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^ j^ jn g jn : Sparky’s proud ot his Tigers / page 11 On tour Navajo minister speaks from Fall follager Volunteers scout the colors / page 16 the heart / page 3

) Manrhnslnr A City nf ViHaqi' Char

Monday. Sept. 28,1687 30 Cents Ftt-; S 1 Mines close I xV - sea channel E ^ >tji MANAMA, Bahrain (A P ) - A by Iran for speedboat attacks on , ^ major sea iane in the southern ships. Persian Guif was ciosed to com- "This is probably the busiest area 1“^.: merciai shipping today after sev­ of the waterway, and Iranian ships eral mines were spotted in the area, use the sea lanes in this area as shipping executives reported. much as anyone else,” said one of The shipping executives, speak­ the executives based in Dubai. ing on condition of anonymity, said The last mine casualty in the gulf the deepwater channel 20 miles off was reported a week ago, when the P the busy United Arab Emirates Marissa 1, a small research vessel, port of Dubai would remain closed hit a floating charge in the northern to navigation until U.S. Navy and sector of the gulf, not far from British warships swept for mines in Iran’s Farsi island. Four of the the area. seven Greek crewmen were killed.. Other sources, also speaking on The reflagged Kuwaiti tanker condition of anonymity, said the Bridgeton struck a mine July 24 as United States believed Iran had It was sailing through the gulf with seeded the waterway with explo­ U.S. Navy escorts. sives in retaliation for last week's Iraqi military communiques car­ attack on a minelayer in the central ried by the official Iraqi News gulf. Agency said Iraqi jets struck at A U.S. military spokesman said four "large naval vessels” off the he could hot comment on the Iranian coast in a 20-hour period reports that American ships were Saturday and Sunday. searching for mines off Dubai. One communique said the at­ Shipping salvage sources and tacks "underscore Iraq’s determi­ Western diplomats, speaking on nation to chop off Iran’s economic condition of anonymity, said the lifeline,” reported the agency, explosives were contact mines, the monitored In Cyprus. Oil exports same type found aboard the Iran help finance the war efforts of Iran A jr captured by U.S. forces a week and Iraq. av- • ago alraut 300 miles away. Shipping officials based in the Dubai is the largest and busiest Persian Gulf confirmed the first port on the 600-mile gulf, and had AP photo th ree reported attacks but could not not previously been troubled by the immediately verify the fourth. mine threat affecting northern Iraq also said Its warplanes also areas of the waterway. 2 Early winter raided oil and industrial targets In Diplomatic sources said the Imam Hassan and Beedboland In An unidentified tourist, dressed for the weather, looks and the-temperature was 13 with winds of 99 miles an explosives were spotted Sunday by southern Iran, triggering chain the missile destroyer Kidd, one of explosions. out from the 6,288-foot summit of Mount Washington in hour. At the base, it was sunny and in the 70s. A museum the 11 American warships in the There >^s no immediate com­ New Hampshire Sunday. The highest peak in the and a weather observatory stand at the peak. Navy’s Middle East Force. ment from Tehran on the reports. Northeast got 4.7 inches of snow, the first of the season, "Discussions are under way in Iran’s official Islamic RepuMIc on cooperative moves to News Agency, monitored in Cy­ P:i-' ■. retrieve the mines for identifica­ prus, said 10 civilians were killed tion,’^ said one of the sources. "It Saturday in Iraqi air strikes in M t depends who is closest to be in a southern Khuzestan province. Author stands by claim Casey knew position to collect them and sweep the area.” Shipping executives in Dubai said WASHINGTON (AP) - Journal­ "" on Sunday evening, Contras, and we can do what he Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, earlier that the mines also were 264 laws ist Bob Woodward stands by his Woodward, an assistant managing used to call ‘these things’ — covert leader of the militant spotted by one of their vessels, claim that former CIA Director editor at , action.” faction in Lebanon, whom the book about 20 miles off the U,A.E. port. William J. Casey admitted in a reasserted his story while acknowl­ In the book. Woodward says, "To aiieged had accepted a $2 million Iran has been blamed for laying sickbed interview that he knew of edging there were no witnesses to this day I do not know why” Casey payoff to stop attacks against mines in the northern sector of the take effect the diversion of Iran arms sale the hospital meeting. He said the agreed to speak to him. Woodward Americans and U.S. facilities. gulf, close to Kuwait and Saudi money to the Nicaraguan Contras four-minute interview occurred a describes a Dec. 3,1986, phone call Excerpts of Woodward's, book Arabia, the two Arab countries even though Casey’s widow says few days after he had been ejected in which he quotes Casey as saying, appeared in today’s and Sunday’s which it accuses of backing Iraq in Thursday such an interview could not have from the hospital by guards, and " I don't know why I take your editions of the Post. the 7-year-old Iran-Iraq war. taken place. that the meeting was arranged with calis.” In today’s editions. Woodward Iran also reportedly has dropped Writing in his new book, "V E IL; the help of a source he would not Casey died May 6 of compiica- said; White House aides were some mines near the Strait of By Judd Everhart The Secret Wars of the CIA, identify. tions after being diagnosed as "frightened” by a pale, disoriented Hormuz, the only gateway to the The Associated Press 1981-1987," Woodward said Casey "H e was dying. It was not the having a maiignant brain tumor. Reagan when he returned to the gulf. nodded affirmatively when asked if Casey I knew .-'physically,” Wood­ Mrs. Casey told The Associated White House after the 1981 assassi­ But it was the first time that such HARTFORD — Used-car buyers he knew about the funds diversion ward said. "And so I got one Press in a telephone interview nation attempt. devices have been spotted off the will get new protections, children at a time when Congress had question, and ... that question was; Sunday from her New York home The morning after the president U.A.E., which has maintained good will be allowed to accompany their banned U.S. aid to the rebels. 'You knew about the diversion, that Woodward "was never in the emerged smiling from the hospital, relations with Persian Iran despite parents into the voting booth and But Sophia Casey took issue didn’t you?’ ... And he nodded. ... hospitai.” he "limped from his bedroom to an the war with Arab Iraq. 18-year-olds will be allowed to take Sunday ^ th the depiction of And I said ‘Why?’ And he said, ’I Biesides Mrs. Casey's response, adjoining room in the upstairs The waters are regularly trav­ on more jobs, under laws taking (Easey’s views of President Reagan believed.’’’ the book came under attack Sunday residence of the White House. He ersed by gulf shipping, including effect Thursday. and Woodward's contention that he Asked what Casey "believed,” from the Saudi government, which emerged slowiy, waiking with the the convoys of Kuwaiti tankers In addition, employers will be eluded security at the hospital and Woodward answered, "That we can Woodward aiieged provided money hesitant steps of an old man. ... sailing under the U.S. flag with allowed to order urine tests for met with the dying Casey. change the world. That we can and heip to Casey for his private Those who observed were fright­ Navy escorts. The area is not far employees and job applicants they In an interview with CBS-TV’s reshape it. That we can support the covert operations, and from Sheik ened.” from two Islands known to be used believe are using drugs or alcohol, smoking will be banned In schools during school hours and it will be easier for adults who were adopted Thousands jam Rentschler hangar as children to find their ori^nal parents. The 1987 General Assembly passed 701 bills; Gov. William A. C( for 10th edition of Product Show O’Neill vetoed two of them. Although many bills take effect when the governor signs them Into By Andrew J. Davis time the show has been held at law, Oct. I is the effective date of 9 ib y n n io Herald Reparter Bond-backers get Pratt A Whitney. most that don't deal with budget “ It would be impossible to put on matters. Some 264 new laws take EAST HARTFORD — Everyone positive reception without Pratt A Whitney,” Thorn­ effect Thursday. All of the money had something to sell, give away or — story on page 10 ton said. bills took effect July 1. the first day promote. But that was exactly the In past years, the show has been / ■ of the budget year. point. held places such as the Manchester / One new law makes It a crime to Thousands of people jammed a Industrial Park and the J.C. sell drugs within 1,000 feet of a 35,000-square-foot hangar at ties District Fiie Dcpartniii.'. u..u Penney Catalog Distribution Cen­ Rentschler Field of Pratt It Whit­ the Pratt A Whitney Fire Depart­ ter, he said. ney Saturday and Sunday for the ment all had booths on fire safety. Because this year’s show was at Please turn to page 19 10th annual Product Show, a The Manchester Police Depart­ Rentschler Field, it opened Satur­ cooperative venture of the Greater ment, South Windsor Ambulance day instead of its customary Friday Manchester, South Windsor and and Manchester Metnorial Hospital night start, said Anne Flint, presi­ East Hartford chambers of com­ also were there to promote their dent of the Manchester chamber TODAY merce. The hangar was filled with organizations. There was even a and show coordinator. The com­ 142 exhibitors, while food vendors booth for Factfinders; Buckland pany still had its airport in and musical entertainment were Bond Issue, a political action group operation until Friday afternoon, Mostly clear hous^ on a nearby field. promoting the 813 million bond which made a Friday night opening Mostly clear tonight with low in Remakes of songs by Bob Seger issue for improvements around the Impossible because there were a the 90s. Partly sunny Tuesday with 7 and the Silver Bullet Band, Janis site of the proposed Mall at number of booths to still set up. high 75 to 80. Details on page 2. Joplin and Stevie Nicks were heard Buckland Hills. Susan Ferguson, an employee of in the distance as area businesses On the lighter side, vendors were the Greater Manchester Chamber promoted their products, and ser­ giving away color television sets, of Commerce, said this morning Index trips to Hawaii and even cash, just that the total turnout for the two vice organisations explained why 20 pngM, 2 •ectlona they were there. to get people to stop at their booths. days was between 5,000 and 6,000 aP A . Visitors had a variety of booths "With the cooperation of the people. She had no estimate of the Advice 17 Lottery weather and the outdoor facilities, profits, which will be divided and activities to choose from. They J1 Business _ _ _ 0 Obituarlee___ 10 it’s much more like a festival this among the three chambers of HaraM photo by einlo were shown brick pavers by Man­ Cleselfied -18 -2 0 Opinion _ _ _ 6 year,” said Steven H. Thornton, commerce. Flint could not be chester Sand 4i Gravel, asked to Cotnlcs 0 People—_ _ _ 2 chairman of the board of the reached for comment. Julie Visciano demonstrates the use of a Kirby vacuum register at Manchester Community Connecticut _A-6 Sports___ 11-18 Greater Manchester Chamber of Ferguson said this year’s Pro­ College, handed balloons by cleaner to Jean Desey of Marlborough. The Kirby booth Entertainment 17 Television _ downs, and taught flre-safety Commerce. duct'Show matched the success of was one of 142 at this weekend’s Product Show at Pratt & pr>rii« to U.S./Wodd. lessons. The Town of Manchester Planning for the show began in the o ^ B eld two years ago in South Local n ew s.3.10 Weather _ _ Fire Department, the Eighth Utili- May, Thornton said. It was the first Windsor. Whitney's Rentschler Field in East Hartford. 4 — t - MANCinEOTER HERALD. Mfoaday. Sept. M. 1W7 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Sept. 28. 1987 — »

THE WEATHER REGIONAL WEATHER Housing tells history, prof says c Accu-W ealtier^loriecasl lor Tuesday because the homes are interesting, hood is the one bounded by Parker ums are crowding out the older Daytime CondWons and High Temperatures and many neighborhoods have been and East Center streets, near buildings and ruining the visual well preaerved. "The pattern of Temple Beth Sholom. Most homes effect of what Handley and other ‘r Mary Ann Handley enjoys read­ develtqHnent in this town is typical in this area were built in the 1830s architectural historians call "the n ing neighborhoods the way some of what's seen in all towns," she by people who were relatively streetscape.” By ( people enjoy reading mystery said. “ Manchester serves as an prosperous in spite of the Depres­ How will social historians view T h « novels. A professor of history at excellent illustrative example. sion, Handley said. "People who the 1980s. 100 years from now? Manchester Community College, There are many areas worth worked in Hartford, in insurance m Handley has a particular interest in touring." "They’re going to look at collective and a few other businesses, con­ moni the way social history can be housing for the elderly as a new Many pecqile are familiar with tinued to make a living in those FIrei observed in a town's neighborhoods development,” Handley said. “ This 2 2 3 3 SHE the historic value of the Cheney years.” she said. prou and rural districU. is an acknowledgment of the mills area, but they may be less The land could be obtained at off 01 On Tuesday at 7:M p.m. at growing number of healthy elderly familiar with some of Handley’s discount prices, and unemployed apar Whiton Memorial Library, she will who can, and will wish to remain on other favorite "haunts." Forexam- builders were glad to put up homes rent speak about Manchester’s homes, their own” with Friends Like That... ple, she said, the area bounded by for a relatively low price. "What “ 0 farms and neighborhoods. Her talk North School Street, North Main you’ve got are fairly conservative They will also note the type of time Supreme Ckiurt nominee Robert Bork — regarded even is part of a series being sponsored Street, Union Street, and Union homes, two-and-a-half stories, with apartments which are now being Mun Atl.inhi- by foes as a brilliant legal scholar — can be thankful by the Greater Hartford Architec­ Pond is an immigrant neighbor­ little Gothic or Tudor touches. Very put up in the CSieney Historic the Ocr.in ture Conservancy. Tuesday’s that Roman Hruska hasn’t testified for him at the hood of the mid- to late-19th solid,” Handley said. District. “ There are a growing Sum! speech is co-sponsored by the recent Senate hearings. In backing Richard Nixon’s century, which has remained virtu­ Although many Manchester number of apartments suitable for remi Manchester Historical Society. Ad­ ally untouched through the neighborhoods have remained es­ the couple without kids,” said have nomination of Harold Carswell to the high court, mission Is $7 per person. decades. sentially intact, Handley expressed Handley. "This represents a back hfjCi* W<* itt***# !«► Hruska told Senators: “Even if he were mediocre, there "The history of a town like Originally built as a working- concern about the piece of Main change from the days when people m ar Manchester can be seen in its are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. class neighborhood for Irish immi­ Street between Middle Turnpike got married, had kids right away, Th housing stock,” said Handley, who They are entitled to a little representation, aren’t they? grants, the street names — such as and North Main Street. Until a few and put in a bid on a SMi-room house. getti is a Democratic candidate for the Kerry and Golway — reflect the years ago. the area had retained As people are waiting longer to bene We can’t have all Brandeises and Frankfurters...” town Board of Directors. “ You can Thunderstorms drench towns from which the workers much of Its original character. “ It have their children, they are to I trace the movement from a rural D O Y O U K N O W — Who is the Chief Justice of the came. "My own grandmother was a strip that took you back to the looking for apartments. These outal community, to a factory economy s settled there when she came from 18908, early 20th century. The living spaces are more spacious Sund United States? s with support services, right Ireland,” Handley said. "A fter homes were set well back from the than what a single person might begii parts of South Plains FRIDAY’S ANSWER — In the 1490s, Spain’s King through the development of a that, you saw the Italian, the Polish road, and the pieces that were desire, and they are in complexes conrimuter class.” tiona Ferdinand funded the expeditions of Columbus. and other waves of immigrants who modem seemed to blend very without swing sets and other play man. Manchester is an ideal place to do settled there.” nicely.” equipment, which a family with By The Associated Pross 9-28-87 * Knowledge Unlimited, Inc 1987 M( Just south o f the Kansas border this type of research, Handley said. Another interesting neighbor­ Now, however, new condomini­ children would want.” were ciosed because of high laboi Thunderstorms drenched parts water. Parts of Okiahoma got up A Newipaper In Education Program noon E of Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas to 5 inches of rain in a few hours Sponsored by E wort Worl early today, while temperatures Sunday, and storms continued in The Manchester Herald I Nava|o clergyman strll (UpiMMi to freesing in the northern the region early today. and central Rockies and northern mam Heavy rain aiso feil around ” V New Engiand. midnight in extreme southern A fUsh>flood warning was day Texas. Two feet of water was ^ on fund-drive tour Allet pMted in Grant and K ay counties reported on the highway near Almanac shop in nortlH;entrai Okiahoma, and Edinburg. Thunderstorms were HMTSld photo by Divl* Bv Andrew J. Davis at the college Tuesday. He visited he lit the inside ianes of Interstate 35 slowiy moving, and more Hooding Herald Reporter Vernon last week, and South United on fc P was possible, the National Sept. 28. 1987 TOOArS MOON: Between Methodist Church in Manchester on p stroi Circling around Weather Service said. new moon (Sept. 22) and setv< Weather Trivia fo

Weicker continues his treatment By Bront Loymon ‘remain proud’ HAR’TFORD - U.S. Sen. Lowell Wdcker. R-Conn., has The Associated Press returned to the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md„ as part of his continuing treatment for kidney stones, bis office said today. NEW MILFORD - In a tight that L By Chris Dohl crowd from a flatbed truck brought Weicker re-«ntered the hospital Sunday at 10 a. m. after would probably mystify the aver­ Th« Associated Press In by East Hartford Teamsters. experiencing further discomfort from the condition and it was age pot-hole plagued motorist, The strikers were Joined in the unclear whether he would be released from the hospital today, hundreds of local residents have HARTFORD — Entering the 21st rally by dosens labor unions from spokesman Steve Snider said. rallied against plans to pave the U month of a bitter strike, Colt around the state as well as New town’s dirt roads. Weicker first entered the hospital on Friday for treatment that Opponents of the road improve­ Firearms workers “are kind of York, New Jersey, Massachusetts involves flushing the stones out using fluids and was able to proud that nobody’s had power shut and Rhode Island. Among the ments, many of them affluent New off or been evicted from a home or return to the Senate later that day for a vote. One stone has Yorkers who own second homes unions participating were ttie tele­ passed, Snider said. apartment for lack of mortgage or phone workers, food and commer­ here, have gathered enough peti­ G rent money,” a union official says. cial workers and machinists and A rescue worker tries tion signatures to force a Board of “Obviously 20 months is a long aerospace workers. SeleiXmen vote on a proposed to calm two volunteer Fargo evidence likely to stand ordinance protecting many of the time to be on strike,” Henry After about an hour of entertain­ If Murray, regional spokesman for ment and speeches, the crowd "victims” of a mock HAR’TFORD — Possible violations of federal wiretap laws dirt roads from ever being paved or the United Auto Workers, said marched to (^It Park for a picnic airplane crash at widened. Mar won’t be enough to dissuade U.S. District Judge T. Emmet Clarie “Basically, we’re trying to pre­ Sunday. “But the Colt workers are and concert. Bradley International from allowing the tape recordings as evidence in the $7 million will remarkable in that only a handful Some of the steam was taken serve some evidence that New "ye have crossed the picket lines to go Airport Saturday. The West Hartfoiti Wells Fargo robbery case, three national wiretap Milford was once, in fact, a from the rally by the announcement experts say. |88U back in. The morale has been that the NLRB trial before a federal simulated crash, de­ charming, quiet bu(H>lic town,” It was disclosed this month that FBI agents secretly had used said Dr. George Clahr, a retired utili marvelous.” administrative law Judge would be signed to test the The striking workers, who are delayed to Dec. 8 at the request of unofficial cassette recorders to make work tapes for themselves. New York eye surgeon and ama­ dev( Most of the conversations on those cassettes were erased because getting $100 a week in strike the union because of a pending preparedness of teur highway engineer. A benefits from the union In addition appeal. A pretrial heariing re­ rescue teams and fire the FBI reused the cassettes. Gahr charges those wdio want the to insurance coverage, rallied mained on schedule for Monday, Defense lawyers in the case contend the cassette recorders roads paved are motivated by wou departments, Involved were used to get around federal wiretap laws and that erasure of "old-fashioned, unadulterated S wou outside the city’s federal building officials said. s Sunday to call attention to the “We’re confident the appeal will about 40 "victims" the cassettes constitutes destruction of evidence. greed.” He accuses local officials of B( beginning of National Labor Rela­ be won and we have a committment and dozens of However, the experts told The Hartford Courant in a story caving into “mercantile interests” actli tions Board proceedings against from the general counsel that it will emergency person­ appearing Monday that the defense must prove much more that want the roads paved to foster management. be reviewed prior,to Dec. 8 and before Clarie is forced to throw out 1,000 tape recordings the FBI further development in town, some­ and More than 2,000 placard-carrying that’s when we’ll go on with the nel. made during 18 months of court-authorized electronic thing he acknowledges he doesn’t cair labor activists attended the after­ trial,” Madore said. APpholo surveillance of the defendants in Boston and Puerto Rico. want. 01 But town officials counter that noon gathering in support of the 000 The trial stems from a series of the I workers from the United'uto complaints issued against the com­ New Milford’s 31 miles of dirt roads E 8UC( E Workers Local 376 who remain on pany by the NLRB starting in June Six hurt as deck collapses at party are expensive and difficult to strike against the firearms 1986. The complaints include alle­ Bradley disaster drill a success maintain, plagued hy ruts and sho( manufacturer. gations that the company has failed NEW LONDON — Six people attending a private homecoming potholes and frequently wash out devt after a heavy rain, stranding those “We’re Just as strong as were on to bargain In good faith, disciplined party for 1982 graduates of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy were 8tat( day one of the strike,” said Joe employees for union activities, Bv Doan GalemboskI crashing. The area was marked passengers on the ground near the lems, saying it was a common flaw injured when a porch deck they were standing on collapsed, who live on them. Allevo, aset-upmanwhohasbeena refused to submit grievances to Tho Atsoclatod Press with orange traffic cones. DC-9. in coordinating such avmassive authorities said. New Milford, a fast-growing town If shop steward for 16 of the 20 years arbitration, circumvented the un­ Eleven surrounding towns sent “We’re not affecting any of the rescue effort. After the 2>/4-hour The three men and three women were taken to Lawrence and of 21,000 residents in western theii he has worked at Colt. “If this goes ion on contract proposals, and WINDSOR LOCKS - A disaster ambulance crews and firefighters other day-to-day operations with drill began, Davis started taking Memorial Hospital in New London after the collapse Saturday. Connecticut, has more miles of labe on for years to come, we’ll still be coerced members to abandon the drill at Bradley International Air­ to the airport at 9; 29 a.m. to assist this.” Juliano said, noting the notes and said; ‘There's a little unpaved roads than any other town port was ruled a success, although They were treated in the emergency room early Sunday, a bon< strong. We’ve committed our­ union. airport rescue and fire crews who operation took nine months to plan. problem in communications, but nursing supervisor said. in Connecticut, according to state P P state and federal observers said AP pt«OtO selves. We’re doing the right thing. “Colt Is going to have to fire all responded to the mock crash on ’The fake passengers had injuries that’s why you run these things.” A fire department official said one person apparently suffered Department of Transportation devt We’re fighters.” those people It hired, return our there were problems with commun­ Runway 33, one of Bradley’s six of varying degrees, most of which figures. If ications and the handling of some runways. He not^, however, that Brad­ a fractured ankle and another had a long splinter in his rear end The General Assembly enacted Dr. George Clahr and his wife, Sandi, to prevent Indian Trail and other dirt Despite contracting Hodgkins members to their Jobs and pay requir^ immediate treatment in ley’s rescue crews arrived at the and was in a great deal of pain. Battalion Chief Edward Hallisey pro- disease, Mescheal Williams, a backpay liability,” said UAW spo­ rescue equipment. Incoming pilots and passengers the field. A treatment center was legislation in 1081 that allowed walk their dogs along Indian Trail Road roads in town from being paved. 27-year-old machine operator, was kesman Henry Murray. On Saturday, emergency medi­ at the terminal were warned established, and after intitial treat­ scene in excellent time. He said all said he believed the other injuries were mostly “bumps, bruises towns to designate certain roads as it as cal personnel,. fire officials and beforehand that the disaster was four fire trucks arrived at the crash and lacerations.” scenic to protect them from devel­ in New Milford. Clahr is leading the fight among the crowd with his wife and "Colt Is incurring a backpay ment. the fake injured were trans­ site in under three minutes, while self- four children because of the support police swarmed about a DC-9 only a drill before two cars were set ported to a simulated hospital set opment, as long as landowneTs T1 the union has given him. liability of about $2 million a month. airliner and make-believe pas­ afire and smoke was sent billowing up at the airport. Local hospitals federal guidelines require only that accounting for 51 percent of the today. 200-year-old (arm house on Indian estate wearing a green operating- So, at this point, it’s about $30 sengers during the drill to test local at least one truck arrive in under Alumni give $5 million to Wesleyan line “They’ve helped me pay the around the Jetliner parked on the didn’t participate, but some of their frontage on a given road agree. Clahr, who organized the petition Trail Road, a 14-foot-wlde, two- room scrub suit. million and if Colt drags this out. response to a Jet crash. runway. three minutes. Redding and Lebanon are appar­ drive, said he and most of his allies Job! rent,” he said. "My light bill is now It’s a possibility they’ll be facing a staff did, Juliano said. MIDDLETOWN A $5 million gift from alumni Mansfield mile-long path that resembles a “It’s hard to simulate.’’ said Ken Robert Juliano, airport director, Brad Davis, an observer from the There is no minimum standard Freeman and his son Houghton Freeman to Wesleyan University ently the only towns that have chose their homes precisely be­ long driveway more than a road. In letters to the local newspapers, has $1,000 and they would have turned liability of more than $100 million,” Robert, airport deputy director. them off tomorrow, but we nego­ said the drill was to simulate a Federal Aviation Administration in for the arrival of ambulances, is the second-iargest in the history of the small liberal arts adopted “Scenic Road” ordinances cause they were located on narrow, Clahr calls the town’s highway grot he said. “There were some problems with crash occurring shortly after re­ Davis said. But he noted that the so far, according to the G)nnecticut winding dirt roads. "You feel like you’re In the superintendent, Donald Marsh, the tiated with them and now I have to Burlington, Mass., said the drill university, the school said. pick pay them whatever I can.” After 10 .months of working communications, and there was a fueling and takeoff from the run­ was a test of the airport’s mass first ambulance arrived within The gift, to help finance a new physical education complex, was Conference of Municipalities. country, which is where you want to "Prince of Destruction” and says without a contract, Colt workers violation of the crash site by trucks way furthest from the terminals. casualty response plan. He said the minutes, and he expressed satisfi- A public hearing on the proposed “There is much less traffic, and be if you grew up in Bronx.” said Marsh’s preference for asphalt as a Buc! Labor leaders, including Connec­ went on strike Jan. 24, 1086 in a and the Lifestar helicopter.” cation with that response. announc^ Saturday by Wesleyan President Colin G. Campbell. what traffic there is goes a lot Clahr, who chain smokes Camel In the mock crash, a Jet engine FAA encourages such tests every The board of trustees also approved the physical education ordinance designating 13 scenic road surface is symptomatic of a -n ticut AFL-CIO President Betty dispute that centered on company Robert explained that the helic­ explodes, starting a fire. Rescue two years, and makes suggestions Juliano also was pleased with the roads in New Milford will be held on slower.” said Clahr, who lives in a cigarettes and wanders his 90-acre “chronic edifice complex.” TiantI, UAW Regional Director dennands for concessions in salar­ opter and some trucks crossed an development project Saturday. this crews find two cars struck by the on how each plan can Im improved. drill, but said a formal evaluation With the Freeman gift, Wesleyan has raised $10.2 million of the John Flynn and Local 376 President ies, Insurance and contract area designated as the location Jet, a portion of the airport turf and Davis predicted Bradley officials wouldn’t be made public until Oct. Easi Robert Madore. addressed the language. where the Jet skidded before Jet ablaze, and about 45 Injured estimated $17.5 million construction cost of the 154,000-square- ansi would have communications prob­ 6. foot project. An additional $2 million in endowment for operating expenses will be sought. shon Construction is expected to start next summer on the project’s AMWAY PRODUCTS :{[ HALF PRICE SWEATER SALE % Fi Book says Yale rich source three adjoining buildings housing a 50-meter swimming pool, Tues. and Wed., Sept. 29 and 30 recc fieldhouse with a 200-meter track, and training, shower and to purchase products or T1 locker areas. to become a distributor at Manchester's First Thrift Shop but I 2 cre< 2 Ex-councllman faces morals charges for spies in World War II THE PENNY SAVER It WOLCOTT — A former town councilman and ex-scoutmaster CALL PAT 46 Purneli Place by r By Susan Okuta has been arrested on charges that he pexually molested five Hours: 10 am to 6 pm. Thurt. 