Especial México Mipcom 2014
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80 PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL COMMENTARY MEXICO FOR THE WORLD We are very proud of introducing this of the main content exporters of the world, ‘Mexico Country of Honour – Mipcom 2014’ with the famous ‘telenovelas’ on the head plus special issue, we have prepared after an offi- also TV series, kids programming, etc. Now, cial agreement with ProMexico, the Govern- it is very strong in entertainment formats, ment entity in charge of the move this Octo- the main private media groups have invested ber in Cannes. important amounts of money to develop the As we were also in charge of the ‘Argentina segment during the last years. Country of Honour’ issue last year, after an On the other side, Mexico is a land of big agreement with INCAA, the designation con- developments of formats, production and co- firms the leading position of Prensario both production projects. It is the second largest inside Latin America and, especially, as the market in Latin America, but the first one in PUBLISHED BY main hub between Latin America and the content acquisitions. It is always a great target EDITORIAL PRENSARIO SRL LAVALLE 1569, OF. 405 world, from and towards. for main big companies and public associa- C1048 AA K Justly, we have two main aims at tions from the world. BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA this edition: to show Mexican me- So, this edition is a smart guide of the PHONE: (+54-11) 4924-7908 FAX: (+54-11) 4925-2507 dia industry boundaries to the world, Mexican media industry. Through these with our usual target in buyers. And pages, there are interviews to the head public IN THE U.S.: to describe the Mexican industry it- media entities of the Mexican market, there is 12307 SW 133 COURT - SUITE #1432 self, who is who for business inside a map of the main TV channels, both private MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186-USA the country. and public, and production companies, with PHONE: (305) 890-1813 On one side, interviews and outlines of their current pic- EMAIL: [email protected] Mexico is well tures. There are exclusive reports and market WEBSITE: WWW .PRENSARIO.TV known as one researches, to understand better the Mexican market and its opportunities. REP RESENTATIVES: • Mexico: Angeles Pérez Aguirre: Welcome to Mexico, the ‘Country of [email protected] Honour’ of Mipcom 2014. • chile: KArinA cortés: [email protected] Nicolás Smirnoff • Peru: Miguel Angel hurtAdo Director Prensario International [email protected] • coloMbiA: Wilson Perez Velez [email protected] MIPCOM 2014: MAIN SCHEDULED EVENTS • ecuAdor: JuAn cArlos AriAs rendon [email protected] Event Day/Date Place EDITOR: NICOLÁS SMIRNOFF MIPJunior opening cocktail party Sat. 11, 7.30pm Casino Palm editoriAl director: AleJo sMirnoff MIPJunior Snack & Screen Sun 12, 12pm Casino Palm NEWS DIRECTOR: DOMINGO VASSELLATI INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTOR: MIPCOM Pre-Opening Dinner In Honour of Mexico Sun 12, 7.30pm Carlton Hotel FABRICIO FERRARA MIPCOM Welcom Press Breakfast Mon. 13, 8.30am Blue lounge press & News hub Gare maritime MAILED BY SUBSCRIPTION - Fresh TV From Mexico (The Wit) Mon. 13, 9.30am Auditorium A ONE YEAR, AIR MAIL: AMERICAS: USD 150 Mexico Media and Entertainment Landscape Mon. 13, 10.10am Auditorium A REST OF THE WORLD: 150 View from the Top Mon. 13, 10.50am Auditorium A MIPCOM Opening Cocktail Party Mon. 13, 7pm Hotel Martinez Mexico Megasession: The Global Quest for Original Content Tue. 14, 9am Auditorium A The Public Broadcasters Superpanel Tue. 14, 9.50am Auditorium A Prensario Mexico Matchmaking Tue. 14, 10.45am Foyer Balcon, Gran Audiorium International LatAm Global Dealmaker Launch Tue. 14, 12.30pm Cartlon Hotel ©2013 Editorial Prensario SRL Payments to the order of Editorial Prensario SRL DO YOU WANT THE mosT impoRTANT NEWS EVERY DAY? ENTER WWW.PRENSARio.NET or by credit card. Registro Nacional de Derecho de Autor Nº 10878 4 PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT BY FRANCISCO N. GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ, CEO OF PROMÉXICO IF IT IS CREATIVE, IT IS MEXICAN In this new era of communications where content rules and is the king, Mex- ico is one of the most important global players and its success story is spreading quickly. Our blooming creative industries can be better described with results: they contribute up to 7% of our Gross Domes- tic Product. They are one of the most rap- ment and Media Outlook, with a market our creativity and innovation are the key idly growing sectors in our economy, not value of 25 billion dollars. Mexican cre- drivers of these industries, and has become just in terms of income generation, but ative industries are expected to grow 9% the true source of our global leadership in also for job creation and export earnings. and achieve 27 billion dollars for 2014. this sector. The talent that emerges from Mexico is the 18th largest exporter of cre- Mexico is also ranked among the 14 main Mexican game developers, filmmakers, TV ative goods in the world and the leading