20-MANGHESTER HERALD. Friday. April 5. 1991 NCAA rules are forcing swimmers to leave school WEEKEND EDITION ByJlM COUR she announced she was going to Each blamed the new NCAA rule, require you to spend more than 20 Ted Tow. the NCAA’s associate make a blanket restriction for all the give up her final two years of which takes effect in August. The Associated Press hours a week.” athletic director, said he wasn’t sports,” she said. “I don’t think they eligibility at Stanford. They said it cuts a world class Stanford women’s coach Richard 'surprised that Evans and Stewart want to take the time and effort to NCAA officials said Thursday swimmer’s supervised workout FEDEiyiL WAY. Wash. — The Quick, the man who is losing Evans, decided to leave school. look into each sport individually.” that its new rule is being, schedule, which usually averages 35 door is wide open for a mass exodus said the mie didn’t need any inter­ Tow disagreed. misinterpreted. They said Evans and to 40 hours a week. “It’s not the function of college of America’s big-name swimmers preting as far as he was concerned. athletics to prepare world class ath­ “The thing is, the motivation be­ FEATURES INSIDE other world class swimmers can still But while college swimming offi­ from college programs because of a “A swimmer can only do coach- letes.” said Tow. in San Diego for hind the so-called reform package get in as much supervised pool time cials criticized the new rule, the new NCAA rule that drastically supervised training 20 hours a was to free up some of the time as they like. NCAA said the 20-hour rule is the NCAA President’s Commission changes the way athletes train, week.” he said. pressures on some of these athletes,” • College swimming programs are being misintrepreted. meetings. “The function of col­ shaken college coaches say. College coaches say they’re going he said. “As some of the delegates ■ TV listings grids /Pages 12,13 waiting for more big names to fol­ Said Jim Marchiony. NCAA legiate athletics is just that — to “Isn’t it sad that someone who is to look after their swimmers first, function within the constraint of pointed out, we have to do what is low Evans, however. Evans said the director of public relations: not themselves. as excellent a student as Janet Evans NCAA should reconsider its rule academics. best for 95 to 98 percent of the ath­ ■ Horne and Seniors trews /Page 5 “That limit refers to the amount Texas men’s coach Eddie Reese college to pursue her before it’s too late. letes, the great majority.” of time that a coach can require a said he planned to recommend to Whars dream.’’ Texas women’s coach Mark “I think the NCAA is going to “■Vbu’ll always find some out­ Although Quick is losing Evans, ■ Religion update /Page 6 student athlete to participate in his some of his swimmers that they take Schubert said at the U.S. Spring Na­ have to get its act together.” Evans or her sport. Swimmers can volun­ standing athletes who choose not to Stanford freshman Summer Sanders tionals meet Thursday. “I think it the year off to get ready for the function within the official is expected to remain in school even ■ Children’s games /Page 6 News said. tarily practice as many hours as they Olympics. borders on criminal.” Evans and Tennessee’s Melvin want. framework.” with the Barcelona Olympics com­ Evans, winner of three gold “There’s no way a distance swim­ The NCAA is taking the easy way ing up next year. ■ Reader’s forum /Page 4 Saturday, April 6,1991 Stewart, also a world record holder, “The coach may be present during mer can get it done on 20 hours a medals at the Seoul Olympics three said Wednesday they were leaving voluntary individual workouts when out, Evans said. “I think I can still stay in school,” years ago and holder of three world week.” said Reese, whose teams “They decided that not enough said Sanders, winner of three events school to better prepare for the 1992 the student athlete uses the institu­ have won four consecutive NCAA records, dropped a bombshell when Olympics. Both are competing here. tion’s facilities. The coach just can’t football and basketball players were at the NCAA women’s meet at In­ titles. graduating so they were going to dianapolis last month. Water main tests MANCHESTER — The ; Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper Water and Sewer Division will be flushing water mains from Hartford Road north between Cooper Hill, Broad Street and 'I-.- I .PLFL'i' Main Street to West Middle SCOREBOARD Turnpike starting Monday. The 17:09; Bruce. StL (hooking), 17:51. flushing will continue from 7:15 Third Period—5, DetroiL Fedorov 1. 1:52 6 Iraq offers a.m. to 3 p.m. throughout the Hockey DetroiL Miller 1 (Burr). 9:19. 7, SL Louis, Hull 2 Lakers 102, Suns 98 Week. ' (Brown, Oates), 10:23 (pp), 8. SL Louis, Oates TURF LAUKERS(102) 1 (Hull, Brown), 12:44 (pp). 9, DetroiL Yzerman Perkins 6-14 3-4 15. Wbrthy 12-19 2-2 26, Transactions Fire flow tests and hydraulic NHL playoff glance 3 (Probert), 14:55. Penaltios— Stevens, StL Divac 3-5 1-2 7. E.Johnson 2-5 6 6 10. Scott capacity tests of the system will (boarding), 2:42; Carson. Dot (high-steking), VS. GRASS 4-9 7-8 17. Teegle 7-13 0 6 14, Green 3-7 5 5 DIVISION SEMIFINALS BASEBALL also be done during the week. 4:50; Snepsts, StL (rougNng), 4:50; Garpeniov, How batting averages vary uM M xiki! 9, Smith 5 3 1-2 1, Thompson 1-2 1-1 3. Totals (Best-o(-7) Det (slashing). 9:32; Marois, StL (slashing), American League Kurds amnesty Home faucet water should 3577 24-30 102. Wsdnosday, April 3 CLEVELAND INDIANS—Claimed Eddie V

'' 4—MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991

MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991—5 OPINION SENIOR CITIZENS______A Open Forum Forget Update on program cuts due to the state budget Not a platform By JEANETTE CAVE Please make note of the following trip schedule: newspapers the week of April 8. Fri 4/12 — Ham grinder, juice, beverage, dessert. Manchester Senior Center April 9 — signup “Red Sox v. ” A quick Individuals in need of Tax Assistance are reminded Ongoing activities: To The Editor: baseball game $29. Includes transportation and admis­ that TCE (Tax Counseling for the Elderly) volunteers Mon — Ceramics 9:30 a.m.. Bingo 10 a.m.. Pinochle Advocacy l ^ m e s a very important task when sion. Trip scheduled July 30. are here at the Center every weekday except Thursday 12:30 p.m.. Photography 1-3 p.m.. Exercise “Celeste” 2 On March 19 the TNT/Commonsensc candidates of­ resources for elderly programs are slated to be reduced, fered their platform for public inspection. The platform April 13 — Bushnell “Hartford Pops Orchestra” $22. from 1-3:30 p.m. The service is free to all seniors. p.m. ^th o u f^ noting has been finalized, the Governor’s Includes ticket and transportation. A waiting list is being Please note the health classes sponsored by the The — Oil painting 9:30 a.m., (Adv) Square dancing lacked substance and contained only one idea, that of an rebound taken. budget h a s s le d for the elimination of the ConnMAP Manchester Health Department: Stress Management, , 10 a.m.. Photography club (informal) 10-12 noon. Exer­ “employee’s suggestion box.” Hardly original. By JACK ANDERSON ' ’ p ro g i^ . This program allows those who are income April 29 — Rockingham race track $33.50. Includes Women & Heart Disease, Looking Better and Feeling cise “Cleo” 1:30 pan.. Grocery shopping (Stop & Shop) After reading the literature that had been left at my and DALE VAN ATTA eligible to show a card and not be charged more than home, I attended the public meeting with idealistic hopes transportation and buffet lunch. To register call Don at Better, and Smoking Cessation. Mammograms are also call at least a day in advance for a ride. what Medicare allows. Ugislation is proposed that will 875-0538. that TNT/Commonsense might offer ideas that would, as scheduled. Call the Health DeparUnent for details, Wed — (Beg) Square dancing 9:15 aan.. Friendship WASHINGTON — The end to the m ^date dldoctor’s to accept Medicare Assignment. they claimed, offer “a more reasonable balance between May 14 — Ellis Island includes transportation and ad­ 647-3173. eircle 10 a.m.. Arts & crafts 12:30 p.m.. Bridge 12:30 Persian Gulf War will not necessarily Con^AOT, the prescription dmg program, also is mission to Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty. A waiting We would like to have a German Day in June to con­ p.m.. Exercise “Celeste” 2 p.m.. Nongrocery shopping services and taxation.” Needless to say, I left the meeting mean an end to the recession. Peace and disappointed. slated for change. Proposed is a registration fee and pay­ list is being taken. tinue with our scries of ethnic days. If you know of any (Bradlees) call by Monday-pioming. prosperity do not go hand in hand. There ment of 50 percent of the cost of the prescription, with May 22 — signup at 9:30 a.m. for Indian High Stakes entertainment we could use, please contact Jan. Thu — Orchestra rehearsal 9 a.m.. Lunch 11:45 a.m.. I did realize, however, that as much as this Coalition are too many factors plaguing the seniors paymg a maximum of $20 per dmg. claims to have a basis in common sense, its candidates Bingo $7. Includes admission, bingo marker, lunch and Program 12:30. economy — quite separate from the war In addition. Breakthrough to the Aging, an agency, lack a clear understanding of the phrase. Their opinions, transportation. LV 9:30 a.m. & RET 6 p.m. The trip is Please make not of the following Thursday Fri — Ceramics 9:30 a.m., Cribbage 9:30 a.m.. Bingo — to expect a quick fix. will lose all of its funding from the state. This will mean p set forth, were often contradictory, inflammatory, and scheduled for June 19. programs: 10 a.m.. Exercise “Cleo” 11 a.m.. Setback 12:30 p.m.. First, the bad news, then the bad news. the loss of an agency that trains volunteers to work in insulting, both to particular public officials and to the in­ May 29 — Caprilands Herb Farm. Transportation is 4/11 — Polish Nite. Johnny Prytko dancers, 5 p.m., Exercise “Celeste” 2 p.m.. Bowling Holiday Lanes 9:30 Most economists are predicting months the Iriendly Visitors Program. Manchester presently has telligence of Bolton’s voters. The candidates, appearing free $18 covers the lunch and lecture. Signup April 10 at reservations required. a.m. of climbing unemployment, flat personal about 45 persons volunteering their time to visit the 9:30 a.m. 4/18 — Social Security representative Sal Anello. self-impressed with their own educational credentials, elderly shut-ins. If you are concerned about any of these were clearly driven by tbe Coalition’s consensus that income and slack industrial production. Jun 2-6 — Wildwood Trip $234 (taking a waiting 4/25 — Bennct Jr. High School singers. Scores: The housing industry, which normally programs, let your State Senators and Representatives list). Call 875-0538. quality education in Bolton is a bad thing. Seniors are reminded to call the Infoline (647-3240) The 3/26 — Bowling; Norm Lasher 500; Will Mes­ leads the counUy out of a recession, will know by writing or calling their offices. While all of the candidates spoke eloquently of provid­ Sep 1-8 — Bermuda Cruise prices start at $799 pp for information on meals, trips, taxes and activities at sier 516; Don Ostberg 514; Ed Adams 204, 534; Cliff be of no help. Expect it to stay in the Driver Education classes will be held Thesday and twin, plus port taxes ($300 deposit at signup). Call Lois ing better public services; i.e., sewers, affordable hous­ the Center. The Infolinc is available 24 hours a day, Coffin 215, 520; Bert Sweet 513; Ed Toconis 200, 534; deep freeze for months. Wednesday from 12:30 to 4 p.m. After completion of at 243-1630. ing, senior citizen projects, none of them addressed the seven days a week. Hal Hinkel 218. Carol Toconis 471; Neva Slater 177, Thanks to the Reagan revolution, the the classes, you will be able to get a 5 percent reduction Sep 28-Oct 4 — Myrtle Beach $409 ppdo, includes Menu: costs and means of paying for these services. TTiose same on your car insurance. A few spaces are still available. 470; Marcia Goodman 180,488; fht Olcavage 453; Stel­ candidates did agree that the only services that should usual quick fixes that can help pull the Uansportation, room, 6 full-course breakfasts & 6 full- Mon 4/8 — Macaroni & beef casserole, vegetable, la Farsyth 202, 492. economy up by its bootstraps are not Your registration, in the office, should include an $8 course diruiers, tours and entertainment. Signup April 23 suffer cuts should be the services provided by the Board roll, beverage, dessert. Wed 3/27 — Bridge: Rita Paul 5,170; Tom Giordano check made payable to AiARP. at 9:30 a.m. ( $ ^ deposit). of Education. Such single-issue rhetoric blatantly lacks available. Fedei^ and state job-programs The 4/9 — Fish cakes, baked beans, brown bread, 4,980; Grace Gibbs 3,880; Carl Lombardo 3,840; Phil May is Senior Citizens Month. Big Week will be held Please note: No trip reservations taken in advance for the true “balance” initially, but falsely, offered by the Wim ym and increased welfare are out of the beverage, dessert. Washburn 3,820; Fhuline Frederick 3,790; Paul from May 13 to 17. We need your help in selecting Mr. any reason. TNT/Commonsense Coalition. question since the federal government Wed 4/10 — Chicken salad sandwich, soup, beverage, Templeton 3,790; Ken Garrity 3,620. & Mrs. Senior Citizen, two people who have been active Men golfers, please take note that the league will start No one issue should be allowed to consume the politi­ has blown the wad on defense spending dessert. Fri 3/29 — Setback: None. Closed for Good Friday. in a volunteer role at the Center. Pick up your nomina­ on April 15 at the Manchester Country Club. Starting cal process, as Education appears to have consumed the for more than a decade, and the state and Thu 4/11 — “Polish Nite” 5 p.m., stuffed cabbage, Mon 4/1 — Pinochle: Betty Jesanis 789; Anne Fortier tion slips in the office. Tbu do not have to sign your times will be posted at the Center as well as being TNT/Commonsense candidates. A town would do its local governments are in no position to pierogi, kielbasa, vegetable, roll, beverage, dessert (by 783; Ada Rojas 763; Rit Alkas 761; Edith O’Brien 759; name. published in the sports section of the two local children a grave and serious injustice if that town, as come to the rescue either. reservation only). Mike Haberem 738. TNT submits, cuts its Educational budget so drastically The Bush administration has as to deny those children a quality education. TNT/Com­ The news was the news generously granted the states more monsense, offered only to cut the Board of Education “A scientific study of Persian Gulf autonomy in dealing with the social budget. When questioned directly, neither the TNT/Com­ crisis press coverage reveals that the war • age profile (broadly defined), we took an problems of their people, except there monsense Board of Education candidates or the can­ news was not the news so much as the objective look at this matter and con­ has been precious little money turned didate for First Selectmen would offer viable, affordable news was the news, according to a cluded that Kent’s appearance erodes the over with that autonomy. In other words, RELIGION______alternatives. Washington think tank.” JOE general integrity of the profession. Two it’s every state for itself. I left the meeting convinced that this coalition has That’s the first paragraph of a press SPEAR stomps for being too cute to be credible: Wars are supposed to be good for an failed to find alternatives that would provide a true release I am writing for the Spear Fbun- STOMP STOMP. economy, but this war was already paid “balance between services and taxation.” I left the meet­ dation, an underfunded but plucky little The Washington Post quoted a car for years ago. Most of the weaponry was Decisions in the face of the staters difficult economic times ing wondering why candidates who seek public office think tank with which I am associated. I dealer in Austin, Texas, who said the developed and stockpiled during the I news media “have provided inside infor­ Reagan and Carter years, and the war did would attempt to lure me in with empty charts and thought I’d treat my readers to a scoop difficulties of the stale add another layer of stress as mation to the enemy.” A professor at not last long enough to require a massive By NANCY CARR of scare economic resources, legislative priority in the MACC Furniture Bank in January and February: A1 graphs that show only that Bolton is suffering the same before the general public gets the word. stale resources allocated to the provision of human ser­ Arnett s dispatches were “tenable in pure Virginia Commonwealth University said: replenishing of those stockpiles. The Manchester Area Conference of Churches allocation of state resources will be given to the Drinkwater, Linda Cabral, Dorothy Quimette, Fhtricia ill effects of a recession that is plaguing all of the other We at the SF studied the coverage of vices dry up or are cut back. The pressure on legislators epistemoligical theory ... but in the real “Look at the press’s record in releasing arms makers are proud that their equip­ provision of basic human needs (food, shelter, clothing, Zimkiewicz, Lloyd Estey, Frank Rizza, John Foran, towns in Connecticut, and for that matter. New England. Ae coverage and determined that more world a pretty good argument can be I left the mating angry that the TNT/Commonsense ink and airtime were devoted to media sensitive military information. ... ment was unbeatable. But it performed I know, it’s not news to you that times are tough, basic health care) to the poorest and most vulnerable of Edith Stackpole, Ted Brindamour, Marjorie Tily, Kevin made against expediting the telling of They’ve proven they can’t be trusted.” so well that, for the most part, it doesn’t economically speaking. We’re painfully aware of the our people.” Kehoe, Richard Pinette, Carolyn Gimbrone, ftiU-ick Coalition candidates invited me to attend their “open performance than to the military’s per- untruths.” house” under false pretenses. Messrs. Thomas Fhine and fonnance. During one 24-hour period in We were unable to find examples of sen­ need to be replaced, remodeled or impact of Manchester friends and neighbors as the num­ Peak, Jerry Haugh, Alice Pelkey, Jackie Vignonc, Elaine We at the SF could not agree more, MACC News This philosophy of sharing what we have with those Ralph Waldo Emerson must be spinning in their graves, mid-February, we counted 4,408 men­ sitive inside information that was passed redesigned. ber of families seeking assistance through our Depart­ Triano,, Barry Scanlon, Donald Dunn, Peter MeNamara, and we address these comments directly to the Iraqis, but if citizens across the in­ In addition, another shot in the arm ment of Human Needs continues to swell. Formal in­ who need us most might well guide us all in these dif­ W. Ferguson, Ansley Carter and to those who brought in as it is so apparent that this group has not the ability nor tions of CNN Baghdad correspondent to TUmer and Arnett: For your promotion conviction to deal plainly and exercise common sense on Peter Arnett alone. tellectual spectrum have knowledge of it, that a war usually gives — massive pur­ takes were proeessed for 173 households in January ficult months. One of the silver linings in the clouds of food to the Emergency Pantry in February: North United of a demented dictator’s propaganda, for to respond to lobbyists for individual programs is in­ the issues confronting the town of Bolton. there must be something to it. Pending chases of food and other services for alone, far exceeding the average last year of 117 doom and gloom is being forced to reassess our Methodist, Irene Lehtonen, Emanuel Lutheran Kinder­ But the SF is doing more than merely your crude exploitation of the war for tense as individuals, agencies and organizations seek to Louise Mitchell reporting on the coverage of the documentation of this very serious troops — ended up being a shot in the households seen monthly. This