'til 8:30 pm. figu The Associated Press children ranging in age from 9 to 13 over the past lour years, 745-3195 (Closad Monday^) argt police said. NEW HAVEN - Although James Donald J. KImber, 41, was arraigned Friday in Waterbury ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ and Bond was never a university mad professor, the connection between Superior Court on five counts of risk of Injury and impairing the spy and scholar is more fact than morals of children and two counts of fourth-degree sexual fiction, a new book shows. dsssult Universities, particularly Yale, Police said they expect to lodge additional charges against were a rich source for World War Kimber as a result of their 10-month investigation, which they Il-era spies, with professors as well said uncovered evidence linking Kimber to sexual abuse of as students heading for field work children (hiring the last 25 years. overseas or stockpiling at home information on the enemy, the book says. Minority hiring slow but steady Some of them stayed on after the war, such as the controversial STORKS -T- The University of Connecticut is making slow, but James Angleton, who became head steady progress in its efforts to integrate the work force, the of counterintelligence for the Cen­ school’s affirmative action director says. Why earn less tral Intelligence Agency for two “We’re still in a position of growing by ones. We don’t grow by decades. They helped shape Ameri­ 10s,” said Thomasina Clemons. can intelligence operations, says In April, the state Commission on Human Rights and and pay more today Yale history professor Robin W. Opportunities cited UConn and eight other Connecticut colleges Winks, author of “Goak k Gown.” and universities for failing to submit acceptable affirmative AP photo “The great majority of people action plans. Since then, seven of those institutions, including when you can pay less and The city of Norwich Is fighting to clean local law requires all buildings be doing intelligence work are doing UConn, have complied. up Its downtown one year after Imposing Improved to avoid a “blight factor." This research and analysis in an office UConn, which has more than 4,500 employees at four or in a library,” Winks said in a campuses, pledged to hire 663 members of minority groups and earn more tomorrow? a minimum maintenance ordinance. The Is one view of downtown Norwich. recent interview. “They are doing women of all races within five years, including 249 for faculty very much what an academic positions and 141 for executive and professional Jobs. dl does.” Winks is an author and editor of 16 QUICK FACTS ABOUT oi Norwich ordinance battles books and an expert on spy and Trooper suspended after arrest OUR TAX SAVER CDs: detective fiction. In “Cloak 8c AP photo Gown” he profiled five men who, as Yale University professor Robin Winks has authored a HARWINTON — A state trooper has been suspended without Annual Fixed Inicrcsi either graduates of or teachers at pay pending the outcome of charges he tampered with evidence Rales effective September 23, 1987 j book in which he says that the connection between (Auhjcci t(» change wiihiKii ni ociotirii firfurr The eerie, Hollywood-set atmos­ the downtown’s 25 percent vacancy ordinance didn’t spur their recent Another Yale connection is Vice the entire term. The longer the maluniy bui willi sufriianlial (irnallv lax English department and taught Our new Certifleate of Dept^it lets .Saver f i lH may he opened anviim e during phere of Norwich’s downtown is rate “shocking.” Greg Dunn, exec­ renovations. The historian says he asked President George Bush, the direc­ term, of course, the higher the largely a result of Its so-called utive director of the quasi-public there until 1966. Angleton about it before Angleton tor of the CTA in 1976-77. Bush is Manchester Memorial Hospital your money grow in two big ways. (.alcndar year 19K7. Tax Saver CD at the Savings Bank “They didn’t tell us to do Winks writes that $25,000 of OSS died earlier this year. First, it allows you to defer taxes interest rate you get, and the more “ minimum maintenance’’ Downtown Development Program, mentioned only briefly In the book. you’ll save on taxes. of Manchester. ordinance. said a more recent figure wasn’t anything. What we did we intended money was laundered by a Yale “That was a subject on which he Winks says Yale and other Ivy on the interest until 1988 when the intcrc*si income - from ’87 to to do.” Brown said. alumnus before it was ostensibly was not prepared to talk, and I presents most people can take advantage The combination of compound­ ’88, then ’88 to ’89, then ’89 to ’90, Adopted a year ago by the city available. League schools provided good ing and “pushing o ff’ taxes on council, the oittinance requires that "See, two years ago (downtown) Norwich’s problems mirror those donated to the school for a library conclude nothing from that,” Winks candidates for the intelligence of a lower tax bracket due to etc. for as many as five years - can all building^ occupied or not, be looked ... like it was Just closed up of other, old. New England indus­ book-buying spree in Turkey. Cur­ said. “I wouldn’t mind continuing service for several reasons. recent tax law changes. Second, it produce some excellent benefits tiss was the book-buyer, but he also to pursue the subject. There are a maintained' so that they meet and gone to hell,” said Richard trial communities. Yale graduates were required to CARETAKERS— WHO'S for you. community standards and “not Hastings, the cfty’s director of Its predominant textile industry became the head of the OSS in lot of Yale graduates in Instanbul. Washington.” learn a language, mostly were constitute a blighting factor for housing. “It’s a ghost town kind of folded up and left town in the 1950s familiar with life abroad, were TAKIHG CARE OF YOU? adjoining property owners.” now because nobody’s there, but and 19608, leaving empty mills Yale’s head librarian at the time, More Yale graduates went into Bernard Knollenberg, knew of the the OSS and the early CIA than did good athletes and were plugged into The ordinance says buildings you can’t move in while you’re behind, and its downtown has been the old-boy network of the univer­ cannot be boarded up and broken working on it either and they’re Just gutted of retail stores by two malls OSS mission. Winks writes. Yale’s graduates of any other university. 7 president. Charles Seymour, did Winks said. sity, he said. They also were taught windows must be replaced, signs finishing a lot of these up since the in the region. Norwich lost its last not. that service to country was desira­ Wednesiday, September 30 must be kept in repair, peeling first of the year. downtown department store last “’There were at least 42 members Winks writes that Curtiss’ OSS of the class of 1943 alone, for ble. he said. paint and crumbling brick are not “But. the thing Is before it really June. work did not contribute much of 6:00 p.m. permissible, and cloth awnings looked — outwardly — it looked example,” he said. In the same The CIA continues to recruit on “The shopping center hurt a lot of startling value, and that he brought year, there were about 30 Yale dampus today, but Winks says the cannot be tom and full of holes. empty and (like) nobody cared.” downtowns and it wound this one back 4,078 pounds of library acqui­ The tone of the maintenance faculty members on leave and a life of an intelligence worker holds The law was drawn up by city up,” Hastings said. sitions after the war. “goodly number” of doctoral stu­ less appeal to recent Yale gradu­ H. LOaiSE RGDDELL AGDITORIGM officials who thought Norwich, an ordinance is tough — penalties can The city, host of the 649-bed “Cloak k Gown” took Winks dents, all of whom were working on ates. He also believes that faculty eastern Connecticut city of about range up to $50 a day — but dty Norwich Hoapital, a state psychiat­ about five years to write and intelligence. Winks said. contract work for the CIA is “quite MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 38,450 people, was going to seed officials have chosen to tread softly ric facility, also suffered as a result research. He said the idea for the rare.” while it waited for what some hope in getting property owners to The Yale crew coach from 1946 to of deinstitutionalization book was bom during a conversa­ 1950, Allen “Skip” Walz. was There Is today a disillusionment A free information program con

The show initially was to be broadcast only in the Moscow area Lobbying MEDELLIN, Colombia—WearyworkersdugintotOfeetofred on the Gostel radio network, but mud this morning after a landslide crashed into Colombia’s BUFFALO, N.Y. - A radio Ulk Stoner said that "20 minutes before second-largest city and killed at least 120 people, including 43 show has done its bit for super­ the show, they told me they'd children. power relations, connecting the hooked up the whole Soviet Union." Some residents estimated as many as 800 peo|de were missing Soviet Union with upstate New Gennadi Gasparian, who serves for ‘yes’ York and allowing Americans and on the English-speaking foreign after tons of mud and rocks entombed the Villa Tina slum district their Soviet counterparts to discuss on Sunday. But Mayor William Jaramillo Gomez told the ra^o desk of Gostel Radio, told Stoner ■»it _phaln Todelar it would be impossible' to calculate the numlMr of their different lives. after the show; “ This was a major “ This is the flrst time they’d ever people unaccounted for without taking a census. event in our country. The media had a call-in show of any kind,” said on bonds At least 43 of the 120 bodies recovered were children, the gave it wide promotion.” Thomas Stoner, owner of Stoner director o f the Medellin morgue, Oscar de Jesus Gomez, said in Figures on how many Americans Broadcasting System, which tuned in were unavailable Sunday, an interview with radio Todelar. Some of the children who died broadcast the show Sunday on its were attending first Holy Communion parties. according to Ken Johnson, pro­ If the Homart Development Co. and Iran-contra radio stations in Buffalo, Rochester gram director at WYRK in Buffalo. HAGAI Five children were killed in a party at one shack. Archbishop Manchester I-M Associates act wisely, they and Binghamton. “ It’s a part of the During the show. Bob of West Alfonso Lop^z,TruJillo told radio Todelar. Two of 28 children at democratisatitm of their country." will not spend a lot of money promoting a Wolcott asked, “ Is a person’s :;;another first communion party also were killed. “ I think we’ve got a winner employment determined by the “ yes” vote by Manchester residents on the panel fighting here,” he added, noting that government or others or are they issuance of tax increment bonds for road and negotiations will take place to have free to go Into any employment they utility improvements in the area they plan to Eagleton urges rejection of Bork the forum, which cost his company want?” about $100,000, on a regular basis. develop commercially. Soviet host Yvgenyi Pavlov said on Bush role W ASHINGTON — Form er Sen. Thomas Eagleton urged his The show used translators to the Soviet constitution guarantees A hard sell on the part of either developer onetime colleagues today to reject the nomination of Robert H. allow callers to ask questions of citizens the right to pick the career would surely turn off more voters than it WASHINGTON - The public may have forgottei Bork to the Supreme Court, saying Bork would close the callers In the other country. The of their choice and Vladimir, the Iran-contra hearings in the press of more courthouse door to Congress in any clash with the president. callers gave only their first names. calling long-distance from Siberia, would win over. Eagleton, a Missouri Democrat, told the Senate Judiciary urgent matters — pennant races, the football “ I found out they do know more talked about his change of career. s s Both developers have formed political Committee that in disputes over the use of military forces, about us than I thought before,” strike, the kids’ return to school. But the hearings After studying physics for a year action committees to support the bond issue ' foreign intelligence surveillance, and investigations by special said Sean, a student from Roches­ in college. “ I decided to change are still engaging the passions of the Joint , and both say they plan to mount fairly modest prosecutor, Bork believes, " I t ’s ail up to the president.” ter. “ I thought it was a closed AP photo work” and became a linguist. congressional committee, which is locked in country where everything was campaigns in behalf of it. "Judge Bork’s views are vintage George III," Eagleton said, Tamara of Rostov, near the behind-the-scenes battles over the final report. referring to the British king whose heavy-handed treatment of regulated, propaganda. But now I WYRK radio station Program Director Ken Johnson Black Sea, was curious about AIDS, THE PI Obviously, since the developers have said The big issue is over how much blame or his American subjects triggered the U.S. revolution. know H’s opened up because of monitors his stations equipment during a live telephone or acquired immune deficiency the issue of tax-increment bonds is vital to the absolution should be given to President Reagan Leading off the third week of hearings on the nomination, these questions." talk show held Sunday between the U.S. and USSR. The syndrome. success of the development of a giant and Vice President George Bush for their parts in •Eagleton pointed out that Bork, now a federal appellate Judge in Many of the questions from "What are you doing about E THI& I E show, originating In Washington, D.C., allowed callers to Soviet callers revolved around the the scandal. ^ Washington, once wrote in an opinion that courts should AIDS?” she asked. "Are there TO A shopping mall and other commercial kinds of financial assistance availa­ cases where people have been We reported earlier that there was more to "renounce outright” Congress’ right to challenge the president in ask questions of, and answer questions from Russian development, they do have to make some Washington Wire ble to U.S. citizens from the cured?” Bush’s role than themeager information thatcamq ■court. listeners. The show, called "Worldtalk,” was broadcast statement in ifavor of it. government. American callers over the Stoner Broadcasting System's three New York John, an attorney from Buffalo, out in the public hearings. Last June !, we wrote asked about Soviet citizens’ individ­ responded, “ As I understand it, If they merely sat back and let events take that a “ still-secret internal memo implicates ual freedoms. state radio stations. they are (finding) different strains their course, opponents of the bonds would (Bush’s national security adviser, Donald Gregg) Labor Party struggles to regroup One caller from the Soviet Union,' and they are developing at such a label their inactivity as evidence that the Thursday, it must b0... — and by extrapolation Bush — to a much greater BRIGHTON, England — Britain’s opposition Labor Party, Serena from the Ural Mountains, has instituted to make his country Sue of Rochester. " I think every­ fast rate, they’re unable to keep up bonds are merely an extra bonanza for the degree in the secret contra aid program .” On June -.atruggling to regroup after three successive election defeats, asked Americans what they felt more productive. thing here has the potential for with It," P 21 we identified ttie document further as “ a about perestroika, or the reforms 'T v e followed it through the working if the people want to There were discussions on les.'i P developers, not an economic necessity. | today voted overwhelmingly torlaunch a radical policy review. revealing memo that was placed in Bush’s brieflng Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev newspapers as best I can," replied support it." serious topics as well. If they sink a large sum of money into By Jonathon W olm an worked harder and longer in this Rep. and Mrs. Gephardt met in ' Party leftists accused Labor leader Nell Klnnock of planning to book before a crucial meeting on his schedule.” abandon Labor’s socialist beliefs in pursuit of the yuppie and campaign than any other college. Bill Lambrecht, Ge­ pro-bond propaganda, opponents will point to The memo, dated April 30,1986, and titled blue-collar voters who helped Conservative Prime Minister W ASHINGTON - Four days a candidate.” phardt expert at the St. Louis it as evidence that they have an important Margaret Thatcher win a third five-year term in elections June week, Jane Gephardt takes to the It’s not a royal “ W e." it’s a real "Briefing Memorandum for the Vice President,” ■LOND Post-Dispatch, once described . 11. self-interest to protect. "we." Spouses such as Mrs. was released earlier this month by the Iran-contra Schroeder uncertain about candidacy road where, in words fam iliar to a their first mej^ting as something committees. Republicans on the House commjjtee But delegates to the week-long annual party conference, the The developers will have to hew to a fine generation of first-graders, she Gephardt are working long hours less than love at first sight. trying to protect Bush, had argued for weeks first since the June elections, nonetheless endorsed the line and leave the big share of the promoting describes her duties this way: and grappling with subjects as Bv Carl Hilliard of readiness to launch a campaign advisers. "Jane Ann Byrnes arrived at „Kinnock-backed policy review document, titled “ Moving Job to a third political action committee that "S ee Dick run, see Jane run. See touchy as anything asked of the against releasing the memo and the dispositions of The Associated Press at Schroeder's Denver headquar­ Northwestern University on a Gregg and two other Bush aides. Ahead.” It is aimed at drumming up support among the ’’The minute I start talking to has been formed to support the bonds. The Jane help Dick run for president." candidates. better-off. ters this weekend, and that she had By the tim e Mrs. Gephardt had .train from Nebraska in the fall of The memo said Bush was to meet the next DENVER - Rep. j»atrlcia raised only half of the $2 million she anybody professional in Washing­ group of citizens who make up that committee Dick is Rep. Richard Gephardt, ton, I start shuddering,” she said landed in Honolulu, Sen. Joseph 1960. Dick Gephardt was the first morning with a former CIA agent who “ will Schroeder acknowledged last- once said she needed to run a candidate for the Democratic two weeks ago. "They start talking picked the low-key title ” Factfinders; Biden of Delaware had quit the person on campus she would see. provide a briefing on the status of the war in El Iran executes designated successor minute doubts as she returned to credible campaign. Buckland Bond Issue.” presidential nomination. Jane is He didn’t make a very good Salvador and resupply of the contras.” It suggests the city she has represented in ’The senior woman in Congress about how you have to look race and she was being asked NICOSIA, Cyprus — A relative of Ayatollah Hussein Ali presidential, how you’vegot to have his Mrs., one of a dozen spouses impression,” Lambrecht wrote. that the “ private" resupply of the contras, which (Congress for 15 years to announce backed off the specific finance They made their first public appearance about candidates and integrity. 'Montazeri, the designated successor of Iranian leader Ayatollah at least 10 guys around you and who are crisscrossing the nation involved money from the ongoing Iranian arms her decision today about a presi­ target recently as her supporters this weekend at the tri-town Product Show in She answered carefully. "When her cab pulled up in front Ruhollah Khomeini, was executed by a firing squad in Tehran at began to bring in contributions they’ve got to be giving everybody in hopes of pumping up their sales, was known to the vice president and his staff dential candidacy. East Hartford where they set up a booth and "The character issue is Impor-^ of Willard Hall, Gephardt, as a "dawn today, Iran’s official radio reported. " I msrife my mind up one minute through the mail and showing of a body checks and throwing them out partners’ standings with the long before they have admitted hearing about it. tant. It is a necessary part of the member of the Junior men's honor Mehdi Hashemi, a clergymen who ran Montazeri’s office in the ... and then I don’t know what to do. Schroeder videotape at small gath­ of the way,” answered questions posed by interested voters. campaign, as painful as the society, was waiting to help her The dustup over the Bush memos is only part of 'h o ly city of (}om until last October, had been charged and I only need ‘on one hand,’ but erings around the country. show-goers. the intense battle going on behind closed doors as Her exploratory campaign de­ (You ha ve to say spouse, a nd not process may be," she said. She unload. He reached in the trunk convicted of being "corrupt on earth," the most serious crime there’s always ‘on the other hand,” ’ The "Run, Pat, Run” fund­ pended almost exclusively on vo­ Factfinders reported a good public Senate and House committee members review the WHAT wife, because of the possibility acknowledged that the intensity of for her suitcase. under the Islamic Shariaa, or Islamic law. Mrs. Schroeder said Sunday, ac­ raisers held nationwide Sept. 20 lunteers to schedule appointments, reception. 86-page executive summary of the final report. The "Th e death sentence passed on (Hashemi) ... was carried out cording to The Denver Post, which that Rep. Patricia Schroeder of the presidential nominating pro­ "But he yanked it out with such were expected to draw as much as plan fund-raisers and handle her summary is stamped “ Top Secret” and is further today at 6 a.m.," said the Tehran radio broadcast, monitored in had a reporter on the flight the The citizens' group no doubt has its critics, Colorado will Join the field today. cess makes a person cautious. energy that it sprang open, $700,000. National Organization for arrangments In the 50 cities she has Her husband, James, fits the 1987 classified with a special code name. But a Nicosia. Democratic congresswoman took Women members, at their July visited. but it certainly does have more built-in "It does give you pause. You sending her clothes flyi ng into the from Washington. spousal im age — a confidant and committee source who read the entire summary It repeated the list of crimes he allegedly committed, including con ven tion In Philadelphia, credibility than the developers themselves. don’t want to saysomethingthatis gutter." Leading Mrs. Gephardt Mrs. Schroeder, 47, promised an “ When you totally turn it over to 2 close adviser.) told us there is “ very little in it that deserved to be murder, kidnapping, plotting to overthrow the government and pledged more than $350,000 toward 2 not correct," she said. to recall, "He got really red and announcement today in Denver’s them, people have really made it It can provide a valuable service to voters classified — except maybe the names of some of smuggling arms. a Schroeder presidential bid. Last week, Mrs. Gephardt took Mrs. Gephardt, 44, mother of embarrassed." Civic Center Park after nearly four happen,” Mrs. Schroeder said by making public its examination of the the Iranians the (White House) was dealing with," Horace Greeley’s advice and went three, has only recently begun her months of testing the political and Besides finances, the major recently. "What they’re saying is, Six years later they were The source said the summary was heavily figures used by the town administration to West. weekly campaign trips. She was financial support she could gamer reservation expressed by Mrs. they’re so pleased that someone married. The rest is history. classified primarily to prevent an early leak of its Democrats aim to restrict Reagan Schroeder was a reluctance to give trusted them enough to put on an REP. PAT SCHROEDER argue that the bonding bring a public benefit Her trip started with stops in one of many wives who took part in for a presidential campaign. contents. With the classification, it cannot be up Independence to political event.” . will she run? and of the assumptions the town officials Idaho, Utah and Nevada. Then, as a spouses forum in Iowa over the WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats plan to push again this The Post said there were no signs Jonathan Wolman Is assistant removed from the committees’ offices unless made in arriving at their figures. if to symboiize her husband’s summer. week for approval of a pair of measures restricting President bureau chief for A P in Washing­ accompanied at all times by a security officer. far-flung organizational efforts, Among the more active cam­ Reagan's policies on nuclear arms control and the Persian Gulf, ton. An argument over how tough to be on President she flew the Pacific for a one-day paign wives have been Kitty ' despite his threat to veto any bills containing such provisions. Reagan has divided the Joint com m ittee pretty White-collar visit to Hawaii, a state thatselects Dukakis, married to the governor The Democratic-controlled chamber’s effort to write a much along party lines. Many Republican relatively few convention dele­ of Massachusetts, and Jeanne Pentagon budget bill for fiscal 1988, which begins Thursday, is members maintain that because former National gates but does it relatively early. Simon, w ife of Sen. Paul Simon of : now in its third week, and the two restrictions are the only major Letters to the editor Security Adviser John Poindexter swore that convictions At the University of Hawaii’s Illinois (“ I’m his No. 1 surrogate unresolved fights. Reagan wasn’t told about the diversion of Iranian - After two weeks, there were 38 amendments still left, mostly Manoa campus on Thursday, and have been for the past 27 arms sales profits to the contra resupply operation •'•minor changes in the $302 billion spending package. Democratic Jane Gephardt faced an audience years," she says) — and of course The Manchester Herald wel­ the hearings amounted to a minor footnote in the leaders plan to have all of them done by Tuesday night, when the are rising of maybe half a dozen arid recalled Tipper Gore, whose fame as a comes original letters to the history books — and they want the flnal report to chamber will turn to the two big fights. that DickandJaneonce toured the critic of raunchy rock ’n’ roll editor. leflect this assessment. country to gauge for themselves lyrics preceded that of her le tte rs should be brief and to Democrats, on the other hand, insist on labeling Bv Pete Yost whether an unknown congress­ husband. Sen Albert Gore Jr. of the point. They should be typed or the scandal a “ constitutional crisis," and want the Bush on the tightrope in Poiand The Associated Press man from Missouri could be Tennessee. When Gore is out neatly handwritten, and. forease report to include strong condemnation of the WARSAW (A P ) — Vice President (Jeorge Bush is paying elected president. campaigning, he’s often asked if in editing, should be' double­ WASHINGTON - The number of president and his rogue aides for usurping power WES1 "D ick Who?” people would ask. he agrees with Mrs. Gore’s spaced. Letters must be signed continued homage to the outlawed Solidarity movement and federal convictions for white-collar and shutting out or lying to Congress. simultaneously cementing ties with the Communist government ♦ QS "Now, when we walk through policies. (He does.) with name, address and daytime crimes rose a modest 18 percent YK I In the long run, the appraisal of Reagan’s role as he conducts a diplomatic balancing act in troubled Poland. airports, people turn. You can see It’s not Just a Democratic telephone number (for during the first five years of the ♦ 7 6 will have little effect as he heads into the flnal year "I just want to thank those that we’ve met with all day long, they recognize him. It is kind of phenomenon, of course. Elizabeth verification). Reagan administration, while the ♦ Q 3 whether it’s the government or the church or in the evening with fun to see the reaction change,’’ The Herald reserves the right to of his presidency. But the attention given to Bush ii length of prison sentences for Dole is giving up her seat in the (Solidarity leader) Lech Walesa and his associates,” Bush said she said. edit letters in the interests of the report — and whether he is cleared of white-collar offenders rose 20 per­ Reagan Cabinet to help out Sen. Sunday. C lur by NEA. me < f . Q During her stop in Salt Lake brevity, clarity and taste. responsibility or implicated — could have an cent, a new report says. Bob Dole. And Barbara Bush is an His remarks capped a day in which he met with Polish leaders The study, issued Sunday by the "There would be NO living with him If he City, Mrs. Gephardt predicted her Address letters to; Open Fo­ important impact on the 1988 presidential race. accomplished surrogate cam­ in 17th century splendor and offered help in easing the nation’s Bureau of Justice Statisthm, found didn't have so many of last year’s NFL games husband will win the Democratic paigner on behalf of the vice rum, Manchester Herald, P.O. 'nie recently released Bush memos — and two that have still not been released — raise serious long-term debt problems, and also witnessed a public outpouring that 10,733 defendants were con­ on tape." nomination because, "we have president. Box 591, Manchester, CT 06040. of support for Solidarity. victed of federal white-collar questions about the knowledge of the Iran-contra crimes in 1685, up about 1,600 from affair by Bush and his staff. We’ll have more on 1980. Federal convictions of non- Wesi this later. Gore turns up the heat in Iowa white-collar crimes rose 43 percent from 1980 to 1985, to about 30,000. Past ‘Hello! My name is Bruce Babbitt One-way street DES MOINES, Iowa — Sen. Albert Gore Jr. is trying to turn the The average length of a prison Past Under a 1984 agreement, U.S. and Israeli heat up in the Democratic presidential race and separate himself sentence for a white-collar criminal Pas! from his rivals by branding as "wildly unrealistic" their CONCORD, N.H. - The record indicates that old on top of the national agenda. companies were supposedly encouraged to rose to 29 months in 1985, up 20 proposals on defense and foreign policy. Bruce Babbitt was the first Democrat to get into It’s all been said before. But Muir claims Babbitt compete for defense contracts in both countries. percent from 1980, the report said. During a debate Sunday sponsored by an arms control group. The average length of a prison the 1988 presidential nomination process in New offers personal integrity too. The candidate used to Pentagon purchases from Israel increased from Gore clashed with Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis and sentence for other types of federal Hampshire. He started the campaign with a be an anti-poverty organizer in the South, he was $9.4 million in 1983 to $204 million last year. But it T o m Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri. criminals was 50 months in 1985, Max edekated his UTth(% likewise a corruption-busting attorney general in has been a pretty one-sided proposition, as Jefferson-Jackson Day speech in June 1988, and he , "Get your facts straight, ’’ snapped Dukakis when Gore said the about the same as It was In 1980. American firms complain that they’re not treated made his formal campaign declaration in March of Arizona, and Muir says his man truly believes in governor had called for removing U,S. troops from Korea and Overall, the bureau found that fairly when they go after Israeli defense contrac^ts. this year. T ie d e leadership “ that holds itself accountable.” stationing them in Japan. white-collar criminals were less 9 So he has been at it for about 16 months. He has Muir is 26. He once supported Alan Cranston for When Rep. le e Hamilton, D-Ind., lodged a protest likely than other types of criminals 9 with the Pentagon, a procurement official to be sentenced to prison. at a fabulous place. come to the state three dozen times, for a total of t 'v -xrf president. He discusses his current candidate in a m ore than 80 days, and he has shaken the Concord headquarters decorated with Bob Dylan attributed Israeli contractors’ success to Shiites release Anderson photo Forty percent of convicted white- Flai necessary hands and addressed the required issues posters and a concert announcement for the “ aggressive mariceting techniques and the collar criminals were sentenced to BEIRUT, Lebanon — A photo of American hostage Terry A. prison In 1985, compared with 54 tha In a couple of hundred homes, barber shops, back Grateful Dead. He says he has a paid staff of seven openness of the U.S. contracting process.” The Anderson was released today by a Shiite Moslem group together percent of the non-whlte-collar Chances arc. Max birthing rtKtm, using come to ’r

