Selection of items presented at the 2018 Pasadena Antiquarian Fair (Full descriptions available on request)

1- The transit of Venus recorded by 18th century Mexico´s most significant scientist, one of three known copies of this rare engraving

Alzate y Ramirez, Jose Antonio; Bartolache, Jose Ignacio. Suplemento a la famosa observacion del transito de Venus por el disco del Sol. 1769. Mexico. Jose Mariano Navarro. 24,000 $ First of Mexico´s most significant scientific contributions to astronomy in the 18th century, the study of transit of Venus across the Sun of 1769 made by Alzate and Bartolache in Mexico City; the astronomical phenomena would be also recorded in Tahiti by Cook, Russia, the United States (the results published in the American Philosophical Society), and other parts of Mexico by Chappe d´Auteroche.

2- Herrera’s copy of the first edition of Argensola; extensively annotated throughout A milestone in the history of Spanish exploration

Argensola, Bartolomé Leonardo de. Conquista de las Islas Malucas. 1609. . Alonso Martin. Eighteenth-century stiff parchment; ex-libris of José Nicolás de Azara (1730–1804). 145,000 $ First edition; an exceptional and unique copy of the celebrated account of the European discoveries in the Pacific, previously unknown, extensively annotated and critiqued –the annotations to-date unpublished- by ’s foremost historiographer of the East and West Indies and opponent of Argensola, Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas.


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3- Fine copy of the first complete Bible in Castilian Spanish, by the Protestant convert Cassiodoro de Reina

[Bible] [First Bible in Spanish]. La Biblia, que es, los sacros libros del vieio y nuevo testamento. 1569. []. [S. Apiarius for T. Guarinus]. Later, possibly 19th century reversed calf. 40,000 $ A fine copy of the earliest edition of the “complete Bible in Spanish”( Darlow and Moule); translated by monk Cassiodoro de Reina (c.1520-1594), a convert into Protestantism. Known in Spanish as the “Biblia del Oso”for the peculiar vignette on title, is was the first complete Bible in Spanish, and an edition of singular importance for Spanish history, the country being submersed in the tight vigilance of the Inquisition, weary of all new ideas, and of course zealous of protecting Spanish citizens of the heretic views of the Reform.

4- A fine copy of the first Bible printed by Koberger

[Biblia Latina]. Bible, , the New and Old Testaments. 16 November 1475. . . Royal . Attractive eighteenth century Italian red morocco gilt. Contemporary decoration. 75,000 $ A fine copy of the first Bible printed by Koberger, containing the complete text of the Bible, the first of several editions that he would publish in his lifetime; it follows the text of the . Koberger could be said to be the first Bible-printer, having printed over 20 editions before 1513, no other printer can claim that in the incunabular period. Provenance: armorial bookplate on front pastedown of John Cottrell Powell (1798-1834); Ampleforth Abbey , armorial bookplate on front pastedown.

5- A fundamental of the on the liberal arts in its second and last incunable edition, bound with the first edition of Hyginus’ Fables

Capella, Martianus. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii [bound with] Hyginus, Caius Julius. Fabularum Liber. 1500 and 1535. Modena & Basle. Contemporary limp vellum. 16,000 $ An attractive sammelband of two interesting texts which bring together ancient knowledge and imagination, in the same physical condition as a Renaissance reader would have seen it: the first work is the celebrated encyclopaedia by neoplatonist Capella, one of the earliest developers of the system of the seven

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liberal arts and a fundamental textbook of the Middle Ages, the second is the first edition of Hyginus’ illustrated Fables.

6- of 286 rare Spanish book catalogues.

[Catalogues; collection of 286 rare 18th and 19th century Spanish dealer catalogues and lists]. 263 catalogues bound in 8 volumes in half vellum, plus 22 loose catalogues. 40,000 $ The majority are from Madrid booksellers but there are also catalogues from Barcelona, Valencia, Zaragoza, Valladolid, amongst other places. There is a wide variety of catalogues: some from famous booksellers as Salvá, the widow of Joaquín Ibarra, Sancha, and cartographer Tomás Mauricio Lopez, to less known booksellers; private catalogues of institutions as the Imprenta Real and the Real Academia de San Fernando.

7- The most celebrated Spanish chivalry romance before the Quijote

[Cid] Don Rodrigo de Vivar. Cronica del famoso e invencible caballero Ruy Diaz campeador. Agora nuevamente corregida y emendada [Cid]. 1552. Medina del Campo. Juan Maria da Terranova, y Jacome de Liarcari. Nineteenth-century brown morocco by Bedford. 40,000 $ Amongst the most significant pieces of Spanish ever printed, this is the second edition of this text –arguably the best; very rare as most of the early ones. In 1512 an edition was printed in Burgos after a found in San Pedro de Cardeña, allegedly contemporary to the Knight, including the important genealogy of the Cid in the last 13 leaves, not present in earlier editions. The Cid gained fame and prestige for victories whilst fighting for both Moors and Christians rulers (the name “Cid” was given by the Arabs, meaning “Lord”).