dramatic and continuing save or maintain their programs. priorities and determine what is really important. Sort­ garten Sunday Church School, St. Maurice, Second monetary gain, for your ignorant under­ ing out the luxuries that have somehow become present 25 Mt. Sumner Drive charge, therefore, we award the media in arm for foreign countries, including increase in the number of Manchester families in finan­ Recognizing these pressures and demands, the MACC Congregational, AARP #6041, Presbyterian Church, coverage. We assigned our enforcement estimation of the American people’s day necessities from our true needs is an exercise that Bolton arm, the Special Tribunal for the general four stomps: STOMP STOMP Saudi Arabia. Many of the purchases cial and emotional crisis bears bitter fruit, not only in in­ Board of Directors chose not to lobby directly for any of Ralph Holmes, Ridolfo, AARP Chapter #1275, Social ability to see through your greedy mo­ benefits us all in our personal as well as our communal Obliteration of Media Perfidy, to inves­ STOMP STOMP. were made abroad and paid for by the al­ dividual but family breakdown under the stress of being the many human service needs and services in whieh Action Committee of Temple Beth Sholom, Bolton Con­ tives, and for your tenebrous, tendentious Robert Brown, editor of Soldier of lies. unable to provide for even the basic needs — food, shel­ life. Willy nilly, the opportunity is before us. It remains gregational, Ruth MacGuirc, South United Methodist, tigate each allegation of media mal­ and dissentient contributions to epis­ MACC is involved. Instead they developed a guiding to be seen how we’ll respond. Fortune magazine, covered some military The end of the war brought instant ter, clothing, medicines. Trinity Covenant, Victorian Heights Health Care Center, Pendulum swings feasance and dispatch STOMP teams to temological postulatum, you are hereby philosophy which they have urged our local legislators briefings and remarked, “I thought I’d be relief from high oil prices, but that may In this climate of anxiety and distress, the economic Thiele Chiropractic Center, Trink Que Le, Betty Hyde punish transgressors. Some sample awarded a heretofore unprecedented five to adopt as a framework for decision making. “In a lime Thank You to those who contributed furniture to the results; riding the lead tank into Baghdad by be short lived. Saudi Arabia has a huge and Dotti Custer. It was one of those convoluted decisions of the U.S. — count ’em — five stomps: STOMP Supreme Court. But the main point lent itself to instant An Oklahoma group called Pull the now. Instead I’m stuck in a briefing w ^ debt to i»y the United States and STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP. In room with the biggest bunch of boobs analysis and criticism from civil libertarians. Iraqi Propaganda Plug urged Americans your car, dudes. will start pushing oil prices carefully and The com ruled recently that the admission into a to fax complaints about Peter Arnett and dorks I’ve ever met.” Exceedingly slowly higher. It will take years before Complaints about NBC correspondent well put, from a person in a position to Schedule of services criminal trial of a confession coerced from the defendant directly to CNN owner Ted Turner. Arthur “Scud Stud” Kent arc too Kuwait is once again a reliable oil did not necessarily require a new trial. A conviction can Right-wing columnist William Rusher know. According to the rule book, dorki- producer. numerous to list. Thousands of women BAPTIST chool-adult; 11 a.m.. Morning worship service. pointed out that Arnett’s agent was ness is an automatic three big ones: The one bright spiot is that a quick and Main St., School, No. School St., Manchester. Rev. South United Methodist Church, 1226 be sustained, the com held, if the admission of the fell for his “classic all-American good (649-7509) Manchester. Sunday schedule: 10:30 a.m. pastoral team. Saturday Mass. 5 p.m.; Sunday probably “sifting through a mile-high STOMP STOMP STOMP. spirited war will inspire consumers to Community Baptist Church, 585 E. First Baptist Chapai of tha Daaf, 240 David W. Mullen, pastor. Sunday worship 9 Main St., Rev. Frederick L. Vbrger. pastor; masses, 7:30 am ., 9 am ., 10:30 am . and coerced confession can be shown to be “harmless error.” looks,” as one female columnist put it. service and a.m. and 10:45 a.m.; Wbdnesday, 7 p.m. Kyle W. McGaw, associate pastor. Sunday We have more of these unepistemic Center St., Mwchester. Rev. James I. Meek, Hillstown Road, Manchester. Rev. William A. noon. (643-2403) pile of speaking invitations, book-offers, come out of their bunkers and start Sunday School. Child care provided; Wednes­ (647-7355). schedule: Wforship services, 8 and 10 a.m.; Chief Justice William Rehnquist has been campaign­ Admittedly, most of the grousing came minister. Schedule: 10 a.m., Sunday worship Shifflett, pastor: Sunday services, 9:30 a.m., St. James Church, 896 Main St., endamoeba in our STOMP file than we spending money again. The bad news is, day, 8 p.m. Full Gospel Interdenominational Church, Church School, 10:15 a.m.; 9 am ., adult ing for years to protect verdicts in criminal trials from TV proposals, etc. that guarantee to service: 11:15 a.m.. Church School; Noon, Sunday School for preschool-adult; 11 a.m., Manchester. Rev. Franas Krukowski, Rev. from middle-age men who associate service and nursery. (649-1446) 745 Main St., Manchester. Rev. Philip education. (647-9141). have space to deal with, and we promise if they don’t have the money to spend, Youth groups. A nursery Is avall- deaf and hearing-impaired worship service; Frank Carter and Rev. John Gwozdz. Satur­ being overturned on constitutional technicalities, where make Arnett a millionaire.” And the studliness with smile lines and love Saunders. Sunday, 10 a.m., adult Bible study another installment soon. Until then — there will be many, purchases on plastic. able.(643-0537) Wednesday, 7 p.m., prayer meeting-BIble CHURCH OF CHRIST day masses at 4 and 6:30 p.m.; Sunday mas­ there could be no reasonable doubt as to the defendant’s erudite William F. Buckley Jr. noted that Faith Baptist Church, 52 Lake St., and Sunday school; 7 p.m,, worship service. NATIONAL CATHOLIC handles. Although we at the SF fit this honk if you hate tube boobs. study. (643-7543 TDD) (649-7509 voice). Church ot Christ, 394 Lydall St.. ses at 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a m. and noon guilt. He wrote the main opinion in this case and won a Factories won’t mind the buying spree, Manchester. Prayer line, 24 hours (646-8731). St. John the Baptist Polish National Mount Zion Baptist Church, 240 Hillstown Manchester. Rev. Eugene Brewer and Rev. and 5 p.m. (643-4129) Rev. Jim Bellasov, pastor. Sunday School: Catholic Church, 23 Golway St.. Manchester. notable victory with support from David Souter, ap­ but consumers can’t afford to increase Road, Manchester. Rev. Harrie Williams, pas­ Gareth Flanary. Schedule: 9 am ., Sunday Church of St. Maurice, 32 Hebron Road, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship; 10:45 a.m. and Rev. Stanley M. Loncola, pastor. Sunday Mas­ the level of their debt. If the consumers tor. Sunday services: 11 a.m., Sunday School; Bible class; 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Sunday wor­ JEWISH-CONSERVA- Bolton. The Rev. William J. Olesik, pastor. pointed by President Bush, and Anthony Kennedy, An­ 6:30 p.m. (648-5316) ses, 9 a.m. weekday masses, 8 a.m.; School are smart enough to keep their credit Noon, worship service. (569-0408) ship; 7 p.m., Wednesday meeting. (646-2903) TIVE Saturday mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday masses at tonin Scalia and Sandra Day O’Connor, all appointed by First Baptist Church, 240 Hillstown Road, of Christian Living classes, Sunday, 10:15 7:30 a.m., 9:15 a.m. and 11 a m. (643-4466) President Reagan. Slackening controls costly CiUds in their wallets, then economists Manchester, Dr. Billy J. Scott, pastor. Sunday Temple Beth Sholom, 400 E. Middle Tpke.. a.m.; CCD classes. Thursdays, 6 p m CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (643-5906) This was the first case in which Rehnquist (who was will continue to blame them for the schedule: B a.m.. Open Prayer and Coffee CONGREGATIONAL Manchester. Dr. Richard J. Plavin, Rabbi; Dr. SALVATION ARMY Fellowship; 9:30 a.m., Bible Study for pres­ First Church of Christ, Scientist, 447 N. Leon Wind, Rabbi Emeritus; Wbyne Krieger, appointed to the com by President Nixon) was able to ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Auditors recession because of the precipitous drop Bolton Congregational Church, 228 Bol­ NAZARENE The Salvation Army, 661 Main St., Major and controls have never been imple­ ton Center Road. Rev. Charles H. Ericson, Cantor; Shirley Segal, president. Friday ser­ and in spending. Never mind that there are vices at 8:15 p.m.; Saturday services, 10 a.m.; Church of the Nazarena, 236 Main St., marshal a majority in support of the notion that a coerced di^atched to the Bureau of Indian Af­ mented.” pastor and Jane Hooper, commissioned mini­ Mrs. Gary Asperschlager. pastors. Sunday Monday through Thursday services at 7:30 Manchester. Rev. Philip Chatto, pastor. Sun­ confession could be harmless error. TTie significance is fairs financial center here are attempting good reasons for putting away the wallet. ster. Schedule: 10 a.m., Sunday worship. 10 services: AICPA says the nation needs a chief p.m. day schedule: 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; to locate $95 million in missing BIA Consumer confidence is the tail that a.m.. Church School. Nursery lor pres­ 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 10:45 a.m.. Holi­ that the com is now dominated by a majority more likely financial officer who has government- In Brief . . . 10:40 a.m., worship service, children's church ness ROBERT choolers. 11:15 a.m., FORUM programs. money — but that’s only a modest ex­ wags the economic dog. Even though LUTHERAN and nursery: 6 p.m., evening praise service, to favor the prosecution than the defense in criminal wide responsibility for recording, (649-7077) meeting and nursery care;, 6 p.m.. Salvation WALTERS nursery. Mid-week Bible Study,. 7 p.m., Wed­ meeting. cases. Other decisions limiting the broad sweep of defen­ ample of what one official describes as monitoring and reporting to the public on that confidence, administration Center Congregational Church, 11 Center Concordia Lutheran Church, 40 Pitkin St., Manchester. Rev. Dr. Kim-Eric Williams, pas­ nesday. 6:30 p.m., Wednesdays, Vbuth ac­ dants’ rights are now likely. “a very scary situation for the federal the status of all federal accounts. economists believe, will rebound in the ■ A weeklong celebration of Easter is to begin in Red Square on Satur­ St.. Manchester. Rev. Newell H. Curtis Jr. tivities. (646-8599). UNITARIAN UNIVER- Schedule: 8 and 10 a.m., Sunday worship ser­ tor. Sunday Holy Communion, 8 a.m. and The judicial pendulum moves slowly, like a . government and the American taxpayer.” wake of the successful war, the spend­ day, the first legal public observance of the festival in the Soviet Union’s 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9 a.m.; Adult In 1802, President Thomas Jefferson vices; 9 a m.. Bethel Bible and breakfast; 10 PRESBYTERIAN SALIST The latest decision was long overdue. U.S. Comptroller General Charles A. called for the overhaul and simplification ing-driven boom of the 1980s is not like­ capital, planners say. a.m.. Church School and child care; 11:15 Forum, 9:15 a.m. (649-5311). Coventry Presbyterian Church, Rt. 44A Unitarian Univarsallst Society-East, 153 Bowsher says inadequate controls on ly to repeat itself in the morning-after On the Eastern Orthodox calendar, Easter falls this year on April 7, a a.m., social hour. (647-9941 Emanuel Lutheran Church, 60 Church Even so, the exclusionary rule must be preserved. No of the federal government’s finances to St., Manchester. Rev. Raul S. Johansson, and Trowbridge Road, Coventry. Rev. Brad W. Vernon St., Manchester. Rev. Connie Second Congregational Church, 385 No. person should be convicted on the basis of evidence il­ public funds and other management estimated losses are linked to a scandal days of the 1990s. One of the main week after the Western observance. Various events are on the program of the Evans, pastor. Sunday service 9:30 a m., wor­ Stemburg, minister. Sunday services, 10:30 make them “clear and intelligible as a Main St., Manchester. Rev. V. Joseph Milton, pastor. Sunday worship 8:30 and 11 a.m.. Soviet observance, called “Happy Easter Moscow.” Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. (643-1193.) ship; 10:45 a.m., Sunday school; 6:30 p.m., a.m.; Nursery care and youth religious educa­ legally obtained by police officers. Tire rule is essential deficiencies within numerous govern­ involving former senior officials that merchant’s books, so that every member reasons is the huge buildup of public and pastor. Schedule: 10 a.m., Sunday Wbrship Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, tion. Coffee hour after service. (646-5151.) to protect the consUtutional rights of all defendants. Er­ ment departments and agencies may be received considerable publicity in the of Congress and every man of any mind private debt in the 1980s. That will con­ After the opening in Red Square with a candle-lit prayer service and read­ service and Church School, nursery provided. Bible study and fellowship.; 7 p.m., coffee ing of the Easter Gospel, the series of events will conclude April 13, also in (649-2863) Cooper and High streets, Manchester. Rev. break; Pre-school story hour, Wednesday rant officers are denied the conviction of defendants responsible for more than $100 billion past but has remained unresolved for in the Union should be able to com­ strain spending for years to come. Charle W. Kuhl, pastor. 9:30 a.m., divine wor­ 9:45 a.m. (742-7222). whose rights they violate. worth of additional losses. several years. prehend them, to investigate abuses and Americans have been spooked not only Red Square, with prayers of gratitude. COVENANT ship; 10:45 a.m., Sunday school; Holy Com­ Presbyterian Church of Manchester, 43 munion first and third Sundays (649-4243.) Spruce St., Manchester. Rev. Richard Gray, But allowing criminals to go free is not a desired or Moreover, that doesn’t include the The White House Office of Manage­ by their personal debts, but by the exces­ “These might be hard times, but they don’t need to be bad times in Mos­ Trinity Cvvanant Church, 302 Hack­ THE consequently to control them.” pastor. Sunday worship service, 10:30 a.m., cow,” said the Rev. J.W. Canty, an Episcopal priest from the United States matack St., Manchester, Rev. Norman J e n ­ popular outcome, and the people don’t always blame previously identified loss — variously ment and Budget maintains a “high risk Almost two centuries later, that goal sive government spending of the Reagan nursery: 9:15 a.m., Sunday School. Bible sen, pastor. Rev. Raul Knight, associate pas­ those responsible, the errant police. esUmated at $200 billion to $500 billion list” identifying scores of government years. and co-chairman of the sponsoring group, the Soviet-U.S. Joint Conference METHODIST studies throughout the week. (643-0906) BIBLE remains unattained. tor; ^he dule: 8 and 11 a.m., worship ser­ Curiously, even though a majority of the com decided — resulting from the widely publicized programs that could cost taxpayers bil­ on Charitable Cooperation. Bolton United Methodist Church, 1041 While recovery may be around the vices: 9:30 a.m., Bible School. (649-2855). Boston Tpke., Bolton. Rev. Ed Painter. Sun­ ROMAN CATHOLIC that admission of a coerced confession would not neces­ insolvency of the Federal Savings and lions of dollars if management weak- comer, it will be weak and anemic com­ “We have prayer, we have the needy to love and be nourished by, and we SPEAKS EPISCOPAL days, 9:30 a.m.. Church School; 11 a.m., wor­ Church of tha Assumption, Adams Street, by sarily invalic^te the result of a trial, another majority Loan Insurance Corporation. nesses rcnisin unresolved. Some ex­ pared to the recovery that began in 1983. have artists to share with us in God’s beauty,” Canty said. ship service, nursery. (649-3472) Manchester. Rev. Arthur Audet and Rev. John St. Qeorga'a Epiacopal Church, 1150 amples: Participants in the affair, in which an estimated 10,000 orphans and hand­ North United Methodist Church, 300 Golas, co-pastors. Saturday Mass at 5 p.m.; Eugene Brewer decided that in the case before the com, the admission of Criminals may have absconded with Boston Tpke., Bolton. Rev. David Brown, pas­ Parker St., Manchester. Dr. William C. Trench, Sunday masses at 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 such a confession did in fact require overturning the im­ the BIA’s missing money — or the funds Although almost 90 percent of the Na­ Tbrnabout Is Fair Play icapped children and adults are to be welcomed at various performances, in­ tor. Sunday worship 10 a.m.; church school, in the Churches of Christ the pastor; Rev. H. Osgood Bennett, visitation a.m. and noon. (643-2195) Biblical miracles are accepted mediate result and calling for a new trial. may be intact but improperly accounted tional Aeronautics and Space Ad­ LIBRARY The former head of the Federal Home clude the Soviet Naval Orchestra, Bolshoi Theater, Moscow Circus, Orastov 9:45 a.m. coffee fellowship, ll a.m. minister. Sunday schedule, 9 a m. and 10:30 3t. Bridget Church, 70 Main St., 1 (643-9203.) at face value with no embar­ Confusing? \fcs, but all pm of the delicate balancing for by employees of an Interior Depart­ ministration’s annual budget of just Puppet Theater, Durava Childrens Animal Theater and GUM department a.m., worship services: 10:30 a.m., Sunday Manchester. Rev. Joseph Donnelly, Suzanne Board, Edwin Gray, is being St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 41 Park St., rassment. Why? Because they act involvi^ in fine-tuning our criminal justice sy.stem, ment agency notorious for its sloppy under $14 billion is disbursed to private DOLLARS store. School. (649-3696) Nolan, Sister Joan Reilly. CSJ, collaboralive States ranked by all money ^ged by his friends to make a bid for the Manchester. Andrew D. Smith, rector. stand up to the carxsns of his­ protecting individual rights, but at the same time making financial practices and other haphazard contractors, the agency doesn’t monitor Senate in 1992. Gray is a California Russian singer /Ula Pugachova, who heads the sponsoring group with Dee Anne Dodd, assistant rector; Alva G. spent per capita for public Decker, torical criticism. certain to punish those law-breakers who deserve it. management procedures. them closely enough to insure that it’s libraries in 1989 Republican who worked faithfully for Canty, called the affair a “new opportunity for Muscovites to put into action It is wise to demand reasoTKible the joy and love of Easter combined with the values of caring for the less associate priest. Sunday services: 7:30 a.m. San Diego (Calif.) Tribune not being gouged or defrauded. New York South validation for all such claims. A team of investigators has discovered $2948 1309 Ronald Reagan for more than 20 years and 9:30 a.m.; Wednesdays, 10 a m The Environmental Protection Agen­ Oist. ol Dakota fortunate.” (649^4583) AHEN D A PARENT ORIENTATION 29 46 there. His reward was the job as chief But it ill behooves a student to that some BIA employees attempt to Columbia Maine 1266 ■ In an Easter message for the Orthodox observance April 7, Archbishop cy’s accounting practices arc so inac­ regulator of the savings and loan in­ GOSPEL reject a claim solely upon a balance agency accounts by constantly Maryland 24,45 Vermont 1237 lakovos, head of Greek Orthodoxy in the Americas, called Easter “an oc­ predisposition against its having Letters policy curate and unreliable that 40 percent of Alaska shifting money from one account to 23 64 Florida 11 93 dustry. If Gray should mn, he would Church of the Living God, Robertson