^QUARe D£At" ZlFflTH— MlAni bytniM iM Hto WANUTS bp ChatiM M. SdNUt O l f se e . Zip Report lax-free dividends’ I PEGGeo Ve I A ^ s t p a i s m t ^ AHCAO Ho to caicuiate taxable benefits hush Bow( QUESTION: ANSWER; The SEC has no He \ Hie mutual fund Jurisdiction over municipal bond Bowi in wiiich 1 own advertising, which is virtually Be shares invests in unreguIaM at the federal level. ianii l £ 8 j ^ municipal Investors’ Although the anti-fraud provisions Bait bonds, which of federal securities law do apply to Colo. pay interest not Guide municipal bond sales, regulation is Su m NO, aaa!am , I wasn't I WAS JUST : subject to fed­ william A. Doyle mostly left to state and local Calif GIVING THE ANSWERS... LEAKING INFORMATIOS: eral income tax. officials. lie, I The fund distrib­ Grai utes my portion QUESTION: It has been on Sam of that interest Davi HAOAN THE HOHHt^LE ^Dlkbroww television twice that a person over to me as "tax- 70 is able to hold a Job, tax-free. As gran rj^^wmi/ ^ If free dividends.” I do not report this ’Hs rumored that many retirees my husband is 70 and working, I Th T/yg Y &^OUlP ARBB&T ANYOt^B V^hio &BLLB ■9 9 ^ " . , as taxable income on my federal have not been including tax-free called the IRS and was told the 'TV Farti A PIZZA TO A A\AN Vlm4 A BBAPP / income tax return. dividends from municipal bond information was wrong. Who is Webi Once the leaves started falling, Lenny I am retired and receive Social mutual funds and unit trusts in their right? a nv realized why so many neighborhood pets Security benefits, part of which can calculations of whether or not part Lawi had disappeared. be taxable depending on my income of their Social Security benefits are Briti Birthday party level. Is it necessary to include the taxable. ANSWER: The IRS. If your husband’s income is high enough, in M THE QRIZZWELL8~ by Bill Schorr Several Manchester real estate brokers Guardian Financial, Anne Miller of Milter dividends from this mutual fund as A provision in the Tax Reform Bloo "tax-exempt interest" when I cal­ It’s taxable. Assuming you’re both were among the 100 people who Real Estate in Mancheeler, Sid Green of Act of 1986 should go a long way 65 or older and your 1987 gross Ml culate the taxable portion of my SS toward ending that tax evasion mad( V- -attended an anniversary party and Green,, House Realty In Manchester, benefits? income Is $10,000 or more, you’re r ploy. Everyone who receives tax- required to file a federal income tax S nary LOOK. dinner Sept. 12 honoring Guardian Richard Yedzinlak of Guardian Finan­ exempt interest and/or tax-exempt return. tal, Financial Corp. of Glastonbury, which cial and Lori Fowler of Strano Real ANSWER: Indeed, it is. That has dividends from mutual funds and 06101 *3 78 O been necessary since 1984. as a Sometimes there is bad Informa­ REFRiGQWOR Celebrated its first year of business, Estate in Manchester. units trusts will be required to result of the Social Security Amend­ report those payments on federal tion on the tube, but you might have PERRV. from left are Richard Siedman of ments Act. misunderstood what you heard. Veri THE PHANTOM by Lm Falk A Sy Barry income tax returns for 1987 and That law requires retired folks to future years. Possibly, the discussion was about Ve add up their adjusted gross income, Social Security benefits. form PIAM we SAW A /MAGKEP^ NO, PEAR, NOT NECESSARY WARNING half of their Social Security benefits Come January, your mutual fund at a THI& I& LISW. CON'T WANT , AWN RIPIN6 NEAR YOUR // FORlSET IT„ENJDY VOUR M£„ABOUr Investor buys stake in Salomon and all of their tax-free interest. If will send you a Form 1099, listing A person 70 or older can have was ALARM YOU,BUT,,, WE'LL CALL THE H0NEVA1OON the tax-free dividends you receive unlimited "earned income” — E the total exceeds $32,000 for a Cunr POUCB. this year. A copy will go to the wages, salary, commissions, tips, C iMTbvNEA Me married couple filing a joint return, fees, etc. — and collect full Social Wale PSE W YORK (AP) - A company convertible into Salomon shares at corporate history outside the oil $25,000 for an individual return or Internal Revenue Service, where It Be 1/^P Jhejded by investor Warren E. $38 a share after three years. industry. will be fed Into computers to catch Security benefits. Below 70, those zero for married people filing benefits are reduced by one dollar survi Suffett has ^agreed to pay $700 Salomon's stock closed Friday on In another move, Salomon said separate returns, up to half of the people who "forget." Cunn CAPTAIN EASY «b y Crooka A Caaala million for a 12 percent stake in the New York Stock Exchange at Sunday it paid $809 million, or $38 a for every two dollars earned abot^ Social Security benefits are an "exempt income amount." a sis FOR NOW, IT'S ^om on Inc., the parent company $32 a share. share, to buy back a 14 percent taxable. QUESTION; Even though reti­ Jers4 VOU MEAN, YOU BREAK LEISURE ol Wall Street’s largest investment Berkshire Hathaway has agreed stake held by the Minerals and The tax-free interest required to rees must Include municipal bond For 1987, the exempt Income three I CAN'T / THE CHAIN Ivanking house, a newspaper re- not to Increase its stake in Salomon Resource Corporation Ltd., known be added into this calculation interest when figuring out if they amount is $6,000 for a worker under Th( WOIZK?J OF SMOKING, rtUnted today. to more than 20 percent for seven as Minorca, a Bermuda-based ^ MR.McKEE. includes direct payments received owe income tax, brokerage firms 65 and $8,160 for a worker 65 to 69. P at th HBalomon, parent of Salomon years, the newspaper reported. holding company controlled by the by people who own municipal bonds and banks still advertise that These numbers are adjusted up­ UniU drothers Inc., said it would sell Under Buffett, ^ rk sh ire Hatha­ Anglo American Corporation of outright — as well as tax-free interest as “tax-free.” ward each year. sado TOOJMH) shares of a new issue of way, formerly a New England- South Africa. dividends from mutual funds and I feel this is unethical, without an F. V( preferred stock to Berkshire Hath­ based textile concern, has become Henry R. Slack, Minorca’s presi­ BLONDIE by Daan Young A Blan Drake unit trusts holding municipal explanatory statement that the Burii away Inc. of Omaha, Neb., and a an opportunistic investor in a dent, said the company decided to bonds. interests may affect the tax paid on William A. Doyle, a ayadkaled tery. s MOUR JOB ANO IF VOU'RE )y pnnrT h REVERSE doinpany controlled by it for $1,000 variety of industries. Buffett sell i^21 million shares, which had Although the payments you re­ Social Security benefits. It cer­ colamnlst, welcomes wrltlan qaes- Cant WILL WAIT - FIRBP YOU'LL PSVCHOLOQV. played a principal role in the 1985 9 a share. repi^ented the largest single ceive from that mutual fund tainly Is misleading and a disser­ tlons, bat he con provide aaswers FOB YOU ' FINO ANOTHER reported. The new stock, which purchase of the American Broad­ holding im Salomon, because of a s ONE technically are dividends, that vice to unsophisticated seniors. oaly throagh the colama. Write te represents 12 percent of Salomon’s casting Cos. by Capital Cities policy decision to focus invest­ money comes from tax-free inter­ Why doens’t the Securities and Doyle la care of the Moacliester toM voting rights, will pay a 9 Communications Inc., which at the ments in natural resources com­ est the fund collects and passes Exchange Commission regulate HeraM, P.O. Box 591, Moachester N( l^rcent annual dividend and is time was the largest deal in panies, the Times reported. alon$ to you. such advertising? ARLO AND JANIS ' by Jimmy Johnson g< WHAT'STMAT? ITHOOGHT I'D SHOW VOU AWDAY.'MAYDAV' WHATIPKODUCeDALLIW' HUSRAMDIM TAIL SPIN Gas price drops nearly a penny Coatl AT 200 FEET' ;LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Sept. 11 survey, according to the regular leaded, $1.1701: premium M ail your ballot now! schoo average retail price of- gasoline nationwide Lundberg Survey of unleaded. $1.3071. 5-to I dropped by nearly a penny during 13,000 gas stations. convt the past two weeks and the decline At self-service stations, prices "Retail drops may continue In derivi WHATAOUY byBIHHoatt nrtay continue, an analyst says, were; regular unleaded, $.9488; coming weeks as a result of a Am i The average price of all grades regular leaded, $.9158: premium turnaround at the wholesale levels, civil 1 including taxes for the period that unleaded, $1.0848. responding to a strong pull in the Jury I epded Friday was $1.0134 per At full-service stations, prices spot markets," analyst Trilby recov ‘YOU EXPECT gallon, a drop of 0.08 cent from the were: regular unleaded, $1.21; Lundberg said Sunday. Ifyourphone such %a 2 bills, AAE TO BE JOWiSoM defen IN THE FIRST econc PLAV I’VE ALLEY OOP ' by Dave Graue and 15 SUPER COUPON SPECIALS iHimba' starts with: only I EVER SEEN?” OKAY/ NOW I ...AN' THEN they' YANK TH' LEFT TH' RIGHT.' THIS WEEK ONLY The TO RELEASE i JO A N N BtBRICS Bring these coupons in for great savings. law” TH' TqRPEPO... provli IIP 99 SAVE $2 $4 69 WITH 643 649 875 rantli •i-JB $ 0 8 8 WITH ? -tioBt $ 2 YD. WITH COUPON 1 YD. COUPON and ( dmYD. COUPON sellini CAUCO PRINTS MARATHON FLEECE UNBLEACHED MUSLIN be cc Entire stock, 100% cotton, 45". 100% acrylic, 60". 100% cotton, 45" wide. Compare at $4.99 yd. Compare at $2.49 yd. miles Bridge Compare at $3.99-$4.09 yd. 646 871 The JO ANN FABRICS COUPON JO-ANN FABRICS COUPON JO-ANN FABRICS COUPON 15-yei Valid Ihru October 3rd Valid thru October 3rd Valid Ihru October 3rd Jl such: ----r - T---F T T T----1-----1----1 in grt That was the excitement — his part­ as Ion Good thinking ner had the spade queen. Now just let $ 4 99 SAVE$1 $479 SAVE 40% $ 0 9 9 SAVE $2 YD. WITH COUPON O y d w it h c o u p o n 647 872 hours I YD. WITH COUPON I declarer play a club to the 10, and THE BORN LOSER ' by Art Sanaom I' durlm on both sides West would grab the queen and lead BATISTE & BROADCLOTH FEUCITY FLANNEL C R A F T F E L T The back a spade to set the contract. But r 65% poly/35% cotton, 45". CoHon/poly prints. 44" wide. 100% polyester, 72" wide. to go By James Jacoby then came the frustration. Compare at $2.99 yd. Compare at $2.99 yd. Compare at $5.99 yd. place WEST EAST Since South had not fallen asleep, he their ♦ Q 8 3 ♦ K 10 6 2 How can bridge be exciting and had no trouble figuring out what had JO-ANN FABRICS COUPON JO-ANN FABRICS COUPON JO-ANN FABRICS COUPON send in your out-of-state court ▼ K 10 9 8 5 4 V A J 3 2 frustrating at the same time? Florida been going through Bernie's head. Al­ Valid Ihru October 3rd Valid Ihru October 3rd Valid thru October 3rd ♦ 7 6 ♦ 10 expert Bernie Chazen will likely give though he did not know who held the math ♦ Q 3 4 9 8 5 4 II birth you today's deal as an example. After club queen, he was certain that East d SAVE 50% 99 SAVE $1 North-South had reached five dia­ had led away from the spade king. Af­ A A S WITH loi^ distance ballot now Am SOUTH PKG. WITH COUPON monds, West led the 10 of hearts. Cha­ ter ruffing a heart and drawing c o u p o n 9INCH WITH COUPON auton 4 7 5 RIBTIUM SAFETREDS' 4Q6 zen, sitting East, won the ace and plot­ trumps, he playpd a spade to the nine. WONDER-UNDER “ n politi New 18". Sold by-the-yard. 50% poly/50% cotton, 36". For pajama ft slipper feat. ♦ A K g 8 5 2 ted his next defensive move. East could win the 10, but any return aggri Compare at $1.69 yd. Compart at 19c Inch. Compare at $2.99 pkg. Otii 4 K 10 6 If declarer did not have solid dia­ he now made would give declarer his Remember that ballot you received? The monds, he might also be missing the contract. JO-ANN FABRICS COUPON will; Vulnerable: Both JO-ANN FABRICS COUPON JO-ANN FABRICS COUPON one asking you to pick a long distance • t Dealer: North queen of spades. Even with solid dia­ Valid thru October 3rd Valid thru October 3rd Valid thru October 3rd monds. declarer might just have a A new book by James Jacoby and company for your out-ol-slatc phone appei West North East South hole in the club suit. And if declarer his father, the late Oswald Jacoby, is FRANK AND ERNEST ' by Bob Thaves calls. Choose a company and send your Corn: Pass Pass 1 ♦ was going to misguess the location of now available at bookstores. It is “Ja­ $ i 9 9 SAVE $1 O f t %% WITH O C E% WITH attor c o u p o n ballot back— today. Pass I ♦ Pass 2 ♦ the club queen, it was necessary that coby on Card Games." published by ■ y d WITH COUPON SAVE O w COUPON SAVE crimi Pass 5 ♦ • B Pass 4 ♦ the defenders have a spade trick es­ Pharos Books. S IL K Y P O S H ALL INTERFACING COATS A CLARK THREAD It’s important to think about what you Pass Pass Pass PERSONNEL NoTiCf TH5 F?^l/ySTAFll^ large flame when first lit. Also keep After Got 3. $249.99 • but I’ve seen many newer creations in Enough paper clips are used every Hassla-free features food magazines that are flamed as your face, hair and clothing well out year to form a chain from the earth to ( RISE ANF SHINE' OH WELL...'RISE; PABRKI well, so it’s a helpful technique to of the way. the moon, 238.857 miles away. AT ANV RATE make sawing a snapi Easy 6-second threading, H w t ! * WHERE SEWING KEEPS GETTING ' automatic tension. wv Swwtng moehinM ovoilobtG m itock or by ipoctol ordor Manchester Parkade K-Mart Plaza &SNET 295 Hartford Turnpike 340 Broad Street Wb go beyond the caH. PEOPLE WHO k n o w 1 / Manchester, C T Vernon, C T know there's a certain magic I l l W W i about Classified Advertising. 643-2711 J 9-za U - MANCHESTER HEHALD. Mwiday. Sept. » , IW7 MANCHESTER HERAI.n, Monday, Sept. 28, 1987 — 11

tu*. ‘W « « ; ,» i Three charged Obitiimries lU at loud party" SPORTS Howard R. Bowart nok Ave., Windsor, has charge of arrangements. HomnI R. Bowen of Hartford, Three Mimdieater men web« Memorial donatims may be •rreMedSatiaeay aflerpollceeiil. buaband of Patricia (Gaffoey) made to a charity of the donor's mapatebed aewanl ttoea to a IMS: Bowen, died Friday at bia home. choice. He waa ttie father of Marylynn p e % at one of She m m 'a bomM, resulting In a cos^ tentatloa Bow en of Mamsbeater. Sparky is proud of his battiing Tigers km Beaidea bis wife and dau^ter, be ONvwr MlfMr tween poUoe and none o f thooaid; ia survived by flve other daughten, die pally, jMliee aakL ■ (Mlver "TiMn" Miner, tS, of » By Bill Bomord Gaettl and Kent Hibek homered in B arban McKevitt of Boulder, 8 ^ . R. Shroyer, tS. of IRT Charles Drive, died Saturday at TIra A iseclo ttd P t m s a five-run first against Kansas Oty. Ooto., L o m in e Bedus of Hartford, Fatdkner Drive, was ehazsedwMi; Ten Manchester Memorial Hoqiital. He The Twins’ Hrst-innlng ouHrurst Susan Bow en of San Fnncisco, breach of peace, inteiferins wM m i AL Roandap was the htftrtiand of Anna (Novak) Win or lose, Spailcy Anderson is followed second baseman Al New­ Calif., Kathy Cumn of Minneapo­ polioe o m ^ , and diree coiwte M Miner. proud to be manager of Hie Detroit man’s stellar defensive play in the lis, Minn., and Patricia Forrest of aasaidt on a pOHoe offIcM-. R M M fl He was bom in Manchester and Tigers. top of the inning. Grantham, N.H.; two sisten, Jean Simmons, S4, of 99 T o i ^ depend on Milwaukee,” Anderson lived in town for moot of his life. “I don’t know what will ha^ien am SarubM of Newington and Patricia said. " I don’t Hiink it’s fair to ask With runners on flrst and third Before retiring, be worked as a now and I don’t care,’ ’ Anderaon Davis of Wetherriield; and three Milwaukee to help us by bating with no outs, George Brett florist in Manchester and was a life said after the Tigers pulled wlttiin gnndchildren. ° Toronto.” grounded sharply to GaetU at third, member of the Manchester Lodge ®®oer. 2V4 games of flrst-place Toronto in The funeral was today at the Although he didn’t win his ninHi who thi:ew to Newman at second. of Elks. Police said ttiey had received the American League East by Newmanxquickly fired h strike to Fariey-Sullivan FunenI Home, M beaUng the Blue Jays 3-2 in 13 straight decision since ccsnfng to a Besides his wife, be is survived by the plate nailing Wilson for the Webster St., Hartford, followed by Mweral complaiiits earlier in Hie Detroit from AUanta on Aug. 12, i . TM several nieces and nephews. evening about a loud party it inniniR Sunday. "These men have unusual double play. a mass of Christian burial in St. showed me all I ever want to see.” Doyle Alexander played a key role CUM Lawnnce O’Toole Church, New Sbroyer’s b«ne. Police said Oat for the Hgers. The only run Blyleven, 15-11, The funeral IS Wednesday at t: M after warning people outside the Anderson was impressed with the allowed was Danny TartabuH’s Kl Britain Ave., Hartford. Burial was Alexander allowed one earned a.m. from John F. Tierney Funeral house to keep the nMae down, they way the Tigers, after losing each of 32nd homer in the fourth. a in Mount St. Benedict Cemetery, Home, 219 W. Center St., foDowed the first three games of the run and six hits in 10 ^3 iimings. Tl Blomnfleld. decided on thrir fourth trip to the Barfield’s game-tying single came M by a mass of Christian burial at 10 four-game aeries by one run, came a Memorial donations may be house to cite Shroyer for creatiM * after an error by Detroit shortstop OrlolBB 9, YankBM 5 a.m. in St. James Church. Burial public disturbance. bade from a 1-0 defleit in the ninHi. M made to the Department of Pulmo­ will be in St. James Cemetery. "You have never witnessed a . Baltimore snapped an~ eight- S U nary Medicine, St. Francis Hospi­ HwWd photo by PtfSO According to police, Muroyer " I was going until they knocked game losing streak and finished Calling hours are Tuesday from 7 to went into his house to find Ids club that has stood up to more 0 s tal, 114 Woodland St., Hartford 9 p.m. pressure than this club here, and no me out or he took me out, whatever with a 31-81 home record, worst in 01 driver’s license, but would not lit M108. Richard Meduski, chairman of Factfind­ ment in Buckland. Patricia McLaughlin, club dwwed more character,” came first,” said Alexander, who the majors, by rallying for five runs ■< the officers in. Police said tlUlt had never trailed in any previous in the seventh inning against New M ers: Buckland Bond Issue, talks to secretary and treasurer of Factfinders, Anderson said. “ These guys had M when they tried tohandcuff Shroyer game he pitched for Detroit. York. V«ra Cunningham people at the Product Show about the said this morning that the group found in his kiiehen. Gill JumpM one ^ their behinds nailed to the wall and Joshua Brfnditl they w m this game.” "H e had no business being out The rally came after the Orioles Vera (Foote) Cunningham, M, tax increment bonds that town of many of those who stopped at the booth the officers, who struck Gill on Hie there that last inning,” Anderson fell behind 8-3 in the top of the forehead with a flashlight. The Tigers forced extra innings formerly of Windsor, died Sunday Private funeral services will be Manchester officials hope to issue in favor the bonding. said, "but we haven’t had a lot of seventh by allowing three unearn^ (oS Police said they called forbacln^ when Kirk Gibson hom er«i off at a local convalescent home. She held for Joshua Richard Brindisi mnnantion witt^ Commercial develop­ success (with the Detroit runs on two errors by shortstop Cal E was the widow of Robert P. who died Friday at Manchester w h «i those at the party began tb Toronto relief ace Tom Henke in the E (sS bullpen.)” Ripken Jr. M Cunningham and mother of June C. Memorial Hospital. He was the son threaten them. As one officer ninth. Detroit, which led 2-1 in the 11th on Darrell Evans’ 33rd homer Gibson’s game-winning single in Carl Nichols and Pete Stanicek iCm Watch of Manchester. of Dorothy (Novak) and Andrew T. pushed the back doin' open fie the 13th scored Jim Walewander, tied the score 5-5 with RBI singles 8s Besides her daughter, she is Brindisi of I I Haystack Road. The backup offleers, one guest Uckgi only to see Jesre Barfield’s RBI (Ool who was walked by Jose Nunez, 5-2, off Pat Clements, 3-3. Rene Gon­ M survived ty a son, Robert P. John F. Tieroey Funeral Home, 219 Bond-backers get good results the door shut and pushed the single He it again, finally won In the ISth on a bloop single by Gibson. and went to second on Lou Whitak­ zales folllowed with the first of his (H« Cunningham Jr. of Fremont, N.H.; W. Center St., has charge of officer’ s hand through a window, er’s sacrifice. AF photo Or In another AL game with two RBI doubles, putting the a sister, Loretta Herrman In New arrangements. causing a cut, according to police Mike Henneman, 10-3, pitched 1 Orioles ahead before Ray Knight Jersey; five grandchildren; and The i^ c e r chased the guest pennant-race importance, Minne­ Toronto catcher Ernie Whitt watches as inning of Sunday's game in Toronto. sota clinched a tie In the West with 2-3 iqnings for the victory and capped the comeback with a St three great-grandchildren. from effort at Product Show through the house, but was unabfe two-run single off Neil Allen. Detroit’s Jim Walewander crosses the Looking on are the Tigers’ Alan m Dr. Robart QraanMatt an 8-1 victory over Kansas City. In Dickie Noles got the last out for his a P The funeral is Tuesday at 2 p.m. to catch him, police said. They said second save. plate with the winning run in the 13th Trammell and umpire John Shulock. P other games, it was California 11, Brew tri 9, R bcI S o x 6 $■ at the First (Siurch In Windsor — AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) - Dr. A political committee supporting opposition to the proposed develop­ that Gill also tried to escape, but M million in tax-increment bonds, the Cleveland 8; Baltimore 9. New Toronto starter Jim Clancy, shut United Church of Christ, 107 Pall- Robert B. Greenblatt, a retired the town’s plan to Issue b o n ^ to ment of a giant shoaling mall in was pulled from a van that was Milwaukee came back from a 6-1 a propect of moving the development York 5; Milwaukee 9, Boston 6; out Detroit on five hits in seyen single gave him 100 RBI. sado Ave., Windsor, with the Rev. professor at the Medical College of promote commercial developinent Buckland came from residents of leaving the scene. Police said thgt deficit to defeat Boston as Robin Mariners 5, Rangers 3 Angels 11, Indians 8 back to South Windsor was menti­ Chicago 8, Oakland 0; and Seattle 5, innings and did not allow a runner The victory went to Milwaukee F. Van Gorder Parker officiating. Georgia and an internationally in a 330-acre area in l^ k la n d South Windsor who want the mall after being treated for a cut Yount capped a four-run sixth Seattle completed a three-game California outslugged Cleveland oned again. The bonds were to Texas 8. past second base. But Henke, ti^ n g reliever Ray Burris, 2-2, who took Burial will be in Pallsado Ceme­ known endocrinologist who did made Its first public effort this located in their town. sustained when the officer striwk inning with a two-run single. series sweep and handed Texas its as Mark McLemore drove in four NM paid off from the increase in real Anderson said the Tigers needed for his 38th save, couldn’t hold the over In the fifth for starter Teddy tery. There are no calling hours. pioneering work in oral contracep­ weekend at the Product Show in him. Gill banged his head agaJbllt slim lead. The Red Sox, behind Jody Reed’s sixth consecutive loss on pinch- runs with a pair of bases-loaded Mahehester and South Windsor estate taxes in the area as the result the victory to give themselves a Higuera, who was trying for his 19th Carmen Funeral Home, 0 Poquo- tion, died Sunday. He was 10. East Hartford, and a spokesman of development. the inside of a police car, and later Alexander surrendered George two-run double and RBI single, took victory but was replaced after hitter Dave Hengel’s three-rup singles and Don Sutton earned his were originally in competition claimed that an officer had banged chance when they play host to the reported good results. McLaughlin said that, in general, Bell’s RBI single in the first inning, a 6-3 advantage Into the sixth giving up eight hits and six runs. homer In the eighth inning. 320th career victory in his first it. i when two rival developers were his head against the car. Blue Jays for the last three games Patricia McLaughlin, secretary those who manned the Product then retired the next 13 batters. Inning, but reliever Wes Gardner The Mariners trailed 3-2 when relief appearance since 1980. planning malls in separate locali­ ffliroyer was released on a $8,000 of the season next weekend. Detroit White 8ox 5, Athletics 0 and treasurer of Factfinders; Show booth found a positive recep­ Twins 8, Royals 1 w a lk ^ the bases loaded and was Jim Presley singled and pinch- Sutton, 10-11, who is in 11th place New laws: 264 of them Buckland Bond Issue, said many ties. Both developers said that only cash bond and was to appear has four games with Baltimore and replaced by Bob Stanley. 4-l8. Dave LaPoint pitched a two- hitter Gary Matthews walked, on the all-time victory list, gave up one could survive. tion and got people to sign petitions Toronto plays Milwaukee three CMe people who stopped at the commit­ as supporters of the bond issue. She morning ita Manchester SuperfoC Minnesota clinched a least a tie Paul Molltor, who homered ear­ hitter for his fityt shutout since 1985 setting the stage for Hengel’s home three runs and four hits iiT4 1-3 Court. Gill and Simmons were' times before the flnal series. tee’s Product Show booth said they The developers later settled their said many people had questions for its first West Division titie since lier, singled to make it 6-4 and and Ivan Calderon hit two homers run off Mitch Williams, 8-5. It was innings. released on $500 non-surety bond^ "This means that we are still 1970 as Bert Blyleven pitched a go into effect Thursday support the bond issue, which will differences and picked the Man­ about the specifics of the proposal another run scored on Mike as the White Sox completed a the second major-league homer In Brian Dorsett hit his first major- breathing, and we don’t have to five-hitter and Kirby Puckett. Gary Felder’s grounder. Yount’s two-run One be the subject of townnide referen­ chester site. Ifowever, after con­ and many did not understand how and are scheduled to appear l|c four-game sweep of Oakland. 