t - ^ j^ jn g jn : Sparky’s proud ot his Tigers / page 11 On tour Navajo minister speaks from Fall follager Volunteers scout the colors / page 16 the heart / page 3 ) Manrhnslnr A City nf ViHaqi' Char Monday. Sept. 28,1687 30 Cents Ftt-; S 1 Mines close I xV - sea channel E ^ >tji MANAMA, Bahrain (A P ) - A by Iran for speedboat attacks on , ^ major sea iane in the southern ships. Persian Guif was ciosed to com- "This is probably the busiest area 1“^.: merciai shipping today after sev­ of the waterway, and Iranian ships eral mines were spotted in the area, use the sea lanes in this area as shipping executives reported. much as anyone else,” said one of The shipping executives, speak­ the executives based in Dubai. ing on condition of anonymity, said The last mine casualty in the gulf the deepwater channel 20 miles off was reported a week ago, when the P the busy United Arab Emirates Marissa 1, a small research vessel, port of Dubai would remain closed hit a floating charge in the northern to navigation until U.S. Navy and sector of the gulf, not far from British warships swept for mines in Iran’s Farsi island. Four of the the area. seven Greek crewmen were killed.. Other sources, also speaking on The reflagged Kuwaiti tanker condition of anonymity, said the Bridgeton struck a mine July 24 as United States believed Iran had It was sailing through the gulf with seeded the waterway with explo­ U.S. Navy escorts. sives in retaliation for last week's Iraqi military communiques car­ attack on a minelayer in the central ried by the official Iraqi News gulf. Agency said Iraqi jets struck at A U.S. military spokesman said four "large naval vessels” off the he could hot comment on the Iranian coast in a 20-hour period reports that American ships were Saturday and Sunday. searching for mines off Dubai. One communique said the at­ Shipping salvage sources and tacks "underscore Iraq’s determi­ Western diplomats, speaking on nation to chop off Iran’s economic condition of anonymity, said the lifeline,” reported the agency, explosives were contact mines, the monitored In Cyprus. Oil exports same type found aboard the Iran help finance the war efforts of Iran A jr captured by U.S. forces a week and Iraq. av- • ago alraut 300 miles away. Shipping officials based in the Dubai is the largest and busiest Persian Gulf confirmed the first port on the 600-mile gulf, and had AP photo th ree reported attacks but could not not previously been troubled by the immediately verify the fourth. mine threat affecting northern Iraq also said Its warplanes also areas of the waterway. 2 Early winter raided oil and industrial targets In Diplomatic sources said the Imam Hassan and Beedboland In An unidentified tourist, dressed for the weather, looks and the-temperature was 13 with winds of 99 miles an explosives were spotted Sunday by southern Iran, triggering chain the missile destroyer Kidd, one of explosions. out from the 6,288-foot summit of Mount Washington in hour. At the base, it was sunny and in the 70s. A museum the 11 American warships in the There >^s no immediate com­ New Hampshire Sunday. The highest peak in the and a weather observatory stand at the peak. Navy’s Middle East Force. ment from Tehran on the reports. Northeast got 4.7 inches of snow, the first of the season, "Discussions are under way in Iran’s official Islamic RepuMIc London on cooperative moves to News Agency, monitored in Cy­ P:i-' ■. retrieve the mines for identifica­ prus, said 10 civilians were killed tion,’^ said one of the sources. "It Saturday in Iraqi air strikes in M t depends who is closest to be in a southern Khuzestan province. Author stands by claim Casey knew position to collect them and sweep the area.” Shipping executives in Dubai said WASHINGTON (AP) - Journal­ "60 Minutes" on Sunday evening, Contras, and we can do what he Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, earlier that the mines also were 264 laws ist Bob Woodward stands by his Woodward, an assistant managing used to call ‘these things’ — covert leader of the militant Hezbollah spotted by one of their vessels, claim that former CIA Director editor at The Washington Post, action.” faction in Lebanon, whom the book about 20 miles off the U,A.E. port. William J. Casey admitted in a reasserted his story while acknowl­ In the book. Woodward says, "To aiieged had accepted a $2 million Iran has been blamed for laying sickbed interview that he knew of edging there were no witnesses to this day I do not know why” Casey payoff to stop attacks against