happened. Objectivity its accounts receivable don’t balance. Ohio 2334 Iowa casion of God-given grace and truth.” The Herald welcomes letters from its readers. Letters 11 85 seek the seat now held by Sen. Alan demands an unbiased ex­ another. In other cases, inexplicably The Defense Department’s procure­ Coonedicul 2210 Rhode Island 11.71 “We stand before the unfathomable gloi^ of the resurrected Christ ... he should no more than two double-.spaced typewritten Cranston, D-Calif., one of the Keating Phone: 643-0792 delayed entries are posted weeks after ment practices are so sloppy that it New Jersey 21 16 Louisiana 11 53 who with the truth of his resurrection invites us to a new world, to a new amination of the evidence. Our pages. T^e Herald reserves the right to edit letters for any Wyoming Five recently under investigation by the transactions occur. routinely pays for goods never received 19,83 New Mexico 11 34 creation, where a person, the new Adam, will be immortal," lakovos said. NOTICE For Reservations having never experienced or reason, including length, taste and style. The Herald tries But Bowsher, who heads the General Washington 1961 Pennsylvania 10,99 Senate Ethics Committee for allegedly seen such an occurrence does 9 and can’t locate some of the items in its ■ A Southern Baptist chaplain. Col. Daniel O. Davis, said he believes to publish all letters, but the decision of the editor is 19,25 North leamng on S&L regulators to take it easy OF NONDISCRIMINATORY not disprove Its authenticity. Accounting Office in Washington, D.C., inventory. Carolina 10 55 God placed a hedge of protection around allied soliders in the Gulf War. linal. Wnters may be limited to one letter pier month. All Massachusehs 1918 on Charles Keating. Paul recognized the apparent suggests that the lack of adequate fiscal The remedy for those problems Minnesota 18 62 Oklahoma 1024 Davis, chief of chaplains for the U.S. Army’s VII Corps, told Baptist POLICY letters must be signed, and writers must include their ad­ Georgia folly of "the message of the controls here is matched on a far larger doesn’t require the passage of new laws. Colorado 1801 10.06 War Vs. War Press that before the ground war began, “I asked God for his presence with cross", arguing that by this dress and a telephone number for verification. Mail let­ Indiana 17.95 Idaho 984 AS TO STUDENTS The CORNERSTONE scale throughout the country. Among the Nevada More than 60 percent of the cocaine us. I believe he provided that, and the low casualty rate was his miracle.” miraculous intervention into the ters to Open Forum, Box 591, Manchester 06040. Indeed, numerous statutes — including Hawaii 1723 965 losses he believes have been sustained by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, Wisconsin 16.53 Texas 894 sold m the U nit^ States is smuggled ■ The American Jewish Committee welcomed the formation in Israel of a The Cornerstone Christian School affairs of men "God m ade the federal government’s insurance, Virginia 1629 South new interfaith council for better relations among Jews, Christians and Mus­ CHRISTIAN SCHOOL foolish the wisdom of the the Budget and Accounting Procedures Carolina 8.72 trough Mexico. Joint Mexican-U.S. admits students of any race, color, California 15 89 world," ICor, 1:18-25. Jesus' credit and other programs; Act of 1950 and the Federal Managers’ Delaware 822 drug teams patrol the border in helicop- lims, calling it a “powerful symbol of hope.” national and ethnic origin to all the M anchester Herald Kansas 15,85 power over nature and organic Farmers Home Adminisu-ation, $26 Financial Integrity Act of 1982 — al­ Alabama 613 ters, but at least a dozen helicopters used ■ President Bush has proclaimed April 5-7 as “National Days of rights, privileges, program and activi- •Grades K-12 i Oregon 14 74 North Dakota 801 dos generally accorded or made physical impediments was tes­ billion; Commodity Credit Coiporation, ready mandate fiscal responsibility. Arizona 1453 to stop dmg smugglers were diverted to Thanksgiving” for the liberation of Kuwait, the “remarkable unity of our • Certified, Dedicated Christian Teachers Tennessee tified to by competent eyewit­ Founded OcL 1,1881 as a weekly. $12 billion; Export-Import Bank, $6 bil­ But they are routinely breached by New 7 70 the P e rs ^ Gulf War. Surprisingly, the people” and “blessings of peace and liberty for our u-oops” and the nation. available to students at the school. It Hampshire 14 46 Montana 756 does not discriminato on the basis of nesses. It is quite unscholarty for Daily publication since OcL 1,1914. lion; Department of Education, $5 bil­ those who manage the federal govern­ West Virginia orug traffic has not increased appreciably He also asked prayers for “the innocent men, women and children ... who Michigan 1383 746 race, color, national and ethnic origin men nineteen centuries later to lion; Department of Housing and Urban ment’s $1.4 trillion annual budget. In­ Utah Keniuclty______704 have suffered” as a result of the war. CONSIDER CHRISTIAN EDUCATION deny their testimony on purely 9 13.64 .‘J’® helicopters. The reason is in administration of its educational Managing Editor , Peter Downs Development, $5 billion; Department of deed, the American Institute of Certified Missouh 1337 Mississippi 6.58 that the Umted States has tightened bor- Several Christian and Jewish leaders have urged participation in the ob­ subjective grourxts. City Editor_____ Ailiansas 5 98 policies, admissions policies, schol­ Sponsored by the Church of the Nazarene . A lex Girelli Defense, $10 billion to $20 billion. Public Accountants notes that “consis- Nebraska 1316 oer surveillance because of the terrorist servance. Newt Editor . Andrew C Spitzler arship and loan programs, and ath­ as k community service In many instances, the problems arc lem accounting standards, uniform thrrat. And the effort to keep out ter- Bush asked that flags be flown on all government buildings, that all letic and other school-administered CHURCH OF CHRIST SOUPC{ National Cenlot for 236 Main St., Manchester well known. At HUD, for instance, the tducoiionoi Siotisficj NtAGrophic ronsts has also kept out a few drug Americans display flags and that church bells be rung at 3 p.m. EDT Sun­ programs. Lydall & Vernon Streets reporting and adequate financial systems 7 have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in truth' - 3 John 4 smuggler.-;. day. Phone: 646-2903 1 6—MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991

MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991—7 THE NEW M E I O ■L,ONOICbyDMnWungA8UnPwlw 01901 bvOi.wP.UMf .OmrtwM by Kina HI, I'M PREO, AND I'M TBACHINS THEM THE Crossword w e l l , I ' l l t e a c h ' e m t h e THESE AbE MV THREE r o p e s o f a tXJOR-TD- BOV, THEV A VviooFgR, A -nN setep a n p a ROPES OF THE OOOH-TO GAMES^ & HOBBIES ______^ SONS ^;pl^>OOH SALESAWkN ‘ DOOR CUSTOMER.. LEARN FAST,' ACROSS curve A Answer to Prevloua Puitle 42 Symbol ol N O ,N O , and NO t S p M d t victory 3DQ □□□ □□□ S M uticil 44 Military □□□a aiiaa q q d Inttrumtnl abbr. □ □ □ □ B U G Defeating the deadly mutant drug lords is exciting 9 Lair 46 Happened 12 Cantar ol 49 Puta at raat □□□□□□ □□naoi thiald 53 Fireplace □ □ □ □ □ □ □ By JENNIFER PLANTER portable Gameboy unit. Bad ’N Rad, Double Dribble 13 Intar — : ahell □□□□□□ □□□□ line stand, or else choose to punt, pass, run or kick a In Revenge of Dracula, players roll the special game among Copley News Service Five on Five and NFL Football, all from Konami, bring 54 Monotonoua field goal. die to escape from the forest before Dracula catches up othara work routine □□□ □□□□□□□ realistic action to on-thc-go sports fans. 14 Workara' 56 Not well A with them. When a moon is rolled, the vampire awakens aaan. □□□□ □□□□□B Real thrashers won’t believe the awesome Rapping game 57 Bolhera Use your computer terminal to combat a whole new and stalks the game board. If he lands on a space with a 15 A awalling 58 Celaatlal class of deadly crime lords Hoverforce, a multifaceted skateboarding techniques and endless levels of adven­ 17 Ruaalan bear □□□BB aBBOaG Young rap music fans will scream for this new board player, that player must start over at the beginning. The village 59 Fair grade computer vehicle simulation from Accolade, combines ture in Bad ’N Rad. The Skate or Die crowd must pound 18 Start a a s □ □ □ □ B B B D game that encourages players to rap it out like the first player to elude Dracula and exit the forest wins. 60 Spraada out an intriguing story line and first-class graphics for a Bionic Lester and El Rad the Evil One to save Aerial the 19 Cotton 61 Craw □□□ □BDB BB^G ARLO AND JAM S by JImniy Johnaon professionals. The Vanilla Ice Electronic Rap Game, fabric worthy gaming adventure. In Escape from Frankenstein, players build a □□□ BBB BBG from International Games, even eomes with an Frankenstein monster with six pieces as they play. Each 21 Rapalltlon DOWN fate mallow I5 m s ALL I WA5, iTFORCRADTtD Enter the year 2050, but be prepared to meet the Al­ 23 Vetch 16 Actor Peter 35 Called ITOOK piD I po io m m a bCi? J rolO you lUlb electronic beat box microphone. time a player rolls, he moves his playing piece and adds 24 The (Gar.) 1 Author Vic­ 40 Inconslder- MLAMTroeei I WOULDOO(iR£ATlHllO

Measuring the worth of old locks w leS w ueuR By RUSS MACKENDRICK is just too bad if the hope chest A-F niBLIfHCB — Manchester Herald doesn’t have the original paint, i r and an ancient typewriter has to EEK AND MEEK by Howl* Sctirveider These two old-time padlocks work, and you can’t clean a coin THIS IS I VaST HAVE TO I CAM BE L£)WELV show character in their swinging and “Where is the other value?” isr sr metal flaps meant to keep out Can’t give a definite valuation RIDICULOUS. EWDua THIS KIIUD ALL 6^ M V 5ELF rain, du.st, dirt and nesting insects. for these two locks, but an article w n r w Howling's OK, but if you really want to OFREjecnofo... -y - Besides that they have distinctive in a recent Antique Trader Weekly scare 'em, say you’re auditing their taxes!” 59 rar 81 -y marks: “D.M. & Co.” on the left called “I^dlock Collecting,” by M.E. Cooper, gives a survey of the field with some prices. (c) 1991 by NEA, Inc. The story starts with locks Collectors' Stum ped? Get answers to clues by calling "Dial-a-W ord” made for railroads, keying in on I THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME the ones made of brass with the at 1-900-454-3535 and entering access code number 184 I * by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee 95c per minute; Touch-Tone or rotary phones. ______Unscramble these four Jumbles, Corner name of the line embossed. one letter to each square, to fonn Cooper has them from $64 to four ordinary words. by NEA. me $4(X). Warman is close with a few Russ MacKendrick WtNTHROP by Dick CavalN in lower brackets, such as Union ORBIL 1 Pacific at $35, kiting from there to CELEBRITY CIPHER W KAlfelHE I THERMS NO DIFFERENCE.. one and a crown plus V.R. (for DRI & NWR at $400. Stamped .Celebrity Cipher cryptogram s are created from quotations by famous IMt MWM taTMBM. V THE ONLV THING- X HATE Another tangent noted by today in padlockdom. PI FFERENCF d o n 't Victoria Regina) on the other. steel and brass locks run as low as people, past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for THEV eOTH ONIV HAVE VVtORee THAN A RIIDIDL-E Cooper is the flurry of “story” a n o th e r. Today's due: D equals J. BETWEEN A gar KNOW. The keys are shown, and they Any lock with a name on it is O N E HORN- I3A DUMP RIC3pL_E. $8 and $12. locks made between 1800 and DRAIC ANDAUNKDORN? are OK to come along, but they do worth a second look. You might Andj, like stamps, coins, 1900. One of the.se with the god­ not mean all that much to an come up with a Winchester Ajms -J medals, earthenware, china and dess Diana goes for $875. Other — they made locks until 1920 — ’ J G S L I Z ' U aficionado of padlocks. Warman’s what else, we have commemora­ pieces in this genre (hate the “Americana ...” has two pages of now worth $60 to $125. tive padlocks. A 1904 St. Louis word), are a skull-in-crossbones, a RNIXWEU PNFW'E V.,,£ GIANT WASP’S NEST - Perhaps it's a colleSrslem.'bu; lock prices headed by a note: ”... Before you go overboard for WUCREF this 3-foot-long, 2-foot-wide wasp’s nest was discovered World’s Fair brings $375; a Pan- werewolf, and a flying Mercury. lock acquisitions you are advised for padlocks in original condition Pacific $175; and Byrd’s North CJHXF EPX WNKX, uninhabited in a Detroit apartment earlier this month. and without keys.” The Trader article (dated to spring $14.95 for a book by ANOTHER NAME Pole caper gave us a padlock with February 27, 1991) runs with F.M. Amall: “The Padlock Col­ F O K A RIOT. dbAUJJ**" This may come as a surprise to PX KJZPE WXBXI igloo and arctic sun that is now higher prices than Warman’s, lector.” Address, Box 253, Cal- TAISE a collector who has learned that it valued at $85. R perhaps indicating a strong market remont, CA 91711. Now arrange the circled letters to ERNIE by Bud Grace PNBX SXXW form the surprise answer, as sug­ gested by the above cartoon. ao ul SDLIW.' — KNIEA see.... HE'S F Anaw: , “r'r-r'r'r'r'T -v s o ( J H A T 5«0Rf/-BUT I'VE NOT ONLY that I'VE PATEP K A A A Av A H 3 ” OC YOU SAV, patep SHORTEK... HE'5 SOT TEW A FBU of J W F J H . I eFFie - TEWIACtes.' THOSE,Ibo (Answers Monday) HOU about I , flfip HE'S Yesterday's JumWos: MADLY AFIRE DREDGE NAPKIN A P A T E ? AWFUL U6IA/- ) _ PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Epic: the easiest kind of picture Answer. The fear that relatives are coming to stay — J a to make badly." — Charlton Heston. KIN "DREAD ' (kindred) BUT I'VE / : BATEP USLIEI?... 2 a ^ h«ndliog, •I?''-from c/o Hoo" No. n«w»pap«r, 41II •valWKo p.O. Boxto, U.N,49M, Ortontfo,otilcn locludoa FU 32l£UsM poiugo 3^per inctudo your oMno, oddroM ond zip codo ind moko citock poyaWo to NowEpoportMoka.

THE PHANTOM by Lm Falk A Sy Barry PUBLISHED JUST FOR KIDS — . V - L - (YOOR BAPANCEBTOd ZIMA 15 NOW 6IVE H//M LOTS iiLM 7./MA ^ A 600P ANCEBTOR. OFLOVE„ANP THE BORN LOSER by Art Saneom .HOWCAH PEANUTB. Alfie is counting out his money to buy a new bike. Another name : only you \ we, KEEP PKosEomoM ALieee^ mAT' „6UT HAVE- MOT FUUFILLeD SDup ' COULP PO HIM H zp R o m e D for money is "currency." Find the hidden letters which spell THIB WITH J W PUKHMeP m m z HEAT02. C?R.16ATlON ID FAY FOR IT IF) Mg IT'D PAY LETTER LOGIC CURRENCY. WILPONE ■ TWELVE MDMTHLY FOR ITSELF tmeiitcy AYgAP-AtO.. IN-5TALJJAgFfl|V IW AvfeAR! Listed below, on the left, ore the names of seven major currencies. Unscramble each graup of letters on the right and you'll discover what country uses each currency. / HAGAR THE HORRIBE by DIk Brotwna

THE QRIZWELLS by Bill Sehoir Mark------ERAAGAYN 171P Y o u UAhlP 0 O Y Y o u NLAiA/ 0 I T MB,, THE^KZAUgpgY 0 O U N P 0 O CIVILIZEP/ A dSBBZ... I -moUtSHT PEOPLE LIKEP BAfttt.Y MAHILOH. Franc----- RACFNE aKBrFL.B Ac^^i7UMT ? « i

Peso------COIXAAE / V 1 Y e n ------AANPJ H-6 1


f / TH f D h fiL A m PouncJ----- NGALEND , . AW THE A O /r AFip PEEF G o p jE puD|6ug 'X|D|| 'jdojsj 'undof 'o^ixsw 'asuojj 'Xudiujoq :sJdM$uy / . / . V J ^ l u e s Ea F-OFBVE/f © 1991 by NEA, Inc. 9 P O V Y /Y T H f o o o 5) >- ROBOTMAN by Jim Meddick

o .c ra ^ «zi .0 ^ u 6 2 < O O v/t a: CO D V ,4V u— —iU|/<— ----J,------UI Ai *’'* »_____ >V< w ,'Lti >v 1 I R—MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991 Iraq fflaitrlirstpr HrralJi

From Page 1 Section 2, Page 9 In Washington, State Department helicopters flew over the nearby along the border. Khamenei also said that in the SPORTS Saturday, April 6,1991 ?pokeswoman Margaret Thtwiler mountains broadcasting assurances said of the offer: “Based on past per­ Iran’s Islamic Republic News Gulf War, Iran had provided that those who relumed would be Agency reported that more than sanctuary to Iraqi warplanes fleeing formance, we are very skeptical.” safe. 120,000 refugees had crossed into allied air attacks. “Now those un­ Associated Press correspondent The rebels, known as pesh merga Alex Efty, with the rebels in nor­ Iranian territory and that more than grateful (Iraqi) rulers are confront­ “those who face death” in Kur- 1 million were trying to cross. ing us,” he said. thern Iraq, said some refugees were dish — still appear to control most %■ ready to respond to the amnesty. Ozal, meanwhile, indicated Western nations began responding im of the highlands. Villages within a Turkey was considering using force Friday with humanitarian aid for the Fisher spins no-hitter as East tops MHS “It is better to return than to few miles of government-held Erbil watch our children and women die against Iraq to respond to attacks on Kurds. A cargo plane carrying 30 were swarming with guerrillas, Efty By JIM TIERNEY in the freezing cold,” said a man Kurds, according to a report in the tons of tents and blankets left High Friday afternoon at Moriarty reported. “He’s really blossoming,” East “He (Fisher) pitched a great game. driving back to Erbil with his family English-language TUrkish Daily England for Tbrkey. France sent a Manchester Herald Field. Thtwiler reported scattered fight­ coach Jim Penders said of Fisher, He kept us so off stride. His of- piled into a tractor-trailer. News. jetliner full of supplies, and govern­ The 6-3, 185-pound Hsher spun a ing both in northern Iraq, southeast ment officials indicated another who walked three. “He felt real fspeed pitches just killed us. Our A trickle of other refugees headed It said a deputy from Ozal’s MANCHESTER _ East Catholic no-hitter, striking out 14 Indian bat­ strong. I thou^t he was stronger in of Suleimaniyah and in Erbil, and in governing Motherland Party asked would leave for Iran soon. senior righthander John Fisher guys just couldn’t hit. The bats have down out of the hills toward their ters as East registered a 3-1 victory. the last two iimings. He has real the south along the lower Tigris during a dinner if TUrkey might Bush, in California, announced he start^ the 199]^eason right where to come around.” homes, but more appeared to be It was the season opener for both good work habits. I think he’s a very River and near the holy cities of resort to force. would sign an executive order free­ he left off the 1990 campaign. heading for the snowy highlands, Najaf and Karbala. teams. good Division I college prospect as Blanchard did receive some good In his final outing of 1990,'Fisher away from Saddam’s conuol. “Naturally. Since we cannot stop ing as much as $10 million for the East hosts South Catholic in a a pitcher.” pitching fi-om seniors Keith Jones, Fear of Saddam’s forces has these people from trying to escape Kurds from the Emergency Refugee spun a one-hitter at Darien in the “We cannot live in peace while driven at least 100,000 refugees into non-conference game this morning First-year Manchester coach Dave whd suffered the loss, and southpaw from the attacks, we shall try to stop and Migration Assistance Fund. Class L state tournament quarter­ at 11 at Eagle Field. Manchester this evil man rules Iraq,” said Tiirkey, with an additional 246,000 finals. Blanchard was wary of his team’s Justin Bolduc, who gave up one nm Kareem, an elderly Kurd. the other side,” he was quoted as “The human tragedy unfolding in opens its CCC East season Monday waiting along the border, according saying. offense heading into the season. on one hit, walked two and struck “For the past month since our to Tiirkish officials. and around Iraq demands immediate Following a fine summer on the at 3:30 p.m. at South Windsor. And a pitcher of Fisher’s caliber out two in his 2 2/3-inning stint. During a Friday prayer service at action on a massive scale,” he said. mound with the South Windsor uprising started we are breathing Reporters said many were It was the third no-hitter in East made life for the Indians extremely freely, talking freely and we are no Tehran University, Iran’s spiritual “At stake are not only the lives of Legion program, Fisher was brim­ history. The other two no-hitters difficult. “I was pleased with our pitching,” barefoot and without shelter in the leader, Ali Khamenei, urged Kurds