8- Extensive work on Columbus´ inheritance claims, including his wills

[Columbus, Christopher]. Memorial Ajustado, hecho de orden del Real y Supremo Consejo de Indias… en el pleyto… por el Señor Don Mariano Colon de Larreategui… sobre la propiedad del Mayorazgo que fundo D. Christoval Colon, primer descubridor, y Almirante de las Indias. N.d. [1788]. N.p. [Madrid]. Contemporary calf. 9,000 $

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First edition. The most comprehensive collection of document pertaining to the trial initiated by Columbus´ heirs against the Spanish Crown –and between themselves- regarding his inheritance, and the contract signed prior to the discovery of America. The contains interesting documents as Columbus´ two wills, and a folding genealogical table of the family. Extremely rare, no copies have appeared at auction for 50 years; unknown to Sabin.

9- Very early photographic record of Constantinople, by one of its first photographers, James Robertson

[Constantinople & Greece; early photographs] Robertson, James D. Album of early photographs of Constantinople and Greece. 1853-1857. Constantinople (Istanbul). 21 salt paper print photos. Near contemporary Qajar lacquer Persian(?) binding. 40,000 $ Early album of photographs of Constantinople and Greece, most photographs signed by Robertson, a relative to the Beato brothers. Each photograph is accompanied on the opposite leaf with a manuscript caption in French of the place recorded. The album was created during Robertson´s (1813-1888) stay in Istanbul, between 1853-1857.

10- Extremely rare by Defoe, a peculiar narrative of white slavery in the United States, the true first edition, only a handful of other copies known

Defoe, Daniel. The History and Remarkable Life of the truly Honourable Col. Jacque, commonly call’d Col. Jack… Six and Twenty Years a Thief, and then Kidnapp’d to Virginia. Came back a Merchant, married four Wives, and five of them prov’d Whores. 1723 [i.e. 1722]. . Printed and sold by J. Brotherton. Handsome 19th century full mottled calf by Riviere. 42,000 $ True first edition. A very rare Defore novel, published in the same year as Moll Flanders, in which the protagonist, Jack, is sold as a slave and travels to Virginia where he works on a plantation before being captured by the French on his attempted return to . “Colonel Jacque”, as the protagonist now styles himself, fights on the side of the French and later returns to North America - all the time embroiled in many troubles with various women, “five of them prov’d Whores” - before escaping to the West Indies and later Havana.

Extremely rare: no copy in the , and only five copies recorded by ESTC.

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11- The first printed Statutes of the oldest Hispanic University still in existence, and the first printed Statutes of any University in the Hispanic World

[Education] [First printed Statutes of a Hispanic University]. Estatutos hechos por la Universidad de Salamanca. [1538]. Salamanca. [Pedro de Castro]. 16,000 $ First edition, the first printed statutes of any Hispanic University, to-date the oldest standing Spanish University. A fascinating insight to the first rules ever printed about the governing of a Spanish University, which at the same time is the oldest-standing University of Spain –and the Hispanic World; the contents are varied in nature, they include both the administration of the institute and instructions to the members of the academia, with specifics notes on the faculty.

12- First edition of Gerson´s significant contribution to medieval spirituality

Gerson, Jean. De meditatione cordis tractatus. Tractatus de oratione et valore ejus. Expositio doctrinalis. [1468-70]. []. Ulrich Zell. 25,000 $ First edition and the only separate edition; Gerson (1362-1428) was a French theologian, educator, scholar, poet and philosopher, at some point a leader of the conciliar movement for the Catholic Church reform which lead to the ending of the Great Schism, widely known for the two simultaneous Popes ( and Avignon), and a significant figure in the Council of Constance: "the most attractive and the most influential theological leader of the first half of the fifteenth century" (Schaff). This work was usually found printed alongside the Imitatio Christi, which was erroneously attributed to Gerson; this is testament to the high esteem Gerson had as spiritual guide in the later Middle Ages.

13- Remarkable description of the Chiloe Archipelago and the Spanish exploration to Tahiti

Gonzales de Agueros, Pedro de. Descripcion historial de la provincia y archipielago de Chiloe, en el reyno de Chile [including the Noticias practicas, e individuales de las islas nombradas vulgarmente de Otahiti ó Carolinas situadas en el mar del sud, ó Pacifico]. 1791. Madrid. Contemporary limp vellum. 5,500 $ First edition, an important work on the Island of Chiloe (Chile), and the Spanish exploration in the Pacific in the later half of the 18th century by Boenechea and Andia, to Tahiti and various Polynesian islands, prompted by the recent English

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exploration and voyages in the Pacific; amongst the earliest explorations of the Islands ever performed.

