual report, 2003 14 per 2003 metus AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai uþdirbo Tinklai AB in 2003 grew by 5.3 percent over the 20,8 mln. Lt pelno, AB „Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” - previous years. 18,86 mln. Lt. Pati elektros energijos skirstymo veik- According to preliminary data, the licensed activi- la, kuri apmokama per elektros energijos tarifus, ties of the Distribution Network Operator and Pub- abiems bendrovëms yra nuostolinga. AB Rytø skirs- lic Supplier generated income of 20.8Lt million and tomieji tinklai ið ðios veiklos patyrë 11,9 mln. Lt nuos- 18.86Lt million for Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB and tolá, AB ¥Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” - 7,7 mln. Lt nuos- Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB respectively. Elec- tolá. Taèiau, vykdydamos skyrstymo veiklà abi ben- tricity distribution activity as such, settled through drovës gauna ir papildomø pajamø, kurias uþdirbant electric energy tariffs, was not profitable for either apskaitomu periodu nepatiriama jokiø papildomø sà- company. The loss incurred from these activities naudø. Tai pajamos, gautos uþ naujø vartotojø prijun- by Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB and Vakarø Skirs- gimà, jiems sumokëjus 40 proc. prijungimo mokes- tomieji Tinklai AB accounted for 11.9Lt million and èio, taip pat pajamos uþ reaktyvinæ energijà, kurios 7.7Lt million respectively. Nevertheless, both com- apmokestinimas yra nustatytas pagal Ûkio ministeri- panies generated additional income from the di- jos patvirtintas Elektros energijos tiekimo ir vartojimo stribution of this electricity, and such income does taisykles. Ðios papildomos pajamos AB Rytø skirsto- not result in any additional costs during the repor- mieji tinklai (RST) sudaro 29,4 mln. Lt, AB ¥Vakarø ting period. The aforementioned income is recei- skirstomieji tinklai” (VST) - 28,1 mln. Lt. ved from the connection of new customers after Preliminarus 2003 metø bendroviø ikimokestinis pel- they pay a 40 percent connection fee, as wellas nas yra: RST - 24,4 mln. Lt, VST - 23 mln. Lt. (8 pav.) the fees from reactive powere set in observance of

8 pav. Skirstomøjø tinklø bendroviø pelnas prieð mokesèius 2003 metais Figure 8. Pre-tax profit of distribution companies 2003

20,4 17,5 Skirstomøjø tinklø operatoriaus veikla 25 Distribution network operator’s activity

20 Visuomeninio tiekëjo veikla Public supplier’s activity 15 3,5 2,6 5,3 Finansinë veikla 10 0,9 Financial activity 5 Kita veikla Other activity 0 -0,4 -2,2 -5 RST VST

Nustatant virðutines kainø ribas RST skirstymo the Electricity Supply and Consumption Rules ap- veikloje buvo leista turëti 5 proc. pelno normà nuo proved by the Ministry of Economy. Additional in- ástatinio kapitalo, VST - 7 proc. pelno normà. Gau- come earned by Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB tas faktinis pelnas ið skirstymo veiklos 2003 me- amounts to 29.4Lt million and by Vakarø Skirsto- tais RST sudaro 3,6 proc. nuo ástatinio kapitalo, o mieji Tinklai AB to 28.1Lt million. VST - 5,0 proc. nuo ástatinio kapitalo, t.y. maþiau, According to preliminary data, the total 2003 pre-tax nei nustatyta pelno norma. RST akcininkø nuosa- profits of Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai and Vakarø Skirs- vybës gràþa sudaro 3,85 proc, VST - 3,48 proc., tomieji Tinklai stood at 24.4Lt million and 23Lt million turto gràþa RST - 2,52 proc., VST - 2,68 proc. respectively (Figure 8). 2002 metais abiejø bendroviø valdymo organø buvo When setting the price caps, the profit rate estab- nuspræsta, kad skirstymo paslaugos ir tiekimo pa- lished for Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai in distribution slaugos kainos turëtø bûti vienodos abiejose skirs- activity was five percent, and Vakarø Skirstomieji tomøjø tinklø ámonëse, t.y. skirstymo paslaugos kai- Tinklai seven percent. Actual profit generated from na vidutinës átampos tinklais - 4,14 ct/kWh, þemos distribution activity in 2003 by Rytø Skirstomieji átampos tinklais - 7,9 ct/kWh, visuomeninio tiekëjo Tinklai accounts for 3.6 percent, and by Vakarø paslaugos kaina - 0,36 ct/kWh. Skirstomieji Tinklai 5.0 percent of their authorised Dël taip nesubalansuotø konkreèiø tarifø faktinis skirs- capital, i.e. lower than the established rate of pro- tymo paslaugos tarifas vidutinës átampos tinklais RST fit. Return on equity of Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai and buvo 4,07 ct/kWh, VST - 3,78 ct/kWh. Faktinis skirs- Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai shareholders accounts tymo paslaugos tarifas þemos átampos tinklais RST for 3.85 and 3.48 percent, and return on assets sudarë 6,8 ct/kWh, VST - 7,71 ct/kWh. 2.52 and 2.68 percent respectively. veiklos ataskaita, 2003 15 In 2002 the management bodies 9 pav. Skirstomøjø tinklø ámoniø 2003 m. faktiniai vidutiniai of both companies decided that visuomeniniai tarifai ir jø virðutinës ribos pagal atitinkamas they should charge equal prices átampas for distribution and supply ser- Figure 9. Actual average public tariffs and their price caps by respective voltages of distribution companies 2003 vices, i.e. 4.14ct/kWh for distri- bution over medium voltage net-

RST VST works, 7.9ct/kWh over low vol- 30 tage networks and 0.36ct/kWh 26,53 25,68 for the public supplier’s service. 25 As a result of the failure to es- tablish the aforementioned ba- 20 17,32 17,31 lance of particular tariffs, the ac- tual distribution service tariff in 15 medium voltage networks of Ry- 22,96 23,56 8,89 8,9 tø Skirstomieji Tinklai was 10 16,14 15,85 4.07ct/kWh, and for Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai 3.78ct/kWh. 5 8,53 8,83 The actual distribution service ta- riff by low voltage networks of 0 Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai amoun-

low low ted to 6.8ct/kWh, and for Vaka- high* high*

þemos / þemos / rø Skirstomieji Tinklai 771ct/kWh. medium medium aukðtos* / aukðtos* / vidutinës / vidutinës / Public tariffs set for customers Virðutinë riba Faktinis tarifas were the same for both distri- Price cap Actual tariff bution companies, however, Fi- gure 9 reflects a difference in * Aukðtos átampos tarifas yra be perdavimo ir galios rezervavimo kainos. the actual public tariffs of both * Transmission and power reservation prices are excluded from the high companies in 2003. Due to lo- voltage tariff wer prices established by the Commission for the public obli- Visuomeniniai tarifai vartotojams buvo nustatyti vienodi gation services in 2003 and unchanged electricity pro- abiems skirstomøjø tinklø ámonëms, taèiau, kaip mato- duction price for electricity generated in Ignalina NPP, me ið 9 paveikslëlio, abiejø bendroviø 2003 metø fakti- as well as due to the increase in the quantities of niai visuomeniniai tarifai yra skirtingi. Dël Komisijos nu- purchased electricity, the average electricity produc- statytø vieðuosius interesus atitinkanèiø paslaugø ma- tion price dropped by approximately three percent in þesniø kainø 2003 metams bei Ignalinos atominës elek- 2003. As a result, the actual prices in 2003 were mo- trinës likusios galioti elektros energijos gamybos kai- re balanced without having changed public tariffs. nos, taip pat dël padidëjusio perkamos elektros energi- jos kiekio, vidutinë elektros energijos gamybos kaina The data covering the two years of independent opera- 2003 metais sumaþëjo apie 3 proc. Dël tos prieþasties, tion of both companies allows analysis of investments, nekeièiant visuomeniniø tarifø, faktinës kainos 2003 me- i.e. for what purposes the main funds were used, and tais buvo labiau subalansuotos. to draw the respective conclusions (Figure10). Remiantis dviejø metø duomenimis, kai abi ðios ben- In 2003 the Procedure and Conditions for Connec- drovës dirba savarankiðkai, galima daryti analizæ ir ting New Electricity Customers and Producer Ener- iðvadas, kaip buvo investuojama, t.y. kur buvo de- gy Facilities (Networks, Equipment, Systems) to damos pagrindinës lëðos (10 pav.). Operating Facilities of Energy Enterprises (Networks, Equipment, Systems) approved by the Ministry of Per 2003 metus galiojo Ûkio ministerijos 2002 m. rug- Economy in September 2002 as well as prices set sëjo mënesá patvirtintos naujø elektros energijos var- for the connection of customers’equipmentt to net- totojø, gamintojø energetikos objektø (tinklø, árenginiø, works approved by the Commission in December sistemø) prijungimo prie veikianèiø energetikos ámo- of the same year were applied. New customers ha- niø objektø (tinklø, árenginiø, sistemø) tvarka ir sàly- ve to pay distribution networks 40 percent of the gos bei Komisijos tais paèiais metais gruodþio mëne- price of connection works. The remaining portion of sá patvirtinti vartotojø árenginiø prijungimo prie tinklø the connection works’costss must be covered by ákainiai. Naujieji vartotojai turi sumokëti skirstomiesiems the network operator. The network connection fee, tinklams 40 proc. prijungimo darbø kainos. Likusiàjà though being a minor source of financing of electri- prijungimo darbø sànaudø dalá privalo padengti tinklø city network development, in economic terms limits operatorius. Prijungimo prie tinklø mokestis, bûdamas the possibilities of customers to require higher po- nedidelis elektros tinklø plëtros finansavimo ðaltinis, wer-carrying capacity than the necessary capacity

annual report, 2003 16 10 pav. Skirstymo ámoniø investicijos 2002- 2003 metais Figure 10. Investments of distribution companies 2002-2003

140 RST 120 100 VST 80 60 mln. Lt / Lt/million 40 20 0 Kitos investicijos / Other investments Accounting meters Apskaitos prietaisai / Ryðiø ir valdymo sistemos / Naujø vartotojø prijungimas / Tinklo vystymas ir remontas / Connection of new customers Computer hardware and software Network development and repairs Kompiuterinë ir programinë áranga / Communication and control systems kartu ekonomiðkai apriboja vartotojø galimybæ nepa- and prevents electricity network companies from ir- grástai reikalauti didesnës nei reikalinga leistinosios rational development of electricity networks. galios ir ápareigotø elektros tinklø bendroves neracio- During 2003, Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB and Vakarø naliai plëtoti elektros tinklus. Skirstomieji Tinklai AB connected electric equipment Per 2003 metus AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai ir AB to the total of 139.0MW power-carrying capacity for ¥Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” prijungë bendros 139,0 1,138 new customers. Of these, 9,937 were connec- MW leistinosios galios elektros árenginius 1138 nau- ted applying one-part component fees, and 1,201 ap- jiems vartotojams. Ið jø 9937 pagal vienanarius ga- plying two-part component fees for power-carrying ca- lios ákainius ir 1201 - pagal dvinarius galios ir atstu- pacity and distance. A total of 61.7Lt million was spent mo ákainius. Naujøjø vartotojø prijungimo darbams on financing new customer connection works. Some iðleista 61,7 mln. Lt. Ið jø 21,5 mln. Lt buvo surinkta 21.5Lt million of the aforementioned amount was col- ið naujøjø vartotojø, 28,8 mln. Lt sudarë papildomas lected from new customers, 28.8Lt million comprised tiekëjo investicijas ir 11,4 mln. Lt - netiesioginës tin- additional supplier’s investments, and 11.4Lt million klø plëtros iðlaidas. from indirect network development costs. Naujøjø vartotojø skaièius 2003 metais, lyginant su Compared to the previous year the number of new cus- 2002 metais, padidëjo 3,7 proc., o vidutinë naujai tomers decreased by 3.7 percent, and the average new árengiama galia sumaþëjo 5,7 proc. installed capacity decreased by 5.7 percent in 2003.

11 pav. Skirstomøjø tinklø ámoniø prijungimo iðlaidø struktûra 2002 ir 2003 metais Figure 11. Distibution company connection costs 2002-2003

2002 2003 Surinkta ið vartotojø Collected from customers 50 Tiesioginës ámoniø iðlaidos 40 Direct costs of companies

mln. Lt / Lt/million 30 Netiesioginës ámoniø iðlaidos Indirect costs of companies 20


0 Ið viso Ið viso Rytø ST Rytø ST Vakarø ST Vakarø ST



Per pastaruosius penkerius metus didëja gamtiniø During the past five years Lithuania has experienced dujø paklausa Lietuvoje. Nuo 1998 metø iki 2003 metø a growth in the demand for natural gas. Between 1998 gamtiniø dujø suvartojimas Lietuvoje iðaugo nuo 2,1 and 2003 natural gas consumption in Lithuania grew mlrd. kub. metrø iki 2,94 mlrd. kub. metrø. Vien per from 2.1 to 2.94m³ billion. By 2003, an increase in 2003 metus gamtiniø dujø suvartojimas Lietuvoje pa- natural gas consumption of 8.5 percent was obser- didëjo 8,5 proc. Bendras dujø suvartojimas 2004 me- ved in the country. In 2004, total gas consumption in tais Lietuvoje turëtø siekti apie 2,95 mlrd. m3. Tiki- Lithuania is estimated to about 2.95m3 billion. The masi, kad sustabdþius Ignalinos AE I reaktoriø ben- imminent decommissioning of the first reactor of the dras dujø suvartojimas Lietuvoje 2005-2006 metais Ignalina NPP is expected to increase total gas con- didës iki 4 mlrd. m3. sumption in Lithuania to 4m3 billion in 2005-2006.

12 pav. Gamtiniø dujø suvartojimas Lietuvoje 1998-2003 m. Figure 12. Natural gas consumption in Lithuania 1998-2003



2000 mln. Lt / Lt/million




0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

2003 metais Lietuvoje dujø perdavimo licencijà turë- In 2003 the natural gas transmission license in Lithua- jo AB ¥Lietuvos dujos”. Ji transportavo visas ðalies nia was held by Lietuvos Dujos AB. This company vartotojø sunaudotas dujas (iðskyrus Druskininkus, transported all of the gas consumed by local custo- kur pradëjo veikti atskira dujø ámonë) bei perdavë mers and transmitted a further 569m3 million to Rus- tranzitu Rusijos Kaliningrado srièiai 569 mln. m3 du- sia’s Kaliningrad region. In addition to Lietuvos Dujos jø. Gamtiniø dujø skirstymo licencijas be AB ¥Lietu- AB, natural gas distribution licenses were held by four vos dujos” turëjo dar 4 ámonës: AB ¥Kauno energija”, other companies, namely Kauno Energija AB, Josvai- AB agrofirma ¥”, UAB ¥Intergas”, AB ¥Jo- niai AB, Intergas UAB and Joniðkio Energija AB. niðkio energija”. After the international gas company Itera withdrew Nuo 2003 metø pradþios ið Lietuvos gamtiniø dujø from the market at the beginning of 2003, Lithuania’s rinkos pasitraukus tarptautinei dujø kompanijai ¥Ite- gas has been provided by a single natural gas sup- ra”, dujas á Lietuvà tiekia tik Rusijos AB ¥Gazprom”. plier, the Russian company Gazprom. In 2003 natu- 2003 metais á Lietuvà gamtines dujas importavo ke- ral gas was supplied to Lithuania by four suppliers. turi tiekëjai: AB ¥Lietuvos dujos”, UAB ¥Dujotekana”, These were Lietuvos Dujos AB, Dujotekana UAB, AB ¥Achema” ir UAB ¥Haupas” (13 pav.). Achema AB, and Haupas UAB (Figure 13). Gamtiniø dujø ástatymas numato, kad gamtiniø dujø In accordance with the Law on Natural Gas, the activi- perdavimo, paskirstymo bei tiekimo reguliuojamie- ties of natural gas transmission, distribution and sup- siems vartotojams veiklos yra reguliuojamos. ply to non-eligible customers should be regulated. Gamtiniø dujø tiekimas laisviesiems vartotojams, In observance of the Republic of Lithuania Government

annual report, 2003 18 13 pav. Gamtiniø dujø importo, tiekimo ir vartojimo schema Lietuvoje 2003 metais Figure 13. Natural gas import, supply and consumption in Lithuania 2003


Rusijos koncernas ¥Gazprom” / Gazprom (Nuo 2003 liepos mën.) (From July 2003)

AB “Achema” AB “Lietuvos dujos” 435,8 UAB “Dujotekana” UAB “Haupas” Achema AB Lietuvos Dujos AB Dujotekana UAB Haupas UAB

AB ¥Achema” 773,6 Reguliuojamieji AB ¥Kauno AB ¥Druskininkø Achema AB gamtiniø dujø ðilumos tinklai” termofikacijos 6,01 vartotojai elektrinë” Druskininkø 544,7 157,6 Non-eligible Kauno Ðilumos 773,6 natural gas Termofikacijos Tinklai AB customers Elektrinë AB Reguliuojamieji AB ¥Lietuvos AB ¥Kauno gamtiniø dujø elektrinë” energija” vartotojai 0,03 Lietuvos 226,2 Kauno 182,1 Non-eligible Elektrinë AB Energija AB natural gas customers AB ¥Lifosa” AB ¥Vilniaus 15,4 Lifosa AB energija” 6,04 Vilniaus 505,3 AB ¥Geoterma” Energija AB 22,7 Geoterma AB UAB ¥Ukmergës AB ¥Ðiauliø energija” energija” 23,4 AB ¥Danisco Ukmergës Ðiauliø 68,7 Sugar Energija UAB Panevëþys” 18,7 Energija AB Danisco Sugar Panevëþys AB AB ¥Panevëþio AB ¥Panevëþio energija” stiklas” 10,9 Panevëþio 78,2 Panevëþio 828,1 Energija AB Stiklas AB

AB agrofirma Þymëjimai AB ¥Ekranas” 22,4 Marking: Ekranas AB ¥Josvainiai” 0,32 Josvainiai AB Dujø tiekëjai UAB ¥Litesko” Gas suppliers 86,4 Litesko UAB AB ¥Jonavos ðilumos tinklai” Dujø pardavëjai Jonavos 23,2 AB ¥Grigiðkës” Gas sellers 24,6 Ðilumos Tinklai Grigiðkës AB Energija AB Laisvieji vartotojai Eligible customers AB ¥Klaipëdos UAB ¥Akmenës energija” 93,5 energija” 15,8 Parduota Klaipëdos Akmenës dujø mln. m3 Energija AB Energija UAB Natural gas sold mln. m3 1728,3

vadovaujantis Vyriausybës 2003 m. liepos 15 d. nu- Resolution No. 908 of July 15, 2003 the supply of natu- tarimu Nr. 908, nëra reguliuojamas. Dujas beveik vi- ral gas to eligible customers is not regulated. Practical- siems laisviesiems vartotojams tiekë UAB ¥Dujoteka- ly all eligible customers were supplied with natural gas na”. Pasinaudojusi savo monopoline padëtimi, ði ámo- by Dujotekana UAB. Having taken advantage of its mo- në laisviesiems vartotojams pardavinëjo gamtines du- nopolistic position, this company sold natural gas to jas gerokai aukðtesne kaina, nei AB ¥Lietuvos dujos” eligible customers for a price considerably higher than reguliuojamiesiems vartotojams. Toks rinkos iðkraipy- that applied to Lietuvos Dujos AB’s non-eligible custo- mas turëtø bûti atstatytas, kai 34 proc. AB ¥Lietuvos mers. Such market distortion should be eliminated when

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 19 14 pav. Gamtiniø dujø suvartojimas Lietuvoje pagal paskirtá Figure 14. Natural gas consumption in Lithuania by purpose

% Energetikos ámonës 60 Energy companies 53,4% Tràðø gamyba 50 Fertiliser production 40 Pramonës ámonës Industry 30 26,7% Gyventojai Residents 20 11,1% Komunaliniai buitiniai vartotojai 10 5,1% Commercial-household customers 2,9% 0,8% Þemës ûkio þmonës 0 Agriculture

dujos” akcijø nupirks Rusijos bendrovë ¥Gazprom”, the Russian company Gazprom acquires 34 percent of kuri tuo paèiu turëtø tapti pagrindiniu dujø tiekëju ir shares of Lietuvos Dujos AB and becomes the main laisviesiems vartotojams. supplier of natural gas to eligible customers. Komisija 2003 metais laisvaisiais papildomai pripaþino In 2003 the Commission granted eligible customer dar 3 gamtiniø dujø vartotojus. Ið viso yra 22 gamtiniø status to a further three natural gas customers. In all, dujø laisvieji vartotojai, kurie Lietuvoje per 2003 metus there are 22 eligible customers of natural gas who suvartojo 2370,2 mln. m3 dujø arba 80,5 proc. nuo viso consumed 2,370.2 millionon (80,5 percent) of the to- Lietuvoje suvartoto dujø kiekio. tal gas consumed in Lithuania in 2003. Ûkio ministras 2003 m. lapkrièio 18 d. ásakymu On November 18, 2003 the Ministry of Economy is- Nr. 4-430 priëmë sprendimà, pagal kurá visi Lietuvos sued Order No. 4-430 on adopting the decision to vartotojai, kurie suvartoja daugiau nei 1 mln. m3 gam- grant eligible customer status to all customers who 3 tiniø dujø per metus, gali bûti pripaþinti laisvaisiais. annually consume more than 1m million of natural gas. There are 74 such customers in Lithuania. As a Tokiø vartotojø Lietuvoje yra 74. Atitinkamai dujø rin- result, the natural gas market for Lithuania is expec- ka Lietuvoje bûtø atverta nuo 80,5 proc. iki 89,7 proc. ted to increase from 80.5 percent to 89.7 percent. 2.2. GAMTINIØ DUJØ KAINOS 2.2. NATURAL GAS PRICES 2003 metai leido Komisijai apibendrinti, kaip funk- The year 2003 allowed the Commission to review the cionuoja Gamtiniø dujø ástatymo bei Komisijos pa- implementation of the provisions of the Law on Natural rengtos Gamtiniø dujø kainø skaièiavimo metodikos Gas and the Methodology for Calculation of Natural nuostatos, kuriø pagrindu buvo numatytas sànaudø Gas Prices drafted by the Commission on the basis of atskyrimas bei taikymas pagal atskiras veiklas tre- which the separation of costs and their application by jiems metams. Gamtiniø dujø perdavimo, paskirsty- type of activity for a period of three years was projec- mo ir dujø kainø virðutinës ribos kasmet koreguoja- ted. Price caps for transmission, distribution and na- mos priklausomai nuo infliacijos, Komisijos nustaty- tural gas are regulated on a year-to-year basis in view tø efektyvumo koeficientø, dujø suvartojimo apimèiø of inflationary changes, efficiency coefficients set by pasikeitimo bei kitø, nuo ámonës veiklos nepriklau- the Commission, gas consumption volumes and de- sanèiø veiksniø kaitos. Dujø kainø reguliuojamiesiems velopments of other factors that do not depend upon vartotojams virðutinë riba perskaièiuojama kas pusæ the company’s activities. Natural gas price caps for metø, priklausomai nuo ið uþsienio ðaliø perkamø dujø non-eligible customers are reviewed every six months kainø pasikeitimo ir kartà per metus dël perdavimo in regard to the price changes of natural gas purcha- bei paskirstymo kainø virðutinës ribos korekcijos. sed by foreign countries and annually for the adjust- Apskaièiuojant dujø perdavimo virðutines ribas, bu- ment of transmission and distribution price caps. vo ávestas mokëjimas uþ galià (maksimalus paros For the purpose of calculating natural gas transmission suvartojimas kubiniais metrais). Toks mokëjimas pir- price caps, a capacity fee (the maximum daily con- miesiems trejiems metams yra taikomas laisviesiems sumption in cubic metres) was introduced. For the first vartotojams bei reguliuojamiems vartotojams, kurie three years this fee is applied to both eligible and non- suvartoja daugiau kaip 15 mln. kubiniø metrø dujø eligible customers whose annual natural gas consump- per metus. Visi laisvieji vartotojai vienodai moka uþ tion accounts for more than 15 million. All eligible cus- maksimalaus paros suvartojimo vienetà (galià) bei tomers pay an equal amount for the maximum daily uþ tûkst. kubiniø metrø perduodamà dujø kieká. Dau- consumption unit (capacity) and for the natural gas vo- gumai laisvøjø vartotojø (tolygiai vartojantiems dujas lume transported in thousands of cubic metres. For the

annual report, 2003 20 per metus) perdavimo kaina tapo þemesnë nei tai- vast majority of eligible customers (whose annual natu- kyta iki galios ávedimo (31,40 Lt uþ tûkst. kubiniø ral gas consumption is distributed evenly throughout metrus) ir leido dujø ámonëms tiksliau atlikti siste- the year) the transmission price became lower than that mos balansavimà, t. y. paskirstyti dujø srautus. applied before introducing the capacity fee (31.40Lt per 15 pav. Laisvøjø vartotojø vidutinë perdavimo paslaugos kaina 2003 metais Figure 15. Average transmission service price for eligible customers 2003