ming with confidence as the Eagles longer afraid of being arrested at frigid weather of the Kurdish high­ hundreds of thousands of innocent were twirled by Mike Jeffries and “The one thing I was afraid of Blanchard said. “I don’t think we and Shiite Muslim rebels in southern men, women and children, but the met crosstown rival Manchester Rat Merritt. have overpowering pitching. But, 'P any moment,” he added. lands. Doctors said many children was the hitting,” Blanchard said. But AP reporter Wafa Amr, Iraq to continue their struggle to peace and security of the gulf.” they’re smart.” had died, but they said the reports topple Saddam. reporting from government-held could not be confirmed. On Thursday, Britain and Sweden “If you resist, victory will be pledged a to ti of $36.3 million in East, which had only four hits, Suleimaniyah, reported seeing A g o v e ^ e n t official, speaking yours, he said in remarks carried by aid. Germany said four of its air touched Jones for a pair of runs in thousands of refugees returning on condition of anonymity, said from the hills to that city. T ehi^ radio. “If the present regime force transport planes would fly the bottom of the first. A dribbler Iraqi troops had fired mortars at continues to exist, it will take the single by Dave Chomick, a walk to She said Iraqi government some of the refugees concentrated humanitarian supply missions to worst revenge.” T\irkey over the weekend. J ^ i e Fournier and a wind-blown single by Rob Penders (two hits) loaded the bases with no outs. Yi- Bush Fisher, who relied more on his of- fspeed stuff than his fastball, drove Roglnald Pinto/Manchester Herald SPRING FORWARD — It’s time to set the clocks ahead for in Chomick on a fielder’s choice From Page 1 and Doug Delvecchio’s sharp single spring as Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday in to left scored Fournier. most of the country. Clocks should be moved ahead one his own people. And, in a traditional Kuwait “to be sucked into a war designed to discourage other / / y gesture. Bush on Thursday offered with Iraq.” seemed to offer assurances that With two outs in the Eagle fourth, hour. countries from intervening in Iraq’s would not happen. “But they to “do what we can to help” the tens Still, there are a variety of pos­ Chomick drew a walk off Bolduc. affairs. haven’t the faintest idea what to do of thousands of Kurdish refugees sible presidential actions short of He stole second and advanced to But representatives of the rebel­ about it,” he said. “What you have wV V ) i fleeing iraef. U.S. officials said that going to war that might help the third on an errant throw by Indian lious Kurds and Shiites say they are there is another Cambodia.” meant food and medicine. Kurds and Shiites in their struggle catcher Marek Falkowski. Penders not trying to tear up Iraq. They say U.S. troops now occupy about 15 Love with Saddam. One would be to warn drilled a single to left scoring they are fighting for democracy and percent of Iraq. Khalil estimated 1^1 Such an offer hardly compares the Iraqi leader not to use helicopter 'V, Chomick. with the effort to push Iraq out of protection against Saddam’s repres­ more than 100,000 refugees were in From Page 1 gunships and long-range artillery sion. those areas. “We didn’t exactly tear the cover Kuwait. And the anti-Saddam against the rebels. Another is to The war is winding up while the “I am convinced that if they are off the ball,” the veteran East coach rhetoric probably will be no more threaten him with sanctions if debate goes on. “In sum, Saddam abandoned to Iraqi forces they will said. den put together a satellite picture of Fie also sent her money to phone effective than what Bush said last human rights are violated. the world and sent it to her. year about the annexation of Kuwait Hussein is now in control of all the be murdered, utterly and complete­ Manchester, which had runners at him, but their first conversation was major towns in Iraq,” Richard “It was all I had at the time,” he very awkward. — until he sent in the troops. Najmaldin Karim, a Washington ly,” Khalil said. “I am terrified they first and third with one out in the said. “She loved it because no one neurosurgeon who met Thursday Boucher, a State Department are going to be handed over against second and failed to score, tallied its “I didn’t know where to start. I spokesman, said Thursday. their will.” ever sent her the world before.” didn’t know where to go to. I didn’t The president’s defenders prefer with State Department officials in lone run off Fisher in the sixth. When the first wave of planes to cast the debate in terms of behalf of the embattled Kurds, sug­ But the plight of Saddam’s op­ In the meantime, a cloud hovers Pinch-hitter ftul Kirby walked and Roginald Pinto/Manchestor Herald know where to end,” Bowden ponents — and simply of civilians took off at the start of the war on recalled, “The war was over by then. whether U.S. forces should open fire gested also that Bush send an envoy over the desperate situation. went to second on a wild pitch. DELIVERS — East Catholic hurler John Fisher delivers a Jan. 17, Bowden said he wrote Ms. again, this time to help the Kurds to Iraq to meet with dissidents and caught in the cross-fire — remains Were the Kurds and Shiites led on Fisher then balked on consecutive She said she was glad I was safe.” poignant. pitch during Friday’s opener against Manchester High at Cowen another letter. and Shiites. “I don’t think there is a that he welcome a delegation to the to rebel with a presidential hint the rm.- occasions, forcing Kirby home. Moriarty Field. Fisher hurled a no-hitter in leading the Eagles single parent of a single man or White House. Thousands of civilians face mur­ United States would back them up? “B^ically what I said was that I It was late March, after the phone “I really don’t think we’re going to a 3-1 victory. was kind of nervous, but I felt a lot call and the serious letters, that Ms. woman who fought in Desert Storm Bush should make a clear and der at the hands of Saddam after And arc they now being let down? to have a whole heck of a lot of of pride in the guys who didn’t Cowen’s picture arrived. who wants to see the United States unequivocal statement putting pres­ U.S. troops pull out, an Iraqi Bush says no. power,” Blanchard said. “We’ll have academic warned State Department pulled him aside in the middle of the bert ss 3-0-0-0. White rf/p 3-0-0-0. Jones pfib know what they were flying into,” pushed into this situation,” Bush sure on Iraq,” Karim said. “It’s long He told reporters in California on to rely on our pitching.” season and his confidence started 1-0-0-0, Dalessio ph 1-0-0-0, D. Gilbert If “I said, T can’t believe this! She’s overdue.” officials this week. 3-0-0-0, Bolduc Ib/p 2-0-0-0, Soars 3b 2-0-0-0, he said. said. Thursday he had said from the out­ Penders knew Fisher had the coming around.” smart. She can write. She looks that “They are dead men, women and set of his own stmggle with Saddam Falkowski c 2-0-0-0, Ftohrbach 2b 1-0-0-0, Ehiring the war, he said, he wrote Throughout the rebellion. Bush talent amid his struggles last year. EAST CATMOUC (3) — Chotnick l( 1-2-1-0, Ringbloom 2b 1-0-0-0. Totals 21-1-0-0. good. I don’t know how I eould get children,” Samir al-Khalil said. “I Fournier 2b 2-1-0-0, Penders ss 2-0-2-I, Fisher to her every day “because she got Again, making it a war-or-peace has supported the territorial integrity that overthrowing the Iraqi leader “He was losing a lot of close Manchester 000 001 0— 1-0-2 worried.” that lucky. Fate? Destiny?,’ ” Bow­ issue, the president said he would asked for them not to be aban­ was not a U.S. objective. r - A n - t c iiki I- i ^ ...... Reginald Pinto/Manch**t«r H»r«ld games (last year),” Penders said. p 3-0-0-1, Deivecchio 3b 2-0-1-1, Riendeau cf East Catholic 200 100 0— 3-4-0 den said. of Iraq, meaning the administration doned.” cALaLt HUN East Catnolic s Jamie Fournier scores a run in the first inning as Manchester 2-O-O-0, Gauvain cf 1-0-0-0, Danes rf 3-0-0-0, Keith Jones. Jusbn Bolduc (3), Whits (6) and They exchanged Valentines. She not permit American forces who does not want to see the counu-y “I’ve not misled anybody about catcher Marek Falkowski (25) watches the action in the field. “Jimmy (Penders’ son now a catcher Dumais c 2-0-0-0, Massaro ph 1-0-0-0, Igoe 1b Marek Falkowski; John Fisher and Brian fnnoVit u/ith Hictinrtion tn litv'ratp Khalil told TTie Associated FYcss the intentions of the United States of at the University of Connecticut) 2-0-0-0, Beaulieu ph 1-0-0-0. Totals 22-3-4-3. Dumais. wrote poems about the war. Who would believe that because splintered. Also, the U.S. poliey is MANCHESTER (1) — King cf 2-0-0-0, M. Gil- WP- Fisher (1-0), LP- Jones (0-1). on Thursday that U.S. officials America,” Bush declared. Hnally, in Febraary, he got hold of Saddam Hussein I could meet the of a camera and sent her a picture. woman of my dreams?” he said. Bank NEED SOME EXTRA It’s payoff time for the Red Sox Umpire talks continue Tower From Page 1 By DAVE O’HARA NEW YORK (AP) — Negotia­ issues arc raises and increased won in 1986, and the club’s first Left-hander Matt Young was with a 3.51 at The Associated Press tions for a new contract between vacation time during the season. Associates, an investor group led by World Series championship since signed for nearly $6 million for Seattle last year, is happy to be with ment. “Their potential investment 1918, before the sale of Babe Ruth major league umpires, and the Owners also want to select um­ From Page 1 Marco DeSalle of Cape Elizabeth, SPENDING MONEY!! three years. Right-hander Danny a strong hitting club. “I had the reflects confidence in New England WINTER HAVEN, Fla. — The to the New York Yankees. American and National Leagues pires for postseason games based Maine; and a joint proposal from Darwin was obtained for a guaran­ worst support of anybody in and a belief that the region’s wild spending spree is history. Now In the major leagues’ smallest went into the evening Friday as on merit. Currently, all umpires knew it was in trouble,” said James economy demands banks that are Fleet Norstar Financial Group Inc. teed $11.8 million for four years, baseball last year,” he said. “I had sengers and three crewmembers Newspaper routes available it’s payoff time for the Boston Red park, with a seating capacity of both sides attempted to wrap up a with six or more seasons in the Griner, who lives about a quarter of both locally responsive and globally of Providence, R.I., and corporate and veteran slugger Jack Clark was 2.6 runs per game and the next guy deal before the weekend. were on board. Beiser wouldn’t Sox. 34,000, the Red Sox drew more than majors are rotated for the playoffs a mile from the jetport. competitive.” takeover specialists Kohlberg Kravis in your area,.. signed as the cleanup hitter and DH was about 3.2.” release their names. After making the California Gold 2.5 million fans last year while beat­ Robert Kheel, the negotiator for and World Series. “I went completely around the Roberts & Co. of New York. for nearly $10 million for three Clemens, Darwin, Young and the major leagues, and Richie Phil­ Beiser, whose airline is affiliated None of the investors will acquire Rush look cheap, the Red Sox are ing the Toronto Blue Jays for the plane looking for people, but 1 more than 10 percent of Bank of The Federal Deposit Insurance Earn money and prizes by years. foimer reliever Greg Harris, who lips, head of the Major League with Delta Air Lines, said officials expecting a dividend on an invest­ division championship on the final Management has prepared to eouldn’t find anyone,” he said. “I had no indication from the pilot that Boston’s common stock. The com­ Corp. has said the winning bidder The team also tried to take care of blossomed into a 13-game winner Umpires Association, met in the switch to amateur umpires in the delivering the ment of more than $70 million day of the season. veteran holdovers. Roger Clemens, went to the plane but I couldn’t get the flight was in trouble. mitments are contingent upon the will be announced April 16. during the winter. after being moved from the offices of Kheel’s New York law event major leaguers don’t work to it because of the fire. ... When I who became a 20-game winner for last season, are Boston’s top four ‘The weather was clear. The bank’s bid succeeding, Hubbell said. Manchester Herald The Boston millionaires have Then, the Red Sox were swept by Finn and their associates said they Monday, the opening day of the got to it it looked compacted, it was the third time in 1990, was rewarded airplane was on approach when we Federal regulators seized Bank of ST. JUDE NOVENA their whopping multi-year contracts. Oakland in the playoffs for the starters. Tom Bolton, a 10-game were prepared for a long evening season. Phillips has not said if um­ a mess. I looked for survivors second time in three years. with the richest contract in baseball, winner in less than one-half a season and possibly an all-night session. pires will strike, and the leagues revived the report it was down,” he New England on Jan. 6 after M A Y THE SACRED HEART OF In your neighborhood. Now, it’s up to them to prove that around the plane and I couldn’t find a four-year deal which will pay him in 1990, and Dana Kiecker, who Umpires currently make have not said if they will lock out said. “We had no unusual contact depositors withdrew millions of dol­ JESUS BE A D O R E D , GLORIFIED, management was not playing with Stung by that embarrassment and a soul.” with the pilot.” lars from its subsidiaries in Maine, an average of $5,380,250 annually won important games as a 29-year- $40,000 to $105,000. The primary the umpires absent a contract. LOVED AND PRESERVED Fool’s Gold. then the loss of 17-game winner beginning in 1992. The plane crashed into a thicket Connecticut and Massachusetts. I Call today to get more details Although they have won the old rookie, have been battling for National Transportation Safety THROUGHOUT THE W OR LD, I Mike Boddickcr’s frec-agent signing Left fielder Mike Green well was the No. 5 spot. But both will begin of trees, narrowly missing a mobile The collapse of the region’s real American League East three times home park about a mile away. Res­ Board investigators were dispatched NOW AND FOREVER. SACRED with Kansas City, the Red Sox be­ signed for four years for more than the season in the bullpen. estate market and the recession were in five years, the Red Sox are came a prime player in the free cuers had to bulldoze a 150-yard to the crash site, said Glynn County HEART OF JESUS, PRAY FOR US. $12 million. Right fielder Tom Jeff Reardon, who made a strong blamed for the failure. hungry for another pennan^ last agent sweepstakes. path to reach the site. police Maj. Phillip Johnson. SAINT JUDE, WORKER OF MIR­ 647-9946 Brunansky elected to remain in Bos­ comeback from back surgery last Four bidders have submitted of­ Astronaut Manley Lanier CT ton for $5.5 million for the next two Leslie Komet, a reporter with fers for the three “bridge” banks es­ ACLES, PRAY FOR US. SAINT Academy S t...... all Steephollow ...... August to help the Red Sox win the Neely, Bruins “Sonny” Carter Jr. was on the flight, years with a $3.2 million option for WBSG-TV, said the plane landed tablished following the failure of JUDE, HELPER OF THE HOPELESS, A d e la id e ...... a il Squire Village ...... division, is healthy and will be the said his wife, Dana, in suburban 1993. Center fielder Ellis Burks nose first. Bank of New England’s three sub­ PRAY FOR US. SAY THIS PRAYER Alpine...... '.'.'.".‘.'.".".'.'all Union Pl/Homestead St relief ace. Also in the bullpen are “It looks like it went right straight Houston. Carter, 43, flew aboard sidiaries: Connecticut Bank & Trust 9 TIMES A D AY, BY THE 8TH DAY B idw ell S t...... all Union S t...... jumped from $635,000 to $1,825 holdovers Jeff Gray, Dennis Lamp Space Shuttle Discovery on a five- Clearview...... all million, infielder Luis Rivera from in,” said Frank Manning, a pilot Co. of Hartford; Maine National YOUR PRAYER WILL BE AN­ Wfaranoke...... and Joe Hesketh and newcomer day mission for the Pentagon in Dale Rd...... all $250,(KX) to $565,000. And catcher tie up Whalers who flew over the crash scene. Bank of I\)rtland, Maine; and Bank SWERED. IT HAS NEVER BEEN W fetherell...... Tony Fossas. November 1989. Tony Pena will get $2.3 million, in- By the time firefighters could run of New England. KNOWN TO FAIL, PUBLICATION East Center S t...... 25-207odd “We think our pitching can be East Center S t...... 156-202 even ficldcr Jody Reed $850,000 and BOSTON (AP) — Cam Neely’s power play. hoses off the nearest road and extin­ In addition to Bank of Boston, the MUST BE PROMISED. THANK YOU much better than last year,” Gorman Tower and his 35-year-old third baseman Wade Boggs $2.4 third goal with 3:22 left, five Randy Ladouceur, who had just guish the fire, little was left of the daughter, Marian, also were on the bidders are BankAmerica Corp. of ST. JUDE. East Center S t...... 342-402 even said. “It even could be exceptional. airplane. F le m in g ...... extra million on multiyear contracts. The key is Malt Young. If we can minutes after he had lied the game, one goal in 67 regular-season ASA flight, said Larry Nelson, a San Francisco; New Maine Bank M.C. gave the a 4-3 victory games, put Hartford ahead 3-2 at “Literally all that’s left of the G arth R d ...... 89-138 ' t . We did what we felt was neces­ get any kind of performance out of spokesman at Tower’s Dallas office. sary to remain a legitimate con­ Friday night and a split of their first 18:12 of the second period. Dean plane is the tail and a clump of The Towers were heading to a G olwaySt...... all him, we’ll be well set.” Greenhill St...... "all tender, general manager Lou Gor­ two playoff games with the Hartford Evason won the faceoff and got the metal where the cockpit used to be,” dinner in his honor at the Sea Island Backing up Pena is John Mar- Whalers. Hilliard...... !all man said. “Our goal remains un­ z.ano. Carlos Quintana, who hit .287 puck back to Sylvain Cote at the said Bill Kitchen, a reporter for resort community. Tower had Neely look a pass across the slot H orace S t...... "...all changed: to win a World Scries after being moved from the outfield WMOG radio in Brunswick. planned a weekend at the resort, and from Craig Janney and fired a 15- All those on board were killed, Jean Rd...... all championship. We’ve spent a great last spring, fought off the challenge had scheduled several media inter­ deal of money. Our payroll last year footer from the right side by goalie said Carl Alexander, Glynn County views about his new book, “Conse- Joyce L a ...... ’.".".".".".'.".‘.“all of rookie Mo Vaughn and will play Peter Sidorkiewicz. NHL Playoffs police chief. Kenwood S t...... all was roughly $24 million. This year first base, with Reed, a former quenecs, A Personal and Political Bob Carpenter, playing his first Ehmcan and ASA Senior Vice Lodge...... " " " ;.a ll it will be around $34 million, and shortstop, ready to start his first full Memoir,” which was published in BOOHSTFi,(K)() flardcoviTs - 1,()()() ILipt-rbacks game since breaking his left kneecap right point. Cote passed across ice to Ludlow R d...... all with some of the bonus money it season at second. President John Beiser said 20 pas­ January. on Dec. 8, began the play by poking USRIi - most hardcovers less than SIO.OO - M a in ...... 285-378 will look more like $40 million. Five-time AL batting champion Ladouceur, who shot the puck bet­ the puck out of Boston’s zone to most paperbacks less than SI ()l) M onroe S t...... all Now it’s up to the players.” ween Andy Moog’s pads from the Boggs, determined to rebound from Janney at center icc. Janney carried OUT-OF-PRINT - recent best-sellers and New State Rd...... all The biggest surprise in spring a relatively poor .302 season, is a top of the left circle. up the left side and his pass escaped We have changed our name older fiction & non-fiction Overland St...... ' all training may have been the lack of fixture at IhinJ, while Tim Naehring, The game started out like the the lunge of Brad Shaw, the only opener in which Jeff Lazaro scored RARE - unusual books for particular tastes. Packard S t...... all controversy for the first lime in a rookie bothered by a lower back Hartford defender. for Boston 23 seconds into the from DiRosa Cleaners to.... C'Ol.I.FCTIBl.H - first editions, fine leather Parker St...... '2.