77 career at-bats for Hengel. league homer In the eighth. court Wednesday. - Hom Continued from page 1 used when pet shops dispose of dum in the Nov. 3 election. troversy developed over the town of vast the proposed Buckland devel­ "unsold, wann-blooded” animals McLaughlin said some of the Manchester’s plans to issue $13 opment is. Altai school. Another creates mandatory and that the procedure be per­ formed by a licensed veterinarian Town man held F6 5- to 20-year prison terms for those HI convicted of selling the cocaine or a person under the veterinar­ Bus policy, higher school fees Expo wait over as Cardinal series day away it. derivative crack. ian’s supervision. In aBsault caae La Another new law gives victims of • allow political candidates to Ml A Manchester man was arrested^ By The Associated Press AH civil wrongdoing a greater share of give surplus campaign funds to son said. "1 guess right now we’re three-run homer as New York Sunday after his girifriend told: tax-exempt charitable organiza­ alive again.” defeated Pittsburgh. Jury awards, allowing the victim to on school board agenda tonight police he had beaten her severely- The four-game series the Mont­ recover all economic damages, tions, rather than having to other NL Roundup A sellout crowd of 48,588 for the Ml earller that morning and agMC real Expos have been thinking Cubs 7, Cardinals 3 $0 such as lost wages and medical political committees or return it to season’s home finale at Shea By Andrew YurkovsKv Deakin said the delay in negotiat­ later in the day, police said. about for weeks is one day away. Bob Dernier, a last-minute re­ Ck bills, from one defendant If other contributors. to review administration recom­ Stadium gave the Mets their Ol 2 Herald Reporter ing a contract, which he said is George F. Blasko, 37, of 1168 Wr H iey will meet the Cardinals in St. placement in the starting lineup, 2 mendations for increasing the fees single-season record attendance of u defendants can't pay. For non­ • require insurance companies Louis with first-place on the line. But a strong offense led by Tim unusual, is due to the fact that the charged for use of school facilities. Middle Turnidke, was charged witfi.' had a and scored twice to 3,027,121. New York is only the economic damages, so-called pain to offer 10 percent discounts to The Expos have won 10 o f 14 Wallach, Tim Raines, Hubie Al It isn’t on the agenda, but the secretaries switched unions Just The fees have nbt'been changed in first-degree assault. lead host Chicago over St. Louis as second team to draw three million. and suffering, defendants would motorcyclists who have completed games with the Cardinals- this Brooks and Andres Galarraga, and (Foi school administration may present before negotiations began. The several years, Deakin said. Police said they went to Blasko’a- the Cardinals’ magic number for Los Angeles has topped the three- W only have to pay the share for which training courses offered by the season and all they wanted to do unexpected pitching contributions new procedures on bus pickup and secretaries, who are now repres­ September enrollment figures home after an interrupted 911 caK clinching the East remained at five. million mark on seven occasions. they were found responsible. state Department of from Dennis Martinez and Pascual LS drop-off during the Manchester ented by the American FederaHon also will be presented to the school to East Hartford police was traced: was arrive at Busch Stadium with a Homers by Dernier, Rafael Pal­ The so-called "used-car lemon Tranpsortation. Perez, have the Expos poised to win Ojeda. 3-5, who went on the (Dm Board of Education meeting to­ of State, County and Municipal to that address. chance in the National League meiro, Keith Moreland and Andre law” requires used-car dealers to • require auto leasing compan­ board tonight. Deakin said that the division. disabled list May 9 and underwent is night, Assistant School Superin­ Employees, had been represented East. Dawson gave last-place Chicago a provide SO-day or l,BOO-mile war­ ies to include leased vehicle odome­ enrollment in primary schools has Blasko was held on a $7,000 ca$k " I t ’s an opportunity to leave surgery oh his left elbow on May 23, tendent Wilson E. DeaUn said by the Ciril Service Employees’ Increased, while it has decreased in The Cardinals gave the third- league-leading 203 homers this gave up three runs, two earned, on ranties on cars up to seven years old ter readings in its permanent bond, and was scheduled to appear there ahead of them,” Raines said. today. Aifiliates Inc. secondary schools. He said that the place Expos that opportunity Sun­ season. It marked the first time In six hits over six innings. Jesse Al and costing at least $3,000. Cars records. this morning in Manchester ltape£ day by dropping a 7-3 decision to “ We have to win at least three. If we Deakin said the procedures were Deakin said he will be meeting administration had foreseen those lor Court. . major-league history that four Orosco pitched the last three M selling for more than $5,000 would • extend from five days to 10 can win four, the momentum will W to be discussed this morning at an Tuesday with the secretaries’ union changes. <3iicago while Montreal beat Phila­ teams hit 200 or more in the same innings for his 16th save. be covered for 60 days or 3,000 days the period available for delphia 5-3 to move within three definitely be with us. We’ve done o admInistraUon staff meeting. and may reach an agreement at The school board meeting will be year. Baltimore, Detroit and To­ Ls miles, whichever comes first. candidates to bring complaints on Vice President Anwar Sadat, well all year against them. But it’s Giant* 15, Brave* 8 Parents have complained to the that Ume. * games. ronto reached the mark earlier in ta The new law covering work for primary elections to court. held at 7:30 In the board offices succeeded Gamal Nasser as preiH- different circumstances this time.” administration about a Sept. 4 Also tonight, the school board is The second-place New York Mets the American League. San Francisco spoiled the fare­ • eliminate the reporting re­ at 45 North School St. dent of Egypt in 1970. ::: The Expos will start Martinez I5-year-olds allows them to take incident in which children were left start a three-game series in Phila­ well of Phil Niekro at Atlanta Pm quirement for prosecuting sex and Bryn Smith against Greg Expos 8, Phillies 3 such Jobs as cashiers and baggers off at Waddell School without delphia tonight, trailing the Cards Stadium as the Giants chased the offenses, such as rape, adultery and Mathews and Joe Magrane in in grocery and department stores, supervision when a bus driver by 2(4 games. The Mets and Tim Raines hit a bloop double 48-year-old knuckleballer with a prosecution. Under current law, Tuesday’s doubleheader. Martinez as long as they work outside school couldn’t get through construction Cardinals finish the season with that was lost in the sun and scored six-run fourth inning. those crimes must be reported is 11-3 and the Expos are 19-3 in his hours and no later than 7 p.m. on New State Road. In a second three games in St. Louis, and the on a wild pitch to break an Niekro signed to pitch one final Ton within one year of the offense. 22 starts. On Wednesday, Perez will during the school year. incident on Sept. 16, three children Expos close out the year with three eighth-inning tie, and Montreal game for the Braves, but he wound • require drivers to turn on their take his 6-0 record against St. Louis. The adoption law allows adoptees were ordered off a bus on Hemlock games against Chicago at home. went on to beat Philadelphia at hp allowing five runs on six hits headlights during Inclement The Cardinals again will be Tt to go directly to the agency that Street because the bus was In the N L West, San Francisco Veterans Stadium. with six walks in three-plus Innings MIh weather. without home run and RBI leader placed them for information on overloaded. has Just about finished off its The score was tied 3-3 when and got a no-decislon. Dl • allow the Department of Ad- Jack Clark, who is sidelined with an Del. their birth parents. Chirrently, a The school board is also expected competition. The Giants beat Raines led off the eighth against Niekro failed to hold a 5-0 lead mlnstrative Services to hold public ankle injury. court order is required. The infor­ tonight to review exisHng policy for ■Z' Atlanta 15-6 Sunday to clinch a tie. Mike Jackson, 3-9, with a routine fly and left the mound with his head auctions of seized firearms at any “ I thought we’d be 40 games out mation will only be released If the transportation, but Deakin said Second-place Cincinnati staved off to center field that Milt Thompson bowed to a four-minute standing AF photo time, rather than only once a year. now with all the injuries,” St. Louis Min birth parents consent. that the recent complaints about elimination for at least another day lost in the sun and Raines wound up ovation, his seventh of the day from Kan • allow tenants of state-assisted Manager Whitey Herzog said. Another new law requires an bus service probably won’t be part by beating Houston 4-2. In the at second base. 26,019 fans on Atlanta’s final home New York’s Keith Hernandez (17) and Darryl Strawberry The Mets, who beat Pittsburgh M automatic court hearing when a housing projects for the elderly to of the review because they touch on basement battle, fourth-place Los Mitch Webster beat out a bunt date of the season. approve, by a majority vote, the 12-3 Sunday, also have had injuries, sandwich Kevin McReynolds after the letter’s thre*-run 30,1 political candidate claims he was procedures rather than policy. Angeles took a five-game lead over single, advancing Raines to third, Niekro is 12th on the all-time K aggrieved by absentee ballot fraud. keeping of common household pets, last-place San Diego with a 4-3 but they have also had plenty of homer against the Pirates Sunday at Shea Stadium. Th* 2t,3 “ I don’t know if it’s a policy and Raines s c o i^ when, reliever victory list with a 318-274 record Other laws effective Thursday such as dogs, cats, birds and fish. victory. chances to catch the Cards. Mets won, 12-3. matter or an administration-people Kent Tekulve’s 0-1 pitch sailed past and holds most of Atlanta’s career will; • permit a state agency, in order "Ideally I would like to have been “ We’ve been in the hangman’s matter. I think the policy as written catcher Lance Parrish to give pitching marks. He went 7-11 • allow a state's attorney to to meet affirmative action goals, to two down going into St. Louis,” noose for a week now,” Mets first Montreal a 4-3 lead. Hubie Brooks, is pretty good,” Deakin said. earlier this season for Cleveland carried Cincinnati past Houston at tive games with an eighth-inning appeal to the Criminal Justice hire or promote a Job applicant DoctorSource Montreal Manager Buck Rodgers baseman Keith Hernandez said, who had four runs batted in, then and then 0-2 for Toronto before Riverfront Stadium. single. Commission when the chief state's whose score on a Job application He said that while policies said. "But the bottom line is that "only nobody yet has kicked the singled to left-center field, scoring being released by the Blue Jays Dodger* 4, Padre* 3 San Diego reliever Rich Gossage, attorney tries to pre-empt him in a was lower than is normally re­ provide general guidelines , to the we’ve got to win (in St. Louis). The horse.” Webster. Aug. 31, ending his hope of pitching 5-4, walked three before striking out quired to become eligible for the administration, procedures are The Mets moved -to within 2(4 John Shelby hit a bases-loaded 8' criminal case. makes finding" brass ring is out there. We got to Mat* 12, Plrataa 3 in the World Series for the first Mike Marshall for the second out. OH • allow the Department of Envir­ vacancy. more detailed. The transportation grab it.” games of first-plare St. Louis on time. double with two outs In the eighth Shelby then sliced a drive towards N onmental Protection to prohibit or • prohibit the eviction of elderly policy review is part of an examina­ At the start of the season, the only Aug. 20, fell back to 5‘/4 on Aug. 31 Bob QJeda won his first start inning to lift Los Angeles over the left-field foul line, which fell out I restrict the feeding of wildlife on or disabled tenants, except for such tion of all school board policies, he and moved to within 1(4 on Sept. 9. since coming off the disabled list on Rad* 4, A*tro* 2 visiting San Diego. The Padres’ M the right doctor less of a thing the Expos were expected to of the reach of defensive replace­ OU ' state property. The bill stemmed reasons as non-payment of rent or said. grab were top draft choices as they “ We’re dead one day, alive the Sept. 1 after missing three months, Buddy Bell’s two-run triple high­ Benito Santiago extended his rookie ment Stan Jefferson’s diving 91.1 from the practice of University of refusal to pay a reasonable and In an executive session during were picked to finish last. next,” Mets Manager DaveyJohn- and Kevin McReynolds hit a lighted a four-run eighth inning that record hitting streak to 29 consecu­ attempt. Connecticut students who feed legitimate rent increase. tonight’s meeting, the school board heartache. ducks and geese on the UConn • require landlords to return is to discuss negotiations with the Sot campus in Storrs, creating quite a security deposits to tenants within union representing 68 secretaries in O n 30 days, rather than 60. . . . DoctorSource makes When you call DoctoiSource, mess. the school system. A three-year 8i • reduce from four to three the • permit a registered nurse in a contract for secretarial workers it easy. your call can be forwarded to the number of days a bank can hold an nursing home or hospital, but not a expired in June, and U>e union and Now one phone call can doctor’s office immediatdy to NFL owners continue plans for replacement games hospital, to pronounce a patient 9 in-state check before crediting to a administration have been negotiat­ connect you to the doctor 9 Ate arrange for your appointment. depositor's account. For out-of- dead. ing for a new contract since May. Ole state checks, the maximum • allow stepchildren to inherit The executive session wll be you need. Or, we will send you a list- By John Nelson televise the replacement games. players will cross,” Raiders defen­ said they intended to resume today. lot of compromises that can be made that would help players number of days will be five, down from a person who dies without a closed to the public. DoctoiSource can ing of appropriate doctors so The Associated Press NBC and ABC have not confirmed Related atorlee sive end Sean Jones said at the Los In Denver, however, Broncos A m Angeles meeting. "That was never achieve what we believe they want from seven. will and without any blood help you find a highly quali­ tli^ you can dedde on one later. their plans yet. — see page 15 player rep Ricky Hunley said • make a deer killed or seriously relatives. NEW YORK — The NFL strike In Tampa, Fla., Buccaneers an Issue here, though. We’re one of players wouldn’t resume picketing to achieve. bh fied, credentialed ph^idan Because all o f our (kidois the stronger teams in the league as Ari Injured by a motor vehicle the • establish an office of archeoi- Mott K from foods will claim its 14th game tonight President Hugh Culverhouse, until the replacement games "The union uses words like near your home. can also far as the strike Is concerned. I’m property of the driver, not the ogy is the state museum of natural NEW YORK (A P) - Most of the are members of the Active M es­ when the Denver Broncos won’t chairman of the N F L’s executive began. freedom and democracy,” Jones players from the Raiders here. I anticipating a long strike. That’s CAI E l vehicle owner, as under current history at the University of salt we consume comes not from provide the information that you cal Staff at Manchester Memorial play the Browns in Cleveland, and a committee, said chances were said. "This is really a question of what I’ve said all along.” Later, at the meeting with law. Conne^cut. the salt shaker but from otore- want the most when you are top NFLexecutl ve says it’s unlikely remote that any of the missed don’t think we have to discuss our OOl /■' J f can turn to Doctor- Some union players hinted there Upshaw, Hunley said he didn’t money, of bidding on free agents.” OW • increase from $10,000 to $18,000 • grant 0 percent pay raises to bought foods, says the Reebok any of the games will be made up. games from Sunday or tonight solidarity. It’s there. We are on choosing a doctor.. could be a price to pay for defying think management believes the MCI the amount the state can pay to Judges. Aerobic Information Bureau. " f - Source with confidence when you While picketing lost steam over would be rescheduled. The execu­ strike and will remain on strike The regularly scheduled games until we sign a collective bargain­ the strike. union is serious about sustaining a crime victims. Scottish researchers say only 18 And, if you're not sure what type o f spedalist .' need the nSgbf doctor not. AT MANCHESTER ORIAL HOSPTIAL ody thty will count, and they will.” today. games, and he replied: "There’s osal (on free agency), then there’s a 8811 *0 far, the NF L has re c e ii^ only U i^ a w said he didn’t believe the always that possibility.” Few teams bad picket lines in lot to talk about,” NFLMC spokes­ the conference finals and the ffoper DJI Manchester, Ct. 2 8 M 8 4 3 “ Maybe as this thing drags on. place over the weekend, but most man John Jones said. “ There are a Bowl on Jan. 31 in San Diego. H one cooimitment, from CBS, to newspaper report, adding: “ I have bvl tt-MAIICmgTgRHEHAU>.Maiitor.fct.«. Mt7 .MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Sept. 38, 1987 — 13 J t z d SCOREBOARD Yale gets in final smash to down Huskies By Leo Austtr highly before the aeason with Cozn, it was his ISth win against “ You always hope for a miracle Sports Editor to happen and I guess maybe a •rwMnMtilnl nmMlHJqrttflSlMtopI «Nli1i.lnNil iMOpii.iMfgV starters back in virtually every Connecticut against seven losses. It position, could not stop the Yale was his first win over Husky Coach miraede did happen for us,” C^zia B m c I n JI r3l.NarihNrii7 NEW HAVEN - One thing you offenae whether by land or air. Tom Jackson, who was a spotless said. ” We neeiled a turnover.” Boothe faces charge, I ATXRMXb F o t s f l M d l ______I Bt. W; babtr 17 * r » M • r » M abrbM abrbM EhrbM m rb M could n 0 call the SSdi rendition of Yale’a ground game, led hy Mike 3-0 before Saturday. Yale now leads Jackson refused to lay the blame I SBBB I Euroka IX AAoc AAurroy 4 4 tt« mmrnrmt aaaa 41tB S331 NNcf 4 111 Fsrrta m. 37, MUmop TOeb 3 the Yale-Connecdcut foothaii game Stewart’s 118 yards on 38 yards, the series, 31-7. UConn, 1-2 and the loss on Boothe. "There are a lot 5 1 4> N W ir 4iai S131 I SBBB f 133 gjprkRN S I IB was boring. 4 • • • vawircf Ftarlda N. II. Mlewiiw at. accounted for IM yards. And the Eli heading into Yankee Conference of playa that go into winning and suspended Indeflnlt^y saaa «tSS I I BBB 41 IB GuitauAdatahusW,l O irt^ik »««» siaj I SB1BI IBBB B B B b S S S y rf 3113 Not with the clubs combining for air attack from X3190-pound senior play ttiia coming weekend at losing a game. He made the fumble. ■MMpr* 51 > 1 fwlMlVc aaii SBBB I I BBB 4333 SIB yards in total Offense under a Sta* MMNkrf IBIBi Huron 3X OohPto N. Q quarterback Kelly Ryan, srho was Richmond, had won the last four But we should have had the STORRS (AP) - University triggered by the issuance of a « L aai a BIBB i? ? f PbNBr.ta 4BBB todtano U Miswurt 17 bright, autumn sky and delightful H*rn 4k 5««a n iM » a m 4B1B 1 IBBB 4B1B SXfor-88 for four touchdowns, intrastate battles at the bowl. interception. We win togeter and of Connecticut tailback George parking ticket to a friend of aa tM M iii SBBB< By Thu I Iowa IX Kltatta N. U 70 degree weather at the Yale Bowl 11 ataa SB11 u ; : 5 s 4BBB How ThO; iTggTt JowtaSta wn 37, AAoyyBta N. W added 274 more. lose together. I tip my cap to Boothe facre a felony assault Boothe’s about a half an hour lata jOMtMab aaaa SBBB SBBB IBBB Saturday afternoon. a il* BBBB M Ms John CorrgR 4X TMN B This time, however, the Huskies Carman and his team. They played charge and an indefinite suspen­ before the incident. Lt. Robert rVark BBBB ■tdnk4dWstarOct3: Kansas wssivn H boBtal, Kan. li It was, likeoneobservercalledit, Kelly’s fourth TD aerial, an very, very well,” he aaid. 1 ata h n 4B1 1 IBBB TUtoaEMtot couldn’t hang on. sion from competition following Parizeau said. aaaa I Np-IOMMigntaOBW Kdonssy » . 4X R. Hm N. 7 like a ping-pong match with both 1BBB 4B1B iBbb iMiabsM IBBB 11-yarder to Junor Tom Szuba who Husky sophomore tailback UConn cornerback Kevin John­ an alleged attack on a student Parizeau said the student m » n » rmm aiana BIBBI 4BBB BBBB Uncoin If, Ksnliickv SI. 7 sides getting their share of the S n S T jb N*.3h OBWboatNo. ttAitntta LauMono Todi M. Kssmm II was making his first varsity George Boothe will long remember son almost had an interception in patrolmen. patrolmen was on duty escort­ BBBB BBBB shots. Connecticut had its turn with BBBB BBBB MEtams M A NsbreNaOnalio » touchdown reception, (»iq)ed a his first start against Yale. The X3. the back of the end zone In the Boothe was arrested Satur­ ing female students around NtaOrtfah IBBB \\\\^: m . SAtNum OB-DEtdNP. IITinnstaOS mmchwi NPp uonp wocn o the paddle but the Elis got in the Sddjbgmigrg BBBB 3 M 01 NorEi OsroEna AAtdtand 4X Owdron N. 31 Yale rally that brought tte Elis 188-pounder tallied three touch­ middle of Yale's winning drive but day night, hours after his (iampus and was not the officer ICKV 0am* winrtna RSI — YawR (M). 4B1B Nx4iaubtanaStat*(3B-1)ttadNP.70hto final smash, scoring the winning g Samara. OR—gastaa 1 LOS— Msns tS h i MS4S AAInn.-Outaai 31, Mssrhsnd » . 14 from a 27-17 deticR with 4:38 downs on runs of 1, 2 and 11 yards he lost control of the pigskin upon brilliant running performance who issued the ticket to Boothe’s n. up wcmm* a — - - - • 3*??? *tata n-O; «s. ftarlda. ,Qmt.MkMganN touchdown with 18 seconds left, for remaining. contact. Thai could’ve saved the . No. S AMoml. Rta. (3B« boot No. W IMy____^___ and bad 161 yards on 28 carries. But was negated by a fumble with friend for parking in a handi­ ^ laM m . 1B1B r EuangsIM a 30-27 verdict before a crowd of " I don’t think their defense day for UConn. rammlnM (1), MalHar (44). 8 8 S S i i : > BBtt Atktaaig St-7; at No. 4 Florkto Stata. AAonmoutti, m. V, Lomnsne* 7 his fumble with 1:9) left with the 1:30 remaining that gave Yale capped zone. ?1 miM^rn m . 4 Rsrkto llata (44Mtt boot Mkhtoon IVIwBlinBMW Wt lio DRH^ND !• 34,008. played all that poorly,” Yale Coach 'The Huskies had the opportunity “ I Of). N»N« tWMs M434 Stata vs. Ns. 5 AAtaniL RoildD. Huskies trying desperately to run the opportunity it needed to "He was apparently angered IF N E BE BB ■0 AAusfcbigum II, WWtoiEwg D The nuts and bolts of this one is Carm Cozsa said. ” I tiiink our out the clock, o p e i^ the gate for for a possible game-tying field goal come back and defeat that his friend got a ticket and _Ns.:WjhtaatatattB-l)ttadNo.4Loul*lawo N. ONola N. M AutafNanaXO. 0 that the Connecticut defense, rated Sim ts-n; at itanoto. N. toita 3X Indiana M. 14 execution was that good.” For Yale’s miracle finish. with six seconds left. Yale kicked Connecticut. took It upon himself to beat up a iSl Wkmlnai 5 ♦ 1 3 B B XI 8 3 1 3 • laggyans (33). S b ^ rlawg (W ).: m . • Nstn* Oomo OBB) bsot Rurdut ilVv IVMnVMMHI 9i^ IVIOranVIO BOpniY 13 off from its own 20 on a delay of "He attacked a student pa­ student patrolmen,” Parizeau 4i4b r Nttamka Nsslyn 7. AAdAm NosoranaA i s s s iL>1S 1X1 2 1 1 1 a wORWBOWOBr# WVMQIbVo „ f Clwnsan (4BB) bsot GootMo game penalty and the Huskies tcxik trolmen outside McMahon Hall said. Sctarasdi 1X3 1 3 3 3 1 Toch 3X13;10- IftekSo. ' Nettlwosstom IX N. HRnels IX tto possession at midfield. One.pSss to IP N RaRbB! Nolr* Domo 4X Rirdut N without provocation. The victim Boothe, who is Xfoot-8 and 168 rnff^i^StSSnint __ X No. N Arhonsos (XM) MM to No. 5 OHvsf Nowana 9, Concardta, Wl*. 7 Glenn Antrum took it to thO Eli 26. iXTa IRfiwra 4 • 4 ' 4 3 3 _ ~ (3B, AAtand, Rtaw 51-7; ol Tsnos Oirtollan. was repeatedly punched and pounds, reportedly grabbed the Stars wj-a 3 6 8 1 6 Alspondr N M 4 3 1 4 4 I(N).I r (37), DMurohy Ottsibski 3X itaWslbsfa U But Jackson disregarded any kicked about the head and victim’s two-way radio and Crtm m 3'- 1 8 8 1 4 HwnaadS B B B B 1 B (W. 11 Tonnstaot (3B-1)ttadNa.lAuburn RHtsburg St. 3L AAe. Soulhtm 4 ______II. Cimsiana • 3BN; ys. GBBtamta. Noss HiAmon N, Rrkiclplu 9 thought and went for it all. "I kidney area.” university police threw It aside during the attack. S pHcM «eJ acMm M Ih* Sh. Hannomn W.IB-3 I 3- OaSsS X TaraiSa t n bw4na* H Rl ..Na.13Artasno Stata (3-14» toot to No. 3 S. Oakota N, S. Oalceta « . 31 wasn’t thinking field goal.” he said. ---- If. NMrVerkS 3 B B B a B Nmoska 1S-3X vt. Toaos-B Rose. said. and didn’t stop until he was Umpkw-Mem*, TkcMaa; RrS, Sm ; Thptnmnd M B B B B B 3 4 S 4 1 3 S. imnol* 3X llllnol* 9. 7 “ If it's a conference game, we kick liKanMOtyl m----icontt BormW; Oilra. Ko*c „No. 13 UCLA (XVO) bool Artiona 3XS4; at SW Baptist SXMtssauriVOl.N ^ Police declined to release the scared away by a visitor, • f. r __ _ . -, . - - iX3 1-3 B B B B a >3 4 3 S B I 5 a field goal. T—am A-aun. 1 S 1 B 4 a SW Kansas n, Rrtan* 17 identify of the student patrol­ Parizeau said. 22«aa&OMnda _No. 14 AMchlgan (X14)) bo Long SW AAlnnssoto 4f,J osm Wsstyn 3 “ We were looking for (Dave) men. who was taken to the 7 5 0 B 1 3 1 1 B S S 0 Btoch Stata 4M); vs. Wisconsin. sQVnIOMr^ --- - yYrair ful . AX9T.St. t|N3XJM» ■aMMaHHMAnoaSwIndlnWUmpPWl BAW The victim was wearing a 3S3 3 1 1 B 3 No. U Rom Stata (X1-0) bsol Boston Dunn in the end zone but he campus infirmary for observa­ uniform hat and jacket that ^V3 B B B a 0 St. Ambrost SX Culwtr-Stockton 7 (Weedwerd M) at Mw York 0i1flMt.YMkflw8 137-17; y*. TsmM*. St. Cloud St. IX N. Cotarodo 7 (quarterback Matt DeGennaro) got tion of apparently minor injur­ identified him as part of the lafl.rmp/n. N*. MT« AA (Fxa mtoMl-S-3 11-3 ? 1 1, 3 8 -VO) boot Soulhtm St. Fronds, III. 41> HE IHInols is some pressure and couldn't get the ies stemming from the incident. university’ s student patrol » (Hibven S4) of Otirott Bchhom 34 1 a m 0 1 tEsibstapI 9-14; M Taxos Toch. St. John's, AAhm. 17. HomHiw D (MSrrIt ISIf). am pm No. 17 AfAlabama (Xl-0) boat vandsrbitt St. Nprlwrl n , Comsll, Iowa 14 ball off." Boothe, IB, of Edison. N.J., when he was beaten up Just ' OnSamon kmI) at Toronto mrkM aSrhM Hsmondsc pttctwd to 1 bottor In Ri* 3X9; ys. SouBiwsE LouWano ol UConn’s defense was pushed M( Hdwdh 4aaa llfll. St. Olaf 3X Bolhsl, Mton. 13 was charged with second- outside McMahon Hall. E i. ampjn. siai Wo-■------(LanpMan to-1J) at Konaoi oty ttndtotiap 4eai OanoaSai saaa vw WBRMWfllpn. _RIEsaiiii4Hliadlu5li>iltaisliiHiaMi,OBrv St. Thonto* 3X Augsburg 15 around pretty good by the Yale degree assault and released on a Until Boothe fumbled, setting Umplrg*—Homo. Shulock; First, No. N lAAadibiaton (X l-0) bool P od tlc U. Startlno 31. St. AAoryk, Kan. 9 n-mTaTism pjn. NHngiytb seat CSipknM sai a »tH»ud to 3_bMtara to Ew 4Rl Dodmon 3X1; o l Ortgon. Taylor 9.; offense which didn’t turn the ball 32,000 non-surety bond, police the stage for Yale to drive 84 lot (Ntohro a-m at T*mit WkAtdrf saaa Murray IP a 1 a I ; Socond. AAcK*an;Thbd,AAcCI*l- attehod to l bolltrt In Ew Tttt. No. I f towo (Xl-nboolKantatStotolXll.- IMR-C Rsrrs by ttammakor. WCtark votaotatao. ) 3X St. Jostph, tod. 3 over once after committing six in said. He is scheduled to appear yards to score the winning ia-ta).fmam GWOrdlf 51 aa Knlptitdh 4ai a vs. AAldttaan Stolo. W. imnolt 9 , SWAAtstourl If tteyttorib 4 a 1 a Swatolf 4 a T—4m. A—4L34L by Cary. m . N G go igla (X14» bsc* South Corollno Its season-opening loss to Brown. Oct. e in Superior Court in touchdown In its 3X27 victory at MID adiodM 11 Umolrts—Homo, Toto; Rrst, Wsndsl- W. Michigan 3X iowtlno Gnssn 9 C*ronoc aoao Lynnct aaaa 134; o4 WoboNah9Hi 9, Hop* 14 The Husky defense did account for Rockville. the Yale Bowl in New Haven, he the s Soatoti ^ Now York. a:301 Coftoor a I ea Lo^rf 4 11 a s M ; S*cand.Oayldtan; ThinXCraatord. three goal-line stands, twice in the MancI Sktonwc aa a MYounpct 3 a a i m i m l T-3;M. A-aXBIf. Wortoorp 17, Loros 14 ” As part of the regular policy had been the star of (^nnecti- SoMiner* of Oatralt. a:S 1 1 Washburn a, NE Oktahotno 9 first half and once more early in the men’s dWtoiatika* a) Taranto, am pm. 4aai Hart If aaaa M lfgi fntttll t o m Wovna, NN. W, Me. Wsttara « , tta within the Division of Athletics, cut’s offense In the game. Cutttoiiito at CMopoo. a pin. RKollycf a 11 a CMctiotac 3 13 1 fourth quarter. But they couldn't when a student-athlete is Boothe, a business major, Wesle; ROMuolt I aaa CibtT.CariliiiltS Win lam JswsM 3X BsnsdIdtns.Kon. 35 louM* at Kan*aoOto.ampjn. HMs 18.nralSB3 Winiam Rsm If, Uppsr lean n hold in crunch time. charged with a felony, he or she declined comment after the Saturf (Wfcwniota at Tom*, am pm. T*' ■ vsias asfMf EAST Winona St. IX BsmWn 9.7 P Altaghtny 17, Oborfln 4 "I can’t fault them.” Jackson Ctovatand at Oakland, wm p^n. STLOUN CHICAOO Wlt.-Eou Clair* 9, Wls.-OBhketh 9 is suspended Immediately until game but teammate Pat An- MC< Now York aw ft Ar*N OkrbM Amhorst 17, Botot 0 Wlt.-LaCro*t* IS, Wls.-Plaltovllto 7 said of his defense. "They had their the case is resolved,” the glim, a guard, said, "He’s 1-). T apWwtaw NI IN fto -f NrbM 5 130 Oamtaref 4 33 Army 41, Otadtl 4 backs against the wall all day. They <3am* WinnIno RSI — Gotnola* (1). tR OSmIlht* 3 110 Brdgwotor.va. X St. Prondt, Po. 17 Wlt.-fttv. Fall* 3X Wls.-Suptrtor 14 university said in a prepared devastated. But we’re not blam­ rankei Dyksiracf 5333 501 Wh.-Stov*ns Pt. 3X NW Mlttoutl 9.10 (Yale) had something like 80i plays NiMmILMfMitMtfiip E—CRIpkan. MYouna. OR N»w York UndSb 4’" ToutUSb 40 11 4S33 If 4 1 1 Brodepert 9.13, Albanv. N.Y. 7 Wls.-Whttewatar 3X Wls.-Stouf 9 statement. ing him for our loss. What today a. SaHImorol.ims-NawYarfcXfolIknor* VonStyket 4sai KHmdSlb 4 133 1b 3001 Dowsanrf 513 Brown 17, Rhedo Island 15 WNcontln 3X Bell St. 13 and we had M. Maybe the defense No reason was given for the happened was unfortunate. The 4. as OotMototXMR—Sttooto dSTsHond- aasa AAopodnib 1b lots Dutton 1b 401 Bucfcnsll 3X Pom 9 OOSO CanWut 31, 9. Lowronco 7 Woottar 7, Ohio Wtalyn 3 got worn down. Their kids made the attack, but police believe It was He’ll bounce back.” many W L Ret. onon (14). SS-RK*llv (4). GWwd (f). £ 3 X 1 . 4s 1 a Strwbryrt. 1133 AAcOotef 4030 AAortod3b 4 1 3 SOUTHWEST I RHondtroon (3f). MYounp a (10). R*drou3b aasa AAcRyktolf 5 114 FndHn3b 40 10 JDavIsc 101 Cornam AAoRon 17. Duauosne 13 big plays and we didn’t make two durinj m. iM u f144Jt7 — Csnt. Connacllcut------)3X a BuffoloO ~ ~ Ark.