45 Laisvieji vartuotojai / 3 Eligible customers 40

Lt/1000m 35







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617 1. Perdavimo kaina iki galios ávedimo 7. AB ¥Ðiauliø energija” 13. Agrofirma ¥Josvainiai” Transmission price before capacity installation Ðiauliø Energija AB Josvainiai AB 2. AB ¥Achema” 8. AB ¥Panevëþio energija” 14. AB ¥Grigiðkës” Achema AB Panevëþio Energija AB Grigiðkës AB 3. AB ¥Lietuvos elektrinë” 9. UAB ¥Litesko” 15. UAB ¥Geoterma” Lietuvos Elektrinë AB Litesko UAB Geoterma UAB 4. UAB ¥Vilniaus energija” 10. UAB ¥Ukmergës energija” 16. AB ¥Panevëþio stiklas” Vilniaus Energija UAB Ukmergës Energija UAB Panevëþio Stiklas AB 5. AB ¥Kauno energija” 11. AB ¥Jonavos ÐT” 17. UAB ¥Akmenës energija” Kauno Energija AB Jonavos ÐT AB Akmenës Energija UAB 6. AB ¥Klaipëdos energija” 12. AB ¥Ekranas” Klaipëdos Energija AB Ekranas AB

Paskirstymo paslaugos kaina taikoma diferencijuotai thousand cubic metres) and enabled the natural gas (septynios vartotojø grupës) pagal dujø suvartojimo companies to balance the system more accurately, i.e. kieká. Atskyrus tiekimo sànaudas, buvo taikoma pa- to distribute the flows of natural gas. stovi mokëjimo dalis uþ tiekimo paslaugà. Mokëjimas The application of the distribution service is differentia- uþ tiekimo paslaugà sudaro labai neþymià mokëjimo ted (seven groups of customers) by the natural gas con-

16 pav. Vidutinë gamtiniø dujø kaina reguliuojamiems vartotojams Figure 16. Average natural gas price for non-eligible customers

1000 3 2002 m. dujø kaina 900 Natural gas price 2002

800 2003 m. I pusm. dujø kaina 700 Natural gas price first half of 2003 / Lt/1000 m 3 600 2003 m. II pusm. dujø kaina 500 Natural gas price second half of 2003

400 2004 m. I pusm. dujø kaina Lt uþ 1000 m 300 Natural gas price first half of 2004 / / / / / / 3 3 3 3 3 3

I gr.<800 m gr.<800 I Vartuotojø grupës Group I<800m³ V gr.<5 mln. m gr.<5 V IV gr.<1 mln.m gr.<1 IV Customers groups III gr.<0,1 mln. m III gr.<0,1 II gr.<20 tûkst. m II gr.<20 VI gr.< 15 mln. m VI gr.< Group II<20,000m³ Group VI<15 m. m³ Group IV<1 mln. m³ Group IV<1 mln. m³ Group III<0.1 mln. m³

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 21 dalá, kuris buvo palankiai ávertintas visø vartotojø, nes sumption volume. Separation of supply costs was follo- iki virðutiniø ribiniø kainø taikymo reguliuojamiesiems wed by the application of the fixed amount of the fee vartotojams buvo taikomas pastovus mokestis viduti- levied for the supply service. This fee comprises only a niðkai apie 40 proc. visos kainos, dël ko kildavo ne- minor part of payment, which was approved by all cus- maþai skundø, ypaè pereinant ið vienos vartotojø gru- tomers, because prior to the application of price caps, pës á kità. Sànaudø atskyrimas leido vartotojams bei non-eligible customers were charged the fixed fee of dujø ámonëms taikyti skaidresnes perdavimo, paskirs- about 40 percent of the total price which resulted in nu- tymo bei tiekimo paslaugø kainas. Skaidri, efektyvi merous complaints, in particular when customers mo- kainø politika skatina didesná dujø suvartojimà, o tai ved from one group to another. Cost separation allowed sàlygoja kainø sumaþëjimà. Nors nuo 2003 m. liepos customers and gas companies to apply more transpa- mën. dujø importo kaina padidëjo apie 4 dolerius, bet rent prices for natural gas transmission, distribution and dël dolerio kurso lito atþvilgiu (uþ dujas tiekimo ámonë supply services. Transparent and effective price-setting atsiskaito doleriais) nuosmukio reguliuojamiesiems var- policies foster the growth of natural gas consumption totojams gamtiniø dujø kaina nuolatos maþëjo. volumes, which, in its turn, facilitates a drop in prices. Despite the increase of the natural gas import price by Vyriausybei atðaukus nutarimà dël dujø tiekimo re- about US$4 from July 2003, the natural gas price for non- guliavimo laisviesiems vartotojams, antràjá pusmetá eligible customers continued to decrease as a result of jie dujas pirko sutartinëmis kainomis ir ðiems var- the fall in the US$-litas exchange rate (the supply com- totojams dujø kainos padidëjo. pany effects settlements in United States dollars). Komisija nustatë virðutines ribines dujø transportavi- When the Government revoked the resolution on the sup- mo paslaugø kainas, o dujø ámonë, nevirðydama ribi- ply of natural gas to eligible customers, in the second niø kainø, apskaièiavo ir suderinusi su Komisija taikë half of the year natural gas was sold to them at agreed faktines dujø transportavimo paslaugø ir dujø kainas prices and for these customers gas prices went up. reguliuojamiesiems vartotojams. Nuo 2003 m. sausio The Commission fixed the marginal prices for natural gas transportation services. Gas companies calcula- ted the actual prices for natural gas transportation ser- vices and for natural gas within the limits of marginal prices and, having agreed them with the Commission, applied these prices to non-eligible customers. As of January 1, 2003 three natural gas companies (Lietuvos Dujos AB, Joniðkio Energija UAB and Josvainiai AB) applied new gas prices to non-eligible customers. As a result of a change in the import price of natural gas, the price cap was adjusted for these companies as of July 1 d. trys dujø ámonës - AB „Lietuvos dujos”, UAB „Jonið- 1, followed by the correction of actual prices, which drop- kio energija” bei AB agrofirma „Josvainiai”- taikë nau- ped due to a reduction in the exchange rate. When jas dujø kainas reguliuojamiesiems vartotojams. Ðioms examining the actual prices, the Commission identified ámonëms nuo liepos 1 d. dël dujø importo kainos pasi- irregularities, which were acknowledged and corrected by the companies with the exception of a disagree- keitimo buvo pakoreguotos virðutinës ribinës kainos, ment with Lietuvos Dujos AB over gas prices for non- todël buvo koreguojamos ir faktinës kainos, kurios su- eligible customers who consume more than 15m3 mil- maþëjo dël valiutos kurso kritimo. Komisija, tikrinda- lion of natural gas. The Commission passed a unilateral ma faktines kainas, nurodë netikslumus, su kuriais ámo- decision establishing that such customers will be char- nës sutiko, ir juos iðtaisë, iðskyrus nesutarimà su AB ged for transmission according to capacity, and for the „Lietuvos dujos” dël dujø kainø reguliuojamiesiems var- distribution service according to the price applicable to totojams, kurie suvartoja daugiau kaip 15 mln. kubiniø group VII, if such a service is provided, and will have to metrø dujø. Komisija vienaðaliðkai priëmë sprendimà, pay for gas import the price equal to that set for non- kad tokie vartotojai uþ perdavimo paslaugà mokës pa- eligible customers (other than the contractual price, as gal galià, paskirstymo - 7 grupës kainà, jei tokia pa- the gas company has requested). slauga teikiama, tiekimo bei dujø importo kainà – kaip reguliuojamieji vartotojai (o ne sutartinæ kainà, kaip rei- By the end of 2003 the Commission had set the kalavo dujø ámonë). price cap for the distribution service rendered by gas companies managing the system of distribu- 2003 metø pabaigoje Komisija nustatë virðutinæ paskirs- tion (gas mains) by right of ownership (Intergas AB tymo kainà dviems dujø ámonëms, kurios nuosavybës and Kauno Energija AB) as well as the price caps teise valdo paskirstymo sistemà (dujotieká) - AB „Inter- for the distribution service and for the non-eligible gas” ir AB „Kauno energija” bei paskirstymo paslau- customers of Druskininkø Dujos UAB. gos virðutinæ ribà ir dujø kainos virðutinæ ribà UAB „Drus- Kauno Energija AB distributes about 200m3 million of kininkø dujos” reguliuojamiesiems vartotojams. gas to the Power Plant. Intergas AB distributes AB „Kauno energija” paskirsto apie 200 mln. kubiniø gas to the Druskininkai heat system boiler house, whe- metrø dujø Kauno elektrinei. AB „Intergas” paskirsto reas the actual supply of gas is carried out by Haupas

annual report, 2003 22 dujas iki Druskininkø ðilumos tinklø katilinës, o dujas UAB, which provides gas to Druskininkø Dujos UAB. tiekia UAB „Haupas”, kuri dujomis aprûpina UAB „Drus- By the end of 2003, customers in Druskininkai used kininkø dujos”. Druskininkø miesto vartotojai iki 2003 liquefied gas, and as soon as the opportunity to be metø pabaigos vartojo suskystintas dujas, atsiradus supplied with natural gas arose, the gas sector was galimybei gauti gamtines dujas, buvo pertvarkytas dujø reorganised. The projected natural gas consumption vo- ûkis. 2004 metais numatomas gamtiniø dujø suvartoji- lumes for the year 2004 are relatively small, at around in mas sàlyginai maþas - apie 330 tûkst. kubiniø metrø. 330,000m in total. When calculating price caps for the Komisija, apskaièiuodama virðutines paskirstymo pa- gas distribution service and for natural gas, the Com- mission asked to provide a perspective development slaugos ir dujø virðutines kainø ribas, pareikalavo pa- plan of Druskininkai gas sector, because such small teikti perspektyviná Druskininkø miesto dujø ûkio plët- gas consumption volumes result in high prices. In or- ros planà, nes toks maþas dujø suvartojimas lemia aukð- der to supply natural gas to non-eligible customers and tas kainas. UAB „Druskininkø dujos”, parduodama du- having no alternative supplier of natural gas, Druskinin- jas reguliuojamiesiems vartotojams ir neturëdama al- kø Dujos UAB signed the gas purchasing and selling ternatyvaus dujø tiekëjo, pasiraðë dujø pirkimo-parda- agreement with Haupas UAB, according to which the vimo sutartá su UAB „Haupas”, kur paèiø dujø kaina gas price for non-eligible customers was set conside- dël aukðtos transportavimo kainos per Baltarusijos te- rably higher that the price of supplied gas paid by the ritorijà bei per UAB „Intergas” paskirstymo tinklà, paly- non-eligible customers of Lietuvos Dujos AB, Josvai- ginus su tiekiamø dujø kaina AB „Lietuvos dujos”, AB niai AB and Joniðkio Energija UAB, because of the high agrofirmos „Josvainiai”, UAB „Joniðkio energija” regu- gas transportation price through Belarus and via the liuojamiesiems vartotojams, yra gerokai didesnë. distribution network of Intergas UAB.



Po ilgø svarstymø Seimas 2003 metø viduryje pri- After prolonged debates in the middle of 2003 the ëmë Ðilumos ûkio ástatymà, kuris aiðkiau reglamen- Seimas (Lithuanian parliament) finally passed the Law tuoja Komisijos veiklà, reguliuojant ðalies ðilumos ûká, on Heat Sector, which defines more clearly the activi- iðplëtë jos funkcijas ir kompetencijà. ties of the Commission with regard to the country’s heat sector regulation, and extends the functions as Pagrindinë Ðilumos ûkio ástatymo kryptis - gerinti ði- well as the power of the Commission is this regard. lumos ir karðto vandens vartotojø bei tiekëjø tarpu- savio santykius. Vartotojai gali pasirinkti ðilumos ir The principal aim of the Law on Heat Sector is to improve relations between the users (customers) and suppliers karðto vandens tiekimo - vartojimo ribà, visos name of heat and hot water. The customers are free to select suvartotos ðilumos iðdalinimo bûdà, vienanaræ ar dvi- heat and hot water consumption limits, the method by naræ ðilumos ar karðto vandens kainà, pastato ðildy- which heat is consumed in a building, a one-part or a mo ir karðto vandens sistemos priþiûrëtojà, nemokë- two-part component water price and the organisation of ti (nustatytà laikà) uþ ðilumà, suvartotà ðildymui virð the maintenance of the building’s heating and hot water maksimaliø ðilumos suvartojimo normø, jeigu ðildy- system. They are exempt from payment (for a fixed ti- mo sistema neatitinka privalomøjø reikalavimø, atsi- me period) for heat consumed for heating purposes jungti nuo centralizuotai tiekiamos ðilumos sistemos, which exceeds the maximum heat consumption norms pasirinkti pastato ðildymo pradþios ir pabaigos lai- if the heating system does not conform to the mandato- kà, karðto vandens tiekëjà ar tiekimo bûdà. ry requirements. They may also be disconnected from the district heat supply system, select the starting and Ástatymas áteisino pagrástà konkurencijà, superkant ði- the final dates of heating of the building and choose the lumà ið nepriklausomø gamintojø, tarp karðto vandens hot water supplier or the method of supply. tiekëjø ar tiekimo bûdø, tarp ðildymo ir karðto vandens sistemos priþiûrëtojø, tarp alternatyviø kuro rûðiø. This law enforces sound competition in purchasing heat from independent producers between hot water Ðilumos ûkio ástatymo pagrindiniø krypèiø bei tikslø suppliers or methods of supply, as well as between ágyvendinimui pirmajame etape buvo numatyta pa- maintenance organisations of district heat and hot tvirtinti 28 teisës aktus. water systems, and alternative types of fuel. Ágyvendinant naujàjà kainodaros politikà, Centralizuo- The approval of two legal acts was envisaged in the tai tiekiamos ðilumos ir karðto vandens kainø nustaty- first stage of the implementation of the main direc- mo metodika áteisino bazinës kainos principà. Ðilu- tions and objectives of the Law on Heat Sector.

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 23 mos tiekimo ámonës nebegalës dengti savo neefekty- For the purpose of implementing the new pricing poli- vaus darbo arba didinti sànaudø vartotojø sàskaita. cies, the base price principle was enforced by virtue Bazinë ðilumos ir karðto vandens kaina nustatoma 3-5 of the Methodology for Setting Prices for District Heat metams, o kasmet perskaièiuojama tik ávertinus ob- [DH] and Hot Water. DH utilities will no longer be able jektyvius rinkos pokyèius, t. y. koreguojama pasikei- to cover their loss-making operations or to increase tus kuro kainoms, infliacijai, realizuojamam ðilumos kie- costs at the expense of their customers. The base kiui ir pan. Toks kainø reguliavimas turi uþtikrinti stabi- price for heat and hot water is set for three-to-five years lià ámoniø ekonomikà, o vartotojus saugoti nuo neûkið- and recalculated on a year-to-year basis only in consi- kumo ir ¥politikavimo” ekonomikoje. Ámonë gali suma- deration of objective market changes, i.e. it is adjus- þinti sànaudas ir nuostolius, o gautà pelnà panaudoti ted upon the change of fuel prices, inflation, realised investicijoms, ûkio atnaujinimui, vamzdynø keitimui ir heat volume, etc. Such regulation of prices should gu- pan. Naujas principas ¥uþsidirbti sànaudø maþinimu, arantee the stable economic operation of companies bet ne didinant ðilumos kainas” turi paskatinti efekty- and protect customers from unprofitable operation and viau dirbti savivaldybiø ámones ir pritraukti investuo- the ‘politicising’ of the economy. A utility can minimise tojø. Po 3-5 metø bus nustatoma nauja bazinë kaina costs and losses and use the generated profit for in- atsiþvelgiant á sumaþëjusias ámoniø sànaudas. vestments, renovation of facilities, replacement of pi- peline, etc. The new principle of ‘benefiting through Nustatomos ðilumos gamybos, perdavimo bei karð- reduction of costs, rather than through an increase in to vandens vienanarës ir dvinarës, taip pat ðilumos heat prices’ should encourage municipal utilities to pardavimo vartotojams bei ðilumos ir karðto van- work more effectively and to attract investors. A new dens matavimo prietaisø árengimo kainos. Ðilumos base price will be fixed after three-to-five years with pardavimo (ðilumos paskirstymo namo viduje) pa- regard to the reduction of the utilities’costss. slaugos kainos nemokës bendrijos ar kiti subjektai, The prices being set comprise one-part and two-part com- kurie patys paskirsto ðilumà uþ ávadinio skaitiklio. ponent prices for heat generation, transmission and hot Daugiabuèiø namø ðildymo ir karðto vandens siste- water, as well as selling prices for heat sold to custo- mos prieþiûros maksimaliø tarifø nustatymo metodi- mers and the installation of heat and hot water accoun- ka parengta pirmà kartà - iki ðiol nebuvo nei prieþiû- ting meters. The price for heat sales service (distribu- ros maksimalaus tarifo sàvokos nei jo apskaièiavimo tion of heat inside the building) will not be paid by asso- tvarkos. Prieþiûros tarifà pagal individualias metodi- ciations or other economic entities, which distribute heat kas (ar be jø) nustaèiusi ámonë tapdavo ðios paslau- by themselves outside the heating lead-in meter. gos monopolistë, nes nebuvo tvarkos, leidþianèios The Methodology for Setting Maximum Tariffs for Di- vartotojams pasirinkti priþiûrëtojà bei nesukurta kon- strict Heating and Hot Water Supply Systems in Blocks kurencinë aplinka, leidþianti á verslà ateiti juridiniams of Flats was developed for the first time. Neither the ar fiziniams asmenims, suinteresuotiems gerinti pa- maximum tariff concept nor its calculation procedure slaugø kokybæ ir maþinti kainà.Metodika numato, kad existed before. The utility which established the main- savivaldybë patvirtina maksimalius tarifus, kurie di- tenance tariff applying (or not applying) individual met- ferencijuojami priklausomai nuo pastatø ploto ir sis- hods as a rule became the absolute controller of such temø amþiaus jos teritorijoje labiausiai paplitusioms services because there was no procedure enabling pastatø grupëms, pagal ðilumos punkto bei ðildymo customers to select the maintenance organisation, and ir karðto vandens sistemø instaliacijø tipus. Komisi- because of the absence of the competitive environ- jos patvirtinta metodika padës savivaldybëms ska- ment facilitating the operation of natural and legal per- tinti konkurencijà pastatø ðildymo ir karðto vandens sons interested in the improvement of the quality of prieþiûros srityje, o vartotojams, kaip numatyta Ðilu- services and price reduction. According to the metho- mos tiekimo ir vartojimo taisyklëse, iki 2005 m. sau- dology, municipalities now approve maximum tariffs sio 1 d. pasirinkti ðiø sistemø priþiûrëtojà. which are differentiated according to the area of buil- dings and the age of systems within their territories Teisës akto ¥Maksimalios ðilumos suvartojimo normos for the prevailing groups of buildings in observance of daugiabuèiø namø butams ir kitoms patalpoms ðildy- the type of heat nodes and heating and hot water sys- ti” uþduotis - apsaugoti vartotojus, gyvenanèius iki tem installations. The methodology approved by the 1992 metø statytuose namuose, kuriø ðildymo siste- Commission will be useful for municipalities in foste- mos neatitinka privalomøjø reikalavimø, nuo pernelyg ring competition in the field of heating and hot water dideliø mokëjimø uþ bûsto ðildymà. Rengiant ðá nor- maintenance and for customers by enabling them to miná dokumentà buvo remtasi Gedimino technikos uni- select the maintenance organisation of these systems versiteto Aplinkos inþinerijos fakulteto Ðildymo vëdi- by January 1, 2005, as provided for in the Heat Sup- nimo katedros, Architektûros ir statybos instituto bei ply and Consumption Regulations. Komisijos atliktos apklausos duomenimis. Duomenø analizë parodë, kad ðiuo metu taikomi ribiniai (maksi- The purpose of the legal act on the Maximum Heat Consumption Norms for Heating of Flats and Other malûs) normatyvai daþniau buvo virðijami aukðtesniø Premises in Blocks of Flats is to protect customers nei 5 aukðtø namø grupëje, todël buvo padidinti nuo living in houses constructed before 1992, the heating 31 iki 35 kWh/m2 per mënesá. Vieno - dviejø aukðtø systems of which do not conform to standard require- namø grupëms ðie normatyvai nustatyti pirmà kartà.

annual report, 2003 24 ments, from excessively high heating prices. This le- gal act was prepared in observance of the data of the survey conducted by the Heating and Air Conditio- ning Department of the Environmental Engineering Fa- culty of Gediminas Technical University, the Institute of Architecture and Construction, and the Commission. Analysis of this data showed that the presently appli- cable marginal (maximum) norms were exceeded in the group of higher than five-storey buildings, and, as a result, they were increased from 31 to 35kWh/m2 per month. For groups of one- or two-storey buildings, such norms were established for the first time. According to the aforementioned data we can assu- me that the established maximum heating norm can be exceeded only in up to three percent of buildings. Remiantis minëtos apklausos duomenimis galima In the opinion of scientists, in 90 percent of cases the daryti prielaidà, kad maksimalø ðilumos sànaudø costs of heat consumed for heating purposes depends normatyvà ðildymui gali virðyti iki 3 proc. namø. upon the thermal characteristics of fencing, and just Mokslininkø nuomone, ðilumos sànaudas ðildymui 10 percent on statutory requirements. Therefore, the 90 proc. lemia atitvarø ðiluminës charakteristikos ir application of the provision of the law which stipulates tik 10 proc. - atitikimas privalomiesiems reikalavi- that the heat supplier is deprived of the right to requi- mams, todël ástatymo nuostata, kad ðilumos tiekë- re that the owners of buildings the heating and (or) hot jas neturi teisës reikalauti, kad namø, kuriø ðildymo water systems of which do not conform to the statuto- ry requirements, should pay for the consumed quanti- ir (ar) karðto vandens sistemos neatitinka privalo- ty of heat which exceeds the maximum heat consump- møjø reikalavimø, savininkai mokëtø uþ suvartotà tion norms, is possible only in extremely rare cases. ðilumos kieká, virðijantá maksimalias ðilumos suvar- tojimo normas, gali bûti taikoma itin retai. By order of the government and in observance of the Law on Monetary Social Support to Low-income Fami- Vyriausybës pavedimu, vadovaudamasi Piniginës lies (Single Individuals), the Commission prepared and socialinës paramos maþas pajamas gaunanèioms approved the Normatives for Different Types of Ener- ðeimoms (vieniems gyvenantiems asmenims) ásta- gy and Fuel Used for Heating of Dwellings and Cold tymu, Komisija parengë ir patvirtino Atskirø energi- Water and the Methodology of their Application. jos ir kuro rûðiø normatyvus bûstui ðildyti ir ðaltam The aforementioned methodology imposed for the very vandeniui paðildyti bei jø taikymo metodikà. first time the provision of the law under implementation, Metodikoje pirmà kartà ágyvendinama ástatymo which provides for compensating the heating costs as nuostata, leidþianti kompensuoti iðlaidas ðildymui, well as the costs for heating and the circulation of cold ðalto vandens paðildymui bei cirkuliacijai, naudo- water using electricity, and supplements the list of other jant elektros energijà bei iðplëstas kitø kuro rûðiø types of fuel. This legal act establishes the differentia- sàraðas. Teisës aktas numato normatyvø diferen- tion of norms depending upon outdoor temperature, height ciacijà, priklausomai nuo iðorës oro temperatûros, and altitude of the premises in question, as well as the patalpø aukðèio ir aukðtingumo bei ataskaitinio lai- duration of the accounting period. Solid fuel is used ac- kotarpio trukmës. Naudojant kietà kurà liko galioti cording to the previously approved procedure, which ap- plies to apply fixed average norms of heat costs. esama tvarka, leidþianti taikyti pastovius vidutinius ðilumos sànaudø normatyvus. The Association of Heat Suppliers has developed the Draft Methods of Allocation (Distribution) of Heat Sup- Ðilumos tiekëjø asociacija parengë ir 2003 metø pa- ply, and submitted them for coordination by the end of baigoje pateikë derinti Ðilumos kiekio paskirstymo (ið- 2003. The Commission is intending to recommend se- dalinimo) metodø, kuriuos Komisija rekomenduotø pa- lection of these methods for customers. This draft has sirinkti vartotojams, projektà. Projektas parengtas ne- been developed in observance of the aforementioned ávertinus minëtø Komisijos aprobuotø teisës aktø, taip legal acts approved by the Commission and the provi- pat visiðkai nenagrinëta ástatymo nuostata dël mokë- sion of the law, which was not taken into consideration jimø uþ bendrojo naudojimo patalpø ðildymà, nepri- at all concerning the calculation of the amount of fees in klausomai nuo to, kokiu bûdu ðildomos patalpos. Dël implementing the customers’rightt to select between a ðiø prieþasèiø, taip pat esant instituciniams nesutari- one-part and two-part component heat price and fees mams dël karðto vandens tiekëjo statuso reglamen- for heating of public premises irrespective of the hea- tavimo bei dël Vyriausybës 1997 m. gruodþio 31 d. ting method. Due to these reasons, and disagreements nutarimo Nr. 1507 ¥Dël dujø, elektros energijos, ðalto between authorities as to the regulation of the hot water bei karðto vandens apskaitos prietaisø árengimo ir eks- supplier’s status and further application of the Govern- ploatavimo” tolesnio taikymo, teisës akto projektas ment Resolution No.1507 of December 31, 1997 on Ins- Komisijoje nebuvo svarstytas. tallation and Operation of Gas, Electricity, Cold and Hot veiklos ataskaita, 2003 25 Komisijos darbuotojai rengia naujus teisës aktus, Water Accounting Meters, the Commission did not de- teikia pastabas ir siûlymus kitoms institucijoms jø liberate this legal act. parengtiems teisës aktø projektams, aiðkina juos Members of the Commission are currently engaged tiekimo ámoniø specialistams, savivaldybiø tarnau- in drafting new legislation, providing observations and tojams bei visuomenei. Centralizuotai tiekamos ði- proposals to other authorities with regard to drafted lumos ir karðto vandens kainø metodikos aiðkini- legal acts, explaining them to the suppliers’expertss, mui buvo surengti 3 seminarai Ðiauliuose, Kaune municipality employees and the public. For the pur- bei Vilniuje. pose of explaining the Methodology for Setting the Prices for District Heat and Hot Water Supply, three Nepaisant to, kad ið minëtø 28 teisës aktø dauguma seminars were held in Vilnius, Kaunas and ðiauliai. jau parengti ir aprobuoti, Ðilumos ûkio ástatymo nuo- statø ágyvendinimui 2004 metais planuojama parengti Regardless of the fact that a large majority of the afo- ar atnaujinti dar 25 teisës aktus. rementioned 28 legal acts have already been drafted and approved, the drafting or amendment of 25 addi- 3.2. INVESTICIJOS IR AMORTIZACINIAI tional acts is still pending in 2004, with a view to im- ATSKAITYMAI plementing the provisions of the Law on Heat Sector.