mines in the northern sector of the take effect the diversion of Iran arms sale the hospital meeting. He said the agreed to speak to him. Woodward Americans and U.S. facilities. gulf, close to Kuwait and Saudi money to the Nicaraguan Contras four-minute interview occurred a describes a Dec. 3,1986, phone call Excerpts of Woodward's, book Arabia, the two Arab countries even though Casey’s widow says few days after he had been ejected in which he quotes Casey as saying, appeared in today’s and Sunday’s which it accuses of backing Iraq in Thursday such an interview could not have from the hospital by guards, and " I don't know why I take your editions of the Post. the 7-year-old Iran-Iraq war. taken place. that the meeting was arranged with calis.” In today’s editions. Woodward Iran also reportedly has dropped Writing in his new book, "V E IL; the help of a source he would not Casey died May 6 of compiica- said; White House aides were some mines near the Strait of By Judd Everhart The Secret Wars of the CIA, identify. tions after being diagnosed as "frightened” by a pale, disoriented Hormuz, the only gateway to the The Associated Press 1981-1987," Woodward said Casey "H e was dying. It was not the having a maiignant brain tumor. Reagan when he returned to the gulf. nodded affirmatively when asked if Casey I knew .-'physically,” Wood­ Mrs. Casey told The Associated White House after the 1981 assassi­ But it was the first time that such HARTFORD — Used-car buyers he knew about the funds diversion ward said. "And so I got one Press in a telephone interview nation attempt. devices have been spotted off the will get new protections, children at a time when Congress had question, and ... that question was; Sunday from her New York home The morning after the president U.A.E., which has maintained good will be allowed to accompany their banned U.S. aid to the rebels. 'You knew about the diversion, that Woodward "was never in the emerged smiling from the hospital, relations with Persian Iran despite parents into the voting booth and But Sophia Casey took issue didn’t you?’ ... And he nodded. ... hospitai.” he "limped from his bedroom to an the war with Arab Iraq. 18-year-olds will be allowed to take Sunday ^ th the depiction of And I said ‘Why?’ And he said, ’I Biesides Mrs. Casey's response, adjoining room in the upstairs The waters are regularly trav­ on more jobs, under laws taking (Easey’s views of President Reagan believed.’’’ the book came under attack Sunday residence of the White House. He ersed by gulf shipping, including effect Thursday. and Woodward's contention that he Asked what Casey "believed,” from the Saudi government, which emerged slowiy, waiking with the the convoys of Kuwaiti tankers In addition, employers will be eluded security at the hospital and Woodward answered, "That we can Woodward aiieged provided money hesitant steps of an old man. ... sailing under the U.S. flag with allowed to order urine tests for met with the dying Casey. change the world. That we can and heip to Casey for his private Those who observed were fright­ Navy escorts. The area is not far employees and job applicants they In an interview with CBS-TV’s reshape it. That we can support the covert operations, and from Sheik ened.” from two Islands known to be used believe are using drugs or alcohol, smoking will be banned In schools during school hours and it will be easier for adults who were adopted Thousands jam Rentschler hangar as children to find their ori^nal parents. The 1987 General Assembly passed 701 bills; Gov. William A. C( for 10th edition of Product Show O’Neill vetoed two of them. Although many bills take effect when the governor signs them Into By Andrew J. Davis time the show has been held at law, Oct. I is the effective date of 9 ib y n n io Herald Reparter Bond-backers get Pratt A Whitney. most that don't deal with budget “ It would be impossible to put on matters. Some 264 new laws take EAST HARTFORD — Everyone positive reception without Pratt A Whitney,” Thorn­ effect Thursday. All of the money had something to sell, give away or — story on page 10 ton said. bills took effect July 1. the first day promote. But that was exactly the In past years, the show has been / ■ of the budget year. point. held places such as the Manchester / One new law makes It a crime to Thousands of people jammed a Industrial Park and the J.C. sell drugs within 1,000 feet of a 35,000-square-foot hangar at ties District Fiie Dcpartniii.'.
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