-Rno BlufT 54, Loneston 0 NOW York ff 47 .571 av^ N S SS U SO broom 1b 413a Oortarc SBBO AAonitrf 4000 Dunstonss 401 Arkansas St. 77, E. Toxos 9. 9 plays and they win.” able t( Nfw York Cotas rt 3aaa Lygnsc 0000 TRsnoc 3000 Lancstorp 3 00 Ctarlen 9, (Mitomlo. Pa. 14 Boylor 9, Toxos Tsch 9 HUSKY NOTES - East Catholic H 47 ms 3 41-3 f 5 5 a a LVIlrsc aaa HJohsnab 5 13 1 Oousndph 0000 OMlnop 000 Coloca* 9, Comoll 3 27-23. . . UConn nose guard Nate ankle for one play but said It was too nately 71 71 .SM 13Vi 1 Concord IX Fairmont St. 3 Csnt. Arkansas 9, Csnt. MIttourl 14 High graduate Buddy Zachery had sore to play. PttNkuroti Clwnonto L J-3 a 3 3 3 a a Ritncac 3 113 3 130 CPxp 3000 AAuphryph 1 0 I Hordlna-M, SE Oidehemo U Cotton, who missed last week’s inablll 75 t1 mi 14Vt Alton 13-3 3 1 1 3 1 4aaa Abnonss Tumotip 0000 LSmtthp 000 Curry 30, Woreostsr 9. 0 an excellent kickoff returp.^the Chtoopo 74 II .477 17 1000 Ottowar* 9 .9 , Olst. of Cohonbla M Hsndtrson 9. M, E. Control u. 10 contest, entered the game late in UConn 7 7 7 4—9 lent s Dunnop 1 aaa Otadop 3 3 10 FPrdph 1110 Houston 3X Sam Houston 9.34 Yale 48 to ignite the Elis7 nexxt^ Yale 7 3 7 13-9 Bollard 41-3 f 5 a 1 3 KIppsrp aaaa Oroscop Ooatayp 0000 I3*tawara Vol. 7, Lycomlno 7, tio nexbtp- thCj. first quarter but was not half,” W L Ret. OS 0000 LJhnsnph Fsrrum 3X W. Vo. Wstlyn If Lamar a. Staolwn FAusHn 9 last TD. Zachery was In on Scorlra: N IS .50 — wniknfon a 0 a a a a Cangtoph laaa 1000 Mllltm a. Trinity, Tox. 10 effeettYeTCotton, slowed by a knee UC— .ifo>nn seven times in came extremely close when Brad Ferguson, with only 43 seconds left, returned to action after missing B v T Fltigorld c 4000 Ruffin p 3 000 IP H R RR BB SO W. Now England 9 Rtchburg St. 13 five games.. .UCLA ended Its East Mllwaukf*. Away (3); Oct. X1410 Dotrolt. Tibbs p 1110 Jocfcsanp 0000 W. Virginia 9. 9, (Stanvill* 9. 73 The AAonchostor Soccer Club Rone- second half with auxiliary aid from "1 thought we played very well.” the first half with off-sides calls — McAdams’ header caromed off the sent a sidewinder that a diving DETROIT (7)—Homo (7); Sopt. aa. aa, 30, eodos (eirit 11 years eld) oooiwd tholr Coast trip with a 2-2 mark. Oct. 1, BoHImor*; X X X Toronto. Miriiwrt5.Rangirt3 RIvsrpph 10 10 TNulvop 0000 Knoopor LA-17 71-3 4 3 3 3 5 Wognsr 41, Trenton St. 13 sooson with a 1-1 tt* with Torringten the crossbar and the sideposts. Schmid said. " I thought we got one of these calls was controversial crossbar and Foley stopped Pelle’s Foley stopped. Aft StCloIr* p 0000 GGrosilf 10 10 Andtrson X3 3 1 ) 0 1 Won. X Jstt. 4X Grove Cltv 10 UCLA outshot UConn. 1X1. in the robbed. I thought we had more at 12:28 when an apparent goal by point-blank shot. Ostensibly "For a change, we got the Bruins beat George Mason and third Fetoyph 1000 Wovnosburg 9, Urbono 13 Sunday. Kristin Tomoo scared for the O h g ^ TEXAS Ronogodos with an assist from Sarah final 48 minutes with the Huskies’ territorially of the game. We had LulaJ was disallowed. trapped In its own end. UConn knew breaks,” LulaJ said. "Donigan was Virgipia^and lost to Yale and drub! PCI. Ol SBATTLR Parrott p 0000 7 4 3 3 1 7 Yota X, Cemocttcut 9 Witton. Also playine well for th* NrhM ObrhM Candatl3b 10 10 RMurptiyWA^ 1 0 0 0/ 0 3 SOUTH lone shot being Donigan’s game­ more possession. I thought we had After the intermission, the match it would have to counter-attack to the man today. He got us two goals UConn. UCLA outshot UConn, 2X4. Barr; MInnoieto 04 73 .5N — Brown* 3b 4 0 11 Ronogodos were Sarah Powers, Jon Kansas C3ty 7S 7a .500 4 Brontlyct 4 14 1 TotaN 37513 4 Totals a i f 3 Franco S,9 1 1 0 0 11 Alabama 9 Vanderbilt a Cool, Lisa Mllozzo, Kelly Wooldrldg*. Wllkrsnss 3 0 10 PBrodly It 3 110 BK Rosmuwon. Alabama AXM 9 Albany, Go. 10 the l( Frrishph Gooll* Jtn CosmInI come up with MINNESOTA (4)—Away (4): S*pt.N,3f, 10 10 AOavl* 1b 4 0 11 Arfc.-AAomteollo 9, MlMs a several key saves. ” Ii Ftotchrs* 1000 Photos dh 3000 . Carsen'Nowmon 4X Elen X but t » ,r XiT0 TIVlMMomosj O0. X M# #4X Nr4, wlol ^IniNklNKansas Ctty. Slorra rl 5000 EAArtmgh 1000 Oomo WInnIne RBI — Neiw. '^Ctamsen 3X Georgia Toch 13 KANSAS CITY (4) — Homo (4); Sopt. 3S, OBrIonIb 5 0 10 Prssloy 4 0 10 E—Wotloch, OatofToga, Hayoo, Con- Oimborland, Ky. a, KontuckiKentucky Wostyn 14 M8C CyCiflllt Central Connecticut finally on winning side of football abou' N,3Q,8oaltto;Oct.XX4,Mlnn**oto.- -.xa ■ Portordh 3 110 AAososef 0 10 0 doota. DP- AAontrool X PMlodolphlo 1. Transactioais top-r Inc^ldh 3 0 0 0 KIngory It 3000 L()B AAentroel 7. 3B—Brooks,...... Oolki 9. 9 SE Missouri a Th* Manchester Soccer Club Cy- scon NATtOaiAL LEAOUR AAcOwolef 3 130 AAothwsph 0000 MThompson, Rolnos, Condaot*. 3B— dono* (elrls 13 and under) split twp and two touchdowns. But Southern, C^ast Guard racked up 388 yards in Okklntan 17, Goergotown, O.C. 0 By The Associated Press Haven. Coast Guard defeated llcut 20: Fullback Bill Pacitto "See Potrolllc 3 00 1 Wsovorpr 0 100 Wsbotor. HR- Porrlsn (17). SB—WOllach E. Carolina M, GowMo Soufhom 13 eomos pvor the weekend. Th* Cvcion* scored on runs of 81 and 61 yards which rolled up 470 yards and had a total offense, 388 on the ground. W L FCt. OB MStidyph 10 10 Romos 3b 0000 (f), Schmidt (9. HOCKEY E. iHtool* 17, U b*^ 14 dofootod South Windsor, XI, Soturdoy Wooster Tech 3X8 in New London, go ai St. Loul* *1 44 .50 and Springfield College stopped a 2X11 edge In first downs, lost four - Wooster scored with 86 seconds Taborpr 0 100 Voltoc 3 00 0 IP H R RR BB SO E. Konlucfcv 9 Cent. Florida M at AAortln School whil* they lest to Central Connecticut State Uni­ State Roundup and ’Tufts downed Wesleyan, 21-18, ball) New- ^ —» York---« 0 0 .59 *2Wi Slauohtc 0000 DNIxonpr 0000 NEW Jlm9 Foyottovllta 9. 9 N.C. Central 14 N*wlneton.1-0, Sunday. Missy Jolly led two-point conversion attempt in the turnovers on three fumbles and a left in the game on Joe Ugleyich’a fWVfffW 9 . 47 .54* 1 versity won’t be challenging C!o- In Medford. Mass. It TPoHrfc If 3 0 0 0 SBrodtoy c 0000 Tibbs 4 3 3 0 1 3 LOOvtoo,' M, 11 ofiwi iviMiloon foIV iw Florida 9 MMstlpgl 9. 3 th* way for th* Cyclone* with two oeolt final minutes to send Southern to Its Maiocco Interception. I-yard run, capping an 11-play, Bu*,. il*3b 10 11 Hongol ph 1113 StCtaIr* 3 1 0 0 1 1 Hovon o( too Amorlosn Heefcoy Loogue. R. Voltay 9. 9, AAerrit Brown 14 while Alison Frenotto added th* ether lumbia’s near-record losing streak In New Britain, Hannon threw a secoi 8T.iU>UIS(7X—Hom*(7)T8«ipt.3* (31,30, third straight loss. Coail Ouard 28, Wooitor Poly- SXyard drive. Oct. 1, Montrool; X 3, 4, Now York. OMolly3b 1000 Narronc 0000 Parrott WA-5 1 1 0 0 0 3 , MONT^B^ CANADIENS-siaiTM Oellaudaf 9 Boottst U. 7 score In tholr victory. Amy Danohy anytime soon. 3Xyard touchdown pass to Brian Corn Browor If 0000 Oulnensss 3 000 Burk* S,M 3 0 0 0 0 5 BrtonHoyvwrd and Vincent Rtandoou, Goereotonm, Ky. 9, Honovor 14 picked up on assist. Hilary Keovor, 1X10 victory over Southern Connec­ West, then hit Matt MIkula with a Southern scored with Just over a technic •: Freshman Rory McTIgue NEW YORK (4)—Away (4) ;S*pt.»,3f,30. Roynhkab 4000 Ooergla 13, S. COTOltoa 4 Mary Motolvor, and Shira Sprlnooralso Junior quarterback John Hannon mini! * Phllodstahla; Oct. X X 4, at St. Louis. threw for two touchdowns and ticut In the final game of the 1B85 IXyard stike to give the Blue Devils minute to play on quarterback Len returned the opening kickoff 84 Trinity 28, Eossdtfn 14: Halfback MONTRCAL(7)- Totals M 3 f 3 Totals 31 5 a 5 Ruffin 51-3 • 3 3 0 3 OremMlne 9 .9 , Bottiuno-Cookihn 14 played well. State Homo (3): Oct. 3, XX JockoonLAA 13-3 3 3 3 0 3 CANADA- AmeSnSyihMtodyMeeg, Hampton U. W, Uvtontane 4 In th* loss, Karen Jurezok, Danohy, Central’s defense held the Univer­ season. It was new (xwch Michael a 1X0 halftime lead. Paul Flynn’s Maiocco’s 17-yankpass to halfback yards for a trachdown and junior John Calcaterra rushed for 141 i.Away(4);S*pt.3a(3),30,Oct. 1,ot yards and three touchdowns to lead by N Tokulv* 1 1 0 0 1 1 gooitandor, ho* letood loom. Howard U. 9, S. Corollno 9. 9 and Jennifer Barnett ployed wgll. The sity of Buffalo to 89 yards total McGIInchey’s first victory. second-half field goals of 43 yards John Harris. But the sophomore quarterback ’ly Rinosky rushed for Calhoun 1 1 0 0 1 3 J.C. Smitti 41, Bowto 9. 4 Cyclones next earn* 1s Saturday at Trinity over Bowdoin in Its opening Louii Oomo Winning RBI — Hongol (IJ. Granby. offense Saturday as the Blue devils In other games involving Connec­ and 33 yards finished the scoring. quarterback was stopped Just short 143 yards, including an SXyard Wsst Dlytotoa Jockton pttdiod to 3 bottars In Ih* llh, Joefcoen St. 9 AAisilsilgpl Vol. 0 game of 1987. Calcaterra scored on Ohio E—WllkorsonXTPaclerok.DP—Toxasi, Parrott pltdiod to 1 bottor In Ih* Nh. Jeefcoenvilte 9.17, W. Oooreta 4 snapped a 12-game losing streak ticut colleges: Yale came back to A ntral’s defense recorded a of the end zone when he tried to run touchdown run, as Coast Guard W L Ret. Ssottl* 1. LOb—Toxos 11, Ssottta 7. WP—Tokulv* 3 an Xyard run early In the first In Son Randsco N 70 .540 — Knox 9 WHmlneton 7 M8C OynimHit with a 22-0 victory on Saturday. beat UCkinn 3X27 at the Yale Bowl. safetyoand held Buffalo to three the ball In for the two-point upset Wooster, which had been 3b—Brontity. HR—Bronttay (13), llsngsl Umplro* (tamo, Oovls; First, Horvoy; LSU 13, Ohio 9. n. tt* ranked No I among New England . quarter, a Xyard run early in tbe Twei Cincinnati ^ 74 77 .5N 7 0). SB—AAcOowsll 3 (33), INrodtay (N), Second, Statlo; Third, Groog. C a l e a i d a r LeutavHte 34, AAufW 9. 10 Columbia, with 33 straight losses, Western Connecticut beat Wesley first downs. ’The Blue Devils, conversion. DNIxen (If). The MSC Dynamites (girls 10 end Division III schools. second quarter and from 7 yards on SAN RRAMI8CO 0 — Horn* (3): Los T—3:54. A-3X449. AAor* Hin 9, Cia. SeulhwosMm 0 under) nipped Rld^eld, XI,.Saturday Saturday is one short of Northwestern’s 2X7 in Danbury. Trinity defeated meanwhile, had 389 yards in total Maiocco, a sophomore, com­ (P H R ER Bb SO AAonbofl 9 Youngstown 9.13 Bowdoin 2X14 in Hartford. Spring- offense. pleted 26 of 45 passes, both Southern Scott Huerter added 101 yards on Trinity’! first potaesilon of the AnostosiM.XXXAtHinta. Away (4): Sopt. AANsIssIpgl Cel. 9 W. Texas 9.14 at Yolo Unlvorsity. The Dynamite* recort 34 straight defeats. aXN,0SanOl*oo;3aocl.l,ati4isAn^*s.nOl*oo;3aocl.l,atLasA received tirst-tialf goals from Sarah field edged Southern 21-20 in New Soringfigid 21, touthom Coniwc- single-game records, for 274 yards 19 carries and two touchdowns as second half. Harris 4X3 6 3 3 4 3 TODAY AAerthous* 4f, Lone 14 Hornbostel and Erin O'Noll. Ploying Central. 1-2. had not won since a CINCINNATI (7)—Homo (3); Sopt. N 39, MWIM|amsL,t-S 1 1- N. Corollno AXT X, AAoraon St. 17 9 BlrtoSgccor Atlanta. Away (5): Sopt. 30,Oct. 1, at Son 3 3 3 3 1 0 well for the Dynamites were Cothv OtogoiXXXal Houston. Oodgsrs 4. Padraa S East Catholic at Norwich Free N. Caroltoa 9 .4X AAorytand 14 AAorlorty, AAelonl* Rske, Karl Barrera, Academy, 3:N N. Ttm* 9. 9 AACN44SS 9. 14 Jessica Nylin, KayOto Rebanhymar. Compboii 4 5 Bacon Academy at Bolton, 3:X NE Louisiana 9 Nldwlls 9.14 Erin Price, end Deno Springer. Heidi Anwlctn Ltagui rnuitt - rtl 1 1-3 1 LM ANORLS RHAM at Coventry, 3;W Rtocotoii tf, OavldMn 4 Peltier and Oono Drlowskl both Dtovod 1-3 1 irbM ObrhM CrgN CaonbY S. Arkorao* 9 AAorobood St. a well In eeol. The Dynamites' nextextg gome Wilkinson 0 3 R*Odv3b 4 130 Sax3b 3010 ■aeon Acodomy/Reckv Hill at Cha­ Samtord tf, Homodsn-Sydnov 14 I* Saturday against Glastonbury at Angili 11. Imllini 8 Trullo W>4 1-3 0 AAockef 40 10 COwynnN 3 100 nty Tech, 3;X Sewenwtfl, Eorihom 7 AAortln School. ENunot S,13 1 0 CAAorlmlf 4 000 0000 Syraeuw 9 Vkelnla Tech 9 SCOREBOARD Compboii pitchod to I bottor In Ih* 7th. Kruklb 40 3 1 t s s ^1b 3 100 TUESDAY To 13X Atieurn 9 tta CALIRORNIA CLBVRLAND Wilkinson pltdwd to 3 boltors In th* Sih. JsffSrsn If 0000 ______rt 4 13 1 Bovs Soccer Tinnsiisi 9 .9 , Rerldo AXM M M8C U niM Tsnniisii Ttdi U, Auelki f abrbM obrhM apnTVQQO c 4 110 Sholbycf 3013 Seutti WIndMr at AAonchostor, 3:X Cercoran-MIk* oatzkl*wlcz-Bot> Downing It 1 3 OJl.Bultorcf 3 110 Abnorrt 3 111 Sctascloc 3000 Chonov Tech at Bolton, 3:X Tanas AXM 77, X AANsItsleW M The MSC Unitod (boys 10 years eld) 10X21-7*. RydtrCuprMuHt SMithwntClattleicBrM Twins 8. Royals 1 Tn.-Clwltanaeoa 9 Putman 14 split 0 pair of wseksnd gomos. Unitod BR8T NINB — A — Ron Roncurrel Calnon plu* 10, Frank Rob*rt*-Ed OWhItolt 1 0^0 Noboo3b 5 0 10 Tmpltn s* 4000 OHtmns* 3000 Rocky HIM ert Coventry, 3;X Fogonl-JIm Rettsrtv-Carl Engbereplut AAcLmrN 4 144 Francos* 4 100 Cora 3b 4030 Bryantph 1000 Troy 9. 9 LMngMon 9.17 ,) trounced Granby, 7-0, on Saturday 3XX9, Doc McKo* 3XX9, Ooerg* NEWPORT, R.I. — FInal-reund (cere* TMom 9, MhilsNppI 9 r bofero bowina to AAonsflsM XO. Sunday. Martin 31X9. Oroe* — (toorgaMorttn nin*. Stove Motovo-Boto Ovsrlon-Sltv* DUBLIN, Ohio — R tiu lti Sunday of ABILENE, ToMOt — Final* *eor** and Joynsrlb 503 1 Jocobydh 3 101 KANSAS CITY MINNESOTA Orantp 3 000 AFsnop 0000 AAenchostta^MSmjl^yndser. 3:9 G o lf 73. B — F a t'M lttro tto 31-X34, Ren Ooklsr-Som Crisgino plus eleht, Rick (Ingl** ptov In Ih* Ryder Cup AAotch** on Ih* and money w in n im Sunday from Ih* p rii* money Sunday In fh* *4 9 9 0 FOA Befawdh 4ai3Tabl*rlb 3 00 1 ObrhM irhM Owynnph 1000 ShrprwSb 3000 TU4hM*o 9, OtatiCal. f Gael scofor* tor UnWed wore Erondon tSOOjno Neemort Cup pelt tournament Wilson ct VMi iff, WWtord H Frindivllto. (9, AAott Semborg (3), Jonlen 34X9, Jock M dteto 97-9. Marshal I-Wally Hort-Ston MIogonMkl- MuIrftaMVUIopeOolfClubcour**: 8ou(hw**l CIOMlc, ptamd on lh*per-72 TWItonpr OlOODCtarkph 100 0 3000 Otaddonlt 4 00 0 0000 1 000 Farml/Racfcvllta/9mNurv ot AAon- Rich ArehombooH 3 5 ^ , Fool Rm - Jo* Mullen plu* sight. played on Ih* 4.544 yord, por-9 Newperl 7,1IXvard,Falrwgy()ali*ceur«*: __ JKHawl3b 5 00 0 CCoslIllrt____ 4 13 3 Sottnrab 4 0 10 NowmnEi 3 33 1 0000 Motar (boys end glris), 1:9 VoMooto 9 . 9 Ttaiti. Meriln-X Jonathon StonIzzI, Scott Rugonlsrjon0 Country Club ceur**; Broltib 4 000 Virginia t f Ouk* 17 then Cort,‘ ■ and Mike WellWolnlckl. WeinMi. Jason C«mlry Chib sttto 3X7-9, Ylnc# Bucchorl 35X9, H MCC LADIBS-APEST 13— a O r o ft— Mlltar R o r ^ , ZWJZn 47-1 8tav* Fata, *7390 W-9-4»tf-m 5 110 Snydor If 4 110 Puckottef 3 I 3 X 3000 East Catholic at 9. Jostph, 1:45 Blokosly^ Rugonta, SemborartSyln Bdllovlll* 97-9, Bill McKd* 9 X 9 , Fom Cunningham 4*. Not — Bert g«wtd Edward*, 3 *9 0 7X47-4X73-^4 5 3 3 1 EWIImt 3b 4 111 Trtabllrf 4 13 1 Ooottl 3b 4 3 3 V CrswsD 0000 W. Carettno a. E. Tinssssi 9. 9 Gromon 4X3X41, U n o Hlllnskl 4X1X44. Burop* «M * Rvd«r Cep ix ii Bruce Crompton, SMjno 4X7X47- Bob toAweod, 3 M 9 4X4X4X9-04 4 3 3 0 Dorsottc 3 3 3 3 FWhltoab 4 0 10 Bmnskyrl 4 0 11 W. KgntockY 9 AAkMto Totin. 14 RitoMI d Ron Lesniok gMod up Tam Lawonr gcoO Ik* i4XvMtt < Marsh Warren 3 X X 9 . C— i l ^ O S K ^ Andy Boon, United Stotei, def. Ion Bob Chari**, n4jm 9 - r ttawph ooae AAonclMstar at Hall, 5:9 p.m. osslsl*. In Sunday's Ion, Andy Dorin. 35X9. Tim qotahqntv >X7-^ B Gre*4 — Flo Barr* 43, Ido McMahon Don HoUdenonTlLm 4X4X7X70-04 Rotttod 4 130 BIbnIdh 30 00 Baylor dh 3 110 0 100 East Catholic at Glastonbury, 7 p.m. Wskg Ferost 9 Appalachian 9.13 cl*g*a to Hw toorseiita wsr* Foal Jordos 37X9, Frod T ro « 3XX9, Bob 43. Not — Ruby Clough 4X3X37. C G rosi Woomom, Europe, 1-up. Gory Flayer, SIKW 9-1 _ „ Mark O-Moora, 1490 E9H«25J Cunnlnghom-Sylvla Ztochholz 43, Edna Frank ConnorjX4N Gordon 1 0 0 0 0 1 Farr 41-3 3 1 1 0 5 AFWM Xf 1 0 0 0 0 1 UConn (tapod). NESN Concordtau AAoor. 31 Cortaton 14 Ceroy Wrv.^Oon Corongolo. Ryan, and Oram — (Mortv Omltleckl 9. Net — o lu * 31. Doc M cK oxJock M4di 4le-Bob Wadoetfoll Borz*n*kl-B*v DiPletro- Lonny Wodkln*, UnUed Stotei, det. Ken F*tar Themeon, *2*75 7X7X4X-49 Len Hinkta, 2N8 SStiwart 3 4 3 1 1 3 JnDavti 31-3 3 3 3 3. 0 WF-Orant. 7:9 p.m. — Rsd Sox at Yanksos, OMOOfdta, NN. & FSrv 9. 3 Lovorv Dtovod wMI In toM ovor Ih* *5 BUI Temktol 8X1X9, Bred Forltamon w m lO M ^ r lU A it d * ! ^ M u* I I , BUI Hazal Flper 44, Dorl* (torpentor- Brown, Europe, 3 and 2 Tomnw Aaron, *8 9 0 7X7X71-1430 Bob Lohr, i m DJeiMi 1 3 0 0 0 0 Otaeton »3 «0 0 0 0 0 Umplro*—Homo, DtMuth; Rrst, ChOMtato IX IX WTIC, WFOF Oano9Tarktoa weekend. Next fomo tor Itw Force b 8X1X9. C Grom—Harm Dvorak 83. Not M cKtxH BtftaviHe-Bob LijMxJo* Reeeonno DeNlcoie-Phyllli* Allen- Oordon Brand Jr., Europe, halved wUh Oduo ford. *290 7X7X71-39 GH Morgan, 7,m 4X4X9-75-91 IMF Downing by Sdirem X Oorsttt AAcMorty; Sscend RriS; TMtd. RIpgtay. 7:9 pJh. — (Wots at Fhllltas, Spert- OsFauw9AWon7 Sunday oeolntt 9mtburv at Charter — Bob Wollaca 8X1X9. D Oroe* — M oder p lu * 13, O e rd l* W ll*on-E d Holen Moogon 44. Hal Sutton, UnUed Stotei. BIHy Coioar, * 2 90 707X7S-OI byR^.WF--9itton.~. FB—Oorsttt. “ BIvtavsnW.IXII f 5 1 1 3 0 T-S:41 A-917f. sChoniwI, WKHT Oonlsen a Ottvot 14 Oak Fork. Terry Doolodv W. Not — Alton Thome* H — MANCHE8TER HERALD. Mowtov. 8w>t. , Vtrnon Middio School, li. ninth gratte race; 60 in the b i ^ Bocfcy Stoonis, Pearson, WInstpd, 11 ‘ Midget football dance on Oct. 10 American captain Jack Nicklaus lost one-half point. It was the 13-9. Bernhard Langer of West Jin Anselmo from Bonnet Junior Flynn, also of Bennet, in sixth and By Bob Groan ninth grade run; 89 in the girls’ Colla Poulin, UtchfMd, ll/ o ia n a seemed to agree after a last-ditch difference between a 14V1-13>A Germany halved with Larry Nelson High School captured ttie eighth- seventh positknis. Three mote Bear Errico, Woodbury, 14. Shounno The Manchester Midget Football League will hold its annual Tht Associated Press eighth grade race; 97 in the boys’ American rally fell Just short. victory and a 15-13 loss. and the European team clinched it grade boys’ race at the Mdi annual performers, Wendy Pailtang, Spoltsn, LIMiflold, IS. OIna lannuixl, foil harvest dance on Saturday, Oct. 10, at the American Legion eighth grade race; 99 in the girls’ Litchfield...... "The difference was the 18th filing Junior High Cross Country DUBLIN, Ohio — The intimida­ Pohl, playing against Howard with Seve Ballesteros of Spain Becky Dupont and Lisa Turek, sixth and seventh grade run; and Bovs am srede: 1. Jim Anselmo, Hail from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dancing will be provided by the disc (hole),” he said. " I don’t think we Invitational Saturday. Bonnot 12:10.9, ijE rlc Ortmos, Lltch- Jockey Enterprises. tion factor is gone and with it the Gark of England, went to the 18th In registering a 2-and-I decision over were ninth through 11th, respec­ 152 in the boys’ sixth and seventh won the hole all day. That’s where I Anselmo captured his race witha floM, 3. John DtCO^liv Dodd, A John American dmnination of the bien­ a tie, which would have been worth C^irtis Strange. tively. Top finisher for crosstown grade race. Lolly, LHchirisW, 5. Chris. Shorplos. Tickets are $7 apiece and can be purchased from Jerry Griffin expected our guys to win it. It didn’t time of IS; 10.9 over the S.l-mile nial Ryder Cup Matches, golfs one-half point. Pohl made double That touched off a massive filing Junior High was Sarah RMwltt: Timothy Edwards, 4. Dona Monsnold, on Friday nights at the games at Mount Nebo or at Monday and work out that w a y.... Qurguys Just layout with Eric Grimes of Litch- •Ms «M sraSe: 1. Collsm Porch, Woodbury, 7. Jeff Cutirt, Vsrnon, I. premier international team event. bogey and lost tbe hole and the celebration by thousands of British Whinnem in 17tb posi’ ion. Colleen Wednesday pracUces at Charter Oak Park. They also can be weren’t quite as tough as their fleld Middle School runner-up in Nortwost Catholic 14:28.4, 2. Lori Chad Shelton, B o i ^ , 9. J u s t i n .^ match to a par. No points instead of fans who chanted "W e won the Porch of Northwest Catholic in Lallbwto, Bonnot, 3. Morlonno Loto,- obtained from any coaches in the league. A light buffet will be "The significant thing is that they guys.” 12; 3S. gory. Cutler, MyMc, 10. BUI Clark, one-half there. Cup” during the presentation ce­ West Hartford won thedivision with Bonnot, 4. Cindy Tripoli, Portland, 5. on Dood, n . Frank Tonara, Pearson, 12. served and there will be a cash bar. A raffle will be held. aren’t frightened anymore,” Euro­ But the Americans came close. Stephen Paul from Cheshire High a time of 14:28.6. Kuohn, Chothiro, 4. Adoro Umhorpor, Steve Sylvester, Swift. OcScvtIle, 13. Mize was 1-up on Sam Torrance remonies and were still clustered pean captain Tony Jacklin said of Down lOVt-SVi going into Sunday’s of Scotland going to the 18th. But around the 18thgreen, chantlngand School won the ninth-grade race Dave Hoa^and was sixUi for Bonnot, 7. Ooo Ooo Flynn, Bonnol, S. Soon O l b ^ , LItchfloid, 14 Pot Mulli­ Alison Kavanauoh, Pornmd, 9. Wondv gan, East Oronbv, *15. Tim Barber, his players Sunday after they 12 singles matches (each worth one Mize drove into trouble, had to take singing hours after the matches with the best boys’ time of the day. Bennet in the boys’ ninth grade race Parkono, Bonnol, 10. Bocfcv Dupont, Pearson. scor^ a 15-13 victory. “ We know point) they needed nine points. a penalty drop, made bogey and lost ended. an’U;4S0.i clocldng. Paul won ^ in 12; 37.8 with Bill Scbeideman and Bonnot, 11. Lisa Turofc, Bonnot, 12. •Ms ilh ead Tib grade: 1. Leslie Pate takes Southwest Golf Classic Korina Looo, Wilson, MIddlotown, 13. we can win now.” They got 7V1, winning six the hole to a par. The match was eighth-grade run a year ago. Matt Paul Mitton of filing e i^ th and Almeifla, Long River, 13:34.1,2. Noelyn The American winners were Anblla Jorahoso, ttnord, Wost Hart­ Sheppard, Jorren Eliot, aineton, 3. The defeat marked the first time matches and halving three. halved. One-half point Instead of Andy Bean, 1-up over Ian Woosnam Pendola of East Hartford was ninth, respectively. ford, 14. Amy Rodrtsoum, Conord, 15. Kim Loudrv, Litchfield, 4 Sara Mur­ ABILENE, Texas — Young Steve Pate emerged from a tense the Americans lost the Ryder Cup The other 1>A points they needed one there. of Wales; Mark Calcavecchia, 1-up second in 11; 48.2 with Mike Russo In the eighth grade girls’ race, Kris Lostor, Conord. ray, St. Rose, East Hartford, 5. Mlsy Sunday afternoon dogfight with a 5-under-par 67 and won the Boys tm sraSs: 1. Stophon Paul, Jolly, Bennet, 4. Laurie BIsI, St. Rose, 7. in consecutive matches and the were squander^ with bogeys or Crenshaw, who had broken his over British Open champion Nick from Bennet in third position at Tashawn Baker was the top local 3400,000 Southwest Golf Classic by one stroke over four golfers O M ^Iro 11:44.1,3. Mott Pondola, Bast Kobe Hire, wm, Stattord, 8. Toro first time they were beaten on worse on the par-4, 437-yard 18th putter by slamming it into the Faldo of England; Payne Stewart, 12; IS. finisher, taking 21st place for filing. Hartford, 3. Miko Russo, Bonnot, 4. Schettler, Litchfield, 9. Chris Molmn, •The 26-year-old Californian secured his first PGA Tour victory American soil in the series that hole. ground after 3-puttlng the sixth, 1-up over Jose-Marla Olazabal of Leslie Almedia from Long River Chad Sheldton was eighth for Shano Duncan, Holy Crou, Wotorhury, Griswold, 10. Mweohon Boeder, Ro- and the 972,000 top prize with a pressure 5-foot par putt on the final S. Paul PInkolstoln, Portland, 4. Davo chombeou, 11. Allison CImISHio, Elling­ began in 1927. Nicklaus declined to single out came back from 3-down to Eamonn Spain; U.S. Open champion Scott In Prospect had the girls* b ^ t im e Bennet in the boys’ eighth-grade noie. Hooplond, Bonnol, 7. ERIc Lowlor, Holy ton, 12. Meredith Sorak, ShoiMuo, 13. The Americans, 21-5-1 in the the critical matches or individuals Darcy of Ireland and, using a 1-iron Simpson. 2-and-l over Jose Rivero in winning the sixth and seventh run with a time of IS; 12.7. Cross, S. Bill Scholdoman, lllino, V. Paul Thoo DlChloro, LItchfloid, 14 Rachel 'v H ls 15-under-par 273 total gave him the edge over third-round series, held the cup for 28 years — " I ’d prefer to think they got beat to putt, was even going to the I8th. of Spain; Tom Kite, who was four grade run with a time of 1S;S4.1. Bonnet’s Missy Jolly was fifth in Mitton, lllino, 10. Pot Crowloy, Sbo- Davis, St. Edward, Stafford, 15. Denise pouo, RoiWurv, 11. David Arroyo, Now Brosm, Peorson. _ leader David Edwards, Bob Eastwood, Dan Halldorson and before the Europeans regained it in instead of thinking they lost,” — but Crenshaw drove Into the water, under par for the day, S-and-2 over Francis Spauling of Griswold, who the girls’ sixth and seventh grade Britain, 12. D o i^ Porker, Coventry, 13. Beys 4tb and 7th arads: 1. Chris Essie, Mark O Meara in a windswept finale that could have gone to any England in 1985. it was there on the scoreboard for however, made bogey and lost the Sandy Lyle of Scotland; and Lanny won the seventh grade run in ’86, Mike Foster, East Lyme, 14. Center Henry James, SImbury 12:34.8, 2. Joe race with a time of 18; 01.6 while one of eight contenders. "A fter you learn to hit the ball, all to see. hole and a match to a one-putt par Wadkins S-and-2 over Ken Brown of came back to capture the girls’ Reinhardt, Windham, 15. Mike Wllll- Murrottl, Slade, New Britain, 3. Chad Shira Springer of Bennet was I6th. omt, Windham. Johnson, Franklin, 4. Erik Carlson, Pate, a form er UCLA All-Am erican who Joined the tour in late golf is 95 percent between the ears. Dan Pohl, Masters champion by Darcy. No points instead of Scotland. eighth-grade race with the day's Illing’s Bryce Poirot was fifth in the •MsStharaM: 1. Francis Spouldlne, Slade, 5. Bryce Poirot, lllino, 4. Keiths 1984, recored six birdies and one bogey over the 7,189-yard Either you handle it or you don’t,” Larry Mize and Ben Crenshaw each' one-half point there. Hal Sutton rallied for a half with second best tim e, a IS; 34.7 Orlswold 13:34.7, 2. Melanie telllor, Pratt, Bonnot, 7. James Oorson, Slade, S sixth and seventh grade boys' run Fairw ay Oaks course as he took his biggest paycheck of his Jacklin said. lost the 18th hole, and with it each With Darcy’s victory Europe led Gordon Brand Jr. of Scotland. clocking. Timothy Edwards, South Windsor, 3. 8. Rich Murray, Griswold, 9. Kevin with a time of 13; 05.6 with Bonnet’s Alexis hoaiwsy, Lono River, 4. April Bellsle, 10. Boon Watschke. Litchfield, career and hiked his career earnings to $505,567. In the girls’ ninth grade race. Keith Pratt sixth in 13; 13.7. Illing’s Auaust, l^ rs o n , 5. Kriston y^lto, 11. David Aberle, Elllneton, 12. David The four who finished at 14 under won $26,400 each. Rennet’s Lori Laliberte and Mari­ Jason Marsh was 17th while Rochomboou, Southburv, 4. Shannon D'Aniotao, Vernon, 13. Mott Yoder, COLLEEN PORCH LORI LALIBERTE Spolton, LItchfloid, 7. no name oven, S. Timothy Edwards, 14. Tony McAllister, anne Loto were second and third, Bonnet’s Ray Hodgdon was 29th. Laura Soldus, Timothy Edwards, 9. Lli Pearson, 15. Brian Cullooh, Fans pick up . . . 8th grade winner . 8th grade runner-up respectively, in 14; 39.70 and 14; 45.8 A total of 34 finished the girls’ Larkin, Dodd, Cheshire, 10. Jennifer Rochombeou. Stephenson wins second in a row „ SAN JOSE, Calif. — Jan Stephenson fired a 7-under-par 65 other outlets Sunday to win the $300,000 Konica San Jose Classic by five strokes E MCC soccer with a record-setting 54-hole total of 11-under-par 205. By Barry Wllner MHS boy runners The victory was the second straight for Stephenson on the The Associated Press loses second LPG A Tour as she won the Safeco Classic last week. Stephenson finished second the previous week to Nancy Lopez in a What does a pro football fan do on MIDDLETOWN — Bowing for tournament in Portland, Ore. the first No N FL Sunday of the continue to impress season? the second straight time, the Finishing second at 210 was Am y Alcott, who had a final-round Manchester Community College 70. Shelley Hamlin was third at 211 after a final-round 69. Plenty. men's soccer team lost to the While the players’ strike victim­ GUILFORD - The Manchester Itecond-round leader Juli Inkster had a 74 Sunday to finish tied Wesleyan Junior varsity team, 2-0, i z e the third weekend of the N FL High boys’ cross country team with Ayako Okamoto, 71, and Chris Johnson. 