Ne visos savivaldybës, 1997 metais gavusios jø teri- 3.2. INVESTMENTS AND torijoje esanèias ðilumos tiekimo ámones, turëjo pa- DEPRECIATION CHARGES kankamai patirties ir specialistø efektyviam ámoniø val- dymui ir plëtrai. Savivaldybës priimdavo ekonomiðkai Not all municipalities to the sphere of competence of nepagrástus sprendimus dël investicijø á ðilumos tieki- which DH utilities have been attributed in 1997 have mo ámones (pvz., Anykðèiø savivaldybë). Kad tokie enough experience and specialists to ensure the effec- atvejai nepasikartotø, Komisija 1998 metais iðleido nu- tive management and development of such utilities. Cer- tarimà, ápareigojantá ðilumos tiekimo ámones derinti su tain municipalities have taken economically unjustified Komisija visas 1 mln. Lt virðijanèias investicijas. Ðio decisions with regard to investments in DH utilities (e.g. nutarimo taikymo praktika parodë, kad 1 mln. Lt virði- the municipality of Anykðèiai). To avoid such mistakes, janèius investicijø projektus buvo galima suskaidyti á in 1998 the Commission passed a resolution binding keletà 1 mln. Lt ribos nesiekianèius investicijø projek- DH utilities to an agreement with the Commission on all tus ir dalis ámoniø investicinës veiklos liko valstybës investments exceeding one million litas. The practice nekontroliuojama, todël Energetikos ir Ðilumos ûkio ásta- of the application of this resolution revealed that invest- tymais ðilumos tiekimo ámonës, kuriø ðilumos kainos ment projects exceeding one million litas could have yra reguliuojamos, buvo ápareigotos visas investicijas been split into several investment projects of up to one derinti su Komisija. million litas, and as a result a certain part of the inves- ting activities of the utilities remained outside the sco- Komisija patvirtino Investicijø projektø derinimo tvar- pe of state control. In view of the above, the Law on kà ir 2003 metais suderino tris investicijø projektus, Energy and the Law on Heat Sector made those DH bendrai 12,3 mln. Lt sumai, ið kuriø 8,9 mln. Lt skir- utilities whose heat prices are not regulated agree on all ta katilinëms, o 3,4 mln. Lt - ðilumos perdavimo tin- of their investments with the Commission. klams. Pagal Ðilumos skyriaus surinktà informacijà 2004 ir kitais metais planuojama investuoti apie 341,1 The Commission adopted the Investment Projects Co- mln. Lt. Tokius duomenis jau yra pateikusios 40 ði- ordination Procedure according to which three invest- lumos tiekimo ámoniø, kurios parduoda 90 proc. ða- ment projects were approved in 2003 to the amount of lyje centralizuotai tiekiamos ðilumos. 12.3Lt million, of which 8.9Lt million is aimed at boiler houses, and 3.4Lt million at heat transmission networks. Tinklø ilgis ataskaitiniø metø pabaigoje buvo per Information gathered by the Heat Department shows 2800 kilometrø, todël apytikriai skaièiuojant, kad that average investments planned for 2004 and beyond vieno kilometro 150 mm diametro vamzdþio pakei- account for about 341.1Lt million. Such data has alrea- timas (su þemës darbais) kainuoja apie 1 mln. Lt, dy been received from 40 DH utilities, which realise 90 o 2004 metais planuojama rekonstruoti apie 72 km percent of the country’s district heat supply. arba 2,6 proc. viso tinklo, tai viso tinklo atnaujini- mas planuojamu tempu truktø apie 40 metø. 2003 By the end of the year the length of gas mains excee- metais buvo pakeisti 39 kilometrai arba 1,4 proc. ded 2,800 kilometres. Therefore, calculating roughly, senø tinklø, t. y. viso tinklo atnaujinimui prireiktø the price for replacing one kilometre of 150mm pipeli- ne maþiau kaip 70 metø. Keièiami tik visai nusidë- ne (including labour) is about one million litas. Reconst- vëjæ vamzdynai, nes ðilumos nuostoliø maþëjimas ruction works planned for 2004 will cover about 72km neatperka brangiø investicijø. Vamzdynø keitimo (2.6 percent) of the entire network, meaning its full re- mastus reikës didinti, todël bûtina uþtikrinti ðilu- novation at the projected speed would take about 40 mos tiekimo ámoniø rentabilià veiklà, kuri garantuotø years. Thirty-nine kilometres (1.4 percent) of the old investicijø projektø finansavimà ateityje. Naujø tin- networks were replaced in 2003, which means that at klø 2003 metais buvo paklota 10,7 kilometro, o 2004- least 70 years will be needed to renovate the rest. aisiais planuojama sumontuoti apie 15 kilometrø. Replacement affects only the entirely worn pipeline,

annual report, 2003 26 4 lentelë. Planuojamos investicijos pagal paskirtá Table 4. Projected investments by purpose

Eil. Investicijø Investicijø Dalis Nr. paskirtis sumos, mln. Lt procentais Seq. Purpose of Amount of Percentage No. investments investment share (million litas)

Kogeneracijos plëtimas 1. 34,5 Development of co-generation 117,7 Biokuro naudojimo plëtimas 2. 5,7 Development of the use of biofuel 19,5 Katiliniø dujofikavimas 3. 0,6 Gas installation in boiler houses 1,9 Ðilumos perdavimo tinklo plëtimas 4. 4,5 Heat transmission network development 15,4 Ðilumos perdavimo tinklo rekonstravimas 5. 21,0 Heat transmission network reconstruction 71,9 Susidëvëjusiø katilø pakeitimas ir naujø katilø pastatymas, katiliniø ir katilø modernizavimas bei rekonstravimas 6. 10,4 Replacement of worn, and installation of new, boilers; 35,4 modernisation and reconstruction of boiler houses and boilers Ðilumos punktø rekonstrukcija, grupiniø ðilumokaièiø panaikinimas, naujø ðilumos punktø árengimas* 7. 13,9 Reconstruction of heat nodes, elimination of multiple heat 47,4 exchangers, installation of new heat nodes* Ðilumos apskaitos prietaisø árengimas (be UAB „Vilniaus energija“duomenø) 8. 0,6 Installation of heat accounting meters 2 (excluding the data of Vilniaus Energija UAB) Kitos investicijos 9. 8,8 Other investments 29,9 Ið viso 10. 100 Total 341,1

* UAB „Vilniaus energija“ naujø ðilumos punktø árengimas apima ir ðilumos apskaitos prietaisø árengimà. * The installation of new heat nodes by Vilniaus Energija UAB also includes the installation of heat accounting meters

Ðilumos tiekimo ámonëse instaliuota ðilumos genera- because the reduction of heat losses does not cover vimo árenginiø bendroji galia yra apie 8280 MW, ið to expensive investments. The scope of pipeline repla- skaièiaus biokurà naudojanèiø árenginiø galia 2002 cement works will need expansion, which calls for the metais buvo 175 MW, 2003 metø pabaigoje iðaugo profitable operation of DH utilities in order to guaran- iki 219 MW. Didëjant atveþtinio kuro kainoms, inves- tee the financing of investment projects in the future. ticija á biokurà naudojanèius árenginius yra greièiau- In 2003, 10.7 kilometres of new networks were instal- siai atsiperkanti. Sparèiai daugëjant biokurà (ypaè led. A further 15 kilometres will be laid in 2004. medienà) naudojanèiø árenginiø bei didëjant ðio kuro The total installed capacity of heat generation equipment eksportui, atitinkamai didëja jo kaina rinkoje. in DH utilities is about 8,280MW, of which the capacity of heat generation equipment using biofuel in 2002 was Galiojanèiuose ilgalaikio turto nusidëvëjimo norma- 175MW, growing to 219MW by the end of 2003. Upon tyvus nustatanèiuose teisës aktuose yra leistinos the increase of imported fuel prices, investment into equip- gana plaèios nusidëvëjimo normatyvø ribos, todël ment using biofuel pays off in the shortest period. Given neretai energetikos ámoniø ilgalaikio turto buhalteri- the rapid growth of the amount of equipment using bio- në vertë neatitinka to turto realios vertës rinkoje. fuel (timber in particular) and the increase in export volu- Energetikos ástatymas ápareigojo ðilumos tiekimo mes of this fuel, its market price is growing respectively. ámones derinti su Komisija ilgalaikio materialaus tur- to nusidëvëjimo normatyvus. The applicable legal acts establishing fixed asset depreciation rates provide for sufficiently wide limits Vykdydama ðá pavedimà Komisija vadovaujasi ga- of depreciation rates, and, as a result, the carrying liojanèiais teisës aktais, taip pat atsiþvelgia á Ko- amount of fixed assets of energy companies often misijos surinktus duomenis apie turto faktiná tar- differs from the actual market value. The Law on Ener- veiklos ataskaita, 2003 27 navimo laikà bei patvirtintø analogiðko turto nusi- gy made DH utilities agree with the Commission on dëvëjimo normatyvø vidurkius ávairiose ðilumos tie- the depreciation rates of these fixed assets. kimo ámonëse. Per ataskaitiná laikotarpá Komisija In implementing this instruction, the Commission ob- 16 ðilumos tiekimo ámoniø suderino ilgalaikio turto serves applicable legal acts also having regard to col- nusidëvëjimo normatyvus. Ðios ámonës parduoda lected data about the actual useful life of assets and apie 53 proc. viso Lietuvoje centralizuotai tiekia- average depreciation rates of similar assets appro- mos ðilumos kiekio. ved by different DH utilities. During the reporting pe- riod the Commission coordinated fixed asset depre- 3.3. ÐILUMOS KAINØ DERINIMAS ciation rates for 16 DH utilities. These sell around 53 IR BAZINIØ KAINØ NUSTATYMAS percent of the total district heat supply in Lithuania.

Iki ásigaliojant Ðilumos ûkio ástatymui, Komisija 3.3. SETTING HEAT AND BASE PRICES suderino 11 ámoniø praðymus dël centralizuotai tiekiamos ðilumos ir karðto vandens kainø. Pa- Before the Law on Heat Sector came into effect, the tvirtinusi naujà Centralizuotai tiekiamos ðilumos Commission considered the applications of 11 DH utili- ir karðto vandens kainø nustatymo metodikà, Ko- ties concerning prices of district heat and hot water sup- misija suplanavo iki 2004 m. liepos 1 d. nustaty- ply. After approval of the new Methodology for Setting ti naujas bazines ðilumos kainas ðilumos tieki- Prices for District Heat and Hot Water Supply, the Com- mo ámonëms, tiekianèioms vartotojams virð 5 mln. mission undertook to set, by July 1, 2004, new base kWh ðilumos per metus. 2003 metais bazinës kai- prices for DH utilities annually supplying their custo- nos buvo nustatytos 10 ámoniø, o likusiems 52 mers with more than 5kWh million of heat. In 2003 the ðilumos tiekëjams bazinës kainos bus nustaty- base prices were set for 10 DH utilities, whereas for the tos per 2004 metus. remaining 52 heat suppliers they will be set in 2004.

5 lentelë. Ðilumos baziniø kainø nustatymas 2003 metais Table 5. Setting base prices 2003

Eil. Pavadinimas Buvusi Praðoma Nustatyta bazinë Sumaþë- Nr. kaina kaina ðilumos kaina, ct/kWh jimas,% Purpose of Seq. investments Prevoius Prevoius Base price set for heat Reduc- No. price price in ct/kWh tion % Ið viso Gamyba Perda- Parda- Total Produc- vimas vimas tion Trans- Sales mission

1. UAB ¥Maþeikiø ðilumos tinklai” Maþeikiø Ðilumos Tinklai UAB 13,73 12,7 12,5 8,01 4,12 0,37 9%

2. UAB ¥Molëtø ðiluma” Molëtø Ðiluma UAB 13,06 12,41 12,41 8,08 3,88 0,45 5%

3. AB ¥Klaipëdos energija” Klaipëdos Energija AB 10,69 10,6 10,47 6,42 3,66 0,39 2%

4. UAB ¥Kretingos ðilumos tinklai” Kretingos Ðilumos Tinklai UAB 13,2 13,2 12,99 8,23 4,43 0,33 1,6%

5. UAB ¥Tauragës ðilumos tinklai” Tauragës Ðilumos Tinklai UAB 13,9 13,6 13,34 8,69 4,4 0,25 4%

6. UAB ¥Ðilalës ðilumos tinklai” Ðilalës Ðilumos Tinklai UAB 13,0 12,94 12,8 7,69 4,8 0,31 1,5%

7. UAB ¥Ðilutës ðilumos tinklai” Ðilutës Ðilumos Tinklai UAB 14,3 14,19 13,65 8,38 4,79 0,48 4,5%

8. UAB ¥Neringos energija” Neringos Energija UAB 28,0 36,66 28,0 18,38 8,95 0,7

9. UAB ¥Plungës ðilumos tinklai” Plungës Ðilumos Tinklai UAB 13,2 13,17 12,7 7,44 4,86 0,4 3,8%

10. UAB ¥Radviliðkio ðiluma” Radviliðkio Ðiluma UAB 13,75 12,96 12,86 7,79 4,69 0,38 6,5%

Naujoji bazinës ðilumos kainos struktûra reikalauja sà- The new structure of the heat base price involves spre- naudas iðskaidyti pagal atskiras technologines gran- ading the costs by different technological categories. dis. Bazinëje ðilumos kainoje gamybos kaina vidutinið- The production price accounts for about 63 percent,

annual report, 2003 28 kai sudaro 63 proc., perdavimo - 34, pardavimo - 3. transmission 34 percent and sales three percent of Gamybos kainoje lemiamà dalá sudaro kuro sànaudos, the base price. The main portion of the production pri- todël kuro struktûra bei atskirø kuro rûðiø kaina turi áta- ce comprises fuel costs, therefore, the structure of fu- kos ir bazinës kainos dydþiui - pagrindiniam faktoriui, el and the price of the different types of fuel also influ- ágyvendinant konkurencijà ðilumos gamybos versle. Per- ence the amount of the base price, which is the key davimo kainoje didþiausià dalá sànaudø sudaro ðilu- factor in implementing competition in production. The mos perdavimo nuostoliai vamzdynuose, kuriø svyra- bulk of costs in the transmission price comprise heat vimas labai veikia ir bazinës kainos lygá. transmission losses in the pipeline the fluctuation of 2003 metais didþiosiose ðilumos tiekimo bendrovëse which considerably affects the base price level. faktinë gamtiniø dujø kaina, lyginant su 2002 metais, The actual price of natural gas in the largest DH utilities beveik nesikeitë, o rajoninëse ðilumos tiekimo bendro- in 2003, compared with 2002, hardly changed, and in vëse sumaþëjo 3-5 procentais. Mazuto rinkos kaina, skir- the regional DH utilities it fell by three-to-five percent. tingai nuo gamtiniø dujø kainos, svyravo, priklausomai The heavy fuel oil market price, differently from the na- nuo naftos kainos. 2003 m. vasario mënesá mazuto kai- tural gas price, kept fluctuating influenced by oil pri- na buvo pakilusi iki 593 Lt/t (be PVM), vëliau pradëjo ces. In February 2003 the heavy fuel oil price rose to maþëti ir gruodþio mënesá nukrito iki 431 Lt/t, t.y. su- 593Lt/tonne (not including VAT), followed by a subse- maþëjo 27 procentais. Vidutinë praëjusiøjø metø mazu- quent reduction and drop to 431Lt/tonne, i.e. a reduc- to rinkos kaina buvo 498 Lt/t ir, lyginant su 2002 me- tion of 27 percent, in December. Last year’s average tais, padidëjo 3 procentais. Vidutinë medienos kaina market price of heavy fuel oil was 498Lt/tonne and, com- rinkoje 2003 metais pakilo iki 280 Lt/t.n.e. arba 50 Lt/ktm pared with 2002, was up three percent. The average ir, lyginant su 2002 metais, padidëjo 30 proc. Pigios market price of timber in 2003 rose to 280Lt/tonne com- atliekinës medienos dalis ið apdirbimo ámoniø maþë- pared with 2002, increased by 30 percent. The quanti- ja, o jà renkant miðkuose ir specialiai ruoðiant (smulki- ties of cheap wood waste generated in wood proces- nant, dþiovinant, transportuojant) jos kaina didëja. sing companies keep reducing, while prices for timber Dujø suvartojimo dalis kuro balanse nuolat didëjo ir collection in the forests and for special treatment of tim- 2003 metais sudarë 78 proc. Mazuto suvartojimo ma- ber (chopping, drying, transportation) keeps growing.

17 pav. Kuro balanso kitimas Figure 17. Fuel balance development


% 80 Gas 70 60 Mazutas Heavy fuel oil 50 40 Mediena Timber 30 20 Kitos Other 10 0 2001 2002 2003

þëjimà iki 13 proc. lëmë didelë kaina ir prasta koky- The share of gas consumption in fuel balance kept gro- bë. Medienos dalis nuo 2 proc. 2001 metais iðaugo wing and reached 78 percent in 2003. Reduction of con- iðaugo iki 7 proc. 2003 metais. sumed quantities of heavy fuel oil to 13 percent was caused by high price and poor quality. The share of tim- 3.4. ÐILUMÀ TIEKIANÈIØ BENDROVIØ PAGRIN- ber grew from 2 percent in 2001 to seven percent in 2003. DINËS VEIKLOS 2003 METØ REZULTATAI 3.4. DH UTILITIES’ MAIN ACTIVITIES 2003 Apþvelgiant ðilumos ûká ir Komisijos átakà ðiam ener- getikos sektoriui, ádomu palyginti já iki reorganizaci- For the purpose of revising the heat sector and the jos su 2002 - 2003 metø rezultatais. influence of the Commission on this energy sector, it might be interesting to compare the sector before Per 7 metø laikotarpá padëtis ðilumos ûkyje pagerëjo. reorganisation with its performance in 2002-2003. Ðilumos perdavimo technologiniai ir realizacijos nuos- toliai 2003 metais, lyginant su 1996 metais, sumaþëjo The condition of the heat sector during this seven- daugiau kaip 2 kartus. Tai pasiekta tobulinant ðilumos, year period improved. Technological and realisation patiektos á daugiabuèius namus, paskirstymo tvarkà, losses of heat transmission in 2003 compared with gerinant ðilumos tinklø techninæ bûklæ bei ieðkant ði- 1996 more than halved. This was achieved by impro- lumos perdavimo optimaliø variantø. ving the distribution procedure of heat supplied to veiklos ataskaita, 2003 29 6 lentelë. Pagrindiniø veiklos rodikliø palyginimas Table 6. Main performance indicators

Eil. Rodikliai Mato vnt. 1996 2002 2003 Nr. Indicators Measure- Seq. ment unit No.

1. Patiekta á tinklà Supplied to the network mln. MWh 15,12 10,63 10,55

2. Ðilumos perdavimo nuostoliai Heat transmission losses mln. MWh 4,88 2,39 2,24

3. Nuostoliø lyginamasis svoris Specific weight of losses % 32,3 22,4 21,2

4. Naudingas ðilumos patiekimas (pardavimas) vartotojams Profit-generating heat supply (sales) to customers mln. MWh 10,24 8,24 8,31

5. Priskaièiuota pajamø uþ ðilumos energijà Income generated from heat energy mln. Lt 1151,27 960,24 955,0

5.1 Ið ðilumos vartotojø From heat customers mln. Lt 767,11 960,24 955,0 nebuvo nebuvo 5.2 Subsidijø ið valstybës biudþeto Subsidies from the state budget mln. Lt 384,16 n/a n/a Visos gamybos, perdavimo ir paskirstymo sànaudos 6. 925,74 900,0 Total production, transmission and distribution costs mln. Lt 1151,27 Pelnas (nuostolis) 7. 34,5 55,0 Profit (loss) mln. Lt - Vidutinë kaina 8. 11,65 11,49 Average price ct/kWh 7,49 Visos gamybos, perdavimo ir paskirstymo sànaudos 9. ct/kWh 11,23 10,83 Total production, transmission and distribution costs 11,24 Lt/t.n.e 10. Sàlyginio kuro 1 tonos kaina 441 450,9 449,8 Average price per tonne of relative fuel Lt/tonne