^3 years. There was a friendlier and problem last summer, will start at 3hr Neely, lied for second in NHL in game. This time, Petri Skriko got his bindings, nostalgia, special interest or P h y llis ...... ’...... all more businesslike atmosphere in the short. Naehring is getting a chance R osetto D r...... all clubhouse. the regular season with 51 goals, got second playoff goal with 13 seconds )ust hard to find to prove he’s better than Rivera, his second career playoff hat uick. S erver S t...... all “I think this is going to be a fun gone when he deflected in Glen PIUS... who played 118 games at short in Games 3 and 4 of the best-of-7 Spruce S t...... 'i'A -ios year,” said Clark, who has been a Wesley’s slap shot. - national search toranv reciml or old 1990. Adams Division semifinal arc steadying influence despite a reputa­ The outfield is set with Green- Mark Hunter tied the game at [ ^ZMofTTFREi'ioxT'js.oOofri book . .only SI IHi tion for being overly outspoken with scheduled Sunday and Tuesday 5:18 on Hartford’s second shot, and - C.IF! CTKTIf 1C ATIIS well, Burks and Brunansky, ac­ nights in Hartford. I any cleaning STORAGE 1 over $10 Of Box * CALL NOW three other clubs since 1987. “I like quired from St. Louis last May, Pht Verbcck pul the Whalers ahead \i Janney, who missed the opener 2-1 with a power-play goal at 18:55 the attitude here. It's the type we’re Quality Service j S^rage Cleaning I Our specialty is putting the hook you want in yourhaiuls. ready for his first full season with with an ankle injury, also set up the I eulomw/ono pel a a e i Como) I I P'«onlod on® | going to have to keep the entire Boston. All three, along with Clark of the first period. bo oomMnod with olhw oOoii o( _ llie BeSt lU * S I tying goal with 8:21 left. The puck coi^xxil. No lealho) of uedo. I " I ^ ! 647- 9946/ 643-2711 season.” Canadiens 5, Sabres 4: At I as the DH, have hit at least 20 went off his stick in a scramble in ^Vo)«ih,oooh-^ugi.l3l.lW. Town! B o o k s & B i r d s “For the first lime in 13 years, 1 Montreal, Guy Carbonneau scored I I homers in a season. front of the net, and Neely pwked a feci I have a chance to get into the The Red Sox have been unable to with 1:21 left in regulation time 646-1887 — — — "eS-^lOo" " 519 L. Middle Tpke., Manchester, CT • (203) 649-3449 World Scries,” said Darwin, 22-8 10-footcr between Sidrokicwicz’s Friday night to give the Montreal f ha Assoclatsd PrM i deal disgmntled first baseman-out- pads. Hours: lues & UVii II 4 4i), Thurs, 11-8. Kn A S.n || 4 the last two years with Houston. ficldcr Mike Marshall and he’ll start Canadiens a 5-4 victory over the 299 West Middle Tpke. 777 Main Street /VrjNf-1 j// Sun r- Men lieuf' IN CHARGE — Joe Morgan begins his fourth year as Neely’s first goal, a 60-foot slap “The Red Sox have given me that the season on the bench, along with Buffalo Sabres and a two-game lead ★ SOON OPENING A DRIVE THRU ★ i®aurl)Ffilpr Bpral^ manager of the Boston Red Sox. Morgan led the Bosox to chance.” shot over Sidorkicwicz’s left in their Adams Division semifinal WE BUY liOOkS: Quality, Collections, Estates, Etc. holdover ulilitymen Kevin Rominc shoulder, tied the score 2-2 at 9:22 the AL East Division title a year ago. Young, 51-78 lifetime and 8-18 and Randy Kutcher. of the second period. It came on a Plea.se .see WHALERS, page 10 10—MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991 MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991__11 In Brief . . . Spurs hand Bulls rare home loss whalers High School Roundup CHICAGO (AP) — The San An­ in his return to the lineup after miss­ start of the fourth quarter. From Page 9 tonio Spurs blew most of a 21-point ing 32 games, leading the Detroit Cavaliers ahead for good. Weekend scholastic slate 11 • a • Placers 117, BuUets 103: At In­ fourth quarter lead before prevailing Pistons to a 101-82 victory over the Blazers 115, Magic 98: At Or­ dianapolis, Reggie Miller scored 17 senes. 110-107 over the Chicago Bulls be­ Minnesota Timberwolves on Friday lando, Fla., The Portland Trail Friday night and even their Patrick hind Scan Elliott’s 25 points and of his 22 points in the decisive third Mike McRiee’s backhander went Division semifinal series at one win MHS softball opens with a victory night. Blazers won their ninth consecutive quarter as Indiana clinched an East­ David Robinson’s 24 Friday night. Thomas had not played since game R-iday night, wiping out a 12- wide but Carbonneau took the the each. ern Conference playoff berth with a MANCHESTER — It was a successful return to var­ The loss was only the fifth in 37 point, second-half deficit with a bar­ rebound off the end, boards and Jagr, the Penguins’ top pick in before his surgery Jan. 29 to fuse sity coaching for Manchester High’s Dan Shea as his In­ games in the Chicago Stadium for 117-103 victory over Washington on rage of 3-point shots and rolling to a slipped it under Daren Puppa for the last June’s entry draft, won the game Friday night. Hockanum canoe race is set dian girls’ softball team downed crosstown East the Bulls, who fell a game behind 115-98 victory over the Orlando game-winner, giving the Canadiens with a spectacular individual effort. Catholic, 19-6, Friday in non-conference action. Portland in the race for the N B A ’s The Pbcers made the playoffs for Magic. a 2-0 lead going into Sunday’s third He fought off two checks along the VEIWON — The 15th annual Hockanum River NBA Roundup Canoe Race will be held Sunday Shea, former Tolland High coach and athletic director best record. The victory was the just the third time since joining the game of the best-of-seven scries at right boards, cut in on goal and who gave up coaching reluctantly four years ago, was eighth in 11 games for the Spurs and NBA in 1976 and returned to .500 The Blazers, fighting to hold off Buffalo. deked goaltender Chris Terreri to the Registration is $5 per paddler and will be held 8:30 to happy to open the year with a win. kept them in sole possession of first t^ee bones in the 10-time All-Star’s with their first victory over the Bul­ the Los Angeles Lakers for the Montreal’s Stephane Richer tied ice before flipping the puck into the starting area near the “We played OK for an opener,” Shea said. “The kids /-I place in the Midwest Division. right wrist. Doctors cleared Thomas lets after two overtime losses this Fbcific Division title, improved to the game at 9:51 of the third period, net. approximately six season. are getting used to their third coach in three years.” Michael Jordan scored 17 of his to play earlier Friday, and the an NBA-best 28-1 against the beating Puppa with a blast from the It was only the second shot on rapids and numerous obstacles. Cavaliers 104, Hornets 101: At The fimsh line is behind the Powder Mill Shopping Manchester had 14 hits in the opener. Cindy Botticello 39 points in the fourth quarter, Detroit g t^ d started the game and l^gue’s four expansion teams. The blue line. goal for the Penguins in the over­ Richifield, Ohio, Craig Ehlo made was 3-for-5, freshman catcher Julie Smart 2-for-4, win­ keying a Chicago comeback from an triumph was Portland’s third in four Brent Gilchrist, Mike MePhee time period. New Jersey had seven Plaza on Burnside Avenue in East Hartfoixl. played with a splint to restrict his the tiebreaking free throw with 23 ning pitcher Michelle Brown 2-for-3 and Becky Braman 83-66 deficit at the start o f the wrist motion. nights and also equaled last year’s and Russ Couilnall also scored for and outshot the Penguins 40-25. will be given to the first three finishers in each seconds left, then drew a charging 3-for-4 for the Indians. Botticello, Smart and Brown each pieriod that San Antonio extended to club-record 24 road victories. Montreal. Uwe Krupp, Pierre TUr- Pittsburgh’s fifth victory in eight canoe classes and one kayak class Mark Aguirre scored 20 points foul by Rex Chapman with 9.9 homered. Julie Holmes added a bases-loaded ttiple and 87-66 in the first minute. The Bulls Scott Skiles and Jerry Reynolds geon. Dale Hawerchuk and Darrin overtime playoff games prevented 64?737?^'’^'’ ‘"^°"2iation, call John Scoville at and John Salley 19 for the Pistons, seconds to play as the Cleveland played well defensively with two assists from her out­ climbed within a point four times each scored 20 points for Orlando. Shannon scored for the Sabres, who the Devils — who were 0-10-2 in 18-14 since without Thomas. Joe Cavaliers beat the Charlotte Hornets field slot. Botticello also played well defensively at without pulling even. Dumars scored 15 but saw his have not advanced beyond the first tlieir last 12 Patrick Division road 104-101 Friday night. Jazz 93, Mavericks 87: At Dal­ round of playoffs since 1983. shortstop. Chicago led 36-32 in the second team-record consecutive free-throw games — from taking a 2-0 lead Aces recorded at Country Club Charlotte, which has not won in las, Karl Malone scored 31 points Brown had control trouble but “worked her way out of period before the Spurs outscored streak end at 62. over the division-champion Pen­ six games at Cleveland, tied it 99-99 and grabbed 19 rebounds and Jeff MiWCIffiSTER — Dave Boisoneau of Manchester a lot o f tough spots,” Shea said. the Bulls 30-6 for a 53-42 lead, Tony Campbell led the Timber­ Penguins 5, Devils 4 OT: At Pit- guins. The best-of-seven series on an 18-footer by Muggsy Bogues Malone added 23 points Friday scored a hole-m-one at the 149-yaid 8th hole at Catcher Katie Grogan went 2-for-3 for East. matching their largest o f the game. wolves with 22 points, while Pooh tsbittgh, rookie Jaromir Jagr scored moves to New Jersey for Games 3 with 37 seconds left. On night, to send the Utah Jazz to a Manchester Country Club on March 29, using a 7-iron “The Manchester pitcher showed signs of greatness,” Pistons 101, Timberwolves 82: Richardson scored 14. his first playoff goal at 8:52 o f over­ and 4 on Sunday and Tbesday Cleveland’s next possession, Ehlo 93-87 victory over Dallas, eliminat­ He was playing with his father, Gil Boisoneau. East coach Jay McConville said. “Our inexperience is At Auburn Hills, Mich., Isiah Detroit won its fifth straight game time as the Pittsburgh Penguins nights. The Devils won all three was fouled by Chapman and made ing the Mavericks from the NBA IV^chester High’s Jason Oatway scored a hole-in-one showing. But, I don’t want the girls using that as an ex­ Thomas had 15 points and 11 assists overcame three one-goal deficits to regular-season games at the by outscoring Minnesota 21-8 at the one of two foul shots, putting the playoffs. on the 141-yard fifth hole Thursday. He used a wedge. cuse.” beat the 5-4 on Meadowlands Arena. M Saunders, Bmce Berzenski and Manchester’s next game is Monday at home against Matt Miner during a practice session for the upcoming South Windsor. East is also home Monday, at Robertson scholastic season. * Park, against South Catholic. Pony League signups set Lyman baseball routs Bolton BOLTON — Sixteen runs in the first two innings were MANCHESTER — The Manchester Rec Department more than enough as Lyman Memorial overpowered SCOREBOARD IS holding signups for Pbny League baseball for ages Bolton High, 19-0, in a five-inning non-conference 13-15 (age is determined as of Aug. 1) now through out— Leckner. Rebounds— Charlotte 53 (Fteid baseball clash Thursday afternoon. Washington at N.Y. Rangers, 7:35 p.m., if April 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Mahoney Rec Center. Basketball 11), Cleveland 48 (Nance 10). Assists-Char- necessary PHILADELPHIA PHIILIES-Heleasod Guil- Bolton is now 0-2, Lyman 1-1. The Bulldogs next sec W/A lotte 23 (Chapman 9), Cleveland 27 (Paddio 7). New Jersey at Pittsburgh. 7:35 p.m.. if neces­ lermo Hernandez, pitcher. A $4 Rec membership card and $5 registration fee is action Tliesday at Coventry High. Total fouls— Charlotte 28, Cleveland 23. Techni­ sary Radio, TV - required. cal— Ferry. A— 12,685. Tuesday, April 16 Golf “We made a lot of errors the first two innings,” Bolton Tryouts will be held in May with league play June and NBA standings Pistons 101, Wolves 82 Minnesota at Chicago, 8:35 p.m., if neces­ coach Mark O’Neill said. “They scored 10 runs in the sary Today Baseball July. first inning on only three hits.” n M l V D IIM KM______4 I I - . ... RoginaldPInlo/ManchoatarHorald EASTERN CONFERENCE MINNESOTA (82) Detroit at SL Louis, 8:35 p.m.. if necessary Tucson LPGA scores ~ Manchester High s Paul Kirby, right, is greeted at home by teammate Dave AtUntic Dtviaion Corbin 4-10 0-0 8, Mitchell 3-11 6-6 12, Edmonton at Calgary, 9:35 p.m., if necessary 10 a.ra — Gymnastics: Colloge toumamont- Alan Dunnack worked the first four innings for W L Pet. GB Breuer 2-5 0-0 4, Richardson 7-17 0-2 14 Vancouver at Los Angeles, 10:35 p.m., if Florida, Minnesota, Penn Slate and William & TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Scores Friday after Lyman. He struck out six and walked two. Bolton had White after scoring the Indians’ only run in the sixth inning of Friday’s game against East y-Boston 54 20 .730 — Campbell 10-18 2-3 22, Murphy 2-4 1-2 5, necessary Mary, SportsChannel (taped) American League standings the second round of the $350,000 PING- Galligan named team’s MVP Catholic at Moriarty Field. East catcher Brian Dumais is at the left. East won, 3-1. *-Philad8lphia 41 33 .554 13 Brooks 2-8 0-0 4, West 3-6 1-2 7, Spencer 1-3 1 p.m. — Golf: Independent Insurance Agent Welch's Championship played on the 6.243- only three hits with Luke Morford, Owen Svalestad and Newlferk 35 39 .473 19 Open, third round. Chs. 8, 40 East Division yard, par-72 Randolph Park North Golf Course* DUDLEY, Mass. — Chris Galligan of Manchester 0-2 2. Glass 2-3 0-0 4. Totals 36-85 10-17 82. NHL results W Dan Toce collecting one each. Andy Lessard pitched well Vfashinglon 27 47 .365 27 1 p.m. — TenNs: Securidos Classic, semi­ L Pet, GB Chris Johnson 67-69— 136 DETROIT (101) Baltimore 0 was named MVP of the Nichols College men’s basket­ New Jersey 23 51 .311 31 final, MSG 0 .000 Tracy Kerdyk 70-66— 136 in relief. assistant coach Bruce Weiss said. Rodman 2-6 0-0 4, Aguirre 9-17 2-2 20, Laim- Bruins 4, Whalers 3 Boston 0 Lyman softball tops Bolton Miami 22 52 .2S7 32 1 p.m. — Auto Racing: NASCAR Busch 0 .000 Joan Pitcock 69-65-137 ball team and received the Keychain Award at the recent Lyman Memorial (10)60 111 0— 19-10-2 beer6-11 2-2 14, Dumars 6-11 3-4 15, Thomas Hartford 2 1 0__3 Cleveland 0 Jen Kirchmyer singled and homered and Amy Pbrter Centnl Dtvialon Grand Nadonal-Ftondac Pacesetters 200, ESPN 0 .000 Michelle McGann 69-68— 137 winter sports banquet. Bolton 000 000 0— 0-3-9 4-7 7-8 15, Johnson 2-7 0-0 4, Salley 7-9 5-7 Boston 1 1 2_4 Detroit 0 BOLTON — If it was a four-inning contest, Bolton xChicago 55 19 .743 — 1:30 p.m. — Oriolos at Red Sox. NESN, 0 .000 Myra Biackwelder 72-66— 138 Alan Dunnack, Jason Chaniaras (5), John Vikliretz (7) and Chaniaras and Shelby Warner each collected two hits for RHAM. 19, Bedford 2-5 2-2 6, Henderson 0-0 0-0 0, Milwaukee 0 Galligan, majoring in finance, is a graduate of East High would have been in good shape. x-Detroit 47 27 .635 8 First Period— 1, Boston, Skriko 2 (Wesley, WTIC 0 .000 Jan Stephenson 69-70— 139 Luka Botticello (5); Owen Svalestad, Andy Lessard (3), Mark Blalkin (7) Rollins 1-1 0-0 2, Hastings 0-0 2-2 2.Tolals New yfark 0 x-Milwaukoe 44 30 .595 11 Hodge), :13. 2, Hartford, Hunter 1 (Ladouceur), 2 p.m. — Blue Jays at Mats, Channel 9, 0 .000 Meg Mallon 72-67— 139 Catholic High School. and Brian Nail But the Bulldogs, leading after four, saw the wheels 39-74 23-27 101. Toronto 0 0 East girls in winner’s circle x-AUanta 38 35 .521 16Penalty— Haller, But (rough­ NESN (taped) Philadelphia at New \tork, 1:40 pm. will Dave Righetti or their two-sport experiment, Dcion Sanderson (17-11, 3.88 ERA with Oakland) will fol­ Dreiling 0-2 1-2 1, Miller 7-10 5-5 22, M,Wil­ ing), 19:49. Treacy, St. Hilaire top field Boston 4, Hartford 3. series tied 1-1 5:30 p.m. — Golf: Senior PGA: The Tradidon, SL Louis at Chicago, 230 p.m. Sanders. low Leary. Actually, the two were not that different last liams 5-10 0-0 10, Schrempf 3-11 4-8 10 Montreal 5, Buffalo 4. Montreal leads series Shots on goal— Buffalo 10-7-10— 27. final round, ESPN Montreal at Pittsburgh, 7.35 p.m. NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The field for Saturday’s Sanders 5-10 0-0 10, Smits 5-8 3-6 13, Fleming 2-0 Montreal 13-8-16— 37. year, except for their records — Leary pitched 208 in­ 7 p.m. — Rangers at Capitals, MSG (not Los Angeles at Atlanta, 7:40 p.m. 13th annual Crescent City Classic is the weakest in years So who did the Yankees actually get? Scott Sanderson 8-11 5-6 21, McCloud 3-7 0-0 7, K.Williams 3-5 Pittsburgh 5, Now Jersey 4 OT, series tied Power-play Opportunities— Buffalo 1 of 6; available to all areas), WFAN (AM-660) San Francisco at San Diego, 10:35 pm. Bowling and Steve Farr. nings, gave up 202 hits and struck out 138; Sanderson 0- 0 6, Wittman 0-1 0-0 O.Totals 47-91 1-1 18-27 Montreal 1 of 7. Only games scheduled because there isn’t any prize money. 7 p.m. — Tennis: Securides Classic, final, The new guys might help, maybe even enough to pitched 206 1-3 innings, gave up 205 hits and fanned Washington at N.Y. Rangers, (n) Goalies— Buffalo, Puppa. 0-2 (31 shots-26 NESN (delayed broadcast) Wednesday's Games An international who’s who in road racing has com­ saves). Montreal, Hoy, 2-0 (27-23). 128. Sanderson, like Storm Davis last year, will see just Vlfeshington 21 21 31 24— 103 Saturday, April 6 7:30 p.m. — Bruins at Whalers, SportsChan­ SL Louis at Chicago, 230 pm. reverse the latest trend in the Bronx — the Yankees’ win­ Edmonton at Calgary, 8:05 p.m. A— 16,811. Montreal at Pittsburgh, 3:05 p.m. Blossoms peted in past classics, but this year’s 30,000 entrants in­ how much it means to pitch for the Athletics in Oakland. Indiana 28 19 37 33— 117 nel. Channel 38. WTIC (AM-1080) ning percentage has gone down five straight years, 3-Po/nt goals— Wfashington 2-9 (Eackles 1-1, Minnesota at Chicago, 8:35 p.m. Referee— Don Koharski. Linesmen— Fton As- 202. Barbara Bosch clude only two world-class runners. 8 p.m. — Boxing: Top Rank Boxing: Eddie Philadelphia at New Vtork, 7:40 pm Dave Eiland, Chuck Cary and Andy Hawkins round Workman 1-3, J.Williams 0-2, Grant 0-1, Detroit at SL Louis, 8:35 p.m, selsline, Shane Heyer. M '26, Marilyn Meyers matching the longest slide in major league history. C o ^ v s . Diego Avila, USBA bantamweight dde, Los Angelos at Atlania, 7:40 p.m. John Treacy of Ireland and defending women’s cham­ Varxxjuver at Los Angeles, 10.35 p.m, 187-458, Doris Hat- out the rotation. Eiland has been back-and-forth to the English 0-2), Indiana 5-9 (Miller 3-3, Person Houston at Cincinnati, 7.35 p.m. pion Judy St. Hilaire of Fall River, Mass., are the top Then again, it might be hard to get worse. The Ymkccs 1- 2, McCloud 1-3, Sanders 0-1). Fouled Sunday, April 7 Penguins 5, Devils 4 OT San Francisco at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. Meek456*^' Re'chenbach 202, Arfyne minors for a couple of seasons, Cary was 6-12 and Haw­ Montreal at Buffalo, 7:05 p.m. 10 p.m — Major League Baseball Opening lost 95 games last season, their most since dropping 102 out— Ellisoa Rebounds— Washington 62 (El­ New Jersey 1 2 1 0— 4 Day special, ESPN names in the lOK field this year. They also were the only kins was 5-12. Merrill should make sure Hawkins docs lison 12), Indiana 53 (Schrempf 10). As­ Boston at Hartford, 7:35 p.m. Pittsburgh i 2 1 1— 5 in 1912, and were seven games worse than any team in N.Y. Flangers at Washington, 7:05 p.m, J L ' ’;'" ' — P®"0uins at Devils, SportsChan­ elite runners offered appearance money. sists— Washington 32 (Walker 11), Indiana 30 First Period— 1. Now Jersey, MacLeen 1 nel (delayed broadcast) the American League. Because of their pitching, though, not pitch at Fenway Park — in tlirce career starts in Bos­ (Schrempf 7). Total fouls— Washington 22, In­ Pittsburgh at Now Jersey, 7:45 p.m, “What we have this year is a people’s rare,” said rare (Morris, Kasatonov), 2:50. 