14- One of the first treatises on guitar-playing, illustrated with a didactic pair of

[Guitar playing] [Amat, Juan Carlos]. Guitarra española, y vandola en dos maneras de Guitarra, Castellana, y Cathalana de cinco Ordenes [with, as issued] Tractat breu, y explicado dels punts de la Guitarra, en Ydioma Cathala. N.d. [1761 & 1766]. Gerona. Joseph Bró. 2,500 $ A rare early and bilingual edition, in Spanish and Catalan, of this important treatise on guitar-playing, one of the earliest of the kind ever made in Spain; the first edition of this work is often considered the first important work on the playing of guitar, this edition includes a translation to Catalan, and enhanced with two-full page woodcuts illustrating the placing of fingers on the strings to make teaching more didactic.

15- The second Constitution by an Independent State in the Americas, produce of the first successful slave rebellion

[Haiti]. Codigo formado por los negros de la isla de Santo Domingo de la parte francesa, hoi estado de Hayti [bound after] Cancelada, Juan Lopez. Indice razonado. 1810 & 1814. Cadiz & Madrid. Contemporary calf. 11,500 $ First edition in Spanish. The second constitution of an Independent State in the Americas, only preceded by that of the United Stated, and the produce of the first successful slave revolution in the Americas; rich in iconography, illustrated with five copper-engraved plates showing the leaders of the Haitian revolution.

16- Rare incunable herbarium, abundantly annotated in English by an early hand

[]. Tractatus de virtutibus herbarum [Incipit Hervarius Latinus]. 1499. . Simon Bevilacqua. Early 19th century blind-tooled calf. 30,000 $ First illustrated herbarium printed south of the Alps, second edition Italian edition; abundantly annotated in an early English hand, also in Greek and Latin. The work is based on a German earlier version, although most of the woodcuts differ from it. Illustrated with 150 woodcuts of plants, which mostly differ from

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those in the German editions. Early English provenance: Liber Roberti Farra[?] Hereford doctoris; Ex dono from Johannes Blaymi to Lionel Ayhonby; Ferdinando Huddleston, giving the date for the acquisition of the book in 1668; armorial bookplate of Ralph William Grey (1745-1812). Bought of Parsons 1875. Bookplate of John Postle Heseltine (1843-1929), Bernard Quaritch, 23 March 1923.

17- The earliest account of an American of the Forbidden City, a rare work of travel literature printed in Philadelphia

Houckgeest, Andreas Everardus van Braam. Voyage de l'ambassade de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales Hollandaises, vers l'empereur de la Chine, dans les années 1794 & 1795. 1797-98. Philadelphia. Contemporary half calf. 15,000 $ Rare first edition of this account of the Dutch Embassy to the Forbidden City, printed in Philadelphia, “one of the most valuable works on China.” (Sabin). Written by van Braam Houckgeest and translated by Moreau de Saint-Mery, the first American citizen to visit Peking and be presented to the Emperor, and with some of the earliest American maps of Chinese subjects. Houckgeest arrived in China in 1758 and spent the next eight years engaging in trade in the Provinces of Guangzhou and Macao. In 1783 he emigrated to South Carolina and became an American citizen, though within a few years he took up a position in a Dutch factory in Guangzhou.

18- Extremely rare poem by the first Poet of Chile

[Jesuitica; Emblems] Oña, Pedro de. El Ignacio de Cantabria… dirigido a la Compañía de IHS. 1639. . Francisco de Lyra. Late 19th century calf. 6,000 $ First edition. All the engraved plates in text were made specifically for this book, and each is situated at the beginning of the Cantos; it is an epic and historical poem on the life and miracles of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. Oña was a Chilean-born poet –arguably the first-, writer and historian.

19- Mexican colonial manuscript “catalogue” of the Jesuits active in the Viceroyalty of New Spain

[Jesuits; Mexico]. Catálogo de los Nombres, Patrias, Edades, Entradas y Grados de los Sujetos de la Compañia de Jesus de esta Provincia de Nueva España. August 15, 1756. N.p. [Mexico]. Contemporary Mexican limp vellum.

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11,000 $ Exceptional Mexican Colonial Catalogue of the Jesuits active in the Viceroyalty of New Spain (current Mexico and southern United States); it is a unique insight to the human composition of the Order, whose members had recently disproved the insularity of California, and made the first settlements in the region.

20- Early and large album of photographs of Spain presented to the future Queen Consort of Spain

Laurent, Juan. An album of photographic views of Spain. [c.1867]. [Madrid]. Oblong folio. 102 albumen mounted on paper with printed captions, stamp of Laurent’s workshop page. Contemporary purple velvet signed by A. Durand. 26,000 $ This is one of the largest and finest albums of photographs of Spain of the 19th century, composed of 102 albumen prints by one of Spain’s earliest and preeminent photographers, presented by the Count of Reus to the Duchess of Aosta, future Queen Consort of Spain, in a splendid velvet binding. The magnificent album contains views of Spanish architecture, landscapes, and city views –of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, amongst others. One of the most beautiful, and large in terms of contents, albums of photographs we have seen on Spain.