69. all at 212. P Saturday. schedule, the people who would turned in an impressive perfor­ H.S. Roandap The victory was worth $45,000 to Stephenson, who wassidelined MCC Is now 0-2 while Wesleyan is have been In the seats at the mance at the Guilford Invitationai for two months during the summer recovering from injuries 1-1. The Cougars face nationally stadiums or in front of their Saturday as it took the seniors suffered in a car accident. It was her 16th-career tour victory, ranked Ulster Community College televisions didn’t lack for division with a total of 53. points. increasing her season’s earnings to $222,283 and her career today in Stone Ridge, N.Y. Pappas was eighth in 21:15 and entertainment. Coach George Suitor’s squad aiso earnings to $1,487,726. The visiting Cougars created Alexia Cruz 13th in 24; 36. Some went to the ballparks, won the Junior division race with 64 many solid scoring opportunities anyway — to return tickets for points while the sophomore three- during the first half but were not Sunday’s game, or to party. man group secured second place. Darrell Waltrip takes Goody’s 500 able to cash in on them. "Unfortu­ “ It’s going to be a long year Fairfield Prep was runner-up in nately, the key the game was our Boys Soccer MARTINSVILLE, Va. — Darrell Waltrip steered through a without footb^all, but what are you the senior division foiiowed by going to do?” asked Ray Stoney of inability to finish on several excel­ last-lap tangle involving leaders Dale Earnhardt and Terry Foran. A totai of 15 teams were New Hudson, Mich., who was lent scoring chances in the first EC still winless Labonte and scored his first victory of the season in Sunday’s entered. bringing badk eight tickets for the half,” Cougar Coach Frank Nleder- "W e had good performances Offensive problems continue to Goody’s 500 NASCAR Winston Cup race at Martinsville werfer said. "Our not b e in ^ b le to Lions-Bears game. from most of ourboys,” Suitor said. plague the East C^atholic boys’ Speedway. About 200 Steelers fans decided to score puts too much of a bilraen on "This race allowed some of our soccer team. Waltrip, in his first year with the Rick Hendrick-managed (goalie Joe) Lauberth.” tailgate at Three Rivers Stadium. Junior varsity runners to become The homestanding Eagles team, broke a 27-race winless streak dating to last season’s race "Just because there was a After a scoreless first half, scorers and they responded with dropped a 1-0 decision to Fairfield at North Wilkesboro, N.C. The victory, before a record crowd of Wesleyan got on the board with a football strike didn’t mean everyb­ good performances. Mike Sears Prep Saturday in All Connecticut 41,000, earned Waltrip $43,830. ody couldn’t go out and tailgate goal at IS: 20 of the second half when continues to improve. His second Conference action. East is 0-4 and Kurt Stephens dribbled Into the anyway,” said Mike Watkins, oper­ AP photo place finish in the senior race was its next game is Wednesday at St. ations manager of KDKA Radio, goalmouth and fed John Clark who great.” Bernard’s in Uncasville.. . Alysheba wins the Super Derby which sponsored the event. “ We slammed his shot past Lauberth. Shaun Brophy won the seniors’ Despite the loss, it was the best weren’ t trying to make a pro- or Stephens repeated the same play at BOSSIER .CITY, La. -- Alysheba is a $2 million horse and Whaler score coming up division run for Manchester fol­ outing of the young season for the anti-strike stance. We were Just 27: SB when he found an unmarked lowed by Sears in second, Sean Eagles, according to head coach back in the winner’s circle, but a rematch with Java Gold isn’t on giving people a reason to come and Dave Plass, who easily scored. Hertford’s Ray Ferraro (26) Is to the right scored twice, also had Whaler goals. Toland fifth. Tim Almond 16th and Tom Malin. “ The team played with his schedule. enjoy themselves.” « Lauberth had five saves w h il^ Bob Fiske 29th. In the Junior race. a lot of enthusiasm and heart and In characteristic style, Chris McCarron rallied the 3-year-old Several hundred New York Jets of the New York Ranger net and is about The same clubs played Saturday night at Wesleyan’s Jim Frischling hpo Todd Liscomb was second, Rick hopefully we’ll chance a break or from off the pace, edging Candi’s Gold by one-half length in fans enjoyed themselves at a picnic to deposit the puck past a sprawled John the Harford Civic Center with the two. / Eaton ninth, William Rivera 132th, two Mon to change the tide," he Sunday’s eighth running of the Grade I, $lmJllion Super Derby at 2 with two dozen team members, who Vanbiesbrouck in their exhibition game Rangers taking a 5-3 verdict. The Wetlavon 2—2 said. \ Louisiana Downs. MCC 0 0-0 Zach Aiilare 14th, Jon Lutin 26th, signed autographs, talked football Sunday night at Madison Square Whalers continue their preseaoc^ sche­ Scoring; W—Clark, Ploss. Saves; Mark Todd 28th and Keith Reimer Prep’s Dave Burnham scored the The victory ended months of frustration for the bay son of and barbecued. W—Frlshllng 2; M—Lauberth 5. 33rd. In the sophomore run, Dave only goal of the match at the Alydar and Hall of Fame trainer Jack Van Berg, and further " I feel the players have to stick Garden. In the rear Is Hartford’s Sylvain dule Tuesday night against the Quebec Ghabrial was sixth, Pat Dwyer 23-minute mark of the first half on a muddled the scramble for Horse of the Y ear honors. together," said Nick Valenze of Turgeon. The clubs tied, 4-4. Scot Nordiques in Quebec. Barber wins seventh and Tim Christensen 22nd. breakaway. Eiagle goalie Carsten So what’s next for the Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner? Mineola. N.Y. " I ’m glad to see most Kleinendorst and Dean Evason, who NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) - Miller Five members of the Manchester Fritz had eight saves while Fair- "W e’re going to do whatever is best for Alysheba," Van Berg are abiding by the strike. Barber sank a 13-foot birdie putt on girls’ croqs country team also ran. field’s Dave Downig had six. East said after becoming the first trainer ever to win two Super " I think they’re doing this for outshot Prep, 9-7. Playing well for the 14th hole to take the lead for Kim Jarvls^^won the senior race Derbys. "H e has proven everything that he needs to prove.” support of their strike and to show Herald photo by Pinto East were senior Dave Ruszcyk NFL games good as he fired a 7-under-par 6S with a time 44. the second best that they care about the fans. The HUFFIER, BRAKE OR SHOCK 8 and claimed a three-stroke victory clocking of theuay. Tina Vesco was and Junior Gary Thompson. owners only care about the fans’ East Catholic’s Tim Powers (3) tries to during their A C C match Saturday at ninth. In the Junior race. Merry Folrflold Prep 1 0—1 pocketbooks.” over Australian Bruce Crampton in Eott Catholic 0 0-0 Pate wins Volvo net tournament are replaced the $200,000 Newport Cub golf take control of. the soccer ball from East. The Jesuits took home a 1-0 C hadziew icz\^ fifth in 19;26. And Scoring: F—Burnham. Saves: F— Not many fans dug into their tournament. Fairfield Prep defender Greg Flynn victory. in the sdpfiomore race, Diana Downig I; EC—Fritz 4. LOS ANGELES — For one day, at least, the fifth-best pocketbooks at the hundreds of American player was better than the second-ranked player in the sports bars and restaurants in the Pitching and puttiiig replaced world. country that usually are filled on touchdowns and tackles on the first Ignoring the recent outcry aimed at the lack of young autumn Sundays. NFL-less weekend of the football Americans among the tennis elite, David Pate of Las Vegas, “ I think people are very upset,” season. Switzer can’t keep score down as Sooners roll Nev., defeated Stefan Edberg of Sweden 6-4,6-4 to win the $315,000 said Barry A w ard s, entertain­ With N FL games canceled by the Volvo Tennis-Los Angeles tournament. ment director and disc Jockey at the players’ strike, baseball and golf With Sunday’s victory, Pate became only the fifth Ultimate Sports Bar 4c Grill. " I f the were the main live sports attrac­ By The Associated Press and could manage only a 35-yard Florida 51. No. 7 Arkansas 7; No. 6 had one loss. So we’re still in the Long Beach State dropped to 2-2 American-born player to win a Grand Prix event this year. strike lasts, Sunday will be a day tions on television Sunday. thick of things." field goal from John Langeloh. Florida State 31, Michigan State 3; with its second straight loss. Pate, rated 19th in the world, is the fifth-highest American in when husbands return to their After Oklahoma romped to its No. 8 Notre Dame 44, Purdue 20; NCAA Footbafl Coach Johnny Majors said after No. 8 Notre Dame 44, Purdue 20: NBC showed the final game of the the computer rankings behind Jimmy Connors (5), John families, and when boyfriends and third victory of the season, a 65-0 No. 9 Clemson 33, Georgia Tech 12; the game he would go for one point Fullback Anthony Johnson ran for No. 16 Penn Bt. 27, Boston Coltogo girlfriends have more time to crucial American League East McEnroe (9), Tim Mayotte (12) and-Brad Gilbert (13). drubbing of winless Tulsa. Coach No. 13 UCLA 34. Arizona 24; No. 14 in that situation 100 times out of 100, three touchdowns as No. 8 Notre 17: Blair Thomas rushed for a fight.” series between Toronto and Detroit Barry Switzer was sympathetic to Michigan 49, Long Beach State 0; yard run and threw a 47-yard because only 42 percent of two-point Dame rallied from a 17-10 deficit to career-high 164 yards and scored Henry DeBianchi of Butler, N.J., in most of the country, while ABC twice as No. 15 Penn State, which the losers. No. IS Penn State 27, Boston College touchdown pass to tight end Keith conversion attempts are defeat Purdue. would rather fight than sit idly telecast the conclusion of the Ryder had lost a 17-0 lead, regained Jaite upsets Wilandeir^ln final " I really feel bad about the score, 17; No. 16 Texas AlcM 27, Southern Jackson. Backup quarterback Cha­ successful. Johnson, a 6-foot, 216-pound so­ while the N F L is idle. DeBianchi, Chip competition between the Uni­ but there was nothing I coyid do Mississippi 14; No. 17 Alabama 30, rles Thompson, a redshirt fresh­ No. 4 LBU13, No. 7 Ohio Blais 13: phomore, scored from the 8 to put control in the fourth quarter. The BARCELONA, Spain — Eighth-seeded Martin Jaite of the head of the New York Giants fan ted States and Europe. Nittany Lions, 3-1, took the lead for about It,” said Switzer. wHdse Vanderbilt 23; No. 18 Washington man. rushed for three TDs and A 40-yard field goal by David the Irish ahead to stay 24-20 with Argentina upset top-seeded Mats Wilander of Sweden 7-6 (7-5), club, organized a tailgate rally Fortunately for the networks, good on Eric Etze’s second field top-ranked Sooners now have^iit- 31, Pacific University 3; No. 19 threw for another. His 68-yard run Browndyke with 6:25 remaining 4; 45 left in the third quarter. 6-4, 4-6, 0-6, 6-4 Sunday and won the 35th Count of Godo tennis outside Giants Stadium to protest both events were filled with tension CHAUENGE scored their opponents 162-14. A 50-yard field goal by Jonathan goal, a 46-yarder, 50 seconds into Iowa 38. Kansas State 13; and No. 20 for a score in the third quarter was gave the fourth-ranked Tigers a tie tournament at the Royal Tennis Club. the strike. Only four people showed and drama. “ Second-team players are going to Briggs, the longest of a school- the final period. The Tigers beat the Blue Jays 3-2 Georgia 13, South Carolina 6. the longest touchdown run of the with No. 7 Ohio State after Louisi­ A crowd of 5,000 watched the match, which lasted 4 hours and 12 up. Bring Midas anyone’s written estimate go and play hard ... we moved the ana State frittered away a 10-3 record 27 kicked by the senior and Boston College, 2-2, had forced " I hoped to get some of the other in 13 innings to keep their title hopes No. 1 Oklahoma 68, Tulsa 0: season by an Oklahoma player, and minutes. for installing a m uffler and w e'll m eet it ball well and It Just got out of hand ” halftime lead on turnovers. LSU the longest by a Boilermaker in 36 Penn State to punt on that series but members out here, but It seems alive In a game that featured Oklahoma wasted no time giving his 105 yards rushing led the team. Jaite, 22, earned $39,440 for his victory in the weeklong It nearly got out of hand for the Hurricane a taste of things to lost a fumble and threw three years, gave Purdue a 20-17 advan­ noseguard Dave Nugent was penal­ they'had other things to do,” he come-from-behind rallies by both “ Boy. am I glad this month is tournament. The 23-year-old Wilander collected $19,720. or beat it. No ifs, ands or buts. Going second-ranked Nebraska, as the come when defensive end Darrell over," Tulsa Coach Henshaw said. interceptions in the second half. tage with 9:41 remaining in the ized for running into punter Chris said. “ What really gets me about teams. Cornhuskers had to rally in the final Reed sacked quarterback T.J. His team, an independent, has also Ohio State turned the first two third quarter. Gauss. The 5-yard penalty moved this strike is. the players haven’t At NBC. however, the game may someplace else could cost you. the Nittany Lions close enough for minutes to edge No. 12 Arizona Rubley on Tulsa’s first possession, lost to Oklahoma State, Florida and into a 38-yard field goal by Matt No. 9 Clomaon 33, Ooorgla Tech once come out and said ‘We really be remembered as the one in which State 35-28. No. 3 Auburn was tied Etze to try a field goal. Penn State Navratilova wins Audi Challenge the split-screen experiment was causing him to fumble and the Arkansas, all of them road games. Frantz late in the third period and 12: Joe Henderson returned a hate to do this to you fans.’ I then padded its lead on John unveiled. by No. 11 Tennessee 20-20 and No. 4 Sooners recovered on Tulsa’s 30- “ I hope I never have to go through an eight-yard touchdown pass from kickoff 95 yards for a touchdown SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. — Martina Navratilova said some wouldn’t be so upset by all this if I Green’s 4-yard run with 6:58 left. Several times during the after­ Louisiana State was tied by No. 7 yard line. Seven plays later, anything like these past three Tom Tupa tqJay Koch early in the and Donnell Woolford scored on a extra incentive helped her outlast Pam Shriver in the thought the players cared about BRAKES«69^ noon, viewers were offered a Ohio State 13-13. Jam.elle Holleway dove In from the weeks again.” final quarter for a 13-10 lead. 78-yard punt return as No. 9 championship singles match of the $75,000 Audi Challenge tennis us.” No. 18 Texas ABM 27, 8. Mlssls- divided picture showing both the PER AXLE MOST CARS In other games involving the Top 1 and the rout was on. N a 8 Nobraaks 38, No. 12 Artiona It was the first meeting of these Clemson rolled over GeorgidTech. slppl 14: Darren Lewis ran 77 yards DeBianchi’s protest notwith­ tournament. Tlgers-Blue Jays game and the O ur Brake Job Includes: Twenty, It was No. 5 Miami of Holieway also scored on a nine- SI. 29: Quarterback Steve Taylor, traditional college football powers It was the first time in school to cap a 10-point third-quarter By winning Sunday’s match 6-4, 5-7, 6-4, the top-seeded standing, many fans showed they and the first tie in the 16-year head still care about their teams despite Chicago Cubs-St. Louis Cardinals * New Giunnteed Brake whose turnovers set up two Arizona history the Tigers have returned a scoring spurt that snapped a 7-7 tie Navratilova earned $20,000 and a new car. PadsorSnes coaching career of Ohio State’s being robbed of one-sixteenth of the game, which was the primary State touchdowns, scored on a punt and kickoff for a touchdown in and No. 16 Texas ABM’s defense "The car was an incentive for me because I have one in Fort (Semiqietallic pads extra J Earle Bruce, giving him a record of season. telecast in parts of the Midwest. three-yard run with 3:37 left in the the same game. stiffened in the second half. Worth and I needed one in Aspen," Navratilova said. "I wasn’t * Recondition Dnims or Rotors 9 123-86-1. The Buckeyes are 2-0-1 this game to give Nebraska its victory The Tigers, the defending Atlan­ No. 17 Alabama 30, Vanderbm 23: surprised it was a close match. Pam and I always have close * Inspect Calipers over the 12th-ranked Sun Devils. season, LSU 3-0-1. tic Coast Conference champs, are No. 8 Miami 81, Arkansas 7: Bobby Humphrey returned a kick­ matches.I’ve only blown her out a couple of times.” * Inspect Wh^ Cylinders Nebraska, 3-0, covered 82 yards in now 4-0 .overall and 1-0 in^ the off 56 yards to set up his own Sophomore Steve Walsh guided No. Jets, Chargers triumph * Inspect Brake H^ware four plays in 1:18 for the game­ conference. Georgia Tech is 1-^nd one-yard scoring plunge with 42 5 Miami to five touchdowns in 12 * RowlTest winning score, the big play being 0-2. \ Seconds left and give No. 17 minutes against Arkansas as the AM H ionil pM sw Kl Mfviccs m iy be I-back Keith Jones’ 62-yard run to Gemson had a school-record 2 ^ Alabama the victory. Baseball attendance over 50 million Hurricanes crushed the 10th- required wtiich arc not irKhrded in Ihir price. the Arizona State eight. yards in punt returns, breaking the Humphrey, who gained 162 yards irv^nidget football play ranked Razorbacks. NEW YORK — Attendance at games See werrinty terms et your locel Mider dealer. Interceptions by linebacker mark of 172 set in the Tigera’ on 25 carries and scored three Steve Forch at the Cornhusker 31 Walsh completed 20 of 28 passes surpassed the 50-million mark in a season for the first time, the season-opening 43-0 victory over touchdowns, gained all but 13 yards Midget Vincent DeJesus opened the with 2:38 left and safety Brian for 215 yards against 9n Arkansas Commissioner’s office announced Sunday. Action in the Manchester 1 8 Western Carolina. of the decisive 46-yard march. scoring for the Chargers with a Washington at the Nebraska 44 with defense that has ranked in the top 10 A sellout crowd of 48,588 for the season’s home finale at Shea Football League last Friday night Vanderbilt ha(i pulled into a 23-23 61-yard run. DeJesus later In the one second remaining sealed Ne­ nationally each of the past three N a 13 UCLA 34, Artaona 24: Troy Stadium gave the New York Mets a club single-season record at Mount Nebo saw the Jets and Aikman passed for three touch­ tie with 3; 32 left in the contest on a Chargers remain unbeaten, each at first stanza picked up a fumble by braska’s victory. years and had allowed only 25 attendance of 3,027,121. New York Isonly thesecond team todraw downs and scored the game­ 28-yard field goal by Johnny Gark. 2-6 in the young season. The Jets teammate Louis LaGuardia and Arizona State, 2-1, had rallied to points in the Razorbacks’ 2-0 start. three million, with the Dodgers being the other. Los Angeles has m iD A S* winning TD on a quarterback sneak downed the Eagles, 18-8, while the ran it In from 30 yards out. A pass tie the game on Darryl Hanisi, Arkansas couldn’t handle the No. IS Washbiglon 31, PacMe U. 3; with 6:30 remaining as No. 13 UCLA topped the three-million mark on seven occasions. (%argers toppled the Giants, 14-6. from quarterback Jim Jackson to one-yard run with 4:55 to go in the mobile Miami defense and man­ Tailback Aaron Jenkins ran for overcame a 17-7 halftime deficit. A spokesman for major league baseball said the overall ^ r r ic k Payne’s 15-yard punt DeJesus made it 14-0. The Giants game, four plays after safety aged only 38 yards in the first half. three touchdowns and 107 yards on< UCLA has a 3-1 overall record and attendance, with one week left In the regular season, is now return opened the scoring for the scored In the third quarter on a Nathan LaDuke recovered Taylor’s It was the Razorbacks’ worst loss in 19 carries to lead No. 18 Little Rock since they started Arizona fell to 1-2. Washington. 50 186 904. Eagles with Delman Lebel adding 1-yard run by Joe Moriarty. It was fumMe at the Cornhusker 13. ' Last year, baseball set a season attendance record of 7 The Bruins tied the game 24-24 on the two-point conversion. Frank set up by a Mike Brown GETITmGHTTHE FIRST TIME. No. 8 Auburn 20, No. 11 Tonnoosao playing there 80 years ago and their Jenkins, who started Washing­ Midoiue M 8 rcRiefered 9rrvK:«mar)i o f Midas tnirmatireul a seven-yard touchdown pass from 47,500,347. Woodbury countered for the Jets Interception. 20; Tennessee quarterback Jeff worst loss in the state since.a 63-7 ton’s first three games at fullback, Aikman to Mel Farr with 14; 18 left. with a 75-yard kickoff return to Jason Lang, Brown, Keith Podre- Francis didn’t like going for a tie, loss to Tulsa in 1919. scored on runs of 1,2 and 27 yards. No. 8 FlerMa Bt. 31. Michigan BL Aikman, who completed 19 of 25 make it 8-6 at halftime. The Jets bartz, Eric D’Arcy, Bryan sla- but he understood It. No. 10 Iowa 80, Konoas BL 13: Moog Joins Canada Olympic team Consult your local white pages 3: Flanker Ronald Lewis ran 56 passes for 256 yards, then scored added two second-half touchdowns worski and Ron Ransom played Reggie Cobb ran seven yards for Reserve quarterback Dan yards on a reverse for one touch­ from one yard out to snap the tie. A with Brian Reid scoring from two well for the Giants while Larry a touchdown and Phil Reich kicked McGwire threw two touchdown CALGARY, Alberta — Andy Moog, one-half of the Edmonton for one of our 36 conveniently down and made a diving catch for 44-yard fleld goal by Alfredo y a r ^ out and Woodbury on a Norman, Denis Joyner, Bill Han­ the extra point with 1:20 remaining passes and Kevin Harmon had 193 Oilers’ goaltending tandem for the past five years, has Joined the son, Kevin Griffin, Peter Leonard another as No. 6 Florida State Velasco with 1:59 left completed the 10-yard run. to overcome a l6-point fourth- combined yards to help No. 19 Iowa Canadian Olympic team under an unusual agreement that will located MIDAS shops. routed Michigan State. scoring. Andy Lawfence, Lamont Davis, and Justin Moriarty played well for quarter deficit and give the Volun­ overcome its own mistakes. allow him to play in the 1988 Games. the Giargers. Lewis’ first score, in the third No. 14 IBIoMgan 40, Long Beach BL Mike Dickens, Ron Phillips, Ron teers a tie with Auburn. The deal, negotiated by Moog’s agent. Herb Plnder, makes the Play resumes Friday night with quarter, broke open a 7-3 game. His 0: Senior |ailback Jamie Morris No. 20 Ooorgla 13, BowEi CoroRfM Morin and Sabata Bell played well "Nobody likes a tie, but we're still 27-year-old goaltender an employee of IGA. He will do some the Giants against the Eagles in the second, on an eight-yard pass from rushed for 171 yards on 20 carries, 0: Lars Tate ran for 118 yards and a for the Eagles while Mike Cun­ Most major credit cards in there for the conference race,” promotional work for the supermarket chain, but his main Job opener and the Jets against the quarterback Danny McManus, put scoring once, to lead No. 14 touchdown and the 20th-ranked ningham, Wes Collins, Mike Wil­ Notr« OamB fullback Anthony Johnson Is pulled Francis said. "That’s boW you have will be playing for the Olympians through the Games next banks, Eric Sass, Brian Lukas and Chargers in the nightcap. accepted. to look at it. Ib e y said in the the game out of reach. Michigan. All seven Wolverine Georgia defense stopped two South February. Dan Carangelo played well for the Standings; Jets 2-0, Chargers 2-0. Purdua's Marc Foster (31) but not before he scores for dressing room that the last four Michigan State was forced to touch^wns canne frotn different Carolina fourthquarter scoring Jets. Eagles 0-2, Giants 0-2. the Irish In their game Saturday. The Irish romped, 44-20. years the team that won the SEC punt 12 times — a team record — players. threats. J> ~ MANCHESTER HERALD. M0lH>ay. tetrt. » . IM7 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Sent. 28. 1987 — 17 FOCUS Monday TV

5:00PM 13) MOVIE: Now You So# H lin, Now You Don't* Colloge students EVERYTHING'S Professors use their recently discovered invisibility About Town formula to save their school from a tak­ RELATIVE eover by local gangsters. A "Wonderful World of Disney" presentation. Kurt On "Every­ take twinkle Russell, Joe Flynn. 1972. Part 1 of 2. thing's Relative," Women's Chib meets tonight [ESPN] Drag Racing; IHRA Spring Na­ brothers Julian tionals From Bristol, Tenn. (60 min.) (R) (Jason Alexander, The Women’s Club of Manchester will meet toi^gltt [T M C } MOVIE: *Pale Rider' (CC) A mys­ I.) and Scott at I at Community Baptist Church on East C e H ^ terious stranger rides into a m ining town out of stars (John Bolger) Street. A South Pacific travel show will be preaenteolir and brings muchmeeded relief to gold prospectors being harassed by an un­ share a New the Gilbert-Love Travel Agency. John HoneycomlWlf scrupulous power baron. C lint East- York City apart­ New Zealand will give a talk on the Neire wood, Michael Moriarty. Carrie Snod­ URBANA, ni. (AP) - ScientiiU are ment under the Zealand-Austsralia area. He Is regional sales managfi- grass. 1985. Rated R. (In Stereo) taking the twinkle out of atari so watchful eye o f of Newman’s South Pacific Tours. ^ 5:30PM [DIS] Navalo Moon Three astronomers can get a sharper picture their mother, David S. Gilbert, vice president of Gilbert-Love Navajo children share their thoughts on of them. Rae (Anne Jack- University of liUnois professors Chet Travel Agency will present a film of Fiji, New ZealanSl the changes in their society. son). The series Gardner and Laird Thompson have and Australia. (HBOj MOVIE: 'Another Woman's Child* A happily married woman finds premieres MON­ deveioped an artificiai guide star from a Arrangements chairman is Anne Gryk. Co-hootessM her life drastically changed when her DAY, SEPT. 28 laser beam, and it couid heip teiescopes are Dorothy Lawson and Margaret Nielsen. > husband brings his illegitimate daugh­ on CBS. on earth reduce distortion in the viewing ter home to live with them. Linda Lavin, Tony LoBianco. Joyce Van Patten. CHECK IISTINGS of reai ceiestiai objects. 1983. EOR EXACT TIME "W e should be abie to get the ciarity Agoraphobics meat Mondays ^ that we would have gotten only by 6:00PM C£) (X) (S ) (SD 99) News A meeting of Manchester Area AgoraphoDA^ putting a telescope into space," said d 3 Three’s Company Part 1 of 2. [MAX] MOVIE: 'Only W han I Laugh' An Together is held every Monday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at 11:35PM ® Entertainment Tonight Gardner, an electrical and computer (5D Magnum, P.l. alcoholic actress battles both the bottle Concordia Lutheran Church on Pitkin Street. Free AP p h o to and her recently-reconciled daughter. Geraldo Rivera reports on security mea­ engineer. "The best pictures of the (O) Benson sures taken by celebrities. (In Stereo) literature is available at the meetings. For more World-record pancake Marsha Mason, Kristy McNichol, James planets Saturn and Jupiter came from OS Simon & Simon Coco. 1981. Rated R. s information, call the Mental Health Association of /V 1 1:40PM [M A X ] MOVIE. -Some Kind the Voyager spacecraft, and that’s the , The main event of the day at the second stunt broke the previous 25-foot record. (2$ Jeffersons of Hero' An ex-GI finds life at homo more Connecticut at 529-1970. [USA] Riptide A down-on-his-luck sin­ kind of pictures we expect to get from annual Buckwheat Harvest Festival in (2$ Doctor Who ger may be marked for murder by the difficult then his six years as a POW. Ri­ Batter was mixed in a cement truck and chard Pryor, Margot Kidder. Ray Shar­ the ground using laser guide stars.” (2$ T.J. Hooker mob. (60 min.) \ Penn Yan, N.Y., is the cooking of a the cake was flipped by a crane. key. 1962 Rated R (29) S D Family Ties 8:30PM ® Everything's Relative Pre­ Thompson, an astronomer, said the 28-foot, 1-inch pancake. The Sunday 12:00AM ® Taxi Bowers needs noon aide __ 9D Reporter 41 miere (CC) Comedy. Julian Beeby (Ja­ new laser telescope should cost about ij^ son Alexander), q 33-y^ar-old divorced ® 99) News d[^ MacNeil / Lehrer Newahour consumer researcher* who shares an million but perform many of the Bowers School on Princeton Street is looking for a (3[) Entertainment Tonight [CNN] Newswatch apartment with his 25-year-old brother functions of a space telescope coating noon aide for supervision outside at recess from lli40 (13) Star Trek [DIS] Red Shoes The Minneapolis stage (John Bolger), is reunited with his ex wife. more than |1 billion. a.m. to 1:05 p.m. For information, call the schoorat Ad%ice production of Hans Christian Ander­ (3® Uncle Floyd 647-3313. sen's fairy tale, in which a vain young Entertainment Tonight (2® Shoppers Network The problem with Earth-bound opti­ AP p h o to girl becomes bewitched by a magicat (22) Valerie's Family (CC) David allows (2® Alfred Hitchcock Presenta cal telescopes is that the image of pair of red dancing shoes Stars Rana his classmates to spread rumors that $3) Gene Scott distant stars is blurred by turbulence in Haugen and Stephen Boe. (60 min.) (In damage his dates reputation. (In Stereo) Qeorge Buzzell, one of Vermont’s 20 volunteer Vermont travel officials depend on spotters Self-employment workshop set • Stereo) the atmosphere, creating the twinkle in [DIS] Here's Boomer Part 1 of 2 [CNN] Newsnight foliage reporters, determines the percentage of such as Buzzell to inform tourists about peak [ESPN] SportsLook stars. A two-session workshop on self-employment, con­ Tobacco-chewing ballplayers [ESPN] NFL Monday [ESPN] SportsLook color In the woods on Jay Peak last week. foliage conditions. ducted by Donna Wertenbach of the Hartford College [M A X ] MOVIE; 'The Slender Thread' A [USA] Dragnet Thompson said the solution is to use a volunteer at a Crisis C linic tries to keep a 9:00PM 0 3 N ew han (CC) A fun-loving for Women, will be held at the Women’s Conferepqe would-be suicide on the phone while couple befriends the Loudons and an­ 12:05AM C2D Magnum, P.l. "rubber mirror” with exactly the nounces that they've bought a neighbor­ Center of Manchester Community College on Oct. 8 and police attempt to locate her. Sidney Po- 1 2:1 5AM C9D Getting in Touch opposite distortion pattern to correct the 15 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Registration is $25. For moi% itier, Anne Bancroft. Telly Savalas. ing house with intentions of turning it Image in the telescope. Strike out as good examples 1966. into an inn. 12:20AM [HBO] MOVIE: 'Shadow information, call 647-6056. [USA] Cartoons (£ ) 99) NFL Football; Denver Broncos at Play’ Plagued by writer's block, a play­ To do this, there must be a bright Volunteers scout foliage color The college has scheduled an exhibit on Connecticut wright seeking some form of inspiration 6:30PM (5D Family Ties Cleveland Browns (CC) (3 hrs ) (Live) reference point -- a guide star — In the during the confederation period, to be on display in the " b E A R My husband’s brother and his heads back to the island where her fian­ ( £ ) 99) ABC News (CC). ® MOVIE: 'Young Love, First Love* Two cee died seven years before Dee Wal­ sky near the object being studied. There main lounge of the Lowe Building during October. ’The :ABBY; You will family come to our home quite teen-agers must make choices between 9 D Jeffersons (CC). lace Stone. Cloris Leachman, Ron Kuhl- are too few natural guide stars, so the Lowe Building is open weekdays from 6; 30 a.m. to 8; 30 ,probably re­ frequently, and I always love to see the values of their strict traditional upbr man. 1666 Rated R. scientists created one with the laser p.m. and Saturdays from^; SO a.m. to noon. ceive letters them, but before I let them in, I ask (29) Qimme a Break inging and the permissive attitudes of during Vermont’s leaf season their peers. Valerie Bertinelli, Timothy 1 2:30 AM ® WKRP in Cincinnati from both doc­ (22) (29) NBC News beam. A workshop on personality, conducted by Glorip them (especially their children) to Hutton. 1979. Woodward, will be held at the Women’s Center at MCC tor's and TV ca- Dear Abby please check their shoes, and if 2 $ Nightly Bi^nasa-Report C$3 Carol Burnett and Friends (22) MOVIE: 'Assault and Matrimony' 122) SO) Late Night w ith David Lattsrman A computer connected to the telescope on Oct. 5 from 7; 30 to 9 p.m. To register, call 647-60S7. metiamen on (19) J^ffersffns Part 1 of Bv John Donnollv maples, anything from yellow and Buzzell, 47, and other foliage repor­ Abigail Van Buren they’re dirty, to please remove (CC) A unhappily married couple de (R) (In Stereo) will use the artificial guide star to All workshops are open to men and women. (h is o n e . I them, as we have light colored 9D Noticiero Univlaion vises a series of schemes to kill each Tho Assoclotod Press orange and ranging to varying degrees ters develop their own systems to Alfred Hitchcock Presents determine atmospheric distortion. happen to be one other off Jill Eikenberry, Michael of reds, including oxygen-rich reds. determine the percentage of peak color. carpets throughout our house. We (9D Love Connection Then, it will adjust the thin, flexible of the.Jformer. Tucker. 