2. Pittsburgh, 11.-30 p.m. - Skiing: U.S. National Collegiate it won’t get much better. ton, he has lasted a grand total of one inning, giving up diana 18. A— 16,530. r Monday, April 8 Stevens 1 (FioccN, M.Lomioux), 6:54 (pp). director Mac DeVaughn. He said he is optimistic that SL Louis at DetroiL 7:35 p.m. Skiing Champonshlps, TBS (taped) That First Spring Car Wash 18 earned runs on 13 hits and six walks. Penalties— Kasatonov, NJ (roughing), 5:47; prizes and top runners will return. If anything, the Yankees and manager Stump Merrill Blazers 115/Magic 98 Chicago at Minnesota, 8:05 p.m. Huscroft, NJ (roughing), 5:47; Loney, Pit (el­ Whether Pascual Perez comes back, and how effective Calgary at Edmonton, 9:35 p.m. should be more relaxed without Steinbrenner piccring POFtTLAND (115) bowing). 5:47; Flmchi, Pit (roughing), 900; Los Angelos at Vancouver. 10:35 p.m. Woni Scrub Away he will be, is uncertain. The $5.7 million man pitched Kersey 9-19 8-8 26, Williams 4-8 6-7 14, Madill, NJ (Ngh-sttoking), 11:58; Stastny, NJ Transactions down from the owner’s box. He is beginning his first full Tuesday, April 9 (roughing). 15:07; Roberts, Pit (roughing), Oscar Barrera dead at 63 only three times last season before blowing out his Duckworth 5-13 3-4 13, Drexler 2-5 2-2 6, Montreal at Buffalo, 7:35 p.m. season in exile, although he says he may watch some Porter 11-16 1-2 29, Ainge 5-13 2-2 13, Robin­ 15:07; Shanahan, NJ (elbowing), 18:16; Boston at Hartford, 7:35 p.m. BASEBALL W Bjj^s Damaoei NEW YORK (AP) — Oscar Sosa Barrera, long a games at Yankee Stadium, from the scats. Z shoulder, and he’s starting die year on the disabled list. son 3-7 1-2 7, Davis 3-6 0-0 7, 'ibung 0-2 0-0 0. Samuelsson, PiL double minor (roughing), American League Totals 42-89 23-27115. N.Y. Rangers at Washington, 7:35 p.m. 18:16. prominent figure on the New York thoroughbred racing To improve, the Yankees surely will need Don Mat­ With Righetti, who became a free agent and went Pittsburgh at New Jersey, 7:45 p.m. CLEVELAND INDIANS-Ptaced Keith Her­ ORLANDO (98) Secortd Period— 3, Now Jersey, IdacLean 2 Tha Aaaoclatad Press home to San Francisco, Lee Guettennan and Farr arc the Wednesday, April nandez, first basemaa and John Farrell and scene and a trainer of thoroughbreds for 47 years, is dead tingly for more than a few games. Mattingly was limited Scott 6-17 2-6 17, Turner 4-8 0-0 8, Kite 3-3 10 (Morris, Shanahan), 1:44. 4, Pittsburgh, Coffey SL Louis at DetroiL 7:35 p.m. Rudy Seonez, pitchers, on the 15-day disabled FIRST FULL YEAR — Stump Merrill begins closers. Guetterman (11-7, 3.39 ERA) was effective early 0- 0 6, Skiles 5-16 9-9 20, Smith 7-15 3-4 17, 1 (M.Lomieux, Rocchi), 10:32. 5, New Jersey, at 63. to 102 games because of back trouble and batted only Chicago at Minnesota, 8:05 p.m. lisL Reynolds 4-11 12-16 20, Acres 2-4 0-0 4, VTiley Shanahan 1 (MacLean, Albelin), 11:47. 6, Pit­ .256, although he hit .362 in 16 games after returning his first full season as manager of the New in the year and Farr (13-7, 1.98 ERA with Kansas City) Calgary at Edmonton, 9:35 p.m. — Optioned Dan Gakeler, Barrera died Thursday night at Jamaica Hospital after 1- 4 0-0 2, Catledge 2-2 0-1 4.Totals 34-80 tsburgh. Bourque 1 (Troltier. Jagr), 17:01. pitcher, to Toledo of the International League. from the disabled list. He remains, however, in the York 't^nkees. got better as tlic season went on. Both were used in setup 26-36 98. Los Angelos at Vancouver. 10.35 p.m. Penalties— Kasatonov. NJ (holding), 308; Ftec- suffering a heart attack at Aqueduct. Thursday, April Placed Chat Lemon, outfielder, on xvaivars for roles and will relish the opportunity to be stoppers. Portland 30 19 36 30— 115 11 chi. Pit (slashing), 3:08; Stevens, FSt (slashing), He was stricken about an hour after he saddled Loco longest homerless drought of his career, now at 261 at- Hartford at Boston, 7:35 p.m. the purpose of giving Nm his uncondidonal j C s .s c Barfield (25 HR) struck out 150 times and Steve Orlando 30 27 19 22— 98 302; Rttsburgh bench, served by Stevens (too At .some point, Steve Howe might appicar. Howe, Buffalo at Montreal, 7:35 p.m,, if necessary release. Claimed Luis de los Santos, infielder, Bleu, a horse he also owned, in the fourth rare. The horse bats and counting. 3-Point goals— Portland 8-13 (Porter 6-8, many men), 9:49; Driver, NJ (Ngh-sticking), Sax (43 SB) slumped to ,26(). Catchers Bob Gcren (.213) Now Jersey at Pittsburgh, 7:35 p.m., if neces­ off waivers from the Kansas City Ftoyals. trying to make it to Lhe majors for the first time since Davis 1-1, Ainge 1-3, \bung 0-1), Orlando 4-11 10:03; Taglianolti, PiL misconduct. 10:32; finished fifth. Kevin Maas, the only player from last year’s youth and Matt Nokes (.238 with New York) might spend the sary MINNESOTA TWINS-Traded Joey Meyer, 1987, was invited to spring camp and showed off a lively (Scott 3-5, Skiles 1-4, Smith 0-1, Fteynolds 0-1). Fetisov. NJ (slashing), 20:00; Jagr, Pit (cross­ first baseman, to the Pittsburgh Pirates for Greg One of five brothers to train horses, the best known of movement to earn a fulltime job, will be a starter on rest of their careers trying to duplicate their rookie Fouled out— Turner. Rebounds— Portland 62 Wteshington at N.Y. Rangers, 7:35 p.m., if checking), 2000. necessary Sims, outfielder. Sent Tim [^m m ond, pitcher, them Hall of Famcr Laz Barrera, Oscar Barrera reached opening day. But he is stuck at designated hitter while seasons. slider, but a lot of inconsistency, too. H e’s been (Williams 21), Oriando 45 (Acres 10). As­ Third Period— 7, Pittsburgh, Loney 1 to Portland of the Pacific Coast League. sists— Portland 31 (Porter 12), Oriando 21 Friday, April 12 (Stevens, Roberts). 3:21. 8, New Jersey, his peak when he won the New York trainer’s title four Mattingly plays first base, and is not too happy about it. suspended six times because of substance abuse, and will Minnesota at Chicago, 8:35 p.m.. if noces- Fleturned Flat Howell, outfielder, to the New More tlian any tiling, the Yankees arc hoping their (Skiles 10). Total fouls— Portland 19, Orlando sary Kasatonov 1 (Boschman, Brown), 4:06. Penal- \brk Mets for $25,000 as part of tha ITule 5 straight years between 1983 and 1986. “At my age (26), I don’t think any hitter wants to be a Stan this year in the minors, trying to work off the rust. 24. Technicals— Wiliams, Drexler 2, Ejec­ 1*os— Driver, NJ (slasNng), 5:03; Bourque, Pit Ddtroit at SL Louis, 8r35 p.m., if nocassary draft DH,” Maas said. tion— Drexler. A— 15,077. (cross-checking), 503; Trottier, PiL misconducL NEW YORK YANKEES— Claimed Scott Edmonton at Caipary, 9i35 p.m., if nocos&ary 13:03; Kasatonov, NJ (roughing), 14:12' 550 N. MAIN ST. Vancouver at Los Angeles. 10:35 p.m., if Lusadar, outfielder, off waK/ars from the Detroit Maas was one of the few bright spots for the Yankees Cavaliers 104, Hornets 101 necessary MacLean, NJ (high-sticking), 14:12; Taglianetti, Tigers. Pistons’ Thomas to play PiL double minor (roughing). 14:12; Boschman. MANCHESTER last season. In 254 at-bats, he hit 21 home runs, most by CHARLOTTE (101) Saturday, April 13 SEATTLE MARINERS— Sent Dennis Hood, Clemens hearing is postponed NJ (unsportsmanlike conduct), 18:24; HARTFORD (AP) — Isiah Thomas’ repaired right Reid 11-16 4-5 26, Newman 5-10 6-6 16, Montreal at Buffalo, 7:35 p.m., if necessary outfielder, to Calgary of tha F^cific Coast a Yankees rookie since Joe Gordon’s 25 in 1938. Maas Gminski 3-9 0-0 6, Chapman 6-17 7-7 20, Gill League. wrist has sufficiently healed to allow him to resume play Boston at Hartford, 7;35 p.m., if necessary M.Lemieux, Pit (unsportsmanlike conduct), 647-9928 also reached 15 home runs faster than any major leaguer HOUS TON (AP) — The baseball 3-12 2-2 8, Gattison 3-4 2-2 8, Bogues 3-7 0-0 N.Y. Rangers at Washington, 7:35 p.m., if 18:24; Weinrich, NJ (rougNng), 20:00; Rocchi, TORONTO BLUE JAYS-Sent Kenny Wil­ for the Detroit Pistons, his surgeon said in clearing brothers’ charges, so they have not Friday “because 1 wanted them to 6, Curry 0-4 0-1 0, Lockner 1-3 1-2 3, Tripucka necessary Pit (routing), 20:00. liams, outfielder, to Syracuse of the Internation­ AUTO PAINTING AND BODYWORKS in history (133 at-bats), and his promise of more power .season will be two months old been indicted, their lawyer, Mike 3-7 2-2 8. Totals 38-89 24-27 101. al League. ACT NOW... AND GET Thomas to rejoin the lineup Friday night. appear before the season began,” Pittsburgh at New Jersey. 7:45 p.m., if neces­ Ovortimo— 9, Pittsburgh, Jagr 1 (Bourque, prompted the Yankees to cat Steve Balboni’s $1.1 million before Boston pitcher Roger Ranuscy. said. CLEVELAND (104) sary Hrdina), 8:52. Penalties— None. Notional Lsagus Thomas will play but not start for the Pistons, who contract. Ramsey said. ATLANTA BRAVES— SIgrted Glenn Wilson, Clemens and his brother have their Nance 2-9 0-0 4, Bennett 5-11 4-4 14, Wil­ Sunday, AprH 14 Shots on goal— New Jersey 14-10-9-7— 40 host the Minnesota Timberwolves at The Palace of If a grand jury docs indict Roger liams 5-10 5-6 15, Ehlo 7-11 6-8 22, Valentine SL Louis at DetroiL 9:05 p.m.. If necessary Pittsburgh 9-8-7-2— 26. outfielder, to a contract with Flichmond of the in­ Center fielder Roberto Kelly (.285, 15 HR, 48 SB) first court hearing on their January The men were arrested Jan. 19 on 6-9 3-3 16, Morton 2-4 1-2 5, Ferry 7-10 0-2 15, ternational League. OFF Auburn Hills (Mich.), team spokeswoman Debbie and Gary Clemens, tlic June 7 hear­ Chicago at Minnesota. 8:05 p.m., if neces­ Power-play OpportuNdes— New Jersey 0 of managed to work his way through the Yankees’ minor assault arrests at a Houston charges of aggravated assault on an Brown 3-6 3-3 9, F^ddio 2-10 0-0 4.Totals sary 4; Pittsburgh 1 of 3. HOUSTON ASTROS— Optioned Eric An­ ------— ^ WITH THIS AD Mayfield said. Coach Chuck Daly would decide how ing would be an arraignment. thony, Javier Ortiz arxl Gerald \bung, out­ I IIP m r\r\w w w i m w i t i l . f aimviuvnuviutfsexCOilOni8UrT3C0 Of) 39-80 22-28 104. Calgary at Edmonton, 8:05 p.m.. if necessary Goalies— New Jersey, Terreri, 11 (26 6 league system without getting traded or damaged. The nightclub. off-duty police officer who was «io much playing lime to give the captain of the two-time With the baseball season begin­ Charlotte 19 24 3 0 28— 101 fielders, to Tucson of the Pacific Coast League. material that extends the life of that high quality look. REG. $(399.95 Los Angeles at Vancouver. 10.-05 p.m., if 8hots-21 saves). Pittsburgh, Barrasso 1-1 Yankees hope Hensley “Bam-Bam" Mculens can do the Friday, State District Judge A.D. working as a security guard at Cleveland 26 28 25 25— 104 necessary Sent Doug Baker and Jose Tolentino, Inlielders. Van* ifuUi* 4ndcorr>rwfcai v*ri>ciM by titiwui* ning Monday, Roger Clemens said (40-36). RwU fip«ir «rK) cit defending NBA champions, she said. 3-Point goals— Charlotte 1-5 (Chapman 1-4, to their rNnor-league camp for reassignmenL same; Mculens, 23, hit 26 homers and drove in 96 runs at A /ios posijXHied a hearing until Bayou Mama’s nightclub. Monday, April 15 A— 16,164. MAACO Auto Paintog t Bodywo'Vt a rt the case “won’t be any distraction. It Tripucka 0-1), Cleveland 4-7 (Ehlo 2-3, Valen­ Hartford at Boston, 7:35 p.m., if necessary — Assigned Pat Howell, •nO•o•^o•n^ranc^«•co won’t interfere with my work.” tina 1-1, Ferry 1-2, Morton 0-1). Fouled Buffalo at Montreal. 7:35 p.m , if necessary outfielder, to Fton St Lucie of the Florida State NOW $ 2 3 9 ^^ in top form. 'I*he brothers arc free on $2,000 Knox. Brad Lazarowich. League. CMAACO inc «9a9 starting job in left field, a position he’s leaniing to play. to be called on the Clemens Tlie Clemenses appeared in court bond. . i \ L. 12—MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991 SATURDAY, APRILS. 1991 SUNDAY, APRIL 7,1991 MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991—13 I c H . 5 : 0 0 10:00 1 0 : 3 0 11:00 ICH. 5:00 siao eioo^ OVERA THE AIR CHANNELS (O ff Air) OVER THE AIR CHANNFI g ]Super Captain Bob jOragon Warrior C4pMw Planet 2:30 Horn* Shopping 8pft« BugtBunmfBTwaotya Paid Program Uttio Bossy g HowKIds-Bk. Black Fomm Wall St. Jml. 3.-00 Honw Shopping SpfM Wbmlo tho Pooh Wliardof O iq Sllmert And the Real Ohostfausters plBoedejulce q Phiri Program 3d0 Home Shopping Spree N.E. Sunday Sunday Morning q] Paid Program Paid Program Worid Tomorrow in tfl and Now A Paid Program Paid Program Public Affairs Jesse Jackson Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program |Pald Program Program |Pa|d Proyam Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program “OF 4:30 TrippM- Jotm|Fmtmy Island W oridTom . larty Jonas PMd Proyam [Paid Program |Travel Update [Wheel of Fortune Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Soul Train (In Stereo) Paid Program Point of View Sunday Mo m Sl^er Spoons Paid Program duper Paid Program WCW Pro WresMIng » f r Search T>W>PorJohn.M.D. Paid Program nr 3.-00 Horn# Shopplna Club Homo Shopping Club Frederick K. Price Paid Program Steamplpe Ailey Paid Program Jet Stream Ovan Sync. Research [Sync. Research Sync. Research Sync. Research Syre. Rosaareh 3.-00 Home Shopping Club Fantastic Mas Midnight Patrol “ ® r (O ffA if) CHIPS Sync. Research "The Adventures of Mark Twain" (1985) James Whitmore. Lavtrwa A Shlrioy W sbstar W ebstar Widget J e t Stream Ovan Out of This World (O ff Ah) Sync. Research Winiams TV Williams TV Hotel Express (O ffA lf) New Lassie Fit One W W P S m iiiS r I Invisions Hair To Be Announced [Paid Program Am. Telecast TV Family Tiosg Family TIos q Conn.Viewpoint Camp Candy o Captain H A Super Mario Brothers Oravedale High g W d ’n P la y g Chipmunks StwdbytheBeii (O ff Air) Faith Oirtreach Webster David Paul Charles Stanley (Off Air) Love That Rescues Kenneth Copeland Human Calculator flyweight ZoobllooZoo Sesame Street rmd-Willows CoNactors (O ff Air) T ie s i Famih Big Valloy "The Murdered Partv" [Long Ago, Far U p Quilting Chalice of Salvation (Live) Real to Reel Paid Program PH Road Wash Saint "The Talented Husband" A TONIGHT SoaHunt Dead or Alhra ]USWA WrasUIng WCW Wrestling " a r Sesame Street'! S) (3 ;X ) IHovIo N tw t worthy H ic fo D io t *w .T e p T o n (8;X) Movie ICrook A Chase Jimmy Swa^art This Old House Frugal Gourmet Saturday Wdaos Chipmunks Around World W d ’n P la Y g NBA bisido Stuff James Kennedy Frederick K. Price Mauds UvadbythaBeii (4d)0) Movie; "Starcrossed Boeiii" Sea Hunt Dead or Alhre Dead or Alhre Night of the Wolt" A Hitchcock A Hitchcock Honoymoonors K's Your BusinoM Broadcast N.Y. It’s Your Business Siskel A Ebert By LARRY MeSHANE (O ff Air) W a lIS L J m l. Ask tho Manager Movie; 'The Return of Mr. Moto" (1965) Henry Silva. Abbott-CostoBo 'nwaoSteeoes Oral Roberts [Robert Schuller Rocky BFmds. Bovariy Hillbillies lAndyOrlflHh ~ Andy Griffith Dick Van Dyke World Tomorrow The Associated Press BuHwInklo Scooby Poo Winnie the Pooh Wliardof O iq Sllmert And the Beal Ohostfausters q Beotfajulceq N o w l0 d s 4 k . (O ff Air) Kenneth Copeland Frederick K. Price ~w (Off Air) SrryBTWaeiv Secret Identity Munsters Today Three Stooges QEP; Reading Sci. OED; Reading Sci. Black Issues Forum Say BroMier Tony Brown South Africa Now Jimmy Swaggart Robert Schuller Day of Discovery nr (O ff Air) La P la n WashingtenWaek (O ff Air) G.T. Armstrong Sync. Research Paid Program Business Worid NEW YORK — The competition Jimmy Paid Pro Sesame Street CABLE CHANNELS mr Sesame Street q [Mistar Rogers Long Ago, Far Ib T i l ’- ! ! ^ - ■ "* <’ 9731 Kim Hew Explorers between HBO and Showtime al­ |4K)0) Movlo! "Scott of the Antarctic" (19461 John Mills. iHoroas hr USA ready has led Sugar Ray Leonard AB Creatures Great and Small Journey World of Sunrhrat ta t Dawn" (1955) Rai AOE Movie: "Viva ZapaUI" (1952) Marlon Brando. Anthony Quinn. iFbotstepaofMsn Movie; "Indiscretion of an American WHa" (miizi and Iron Mike Tyson to jump cable Movie;‘‘Bed River Robin Hood” M o vie;’ Strikes Twice" Movie: “Another Face” (1936) Wallace Ford. MKMI I I ukU ...... —— ’ ' Romentic Spirit "Romantic Heritage" World of Survival Crossfire Showfaii Today "Land of the Open Range" (4KM) Movie Movie; ’The Big WhooT (1949) Mickey Rooney, Thomas Mitchell Daybreak Correspondents Daybreak Sports Close-up M ovI*: ■■oestinatlon; Murder" (1950) Joyce Mackenzie' Movlo; ’’Fremod" (1930) Evelyn Brent. networks. Joining them in Show­ Tingle, Daybreak Big Story HeaHhweek Moneyweek ShowbiiWeek [Style With Elsa ISdence-TedT Sports Uteniqht Movlo; ’’Hldoswty" (1937) Fred Stone. Movip; "Fugitives tor a Night" (1938) Frank Albertson. (4;X) Movie; ‘‘Lady-Shanghal’’ M ouserdse Umbrella Tree Pooh Comer Moneyweek Style With Else Daybreak Hollywood: The Selinick Years time’s comer, at 6-f6ot-2, 140 Dumbo’s Circus Mother Goose Darkwing Duck Movie; "Ewoks; The Battle for Endor" (1985) DISN Big Story Daybreak Evens A Novak ESPN 4K)0 SoniOf PQA Qotf; The Tradition Pound Puppies Donald Duck (3d0) Movie Oxile end Harriet Your Money On the Msrw______[Travel Guide Yaotitfaig Baseball Tonight SportsCenter Amer. Events Mouseiciae Umbrella Tree Pooh Comer Dumbo’s Circus pounds, from Downer’s Grove, 111- HBO Great Outdoors Sportsman’s C. Jim Houston Outdoor Writers Fly Fishing Ftshki’ Hold Outdoors ESPN 3:30 8r. PGA Goff Mother Goose Derkwlng Duck Freggle Rock Donald Duck (4aS) Movie; "The Josephine Baker Story" (1991) Lynn Whitfield. NCAA T odiy SpeedWaek Besebell Tonight Moyle: ’The Berefoot Executive" (1971) Kurt Russell. G’ ... unusual Emo Phillips? Movie; ’’Joe Versus the Volcaoo’’ (1990) Tom Hanks, Meo Rvan. -PQ- q Movie; "Haunted Honeymoon" (1986) Gene Wilder. 'PG' SportsCortsr Bodyshaping Utestyle Meg. Workout LtFE Paid Program [Paid Program [Paid Program Holyfleld-FOreman HBO (4aS) Moyle; "The Whoopee Bovs Inside Sr. PGA Besebell Mag. [SportsWeekiy Sports Reporters Paid Program PaldProgrem [Paid Program [Paid Program Ip^Prog;^ Movlo; "Revsnge of tho Nords II; Nsrds In Peridlso’’ Earth to Kids Baber Wixard ot Ox The comedian characterized in comic MAX (4a0) Movie; "Pel^arance’’ (1972) Burl Reynolds. 'R Baby Knows |Day by Day Arts, Crafts E/R Attitudes LIFE PaldProgrem PeldProgrem Movie; "Rocky" (1976) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire. 'PG the past as a “gangly weirdo” and a Movie; "Viliage of the Damned" (1960) George Sanders. Movie: Psid Progrim [Paid Pwgrsin PeldProgrem Paid Program PeM Program Paid Program SHOW 4;X Roger Rabbit iMoBy’s Pilgrim < "Millenium’’ (1989) Kris Kristotferson, Cheryl Udd. 'PG-13' q Movie; “Her Alibi" (1989) Tom Selleck. PG’ MAX (4.-00) Moyle Liv.-Diabotos [PhysIcieiM'Jml iFemilyPrec. Internal Medic. Orchestral Movie; "Farewell to the King" (1989) Nick Nolte, Nlqel Havers. 'PG-13’ t;i Mowe; 'The Supemeturels" (1987) Maxwell Gar.lfiiUrt -R 'Children of ths Dsmnod’’ (1964) Ian Hendry. “befuddled visitor from another By DOUGLAS J. ROWE (4:30) Movie: Deathstalksr III" Movie; "Midnight" (1939) Don Ameche, Claudette Coiberl. Movie; ’To HoH and Back" (I95.s> SHOW (4K») Moyle Movis: ’’Dskots" (1986) Lou Diamond Phillips, Herta Ware. 'PG' q Movie: “Side Out’’ (1990) Movie: ’’Generation' (1985) Richard „Beymer, Hannah Cutrona ' Movie; "Comes a Horsemr^ 30-Mlnute Movie [ Movie: "Ussie Come Home planet” joins the two boxing cham­ The Associated Press (1978) Jane Fonda, James Caan. 'PG' Picture Show Movie; "Cry-Baby" (1990) TMC [oWLffV 4:50 Shorts Nstional Velvet Movie; "Indian Agent" (1948) Tim Holt, Richard Martin. pions in making the Showtime Movie; “RevoH at Fort Laramie’ (1957) John Dehner. Hondo How the West Was Won (4dl0) Movie; ‘The Van" (1976) New Mike Hammer "Wai Movie switch this weekend with the debut NEW YORK — Jimmy Tingle, a Paid I Fmanclal Freedom Paid Program I Hollywood Insider Crime Story "Final Transmission" lYoutt««|i‘aks of his special, “An American Mam­ journeyman comic for 11 years, says mal in London." it himself: He looks like Fred “I was on HBO three years ago. Flinlstone’s best friend. OVER THE AIR CHANNELS I’m working my way through the He stalks the stage, discussing This Week in OVER THE AIR CHANNELS different cable channels,” Phillips gun control, the Gulf War, censor­ o Baseball Ritchie! **'«ntures of Mark Twain” (1985) James W h it t iio r e ^ h r i^ ^ |M a g n ^ ^ High School Basketball: McDonald's All-America Game. (Live) College Wrestling: NCAA Division I explained. “Next is a fishing show ship and other issues. Along the Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program ICham^ship" jBssoball; A Look Ahead Rimsway With the|Trsck and Field: NCAA Indoor Sports Sunday Scheduled: American Ski Classic from Vail for ESPN. 1 just did an interview way, he offers some trenchant ob­ W^S)dl'T^s!