Vien tik sumaþinus ðilumos perdavimo ir komercinius blocks of flats, and the technical condition of heat nuostolius 2003 metais, lyginant su 1996 metais, su- networks as well as through the attempts to find op- taupyta apie 263 tûkst. tonø sàlyginio kuro (naftos timal alternative heat transmission methods. ekvivalentu). Ðilumos gamybos, perdavimo ir parda- About 263,000 tonnes of relative fuel (at oil equivalent) vimø sànaudos sumaþëjo 251 mln. Lt, t. y. daugiau were saved only as a result of reduction of the heat tran- nei penktadaliu. smission and commercial losses in 2003, compared with Sàlyginio kuro kainos padidëjo neþymiai. Tam turëjo áta- 1996. Heat generation, transmission and sales costs di- kos tai, kad buvo reguliuojamos gamtiniø dujø kainos, minished by 251Lt million, or by more than 20 percent. daug ðilumos tiekëjø kurui pradëjo naudoti medienà. Relative fuel prices went up inconsiderably. Such inc- Pelningai parduotos ðilumos lyginamasis svoris nuo vi- reases were caused by the regulated prices of natural sos realizuotos ðilumos didëja - 2001 metais jis sudarë gas and increased quantities of timber used for hea- 88 proc., 2002 metais - 92 proc., 2003 metais - 96 proc. ting purposes by a large majority of heat suppliers. Maþëja nuostolingai dirbanèiø bendroviø skaièius - 2001 The specific weight of profitably sold heat in the total metais buvo 21, 2002 metais - 14, o 2003 metais - 8 realised heat keeps growing. In 2001 it accounted for bendrovës, t.y. per 2 metus 13 bendroviø pradëjo dirbti 88 percent, in 2002 for 92 percent, and in 2003 for 96 pelningai. Tai pasiekta dël katiliniø rekonstrukcijos, at- percent. The numbers of loss-making utilities are re- sisakant brangaus kuro ir pereinant prie biokuro vartoji- ducing. In 2001, 21 utilities operated at a loss, where- mo, didinant medienos lyginamàjá svorá bendrame kuro as in 2002 the number fell to 14, and in 2003 just eight balanse, modernizuojant ðilumos punktus. utilities operated unprofitably. In two years, 13 utilities Ið nuostolingai dirbanèiø ámoniø galima paminëti began making a profit. This was achieved through the UAB ¥Ignalinos ðilumos tinklai”, kur rajono savival- reconstruction of boiler houses, giving up expensive dybë neleidþia didinti ðilumos kainos. Komisija 2004 fuel and beginning to use biofuel, as well as through metais planuoja nustatyti minëtai bendrovei realias, the growth of the specific weight of timber in the ove- ekonomiðkai pagrástas bazines kainas. rall fuel balance and modernisation of heat nodes. Komisijai nerimà kelia ávykiø raida Anykðèiuose po On the subject of unprofitable companies, Ignalinos nepagrástos ir nesuderintos ¥modernizacijos”. Neat- Ðilumos Tinklai UAB can be mentioned, which is ma-

annual report, 2003 30 sakingai turto nuomos sutartá Trakø rajono savival- king a loss because the district municipality does dybë sudarë su UAB ¥Deltima”. O jà nutraukus, UAB not allow an increase in the heat price. After the pas- ¥Trakø ðiluma” padëtis dar labiau komplikavosi. Sunki sing of the Law on Heat Sector, the Commission is finansinë padëtis Ðalèininkø, Raseiniø, Pakruojo, Va- projecting to set for this company sound and econo- rënos, Neringos ðilumos tiekimo ámonëse. mically valid base prices for the year 2004. Po regioniniø ðilumà tiekianèiø bendroviø reorgani- The Commission is concerned about the course of zacijos ásikûrë rajoninës bendrovës, turinèios nevie- events in Anykðèiai after unjustified and uncoordina- nodas technines sàlygas, todël ðilumos kainos at- ted ‘modernisation’. The municipality of the district of Trakai has irresponsibly entered into the agreement skiruose rajonuose labai skirtingos. Galima paminëti with Deltima UAB, the termination of which has consi- UAB ¥Neringos energija”, kur ðilumos kaina 28 ct/ derably worsened the standing of Trakø Ðiluma UAB. kWh. Bendrovës, kuriø ðilumos gamybos, perdavi- Ðalèininkai, , Pakruojis, Varëna, and Neringa mo ir pardavimø sànaudos yra labai didelës, áparei- DH utilities are also facing financial difficulties. gojamos sànaudas maþinti, nustatant didelius veik- los efektyvumo koeficientus. The reorganisation of regional DH utilities gave rise to the establishment of district utilities with different 3.5. VARTOTOJØ INTERESØ technical conditions, which resulted in different heat GYNIMAS, SKUNDAI, prices in separate districts, for example, the heat price TEISINIAI PROCESAI at Neringos Energija UAB is 28ct/kWh. Utilities which operate with excessively high heat generation, tran- smission and sales costs are obligated to reduce Komisija 2003 metais iðnagrinëjo 112 ið gyventojø, them by establishing high efficiency coefficients. savivaldybiø, gyvenamøjø namø bendrijø bei visuo- meniniø organizacijø gautø skundø. Dar daugiau kreip- 3.5.CONSUMER RIGHTS PROTECTION, tasi þodþiu (telefonu). Asmenys ar ðilumos tiekimo COMPLAINTS AND LEGAL PROCEEDINGS bendrovës, prieð pradëdamos nagrinëti tam tikrus klausimus ir stengdamosi iðvengti klaidø, vis daþniau In 2003 the Commission received and investigated kreipiasi á Komisijà konsultacijø ir rekomendacijø. Kas- 112 complaints lodged by residents, municipalities, dien Komisija konsultuodavo apie 10–15 asmenø. Dau- associations of the owners of blocks of flats and pub- giausia skundø gauta ið Vilniaus (41 proc.), Kauno lic organisations. Many people complained by telep- (15 proc.) ir Ðiauliø (10,7 proc.) regionø. hone. Residents or DH utilities, prior to commencing 51 proc. visø vartotojø á Komisijà kreipësi tiesiogiai. the investigation of certain issues and with a view to Daugiausiai problemø ir nesusipratimø kilo dël karð- avoiding mistakes, more and more often apply to the to vandens tiekimo. Ðilumos ûkio ástatymas karðto Commission for advice and recommendations. The vandens tiekimà priskirdamas konkurencinei veiklai, Commission consulted with some 10-15 persons daily. vartotojams suteikë teisæ rinktis karðto vandens tie- The largest number of complaints was received from këjà arba jo tiekimo bûdà. Tai paskatino ðilumos tie- the districts of Vilnius (41 percent), Kaunas (15 per- këjus plaèiau taikyti praktikà, kai ðiluma ir karðtas cent), and Ðiauliai (10.7 percent). vanduo tiekiami atskirai. Fifty-one percent of all customers applied to the Com- Nemaþëja skundø dël ðilumos ir karðto vandens pa- mission directly. The greatest number of problems and misunderstandings were concerned with the sup- skirstymo daugiabuèiuose namuose. Iki ðiol tai buvo ply of hot water. By virtue of the Law on Heat Sector, savivaldybiø darbo baras. Vilniuje vykstanti Markevi- hot water supply is classified as a competitive busi- èiø teisminio nagrinëjimo eiga parodë, kad ði veikla turi ness and, therefore, customers are entitled to select bûti reglamentuojama Ðilumos ûkio ástatymu nustaty- either a supplier of hot water or a method of hot water tais teisës aktais, suteikianèiais vartotojui galimybæ pa- supply. This encouraged heat suppliers to be more sirinkti jo poþiûriu tinkamiausià paskirstymo metodikà. active in supplying hot and cold water separately. Komisija, gindama vartotojø interesus, vertina, kaip Numbers of complaints regarding heat and hot water vykdomi teisës aktai, reglamentuojantys pridëtinës distribution in blocks of flats are not reducing either. Until now work in this field was attributed to the compe- tence of municipalities. Legal proceedings of Markevi- èiai, which took place in Vilnius, showed that such acti- vities must be regulated by legal acts specified in the Law on Heat Sector entitling customers to select the distribution methods they consider most appropriate. With a view to protecting the customers’interestss, the Commission exercises control over the imple- mentation of legal acts regulating correct the appli- cation of VAT rates and the calculation of compen- sation for low-income individuals. At the year-end

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 31 vertës mokesèiø tarifø taikymo bei kompensacijø the Commission addressed the State Tax Inspecto- skaièiavimo teisingumà maþas pajamas gaunantiems rate concerning the application of VAT at Ðiauliø Ener- asmenims. Baigiantis metams Komisija kreipësi á gija AB, which, in the Commission’s opinion, was Valstybinæ mokesèiø inspekcijà dël, jos nuomone, ne- carried out in the wrong manner. The State Tax Ins- teisingo PVM tarifo taikymo akcinëje bendrovëje pectorate made the company recalculate the incor- ¥Ðiauliø energija”. Valstybinë mokesèiø inspekcija ápa- rectly applied VAT rate for heat supplied to residen- reigojo ámonæ perskaièiuoti neteisingai taikytà PVM tial buildings via hot water supply system with a tarifà uþ gyvenamiesiems namams tiekiamà ðilumà, view to guaranteeing the sanitary-hygienic heating perduodamà per karðto vandens tiekimo sistemà, sa- and ventilation conditions in bathroom premises and nitariniø higieniniø ðildymo - vëdinimo sàlygø vonios supply of hot water, which might have resulted in an patalpose ir karðto vandens tiekimui uþtikrinti, dël ko overpayment of 3Lt by residents. gyventojai galëjo permokëti iki 3 mln. Lt. Complaints and disagreements between customers Dalies skundø ir nesutarimø tarp vartotojø ir tiekëjø and suppliers might be partly avoided, if more atten- pavyktø iðvengti, jei daugiau dëmesio bûtø skiriama tion is paid to raising customer awareness, including vartotojø informavimui: nemokamai platinami lanksti- free dissemination of information leaflets, employment nukai, pasitelkiamos interneto galimybës, kuriami var- of online opportunities, and the establishment of cus- totojø aptarnavimo centrai. tomer service centres. 4 ÁMONIØ LICENCIJAVIMAS COMPANY LICENSING & IR LICENCIJUOJAMOS THE CONTROL OF VEIKLOS KONTROLË LICENSED ACTIVITIES

Komisija nagrinëjo praðymus iðduoti ar pakeisti li- The functions performed by the Commission in this cencijas veiklai gamtiniø dujø ir elektros energetikos field covered the deliberation of applications for is- sektoriuose, vykdë licencijuotø ámoniø prieþiûrà, suing or changing the licenses for activities in the sprendë ginèus dël teisës pasinaudoti perdavimo ar natural gas and electricity sectors, the supervision paskirstymo sistemomis, nagrinëjo vartotojø skun- of licensed activities, the settlement of disputes over dus dël licencijuojamos veiklos sàlygø paþeidimø. the right to use transmission and distribution sys- 2003 metais Komisija aktyviai dalyvavo rengiant tei- tems and the investigation of customer complaints sës aktø, reglamentuojanèiø licencijavimà, projektus, concerning the conditions of licensed activities. inicijavo ir pateikë pasiûlymus dël licencijavimo tai- In 2003 the Commission was actively involved in draf- sykliø tobulinimo. 2003 metais buvo patvirtinti Gam- ting legal acts regulating the licensing, initiated and tiniø dujø perdavimo, paskirstymo, laikymo ir tieki- provided proposals on how to improve the licensing mo bei Veiklos elektros energetikos sektoriuje licen- rules. In the same year the Amendments to the Ru- cijavimo taisykliø pakeitimai, kurie leido Komisijai ob- les for Licensing the Transmission, Distribution, Sto- jektyviai ávertinti ámoniø veiklà ir jø finansiná pajëgu- rage and Supply of Natural Gas, and for Licensing mà, iðduodant licencijas, taip pat kontroliuoti ámo- the Activities in the Electric Energy Sector were ap- nes, kurioms jau yra iðduotos licencijos. proved, enabling the Commission to make an objec- Nuo 2003 m. liepos 1 d. ásigaliojo Ðilumos ûkio ásta- tive assessment of performance and financial capa- tymas, kuriame nustatytos papildomos funkcijos Ko- city of the companies when issuing licenses to them, misijai – ðilumos tiekimo ámoniø licencijavimas ir ðiø and to exercise control over licensed companies. ámoniø licencijuojamos veiklos kontrolë. By virtue of the Law on Heat Sector passed on July 1, 2003, the Commission is now also responsible for 4.1. LICENCIJØ IÐDAVIMAS licensing companies and exercising control over li- censed activities. Komisija sprendimà iðduoti ar pakeisti licencijà grin- dþia gautø dokumentø, nurodytø licencijavimo tai- 4.1. LICENSE ISSUE syklëse, pagrindu. Pagal dokumentuose pateiktus duomenis turi bûti ávertintas ámonës technologinis, The Commission makes a decision to issue or chan- finansinis ir vadybinis pajëgumas, leidþiantis vyk- ge a license on the basis of received documents spe- dyti licencijuojamà veiklà. Vyriausybë 2003 m. ge- cified in the licensing rules. The technological, finan- guþës 14 d. patvirtino Gamtiniø dujø perdavimo, pa- cial and managerial capacities enabling a company skirstymo, laikymo ir tiekimo licencijavimo taisykliø to engage in licensed activities are assessed accor- pakeitimus, kurie numatë, kad Komisija nustato ðiø ding to the data provided in the documents. On May pajëgumø ávertinimo tvarkà. 14, 2003, the Lithuanian government approved the

annual report, 2003 32 Ágyvendindama ðias licencijavimo taisykliø nuosta- Amendments to the Rules for Licensing the Transmis- tas, Komisija parengë ir patvirtino Ámonës techno- sion, Distribution, Storage and Supply of Natural Gas, loginio, finansinio ir vadybinio pajëgumo ávertini- thereby establishing that the Commission defines the mo tvarkà. Ði tvarka taikoma ne tik ámoniø, patei- assessment procedure of the above capacities. kusiø praðymus iðduoti ar pakeisti licencijas, bet For the purpose of implementing the provisions, the Com- taip pat ir ámoniø, kurioms jau yra iðduotos licenci- mission developed and approved the Company’s Tech- jos, pajëgumui ávertinti, kadangi Komisija gali su- nological, Financial and Managerial Capacity Rating Pro- stabdyti licencijos galiojimà, nustaèiusi, kad ámo- cedure. This rating procedure applies to both compa- nës technologinis, finansinis ir vadybinis pajëgu- nies that have filed applications for issuing or changing mas yra nepakankamas tinkamai vykdyti licenci- their licenses, as well as those already licensed since juojamos veiklos sàlygas. Tvarkoje nustatyti kon- the Commission has the right to suspend the validity of kretûs, objektyvûs ir aiðkûs kriterijai, kuriais va- licenses, if it establishes that the company’s technolo- dovaujantis analizuojamas ir ávertinamas ámonës gical, financial and managerial capacity is inadequate pajëgumas vykdyti licencijuojamà veiklà, sutei- for the proper fulfilment of the conditions of licensed kiant jam atitinkamà balø sumà. Taikant ðià vienin- activities. The procedure defines specific, objective and gà sistemà, licencijas turinèiø energetikos ámoniø explicit criteria to be observed in determining a compa- finansinis, vadybinis ir technologinis pajëgumas ny’s capability to engage in the licensed activity by bus ávertinamas kasmet, bus stebimi jo pokyèiai, giving it a respective rating. The application of this uni- analizuojamos jø prieþastys ir prognozuojamos ga- form system will facilitate an annual rating of financial, limos pasekmës nenutrûkstamam licencijuojamos managerial and technological capacity of licensed ener- veiklos vykdymui. gy companies, as well as monitor its changes, analyse their causes, and forecast the likely effects on the on- 4.1.1. Gamtiniø dujø sektorius going performance of licensed activities. 2003 metais Komisija gavo 6 praðymus iðduoti li- cencijas paskirstyti ir tiekti gamtines dujas. Iðnag- 4.1.1. Natural gas sector rinëjus pateiktus dokumentus, buvo iðduotos 2 li- In 2003 the Commission received six applications for cencijos paskirstyti gamtines dujas (UAB „Druski- issuing licenses to distribute and supply natural gas. ninkø dujos“ ir AB „Kauno energija“) ir 4 ámonëms After deliberation of the submitted documents two licen- iðduotos licencijos tiekti gamtines dujas (UAB „Ite- ses were issued for distribution (Druskininkø Dujos UAB ralit“, UAB „Druskininkø dujos“, UAB „Dalkia Lie- and Kauno Energija AB) and four to supply (Iteralit UAB, tuva“ ir UAB „Haupas“). Vyriausybei patvirtinus Druskininkø Dujos UAB, Dalkia Lietuva UAB, and Hau- Gamtiniø dujø perdavimo, paskirstymo, laikymo ir pas UAB). A further 19 licenses were amended by the tiekimo licencijavimo taisykliø pakeitimus, Komi- Commission after the government approved the sija pakeitë 19 licencijø. Amendments to the Rules for Licensing the Transmis- Ðiuo metu veiklai gamtiniø dujø sektoriuje yra iðduo- sion, Distribution, Storage and Supply of Natural Gas. tos licencijos 14 ámoniø, ið kuriø 8 ámonës 2003 me- At present there are 14 licensed companies operating in tais vykdë licencijuojamà veiklà. Daugiausia tarp li- the natural gas sector, of which eight carried out licensed cencijuojamos veiklos nevykdþiusiø ámoniø buvo li- activities in 2003. The vast majority of companies that cencijas tiekti gamtines dujas tik laisviesiems varto- did not engage in licensed activities held licenses to tojams turinèios ámonës (ið 7 ámoniø - licencijuojamà supply natural gas only to eligible customers (only two veiklà vykdë tik 2 ámonës). out of seven companies carried out licensed activities).

4.1.2. Elektros energetikos sektorius 4.1.2. Electricity sector 2003 metais Komisija gavo 4 ámoniø praðymus iðduo- In 2003 the Commission received applications from ti nepriklausomo elektros energijos tiekëjo licencijà ir four companies wanting an independent electricity sup- 2 ámoniø praðymus elektros energijos skirstymo bei ply license and another two for the distribution of elec- visuomeninio elektros energijos tiekëjo licencijoms tricity and a public electricity supply licence. Having gauti. Iðnagrinëjusi pateiktus dokumentus, Komisija deliberated the submitted documents the Commission iðdavë 3 nepriklausomo elektros energijos tiekëjo li- issued three licenses of the former (Energijos Realiza- cencijas (UAB „Energijos realizacijos centras”, UAB cijos Centras UAB, Acia Vera UAB and Lietuvos Elek- „Acia Vera“ ir AB Lietuvos elektrinë). Elektros energi- trinë AB). Licenses to engage in the latter category jos skirstymo bei visuomeninio elektros energijos tie- were not issued, because the companies did not sa- këjo licencija nebuvo iðduota nei vienai ámonei, ka- tisfy the license acquisition requirements established dangi ámonës neatitiko Veiklos elektros energetikos in the Rules for Licensing the Activities in the Electric sektoriuje licencijavimo taisykliø nustatytø reikalavi- Energy Sector. Three licenses were amended in ob- mø licencijai gauti. Vadovaujantis teisës aktø reikala- servance of the requirements of legal acts. vimais buvo pakeistos 3 licencijos. At present licenses to engage in activities in the elec- Ðiuo metu licencijos veiklai elektros energetikos sek- tricity sector are issued to 20 companies, of which toriuje yra iðduotos 20 ámoniø. Ið ðiø ámoniø 2003 only 11 carried out the aforementioned activities (just veiklos ataskaita, 2003 33 7 lentelë. Duomenys apie ámones, turinèias licencijas veiklai gamtiniø dujø sektoriuje. Table 7. Companies holding licenses to engage in activities in the natural gas sector

Eil. Ámonë pavadinimas Iðduotos licencijos Vykdë licencijuojamà veiklà 2003 m. Nr. Company Issued licenses Companies engaged in licensed Seq. activities in 2003 No. GDP GDS GDT GDP GDS GDT NGT NGD NGS NGT NGD NGS

AB „Lietuvos dujos“ 1. ••• Lietuvos Dujos AB ••• AB „Achema“ 2. •• Achema AB •• UAB „Druskininkø dujos“ 3. •• Druskininkø Dujos UAB •• UAB „Intergas“ 4. • Intergas UAB •• UAB „Joniðkio energija“ 5. •• Joniðkio Energija UAB •• AB „Josvainiai“ 6. •• Josvainiai AB •• AB „Kauno energija“ 7. Kauno Energija AB • UAB „Dalkia Lietuva“ 8. Dalkia Lietuva UAB •* UAB „Dujotekana“ 9. •* Dujotekana UAB •* UAB „Haupas“ 10. •* Haupas UAB •* UAB „Itera Lietuva“ 11. Itera Lietuva UAB •* UAB „Iteralit“ 12. Iteralit UAB •* UAB „Prekybos namai Giro“ 13. Prekybos Namai Giro UAB •* UAB „Stella Vitae“ 14. Stella Vitae UAB •* èia: GDP - gamtiniø dujø perdavimas; GDS - gamtiniø dujø paskirstymas; GDT - gamtiniø dujø tiekimas. •* - licencija, suteikianti teisæ tiekti gamtines dujas tik laisviesiems vartotojams. NGT Natural Gas Transmission; NGD Natural Gas Distribution; NGS Natural Gas Supply. •* - License permitting the supply of natural gas to eligible customers only

metais licencijuojamà veiklà vykdë 11 (ið 12 ámoniø, three of the 12 companies possessing an indepen- turinèiø nepriklausomo elektros energijos tiekëjo li- dent electric energy supplier’s license engaged in cencijà, veiklà vykdë tik 3). licensed activities).

4.1.3. Ðilumos ûkio sektorius 4.1.3. Heat sector Ásigaliojus Ðilumos ûkio ástatymui, buvo pradëtas ði- The licensing of DH utilities began with the enactment lumos tiekimo ámoniø licencijavimas. Vadovaudamasi of the Law on Heat Sector. In observance of item 2, ástatymo 28 straipsnio 2 punktu, Komisija iðduoda Article 28 of the Law, the Commission issues licen- licencijà ðilumos tiekëjui, kuris tiekia ne maþiau kaip ses to DH utilities that annually supply a minimum of 5 GWh ðilumos per metus. Maþiau ðilumos tiekian- 5GWh of heat. DH utilities supplying smaller quanti- èiam tiekëjui licencijà iðduoda savivaldybë. ties of heat are licensed by individual municipalities. Vykdydama Ðilumos ûkio ástatymo ir Vyriausybës For the purpose of implementing the requirements of 2003 m. liepos 25 d. nutarimu Nr. 982 patvirtintø the Law on Heat Sector and the Heat Supply Licen- Ðilumos tiekimo licencijavimo taisykliø reikalavi- sing Rules approved by Government Resolution No. mus, Komisija parengë ir patvirtino praðymo iðduoti 982 of July 25, 2003, the Commission prepared and

annual report, 2003 34 8 lentelë. Duomenys apie ámones, turinèias licencijas veiklai elektros energetikos sektoriuje. Table 8. Companies holding licenses for activities in the electricity sector

Eil. Ámonë pavadinimas Iðduotos licencijos Vykdë licencijuojamà veiklà Nr. 2003 m. Company Issued licenses Seq. Companies engaged in No. licensed activities in 2003 EP ES VET NET EP ES VET NET ET ED VET PES ET ED PES IES

AB „Lietuvos energija” 1. • Lietuvos Energija AB • AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai 2. •• Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB •• AB „Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” 3. •• Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB •• AB „Achema” 4. •• • Achema AB •• • AB „Akmenës cementas” 5. •• Akmenës Cementas AB •• AB „Ekranas” 6. •• • Ekranas AB •• • AB „Lifosa” 7. •• Lifosa AB •• VÁ „Visagino energija“ 8. •• Visagino Energija SE •• UAB „Energijos realizacijos centras” 9. • Energijos Realizacijos Centras UAB • VÁ Ignalinos atominë elektrinë 10. • Ignalina NPP • AB „Maþeikiø elektrinë” 11. • Maþeikiø Elektrinë AB •

12. UAB „Acia Vera” Acia Vera UAB •

13. UAB „Auksinë lagûna” Auksinë Lagûna UAB •

14. UAB „Energetiniø sistemø lizingas” Energetiniø Sistemø Lizingas UAB • UAB „Energetikos tiekimo bazë” 15. • Energetikos Tiekimo Bazë UAB UAB „Imlitex” 16. • Imlitex UAB UAB „Jontaura” 17. • Jontaura UAB AB Lietuvos elektrinë 18. • Lietuvos Elektrinë AB

19. UAB „Prekybos namai Giro“ • Prekybos Namai Giro UAB

20. UAB „Vilniaus energija” • Vilniaus Energija UAB

èia: EP - elektros energijos perdavimas; ES - elektros energijos skirstymas; VET - visuomeninis elektros energijos tiekëjas; NET - nepriklausomas elektros energijos tiekëjas ET Electricity Transmission ED Electricity Distribution PES Public Electricity Supplier IES Independent Electricity Supplier

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 35 ar pakeisti licencijà formà, ðilumos tiekimo licenci- approved the application form for issuing or changing jos formà. a license, and the form of the heat supply license. Ðilumos tiekimo licencija iðduodama tik vienai ámo- A heat supply license is issued only to one company nei tam tikroje teritorijoje. Atsiþvelgdama á Lietuvos within a given territory. In observance of the administrati- Respublikos administraciná suskirstymà á apskritis, ve division of Lithuania into counties, the Commission Komisija sudarë ir iðsiuntë ðilumos tiekimo ámonëms worked out and sent to DH utilities the schedule of filing praðymø iðduoti licencijà pateikimo grafikà. 2003 m. the license issuance applications. In September 2003 rugsëjo mën. Komisijai buvo pateikti pirmieji praðy- the Commission received the first applications for issuing mai iðduoti ðilumos tiekimo licencijà. Ávertinus pa- the heat supplier’s license. Having examined the sub- mitted documents, the first heat supply licenses were teiktus dokumentus, 2003 m. spalio mën. buvo ið- issued in October of the same year. The Commission duotos pirmosios ðilumos tiekimo licencijos. Ið viso received heat supply license applications from 53 DH Komisija gavo 51 ámonës praðymus ðilumos tiekimo utilities, and licenses were issued to 13. In the first quar- licencijai gauti. 2003 metais licencijos buvo iðduotos ter of 2004 the Commission proposes to issue licenses 13 ámoniø. Per 2004 metø I ketvirtá Komisija planuoja to all heat suppliers engaged in present activities. iðduoti licencijas visiems ðiuo metu vykdantiems veik- là ðilumos tiekëjams. In view of the fact that the introduction of heat supply licensing raises many questions and doubts concer- Atsiþvelgiant á tai, kad ðilumos tiekimo licencijavimo ning the application of legal acts, the heat supply uti- ávedimas neiðvengiamai iðkëlë daug klausimø ir ne- lities and municipalities licensing small DH utilities, aiðkumø dël teisës aktø taikymo tiek paèioms ámo- the Commission staff from the Licensing and Heat De- nëms, tiek savivaldybëms, kurios iðduoda licencijas partments and the Association of Heat Suppliers joint- smulkiesiems ðilumos tiekëjams, Komisijos Licenci- ly organised a series of four seminars for representati- jø ir Ðilumos skyriaus darbuotojai, bendradarbiauda- ves of the heat supply utilities and municipalities. The- mi su Ðilumos tiekëjø asociacija, rengë 4 seminarus se seminars provided a detailed explanation of the ðilumos tiekimo ámoniø bei savivaldybiø atstovams, specific features of license issuance procedures and kuriuose iðsamiai paaiðkino licencijø iðdavimo pro- the requirements applicable to heat suppliers, discus- cedûrø ypatumus, ðilumos tiekëjui keliamus reikala- sed the most recurrent and important problems, and vimus, aptarë daþniausiai iðkylanèias problemas bei provided answers to many important questions. atsakë á uþduodamus klausimus. 4.2. SUPERVISION OF LICENSED ACTIVITY 4.2. LICENCIJUOJAMOS VEIKLOS KONTROLË 4.2.1. Licensed company supervision In 2003 the Commission put a lot of time into the deve- 4.2.1. Licencijuotø ámoniø prieþiûra lopment of a system of supervision of the licensed acti- 2003 metais Komisija didelá dëmesá skyrë licenci- vities of companies. The system’s main purpose is to juotø ámoniø veiklos kontrolës sistemos sukûrimui. ensure the quality and effective performance of the Com- Pagrindinis ðios sistemos tikslas - uþtikrinti Komisi- mission’s functions in carrying out the licensing and jos funkcijø, vykdant energetikos ámoniø licencijavi- supervision of energy companies. The Rules on Licen- mà bei prieþiûrà, kokybiðkà ir efektyvø atlikimà. Bu- sing and Supervision of Energy Companies, defining in vo parengtos ir patvirtintos Energetikos ámoniø li- detail the performance of these functions of the Com- cencijavimo ir prieþiûros taisyklës, kurios detaliai mission in the natural gas and electricity sectors have reglamentuoja ðiø Komisijos funkcijø vykdymà gam- been developed and approved. They established a fi- tiniø dujø ir elektros energetikos sektoriuose. Jos xed timetable of the information provided by the com- nustato ámoniø teikiamos informacijos srautø peri- panies and the supervisory mechanisms, the forms of odiðkumà ir kontrolës mechanizmus, privalomø ata- mandatory reports, comprehensive procedures of ana- skaitø formas, gautø duomenø analizës detalias pro- lysis of the received data, and regulate cooperation with cedûras, reglamentuoja bendradarbiavimà su kito- other public authorities in exercising control over the mis valstybës institucijomis, kontroliuojant licenci- activities of licensed companies. juotø ámoniø veiklà. With a view to classifying and coordinating the informa- Siekiant susisteminti ir koordinuoti ámoniø teikiamos tion supplied by the companies necessary for the su- informacijos, reikalingos licencijuojamos veiklos prie- pervision of licensed activities, price-setting and fulfil- þiûrai, kainø nustatymui ir kitoms Komisijos funkci- ment of other functions of the Commission, special me- joms vykdyti, srautus, buvo parengtos ir visoms ámo- mos have been developed and sent to all companies nëms, turinèioms licencijas veiklai gamtiniø dujø ir holding licenses to engage in activities in the natural elektros energetikos sektoriuose, iðsiøstos specia- gas and electricity sectors. The memos specify the re- lios atmintinës. Atmintinëse nurodoma, kokias ata- ports and data to be submitted by the company hol- skaitas bei duomenis ir kokiu periodiðkumu atitinka- ding a respective license and as well as the frequency mà licencijà turinti ámonë privalo pateikti Komisijai. of such submissions. Specialiai sukurtose duomenø bazëse reguliariai áve- Information about the submission of these reports is dama ir atnaujinama informacija apie ámonës ataskaitø regularly entered and updated in specially created pateikimà nustatytu laiku. databases.