video game markets worldwide, with an producers, scriptwriters, publishers, musi- actor in Latin America. In fact, our audio- overall value of one billion dollars, which cians and designers, amongst others, are visual content is being watched by over represents 1/3 of the total share in Latin boosting our industry’s success. Mexico is one billion people around the world per America. In the film sector, Mexico also also renowned as a meeting point for cre- year, in more than 100 nations. leads the way. It has the 10th largest box of- ative professionals. Our country’s main competitive advan- fice revenue in the world and the highest We are the second country with the tages are leaded by the triple “I”: Internal in Latin America, with 900 million dol- highest share of labor force in the copy- market, Infrastructure and Innovation. lars in 2013 and over 230 million tickets right industries, according to WIPO. Close Our attractive market is fostering our sold, which equals to two tickets per every to 125,000 students graduate each year creative ecosystem. In 2013, Mexico ranked Mexican. from careers such as animation, digital de- in the 13th place of the Global Entertain- In addition, Mexico is a platform for sign, filmmaking, communication in vir- reaching North America, which is the in- tual media, image and sound design, just dustry’s largest market in the world; and a to name a few. We have the most impor- gateway to Latin America, one of the fast- tant talent pool for this industry in Latin est growing consumer regions. America that drives innovation to higher Our high-quality infrastructure, natural horizons. wonders and proximity to key internation- Mexico’s leadership in this sector is be- al spots have turned us in the industry’s ing enhanced by the coordinated efforts destination of choice. We are recognized promoted by the triple helix, comprised as the major location in Latin America by the Mexican government, the private for content production and creative pro- sector and the academia. Mexico offers ducers, with the facilities and suppliers attractive incentive schemes, created to needed to realize any idea. Mexico has the attract international projects. Our incen- largest water set in the world and offers tives —as the ProAv Fund, EFICINE and more than 1,500 companies that provide FIDECINE— are amongst the most com- the wide range of services requested by the petitive ones and are designed to boost the industry. local and foreign film and content sectors. Moreover, we have the major commer- Thus, in this new content era, Mexico is cial broadcast television playing a leadership role in the sector. Be- networks in Latin ing named country of honor this year for America and we MIPCOM —the world’s greatest interna- also are the venue tional TV and film market— acknowledg- of independent es our competitiveness, quality, talent and networks that creativity. In the next few days, we will be are creating new showcasing Mexico’s success story, leaded contents and by our competitive advantages that have cutting-edge ap- positioned our country as one of the most proaches. attractive destinations for the industry and The combination of the main creative hub for Latin America. Francisco N. González Díaz, CEO of ProMéxico 6 PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT IMCINE: MEXICAN FILM AND AUDIOVISUAL INDUSTRY, A GREAT ENVIROMENT TO WORK WITH Mexican Film Institute (IMCINE) is a pub- production of short and feature films. In ad- order to enhance the image of our film indus- lic agency that promotes the development of dition, through the Stimulus for Creators Pro- try worldwide. national film activity through stimulating cre- gram, it supports about 50 proposals a year, The Institute has especially worked on the ators, supporting production, fomenting the between screenplays and project development promotion films through participation in industry, promoting the distribution, trans- for features. To help filmmakers, a yearly call worldwide forums, festivals and film cycles mission and dissemination of national cin- for entries is issued which, on average, ben- held in other countries. Likewise, it partici- ema. It encourages the formation of audiences efits 20 projects. State calls for entries for the pates in international film and TV markets, and development of audiovisual and film cul- postproduction of short films are supported. either with its presence or by means of video ture through festivals, showcases, expositions, In 2013, 360 shorts were produced in Mexico, collections, to promote Mexican cinema, open cycles and various forums on Mexican film in many were made independently and by educa- marketing spaces and make known the new the country and abroad. tional institutions. productions supported by the Institute. In State support for the Mexican film industry For 2014, the sum of €2.8 million has addition, at these events, IMCINE is able to has become consolidated in the Foprocine and been allocated, through Eficine Distribution exhibit archival material, broaden and main- Fidecine funds, and the Eficine fiscal stimu- to support Mexican film distribution.