21- Earliest obtainable edition in any language of the “best book of its kind in the world” (Cervantes)

Martorell, Joanot. Tirante il Bianco valorissimo cavaliere. 1538. Venice. Nicolini da Sabbio. Attractive 19th century crushed green morocco by Trautz-Bauzonnet. 24,000 $ First edition in Italian, the first translation into any language, and the earliest acquirable edition in any language of the Tirant lo Blanch, praised by Cervantes in the Quijote, dubbed the finest medieval chivalry romance in Catalan. This Italian edition is the earliest obtainable edition of the Tirant “the best book in the world” (Don Quijote). Provenance: bookplate of Edward Herbet, Earl of Powis.

22- McKenney and Hall's classic work in a fine copy, a rich iconographic portrait of the on the American Tribes of North America

McKenney, Thomas Loraine; Hall, James. History of the Indian Tribes of North America. Philadelphia: T.K. & P.G. Collins for D. Rice & A. N. Hart, 1854. Contemporary American red morocco gilt.

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14,000 $ Richly illustrated with 120 hand-coloured lithographic plates. The Indian Tribes of North America has long been renowned for its faithful portraits of Native Americans. The plates are based on Charles Bird King painting’s, who was employed by the War Department to paint the Indian delegates visiting Washington D.C., forming the basis of the War Department's Indian Gallery.

Most of the original paintings were destroyed in a fire at the Smithsonian, and their appearance in McKenney and Hall's magnificent work is thus our only record of the likenesses of many prominent Indian leaders of the 19th century.

25- Granting of arms to a Royalist Mexican family in times of turmoil

[Mexico]. Carta Ejecutoria of Don Pedro Marcos Gutierrez. Signed and sealed in the Real Colegio de Mexico on 16th October 1818. Contemporary Mexican calf. 8,500 $ A remarkable document, which grants arms to a Mexican family during times of revolution and turmoil in Mexico; it was issued in Mexico a few years before the final Independence of Mexico. It is a remarkable document that sheds light on the finances of wealthy Royalist families before independence. Gutierrez is described by Lucas Alaman in his Historia de Méjico desde los primeros movimientos que prepararon su independencia en el año de 1808 hasta la época presente.

The Ejecutoria lists all the expenses that he incurred for military equipment (‘casaca’, pantalon’, ‘sombrero’ ‘par the botas’, etc) during the Mexican war of Independence.

26- No tax duties for introducing African slaves into the Spanish colonies to the South Sea Company

[Mexico] Moro, Gerardo. Informe en derecho sobre que la Compania de el Real Assiento dela Gran Bretana establecida para la introduccion de Esclavos Negros en estas Indias, debe declararse libre, y exempta. 1724. Mexico. 12,000 $ First edition. By the treaty of Utrecht of 1713, the Spanish monarchy granted a thirty-year contract to the SSC to supply 4800 slaves to the American colonies and goods per year. Moro defends the right of the English South Sea Company to introduce black slaves into Spanish America without paying taxes.

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27- A remarkable medieval manuscript on Warfare, previously unknown

[Military medieval unrecorded manuscript in French on vellum, previously unkown, with the Cérémonies des Gages des Bataille]. [, early 15th century]. Contemporary calf. 85,000 $ Previously unknown and unstudied early manuscript about warfare; that of the first text apparently surviving only in this copy and drawing on the personal experience of an unknown commander (perhaps a naval one), who would had seen action in the Hundred Years’ War.

The second text, the Cérémonies des Gages des Bataille, is a chivalric manual of warfare drawn from the ordinances of King Philip IV (1268-1314), suppressor of the Knights Templar, expeller of the Jews from France in 1306, and the forger of an alliance with the Mongol Khanates in the Near East against a common enemy in the Mamluk rulers of Egypt.

28- One of the earliest works on hunting and falconry written in Spanish

Nuñez de Avendaño, Pedro. Aviso de Cazadores y Caça [bound after] De Exequendis Mandatis Regnum Hispaniae. 1593. Madrid. Pedro Madrigal. Contemporary vellum. 14,000 $ Second edition of this exceedingly scarce work on the chase and falconry, one of the earliest and most important of those written in Spanish in the ; the work focuses on the laws of hawking and hunting. It was the first Castilian printed book on hunting and the first to deal with its legal and moral aspects.

29- The copy sold for £1.82 less than the first edition of Don Quijote when bought by Heber at the Bibliotheca Stanleiana sale in 1813; influenced the Faerie Queene and Shakespeare's The Tempest

[Ortuez de Calahorra, Diego; Sierra, Pedro de la]. Espejo de principes y caualleros. 1617-23. Zaragoza. Red morocco, super-libris of Salvá. 25,000 $ Important edition, and a remarkable copy, which belonged to five notable book collectors: originally owned by Colonel Thomas Stanley, sold by R. H. Evans (1813), bought by Richard Heber, one of the founders of the Roxburghe Club, paying £38.18 -slightly under the £40 paid for the first edition of the two parts of

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Cervantes’ Don Quixote. Translated into English as The Mirrour of Knighthood, it influenced works as Spenser's Faerie Queene and Shakespeare's The Tempest.