1987. (3® NIghtllne (CC| JAY, Vt. — George Buzzell describes White ashes, they have yellows but they Some have favorite trees, some drive have lots of animals and muddy [CNN] Showbiz Today mirror SO to 100 times a second, as the Family planning discussed ' ‘ Di sgusted (29) ( R Am erican Masters; The Ten-Yeac [ESPN] NFL Theatre; Legendary Line­ Vermont’s foliage with spirit. He turn into purplish colors or what some the same roads every year and keep areas around our house. [ESPN] Fishing: Fifth Annual Arthur Lunch: The W it and Legend of the Algon­ man (60 min.) (R) atmosphere changes. _Ex-Fan" com- Smith KOW Tournament (R) sometimes says the colors are "M onel­ people call turkey-blood red. Birches notes. Couple to Cou|Sle League presents a series of four This family always put their feet quin Round Table (CC) [U S A ] Edge o f Night pfained about up on my furniture with their shoes That will unscramble the Image of like’ ’ and viewing on some days “ makes ore yellow. Aspens, beautiful Not all foliage reporters are foresters. classes on the sympto-thermal method of natural 7:00PM CD to b « AnnouncecL 93) Novela: Senda de Gloria baseball players who chew tobacco on. I don’t mind if they put their feet 12:40AM (2® m o v ie : -sweat Re- real stars, planets and galaxies and me thirst for a glass of fresh cider." Maude Shattuck, 83, of Huntington family planning beginning Oct. 18at2p.m. at St. Jaiiies Medicare. C9D News [CNN] Live venge' A respected Army officer holds a and disgust TV viewers by spitting up. as I do ft myself, but I ask that allow astronomers to take shaip pic­ He is one of Vermont’s 20 volunteer lont tourism officials depend on Center was asked to report on the leaves Church, 896 Main St. To register, call 649-4608. ( £ ) ^ Wheal o f Fortune (CC) [DIS] MOVIE: 'Born Free' A Kenyan dark secret thet torments the beautiful on the field. You explained that the they remove their shoes before wife of a junior officer. Savannah Smith. tures of the celestial objects. foliage reporters, whose forecasting slunteers to call in twice a week to years ago after the state learned she DEAR ABBY; There is a young ® $100,000 Pyramid game warden and his wife raise an or­ players chew tobacco to keep their doing so. phaned lion cub until they realize they Kevin Dobson, Alec Baldwin. 1984. abilities on peak color influence the trips the six-week season to describe was a weather observer for the National woman in our office (I’ll call 93) d i Cheers must set her free to survive on her own The laser beam produces a dot of light Health guidance offered mouths moist and to rhjieve ten­ Although they have never been 1 2:45AM ® Aak Dr. Ruth (CC). of many of the 3 million leaf-peepers the degree of color in the trees and list Weather Service. Maggie) who orders merchandise (TB) Best of Saturday Night Virginia McKenna. Bill Travers, Geoffrey 60 miles above the ground in a layer of ' sion. “ Don’t chew out the players,” refused admission, it is quite who come to the not-so-Green Mountain roads with the best views. “ I ’m always looking at the colors," COLUMBIA — Community Health Care Services from catalogs with the understand­ (SD M 'A 'S 'H Keene 1966 1:00AM (® Archie Bunker's Place sodium, causing It to glow, said ydti said. “ Blame the cameramen obvious by the irritated expressions State in the fall. "They are a very, very loyal bunch,” she said. “ The first thing I do when I get Inc. will hold office hours at the agency office on Route ing that the merchandise can be d $ MacNeil / Lehrer Newahour [ESPN] Auto Racing: IMSA OTP Series ® Joe Franklin Gardner. In a test this year at Mauna who bring it into our living rooms. on their faces that they think I am (90 min.) (R) For Buzzell, a county forester In the said Donald Lyons, state travel direc­ up in the morning, I look up to see if they 6 on Tuesday and on Oct. 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.ni. returned if the customer is not (29) Barney Miller 93) Twilight Zone Spitting is not only unsightly, it’s a being too picky. I feel that by now [TMC] MOVIE: One Eyed Jacks'. Kea Observatory in Hawaii, the scient­ Northeast Kingdom, a mountain resort tor, of the foliage reporters. "They are have changed any. Usually I can tell if Other office hours include the Town Office Building completely satisfied within a cer­ (2® Maude ists created, photographed and mea­ ■health hazard.” they should know that I don’t want d9) 99) Hollywood Squares Brando directed this offbeat tale of an area Just south of the Canadian border, dedicated. They take their job seriously, they are more red. And I ride around in Coventry on Wednesday and Oct. 7 from 2to3p.in.; tain number of days. 9® Ask Dr. Ruth (CC). sured the brightness of their star. . ’Abby, spitting is much less a my carpets soiled and I shouldn’t 93) Novels; Victoria escaped convict who seeks revenge on the Job is no work at all. and that is th^ important thing. Wedon’t some. Another lady goes with me. We go the Coventry Pharmacy on Oct. 8 from 1 to 2 p.m.; and Maggie wears an outfit once and the friend who betrayed him. Marlon [CNN] Crossfire health hazard than chewing to- have to remind them every time (SZ) Nightly Business Report "A foliage reporter is so fortunate need the promoter-type person out around. We like to look at them the Village Pharmacy in Coventry on Oct. 22 from 1 to 2 then returns it, and everyone at the Brando, Karl Malden, Katy Jurado [DIS] MOVIE: Thunder In the Valley' A The scientists say tnis was a crucial 'bh’ceo. "Smokeless tobacco,” in­ they come over. 93) Three's Company 1961 first step. Now, they must find the Ideal because it reminds us to watch,” he said there.” anyway.” p.m. office wonders how she can have father alienates his son's love by cruet cluding snuff and chewing tobacco, Tell me, am I rude to ask them to [CNN] Moneyline [USA] MOVIE: 'The Barbary Coast' An treatment to the boy's dog. Lon McCal- one day last week on a walk up Jay The state used to have local chambers Foliage reporting provides semice­ A well-child clinic will be held Thursday from 8:45 to such an extensive wardrobe on a laser for full-scale operation, create a is a major chuse of cancer of the check their shoes? Or are they rude [ESPN] SportsCenter undercover agent exposes wrongdoers lister, Edmund Gwenn, Peggy Ann Gar­ Peak, which had leaves the color of of commerce report on foliage, but lebrity status. Shattuck has been quoted 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church in Coventry. All preschool working girl’s salary. Then it was smaller artificial star, and make sure it 'fb'duth and tongue. Unfortunately, to act irritated and imposed upon [TM C] MOVIE: 'Strange Invaders' Out- in the bawdiest crtyYrvthe Old West W il­ ner 1947. switched to county foresters about a in several major newspapers and residents of Andover, Columbia, Coventry Ashford aiid discovered she had been ordering liam Shatner. Dennis Cote. Lynda Day behaves exactly as a real star does. raspberry. “We are forced to enjoy ■our young people admire the ball when I ask them? erspace creatures, winding up their 25- [TM C] MOVIE;'Chooee Me' An eccen­ things. We are so busy in our everyday quarter-century ago. appeared two years ago on "The CBS diaplin are eligible for immunizations and routine clothes on approval, wearing them year study of Earth, are delayed by a George. 1975. tric but charm ing liar anters the livas of a "There's a lot of work yet to be done," players they see on TV and tend to DON’T TREAD ON ME lives that otherwise we would probably “ Sometimes in their enthusiasm, Evening News." physicals, by appointment only. once and returning them! man searching for his ex-wife Paul Le- 9:30PM C23 Designing W omen (CC) repressed radio' talk-show host and a said Thompson. imitate them. Also, there are better Mat. Nancy Allen. Louise Fletcher beautiful tavern owner. Keith Carradine, Just drive by and not notice." some of the chambers’ reports were a She received fan mail after the For more information, call 228-9428. If there is nothing illegal, im­ Anthony desperately tries to impress his ways to keep one’s mouth moist and DEAR DON’T: There’s nothing 1982 Rated PG latest girlfriend Genevieve Bujold, Lesley Ann Warren. Gardnei^ said he expects a prototype Buzzell describes with spirit the little exaggerated,” Lyons said. ” We television appearance, including one moral or unethical in such a 1664 Rated R. relieve tension. practice, please let us know, since rude about asking guests to please [USA] Airwbtf 10:00PM ® Cagney 8i Lacey (CC) of the laser guide star telescope to be colors that come out on different trees; figured these people, the foresters, letter addressed to "Maude ?, Hunting- [USA] Search for Tomorrow Single parents meet As for the cameramen, their job check their shoes — if you ask them p m Racial tensions explode when a black ready in five to six years. would have no ax to grind.” ton Center, Vermont.” The town has the rest o f , us would like to be 7:30PM QD Magazine The real-life 8 “ Red and soft maples, very red. Sugar is to televise the ball game. They’re settings for TV shows, humpback youth is shot and the weapon is traced ® Love Boat in the proper tone. This family 1:05AM about 1,200 residents. The Manchester chapter of Parents Without “ fashion plates,” too. to Detective Al Corassa (60 min.) not allowed to limit their shots only should know by now what’s ex­ whales in Maui. Hawaii. Absent heavy rains and winds, the Partners will sponsor a dine-out at Gasthaus Edelweiss OLD DUDS IN OKLAHOMA 1;20AM [MAX] MOVIE: Richard fd'the non-chewing and the non­ pected of them, so if they act rS~) Current Affair ® OT) $6) N«w. Pryor • Here and Now' (CC) Filmed in foliage reporters say colors will be peak on Route 6 in North Windham on Sunday at 5 p.m. (jH Kojak spitting players. irritated and imposed upon, they’re ® (22) Jeopardyl (CC) New Orleans. Richard Pryor once again this week in the Northeast Kingdom and An opebdance is planned Oct. 10 at St. Bernard’s DEAR OLD DUDS: This practice Town can’t decide how to spell Its name So go ahead and chew out the rude. C9D Truth or Consequences (2$ Silicon Valley A look at the people pokes fun at anything and everything. in higher elevations north and east of Church HalMn Rockville from 8; 30 p.m. to 12; 30 a.m. is not new, and everyone in the who work in Silicon Valley (60 min.) Richard Pryor. 1683. Rated R. players, Abby. They could do better 93) INN News Rutland and in the mountains east of Bring your own beverage; set-ups are provided. The clothing business is aware of it. It is 93) Noticiero Univislon Get Smart LAVERGNE, Tenn. (A P) - If you’re capital V in the middle. But "the right the question, said the town was named by our kids. (TB) (29) Carson's Comedy Classice 1:30AM Bennington. In the Champlain Valley, Big Band Sound of the ’40s, Glenn Miller-style, will be indeed illegal, immoral and unethi­ Is your social life in a slump? (R Soapbox With Tom Cottle A look In­ found to be speeding down the road past way to spell it is the way we have it on by Francis Leonard de Roulhac, a - DANIELS BLUMENTHAL, (33) INN News where Shattuck lives, the changing of featured. Admission to the dance is $6 for members and cal, and the cheaters seldom get Lonely? Get Abby’s booklet, “ How (29) M*A*S*H side a drug rehabilitation center; hard­ a sign saying La Vergne, you may get the front of City Hall, Jusrone word, Frenchman \Vho settled in the area. M.D., ATLANTA core, teen-age drug addicts discuss how (2® Dating Game the leaves will be in its early to middle away with it for very long, to Be Popular” — for people of all (29) (29) Major League Baseball; Boston stopped by a police cruiser with the Lavergne,'" insists City Manager Ri­ Roulhac’s surname, which he dropped $7 for non-members. < Red Sox at New York Yankees (2 hrs. they are returning to normal life [CNN] Newsnight stage. ages. Send a check or money order name LaVergne on the side and taken chard Anderson.^.f,„ upon coming to the United States, was DEAR DR. BLUMENTHAL; 45 min.) (R Hill Street Blues [ESPN] NFL'a Greatest Moments While it is peak color in his area now, DEAR ABBY; I have a problem for $2.50 and a long, stamped (39 down to Lavergne City Hail. “That’s the Jray the city officially de la Vergne, she said. Forgive my bloomin’ error. You’re 99) Win, Lose or Draw [CNN] CNN News [USA] Forever Young Buzzell said his favorite part of the Class of 1935 holds luncheon that may seem trivial to some, but cents), self-addressed envelope to: The town of 5,500 southeast of spells it. It’s a word that stands for ‘the And she believes the town was absolutely right. I was off base on (R) Wild, Wild World of Animals [HBO] MOVIE: 'Mandela' (CC) A fact- season comes when the leaves fall. it has become a source of irritation Dear Abby, Popularity, P.O. Box 2:00AM ® MOVIE: -Mad Bull’ A leva Nashville Is getting ready for Jts green.’ ’’ officially named after Roulhac on the EAST HARTFORD - The East Hartford High ■this one. Send me a bill. I have 93) Family Ties based account of black political activist Story about a hulking wrestler whose bi­ ‘/The character of the land begins to to all concerned. 447, Mount Morris, III. 61054. bicentennial, but the folks in La Ruby Sanford, 73, is Just as certain day he died, as La Vergne. But she’s a School Class of 1035 will hold a luncheon Oct. 14 at the [CNN] Crossfire Nelson Mandela's struggle to expose zarre life, in )he ring has little meaning poke through. We get to look at the rocks the injustices of apartheid in South Af­ until he meets a woman. Alex Karras, Su­ Vergne-LaVergne-Lavergne haven’t that two words are best. believer in freedom of spelling. Marco Polo Restaurant on Burnside. Avenue. Happy [DIS] Mouseterplece Theater and the ledges. There’s so much rica Danny Glover, Alfre W oodard, John san Anspach. 1677. quite settled on a spelling in those two "Everybody spells it one way or "People should spell it however they hour begins at noon, followed by the luncheon at 1 pun. Indi 1987. (In Stereo) integrity to the old Green Mountains,” [ESPN] NFL Monday ® Home Shopping Overnight Servloe centuries. . another, but that’s the way I ’ve spelled want to spell it. What matters is that the The cost is $10 per person. The menu choice is rdaSt . [H B O ] Fraggle Rock (CC) (In Stereo)^ [M AX] MOVIE; 'Class' A lustful teen (3 hrs ) i ^ l l my life and 1 believe that’s right.” people of this town are fantastic,” said he said. " I t ’s a comfortable feeling, sirloin or baked scrrt. Reservations should be made by Medication is the best bet has the chance to lose his innocence to The road signs have the name In two especially if my wood pile is in order.” 8;00PM ® Kate & Allie (CC) An en (33) Twilight Zona words and the police cars have it In one. Shirlle Chaney, who has researched Chaney. Oct. 8. Send your check to William Smith, 189 Long Hill an older woman, but com plications arise counter with an existential artist re­ when he discovers w ho she really is. Rob 00) Win, Lose or Drew St., East Hartford 06108. X- ■ "b E A R DR. minds Kate of her younger bohemian - share your concerns with the Lowe, Jacqueline Bisset, Andrew [ESPN] NFL'a Greatest Momenta GOTT: Please days McCarthy. 1983. Rated R beauty-shop operators. They will [HBOj MOVIE: 'Ro-Anlmator* Based on give me some C5D MOVIE: 'Jillian: Portrait of a Show­ Supermarket Shopper First Beatle drummer featured surely want to tighten up their 10:1 5PM (29) Benny H ill Joined In Pro- H P Lovacraft's tale of a young scien­ information girl' A New York dancer signs up with a tist's obsession with restoring life to the hygienic practices. Las Vegas show in order to forget an greaa NEW BRITAIN — Pete Best, the original drummer .about the medi- dead Jeffrey Combs. Bruce Abbott, Bar­ 1 ^ 1 ^ Dr. Gott unhappy love affair Lesley Ann Warren, 10:30PM R) (29) i n n News bara Crampton 1965 Rated NR with the Beatles, will give a multi-media lecture about .{Ration given to a DEAR DR. GOTT; Is it true that Rita Moreno, Tony Curtis. 1982 (S3) Sybervision [USA] Program Yourself for Suooesa the Beatles’ early day s Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Student woman to dry up Peter Gott, M.D. every time one sneezes, the heart ® 99) MacQyver (CC) MacGyver's milk if she is coerced into stealing the priceless arti­ ( ^ Valerie's Family (CC) David allows Center Ballroom on the campus of Central Connecticut skips a beat? If this is true, that his classmates to spread rumors that 2:05AM ® Newa (R) In sweepstakes, second chance is better not going to fact for which he created a supposedly State University. unfortunate girl in Miami who damage his dates reputation (In Stereo) 2:30AM (TD Twilight Zone breast-feed her impenetrable security system (60 min.) For more information, call the lectures committee of sneezed consecutively for a year Part 2 of 2. (In Stereo) (29) Odd Couple [CNN] Sports Latenight the Student Center Program Council at 827-7332. - ’baby. Does it must have been near death. 9D Show de Rolando Barrel [ESPN] SportsCenter Bv Martin Sloone increase the GD News United Feature Syndicate 93) MOVIE; 'Anzacs: The War Down Un­ (R Hitohhikers Guide to the Galaxy i ® Nlghtwatch a n c e s of 2:40AM Product Code symbol from a carton of Nuprin 150s DEAR READER; Sneezing does der* Two childhood friends face the cold [ESPN] Auto Racing; Off-Roed World ■■ breast cancer? Is there a way of is superior to the older, ’natural” 3:00AM (33) MOVIE: Rid# The High DEAR M ARTIN: I was one of the people attracted by Clip 'n' file refunds for a $4 refund; or send the required refund form and not usually cause the heart to skip a reality of World War I on the battlefields Championships From Riverside. Calif making the milk dry up naturally? method. of Gallipoli and France. Edited from a Country' Two aging gunmen, down on the advertisement from Green Giant asking consu­ the entire Universal Product Code symbol from a CoHege Notes beat. However, the vagus nerve — (60 min.) (Taped) their luck, team up to guard a gold ship­ Health Products (File IIA ) 10-hour Australian miniteries Paul Ho­ mers to make a telephone call and take a chance on carton of Nuprin 100s for a $3 refund; or send the which slows the heart rate — can be gan, Andrew Clark. Jon Blake. 1985. 1 1:00PM (l3 (22) 3® News ment Randolph Scott, Joel McCrea, — DEAR READER: Parlodel (bro­ DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a Marietta Hartley 1962. winning a Sprout doll. But I read the small print required refund form and the Universal Product stimulated by straining or sneez­ . Part 1 o f 2. ( ® 93) Late Show (In Stereo) Clip out this file and keep it with similar cash-off mocriptine) is a prescription drug respectable, middle-class, 69-year- [CNN] Bork Senate Confirmation Hear­ Code symbol from a Nuprin 50s carton for a $2 ing. Therefore, a person with an 3 1 MOVIE: 'Agalnit All Oddt' A Scot, GH) Simon & Simon 9 carefully and decided my best chance to win the doll coupons — beverage refund offers with beverage Kahaner named to review ings (Taped) that blocks the secretion of prolac­ old widow, and I am ashamed to say land Yard detective tries to stop Dr Fu was to forget about phoning in. I have since heard that a coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed refund; or send the Universal Product Code symbol overactive vagus reflex might (33) Odd Couple Steven M. Kahaner, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harve^ tin. the milk-producing hormone I think I have head or body lice. The Manchu's plot to poison world leaders. [DIS] MOVIE: 'Born Free' A Kenyan number of people ran up big phone bills trying to win from a Nuprin 24s carton for a $l refund. Include the detect a slowing of the heart during G9) Forgotten Children of the 80's (60 proofs of p u rt^ se while looking for the required .(hpt is formed in the pituitary only place I think I could have Christopher Lee, Richard Greene 1968 game warden and his wife raise an or­ the doll. cash-register receipt with the purchase price Kahaner of 236 Ludlow Road, has been named to the repeated sneezing. min ) phaned lion cub until they realize they forms at the supermarket, in newspapers and Law Review at George Washington University gland. When given under medical gotten them is at the beauty shop. (29 MOVIE: -WhoM Ufa la It. Anyway?- The instructions said consumers also could write In circled. Expires Oct. 31,1967. Law I ’m not aware of the Florida girl A man. paralyzed from the neck down, (29) Honeymooners mutt set her free to survive on her own. magazines, and when trading with friends. Offers ’They use the same rollers on Virginia McKenna, Bill Travers, Geoffrey School. He is a second-year law student and is vice iupervision. it Is a safe way to dry who sneezed for a year; certainly fights to make his own decisions. Ri­ 24) Risking it All and enter their names in a sweepstakes for the doll. I may not be available in all areas of the country. SUNKIST Vitamin C Refund Offer. Receive a $1 Keene 1006. president of the Interna­ a women’s breasts after she had e v e t^ ^ e without sterilizing them. her problems with slei^ing and chard Dreyfuss, John Cassavetei. Chris­ did Just that, and two weeks before Christmas we Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. refund and a 50-cent coupon. Send the required (29) Soap [ESPN] Tennis; Internetlonel Chem- tional Law Society. -delivered. Although Parlodel has What can I do-to get rid of these tine Lahti 1981 received the Sprout doll. refund form and the Universal Product Code from eating must have supersrted any (2® M 'A *8 *H » plonahipa of Spain (Semlflnela) (60 min.) rAot been reported to cause breast nasty, distasteful things? (22) ALF (CC) ALF is visited by "G illig a n 't Tliese offers reqaire refund forms: the outer carton of anyone package of 250-milligram He is a 1982 honors slow pulse that she may have ■ 93) PELICULA: 'Arriba Hazana' El regi­ (R) The Green Giant offer was similar to a second- *t:ancer. it can cause low blood Island" castaway^ Giliigan (Bob Den­ chance sweepstakes, and I have won several of these. CALAD RYL $1.50 Refund Offer. Receive up to a $1 Chewable, 500-mllIigtam Chewable, or 500- graduate of Manchester experienced. ver), the Skipper (Alan Hale), the Profes­ men dictatorial de un internado y la (M A X ) MOVIE: Deed-End Drive-In' (CC) • pressure, nausea, headache, dizzf- DEAR READER; Having lice reaccion del alumnado Hector Alteno, Many of the sweepstakes that are promoted in refund and a 50-cent Caladryl coupon. Send the milllgram Easy Swallow Sunkist Vitamin C (this High School and a 1985 sor (Russell Johnson) and Mary Ann The society of the 1990's desperately ; neks, fatigue and lightheadedness. does not mean a person is unclean Fernando Fernan-Gomer attempts to restore order to its planet by 8 supermarkets require you to check the number on your required refund form and the cap liner from any size refund is not applicable on the roll product). along cum laude graduate of (Dawn Wells), (in Stereo) ; In the past, before the use of or disreputable; it means simply Dr. Gott’s new Health Report on ( R SCTV putting the rejects into comtemporary entry against a list on the product display in the store. Caladryl Lotion or Cream and the Universal with the register receipt with the purchase price Tufts University, with a ( ^ America By Design (CC).The evolu­ concentration camps Ned Manning. Na­ ■ medicines for this purpose, women that you picked up the lice from weight loss tells you how to lose [CNN] Moneyline • Most of these prizes are not won because people forget Product (!ode bar symbol from any Cosmetic/Cot- circled. Expires Oct. 31,1967. degree in international tion of the house as a symbol of the talie McCurry, Peter Whitford 1986. ton Ball/Puff package for a $1 reftind and a 50-cent studies. He was active in ; who wanted to stop lactating had to another person. The beauty shop is weight wisely — and keep it off. For American dream begins historian Spiro [DIS] Adventures’of Ozzle^^Tid Harriet Rated R (in Stereo) to check. They go into the second-chance sw b ^tak es, Kostof's exploration of America's archi­ coupon; or send the required refund form and the International studies or­ ; stop nursing, bind their breasts and a possibility. your copy, send $1 and your name [USA] A Irw olf [TM C] MOVIE: 'Strange Invedera' Out- and this is usually the one that far fewer people enter. I limit fluid intake. This was uncom- Ask your doctor for a prescription and address to P.O. Box 91369, tecture. (60 min.) Part 1 of 5. erspace creatures, winding up their 25- FAYE SYKES. cap liner from any size Caladryl Lotion or Cream for Here’s a refnad form to w rite fo r:' ganizations in college 1 1:30PM 93) Honeymooners ! fortable and often led to mastitis for Kwell shampoo. When used Cleveland. Ohio 44101-3369. Be sure (29) MOVIE: 'QB VII' Film adaptaion of year study of Earth, are delayed by a Baldenboro, N.C. a 50-cent Caladryl coupon. Expires Oct. 31,1987. A $1 refund. BIC Metal Point Roller Refund Offer, and during his Junior Leon Uris' best-selling novel about a l29) Hunter A fearless assassin named man searching for his ax-wifa. Paul Le- NEOSPORIN $2 Refund Offer. Send the required 1 Wiley Street. Milford, CT 06460. This offer expires year studirt at the Uni­ ; (breast infection). All in all, the according to directions. It will to ask for “ Winning the Battle of the Poland-born Jew who brings a libef suit "The Beach Boy" uses a specially de­ Mat. Nancy Allen. Louise Fletcher. signed machine gun to eliminate drug 7 D EAR F A Y E : I must admit that I didn’t give much refund form and the actual Universal Product Code Nov. 30, 1987, but requests for the form must be versity of Madrid and the ! modern drug inhibition of lactation eliminate the lice. By all means. Bulge.” against s best-selling American author. 1982 Rated PG. pushers who have crossed a crime boss thought to the idea of forgetting the phone and London School of Eco­ Anthony Hopkins, Ben Gazzers, Leslie [USA] Chriatlsn Chlldren'a Fund cut from a Neosporin product, along with a received by Sept. SO, 1987. While waiting for the Csron. 1974. Part 1 of 2. ^ (70 min ) computing what my chances of winning would be if I form, save the Universal Product Codes from two nomics while serving an cash-register receipt dated between March 1. 1987 93) Novele: Pobre Seoorite Umantour (22) (2® Tonight Show (In Stereo) 3:30AM [H B O ] m o v ie : Bom Amorl- sent in an entry. Very Interesting! Thank you for the can' Three young Americens cross the and Oct. 31.1987. Expires Oct. 31, 1987. Bic Metal Point Rollers packages, along with the internship In Parliament. (29) Weekend with Crook and Chase letter. Cinema (R Nature (CC) A profile of a World Soviet border during a hunting expedi­ NU PRIN Save up to $4 Refund Offer. Send the dated cash-register receiptfs) with the purchase W ildlife Fund project studying the Ama­ (2® Hogan's Heroes tion and find themselves fighting for zon and the wildlife it shelters (60 min ) DEAR MARTIN: This is a story of traveling required refund form and the entire Universal price circled. (R News their freedom and their lives Mike Nor­ Kulpa named (In Stereo) ris, Steve Durham. David Coburn. 1986 coupons. [CNN] Sports Tonight Anchors Fred BaaTPaaD 7:10, 9:30. — Fatal Attraction (R ) 1:25, WB8T HARTFORD . 93) MOVIE: 'N ever Cry W o lf A biologist . Rated R I live In Oldtown, Md., and the coupons I do not use I to dean’a Hat einemoCItv— Motvwon (P6-13)4;40, 7:15, 9:50. — The Principal (R ) 1, 7:20, Hickman, Nick Charles ■Im 1 A 2 — The Uving Doyllghts learns to live among wolves and Eski­ [USA] Cellulite Free send to our granddaughter Diana, In Geneva, N.Y. She 9:30.— Jeon dvFlortttt (PG) 6:50,9:20. 9:45. — BloTown (R ) 1:15,7:45,10:05.— (P G ) 7, 9:30. — RoboCop (R ) 7, 9:30. mos in the northern wilderness. Charles [DIS] MOVIE: 'Member of the Wedding' recently sent me a note saying coupons had saved her DEAR FERN: It is always nice to find an occasion io coupons, each good on two boxes, ana 1 had uiree "Buy Katie Kaipa, daughter Steven Kahaner — Tough Guvs Don't Done* (R) 7,9:40. Nowhere To Hide (R ) 1:30, 7:35,.9:S5. Martin Smith. Brian Oennehy. 1963 A youngster of twelve doesn't realize 4:00AM [USA] Keya to Succesa of Mr. and Mrs. Walter — Podre Nuoifro 7:10, 9:50. she's leaving childhood and is dater- $12.10 In one week. send a note or greeting cart, but you don’t need one to one get one free” coupons. My final cost at the checkout [CNN] PrImeNewe send coupons. This is a great way for members of a Kulpa of 124 Carriage Drive, was named to the dean’s WILLIMANTIC , mined to go with her brother on his 4:03AM ® l Lov^Lucy The coupons our granddaughter can’t use. she sends counter was 42 cents for six boxes! ” ’ aaST HARTFORD ' MANCHRfTRR . UJt. The Cinemas — The Principol [D I8] My Friend Flieke honeymoon. Ethel Waters. Julie Hams, family to show they are thinking of ehch other. list for the spring quarter of 1967 at Northeastern "Rotlwoed Pub CInomo — The UA Theaters Rest — RoboCop (R) 4:30AM [E S P N ] Horae Racing; Louie- to her mother-in-law Pat, who lives across town. Those A (R ) 5:15,7:30,9:45.— Hellralser (R ) 6,0, [ESPN] NFL Monday Matchup: Denver Brandon de Wilde University. Living DovHohts (PG ) 7:15. 7:15,9:40. — The Living DavHghts (PG ) 10. — Stakeout (R ) 5,7:15,9:30. — Dirty. iana Super Derby Louisiana Super Pat can’t use. she sends to her son’s family in 8.C. Send qaesdaM aad commeau to Martta Sloaae in Broncoe at Clevelertd Browne [ESPN] SportsCenter Derby, a 1 and 1/4 miles race for three- a o o She is a third-year student majoring in architectulre. Pear Rickard’s Pak A Cinema — The 7,9:30. — Con’t Buv Me Love<(PG) 7:30, Dancing (PG-13) 5, 7, 9. — The Living Along the way, we are all adding coupons and notes to care af the Maacbcaler HeraM, P.O. Box 591, Living Oovllghts (PG ) 7:15, 9:30. 9 :» . Daylights (PO) S, 7:30, 9:45. >- The [HBO] MOVIE: The F I/ (CC) A scientist [TMC] MOVIE: Light Blasf A police in year-old Thoroughbreds, from Louisiana She has been invited to participate in the university’s Downs in Boosier City, La. (60 min.) (R) stay in touch. THE SMART SHOPPER AWARD goes to Brenda Maachester 669M. Th e valaase af maU precladea " fhewcaM Clnam as1-f— Stakeout (R) Pick-Up Artist (PO-13) 6,8,10. is transformed into a grotesque insect spector races against time to save San w in honors -program. She is a 1965 graduate of E u t 1JIS, 7:20, 9:50. — The Pick-Up Artist following an ill-feted teleportation ex­ Francisco from a mad scientist's deadly [M A X I MOVIE: Flashpoint* (CC) ' FERN WILSON, Edwards of Freeport, Pa.: “ Foodland had 9-LJves iadivtdaal replies, bat Slaaae respoad ta le tte rs of '(P6-13) 1:45, 7:35, 9:35. — Hellrolser VRRNON Catholic High School. Clae 1 A 8 — The Living Daylights DRIVR-INS periment. Jeff Goldblum, Geene Davis, laser weapon Erik Estrada. Michael Prjt- [U SA] One Thousand Doltara Every Five OLDTOWN. MD. Crunchy Meals on sale for 89 cents. I had three 75<:ent general taterest la the colana. (R ) 1:10, 7:40,9:45. — No.Way Out (R ) John Getz 1986. Rated R (In Stereo) 1:40, 7:35,10. — Dirty Dancing (R ) 1:20, (P G ) 7,9:30. — RoboCop (R ) 7:10,9:30. MonsRsId Closed for the season. chard, Thomas Moore 1985 Rated R Hours li - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Se^. 2$. tU7 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Sept. 28. 1987 — IS KIT W CARLYLE '^Dy Larry Wright CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 CLASSIFIED ADS 643-2711

