Cahiers Du Monde Russe, 52\/2-3
Cahiers du monde russe Russie - Empire russe - Union soviétique et États indépendants 52/2-3 | 2011 L’URSS et la Seconde Guerre mondiale Stalin’s postwar border-making tactics East and West Les stratégies adoptées par Stalin dans l’après-guerre pour réviser les frontières orientales et occidentales David Wolff Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/monderusse.9334 ISSN: 1777-5388 Publisher Éditions de l’EHESS Printed version Date of publication: 15 November 2011 Number of pages: 273-291 ISBN: 978-2-7132-2352-5 ISSN: 1252-6576 Electronic reference David Wolff, « Stalin’s postwar border-making tactics », Cahiers du monde russe [Online], 52/2-3 | 2011, Online since 12 September 2014, Connection on 23 April 2019. URL : monderusse/9334 ; DOI : 10.4000/monderusse.9334 This text was automatically generated on 23 April 2019. © École des hautes études en sciences sociales Stalin’s postwar border-making tactics 1 Stalin’s postwar border-making tactics East and West Les stratégies adoptées par Stalin dans l’après-guerre pour réviser les frontières orientales et occidentales David Wolff 1 While Stalin changed the internal geography of the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s, until 1939, there were few opportunities to move international borders.1 But by the time World War Two came to an end, with overwhelming personal, institutional, and raw military power, Stalin, who now spoke unselfconsciously in the name of the Soviet Union, prepared to adjust several borders in various ways, but all to Moscow’s immediate benefit. In this article, we will examine the Polish, Czechoslovakian, Hungarian, Romanian, Turkish, Iranian, Chinese, Mongolian and Japanese borders in order to catalog the ingredients that went into Stalinist border resolution, East and West.
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