30- A rare pamphlet published in the Pacific islands of Kiribati; the first hymnbook printed in the Gilbertese language

[Pacific] [Abaiang ]. Anene Aiabai Kristian Ni Karaoiroa Iehova, "A Na Karaoiroiko, Te Antu, Aomata; A Na Bane Ni Karaoiroiko Aomata". 1860. Abaian. 2,000 $ Content is in the Gilbertese (Kiribati) language, printed in the Republic of Kiribati, formerly known as the Gilbert Islands, located in the central Pacific. The island was until the second half of the 20th century a British domain. This pamphlet is the first hymnbook printed in the Gilbertese language.

31- Large and splendid iconographic record of early 19th century Peruvian costumes by Pancho Fierro [Peruvian costumes] [Fierro, Pancho, attributed to]. Album of Peruvian costumes [Album de escenas del Peru y Lima]. N.d. [ca. 1840]. N.p. [Lima, Peru]. 4to. 35 watercolors on paper. Contemporary calf. 45,000 $ Splendid collection of Peruvian watercolors, all visually striking, most likely by the hand of Peru´s native artist Pancho Fierro; this album might be a compilation done by an Englishman of Fierro´s drawings, considering the English captions. Although no signature is found and no attribution is made on the album, the quality of the watercolors is remarkable and reflects the characteristic style of Fierro (1809 - 1879) a Peruvian self-taught artist, son of a criollo and a black slave.

32- Visually striking and exceedingly rare map of Queretaro, printed in Mexico

[Queretaro] [Ruiz Calado, Jose Ignacio; Estrella y Fernandez, Manuel]. [Plano de Queretaro dividido en tres cuarteles mayores, y cada uno en tres menores]. 1796. Mexico. 16,000 $ First printing of this exceedingly rare map of Queretaro, produced and engraved in Mexico; it was issued to accompany the Ordenanza que para la división de la M. Noble y leal ciudad de Santiago de Queretaro, itself a rare pamphlet, in which the new planning of the city is detailed.

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Very rare, no copy of the Ordenanza, or this map, has ever come up at auction according to RBH, and we can find 5 institutional copies of it, only three with the map, the copies at the California State Library and the Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico are lacking the map; no copy at Brown or .

33- One of the rarest works of Castilian poetry, including sonnets by a woman, and one of the very few to contain illustrations

Ramirez Pagan, Diego. Floresta de varia poesia. 1562. Valencia. Joa Nauarro. Nineteenth century morocco by Menard. 18,000 $ First edition –and only-, of one of the rarest works of Castilian poetry. Illustrated with woodcuts in text, with a series of nine woodcuts of a rather naïve and attractive nature.

Salvá notes that ‘este libro es uno de los más raros que existen en la literatura poética española’, so rare, that ‘Mr. Heber no lo tuvo en su Biblioteca, ni Brunet consiguió verlo’. Apart from Ramirez Pagan, as Salvá notes, the contains compositions by ‘D Fadrique de Toledo, Alonso García… D. Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, Jorge Montemayor, D. Sancho de Londoño, D. Manuel Ferrando y Pedro Hurtado de Guevara’. It also contains five sonnets by a woman poet, which was very unusual in the 16th Century.

34- Extremely rare French maritime atlas, with maps of the Americas, Arabia and the East Indies

Robiquet, Aime. Atlas hydrographique comprenant les côtes d', d'Asie et d'Afrique, sur l'Océan Atlantique, la Mer des Indes et l'Océan Pacifique, les côtes de États-Unis, le golfe du Mexique… de la Californie. 1856. . 60,000 $ The first edition of this large and extremely rare hydrographical atlas by famed 19th century French cartographer Aime Robiquet, which encompasses the world, but with strong emphasis on America and Asia.

We could trace only another copy at the Library of Congress. Amongst the maps, we highlight those of the Americas (14 maps, of California, the Antilles, and the Pacific coast of South America), Arabia, China and South East Asia, the Philippines and the Spice Islands.

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35- A fine early illustrated edition of the Celestina

Rojas, Fernando de. Tragicomedia de Calisto et Melibea nuovamente tradotta de lingua Castigliana. 1535. Venice. Nicolini da Sabbio. Fine 19th century red morocco by Niedree. 13,000 $ Early edition of the Celestina, one of the rare illustrated with woodcuts following the plot; the most celebrated literary work in the before the publication of Don Quijote, “the first connected long story with a complete plot written in modern literature” (Maggs); it marks the transition between medieval and renaissance literature.The illustration is composed of a on title- page and several large woodcuts in text portraying the romance with an artistic vision, directly illustration the story.

