TURINYS CONTENTS ÁVADAS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1. ELEKTROS RINKOS 1. REGULATION OF REGULIAVIMAS 4 ELECTRICITY MARKET 4 1.1. Metodiniai klausimai 4 1.1. Methodological Issues 4 1.2. Rinkos prieþiûra 5 1.2. Market Supervision 5 1.3. Kainos 11 1.3. Prices 11 1.4. Elektros perdavimo ir skirstymo ámoniø 1.4. Assessment of Economic Activity of ekonominës veiklos vertinimas 13 Electricity Transmission and Distribution 1.4.1. AB „Lietuvos energija” 13 Companies 13 1.4.2. Skirstomøjø tinklø ámonës 14 1.4.1. Lietuvos energija AB 13 2. GAMTINIØ DUJØ RINKOS 1.4.2. Distribution Companies 14 REGULIAVIMAS 18 2. REGULATION OF THE NATURAL 2.1. Gamtiniø dujø rinka 18 GAS MARKET 18 2.2. Gamtiniø dujø kainos 20 2.1. The Natural Gas Market 18 3. ÐILUMOS ÛKIO REGULIAVIMAS 23 2.2. Natural Gas Prices 20 3.1. Ðilumos ûkio ástatymo ágyvendinimas 23 3. DISTRICT HEAT SECTOR 3.2. Investicijos ir amortizaciniai atskaitymai 26 REGULATION 23 3.3. Ðilumos kainø derinimas ir baziniø 3.1. Implementation of the Law on kainø nustatymas 28 Heat Sector 23 3.4. Ðilumà tiekanèiø bendroviø 3.2. Investments and Depreciation Charges 26 pagrindinës veiklos 2003 metø 3.3. Setting Heat and Base Prices 28 rezultatai 29 3.4. DH Utilities’ Main Activities 2003 29 3.5. Vartotojø interesø gynimas, skundai, 3.5. Consumer rights protection, teisiniai procesai 31 Complaints and Legal Proceedings 31 4. ÁMONIØ LICENCIJAVIMAS IR 4. COMPANY LICENSING AND LICENCIJUOJAMOS VEIKLOS THE CONTROL OF LICENSED KONTROLË 32 ACTIVITIES 32 4.1. Licencijø iðdavimas 32 4.1. License Issue 32 4.1.1. Gamtiniø dujø sektorius 33 4.1.1. Natural gas sector 33 4.1.2. Elektros energetikos sektorius 33 4.1.2. Electricity sector 33 4.1.3. Ðilumos ûkio sektorius 34 4.1.3. Heat sector 34 4.2. Licencijuojamos veiklos kontrolë 36 4.2. Supervision of Licensed Activity 36 4.2.1. Licencijuotø ámoniø prieþiûra 36 4.2.1. Licensed company supervision 36 4.2.2. Licencijuojamos veiklos sàlygø 4.2.2. Fulfilment of the conditions of vykdymas 37 licensed activities 37 4.2.3. Ámoniø finansinës bûklës ávertinimas 37 4.2.3. Financial rating of companies 37 4.2.4. Tiekimo patikimumo ir paslaugø 4.2.4. Ensuring reliability of supply kokybës uþtikrinimas 39 and quality of services 39 5. VANDENS PASLAUGØ 5. ECONOMIC REGULATION OF EKONOMINIS REGULIAVIMAS 41 WATER SERVICES 41 5.1. Vandens paslaugø kainos 43 5.1. Water Prices 43 5.2. Lyginamoji analizë 45 5.2. Benchmarking 45 6. TRANSPORTO TARIFØ 6. THE SETTING OF TRANSPORT DERINIMAS 49 TARRIFS 49 6.1. Keleiviø veþimo rinka 49 6.1. The Passenger Transport Market 49 6.2. Keliø transportas 50 6.2. Road Transport 50 6.3. Autobusø stotys 51 6.3. Bus Stations 51 6.4. Vidaus vandenø transportas 52 6.4. Inland Water Transport 52 7. INFORMACINË VEIKLA 53 7. PUBLIC AWARENESS-RAISING 8. SKUNDØ NAGRINËJIMO INITIATIVES 53 TEISINIS ASPEKTAS 54 8. LEGAL ASPECT OF COMPLAINT 9. TARPTAUTINIS INVESTIGATIONS 54 BENDRADARBIAVIMAS 9. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IR KVALIFIKACIJOS KËLIMAS 55 AND SKILLS UPGRADING 55 10. PERSONALO MOKYMAS 56 10. STAFF TRAINING 56 ÁVADAS INTRODUCTION 2003 metais visose Lietuvos energetikos ðakose to- In 2003 further changes took place in all of the energy liau vyko permainos: buvo ágyvendinami liberalià rinkà sectors in Lithuania, including the implementation of reglamentavæ ðakiniai ástatymai, átvirtinami rinkos laws regulating the liberalisation of the energy market, santykiai, stiprëjo privataus kapitalo dalyvavimas. the enforcement of market relationships, and the streng- Ðios permainos iðkëlë naujas uþduotis Komisijai - thening of participation of private capital investment. ágyvendinant Elektros energetikos, Gamtiniø dujø ir These changes set new tasks for the Commission, Ðilumos ûkio ástatymus bei juos lydinèius poástaty- including the supervision of the emerging markets and minius dokumentus, priþiûrëti beatsiverianèias rin- the learning of how to work with the new owners of kas, mokytis dirbti su naujais, privatizuotø ar iðnuo- privatised or leased companies in implementing the motø ámoniø savininkais. Law on Electricity, the Law on Natural Gas, the Law on Heat Sector, and their secondary legislation. 