^ve!q‘'^°'’‘” "'® PBA Bowling: True Value Open. From Peoria, III.' (Live) q Wide Worid of Sporto Thisfiw ; WeekWsek WHhWith dDavidL nBrinkisy ^ m q' High School Bowl !° ®®"®!1® "®^' I Wen and Famout IChampionships. Cok). Paid Program Switch Superman World Uague of American Football: Sacramento Surge at San Antonio Riders. From'Alamo Stadium. (Uve) with CNN — but I felt stupid in that servations as setups for the o Pressason Baseball: New York Mets vs. Toronto Biue Jays. (Live) loner’s Kotner Knight RIdor Paid Program | Comedy Whool Outdoor Iw b o d ^ n d s 'l^ x M ^ S ®' "'® camouflage outfit.” punchlines. llriW star Search Fame Movie: "One Million Years B.C." (1966) John Richardson, Raquel Welch. [Movie; "City Beneath the See” (1970)'Robert wVgne7,'Stuart © "Back to the Planet of the Apes" (1974) Roddy McDowali, Ron Sportsman [Knight Rider Phillips is on the phone from Bam. Bam. Bam: It’s the world 11.-W Fall Guy Synchronal ID "Bite ol the tw s p ' [Movie: "Tho Fighting Soibees" (1944) John Wayne, Susan Hayward. Washington, where he’s doing a according to Barney Rubble. © Raaaarch ^ v ie : “ t^ M II, U.S. Marshal" (1973) John Wayne, George Kennedy Ruaoed Sports ExprtM Video Wrap Home Shopping Club lavrman J.D. Canilf uses his skills as a tracker against a wilv bank robber. club date just two blocks from the Tonight, he opens his one-man IIKMWWF HlShwfy to Heaven "I Was a Middle- m I Home Shopping Club © Supim tars Highway to Heaven "Close White House — a tough gig, he con­ show, “The Education of an le d Werewolf Encounters of the Heavenly Kind" "* Man for All Seasons” (1988) Chariton Heston, Vanessa Redgrave, Guys Naxt Door q Saturday Videos S h ^ l ‘‘MSlN SSI.HWKDtlnQisUng Movlo: "Alice in Wonderiend" (1985) Natalie Gregory, Red Buttons. [Movie; “Alice in Wonderland" (1985) Natalie Gregory, Red Buttons. fided, because “obviously there’s a American Comic” at the Charles © NBA Inside Stuff WWF Superstars of Wrestling Weekend Travel “The Competition’’ (1980) Richard Dreytuss. Amy Irving Update & o ^ g uve*i vs. Romania. Womon’s T ^ ls : Family Circle Cup - Semifinal. From Hilton' Head, S.C ■ semi-' Home Home Again With Family Ties q lot of competition.” Playhouse in Boston. And on Satur­ Classic Car Shop MotorWeek Rod and Reel Blitx on final match. Commentators: Bud Collins, Chris Evert, Gavfe Gardner. iLhm) Improvsment Bob Vila jjfomen’s Tennis: Family Circle Cup - Final. From Hilton Head, S.C • NBA Showtime © Panel fittinq. Joy of Country Welcome to My New Southern Commentators: Bud Collins, Chris war*, Gayle Gardner. (Live) I NBA Basketball: Philadelphia 76ers at Chicago Bulls. From Chicago Stadium. (Live) “There’s something about this day night, HBO airs his comedy Cartooning Pafnbng______Ciao Italia' Fruit ^ Ith Cooking Ntw Southern Studio Cooking IDesserts" Today’s Gourmet iFnigsl Gourmet I Justin Wilton’s ivictofy GardeiT McLaughlin Group On the Record Connecticut Tony Bmwn’s [Adsm Smith’s Movie: "Suddenly, Uvo" (1978) Cindy Wiliiams, Paul Shenar. QiilH Country I iLeuiM aiw Cookin’ Cooking FiringLine: Do We Uwrence Walk Show Harvest on the iBoys Town: Building Families great city,” he continued, “that’s at- special as part of its “One Night M i S N iilow " (1978) Walter Matthau, Alexis Smith. A Caiun trainer Newsweek Journal I World Our Counti Ml Creatures Grest and Small and his three sons raise a quarter horse to be a champion, ' A®*®'f«- H®l®® H®I?S- The lives of Movlo: “KruH" (1983) Ken Marshall, Lysetle Anthony — ______, Plenty to Grouse About" uacted the cream of our nation’s Stand” series. Guys Next Door q a retired man anohis wife are shatterad after he suffers a heart attach. Movie; "Sehm 3" (1980) K i^ Douglas, Farrah Fawcett. Space station scientists plSL-fh.. |*<»o'ente |AI Undner’s In- Personal Power Amazing Micro are menaced by an insane colleague and his dangerous robot. 'Forbidden Planet” (1956) Waller Pidgeon, Anne Francis. [Dick Van Dyke high school hall monitors.” Tingle tackles issues because Perspectlve | ______I Fisherman______, D ial Women’s Teimit: Family Circle Cup To B# Announced 11.-O0Thr*e ^ if in a l. From Hilton Head, S.C.: semi- Meet the Press q [Connecticut Women’s Tennis: Family Circle Cup - Final. From Hilton Head S C Don’t expect a new Emo on this ‘these are the things we’re con­ © Break" (1979) Gate Kaplan, Harold Sylvester, A clerk in final match. Commentators: Bud Collins, Chris Evert, G a ^ GarCheif.' (Dto) I Newsmakers NBA Showtime NBA Basketball: Philadelphia 76ers at Chicago Bulls. From Chicago Stadium. (Live) Stooge* Commentators: Bud Coffins. Chris & ert, Gayle Gardner. i !" M . delicatessen achieves his ambition of coaching a collwe basketball team' Movie: "The Adventures of Mari: Twain” (1985) James VWiltmore, Chris 11.-00 Three Trapper John, M.O. "Pagoda Cure" 30-minute special, filmed last June fronted with every single day. Mjpo Bug* Bunny Human Calculator Ritchie. Movie: “Suddenly, Love” (1978) Cindy Williams, Paul Shenar, © I Paid Program 1 ^ 0 ^ : inde^^nd^ijnsurance Agent Open. Third round from TPC a'tihe tto o g e s . Movie: “Doctors’ Private Uves" (1978) John Gavin, Donna Mills. at the Playhouse in London. You can’t listen to the radio or pick k Twaetv PBA Bowling: True Value Open. From Peoria, St. Elsewhere ' Lvel II. (Live) q Wide Worid of Sports f li> This Week With David Brinkley q Media Arts up the newspaper without hearing Nall Straet Week; McLaughUn Group Big Henry and the Polka Dot Kid World Uague of American Football: Sacramento Surge at San Antonio Riders. From Alamo Stadium. (Live) The child-like comedian with the © I/alue Line Clastic Car Shop Rod and Reel Hometime "Flower MotorWeek Straamside Tracks Ahead Yietory Garden Newton’s Apple [Americsn ^°nds,'Te1;'fs'!^Vela‘'^^^ ®’ ‘''® page-boy hair has the same sing­ about AIDS, the war, the deficit.” ■eld Program Gardening" Frugal Gourmet This Old House Firino Lins: Do We Vietnam; A Television History Mysteryl "Die Kinder (The Children)" © ' Paid Program Hunter jlntsrosts------O w eolur Country? Masterpiece Theatre "House of Nathalie Dtmree’i song delivery, the same stage con­ And, yes. Tingle says, that’s his Movie: ’Terror in the Wax Museum"’i! i ’ ®T3) Ray Milland, Broderick Crawford, "Direct Action" Cards" Justin Wilson's Travel Magazine •’oung woman acts as bait to trai Movie: "Hot Touch" (1982) Wayne Rogers, Marie-France Pisier. o lT a s te Louisisna Cookin’ real n ^ e . “They used to call me CABLE CHANNELS killer at a cursed waxworks exhibitinn QD tVff^obeiSon' Movie: "Big Troubls" (1986) Peter Falk, Alan Arkin. tortions he developed more than a P®'®<^ Niven, Barbara Fekfon. Two "Equal Protection " (In 11 KM Footsteps No Time to Say Goodbye CABLE CHANNELS }l6Ct6(i childfsn stage their own kidneppinQ to get ettention. decade ago. His flea-market chic at­ ‘Ting,’” he says, recalling his chil­ A«E of Man ^ Movie: "Prelude to War” (1942) [Fugitive' Wher^TnetiorH? "Destiny of a Spy" (1969) Lorne G r e O T T Z Z n y o Ija ^ 11KK) Revue [Last Act Is a Solo tire is back as well, although the hair dhood with a working-class Protes­ Caroline’s Comedy Hour AAE Broadway; The Groat W hitoW e^Tuvin^m lgerousl^TcrM ^S^ AMC (1W9) Robert Sterling. Gloria Movie: "Count Five and Die” (1958) Jeffrey Hunter, Nigel Patrick, P oeeana" P»iie?M194ojGaryCoo^^ shows a little gray. tant father from North Carolina and Grahame. Two young lovers hide from a trio of outlaws. Movie: ‘‘Sjiorefs of the French Canada to capture a murderer, runs into an Indian uprising led by the man he is searchinolo^^' World in Action Police" (19321 Gvrilli Andre. “Wake Up and Dream" (1946) John Payne, June Haver. AMC Csroy’s Chicksns" (1938) Ruby Keeler, Movie: "The U st Time I Saw Peris" (1954) Elizabeth Taylor, Van Johnson. [Host: Bill Kurlis. an Italian Catholic mother in Baseball Hewsday | Evans A Novak Newsday Anne Sbiriev. Movie; “The Three Musketeers’’' (1939) Ritz Brothers, ------“I’ve been this way from night CNN Newsm aker Healthweek Style Whh Else On the Menu Don Ameche. Movie: "Government Girt” (1943) Olivia de Havilland Saturday IKIensch Sports Close-up Future Watch lEartyPrime ^...jw eek in Nowaday [Science and Sonny Tuns.______Cambridge, Mass. Avonlea Newsm aker CNN Newsday Moneyweek Week in Review one. The first time I was on stage, I DISN Nothing Endures but Danger Bay [Saturday Tevlew [Tschnology Week Worid Report He doesn’t spend much time on Cham Movie! Morris Goss to was pretty much exactly the same. in Um Fainily" (1986) Christopher Collet, Oiff DeYouno Space DISN Ml Now Adventures of Sport Goofy ^ s t of Walt Disney Presents; Pirates Casebusters the standup comic’s staples, the as transfers an astronaut s mind Into the body of his chimp comp a n d School Swiss Family Robinson The Bell I’m still exactly the same, but fun­ Invitational. From ' ______ot the Caribbean Movie: "Sylvester" (1985) Richard Farnsworth, Melissa Gilbert. PG' Weightlifting: U.S. Championships. SportsContor Up-to-date scores from nier,” Phillips said. “I try to get that ironies of relationships and families. From Farmington Hilis. Mich. H o t** Rackw: Gotham Stakes. From Sanior ' PGA------Golf: The Tradition------at ESPN Hoop-lt-Up Auto Racing: NASCAR Winston Cup ■ Tran-South 500. From Darlington Raceway, S.C. (Live) HBO Christmas Ozone, N.Y. (uve) Desert Mountain. around the country. Bsskslbsll “There isn’t much about me that I Vacation (1969) Chew Chase, Beverlv D'Angelo. PG-13' M irie; ’Weekend at Bemie’s" (1989) Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Siiverman." Family Playhouse: "A Town's Senior PGA Golf: innocence, the freshness.” Movie: "Three Amigosl" (1986) Chevy Chase, Sieve Martin. 'PG' q Mo***; Of Flight 103: Tho Inside Story" (1990) The Tradition " " 'Frugal Gourmet ISistwKate Revenge HBO Vincent Gardenia, Ned BeaHv. □______' ' ' Movie: "Imnwdiate Femily" (1989) Glenn Close, James Woods. PG-13' q Movie: "Looker" (1981) Albert Finney, James Coburn. PG’ Innocent? Arc these the jokes of really feel like talking about LIFE Supermarket Duet "Murdoch Moonlighting "I See England, I See Movie: “Beyond the Stars’ (1989) Martin Sheen, Christian Sweep [Exposed" Hotel "Tomorrows" OB/Gyn. Update Physicians’ Slater. PG' an innocent man? anymore,” he says. [France, 1 See Maddie's Netherworld" Spw ier For Hire "Autumn Thieves” lU L Law "Full Marital Jacket” LIFE Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Updsts Topic: giirowth Cardiology MAX Itovie: "The Longshof JoumsI Updsts Upmiife Update Dentistry Update Family Practice “I’m a concerned American (1986) Tim Conway, Harvey Movie: “Say Anything" (1989) J disorders; torsional deformitiities. Update U ^ e te Herpes Viruses New Mandates Emo’s advice on how to cure kids Korman. 'PG-13' John Cusack, lone Skye. A high-school graduate 110:30) Movie: Movie; "The Other” (1972) Ula Hagen, Chris and Martin Udvarnoky. 'PG' q Curr. (or Asthma Care Movie; ‘To Hell and Back” works up the ______nerve to askIB out beautiful (hi class valMictorian. PG-13’ q Mgrie: “Big Bad John" (1990) Jimmy Dean, Ned Beatty. MAX Movie: “Tanen, the Ape Men” (1932) Johnny Weissmuller afraid of the dark: “Fill their citizen. I’m a patriot. I want what’s SHOW Movie: ’Troop Beverly Hills" (1989) Shelley Long, Craig T. Nelson. PG" q 119901 Movie: "Real Genius" (1985) Val Kilmer, Gabe Jarrel. PG' q 1955) Audie Murphy, Susan Kohner. Movie: "Heart ol Dixie" (1989) Ally Sheedy, Virginia Madsen. 'PG' q ------Maureen 0 Sullivan. Movie: "Star Trek best for the country. I think .) Movie: Movie: "P lezj^e" (1971) Walter Matthau, Maureen Stapleton. Three stories H" daylight hours with as much horror (10;X) Movie; SHOW 4 " (1990) "The Rosa Garden" (1989) Liv Ullman. Maximilian Schell. 'PG-13' TMC Movie: “The Forbidden Dance” (1990) Laura Herring. Jell James. PG-13" q revolve around the difterent occupants of Suite 719 at the Raza. 'PG' Snrirt {S ^ |’'" * ” ,('983) Tom Selleck, Bess Armstrong. A flapper as possible.” everybody’s concerned for the '’Cry-Beby" (1990) K?,***'d ®'** *"A T ^ ’* Excellent Adventure" (1989) UBIa _____ill iznnA. • • ii. . .> . _ I.. Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter. PG' i "Tnie Believer” (1989) James Woods, Robert D ow ey Jr.. -R' q ------[Movie- “Cry- flOKM) Movie: Movie: "Ho Holds Bsrred" (1989) Hulk Hogan, Kurt Fuller. I------^------[hires a former World War I ace to help find her lather. 'PG' ’ country. But you can disagree on TMC ’’Detreers’’ (1967) Movie: “S t^ y Monday” (1988) Melanie Griffith, Tommy He’s a friend of nature: “I have a TNT [Baby"'(19M) L66 JOn6S- R I Movie; "The ’Buibs" (1989) Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern. 'PG' [Movie: "U H r (1989) Al Yankovic------how to get there.” )|^!^4- ‘T l'* H!** (i9T1) George C. Scotl, Tony Musante A former — ) Movie; Movie: "Gun Glory" (1957) Stewart Granger, Rhonda Fleming. A gunfiqhler Michael Richards. 'PG-13' q love for animals that’s almost ... il­ flgtaway driver discovers a plot to kilnhe convict he is^going to help escane Logan’s Run TNT 3ldget-Rome’’ M o vie;' -*0®® Caultield. Cattle barons battle Tingle says he thinks cutting USA returns home and is shunned by everyone, including his own son. ,■ ranchers for land grazing rights in 16S3 Wyoming Movie; "Helicals ot the Navy” (1957) Ronald Reagan, Nancy Davis. legal.” Football: Orlando Thunder at London Monarchs. From Wembley Stadium In London, ^ v e ) Cartoon Express [All-Amorican Wrestling Featuring top- military spending to finance educa­ Miami Yiee "Leap of Faith" USA 1 ^ ■ lMecGyvor"The Black Corsage" Movie: "Stegecoich” (1986) Willie Nelson, Kris Kristotferson. Emo’s take on the arms race: 'ranked contenders. Square Pegs Swsmp Thing Alfred Hitchcock tion is parotic because an unedu­ Presents “Our country is building nuclear cated public is the worst thing for a weapons like there’s no ... well, democracy. “It’s scary because OVER THE AIR CHANNELS anyway ...” N s w s q people are more easily manipu­ CBS News Entortainment Tonight Flash "Captain Cold" A OVER THE AIR CHANNELS And his family: “My brother says (In Stereo) q Actors Bryan Brown and criminal planning to control CoiTiedy-Drama) James Belushi, N sw sq Araenio Hall Mariah hello ... so hurray for speech lated,” he maintains. NETWORK-CBS Brian Dennehy. (In Stereo) Mel Harris. An unorthodox narcotics agent and an Party Mechine With Hie Boat Gopher and CBS News N a w s q 60 Minute* (In Stereo) q Murder, Sh* Wrote Movi*; "Field of Droama” (1989, Fantasy) Kevin q the city hires a nit man equally unique police dog join forces to bust a drug C ar^; actor Charles Peeples (R) (In Stereo) (In Stereo) q News Magnum, P.l. "Blind Big Break Guest New News (R) q Nightwatch g who freezes his victims. (In Grodln; actress Sara Doc vie for Gopher's pen "Thursday’s Child" A Costner, Amy Madigan. Spurred by a spiritual voice, an Jusnee■' Magnum performers: En Vogue. (R) therapy.” As his show’s title suggests. WFSB Q czar. (In Stereo) q pal; a retired man strays NETWORK-CBS woman claims her accused England Stereo) q Gilbert ( "Roseanne"). (R) Iowa farmer builds a ballpark in the middle of his investigates a murder. (In Stereo) Sunday(R) Such material requires a bit more Tingle says his,act is the result of an (In SterM) q ' ' ' from his wife. son was fathered by cornfield. (In Stereo) q News q Ufestyles of tho Rich WFSB O St, Jude Children's Movie: "Hew Deal” (1986, Drama) Arnold Jessica's late husband, q thought than can be mustered by ilic educational odyssey. and Famous Shari Hospital News q American Gladiators NETWORK-ABC Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrow. An ex-CIA agent Star Search (In Stereo) Paid Haws ABC News LH* Goes On "Arthur" America's Andrew “Dice” Clay crowd, as Emo Belalonte; Julia Child: America’s Movie; “Separate but Equal" (1991. Drama) (Part 1 Haws Roggin's Movie: "The Bermuda Depths" (1978, Science It’s a long way from where he Luther Campbell. (R) returns to his old job to seek revenge against a mob Program Q Corky's new friend Arthur Funniest Funniest ot 2) Sidney Poilier, Burl Lancaster. Premiere. A fact- Paid ABC News WTNH Q boss who killed his friend's son. p Heroea The Fiction) Burl t ves, Leigh McCloskey. Scientists Program himself is well aware. started, at the “open-mike nights” at NETWORK-ABC copes with life after the Home Peopit based account of Thurgood Marshall's, legal battle to world ol exploring the g death of his mother. (In Videos (In Batman Bermuda Triangle encounter a phantom “1 think 1 appeal to a very select INDEPENDEN end school segregation in the state of South Carolina. auto racing. woman and a prehistoric creature comedy clubs in his hometown A-Tesm "One More Time Ironside WTNH O Stereo)q Stereo)q impressions. (In Stereo) q WWOR Movie: "The Proud and the Damned" (1972 Newswor­ (R) audience, a very, very small Cambridge or performing on the Adventure) Chuck Connors. Jose Greco, Howard Stem uSA Music Paid thy Paid Paid INPEPENDENT, A *Taam Movie: “Camival Story” ('1954, Drama) Anne Baxter, It Takes a Thiel |Naws q CinamAt- Paid Paid audience. And I think my material’s INDEPENDENT jSKW) Movis; "Fsrowell Star Trek; The Next ______|Todsy Program Program Steve Cochran. Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid subways and in Harvard Square. toPIsnot of Apes" Movie; "Weeds" (1987) A group of former inmates News Program WWOR Q tractions Program Program Program Program Program m Generetlon "Nth Degree takes to the road with a play about life behind bars. Odd Couple [Movie: 'Tender Merciss' Program Program Program getting more intelligent, because tlic Tingle, 35, always liked to run his (1982, Drama) Robert ^ v i o : “ S ^ o s ” (1981, Drama) INDEPENDEN Movta: 1" (1974. Mystery) John Wayne, Eddie Ufaitylet of theR ich Love Boat jNawa INDEPENDENT Crime Stop. D. Horowitz Sports Duvall. Tess Harper. Albert. Odd Couple Star Trek; The Next Jaaie Jacks on Tales- Monsters Fri. tho audience is getting smaller,” Phillips Shelley Smith, Priscilla Barnes. WPIX ID and Famous (In Stereo) q mouth — and drinking heavily WHCT C3 Legonds Artna*(LNe)****"' ° '’'®®^° Synchronal Synchronal Robert TiHon Generation Darkside "Sin Sop" 13th Series Rssearch Home Shopping Club INDEPENDEN Synchronal Synchronal Synchronal Synchronal Synchronal said. “Pretty soon I’ll just have Mil- Suporboy Resoarch Synchronal Synchronal Synchronal Paid iHair Loss 1 Jimmy Swaggart iHot Shot Chiillenge Home Shopping Club lubricated his jaws. But he says he Super GtowIm Harry and M vie: ■’C.H.U.D.” (1984, Horror) John Heard, WHCT m Research Research Research R tsearch Research R tsearch [Research [Research Program ton Friedman there,” laughing his Luthor Force Zach Pains Carol the New" Now Adam- Jsffersons hasn’t touched a drop in about three Christopher Curry. Illeoally stored radioactive material Oracula A WWF Wrestling Movie: “Talli win; Behind tth* Koroen Airliner head off. INDEPENDENT changes wants to kill finds a Hendersons Dragnet 12 Robbers g Spanish Hits Reunion A Movie; “A Pirich of Blue" (1965, Drama) Sidney Neon Rider "Devil's Jelfersons H it Parade Byron Mien Actor Kevin bodies with produces a race of deTormed, murderous humanoids. Stolen guns Challenge Singer Gloria Tragedy" (1989, Drama) Ml chael Moriarty, Michael Poilier, Shelle Monsters A T a le* From (Off Air) years, and his career is getting more Super Force. double Harry has a misdirect the Contessa woman y Winters. A young black businessman Child" (R) A foster son Pollack ("Avalon"); comic journalist WTXX Q) Superboy, involved In Estelan INDEPENDENT Murphy. A tec h-based dram: 1 exploring the befriends an ' the exposure than ever before. (In Stereo) q standard. guest. police. challenges looking for f8-yearold blind vyoman. visits, q Franklyn Ajaye; singing tries to Phillips said he prefers cable spe­ death. interviewed. her birth government's response to tlle Korean airline tragedy Oaikside NETWOnX-NBC Lucard. (R) group Breathe. (R)(ln expose a "Litebomb" In the early ’80s. he kicked News NBC News Joopardyl Schools- len "The mother. (R) WTXX mat occurred on August 31. 