The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy

Brussels, 2/12/2014 « importance »

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy 400 billion Euros Source: Forbes

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Disruptive economic force

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Technologies giving power to citizens

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The economy starts with a need to fulfill

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The economy starts with a need to fulfill … with some issues

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy 1 solution

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Sharing facilitating access to owned property or skills

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Technologies create a new economy based on collaborative consumption

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Technologies for niches

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The « peer-to-peer » model can be applied in many different fields

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The « peer-to-peer » model can be applied in many different fields Niches

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Access to new opportunities for small tech companies

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The rise of an army of microentrepreneurs

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Technologies for niches... creating a huge marketplace

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy

. Making use of extra space

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Share Bicycles

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Making use of local knowledge

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The whole touristic chain is covered

How to get Where to stay? Where to eat? What to do? there? Uber EatWith Vayable

CarPooling HomeAway Cookening Greeters

BlaBlaCar 9Flats Bookalokal Use-It

Getaround CouchSurfing GetYourGuide

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Technologies for community builing

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy


Platforms creating trust between strangers

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Technologies lowering transaction costs

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy

. experiences more accessible to a wider range of people

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The Key Success Factor: the concept

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy

. « We did not need to invest a lot of time, money and efforts in communications, as the we knew the niche concept would trigger word-of-mouth »

Nicolas Steisel – CEO Exki

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy

Technologies or the « Ego » society

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy

. The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Authentic experiences

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy And THAT was my unforgettable Greeters’ experience in Brussels



The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy A tourist with an ego.

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Social media play an active role

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Social media play an active role

Society of « selfies »

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Searching for a better , unique « self »

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Conclusions

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy

. Alternative economy and sources of revenues

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Driver for sustainability

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Creating communities

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Collaborative lifestyles

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Critical mass of people trusting strangers thanks to P2P technologies

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy ICT platforms to better meet public needs

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy A non-market consumption that revolves around a human dimension

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Better world?

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy « We cannot address these challenges by ignoring them, by going on strike, or by trying to ban these innovations out of existence… we need to work with them, not against them »

Neelie Kroes – Former VP EC

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy Thank you

The importance of new technologies and practices of sharing economy