36- Attractive sammelband including an early and rare Catalogue of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, a French geometry treatise, a Propaganda Fide Ethiopian-language book, amongst others

[Russian Imperial Academy catalogue]. Catalogue des livres inprimés [sic] aux dépens de l’Académie impériale des sciences de St. Pétersbourg. Et qui se vendent en sa librairie. 1748. St Petersburg. Imperial Academy of Sciences. 12,000 $ A catalogue of books for sale from the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences. We have been able to trace only one other copy, at the Academy of Sciences Library in St Petersburg. Around 80 books are listed, published 1725–48 with their prices. The present example comes from an exciting time for the Press. Plans were afoot to open a second shop, in , and to extend activities into provincial Russia. There are markings here next to several books which the Earl owned by Bayer, Euler, Krafft, and nearly all the maps. Provenance: from the Macclesfield library.

[bound with] Vavlezard, Sieur de. Traite de l’origine demonstration, contruction & usage du Quadrant Analematique. 1644. Paris. Jean Le Brun. [bound with] Cospi, Antonio Maria; F. I. F. N. P. M. (translator and editor). L’Interpretation des Chiffres ou Regle pour bien entendre & expliquer facilment toutes fortes de Chiffres simples. 1641. Paris. Augustin Courbe. [bound with] [Propaganda Fide]. Chaldeae seu Aethiopicae Linguae Institutiones. 1630. Rome. Typis Sac. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide.

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37- Unrecorded manuscript of a cornerstone Spanish medieval work of literature, the Proverbs of the Marquis de Santillana, printed throughout the 16th century

[Santillana, Marquis de] López de Mendoza y de la Vega, Iñígo, Marquis of Santillana. Centiloquio; Los Proverbios, partly in verse, in Spanish, manuscript on paper. [Spain (probably Castile), second half of fifteenth century]. 65,000 $ Iñígo López de Mendoza y de la Vega (1398-1458) was a Castilian statesman and poet who held a prominent position in the court of King Juan II of Castile. His father and grandfather had both been poets, and his mother was an heiress of the exceptionally wealthy de la Vega family. He is credited with introducing the Sonnet into Spanish verse from that source. Throughout his political career, he remained loyal to Juan II and was rewarded with the title Marquis of Santillana.

His Los Proverbios (or Proverbios de gloriosa doctrina e fructuosa enseñanza), is a book of didactic poems, written at the behest of Juan II as instruction for his son, Prince Enrique IV. He finished the text in 1437. The text was printed in Zaragoza in 1488, Seville in 1499 and several times in the 16th century. The online Cervantes Virtual database lists only two: Biblioteca de la Fundación Lázaro- Galdiano, and Yale Beinecke, (the Proverbios, with the Cancionero), and to these should be added University Library; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, and Real Academia Española; and Fondation Martin Bodmer. Only two others have been available on the open market since records began, and none in nearly four decades. Both of these were from the collection of the grand manuscript collector, Sir Thomas Phillipps, and obtained by him from the collection of the equally important bibliophile, Richard Heber (one a 16th century copy).

38- Extremely rare voyage to Jerusalem

Santisimo Sacramento, Juan de (O.F.M.). Viaje y peregrinación de Jerusalén, que hizo el hermano Fr. Juan de el Santissimo Sacramento. 1744. Lisboa. Emprenta de Domingo Gonsales. Contemporary or slightly later full calf with superlibris of Salva on boards. 8,000 $ Very rare second edition of a colourful and lively description of a journey to the Holy Land, passing through Cyprus, by a Franciscan monk in 1725. Since the thirteenth century the Franciscan Order had had the custody of the Holy Land Province which included Syria and Cyprus. Santissimo Sacramento left Spain from Alicante, sailed to Alexandria, Cairo, Cyprus (pp. 67 – 71), Lebanon (Tripoli), the Holy Land, Cyprus again and Crete where his ship was captured by Libyan pirates who took them to Tripoli where he was enslaved.

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39- The most important work about Spanish guitar of the 17th century and one of the best records we have in baroque guitar

Sanz, Gaspar [Francisco]. Instruccion de musica sobre la Guitarra Española, y metodo de sus primeros rudimentos hasta tañerla con destreza. 1697. Zaragoza. Herederos de Diego Dormer. Contemporary vellum. 22,000 $ First complete edition, of the "most comprehensive guitar treatise of its time" (TNG), and the second book on guitar published in Spain, following a short treatise by Amat; to-date, an important record of what we known of classical guitar repertory and techniques. The first and second parts were published independently on 1674 and 1675; this is the first appearance of the third part and as a complete work.