Noticts Dutinets Property...... 25 Entertoinment...... 53 Form Supplies ond Equipment . . 10 L.o«i/Feund...... Retort Property...... 36 Bookkeeplng/income T om . 54 Office/Retoll Equipment ...... It HELP WANTED H IL P W A N T a . 01 Mortoopet...... R A T It : 1 to 6 dovs: 90 cents eer line per dov. Notices HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELPWNITBI EllNiLPWlita Ftrsonolt...... 02 27 Corpentry/Remodtllno 55 Recreollonol Equipment...... |3 7to1fdovs: 70 cents per lino ptr dov. ED NELFWANTHI Wonted to B u y...... n Pointlne/Popertne...... ED ED EU Announcements. . 03 56 Boots ond Morine Eoulpment...... 13 30 to 2S dovs: 60 cents per line per dov. GD Rooftnp/Sidino...... Auctions...... 57 Musicol itwns...... 14 At o condition prtcodont to PART tlnid odntrol off let BERNIE'S/NawmaH(7 I. . 04 Rantols 36 or more dovs: SO cents per line per dov. tno plocomont of any odvor- TELEPHONE Enumera­ RETAIL. Full and port A U T b Mechanics, Man­ FInonclol...... 05 Floorine...... SI Comeros ond Photo Eoulpment... I5 Mliiliiinm citgrte: 4 Hues. workor for Monchogfor Lawla naada port tlma PART TIM E Electricol...... 59 Pets ond Supplies...... ;, m tltlno In ttio MonctMttor Ho- H it tors needed to update time position needed Roomt ter Rent...... 31 rool oitatg offlco. Tvp- coahlara In Varnon and agers and counter peo- Aportmentt for Rent...... Heotlnp/Piumblnp...... 60 Mitcelloneout tor Sole ...... I7 raid, Advortltor htrtby Empfoyment G Education ..33 Mitcelloneout Services . M A O L IN It : For cloultied odvertisements to Monchaatar. Flaxiblo TELEMARKETING Mtanchester city direc­ for new retail station­ p le needed tor Condominiums for Rent...... 33 61 Tog Soles...... || be published Tuesdov through Soturdovi the ooroM to protoct, Indomnlfy Ino and bookkooplno MAK Meio Wanted...... 11 Services Wonted ...... 63 Wonted to Buy/Trode...... axporlgncg hglpf ul. 046- houra. Will troln. Var­ tory. Work at home. ery store opening in the reorganization ot.no- Hon>et fer Rent...... 34 |9 deodllne Is noon on the dov before publlcotton. ond hold hormlott tho Mon- Looking for people who C o m p a n y Send nomeaddreesond Vernon oreo In Oc­ Situation Wonted...... 13 Store/Offtce Spoce...... 35 For odvertisements to be publish^ Mondov* chottor Htrold, Iti offictrt 4655. non 075-3394. Monchas- tlonol chain shops. Butlness Opoortunltiet...... 13 Retort Property...... telephone number to : tober. Competitive poy Instruction...... 14 ..36 Marchandlsa the deodllne Is 3:30 p.m. on Fridov. and omploytM aoaintt any tar 643-M61 between 7- like to talk on the phone; leaders in quality Good pay Incentive Induttrlol Property...... 37 Automotlva Johnson OIrectorv, At­ and benefits. Coll 319- Emoloyment Services...... 15 Qorooet ond Storone...... Hoiidov/Seosonoi...... «. 71 and all liability, lost or 6pm dally. speak with a pleaaant oonstruotlon. ere and benefits. Coll 646- . . n Antioues ond Collectibles 72 Cors for Solt...... BRAD YOUR AO. Clostlfled odvertisements ore txponto. Including ottor- tention Manchester, P. 6466. Ask for Lynn. 6 ^ . . Roommotes Wonted...... 36 91 MEDICAL OFFICE voice; who can work B-1 looking for quality Wonted to Rent...... 40 Clothing...... 73 Trucks/Vons for Sole 93 token bv t^ephone ot o convenience. The ntyt' tool, arltlnp from R ^ v H Io O. Box 763, Cheshire, ^CROS8' 45 Molten rock 5pm. new 9 rooom, form Apply to 840 East 48 Civil defense jD AND FDUND and understand the person. needs working assist­ 84 per hour to start. ATTINDANT rience Is necessary. We 1 Plying rG io cisncic] ciinEiii CASHIERS. Full time, •tyle Colonial with 4 basics of engineering. item (2 wdt.) LICENSED lost North bedrooms, 2)6 boths, 742-5633 , ant to owner. Also gen­ Flexible hoi^s. Re­ Day a Night Shift Availble. will train. Competitive Middle Tpke. lilueers Qnn nQQD Enann flexible hours, gener­ Must be thoroughly fa­ eral cleaning help. Ev- stortlno wages plus be­ (ibbr.) 52 Type of horse zaci anno anBO ford home dov core front to back llvino REWARD to finder of quires ability tejlft and Good pay to start. Apply In 649-4245 53 MeMsehu- ous salary. Benefit miliar with field pro- e n ln g s and or carry books and other nefits: For more Infor­ S ^ in c t bird SOQQQ O a D B C lB B package available to lust off Silver Lone. THOSE 6UYS WHO nEOBIJliSffCIAUST • eiRninUMMIIWSNMK room with fireplace documents left In SBM TELEPHONE Operator- person. 8 l,wo-.toed tent cape Full time years. booth for return of ceedures. Send resume /Typlst. Seeking a full weekends. Leove mes- materials and ability to mation please coll 643- 54 Corwept □ □ □ □ □ □ qualified employees. tymung funk, brurti. oon- end French doors. For­ to: Box I, Manchester 252 Spencer St., 360 West Middle Tpke, sloth □□□□□□a QBDBB Meals provided. 5W* j m i • it p m iit n M mal dinine room plus some to owner. 649- time telephone opera­ soge 643-5747.______learn to file accurately. 1786 between 9Bm-5pm. 12 Boxing coup 55 Stratagem Apply now In person: ttnioNon, debris, leasat (FaH Herald. Manchester 643-0511 56 One of the CQBDQ mODG] BBD tntenor and exterior dinette off kitchen, co­ 1600.______tor. Must posess effec­ PART time cleaning. Apply at Personnel Of­ W AITRESS wanted full 13 f^ake e Arthur Drug, 943 Main paindM. Oall today (or a etaamip). Reatonabia m m . CLERICAL. Pull time of­ fice, 41 Center Street, time port time. 649- choice Three IOC] [DBBB DBaO Street, Manchester. vered porch. Situated SIZABLE reward offered tive telephone skills, Monchrster/Glostonbu INSURANCE Customer Manchester Stooges Ireo sainMMo. Tom or td m i m i f on 0 acres of privacy. fice position, 40 hours o typing 35-50wpm, apti­ r y oreo.Mondov- Manchester or coll 647- 5325. Lulot's Restau­ 14 Lariat □ □□□B DBODDIDB Attention Mr. Karos or for the return of the Service Assltont. Man­ Parkade 16 Home of Eva 57 Sea bird B O B BISQ Mr. Strieker. 643-1505. Directions: Route 85, Stihl chain saw lost at week, Monday - Fri­ tude for figures ond Soturdoy. Excellent 3126. Equal Opportun- chester ogenev seeking rant, 706 Hartford 58 River in 646>2215 GAGNE day. Sam to 4;30pm. Ity Employer.______Rood, Manchester. 16 rrtQph nobla □ o a n B o a b b b b o to Old Colchester Rood tho Valley Corn Crib, basic office skills to pay tor dependable ex­ mature person to help 17Cook Europe A SSE M B LY: Work at to Orovvllle Rood. 646- Reliability and accu­ perienced person. 742- 59 Rural QdDD BBC3B BBB EXCAVATION Buckland Rood, S. perform o variety of SECRETARY/Reseorch account representa­ 18 Sober □BOB 0000 BBia home port or full time 4535. Reole Reoltors.o racy lomportant. Ex­ clerical duties. Free 5633. G A L Friday, small office ^ 20 pfiipnage restaurant auembltng toys, elec­ Windsor. Please call Assistant tor ecumeni­ tives by providing duties Include; heavy 60 Cut □□□□ BDDB BBO 646-3319. perience using adding parking. Benefits. cal elderly Information PRODOCTION/PACKER 2 1 Tech" tronics, crafts. Piece CO. M IN T CondItlonI South technical odlmlnlstro- phone contact, generzsl,, 22 Metal INRBIjMEOUS machine, typing skills DOWN 10 Egyptian 32 Salad work, no experience CAIFENTtV a Windsor. 8259,900. 10 Apply In person, Full time entry level service. This one per­ tlve and clerical sup­ cMlsiner Buekai, truok S ehipFer. RTE. ee 9 noLTON helpful. Apply In per­ knowledge of book­ tecred*bull ingredient MMoacuiM im t e it WEKnBB§ room, 3,000 plus square Monday-Frldoy, 0:30 son office needs organ­ port. Requirements In- 40 hours plus per 23‘3G6k Roman needed. Coll (504) 641- iMayhloM AIMS' aim. Biump ramowat. near son Prague Shoe Com­ position available. keeping, some typing. 11 River in the 36 SmaH rug jjgwiaigig nofng rgagiig w n i iw* feet center hall Colon­ to 4:30. Prague Shoe ized, self motivated clude strong 26 Reraittent 8433 extension 866. aaiimeieaiBpooW 0 4 6 - 2 0 1 4 1 ^ PER8DNAL8 pany, 300 Pitkin St., week. Part-time Full time. Insurance"' Congo .37 New York moOdkio. We reseuMw A oaOi- OOO lobs, Trudkiita. ial, zoned as a 3 fomlly Company, 200 Pitkin Savings Bank of person with strong organizational and 31 ^ 0 F U L L & port time posi­ m oonsMeratlon I p iM M iy and benefits. Coll 647-': 19 Declaration bell club roeme sflO sOsMns. S S sedt Homo ropairs. You • a 6 • • 6 but presently used os o East Hartford. St., Eost Hortford. communication and communications skills. hours available. 33 Cfiildean city of allegiance tions available. No ex­ BoMMisreM werit. heeWswl, In- end handleiebed. H EA LTH Club member­ Manchester Loan 9137. [ 34 Actress Pitts 39 Gums iUfgRt fgfgfgfwgg. name It, we ito-lHFreo slnlgo family home. 1st SECRETARIAL po^on word processing abili­ Excellent environment Competitive wages 20 Nickname for 40 Heavy perience necessary. ship "to Court House Center. Apply In NURSE Aides. Imme- •' 35 legal aid a Scot estimates. 1iftsur^643- •47-7ISI PAR floor Includes 3 bed­ part time . Gar to ties. Bookkeeping ex­ In a non smoking of­ and benefits. Apply r i^ p (ibbr.) 44 Leaves out Apply In person at: esaaifi BSOA rooms, kitchen, dinino One, /Manchester, for perience helpful. Port fice. For appointment dlote openings for 22 Convertible 45 Stomachs Town & Country Je­ e ts O A N IN O answer phones, must person, 923 Main 36 2000, Roman 23 Rueeien room and o 15 x 36 sale. /Moved out of time to start. Salary call Harriet Johnson, In person. nurse aides who con ‘ 46 Optra fare welry, Marshall's town-Can't use. S100. have nice manner, St. Manchester. work every other wee- ' 37 Measure of emperor SIRVICI living room. 2nd floor, light typing of Invoices. commensurate with Independent Insurance length 2 4 ______verse47 Festival Moll.______G IVE YOUR Call Anita at 643-3711.0 kend on the 7am-3pm 48 Thug SMjixAwliiae sPhuAiMk GBsas kitchen, llvino room 9-2, M onday-Frldoy, experience. Send re­ Center Inc., 646-6050. FOWLER’S LTD. Ajfe to be 25 Infirmities M A TU R E, pleasant per­ vs* RnRip .Iflv ' Residantlot/ and 3 bedrooms. Ex­ sume : M. Ader, 763 shift. Excellent work­ 27 Deprive of 49 Saaport in MunmiMM mviet Manchester. Call be­ WAREHOUSE person il7 Celaalal RA Arabia son wanted tor soles tied columns for bargain Commtrelot tras Include 2 porches Burnside Ave., East ing conditions and new > aeniation buvsi______-hrANYswNnW tween 0am-9am. 646- LEG AL Secretary. Shor­ needed for growing Maaclieslor • S4S4220 starting rote. Willing to 28 Horae food 50 Drifd up position In retail floor­ Ouhwe* Rugs. end 0 20 X 40 Sobrino ANNOUNCEMENTS Positions now availa­ 0319.______. thand required. One Hartford 06108 or coll company Irf South 29 Employs 51 Citizen ing. Experience de­ R.R/ tkM, pisnting, pool. D. W. Fish. 643- 289-7355. train for details. Coll KE'S'ioEN^lAL..af)d ble for FT/PT sales O FFICE help. Part time man Manchester low Windsor area. Duties Manchester Manor 646- 30 Unerring 53 901, Roman sired but not required. HELPING PEOPLE SO- /Tratwdtk. ^ Alumttmm StdIAo SALES. Self motivated Coll 643-5168 between commertcoi wolt cov- tisty thoir notds and cashiers. We can offer afternoons. Hours flex­ office. 646-2425. Include shipping and 0129.______erfnf. instaliotton bv *- C A LL F R U BsttmcitiB. LuMHA Price. Coventry. receiving. Inventory responsible Individual 1 — 4 3 4 9-5pm.______wants Ntatl whot want good starting salary ible. High School stu­ SECRETARY Reception­ SECU R ITY guard wanted ' Jorttes B. Bride. Free 647-7188 1134,900. Older home dent. 643-2170. ROOFERS ^ n tro l, some heavy wanted tor full time ^ E L P wanted mornlnss ods arc oil about. S 4 M 3 3 S with lots ot charm and NOW forming adult-child and company paid be­ ist. Good typing filing, to work In the VernOn " 12 estimotes. 644-1394. fo r Ft m Ettimsto A Reofera Helpers fitting. Good opportun­ employment with o 5om-1]^m, Monday- 6' • 6 • ' a : , a '• ' t a many possibilities. 3 bowling league. 3 hours and telephone skills. busy Hebron lumber area. Coll 246-8859 or nefits. Rapid advance­ Plus basic computer ities for odvoncement. Frldoy. Counter per­ bedrooms, oot-ln kit­ of fun I For more Infor­ ment for qualified Indi­ Inexperienced help *9” company. Knowledge apply In person at the " 15- and or processing Non smoker preferred. Wockenhut Office lo­ son S4-S6 per hour. chen, den and 11 x 21 mation call 649-9013 af­ per hour starting pay. South Windsor Office of building moterlol Health Insurance, paid ter 4:30 pm, weekdays. viduals. For Immediate ARE you looking for port knowledge needed for cated at 666 Mopte ' 18- tlreploced llvino room. time work In your Experienced help will Supply. 289-6466. essential. Computer vocations. Apply In Oven, ranoe and wood Anytime on weekends. Interview speak to a this full time position in be paid accordirigly. If experience a plus. Non Ave., In Hartford. manager at... hometown? We hove a our Manchester office. MANAGER. Active video EOE. person Mister l3onut, H ^ H O M E S HOMES HOMES stove to remain. Set on Ask for Bee.o you are a hard worker smoker preferred. Sa­ 355 W. Middle Tpke, opproxlmotely 1 acre. clerk/courler position Must pay attention to store needs bright Indi­ lary based on expe­ HELP WANTED R H I8 A U FOR SALE FOR SALE available In our adver­ detail, be accurate and and can report to work vidual for 35 hour a Manchester. 646-9377. ED D. W. Fish Realty. 643- RECORD WORLD rience. Retirees wel­ tising department. As- every day, you can have week position. Coll 649- CREATIVE Circle needs 1591 or 071-1400.O ManekBOtBr Parkado responsible. Coll 871- come. Coll 228-9281. BARTENDER AM r*ol *ttat* advtrdiid In BEAUTIFUL Custom. (X )V E R N M EN T Homes Employment slt the staff with filing, 0175 for on the opportunity to work 5369 osk for Corl. port time workers. 1h* Manchtstsr Herald I* Manchester. 8389,900. from II (U repair). 203-646-7798 mall handling, and dis­ appointment. for a growing commer­ A U TO Dlsmontler. Full PART time secretarial Bartender needed Must be Interested In fublect to th* Fair Housing Built brick Contempor­ Delinquent fox prop­ JHNUMS patch of advertising cial roofing company time. Experience. position available. Ef­ experience preferred. needlecrofts and/or Act or ItM, which makes It ary split level. 3 loroe erty. Repossessions. SALE & Education materials. Reliable au­ ACCOUNTS payable full home decor. No ex­ llleeal to advertise any pret- bedrooms, 14' x 20' Coll I05-687-6000 exten- LABORER wanted for time. Experience that takes pride In their Must hove automotive fective communica­ Excellent wages, gretuj- tomobile necessary. tions skills 0 plus, light perience necessary. erence, limitation or discrim­ sunken tlreploced liv­ slon GH 9965.______milling facility. Benef- needed, mature, re­ work. CalJ tools. Apply In person. tlaa and benefits. Apply ination based on race, color, BRAND New Llstlnalll Its Included. 649-4663. Hours Monday-Frldoy, Bill's Auto Ports, route typing, policy handling For Information coll ing room, dining room MANCHESTER. Lovely South Windsor. Only 1 9om-3pm (flexible). sponsible person Eaitarn Roofing Corp. at ones to marwger, 1-800-358-4706. rellplon, sex or notlonol end eorgoous brand needed to handle o 74 Tollond.______In a local Insurance Presents origin, or on Intention to U A R built Colonial year old, 6 room condo CA BIN ET Makers and Call Denise Roberts at agency. Coll 649-0600. new kitchen. 17' x 23' HELP WANTED helpers for cusfom computerized A/P sys­ 782-0711 Eoe PART time 25 flours per ParkadB B o w H n r^ moke any such prorerence, located In Forest Hills. townhouse at Plum ED 643-2711 for Interview Tka 6REATEST 19|SITUATI0N limitation or discrimination. tlreploced family This 4 bedroom home RIdire. Has never been HYGIENIST w anted. high end woodworking appointment. tem, general ledger, week 12 noon to 5pm. Th* Herald will not know­ room, screeened DRIVER. Part time for facility. Pay according month end closing and YOUNG Dynamic com­ General otfice duties Port time position Lanes i n'ZIWANTED i otters ample living and occupied. 3 bedrooms, Manchester Herald available In Manches­ Parkade Shopping MGMNT OPPORTS ingly accept any advertise­ porch, 7Vi baths, 3 cor entertainment possi­ 3)6 baths, low condo to ability. Benefits. 649- SIRVICI STATION bonk statements. Be­ pany needs quality em­ Including data entry, ment which Is In violation of oarage. Protesslonolly route. Coventry area. 4663. nefits. Loocoted on typing, tiling. Cox Ca­ ter general dentist of­ Center, Manchester^ C ER TIFIED Nurses Aide bilities. 2)6 boths, 3 car toe, excoptlonol. Ap­ Short hours. Good pay. ATTINDANT A ployees tor entry level the low. landscaped lot. Much, oarage, family room pointments. See It Vernon, Tolland Lines. positions. If you ore ble Greater HoHford. fice. Flexible hours, Position now avallablo will care for your loved Call 743-0067. 9-13am, 7 RECEPTIONIST. Part MICHANICS HILPIR excellent salary. No Phono Calls one In your home. Coll much more. D. W. Fish and privacy ore some yourself. $178,900. time position for re­ Coll Ms. Prest. 871- eager to learn new Coll Coble Rep. 649- for... SaUTHEHN New Eng- Realty. 643-1591 or 871- to lOpm.o______will train the right person. 9749.______6906. Please coll Dr. Bottoro Thereso. 569-6660. ot the features. Ottered Jackson A Jackson sponsible person In skills, and ore depen­ land closslfleld ods 1400.a Reol Estate. 647-0400.O REGIONAL Classified Apply In person. dable, we need you I No ot 649-2796.______• Manager Tralnoos reoch nearly 8(XI,000 at 835S,000. Keith Reol busy pediatric dental CLERK/TvpIst. Small U. M ANCHESTER. 1213,900. Estate. 646-4136. ads reach nearly S. government office, experience necessary, USE RICE to Cleon the GRAM PY'S corner store BECAUSE YOU never BUSINESS homes In Connecticut otfice. Call 649-4655 ask 252 Spencer St. • Asolstont Monagor 201 Grissom Rood. COVEN TR Y. Ranch, 3 3,000,000 homes. One tor Solly.______Manchester legal environment. we will train. Weoreon Inside of bottles and long- has Immediate open­ know when someone will THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME OPPORTUNITIES and Rhode Island. The luns^ijiiio classified ad placed optical wholesale lob be searching for the Item Trolnoeo price for a basic 25 Very special House I bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 Varied duties, detail stem vases. Sprinkle rice ings for cashier clerks. by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee You'll love entertain­ with the Manchester NEEDED babysitter M EDICAL Technologist located on the Tolland Fleixible hours, liberal you hove for sole. It's - word ad Is only S90 and cor oarage, to be built. Monday- Friday ,3:30- griented. Good clerical inside container, odd M A N S F I E L D r ^ S t a r - ing family and friends Herald will be placed In for part time days. skills needed Including Tpke, Manchester. worm, sudsv water and benefits. Apply at better to run your wont od Uneoramble these four Jumbles, Wo oro looking for am­ will appear In 75 news­ B uy nowl Lovely BRAND New LIstInal 5. Oakland Manor one'letter to each square, to form llshed auto lunk yard In this Contemporary 3 over 300 newspapers Approximately 20 typing aqjd filing. Word Starting salary 811,440. shake vigorously. The Gromov's Corner for several days... cancel-'' bitious, bright, and oatf and used auto license papers. For more In­ wooded lot. 8154,900. Planned commercial apartments. 643-1562 four ordinary words. bedroom home. Oor- Klernan Real Estate. throughout New Eng­ hours per week. Hema- processing experience Good benefit package rice will polish and clean Store, 706 Main Street, Ing It os soon os you get motivated Individuals. tor sole. Owner retir­ formation call Clossl- zonol Mein Street, El- land for one low price. before 2. Including dental, Manchester. results. t M , 643-2711 and ask geous kitchen, formal 649-1147. Exclusive tology background helpful. EOE. Starting Interior. Use the classified We can offer yOu; ing. Profitable. Kler- dining room, easy liv­ llnoton. Approxi­ Call Classified 643-3711 helpful. Call 649-2054 solorv $13,248-818,358 please coll 649-3177 and columns to sell those still TENKO non Realty. 64MI47. tor detolls.o oaents. mately 3 acres In hot and ask for detalls.a ask for Pool ZIto. ing family room with 10am-3pm, Mondav- commensurote with good, but no longer used • Modlcol/Dontal BRAND New Listing 11 fireplace, 7'A baths, 2 MAii^HiAffcA. th is orowlng arte. Ideal for C LEA N IN G help, also Frldoy. ______training and expe­ We’re wolfing to hear items around your home. WAREHOUSE T m z M ANCHESTER. 8134,900. family testid 3 bed­ bonks, restaurants, of­ PART Time Evenings. from you! • Vacation Manchester. 10 room cor garage. Open working supervisor 3RD shift telephone oper­ rience. Send resume MERCHANDISE PROCESSORS/TICKETERS licensed' rooming Bargain Hunters I Now House Sunday , Sep­ room Colonial Is lo­ fices, retail, etc. Coll with floor care expe­ Clerks. National News­ with cover letter Iden- • Competitive Salary Is your chance. Immac­ cated next to Bowers to r more details. paper Concern has Im­ ator needed 4 evenings Got those beek-lo-eehool bNI Muce? Don't look house. Excellent In­ tember 27,1:00-4:00pm. rience. Part time even­ a week. No experience tlflng dov time phone PAMCH • Considerable Bonus ulate older three bed­ School, 1)6 baths, fabu­ 8310,000. Jackson A mediate openings In now but those school balls will soon be sleigh come. Economical ex­ Directions: Parker ings or weekends. So- necessary, will train. number to :Clerk U. S. NOW HIRING! Awards penses, new furnace, 3 room Colonial In move- Street, right onto Co­ lous new oxponded kit­ Jackson, 647-0400. o lary open. 643-5747. Manchester. Perfect Bankruptcy Court, U. balls, holly, and old Saint NIckI So, If you're lo s ­ In condition with much chen, formal dining for students. Moon­ Please call Edwards H z n z • Career Advancement kitchens, oppllonces lonial, right onto Scott, ANDOv AA. Mihormon's H ELP wanted for East Answering Service. S. Court House, 450 FOR ENTRY-LEVEL POSITIONS ing for a way to make the upcoming holidays Including laundry to- updating. Cell todov left onto Kennedy, left and llvino rooms, plus delloht. 3.2 acres with lighter. If you have 4 Mdin Street, Room 717, happier, come Into the G. Fox Distribution Can­ before It's too tote. rec room...Prlced for Hartford based heating hours from 5 p m -9 ^ 646-5081. No experience necessary. cllltles. 8335,000. Coll onto Hamilton, loft 100 toot trontogo on company. Experience Hortford, Ct. 06103. ter In South Windsor for that perfect seasonal or n b e n I It you are serious tor the figures I Jack- Century 31 Epstein onto Grissom. Century Immediate sole by pond. 875,000. Klernan and wont to earn great year round job. Our Marchandlae Processors ON ELBCTIOIvl PAY Realty. 647-8895.0 transferred owners I and licensed people THE LOSER 60TTHB about your caraarl son & Jackson Real 31 Epstein Roolty. 647- Realty. 649-1147. pay... Call todayl Excellent benefits with a verify orders, ticket and hang marchandlae, and Blanchard A Rossetto, only. Please call and Don't delay. 647-9946. B O O T AMP T H E Estate. 647-0400.O 8895.0 leave'message on 569- Insure shipments to our stores ARE CORRECT. Call Q«rry MoCallum COVENTRY. 8149,900. "We're Selllna After 6pm. 1-220-5196. growing company. Piease apply] WIMMBR S O T T H IS , MANCHESTER. 8105,000. Houses". 646-2403.O 3395 or 560-7395. CLERK TYPIST We have openings for h^chendlae Processors/ 203-264-2450 Price reducedll Mint Very attractive and Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. TIckatsre on the following Monday through Fri­ ' t o A N N E Monday 9/3S/S7 condition Raised BOLTON. (Custom built Enloy working In a pleasant, Now arrange the circled letters to batwtan 10 am - 8 pm HELP WANTED ranch 11 Built In 1986. private acre plus lot In and designed 7 room day shifts: 7:1Sam-3:4Spm /7:15am-12pm /8am- form the surprise answer, as sug­ one ot Monchoster's friendly atmosphere? Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 noon 3:4' m / 8am-12pm / 9am-2pm / 4pm-9:30pm / This 3 bedroom home split level..Huge ’ 0 0 gested by the above cartoon. has carpeting through­ finest neighborhood. 5;3u..m-9:30pm. Ideal tor Contempor­ roomsi 3 fireplaces, NO PAYMENTS Do YOU have good typing and ^ 1/^ M/ M/ M1/ SI/' Sk' SJ out. Situated on nearly formal living and din­ Up to 7 years. Kiss your tl- FULL-TIM E SALES MAL TOOL Wa offer compstitive benefits and salary one acre lot. Flre- ary or solar oriented noncto/ dltnculNes oepdOy*. telephone skills? r 1C XXJ LXJ XXJ JOB homo. Sentry Root Est­ ing rooms, enclosed & packagat, a generous Incentive bonus program (Answers tomorrow) plocol Basement Is In­ porch, 3 cor garage. Avoid fereclesur*. Catch up CLASSIC FINE JEWELERS This opportunity Is available at this that enables you to earn additional money, and sulated end ready to be ate. 60-4060.D Reduced tor Imme­ on lot* payment* such oeflrst ~ rd a 's I r u m m y SIMILE FUTURE or tecend mertoee* or even small East Hartford Office. Excellent ENGINEERING Co. the bast employee discount program In the area. OPPORTUNITIES finished by you at your BOLTON. 8117,500. If prl- diate sale I S360's Blan­ M a n c h e s te r ’ I Answer: What's the wealhemtan's usual vocy Is what you ore outttandlno credit cord Mils. If you're Intereatsd apply Monday through Fri­ ~ adiecllve?-“UNUS)JAL" leisure end by your chard A Rossetto. 646- Love jewelry? Like people? We offer plea­ benefits, permanent position, Ideal for 140 Bolton Road day, 9-5 or on Saturday from 8 until noon at at the specifications 11 Some looking tor wo have It 3483. "We're Selling Keep VPur ham# frp* end someone re-entering the work force. owner financing avoll- for you. Custom built U dear without liens. Bed sant surroundings, 2 weeks paid vacation, Vernon, Ct. 06066 Houses".o credit or lot* payment his­ Place coll Mrs. Palmer at 289.9576. G. Fox Diftribution Center oblel I Give us the op­ •i R built Ranch sot on 1.5 acres In beautiful c 6 z y Starter Home I ilx tory It not o preMom. Kindly paid holidays and an incentive program. 301 Govarnoft Highway, South Windsor, C T portunity to show you coll; E. CELEBRITY CIPHER IfflanrlfrHtrr Upralft this home end discuss Bolton. Nowcorpotlne, room, 3 bedroom Cope Sales experience a plus. We will train. Cali In nice area ot Man­ T h # s w itf CalGbnty Dphpr cryptograms pra crpptpd from quotations by famouB —X making an otferl dollehttui airy kitchen, for an interview: ppopM. past and praaont Eacfi lattar m tha clpfiar stands for Realty World and walk In cedar chester. Fireplace In ConoBrvotIvB Group * anothar Todsy'M cA/a A aquafa / living room. Cell to­ Frechette-Bonolt Asso­ closet. Call now tor 1-4S4-44M or details. Sentry Real dayl 8129,900. Strano 649-4537 THE PROFESSIONALS ciates. 646-7709.O Real Estate. 647-7653.0 1-4S4*1tM from lOam-Spm J'ZT WAUF CFIEALP P A R T t i m e Estoto. 643-4060.O »EL ECZ KQABQ NEWSPAPER DEALER MANCHESTER HONDA H E LF W M IT a help wanted HELP WANTED H ELFW A N T a Newspaper Dealer needed In Manchaeter - ED ED “FUFCJTLF IXPZ ED AUTOMOBILES South Windsor Area. Full time money for part time hours. Dependable car, a must. rWFECL, ELR K O A B Q Our Service Department Call Fred for interview @ 647-9946 between $ STUDENTS $ SALES LEARN A SKILL! 9:00 A.M . and 11:00 A.f I l T T L F BEL is seeking an experienced » PEOPLE K lo c k ,' an industry leader in aero­ with or without tx- Automobile Technician. *Z F E B a . ' — HOMEMAKERS ptrlence. W t hovt space heat treat and metallurgical openings full or port Iqeufwtbn fwwap. CIRCULATION AREA ADVISOR time for you with processing, has full time positions 1 "PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "The penalty of success Is to be Hourly wage plus bonus. Uniforms Houaewives, mothere with young children, room for odvanct- on 3 shifts for entry level applicants. That's Right • bored by the people who u s ^ to snub you." — Lady MOONLIGHTERS ment. All wo ask It provided, excellent benefits. For “ Astor. atudenta. Earn axtra inoney with your own that you bo bright, part-time job. Bring your children with you We are willing to train persons We Sell Excitement! \ and ogoreatlvt and intervievjv call Tom Dell, 8 am to 4 pim, and aave on babysitting coau. 21 hours per In return W8 w ill pay seriously interested in learning a T h e d e a d l i n e f o r l e t y o u r newspaper If you are looking to m ake Central Connecticut.^ most progrossi\'c Monday thru Friday. - PLACING OR help you keep fruit lors week, salary plus gee allowance. Buparvlae you an hourly rote, skill offering growth opportunity. We ^CANCELING AN AD s p i l i n g Cleon and sweet our carrier boya and girls. If you Ilka kida, want overtime available, Pontiac-Toyota Dealership is in need of smelllno. Wosh lors, dry •6-*10/hour, give us a call plus commlstlon 12 NOON THE DAY a little Independence and your own Income, promote from within. To learn more EFORE, MONDAY - completely then put o with Income poten­ career minded people to join our sales team. call 647-9946 or 647-9947. about Klock and what we can offer 87RIDAY, IN ORDER large piece of newspaper tial SISK to S3SK. We •A sales background is helpful, but not TO MAKE THE NEXT Inside the lor ond put the We offer: Paid Training will give you a full apply in person. Monday through MANa£STBM FOR MONDAY'S newspaper find a cosh coniprehensive training program, a 24 ADAM S S TR E E T | ISSUE. THANK YOU pointed surfaces,'odd soy extender to tour ports conditions. Wehav# buyer for most onything three tablespoons of of meat. Your taste buds Convenient Evening Hours openings In several guaranteed salary during training and one of MANCHESTER. C T 06040 - FOR YOUR you hove for sole. quart of won't be able to tell the KLOCK COMPANY :C(X}PERATIONIII washing soda to a stores across the 1366 Tolland Turnpike worm water and wash. No difference, but your No Experience Necessary states. the most liberal benefit plans in the business' rinsing required. For budget will! Boost your Manchester, C T 6 4 6 - 3 5 2 0 (Sd your garden "over Please call Gary Bergeron for appointment - produce" this year? Sell ONE OF TH E surest woys sparkling results when budget bv selling idle 6 6 7 -2 3 2 3 EOE to And borooln buys you hove something to Items In your home with a for an Interview, fndts and vegetables with low-cost od In cloultied. ^ Call Mr. Michaels... 647-9946 ^ a fow