annual report, 2003 36 4.2.2. Licencijuojamos veiklos sàlygø 4.2.2. Fulfilment of the conditions vykdymas of licensed activities Vadovaudamasi Licencijavimo taisyklëse nustatytais In observance of the requirements established in the Li- reikalavimais, Komisija kartà per metus turi patikrin- censing Rules, every year the Commission must check ti, kaip ámonës, veikianèios gamtiniø dujø ir elektros how the companies operating in the natural gas and elec- energetikos sektoriuose, laikosi licencijuojamos veik- tricity sectors observe the conditions of licensed activi- los sàlygø ir vykdo joms nustatytas funkcijas. Vi- ties and fulfil the functions assigned to them. The Com- soms licencijas turinèioms ámonëms Komisija iðsiuntë mission provided all licensed companies with question- specialiai parengtus klausimynus. Buvo tikrinama, naires developed specifically for this purpose. The Com- kaip ámonës vykdo joms nustatytas funkcijas, ar pa- mission verified how the companies carry out the func- kankamai yra reglamentuotas svarbiausiø funkcijø at- tions assigned to them and whether the performance of likimas, taip pat buvo ávertintos licencijuojamos veik- the main functions is sufficiently regulated, assessed los plëtros perspektyvos, analizuojami kiti duome- the development perspectives of licensed activities, and nys, svarbûs saugaus, patikimo ir efektyvaus siste- analysed other important data in order to ensure the sa- mø funkcionavimo uþtikrinimui. fe, reliable and effective functioning of the systems. Toliau bendradarbiaujant su kitomis kontroliuojan- Subsequent cooperation developed with other control- èiomis valstybës institucijomis, nuolat buvo kaupia- ling public authorities includes the ongoing collection of ma informacija apie licencijas turinèiø ámoniø ásipa- information about the removal of obligations by licensed reigojimø vykdymà. Daþniausiai buvo nustatyti mo- companies. The most frequent violations among those kesèiø á Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo val- disclosed, covered the default on payment of taxes into dybos ar valstybës biudþetà nemokëjimo ir privalo- the budget of the State Social Insurance Fund Board or mø ataskaitø nepateikimo nustatytu laiku atvejai. into the State Budget, and the delayed submission of Ámonëms, kurios Komisijai pareikalavus, paþeidi- mandatory reports. The Commission did not suspend mus paðalino iki nustatyto termino, licencijø galioji- licenses held by companies that, on request of the Com- mas nebuvo sustabdytas. UAB „Prekybos namai mission, have eliminated violations by an established Giro“ neávykdþius Komisijos nurodymo sumokëti deadline. Due to the failure of Prekybos Namai Giro UAB skolas iki nustatyto termino, jos nepriklausomo elek- to carry out the instruction of the Commission to cover tros energijos tiekëjo licencijos ir licencijos tiekti the arrears by an established deadline, the validity of its gamtines dujas galiojimas nuo 2003 m. sausio 9 d. licenses of the independent supplier of electricity and buvo sustabdytas. Ámonei paðalinus nurodytus pa- the license for supply of natural gas was suspended as þeidimus, 2003 m. vasario 7 d. licencijø galiojimo from January 9, 2003. The license validity suspension sustabdymas buvo panaikintas. for this company was lifted on February 7, 2003 after it had eliminated the offending violations. 4.2.3. Ámoniø finansinës bûklës ávertinimas Atliekant metinæ licencijuotø ámoniø prieþiûrà, buvo 4.2.3. Financial rating of companies ávertintas gamtiniø dujø ir elektros energetikos sek- The annual supervision of licensed companies cove- toriuose veikianèiø perdavimo ir skirstymo ámoniø fi- red the assessment of financial viability and perfor- nansinis pajëgumas ir veiklos rezultatai. 9 lentelëje mance of the transmission and distribution compa- pateikti vidutiniai ámoniø finansiniai rodikliai pagal at- nies operating in the natural gas and electric energy skirus energetikos sektorius. sectors. Table 9 reflects the average financial ratios of the companies by energy sector. Bendrasis elektros energijos perdavimo ir skirsty- mo ámoniø pelningumas vidutiniðkai svyravo apie The average gross margin fluctuation in the electrici- 12,7 procento, gamtiniø dujø ámoniø – apie 19,6 ty transmission and distribution companies was 12.7 procento. Grynasis gamtiniø dujø ámoniø pelnin- percent, and in the natural gas companies19.6 per- gumas siekë beveik 5 procentus, o elektros ámo- cent. The net margin of natural gas companies rea- niø – 4 procentus. ched almost five percent, and of the electricity com- panies four percent. Ilgalaikio ir trumpalaikio ásiskolinimo koeficientai ro- do, kad daugiau nei 15 procentø elektros energijos Long- and short-term debt ratios show that more than perdavimo ir skirstymo ámoniø turto buvo finansuoja- 15 percent of the electricity transmission and distri- ma ilgalaikëmis skolomis ir apie 24 procentus – trum- bution company assets were financed with long-term, palaikëmis. Tuo tarpu gamtiniø dujø ámoniø didesnë and about 24 percent with short-term debts. Where- turto dalis buvo finansuojama ilgalaikëmis skolomis as almost all assets of the natural gas companies (vidutiniðkai 27 procentai) ir daugiau nei 18 procentø were financed with long-term (about 27 percent), and - trumpalaikëmis skolomis. short-term (more than 18 percent) debts. Elektros energetikos sektoriuje veikianèiø perdavi- The working capital deficit in transmission and distri- mo ir skirstymo ámoniø apyvartinio kapitalo trûkumas bution companies operating in the electricity sector vidutiniðkai sudarë 16 mln. litø. Gamtiniø dujø ámo- accounted for about 16Lt million. The net working ca- niø vidutinis grynojo apyvartinio kapitalo trûkumas pital deficit faced by natural gas companies excee- sudarë daugiau nei 23 mln. litø. ded 23Lt million.

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 37 9 lentelë. Vidutiniai ámoniø finansiniai rodikliai Table 9. Average financial company ratios

Eil. Finansinës bûklës rodikliai Elektros energijos Gamtiniø dujø perdavimo Nr. perdavimo ir skirstymo ir paskirstymo ámoniø Financial ratios Seq. ámoniø vidutiniai rodikliai vidutiniai rodikliai No. Average ratios of electric- Average ratios of natural ity transmission and gas transmission and distribution companies distribution companies Bendrasis pelningumas (%) 1. 12,74 19,61 Gross margin (%) Grynasis pelningumas (%) 2. 3,90 4,87 Net margin (%) Turto gràþa (%) 3. 3,65 4,05 Return on assets (%) Ilgalaikio ásiskolinimo koeficientas (%) 4. 15,71 27,22 Long-term debt ratio (%) Trumpalaikio ásiskolinimo koeficientas (%) 5. 23,81 18,61 Short-term debt ratio (%) Turto struktûros koeficientas (%) 6. 23,41 12,66 Asset structure ratio (%) Grynasis apyvartinis kapitalas (mln. Lt) 7. -16,438 -23,569 Net working capital (Lt/million) Kritinio likvidumo koeficientas 8. 0,63 0,55 Liquidity ratio Pirkëjø ásiskolinimo koeficientas (d.) 9. 28 12 Accounts receivable (days) Turto apyvartumas 10. 0,98 0,59 Assets turnover Ilgalaikio turto apyvartumas 11. 1,29 0,73 Fixed assets turnover

Pirkëjø ásiskolinimas elektros ámonëms buvo daugiau Accounts receivable of the electricity companies ex- nei 2 kartus didesnis nei gamtiniø dujø ámonëms ir ceeded more than twice those of the natural gas com- vidutiniðkai siekë 28 kalendorines dienas. Pirkëjø ási- panies and amounted to about 28 days. Accounts skolinimas gamtiniø dujø ámonëms buvo apie 12 ka- receivable of the natural gas companies accounted lendoriniø dienø. for about 12 days. Licencijuotø ámoniø veiklos rezultatai pagal atskiras Performance of licensed companies by type of li- licencijø rûðis. cense

18 pav. Licencijuotø ámoniø vidutinis bendrasis pelningumas pagal licencijø rûðis, % erage gross margin of licensed companies by type of license (%)





Didþiausias bendrasis pelningumas (25,7 procentai) Lietuvos Dujos AB, holding the natural gas transmis- buvo licencijà perduoti gamtines dujas turinèios AB sion license, had the highest gross margin (25.7 per- „Lietuvos dujos“. Maþiausias (vidutiniðkai 11,5 pro- cent). The lowest gross margin (about 11.5 percent) cento) - nepriklausomo elektros energijos tiekëjo li- was registered in the companies possessing an in-

annual report, 2003 38 cencijas turinèiø ámoniø. Analizë buvo atlikta áverti- dependent electricity supplier’s licenses. The analy- nant visø 2003 metais licencijuojamà veiklà vykdþiu- sis was carried out in consideration of performance siø ir licencijas turinèiø, bet veiklos nevykdþiusiø, of all companies engaged in licensed activities and ámoniø veiklos rezultatus. possessing licenses in 2003.

4.2.4. Tiekimo patikimumo ir paslaugø 4.2.4.Ensuring reliability of supply and kokybës uþtikrinimas quality of services 2003 metais didelis dëmesys buvo skiriamas elek- In 2003 considerable attention was paid to the intro- tros energijos ir gamtiniø dujø tiekimo patikimumo ir duction of the monitoring of electricity and natural paslaugø kokybës reguliavimo ávedimui, kuris uþtik- gas supply reliability, and the quality of services ai- rins vartotojams minimalø kokybës lygá ir numatys med at ensuring the minimum quality level for custo- licencijuotø ámoniø atsakomybæ uþ kokybës reikala- mers and providing for the liability of licensed com- vimø nesilaikymà. panies for the default on quality requirements. Ágyvendinant patvirtintas naujas licencijavimo tai- In implementing the newly approved provisions of the sykliø nuostatas, numatanèias, kad Komisija kon- licensing rules, which established that the Commission troliuos, kaip licencijuotos ámonës laikosi kokybës will exercise control over conformity of licensed com- reikalavimø, Komisija parengë Elektros energijos tie- panies to the quality requirements, the Commission has kimo patikimumo ir paslaugø kokybës reikalavimø developed the Draft Requirements for the Reliability of projektà. Komisijos iniciatyva buvo suorganizuoti ke- Supply of Electricity and Quality of Services. The Com- li pasitarimai su pagrindinëmis elektros perdavimo mission organised several meetings on its initiative with ir skirstymo ámonëmis, kuriø metu buvo aptarti svar- the major electricity transmission and distribution com- biausi kokybës reguliavimo ávedimo aspektai, áver- panies to discuss the key aspects of the introduction tintos ámoniø galimybës pradëti registruoti bûtinus duomenis, kiti projekto ágyvendinimui aktualûs klau- of quality regulation, to assess the opportunities of com- simai. panies to begin registering the necessary data, and other urgent project implementation issues. 2003 metais Komisija parengë ir iðsiuntë elektros energijos skirstymo ámonëms duomenø apie tieki- In 2003 the Commission prepared and sent to the mo patikimumà ir paslaugø kokybæ registravimo ir companies forms for recording data on the reliability pateikiamø ataskaitø formas. Kadangi kai kurie rei- of supply and quality of services and the forms of kalingi duomenys ámonëse apskritai nebuvo regist- mandatory reports. Since in general the companies ruojami ir kaupiami, duomenø registravimui ámoniø did not register and accumulate certain necessary naudojamos duomenø bazës turëjo bûti moderni- data, the databases used by the companies for data zuotos. AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai reikiamus duo- registration purposes had to be modernised. Rytø menis pradëjo registruoti nuo 2003 m. balandþio Skirstomieji Tinklai AB started recording the neces- mën., o AB „Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai“ ketina pra- sary data as from April 2003, whereas Vakarø Skirs- dëti 2004 metais. tomieji Tinklai AB commences such recording in 2004. 19 ir 20 paveikslëlyje palyginti AB „Vakarø skirsto- Figures 19 and 20 reflect the comparison of supply mieji tinklai“ 2002 ir 2003 metø tiekimo patikimumo reliability indicators of Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB rodikliai. for the years 2002 and 2003. AB „Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai“ neplanuotø atjungi- The average frequency of unplanned disconnections mø vidutinis daþnumas 2003 metais (lyginant su 2002 of Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB in 2003 compared

19 pav. AB ¥Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” elektros energijos vartotojø planuotø ir neplanuotø atjungimø vidutinis daþnumas Figure 19. Average frequency of planned and unplanned disconnections of Vakarø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB customers

Neplan.10kV Unpl.10kV 0,8 Neplan. 0,38kV 0,6 Unpl. 0,38kV Plan.10kV 0,4 Plan.10kV Plan.0,38kV 0,2 Plan.0,38kV Visø neplan. 0 Total unpl. 2003 2002 Visø plan. Total pl.

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 39 20 pav. AB ¥Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” elektros energijos vartotojø planuotø ir neplanuotø atjungimø vidutinë trukmë Figure 20. Average duration of planned and unplanned disconnections of Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai AB electricity customers

Neplan.10kV 2 Unpl.10kV Neplan. 0,38kV 1,5 Unpl. 0,38kV Plan.10kV 1 Plan.10kV Plan.0,38kV 0,5 Plan.0,38kV Visø neplan. 0 Total unpl. 2003 2002 Visø plan. Total pl.

metais) sumaþëjo nuo 0,7 iki 0,56 karto per metus 10 to the previous year reduced from 0.7 to 0.56 times kV átampos tinkluose ir nuo 0,17 iki 0,13 karto per per year in the 10kV networks, and from 0.17 to 0.13 metus 0,38 kV átampos tinkluose. Vidutinë neplanuo- times per year in 0.38kV networks. The average du- tø atjungimø trukmë 2003 metais sumaþëjo nuo 1,53 ration of unplanned disconnections in 2003 decrea- val. iki 1,01 val. 10 kV átampos tinkluose ir nuo 0,45 sed from 1.53 to 1.01 hours in the 10kV networks and val. iki 0,27 val. 0,38 kV átampos tinkluose. Visø pla- from 0.45 to 0.27 hours in the 0.38kV networks. In nuotø ir neplanuotø atjungimø vidutinis daþnumas 10 2003 the average frequency of all planned and un- kV ir 0,38 kV átampos tinkluose 2003 metais siekë planned disconnections in the 10kV and 0.38kV net- 0,52 karto, vidutinë trukmë – 1,34 val. works accounted for 0.52 times, with an average du- ration of 1.34 hours. AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai tiekimo patikimumo duo- menis uþ 2003 metø II, III ir IV ketvirèius pateikë di- Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB submitted its data on ferencijuojant tiekimo nutraukimus pagal trukmæ (il- supply reliability for the final three quarters of 2003 galaikiai ir trumpalaikiai) ir teritorijà (miesto ar kaimo having distributed its data on supply interruptions vietovë). Pateikti duomenys sugrupuoti pagal atjun- by duration (long-term and temporary), and territory gimus sukëlusias prieþastis – priskiriamas ámonës (urban or rural). The submitted data is grouped ac- atsakomybei, kilusius dël paðaliniø asmenø ar orga- cording to the factors that caused disconnections nizacijø poveikio, stichiniø reiðkiniø poveikio ar dël (company error, influence of external parties or orga- nenustatytø prieþasèiø. nisations, act of God, or unidentified reasons). 21 ir 22 paveikslëlyje pateikti AB Rytø skirstomieji Figures 21 and 22 reflect the supply reliability indica- tinklai tiekimo patikimumo rodikliai. Vidutinë visø ne- tors submitted by Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB. The planuotø atjungimø, kuriø prieþastys priskiriamos ámo- average duration of unplanned disconnections per nës atsakomybei, trukmë vienam vartotojui siekë 31 capita caused by company error was 31 minutes. minutæ. Atjungimø dël stichiniø reiðkiniø poveikio vi- The average duration of supply disconnections re- dutinë trukmë buvo apie 70 minuèiø. sulting from an act of God totalled some 70 minutes.

21 pav. AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai vidutinë neplanuotø atjungimø trukmë vienam vartotojui (nuo 2003 04 01 iki 2003 12 31) Figure 21. Average duration of unplanned disconnections of Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB per capita between 01.04.2003 and 31.12.2003

Visos prieþastys / Total causes

Nenustatytos prieþastys / Unidentified reasons Stichiniø reiðkiniø poveikis / Act of God Treèios ðalies poveikis / Third party influence

Ámonës atsakomybë / Company error

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Neplanuoti atjungimai ilgiau nei 3 min. Neplanuoti atjungimai nuo 3 s. iki 3 min. Unplanned disconnections over 3 min. Unplanned disconnections from 3 sec. to 3 min.

annual report, 2003 40 22 pav. AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai vidutinis neplanuotø atjungimø daþnumas vienam vartotojui (nuo 2003 04 01 iki 2003 12 31) Figure 22. Average frequency of unplanned disconnections of Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB per capita between 01.04.2003 and 31.12.2003

Visos prieþastys / Total causes

Nenustatytos prieþastys / Unidentified reasons Stichiniø reiðkiniø poveikis / Act of God

Treèios ðalies poveikis / Third party influence Ámonës atsakomybë / Company error

0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2

Neplanuoti atjungimai ilgiau nei 3 min. Neplanuoti atjungimai nuo 3 s. iki 3 min. Unplanned disconnections over 3 min. Unplanned disconnections from 3 sec. to 3 min.

Daugiausia ilgalaikiø (trukusiø ilgiau nei 3 minutes) ne- The great majority of the long-term (more than three planuotø atjungimø kilo dël stichiniø reiðkiniø poveikio minutes) unplanned disconnections were caused by – daþnumas vienam vartotojui buvo 0,3 karto. Tuo tar- an act of God, and their frequency per capita was pu daugiausiai trumpalaikiø (trukusiø nuo 3 sekundþiø 0.3 times. The causes of the largest number of tem- iki 3 minuèiø) neplanuotø atjungimø lëmë nenustaty- porary (from three seconds to three minutes) unplan- tos prieþastys - daþnumas vienam vartotojui buvo 0,16 ned disconnections were unidentified. The frequen- karto. Dël ámonës atsakomybei priskiriamø prieþasèiø cy of such disconnections per capita was 0.16 ti- ávykusiø visø neplanuotø atjungimø vidutinis daþnu- mes. The average frequency of all unplanned dis- mas siekë 0,25 karto vienam vartotojui. connections caused by company error was 0.25 ti- mes per capita. Analizuojant tiekimo patikimumo rodiklius pagal teri- torijos suskirstymà á miesto ir kaimo vietoves, mies- The analysis of supply reliability indicators by territo- to teritorijoje daugiausia visø neplanuotø atjungimø rial division into urban and rural areas showed that the kilo dël ámonës atsakomybei priskiriamø prieþasèiø majority of unplanned disconnections in urban areas (daþnumas 0,15 karto vienam vartotojui), o kaimo te- were the result of company error (0.15 times per capi- ritorijoje – dël stichiniø reiðkiniø poveikio (daþnumas ta frequency), and in rural areas from acts of God (0.31 0,31 karto vienam vartotojui). Vidutinë visø neplanuotø times per capita frequency). The average duration of atjungimø trukmë vienam vartotojui mieste buvo 31 all unplanned disconnections per capita in urban and minutë, kaime – 105 minutës. rural areas was 31 and 105 minutes respectively. 5 VANDENS PASLAUGØ ECONOMIC REGULATION EKONOMINIS REGULIAVIMAS OF WATER SERVICES