1983. cials to guc.st spots on television: WWLP ® Down Goldon HoPf'* Yellow Ribbon Stereo) scam (R) g ______g . WKs WiW Deak" H om oq Girls q News SeM ay Night Live Host: George around the same circuit as Lenny Colebration (In Stereo) q (Off Air) NETWORK-NN News NBC News Super Bloopers B Nsw Expos* (In Real LHe (In Movie: "Don't Touch My Daughter" (1991. Drama) “Tlic main thing is 1 can be on for a PUBUC Degrassi Wild Now bteinbrenner. Musical guest: the time. j Haws Sports Family Ties (Off Air) Clarke and Kevin Meaney, both of World at This Old Hofflotimo Yankeo Nat “King" WWLP m 9 Prscticel Jokes q Stereo)q [Stereo)q jVxttofia Principal. Premiere. (In Stereo) q | Machine half-hour without some host trying WEDH® Juiuor High A m e ric iq Explorers q War H o u seq Ending Up FawHy g Shop Cole (Off Air) PUBUC Travels In Today’s Y ankM s, mits and Rad Viatnam: A Talavition I Shelley ^ whom had CBS sitcoms this season, Hee Haw Guests: Conway Towers Fresh Masterpiece Theatre |Nevar the Talking (Off Air) ------to sabotage me.” N tw h art Carol Movie: ’’All Quiet on tho Westom Front" (1979, WEDH Q ) Europe QOUTOMt Sox Spring Training History g | Fields "House ol Cards" q |Twain Sports as well as Steven Wright, Paula Twiity; Sweethearts of the Michael tries BuriMtt and ^vie: ’’The Evil" (1978, Horror) Richard Crenna Either way, most of his material Drama) Richard Thomas. Ernest Borgnine. A young ------Nigl U M * House on th * Nawhart Carol INDEPENDENT Rod€K). (R) (In Stereo) to Impress Friende German Joanna Pettet. A house becomes a Satanic prison’of Movie: “A Placo to Die” (1973, Knipht Rider A'Team "The Sound of Newhart A Worid Vision Jack Van Paid Paid (Off Air) Poundstone and Bob Goldihwait. an boy plunges excitedly into world War I and Allens from the planet P n riri* "A PnDmise to Dick saves Bunwtt and SopnIstIcated Qovemment comes from personal experience, his mother. Guest: Rita soon learns the terror and degradation ol war. terror and death for a group of people. Suspense) Alexandra Hay. When the Thunder" Gen. Fullbright measles Im p* Program Program WTWS © Ebon attack Earth and take INDEPENDENT Keep" Edwarr Is seeks Larrv's life. Friends weapons are slolen by searches for his Amerasian Back then. Tingle concedes, he Moreno. prisoners ol war. . 2 ^ ®™®.s in town with his new bride, epidemic Phillips said. a w tt ol devil ^ s h ip e re come to believe refuge alter w ite throvirs g Guest: Steve elusive mastei ro f daughter in Vietnam. strikes, q went for the easy laugh, telling jokes NBC Haws WTWS m him out for drInking. Lawrence. disguises. Amon Frye Down Goldon Bob Hopp’s Yellow Ribbon She IS to be their r\ew leader. about such things as nude beaches. g seeks tales Homo Drew Haws SsM ay Night Uve Host: George “I pretty much just live it, and NETWORK-NBC Girts Stan Ctitbration Bob Hope throws a Howard Stem N ew * NBC Naw * Super Bloopers B Naw Expos* (In Real U fa (1991, Drama) tor future rooms with buys a date Movie: “Don’t Touch My Daughter" New * G eorg* Personali­ Win With (Off Air) talk about it afterwards. It’s very “It was very rough,” he says of his welcome home celebration lor the troops g Practical Jokas Jokes on Stereo) q Humans Victoria Principal, Danielle Harris, Premiere. A mother Is M fchaer* WVIT © irandchiW. wrestling with al his Palm Springs home. (In Stereo) q (RT(lnS)''“*'=" David Leisure and boxer ties Wink act, “and I was trying to get beer In Stereo) q bear, q NETWORK-NBC research lab forced to take drastic measures to protect her young Sports dangerous,” Phillips confided. Dorothy, q Evander Holyfield. (In lor chimps. daughter from a child molesler. (In Stereo) q INDEPENDEN "Bye, WVIT €Q Machine (In That s the best way, just living, and money.” St Elsewhen New New Adam- Stereo) q (In Stereo) q Stereo) WSBK i ) George" Dragnet 12 *® assassin-lor-hire is double- then the stuff comes to me.” Once he quit drinking, he read a crossed by his lormer partner and the entire Intelligence underworld. Hogan's Powar Stick Pleyoffs: Adai ns Division Semifinal - Boston at Hartford. From the NETWORK-AM Haws [ABC News K 'S M W o S r< ’®“' o™-®®) Beauty Queen" (1981, Drama) INDEPENDEN 'SporttBeat (Time Jesse Jackson (Time /U k the (Off Air) Current Affair Extra Young Riders "Face ol WSBK m H aro ** Hockay Hartford Civic (^nlar. (Live) Approximate) lot. I couldn’t sleep!” he protests. WGGB a J g ______^vio: "Raw Dtal" (1986, Drama) Arnold [News Don Johnson, Stephanie Zimbalisl. Approximate) Manager the Enemy" (In Stereo) q Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrold. q Star Search (In Stereo) Siskel S New * ABC Haws Lif* Goes On "Arthur" (In Home Ms head cleared, he took on more PUBUC (Off Air) NETWORK-AN Funniest Movie: “Separate but Equal" (1991. Drama) (Part 1 N aw * j Roggin's Jeaaa JacksiMl 1(Off Air) Groat Nsw England Auction Ebert Stereo) q Videos [P eopI* 1 serious issues. “I've been working WGBY I N.England Auction Continuos WQQB W g ol 2) Sidney Poilier. Premiere. (In Stereo) q Heroes (R) PUBUC Travels "L.A. Is It" (In All Creatures Groat and Sandbaggtrs Weekly hard. I think I have a good product POX (Off Air) Maaterpiec* Theatre Baing You Must Movis; “Miracle in Milan" (1951, Fantasy) Francesco (Off Air) ' Yearbook Copt WQBY Stereo)q Small "Breath ol Life" (R) "House of Cards" q Served Be... to offer,” he says. WTIC © Cops N ew t Emergency Comic Strip; Lett Night Golisano. Paolo Stoppa kin Stereo) q inTucucson' a r " " Night Flight (In Stereo) Star Trak: Th* Naxt True Colors Parker In Living Get a LH* Health Tip CABLE CHANNELS jR esponst [(In Stereo) Married... Married... News Comic Strip Liv* Missing/ [Gene Scott jlO ff Air) He’s uncomfortable with the term WTIC © Qanaratlon "Nth Degree ” (In Stereo) q Lewis Color q (In Stereo) q With With Prim etim e "Spring Break" Reward (R) | Mite Matple: A Mwrier li|, political humorist. He prefers social A&E I Croaturae Great and A u n p o Mama (1958) Rosalirxi Russell. A young bov exoeriences a seriAQ Announced (Part 3 ol 3) ■■ "Barks and Bites' of madcap adventures when he goes to live with his eoM^trTaunL ^an Smart at the im o v m : “Auntla /locoi n— Amoricen Caoter (R) "Prelude to commentator, a la Will Rogers, [Why We Fight Ivan the TeiriMe The [Ufa on Earth "The Infinite Biography "George S. [CaroNno’* Comody Hour The "The Infinite Movie: “The Gay Divorcee"’ (1934,. _ Musical) Fred of madcap adventi!^wtwi?S experiences a series AAE (Part 5 ol 5) Iwari' (R) case of John Demjanjuk. [Variety Ivan the Tenible [Ufa on Earth Biography George S. whom he greatly admires. M ^ : "The OM Rush’’ (1925) Silent. [Thit It YouT Movie: “Secrete of the ______eccentric aunt. Patton/Erwin Rommel" case ol John Demjanjuk [Variety' Palton/Erw “ 1 AMC Astaire. A tovesic3sid( dancer pursues a woman wtw has M o rt.: ;y y e up w x l Drown" (194b) John P ayn a 7 Erwin Rommel" (R) The Little Tramp s love is misplaced in Life: Butter French Police’’ (1932, 14:301 Movie: “Back Strool” (1941) A woman Movie; "Moontide’’ (1942. Drama) Jean Gabin, Ida mistaken him (or another in this 6 ^r-w in n in g classic. )w n g giri charters a boat to take her to the islatid Movlo; “Lovo Me Tonight" (1932, Musical) Jeanette Movie:^wwvv. “Government vwve«ivvi>vw*ll WillGiri" ((1943) ■ Olivia UOde naVllldIKj-Havilland He points out that parts of his the days of the Klondike Gold Rush. Keaton (R) Mystery) Gwilli Andre. SSSi: 75? W»orcee’’ (1934, Musical) Fred sacrifices everything lor a married man in Lupino. A rough seataring man cares tor a destitute Movi*: "B*ck Str**t" where she believes her lot^-lost brother sfil lives. **®i!®®^ pursues a woman who has AMC MacDonald. A Parisian tailor mistaken for an aristocrat Overcrowded conditions in wartime Washington make J941, Drama) Charles routine are apolitical, lik^when he Movie: "Steel Magnoliat’’ (1989______Drama) ^ vie: "Cetualtiet of War” (1989, Drama) Michael J. this adaptation of the Fannie Hurst novel. and care-wom giri charms his way into the arms of a lair princess. Sally Field, Dolly Parton. A Louisiana beai ^ v ‘CBged Furo" (1948, Adventure) mistaken him tor another in this Oscar-winnino classic. file hairy for an auto maker and his secretary. Boyer, Margaret Sullavan parlor Fox, ^ a n Penn. A young recruit agonizes over 1 ^ : ’’Uthel Weapon 2" (1989, Drama) M il (5J0) Movlo: “Star Trek II; The Wrath talks about his father working as a Cinemax serves as the meeting place lor six iron-will d and Buster Crabba, Sheila Ryan. A mad killer Movie: “Far From Homo" (1988, Movie: "Lordt of tho Doop” (1989) Movlo: "Vital Signi" (1990, Drama) Adrian Pasdar. Movie: "Buried Alive” (1990, Suspense) Mow*: "Pradator” (1987, Science Fiction Arnold repoftng the m u r^ r ot a Vietnamese woman, a crime creates panic In the circus worid when a of Khan" (1982) William Shatner. The Bradford Dlllman. The discovery of a Movie: cabbie, the absurdity he sees about eccentric women. (In Siertereo) 'PG' (Adult language, initiated Dy his Imbalanced superior, 'R' (Adult ^sponse) Drew Barrymore, Malt Frewer. Diane Una. Med students lace life and death crises Robert Vauohn, Donald Pleasence. A Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers. A parami itary rescue “T h * Stone adult situations) q senes ol "accidents" starts happening crew of the Starship Enterprise faces the gelatinous mutation threatens trie lives ol during their first year ol "on the jo b " training in a school for delinquent girls becomes the language, adult situations, violence) q arruinH Hia IIm n t « A gnmy Nevada shantytown holds a grim Cinemax genetically superior Khan I'n a deadly researchers trapped in a disabled team is stalked by an intergalactic trophy hunter in the Killer” Roy D. Katz parking tickets and religion. wwcome (or a sirandal writer and his metropolitan hospital. (In Stereo) 'R' (Adult language, site of grisly happenings as students jungles of South America (In Stereo) R (Adult game of cat and mouse. 'PG' undersea station. 'PG-13' adult situations) q 1973, In that respect, he sees his act as nubile 14-yeaf-old daughter. 'R' begin disapjseartng one by one. R' language, graphic violence) q 3rama) R' [Newinight ^ AVOID CATARACTS Thie Week In iid e Newewetch Sport* PrimeNawt q Week in Review (R) Evening New* Intide Sport* a slice of our times ... a piece of LorMSter Kid To improve Pkmaclo CNN In the NBA B u tin e tt Sunday Worid Report Final Edition Sport! Movie: “Courm Mountain" (1989, Adventure) M ^ .: ’’Perfect Harmon/’ (1991, Drama) Peter B u sin e u Tonight A study of 838 fishermen who America.” emergency services i Juliette Caton, Charlie Sheen. On the eve of World War •fovio: "ThrLibtratori" (1987, Drama) Robert Latenight hometown, a young boy ^ ® r i ' Darr®n McG®vi®. A student at an all-white prep Avonlea "Nothing Endures Movie; “ Spaced Invadert" (1990. Comedy) Douglas Sinatra; A Man and HI* Movi*: "Ivanhoe” (1953, Adventure) Robert Taylor, had worked on the water for Still, he’s at his best, his most in­ Disney I, Heidi stages a daring escape from a rat-infested school befnends a musically gifted black youth, q Carradine, Larry B. Scott. A olantation ow iw rkn Croet-Eyod Movie: “Sylveatef” (^1985. Drama) Richard Movie; "Spaced runs (or mayor. orphanage.'PG' , - nephew but Change" Sara must Barr, Royal Dano. Midwestern children aid a crew ol Mutic S Ella S Jobim Elizabeth Taylor. A chivalrous knight is in love with one i® .® ®.?'®ve fclp o'ttoS'eSslaves escape U jrt (1965, C o rn e l Marshall decide if she will return pint-sized Martians who have mistakenly landed in the Farnsworth. Melissa Gilbert. An orphaned Texas teen­ Invader*" (1990, Comedy) years without sunglasses or tense, when he waxes about highly tbe pre-CIvil War South. * •k)*’ that can't seem to Ella Fitzgerald and Antonio woman but betrothed to another. ager sets pul to turn a raggedy rodeo horse into a Disney home when he* nanny is American heartland. 'PG' (Mik) violence) q Carlos Jobim. Douglas Barr, Royal Dano hats found the number of politicized social issues, like the IS 2'®'!'0 an African close to death. (In Stereo) champion jumper. PG' (Adult language, mild violence) ■PG' (Mild violence) q ESPN Seniof PGA Golf: The SporttCen- Auto Racing; Mickey research center tor observation. 'G' cataracts 3 times higher than proposed seven-day waiting period Tradition ter Thompson's Baaaball SportiCon- High S e j^ Dance Tonight tor Senior PQA Goff; The SporttCen- Boxing: Eddie Cook vs. Diego Avila. (Uve) Major Uaguo Baaoball SportaCantar normal. By wearing proper 9 for handguns. ^ vie : "Gleeming the Cube" (1988, Drama) Christian Chempionthio [••olowortd ESPN Tradition tar Tonight Major League Beaeball American SportsCenter ‘‘J«« the Vdeeno" (1990, Comedy) One Night ^ l(R) Opining Day Spociai Tonight (R) Opening Day Speciil (R) Muacle Slater, Steven Bauer. A skateboarding teen-ager Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan. A terminally III worker •**»*•; ''Wookend at Bemie’e’’ (1989, sunglasses and hats with “I don’t want to sound like a investigates the strange circumstances surrounding his Stand Comedy) Andrew McCarthy, Jonattian Movie: “Walk Like e Man" (1987, jvM: "Revengo of the Narde II: Movie; “Rocky" (1976. Drama) Sylvester Stallone. Raal Sax Movi*: “Spring Favor USA” (1989) HBO abandons his humdrum existence for a suicidal vovaoe Jimmy Comedy) Howie Mandel. A young man Narde In Paraiiirte" (1987) More Movi*: "Th* Lost Boy*" (1987, Horror) Jason Patric. brims, the risk of cataracts Quaker, but is a week a long time to adopted brother’s death. PG-13' (Adult language, to a remote Pacific island. (In Stereo) PG' (Adult Silverman. A dead man provides two ol S a f e ‘s Talia Shire. A small-time Philadelphia prizefighter Sex today Darrel Guilbeau. Two students gel caught Corey Haim. A to y recruits the help ol teen-age violence) q -» !< ” ■ Tingle. (In his (oiTner employees with a unique set raised oy wolves returns to civilization to indignities await tbe brothers ot Umbda bahles overwhelming odds to make something of up with mobsters and bathing beauties from the sun Is reduced by language, adult situations) q Stereo)q HBO find himsell heir to a fabulous (ortune. Urnbda Umbda when they attend a Fort (R)g monster hunters when his older brother falls in with wait to see if the former mental of problems. (In Stereo) 'PG -13'q himsell. (In Stereo) PG' (Adult language, violence) on a whirlwind tour of the country's adolescent vampires R (Adult language, adult 95%. says Hugh R. Taylor, oph­ Lifetime *

In Brief MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 6, 1991__15 Rose now halfway home 21 HOMES FOR SALE 21 HOMES FOR SALE 21 HOMES FOR SALE T l HOMES FOR SALE KfT’N'CARLYLE by Larry Wrlghl SPECIAL NOTICE.... IN-LAWrGarrison colonial. WHV A tail a /-UKUR-YTHAT a PGA event is rescheduled CINCINNATI (AP) — Pfete Rose He was given the day off Friday ing of buses and answering phones. Just reduced, 10 room home on private b t with MANCHESTER OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12-4 fo^iTtve^ F r p M M ic e CAt\ {U- A fF o R b : A ended his three-month sentence at a THE WOODLANDS, Texas (AP) — PGA Tour and from his community service job as a “1 just try to get them ... to work Is your church, school, complete in-law tournament officials canceled the $1 million Independent halfway house Friday, but still faces gym teacher’s assistant in the city and have fun,” he said. “I’m just an apartment. Much Insurance Agent Open Friday and rescheduled it for Oct. nearly three months of his com­ public schools so that he could make assistant. I enjoy it.” club or organization upgrading of utilities 23-26, after steady rain had washed out the first two munity service /sentence for tax a paid appearance at an autograph plus a new roof. Cul-de- rounds. cheating. . show in Birmingham, Ala. From Monday, Rose begins a regular holding a special event? sac area. $205,000. It was the first PGA Tour event canceled since the Rose smiled and joked with the there, he said, he would go to broadcasting schedule on Cincinnati "We’re Selling Housesl” 1966 Houston Open that was rescheduled in November media as he left Talbert House. radio station WCKY-AM, Monday Blanchard & Rossetto, Florida and spend the weekend with Advertise it in the 646- 2482. A and won by Arnold Palmer. “I just want to get my life back on his family. through Friday at 7:15 a.m. The “On F______“We had every base covered except the weather,” uack,” Rose said as he got into a red the Ball with Pete Rose” show is to I “I get to sleep in a comfortable MANCHESTER HERALD LOCATION-Location I Houston Golf Association executive director Duke Butler Chevy Blazer and drove away. bed tonight,” Rose said, complain­ continue through Oct. 25, WCKY operations manager Bruce Still said. LocationI Custom, said. The former Cincinnati Reds ing of the spartan beds he has slept at the special rate of 35^ brick. Ell shaped Michael Chang an upset victim manager said he will not attend the on in Talbert House since January. Rose also is, to be on WCKY for Ranch, 76 Adelaide Rd. team’s season opener Monday at Rose has worked since Jad. 14 at several, periodic two-hour special per line. Reduced to $239,900. HONG KONG (AP) — Top-seeded Michael Chang, Riverfront Stadium against the five inner-city schools, assisting New kitchen, in-ground shows and will take phone calls pool, beautifully the last seed left in the Hong Kong Open, was beaten iii Houston Ashos but will watch it on gym teachers with young students, Come see this 4 bedroom, 2 bath Colonial at a price you can afford - $124 900 television. from listeners. Still said. The first Ask for llze or Paula landscapped, screened the quarterfinals Friday by Gary Muller of South Africa supervising the loading and unload­ show is April 19. porch. Call tor an ap­ buys that plus nevvgas furnace, appliances, aluminum siding and 4 nnore 5-7, 6-3, 7-6 (7-1). pointment and ask tor rooms. West Middle Turnpike to 83 Deerfield (near Adams Street) The American, ranked 12th in the world, was a victim 643-2711 Sharon. 646-5566. RE/ ^ a Mueller’s power-based game. MAX East of the River, ___ KEITH REAL ESTATE 646-4126 . . Th« A«soclated Pn*s8 CLASSIFIED SALES 647- 1419. Shuler and Morris file suit LEAVES HALFWAY HOUSE — Pete Rose IRS ruling threat to bowl games ROOMY-Ranch. 3 Bedroom, 1-1/2 bath RANCH-Convenience. hone 643-2711 j to evaluate the consequences today be­ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) You're likely HOME MAKERS-Part know that you can be counted on fore speaking your mind, especially friends want you to become involved in time only. Looking for COVENTRY LAKE-Owner Classin cation______to be generous with your personal be­ 10 PART TIME HELP WEAVEROOM TECH- Vending Route. financed. Wter front, when addressing your boss. 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Call 742-7268 Graph predictions lor the year ahead by larger issues are concerned. However, For your personal horoscope, needed. Rocking Horse chores, errands, and City. State .Z ip ___ mailing $1.25 to Astro-Graph, c/o this Farm, 659-3654. zer weaving machines. Call tor appointment. abbreviate resultsi business. Try us! We think you'll a tiare-up Is likely to be over something lovescope, lucky numbers meal prop. Car is a use a low-cost Previous experience a Iam( )amnot( ) A Manchester Herald Subscriber newspaper, P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, very trivial. 9 OH 44101-3428. Be sure to slate your and future forecast, call VIDEO-Slore clerk for must. Work available in must. Please call Char­ be pleased. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) If you Classified ad. CaU Fast When you hove some- Be sure readers understand your MAIL OR DROP OFF COUPON TO: zodiac sign. nights/weekends. Must Manchester, East les W. 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