Vol. 60. No. 1 A Publication of UMA, Inc. January – March 2020 Editor: Daniel Gomes, 2021 Ptarmigan Drive #1 Walnut Creek, Ca 94595 E-Mail:
[email protected] UMA Website: www.uma-casademacau.com. Webmaster: Maria Gomes. E-Mail:
[email protected] Memories of World War II Henry d'Assumpcao, An Oral History It was December 8th 1941, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, one of the ten Holy Days of Obligation. For me, then seven years old in Hong Kong, it was a holiday from school, for my older brother Carlinho’s a half-holiday. So breakfast was leisurely served that morning when our father announced solemnly: "War can start any time: next month, next week or even tomorrow.” In fact it started about an hour later that morning. This is a potpourri of memories of World War II – some my own, many passed on from my parents and others. My parents had moved from Macau to Hong Kong in about 1930, along with thousands of other families seeking jobs. We lived in Ho Man Tin, the suburb developed by Anthony Correa’s great-grandfather Francisco "Frank" Soares. There were some grand mansions there but we lived in a small rented 3-bedroom apartment— my parents, three children and our devoted amah. Let me introduce you to a couple of our neighboring families, because they feature in this story. Behind us, on one side, lived the Gosanos. This is a picture of the Gosano family taken after the war - Mrs. Adeliza Gosano had been widowed tragically and had to raise not only her own nine children but also four orphaned nephews.