Komisija, derindama vandens paslaugø kainas, 2003 For the purpose of setting the 2003 water services pri- metais didþiausià dëmesá skyrë vandens ámoniø ces, the Commission paid much attention to improving veiklos efektyvumui didinti. Ágyvendindama Seimo the operating efficiency of the water utilities. In imple- 2002 m. gruodþio 10 d. nutarimà Nr. IX-1274 ¥Dël menting Resolution No. IX-1274, passed by the Sei- Valstybinës kainø ir energetikos kontrolës komisijos mas of the Republic of Lithuania on December 10, 2002, 2001 metø veiklos ataskaitos” Komisija toliau rengë on the Annual Report of the National Control Commis- ir tobulino lyginamosios analizës metodikà. Buvo su- sion for Prices and Energy - 2001, the Commission furt- rinkta, iðanalizuota ir ávertinta pagrindiniø Lietuvos hered its work on the development and improvement of vandens ámoniø veikla per 2001 ir 2002 metus. Tiekëjø the methods of benchmarking within the industry. The veiklos rodikliø analizës rezultatai bei lyginamosios Commission collected, analysed and assessed perfor- analizës metodiniai klausimai buvo aptarti su van- mance data from the major Lithuanian water utilities co- dens tiekimo ámonëmis. vering the years 2001 and 2002. The water utilities then participated in discussing the results of their perfor- Vandens ámoniø 2003 metø veiklos rezultatai, atlikus mance analysis and methodical benchmarking matters. analizæ, bus nagrinëjami individualiai su kiekviena ámo- ne, vëliau joms bus nustatytos siektinos uþduotys veik- Upon completion of this analysis, the 2003 performance los efektyvumui didinti. Todël 2004 metais planuoja- of the water utilities will be given individual objectives ma, atsiþvelgus á visas pastabas ir pasiûlymus, pa- aimed at improving their operating efficiency. To attain veiklos ataskaita, 2003 41 siekti pakankamà ávertinimo objektyvumo lygá, ámoniø the required level of objective assessment, the involve- veiklos palyginimo bei ávertinimo rezultatus aptarti vie- ment of representatives of municipalities in the open de- ðai, dalyvaujant savivaldybiø atstovams. Taip pat pla- liberation of benchmarking and performance rating re- nuojama, kad ámoniø veiklos rezultatai bei nustatytos sults of the water utilities is scheduled to happen during siektinos uþduotys bus paskelbtos Komisijos interne- 2004. The Commission also plans to publish this data on to svetainëje. Reikëtø paþymëti, kad vandens tiekimo its website. It is worth noting that these water utilities are ámonës noriai ir aktyviai bendradarbiauja, ágyvendinant willingly cooperating in the field of implementing the per- veiklos rodikliø lyginamosios analizës metodà. Todël formance benchmarking method. It is likely, therefore, tikëtina, kad vandens paslaugø ámonës per artimiau- that the water utilities will considerably improve their ope- sius metus gerokai padidins veiklos efektyvumà. rating efficiency in the years to come. 2003metais valstybës investicijø programoje Total of 87Lt million investments were projected in numatyta investicijø uþ 87 mln. Lt, ágyvendinta - uþ the National Investment Programme in 2003, 27 mil- 27 mln. Lt. Pusë minëtos sumos investuota á nuotekø lion have already invested. Half of this amount was tvarkymà, kita dalis - á vandentiekio ir kanalizacijos invested in wastewater treatment, and the remaining por- plëtrà bei rekonstrukcijà. tion allocated for the development and reconstruction of water supply and sewerage. Praëjusiais metais Aplinkos ministerija ið esmës baigë rengti investicijø planus 5 upiø baseinams, kuriuose yra Last year the Lithuanian Ministry of Environment almost numatyti visi bûtini aplinkosaugos projektai didesnëms completed the development of investment plans for fi- nei 500 gyventojø gyvenvietëms. Pagrindinës lëðos bus ve river basins, covering all the necessary environmen- skirtos vandens paslaugø kokybës gerinimui, tai yra tal projects for settlements inhabited by more than 500 vandens tiekimo prieinamumo ir paslaugos nepertrau- people. The main financing will be directed towards the kiamumo didinimui bei nuotekø valymo gerinimui. Ið enhancement of the quality of water services, i.e. for viso investicijø lëðos baseinø projektø ágyvendinimui increasing the availability of the water supply, the unin- sudarys apie 4 milijardus litø. Tai reiðkia, kad vandens terrupted provision of services and the improvement of wastewater treatment in general. The total amount of ámoniø turtas iðaugs daugiau nei dvigubai, o tai neið- investments aimed at implementing the basin projects vengiamai padidins vandens paslaugø sànaudas, bû- will make up some 4Lt billion. This means that the wa- tinas naujø árenginiø prieþiûrai bei eksploatacijai. Be to, ter utilities’assetss will more than double, which in turn reikia ávertinti ir tai, kad pagal teisës aktø reikalavimus will result in the inevitable increase of water service costs vandens paslaugø kainos turi visiðkai padengti bûtinà- needed to maintain and operate new facilities. Based sias sànaudas, todël vandens paslaugø kainos iðaugs. on the requirements established in legal acts, water Siekiant sumaþinti vandens paslaugø kainø augi- service prices must fully cover the necessary costs. mà, labai svarbu sudaryti palankias sàlygas efek- Thus, water service costs are likely to increase. tyviam vandens sektoriaus darbui. Kaip vienas ið With a view to curbing the rise in water service prices, sprendimø, galinèiø ið esmës pagerinti vandens the creation of favourable conditions necessary for the sektoriaus situacijà, bûtø vandens ámoniø stambi- effective operation of the water sector is of the utmost nimas. Kaip rodo vandens ámoniø veiklos analizë importance. One possible solution to improve the situ- (þr. 23 pav.) didþiausia vandens paslaugø savikai- ation in the water sector might be a water utilities enlatgement. According to the 23 pav. 2002 metø vandentvarkos ámoniø grupiø lyginamoji water utilities’performancee ana- paslaugø savikaina lysis (see Figure 23), the highest Figure 23. Benchmarking of the cost price of services by cost price of water services is ob- water utility groups 2002 served in the groups of the smal- lest utilities. In view of the fact 7,0 that the greatest need for invest- 0,22 6,0 ment can be found in the areas 0,18 served by the smallest water uti- 5,0 1,16 Lt, mln . m3 0,19 0,18 1,09 lities, it is obvious that the largest 4,0 0,79 rise in water prices is forecast for 0,19 0,74 3,0 0,68 customers living in the smaller towns and settlements. The pro- 4,36 4,72 2,0 3,51 3,89 vision of a merger of the small 2,80 1,0 water utilities into large ones is also covered by the Draft Law on 0 Water Services, drafted in 2003. I grupë II grupë (> III grupë (> IV grupë (> V grupë The reorganisation of water sec- (> 2mln. m3) 1-2mln. m3) 0,5-1 mln. m3) 0,25-0,5mln. m3) (< 0,25 mln. m3) tor management could provide the water utilities with an opportunity Bendroji savikaina Veiklos administravimo savikaina Mokesèiai Total cost price Business administration cost price Tax to considerably improve their ope- rating efficiency and reduce or

annual report, 2003 42 na yra maþiausiø ámoniø grupëse. Ávertinus tà fak- only slightly increase water prices for rural customers. tà, kad didþiausias investicijø poreikis yra bûtent Particular attention should therefore be paid to the maþesniø vandens ámoniø veiklos zonose, akivaiz- improvement of the quality of investment projects. In du, kad didþiausias vandens paslaugø kainø au- 2003 the Commission was tasked with assessing the gimas prognozuojamas maþesniø miestø ir mies- financial and economic feasibility of investments in teliø vartotojams. Vandens ámoniø sujungimo á di- the cold water and waste-water management sector. desnes ámones nuostata yra numatyta ir 2003 me- However, in 2003 the Ministry of Environment sub- tais parengtame Vandens paslaugø ástatymo pro- mitted only one water management investment pro- jekte. Ágyvendinus vandens sektoriaus valdymo ject. Moreover, the analysis of development program- pertvarkymà, bûtø sudaryta galimybë vandens ámo- mes of utilities did not reveal any improvement in the nëms ið esmës padidinti veiklos efektyvumà, o var- quality of the investment projects. In view of the abo- totojams kaimo regionuose vandens paslaugø kai- ve, the Commission once again addresses all autho- nos sumaþëtø ar neþymiai padidëtø. rities responsible for investments and water mana- Todël ypatingà dëmesá reikëtø skirti investicijø pro- gement, asking that they improve their investment jektø kokybei pagerinti. 2003 metais Komisijai su- projects and submit them to the Commission for de- termining their usefulness. teikta teisë ávertinti investicijø á ðalto vandens ir nuo- tekø tvarkymo ûká finansiná ir ekonominá naudingu- The analysis of the operating efficiency of water utilities mà. Taèiau 2003 metais Aplinkos ministerija vertini- revealed quantitative differences in the amounts of funds mui pateikë tik vienà investicijø vandentvarkos pro- and time allocated by different utilities for the mainte- jektà. Tuo pat metu Komisija, nagrinëdama vandens nance of the water sector. As a result, the reduction of ámoniø plëtros programas, investicijø projektø koky- asset maintenance costs in certain cases is unjusti- bës gerëjimo nepastebi. Todël Komisija dar kartà at- fied, and such costs cannot guarantee the quality and kreipia visø institucijø, atsakingø uþ investicijas á van- uninterrupted provision of services. It should be noted dentvarkos ûká, dëmesá á bûtinybæ ið esmës page- that at present there is no public authority exercising rinti investicijø projektø kokybæ bei teikti juos Komi- control over the quality of the operation and maintenan- sijai naudingumui ávertinti. ce of water assets. In view of the above, and in order to determine the necessary costs of the maintenance and Nagrinëjant vandens ámoniø veiklos efektyvumà, nu- operation of water facilities, uniform asset maintenance statyta, kad atskiros ámonës vandentvarkos ûkio tur- requirements should be established. tui priþiûrëti skiria nevienodai lëðø ir laiko. Todël kai The Commission actively participated in drafting the kuriais atvejais turto prieþiûros sànaudos yra nepa- Law on Water Services and the Services Quality Stan- grástai sumaþintos ir negali uþtikrinti paslaugø tieki- dard. In 2004, before the Law on Water Services is mo kokybës ir ilgalaikiðkumo. Reikëtø paþymëti, kad passed by the Lithuanian parliament, the Commis- dabartiniu metu jokia valstybës institucija nevykdo sion is proposing to initiate the application of the Ser- vandentvarkos turto eksploatacijos ir prieþiûros ko- vices Quality Standard, and to draft the Water As- kybës kontrolës. Todël, siekiant ávertinti bûtinàsias sets Maintenance Regulations. árenginiø prieþiûros bei eksploatacijos sànaudas, rei- këtø nustatyti vienodus turto prieþiûros reikalavimus. 5.1. WATER PRICES Komisija aktyviai dalyvavo rengiant Vandens paslau- gø ástatymo ir Paslaugø kokybës standarto projek- In 2003 the Commission deliberated 19 applications for tus, o 2004 metais, nelaukiant Vandens paslaugø ásta- setting the prices of cold water supply and wastewater tymo priëmimo Seime, planuoja inicijuoti Vandens pa- management. Three applications were not registered. slaugø kokybës standarto taikymà bei Vandentvar- In 2003 water prices were amended for 16 suppliers, kos turto prieþiûros reglamento rengimà. increasing them for 13 suppliers, and reducing them for the remaining three. One cold water supplier (Kau- 5.1. VANDENS PASLAUGØ KAINOS nas) applied to the Commission for the fourth time, and five (Ðiauliai, Joniðkis, Jurbarkas, Marijampolë and Aly- 2003 metais Komisija iðnagrinëjo 19 praðymø derinti tus) for the second. In 2003, different water prices were ðalto vandens tiekimo ir nuotekø tvarkymo kainas, 3 set for 340,000 (9.5 percent) of the country’s residents. praðymai nebuvo áregistruoti. Ið viso 2003 metais van- In 2003 the Commission began the process of the dens paslaugø kainos keitësi 16 tiekëjø – 13 tiekëjø elimination of customer discrimination in four water kainos didëjo, 3 - maþëjo. Vienas ðalto vandens tie- utilities, equalising water prices in two of them. këjas á Komisijà kreipësi ketvirtà kartà (Kaunas), pen- In 2003 the Commission received 60 official letters. ki – antrà kartà (Ðiauliai, Joniðkis, Jurbarkas, Mari- The main problems stated in them concerned the disc- jampolë, Alytus). Vandens kainos 2003 metais keitë- riminatory prices of water services for certain custo- si 340 tûkstanèiø arba 9,5 proc. ðalies gyventojø. mers (Þemaitijos Pienas AB and Danisco Sugar Pane- 2003 metais Komisija inicijavo keturiose vandentvar- vëþys AB), the accuracy in the differentiation of cold kos ámonëse panaikinti vartotojø diskriminacijà, kai- water prices, the possibility to apply discounts, viola- nos buvo suvienodintos 2 atvejais. tions of settlement procedure when collecting bills for veiklos ataskaita, 2003 43 2003 metais Komisija gavo 60 raðtø. Pagrindinës cold water used for the preparation of hot water and problemos - diskriminacinës vandens paslaugø the compensation of the installation of cold water ac- kainos kai kuriems vartotojams (AB ¥Þemaitijos counting meters. Other official letters dealt with the pienas”, AB ¥Danisco Sugar Panevëþys”), ðalto coordination of draft secondary legislation. vandens kainø diferencijavimo teisingumas, atsi- During the reporting year the Commission prepared 40 skaitymo tvarkos paþeidimai mokant uþ ðaltà van- letters. The majority of them were official letters related dená, skirtà karðtam vandeniui ruoðti, ðalto van- with the implementation of benchmarking, initiative let- dens apskaitos árengimo iðlaidø padengimas. Ki- ters addressed to the government representatives con- ti raðtai susijæ su ástatymø ir poástatyminiø aktø cerning removal of the different prices for cold water projektø derinimu. supply and wastewater treatment for separate groups Ataskaitiniais metais Komisija parengë 40 raðtø. Dau- of customers (Ðilalë, Plungë, Rokiðkis, Birþai, Akmenë, giausia raðtai buvo susijæ su lyginamosios analizës Ðvenèionys district, Pabradë and Maþeikiai). ágyvendinimu, taip pat iniciatyviniai raðtai Vyriausy- In 2003 revenue from water services earned by the bës atstovams dël skirtingø ðalto vandens tiekimo ir main Lithuanian water utilities stood at 313.6Lt mil- nuotekø tvarkymo kainø atskiroms vartotojø grupëms lion, and expense at 328.9Lt million, whereas the ori- (Ðilalë, Plungë, Rokiðkis, Birþai, Akmenë, Ðvenèio- ginal value of water management facilities was 2.9Lt niø raj. Pabradë, Maþeikiai) panaikinimo. billion. In 2003 the major water utilities incurred a loss of 15.4Lt million. Profitability in the water sector inc- Pagrindiniø Lietuvos vandens tiekëjø vandens paslau- reased 1.1 percent to 24.8 percent in total. gø pajamos 2003 metais sudarë 313,6 mln. Lt, sà- naudos – 328,9 mln. Lt, vandentvarkos ûkio ilgalai- Compared to the previous year 2003 saw expense kio turto pradinë vertë - 2,9 mlrd. Lt. Pagrindinës van- for water services in the water sector increase from dens tiekimo bendrovës 2003 metais patyrë 15,4 mln. 3.85 to 3.88Lt/m3, a rise of 0.8 percent. The average Lt nuostolio. Vandens sektoriaus veiklos pelningumas price grew from 3.74 to 3.81Lt/m3 (a rise of some two padidëjo 1,1 procentinio punkto ir sudarë 24,8 proc. percent in all). Given the above, the loss of the water sector reduced from 0.11 to 0.07Lt/m3. 2003 metais lyginant su 2002 metais vandentvarkos ûkio vandens paslaugø sànaudos didëjo nuo 3,85 In 2003 the growth in water service spending was con- Lt/m3 iki 3,88 Lt/m3, t.y. 0,8 proc. Vidutinë kaina pa- ditioned by the development of wastewater manage- didëjo nuo 3,74 Lt/m3 iki 3,81 Lt/m3, t.y. 2,0 proc. ment services. In 2003 some utilities improved the Atsiþvelgus á tai, vandentvarkos sektoriaus nuosto- quality of wastewater treatment (in 2003 the quantities lis sumaþëjo nuo 0,11 Lt/m3 iki 0,07 Lt/m3. of treated wastewater released into the environment with fully eliminated contents of nitrogen and phosp- 2003 metais vandens paslaugø sànaudø didëjimà horus grew by 16 percent). Others increased the qu- sàlygojo nuotekø tvarkymo paslaugø plëtra – dalis antities of treated wastewater, whereas certain other ámoniø 2003 metais pagerino nuotekø iðvalymo ko- utilities had only just began its treatment. Due to the kybæ (pvz., 2003 metais á aplinkà iðleistø valytø aforementioned investments into wastewater manage- nuotekø, kuriose iki nustatytø reikalavimø paðalin- ment activities, expenditure on water services in 2003 tas azotas bei fosforas, padidëjo 16 proc.), dalis increased by 0.06Lt/m3. However, in implementing the ámoniø padidino valomø nuotekø dalá, o dalis tik requirements established by the Commission to im- pradëjo valyti nuotekas. Dël minëtø investicijø á nuo- prove the operating efficiency and to reduce costs, tekø tvarkymo veiklà vandens paslaugø sànaudos the utilities reduced their annual costs by 0.03Lt/m3 2003 metais padidëjo 0,06 Lt/m3. Taèiau vykdant (electricity 0.01Lt /m3, repairs 0.01Lt/m3, contractual Komisijos keliamus reikalavimus didinti veiklos services 0.005Lt/m3 and wages 0.005Lt/m3). efektyvumà ir maþinti sànaudas, ámonës per me- Speaking about the influence of the Commission’s acti- tus sànaudas sumaþino 0,03 Lt/m3, ið jø elektros vities on economic indicators in the water sector, it should 3 energijos - 0,01 Lt/m , remonto medþiagø - 0,01 Lt/ be explained that throughout the entire reporting period 3 3 m , paslaugø pagal sutartis - 0,005 Lt/m , darbo the effects of decisions passed by the Commission on 3 uþmokesèio - 0,005 Lt/m . the economy manifest themselves only in the following Vertinantapie Komisijos veiklos átakà vandentvarkos year (i.e. the effects of decisions passed by the Com- ûkio ekonominiams rodikliams, reikia paaiðkinti, kad mission in 2003 will be realised only in 2004.) visas per ataskaitiná laikotarpá Komisijos priimtø In 2003 the water utilities applied to the Commission, sprendimø poveikis ûkiui pasireiðkia tik per kitus me- asking to raise the price of water services by 26 per- tus, t. y. 2003 metø Komisijos sprendimø poveikis cent, but the Commission allowed an increase of on- bus matyti tik 2004 metais. ly 20 percent. This price change affected 15 percent 2003 metais á Komisijà besikreipusios vandens ámo- of the water services market. nës praðë derinti vidutiniðkai 26 proc. didesnes van- In 2003 the Commission increased water services dens paslaugø kainas, taèiau Komisija leido jas pa- prices solely on account of the rise of wastewater didinti 20 proc. Ðis kainø pasikeitimas palietë 15 proc. management prices, which rose 39 percent compa- vandens paslaugø rinkos. red with those applied before price-setting. The main

annual report, 2003 44 2003 metais Komisijos suderintos vandens paslau- reason for this was that in 2003 a large number of gø kainos didëjo tik nuotekø tvarkymo kainø didëji- utilities started operating new wastewater treatment mo sàskaita – lyginant su iki derinimo galiojusio- facilities, and the Commission, with a view to gua- mis, nuotekø tvarkymo kainos didëjo 39 proc. Tai ranteeing that costs are transparently reflected in vyko todël, kad 2003 metais nemaþai ámoniø pra- prices when setting the prices, eliminated several dëjo eksploatuoti naujus nuotekø valymo árenginius cases of cross-subsidising of activities (when a part ir Komisija, siekdama skaidraus sànaudø atspin- of wastewater management cost is covered by the dëjimo kainose, derinimo metu panaikino keletà water price). In 2003 the approved water prices we- kryþminio subsidijavimo tarp veiklø atvejø (kai van- re increased for residents and other customers us- dens tiekimo kaina dengë dalá nuotekø tvarkymo ing water for household purposes (about 23 percent). sànaudø). 2003 metais suderintos vandens paslau- Prices applied to industries that use water for pro- gø kainos didëjo gyventojams ir kitiems vartotojams, duction purposes remained unchanged. This was vartojantiems vandená buities poreikiams (apie 23 achieved by the Commission implementing the prin- proc.). Pramonës ámonëms, kurios vartoja vandená ciple prohibiting discrimination of customers, i.e. the gamybos poreikiams, jos liko nepakitusios. Tai lë- elimination of different service prices applied by wa- më Komisijos veiklos rezultatai, ágyvendinant var- ter utilities to separate groups of customers without totojø diskriminacijos neleistinumo principà, kai van- a valid reason (see the subsection on Setting of Wa- dens ámonës skirtingoms vartotojø grupëms nepa- ter Prices). grástai taikë skirtingas paslaugø kainas. When setting the prices, the Commission reduced Derindama kainas, Komisija vandens tiekëjø sà- the costs of water suppliers by 670,000Lt, or recog- naudas sumaþino 670 tûkst. litø arba 4 proc. van- nised as unjustified four percent of the costs on wa- dens paslaugø sànaudø pripaþino nepagrástomis. ter services. Between 1999 and 2003 the Commis- Ið viso 1999 - 2003 metais vandens sektoriaus pla- sion reduced by 33Lt million the projected costs of nuojamas sànaudas Komisija sumaþino 33 mln. li- the water sector. In addition, in 2003 the Commis- tø. Taip pat 2003 metais Komisija 1 mln. m3 arba sion reduced by 1m3 million (19 percent) water los- 19 proc. sumaþino kainas derinusiø tiekëjø van- ses incurred by suppliers who set the prices and dens netektis bei infiltracijà á nuotekø tinklus. Tai infiltration into wastewater networks, meaning cus- reiðkia, kad vartotojai neturës mokëti uþ nepatei- tomers will not be charged for unjustified losses in- sinamus tiekëjø nuostolius. curred by suppliers.

24 pav. Vidutinës vandens paslaugø kainos 1998 - 2003 metais Figure 24. Average water prices 1998-2003

Kaina Lt/m3 be PVM / Price Lt/m3 VAT excluded Vandens tiekimas 2,5 Water supply

2 Nuotekø tvarkymas Waste water management 1,5



0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

2003 metais vandens ámoniø pinigø surinkimas uþ In 2003 the collection of bills for water services provi- suteiktas vandens paslaugas sudarë 105 proc., t.y. ded by water utilities accounted for 105 percent, i.e. vartotojai ne tik sumokëjo jiems pateiktas sàskaitas, customers paid bills submitted to them and covered bet ir gràþino ankstesniais laikotarpiais susikaupu- the arrears accrued in the previous periods. sias skolas. 5.2. BENCHMARKING 5.2. LYGINAMOJI ANALIZË In 2003 the main efforts of the Commission in the sphe- Komisija 2003 metais vandens paslaugø kainodaros re of price-setting were aimed at improving the method srityje pagrindiná dëmesá skyrë bûtinøjø sànaudø nu- of calculation of the necessary costs based on the ben- statymo metodo tobulinimui, kuris remiasi lyginamà- chmarking of water utilities. The need to change the ja vandentvarkos ámoniø veiklos analize. Poreikis regulatory method increased because of the excessi- keisti kainø reguliavimo bûdà iðaugo todël, kad la- vely large amounts invested in water management faci- bai didelës investicijos á vandentvarkos ûká per trumpà lities within a short period, which principally improved laikà ið esmës pagerino vandens paslaugø kokybæ, the quality of water services, but reducing the opera- veiklos ataskaita, 2003 45 25 pav. Vidutinës vandens tiekimo ir nuotekø tvarkymo kainos (su PVM) gyventojams Lietuvos miestuose Figure 25. Average water supply and wastewater management prices for urban residents in Lithuania


8,00 Mokumo riba 7,39 Lt/m3 (4% ðeimos pajamø) / Solvency limit 7.39Lt/m3 (4% of family income) not including VAT 3


Vidutinë kaina 4,31 Lt/m3 (2,3% ðeimos pajamø) / 3

be PVM / Lt/m Average price 4.31Lt/m (2.3% of family income) 3 4,00 Lt/m


0 Ðilalë Ðilutë Birþai Telðiai Ðakiai Utena Trakai Kelmë Alytus Vilnius Ðiauliai Plungë Molëtai Varëna Kaunas Zarasai Lazdijai Ignalina Neringa Joniðkis Palanga Tauragë Akmenë Rokiðkis Kretinga Ðirvintos Kupiðkis Raseiniai Klaipëda Skuodas Këdainiai Pasvalys Pakruojis Maþeikiai Birðtonas Ukmergë Anykðèiai Visaginas Jurbarkas Vilkaviðkis Radviliðkis Panevëþys Kaiðiadorys Marijampolë Druskininkai

taèiau sumaþino ûkio veiklos efektyvumà ir padidino ting efficiency of these facilities and increasing the costs. sànaudas. Lyginamosios analizës ágyvendinimo bû- The need to implement benchmarking was also made tinybæ paspartino ir Seimo 2002 m. gruodþio 10 d. easier by the conclusion provided for in Resolution No. nutarime Nr. IX-1274 ¥Dël Valstybinës kainø ir ener- IX-1274 of December 10, 2001 of the Seimas (the Lithu- getikos kontrolës komisijos 2001 metø veiklos ata- anian parliament) on the Annual Report of the National skaitos” pateikta iðvada, kad Komisija pirmiausia tu- Control Commission for Prices and Energy - 2001, which ri skatinti tiekëjus siekti kuo efektyviau naudoti kapi- established that the Commission should firstly encou- talà ir kitus iðteklius, ieðkoti naujø kainø skaièiavimo rage suppliers to seek increased efficiency of the em- metodikø. ployment of capital and other resources, and to look for new price calculation methods. Tobulinant ðalto vandens tiekimo ir nuotekø tvarky- mo kainodarà, Komisija sudarë lyginamosios ana- In improving the setting of prices for cold water sup- lizës metodologijà, parengë aiðkinamàjà skaièia- ply and wastewater treatment, the Commission has vimo medþiagà, vandentvarkos ámoniø darbo na- developed explanatory calculation material, prepa- ðumo skaièiavimo bei 6 daliø jø veiklos efektyvu- red the programme for calculating labour productivi- mo veiklos ávertinimo programas, atliko vandent- ty in water utilities and the programmes for asses- varkos ámoniø 2001 metø bei 2002 metø veiklos sing their operating efficiency made up of six parts, lyginamàsias analizes ir ðiuos darbus pristatë ámo- carried out the benchmarking of the water utilities’ac- nëms. Komisija per metus surengë 10 aiðkinamøjø tivitiess in 2001 and 2002, and familiarised the utili- seminarø – po du kiekvienai ámoniø grupei. Taip ties with these works. The Commission organised 10 pat buvo suskaièiuotos ámoniø grupiø siektinos explanatory seminars per year, or two seminars per efektyvumo reikðmës, taèiau dël nepakankamo ámo- group of utilities. In addition, the Commission deter- niø pasirengimo, uþtikrinant tinkamà duomenø ko- mined target efficiency values for water utilities. Ho- kybæ, buvo nuspræsta siektinas efektyvumo wever, as a result of their not being ready to guaran- reikðmes vieðai paskelbti 2004 metais. tee accurate data, it was decided to postpone the announcement of target efficiency values until 2004. Vieneriø metø lyginamajai analizei naudojamø duo- menø skaièius, neskaièiuojant vertinimui naudoja- The average amount of benchmarking data covering mø iðvestiniø rodikliø, sudaro vidutiniðkai 24 tûks- one year, excluding derivative indicators used for ra- tanèius. ting purposes, accounts for 24,000. Komisijos sudaryta lyginamosios analizës metodo- Benchmarking methods developed by the Commission logija remiasi vandens paslaugø teikimo veiklos efek- are based on the comparison of relative indicators ex- tyvumà iðreiðkianèiø santykiniø rodikliø palyginimu pressing the operating efficiency of the provision of wa-

annual report, 2003 46 26 pav. Lyginamosios analizës duomenø bazës apimtis Figure 26. Benchmarking database volume


Vandens paslaugø apimties ir pardavimø duomenys Elektros energijos duomenys Quantitative data on water services and sales] 13 Data on electricity 4

Infrastruktûros techniniai duomenys Ekonominiai ilgalaikio turto duomenys Technical data on infrastructure 47 Economic data on fixed assets 13 Sànaudø duomenys Finansiniai duomenys Costs data 30 Financial data 34