40- Printed in the Mountains of Barcelona, at the Monastery of Montserrat, with the woodcut of the appearance of the Virgin that made it a pilgrimage site

[Spanish incunable; Monastery of Montserrat]. Regula eximii Patris Noftri Beatiffimi Benedicti. 12 June 1499. Monastery of Montserrat. Johann Luschner. 30,000 $ One of the earliest books printed in the Monastery of Montserrat in the mountains of Barcelona, from the press of Johann Luschner; a rare Spanish incunable, illustrated with a lovely woodcut showing the appearance of the Virgin, which made the monastery a pilgrimage site. Luschner, a printer from Barcelona, set up a printing shop in Montserrat in the winter of 1499 with the commission of Ximenes de Cisneros. Other books printed by Luschner include the Opus contemplationis, and the Tractatus de spiritualibus ascensinibus.

41- Magnificent coloured copy, one of the most celebrated Italian illustrated books of the Renaissance

Tasso, Torquato. La Gierusalemme Liberata… Con le figure di Bernardo Castello; e le Annotationi di Scipio Gentili, e di Giulio Guastavini. 1590. Genova. Appresso Girolamo Bartoli. Possibly Italian eighteenth century red morocco. 125,000 $ Spectacular copy, in a lavish and strong original colour in gouache, heightened with gold; this is the first illustrated edition of this major achievement of Italian literature and Tasso’s masterpiece. The illustration comprises twenty full-page copper-plate engravings by the celebrated Agostino Carracci and his pupil Giacomo Franco, after Bernardo Castello, an Italian late-Mannerist painter,

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friends with Tasso.mHis designs are here taken to their full potential and glory thanks to the artist’s dedication applying the colour, clearly not merely satisfying a patron’s wish of having the book coloured, but making a work of art applying layers of gold, green, blue, purple, orange, and other tones, bringing to life the already-bold and striking plates.

42- Fine compilation of voyages to the East and West Indies, including the maps of Australia and the East Indies, with a distinguished Provenance

Thevenot, Melchisedec. Relations de divers voyages curieux, qui nont point este publiees. 1696. Paris. Thomas Moette. Two volumes. Contemporary calf, boards with gilt fillet and centre with arms of the Lindesiana. 60,000 $ Amongst travel collections, Thevenot’s occupies a distinguished place; its scope includes Africa, the Far East, South East Asia, Russia, and America. The relation on Australia is certainly one of the most significant and primary sources of information on the country. The illustration is composed of maps, views and plates; the maps include East Africa and Arabia, the East Indies, China, Hindustan, and the Tasman map of Australia; the Tasman map is a cornerstone of Australian cartography, both as the earliest obtainable map of the region as well as the predominant depiction from which the World knew the Island for about a century.

43- Printed in Manila on rice paper, a cornerstone Tagalog language manual

Totanes, Sebastián de. Arte de la lengua Tacala y manual Tagalog [bound with, as issued] Manual Tagalog. 1796. Sampaloc, Manila. Imprenta de Nuestra Senora de Loreto, por Pedro Arguelles de la Concepcion. Contemporary vellum. 12,000 $ A fine copy, in its genuine condition, of the second edition of this guide to Tagalog, to-date a national language of the Philippines. “This Arte by Father Totanes is considered the best of all the by whose help the Spaniards learnt the Tagala language” (Maggs Bros, Spanish Books, 1927, for the first edition of 1745).

According to Retana, this is the best of all manuals on the Tagalog language. It is today spoken by almost 25 million people in the Philippines –mostly-, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia; nowadays, it is discussed if the Filipino language is nothing other than the Tagalog, with influence of English.

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44- One of the most important voyages of Pacific exploration and the North West coast of America Vancouver, George. Voyage de decouvertes, a l’ocean Pacifique du Nord, et autour du Monde. An VIII de la Republique [1800]. Paris Imprimerie de la Republique. Three text volumes and one atlas. 7,500 $ "This narrative is one of the most important accounts of the exploration of the Pacific Northwest and New Zealand, and valuable source information about Tahiti and the Hawaiian Islands in the last decade of the eighteenth century… Among the important features of the narrative are the engraved views in Volume II of the Mission of San Carlos and the Presidio of Monterey, probably the first published views of California." (Streeter). “This voyage became one of the most important ever made in the interests of geographical knowledge” (Hill). The atlas volume includes several mostly double-page maps and coastal views of the Pacific and North America.

45- A Chilean´s journey in the United States, describing San Francisco and California´s life

Vicuña Mackenna, Benjamin. Pajinas de mi Diario durante tres años de Viajes 1853 – 1854 – 1855… California – Mejico – Estados Unidos – Canada… 1856. Santiago de Chile. Imprenta del Ferrocarril. With the rare map. 4,000 $ First edition, a rare diary full of first-hand observations on the United States in the mid-19th century, providing details of California, San Francisco, Mississippi, Cincinnati, New York, Boston, Louisiana, slavery, hostelry, the Mormons of New Israel, Washington, etc.; the first deals with his arrival to San Francisco, and the description of the “casinos”, theatres, the Chinese population of California, the San Francisco cemetery, the Yankees, Sacramento, etc.

Extremely rare when found with the large folding map as here.

