SPN 379C. Capstone Seminar. Mexican Cinema Sprig 2018. Héctor Domínguez Ruvalcaba Unique 45995 Office hours: W 2-5 at BEN 3.130 E-mail:
[email protected] Class meet at: BEN 1.104 Introduction This course aims to develop research skills in the area of cultural studies with a concentration on film analysis. We will focus on a selection of films that have been influential in Mexican society. The course will address the representation of characters, sceneries, moral and aesthetic values, social and political concerns, in order to answer the following questions: which elements constitute the self- characterization of Mexican culture in the industry of cinema? What is the role that cinema plays in the analysis of social reality? What are the main stylistic trends of Mexican film production? How cinema proposes gender and ethnic codes that can be observed in Mexican daily culture? The central activity of this class will be writing about filmic representations of Mexican culture. In the beginning, we'll discuss key concepts to be used in the analysis, including aspects of cinematography, elements of cultural criticism, historical, and social and political contexts. The main product of this seminar will be a 3000-words essay. The process includes: a) problem articulation; b) thesis statement; c) annotated bibliography; d) analysis of primary sources; and e) writing and editing. Grading Policy: 15% Class participation 10% Film presentation 10% Quizzes 10% Thesis statement 10% Annotated bibliography 10% Project presentation 35% Final paper Participation. Students are expected to be prepared for the class and to participate actively in discussions.