Darbuotojø duomenys Komerciniai duomenys Staff data 11 Commercial data 11

Aplinkos apsaugos ir sveikatingumo duomenys Investicijø duomenys Data on environmental protection andhealthy lifestyle 14 11 Paslaugø kokybës duomenys Service quality data 10 IÐ VISO - 198 vienetai / TOTAL 198 units Ið viso duomenø pagal visas veiklas - 522 vienetai / Total data by all types of activities 522 units Ið viso duomenø pagal visas 45 ámones - 23 500 vienetø/ Total data by all 45 enterprises 23 500 units 27 pav. Organizacinë lyginamosios analizës ágyvendinimo struktûra Figure 27. Organisational structure of benchmarking implementation Siektini rodikliai / Target indicators SUSITIKIMAS SU ÁMONIØ VANDENS ÁMONË Tikrinimas SAVININKAIS WATER UTILITY Check MEETING WITH STATISTINËS ATASKAITOS UTILITY OWNERS STATISTICAL REPORTS


INDIVIDUALUS Kainø derinimo dokumentacija DERINIMAS SU ÁMONE Price-setting documents INDIVIDUAL COORDINATION WITH THE ENTERPRISE Santykiniø rodikliø palyginimas grupëje Tikrinimas Check Santykiniai rodikliai Relative indicators Comparison of relative indicators within the group Analizë Analysis KOMISIJOS ANALITIKAS ÁMONË 1 ÁMONË 2 ÁMONË N COMMISSION ANALYST UTILITY 1 UTILITY 2 UTILITY N

Preliminarûs siektini rodikliai (pagal vidutinæ reikðmæ) / Preliminary target indicators (by approximate value) atskirose vandentvarkos ámoniø grupëse (pagal ámo- ter services in separate groups of water utilities (by si- niø dydá) ir nustatant siektinas jø reikðmes kiekvienai ze of utility), and the setting of targets for each sphere veiklos srièiai. Svarbiausi vandens paslaugø teikimo of activity. The main indicators expressing the opera- veiklos efektyvumà iðreiðkiantys rodikliai yra ðie: ting efficiency of water services include: 1. Ilgalaikio turto naudojimo ir prieþiûros racionalumas, 1. reasonable use and maintenance of fixed assets 2. Darbo naðumas, 2. labour productivity 3. Darbuotojø sànaudos, 3. staff costs 4. Elektros energijos sunaudojimas, 4. electricity consumption 5. Netektys ir neapmokëtø paslaugø apimtis, 5. losses and volume of unpaid services 6. Veiklos administravimo sànaudos. 6. business administration costs Ámoniø veiklos efektyvumas iðvardintose veiklos srity- The operating efficiency of companies in the aforemen- se nustatomas santykiniø rodikliø palyginimu kiekvie- tioned spheres of activity is determined by comparing noje ið aðtuoniø vandens paslaugø veiklø – vandens the relative indicators in all eight spheres of water servi- gavyba ir gerinimas, vandens tiekimas, nuotekø ðalini- ces, namely water extraction and improvement, water mas, nuotekø pirminis valymas, biologinis valymas, azo- supply, wastewater disposal, primary treatment of was- to fosforo ðalinimas bei dumblo tvarkymas. Efektyvu- tewater, biological treatment, elimination of nitrogen and

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 47 mo vertinimas atliekamas ámoniø grupiø viduje, tai da- phosphorus and sludge management. Efficiency is as- roma siekiant eliminuoti skirtumus, kylanèius dël ámo- sessed inside the groups of utilities with a view to elimi- niø dydþio skirtumo (t.y. masto ekonomijos efekto). nating discrepancies arising from the difference in their size (the effects of the economies of scale). Apibendrintà ámoniø veiklos efektyvumà geriausiai at- spindi veiklos pelningumo rodiklis – tai pagrindinës The operating efficiency of utilities is best reflected by veiklos pelno (nuostolio), palûkanø bei ilgalaikio turto the business profitability indicator, that is by the share nusidëvëjimo sànaudø dalis pagrindinës veiklos paja- of profit (loss) from the main activity, interest and fixed- mose. Todël ðis rodiklis geriausiai tinka ámoniø veiklos assets depreciation costs in the revenue from the main efektyvumo dinamikai ávertinti. Reikëtø atkreipti dë- activity. This indicator, therefore, is best suited for as- mesá, kad veiklos pelningumas vertinamas ne tarp gru- sessing the dynamics of the operating efficiency of the piø, bet grupiø viduje (dël masto ekonomijos efekto). utilities. It’s worth noting that business profitability is Kaip matyti ið 28 pav. turto gràþa, tuo paèiu ir investi- assessed not between, but inside the groups (due to cijø potencialas didesnis I grupës ámonëse. 2002 me- effects of the economies of scale). As we can see from tø veiklos efektyvumas pagerëjo I ir II grupës ámonë- Figure 28, the return on assets as well as potential in- se, tuo tarpu kitose grupëse jis maþëjo (pagrindinë vestments exceed those in utilities attributed to group prieþastis – delsimas keisti paslaugø kainas). I. In 2002 utilities attributed to groups I and II improved their operating efficiency, whereas 28 pav. 2002 m. vandentvarkos ámoniø grupiø veiklos pelningumas the operating efficiency in other Figure 28. Business profitability of water utility groups 2002 groups reduced (the main reason being the delayed recalculation of 33 35% service prices). 29 30% The main work in improving ben- chmarking methods was aimed 25% at ensuring the comparability of the utilities’indicators: 18 19 20% 17 • discrepancies arising from diffe- 14 rent quality of utilities’services we- 12 15% re partly eliminated, i.e. to the ex- tent as such elimination is possible 10% 6 now, because water utilities practi- 4 4 5% cally do not register data on the qu- ality of services they provide 0% differences in comparative figu- I grupë / III grupë / IV grupë / V grupë / II grupë / res resulting from different ac- Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V (>2 mln. m3) (1-2 mln. m3) (0,5-1 mln. m3) (0,25-0,5 mln. m3) (>2,5 mln. m3) counting methods (fixed-assets, indirect activities, distribution of Veiklos pelningumas 2001 m. Veiklos pelningumas 2002 m. costs between activities) applied Business profitability in 2001 Business profitability in 2002 by utilities were minimised Daugiausia darbo, tobulinant lyginamosios analizës • discrepancies resulting from different use of pro- metodologijà, buvo skirta ámoniø rodikliø lyginamu- duction capacities were eliminated mui uþtikrinti: In addition, the application of indicators enabling a • ið dalies buvo sulyginti skirtumai dël skirtingos ámo- more objective quantitative assessment of the asset niø paslaugø kokybës, t.y. tiek, kiek ðiuo metu yra ámanoma ávertinti, nes paslaugø kokybës duomenø maintenance costs and staff work productivity began. ámonës beveik neregistruoja; During two stages of the benchmarking implementa- • minimizuoti lyginamø dydþiø skirtumai dël ámoniø tion the classification of water services was extended taikomos skirtingos apskaitos (ilgalaikio turto, netie- from four to eight activities. With a view to elaborating sioginës veiklos, iðlaidø paskirstymo tarp veiklø); the reasons that give rise to unrealised water servi- • suvienodinti skirtumai dël skirtingo gamybiniø pa- ces, the separate terms ‘unrealised water’ and ‘water jëgumø panaudojimo. losses’ were introduced. Realisation of the system of monitoring the dynamics of operating efficiency of water Taip pat pradëti taikyti rodikliai, objektyviau ávertinan- utilities was commenced having obtained the utilitie- tys turto prieþiûros sànaudø apimtis, darbuotojø dar- s’operating efficiency data covering two years. bo naðumà. Per du lyginamosios analizës ágyvendini- mo etapus vandens paslaugø veiklos skaidymas nuo In 2004 as a second step in benchmarking implemen- 4 veiklø buvo iðplëstas iki 8 veiklø. Siekiant detalizuo- tation, the Commission proposes to carry out the ben- ti neparduotø vandens paslaugø susidarymo prieþas- chmarking of water utilities’ activities for the year 2003, tis, atskirtos ¥neparduoto vandens” bei ¥vandens ne- to set comparative indicator values together with each tekèiø” sàvokos. Turint jau dviejø metø ámoniø veiklos utility on an individual basis (this is a new procedure efektyvumo rodiklius, pradëta realizuoti ámoniø veik- aimed at more precise assessment of the factors that los efektyvumo dinamikos monitoringo sistema. do not depend upon performance of utilities) and to

annual report, 2003 48 Þengiant kità þingsná ágyvendinant lyginamàjà anali- announce (online) the operating efficiency targets es- zæ, 2004 metais Komisija planuoja atlikti vandent- tablished for utilities for the year 2005. Future plans varkos ámoniø 2003 metø veiklos lyginamàjà anali- also include the organisation of a meeting with the wa- zæ, individualø lyginamøjø rodikliø reikðmiø derinimà ter utilities’shareholderss to help them obtain a proper su kiekviena ið ámoniø (tai nauja procedûra, skirta understanding of the scope and significance of the tikslesniam nuo ámoniø veiklos nepriklausanèiø veiks- implementation of the targets set for their utilities. niø ávertinimui) ir vieðai (interneto svetainëje) paskelbti As already mentioned, the water services quality visø ámoniø siektinas veiklos efektyvumo uþduotis standard was developed in 2003. This document 2005 metams. Taip pat planuojamas susitikimas su establishes the key indicators of the quality of wa- vandentvarkos ámoniø akcininkais, tam, kad ámoniø ter services to be registered and monitored. In view savininkai teisingai suprastø jø ámonëms nustatytø of the above, in 2004 the Commission also envisa- siektinø uþduoèiø vykdymo apimtá ir reikðmæ. ges to commence registration of such indicators. In Kaip jau buvo minëta, 2003 metais buvo parengtas two-to-three years the water service quality indica- vandens paslaugø kokybës standartas. Ðis dokumen- tors will be included in the benchmarking. The se- tas nustato svarbiausius vandens paslaugø kokybës cond direction of the benchmarking development rodiklius, kuriuos reikia registruoti ir stebëti. Atsiþvelg- is, upon preparation of the Standard on Maintenan- dama á tai, Komisija 2004 metais taip pat planuoja ce of Water Utilities Assets, to record the data on pradëti fiksuoti ðiuos rodiklius. Numatoma po 2 – 3 the maintenance of assets by utilities and later to metø vandens paslaugø kokybës rodiklius átraukti á include them in the benchmarking. The monitoring lyginamàjà analizæ. Kita lyginamosios analizës plëto- of both the service quality and the asset mainte- jimo kryptis – parengus Vandentvarkos ûkio turto prie- nance indicators will ensure that the quality of water þiûros standartà, registruoti duomenis apie tai, kaip services or the condition of assets will not be wor- ámonës priþiûri turtà ir vëliau taip pat átraukti juos á sened by the water utilities implementing the ope- lyginamàjà analizæ. Ir paslaugø kokybës rodikliø, ir rating efficiency targets set for them. The third di- turto prieþiûros rodikliø monitoringas padës uþtikrinti, rection of the benchmarking development covers the kad ámonës, siekdamos joms nustatytø veiklos efek- enforcement of measures aimed at motivating the tyvumo uþduoèiø, nepablogintø vandens paslaugø ko- water sector utilities to improve their operating effi- kybës ar turto bûklës. Treèia, lyginamosios analizës ciency indicators, e.g., by creating a system of in- plëtojimo kryptis – tai priemoniø, kurios motyvuotø van- centives guaranteeing the possibility for utilities to dentvarkos ûkio subjektus siekti geresniø veiklos efek- obtain certain benefits if they successfully achieve, tyvumo rodikliø, ádiegimas, pvz., sukuriant skatinimo and even exceed, the operating efficiency targets sistemà, kuri uþtikrintø ámonei galimybes pasilikti tam established for them, and vice versa. However, as tikrà ekonominæ naudà, jei ði virðijo jai nustatytas efek- the prerequisite for the implementation of the afore- tyvumo uþduotis ir prieðingai. Taèiau bûtina minëtø mentioned measures, it is necessary to ensure in priemoniø ágyvendinimo sàlyga – pirmiausia uþtikrinti the first instance the possibility to monitor the qua- galimybæ stebëti ámoniø vandens paslaugø ir turto prie- lity and scope of water services and the maintenan- þiûros kokybæ ir apimtis. ce of the water utilities’assetss.


Pagal Keliø transporto kodekso 16 str., Geleþinkelio In observance of Article 16 of the Road Transport transporto kodekso 34 str., Vidaus vandenø transporto Code and Article 34 of the Railway Transport Code kodekso 30 str. keleiviø veþimo keliø transportu and Article 30 of the Code on the Inland Water Trans- reguliariaisiais reisais tolimojo susisiekimo marðrutais, port, the tariffs for road passenger transport over re- vietinio susisiekimo traukiniais, vidaus vandenø gular long-distance routes, local trains and inland wa- transportu ir autobusø stotyse paslaugø teikimo ter transport, and the tariffs for services provided by veþëjams tarifus nustato veþëjai ir paslaugø teikëjai, the carriers in bus stations are set by carriers and maksimalius jø dydþius suderinæ su Komisija. service providers, on having pre-agreed the maxi- mum levels with the Commission. 6.1. KELEIVIØ VEÞIMO RINKA 6.1. THE PASSENGER TRANSPORT MARKET 2003 metais visø susisiekimo rûðiø vieðojo transporto priemonëmis buvo perveþta beveik 360,0 mln. In 2003 almost 360,000,000 passengers used public keleiviø. Didþiausià lyginamàjà dalá (97,0 proc.) transport. The largest comparative share (97 percent) veþant keleivius turëjo keliø transporto veþëjai, was taken up by road transport carriers transporting veiklos ataskaita, 2003 49 teikiantys keleiviø veþimo paslaugas ir tarptautiniais, passengers by international and local routes. Two per- ir vietiniais marðrutais. Geleþinkelio transportu buvo cent travelled by rail, 0.8 percent by water, and a perveþta 2,0 proc. visø keleiviø, vandens transportu further 0.2 percent by air. - 0,8 proc. ir oro transportu - 0,2 proc. As can be seen from Figure 29, by the year 2001 a Kaip matyti 29 pav., iki 2001 metø keleiviø veþimo decrease in the number of people using public trans- vieðuoju transportu paslaugos teikimo rinkoje vyravo port was observed. This situation only stabilised in 2002. veþamø keleiviø skaièiaus maþëjimo tendencija ir tik The decrease in the average number of journeys by 2002 metais padëtis stabilizavosi. the main types of public transport per capita in recent years compared with tho- 29 pav. Keleiviø veþimo vieðuoju transportu dinamika1995-2003 m. se taken in 1995 are as fol- Figure 29. Passenger transportation by public transport 1995-2003 lows: by rail 49 percent, by road 45 percent (of which 800 by bus has more than 694,7 mln. 700 doubled, and by trolley- 609,4 551,4 bus 35 percent). The ave- 600 516,2 471,9 rage number of journeys 500 383,2 made on water per capita 400 355,9 358,3 360 during the same period 300 increased three times, and by air transport the figure 200 rose by 57.1 percent. 100 In 2003 the average pas- 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 senger distances by pub- lic transport were by rail 69km, by bus 8km, by Pastaraisiais metais kelioniø skaièius pagrindiniø su- trolleybus 3km, by sea 611km, by inland water 1km sisiekimo rûðiø vieðuoju transportu vidutiniðkai vienam and by air 1,394km. gyventojui lyginant su 1995 metais sumaþëjo - gele- þinkelio transportu - 49,0 proc., keliø transportu - 45 6.2. ROAD TRANSPORT proc., ið to kiekio autobusais - daugiau kaip 2 kartus ir troleibusais - 35 proc. Kelioniø skaièius vidutiniðkai In 2003, 62 carriers transported passengers by road trans- vienam gyventojui per tà patá laikotarpá vandens trans- port, of which 62 conveyed passengers by bus and two portu padidëjo 3 kartus ir oro transportu - 57,1 proc. by trolleybus. Thirty-two carried passengers on urban routes, 49 on suburban routes, 56 over long-distance Vienas keleivis vieðuoju transportu 2003 metais bu- routes and 20 internationally. In 2003 the aforementioned vo veþamas vidutiniðkai tokiu atstumu: geleþinkelio carriers transported passengers on a total of 1,785 rou- transportu - 69 km, autobusais - 8 km, troleibusais - tes, and covering a total distance of 130.5 million kilo- 3 km, jûrø transportu - 611 km, vidaus vandenø trans- metres. Long-distance routes accounted for almost 22 portu - 1 km ir oro transportu 1394 km. percent of the total number of routes, and the largest comparative share - almost 63 percent - comprised of 6.2. KELIØ TRANSPORTAS suburban routes in the countryside (Figure 30). In 2003 the number of passengers transported long-dis- Keleiviø veþimo paslaugas keliø vieðuoju transportu tance was 3.1 percent less than the comparable 1999 2003 metais teikë 64 veþëjai, ið kuriø 62 veþëjai kelei- figure, resulting in a 20.5 percent reduction in the num- vius veþë autobusais ir 2 - troleibusais. Miesto marð- ber of passenger kilometres, which has direct effects on rutais keleivius veþë 32 veþëjai, priemiesèio marðru- income. However, the reduction of income earned for pas- tais - 49, tolimojo susisiekimo marðrutais - 56 ir tarp- senger transportation during the aforementioned period tautiniais marðrutais - 20 veþëjø. Minëtieji veþëjai 2003 was relatively inadequate, i.e., it accounted for just 3.7 metais keleivius veþë 1785 marðrutais, kuriais vieðojo percent. The reason for this was a 20.2 percent increase transporto priemonës nuvaþiavo 130,5 mln. kilometrø. of the average fare per one passenger kilometre, and Tolimojo susisiekimo marðrutai sudarë beveik 22 proc. better compensation of losses incurred by carriers as a nuo bendro marðrutø skaièiaus, o didþiausia lygina- result of the transportation of passengers entitled to fare moji dalis, t.y. beveik 63 proc., teko ðalies priemies- reductions as well as the discharge of public obligations. èiuose iðdëstytiems marðrutams (30 pav.). For example, in 2002 in general public road transport carriers received compensation to the amount of 52.32Lt Palyginus su 1999 metais, 2003 metais tolimojo susi- million for the transportation of passengers entitled to siekimo marðrutais buvo veþta 3,1 proc. maþiau kelei- privileges, and government grants for the discharge of viø, o tuo paèiu 20,5 proc. sumaþëjo keleiviø kilometrø public obligations, whereas long-distance transportation skaièius, nuo kurio tiesiogiai priklauso gaunamos paja- carriers received 8.13Lt million from the total amount.

annual report, 2003 50 mos. Taèiau gautos uþ keleiviø 30 pav. Keleiviø veþimo keliø transportu dinamika1999-2003 m. veþimà pajamos per minëtàjá Figure 30. Passenger transportation by road transport 1999-2003 laikotarpá sumaþëjo palyginti neadekvaèiai, t.y. tik 3,7 proc. Miesto Tam átakà darë 20,2 proc. pa- 2000 marðrutai / didëjæs vidutinis 1 keleivio ki- 1800 Urban 268 257 243 245 247 routes lometro tarifas bei pagerëjæs 1600 Priemiesèio nuostoliø kompensavimas ve- vnt. / Units 1400 marðrutai / Suburban þëjams dël keleiviø, turinèiø tei- 1200 1095 1099 1162 1111 1102 routes sæ á lengvatas, veþimo ir visuo- 1000 Tolimojo meniniø ásipareigojimø vykdy- 800 susisiekimo marðrutai / mo. Pavyzdþiui, 2002 metais 600 Long- apskritai keliø vieðojo transpor- 400 distance 424 415 404 391 395 routes to veþëjai gavo 52,32 mln. Lt 200 37 36 36 39 41 Tarptautiniai kompensacijø uþ keleiviø, tu- 0 marðrutai / rinèiø teisæ á lengvatas, veþi- 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 International routes mà ir dotacijø uþ visuomeniniø ásipareigojimø vykdymà, toli- mojo susisiekimo veþëjai ið visos sumos - 8,13 mln. Lt. Irrespective of the fact that in 2003, compared with Nors keleiviø veþimo keliø vieðuoju transportu veþë- 1999, public road transport passenger carriers redu- jai 2003 metais, palyginus su 1999 metais, autobu- ced by 6.3 percent the costs of per-run-kilometre bu- sø 1 ridos kilometro sànaudas sumaþino 6,3 proc., ses, the number of passengers during the aforemen- taèiau per minëtàjá laikotarpá 35,2 proc. sumaþëjæs tioned period fell by 35.2 percent, and was the key keleiviø skaièius daugiausia sàlygojo 1 keleivio kilo- factor influencing the 6.1 percent growth in passen- metro sànaudø padidëjimà 6,1 proc. ger-kilometre costs.


Dabartiniu metu kaip Respublikos keliø transporto At present there are 50 bus stations serving carriers infrastruktûros dalis funkcionuoja 50 autobusø sto- and passengers, which comprise a part of the total èiø, teikianèiø paslaugas veþëjams bei keleiviams. national road transport infrastructure. During 2003 carriers’ buses used all categories of bus Per 2003 metus veþëjø autobusai beveik 2,5 mln. station in Lithuania a total of 2.5 million times (Figure 31), kartø ávaþiavo á Lietuvos visø kategorijø autobusø sto- and used the services available in them. In general, bus tis (31 pav.) ir veþëjai pasinaudojo jose teikiamomis station maintenance cost almost 8.5Lt million in 2003, paslaugomis. Apskritai autobusø stoèiø funkciona- while income earned from the miscellaneous services vimo uþtikrinimas 2003 metais kainavo beveik 8,5 provided by bus stations stood at 5.5Lt million. mln. ir uþ jose suteiktas ávairias paslaugas buvo gau- ta 5,5 mln. Lt pajamø. The owners of bus stations should organise their acti- vities in such a way that the carriers’vehicless, which Autobusø stoèiø valdytojai privalo organizuoti autobu- enter a bus station of the respective category accor- sø stoèiø veiklà taip, kad veþëjø transporto priemonë, ding to the bus schedule, are provided with all servi- ávaþiavusi pagal eismo tvarkaraðtá á atitinkamos kate- ces covered by the Regulations of the Bus Stations gorijos autobusø stotá, galëtø pasinaudoti visu aptar- Activities. The fee for the entry of the carrier’s vehicle into the bus station according to the bus 31 pav. Autobusø ávaþiavimø á stotá skaièiaus dinamika schedule is calculated on the basis of man- Figure 31. Buses usingbus stations datory costs per entry into a buss station of 1200 the respective category (Figure 32).

tûkst./ 1000 Despite the requirement established under the Regulations of the Bus Stations Activi- 800 ties that bus stations of the same catego- ry should provide matching services, the 600 actual situation in certain bus stations do- 988,8 913 1049,2 924,2 es not conform to these requirements and, 883,5 400 920,5 therefore, the maximum rates applicable 564,5 583,2 200 561,2 to carriers for the services provided in such bus stations can distort the actual value of 0 2001 2002 2003 such services. I kategorija II kategorija III kategorija Therefore, in the opinion of the Commis- I Category II Category III Category sion, it would be advantageous to assess veiklos ataskaita, 2003 51 navimu, kurá reglamentuoja autobusø stoèiø veiklos 32 pav. Sànaudos vienam ávaþiavimui á stotá nuostatai. Mokestis uþ veþëjo transporto priemonës Figure 32. Cost per bus station entry ávaþiavimà pagal eismo tvarkaraðtá á autobusø stotá 2,5 yra grindþiamas bûtinomis sànaudomis vienam áva- Lt þiavimui á atitinkamos kategorijos stotá (32 pav.) 2,0 2003 metais galiojo Komisijos 2002 m. gruodþio mën. nutarimu Nr. 123 suderinti autobusø stotyse paslau- 1,5 gø teikimo veþëjams tarifø maksimalûs dydþiai. 1,0 2,07 2,04

Nors pagal autobusø stoèiø veiklos nuostatus veþë- 2,01 2,01 1,7 jams teikiamos paslaugos tos paèios kategorijos au- 1,73 1,52 1,52 1,54 tobusø stotyse turëtø bûti adekvaèios, taèiau, kai ku- 0,5 riose autobusø stotyse paslaugø teikimo faktinë situa- cija neatitinka autobusø stoèiø veiklos nuostatuose pa- 0 2001 2002 2003 tvirtintø reikalavimø ir tose stotyse taikomi maksima- III kategorija lûs tarifai uþ veþëjams suteiktas paslaugas gali neati- I kategorija II kategorija I Category II Category III Category tikti tø paslaugø vertës. Todël, Komisijos nuomone, bûtø tikslinga ávertinti da- the uniform nature of existing bus stations to the bartiniø autobusø stoèiø atitikimà autobusø stoèiø veik- requirements approved in the Regulations of the Bus los nuostatuose patvirtintiems reikalavimams, patiks- Stations Activities, to revise the classification of bus linti autobusø stoèiø priskyrimà atitinkamoms kategori- stations by respective categories, and to amend the joms bei patobulinti autobusø stoèiø veiklos nuostatus. aforementioned regulations.