2003 m. vasarà Vyriausybë nusprendë parduoti vi- sas jai priklausanèias elektros skirstomøjø tinklø ak- In the summer of 2003 the Lithuanian government laun- cijas, skelbdama vieðà pardavimo konkursà. Iki me- ched an open tender with the intention of selling its tø pabaigos 77 proc. valstybei nuosavybës teise entire portfolio of electricity distribution network sha- priklausanèiø AB ¥Vakarø skirstomieji tinklai” akcijø res. By the end of the year, 77 percent of the state- buvo sëkmingai parduota (uþ kainà, gerokai virðiju- owned shares of the company Vakarø Skirstomieji Tin- sià pradinæ 359 mln. litø kainà) Lietuvos kompanijai klai AB were in private hands (for a price that conside- ¥NDX Energija”. AB Rytø skirstomieji tinklai privati- rably exceeded the initial price of 359Lt million) of the zacija ástrigo, nes paskutiniu momentu ið konkurso Lithuanian company NDX Energija. Privatisation of the pasitraukus Vokietijos energetikos milþinei ¥E.ON company Rytø Skirstomieji Tinklai AB was interrupted energie”, liko tik vienas pretendentas - Estijos ener- over numerous doubts as to the suitability of the sole getikos monopolistë ¥Eesti energia”, dël kurios tin- candidate buyer, the Estonian energy monopoly Eesti kamumo kilo ávairiø abejoniø. Energia which remained the only bidder after the sud- den withdrawal of the German energy giant E.ON Ener- Privatizacijos proceso metu Komisija sulaukë ne- gie from the tender at the very last moment. maþai gana kontraversiðkø pastabø dël jos taiko- mø kainodaros principø. Ávertinusi ávairiø uþsienio During the privatisation process the Commission re- konsultantø, ekspertø ir specialistø pastabas, Ko- ceived many controversial remarks concerning the misija pateikë siûlymus, kaip pataisyti galiojanèià price-setting principles it applied. In view of obser- elektros energijos perdavimo ir skirstymo paslaugø vations made by a number of foreign consultants, virðutiniø ribø nustatymo metodikà. Ðios pataisos, experts and specialists, the Commission came up ávertinus ðalies energetikos ámoniø, kitø suintere- with a series of proposals on how to amend the ap- suotø ðaliø pastabas, turëtø bûti priimtos 2004 m. plicable methodology of setting the price caps for pavasará, o po to prasidës virðutiniø kainø ribø nau- electric energy transmission and distribution servi- jam 2005-2007 metø laikotarpiui skaièiavimas, jø ap- ces. The adoption of these amendments, in conside- tarimas ir tvirtinimas. ration of the observations provided by the country’s energy companies and other interested parties, is Privatizacija toliau vyko ir gamtiniø dujø sektoriuje. Po planned to take place in the spring of 2004, to be ilgø derybø pagaliau buvo sutarta su Rusijos kompa- followed by the calculation, deliberation and appro- nija ¥Gazprom” dël 34 proc. akcijø pardavimo. Tiki- val of price caps for the new period of 2005-2007. masi, kad atëjus á Lietuvos gamtiniø dujø rinkà ðiai Privatisation also continued in the natural gas sector. Rusijos ámonei, sumenks dujø prekybos tarpininkas After prolonged negotiations, an agreement was finally AB ¥Dujotekana”, kuri iki ðiol dominavo rinkoje. Pikt- reached with the Russian company Gazprom on the naudþiaudama dominuojanèia padëtimi (AB ¥Lietuvos sales of 34 percent of shares. The entry of this Russian dujos” turi dujø kvotà, kurios net nepakanka reguliuo- company into the natural gas market is expected to jamiesiems vartotojams aprûpinti) AB ¥Dujotekana”, weaken the position of Dujotekana AB, the natural gas pasinaudojusi tuo, kad Vyriausybë atðaukë savo nu- supply company, which has dominated the market up tarimà, kuriuo buvo reguliuojamos dujø tiekimo kai- until now. Dujotekana AB, in abuse of its dominant po- nos laisviesiems vartotojams, 2003 m. antràjá pusme- sition (Lietuvos Dujos AB has the quota of natural gas tá nustatë dujø pardavimo laisviesiems vartotojams which is not sufficient for supplying the eligible custo- kainà, virðijanèià AB ¥Gazprom” nustatytà pardavimo mers) and by taking advantage of the government’s kainà net 30 proc! Todël susiklostë rinkà iðkraipanti revoked decision which regulated the supply of natural padëtis: stambieji dujø vartotojai mokëjo uþ gamtines gas to eligible customers, in the second half of 2003 dujas daugiau nei smulkieji vartotojai, kuriems dujas fixed the sales price of natural gas for eligible custo- reguliuojamomis kainomis tiekë AB ¥Lietuvos dujos”. mers which exceeded the sales price set by Gazprom- AB ¥Lietuvos dujos” dirbo gana sëkmingai, didindama by 30 percent! This resulted in a distortion of the mar- veiklos efektyvumà, maþindama sànaudas, o dël do- ket. Large gas customers paid more for natural gas veiklos ataskaita, 2003 1 than small customers supplied with natural gas by Lie- tuvos Dujos AB at regulated prices. Lietuvos Dujos AB operated profitably enough, incre- asing efficiency and reducing costs, while the price of natural gas purchased from Russia gradually decrea- sed as a result of the drop in the US dollar exchange rate. In view of the above, the Commission has lowe- red the price of natural gas for the third time. The successful restructuring of the electricity and na- tural gas sectors and the enforcement of market rela- tions create solid preconditions for the implementa- tion of the new Electricity and Gas Directives of the European Parliament and Council of June 26, 2003, providing a complete liberalisation of the electricity and gas markets, and promoting regional
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