46- The second book printed entirely on vegetal paper, made from the bark of a lime tree, with the rare 20 samples at the end, in contemporary red morocco

Villette, Charles-Michel de. Oeuvres. 1786. Londres [Manufacture royale de papeterie de Langlee]. Contemporary morocco. 7,000 $ A fine copy preserving the 20 samples at the end of this peculiar work, “The first book in the Western World to be entirely printed on PAPER MADE FROM

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PLANT FIBRES” (Lathrop ), “le premier livre entièrement imprimé sur papier vegetal” (Barbier). Bound in contemporary red morocco gilt.

47- One of the rarest and earliest Spanish treatises on art theory

[Art] Butron, Juan de. Discursos apologeticos en que se defiende la ingenuidad del arte de la pintura. Que es liberal y noble de todos derechos. 1626. Madrid. Luis Sanchez. Contemporary limp vellum. 8,000 $ First edition of this early Spanish treatise on artistic theory, highly praised both in the time of it’s publication and later in the 18th century. Books in Spanish on painting published in the 17th century are rare. "Obra estimada por los coleccionistas de Bellas Artes. Palomino de Castro in his Museo Pictórico comments that the book is written “con profunda erudición”.

48- The most important treatise on painting published in Spanish in the Siglo de Oro produced in Spain

[Art] Carducho, Vincencio. Dialogo de la Pintura, su defensa, origen, essencia, definicion, modos y diferencias, al gran monarcha de las españas y nuevo mundo Don Felipe IIII por ... de la ilustre academia de la nobilissima ciudad de Florencia y pintor de su magestad catolica. 1633 [ 1634]. Madrid. Francisco Martinez. Contemporary limp vellum. 15,000 $ First edition, very rare. This work has become extremely rare, "and is daily sought more and more by those addicted to the Fine Arts," according to Palau. It is a notable work on art by the Florentine painter to the Spanish King (Philip IV) and is considered the best Spanish book on the subject. “Actualmente es muy difícil hacerse con un ejemplar perfecto de esta obra" (Palau).

49- The best description of the Cathedral of Seville and the art that decorates it

[Art] Espinosa de los Monteros, Pablo de. Teatro de la santa iglesia metropolitana de Seuilla, Primada antigua de las Españas. 1635. Seville. Matias Clauijo. Fine morocco binding signed Chambolle-Duru. 8,000 $ First Edition. This work, the first to describe the cathedral of Seville, is significant because of the detailed attention devoted to the art works in the cathedral, especially the paintings. It is, as Serrano comments, extremely erudite. Espinosa

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de los Monteros was at the period when the Seville school of painting to which Velázquez belonged was at its high point.

50- Defence of painting as a noble form of art

[Art] Espinosa y Malo, Félix Lucio. El pincel cuyas glorias escrivia don... Cronista Mayor de su Magestad. 1681. Madrid. Francisco Sanz, impressor del Reyno. Contemporary Spanish tree calf with super-libris of Salvá on covers. 8,000 $ First edition. Gayo Nuño comments that the work is “de imposible hallazgo” (impossible to find). Espinosa supports his case for the intellectual and moral value of painting with abundant references to authorities who are cited in the 65 marginal notes which accompany the text. The principle interest of the work is ideological: Espinosa’s concept of art is wholly baroque, as can be seen by his sensorial interpretation of art, the emphasis on the efficacy of imagery and his notion of the surpassing of nature.

51- An engraver’s defense of art and painting

[Art] Moreno de Tejada, Juan. Excelencias del Pincel y del Buril que en quatro silvas cantaba Juan Moreno de Tejada grabador de cámara de S. M. y académico de la Real de S. Fernando y de la de S. Carlos de México. 1804. Madrid. Imprenta de Sancha. Contemporary calf. 2,400 $ Moreno de Tejada was a professional engraver, “grabador de cámara” to Charles IV and a member of two distinguished Academies of Art. In this poetical work, he praises painting and engraving. He became the most sought after engraver for calligraphic texts in his day. Amongst the many works for which he produced engravings were the Academy edition of the Quixote of 1782, and Solis's Historia de la conquista de México (1783- 1784).

52- The statutes of Royal Academy of Art of San Carlos

[Art] [Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos (Valencia)]. Estatutos de la Real Academia de San Carlos [with] Colección de reales ordenes comunicadas a la Real Academia de San Carlos. 1809. Valencia. En la Imprenta de D. Benito Monfort. Contemporary Valencian sheepskin gilt. 2,500 $

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The Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos was created by Charles III in Valencia on the 14 February 1768 and formed part of his enlightenment policy of promoting the arts and sciences. From its foundation it provided instruction in the three noble arts: Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and issued official qualifications. From 1789 to 1860 it exercised control over public and religious architecture in the whole region of Valencia through its “Junta de Comisión de Arquitectura”; eventually a museum was established. The Academia still exists today and is principally dedicated to research, teaching and divulgation.

(Full descriptions available upon request)

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