Keleiviø veþimo paslaugas vidaus vandenø vieðuoju Passenger transportation services by public inland transportu reguliariaisiais reisais praktiðkai teikia tik vie- water transport on regular routes are provided almost nas veþëjas – AB ¥Smiltynës perkëla”, kuri kelia keltais exclusively by one single carrier, namely Smiltynës keleivius ir transporto priemones ið Klaipëdos á Smilty- Perkëla AB, which carries passengers and vehicles næ ir atgal. Sezono metu keleiviø veþimo á Neringà pa- by ferry from Klaipëda to Smiltynë and back. During slaugas nereguliariais reisais teikia ir Klaipëdos maþø- the summer season the regular passenger transpor- jø laivø savininkø asociacija ¥Pajûrio laivai”, jungianti 14 tation services to Neringa by special routes are also veþëjø, turinèiø Susisiekimo ministerijos iðduotas licen- provided by Pajûrio Laivai, the Small Ships’ Ownerss cijas þmonëms veþti ir 15 ðiam verslui árengtø laivø. Association of Klaipëda that joins 14 carriers holding AB ¥Smiltynës perkëla” 2003 metais atliko 22671 reisà licenses issued by the Ministry of Communications pagal tvarkaraðtá, perveþë 585,5 tûkst. visø rûðiø trans- for transportation of passengers and 15 ships equip- porto priemoniø bei 2045,2 tûkst. keleiviø. Keleiviø, pasi- ped for this purpose. naudojusiø AB ¥Smiltynës perkëla” keltø paslaugomis, skaièiaus kitimas nuo 1995 metø pateikiamas 33 pav. In 2003 Smiltynës Perkëla AB completed 22671 route according to the schedule, carried 585,5 thou- Keleiviø srauto sezoniðkumas turi didelæ átakà minë- sand of all types of vehicles and 2045,2 thousand tos paslaugos teikimo rinkai, nes vien per 3 vasaros of passengers. Development of numbers of pas- mënesius perkeliama 59,2 proc. keleiviø. sengers who availed themselves of ferry services rendered by the Public 33 pav. Keleiviø këlimo keltais skaièiaus dinamika 1995-2003 m. Company Smiltynës Per- Figure 33. Dynamics in the number of passengers transportedby këla AB from 1995 is ferries in 1995-2003 shown in Figure 33.

3000 2736,8 The seasonal nature of the passenger flow greatly in- 2500 fluences the market of the provision of the aforemen- tûkst. / Units 2000 1726,8 tioned services, because 1561,6 2045,2 1458,6 1508 59,2 per cent of all passen- 1500 gers are transported in 3 1461,7 1272,1 1303 summer months alone. 1000 Ferrying passengers across 500 the Curonian Spit was un- profitable only in 2002, over 0 the last five years, until the 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 enactment of the Law on

annual report, 2003 52 Per pastaruosius penkerius metus tik 2002 metais, Road Maintenance and Development Programme and ásigaliojus Keliø prieþiûros ir plëtros programos fi- approval by the Government of the Procedure of Com- nansavimo ástatymui ir Vyriausybei patvirtinus neat- pensation of Free Ferrying across the Curonian Spit. lygintino perkëlimo keltais per Kurðiø marias iðlaidø Smiltynës Perkëla AB’s activities became profitab- kompensavimo tvarkà, keleiviø këlimo keltais per Kur- le on the adoption of the Commission Resolution ðiø marias veikla buvo nuostolinga. No.O3-36 of June 17, 2003, which set the price for 2003 m. birþelio 17 d. nutarimu Nr. O3-36 Komisijai ferrying passengers and commenced the provision suderinus keleiviø këlimo keltais kainà ir pradëjus of ferrying services according to a previously ap- teikti këlimo paslaugas pagal ankstesnæ apmokëji- proved payment procedure. mo tvarkà, AB ¥Smiltynës perkëla” dirbo rentabiliai. 7 PUBLIC AWARENESS- INFORMACINË VEIKLA RAISING INITIATIVES

Komisija ðiemet aktyviai dalyvavo Lietuvos nacio- This year the Commission participated in a project car- nalinës vartotojø federacijos projekte ¥Komunalinës ried out by the Lithuanian National Consumer Federation paslaugos. Bendruomenës ðvietimas ir mokymas”. Project called Utility Services: Community Education and Komisijos specialistai (Elektros, Dujø, Vandens ir Training. Commission experts from the Electricity, Gas, Ðilumos skyriø) lankësi seniûnijose, susitiko su var- Water and Heat Departments visited local neighbourho- totojais, informavo apie Komisijos veiklà, funkcijas ods to meet with customers and inform them about the ir uþdavinius. Atsakë á vartotojø klausimus. activities, functions and tasks of the Commission. They also answered questions from members of the public. Kovo mën. Europos vartotojø dienos proga vyko jungtinë (valstybës ástaigø ir vartotojø asociacijø) In March on the occasion of European Consumers’ spaudos konferencija, kurioje dalyvavo Komisijos Day, a joint conference by public authorities and con- pirmininkas. sumer associations was held, attended among others by the Commission Chairman. Komisija nevengia vieðai diskutuoti ávairiais aktu- aliais energetikos klausimais radijo ir televizijos lai- The Commission willingly participates in radio and tele- dose. Ypaè aktyviai dalyvauta diskusijose dël Ði- vision discussions on various energy matters. It was lumos ûkio ástatymo. Ðilumos ûkio ástatymas áne- particularly active in the discussions concerning the Law ðë ir kitø naujoviø á kasdiená Komisijos darbà –nuo- on Heat Sector. The Law on Heat Sector introduced ad- lat informuojamos ir kvieèiamos dalyvauti posë- ditional tasks into the daily work of the Commission. dþiuose, nustatant bazines centralizuotos ðilumos Associations protecting the interests of consumers are kainas, vartotojø interesus ginanèios asociacijos. now provided with regular information and invited to the Aktyviausia posëdþiuose – Nacionalinë vartotojø meetings in which the base prices for district heating teisiø apsaugos taryba. Apie svarbiausius Komi- are determined. The National Consumer Rights Protec- sijos posëdþius ir juose nagrinëjamus klausimus tion Council is the most active participant in these mee- bei sprendimus informuojame naujienø agentûras. tings. We also keep news agencies regularly informed Besidomintiems energetikos sektoriaus reguliavi- about the most important meetings of the Commission mo klausimais teikiama posëdþiø medþiaga bei ki- and decisions taken there. Those interested in the regu- ta papildoma informacija. lation of the energy sector are provided materials from these meetings along with other additional information. Kaip ir kasmet Komisija organizavo iðvaþiuojamuo- sius posëdþius. Buvo praðoma reguliuojamø ámo- The Commission arranges annual circuit meetings. Eli- niø informuoti gyventojus apie vyksianèius susiti- gible companies were asked to notify residents about kimus, kuriø metu jie galëtø pareikðti nuomonæ ir such planned meetings, so as to enable them to express iðsakyti savo problemas centralizuoto ðildymo, their opinion and raise problems related to the district karðto ir ðalto vandens tiekimo klausimais. heating sector and the supply of hot and cold water. Ðiemet Phare Dvyniø projekto ¥Energetikos rinkos This year experts from the Phare Twinning Project reguliuotojo stiprinimas” ekspertai Daniele Comboni ‘Strengthening of the Energy Market Regulator’Danielee ir Alessandro Papini atliko Komisijos Komunikavi- Comboni and Alessandro Papini carried out an analysis mo (bendravimo) struktûros analizæ ir parengë stra- of the Commission Communication (Association) Struc- teginá komunikacijos planà. Ekspertai apklausë ture and developed the Strategic Communication Plan. svarbiausius, su Komisijos veikla susijusiø, gru- The experts interviewed main representatives of the piø atstovus ir pateikë vidiná bei iðoriná Komisijos groups related with the Commission’s activities and pro- vertinimà bendravimo srityje. Pagrindinë iðvada – vided internal and external assessment of the these ac- Komisija bendrauja su savo ¥auditorija”, reaguo- tivities in the field of communication. The main conclu- dama á jau priimtus sprendimus, pateikia iðsamius sion is that the Commission is communicating with its paaiðkinimus tada, kai yra ko nors klausiama. To- ‘audience’ by reacting to decisions that have already dël esminis ekspertø siûlymas yra tas, kad Komi- been taken and providing detailed explanations when sija turëtø bûti iniciatyvesnë, uþbëgti uþ akiø klau- inquiries are received. Therefore, the primary recommen- veiklos ataskaita, 2003 53 simui, atlikti iðankstiná ðvieèiamàjá darbà. Ágyven- dation by the experts for the Commission is to show dinant Komisijos strateginá komunikacijos planà, more initiative, to predict matters likely to become very svarbiausia priemonë turëtø tapti tinklalapis. Nau- topical soon, and to carry out information and educa- jo tinklalapio kûrimà taip pat finansuos Phare Dvy- tion initiatives for the public well in advance. The websi- niø projektas ¥Energetikos rinkos reguliuotojo stip- te should be used as the main tool in implementing the rinimas”. Ekspertai kartu su Komisijos darbuoto- Strategic Communication Plan of the Commission. The jais parengë tinklalapio struktûrà, renkama kom- development of a new website will also be financed panija, galësianti ágyvendinti mûsø idëjas. under the Phare Twinning Project ‘Strengthening of the Energy Market Regulator’. The experts, in agreement with the Commission staff, have designed the structure of the website and at the time of going to press a com- pany is being selected to implement the project.


Energetikos ástatymo 26 straipsnio 3 dalis numato pla- Paragraph 3, Article 26 of the Law on Energy as- èià Komisijos kompetencijà nagrinëjant ikiteisminius gin- signs wide competence to the Commission in pre- èus, tai yra Komisija privalo nagrinëti skundus dël ener- trial hearings of complaints, i.e. the Commission is getikos ámoniø veikimo ir neveikimo tiekiant, skirstant, tasked with the investigation of complaints con- perduodant, laikant energijà, dël teisës pasinaudoti tin- cerning the activity, and the failure to act of energy klais ir sistemomis nesuteikimo, dël prisijungimo, ener- companies in supplying, distributing, transmitting, gijos tiekimo srautø balansavimo, kainø ir tarifø taiky- and storing the electricity, the refusal to grant the mo. Buvo parengtas nutarimo projektas, kuriuo ið da- right to use networks and systems, connection, ba- lies pakeista Iðankstinë skundø nagrinëjimo ne teisme lancing of electricity supply flows, application or tvarka, patvirtinta 2002 m. lapkrièio 27 d. Komisijos nu- prices and tariffs. The draft resolution amending tarimu Nr. 116. Komisijos 2003 m. kovo 18 d. nutarimas the Preliminary Extra judicial Complaints Investi- Nr. O3-20 ¥Dël iðankstinës skundø nagrinëjimo ne teis- gation Procedure approved by the Commission Re- me tvarkos” sukûrë mechanizmà, kaip turi bûti ágyven- solution No. 116 of November 27, 2002 was wor- dinama naujai priskirta funkcija - nagrinëti ginèus iki- ked out. The Commission Resolution No. O3-20 of teismine tvarka. Vartotojas, manydamas, kad yra pa- March 18, 2003 on the Preliminary Extra judicial þeistos jo teisës ar teisëti interesai, gali kreiptis á Komi- Complaints Investigation Procedure established the sijà, ir jo skundas turi bûti iðnagrinëtas per palyginti trumpà terminà. Uþkertamas kelias bet kokioms biuro- mechanism of how to implement the new function kratizmo apraiðkoms, nes, esant skundo nagrinëjimo of pre-trial investigation of complaints assigned to vilkinimui, ástatymai numato galimybæ kreiptis á admi- the Commission. A customer, who believes that its nistraciná teismà ir tuo uþtikrinti tinkamà bei efektyvø rights or legitimate interests are violated, has the institucijai priskirtø funkcijø vykdymà. right to apply to the Commission and its complaint must be investigated within a reasonable time. This Kai kuriose uþsienio ðalyse (Italijoje, Austrijoje) savo facilitates in precluding all manifestations of bure- veikla panaðios á Komisijà ástaigos atlieka arbitraþo ir aucratism because in case of delayed investiga- vadinamojo ¥tarpininko” tarp nesutarianèiø ðaliø (var- tion of complaints the laws provide for the possibi- totojø ir ámoniø arba tarp dviejø nesutarianèiø ámoniø) lity to apply with the administrative court for gua- vaidmená. Lietuvoje Komisijai tokia funkcija oficialiai ranteeing proper and effective implementation of nepriskirta, taèiau, kilus tam tikriems neaiðkumams, the functions assigned to this authority. prireikia organizuoti vieðus susitikimus ir svarstyti ak- tualius klausimus. Daþnai tokie suinteresuotø ðaliø su- In Austria and Italy the bodies engaged in activi- sitikimai, dalyvaujant Komisijos atstovams, padeda ties similar to those of the Commission carry out geriau suvokti situacijà ir iðspræsti problemas. the function of the arbitrage and of the so-called Energetikos sektoriuje galiojanèiø ástatymø nenuosek- ‘mediator’ Sector does not regulate the investiga- lumas ir tarpusavio nekoordinuotumas sukelia neaiðku- tion of pre-trial disputes at all. Only Article 10 of mø, kaip praktiðkai taikyti tam tikras jø nuostatas. Jau this law establishes that when a supplier of heat minëto Energetikos ástatymo 26 straipsnio 3 dalyje Ko- refuses to purchase heat offered by an indepen- misijai suteikta bendroji kompetencija nagrinëti ikiteis- dent heat supplier and conforming to the establis- minius ginèus ¥dël energetikos ámoniø veiklos ar nevei- hed requirements, such a heat producer is entitled kimo…”, taèiau Elektros energetikos ástatymas ðià funk- to appeal against the Commission. It is not clear cijà nusako daug siauresne prasme. Ðio ástatymo 41 whether or not such complaints should be investi- straipsnis Komisijai numato tik ikiteisminiø ginèø spren- gated according to the pre-trial procedure. If this dimà dël teisës pasinaudoti tinklais suteikimo. Tuo tar- is the case, then why does Article 10 of the Law on pu vëliausiai priimtas Ðilumos ûkio ástatymas ið viso Heat Sector establishes a time limit of 20 days from

annual report, 2003 54 nereglamentuoja ikiteisminiø ginèø sprendimo. Tik 10 the day of registration of the complaint with the straipsnyje yra numatyta, jog kai ðilumos tiekëjas atsi- Commission within which the Commission must ta- sako supirkti nepriklausomo ðilumos gamintojo pasiû- ke the decision, when this time limit is different lytà ir nustatytus reikalavimus atitinkanèià ðilumà, toks from that established in other laws? Another im- ðilumos gamintojas turi teisæ skøstis Komisijai. Lieka portant issue is whether the Commission is able neaiðku, ar toks skundas turi bûti nagrinëjamas ikiteis- and bound to carry out the pre-trial investigation of mine tvarka ir jeigu taip, tai kodël Ðilumos ûkio ástaty- complaints arising with regard to district heat and mo 10 straipsnis nustato kitoká negu kiti ástatymai reg- the supply of hot water relying on the general pro- lamentuoja – 20 kalendoriniø dienø nuo skundo uþre- visions of Paragraph 3, Article 26 of the Law on gistravimo Komisijoje dienos - terminà, per kurá Komi- Energy, other than on the provisions of the Law on sija privalo priimti sprendimà. Kitas svarbus klausimas Heat Sector. Or maybe the investigation of such – ar gali ir ar privalo Komisija nagrinëti ikiteismine tvar- complaints by the Commission in observance of ka ginèus, kilusius dël centralizuotos ðilumos ir karðto the Preliminary Extra judicial Complaints Investi- vandens tiekimo, remdamasi ne Ðilumos ûkio ástaty- gation Procedure is likely to give rise to the ques- mo, o bendrosiomis Energetikos ástatymo 26 straips- tion of exceeding its means, which should be he- nio 3 dalies nuostatomis? Ir jeigu Komisija nagrinës ard by the administrative court? These problems minëtus skundus pagal Iðankstinæ skundø nagrinëji- were faced in 2003 and with a view to addressing mo ne teisme tvarkà, tai ar nekils administraciniame them particular articles of law should be amended teisme nagrinëtinas klausimas dël kompetencijos vir- and coordinated. ðijimo? 2003 metais iðkilo ðios problemos ir jø sprendi- mui reikëtø ið dalies keisti ir tarpusavyje suderinti kai In 2003 the Commission investigated two pre-trial kuriuos ástatymø straipsnius. disputes. Italian advisors working according to the Phare Twinning Project under implementation, af- 2003 metais Komisija iðnagrinëjo 2 ikiteisminius ginèus. ter having analysed the laws and secondary legis- Pagal vykdomà Phare Dvyniø projektà dirbantys italø lation applicable in the sphere of energy, emphasi- konsultantai, atlikæ galiojanèiø ástatymø ir poástatymi- sed the outstanding achievements of the Commis- niø teisës aktø energetikos srityje analizæ, paþymi, sion in creating the mechanism of investigation of jog Komisija per gana trumpà laikà daug pasiekë kur- pre-trial disputes. dama ikiteisminiø ginèø nagrinëjimo mechanizmà. Another important document prepared and passed Kitas svarbus dokumentas, parengtas ir priimtas in 2003, aimed at enforcing public administration func- 2003 metais bei skirtas vieðojo administravimo funk- tions, is the Procedure of Providing the Services of cijø ágyvendinimui – Pilieèiø ir kitø asmenø aptarna- the Commission to Citizens and Other Individuals. vimo Komisijoje tvarka. Tai bendro pobûdþio doku- This document is of a general nature, and applies to mentas, taikomas visø asmenø administraciniam ap- the administrative servicing of all residents, exclu- tarnavimui, iðskyrus ikiteisminiø ginèø nagrinëjimà. ding the investigation of pre-trial disputes 9 TARPTAUTINIS INTERNATIONAL BENDRADARBIAVIMAS COOPERATION AND IR KVALIFIKACIJOS KËLIMAS SKILLS UPGRADING Ðiemet svarbiausia tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo The main theme of international cooperation this year kryptis – Phare Dvyniø projekto ¥Energetikos rin- is the implementation of the Phare Twinning Project kos reguliuotojo stiprinimas” ágyvendinimas. Dvy- ‘Strengthening of the Energy Market Regulator’. The niø projekto partneriai - Italijos Ekonomikos ir fi- Phare Project partners are the Italian Ministry of Eco- nansø ministerija, taip pat Italijos Elektros ir dujø nomy and Finance and the Italian Regulatory Agency reguliavimo agentûra. Komisija gauna ekspertø ið- for Electricity and Gas. The Commission is provided vadas, analizæ licencijavimo, paslaugø kokybës with expert findings and analysis in the fields of licen- kontrolës, ginèø sprendimø, kainodaros, komuni- sing, the control of the quality of services, the settle- kacijos, informaciniø sistemø, tarptautinio bendra- ment of disputes, price setting, communication, infor- darbiavimo srityse. Ypatingas dëmesys yra skiria- mation systems, and international cooperation. Parti- mas licencijavimo teisinës bazës analizei, akcen- cular attention is paid to the analysis of the legal base tuojamos silpnosios ir stipriosios jos pusës. Dalis of licensing, and identifying its strengths and weak- Dvyniø projekto yra skirta Komisijos darbuotojø mo- nesses. A certain part of the Phare Project is aimed at kymams: nuolat rengiami seminarai Lietuvoje, su- training Commission staff, organising regular seminars sitikimai su specialistais Italijoje. Dvyniø projek- in Lithuania and meetings with experts in Italy. The tas baigsis 2004 metø rudená. Phare Project will be completed in the autumn of 2004. Toliau buvo plëtojama Regioninës energetikos re- The activities of the Regional Energy Regulators Asso- guliuotojø asociacijos veikla. 2003 metais buvo ciation (RERA) developed further in 2003. Training cour- pradëti rengti mokymo kursai pradedantiems dirb- ses for experts who are beginners in the energy regula-

veiklos ataskaita, 2003 55 ti specialistams energetikos reguliavimo sektoriu- tion sector have been organised since 2003. Four mem- je. Ðia studijø galimybe pasinaudojo 4 Komisijos bers of the Commission took advantage of this training darbuotojai, tarp lektoriø buvo ir Komisijos pirmi- opportunity, and the Commission Chairman participa- ninkas. 2003 metø pabaigoje Komisijos pirminin- ted as a lecturer. At the end of 2003 the Commission kas Vidmantas Jankauskas tapo ðios asociacijos Chairman Vidmantas Jankauskas became the Presi- pirmininkas. dent of the Regional Energy Regulators Association. Baltijos ðaliø energetikos sektoriaus reguliuotojai tæ- Regulators of the energy sector in the Baltic States continued the tradition of discussing common problems së tradicijà aptarti bendras problemas tarpusavio during joint meetings. Future plans cover the standar- susitikimuose. Yra numatyta atlikti elektros energi- dising of economic indicators of electricity distribu- jos skirstymo ir perdavimo ámoniø ekonominiø ro- tion and transmission companies, and cooperation ai- dikliø lyginamàjà analizæ, bendradarbiauti kuriant med at creating a single pan-Baltic electricity market. bendrà Baltijos elektros rinkà. Lapkrièio mën. Vil- The joint meeting of energy regulators from the Baltic niuje surengtas bendras Baltijos ir Ðiaurës ðaliø ener- States and western countries was held in November. getikos reguliuotojø susitikimas. Jo metu buvo ap- During this meeting last year’s developments in the þvelgti praëjusiø metø pokyèiai energetikos sekto- energy sector were discussed. Particular attention was riuje, detaliau analizuotos 2002 metø þiemos pro- paid to the problems faced by the energy system of blemos Ðiaurës ðaliø energetikos sistemoje. western countries during the winter of the 2002.

10 PERSONALO MOKYMAS STAFF TRAINING 2003 metais Valstybës tarnybos ástatymo nuostatoms In 2003, with a view to implementing the provisions ágyvendinti buvo parengta ir patvirtinta Komisijos vals- of the Law on Public Service, the Commission’s Pub- tybës tarnautojø mokymo strategija 2003 – 2006 me- lic Servants Training Strategy for 2003-2006 was wor- tais, kuri nustatë prioritetinius Komisijos valstybës ked out, establishing the main objectives for the trai- tarnautojø mokymo tikslus ir prioritetines grupes bei ning of public servants of the Commission, determi- suformulavo pagrindinius mokymo planavimo uþda- ning their priority groups and formulating the main vinius iki 2006 metø. tasks for planning the training by 2006. Atsiþvelgiant á Komisijos poreikius valstybës tarnau- With regard to the Commission’s needs, public ser- tojai dalyvavo ávadinio mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobu- vants participated in introductory training and skills linimo renginiuose. Taèiau, reikia pripaþinti, kad dël upgrading events. However, due to the shortage of mokymams skirtø lëðø trûkumo nebuvo pakankamas funds allocated for training purposes, both the intro- nei pirmà kartà á valstybës tarnybà priimtø tarnautojø ductory training of public servants recruited for the ávadinis mokymas, nei prioritetiniø valstybës tarnau- first time and the skills upgrading of public servants tojø mokymo grupiø kvalifikacijos tobulinimas. attributed to the priority groups was inadequate. Keturi valstybës tarnautojai dalyvavo ávadinio moky- Four public servants attended the introductory trai- mo seminaruose, analizuojant svarbiausius valstybës ning workshops, analysing the key subjects of state valdymo ir tarnybos dalykus, vieðojo administravi- governance and public service, specific features of mo sistemos ypatumus, teisinius administracinës public service, legal principles of administrative ac- veiklos, valstybës tarnautojo etikos bei teisës aktø tivities, ethics of a public servant, the drafting of le- rengimo ir raðtvedybos organizavimo principus. gal acts and the organisation of office work. Siekiant sustiprinti Komisijos administracinius gebë- With a view to strengthening the Commission’s administ- jimus ir pasirengimà dalyvauti Europos Sàjungos tei- rative skills and its readiness to participate in the law- sëkûros procese, daugumai valstybës tarnautojø bu- making processes of the EU, the events of the training vo organizuojami teisës aktø rengimo, vertinimo ir re- programme focused on the drafting, assessment and re- alizavimo mokymo programos renginiai. Ið viso juo- alisation of legal acts for a large majority of public ser- se dalyvavo 30 valstybës tarnautojø. Keturiolika vals- vants. A total of 30 public servants attended these events tybës tarnautojø tobulino savo vadybos ágûdþius ir in all. Fourteen public servants upgraded their managerial dalyvavo vieðosios politikos ir interesø vadybos, pro- skills and participated in the workshops on management jektø sudarymo ir valdymo bei darbo komandoje se- of public policy and interests, preparation and manage- minaruose. Taip pat daug dëmesio buvo skirta admi- ment of projects and teamwork. In addition, a lot of atten- nistracinës ir darbo teisës þinioms gilinti. tion was paid to improving the understanding of administ- Teisininkas 2003 metais iðklausë specialià Europos rative and labour laws. In 2003, lawyers completed the integracijos mokymø programà. special European Integration Training Programme.

Komisijos pirmininkas Chairman of the National Control Commission for Prices and Energy Vidmantas Jankauskas

annual report, 2003 56 VALSTYBINË KAINØ IR ENERGETIKOS KONTROLËS KOMISIJA Algirdo g. 31, Vilnius, tel. 213 92 08, faks. 213 52 70 www.regula.is.lt

Redaktorë Asta Jankauskienë Pasiraðyta spaudai 2004 04 28

Iðleido LÁ „Kriventa“, tel. 265 06 29